WOMAN DES FROM BURNS T H E a d v o c a t e : An Indopandcnt Papwr D«vo(«d to lh« IntwrtoU m f th* Peopl* VOLUME SI NO. - S I IN TWO SECTIONS PORTLAND. OREGON. SATURDAY. JULY JO. IMS SECTION ONE PRICB FIVE CENTS N.A.A.C.P. GIVES $1,000 TO SC0TTSB0R0 FUND WORK TO RESTORE ANCIENT CITADEL AIDS DEFENSE EXCLUDE NEGROES FRIENDS OF HAITI SEND A S N O T E D * * Digesting . * Ralph FROM BOULDER CITY FUNDS Ï0 RESTORE C. NOTED CASE . ( V e v ^ s New York, July 22-The National The NEW YORK. July 10— Althougb teu Clyde Association for the Advancement of UY CLirrOKD C MITCHELL cnlored nixu bava been xiuployxil al BLACK KING'S Colored People has sent its check th» uxw lloover ilam al lluuldxr City. City Gllkerson's Colored Giant# will re­ for 11000 to Walter H. Pollack, lead­ Nev . they hâve no i|uartxra al tloul New York, July 33—Word has been Commissioner turn to Portland Monday to start ing New York lawyer, who la appeal­ d«r l'Iiy ami muai commuta 29 mile« received here that Williams Pickens, their three game series with the ing the case of the condemned Scot- nacli way aarh ilay lo rwaeh tbalr Joba. field secretary of the Natlooal Asso­ POWER TRUST AIDED RECEIVERSHIP West Side Babes at Vaughn street taboro boys to the United States Su­ accord Ing lo information «ont the ciation for Ihe Advancement of Col­ Park The games will be played Mon­ preme court The N.A-A.C.P. board of ored People, who Is on a short tour NEW YORK, July 33-Dantes Belle- Following out a suggestion contain­ Durlng ilm pas! tew mouilla my file* Nul louai Aaaoclatlon for iba Advance day, Tuesday and Wednesday nights. directors lnlts July meeting anthorix- inxnl of Colorxd People from lata Vo- of Europe, spoke July 13 before tho garde. Haitian Minister In Washing­ ed in a letter from Carl Thompson haro rxcvlviMl many notai loua on lh « The admission prices for the games ed the contribution oat of the legal (aa. Nev American Peace Committee, at the ton has sent to t he National Asso­ of Chicago. Secretary of the Public * affaira of our bualnaaa enterprise* have been reduced to 35 cents with defense fund because the Association Tha U. H. (ovarmnaiit haa built a International Club In Geneva. Switzer­ ciation for the Advancement >f Col­ Ownership League of America. I re-1 ami, regrettable aa It may bx. thx ladies being admitted free. la deeply concerned with the fate of land. Mr. Pickens also conferred with ored People an appeal Issued by the cently dispatched a wire to Senator ! phraax. "Gone Into Ibx banda of Ihu uxw city from tbo (round up at lioul- .. _, . , . , ¡the boys, above every other consid- Miss Mary E. Wooley, of the Ameri­ ITesldent of Haiti, Stenio Vincent, Glikerson has without a doubt the Norris strongly supporting his propo-1 . ' “ Unrxlyar", baa boronio quite familiar. dxr City for Ihu workmen on Ihx dam can peace delegation and with the that friends of the black republic sub­ rastest colored baseball team In the ^ amendment which would exempt ®r* Uo“ th® c“ *' * * * bo» rd cho» « To Iho laynixn.and Ibay ara In tho Nxproaa aro not allowed to atay In scribe funds for the restoration of the United State* They played a great p.tron. of municipally owned electric *®nd CJ‘eCk ,pU® 01 ,he ,tan- great majority, who ara uot aa fatnl- Ikiuldxr City overnight There are no Hindu and other nationalist groups game here a couple of week* ago. pUnu from the three per cent rere- d*r°“* “tUel“ WlUch h*Te liar with bualnaaa procedura aa they * «> «* »«« »h ere they may aiay and no N.A.A.C.P. FIGHTS JIM CROW famous Citadel I-a Ferrtere. of Chris­ SCHOOL IN PENN. winning from the local team They DUe ^ enacted at the current sea.lon ,U,° Ai,,oc^ tloB * nd lu by ahouId bx, ibx above phraax Indicates !Pl*e* wh«f® «*>ey "»ay « » ' This » » ■ tophs, one of the wonders of the have been playing all of the strong- congress. I did this In the name " * * * " * ad P“ WI' 'one of the excuses made for not hlr- world, located on a mountain top not to thxm aom xtbliK terrible; some- eat teams In the south since leaving ot CRy Commissioner of Public UtUl- |C*E!