WOMAN DES FROM BURNS T H E a d v o c a t e :

An Indopandcnt Papwr D«vo(«d to lh« IntwrtoU m f th* Peopl*

VOLUME SI NO. - S I IN TWO SECTIONS PORTLAND. OREGON. SATURDAY. JULY JO. IMS SECTION ONE PRICB FIVE CENTS N.A.A.C.P. GIVES $1,000 TO SC0TTSB0R0 FUND WORK TO RESTORE ANCIENT CITADEL AIDS DEFENSE EXCLUDE NEGROES FRIENDS OF HAITI SEND A S N O T E D * * Digesting . . . * Ralph FROM BOULDER CITY FUNDS Ï0 RESTORE C. NOTED CASE . . ( V e v ^ s New York, July 22-The National The NEW YORK. July 10— Althougb teu Clyde Association for the Advancement of UY CLirrOKD C MITCHELL cnlored nixu bava been xiuployxil al BLACK KING'S Colored People has sent its check th» uxw lloover ilam al lluuldxr City. City Gllkerson's Colored Giant# will re­ for 11000 to Walter H. Pollack, lead­ Nev . they hâve no i|uartxra al tloul New York, July 33—Word has been Commissioner turn to Portland Monday to start ing New York lawyer, who la appeal­ d«r l'Iiy ami muai commuta 29 mile« received here that Williams Pickens, their three game series with the ing the case of the condemned Scot- nacli way aarh ilay lo rwaeh tbalr Joba. field secretary of the Natlooal Asso­ POWER TRUST AIDED RECEIVERSHIP West Side Babes at Vaughn street taboro boys to the Su­ accord Ing lo information «ont the ciation for Ihe Advancement of Col­ Park The games will be played Mon­ preme court The N.A-A.C.P. board of ored People, who Is on a short tour NEW YORK, July 33-Dantes Belle- Following out a suggestion contain­ Durlng ilm pas! tew mouilla my file* Nul louai Aaaoclatlon for iba Advance day, Tuesday and Wednesday nights. directors lnlts July meeting anthorix- inxnl of Colorxd People from lata Vo- of Europe, spoke July 13 before tho garde. Haitian Minister In Washing­ ed in a letter from Carl Thompson haro rxcvlviMl many notai loua on lh « The admission prices for the games ed the contribution oat of the legal (aa. Nev American Peace Committee, at the ton has sent to t he National Asso­ of . Secretary of the Public * affaira of our bualnaaa enterprise* have been reduced to 35 cents with defense fund because the Association Tha U. H. (ovarmnaiit haa built a International Club In Geneva. Switzer­ ciation for the Advancement >f Col­ Ownership League of America. I re-1 ami, regrettable aa It may bx. thx ladies being admitted free. la deeply concerned with the fate of land. Mr. Pickens also conferred with ored People an appeal Issued by the cently dispatched a wire to Senator ! phraax. "Gone Into Ibx banda of Ihu uxw city from tbo (round up at lioul- .. _, . , . , ¡the boys, above every other consid- Miss Mary E. Wooley, of the Ameri­ ITesldent of Haiti, Stenio Vincent, Glikerson has without a doubt the Norris strongly supporting his propo-1 . . ' “ Unrxlyar", baa boronio quite familiar. dxr City for Ihu workmen on Ihx dam can peace delegation and with the that friends of the black republic sub­ rastest colored baseball team In the ^ amendment which would exempt ®r* Uo“ th® c“ *' * * * bo» rd cho» « To Iho laynixn.and Ibay ara In tho Nxproaa aro not allowed to atay In scribe funds for the restoration of the United State* They played a great p.tron. of municipally owned electric *®nd CJ‘eCk ,pU® 01 ,he ,tan- great majority, who ara uot aa fatnl- Ikiuldxr City overnight There are no Hindu and other nationalist groups game here a couple of week* ago. pUnu from the three per cent rere- d*r°“* “tUel“ WlUch h*Te liar with bualnaaa procedura aa they * «> «* »«« »h ere they may aiay and no N.A.A.C.P. FIGHTS JIM CROW famous Citadel I-a Ferrtere. of Chris­ SCHOOL IN PENN. winning from the local team They DUe ^ enacted at the current sea.lon ,U,° Ai,,oc^ tloB * nd lu by ahouId bx, ibx above phraax Indicates !Pl*e* wh«f® «*>ey "»ay « » ' This » » ■ tophs, one of the wonders of the have been playing all of the strong- congress. I did this In the name " * * * " * ad P“ WI' 'one of the excuses made for not hlr- world, located on a mountain top not to thxm aom xtbliK terrible; some- eat teams In the south since leaving ot CRy Commissioner of Public UtUl- |C*E!