Purchasing Behavior on Smartphone CHAPTER 1: RESEARCH OVERVIEW 1.0 Introduction The following chapter provides the background of the research, the statement of the problem, research objectives, research questions, and significance of the study. This will provide a better understanding on smartphone in general view, local view and globally. It will also provide how competitive this industry is, and how it influence people‟s daily lives, especially towards undergraduates which is our target for this research. In the research background, we did our research on the invention of smartphone in general and how it has impacted the society at large. We also did research on purchasing behavior in general. Statement of the problem is related to the research objectives and research questions. This study can be used as reference to smartphone developers as we targeting the undergraduates as our respondents and they are the future main users of smartphone. 1.1 Research Background Smartphone started in year 1992, invented by IBM, which was nicknamed as “Simon”. The features it had was calendar, address book, calculator, email service, and a touch screen. It was very expensive at that time, USD$899, not many can manage to afford it. At the year 1996, Nokia launched a series of smartphone that merged between a cell phone and a PDA. The real actual smartphone that first have all-in-one device is Ericsson, R380. As picture show, the phone is able to be flip open and close, inside is a touch screen, using Symbian operating system. Nokia also started with the first camera phone and Wi-Fi phone, which is called the 9500.
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