Executive Director Education Services Maureen McKenna Glasgow City Council City Chambers East 40 John Street Merchant City Glasgow G1 1JL

Glasgow Schools’ Music Groups at City Halls City Halls Albion Street Candleriggs Glasgow G1 1NQ Our Ref: SatMus/RM/JH Your Ref:

Date: 17th July 2013

Dear Parent/Carer


I enclose details of the Glasgow Schools’ Music Groups at City Halls planned for the forthcoming session up to March 2014. The session begins on Saturday 7th September 2013 until Saturday 22nd March 2014

These activities are an opportunity for students to develop their existing skills and it must be stressed that they are not tuition classes – potential students should already be proficient in a particular instrument.

The application form should be submitted to Stacey McKenna at City Chambers East as soon as possible, and no later than Monday 26th August , for classes starting on 7th September 2013. Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Further information on these activities can be obtained from Ronnie Mackie, QIO in Creative & Aesthetic Studies, on 0141 287 3793.

Glasgow City Council’s policy is that no charges will be made for Music Tuition therefore these classes are free of charge.

Please note that pupils must be enrolled for the classes in advance and should not attend until they have received written confirmation of a place.

Yours sincerely

Ronnie Mackie QIO in Creative & Aesthetic Studies

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