°D ° f .th® Communist party. Ins Negroes - that “ no provision had far from Cape Haitian. thln( dlaaairoua; a compleie failure; here and have won them all. itlea ______I “ *• ° ‘ *“ e is regarded been made" lo house (hem Even tha aud create« a paulcky and unatahl» The West Sldo youngsters are con- i as resting in the skilled hands of Mr. two N e(ro bootblacks who ahlne shoes fexIliK lowarda Ne(ro btialnxaa In fldent that they can defeat the visit- | i „ my wlre to tbe Senator 1 said i Poliak, , who^ has been retained as chief In lloulder City have to come each SCOTTBBORO SISTER ON TOUR (euxrul. ors in a series of game* and have that utis revenue levy was sn opening cou“ ®‘ by the «»tsrnational L*bor De- a • e morning from lota V r(a*. bringing beeu working hard to get in condl- «e d g e to compel customers of muni­ fense. which is conducting the case. their lunches with them, and return POR SCOTT8BORO BOYS Thla «huuld not be m i' “done In­ tion for this series. Manager Ray cl pally owned water plants to pay a LMr. Poliak 1* an eminent lawyer and each n!(ht. Bryn Mawr, Pa. July 37—The Bryn to tho hamla of the Receiver", doxa Brook* of the locals says that re- llke U I ln ^ future was at one time an associate of Jus­ not nxcxaaarlly mean a eomplxlx fai­ So for the preeent at least, the Mawr branch of the N.A.A.C.P. U go­ tice of Benjamin N. Cardoso of the Ten year old LucUle Wright is a- gardless of the outcome of the games 1 lure. Many of (be (roalxat eutxrprUxa j Negroes working on (he dam, must ing forward with plans to carry a ¡United States Supreme Court. TN. A. galn on a speaking tour on behalf of f* n® W,H **e » hustling bunch of j communicated with Senator McNary In tha country, particularly iranapor ride the 23 miles from U> Veras to school segregation caae to court In A. C. P. feels that In Mr. Poliak the her brothers and of the other Scotts- youngsters out there doing the best own Income. In '.hi* manner the con- 1! tat ton ayateraa; the (xnvral uilllly lloulder City and t he 7 milea from spite of confined criticism liy the Ard­ Boulder City down to the dam site more. Pa. Dally Times The nowspaper boro boys, after an Interval of Illness they can to win. The local team con- .mer wold not hare to bear this bur- *“ r ® ° n® ° f th® h®*1 Uwyer* corporallona, etc. have at one lime sists of all of the best high school (oI lB the i . . „ . ni. . at checks. The | Amer4c*' to (e t work and repeat the weary p ro­ baa written several editorial# saying from tonsllltla. Her engagements In or another been in Ibe baud» of the players In the city and It Is consld- of the check nayg tbe t„ - not ' es** each evenlnr. They carry thetr the local officers of the N AA.C.P Philadelphia the last three days were Receiver pxndln( an Internal and ered the fastest young baseball team u,e pers,)D cashing It. lS8 LEWIS E LE V A TE D lunches. Atl because there la no room were good people, but they were the first since she was taken sick In external adjustment and reorganlza- I that has ever been organized in Port- ' Mias Kate Lewis who went to Ber- In a brand new city, built and owned "poorly advised. in opposing Ihe Toleda while she was speaking, and tlou of Ita affalra. land. by the United Statea government, for segregation. The paper contends that bad to be rushed to New York for the 1 Charlie Akers, the talkative short When the big power boy. found ^ r to attend the Grand cltlxena and ex-aoldlera who are not removal of tonsils. Now she is at work An