Attachment 3-1 Guidance for Developing Ecological Soil

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Attachment 3-1 Guidance for Developing Ecological Soil Attachment 3-1 Guidance for Developing Ecological Soil Screening Levels (Eco-SSLs) Eco-SSL Standard Operating Procedure (SOP # 1): Plant and Soil Invertebrate Literature Search and Acquisition OSWER Directive 92857-55 November 2003 This page intentionally left blank OVERVIEW Currently, there is a lack of clear guidance in setting terrestrial effect thresholds when conducting risk assessments. Without an EPA-approved, peer-reviewed, ecologically-based terrestrial effect database, the process to develop thresholds is problematic both to EPA, other federal agencies, states, and concerned private parties. Identification of published toxicity studies on invertebrates, microbial processes and plants is a key step in the derivation of benchmarks. The purpose of the Task Group 4, Standard Operating Procedure Number 1: Literature Search and Acquisition (referred to as TG4-SOP#1) is to document procedures used to identify and acquire potentially relevant toxicology literature for use in setting ecological soil screening levels. The literature search strategy is designed to locate worldwide terrestrial toxicity literature that includes the effects of chemicals of concern on terrestrial soil-dwelling invertebrates and plants. The literature acquisition process is designed to ensure timely acquisition of relevant publications. LITERATURE IDENTIFICATION Potentially relevant literature for developing ecological soil screening levels (Eco-SSLs) is identified by examining hard copies of relevant journals, bibliographies and guidance publications and through the use of a comprehensive computerized literature search strategy. These procedures are designed to locate worldwide terrestrial toxicology literature that includes the effects of specific toxic substances with an emphasis on exposure via soil. Paper-based Literature Identification The paper-based literature identification process includes the scanning of relevant review article bibliographies and key journals held in the U.S. EPA, National Health and Ecological Effects Research Laboratory (NHEERL), Mid-Continent Ecology Division-Duluth (MED-Duluth) library holdings. Identification of literature from review bibliographies and guidance documents is not limited by publication year. If the citation includes a chemical of concern and an identified species group, the publication is acquired. Review Articles The following review articles, specifically dealing with developing soil screening levels were identified by Task Group 4: Efroymson, R. A., M. E. Will, G. W. Suter II, and A. C. Wooten (1997) Toxicological Benchmarks for Screening Contaminants of Potential Concern for Effects on Terrestrial Plants: 1997 Revision. ES/ER/TM-85/R3, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN: 128 p. Efroymson, R. A., M. E. Will, and G. W. Suter II (1997) Toxicological Benchmarks for Contaminants of Potential Concern for Effects on Soil and Litter Invertebrates and Heterotrophic Process: 1997 Revision. ES/ER/TM-126/R2, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN: 34 p. Guidance for Developing Eco-SSLs Attachment 3-1 1 November 2003 Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (1997) Canadian Soil Quality Guidelines for Copper: Environmental and Human Health. CCME Documents, Winnipeg, Manitoba: 82 p. Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) (1997) Canadian Soil Quality Guidelines for Pentachlorophenol: Environmental and Human Health. CCME Documents, Winnipeg, Manitoba: 52 p. Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) (1997) Recommended Canadian Soil Quality Guidelines. CCME Documents, Winnipeg, Manitoba: 185 p. Gibson, E., D. Strudwick, and P. Walker (1997) National Framework for Ecological Risk Assessment of Contaminated Sites. Victorian EPA for Environment Australia, Kingston, Australia: 45 p. Crommentuijn, T., M. D. Polder, and E. J. Van de Plassche (1997) Maximum Permissible Concentrations and Negligible Concentrations for Metals, Taking Background Concentrations into Account. Rep. No. 601501 001, National Institute of Public Health and the Environment, Bilthoven, The Netherlands: 260 p. The initial focus of the paper-based literature identification effort will be on these guidance publications, but any bibliography articles identified in literature searches will be acquired and placed in the queue for identification of potentially relevant literature. The following steps will be undertaken when identifying potentially relevant literature from manual searches of review publications: C Bibliographies will be reviewed and potentially applicable literature will be marked for acquisition. All markings will be placed on the original