Published In English, Sesuto. Xosa and Zulu. •


EDUCATIONAL , WA SPORTIN. 1 I" BANTU DISTRICT .nd • la the COUNTRY UNION'S ". ~ .~ , NEWS: , !.£ADING • • ~ AI.. AflIlCAN , • • ,, WOMEN'_ NEWS.. APER. , , ,, , I .' SECTION WIDEST •, , . , ~ CIRCULATION SUBSCRIPTldlt I POUTICAllY 11/. per 'ou I_DEJIT. 1/' ,., IIaJI ,_ , The Mouthpiece of the African PeopleL-4_/. _q"_.rtoo_.... _~

Author/sed to publish Government Notices affecting Africans.

VoL 20 No. 1018. JOILUOU:SBt1BO, OCTOBER 28, 1939 Price 3d • • • • Desperate Air Attacks Against Submarines Sunk Britain Likely By Sea Bombs Eoglaod Coofideot and Well Prepared -- Great Work Of HE week ba.s been noteworthy {or sental iotereeting enol.," follows: (al The deeision of tbe important nation, Turkey, to take . idu British WarshIps T",ilb Fraoee Bod Britaio, ratber Ihan wilb Ruuia aod Germany; (b) The determination of S.alio, tbe Ros.ian leader, 001 10 .end bi. -- armies 10 help Bitler and lbe Germani again •• Britaio and France. S OME exciting iocidents have­ (e) Bitler's iuue of order8 for aU Nan leaden 10 meet Wm at a big . tak~n place in the last week eonfereoee at Berlin at whj('h matter. of great importance were to be In the b.lg strugg~e between German. talked about. s?, which are trying to Let 011 uplain tbese happeoing8. slO.k. BntLSh and neutraJ ships, aod Wilh regard 10 Turkey, it 1'1'88 tbe hope of Ruuia and Germaoy to eoo. BrltLSh naval warship!. elude an arraogemeot ""itb Turkey" Web would be fnourable to .hem ,!,~e Germans have beeD sinking and asainllt Britain aod Turkey, bowever, mindful of her old British ships '? order to prevent f'riend el ip aod Fe@peel for BrltalD. ","ould oot make a pO C'1 with but - signed ooe witb France aod Britain i06tead. Tbi8 pacl was of very greal tb~m. from. takIng food supplies to BntalO, whtle British warships Bre imporlance. It meaot tbat Turkey will not oow clo.c Ibe great Turki8h huntlDg submarines and trying to inland ~ au:rway, the Dardaoclles, 10 British sbipping; it mennt tbat a8 blockade C"..ermany . Turkey is io 8ywpathy with ber co-religion aries of Egypt.lhen Egypt will - -. - k more tban ever friendly witb Fraoce aod Brilaiu ; it Ulunl Ibat haly ~o far, the British navy haa would be more tban ever unlikely to 6gbl agaiu81 Britaiu, . • d~lven German shipping off the The raet tbat Stalin will not figbl agaiost Britain is ooolbu blow 10 - hIgh se~s ~nd prevented tbose ships Germany and bu greatly d.i. appointed her. from brLDglng supplies to the people - '. except perhaps for one or two Ger~ HOW HITLER WILL ACT AGAINST BRITAIN man ships which have got through the British blockade. Moreover LL th~e rebuffs bave led Hitler This does not frighten Britain. Cargo ~.hip t.inking after having been torpedoed by a German BritiBh destroyers have sunk ~ A to reali:se that those natioos on Britain has brought down no less 5.U bmarlne. Overhead may be fieen a British warplane looking for n~mber of German submarines which be waB relying for help bave than 15 German warplanes in tbe ~Hgns of tbe submarine in order to bomb it. The crew of the I8teamer wltb gun6re, blOWing them up after­ let bim down, and tha.t be is In a. COurse of one week, and has beaten may be seen in the small boat e~capiDg from the sinkiog ship. wards with sea bombs whioh are serious position. Blockaded, 6S he off with ber guns, aeroplane attacks dropped in the sea, it or shut in or prevented from on her t;bips and war veasels. As The duels between Briti!llh ves~els g~ttin g ~upplie8, by the British for London, Britain also feels confi. Two Natives Killed IJItreatment of Priests and Ger!D.Bn submarines are ofteo Fleet he realises that Germany dent of her powers of defeDce. Sbe very exelt.lDg. must'get sbort of material, food, oil By Lightoiog has removed most of her old people '0 Germaoy The other day a German sub. and iron-everything indeed tbat and children to places far outside is necessary to carryon and win marine attacked a British merchant Lo:ndon, her balJoon barrage is T HE I'ATICAN the Palace of the ,·e.!lFel which bad a gun mounted Oil the war. He seea that be is in a gOlDg to make things difficult for an General Heavy Rains In District losing position. He baSt therefore, Pope, head of 'he Rowan deck. The two nsseJ.a fired at each attacking German air force; ber other. A British shell hit the summoned and got together all b i~ -'-- Catholio Church, bafi protested cbarger planes are faflterand better through the Papal Nunoio in Berlin, subm~rine making a hole in its deck. chief supporters to explain biB posi. T WO Africans were killt':ou the whol~ of t~~ H~ takes a special intere!lt in THE M.8. sion Bouse Fund for A large number of such sub­ the Sick and wounded in the Whole hmpite thanks you and the Native people In the Union. Tbat the TIghts of the CapeNatl"e voters marinc, ha"\"e been destroyed in this "World admires) ou God may gIve you strength, wisdom and. 18 always in aUeodsllc", at any War has been brought to a total of way £422,000 by a ~ift of £2::!5 by the .. It was immediately after the Ccmhn"td Ul nut columa ordinary ~r flp(cial meeting of tbe people Fiji bland (South Pacific) It must be admittod, hOwf'ver Cape Nahve Voters' Convention. ~f tbat the nermans hlwe dunk ,;. theU" third contribution to t he funds, nuwber of our steamers. 2 OMTETELl WA BANTU, JOHANNESBURG OCTOBER 28, 11139. - • .4 U Communications 10 In addr... ed 10 The Senator paid a visit Advice About Health Chief Stephen MiDi also to the Zeerust Location. (By A DOCTOR AND IDS WrF&) Sebele II. Paramooot BUSINESS MANAGER, "Wake Up-Bantu'" Passes P.O. 80. 4515, He was appalled at the con­ Chief of Bakweoa, JOHANNESBURG. ditions he saw there; although, HEN I woke up this morning W I found myself saying the Fine Recnrd Of Senice Passes PulJZ ..hed W.. l:ly. as it happened, two years ago word "PAPAMANI"-whiob is, 8S HIEF STEPHEN MINI died at he ·accompanied a deputation SUBSORIPTION RATES-( By POST) most of you know, the Zulu for C Edendale at the age of 86. He (BY S. W. FEME) from the Advisory Board to "AWAKE." was a great mao, almost the last ODe Year ...... 15/· the Zeerust Town Council to It seemed to me that this word of tbat loyal band of Natives whom pEOPLE all over Becbuanaland Six Months ...... 7/6 appeal for better location con­ would make a. very good text for he raised and led in of his King Protectorate mourn the death my first talk with you on the sob­ and country against Cetywayo in of Sebele Secbele, a direct descend• Three Months ••• ... 4/· ditions. In spite of that it ... ject of "Health." 1879. His reoord of service was ant of a long line of rei~aing seemed to him that conditions You arB Dot all asleep, I know, indeed one to be proud of; monarchs, great. grandson of King at present were still worse but there arB many things whioh commencing as above, oontinuing Se~!e I,. a life-long compatriot of than when he made his former you may Dot see or know, because in 1899/1902, when he served as a Mzlhkazi Kiog of the Mabebele; representations. Fromall this DO lOB haa told you about them Don .combatant wit h the 2nd grandsoo of Kio~ Sebele I who Scottish Horae. His eldest son lost he concluded there were many To-day I speak of four things prooeeded with KJDgs Kha~a and that afe spoiling the fitness of !our his life with the regiment at Braken Bathoeng to London in 1895, and smallest municipalities which bodies, a.nd sometimes your mmda. Lasgte. Again in 1906 and lastly the~ sought protection of Her required help and he thought These things are your enem;ee; in the great war Cbief Stephen Maleety Queen Victoria who that cOlli!ideration should be you must &rm you.rselves and figh~ Mini aided in raising the Native g.raciously granted them' treaty them, you need to undentand their contingent, he then being too old to nghts as self - governing people given to the possibility of af­ fl.erve himself; not too old however, 18th OCTOBER, 1939 fording such help to these strength and their dangers to you nn~~ the suzerainty of Great people. to labour faithtully and OOn­ Bnt&lD; eon of Chief Sebele II. small bodies as might enable Here are the names of tbese Hnuously for tbe cause and sen ice of the Ba.kwen.' them to improve their Bantu 8oemiea:- of bis owo people at Edendale, the the senior of the Territory. ' (I will explain them afterwards) betterment of whose condition was By Sebele's decease the direct SENATOR'S TOUR OF conditions. _ We consider that Senator Liquor - Mal-nutrition - Tuber­ _ _ ~_~ __...., uneage of Bakwena chieftainship i8 COUNTRY AREAS CUIOSlB-60d Venereal Disease. '" ) broken. since the tate Chief is Rheinallt Jones is doing sound These four things are gaining survived by only a da.ughter work in thus going personally power among you, they are spoil. namely, Princess Tsbolofel0, .; ENATOR RHEINALLT into African grievances. It iog your strength, they are harm­ h~ir&ls. ing your children and if you do not S JONES who for many shows a spirit of sincerity The late chief died at Ghall2.i, whicb is all in the interest of fight all tbe time against them, South West Afrioa. where he lived years has been a faithful they will beat you a8 they have in exile since 1931. After being friend of the African, recent­ good Government. beaten other people in tbe world. reverently conveyed across the ly paid visits to the Marieo, Do not be a.fraid of them, face Khalahari in a lorry, whioh took. • them bravely, understa.nd their several days, the chief's corpse Rustenburg, Zoutpansberg strength a.nd danger, learn tbe .and Bloemfontein districts in His Majesty To reached Molepolole. where it was way8 by which they may be fougbt, A seetion of the large crowd eagerly awaited by thousands of order to fonn first-hand con­ Broacast believe that you can overcome which attended the funeral of subjeots. Thb mortal remains of elusions. This was as to them and victory is certain. the late Chief Stephen Mini. Sebele were Subsequently interred African conditions, and for Empire Programme at Christmas Let me explain the names. i~ the royal burial ground among By " Li(]".Wr"-we mean all forms his lifetime work. He earned bis hlB regal ancestora, in the lofty h.ills. investigation of grievances. of drink that may cause a person The Senator makes these rest and the undying remembrance . Heart-rending as Sebele's death THE KING wiU broadcast to his to get drunk. AU these drinks of his people. t~. a conSolation is tha.t, at least, tours from time to time, people on Christmas Day at t hat contain a poison called The funeral proceeded from his Bakwena uknow his ,lZrave" and gathers information useful to tbe close of a .. round the Em pire" "Akohol" -This harms the body own house to the hall, given b.v the had. the honour of paying homage him in Parliament, and thus programme. in many waY8, it spoils the stomach, Government in recognition of his to hiS mf'morv. <:arries out his duties efficient­ Plans are already being worked it weakens tbe blood, it makes the eervices, and thence to tbe cemetry For over 14 years Sehele ruled. out by tbe BBC. and it is hoped children of drinkers weak, it makes preceded by tbe standard presented his people. Tn 'the winter of 1931 lyon behalf of the African tbat, despite the difficulties of radio the mind foolish, and the pocket to him by tbe Government after nfter four major petitions formu~ comm unities. communication in wartime, it will empty. the Zulu war. The coffin was lated by some of the headmen of ill the Marico District for be possible to take all the Domi­ I need not remind you how draped with the Dnion Jaok. The the tribe, the Government, in the example he attended a meet­ nion and Colonial contributions to drinking wastes money. belps Government were represented by interest of peace, order and good the programme direct without usiog people to be immoral, and spoils the chief magistra.te, Air. Boast and government deemed it imperative ing of the local African Coun­ recordings. many homes. at which he was a listener. Mr. Carl Faye, bot.h of whom to remove Chief Sebele from his cil On this special occasion a mes­ There are other bad things done addressed the thousaods pres ent tribe and country. He found it interesting to see sage from Franoe may be inoluded. by this enemy, but I shall not expressing the gratitude of tbe Accordinglv the Chief was des­ how the Council dealt with Various a.1I·etar programmes and speak of them, we may talk to­ Government. Mr. J. Fraser was patched to Gh"nzi where he resided local Government matters. world-wide relays (apart from the gether abou~ them another day. present as was also Mr. J. Leee, in exile, complyine witb the terma The Moiloa Local Native Empire programme) are to be ar· Let U8 now think of the second representing not only the Native of the Order faithfltlly unto de.t.b. ranged for Christmas broadcasts enemy-whose name is MaL-nul"­ Recruiting Corpora.tion but also his While there he received his usual Council the Secretary of Shirley Temple, for example, may tionA This means "Bad Health, old regiment, the Scottish Horse. salary regularly. Meanwhile, Kgari which is an African,-Mr. be heard by British listeners for thtough wrong food." Sechele, brother of Sebele was re­ Michael Moiloa-was very the first time, probably in the ohild­ Sometimes there is not enough • called from college and a.ppointed efficient. The development ren's hour. food, there is starvation, some Sunday School Teaching to the chieftainship during Sebe1e'. times the food is wrong in thft way banishment. of the loce.! Council system in • it is made and cooked, sometimes the Transvaal, however, has Important Developments We all offer beflrt-feit sympathy Two Brave Men there is too much of one kind of with the Queen Mother, the Queen, not been as rapid as might food, or it may be that the person --- the Princess. Chief Kgari and tho (FROM SPECTATOR, ALICE, C.P.) have been expected; but is unable to use properly the food Bakwena whom I have learned $0 there are signs that local Deeds That Will Live that is provided. SPEAKING to. group of Theolo· love with all my heart. A grea' All these may oause this siok­ gical students and others inter­ Councils will soon be general figure has gone from us. The voice ness; it is shown itl these ways, ested in Sunday Scbool Work a.t tha.t once ~hook the hearts of thou­ AN A WARD of £2 in recognition the blood is thin, the limbs are in the Transvaal, and that the Bible School, Lovedale, on the sands witb emotion and won r~ before very long, perhaps, we of "outsta.nding conduct" has weak, the skin is dry, the body is evening of October 14, Rev. J . B. poot is to be heard no more. He been made to a Native constable, wasted, the breadth is short, and Webb, M.A., of Pretoria outlined sleep~ ill death, son of Kealeboga. may expect to have a general Nkolonjeni Kuzwayo, of the Natal the person soon geta tired when the campaign that the Methodist Sebele WM amia.ble, genial, kind· Native Council for the Trans­ Division, for "hia bravery, tenacity trying to do some work. Churoh is launching to establish vaal. hearted and generous. In8.uenced and devotion to duty in arresting Do you know anyone who is Sunday sohools in connection with bV' the atmo<1lphere of discipline, in In the Marico District, the three armed and dan g e r 0 u s like this! every congregation of the Churoh. Natives." France hp Jed members of hill tribe Native Trust has acquired Are you like tbi.e yourself! He said that the Sunday School in the Labour contingent. He wa' certain farms, and develop­ The offioial account of his con- Then something mast be done was the nursery of the ohurcb, and military in his bearings and move­ duot states that 00. March 3 whilst about it-I shall tell you these ments are taking place. African parents especially should ments; aD expert horseman: ao on duty in oivilian clothes at Cate things that ought to betdone later on. realise the importanoe of tbe work. a.thlete of no mean order; a good Senator Rheinallt Jones Manor, Nkolonjeoi, on bearing Enemy No. 3. Tuhercltlos~ is a Toward tbis end they were sending vocalist, who oould skilfully play held meetings at the various 80reams and seeing a big gathering dis8aSe-it is a sickness of tbe ciroulate in Xhosa, Zulu, S&suto musical iost.ruments. In many rural and urban areas of the round a Native bus, went to the lungs, or of the glands, or of the and Sechoana to all their African respects he was a gifted ohief with. scene and was jUlt in time to see a bones, or of the joints, but the members calling attention to this Iri~ly mien and a striking person· district. Native stab an aged Native iD the worst form is that or the lungs, be­ One of the complaints important branoh of the churches' .lity. obest with a knire. Anotbbr Native, cause this disease ill being passed work. They were al80 arranging Sidilang dipelo 10 ~omot8ege. II) brought to his notice was who had also been stabbed, was on from one person to another (by 'raining oourites .t certain oentr83 lele Ie kgat)tie, bo~iela b? 8e 10 that in the Transvaal Euro­ the ground. way of the spit). for intendiog teacbers in Sunday tlhlomare B"kwen&. Robala k. The assailant and two other It kills many people, and is pean farmers are allowed to schools and they were thinking of kagisbo 0 ikhutse, kwena e& mehe have one dog free of licence. Natives, also armed with knives, spreading badJy especially among directing tbe aotivities of surplu!J o t logelele ban. ba. gago pnla Ie were menacing the crowd. Native those who live in the towns. lay teacbers towards this work. mahale. 0 apalele mounao kobo The African, however, did up, Constable Nkolonjeoi, after inform- So 1 want you to wake to The problem of herd boys in the ea gaga, m 0 r w a Seohele-a~ not enjoy that privilege. ing them that he was a policeman, learn about tbis bad thing and bow rural areas and of caddies in urban Mocwaeele_ Thus they have no protection ordered the three to drop their it may be fought if tbe Bantu are areas who oould not find time to for their cattle against wild knives, but they advanced on bim. not to be beateD by it. attend Sunday schools held in animals. Tbey threatened him, but he stood Venuea.l di'ea.Je is your fourth churches was one of the questions Thaba 'Ncbu. his ground, arrested two of the enemy and you must fight against dealt with. The Rey. E. W. Grant of tb. The Government's policy at&aokers and handouffed them. it with all yol1l' strength. Mr. Webb p ....d on to He.ld· Bible School and who is one of th_ in regard to the development Tbe other decamped. but with oivi. You caU this "the disease of the town and other places where he Secreta.ries of the Conference len of Native areas is not yet ful­ lian assistance W&S subsequently towns," but it is now boooming addreased m&etings on the work. on October 19 for Orahaautown to ly understood by the '{leople ; arrested. bad in the country, because so He then went on to Grahamstown attend Conference of the MethodiJ. and the Chiefs particularly A 19 year·old apprentice elec- many people bring it back home to attend the Methodist Conference Chnrob which is meeting there tlti. tricia.D employed on the South with them. year_ feel not only in this district African RiU.lways, Stephanus van It is pa,ssed from one person to PerloaaU. Recently Lovedale was hODolll'ed but in some others they are derStoop, was electrocuted while at another, bub there is no "takatall The following D'lraes of the Vic­ by a ruit from the Venerable not being consul ted sufficient­ work. A Native who went to bis or "telelwa" ab lot it at aU. toria Hospital left for tbeir homes Archdeacon Leary oi the Half ly. Without doubt the &ssiBta.noe was badly shooked, but I will teU you a.130 more about for a month's holidav:-Miss Diok CroBS Mi.~ion together M.rI. Native Affairs Department, recovered after artificial respiration this later OQ. to Fort Beaufort; Miss Uablangu Lea.ry and Miss Leary. GOing Wl'. had been applied and was removed Here are fOIlt questions for you to Johanoesburl;; Miss Thomsou to them W&8 an old Lovedalian-Yr. which has been active in to hospital. to answer: - Kimberley &nd Miu Setlogelo to S. M. Trollope who W&8 a ,tlldeo' many praise\vorthy respects, Vall der Stoop was working &t a 1. Who are the four big enemies (OO'ftl'n1U.d in fiJI. of Lovedale i 0 1860 in the time ~f will have to do still more to set of signals above the electrifica- of Hantu Health. ! Rev. Wm. Govan the 6rst prinei­ w in the confidence and co­ tion cabl8!l near Victoria treet 2. How do t.hey harm people! & Native wbo was working with pal or Loved&le. As ~'. TroIl.o" o peration of the Chiefs and S ubway, GermiBton, "od he is 3. Have aoy of them touohed him tried to pull him off the wire. is O9'er 90 ye&rit of 6~~ It IS belie.~ believed to have toucbedone oftbe you and yoar family ! The shock he received c&u'Jed them ed be ia the oll83t living uPorlMt people if the full benefits of high power cables with his hand. 4. What are you going to do to both to fall to the ground. Sludent" of Lovedale. He.. WA' their development sohemes He huog there for a moment and fight them ' Van der Stoop wa'J dead and the Ipresent when Prioce Alfred f'Ullt.ed. arc to be obtained. (Continu