ailing person (o x « to a doctor tho school hoard at Bryn. In deriding out what the city-owned electric s y * I™ , ° - o f ^ ita Jurisdlc- again, more vigorous than ever. or a aanatorlum for treatment. Some white. lo send the white children to a brand stop, of the colored team, will be In tenj!l were golng t0 do they tmmedl. ,®U r of California andGrand Conduct- The N. A A C. P. aud the National new school next fall and keep the the visitors' lineup and promises to L tely uged ,helr lnf|uence wlUl the > ion- WM el« T‘ Ud to Gr do not (o until (heir phyalcal condi­ Her coming engagements will cen­ display hia bag of tricks and hand Teas from Or. Associate Conductress. liar Association which Jointly carried Colored children In the old building, treasury department and saw to It tion forraa such action but the wlaa ter In Connecticut!. Lucille Is the sis­ out hi. line of chatter that always ,hat order |ggue<, Iorbldding ™® 0r*?d S*“ 10“ conTened the on the fight to get Negroes Joba on was "Improving Ihe Colored race." peraon (oea when ho dlarovera the ter of Roy and Andy Wright, two of keep, the fan. in good humor d u r - 'privately and municipally owned bust- " “ J, i0‘ h Ju,T M n BoDaie the dam. announce that agitation will The N.A.A.C.P. branch does not think flrat alltDK aynipton. Juat ao with the nine Scottaboro boy* whose infa­ Ing the games. Bogle. Worthy Matron of Mt. Hood be continued until Negroes get a fair nesses to absorb this three per cent our entorprUea The degree of dan that handling Negro children second mous convictions and sentence to Chapter, local order, was also a dele­ proportion of the Jobs and receive hand buildings which are regarded as tax. Otherwise the power trust would 1 Iter depend« entirely upon Ihn acute- death on a framed charge at rape has A DELIGHTFUL INNOVATION gate to the Grand lodge. They both housing snd food In lloulder City near have been forced to follow suit and 1 nee« of the case and Ita circumstance. unfit for white children. Is Improving aroused the world Lucille's mother. returned on the morning of the 22nd • • • their work Walter White, aeeretary the Bare. Plans are being formulated pay the tax. Mr* Ada Wright, has been touring The program of "Spirituals Under • • • and reported having had a delightful of tho N. A. A. C. P . and Jeaae S for the legal fight Generally a|i«aklii( when an enter- Europe and receiving ovations and the Stars" given by Bethel Chorus on and profitable trip. lleallp prealdent of the National liar The shame of it is that customers prlae la unable to pay Ita Indebted- assurances of support from working Association, both announce there will Thursday night of last week at the ugtnK regldentl., , nd bwatmees service neea or to meet Ita operation expeu- MISS BULA MORROW OLIVER masses In every country It Is through municipal stadium, came as a very be not let up In the campaign for Jobs are Imposed upon. The heavy users CITIZEN PASSES aea and nervoua credltora are clamo- VISITS IN PORTLAND such direct appeals to the workers— pleasant Innovation to music lovers. and fair treatment for Negro cltlxena . ,of industrial power, who receive the ! Charles S. Campbell passed away at rln ( to attach for their particular the tour of Mother Mooney and Rich­ and ex-servlcement. It was their first Urge open-air con- loweg, entlreIy escape'the f.m ily residence. 774 E 31st St., benefit, the known aeaeta, then the Miss Bills Morrov-Oliver arrived in rlte ,nyhow ard B Moore, also, and countless and cerl and one to feel proud of. for paying m u extra burden. The amount North early Wednesday morning, fol- appointment of a Receiver Indlcalea Portland early this mornlug form repeated mass demonstrations that WALTER WHITE TO ADDRESS the singing, solos and ensemble: for o{ the u x that the small fellow has towing an illness of many years. HU the only Judicial action to be taken I Minneapolis. Minn . where she has the ILD mobilizes protest against cap­ BAR ASSO. IN INDIANAPOLIS the training by the gifted professor t0 dlg up wll, be approximately *40.