1) Eat this, not that Match Up Have a sheet of paper with pictures of a bunch of random healthy and non-healthy foods Have the kids cut out all the pictures and have them ‘match up’ what eat this, not that foods go together 2) Healthy Snack  Trail mix Have all healthy ingredients out in separate containers Let kids spoon the ingredients they want into baggies so they can make their own ‘personal’ healthy trail mix snack 3) Smoothie Station  Have a smoothie station where kids can pick the ingredients they want for their smoothie Then a designated person puts the ingredients in the blender and makes them their smoothie 4) Smoking Lung vs. Non-Smoking Lung  Have pictures of a healthy lung, no smoking sign, cigarette, and a non-healthy smokers lung Then have kids make a poster where they can draw a picture of themselves twice (one below the other) Next to them they can draw a plus sign then glue the no smoking sign (plus sign) then put an equals sign = then glue the healthy lung Next to themselves they can draw a plus sign (+) then glue the picture of the cigarette then the equals sign = then glue down the picture of the smoking/unhealthy lung

Marsh & McLennan Agency  2 5) How much Sugar is in……?  Have a bunch of empty cans of soda, juice, chocolate milk containers and so on. Have each child pick out their favorite drink Have each child grab a Ziploc plastic bag Have how much sugar is in each of the drinks on the container or on a chart Have a huge thing of sugar Have each child scoop into their bag how much sugar is contained in their ‘favorite’ drink Shows them how much sugar and how bad for them their favorite drinks are. Then hand them a water bottle to drink  6) Games!  Set up some jump ropes, hula hoops, and some other low cost game/exercises and have contests with healthy snacks as the prizes 7) Scavenger Hunt a. Send them on a scavenger hunt throughout your office. Get your kid-friendly colleagues to offer clues and hints. It gets the kids up and moving The clues allow them to have to use brain power Make the ‘buried treasure’ be things like healthy snacks, activity book, etc. 8) Yoga/Mediation for kids  Have a short yoga or meditation class so the kids can be introduced to the practice 9) STEPS!  Give each child a pedometer for the day See what child/parent duo can get the most steps in by the end of the day Award winning teams healthy prices

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