°D ° f .th® Communist party. Ins Negroes - that “ no provision had far from Cape Haitian. thln( dlaaairoua; a compleie failure; here and have won them all. itlea _____________ I “ *• ° ‘ *“ e is regarded been made" lo house (hem Even tha aud create« a paulcky and unatahl» The West Sldo youngsters are con- i as resting in the skilled hands of Mr. two N e(ro bootblacks who ahlne shoes fexIliK lowarda Ne(ro btialnxaa In fldent that they can defeat the visit- | i „ my wlre to tbe Senator 1 said i Poliak,, who^ has been retained as chief In lloulder City have to come each SCOTTBBORO SISTER ON TOUR (euxrul. ors in a series of game* and have that utis revenue levy was sn opening cou“ ®‘ by the «»tsrnational L*bor De- a • e morning from lota V r(a*. bringing beeu working hard to get in condl- «e d g e to compel customers of muni­ fense. which is conducting the case. their lunches with them, and return POR SCOTT8BORO BOYS Thla «huuld not be m i' “done In­ tion for this series. Manager Ray cl pally owned water plants to pay a LMr. Poliak 1* an eminent lawyer and each n!(ht. Bryn Mawr, Pa. July 37—The Bryn to tho hamla of the Receiver", doxa Brook* of the locals says that re- llke U I ln ^ future was at one time an associate of Jus­ not nxcxaaarlly mean a eomplxlx fai­ So for the preeent at least, the Mawr branch of the N.A.A.C.P. U go­ tice of Benjamin N. Cardoso of the Ten year old LucUle Wright is a- gardless of the outcome of the games 1 lure. Many of (be (roalxat eutxrprUxa j Negroes working on (he dam, must ing forward with plans to carry a ¡United States Supreme Court. TN. A. galn on a speaking tour on behalf of f* n® W,H **e » hustling bunch of j communicated with Senator McNary In tha country, particularly iranapor ride the 23 miles from U> Veras to school segregation caae to court In A. C. P. feels that In Mr. Poliak the her brothers and of the other Scotts- youngsters out there doing the best own Income. In '.hi* manner the con- 1! tat ton ayateraa; the (xnvral uilllly lloulder City and t he 7 milea from spite of confined criticism liy the Ard­ Boulder City down to the dam site more. Pa. Dally Times The nowspaper boro boys, after an Interval of Illness they can to win. The local team con- .mer wold not hare to bear this bur- *“ r ® ° n® ° f th® h®*1 Uwyer* corporallona, etc. have at one lime sists of all of the best high school (oI lB the i . „ . ni. at checks. The | Amer4c*' to (e t work and repeat the weary p ro­ baa written several editorial# saying from tonsllltla. Her engagements In or another been in Ibe baud» of the players In the city and It Is consld- of the check nayg tbe t„ - not ' es** each evenlnr. They carry thetr the local officers of the N AA.C.P Philadelphia the last three days were Receiver pxndln( an Internal and ered the fastest young baseball team u,e pers,)D cashing It. lS8 LEWIS E LE V A TE D lunches. Atl because there la no room were good people, but they were the first since she was taken sick In external adjustment and reorganlza- I that has ever been organized in Port- ' Mias Kate Lewis who went to Ber- In a brand new city, built and owned "poorly advised. in opposing Ihe Toleda while she was speaking, and tlou of Ita affalra. land. by the United Statea government, for segregation. The paper contends that bad to be rushed to New York for the 1 Charlie Akers, the talkative short When the big power boy. found ^ r to attend the Grand cltlxena and ex-aoldlera who are not removal of tonsils. Now she is at work An ailing person (o x « to a doctor tho school hoard at Bryn. In deriding out what the city-owned electric s y * I™ , ° - o f ^ ita Jurisdlc- again, more vigorous than ever. or a aanatorlum for treatment. Some white. lo send the white children to a brand stop, of the colored team, will be In tenj!l were golng t0 do they tmmedl. ,®U r of California andGrand Conduct- The N. A A C. P. aud the National new school next fall and keep the the visitors' lineup and promises to L tely uged ,helr lnf|uence wlUl the > ion- WM el« T‘ Ud to Gr do not (o until (heir phyalcal condi­ Her coming engagements will cen­ display hia bag of tricks and hand Teas from Or. Associate Conductress. liar Association which Jointly carried Colored children In the old building, treasury department and saw to It tion forraa such action but the wlaa ter In Connecticut!. Lucille Is the sis­ out hi. line of chatter that always ,hat order |ggue<, Iorbldding ™® 0r*?d S*“ 10“ conTened the on the fight to get Negroes Joba on was "Improving Ihe Colored race." peraon (oea when ho dlarovera the ter of Roy and Andy Wright, two of keep, the fan.
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