IN MEMORIAM Onderwyser Benodig Native Advisory Board UNJANA MATUMBU.-In lov· EKWALIFISEERDE a ..iet.nt "COLUMBIA" D ing memory of our dear parents G onderw\'ser benodig vir die Elections Tbomas Z. Dunjana and Sarah Vereoigde N'aturelle Skool. Wepeo~r Jane Thos. Dunjaoa of Haokney, vir Januarie J 940. Goele kennls --- PORTABLE Queenstown, who passed away on van Afrikaans 'n vereiste. Apph. tbe 13th October, 1926, and 17th kasies aao, BE~T(;lrR D£.R, V. N. AT PRETORIA GRAMOPHONE NOTICES Skool, Bus 43, 'Vepeoer. 2-1013 • TSEBISO June, 1927. , can be "ad on termB oj IZAZISO If GClne but not forgotten.' . IZAZISO Ever remembered tly:-Matllda, ITH the approach of the an· ONLY 10/- per month Wynne, Poliy, Ellen, l\IiIdr e~, .-.on Notices referrln, to Domestic Appointment Of W nual elcctions of tbe Advi· ...tte" or recordlna birth., deaths,·law and grand·chll. sory Board, thete is a good deal _Muncement of en,.,_menu, ma,­ dren. 2 ~ O.j, of political aotivity. There will rl..... re Inserted In "Umtetall" for Di.strict Nurse, 6 Records • ••If· .. -c:rown. N loving memory of my dear be 12 caudidates representing the n •• Notices, Record. or Announce­ I United Congress Part.y and the and husband J osepb Baptista who Nati \' e'~ Administration .....a which mUlt be either In wrldo, pase-cd away Oil 21st October, .. Residents' Party and three inde· ., tJpewrltten. mutt b. addressed t~ pendents. With Africans the bum­ 200 Needles .... BUlln.I IM.naler, .. Umtetell, 1938 . Department '.0. Box 615, Johannetbur,. and How litt-Ie r thought when I our of an eleotion. ia not a.pp~eoi . _lid" accompanied by 'o.tal Order woke that morning, t be sorrow t he ated, and elections 8ometlm~ FREE fer h.I'-a-crown. Starn". to that day would hring. 'Tis aweet to bring about bitterness, aDd ID "Olllnt accepted. some cases, friendships have been know tbat we' again where PPLICATIONS (on form. to I~e partings are no more. known to cease for good. It .would SEEKING BILLETS A obtained from the Town Clerk s be appreciated, therefore, If the Ever remembered by his Jo,"ing Office) are invited for tbe above· Wilt',. r EI S-le. ".,.J" .•, caodidates would endeavour to be EADERS of .. Umteteli" who mentioned position in grade £90· courteous to opponents. . R answer advertisements in its N lOVing mt'mory of our dear £6·£114 at a commeocing sruary at 00 the Resldenh' side. it IS oolomne about oflora of employment the rate of £90 per annum. Ap· I motber Bella Zidumbu l\ bo was understcod that Mr. A. H . S. ow is your chance to Obtalll are atrongly urged when applyin~ caJled to rest on October 23 1925. plications will close on the J6tb Sehloho v.iIl oppose tbe retiring Na 6rat·c1ac;s GraUllupllOne trom in writing, not to tnc/ose original teltl­ Thougb dead many years ago November, 1939. Notice No. 277, member, Mr. C. B. Mbolekwa us at a low price and on the .oniall. Copies only of these should 1939 issued by town clerk, Port sbe bas ever nmained to all who (United Part~), in Ward . I ; that easiest of terms. be eocioeed. There is always the Elizabeth. C321G knew her populnr. To her only Mr. Matjie WIIJ stand agalOst ~. riB of original testimonials being two daugthers she wa.s God's great· S. P . Matseke (United Party) In Write for Price List and mialaid or not returned. est gift whicb never can be sub· PERMANENT MUTUAL Ward 2; Mr. D. Ma.thole (Residents) Particulars. stituted. Rest in peace. against Mr. J. J. Mobohlo (United WANTED BENEFIT OF PORT Even remembered by her daugh. ELIZABETH Party) ; Alr. Maboea aga.inst Rev. ters frienda and relatives-Mrs. Mr . Modiselle (UDlted Party), Mr. ANTED - NATIVE SAL S­ Bea~ty P. Dlakiya a nd Miss Matilda H E Permanent Mutual Bene6t 1. B. Moroe (Residents) against Mr. DEACON &CO. W !lAN. (Clerk). One used to Zidumbu, P. O. Box 80. Crown T Society of Port Elizabeth . will J. K. M.tli (United Party); and P.O. Box 2934 CAPETOWN Country trade. State salary reo Mines. celebrate the twenty-6rst aontver· Mr. P. Gillinge (Residents) sgainst 41.uired: and tend Copy of Refer· Mr. N. M. Komane. The Indepen· AN TED : Two assistant teaohers sary of the fociet y's existence, in the ences to-J. S. NAQOM (advertiser), dents are Iihly · to be Mr. W a male and a female to start T.C. WHITE HALL, Box 78, Parys. Rammutla and Rev. Mr. Motsepe, 2,,09 duties 00 the 23rd January, 1940. New_ Brighton Village U Mary (I) though it is rumoured in United The female teacher must be a 00 the U'aye memhrr of tbe A M E. Church, to Party circles that Rev. Mr . Motse~e rt'preseot the A M.E. Church and 9th November, 1939. mayetand against Mr. Maboea In ne Ward 4. must. be a Xosa speaking teacher, ----;-:-. ' . Historical epeecheswill be delivered La"t year,l\1r. C. B. :,Mbolekwa • 1('1"1.,4\11" age limit from 18·25 years,. must b.e by tbe society's mell, bers.· was returned unopposed for Ward fully quali6~d (N.T.3) ~r Ita equ.I' Tbe growth of the society and its I, and in Ward 2 Mr. Matseke de· -l.-u:a .l'"U. valenh must also be Interested 10 tbe e-c-b~l sporta, Wayfaring Guide struggle to reach the position it fea-ted l\Ie ~s r~ M'belle and Sehlobo phela bas attained will be related with a mAJOrity of 10 and 62 votes movement a knowledge of Afri. kll'eftto I-aans, English and Xosa. essential. MU'Iic will he rendered hy the ! ~el'Ph· cht:ve~~feat~~ :::!s 3Maf~t~: emvuyi sayo7 (2) The male teacher must be a Ii ous Denza. Band L' 0 0 0 U VACANCY member of the Church of the Pro· am . '. Malhole and Masiuana at the po s, ynye Refreshmellts will be pro,"lded. with a mal' ority of 5 42 and 152 naphina vince, to repre€ent it, most bave 2~ II .'. W d 4 V:A.CANCY . Teaders: Applica. tober habits, fully qualified (N.T.3) Yotes 'CEpectlvely, and In a.r npllo tiODs are iUVlt"d for ho orits eq uivalent, interested in school ======Mr. Macdonald Moltfe was returned u female teachers at Nal ive United [DEATH unopposed for the Residents party. sports, and Patbfindiflg Scout JIary Scbool, Trompfburg, one men..ber mOVEment, must be Se60tho speak· In Ward 5, Mr. Matli defeated of Wesleyan Church and one memo ing; age limit must be from 22.30 EATH-A sudden death occur· Meesn Nqolase and Moroe witb a ega ber of Dutch Reformed Church, Vf'ars of 8ge. A knowledge of D rtd of Zachariah Dan Plank majority of J5 and 50 votes respec. kho1la, «lertificates 10 be supplied. f:ub. Afrikaan8, English aod Sesotho Moaala of Kimberley, whpo a large tively, aod in W~rd 6 ~~. Kom~ne jects; Afrikaans, English and eSEential. Applicatioos close on rock fell on top of him and fractur. defeated Mr. Gilhnge With a major. 8iba Sesuto. To comm~ncp immedhtte. ity of 18. The United Congress 1st November, 1939. ed bis ekuil on Thursday the 19th tali Jy or opening school in 1940. A ppJy eoclosing true copies of October, 1939, at tbe Blobaoe Coal Party ga.ined 5 suc?esses and the Apply, encJosing cf'rli6cates ftC. testimonials: Tn SECRETARY, Mine Natal, his grave hole was Residents' party gamed one unt. qiniIJeka }jANAGr:n, c/o P.O. Box 20, to Scbool Committef.', Bautu United dug was buried at Blobane by This year however. the oppositioD ukuba Trompsburg. U08 ~nd Scbool, PO. Kopjes, O.F .S. 2405 his friends Messrs 1 Geo. Pat. Tyson seems to be strong and their org. liya anisation tactics appear to be ex· of K imberley (his gre.1 p.r.) 2. kuMa/a. Willia.m Africa of Kimberley, 3. celli nt. In any case, the Congress party is leaving no stone uoturn~d Isaac Mashoko of Kimberly (Vtho Become A Leader g a ve a prayer), 4. S i m 0 n to ensora victory. The votera "Ill Ibal.n.I.lliII"b."h ...0 Moniliu/•• Madiogoane, 5. Isr~l MokgoJo, 6. make their decision, and it is hoped I nk ka Waterman tl1tle. Of Your Martins Mothala, Pietersburg, 7. tbat a sound Board will be elected. D&vid Van Raoi, Port Elizabeth, The Ad visory Board is faced with 8. Jaan Hoogstaoder.-"BY PAT" strious responsibilities, especially in People Room 62, P.O. Hlobane. 2~07 regard to the removal of the Loc- (Continued In prel'iou$ column) HE man wbo is edu T cated commands the respect of his NOTICE prop1e and becomes important. He earns more money and can A FAREWELL concert and daoce DUFF BIBLE INSTITUTE will be given by S. Galeito, J. a comfortable Gives Theological Training to those who seek home with a happy Mokueoa (presideot), D. KOf'bB Spiritual Equipment as family. The Union (chairmao), Milton Manor Hotel staff College will show YOU in hooour of Mr. & Mrs. J . Mokoena, MINISTERS AND on Wedoesdlly,lstNoHmber,193!) EVANGEUSTS the way to better Two Year Course-For All Denominations education and al1 the at. the African Club Hall, 162 advantages that co me Caledon St., Cape Town. Vocal NO CORRESPONDENCE COURSE with it. Fill in .. nd music by "T. Oliver and hi" Versetile Five"; doors open 7.30 poet the coupon below Send. 3d. in 8tamp8 DUFF BIBLE INSTITUTE £or free information. p.m. commeociog at 8 pm. Ad. mission 1, 6 double. Act Chairman for pr08pectU8 to Izingolweni P.O .. NATAL. Here are SOme of the Tsbununga, C. Nokelp, subjects you can learn through G. M W. Organiser S. Galello, Secretary S. • UNION Williams. Reporter N. Ndabambi. JUNIOR CERTIFICATE. COLLEGE 2412 MATRICULATION. NATIVE LAW. Shawbury Missionary Institution STANDARDS, IV, V, VI, VII. VIII. NATIVE ADMINISTRATION. TEACHERS' TRAINING DEPARTMENT BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE. UNIVERSITY DEGREES and ISIKUMBUZO aOOKKEEPING. DIPLOMAS. N.P.L. COURS'; ". GIRLS ONLY SHORTHAND & TYPEWRITING. AGRICULTURE. N P.R. COURSE ". GIRLS AND Bors NATIVE LANGUAGES. HOME NEEDlECRAFT. LUJJZA-Umama wetu owasishi- NATIVE TEACHERS' DRESSMAKING. yayo nge 23rd October, 1933. INFANT SCHOOL TEJ-CB3:BS' COURSE FOR Gon.s . To COllEENCE CERTIFICATES. Intombi ka JonllS emangqusinini fN JAN. 1940. (This course, which Cove rs one year, i~ open to girls akaZ8.oge apume ezingqondweni who have their N.P.L. III or N.P H Certificate, aod f'xillh for the ------To The Secretary, Dept. U.W.B., UNION-- COLLEGE zetu tioa bantwaoa bake abtlo . IIpecial traioiog of teachers for service in the Sub·Stant.lards and Std. De Aar, Eeher no Barry. 2410 I Teachers ,"ho qualify in this oourse are entitled to a £12 per P .0. Box . l~l, Johannesburg. • • annum increase in salary.) Please ten me about your Postal Tl-aining CoW'8ee. Fully Qualified Staff. School has flne record o(achievement I am interested in the 81Ibjeot stated here: SECONDARY DEPARTMENT ation. Several things were acbie\T. Subjeci ...... cd tbis year, and unless the resi. SEl·..· IOB CERTIFICATE: To COMMENOE JANuA.RY J 940 .. '" ...... ' " ...- dents eject the right men, thiogs (Only SId IX etudents will be admitted in 1940) N~ ...... will not go on \'fell. JUNIOR CERTInOATE: ACAD Emo AND GENER.\.L COURSES ...... - (Coloured students may take AFRIK.AA.,NS in J-.C.) ADDRESS ...... Nominat!oo day on ;s November 8, ...... '" and election day November 15. The NEW BUlLDING. LA.TY.5T EQUIPMENT. MEi!lfBEltS OF STAFF ALL --...... TIWJJ/28j l09 returniDg and polling officer will be CEnnnOATED GRADUATES. OUTSTANDING R ESULT!::i TN j938. PI- write olearly in CAPITAL LETTERS Mr. L. D. Tbompson, Assistant GENERAL: Good Dormitory Accommodatlon : New Block o( Native Commissioner, aod according Domitorles (or Boys. Football, Cricket, Athletics, N etbaH, Ten. POST Ikoit: Pathfinders i Wayfarers, Debating Societle.• THIS COUPON to the eltction notice, (, Illy registered TODAY! occupiers are to vote. Nomina.tions For Particulars and Prospectus: close on October 30, at 4.30 p.m. THE PRINCIPAL, Shawbury, P.O. Qumbu. SIdOXB OBI/leERS' MIlS8 0IGABlHorE8 • lJMTETELI WA BANTU. JOHANNESBURG. OCTOBER 28. 1939 MOTHER MAXEKE-AN APPRECL\TION AFRICAN MUST PREPARE HIMSELF IF HE LET ME INTRODUCE WANTS TO PROGRESS TlUI3UTE FRO:\I A'I \ \IERICA~ Y'-- Y O U ••• "THE Negro is neither buildiOS By Charlotte C. Wrigbl. M.A. (wife of Bi8hop Wright) nor trying to build up his ow. SOLOMO ~ LOVEDAY MR. oivilisation, but is merely ma kiOS EA SURED by QOy 8~a.Ddard. off('nc When th(> mother of 1\ YOllnR: LEKOKO S lDZUMO. younger M Charlotte Manye Maseke was Jllmll), I liIo'ot('ll('cd to lIupriltOnmf'ut, it So n of Mr. P. M. J. Sidzumo and his contribution to the civiu tiOQ III Mra. \[lIxeke who !M'j'. that. the little Gossip Pen and culture of his country," Mid a great woman measured by tbe OIlt'S nrc CON'd for dunnR her ahllf!ooc. Bate MT8. Sidzumo, of &lafeking, fJt&ndard where fine Q(1hievement ",\nll lignin ant!agalll have waifs o.nd - --~~- - I was born on MA roh 27. 1904, and Dr. A. J . W hite, of Wilberforce I nstitute, in introduoing his addreea and nobility of character stand out "tfRY" Rndd"Klitut.e dlllldren been brought. TOE FUNERAL received his training at T iger K loof against a baokground of humble to h ... rown home, eo pllt ~ 8he Jx.r rootlwr Institution, Vryburg, and later a.t to the B M S C. Gam ma Sig ... • d d' . lo\."<, thn.t thert" liN" now adopted. 10 her Club 0 0 F rid.a.y night last week, oa. e n v lrOnmcnt &11 l ~oouraglOg 8at'· fllmily no fewr-r thoon !,une lIucoh children Deep impressive tributes to the Wilberforce Init.itute. " How the Negro is building up roundings, she was great indeed. who Oft': gTown up lUI h... r own." memory of this fine chl\f8cter were From college he was appointed hit Well may African womanhood how During her last vi81t to Amerioa, paid last Thursday, October 19, court in terpreter to the itosident own civilisation." in reverence and Bo rrow at. t.he bier while at.tending t.he General Con· when her mortal remains were Magistrate at. Kanye in the Bechu­ In order to understand t be pro­ of one who "rought so unt.iringly ferenoe of the African Methodist conveved from Kliptown to the analand Proteotorate, and on seve­ g r~s of the American Negro, Dr. in their behalf· who didso mu('h to Cburch, of whioh 8he was an out­ A.M.E. Churcb at Pi m ville. The ral occasiolls deputifjed for t he late \vh~te Baid, it was necessary to usher in a brighter day, a larger life 8ht.odiag member, she wa'J invited procession was led by Dr. J. R. Mr. J . 'fhabe, who was attached to realise that the Negro was entirel,. for her people, and well may they by a well·known judge w the Coan, Revs. Theo. A. Marek", W. the Magistrate's Court at Mafeking. an American. H e had 103t .11 remember in connection with her juvenile court in the city of Chica· Ndla~i, J . D. P. Ndimande, C. D. Mr. Sidzumo 8tudied journa hsm trace of hi., African background •• life the words of tbe poet,- So to sit with bim on the bench Nthoba and Tekane. The Wo men's from the Union College, J ohanne,,· a res ult of the way in which be " H oDour and fame from no con- as he reviewed bis oases-this out Bome and Foreign Mi!:lionary So­ burg, and since then bas writ.ten was brout; bt into America.. The slave-tr&der did not chooee dition rise of dererence to her superior work ciety and the manyano women many artiolea fo r t he Pee.51. D ur · M_ s la ves; he took Negroe3 belongio Act well thy part, there all the 8S Probation Officer in Johannes· from ma.ny denominations. in their ing the time he was at Crown bonour lies " burg. respective uniforms formed a guard Mines, be was appointed local ~ di~e ren t t ribes anrt, laving • dtver.ilty of du~l ects, they ht.d to We picture her as a sleoderyoung It is an honour to have known of honour, and the A.llen Stars, reporter fo r "Umteteli ." After a girl going on her great adventure her mOre or less intimately ; to have Mother Pearls, &nd Wayfarer lead· Ule English as a ling tlO. / ra1WL protracted ilIn63s during 193-1, he Conseq ueotly they not only broD to America with a group of si ngers ; been associated with her in mission­ ers-Blaok and Whit.e- followed. I n W&3 transferred to t. he N.R .C. we picture her in that terrible sry work as President of the Traos· the churoh the ohoir ohanted the a.way from Negro custom but •• clerical staff ,n Johannes burg . added to t he gulf between thea storm at sea when even the cabin vaal Conferenoe Branoh of the death march. He is a linguist a nd ,. keen doors had to be locked; we pioture Women's Home and Foreign Miss· and the African Negro by cuttiD£ Tbe ohurch wa!lso full tha.t many sportsman. He p layed foo t ball fo r Jinguistic connectioos. The q061- her arrh;ng in America and coming ionary Society of the Afrioan the Johannesburg Highl a.nders and people had to remain outside. tion of "special lines on which he under the influence of a great Churcb, Methodist Churoh; to have driven Mr. J.M. Brink (Native Commis· managed the senior eleven which then leaving ber singing group in hundreds of miles with her th.rough must develop" was not kno wn to sioner for Johannesburg) said he toured the Orange F ree Sta.te an d the American Negro The onl,. order to go to Wilberforoe Univar· SW8.l.i1and. the Tr.loskei and Na.tal. Basutoland 10 1\134 . He was a mourned with the Maxeke family lines on which he could develop sity, where sbo remained several On ODe ocoasion when passing foundation member of the now a.nd the African people in the loss were those on which the rest of the years graduating with the degree of very ncar to her birthplace she defunct Bantu Dramatio Society, they b&d 8uffered. He referred to American races could develop- . B . So. Here she did much to earn pointed out the humble type of ~ut her sterling qualities, her high eense of which he wa3 secretary good Ame r ican~. ber way, and she was respected and in whioh sbe was born, dome·lIke of duty, patience and untiring He is a member of tbe J ohannes. It did not lake tbe Negro 10 . Joyed by the faculty and student with no lower wall, the thatcbio~ devotion, her 8ymp~tby for ber Afri· burg Joint CIlUDC II of Europea n3 after bis n to rea.lise th'" body. Always a leader, that qua· g a88 extending to the ground. can people. and African3. He is also a church· r be was subject to certain rilD~ lity was 9 .... 00 reoognized at college Sbe poi n ted out 0 the r man. 1<1 do not only mourn her loss natory measurea 00 the grounds of where sbe was among tbe leading places of i n t e re s t ; told In 193 1 he married Nurse K . today but I rejoice in the know­ bis ooloo.r. H e admired t he White. spirits in the various activities. us incidents of the Boer War and ledge that she has reacbed her end Tameot.i, of Mafeking, a n ex·student of Ind. leni man's way or livi ng a nd wi ll hed N Bere, like many college girls, she of the Dutch and Native conflicts and left & memory to be remember. met the man of her choice, a fellow- likewise. The firdt step be took inoluding the story of Wepener, the ed and treasured by aU who knew medical doctors, profe3sord, 8Cleo. in thh direction was to educate countryman. She returned fir st to Place of Weeping. her," Mr. Brink said. tists, busineS8 men, la wyers, himself. lmmttose difficult ies stood! Africa. awaiting her fiance, and On the one band she felt keenly - everything 1 H e makes hig laying the foundation for the com· Miss Janisch, who repr68ented io his wa.y, but bi3 co nviction tb'ttl bined service they were to render the degradation of her people and the City Council and the Munioipal contribution to every aspect o f in education lay hi~ only cban'le of in their Native land. This joint tbe inju8tices 8uffered by lhem ; on Native Administration Department, American JJe and to world cul t ure. progress, and hi.s determination to labour was disrupted by tbe aeath the other hand sbe even extolled said th&t a good parent lived in the Negro blood bas heen shed 00 var­ get that education, enabled him. of her husband in 1928. those virtues and fine qualities which lives of her children. ·'Mrs. Maxeke ious battle· fronts in defence of those not only to surmount these difficul­ Bow well she served is shown by so many of them possessed. WM 8. grea.t leader, and your principleswhich sane ho.manity holds tieB but actually to use them as t he the wide influence she exerted in "Wby, Mother, we were DOt a country h'\s a grea.t need of unsel­ dear. Thougb he knew that when foundation on which to buih various linea of activity. Her Godless people when the miMionaries fl sh . She lives io th" the white man sHoke of democr&cy himself up into what he is now. deepest yearning was for the women came; we were" worshipping God presenoe of God and in the life or he did not Msooiate it with Within forty.five years of hia and children of South Africa. H er In our own way. aU her children." tbe Black man, be neverthe· emancipation he had less rallied to hiS country's ca.ll risen to the higbest level early work was in Pietersburg with We shall always rememher with Sister Maud, of Thabon2, Sophia. her busband ; bere she "ta\lght pleasure our short yisit to the oosy to the defence of democracy. The tbJ.t America could afford i13 in· town, represented t.he Wayfarer. black man showed himself a worthy school" and did evangelistic work. little home over which she presided, Guides. She said they were grate. habitants. Negro d evelopment i!l soldier. now at par with that o{ otber and her month's VUlt to our home ful to God for a true friend. When· For some years they jointly did Afri cans l\lust Prepare sections of the Americ8.n commuoi-­ educational and relilZious work in Capetown. A most gracious ever they met in Wayfarer meet­ among the Tembus of tbe Transkei, guest and how interesting she was The African Native must prepare ty. ings they counted ber a!l a great himself If he wants to progress. Pre­ hay ing been summoned thither by -with wide experience, her intimate aod true friend, and an outstanding Racial di!;jcrimination and pre­ the Paramount Chief. She also knowledge of her peo pl e, their para.tion is the main point.. He m ust judice based on colour was a strong cb.ampi')Q of the African Race. She learn, study, prepare himselfBo tho· laboured for a while at Wilberforce oustoms their aspirations. their had room for White p)ople in her factor w tbe rise of tbe Negro. He l0.9titute, Evaton. Transvaal. weaknesses, their strengths- the roughly tha.t. he will not look upon did not fold his arms in despair heart and interpreted their viet ues any m8.n as his superior until t hat In the region of J ohannesburg wee hours of the morning would to other people. and self. pity when he was refllSed superiority is proved. He sbould the facilities for ad vancement. O. sbe was at one time Chaplain of sometimes catch u!t listening to ber Mrs. C. Bridgman spake on be­ himself feel th&t he knows as accepted t be chaUenge and began four women's pl'lsOns. She was story. half of the mern ber3 of the Board also active in the Joint Council of We found her always mode!;j t, much 80S the other man. to do for himself what he wu of the Bridgman Memorial Hospital IT you are to be a doctor prepare Europeans and Natives, and in the always dignified and she possessed refused. Wherever he was "Jim. of wbich Mrs. Maxeke wa.s a founda­ yourself to be the be::it doctor in Bantu.European Conferences, and a "keen sense of humour. Thougb Crowed" he did not go bnt built; tion member. was an honoured member of the she was the recipient of many Johannesburg ; Ii you are to be a his own. He now ru0.9 banks. lawyer yourself to be the Women's Christian Temperance honours through the years, yet Profenor A J . White said the IOsurance companies ; has univer. best lawyer in J ohannesburg ; Union of the TTan~vaal and head of we cannot remember c"\'"er bearing church and tbe people hai lost a sities wbich produce men to fit into whatever you do strive to do i~ the Bantu Wowen's L£·ague. For her speak even a word in self.prai'ie. fa.ithful, willing supPJrter_A£rioa's all professional spheres; he bILl geel1t da.ughter and gre3.t citi:.r.en. better than any otber maD can do five and a. balf years she rendered And we can never forget. one it, he declared amidst cheers. (ConUnued in prel>i.ou.a colaumn) the highest type of sernce as Pro- instance of her dignified bearing. '!As we bow our head!l in 8)[roW bation Officer oftheoityof J ohan. \Ve had introduced her to a gentle­ they feel the same in Ameri"a n esburg. In this (.' she exer. man who tried to be oute and e;ip~ia.lIy at Wilberforce Universi~y cised the utmost tactandsymyathy patronizing, but the quiet aDd anrl their h3ut3 b.,w,· j 10 Bnd understanding in dealing with uarumed dignity with \vhich she grief with outs. Grelt soul~ n ev~ r • all types of juvenile dilinquency met his extremely poor taste waS die. " He truly li ve" who 1t"\'"t13 10 Na u Ke u ikutlue and family maladjustment. SeeinlS more effective than a slap in the the hearts o[ pao ple." the desperate nature of this type of face. This digoity which cha.r­ Rev. J . Mddhva Hl OD~ waa e said u " tletse" mpa ? service, she laboured for three years acterized her as she inspired her Mother i\1u: 3~e \V,}l a jewel of t h ~ without pay. During this period women to miss ionary activity, or Bantu ra.ce. he w~s a D ) ro')''1, a 1 of her endeavor the Cape Argus as she passionately pl eaded for her Ruth and a D eborah. M OHLOMONG u etsoa ke ho ja haholo paid her the follow ing tribute : people in ohaste and faultless D r. Ra.y E . Phillipi said Mother kapa ho noa, dijo tse sa lokang, u sa robale ,. E"\'cr . inee ::lolre. lIaxeke has been in English before legislative and otber Maxeke made £riend3 with a large group of Europeans and she spoke ka ho lekaneng . . . empa nnete moea ona Johannesbnrg she has lived in cJ c>se toueh bodies, always commanded respect. r~• with her own -people, many of whom she Charlotte Max-eke could have the truth in life. Sbe stood before o " tletseng " 0 tsoa mpeng. has ~n able tobelp. Recognizing the stayed in America. Wit h her them and splkl' to their hearts-so value of her work among them , the f I Nako ea ho thibela kotsi ke ho e thibela pele Gon!rnment has no\V oreated fN her the powers 0 eadership she would plainly. There are few p!ople who post of Welfare Worker whieh sbe bolds have found a place among the oould take up t.he burden where she e simoloha-pcle eba pipeJong ea nnete. under the NBta"\'eAflairs Department. For Mary Bethunes, the Charlotte left off. She had love for others. )[1"'$. Ma.."'Ccke, who in her own person Hawkins Browns, the Hallie Q. Rev. Profeisor J . R . C09,D, who Seno sa " Eno's Fruit Salt" ka galasa ea metsi proves the development of whieh her peo· Browns and otber fo rceful chare.ct­ conducted the funeral servioe, m osong Ie bosiu se tla ho lokisa ka matsatsi pie, given 0r.portunitlea. are capable. has in times like th'l.b the helCh of all through .re retAined a pitiful henrt. for ers who have added a brighter ase makae. the least of them. There is not one a.mong chapter to American Negro woman· people Wdre bound to be t roubled r them so down out or 80 debased that ahe hood . But, like Esther of old. ' be but death represented deliverance will treat ber as an outelLSt or of no K e seno se matlafatsang. account." could not bask in the sunsbine offa· from a life of suffering, disappoin~ :/ "Educa.ted to take her With the voured conditions while ber people ment, toil and trouble. " L3t nob Eno ke seno se hloekisang mpa, ka ho ntsha hi~hest , she dcvoted hel'8Clf to tbc lowest groped in darknos :l. She never lo~t your hearts be troubled"- because and most. miaerabll". She visits the pri. sight of the fact that the meaning her life h.u been an exa.mple of ditshila tse etsang hore monna a khatbale a sone &nd learns the stories of their un· happy She at.tends t.he oourts of her education wa.s servioe to un3elfi:lh service to the churoh, her ikutlue asa je ditheoheJang. and again and shc is able to be. those whom ehe had left hehind. raoe aDd mankind. I n ber victor· Se natefatsa mpa, se etsa friend and put on the ri llbt. track a bede.zed " The flesh-pots of Egypt" never ious life she b\\d finished h~r course. younil womon brought up for hcr first allowed her to swerve from her Her family and t be ohurch should hore mala a sebetse habo- . pmpose. take ber life as an example Bnd nolo, me se etse hore follow her work to make bheir Surely she has left the most monna a erne ka mao to. enduring of monuments in the contd bulion. KEATING'S hundreds of li ves made better, in The chief mourners were Mr. POWDER the some ten thou9and of women Edward Cltirke l'thxeke (son), Mr· whom she orga.nized along mi!l 3il) n. J . Mli.xeke (brother. in-law) and ry lines so that they are striving to fa.mily, Mrs. K .N Makanya (sister), IBULALA live "not for themielv63, but for Mr. P. B. Manye (hrother and family) others". A great woman ml'asured Mrs. (siiter in·law). Mrs. I.IOU"!, UICU~U'U. lMUIlV ...... I.U.DU, lliIMlII"'!. UU'!l&, IUD .ilU! by any standl.Td: but esp3chl\y Qin.~a, M.r'!. Mngqibii'l. and other5l. oqoIlQU."" great when mea.!lured by the Biblical There were mlDy wee90thi in. IDEM KOMIA KUPEll ~ta.nda.rd : "He who w ,mid. b3 gre~b olttling one fr..>m the N.R.C., Ltd., among you let him serve. OJ a.ld '·Umteteli". Ocr.rOBER