- fneral will be conducted on Saturday In order lo protect the lutereala of been attending Summer school. Mrs. italist persecution Indianapolis. July 37—Walter While. of music. E. C. Bartlett: for thetr ooo.OOO a year. 'idence. A Bahai service will be read. all Oliver passed the whole of last year Secretary of the N.A.A.C.P. on Aug 4. lore y personal appearance and ex- . . . morning ( t teB 0-clock from tho res- • • • studying at the University of Cincin­ will address the annual meeting In qulsl.e stage decoration, and above It , maleg me th.t the Bureau of The deceased leaves to mourn their However, when a (o lit( concern nati on a scholarship In adult educa­ Fred Hansen was given a fine of Indlanapolla, of the National liar Asso. alt for the splendid acoustics whlchtoUrBal Rere„ue. the most important # widow and a » 1 . Mrs. Myrtle presumably In a fulrly healthy finan­ tion She will pass the remainder of *100 and 90 days In Jail Wednesday The liar Aaao. and th N.A A C P caused the voices to carry well inbranc|j of tbe treasury, could so quick- w . Campbell and Charles Jr. cial condition, voluntarily accepla a Ihe summer visiting Mrs. Jerome in Judge Sladter's court on haring worked together to procure admission the large open setting |y jump t0 tbe aid of the power trust. Receiver, aa In lualancea which we Franklin and Mr*. Cora Jamison, sis- been found guilty of driving his car of Colored workers to jobs on the Another program of Its kind w lllThe rnllng that the new levy must be have recently obaerved, the Inference ler*. and no doubt will go to Berk- while under Ihe influence of liquor, FORCE NEGRO VOTERS OUT Hoover Dam project at lots Vegns.Nev be given there again In the very n e a r ^ u ^ ^ from the consumer is ditfl- la (Iven that aotnc adjustment« are j eley and lets Angeles to visit other Hansen, white, collided with a car OF DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY and Jesse S Hesllp, the Mur Associa­ future and all who can should avallcult to understand. necessary to which there la consider | relatives before returning 10 her driven by Messrs. Trlble and Grey, tion's President Joined the N.A.A.C.P. themselves of a delightful evening • • • able differences of opinion, and to work. colored several weeks ago. wrecking Raleigh. N. C. July— Inability to National l.egal Committee this sum with "Spirituals under the Stars”. Many senators annd congressmen pronounce words In the State Con­ protect the beat lutereata of every 1 Mrs. Oliver has many friends In Tribble's car and injuring both Its The Advocate congratulates Rev. are indignant at this procedure and mer. stitution and alleged Inability to de­ one a Receiver, appointed by the , Portland, having visited here a good occupants. Beatrice Cannady-Franklln Hill. Prof. Bartlett and their co- cannot understand how the treasury Court, U resorted to. many years ago. who will be happy assisted the Deputy District attorney | workers for Introducing this delight- department can "horn" in with such fine them to the satisfaction of the • e • to greet her. In lh* prosecution. 