Approved Minutes


Members Present: David Maciel (Co-Chair), Mike Skaff (Co-Chair), Matt Bourez, Lisa Brandis, Debbie Castro, Dianna Fauvor, Tim Hollabaugh, Linda McCauley, Robert Morris, Takeko Newhouser, John Miller, Efrain Magallan

Exofficio: Linda McCauley for Leangela Miller

Absent: Brent Calvin, Chris Knox, Leangela Miller, Steve Renton, Mary Schaeffer,

Minutes: Susan York, Executive Assistant, Administrative Services

The Standing Budget Committee meeting was called to order by David Maciel at 3:05pm.

1. Approval of the November 18, 2010 Budget Committee Minutes The minutes of November 18, 2010 were reviewed and corrections were made to the attendance roster. Minutes were approved by Tim Hollabaugh and seconded by John Miller.

2. Introduction of Matt Bourez (replacing Vineta Harper of Academic Senate) David Maciel introduced and welcomed Matt to the Committee and explained what the Budget Committee does. Mike Skaff explained that it is not a decision making body, but a group working together to understand the budget process and be able to answer questions that may be presented to them.

3. Cancellation of December 2010 Meeting The December meeting was cancelled and rescheduled to be held February 17, 2011.

4. Budget Accountability Reports Linda McCauley explained the different reports that are agendized and given to the Board of Trustees each month. She reviewed each column, explained the footnotes, and the Fund Balance Draw.

Regarding the Fund Balance Draw - William Garcia explained that the Governing Board gave the approval to tap $1million, but COS is currently tapping $1,034,531 which is approved monthly by the Board. He also explained that it is a constantly changing document from month to month.

The Committee discussed issues and concerns in regards to the Bond shift. Committee members are not comfortable with the bond shift of General Fund expenses.

Linda McCauley said the total bond shift is $953,000. She stated that it is planned that the $953,000from the bond shift will continue for the next two years. If the state continues its down-turn there are hard decisions to be made and none of the decisions are easy!

Linda McCauley explained that the Summary of Expenditures document was recommended by the consultant. She reviewed the document with the committee. Approved Minutes

5. Disaster Scenarios Linda stated that the Disaster Scenarios were originally presented in color to the Board making it easier to differentiate between scenarios. William requested that in the future each document be sent individually instead of in a tabbed format because it is too confusing. Linda then explained the Best/Most Likely/Worst Budget Scenarios.

After some discussion Linda requested that any additional questions regarding the Disaster Scenarios be e-mailed to either her or Leangela Miller.

6. Projection of Summer School Savings A total of $1.2 million savings is projected. Summer School was also discussed under item #4.

7. FON Calculation and Impact on COS Duncan Graham, Vice President of Academic Services reviewed the calculations and impact of the Faculty Obligation Number on COS.

8. Other There were no other items of discussion and the meeting was adjourned at 4:32pm.

9. Date of the Next Meeting Thursday, April 28, 2011 at 3:00pm in the President’s Conference Room,