TOWN AND OOUNTRY NEWS The Story Of .a Developing People Cheerful News From Ngqeleni Establishes BeDsoDvale African Health Clinic (BY REV. BERNARD HUSS, unions were formed, 40 in Prioco J4.ARlA Z'ELL, MATA TIELE) Edward Island. In) 936 the St. a. Co.-operative Soeietiu Francia Xavier University sent • Prospect 01 Good Harvest-Mr. Visit By Medical Inspector 01 ITHIN the last ten .years the mao to Newfoundland for ODe year Shepperson's Lecture on Poultry W following co· operatives were to organise credit uniooa and other Native Territories developed as fruita of the stu.dy co-operatives there, 8D~ that pro­ clubs in Nova Scotia : co·?peratlve vince has DOW ita own Vlgorou8 00- HE fact that Ngqeleni was the (BY w. p . o. MDEBUKA}J~ buying euclea, oo·operatlve m~r­ operative movement. ,The first T first distriot in Traoskeian oredit union started bUIlDess there keting associations, ~.o~e r attve ENSONVALE i. one of the Territories to establish an African credit or credit UOlons (as in March ) 937 . After a year 1 G B Health Committee and Fund of its .. credit uDioos wele operating. luokiest p laces in the Cape. in they are called in America), co·opar· that we have had a good amount own was revealed by Dr. R. J. .tive sawmills, co· operative. lobster d. Co- operative Jodu81riee of rain. and the whE'at promises a Smlt, Medical Inspector of ~ative canning factoriee, .oo·operatlve Dsh This group comprises sawmills good harvest this year. The spane Territories. Umtata. at a meehng of ~ plants, co· 8t?reS, co· Afrioans held in the courtroom at for the produots of the forest and have gODe out 00 to lands already i operative rural mdustnes. For fish processing plants aDd lobster planting mealies. Mr. KoOB Muliers Ngqeleni on Saturday Ootober ~4 . the future the following ere plan­ caDning raotoriee for the products • churoh steward of BeD&Onvale, Thel Magistrate, Mr. H. Elliot ned : co·operative wholesal.e, ~o­ ortbe sea. church, has his mealies already Bunn, who was in the ohair, ex· operative housing, co·operatlve 10· After tbe fishermen bad atarteJ weI! above the surface. pressed pleasure at seeing 80 large lurance. . in and truly representative a gather­ learning 1930 they began to aot On Saturday, October 14, Ben· Some attempts at co-operation in 1931 by erecting tbeir own co·ope­ ing of the people of the diatrict were made M early ae 1\107, but son vale Mission Tennis Club played present. rative 10 beter 08 oniog faotory. Tbey againet Benson vale Village Teonia they were not successful.. The took their ana and cut the timber. Dr. Smit, in turn said how glad Club. .Miss P. Bobo. of Jozana's popular attitude was l.ngUld due Having no draught animalB for he was to be afforded such an Hoek was one of the players. The to lack of thorough knowle~ge. dragging timber and stones they had opportunity to address the people. match took place at Mr. Tlale's The attempia had been made With· to carry the material themselves. Be said that he would 800n be place. The score was 26--18 10 out study. Co'operation cannot suc· When they had put up the building sending out a trained African nurse favour of Benson vale Mission. ceed without education. The study they needed £200 for equipment. for the rnral clinic that the health circles brought life into the people The commerial baok refused them a Bentlonvale Secondary School, committee were establishing in and co-operative attempts were loan but they succeded in getting under tbe principalship of Mr. J. L . Nomadolo looation, and that the highly successful. the ~eceS8ary loan from a friendly Omond, B.A., Will stage a concert district surgeon would in future a. Co-operative Buying. eource. The 6rst year's operation in I he secondary school on Novem· visit tills clinio once a week. brought them a profit of £400. They ber 3, the object beiog to raise fUDds Health work was being done apace The people learned that through for equipment for the 6chool. All co.operation they could get at a paid back their Joan and had a few in the Territories, said Dr. Smit, coins for themselves. interested in the secondary school and propaganda work being carried great saving to theml!elves many of at Ben90nvale are invited to attend the thjngs which w:er~ .formerly 10 1939 there were some 20 co· on. There seemed. however, to be operative lohster factories. The the concert, which will commence a shortage of trained and suita.ble supplied to them by mdlV1duals at at 7 p.m. BensonvaliaDB, Her· exorbitant rates. Thousands of South Afrioan Farmer's paper nurses to do the pioneer work. EcheJisne, BDd othn friecds at pounds are saved in that way. . Prima"} Produar of 19. 1. 38 The remainder of the time at his requested to give their support to DE AAR As a first practical co·operatlve brought the following report of a disposal Dr. Smit devoted to gene. this concert and break the record RS. SOPHIA EPELENG passed undetstandiog the various groups visit to such a lobster factory: ral remarks on health, and to the by our keenness and free gh-ing. M away at the home of her sister pooled orders in 1929 for over "We saw our first lobster factory answering of qoestions. From the About half of the prominent men Sarah Williams, a.t Middleburg, 3000 tons of fertiliser. Then they at Judique. Although it was Sun. questions asked it was evident that of the Bantu section bad their edu· Cape. The late /drs. S. Epeleng ";'ught a ship load of 2,000 tons of day Joe McIsaac got t he key from some of those present had not been J. cation at Benson vale, and their was the wife of Mr. Jaccb Epeleng, flour and cattle feed from central a neighbour. The lobster 8eason appreciating the fact that, as the voices are still heard at Benson vale, of De Aar. . was over. It only lasts two months, old saying has it, an ounce of pre­ in the way of advice or any other The funeral at D_ R.C. cementry.. Meny study cIu~s have Buying May and June. The building was vention is better than a pound of belp. The little anyone sends will was well attended. Circles through which they secure freshly painted. Everything looked cure. Hence the necessity for he welcomed by the principal of Rev. W. Mapakula officiated. hou8ehold supplies from co·oper­ well kept. The lobster traps were extensive propaganga work among p. the school. I hope those on the Mrs Sophia. Minaar recalled the ati

TOWN AND COUNTRY NEWS SENA TOR RHEIN ALL T JONES' VISIT Bantu Library at New Aliwal North Wed,fing Further. the executive so.notioned Brighton TO BLOEMFONTEIN the amount of .t:20 {or the recondi­ Moleko - Makhele tioning of the tennis courts. Demand For Books in (8\' AlJ8lIET) • (RYI,B.l'Il) wit.h REXALL BLOOD Native Language PUR[FIER, It te.k.e8 a"., BLOE\IFONTEIN Africans were Non-European Child THE AFRICAN PRESBYTER. pimplN .nd blackheade, and viRited by Senator Rheioallt IAN' CHURCH was decorated give, you a clear ,mootb Jon68 recently He met the memo Welfare (UY M.AN -ON-T U& ·~ I'OItJ') fo~ the wedding, on October 4, of .!un. Re:u.1I Blood PIlri6er bere of the Advisory Board and -- NEW BRIGHTON' BANTU LI· DlOab Malele Makhele and tbe 80n it a world-famous temed!: Tradl' r~' A~~ocia.tion (African) on Bloemfonlein Concert and BR -\R Y, which i't organised of Mt. AI fred and the late Mrs. Dance by the Joint Counoi l of European'J Moleko, of Bensonvale (Hershel) . the flret night in tho Board room, Next Tuesday At thi~ gnthering tbe question of a.nd Bantu, held it!J aunlllol meeting The bride. who WILS given away trading \\'8.'1 doalt with and the on Ootober 10, in the T _ C. White by Mr. Alfred M. Ramorara (her Senator go.\"e all outline of what he THE N'O"·EUROPF;~ '1 CHILD Hall, New Brighton Mr, L. i''' guardia.n), looked charming in 8 bad attempted, and intimated that \VELF .U~E SOC[EfY met In Addis Smith preiid"d and othen ""tin gown, out 00 cl8dsi6ed Ii 06'1 he would be meeting the Native the Diipeusary, \lr"l. Pula. preiiding present were Mri. Greg >ry, M,sie't C. with Ito hea.rt.$hapsd. neckline the , BLOOD PURifiER Affairs Committee of the Town in the ab~ence of th('l pre~ident and Roberh and V. F. Couldridge, ,T back fa.lling in graceful lioe, to form Or pCHItage plud ) /6 aod 6/. rtOID Council on tho question of the other Europe.n memberg. The P. McNa.mee, B. Rermi.QlI, the Li· her rouod train. He tulle veil wan thii elorth; have b~en 3toPPl: l. t.hankeJ for aJdlng additiooal Fo.>r th9 convenience of younger of no ava.iI, aod he was of opiDion And to her we'll uple received num'lrous branch or the 0 F S. A T A. quacy of compens-ation pdoid to ')f the people. ~o nltion could pre3ent.iJ and letters ?C con~ratu­ liitened to a lecture by Mr . Phil. Women African lAobourera, the di~mis:lal be grel.t without it. Th ~ 'poken latioD'J. Makhetha, one of the Heilbron --- from work without notice (and word P!iOJsed, but books pr4)jerved teachers and a member of the even without !!ubstantial cau~e), the purity of a langua.go, which means of sending deleg!lotes to the AT BLOEMFONTEIN siok leave, discharge as .. un6t " branoh. The ~lIbject of hi~ lepture once writteo never die. conference at Kim berley in Decem· was" Native Law," and to avoid after a long period of service but The meeting terminatod aHer a ber, and it was decIded to leave A MEETING of the Africaa Na- wandering too far afield he fltStened tional Counoil of Women W&!l receiving no compensation, and the vote of thaoks, wj·tb the singIng of over the appointment of the dele· on certain aspects, viz., SCOp'l, "'p. held recently, pre3ided over by Mrs. r-eplacing of men with families by .. Nkosi Sikelel' Afrika." a.nd ,I. God gates to the next meeting, The pli "ation, incidence, dond tbe ques­ youtt.s in various jobs. also S&ve the King." q uP8tion of the registration of un­ M. S, B o~a lehi. Tbe attenda.nce tions of leJ;itimacy and succession wa3 t~e be3t this year. Discussion dealt with the question of dome3tic trained and unquali6ed midwives in Native Law. He said that took place 80'S to the waya and serVlce. • was 80190 discussed but 00 decision Native law de.llt with Native was arrived at. . (Continued in. previous column) In reply the Senator said that Iit.ig'loots and it:.8 application was Upington News there was a trend to rai:Je the level limited. to those Native areas or of wages in many departments of la­ reserves which were purely tribal bour, and the qU83tion!l put down in character. But, because Native (From OW' Coneepoodeol) would have come before th'3 next people were frequently forced by Parliament, but in the pr83ent world T ErE newly built Mluion hoo!le circumst9nce~ to leave the re3erve3 of tb.e lfethodi'lt Church whioh situation it was not likely that they and seek their fortune3 elsewhere, would receive aoyattention, The will for the tim;} baing b3 uied b, it was found exp'!lJient to creste a the U 3th>di::Jt con~re~\tbn &i a question of recognition of long Sd r· number of Nativa courti, eaoh vice wa,& a matter for the employer. church hou 13 W!loJ offi'il.lly openel with a Nativd Conmi~sion~r. This on Suadloy afternoon OJtob3r 15. In reference to domestic servants m:lde it p'lssible for NlltivM living he said only competition would raise R'3v, A, A Z'ngith -II lo condlJctel a tribal life to tb3ir C'loi':B th~ ops'li'lg c~rernlny , the standard of pay, as hl).d hap­ adequ!l.tely trea.ted in spite of their pened in phce3 like Joha.nne3burg, CJuncillor N. S. B",on, m\de an being employed in t;)Wni. Ths in3p3:ltion of the 100lotioo tbe oth.,r Cape Town and Durban, where fao. question of t.he incidenoe of N lotive tories had claimed feenale labour, da.y, and to the satisf"ction of the law wa~ one of great intere3t;, He advised the I.C.U, executive to inh'lobitant.3 thestrests are now beiog Prior to 1927 there wl3re no sp,oial. cleaned by the Cou'1oll'.s street desist from alW'a.y~ running to law­ ised couri;s suob as m'3ntioned, w.>rkera. yera for advice when they could get The law courh hlod often obs~rved A succe3sful social was held by his services and advise gratis. the singularity and pe3uliarity of the local Lily Whit.. L . T. Club On the afternoon of OJtobar 11, some of the N",tivd c.nes. But a the other Saturday. Senator Rheinl).lIt Jones gave a re­ due !ltlJdy of some of the Na.tivd Tbe Orange River ia in full Bow, port on his interview with the raC6l sbowed that the case~ wer,} a f~t which the farmers appreciate. Native Allaiu Committee of the SMOKING not. out of keeping with Na.tiva The veld looks like a Hower garden. Town Council, when the que9tion culture, which wa.s charaoterised by Mr . Enoch Mb:)Qyana from of tra.ding in the locations was reo itl simplicity, TauQ.g.s, C. P., arrived. here to take MIXTURE viewed. The reception he received, A'J a r63ult, said Mr. Makhetha, up app:li ntm'mt at Sb. Mlltthew'g be said, was mosb oourteous, and the law court.e found it exp~ient Native scbool as an aS3iltaot the members of the oommittee ad­ to e8tablish a code of la W.i which teacher, He sucoe3ds Mi33 Edith mitted that new points bad been would include all O8ose3 peouliar to N. Ndliva, brought forw!Iord for African trading. Natives and which, by exten!lion, We welco me Corporal J 0 h n The oonsultation occupied. almosb arose out of the welter of cu~tom' Mogosi. of bhe S. A. Polioe, as a fully two hourll and m!l.ny question9 and observances to whioh a Na.tive subscriber to .. Umteteli," alio Mr. were asked and an9wered. The wai heir. S lch a oode of law3 was Hout.m!lon of the S. A . P->lioe, Senator stated thab he would be made in terms of the Native Ad· Mr ,, Priocipll, St. in Bloemfontein on December ministration Act of 1927. Boni6oe S::hoot, Midlelburg, C. P., 13 to meet the Chamber of Com· From this pi>int Mr. ~ll.khetha spent 10 days' holiday at Uping· merce on the same question of proceeded to the subjeot of legiti. ton, Mrs. Nyovane is on the teaoh­ trading for Africans. macy and suocession in Native ing ahff of St. MIloUhew3' School. A vote of thanks was moved by Law. To drive the point home, In the match between Sun Lights Mr. J. L . Lobere, seconded by Mr. he com.pared the aspects with state F. C. and St. Ma.ttbew's School ht T. M Mapikel&, M R .C. , and sop· of afi80irs in Europe!l.n L!l.w, when the latter won by 4 -2. .. ported by otber speakers. immediately the differences between The tennig" match played between .. the two cultures became m'lrked. Upington Banto L. T. C. a.nd K en­ • The interest which the members hardt Spes Bona L. T. Club result­ Bloemfontein Bantu took in the leoture was evidenced ed in a win for Kenhardt by 24 by the relevant que!ltioo'l which games, the following represented Social Institute came from all corners, an:!, to be Kenhardt. Spa3 Bon~ L. T. Club --- sure, Mr. Makhetha answered them Me33r.s Poole, Zingu, dO) Klerk Tennis Courls To Be Racondilioned in a clen and convincing m::t.nner. (,, Smith, and Gongo, Blntu's Mp,, Elliott (, THE EXEcorrVE or ,be above Chief W. KlIm'llo,• of Driefontein, Madonci, F. Booysen and A, M. Instit.ute m"t reoently, Mr. R. L,dy.smith, Natal, pHied through Mbonyana. C. Streeten pre~iding in th~ absence Bloemfontein for ~.lham}towo, WRAPPED IN GENUINE of the pre.sident. Those present where he attended the Metholiilt • MOISTURE -PROOF were Me!lsr'l R N Brit'!, C. J . Conference. ~Ir. and Mrs, Alfred R3.thehe of Thoka. S P.Mola.tedi, J03. Kokolela., MiH3rs C. D. Bhikll an I A. Q. 2697 Boc blobal!lo, h(lV3 baen blcH3ed CELLOPHAN E. D. Temblo ~1sikinya aod Mt3. W. Ros'!, both of Port Eliz:a.b eth, w.)re with a. blob] girl. M)ther and • F. St o r~v in BloemContein and it log e, lll conc~r t child dJin; wall. The rl;tport to be placed beCore and u"}nce on O~tobar 23, Th~y ltlis3 \fj,ggie S~ragie, of :l t2G tho ",null goners.l m~eting W\'1 reo proceeJed after\'VBrd~ en ro~te fOJ Boch.!Iobel:lo, h13 left for C.. pJ TOWQ WONDER BLEND view.!J :tond p "'He! for prJ3entation, .Joh!lonne3burg. where sbe is tloking up service. ' UMTETELI WA BANTU, JOHANNESBURO, OCTOBER 2R, t939. 7

• "OIl'N AND COUNTRY NEWS BIG DAY IN MAHLUNGULU Non-European "Safety-Driving" Contest

landy S. Majeke Appointed Chit I I Gratifying Results for 1938 Witzieshoek African .. • --- Teachers' Association - -- - H E "Safety First" ~sooia~ion, .in .'-. {BY" AM.EN ") T its reporb deahng WI.t~ I~ / Non - European If Safe - DrtVlOg Election Of Officers EPTEMBER 26 "." a ,ed scheme for 1938, points out. that ~!"\'" S leUer day in the hI8tO~Y. of the year bas been remarkahle for -- SUCH A SHINE MahlUlIgulu The Qumbu NallYe the large number of new entrants (FROM B. T . W.) EASY WITH Commissioner came to Nyandem I and comparatively high percentage O B y Borne to cODsider the ap­ HE quarterly meetiog was beld of suooesses achieved. The sobe~e T at Namabali School under the AND S SO ~~fmeDt. of the Chief of Amabeltl oflntioue8 to gain popultmty in Qumbu Distriot. The prepara­ chairmanship of Mr. Alfred A. amongst the Native aection of the Laka. The chairman reported that tionA of the local men proved .&D driving pommunity, and many ~re UDquahfied aucce!:!s, and tbe.oc~a810,n they had been successful in hol~ng now looking forward to completlOg tbeir meetings A representatIOn FOR All THINGS METAL ...8 historioal. The CODlmJs8~oner ~ three, four, five and six y~8' car was mat by a. pr.ocesal~u oj was sent to the Chief 00 matters freedom from accident and eertOU! educational. The associations re­ mounted Joung ruen 1n oDifor~ driving irregularity. from tbe tUfn·oft' neaT Blackbdl presentatives oarried out their The Bcheme provides fO.r ~ac,h Store. The Magistrate was !Hluted work well and advised the Chief member receiving the A8Soc u~tlOn s by over 400 men who had assembled and his council to meet the mls· .. No Accident" diploma if he suc­ sion, which they promised shouJd at the Great Place to. hear ceeds in driviog for twelve months .. ' db" Women with white be done. The chairman said be Kroonstad Methodists m a a. b . on in eaoh year free from mishap and bgs were dancing ~nd c eerlOg was glad to report that they were serious driving irregularity. At the ahle to forward a delegate to Build New Church the Magistrate's arrlyal. II end of three successive years' free­ The Magistrate. Mr. J. O. Corne , Kroonstad to represent the associa _.- MR. PHILLIP som, 27 dom from mishap. a silver meda.I, tioD at the Teachers' Conference. FOR several, the Methodist. addree8t'd the a<;sembly. He 8~~~e~ in addit.ion to a certificate, 1.9 years of age, has been elected They regretted losing the presence Church of Soutb Africa (African that on the death of the la~ Ie presented, and if a member driv?r Samuel Ma.jeke in July. 19::n. the member of the Trauskeia.n Ter­ of the seoretary, Mr. D. Noe. and Seotion) bave been raising funds to maintains a clear record for 81X ritories General Council for the Mr. J. Molefe who had joined crect a new church, and this build. Government t~ld the pe~leh' to succef!9ive years be will receive appoint somebody to succe ~. District of BizanB (people's Bethlehem Bantu United School. ing has now been commenced. Rev. represents! ive). The .. Safety First" Association's The chairman concluded hy saying: J. S. Litboko has sent out ciroular Three names were proposed, name y gold medal and speoial diploma Sandy Majeke-, the Chief's .eldes~ • "We must keep our eyes open. If letters of invitation to the ceremony · MaJ'eke and Zwellbaozl awarda. any Society calls up teachers to of laying tbe foundation stone on aon, J U IIUS . tak Out of a total of 550 drivers who .... k On the vote b ~ lag eo Kroonstad Advisory attend a meeting, it is wise tbat November 12. The circuJarappeals Je e. . d tb most vote3. entered the "Safe· Driving" 8cheme Bandy receIve e 'Il they should be acquainted with for donations from ail friends of the in 1938, no fewertban403 (or 73%) the subjeot so that tbey prepare Methodist church. The new building. Doe to the f'1oct that be wa~ etl. Board succeded in gaining the .. No .nder age at tbe time, ZwehbaDll well. Teaohers, we have to be when completed, will cost more than Accident" diploma. Since the . ted to act for him ull bt' jealous of our posta and safeJ!tuard £2,500. Donationssbould be posted was appom commencement of the scheme in aame. We are not mere tools, we to Rev; J . S. Litheko, Boiohoko­ eame of age. d 1933, altogether 1,2!J5 Non-Euro­ Ten people spoke and eli:pres."e Exjtement Over Elections are beings and have to be Par!lonage, Kl"Oonstad. The cere· pean dti\~er8 have gained the " No their strong for tbe ~PpOlDt. treated as Buch. It does not matter mony of laying tbe foundation Accident" diploma for ooe year, ment of Sandy, voicing t~etr . con~­ whether we are under the mission, stone will bf.. carried out by Rev. dence in bim, and menhonmg h.ts and 153 have obtained an award Charles Crabtree, of Kimberley HE ADVISORY BOARD elec- for three and four 8ucces~ive years' we must make tbe mission respect epirit ofleadership, good example 11 T us. .. nnd Bloemfontein distriots, on l tions were due to take place at accident freedom re8pecth~ely. agriculture, adequo.teeducatioD, a l·1 Kroonl"tad, and a nomination meet- The scheme i8 becoming increas. The following were elected office November 12, at 11 a.m. his love for sports ing \\""as held in the Bantu Com- iogly attractive year by year, and hearers' Mr. A. A. Laka, chairman - -The men ~ ho d~li·nred ~peecbes 11 munity Hall on Monday, Ootober many employers have assisted in (re-elected; Mr. B. T. Weeto, gene- were Messrs. M n. n C u n g a, R . • 16. Never bas such keen intere6~ adding to the popula.rity of the ral secretary); Mr. M . Sebunoe as· Maqubel.a, . F. Sobekwa.' sistant secretary. The following Mr. Siwisl). has been ~. J . bEeo shown In Arl"fi!lory Board elec- contest byencoUlaglng their drivers F. B.A., Majekf', Juhu ,", MAle-te.' E. MaJekp. th.ns a!l on nomination night at to become members The Associa. teachers have left· Messrs J. \ appointed head ma:;ter of tbe R. Majeke, ~h ga!" i\talt'ke,.~amso" Kroonstad. The hall wa!'l taxed to tion has received mn-ny letters from Molefe, N. Mopeli, D. Noe, J. secondary scbool at. \\ilberforce Majfh and Z\\fhbsnZI MaJf·kt> capacity. Nominations were taken employers and members, praising Motsamai and A. Nkoloko. 111:3titute. Tbe Maoistrate then asked If al I by Returning Officers aq usual. the scheme. The!le letters testify the peopleCwaoted Sandy, and tht!re In Ward A '\fr Marsba. withdrew to the excellent "en"ice rendered W&8 a loud chon" of" Yes I" 'The Magistrate then exprt>sst>d from thc conte .... t at Ihp- laqt hour and to the good influenco exercised. in fa\"'our of Mr. Jau Aylaud, am':' I by the Association's acti~ities .J _ his thankfulness that Ule penpl{' u-: had euch confidence in ::::lodyand .\Jr. Arland wa. .. thcrefl,)re returned genera.lIy. ,,- UTloPPI,)·cd. For \"\'ud B. three Starting 1!l35. with approxima­ appointed him C'hit'f aOLid loud i~ ~ cheers, staling that he \\0)1110 send mt>n pn'sf'nted their nomination tely 300 dnvers In Johannesbu~g, the appointnwnt f(,r al'prnval hy p~pers alld readers will remember the number of eotrants ~as In­ • --"""""-, t.he Government. with a st rong re­ that "':'teJi" had this forecas~ creased to over 600. Of thl8 nurn. ..- -.. eommendation. Be then thanked all probable. Tho three nominees ber, nearly 400 ~re' employed in /r the Aeting Headman,liayiog he was in tbis ward were Mr. Johannes Johannesburg, 60 In the Reef area \ ~- ~ .. tiorry to lose bim. but. be bad now Mogorosi, the retiring memher, who and upwards of 150 in other parte - !;ought re-ele('tion. Mr. S i moo of the Transvaal, Orange Free State -. - to welcome Sandy in tbe scrvice­ -- • man in whom the people had Cha.kanc, Mr. Andrew ;)1011 Cbakane and Natal. . - .-r placed their unanimous confidence. (the latter's brother). Enthusiasm ." Safety First" ASlIociation in­ He wisbed bim a successful and "as sho" n wben the nominees pre- tamates tha.t the .scheme has, . - prosperous service. sen ted their p&per~ aDd everybody a.m ~)Ogst . other . tblDgs, grea.tly - A vote of thanks was tben passed was &$king bow th E'Y propo~ed to in- aSSisted 10 educatIng a large section I ., to the Magistrate, and three cbeers slilute their electIon. Others were of the Non European drivers in the ) - , were gi~en for him. The meel iog already asking Mr. C b a k a n e at~a~ment of a. higher standard of it£el( t.hen closed. The great feast (jnr.) to wit h d raw in dnvlOg, good conduct, at the same then commenced. Tbeday will Jast favour of his elder brother, saying time. revea.liog & proper measure of YOUR CAR , loog in the memories of everyone it w~s taboo t o participate in an cO~I~eratlon for o~ber road .users. ....,,- present. Three heasts killed and election contest against one's elder ThlS In turn has given promise of GLIDES LIKE about fiftr.l"D qbeep. brother. Mr A. Cbakaoe said it effecting a reductior:: in the road -s: was nothing of the sort.. If his accident rate with a corresponding ~~ . , "t Sandy qualified as a. teacher in -- "/.. A SNAKE- the Healdtown lnsl itutioo. He waa brother was .. trnn,2 he would beat conservation of life and property , an able teacher at Mahluogu1u for him at the polls, otherwise he would ~ithal, there must be a considerable five yeau. He was founder or tbe give him polil ical la ~ h In Ward C Improvement in the economic Qumbu Baotu Prosperity Club in Messrs David Classen and Wm. fa ctor. For these and other reasons 1935 and has been captain of the Mofokeng presen ted their nomina. it i.e the earnest dealIe of the Qumbu Cricket Club siooe; also tioos, bot Mr. Mofokeng's nomina- .. Safety First" Associfltion and, .chairman of Mahluogulu Farmers' tion failed to comply with a stipu- dOUbtless, of every employer of A88ociation, secretary of the District lated regulation, "Viz., that each Non·European drivers, that its Farmers' Assocl&tion, conductor of nominee should be 8'Jpported by activities, aod particularly those )fahlongu ~cbo(.J !':enior choir, com. the .-;ignalures of not 1 ~8 than connected with the e-xp3nsioo of the mittee lrt:IJII .. , in the Qumbu ten rp gi~lf'rf'd occupiers-and he II Safe· Driving " sohl'me, be encour. Native 'leaLnr,,' A~sociation, secre. had ahout ·'nl.v ('i~ht signatories aged and influenced io every way • tary of Qumbu luter·school Native supporting hi .. nomination. So he possible by the commercial and Football A~sl)Ciation, a preacher in fell wilb a thuc..1, and left Mr. industrial community THE ENCi the Methodist Churcb of South CIB:sRCn .to be returned unopposed. __'41- _ HAS EASY WORK AfrICa . and at present a district ThiS result was apparently a relief ClOuncil lor. to Mr. Claaseo. Homage to Paramount BECAUSE I USE In Ward D \Ir A l\Iodihedi de. will be known to the puhlio at feated Mr J. B C. Kboah and Was Chief Seeiso Griffith MOBILOIL Kroonatad. nominatf'd unopposed Mr. Khoali In Ward F . .!1-fr T. Makae apparently made a serious mistake. Moshoeshoe Celebration Committee Dominated une'ppoi'ed. '1 bis H~ ha~ found SU11porters to his no­ as expeded. mlOalion, Lut hf' dirt not empbasibe - - thefactlllR.~tht:ywt.retobepreseot MR. T.A MAKAR, B.A ., pre..:i ­ at the 1I0n:uoa.l1on me{'tio~. When dent of the J\Jn -hoefi boe Cele­ hehandpdlll hl:n declared -ralid ~o that hers of the deputation to lhe MOBILOl l Basutoland & Portuguese tbe election \\'88 tine on' October Paramount Chief of Basutoland East Africa. 25. By tbis tirue the poll results would h.e v.elcome. Membes and (Continued in P1tl;ioUIJ C01Uml1) I ft'blends h~ve been ~sked to aSSls t e committee finanCially. ' VACUUM OIL.:COMPANY- OF SOUTH ·AFRICA . · i;iMITE:O~ 8.14UiUI Oi'i'TC'EIi'S ""b~ CIOABl1TTES UMTETELI WA BANTU, J OHANNESBURG, OCTOBER 28, 1939.

