Published In English, Sesuto. Xosa and Zulu. • ALL THE _EST EDUCATIONAL , WA SPORTIN. 1 I" BANTU DISTRICT .nd • la the COUNTRY UNION'S ". ~ .~ , NEWS: , !.£ADING • • ~ AI.. AflIlCAN , • • ,, WOMEN'_ NEWS.. APER. , , ,, , I .' SECTION WIDEST •, , . , ~ CIRCULATION SUBSCRIPTldlt I POUTICAllY 11/. per 'ou I_DEJIT. 1/' ,., IIaJI ,_ , The Mouthpiece of the African PeopleL-4_/. _q"_.rtoo_.... _~ Author/sed to publish Government Notices affecting Africans. VoL 20 No. 1018. JOILUOU:SBt1BO, OCTOBER 28, 1939 Price 3d • • • • Desperate Air Attacks Against Submarines Sunk Britain Likely By Sea Bombs Eoglaod Coofideot and Well Prepared -- Great Work Of HE week ba.s been noteworthy {or sental iotereeting enol.," follows: (al The deeision of tbe important nation, Turkey, to take . idu British WarshIps T",ilb Fraoee Bod Britaio, ratber Ihan wilb Ruuia aod Germany; (b) The determination of S.alio, tbe Ros.ian leader, 001 10 .end bi. -- armies 10 help Bitler and lbe Germani again •• Britaio and France. S OME exciting iocidents have­ (e) Bitler's iuue of order8 for aU Nan leaden 10 meet Wm at a big . tak~n place in the last week eonfereoee at Berlin at whj('h matter. of great importance were to be In the b.lg strugg~e between German. talked about. s?bmar~n.es, which are trying to Let 011 uplain tbese happeoing8. slO.k. BntLSh and neutraJ ships, aod Wilh regard 10 Turkey, it 1'1'88 tbe hope of Ruuia and Germaoy to eoo. BrltLSh naval warship!. elude an arraogemeot ""itb Turkey" Web would be fnourable to .hem ,!,~e Germans have beeD sinking and asainllt Britain aod Fra.nc~. Turkey, bowever, mindful of her old British ships '? order to prevent f'riend el ip aod Fe@peel for BrltalD. ","ould oot make a pO C'1 with Ru~u.io but - signed ooe witb France aod Britain i06tead. Tbi8 pacl was of very greal tb~m. from. takIng food supplies to BntalO, whtle British warships Bre imporlance. It meaot tbat Turkey will not oow clo.c Ibe great Turki8h huntlDg submarines and trying to inland ~ au:rway, the Dardaoclles, 10 British sbipping; it mennt tbat a8 blockade C"..ermany . Turkey is io 8ywpathy with ber co-religion aries of Egypt.lhen Egypt will - -. - k more tban ever friendly witb Fraoce aod Brilaiu ; it Ulunl Ibat haly ~o far, the British navy haa would be more tban ever unlikely to 6gbl agaiu81 Britaiu, . • d~lven German shipping off the The raet tbat Stalin will not figbl agaiost Britain is ooolbu blow 10 - hIgh se~s ~nd prevented tbose ships Germany and bu greatly d.i. appointed her. from brLDglng supplies to the people - '. except perhaps for one or two Ger~ HOW HITLER WILL ACT AGAINST BRITAIN man ships which have got through the British blockade. Moreover LL th~e rebuffs bave led Hitler This does not frighten Britain. Cargo ~.hip t.inking after having been torpedoed by a German BritiBh destroyers have sunk ~ A to reali:se that those natioos on Britain has brought down no less 5.U bmarlne. Overhead may be fieen a British warplane looking for n~mber of German submarines which be waB relying for help bave than 15 German warplanes in tbe ~Hgns of tbe submarine in order to bomb it. The crew of the I8teamer wltb gun6re, blOWing them up after­ let bim down, and tha.t be is In a. COurse of one week, and has beaten may be seen in the small boat e~capiDg from the sinkiog ship. wards with sea bombs whioh are serious position. Blockaded, 6S he off with ber guns, aeroplane attacks dropped in the sea, it or shut in or prevented from on her t;bips and war veasels. As The duels between Briti!llh ves~els g~ttin g ~upplie8, by the British for London, Britain also feels confi. Two Natives Killed IJItreatment of Priests and Ger!D.Bn submarines are ofteo Fleet he realises that Germany dent of her powers of defeDce. Sbe very exelt.lDg. must'get sbort of material, food, oil By Lightoiog has removed most of her old people '0 Germaoy The other day a German sub. and iron-everything indeed tbat and children to places far outside is necessary to carryon and win marine attacked a British merchant Lo:ndon, her balJoon barrage is T HE I'ATICAN the Palace of the ,·e.!lFel which bad a gun mounted Oil the war. He seea that be is in a gOlDg to make things difficult for an General Heavy Rains In District losing position. He baSt therefore, Pope, head of 'he Rowan deck. The two nsseJ.a fired at each attacking German air force; ber other. A British shell hit the summoned and got together all b i~ -'-- Catholio Church, bafi protested cbarger planes are faflterand better through the Papal Nunoio in Berlin, subm~rine making a hole in its deck. chief supporters to explain biB posi. T WO Africans were killt'<! when a than those of the Germane. If an to the German Government against Thus It could DOt go under water tion, to find out what the German hut was struck by lightning On people think of him, to strengthen attack over London were attempted, the opl2!