1 ful innovation to Portland Democratic election judges. were- an unjust ruling. This la no time for the people, No- DEMAND JOBS FOB NEGROES some of the reasons given for strik­ (roea especially, to beromn hysteri­ ing the names of 210 Negro Demo­ DIES IN HOSPITAL ROLLINS SERVICE HELD MRS. JOHNSON BURIED cal over the flrat sign* of a seeming crats off the list of registered voters ON NEW YORK SUBWAY Frank Boswlck. a young man who Frank Rollins who died at the business net.hack. In fact we should in the Democratic primary hold here Multnomah County hospital Thurs­ Funeral services were held on last recentiy lie Just the opposite. We should study has been a patient In Multnomah hos­ pital for two months or more, the re­ day of last week was Interred at the deeply and without predjudlce all of . July 19—A de News "Thursday afternoon from the parlors 1 Maurice Curtis, a Negro voter who Portland Crematorium Friday after­ the facts concerning the circumstan­ niaiul for Job* for Negroes on Ihe New sult of a paralytic stroke, died Thurs­ of Miller A Tracey for Mrs. Katy broUgbt a writ of mandamus against day. noon. Miller & Tracey had cragge of ces and throw our cooperation towurd Eighth Avenue Subway line here. Is Johnson who departed this life on y lection omclalg for refusal to grant the funeral. the Individuals needltiK It. If their contained In n letter addressed to C. July 22 at 9 P. M. at the age of 36. bim a second examination on his JOINS CHURCH OF PRAYER alms and efforts are worthy of same, II. Delaney, chairman of the Board of Mrs. Johnson had been 111 only for 'dUauftcations as a voter, was again e s s Transportation of New York City, C. C. Childs, a former citizen of Mrs. Elmer Flowers extended the a short time and her death came as a ^ disQualifie^cl by judges, after he had Briefsjsnn Antonia, Texas, wrho Is stopping courtesy of her car »0 transport Miss surprise to her many friends. The I the Iegal riRht to ^ examined Eradicating wenklieas la nlwnyn a from the Trade Union Unity Council of New York, an organization of Ne­ Eunice Mott home from Rock Creek (nod mIkii of atreiiKth mid aome of w ith his sister. Mrs. M. Cash on Clay services were in charge ot Rev. Dan- aaa(n The Curtis eult was broughe OPENS SHINE PARLOR Camp where she had been In attend­ our eiiterprlsea desire lo advance gro and white workers. ¡street, has joined the Church of lei O. Hill, pastor of Bethel church. ‘throUgh the help of a N'eKro citizens' Jesle Brandou has opened a shoe- constructively even If It Is necessary A delegation ot (rausport workers Prayer, of which the Rev. Robert M. ance for ten days as a delegate from Music was furnished by Mount ollvpt !Toterg' league of the State in order shine parlor on Grand Avenue. Williams Avenue branch Y. W. C. A. llautlst church choir and Mrs to first (O Into the hands of a Recei­ appeared last week before Iho execu­ Searcie is pastor. llautlst church choir and Mrs^. Dolly ' t0 make a t„ t cage tive rotnmlUee of the Trade Union Mrs. Beatrice Reed, Eunice's mother ,l’nries, a friend of the deceased, sang ver. Invoking practices reminiscent of Unity Council, with u report on the HAS NEW JOB HERE ON BUSINESS was the guest of Mrs. Flowers on the ."Doin' Home” ; condolences were he days of the "Grandfather clause”, discrimination by the city against Ne­ L. A. Ashford has accepted the W. J. Carey, a business man of trip to camp. 'presented by the Trojan Club and the white Democrats of the State, serving LA TE R. MC CANTS ANDREWS gro workers. Job of porter In the Corbett Building Pendleton. Oregon, was in Portland Daughter Elks, the latter under q„ aHflcatlona Judges asked vague WAS AR DENT N. A. A. C. P. Tho T. U. U. C. addressed to the barber shop. Monday for the purpose of returning DR. UNTHANK RETURNS whose auspices the services were concerning pronounciatlon LEGAL WORKER Board of Transportation, Iho following a repossessed auto to the owner. Mr. Dr. and Mrs. DeNorval Unthank held and of which organization, the 'of wordg jn (he State Constitution NEW YORK, July 23— U. McCanls dem ands: MR. HILL WEDS Carey waa for many years, a citizen who motored to Kansas City on the deceased was a