CO.OPERATION BETWEEN as to meet the problems of life in THE AFRICAN CHURCH TEACHERS AND PARENTS an intelligent ma.nner. Sornt" of The Editor, "Umteteli." them are of LL ricb. family, some or • The Edltor, "Umteteli." a poor one. Some of tbese (young­ MR. NCEBA TUN Z I, writes R . J. L. D.SIBANYONlwrites men and ladies) show no respect to I Sir,-~(r. S.H. Mat.sabela saY8: Hard-Worked M Sir,-l read with delight &n their parents; or to any grown· up Eveo so·called ministers of religion article by oue of the students of the person of a poor fllomily. are mere agsnts of a foreign religion of which they know nothing a.nd Methodist Bobool, Mo.rabnstad about Undoubtedlv 0 u r parenta Tired Feet the co-operation of teachers and have s8,orifio&d. themselves for our will never know anything." He parents. The article was true. There eduoation. It is only because some goe8 on to say that through ages of Wonderfully Eased by iB no actual unioo between the of us young men think that a false theologioal training or teaoh­ ing of this foreign religioD we have teachers and our parente, and. 89 ge Dt~eman or a lady is the one dress· • result thore is the common saYlog ed In smartuess. Any single in­ a?quired an inferiority complex. of that we are spoilt ohildren. And dividual, whether or not dressed dlS6stroUB magnitude. Sir let me yet if we go back we find th&t we nicely, but who respeots everybody, assure tbe wrtter that if he were get better results where pa.fenta aod is a gentleman or a lady. You really Q theologian he would never teachers were together. The ,term may dress however nioely, but if eay that, whatever the nature of \fspoilt child" wiU only be tIobohsbed you "ave no good manners you the idell, whether it be scientitic, HOPPlNG. houework aM othef t • if the spoilt. teaoher is abolished. The cannot be called a gentleman or a philosophio or religious, the me­ S daily dutiel become a weazyiq parents abould st.riotly the lAdy. ohanism of its propagation is bUSlDea5 when your poor foet cau't obedience of tbetr cblldren from identical. There is a world outside IItaDd. the strain; &nd when they Let us Africaos of the modern become .are, teDdtt and paiDful loDi the schools and the Bobool heads civilization combat bad manners. and an intelligible world too. Then ask for the co. operation of the Let us take or praise our parents we pray to God we say "ubukum­ before the day it dono. I kani bako mabufike", and which So, make Stlre of .ound. healthy parents very widely and openly. for the talent they have given us. feet. which will not tire, &ehe or (iv. which thry cau get if they need Let uS not show bad manners and kingdom do we meaol The king· dom of righteousness, when only you a moment'. trouble, by followin& it at aU. disappointment to them as cultured this easy nightly treatmen.t. After civilized and educated. people. the Prinoe of peace shall rule. If bathing the feet in warm. water &nd. Remember, that the fear of the this phrase wa.s wrong for us drying thoroughly. mU'2If1 z..m..Suk YOUNG AFRICAN WO~IEN Omtment into a.nkJes. instep', IOlel Lord is the btginning of wisdom .. Africans would all these educated and between the toes. The refi ned. AND EDUCATION Let us not act contrary to the ladies and genllemen exercise it herbal oils in Zam.BaJ..'l are easUy ab~rbed into the skin. Thos The Editor, co Umteteli." principles of morals. daily~ I suppose the writer of the letter R. REUBEN M. MOKOE~A, Pain, SwellinCand Inflammation A dam s Mission Statton, is a preacher. Well, no peril is M greater for the preacher than the are• quickly allayed by Zam·Buk. writes : Sir,-"Should more Afr!. NATIVE POLL TAX peril of becoming decentrelized CorD5 and hard. "-i..n are softened &nd easily removed, Joints, ankles. toa can ladies be eduoa.ted to a Uw­ The Editor, I< Umteteli." from God, and speaking merely in aad feet are made euy, and you cau versity standard, i e., B.A, B.Sc. J the power of natural endowment .al.k and .orit in real comfort.. Beginnings of development ~re M R. S. H . D. LEE MNYANDU, Start with Zam-Bu lr: to-n.ip.t t. Johannesburg, writes : Sir,­ 8 S a ma.tter of fact the idea. is difficult to describe, and the begin­ correct but the writer of 'he letter a pair of 1OtI.nd, healthy feet. ning of educa.ting a. lady to a The poU tax, I submit, is not justi. fia.ble for poverty-stricken Africa.os. puts it in a wrong way by saying 1/& Of' 3/g ., .n 'MMUt6 .u "No university standard, such as B.A., ministers know notbing and will is a problem that has perplexed The Native works to maintain him­ self in existence, and there is never know any~hing. Let him debators and contributors to give the community something Rub ZAM-BUK in Every Hi9h~ .IU mt.eteli." nothing left. over to meet his taxa­ tions. Poll tax, I submit, is not better, for I understand he was given Time h6s come, I hold, that education. Do not only take, but ladies should receive effective edu­ beneficia.! to the Natives. The a l ~ give. metius est dare quam tion. I am su:re if they . were White people of South Afrioa can Geogina Leshoai, Victoria Ba.­ never obliterate poll tax because acclpere. African Successes In educated to the abyve-mentloned _ 0- pital, Lovedale ; Gladys Mki7.8, St. etandard, Africans would i~prove the lunds are used in the general Mary's Hospi tal, Kwamagwua; development of the Union. Nursing greatly. Ladies should ree~l ve an DEVOTION TO THE SERVICE OF Ell ah LefuleseJe Mohapi Victoria Some t im e the ago, I understand, advanced intellectual education, as DEMOCRACY - - Hospital, Lo vedale; Vioia Moira­ gent.1eme~ do. I~ o~der to play a large part of the revenue from Ntuli, McCo rd Zulu Hospital. The Editor, II Umteteli." rHE following candidates bave -their specific part 10 life. t~e:t: need Nillive poll tax WQS expended in Durban ; Eileen May Winifred. passed the final examination extensive knowledge. It 18, 10 my European Education in the Trans­ M R. MOTOR CAR T. TSH EKWE, Sitole, Victoria B:ospital, L'Jveda.1e ; fo r medical and surgicRI nurses opiwon, unwue to c?nfine their vaal. It is alleged that four·fifths P.O. Stofberg, wn tes : Slr,­ Nofu mana. Time, McCord Zulo interests to the routme of house of Native poll tax is used for Native We are called upon to decide conducted by the South Afrcia..n Hospital, Durban. keeping or the so·caUed IIduties" Education, and one fifth for the whether we stand for the good will Medical Council:- of society. de\Telopment of Nati\'e Reserves. of HitleriBm or democracy. This Education is extended to every· The Na.tive Poll Tax Amendment war has already opened with a one, male or fem!tle, and its aim is Aot to provide work for Ndtive poll blow to the democratio powers not 60 much to fit people to get a defaulters, on the farms, is un· which so fully sympathise with Abazalikaazi Abakwi Ndawo­ living as t-o fit them to live. Ladies hkelv to pro\Te successful. There young nations threa.tened by this are the future motbers, and if a is a likelihood of opposition by the power of Hitlerism. This blow wa~ motber is not well equipped­ lea.ders of the Native Representa. th( sinking of the " Atbeni!l" and progress i8 retarded. To help tive Council snd other Native the bombiqg of Warsaw by the ngendawo bangazikhathazi them to adapt themselves to pre­ organisations, on account of the Germans. In both tbese affa.irs sent environment, our ladies ought recent Commission's Report of the Germaoy ha.9 destroyed hundreds to be educated more effectively. treatment meted to Natives by the of innocent souls which hoped that If all the mistresses, who are farmers. In jail the Natives are war wa.s unoecessa.ry. Tbe clarion responsible for the teaching contaminated with those who first has sounded; nations are of the youn~ generation, were edu· went in, and consequently they taking tbe field once m 0 r e ' cated to a Uniyersity sta.ndard, the are initiated into a wrong atmos­ the die is cast; time haq come when results would be impressive. The phere. The poll tax should in my either democracy or autocracy is to more ladies receive higher educa· opinion be reduced to five shiUi ngs be swept from the surface of the tion the better will be the present per annum for Natives. world But a.s far a.s we can judge envi~onment. Some people think on Biblical evidence the latter (de­ that a Ia.dy can be sent to .a.n mocracy) will remain in the field. industrial school only after passlDg T HE AFRICAN CHURCH Ca.n a.nybody who has a mind to think believe that God can allow her Std. VI, and they seem not to The Editor, UUmteteli." realise that they are handicapping the persecution of His own ~ the lives of ladies. When a lady M R. J . WESLEY NKONYENI, Tbe way of national pride of is sent to an industrial school, she Crown Mines, writes : Sir,­ Germany is becoming difficult a. nd u un.likely to get a proper job, and Before turning 00 t he discussion there is 00 ho pe tba.t Hitlerism wiIJ the result is that she g088 to introduced by Mr. Sol. Mat.s&bela exist in t he years to come. kitchen work . Mokhethi OD t his subject let me I feel Bure if efforts could be ask him one or t wo q uestion9, AK UKHO mfu neko yokuba uzikhathfoZe x.a usana lwakC) AFRICAN LEADERSHIP made to educate more ladies to a SO that we should rest our feet on lukbala ngokuba nentlungu zokuphuma kwamazinyo. Imi­ t he same platform of disouijSlon:- The Editor, It Umteteli." Universit y standard the future gutyana. ka Ashton and Parsool!! ye Ntsana ayinangozi kooke-konko generation would matriculate at 1. What is the Church 1 2. What is the Origin of t be MR. W. B. MKASIBE, Clevelaod, yaye iyakukauleza ukud.a.mbiaa inUungu ukuze usaoa lulale luftl­ t he age of t welve to fifteen. Transvaal, w r i t e s: Sir ,­ Love isa most important thing, Bible 1 mane nam.ndla. Ubutoogo bokuphila, bemvela bunceda usana 3. Whot is Religion ! Would you let me explain the merits but it becomes aenimio if Dot help. of to the educated and not ukulwa ukufa. Dokuba lukhulu lutyebile lunamandl.&. ed by intellectual activity. I dare 4. What does he mean by Afri­ Can Church ! Africans ! Remember that with say that t hose of out' brothen the Native Land A.t, 1913, Dr. J . Ungayitheoga kuzo zonke ikemati nevenkile Imigutyana b who are graduat.ea are looking for­ 5. Is his Afric6n Church going to be Ion organization 1 L. Dube led the nation. TraIl!lvaal Ashton and Parso ns. Amuabiso ayo aphantaj kakulu. Ekayi· "Ward to getting better balvee, and Provincial £2 lOa . tax, Mr. M. S. sebenziseni beka. kuphela umgutyan.a. olwimioi 108&na. IntMoa 1 hope what I have said will really Mr. Mokhethi says our African ministere of religion cannot know Maghatho or Makhatho, led the urge them to t hink about this natioo. Their le&dershipa were ezingeka. gqibi inyanga ezintandatu z.i.nikw6 umgutyan& ongape­ p roblem. and will never know Christianity, lelanga. EziligqibiJe eloses ha zioga nikwa umgutwao.a wooke. his foreigo religion. Were St. through certain situationa occurring I maintain that the bigher the on their African Bantu people. -eduoation, the better will be the Peter and St. Paul christians before 1 My friend say. the Bible is the", I

----- Supplement to Umteteli wa Bantu OCTOBER 28, 1939 = NUMBER 96 ------======~=o~==~~ =_~~::::----~~~~~~~~~======~======~ TEA TIM E QUESTIONS 7 he alISIt','r'S to th,·s~- qutStivlIs IODDS AND ENDS I on' printed o1Nr/t'a[ Rt:Iore h!rn­ i7l9 t o tIll-ttl, "tad the qlushons ANIMALS Riding on horse-back is uncom­ cau/ully. and sec how many you mon in these days of motOr cars. can an.swt-r (o,."utly by YOUTsdf -THE-WOR Dut it b even more unusual to ride 1. How do we taste food ? all a cow Yet in a little village 2. What i" dragnctting;' uf Suffolk , England, there is a 3. Is a cold \\ inter h~althll=r The Rabbit family which rides its cow, Sun­ than a mild one? beam, in all sorts of traffic. Sun­ 4 Wh)' do rabbits gnaw trees? One of the most common of all ratJbn" ".. un) at an aSlonlshlllg bt:aOl takes her master to the S. Is the camel an affectionate animals is the rabbit. It belongs to spetd into their underground bur­ market and back and also takes his animal 1- the same family as the hare, rows, bUI while running for safety, two children to their school and 6. \\'ho is the best known Eng­ but is easily distinguishable from they have a method of ~iving oth~r hack. Not onl) does Sunbeam lishman who ever lived? the hare by its different colour, Its rabbits the alarm. Their method IS serve the family in this way. but 7. Can wind be heard ) smaller brown ears, and ib shorter to ~Iamp their fed and to show the she also provides them with seven &. ,\re polar bf"us good sY,im mers) gallons of milk every day. 9. To what depth" du "-Orne plants st."nd their roots) . The inhabitants o( hiessina, a 10 Which English custom IS lawn in haly, have a novel clock. nQW spr("ading all ovt:r the world" At noon, a mechanical lion, which is t\veh'e (~et long, roars fiercely, CRABHUNTING CATS and at sunset and sunrise, a mech­ anical cock crows loudly. Both the In tb~ ordinary course of events, .. liolt " and the " cock" are housed cats would never hunt crabs Not in the town clock. only are crabs able to injure those who molest them, but cats arc by nature not fond of approaching \Ve have heard of tea tasters water. Yet, som~ y~ars ago, cats \\ ho test blends of tea. But tn in the town of Ad~n in Asia Minor, ydney, A ustralia, there is a man made a "ro:,h:matic hunt for crabs_ I who tastes gum leaves, to test This i" how it happened. There \\ hl'ther they are suitable for the was a ~vere plague of rats in ~ydnt» Zoo's Koala Hears to eat. Aden, and the authorities intro­ duced batches of cats into the tow n, in the hope that they would kill the A bla(k cat rtcently travelled as rats and so destro), the pt!st. The a stowaway in the wing of an cats were so succt'ssful in killing aeroplane. When the aeroplane the rats, that within a short tim(', limbs. Rabbits are very attractive white underpart of their tai ls. This landed, the pilot was puzzled, to all the rats had been eaten, and no pets and there are many varieties. is a recognised alann signal and hear mewing coming (rom the suitable food was left for the cats. There is the English rabbit with its any other rabbit observing this wing of the plane. He raised the Aden is a town on the sea, and on small head and ears, as well as the signal will quickly seek safety in a wing, and discovered the stowaway its shores many crahs are. to be Dutch and Angola rabbits, which burrow. cat found. The cats soon discovered possess long, lop-ears. Some rab­ the crabs and started hunting along bits weigh as much as eighteen Rabbits hve on plants and vege­ the se3.!)hore for them every day pounds Some time ago, visitors to thf" tables, and when kept in captivity, The cats would pounce on the The habits of the common Eng­ iamous Constantia Nek tearoom crabs as they crawled along the should be fed on lettuce, cabbage near Cape Town had a shock li sh rabbit are most peculiar and I(,aves, grass and similar plants. seashore, and would quickly devour usu~l1y very amusing. Full of a ( They were enjoying their tea, when them. Not only did these hungry They require a constant supply of a fully gro".'n baboon strolled into quaint sort of dignity at one mo­ water, too. As they are not much cats hunt crabs, but they actualJy ment, and a skittish playfulness the tearoom. He was found to be pulled fish out from behind rock<:, trouble to look after, rabbits are tame, however, and amusrd the the next, the rabbit is always inter­ popular pets in most countries of and devoured them , too. estin~ to watch, When frightened, relieved teadrinkers by his anticc; the world where the climate is mild while eating 3 scone. I ---- f UMTETELI W A BANTU CHILDREN'S NEWSPAPER Supplement to Umteteli wa Bantu OCTOBER 28, 1939

"You q,y you have come 10 bTlnl( ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS a phn for dc:fe .. tInK the Matabcle? Let us hear," he s:\ld. "The lime has ON fRONT PAGE I ADVElMTUlRES come to lak(! desperale measures FocxI and wa!(;r are almost done - but our 1 0" our tongues, and at 1M courage IS Stlll hIgh." back part of the roof of the moutA Acling as Thipa had ordered him, there are wei membranes (JuHngJ S<:it-pe s.1.j( ~ "Lest there be spies hert', of ski11), and when food or liquid all"w me to ttll our plan WIthout any touches til eSt: membranes, we get dangcr of being o\·erheard." AI once: -recplllg warnor wnh the gh~t~nlll the chief ordered his indunas and the the sensation of tasle. IJlIl: He could sllll "ICt. that rum peuple who regularly gathercd about 2, Dragnet/iug is (J primitive 11,'Urc crawllllll towards him fI~ kill Ihe coun('d tH'C to ff'Tlre oul of !.'dr­ method of ratchirz9 fish. A party hlfn \\'hen h(: wa<; ab as )vu your daily fohare of food" He ShOH_ If the fishen"e'l have becn IcaninJ.: o\"er the barnet of rock~ thaI sati,,>fil;:d that he IInd~r~lood everythll1 .1{, gave Selcpe two handfuls of dr}' lucky t~ltougli to get the net round barred 11I~ way up the gull:y'to the lOp I and he cried out, .. Let three big fire" of the mount.un on wluch Dllha­ mcahcs. be bUilt here before; the coun,il Irel!. o slloo1, tllt'Y ..:ill "a'Z'c a good bancng was bUilt. Sclcpe looked at the two men They • When Ihey are bommg strongly, throw calch. were thin and starved-looking, The I IllS words produced an Immediate rreen leaves up

(Too ~ conltn~d) EngJa'ld from 1564-1616. His Ian. ­ gllage, styli', beauty of phrosf', Will Lepoxu'. promi.ed aid bring philosophy and kllowit'dge made su cce .. to Selepe', plan? Or will the Matabele triumph ? The po.ition i. IIim the i.;.'orld's greatcst writer, d e.perate. Victory o r death await 7. IViJld itself makes no so"nd Selepe and hi, Allie.. The nexl i"ue For inslanet', wk.·11 U!~ keor [e(]t'ts of this paper will carry this exciting mstlin., in the wind, we often im­ .tcry 'One cb3.pler further. agilfe it is the sound of tht wind or brCt'zt 'We arc heori"g. This is not so. The sound is Pia thing dse By now tht.' gua.rds were cOO\lOced dured. .. The ~latabele stole most of ANSWERS TO LETTERS btlt tht 1Iois.' made by the tips of our cattle when they fell upon us by Ihat Sdepe was, if not 3. friend, at AU letter, must be oddre8,sed to : The tht' l.'o,'t's tOl4chinq ('o(n other, (hI; ~urprise. Luckily we had a great store least bt'Mer of Important nl;ws. Edttor, Umtelch IO(J Bantu ChHdrf"n" Sume m"re w.~rriors a.ppeared from the o f gram put away in pits and caves. h-(,V!Ipaper, P,O. Boz • .it5. R Altholly1l rolar b.'ars art' But the cnern" has been here so lon~ d3.rklle~~. ;lnd two of tht;rn escorted him J oh~nne",burg. 7,'lr), large alld liNigh aPtroximatd), a.long a Very Sinop Winding {lath. The that all the old people have flied of a third of a ton, they orf! very path wound it~ way along the bottom <;tar\"alion, and many of the womclI J . van Eck: Cowboy~ ar~ trallled :lnd C'hildren as well. If we do not good S'U,jmml'r.:.-. Their food (on~ of the ~ully, whose walls were very on the prairies of Texas and high. The moooilght ,lid not shine on get help soon, WI'! shall all perish, f( r s1sts chiefly of St'ols a1ld fish. Arizona m the Untted ~tates of to (he path al all, and Sekpc and hi~ (jur supply of water and forxl ~rows 9. Tire roots of different plants less eHry day If (ln ly the t-I:ltabclc America_ Ranches are established (wo guards had to move 'ery slowly .'ory a good deal in J.-ngth and anll carefully Every now and then woul(1 C;O (In 10 !oomc other pl.1(e I " fOf training of cowboys in America \"eltltnts werc slow and to a dt'/,th of SOIllC 60 fut. large Iht place IIpon which a vcry J::raceful. He rt.minded Sclepe of a why razor blades get blunt, lOU R"rcat nllmher o f hilts hall heen built. I,'opard, which \\a~ II1d(-ed his name. must know what the edge of 1 10. A h .. altlt,V English custom, "\Vhat news han you of Mweru?" The guard~ led him to a hilt ancl told blade is like. The .. tratght, sharp lIQ'W spreading all fn'U tlu world, he ashd. Ilim to sleep until morOln!t, when he edge of a raZOf blade actually con­ is Ihat of drinking tra at cleven would he laken to the chief, Lq~oxu Scltpe lold him ;111 h<: had beC'n told They gave him 3. kaross, and Selcpe, by Thipa concerning Mwerll, the One­ sists of a series of httle teeth, all o'e/ock i,l the morning and at four­ worn out with inten~e excitement and eyed, Ihe son of Lcpolt'u, who had very sharp. \\'hen a razor hlade is in thr atlcnloon The English ha:;, hodily (;ffort, SOOI1 fell asleep_ But he he en kIlled by the Matabcle. Lepoxu used often, these teeth are broken, /Olmd how pleosalft and refreshing dut nOI sleep peacefully He dreamed Jookl'd ~ad 3ncl tr(lubled when he heard and the sharp edge becomes blunt. Ira is, particularly at those times, repeatedly of that (ear<;omc moment {,f till,; dl,:alh (.f hi~ eldest son_ Bul To see these teeth, nne mllst look olld lunh' quick/.v tossed this on tC' when he had lain slill in the rn(lOn­ IllS cyeS fl;lsIH,d 11\ hi~ dark fan', ,",ud light. waiting and w:\tchinJ! for Ihe he grew ang-ry through :1 powerful microscope. the rrst (If t"e umrld --=-=-= ---- UMTETELI WA BANTU CHILDREN'S NEWSPAPER Supplement to Umteteli wa Bantu OCTOBER 28, 1939

MRS. FIRST AID TEA·DRINKER'S IN rlEALTH AND IN SICK. MORAL TALES climbing along the mountains 011 NESS TEA IS GOOD FOR I the left hand side, the road becom­ YOU A ctions speak louder tban mg steeper and steeper. ' No, 59 : Prep aration of Bed Words ~fy Dear Children, As we ascended, the valley on You will remember that my A fitro mattress, not a feather the ri~ht hand side became more Someone in your class has pro­ friend and I wt!re on our way ttl expansive. The road curved around bed, should be select't.'d. If there Mount Ayliff The country wac; io; much injury. or if dressings hav~ mised your teacher to improve in huttress after buttress and finally his schoolwork. After every class becoming more hilly and rug~eu. we reached the summit of Brook's to be applied, a draw~sheet ought test, your teacher finds that th is and the folds of the mountams, Ntk. where we stopped. Th~ air to be placed on the bed. It shoulrl amid the rocky crags, were clothed be of four or more thicknesses, pupil has not improved at all "'as exhilarating, and the views Howt!ver, the pupil still continues in dense forest. The road curved wonderful. To the south, where extend across the bed, and reach to promise, and talks much about slightly to the East, and we c3;rrle the view was not cut off by a range f rom the middle of the patient's to the bridge spanning the Urnzun­ of mountains. we could trace our back to the knees. A piece of "spending more time at h?me o.n studies," and "remembenng hiS vuhu River, the lower reaches of route through the country over waterproof sheeting or thin oi l ~ les..-.ons more easily." Yet no im­ which I told you about when I \"hich we had just come. doth should be placed under the wrote of Port 51. Johns. After dra\.,.'-sheet. As the draw~sheet be­ orovement is shown and at last, climbing another hill, we travelled To the north, at the foot oi comes soiled.. the soiled portion the tt'acher says to him, " Remem­ along a road which had, on its one Mount Currie, lay Kokstad, set out .... hould be rolled and a clean part ocr, actions speak loudt!r Ihan side, part of the Insizwa. Mo':l " ­ like a draught-board. Mount Currie drawn smoothly under the patient, words." By this, the teacher means tains (which were clothed tn thIck is 7,500 feet high, and it dominates In fracture of the leg or thigh, that if this pupil would only wOf:k plantations of pine and other trees the landscape. It stands 3,500 f~et sprained ankle and some other harder at school and at home, hiS at the base). and on the other side, higher than Kokstad .. Surround~ng caSes, a .. cradle" should be im­ class tests would show Improve­ \'3St undulating, billowing country, KokstJd, there are miles and miles provi.3ed. The use of a .. cradle" :nent. lnslt:ad of this, he always merging into the distant mountains. of cultivated and grazlOg country. is to support the bed-clothes and talks and promises a lot, In the Insizwa Mountains, on the \Ve got back into t~e ~ar, and keep them from pressing on the left, it is said that there. are large crui~ed down the hill, mto the limb. A band-box, three~ l egged deposits of copper, nickel ~nd tree-lined streets of East Griqua~ stool, or hoop sawn across and the platinum, and at the present time land's principal centre, and found two halves secured together may a London mining company is ex­ a tearoom "here we decided 10 be u<:ed. have some lunch. ploring the mineral possibilities of Rt'mo'l.,'ing the C/otllt'S thi s area. \Ve continued on our way, marvell ing at the great beauty AU Branches of Fanning 1n tak ing clothes off an injured of the country. carried on pl'rson a few rules should be borne in mind Mount Ayiiff While We were having our tea 1n serious cases it is much better after lunch, my f riend told me to sacrifice the clothes than to run We passed places named Rode that this district had attracted man)' ~ny risk o f inc reasing the injury. and Sugarbush, and then crossed .settlers from overseas, and that, I n removing a coat, etc., in a the Umlimlava River, a tributary to-day, all branches of farming arc case of fractured arm the uninjured of the Umzimvubu, and arrived at carried on. About three-quarters arm should be drawn out first. \fount Ayliff. The name of this of all the cheese manufactured in In Ide. too, Ihere are two Iypes In putting on a coat or shirt the of people. There is the person­ lown was laken from the mountain South Africa comes from East injured arm should be put in first. at the bach: of the town, and lht! Griqualand. \\'hen we had finished lil.:e the foolish pupil who promises I n burns and scalds nothing to worl( but never does - who is mountain itself was named after our tea, we left the tearoom, and should c:ver be dragged off. A always speaking about the great the Rev :\yliff. Mount Ayliff is went to the ca r. \Ve drove once shar/, pair of scissors should be Success he is going to make at 5,000 fcet high, ancl adjoins 110unt aoain down the tree-lined streets, used, and everything not adhering writing a story or at any thing Evelyn, which i3 Soo fet:t higher, h~t of the next stage of this trip, c;hould be cut away. ] f anything worth while. lIe is so accustomed and which was named after Sir I shall lel1 you more in my next adheres it should be left until to promi~ing and bragging, that he Evelyn Wood following the annex­ letter. medical aid can be obtained. The never gets anything done, \Vhen oHion of Griqualand. He came here clothing adhering may, wilh ad­ from Mount Currie, of which I other people refuo;,e to consider him \"antage, be soaked with 011. To .. hall h>11 you more 1J;,..\ ahout his work only if he wishes • '-...A'11 (i J CORNER ! entned a long valley. \,"e travelled Issu e to know something connected with • along the twi~tmg road, de~c(;nding It , or I f he is asked about it. He The area of my garden is the The.: proprietor of a certain tea­ all the \\ hile, finall), finding our­ prcic:r::t to do hIS work efficientl) length (10fL) ,x. the width (15ft.) room makes Ss. -Jd whenever 25 o..c1H's in \\h"t might be described q. ft, of my 39 came 111 the afternoon, ho\\ Ihen led us through a gorge, and ~pokcn garden is uncovered. If 10 sq. ft man)" carnl' for lea in Ihe cveningj) a n(!W \'ista opened up before us. can L,c coven:d by .l roscslips, 30 He is worthy of admiration. So, The allS"<.IJcr to this problem u.nll \Ve had entercd :\IlfJlher pit~lik" sq. ft. require 3 x J, or CJ roseslips. it is always ~referable to actually ('nc10StlrC, but instead of descend­ fIe {olmd i,t rh" Ht'XI issu~· 36 .roseslips cost me 36 pennies <.;0 fulfil a dl.'ed rather than to just ,ng into thie, nnt·, we ("ommenc('d ('(jl/t"'IIId <) ro<:eo;, lip<> will cost me 9d ot loot Q talk auout fulfilling it, The world column) Judges actions, not merely words, , - - --- UMTETELI WA BANTU CHILDREN'S NEWSPAPER -- Supplement to Umteteli wa Bantu OCTOBER 28, 1939