~!on of the Churcb in the for protection: the hole in the the people would be so well pre. lh~ farm "Doornlaagte," In the deck making that impossible. A Cisclpline, and to tell them how he Bntstown district. area od(:upled by the Gf'rmans in pared that Germanv would suffer Poland, says t he Berlin correspond Briti.ih de!i1troyer appeared black proposes to "punish" Britain. ,Rain has fallen heavily in the diS. B e intends to use his warplanes heavy loshes in men'and material, ent of The Times. The proteat was 8m{. ke coming from its funn~ls. Its Already Germany is facing de. trlCt, three Inches being registered first sh?t at German submarine to attack British food ships, he pro· after a tbunderstorm. accompan~ed by a. detailed report t~e poses to send {teeta of German war· feat at the hands of France and of based on IDformalton frem priestly struck It beaVlly on the side a.nd it Britain. The lat.ter nation has At Estoourt a senre baiJstorm sources. began to sink. The German crew planes again~t the Briti~h co.ast, conaiderably damaged fruit trees and it is beheved, that If thlDgs never been beaten in war, Once rushed up 00 deck with their hands and vegetable gardens. The hail This states that up to Ootober 12 continue to @o against him, be will a~ain it see ms clear, that she must up and threw themselves in to the was followed by heary rain. 117 religious bouses and 211 "'80 try to bomb London. Win. churches bad bf"en olosed seven sea. Tbe submarine then saDk Very good rains feU Over 8e\'era1 bishops pastorally aod great masses of oil coming to the parts of the Lichtcnburg district restriot~d 193 lay and religious members of surface. The German crew was Tribute To Gen, Smuts By Chief Moshesh and farmers report up to an inch, rescued by the British warship. says our correspondent. orders arrested on political charges. HIEF J EREMIAH MOSHESH , last war that you and the late Sir It also states that there bad been Another submarine was seen by a descendant of the" fathcr" Robert Ct:cil introduced the title of Locusts ha"e made their appear. a in the North Sea. The C anCe in this area and two fairly 50 serious incidents in whioh dozens dedr~yer of the Buuto nation, and a mem ber the . 'B~itiEb CommonweaItL of large redwing swarms pafJsod over of priesta and others were ilItreated submarine submerged, that is to say. of the United Tran.skeian Territories Nations. You Were the chief ad. and injured. the Klipveld. Several other swarms went undt"r the Bea for protection. General CounCil repre.sen ting his .,·ocate and, if 10m not wrong, tbe The destroyer steamed swiftly over he. ve been re ported. .' If the Reich Government ignores people, bas sent a messsge of loyalty Id ea emanated from yourself th.e protest the Holy See may pu. the spot and dropped sea bam bs to the Prime Minister, General J. Native Support .As8ure·d bhsh a documentary account of tbis o~ dept~ charges. There was no C. Smuts and assured bim of Native "Some of ue dId not quite under. aDd courag~ to guJ~e tbe great German terrorisation either in the sign of ?I' or of other damage to the Bupport. stand the meaniDg of your words Soutb African nation in these Observatore Romano or through submaClne. So the destroyer The mesaage first congratulates Today you have laid a seal on thos~ oritical days is tbe prayer of us all." 80me other channel. went to another part of the sea General Smuts on his acce8sion to words. YOll have . manifested to The me88age was sent from surface, bel~w which it was thought the Premiership and continues:- tb~ world the SincerIty of what you M pbara~e in the MatatieJe district, the ~ubmartne might lie. " I and my people thank you said and advocated about 20 • ago. years East Grlqualand, a Native· built bub Big qua 0 tit i e 8 of oil heartily for tbe line of action you well.appointed village wbere Chief Fiji's I hird Gift To quiCkly a p pea red on the took bEe-ause it was only by your "I can.
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