member. Mrs.Johnson 1 nd tbe meanings and pronounciatlon* Andrews. Ihe young North Carolina According to n news report, Richard of Chicago where he conducted an first of July to be present at the was also a valued member of Mount 'gjven by Curtis were alleged by the attorney who died July S at Durham, MRS HOLLIDAY |k HOSPITAL Hill, a brother ot Rev. Daniel G. Hill, automobile painting business the bedside of Dr. Unthank's sick uncle. J Olivet Baptist church. Interment was |iudyes t0 ^ incorrect and he was wan one of the staunch workers on Mrs. Oeorge II. Unhid iy Is confined of Portlnnd, was married recently to same aa he Is doing in Pendleton. returned to their home In Portland had at Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. disqualified. legal cases for (ho National Associa­ In Emnnuel hospital an 1 Is reported Miss Hilda Anderson In Baltimore. It Friday night. Dr. Unthank will be in The deceased was a native of La- tion for Ihe Advancement of Colored to bo quite III. Is reported that Mr. Hill and his ILL AT HOME his office to the delight of his patl- throp. Mo... the daughter ot Mr. and WOMAN DIES FROM BURNS People, acrordlug to nn announcement bride will attend the Olympic games Randolph K. Baldwin was confined ents, Saturday, today. Mrs. Eddie Wilson. She was married Badly Burned When Clothing Ignites of the National offlco here. Mr. An­ The Union Pacific has returned and visit his sister. Mrs. J. B. Isaacs to William Johnson at Denver, Colo., to his befi at h'Is home on Halsey St Mrs. Jennie Wilson, woh sustained drews hnmlled tho Salisbury, N. C. Ihe Commissary headquarters to In I-os Angeles. Mr. Hill Is assistant 1911 btu Is able to be out agnln and doing in and moved to Portland ln painful burns about the body and vote case for tho N. A. A. C. P. and Portland. All the families who wore to Dr. Mordecat Johnson, president OREGON GRID STAR IN L. A. 1918. Surviving are, Wm Johnson, nicely ns we go to press. Imbs several weeks ago while at her was active In several other eases. He transferred will return to their home of Howard University, Washington. Portland's ambassador to the Olym- husband: Leon H. Johnson, son; employment In Montavilla district, was a graduate of the Harvard !-aw In this city. D. C. A. H. Morrow passed Friday and pics, Bobby Robinson, or two years Minnie Metcalf, Matilda Browu and and who waa later removed to Mult- school. Saturday in Portland. He ennte up the football star of the University of lllllan Wilson, sisters, uomah hospital for treatment died as Tho Grand Secretary of tho Daugh­ MONTANAN HERE from Berkeley, his home, with ap­ Oregon, Is in Los Angeles attending j Mrs. Beatrice Reed, lady attend the result of the inj- rles on Thurs­ . Mrs. Leo Johnstone and Mrs. Eli­ ter Elks will stop here In Portland, C. 11. Hart, of Butte, Mont., was In proximately 80 waiters and porters the greatest event of the year, the ant was present to look after the day and her remains are at the Mil­ sabeth West wero guests at a party en route to Atlantic City. She will bo the city Sunday on business, to accompany a large train of Shrln- Olympic games. Robinson specializes famltf of the deceased and to render ler & Tracey parlors awaiting funer­ given In their honor by Dahlia Tem ­ the house guest of Mrs. Pauline ______ers back to from In the pole valut, and received many aid and comfort In their bereavement. al arrangements. Mrs. Wilson la an ple st the home of Mr. and Mrs. Burt Young. Dt. Ruler of Dahlia Temple PLEASE PAY YOUR SUBSCRIP Portland where they went to attend notices as a ground gainer when at The services were largely attended aunt of Mrs. A. W. Strawder. Turner recently. during her stay here. TION. the Sbrinerà’ Convention the nlyerslty. and the floral pieces numerous.