'+lIEF' IMPORTS NOl<.TH MEA; &. FOOO~TUff SEA RAw 'OTTON 5. WOOL, WOOD & TfM6EA:, OIL, FAT") 'I. c;.YM, tilDE!, & .I'

I. The l.1rgesl sector of Great Britain 15 England, Z. This magnificent building 15 \Vestminster 3. The inhabitants of En~land drink mort tea per .:I. country occupying an area ollc·fiftccnth that o f Palace. Ihe seat of the Houses o f Parliament . head than an), other people. A custu!ll (If England the Union England has ;1 loul population of mo re where laws rel:lting 10 lands III "arious parts of IS to drink morning and afterm.IIC11i h;d, dlll\ (lur thall four tImes that of the Union of South Africa the world are passed Westminster Palace I S 11 1 picture shows happy tea drmkers m a la rge Blr The population of the City o f London alone equals London. the capital o f England. and clud city of mingham restaurant. Birtnlllgham IS the s((:ond our population. the Bntish Empire.. largest city in England

b'.'I:,,,,d <;upphes the I .11 C tl lo.; ti. UII(;~. ~O~'~~~:~ of tts CfJtton and wool fal>ric5. Bradford and Leeds Empire. The) III the w~lrld IS Odorel Uni,·t"nil\ The um"l"rJi1) manufClctufl; w(>ollen gannents. while Li"erpool and but arc usually at COnsiSts o f C()lIe~5 ,,11 bUilt In Ihe small but dll:' ~Ianclle .. h:r manu fa ctlJre cotton RooC'!o: Here I" a (lr i Casth:-. iIIu!itratt"d niflcd Cit )" of Oxford Pictured here IS 'ne of tll~ \ It w of cotton manufaeturi.nK Ii- l'rinCt'''!fcS <:() Oft"11 g1\'C h:3 n,.,lh.:1(l'"5. n;un(·,1 "C1'rpU~ OHl tL ._l!'3rUc'J We will visit Mexico in the next iaaue. COWENS "t CAPE TOWN mrTETEtI WA BANTO. JOIJANNESIlORG; OOI'OtlER 1939. 9

NOTES ON OOOKERY A.ND OHILD WELFARE a powder, it is safer as a household We MUlt Face Life oommodity. It forms a valuable Wonderful Helps to Health ingredient in some brands of tooth Cheerfully FiCae., Rulel from A To Z. Mn.x: helps to lupply Vitamin A powder and is also used io a dis. NUTS contain Vitamin B, whioh infectanb 80ap, whioh is a good IR in plenty is the first esaential cleansing agent for washing dogs B~ THE :sDITBESS helps our nerves to funotion pro. A of good heolth. perly. troubled with fleas. HER E i. a great need for o~~.~ BUTTER supplies us with Vi~amin Cardigan. The knitted woollen T 10 'lIe.e time.. All optlUlut, It ORANGES not only give vitality, buttoning jackets worn by both A. whioh helps to ward off disease but are invaluable for destroying b beeo .aid, i. oDe who lee. ao germs. men aDd women received their upommilY iD CITe."Y difficulty; • germs. name from the 7th Earl of Card. CLEANLINESS of the body is one ., • m ...• ODC 'lib. ten. difficulty pe ..• ._ • PHS are of great food value: they igan, who was commander of the io every opporlwuty. of the greatest assets to health and strengthen the nerves and prevent famous Light Brigade which dis­ \V all know only too well thai the gleawat enemy of disease. digestive troubles. tinguished itself at the Battle of be Ttl our ."D p.rticular baUle. DRINK water plentifully. Begin Balaolava in 1864. Owing to the wea 'b.' 1 QUIET is a naoe8sary ingredient to "bt, aod, each Doe. aluCl m~8 eaoh day with a glass of water. of heolthy life. cold in the Crimea woollen garm­ It. nul.OU onc. We may decliae EUROlSE i.e necessary. Physical R ESPIJl.ATlON should not be ents were greatly in demand for the • ~;:"' .. but it will be allO , .eb ...... ca''e . exeroises, walking, rowing, swim· neglaoted. Exeroises in deep breath­ the troops. o RElfOVE poin' from window dediDiq: tbe joy of Ylctor1· ming, and outdoor games help to ing strengthen the lungs. Carpets may be freahened by T p~ne3 quickly and emciently No ODe UJl reach the topmol' being taken 00 the lawo and scrub. keep us fit. SALADS prevent rashes and irrita. use tho fhto edge of an old safety oiol witboat climbing tbe .teep hed gently with 0 oloth dipped io FBurr is invaluable. It supplies tion of the skin. razor blade. ~OQDtaiD path. We Ulloot be luke. warm water and soapsuds, us with Vitamin C. tones the syetem borDe op 00 IU)' strong .boolder. TEETH must be kept in perfeot then rubbed dry with a soft cloth. When joining wool, if the wool is and makes the complexion clear. No ODe, Dol even God, CaD carty us oondition if we desire good health. If the dye js not good this outdoor grafted. one strand in the other, Each mu.l WiD hi, or ber way GARDENING pro\rjdes healthy UNDERFEEDING is as harmful as method might he liohle to £Ode the with the aid of a darning needle, :~ougb Itrugglel aDa effort. to aU exercise, and has the added value We need a well­ colour instead of freshening it. the join made is strong, neat and Doble anaiomeau. The belp. of of being a tonio to the mind. balanced diet containing the right Another method ill to sprinkle the impossible to deteoti when knitted God i, given only io co-operalioD HONEY is an excellent means of proportion of vitamins. whole carpeb with small balls of up. witb human •• pir.tiona aad Cloerg)'. supplying the body with sugar. V EOETABLES contain valuable damp newspaper and then sweep While God works in us,. we au to salts, whicb are too ireq uently with a carpet broom. A vacuum To dry silk stockings quickly, fill INDIGESTION can be caused by them with tissue paper and hang work out ow own .&I.atloo. . over.eating, over· work, over·excite· thrown away in the water in which oleaner should be frequently used to Tbo.e who h'ead tbl; patb of life vegetables have been boiled. This them in a good draught. ment, too Jittle variety of food, and keep dust from acoumulating in car. io. a cheerful .pmt aDd ue able. to water should b~ wed for soups and poor mastication. If we remove the • pel


RELIGIOUS AND SOCIAL Ibholoro Enkulu e Yakhiwe ngu Rulumente Regulations for the Registration of Ezue Ncemera SERVICE Phezu ko Mlambo we Lomati Male Natives: (Peelton) A Phlloloph, Of Lifa That Workl lSI PO ESIKULU KU BANTU yakelwa phezu kwengqoko zama· Urban Area of Cape Town tye ubude obuli 120 feeti. Indlela ITH effect from tho 30th Juno, :aX' W~Tm H. JUDD, M.D. pbozu kwe bholoro ukuyn kuma W1\}39, the employer of 8 Native KWIVEKl e.idlulileyo kaqul.i.o. READ, years ago, a book c,~lIod "I·BHOLORO yo ml.mbo wo Lo· ngengqoko zo.ooatye endlela yenzi. shall pay a fee ot two shilling8 per . ne l8lkolo eaee Ncemera ne'Me I "Ono Inoreasing Purpose, by mali ngumsebeozi omble ku­ we ogetela, ukutebo. incUela iga· month or portion thereof in respect Kel Rood pbaDlei k weDgqoOSq OI UO A. S. M. Huwbinson. It baa been nene," kut.!lho u ?tInu. D. L, Smit, lei we ngamatye amaooinoi abla· of a contract of service entered ioto ?etl ta ~ala IO to ka Mtoba, Umdltllo in my mind a thousand tlmea aU u Nobbala we Ndabo. 'lBkwa Ntu, nganiswe ogetela ukuze ingonaka· by 8uoh employer and Native, witb· Ibe yl fu bola, yaba ngumdJ"lo these months since May. A boy U yaye ingum~ebeozi anoku,,;idla liswa zimvula. Ngapbaya ilitye iD the urban area of Cape Town. omhJe kunene Dobukekayo. UI be went through the war. His frtenda ngawo u Rulumente. Ulinyatclo Iimbbiwe uhunzulu obuli J2 feet This fee, 01 coutse, is 8ubJect to uyaphela umdlalo aba seland e and bis pals, more gifted than he, ehbalulokileyo kwi nqubelo pbambi­ ukwenza indlela ebbekisa kona, reductioD by Doe balf if the cootract ! "yokosa awase Peelton. ImpinJa were killed-and be oamo through Ii ye Nqila zaba Ntsundu " ngokuba udonga lomlambo Iupba. of service is entered into by suob keme kakulu. Ibholoro ipbakame ~b: 8& lleeltoo .pho aziba1u lo alive. The question baunted hUD Kwixesba langapbambili indlelo. employer and tbe Native concerned Ro°na amakbwenk"&nA aee Kei -" Wby 11 Wby 11 Tboo haunts yokuwelela kwi nqilo zabn Ntsundu amanyatelo ali 16 ukusuka kum· after tbe 15th day of any partiouJar ~d . At~ oala 8thu .19,. afa me, too. Wby did the Commoniate phakatbi kwi Milarnbo ye Lomati pbantsi womlambo. ~ty, w. DJeogamadoda kh I montb. ikowawo. a use " come three weeks after I lef~ instead ne Komatipoort ibiyeyar.;e mazi bu­ "Aba Ntu bakbona," u Moo. C. The fee previously was one shil· of three weeks before, or three kwent kupbela. Kwinyanga ezini. A. Raw6, Umocedisi wo Mhle e ling and subject to the same re-. Barberton, uthi xa eaixelela, "bam· Iikbe yinga:ikela yomdibaniso wo­ months before, or eight mootbB be· ozi eoyakeni u Mlambo we Lomati duotion if tbe contract wt.8 entered l foro, e.athey might justaa well have I wauogeweleki ngonxeni yobunzulu bulela kak.hulo u Rulumente ago· into after the 15th day of any mJ e 0 wa~a~ endawo nge'lda­ wo apha ~wl vekl ephelileyo. AI he They were jU.8tas near eight months mODtb. 91 /39. before as tbey were on tbe day 1 n~mal.u nglBel e lo noknrhubjza abo. OIsa Impumelelo entle kumjik.clo left. Wby I ·rhat ougbt to make • lowo. e better man out of somebody, out Regulasies vir die Registrasie van of me. Manlike Naturelle : . Kube luvuyo olukulo ukuphiuda The way of love. It works, but s l bo~e kokbut8hwa iotombl I,; uwo it is the way of the oroS9. It. just I Stadsgebied van Kaapstad lomzl eyokusakhela ububJobo ku. can't stop short of the oro ss. But AN unio s81 die werkge­ mzi wase .Pirie. Lo ogutiahalakazi let no man {ear, leti no man hesitate. AF 30 J wase Road okbaya lilapba e V wer van 'n Naturel 'n bedrag Kel r am not lying to you my friends. Ncemera u Nkosz. Polioah Namhla van twee sjiellngs per maand of If I told you oometbing 1 didD't Zondeki otehate nomlimi into ka believe with all my heart, or tbat 1 I.bholoro eyakiwe pbezu ko Mlambo we Lomati, kummand1a waee gedeelte daarvan betaal ten opsigt.e Vantyi. bacin', demonstrated to be true, 1 Barberton, ogu Rulumente ngemali eogange £2,600. van '0 dionskontrak. aaogegaan tussen sodanige werkgewer en Na· I D..J:ar uni ilucbithele apha usuku would be tihe most despioable our ID bo. manzi. Looto ibixbamla aba Ntu kubeozeLa Ie bboloro eyakutbi, this country . But, beforo God, I b b I I b bid torel. btnne cli~ stadsgebied van lwe 2nd October, ngomdlalo we abaninzi a e ewe e a. pes eya na· ngokuqonda kwabo, i e unce 0 Kaop.tod. qakamba. 8 ~ not lying. It works. It h?I~. nganeno kulo mlambo. . olukhulu kubo kwixesba elizayo, fuerdie bedrag is natuurlik onder· It 18 true. Not loyalty to a prmol- Ukuncedisa aba Ntu nxazombht. njengoko tbenzela lu1a ukuwela worpe aan we vermindering van pIe, a~ ~bstrac~ prlnolple; Joyalty oi zomlambo ukuba. babenokuham· umlambo naninlDa enyakeni, Da~e een belfte van indien die wena· Randfonteio, Tt&DB va&l ,haU allow tiO a liVinS ChrIst who walks wltb Ibe lana nanim xa befuna, ogapandle busuku, into eyayinG ngozi kwi. kontrak deur 80dawge werkgewer Natives to congregate 'on hili pro. YOu, . kokuchita ixesba kungekho o&ngo· xesha elingapharnblli." en die betrokke Naturel na die perty and 00 NatiVe, unleu in bvna "Lo, I am With you always, .. zi kubo na -e mpablo!D1 yabo, ooku· 15de dag van enige besondere ~ven unto the end of th~ world. benzela lula ukuweza iZlveliso zemi- Lebholoro iyakusetyenziswa ika· fide employment of eooh owoer I maand aaogegaan is. lessee or occupier of land, ehalJ It 1.8 true. Do not be afraid. blaba yabo u H.ulumente wazimise. kulu ngabo Bantu baMala kum· ~ Die bedrag was voorben een sjie1. allOwed to reside on hie property. 1& ukwakba ibholoro phezu ko mandla opbakathl k we milambo ye iog en onderworpe aa o dieselfde 92, 39. Mlambo we Lomati apbo ucUula Lomati ne Komatipoort okuya vermlDdering indlen die kontrak na • kumzantsi wase Swazini. Inge­ kona pbakathi kwe Fama ze Sooth die 15de van enige maand aange­ ogabo abaptu abadala kuphela • I Am A Christian African Nativo Trust zase Buffel. goaD is . 91/39. aprUlt ne Driekoppies, kwisitbili k 0 k 0 nabaot.wana bayaku wela STADS6EBIED RANDfONTEIN: - - umlambo agaphandle koloyiko - •.- sa88 Barberton. Uilbreiding Van V.rbod, Streek A CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE I·bboloro yamdla u Rulumente nabunzirua. tilempahla yabo eba· Imitheiho yoku Bhaliswa kwa ama £2500. Ibude buH 108 feet mbayo ingaqbut.ywa oeZlveliso ze· Madoda a Bantu VAN AJ! 11 Augustus 1939, mag By JESSE R. WILSON kwicala ehnyo, njengoko kuboni­ mduaba zingawezwa lula naogalt- geen elenaar, boarder of be. siwe emfanekisweDl, lodlela yakona pbina i.l;:esha enyakeni. 86/a9. Inqila vase Ka~a wooer. van grond binne tien myI s a Christian I have had and A KUSUKA Dgomhla ..a ma 30 ku van die grem van die etadsgebied have now a Christian exper­ MUNtCIPALITY OF KRUGERSDDRP, to 8 p.m. on weekdays (exclusive U June, 1939, umqeshi WOIDntu van Randfont.ein Nat ureUe toc'aat ionce. A real Christian expellence of Good Friday and any weekday o Ntaundu uyaku Waula im&Ji ezi· om op sy eiendom te vena mel nie is always first-. hand. As children, TRANSVA Al: upon whioh Christmas Day may sheleni ezimbinl ngenya nga noba e ~ geen Naturel! tenay in bema fide or in t he beginning, we hear of fall) and 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sun­ lSlqendu sayo walunga nesivume· diene van sodawge eien&&l', buurder J esoa Christ from others, bu t tbere Exclusive Municipal Supply of days (exclusive of any Sunday upon lwano somsebellZi esenziwa niu­ of be wooer van grond, sal tot'ge­ ie nothing vital, nor can be, in any Kalfir Beer whlch Christmas Day may taU) &8 mqeshi Domntu lowo, phakati kwe. leat word om op sy eiendom te "hearsay" religion. Something compared with the prevIous hours nqUa. yase Kapa. Le mah, kuya· woo n DIe. 92/39. must happen to U8. Tbe experience W ITH effectlrom the 11th Auguat, which were frolO 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. qondakala. iyakutotywa ngesbeleni must be our own. It m ust be 1939, tbe hours during wh!ob 00 weekdays (exclwllve of (Jood okokuba iBivumel wanO 80msebenzi • validated in our inmost being. When kaffu baer may be sold end supphed Friday and any weekday upon 86nz.iwe ngumqeshi nomntu Iowo IHQILA YASE RANDFOHTEIN : t he wo man at the well in her new­ to Natives by the Muoiclpalltyof wbioh Chrtstmas Day may ttlU) emva komhla we 15 oakweyiphina fo und joy a nd eothusiasm went in· Krugersdorp, were fixed at trom and from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. 00 Sun· lDyanga. Ukwandiswa kwe Nqila ye Salelo to the village a nd reported to the 9 a .m. to 6 p . m. on Sunday8 days (excluslve of any Sunday upon Ngaphambili Ie maH kwaku KU8 men her contact with Jesus, they (exclusive of any Sunday upon which Christmas Day may taU) . yisheJeni eoye eyayi tOtywa kwa· U USELA ngomhla ..e 11 ku came oot to see Rlm. It was whioh Christmas Day may fall) as ijO/39. ngalendJela okuba isivumelwano Aug."-st,) 989, namphioa umlU m, interesting, but whati of it 1 "Well, compared witb the preVIous bours • senziwe emva komhla we 15 umqeshiselwa okanye umhlali ku. not mucb-uatil they tbemselves whicb were (rom 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. MUNISIPALITEIT SPRIN6S: nakweyiphina lOyanga. 91/39. mhlaba opha kati kwe mayile ezili­ had lived witb Him for two days in 88/39. ALLEENRE6 OM KAFFERBIER shumi kumda weoqila ya88 R a.nd. t heir own homes. Tben they said, URBAN AREA OF• RANOfONTIEN : fontein, Trall8vaaI, akanakovuwela "Now we believe, DOt because of • TE VERSKAf abantu Aba Ntsund u ukuba babu. thy speaking: for we bave heard MUNIStPALIT EIT VAN Extension Of Prohibite Area the1aoe endaweni yakbe yaye ANAF 28 Julie 1939 i. die ure, akusozekuvunyelwe namnye UDl otu fo r ourselves, and know that tbis is V indeed the Sa viour of the World." KRU GERSDORP TR ANS VAAL; gedurende waoneer kaHerbier ITH effect from 11t h August, o Ntsundu, ngaphandle kokuba abe The simplest answer to "Wbat is aan natureUe deur dIe Munisipali. W 1939, no owner, les. ee or uq.esbiwe nge" ng ll~nioi , umqe. a Christiao experience 1" is to say Alleenreg om Kaflerbier te teit Springs verkoop en verskat kan occupier of land within ten miles of sbiselwa okanye omblah kulo mhla­ t hat it is an experience Of or with. Verskaf word, vasgestel op vanaf 8 v.m. the boundary of the urban area of ba, ukuba ahJaJe kulo nda wo, 8 n.m. op weekedae (bebalwe J esus, It is t he kind of expenence die llde Augustus is oot (Oont",ued in 5th column) 92/39. ANAF 1939 Goeie Vrydag en 'n weeksdag t hat men and women bad With Rim V die ore gedureode wanneer wben He walked and talked witb waarop Kersdag val) en vanaf. Y kafIerbier deur die v.m. tot 6 n.m. op Sondae (behalwe t hem in Judea or Galilee. When Krugersdorp aall Naturelle verkoop n :sondag wa.arop kersdag vaJ) i Q Mattbew loft the place of toll aDd en verskaf kan word, vasgestel op vergelyk10g met we ure voorbeen fo llowed J esus, he began to enter vanaf 9 v.m. tot 6 op Sondae WHY WAIT into a Christian experience. When wati vanat 7 v.m. tot 8 n.m. op ( behalwe 'n Sondag waarop Keredag weeksdae (behalwe Goeie Vrydag tbe woman at the w~ saw Jesus mag val) in vergelyking met rue crossing the barrier of sex and race en 'n weeksdag waarop Kendag WHEN YOU vortgo ure wat vanaf 2 n.m. tot val) en vsnaf:l n.m. tot 6 n.m. op and religion in order to reveal to 5 n.m. was. 88/39. her tbe spiritual nature oC God, abe Soodae (beha lwe 'n Sondag CAN GET had a Christian experience. Con­ • ..aarop Keroclag val) was. 90/39 . eider, also, tbe eigmficaot meeting U MANISPALATI WASE • of JesUB with Zacchteus. How did U MANSIPALATI WASE SPRIN6S: THESE it come about' No one knows for KRUGERSDORP, TRANSVAAL: ILUN6EKO ELlN6ELAKHE YEOWA sure, but oom'ODe lettiD~ hill mlDd tlungelo elingelakhe yedwa loku LOKU SILA UTYWALA EASY play on tbe record as it 18 given In . tbe New TootamoDt pictures Slla Utywala KUSu,KA Dgombla wama 28 Joh~nan, Collector at . Magdala., I U KUSUKA ngomhla we 11 k~ U July, 1939, iyure okuyakuti TERMS haVIng Jesus as ~ guest ~ ills own August, 1939, iyure okuyakutl ngazo kutheng18we nokuDlkelwa home and then writing to Zacchreus: \ ngazo kutbengiswe nokuwkelwa. ngotywala ku Jiantu ngu Mansipa­ ? "Be sure you see Rim; don't let ngotywala ku }Santu ngu M~nsipa. lati W&Se Springe, zemiselwa ukuqa. Imytbing stop you." In the words lati wase Krugersdorp, z.emiselwa la ngo 8 kusasa deltube ngu 8 • of Zacohoous' imagined reply we ukuqala ngo 0 kusasa dekube ngu ngokuhlwa pbakati kwentsuku ze· learn what happened. 6 ntambama nge Cawa. (ogaphandJe veki (ngapDandle ko lwesi Wano Th. "WINNER" I"edroom Sc.heme (To be continual) kwe Cawa ekuyakuti ngazo kube olu Ngowele nalupina ol unye usuku FREE ~ yimini ye K.resm~i ). ukanti nga· ekuyakuti ogalo kube yimiui ye RAILAGE All bhown, coLDprilling 3ft. Sin. Wardrobe phambili iyure zaZIDllBwe ukusuka Kresmesi) nO U kusasa dekube ngu IN THE UNION rods and books; 3ft. 8in. T riple Mmor ngo 2 emva kwemini dekube ngu 6 ntambama ngeCawa (Dgaphandle l>re.wng Table and 3ft. TaJ.Iboy, m· 101 kwe Cawa ekuyakuti ngazo kube FURNITURe eluding Double Bed 8pnng and C011' • 6oodCare OQ 5 Dt.mbama. 88/39. BOOK POST me.ttreB8 in 1'cak· W k yimini ye K.r~mesi) xa ng$phambi· Per ee FREE ON Of Eyes ., Wm. Mark,o.o. • Ii lyure zaZI qala ngo 7 Our Easy Term. for the Complete Bed,oom SuIt_ your REQUEST BEOu~TB&ED ~BJ OAli Eyg.SP£ClALlb'l MUNICIPALITY Of SPRIN6 S: Indudine Bed 10J. per wa.k. (ChlQ,. 1II·I.Lol An" .. California, U .5.A.) dekube ngu 8 DgokuWwa pha.kati ServiOll ADd Satiafacllon A.s8uned. EXCLUSIVE MUN ICIPAL SU PPLY kwentsuku zeveki (ngapband1e ko , Latett ADlenc&n Scientlfio E Xa m lDatlOl1l OF KAFFIR BEER Iwesi Blanu olu Ngcwele nalllpbioa And Eye Teat. olunye uauku ekuyakuti ogalo kube Union Furnishers Spect.aoles of Lateat ADlerioan Style•. ITH efleot from tbe 28tb July, yioomi ye h.r..:smesi) noku8uka ng() LIMITED NO HIGH C HARGES W 1939, the hours during wb!ch 2 emva kwemini de~ube ngu 5 Johannesburg. 66& COMM I SS IONER S T R EET ntambama nge Cawa (ogaphaodle 44 Plei n Street, kaffir beer may be soldaod supplied ' H oNe: l}...UC).4 ( Hot.1 Ylnorla) ' .0 . lOX .,,...... ~ Cor. Sauer Street, Johannesburg to Natives by the Munioipality of kwe Cawa ekuyakuti ngazo kube Your ApP(llJltmcnt ~Jcaee Phone: lU908 Springs, were fixed a"O from 8 ... m. yimlDi ye KrOOmool). 90/39, ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_ i" OMTETELI WI. BANTU, JOHANNESBURG, OCTOBER 28, 1939 11 Izijungqe Zase Qonce Uvaliwe Umbhoxo Kwelase Tinara Kulo "Ghaxa" Kwa WINTLANGANISO ye Bhunga 'TAlE (ARE"! be. ikho kwelase Ttnara. imibioi K Gompo OF YOU. I o g 0 k u njengoko a ba Numz. Ellkulu Jo Mneno-Noiba. u Izibuthile Indebe i Swaliuws B oyaoa, Mquqho. M6ni, bobata­ Moogameli oncedisayo wo Limo tbu zindlali ze nkilikit.hi kwelase lwaba Ntsuodu. u Moo. W. &. Norton, wenze isiqazolo senteto Abamhlope Bakhaleza i Pasi IS! roa Xoseni ogokuojalo oe Try (NCU \'"(fL]NDLELA) ngaro Limo kwimimandla yaba EXAMINATION Agaio intsika yaillpa akuko 0061.0 Nhundu. Uhambis8 wati kubona.­ Lomsebenzi BY QUALIFIED -rMVENI komdlalo omhle noqaqa­ izeleyo si ook\! pllkelu. abllntu ngayo OPllCIANS kala imfazwe izakuyinqumamisa ~ mbileyo kwezase !lnara indlali yokuba kUzllkudlalwa luhlobo lu· ioxalenye ya misebenzi ebizakwe· .zoOlboxo i Swallows izibooakalise Olna. nziwa Ii Saba 10 Limo, 8ojengobiyo el!l.ngeniswa. n ~ al0 ip18i. GLASSES SUpp),'!:ISf. lIkuba yiyo "ingooyama." Jtulooyaka IGuao Okwelituba ro i b i 0 i imibutho Iwamllosimi ngenxa yokungafuma­ elitsha ekutiwa yi "Regi3tration -ngoku.fumana. i~debe :!ibentatbu eqinisekileyo ye okiliokitbi e Tinara neki kwengcingo ; namaxabi30 ezi­ of Service Co ntraJt3" kwidolopu RAPHAElS ezizezl: Dr. HOUIS Cup, Dolley Cup yabantsuodu ekungek~o ndlela ya­ nto ezitengwayo azakwenyuka. y&Se Kembriji, kwixesba eJizinyanga. 115 JI!PPE S! .JOHA.NNESBUR G oe Bacoo Cup, saw i Star of Hope kuroi.3a Bodi yayo nJengoko seku· Kufanelekile kengoko ukuba­ ezisithobg. eZ ldlulil t}yo. lingx!\mele sawioa i Brockett. Cup; kwaogo ojalo oamhlaoje kweyombox~ nga: ot.u balungiselele into 8ngekehli, ukwetha, kuba kaloku waloku mdlalo esathi phakati kwi season paodle kokuba kubekho eZlDye 1 ngokuvelisa ukudla okwaneleyo wayetsbilo kakade u Mxbosa om­ sazama ukubonisa umdlalo waso clubs ezivuselelwayo. E 20 e t b u ukuneeda iliz we lipel&.. da!a. ukuti "igugu lingaba.likbulu, wama ndulo. imbono zezokuba kupbindwe ku­ U RuJumente eelevakalisile ukuba umbombho uyaqosha!' A!liyiyo Inkoojane, njeogoko kudlala menye intlanganlso yenko~eli U· uzakubatengisela abaotu aha Nl;su­ yooke imitbethwana yelipbezulu kakulu abantn abalula bamelwe badlali bomboxo kub.)nlsl'Vane ; udu imbewll zohlobo, nezicumiso elungayo e Koloni k'\kade. E Monti kukuacooywa ; ingekuko okomdlalo yaye kuqinisekile ukuba zo.bakho ogamas:abiso atotyiweyo. (uti u na ~e Kembriji i Ofi9i ula ma.p~9i kodw& koko, Da 'gokul.imisela uku­ indlali eziookllfllmaneka kWI club Rulumente ucamioga ukuocedin azidibanang'\ zingamelaoanga nak,,· pula pula il.ipata maodIa zab~ zon~ nganye zidlale kulonyaka z5b~ abaot.u abafuDa ukut.eoga amakbu­ njalo ne ofi~i ye p:lll tax, w .. ye bezipbete eliqela ezintlangaol9wenl, zijooge ukuthi kozayo zoba seZlml ba okuhlak.ula, oamat.aoka okugci­ urn-Xo38. oyindoda. ogamnye ume­ yazo lonto yadala imvisiswaoo ebe kakuhle kudlalwe i oup fixtures. na ukudla. Kuyirnfuoeko eokulu lwe kukuqala ayokuluogisa. incwEldi nempumelelo eokulu k.uneoe apo Uawelekele kowabo e Njara 0 ukuba abantu balime i.,ntlobo·otlobo zake ze poll tax pa.mbi kokuba. kulo komiti yabo ipete J Swallows Mou, Alvio Mbuda emveoi koku- zezit.yalo, bangalimi umbona kupe­ ayokunyatelisa e pass office. Ir:uko Num%. S. Mfama, J. guJa ebamba apa a.watbi ogoku- la. Makublwayelwe imbewu n­ Umgam" p!\kati kweyase Kembriji Dloodlo Beshe, W. Pityaoa, ngo­ ziva ukubambela pambili kokufa matapile, intlumaya. imbotyi ezi­ i offi ce ne 06ii ye poU tax lmnjalo' nabaoye. Kwezesibini i wacela ukusiwa kwizwe lokuzalwa nkulo. iogqolowa ernoyama, nama­ ukwisituba. se m3.yile ezisixeoxe, Hamilton ifumene i Evan's Cup kwake ; ezathi zeujeojeya zonke izi- zimba. Eoye ioto efunekayo iii­ inokutelekelelwa. kein:umleko yoku UKUNGASILI KWESIS~ njeogoko zileqeoe kakulu ne Blue: hlobo zake zegazi sakuvakala nywe ogokubao'li yimiruno e'ligadi­ qurta plokElti kwel.i 069i efuoyanwa "asinto isekhoyo apha'" sky kwayalapa :. etbe ;y~y~ isithooga sokuswelek& kwake kwa- oi ; izito\e 2oiookufum .. oeka lula, ng~baqeshw.\ ablDhundu nab,­ joint. holders kWlDdebe eZIOlblD1 I Thbl th. ibcn,., I c.rtu'. Little ,f'!:;:, seku6keni ekaya kwioyaoga e6leyo. iodlela 200kutyalwa kwazo ioq:abu­ qe3bi ba-ba abam':Ilop~ . LentlllpekJ Pili phah, kolnlb. UI ,., ubu,." tI enye. em.. .Io0kul,.. v&i • ., uhl""';"'e.Ioik. School Cup. ne Dr. Kolberg. Hafner Ube lilulama lendodaoa; eogqondo zwa kuba 800i9( lu Limo Ngako k\Vlbamblope baie '&od Orsmond ne Morning Star yase imiyo ; ikholwa lokweneotl eliLhe- oko wonke umntu makalinge uku­ Kernbriji id!t.le iiiroro e9ivakaliswJ Addo. Iqela lase Nqweba kwakona mba !.:umaoyaoo IW~Oladodana ase I lim' kakulu kaogangoko anako, ngamfltzwi (l,tlgafiblisiyo kwintla· Jizamile ukuyiteza imidlalo kwicala Rabe egqadaza kwimisebeozi yase ngelixesha lemfazwe umotu anga­ Dgani~o yabo eyi Cambridge Civic niso ayakuti ameuywe shakon. layo njengoko lidlalela ekaya; kub~ tyalikeni. Ushiya iokosikazi ase- tembeli ngokuti uyakuteoga kwe­ A!lsociation ebihlangene e Clifton naye kuyo u Mou. 0 G. Ha.rtmann. ibe mibini imibuto ezokumela 1 lula kakulu ababe sanduku tsha.ta nye iodawo. futi makugciowe Hall kwicawa. e6leyo, kangangokuba i ma.ntyi yakwa Ndaba Zabantu.. "'fioals" kulonyaka kunge Born­ ojengoko yamandulelayo eyoku· impElhla eoexabiso. zitengiswe ezi­ 010 Manyano lugqibe ekubeni esial­ ne gOS& Ie Kansele yase Kembrijl fighters yase Veli e~etwe . nge qala. Esivakalisa uvelwano Iwetu ngenamsebeozi. kh&lal.o sale sixoxwe kwint.lane:a- ekutiwa yi Registering Officer_ skora esilula kakulu Y1 Hamilton :.kumblaba ovaliweyo waba mblope oayo oeziblobo zakhe_ ~0 1d Collegians) apo eyokugqibela -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:=::. JimidlaJo yooyaka yadlalelwa khona. . - U Mongameli we Bodi u Mou. S. Imbuto ye Ntombi zo ::N. Nondlwana no Muo. J. T. eps US Matomela. ongu nobhala bawofeze rogokukodwa umsebenzi ababepa­ Manyano "tiswe wooa kulooyaka, kuba. oge­ "(ljongo bllozi kunene zam~ fresh strong! 't.yala e Bodi bacebisana. nezinye inqayi zebhola ukuba i 6n&ls 2oiyo E WESILE ngomhla we 6 Octo. dlalelwa kumhlaba ovaliweyo wa­ ber kubeko i 80cial ye 'Ntombi belungu esathi isicelo samkeleka 200 Maoyano' ey~yonganyelwe ngu ][wa.bamhlope. Ko1uvuyo ukuti Mou. E. T. Vanqa, IItbantu beliqela bafumana imali elible abalunge kubut.ya.lika base Wesile. Ekuvuleni kwake imbuto Ie, eyi £12 1 J yafeza i Bodi ukuba jpoob isiwe kwisibedlele eaiyi Queen u siblalo ucapazele kwimfuneko "Mary, esinye iseozo esikhulu yokuba 'intombi' ezi zizikbataze kunene eeo nesibooiae abamblope imbuto yezinye i ma­ ukusebenza kwengqoodo zapaotsu­ Dyano konukuze nazo zixaswe kwe­ Ddu ukuba bebe oezioto kakuhle. zazo. Iziteti ezibe ngo Nk08k. Ngetuba lokuoikezela kwake iadebe Amy Mkut.l!hlllwa, naba Num"t. W. .kwaba zizuzayo u Mnu. A. Park M. Ntuli, M. O·C. Diogiswayo, A . ongu mongameli wombuto we Old Stefane ekukbutazeni amalungu olu Collegians yabamhlope nowaka manyaoo. zite injongo ye 'Ntombi I The Driver: I'm 10 tired. I'..-e been drivmg all morniog. .. Hi, Pricod: H&ro-b&... lOme ol m, tea. 200 Manyano' mayin~abi kukuta­ I'm rrfghlencd ru haV., 1.0 ·cddtnt I.Ild lem my job. you roel bc:tterl ~aDgu sibonda wedolopi wenze ..mulu wooa amazwi, anco ma imi­ ndaza nokubbala kod wa, makubo­ oakale iziqamo zenkutalo ekucoki­ gudu yabaotsundu ekuzameni uku­ NEXT WEEK • ..qubela pambili kayo yooke imeko seni amaka.ya, nage kulungiseleleoi • .abapantsi kwayo. nasekufundeni izinto zentlalo ntle kwelilizwe. I 8010 ezimoandi ze­ , Umbuliso ka Nko&z. Kula. zenziwe Kosz I Salina D~niso, NelJie Jojo, naoga \ Emveoi kokukhonza kwisebe lase manye amaqela, kubaojiswe izi­ "Topiya kwilali yase Ndikindeni iqela puogo ne keka eziruoandi, kuteogi- leminyaka wenzel we umbuliso wo­ 8~a neziqamo neziselo ezibandayo. "kuba. e3imka mpela esiyakufundi3a Sipaule amanene ango Geo . Tyali, ltOwabo ngase Komani u Nkosz. {, J . T. Lambata, G. II O. H. Kula ngobusuku bombla we namaoenekazi aogo M. M!l.Ii, B. •• 29 September , itbeko elo longanye­ , I Yengo, M. Gwayi, E. K. Tunyiswa •• • lwe Ogll Mou. D. Z. K . Kopo. Violet Bonkolo. ' -,. • Ngeaiutu sokuba um'li wase Ndiki­ J Driver : You were rigbt. 1 do feel rcfreabed­ ~ :ndeni umi inyawo ngemfudaka Umbuto we Unity Club wamane­ 4· The Odvd I Thank you for tdllog me .boat .... thaI Ie. b:u done me good I I feel 6t to drive IS-in t' tea. I ahn.,. dri.nIr: It "beD I fod titcd DOW I I caa · ·e nkulu yowlizo lwezindlu ; abantu kazi alapa ulungiselela ingxikela ye n o ~ I j ..... work mOt'e quickly I.Od mllter 11 yety pleuod. • abafikelelanga kakuhle into eyeDZa conoert ne dance e Weir Hall ago­ "c . "00_ ••• Here ate .ake u NkollZ. Kula e Tinara, ube apa ieitaba seminyaka emibioi, u :yimvumi ye Bantu Culture Club Hou .. E. L . »ekeda, osiDge e Stut_ Cl8elok.o kakulu ngoku­ t>erhetm nsomhla we 8 Ootober apo oCJ.eqeeha abaotwana becrikolo kwi ·Y0It;tba.mb& kona umaebenzi woku l>aliket ball ngoknojalo nani . kwisikolo S&88 Weaile I WOULD LOVE A Wayfarer8. Ukwele kwiveki elanda­ fund~ edCI~PI01 •.. Ultumka k"aleododa Mr. and Mrs. TEA-DRINKER layo ukusinga. ekayenllake. k ushlye laUoba kwimibuto abe TEA-SET FOR A Nangona imibuto evakalayo u.ku- ! kuyo ojengomntu ongqondo WEDDING PRESENT lZUlZI eyo. U mbuto we Gaika E and their Family always drink T. club .be yi president yawo kul~ TEA. They :b:~ upe~yo uya.lila ogeoxa. ye- say: Give a tea-pot, With cups a.o aytbona.kalisileyo ; ama and saucers to match. to Tempile e :Xbanti lana Bhuluneli' friends wbo get roamed_ apa, abey! Grant yawo olohl k Iw I d' 'e e- Evcryone hkes tea, ~ o it e. n llDa yomsebenzi ka 14 u'ould be a useful present. Deke.da kwizinto zentlalo-ntle tu. ye They would be proud of it, b~OZI kuoene ngexesba elifut6ha - i1900r/ liS fo, (0 too, .... hen friends came Stmoqwenelela impumelelo a ne. Cumakala. po e Vis it them for lea. Tea costs very little.