publication. C The citations for all potentially applicable articles are data entered into an electronic reference database (ECOTOX InProcess - a ProCite bibliographic database) using procedures outlined in Attachment A. C The review article which was the source of the citation is noted in the InProcess database (see Attachment A). MED-Duluth Library Journal Holdings Selected journals in the MED-Duluth library are searched quarterly for articles relevant to any MED-Duluth database. The focus of the MED-Duluth library is aquatic toxicology, but some of the journals do present results from terrestrial toxicology studies. The following steps will be undertaken when identifying potentially relevant literature from manual searches of MED-Duluth library holdings: C The journal issues that have been scanned for applicable literature will be marked with an "EC" in the upper right hand corner of the cover page. C All applicable citations are entered into the InProcess file and duplicate citations are Guidance for Developing Eco-SSLs Attachment 3-1 2 November 2003 deleted. All remaining citations are marked for Copy Request with date and forwarded to EPA for photocopying. C After articles are photocopied, they are skimmed using Eco-SSL acceptance criteria (See 'Eco-SSL Acceptance Criteria' section below) and entered into the InProcess bibliographic database using procedures outlined in Attachment A. The following journals are examined (NOTE: not all of these journals are relevant to terrestrial toxicology but they are routinely scanned as part of the ECOTOX effort): Aquatic Toxicology Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Chemosphere (added 1989) Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety Environmental Biology of Fishes (added 1994) Environmental Pollution Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Freshwater Biology (added 1994) Journal of Environmental Biology Journal of Environmental Quality (added 1997) Journal of Fish Biology (added 1989) Journal of Freshwater Ecology (added 1994) Journal of Great Lakes Research (added 1994) Journal of the North American Benthological Society (added 1994) Limnology and Oceanography (added 1994) Water Air and Soil Pollution Water Research Computerized Literature Searches Online searches are performed using the DIALOG, SilverPlatter or Ovid commercial database vendors. Task Group 4 has identified several databases that will be the focus of Eco-SSL literature searches. C AGRICOLA database ( provides a strong agricultural focus that has strict indexing codes for both toxicity and soil organisms. C BIOSIS database ( provides a strict taxonomical indexing system. BIOSIS recently (1998) began adding Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) Registry numbers. Guidance for Developing Eco-SSLs Attachment 3-1 3 November 2003 C CA Search database ( provides a strict chemical indexing system, but lacks a taxonomical indexing system. In addition, the searches will be supplemented using the following literature abstracting databases: C Toxline database, provided through SilverPlatter PolTox1 is available on CD-ROM at MED-Duluth. Used in searches performed prior to 9/30/99. DIALOG databases (Pollution Abstracts, Toxline and NTIS) are used for searches performed after 10/1/99 C Toxnet ( provides a free web browser interface system, but has a limit to the number of search terms allowed (current version allows nine search terms). C Current Contents: Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences, using OVID, Version 3.0 software at MED-Duluth provides timely supplemental citations for publication years 1995 to present. Development of Literature Search Strategy Literature search strategies are developed iteratively with each section of terms examined using different criteria. The search strategies may include the following: category codes, chemical terms, species specific terms, publication years, and exclusion terms. Attachment B provides detailed summary of the literature search strategy. Category Codes Category codes are used within DIALOG databases to group documents by subject or topic. By specifically selecting category codes relevant to the Eco-SSL effort, the literature search output should result in a more focused data set. The Eco-SSL literature search strategy (Attachment B) includes a summary of category codes for each DIALOG database selected. Chemical Terms The Eco-SSL Steering Committee identified a list of chemicals (Table 1) as the initial focus of the Eco-SSL effort. Table 1: Eco-SSL Chemical List Organics Metals DDT and metabolites Aluminum Iron Dieldrin Antimony Lead Pentachlorophenol Arsenic Manganese Guidance for Developing Eco-SSLs Attachment 3-1 4 November 2003 Table 1: Eco-SSL Chemical List Organics Metals TNT Barium
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