World War I Layered/Flipped Investigation

Directions: You have several choices for the activities you will complete for this World War I unit. You even get to decide what grade you will make on this unit. First, complete enough Level C activities to earn 70 points then proceed to Level B and Level C.

Trivia: Germans use our phrase "OK" frequently. This is OK because OK comes from a German. An immigrant German, Otto Krause, worked at the American Ford factory back in Model-T days. As Mr. Quality Control, he drove each finished car off the assembly line. If it ran well, he chalked his initials onto the hood. OK?

Level C (Choose activities up to 60 points) : You may not advance to Level B until you have completed the Level C activities for 60 points.

____ “World War I: What do you know? Create 10 interview questions that you would want to ask an expert (one of your peers) about the beginning of World War I. (10 points)

_____Complete up to two of the following online Practice activities. Check with me when you complete each activity and before going to the next. (15 points each.)

____ Complete a map showing Allied, Central, and Neutral Powers (15 points.) Use your “flipped” video or notes to complete this activity.

____ Create a timeline of 6 events leading up to and during WWI. Use your notes, “flipped” video and template provided. (15 points.)

____ Illustrate the timeline above with photographs of the events. (10 points)

____ Make a chart or graph comparing each country involved in the war. (10 points.)

____ Create a political cartoon that depicts 2 or more causes of the war. (10 points)

Level B (Choose one activity for 20 points) If you are a medical student, you must choose either Activity 1 or Activity 2.

_____Activity 1. Background to World War I – What Country Am I? Complete the assignment sheet using your “flipped” video notes as well as the ppt. found on my wiki title “Causes of World War I”. In addition add a personal reflection for each country.

_____Activity 3. World War I Begins. Create a Facebook or Twitter page discussing the events that led up to the beginning of World War I. You may work with a peer to complete this activity, but be sure to include at least 10 detailed entries each and each person must turn in a copy of the assignment via Gaggle or Google Docs.

Level A (Choose one activity for 20 points)

_____Create an electronic scrapbook page or a Publisher poster showing at least 10 facts about life in a European Country during World War I. Use at least 5 photographs. Be sure to include topics such as the use or lack of resources, organized labor’s response to the war effort, and the propaganda attempts to influence attitudes and suppress opposition. (20 points)

_____Create a crossword puzzle using vocabulary that you feel is essential to understanding World War I. This crossword puzzle must include at least 20 words and definitions or descriptions. Please submit this to me via Gaggle or Google docs. (20 pts)