'l8UBA OYFICERS' MII:~8 CIGAR&rr&3 , 12 UMTETELI WA. BANTU. JOHANNESBURG. OCTOBER. 28. 1939 • Uncedo kwi Mount I Bhafudeyi Yamawele Ezase Rhini E Fairview e Bhai Coke Hospital N GOMHLA we 15 October, u I SINODI yama Wesile iqale apa (NGU QU.A.zrvE) W&8e STOP PAl MNU. HOLFORD MTOBA Nk08k. Daisy N. Gwiba kwh-eki edluleyo, umzi wakwa u w88e 1\1 kaJlgiso, io@qongqoto KOf1lten umemele indwendwe ku­ Dyani ume ngokuma ukulungiselela GOMElLA we 14 September beku· :yetitltFbala ucle ixamla u Mdlsndi­ mtyabuJo we siaUS& 80kuzalwa indwendwe. U Archdeacon K . Nviwa ab&ntwan80 besikolo salapa WITH Jili, ne nkosikszi yake babenentla· kwamawele akbe, kwisikolo sase Mather wase TshetBhi ogalelekila ng u lIou. Samuel Nongogo, kufu­ Rabe(Dipende). Am&~ama. aba.ntwa­ 'Ilgani80 nomzi wase Monh kwicawa ngo Stemele uku\~ela PhesheY8. ndiaa kuso u Nkruz Msit8baoa. engapaya, kwindlu )'8 ty.1ike yase Olio ugo Theodora nO Tbeodesia Mkulu umkubJane pakati komzi, Abantwana abaviweyo bangama NERVE-PAIN SPECIfIC: 'Rabe, iogu MOll J. S. Muzi esi bl ..- Gwiba. Indlu ihoDjiswe yayindyo· ama Kosz. :Mvambo no F. Malamba 83 kwioani lama 92 e1iseziocwadini. Iweni. Lentl.ngani60 ibimenyelwe kotywane ogentyantyam bo kukho abafundisa e Wesile bacinezelwe Kweloqela Iiviweyo, kupilumelele neta6JaoA ezihonjisiweyo apa ku­ No more agony - no more hOUl. ukunika ituha kum?:i \\aBe Monti pan!si oguwo, ogokuojalo no Nko~z. ama 62 yangumsebcnzi omWe 10, dlalelwe zonke iotlotyana zemidJa!o lokucutyelv.a ibali lom~ebeDzi om· D. Hilita ofuodis8 e Tshesbi. Use abantwana beqal& ukuviwa ungeka­ of torture. Nerve Pain Speoifio lbulu owentiwa si zihhedlela @Me y.eendlwini. Isiblalo sitatwe ogu sibhedlela. u Mnu J. Kelekete waye pileli nonyaka wokuqala sivuliwe banishes Pain in a fow minutes. MDll. V. Tan@s)'i obepbahlwe ngu Mkangiso ckuuct-deni iziguJana De eeaf. n2.ima u Nkoaz. M. Mas-eti eeisikolo. Umhloli uwuncome ka­ A sufferer writes: .. J tm.8 almos' Nkoak. Maud Toojeni. Ekuvuieoi milwelwe yakowetu, loncazo yeozi­ U Mou . D. Ncame ofundisa e kulu umsebenzi wetiteh&1akazi cr-ippkd u0i4h bad: paiM _ and kwake, u sibJalo uthe wabule!a ngakum bi i • discipline ' yake eba­ ";'W8 ogobucule ngumDtu kanye Tahetahi uJele tsibhedlela ogenka­ could. find no ulW!' until 1 look -C)wawuqalayo Joml!ebeozi mhlam­ indwendwe ngokwamnkela izimemo tazo anayo ekubonakele ukuba ntwaneni, akazilibala oe drilla nene, u NkOllk. W. H , Mtoba eno zokuza kW&lo siauea kuha izinto makatyaodwe, kodwa SiVu)Ta ukuti ngokupbakama kwazo. U Nkosz. Nert't Pain Spetijic. Tlae pain Iflu. Carr W8ma Methodist wodumo zelixesha ziziwa ngezimemo, ws· uqbubela ebuhbete1eni. U Nkosz. Msitehsna ngoku ufundisa e Walmer di8appeared ~'kr two dpital yama .Afrika, epbethe amawele ekbe. Iziphungo Bbai ubambele ekayeni U U/andeJa inkosikazi. Usizi oluku­ kungako oko u Nkoek. M. H. kwesiai6uaa zihanjiawe ogama Kon. Mno. W. W. Jabavu, i arente lu luku bantwana. 'Mtoba abbenela kumawabo ukuba A. Gantsbo, Y. Fongqo no N. enkulu yelipepa, udlule spa nge­ Panc.. Imali ebesisipho etafiJeoi Il&WO abeoentwana ayipo@8yo uku­ m\'ula ebanzi yo Mgqibelo we 14 ngokublaziya impilo yake kowabo. Ezase Qora xaEa kulomsebeozi. Kuwe inteto ibeyi £1 18" kunye nemfumba yeo October esiog& kwa GOrJpo ngemi­ kuba Numz. R. H. Codlo, W. M. zipbo kubantwana baJonkosikazi, cimbi eogxamisekileyo. Ulwamkelo Unyulo Iwe Oladslone C.C. EkubuleJeni abebekbo, u sihlalo K UNGOSIZr eeivakalisa ezoku- RuLusDoa, D S. Mt yong" 0, Balung. 10 Mvangeli Stephen Mtyeku wase u bulele ne • wail ers' wazincoma Unyu)o Iwale team luqutywe sweleka kuka Nkofjk. Adelaide Z. B. AJHat),va 00 F. C. Bota Topiya-Oda luyakuba ngotnbla we kwepelileyo i\~eki, Iwema ngoluhlo­ Gume slvelana nowakwake u Mou_ zokwenza iceho mayelana neodleJa ngokunga pbazamisi umeebemi 4 November. Akakho mpilweni­ 1\ C'zithethi DA::!:a bekuvunywa. ]sl. bo President, G. H Aiandleni ; Wilso n Cume. Kusweleke kwakoll" ooganceda Jl ~ayo umzi wakwa otle u Nkosk. M. Mioi ogokukba­ ~ival 1\e obairman, C. Ngesi vice chairman, u Nkosk. Martba Bnbie, inkosikazi Compo kul enl!.xa ~i Ju.e IUkangiso EU'a ul.uh"ile [ go Mb obe tazwa lidolo. Ubuyile u Nkosk. S. Wesizwe. T . A. Jantj es~ abatunywa e Bbodi­ yo Mnu. Frank Bobie. Kwe Ilgapa­ kW8sele kumiedvoa i komiti engq i~ Nkosinkulu e Bbai apo ebetyelele ni ba Numz. D. S. B, Dlukulu, T . ya. inyanga ~ a ~ h iywa yindoda enku. odilili l Clw2.i ) okuylla ingxowa kwa mnskwabo iqela Jentsuku, A. Jantjes DO B. Faku, captain, Iu u John Mdallj'ana, U Mlu. W.B. yoocedo cmm£mi iogu Mou D. S. C. Dotwona, no Ethel A. Machobaoll.. u6ke ngent ~ a@a ye Cawa yo 15 A Divi!:iion. C. Ngesi , vice captain, T"hume ebo lapa go zelizlti. U October. U Nkosk. Mabope Mtyvogwe, uDlgcini slhJalo we Liso Kwilinge lase bl nti kU,lakubene_ J. G. Mafongo ~i , D, Di.d!ol ion, csptain, Mnu. \\'. Motlahnnf' 1\a!'le l<.ieheek Lomzi Jaee Monti. Kuvuyieile Iwa k"indidi zonke tomzi, abetya waae McNamee Village e New D. S. Dlukulu ; vice oaptain, W. East ebe lapa U Mrs. Mancam. l.Ikubona iuani lamanenekazi antau· like, abadlali belhoJ a, otitl'bala, Brighton, ugaleleke e Rhioi nge­ Gqomo; secretary, T . A. Jantjes use Rini nge utllebenzo. (Tye "'a­ ndu kultJltlsl guiso aDama Ko~k. abemi jikEle, ababambi bfmidaoieo ntEasa yolwesi Bini oludluleyo 8Sbistaut, D. S. B. Dlukulu ; trea­ huya no-spo I"ake u Nkotlk. A. L. J_ Xatasi L. G, Xiniv.e, M. O. njalo ojalo. E angela ktJ111hlati olandelayo s urer, G. H . Mandleni. Nogaya e Rilji

nl• e

I '

Olupau-]orwebo lenzelwe okuze niogaqatw& ogabaotu abanite. ngisela izihlaogu ezibi. Inkoei eziokulu ezingabanini migodi zit.e

If Abaaebeozi Migodi bafaoele ukwonwaba! Bafaoele ukuba babe ne:l.ihlangu ezilungileyo eziogayi kudleka ngoku kaulezileyo,''' Ngoko ke sezeoze ezihlangu ezizlblaogu ezipeleleyo eni o()k uzitellga Qwalaselani ngeoyameko njalo okuba oi!umao& izibl&ngu ezinolupau­ lorwebo kwiveokile ye nkomponi yakuoi. Izihlanp;ll Zaba Sehen::,/ 11 fifj!Jd,


Isiblangu Be N.RC. 8ingafomaneka kwi Venkile y&"e Nkomponi kupel. I hiblaogu ze N.R.C. zigoina ixegh" elide huoeziDye izibl&Dgn ngoko zikwaziblangu ezingadliyo imali ewnti onaka zilum"na.. • UMTETELI WA BANTU, JOHANNESBURG, OCTOBER 28, 1&39 J3 .

Tsa Koffiefontein I Mafboko a Mangaung Makumane a -- --- Tromp,burg E ka mMollbi ra tsebisang mona Konvenshon ea Bantu Methodist Unamandla K lefu la mohlankaoa Andrew Church (KE TLUASA) Posboli Mokgethi, morta . Morn bile Ie komiti eo. Riohard Mokgetbi,le MoC. Elizabeth HO sokata ea (KE MOK\VALEDl) mafuma.hali a tbapelo Okumelana Mokgetbi e mahalo. 0 tiroetse ka. 1& 1d&&06 kerekellg ea Weaele. molula-setu 2S September. a patoa ke Moev. I.J. MA. HUMA.OA~I lo a kcreke sa Baot~ ale Jerreu l\1qomo. Ebale mosebetsi Phuthi 0& kereke ea. Luthere, 0. tIs- Method ist a nil . a kopanetsl 0 motlo 0 makgetbe ka. 8obele; tsit.soe ke Moev. A S. ~bkuetla. 080 mono ha Nomsebenzi malobaoyallll. .E ne nang hale toog bo tsoa. Springfoutoiu n.R.C. Ba.tbo ba nO ba Ie 1 U' . Re ale kooveo'3hen I eSt bone. me banl\- ba one e Ie Mong. Maribe Ie m.,furua· mohau bobane IDflfu 0 timetso ,mae cwa. ntlben~ cot,lhe tsa. Kopauo bali, ana In B a Ie sio ka bo se phele haotte a lIe 0. oona na kantle go Natal e:)Oe ene ese '.'8. a la tang Jona') Ie G'lb'lutloeloa Wako Na? romeloa sepetle mane Maogauog. ba.romioll. 'riro ell bone e helle Jllggerilfonteio. Juffrou M'lf)1D'J, Ka 180 2 Ootober Mong. L Duiker beke eotlbe. Tiro aoe. ea bolwa kll Moruti Mqom'J, MoL Tdime, 'Iof. Galela. i Swekile ibe ninzi o tlobile Ie bans. ba sekolo ka lorry \ 1& di 3 October Morutl P. J. More Lecoko Ie Mar. M. Mqomo Ie ekutyeni kwo.ko. ngokuba bo ea Petrusburg, Olio Nkota. ho bapilla 01\ REIoodfontein .ele ene. setutong a. Son tab i Swekile fuluboto, Ie ba.'Jket a. abile Selallo 8a. Morena iyakukunik'lo uko· bllllie ba P",tru'Jj emetse mookamt Morutl Ramusbu se oebeloa ba t la ba fumane ke Moruti Mqomo. melela okudiogek,yo uku· thupa.. Tbaka ea 0 Da a sek \ a tla kilo ntlha ea boo Moketeng 11 Brigbt Stars ea ana 0& 8elallo re tba.betse ba weoz;e um~eb :mzi wako. lebae e ne e He tlhoko. 0 na a dira puo e monate boba Jacobsdal ka Ie Ju(Jrou Rammala Olio futubolo e till. e hlotse a shupa ka. moo mah,,!magadi a D.R.O., Tenga i Jacobsdal ka 3-0. Ie seblots'oana 8a mafuma­ dirileng kilo gone go godtsa kereke hali a Fora. Mof. Matthews · b 1. 1. Mof K D e ea Bantu Methodist. 00. H o baelre t 0 .. ' 'MMotl. J . B. A.M E. Ie ene 0 00. a Ie teng I. Khoduga 0 tsoa., 0 tla a bolala Kopo I eleng Motlam ~dl 0 ogo 0 Olio seblopba sa mafumahali a habo. bophelo bo monale bf\ teng. Re Kareke e 0 na a dara puo ea .bo Sena se bonttl'8o lerato, kutloano 10 thabila bo (umana 0001\)00 0 mocba. cwerere ke moholo Mong. Samuel Gopaoo.. a kaea ka go gola go. tIro mOM 0 motle 00. Iikereke. Ro bile Moo Lebooa ea tsoaog JB2erafon. eo. Ebile mosebetsi 0 monate baholo 0 mllnyo.oo. Ga morag.o go. gagwe Ie bo.tbo ba. amobeloaog Ie · g. '\ J Leeuw 0 boa go no ga bllna makhethe ka aebele. Re t I) buoa mookamlo thu8800g ba leboba elO. ong. . I '! b d Ph'!' r ke lepolesa II' 'Muso wa manyaoo e eng IJ. O ' moog'a plMi Mong. Visser ho bahela ttPPO umaga I Maoba ka pbomolo e 88 taoang IS rooa Ekile ea 6 be. D. Lutuli. Tiro 6 eotlhe mofuta. 0 mots'o kereke. Batbo'" roo seng 080. d ' ene ea bo feta, Mong. (captain, ILE mosuoe bon& nqeng hI" Pbiiippolia trwa peI e go I.nars,t ' D b ne bo.ile ka lorie tse peli tea Trompe­ me ga Union ke 'mali oa buotJ. Tennis Club) Ie Beng itse e burg Ie lorie e \ .• U .n1;.~~~1i .. moro..go mabumagadi a Olio a teen a Ie Makgothi ale ngoe ea Jagersfoo­ Okokubo. ivenkile yakuni bane be. futhubet!l6 tein. Bafumahali 000 hrong eo. koovesben. Mong. David Chol ba Wesele .. ikufupi ne Sitisbi sakwa o (captain, a.1.~. thapelo b.n. • Kamogelo ene ea nna. ka maabs.· Tennis Club) mo.ane BloemfootelO. b. I. tong ka bong"" Loliwe ngokwe maite ezi 5 nyano. hammobo Ie ba kareke tse ling. go o kame t~i rr& motse Re tbabela bo tsebisa babali bore .Be umteto uti makuogabizwa Tsa Motl. T. M re ka tbabo tsoella moroa Gopane Vereeniging . Mapikela M R.C. Go ba ile ba bapal80 ka. mokhoa 0 noile ka mosebetsi 080 bao 0 ngapezu kwe Ie dibui di Ie dint,i, me di· t.';loteb>lrng, roo ba ileng bablola moUe. puo di Alohlablobi Ross 0 bile teng ne di kopane Ie kopelo ea di Bloomfontein ha bonolo feela. Ehoa mona A la Ii 14: October kwaere ka blo.hlobo tsa sekolo. 2!d. N6E PONTI UBUNZIMA h1>hile Je Ie dl Ie tbaro. t~e pedi tsa lekhetlo lena ke labobeli B1oemfon­ Benghali K nyalo la tichere Ngwenya kerdke Ie Ditsebe Ie Makgothi ba ite Spriog­ . ea ga :\[otl. W. Sejamutla. tein antde a fumana tbupa. ho hlobo ea sekolo sa Fora. bo.tbo ba. Oibui eDe ele B:ltl. S:Hin~, Ng"k'l TrOml'iburg. fontein ko. ho cbaka. Ba khethe­ ne ba. tletse kerekeng, R.F. tsoeng hoea. sebokeng se Ie bane. ba Setlogelo, S. M, E1ia~, J. L. Bablo.nk:ma ba.neng ba emetae sebolo sa sekolo lEt maticbere a mona Lobere a.lafuma.bali a tbapelo . 'doruti III) Sol. Motsbl\bi. Go no ga M. H Bloemfontein Tennl':! Club a Wesel& ~h.tsie a bua m lnts06 a S6 ma.ka.e ara.bela maane Mangaung bam moho a Mohum D. Lutuli, Ml)t l. ke bana Beng;bah David Choolo (oap­ Ie re Ie oyalo Ie tla nyaliioa ke J .B. Juffrou Mqomo ke Mafumaho.1i Moru~i Nkopo le.'loruti A. Tilekelets!Io. tain), Ntsipa, Nteo, Mo~hiba.te J. J. Isa Bothaville Tdma. oa Orland'). M·)tuti a Nyaa e la, S. Makgotbi Ie l\ kOPl e nnile maitisbo a mOllate Ie Mokuella, P03sa ,M .. lotle Ie Nkoaoe. Be b. tichere llzangwo. bore a toloka. fba lakaletsa katlebo Ie taamao Ka pula ene en'l. M~l)ba kaSo o~aba Moruti e nUe. --- looa t~a.t"i leo mantsiboea Mqomo , ba t\bbuma~ad; anI' a ea ~o kop'lnq, l'l !\loruti R'l.mmala bane ba ite (KE lIOB.\L1) ntsuoa limpbo tse hoang ho Ie ml'}okami w.\ batbo mlhe, ll)LI J. R. [ maane Plutjiesfontein hoea baa • Ie ba.ns. bJ. sekolo, joale ba etqoe Cooper a ete,~we p~le ke M)t\ A Ii 30 September lori e ile ea.tlo· . T. \1. Jejoe kerekeng ea Wasele e baboang Ii pioa tae monate ke maticbere Mapikela, ka go ea go dim topo Samkela udaba 10kut9bona kwtl K ba monEt. Mopbatbe ho ea pbu­ Beng. Sekam'l.oe, 8elel0. Lepati. gore ba bone ~ebl ba so. go aJl;"\ leMe· ntombi ka Mou. pung ea ntat'a rona Mong. Petrose W. Biyana wase Batho ba ne ba pbuthebile haotle ke, ebile ba dlrile lokw(llo. l'tb banI' ts'eli~e m&Uo ana. Mokgotbu, ea. timeleheng Harris­ Robinson, into eble ngesiq upe emzi­ Ie limpbo Ii Ie oga.ta. Mof. M. b90 amoge le~o. sentle tb'\la. Bo ne bo tlile ba Wbites ka burg. Batbo loriog ba. ne ba OJ ni wayo, Ie Qhekoane 0 boetse bae Kroonstad. nale obolofelo gore delo di tie sia- pa.pali ea bolo. Ba tla ba e fumana abaninz.i botuswe Dgll 40. 0 falletse a Ie ba mora oa bae Moruti J. Setblatlole 0 kile are 0011. . Mookami 0 cbolofetsi gore thupa ba Whites. mkbosi othi akasekbo u e mobolo Mong. Nehemia Mokgotbu. ene Maradebe. kbalo ka selumalumane bo ea o t1a lopa gore kopo ea o na Ie liIemt') tse 1"..3. 0 ite kereke e e a Potcbef~troom. amogelwe, me ja.ka motlhanka 'felebstsoa ke batho 173. m08 1> betsi ga Motba na tha-ta ea gore godiragala o ke Moruti D. R. ka aa tennis 0 tbabetse bo . fumana Leraisa. Bana. ba ne ba. rhutbe. se 8& tennis MonJ. Mokete We Kopalo tiohere Monkoe. bUe kaofela. Yaloba ka dt 12 tall eona. kgwedi MOllg. Ke ka baka Lori e 'ngos ka li 8 October e ile Manong 0 na a ile Le;oele· e kwaere eo. Cbacbe e n&e nale lang ea tloba bo ea Venterdburg, moke· putsoa. konsarata kwa Community Hall, teog f)a me otlo ene a ka.peso ~ Moruti Lebona, Moog. B. Pitse, mohlablobi 03 tletsi ke bll.tbo, ebile ha ke khathetse ? kapeso ea kobo kbolo; ba oeng ba ile motse 0 He bae Lesotbo ka ba ka la go Ie teng Ie Makgooa ase makae, ['e ka bolela Kwaere ene Moruti L. M. Milile Ie bo kula. ale ka ha t1a'Je ga Motl. Batho ba bangata ba eitoa mofumabali G. Sidyiyo. ; Beng. H. Molebeleli, Mokete ona 0 na. wa ho utluisisa hore ke ka Ie-­ .J. Mokolutlo, 1. Seilsero, E. kwa.lwa. ka taMe . baka lang Matlakala, • ha ba ikutJua S. Molebeleli. Moruti Baitimi ba mOllo ba ne ba chwere ba Ie botsoa ba fokotse, Ie Mor. L tiro e ba Maile ba ne b~ Ie ka Lefll la Mosali-m~holo kgolo ell. b:nara kWl ntlo sena takatsO ea bo sebetsa.. motor car. choeu, Ba tla b" b&b~tso. B.S.I. ka Satarataga. e Ba tepe1etse. Matta a bona ml'}oate oa hitileog mokete babolo. Lebone Mane . Tiro e hamaile seotle a methapo a feJilc. Empa Mong. Ga.briel Mokgothu 0 ite tbata, b:1itiroi kaoo~i b30 nB ba ba sa kule 'meleng ea bona. ( Town bo ea lata. m?cbao'ae tiro ea bona, me Ie batbo FEELA MATLA A BO­ Marumpenyane b30tla ka Mong. John Semenekane. bo tlalo. Go lebogiwa di PHELO EKA HOJA A tsala coUhe k!lo tbu'tbo roo tirong Re utloa bore M'lng: . Franci .. ROBETSE. eno. Motae wa M!l.ngll.ung 0 matlho "Mokbetbi 0 til' lata m>fomlh!lli KE ka ma90abi a mabolo bore re · moleog ka ntlha ea 169hu la g.l. a.b· koa.oa Bloemfontein. R~ m') taka· bolele lefu la m')~ali · m)b 'llo rona eleng Mohum. L. Tau. 0 leha leb\ohonolo ka morali ea 'Miki Malisebo M",np.ltane L ~ booe, oa teng. a tlhagelwa ke kot'Ji o blokabetse ka Sa.t.erda.~a. e cwa kwa TicbereGana.berg 0 ile bae Sm~ti. ka Ii 7 QU90gglo£ooteio O;> tober, p>Ia.'Jing e90 kll. kara ea di pl~:fi, 61e bo ea bona m'JfuDHbali. G~lukip,o , m! a tbulwa ke a Ie bEt. mora Ii oa bo fej600 e Lydia loti eo. 'mulbo e'\ MB.hatsing a fetileng di tgela ea on& bobelo ene e Ie Suping; 0 oe a Ie Iilemo tse 1l4 jalo. Me mekete m"'loa motseog: , b90n!lo a nB. a 0& Mopb!l.te, Sebokong e oe e Ie 0& ha. Mtimkulu. nale b'lM ka letsbego ka. 10. Ii 14 Octoblr ba ba.- na ba halola. e ba Ie Ba.tbo ba M, bl ile b3. mokete oa baJara Pbitlhl'} e" kerekeng ea tbusa babolo p'llokQng ea mofu, ga~we e anile kgolo -n.R.C. mokete ona ba~ar" 0 oe tiro e obwerwe ke Moruti Mada a 1ikhoka a batIa KHOT­ Lengolo Ie lalelang lena ke .. 0 b90bolo Morubi R. Mopedi. Ba.tbo Olivier leng la e na Ie m')kete oa kon'tarete, bo Ie kwa kerekeng, HALO bore a phcthe mosebetsi makholokholo .0 te. ba ne ba pbutbehile habolo lefung, m' kwa m \bitleng oa amoheLang. Lc bale:. ·Me baehe tipiO!l. tse monate tse taamaisoang ele M>tI. T.J bo bona re ka bolela bana, setlobo· . Koitbeng. Dibui tae 003. Kbothalo e tsoa Bokong Ie u batla bo Khotbals. 1cka ke Moru~ L. M. Maile. Hooa dingwe a nnile VIRAT A. Kapelepde loana E. P. L,bone eo elen,:;: mosuoe Batl. S. Mac. Methapong, cscng likhokcng. Ha e ... -teatsing leo la Sateretaba ebe e Ie Lepolesa Ie John Lobase. bobtaa mads a eon&. ms.oe R1.molotsi. R e 111' Ie ba Mcthapo e tlama.isa melactsa e mokete 01' kamobelo ea ngoetse hla-rona 0 tlogela bara ba Mr. Richard Motlhabane. P.O. Lebone ba lablebetsoeog k.e motheo bane matla ea bo sebet8a KJ..ippla.at8drifr. motaeng oa ha Mong . Josiol Moalo ~i. Ie rra bona mo mabuhba.neng. eba monna kapa 'Via Veotencloqt.. oa mot~e 011. bona. Tvl., 0 ngola are: Meketeog enl' ea kereke e eotse Motbo 0 otae mosali 0 ikutJU2 ale matJa, a pba­ Eka m90ot.soe a Moevangeli a Ie botlboko ke .. Ke: De ke i.kutlua ke (okota chelete e kale ke £68 11 3. K'I. la Rra·rona phame, ale blaha, ale k. Binga.oe 080 Methodist Galela, rra·gwe blokvma­ mafolofolo, batla moriana 0 matl.aIall- ol. ti 28 October bo tla. e ba Ie m a kbotbat80, okete a ka fum'looEt. tulo ne D Galela. E 8e ile oako a. a khothet8e, a thabile, HOBANE Eiue hoba ke ubel.ise bodole kerekeng ea A,M.E. Chu lipelong he tse peU ua roh. blabil06og. bobola. MATLA A BOPHELO A Vinta b utlua be HLAS!· uunya Lintho me:t.h.apona: ea MOLOTSE METHAPO EA ka. lU lemoh2 hote Vinta e • lebelsa mehlolo. Batbo ka­ ieno ba mpoll2 ke tletse mad. Mafu Makeleketla ke kbothC:t5e 'me ba mpltu Ban~apezukwe m,OBB Abantsun du Abasebenzisai VIRATA ke Seto ta Boko Ie Me­ hore ke Phiri-Phamola. Ha k. thapo Ie loketaeng ho fepa Ie ho Jebohe looa haholo ke mpa k. HCl teoa 'm'a rooa leboba Molimo ° Ie ruenC Rebecca Letsoela. E ne e Ie ts09010sa maw Ii bopbe1o. Uba­ bohWe ba ba ho etsa Vitata.. mosali oa merapeio oa kereke ea pall tsa Football Ie Cricket U ca e Ke ikudua ke: thabile, ka I. auta, ke kbotbeue SINGER Wesele 0 n'a kutse ka 8ebeli8a bore . z:. likhoeli tse e Ii fe che8eho Ie ho boldta mang Je mang b ngata. Mofu a bolokoa ke bIoev. khothala boo II ho badang. Virala." A. Monamoli, ka ha Morutl vmATA e matlafataa banna ba V1RAT A uelcboa hohle Ira M~CHINES Mababaoe a libotlolo !Sa ne a ile Grootkuil ka fokolang, 1/9 (20 pilll) Ie 3/3 mosebetai oa kereke. 'me ba matla e aeto (40 pilla) kapa u romelle ho P.O. matla BOX 74:1. CAPE Rape bo timetse 00. Jaoo b a bona hobane e b. etaa TOWN a hore romcle cbelete. Sephuthclo_ Tbateloeena 0 kut3e nakoe kbutsoa· ba khothale. taona Ie ae Iehla. Nganina? nyane. Lefu la mablomola bape e bile 180 Ngokuba zezona zilungileyo kakulu zingakatazi. 'm'a. rona Sara Mooamoli Mobatea Nin!laqat"a \engaoJ ( Binger KUPELA). Booanan! nabe Venlr:Ua Moevangeli Abra.m Mona-moli. 0 ~kaoye KO Slogn dlbanaol 00 agent.e uLu-nlfumaoo ama Xabiao 00 Mlg"aqo. nil. kutAe ka schaka Ie eena, Bana Lluaketaol OQol:esba be l.OuWol to Slager abaoQOWlw.,o DIlOO O'V801r:i Io ba hae ba ne ba phutbl'lbile kaofela~ Ubooio~1 bayo bobupelei ..e luo.b. loootlaogant.el. 16 otchnbl Og8V.OI10, ogolloQl I' mofu a pat os. ke Bitoruti Inse a.tro Qkuf~ookla"a aez.oa.azona m ..bloJ .o~· • Z. R. tUDfla to SIIUfO'" Maha.bane, D. Ra.thebe Pbakeli Ie • Let,,'e1a.. H-) ne bo' pblltbehile \ balho ba 450. Molimo 0 I ...... TSUBA OIl'FlCERS' MEf'S OIGABE'rrES , UMTETELI WA BANTU, JOHANNESBURG, OCTOBER 28, 1939.

• PapaJi Ea Tenese Mafhoko A Manguang Papa Ii ea Bana ba Baboboli ba Lefuba ba ------.\ Qibing Sekolo Phiritona Elelloe Ntho tse ba ~~~~~ Khwelelisa (u MOKWALEDl) AOBA re bile Ie papa Ii e kbolo Tsosetsang Bohloko M ea teOe6e mooa hael!o . Bo DO EKOELE .a Bantu High Sohool VEKENG eoa bolutu bo ila ba Ilo bapala Try Again L.T.C. Papali S 8& mODO 88 ne S8 Dale koosarata ------" Kwezolo ke thaka ea baoa ba. OLOKOANA bo ka tho. k. eoa e ila ea bapaloa k. moe& 0 motle ma)oh.Dyana jans. ko Community aekol0 88 Bethlebem ka ho hlasela Bmokhathala oa mofuta 0 taoaang Jaabolo ho a4:!na likbathateo 'me Hall, modula-a8t.ulo ene ele Motl. baoa b& eekolo sa Kopaoo sa koano nge myoli i Bloemfontein e ile ea hloloa ke J . M. Lingalo, me 0 ne. a ehwar8 ma.hlaba. a. mafu a iteeng Baboboli ka papali ea bolo, ba.sket ball Ie La. m06kela ba tsoBetsoa ke lipaJesa ~bing ka 107 gam.. to 80. R. tiro ka bo DnontJhotibo. futubolo. Ba Bethlehem be. filila. Tshokoleti Erhwlisayo .. boela re kopana Ie bona. ka la tsa~ mofuta B8 kbatbatBoang kele Dikwaere tea eekoele 8e di De dile ka Lahoh)ano ka phi rima, papaL taa 16 Ts'itoa teng Mangaung. lefuba bona ba ka taosetaoa ke tharo; ea ntlb&. 8ne e eteowe pele eba Moqebelo. Ha hie. ha thulana mofuta oa Hjo tae kang mahe kapa. Moog. E. Sidyiyo Ie sehlopba sa ke Motl. D. M. Moaboesboe, elate. basetsaoa pele. Li match Ii bile ]jjo tae nolci1oeng haholo. Be. bang 1la.e sa "Hilarious Five" ba. ile ba lang eDe ele ka ha tlase go Motl. B. peli, papaliog ea pete Bethlehem ea ba. bakeloa lefuba. ke likatee Japeng. eba 24 Phiritoollo 20. Ho aa bobeli B DDKIAX bina mona ka la 3 October kerekeng L. Gaanakgomo Ie engwe e oe e 'Nete batho be. kbathataoang ke _ Wese.1e; ea ebamokete 0 mODate oped.iaiwa ke Moti. B. A. TeBu. Di Bethlehem ea eba 15 Phiritona 28. lifuba metbapo ea booa e ka Akana kubll aempilw('ni ~tJe ukuba b eebele, 'me secbaba Ie sona se kopelo di nnile mODate thata, me Ie Eare motseare oa mantaiboea ea sareloa k& baka la ntho t8e isiau aokho .iqhu\IIt'. r BROOKLAX pbotbebile. Ka I. 20 October eba papali ea futubolo. Mona ea di tebameko tsa baD. lsana tS8 ngata hoo nlho e ka ba iya kukhwelelisa ukuqluna nokuqata kolUlerete ene e te'oeroe ke Mong. kgatJa batho botlbe, bognlo di re Ii sa tloea leoto ba h la ha bona. feela ke ho fumAna moriana -C. S . Bhika 0& Port Elizabeth Ie hala hantle hore Phiritona e imela Dgoku:tOhleyo. ngl'lldlela eDgena ngOZi It. bameko tea barwetsaoB eleog o kang Ephazooe (6 ka fumanoaog yendaJo. I .BROOKLAX. ayilwi nome. lIong. A. Ropa kerekcng eo. WeseJe, may-pole dance Ie di dril. B8sima­ Ie bo halala Bethlehem leba ho Ie kemiseng e feng Ie e feng) a hlahi· tyiso yaye iyaJczwa ngamaodla ngama 1I0ng. A. Q. ROfS a bapala thomo. De be. kgatlile batho hela. fbs. ba yoalo ea se ke ea itheka meroalo sang thuao kapele ho Batalleng ha Oqirha kwoba Dala llaba Ncinllne. 1..e bona joale batho ha ba eso lebale etsa ka moo di tiohere t 8& bone di eare Ii sa Uoh& ka papali eo. pele bo. mosifa b.J fokolisang. Epbazone e pina ea bae e IEng "Maryland." be 6e ba blaba goal. Ea eba Jitlotae ba rutaog ka. gone. me e Dnile di bolelisoa heholo ke lingaka bakeng IfUMANfKA KUlO lOKKE IKEMISTI "Ilekete ena leha e iJe ea hlablaman8 tEhego. Mobum. Moatert eDe 0 oa tlie pbitileng hararo. ka ho sa lefu ba, bo bipeJana ba matsoafo, taB UIUUISO 911 • ME 2/- (:I~d~':!I.!j) batho ba ile ba phutheba han tIe bo a tehameka. thomo. Bats8di Ie etE!a yoalo ba khoathile liuotsi aefuba, mokhohlane Ie mofikela.. eona. batbo ba b80gwe ba ne ba tlile semana. A hana ho bona motho e E IipiJisi, Epbazone e tsenyehelo Ii BB eti 1I'0na ebile Mong. E. sentle mo moletloDg. Bokgotlong oa Bataung Dodge nyenyane Je hona e fa pbakisa ho .lfalikane oa DewetEdorp. Mor. A. j'W8. tiro tichere 0 mo tonna eleng Nyaku a e hlaba. e sa belaetaeng, thusa. Lipiliei tosa. Epbazone ha. II .lfachogo 0 kile a re kbalo ho ea prinsepaJa 0 oa a lebo@ a batbo ka mokbaola khang. LitJatae tsa. Uala Ie teng ka Japeng Ii nale bo tbusa bJotee ka 3 goals. Ka. morao ho Jd8sertJ. Maticbere ana. a ne a Ie go tla go etlehs. tiro. Jebala, taa hobaela Ie bo tbeosa ]e baholo ba bohloko ba lefuba Ie moo he. kena Whites' Defendel'8 Ie roropong ka nako fa ph('Omolo, C. ho nyololi'a noga ea Phiritona. A ipha matla boeiu, holim 'a moo, Moroka Lions, papali ea feela ecor&­ lIoilea (Suid 008 H oek), O. Seyak. Ba ko kgorong bo Rra·Batbo­ boela a hlaba tee peli ks ho latelana ele Whites' Defenders 2 Moroka.. bakae ba Da ba cbwelwe namane e hpilisi motbo a ka (Jammersdrift), E . ~tao le . (Sterk­ mora Nyaku. A bana bo bona Lions O. Kejeno re' amobela­ tonne. ea. tiro malobanya.n8. jana. tsamaea a Ii nkile mokotleng ha a .6onteio) Je M. Khomarl (A Dnlesdale). Pelesa Bogoai, a hoalla ka tee peli Ie leetong . Kopjes B ome Defenders e tie.. o Da a ehwere 10 nyalo 1a moradie tse sboetaeng, tae sa batJoeng ke ho thulana Ie Wbite8 Bome Defender , ,. o mogolo, e. nyalelwa ke ba Rra­ botsoa feela-'me papali ea kbalia) bore a mo thu~e, ble da.y. pesheya London Bantu Jazz Band Jalim"ne n~ oba nakuleya la.po atwa.'J& kon'\ aboaya· .­ pantsi empa eo a latolu. . MU isoll ni eena H er m!loy friendi will ngao :ko You. G. Nohai-m~a be pleased kwakungenala., Wakuluma wal.e besiluogu. Sim6iela. impume­ ke! hlile ho bonala. hare 0 tsielehile. to Pakati kwalo oyambs.lala learn that Mi i'l DoJris Barrendi, waq),n~a imitamba ngobs. ekulum" lelo emiebenl.ini Wlk a w )k'l'f"dlap"l; sipaule hobane Ol'\tla a hae b" lekane lea. who met with kwaba..;etll7.ini ami\, Nenekazi aogo a motor accideut a6~!l. ukuba. abs.otu balul.we. sisepant.!i k ,bi tin l. b H;, Na.tal banna ba. bang, Ie bona 0 ts'aba recently, is well on emfuodweni H. R. Gorllo, B. Mcoseli, E. Fet~ha, tile Wily to Ngakoblw')' nje ukuti iroupi uoyaka yokwel.lp1.. hore mohlomong e tis. re a re 0 recovery. E. T . Hnte, G. L. Njikelana, Na,·ela. owabaoenala ogobake leyompi ya- thu ~ a Hitler, a tsoheloe matla ke Officials of t-be newlv •• Fini: oa Manene anga M. M. Mafora formed Iwe. iminya.ka emine. • mona Afrika, 'rne Je oona 8p:>rh aqiociation of RI)-;emf)':)r aro1: Katobe, R. H . Godlo, S. ~Iagal e l;\ , ma Abysqinia ha ho ell tsebang bJre SeZlvulwJ, p lh iZ)~ob ekad" P. M I Pre~irl(mt Mr, D D Ngubeni" vioe- U::IefioYdlele e NgU"'nde u . Mango, Z. K . Mattbews, N. a tla et~ang presl,lent, Colonel ukiwll. e Mltsheoi, seku~()le ind~wo T. Klaas, W Mr. Barrendi. sL!creta.ry. Den6Yd R6itzo~epateiziod],b~nba· . M. R.ubu ~ana oaba­ Eka Hitler 0 bolellet~e baetapele 'Ir. S. Cupido yamltlfliia 6.~etem~J, u'(I.1ti o!l.yo nye. committe!, \l~~':lrS ntu willapl kw .~ le NyooyanB., Pela ba bokaneng Berlin hooa joale Ii' e I iz.B.kwakiwJ, bUihl ifllnele isiw.-.nje. Sinosizi ukuvakali d man, Cupido. Burend'J, kum')nywe wonke amuwe ombu sa ngoku9wele- hore ba ts'epe eena-Ie Molimo , Ngubcni, 'w Into nje ba'lenn zg,b\n'~,\l)e kakwll 1>:a ko Mnu. Mosca Arries and Mr;s,. H F. Waie Ngibode ukubl a'locebinoll. Witbooi wase 'Me eka 0 itse veke Boa e t1ang e t la Arries. lel.itolo ez. intsba.. Ko lwJ. kungcoQ() Kei Road obe ogumsebenzi apa ngalempika"ti elwayo. kuoe'te. kw .. Wilken ituba elide, ngombla 'nete ea boemo ba oloa. .::;:;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;~;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;~ 25 September. Ube ngum Tempile France I ...,pambiJi nelungu lama \Veaile. Ungowatywe ogeokon'lo ezukileyo Nqeng ea Bopbirima, moo bo bokBneng ;e Kei Road ngu Mlu . J . Jojo, baba­ ma.sole a Mangeseman8 MINE BOYS :nimi abantu engcwabeni abavele Ie Mafora, bothoe pula e sa emisitse esitilinL. SivehloOa kakulu nezihlobo. ntoa. Ie hoja vekeng ena ho no bOIl&la hore seretee sea om Watch Your Step. • 0 a, Teng bo bole1oa hore bablabaoi ba Falling and Slipping Maogesemane Ie Mafora ba. ituk.isi­ Cause Many Accidents. Equity Building tae, bantle bo loaots'a MaJ'eremane me he. bo bonala Majeremaoe a. tla' BASEBENZI MIGODI rumana teela ea ho biola bsnna ba Society (Permanent) loa.nang mono. Lumkelani Amanyathelo Enu. Ukuwa noku Tyibilika Kuma Ingozi Ezininzi . .Encourages Thrift for rates with safety to depositor8 00 Ourrent savings accouot aod the Bantu and Coloureds monies In vested in the Sooiety BASEBETSI MERAFO ~oder tbi8 beading earn a rate of iRE EQffiTY BUILDING IOtereet on daily balance whilst SOCIETY (PERMANENT) the SOCiety offere higher ;ates on Mehato ea -()f Aegis Building, 99, Fox Street, fixed deposit whicb can be made lona. Johannesburg, has been formulated for varied periods not- exoeeding 1:0 assist tbe Bantu and Coloured two years. peoples to save tbeir monies and to Sub~cription 8hares may be had oa Ie ~sist j~ their building or purohas. also With monthly subsoriptions of 1ng theu- own homes in all Govern. from 5/- to £1 and may be permo.o_ Thelia ment Proclaimed Areas. eot or redeemable shares. All Building Societies are oon­ Tb~ Society has issued a brochure trolled by the Building Societies AhoWlOg its activities and tbia hlah· Act No. 16 of 1934, togetber wi(h brochure Can be had at any time Amendments tbereto, and the it will b.e se.nt fr~e to aoy enquire; likot public are fully protected by the on apphcatlO n either in writing or si .Act. by a personal caU at tbe office . The Sooiety offers the big best No busines8 is too 8mall for the ngata. Oonttnued in next column Society a?d you can start your account With any amount,

A 1 •

16 UMTETELI WA BANTU. JOHANNESBURG. OCTOBER 28. 1939. JOHANNESBURG DAY BY DAY~ duty to study snd endeavour to CHURCH SERVICES solve. Experience has taught ltd CHURCH OF THe PROVINCE ABOUT PEOPLE ~h&t no nation can priue it~elf on TnllolTY XXI Ita 6ntity 80 Joog as disunit.y plays an important aDd greater role. It ST. CYPRIAN'S MISSION (By PEN-MAN) ha!'l been spending part of his holi­ is incumbent on U8 to de\"i!<6 and ·.HURCH. Johannesburg : 7 • . - days at Witbank has returned. suggest ways and means pra.oticable m. Holy Communion (Sechoaoa); whereby the problem of di-mnity 10 a.m. Sunday School ; 11 a.m. EV. A. K. MHLETYWA. of Amongst thoE'e wbo attended the among U8 might beaolved. Allbougb Solemn Mass (Zulu); 4 p.m. Even· R Te:omo, who bas been in Jo· funeral of late Mrs. C, Maxeke were Rev. J . Ndimande, of Witbank. to maoy. intermarriage, as one of song (Seoboana): 7 p.m. Evensong ltannesburg for a f(;w days entrain­ the major factors for unit.y, does (English and Afrikaans). ed on WedncsdAY for Cape Town, Prof. White, Dr. J. Coan, Sister Wares, Rev. and Mrs. G. Gow, Mr. not appeal, yet. it is the surest aod St. Ceorge's Church, Parktown; in contlDuatlon of his "ark of perhaps the oo1y way practical by 5.30 a .m. Holy Communion; 3.45 saising funds for the extension of P. R8mushu of Evaton, Rev. a.nd which unity can ultimately be p.m. Eveosong. the church building. Mrs. F. Le@abe of Benoni, Rev. S. Mkwayi, Mie~ C. L. Tshabalala, of achieved. Other fa ctors a.lso afe St. Aldan's ChurCh, Regent's , A reception (and anniversary) at Durban, Mrs. T. Modis8, Mrs. L. necessary for unity. But thes6 are Street, YeoviUe: 4 p.m. Evensong. the Webtern Native Townebip by Ngak8ne and Mrs. C. Rampa. of secondary importe.nce. We have St. Andrew's, PimvilJe : 7 a .m. ~r . G. Motsieloa and bis troupe, too man.r tribP.8 to find the creation Maas and Holy Communion; 9.30 Lebue la Nl!!,tle Ie cua. bore- u phcLq .,arranged by the African Theatrical Nurse Constance Mancoba, of of unity among U8 by transcient a..m. Sunday School; 11 a .m. baod., - Benoni, was in Johannesburg dur­ dences worth the lime and energy. Solemn Mass. 6 p,m. E,'ensong, ~yndicate, v,ill Ebortly beheldatthe ~bu e la Ne..stle k.a 6olek'DtD, .. iog the week·end. What we wbol is a 8ustainiof? pro­ Preacher Mr. P. Eastwood. ()ommunal Ball. The troupe consists lebut: la k.ho mo l~ mlloate 1e 110"" ceM that will ('heck the po~8lbility St. Philip's, KJiptown ~ 8.30 a. ,of J. Maeoleng, L. Makanya, E. B er friends "ill be pleafed to k.i l o~n g ka . uikiri. H. u ~a lebc .. m. ::'\rass and Holy Communion. ()lipbant., S. Kambule, V. Mkize, G. learn tbat Nur:-e R. Morake, of of dibcordant elements ill our na­ la khomo u Mdi, a lona. tional beiog. 6,30 pm. Evensong; preahcr ehoolo, ano G. Mot l:'eloa, supported Orlando, who haa been at the Gen~ by the flew EtaT8, Marjorie Hal Hospital for remov81 of tonsils 'That process can ollly be found tbe Rev. M. D. P . M ..iko. L.Tb. 'PretoTlus nnd Rut h Mafuko. has recovered and ha.a returned to in 80 exh'osive eo(;ouragement of BANTU CONGREGATIONAL Ilythm Rot. Shots Band and .the duty . intermarriage among Africans. CHURCH OF THE AMERICAN N EST LE"S .African Sclf-lmprovement SOCIety Happily, the lead bas already been BOARD MISSION .... iII supply mUS1C for the dance, Nurse I. D. NkuJa, who bas been made in certain quarters. loter· MILK marriage is more encouraged by 23 Buxton Street, Doornfontein lla. spending her holidays at Potchef· L£ LOKETSE HO PH£a", Mr. and bfrs. L. Ndhlebe, of stroom, has resumed duties. educated Africana than by their m., 3p.m., 7p.m Ama.dodaoa under Western Nati'V e Town8hip, gave a lees fortunate brethern. It has the leadersldp of Mr . 'Martin Mdluli. J)irtbday party for their daughter, Mrs. T. B. Xhotyeni, of Witbank, hitherto, however, not been con­ Robinson Deep; 11 a .m. Preacher ~eUi e , at tLe Cemmunal, Ball On entrained On Wedneeday for East tracted as a means to an end. Mr. George Mcuou ~unda y la l>t. wel\ hOlla joale ho which woefully retA rd !'! our progress \'(lax costs 4/· per pot. • IcfulaSduba. Ethu· Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Maloyi . .. kapek, 0 lokolohllt· as a nation in all l- phHes of human , nllko e te-Ide, boroko have arrived in J obannesburg from Trompsberg, Orallge Free State, acti\'"ity more fundamentally than be Jlholollllcng ho 10- anything else. kilenp; ka boi,IU-,"",O on a tohort visit. They are staying ke hropho t.')(' seD8ng at SophiatowD. !h:~~n~~I~:Z:.~~ 'Ephatono' I! (ell.... Mr. and 1\1rs. Walter Mazibuko Rev. S. S. Malinga, or Pilgrim'!) he ailoa e81."8 okuu.e bo abl.mOO ba moea will leave Jobanoesburg on Sunday Rest, passed through Johaouesburg SH E' S THE SMA RTEST tiJemo. lia f' nllK' (lelo (I bula Ilpompo tM kotal No I'It'Dg lit'a Ilt'. Uronrhlal e krnyll (to-morrow) for Kimberl ey, where on his way to Capetown to attend WOMAN IN THE HALL- 1le1..88. }oum&na boll". mllN. nla\.sOilroug: II. they intend spending a month. the Provincral Synod of tbe Church t ha nks t o Ke p pels Face Powde r , 10 kajeoo. »~. of the Province. Mr. H . Monaheng hilS returned O liye Tint Mr. R . R . Wright, Son of Bishop to his home, Rustenburg, after a Fac~ (Oli9~ Wright of the A M.E. Church, visi· Keppel.. Powder tint) I.. short visit to Johannesburg. r~commended ted SW87,iland for two woe- ks and espedally for dark ONE ladies. Doo'( u .. e pink or oaJurelle­ was the guest of R ev, aod ~b s. K Rev. B. C. Ramatsang has re­ 00. Olive colour! Thit wonderful E loa Ie lefu ka nakonyana. turned to Pretoria aflcr attending S. M.blobo. "Ea SEFueA, BRONCHITIS .....ELO HOEA powder Slays 00 :ill nighl at dances f'40EA 0 HANANG. 'HOItHOHLANE· an assembly of the Congregational Mr. C T . C. Xabaoisa, of WiJber. and COSUJ ooly 3/6 per large box. USOItOLLA, SEFU8A SE TLAH'LOENG' Church at Port Eliubdh. force Institute, was the guest of ; • HO AHLAHISA HOLOHO. HO ItHANGOA· HO BI,.ELOA. ' Mr. Bud Mbelte, of Pretoria, re YO U NG MEN! "$a 'ot'te Ii metia ho etbA ntllo, hoheQe cendy. m orao ke nllllt' pihRi I:a bobeh ka d ..-utloa BUY YOUR LADY FRIEND A BOX OF k~ nt". mOt a ha bODOlo ke sa t.oenyehe Mrs. Frank MonBis&, wbo bas been JO&ieka m l:hl. ha he lama.le thata. "_ Africans and in "Bloemfontein. arrived in Johan· KEPPELS FACE POWDER (OLIVE TINT) C ..\ .B. ··Liplh,.i tsa bao t..a 'Epba7.0De' Ii feta Intermarriage nesborg last Saturday. THE FOLLOWING HIGH - CLASS CHEMISTS STOCK KEPPEL> kamoo 0 buang ka. t9Onft.. BoUolo c leng Mr . and Mrs. V. KolotsO& ne, of fl'eIB, Boph('lo ba me bo feta 100 per cent. BEAUTY PRODUCTS : morao hkrno tse peh ke nt" ke jooa ke By PROTEUS East Dagga, paid a villit to Alex­ Bron(hitls lo Sefu ba. lie. hJolcha ho tea. aodra Township, over the week-end U"",," Lid.• Garrord (Pry.) Ltd.• Ceo. Pirie, Cermi.JIOII, E. J. Adtf){. HE AFRICAN pines for unity "otlnl Iwbaka be I;(" tclcle. Ebile ket-flAma_ to see Mr . and Mrs . Masike. Nt1IJ!Jn Pbl1rfl1l1ry and all bigNla.u LId., KrNger.JdtJrp,B. 01l'tn font} Ltd., ile IUllocie ti;(" tharo ho nyoloha. thabaD8 T above all else. But it is his 1(' ho thl>()hl\. Kf' n E" ke fdetaoe k~ t..;epo." problem at the moment! how to Mr. D. Kala, of East Dagga, fob.mnubllrg rbt",i.JIJ. Bolubm-g, Kou/oe Pbl1rmoq, PrtlmiJ. _E.F. achieve it. And it IS this problem paid a visit to Randfootein over ~ P H 0 Fuman:l bur. ••• mPO 0 naolt• the week-end, to see hi.. mot-ber ! YOUR OWN FAVOURITE CHEMIST WILL SUPPLY yaLl ~., H .E A. Smith O lurlbuUI\I CO that every thinking young man aud "W., P.O. Bo. 68l4, Johann,ubuPI_ •• woman should make it his or her Mrs. Kal._ UMTETELI WA BANTU, JOBANN.EBBURG, OCTOBER 28, 1939 17

Bantu Methodist Church of S.A. Grabamstown Location WOMEN'S CONVENTION AT BLOEMFONTEIN Holds Annual Show HE 6tb annual convention of the T Womell's (Maoyano) Prayer (B Y ·MAN ·ON·TH..E·SPOT Union of the abO-ve church opened Bantu Fund fo Buy on October 3, in the Com­ RAHAMSTOWN Aoimol Wei· munity Hall, Bloemfontein. The Battleship G fare Society staged an enter· miniBters of the ohuroh who attend­ prising experiment in tbe form of an animal show in Orahamstown tld ADd took & leadi!lg part in tbe --

------.... ------..- ...... The Mouthpiece 01 the African P .1'11-


, Transvaal Open Tennis Championships Transvaal Bantu Golf Soccer Football Union Irrespective of Race or Colour -- W.D.A.F.A. vs. E.R.D.N.F.A. VVolhuter ~otors MEETlNG of tbe TraDavval 59 Good Street Sophiat Q wa ~e Editor, "Umteteli." A -- JOHANNESBURG R . H. JAJBHAY, P. O. Box Robins()n Deep Sports Ba~tu Golf UDion will be beld " Henochsberg" Inter·District CUp M 4767, JobsllOeabufg. writes: at Plm\"llJe, at the residence of Mr. --- B. Sepotokele, StaDd No. 1976 Semi·final, 3.45 p.m. Bakers Park PBOPRlETOR : O. A . Lunu Sir ,- An import ant line of action bas Sports 6round. 21 /10/39. been decided bv tbe undermentioned CUPS a~d Medals PrEsentation NtboDgO. Street, to·morrow, SUD: convene.rtl, to stage aD open singles --- day October 29, at 2.JO p.m. T HE cup competition matchea and men's doubles championship (BY JACOBITE) Affiliated clubs are requested to having reaulted in a dead.heat -wherein entries are open to aU HE last soccer match of the New sendbtwo delegates. The main item betweeD E.R.D.N.F.A., W.D, aDd players whether they belong to any T ConEolidated Gold Fields season on t e agenda will be the arrange· W. Rand, on the lead, the above 'teDnis clubs or unions They are was played at Robinson Deep on mente for tbe Transvaal central match was 6xtured. Though E.R. .eligIble to enter, provided Suoday, October 15, aod it pTEceded open championship to be held this bad a very good team, yet the entrance fee is paid. The trophtes the presentation of cups and medals year at Pimville 00 November 5. comblDation exhibited hy the W.D. Rudge 31 O.H.V. to the winners of the series for tbe Interested clubs that have .dot yet £6. \0 be competed for are the aingles forwards outclassed the E R . de. Rudge 3. O.H.V. £2. ttophy. presented by the (Euro­ sea80n. The two teams were affiJiated may also send representa­ fence. and the combined solidarity of Rudge 31 O.H.V. £20 peaD) S. A. ChampioD, Mr. N. G. composed of Eastern N . Cons. G.F. tives to the meeting. t.he W.D. defence was too good A.J.S . 31 O.H.V. "'0 Fraqbar5on, the holder of the title picked and Western N. Cons. G. F. Mr. Alfred Maqubela is the hon. for the East Rand forwards, and MateWesa 3, a.H.V. £20 being Mr. H. Jajbbay, and the men's picked, and a good match resulted secretary. the match resulted in 4-nil in Sun 21 D.H.V. no doubles champioDl!bip tropbv. pre­ in • draw (3-3). favour of W.D. eeeted by the Jajbbay Brothers, Awarded with a cup and medals • We are now looking forward to won by C. A. Dupreez and H. were Simmer and Jack .. A .. and Tennis At Quthing the final between W.D.A.F.A. and .Jajbhay last year. Sub.Nigel "B " Mrs. McWilliam West Rand on Saturdav, November CRICKET The championshipB will com· wife of the general manager of 4, 00 the Bantu Sports Ground. mence on December 2; and be Robinson Deep G.M.) presented the (BY lit. N.) These ~B:ms drew io the qualifying Victoria E. beat Fear Not 00 October 22, by 97 to 20 ruos. continued on 3rd, 9th and 10th prizes. After this pleasing cere. ON Octoher 14 we bad a good competitions by 1- ] at Randfon· and concluded on Dingaans Day mony Mr. McWilliam s po k e tenois match at Qutbiog. We tein (Robinson). December 16. approvingly of the Whole standard played again6t Liphakoe J enDis The following pla.yers represented • Entries close on November 29. of pla.y thrc:)Ughout the season, and Club, of Moyeni, 00 tbe Merabe tbe W.D.A.F.A. : V. Buthelezi, B. Mrs. Betty Moretlo of Muite.. All tennis enthusiasts are requested be e~phaslzed to the players that tenDis ground. The match started SiJoto, A. Dbladhla, J Sibanyoni, F . Rasutoland. is in Johannesburg by the convenerS to enter for this the Idea of." play·and.must win ". at 2 p.m. The first players were: Kubheka, E. Samaniso, IJ. Mpf'odu , \' lar(' ~be Came to the funeral of event, whereby the national cham­ was not 80 good 88 .. play tbe game W. Tsephe and J. Marathane C. Jwayi, D, Boikanyo, M. "l bl1\"i~u., Lfr I-i:.ter, Mr;!. J!?88C Setilo of Mokoeua. . pion can reaUy be ascertained. for its own sake.1) a g a ins t S. Tlbakanelo and S. A. 11' n'E'6tern Nali\'e Township. The conveners have decided to Mr. D .l A!. DenaJane, then thanked Motsamai. The set was taken by proceed with the necessary prepa· Mr. McWilliam. for all he had done Llphakoe at 6-4. J. MOsuDkuta rations and are making ali arrange· and asked him kindly to convey the snd Taabe beat M. Machachamise ments. and en tr y reepeetful good wisbes of all to Mr. and A. Montsi 6- 1 J. Mosunkuta forms etc. can be obtained from Carleton Jones. The speaker next find N. Mp ela beat A. Thahe and Umfisi ka Cbamberlain we Sisu the general secretary, Mr. A. P. thanked Mr. Brown for refereeing Dikhi 6-1. Taabeand Marathane U·Mavuka. ne nkosika­ Khotlang, clo B. M. S. C., Box the last match, and then went on beat S. Thakanelo and J . Koitheng zi yake batshata ngemi. 4767, or Mr. D. Twala, eec. Bantu to refer to t he International 6-3. J. Mosunkuta and N. Mpela gcobo bada bafumana no Sport. Club, \00 Weillegb Street upheaval. He said that the over. beat Dikhi and A. Montoi 6-0. W. nyana ababini. Into South, Johannesburg. The conve· Eeas conflict DOW being waged was Tsephe and J . Marathallne were entsha ku Mavuka raba llefS are well known amoogst the for the sU6tenance of peace and beaten by Dikhi and Montsi ] -6. kukuziva izikali zomzi. tellilis enthulri8sts of the Indiao, stability throughout tbe Britisb W. Tsephe and J Marathane beat mba ziwile ebutbathaka., Coloured and Bantu races, and it Empire. Even this foothalling so A. Thabe and C. Mosoang 6--4. waZ8 wablaselwa. sisilSU, is their aim to make a success of • eDthusiasticalJy adopted on tbe TeBbe and J. MOBunkutu beat J . sada sasese gazi DO ntyo· the tournament, which will be a Mines could still be played with Koitheng and S. Tlhakanelo 6-4. ndyoshe. K wa no nyana step forl\ard in the advancement confidence under the British fiag. Merabe (our home Ecbool tennis wake omkuJu wabonaka. .of the gan:.e amongst the Non·Euro· And be concluded on a deep and club) was beaten by the Liphakoe la ekwa ngo hlaselwe yilo pean community. moving passage by a"ying tbe tennis club, the final ecore being nkathazo ino yiee. J. R. RATHEBE, people should oot forget that some Liphakoe 43 games. Men~b e 23. K l'&78. kwaqala u!;u· H. JAJBRAY, of the people, were dying that very • hako uludwe olune· DAN 'fWALA, bour at war. • ndlelio Iwama lingaoku J. D. ROSENBERG, • (umano. uneedo. Eo· BrMDAD KHAN, Western Province (B) Cricket nke ('maqethulia aha· G. 11. XORILE, zange habe 081uncedo SAM PULLEN, Rugger Closed Five Great Powers C.C. kubo nO'Ja u Mavuka SIMON MSWELI, walsblaula imali ez.i· A. P. KHUTLAr\G. (By S. M. SlZANl) THE Five Great Powers Cricket nkulu. hinto z.aye zi· Club at theCape had a meeting bambbi Yaye imali CoD'\·~eners Transvaal Open Cham· R1X:GER in the Western Pro,-ince i nqabiJe. Umlungtl oqa- pionship 1939. finally closed an Octobe( 14 . 00 Sunday October J 5. Mr . Ntehinga Two final matches were arranged presiding. The mfmbus rose and • for tbe day in the Langa T€creatioo stood in silence in memory of the Tennis at B. M. s. C. ground. The first, between Barle· late Mr B. Tsolekile. ha u Mavuka. wa mbbom MoteJa quins and 1Ilorniog Star A Teams, The folio" iDg are the office ngeliti ukuba akahonakali kuchacha for Fuzani cup was a drawn galUe bearers of the clu b : President, Jajbbay Bros. Men's Coubles Tropby 3 ]loints each. Rendered tbuatbey B. M. Cebinde,-u; "ice- president, uyakumncama emsebeuzini. Inkosikazi becolDe joint bolders. A. Yenana , chairman, B. Ntshinga ka Mavuka, nayo, ngelixesba yayi6e EMI.FINALS for men's doubles The match of the day was be· vice·chairman, C. Ngcongco; seCre­ ijonge enkalweni umtyeleli omtsha. S champioll~hip for tbe Jajbbay tween tbe Busy Bee (A) and East tary, J. R . Mama' assistant secre· Nge tams8nqa, u mfundisi watyelela Bros. tropby "ere played last we~k End A for the League Cup donated tary, A. Mtai; treasurer, G. Joloza end, G. B. Xorile and C. Setlogelo by the United Tobacco Campany. delegates : B. Ntshinga, D. Z. kwa Mavuka we\"& ngalo nkbathazo were 0ppot!ed to R. Molefe and F. The game ended in (avour of the Bedu) and G Joloza. Captain for yaho. Waba cebiBa ukuba bateDge u ~ Z. Olipbant. 1n tbe second set 1st team, J. R. Mama; vice·cap· Bu~y Bee. Referee was M. Claasen. Mfisi ka Chamberlain we Sisu ok he Xorile and Setlogelo won. MoJefe The trophies were presented to tain for let team G. JoloZ8 : cap­ and Olipbant became more aggres· the winners by the superintendent tain for 2nd team, A. Mtsi : vice­ wasindisa abantu abaoiozi a babe gula sive in tbe third set, which went io of Locationa, ?tir. S. A. Rogere. ~aptain for 20d team, Ntf!hinga, kakhulu sesi eigul0 s88i .khathaza u their favour, but Xorile and Busy Bee captured the first team jor. Mavuka. "Setlogelo managed to secure th ... trophies and their second team fourth set, making two sets all. the league trophy for juniors. • •,UtH a gruelling 6ght Molefe and East End B won the knock cup. TEA ALLAYS Oliph~nt WOD tbe final set and malch, and tbus qualified to meet • SHOCK U Mavuka watboba. Baza banyangwa boba­ the holdcn of the title, Jajbha.y Cricket at Springs bini baphila. Wa6k'umtye­ and nnprtl z, in 6nal. Jajbhay Mines N the officia.1 Air Raid Precau· and DUI'reez bll.\·e Dot lost a Single I tions instructions issued to the ()mtsha watiwa igama riet tbTOUghout their matches. people of Great Britain, tea has The finaJ~ 1\ill he played today. (BY SELBY) been recommended as the one ~alUTd8.y OctoLt'r 28, commencing SPR1NGS Mines played against 6uitable drink during Air Raids. I()kuba ngu Chamberlain. Ilt 2 pm. Modder East on October 1) and tor people buffering from E!hock. 15 Modder batted firtlt and were Tbe public have been offiCially COLIC AND J Me ddtr 1:.a,.t t!cC!fed 39 and Springs out for 1(J5. Sprin89 Mines bat advit;ed to drink cup.-; of tea during DIARRHOEA AI TIl~ Itphtd ~6 'ILu~ Madder made,54 In the 2nd inninge the raids, to restore thell' Spirits Chamberlains REMEDY Eat!t won the match by 4, rUDB. Co,dmlUd in prtl·;oU8 collimn and allay fear.

hinted" Pubhlhed by tb. P,opriol<>n li.uvo Prinlq " PobliohiDg Co., Ltd •• 46, EDd Street, J ob.nn.. bw:g.