Europa Universalis - Rules of Play

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Europa Universalis - Rules of Play

1 Europa Universalis - Rules of Play

2nd edition

BEFORE TO START... Political rules, in the campaign rules deal with a The apprenticeship of each point of rule is easy in certain number of specific cases, especially useful .. reading the rules, we recommend you to read itself. To facilitate the global understanding of the for the 1492-1792 Grand Campaign scenario. If the advice below to facilitate your approach of rules, try the battle scenarios, in particular the first some of them are necessary for a shorter campaign, EUROPA UNIVERSALIS. three. They can be played rapidly, help practice it is specified at the beginning of each campaign some specific theme of the basic rules and may presentation in the Scenario handbook EUROPA UNIVERSALIS may seem, a priori, a even be played solitaire. Monster Game. This is mostly due to the size and A last point: Random events in the handbook of number of maps, counters, rules, scenarios and an- You will note that basic rules, once acquired, are Annexes. Do not read them! nexes booklet that you just discovered. That seems sufficiently repetitive to create mechanisms of self- This is done to preserve in your first campaign the normal for a game that is aimed at covering 300 of assimilation that avoid reading through the rules too element of surprise and to prevent a form of histori- the most animated years in the History of Europe regularly. Most of the time, examples illustrating cal foresight that did not possess the monarchs that and the World. points of rule are inspired from a real situation you are going to represent. In any case, read them (usually in AD 1492 or close to that date). only when that is required by the occurrence of In practice, if you follow in its main lines the way such or such event. of approach that we present you here, you will dis- CAMPAIGN RULES After some battle, solitaire or campaign scenarios, cover that the mechanisms and essential compre- you will master the essence of the game system. hension of the game will be grandly facilitated. When you feel at ease with the basic rules, proceed You can then consult the Designer’s notes and to the campaign rules, designed to make the multi- Player’s strategy that figure at the end of the An- PRELIMINARY REMARK player game work. nexes and Scenarios handbooks.

The different rules of this game are presented by Start reading the rules of most importance for an This being said, have a good reading. homogeneous rubric, following as much as possible immediate usage, i.e. those concerning Monarchs, the chronology of the game-aim sequence. Each Events and Income. point of the rules begins by a succinct presentation Philippe THIBAUT of its content. All points of rules that necessitate it Therewith, practice the solitaire scenario “CORTES are accompanied by examples and, for some of & MAGELLAN”. The other solitaire scenarios al- them, illustrations. low you to acquire step by step the main mecha- nisms of campaigns, while reminding you also of SETTING-UP AND BASIC RULES the Basic rules. To finish, read the other campaign rules (Revolts, First of all, install near you both maps, counters sets Pirates, The evolution of the Technology, Period (not carved yet), players’ aides and record sheets Limits, Looting and The Diplomacy with Minors - provided in the game box. Leave aside, for the mo- NB: read also the handbook of Annexes for the part ment, the handbook of Annexes. presenting minor countries).

Begin with reading the Basic Rules that follow this Now, you can start practicing a multi-player cam- presentation (Page 1 to 22). They give you the main paign, e.g. the 1492-1519 campaign or the more mechanisms of this game, especially all those rela- lively 1665-1699 campaign. tive to the game on the European map, with coun- ters, mainly in the military field (sequence of play, TO CONCLUDE movement, attrition, stacking, supply, leaders, com- bats, sieges, technology, etc.). 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS

Europa Universalis - Rules Of Play...... 1 Game Equipment...... 3 1. Maps...... 3 2. Counters...... 4 3. Tables And Dice...... 4 4. Lexicon...... 5 Basic Rules...... 5 5. Sequence Of Play...... 5 6. Income & Diplomacy...... 5 7. Logistic Phase...... 5 8. Maintenance...... 6 9. The Purchase Of Units...... 6 10. The Placement Of Units...... 8 11. Military Phase...... 8 12. Military Campaigns...... 8 13. Stacking...... 9 14. Movement...... 9 15 Attrition Of Forces...... 12 16. Technologies...... 12 17. Combats...... 13 18. Sieges...... 18 19. The Phase End Test...... 21 20. Redeployment Phase...... 21 21. The Interphase...... 23 22. Victory...... 23 Advanced Rules...... 23 23. Sequence Of Play...... 23 24. Periods...... 23 25 The Royal Treasury...... 24 26. Bankruptcy...... 24 27. Stability...... 25 28. Monarch Phase...... 25 29. Events Phase...... 26 30. Revolts...... 27 31. Pirates...... 28 32. Diplomatic Phase...... 28 33. Diplomacy & Minor Countries...... 30 34. Wars...... 34 35. Income Phase...... 36 36. Domestic Trade...... 38 37. Foreign Trade...... 38 38. Commercial Gains...... 38 39. Centers Of Trade And Convoys...... 38 40. Colonies & Trading Posts...... 39 41. Industries...... 39 42. The Rest-Of-The-World Gold...... 40 43. Loans...... 41 44. Administrative Phase...... 41 45. Administrative Operations...... 42 46. Competition...... 44 47. Technologies...... 45 48. Military Phase...... 47 49. Redeployment Phase...... 49 50. Peace Phase...... 50 51. Interphase...... 53 52 Victory...... 54 53. Political Rules...... 54 Rest Of The World...... 64 54. Optional Rules...... 64 55. Geography...... 64 56. Counters...... 65 57. Military Aspects...... 66 58. Discoveries...... 66 59. Colonies...... 67 60. Trading Posts...... 68 61. Exotic Resources...... 69 62. Natives...... 70 MAIN FEATURES OF A CAMPAIGN GAME TURN Each of the 6 players represents the monarch of a 3 European power. (VP) of the just undertaken turn, e.g. these of spe- B. Difficulty level and Tolerance level cific discoveries made during the turn and those of Concern the Rest-of-the-world map only, for the The game begins with the verification of the mon- successful colonization attempts or existing com- various Areas. The 2nd listed figure represents the archs’ survival and, in case of death, the determina- mercial monopolies. Other VP are also earned if the “difficulty” of establishment for Colonies ad Trad- tion of the successor’s characteristics: turn concludes a precise period of the campaign, ing Posts (incorporates such factors as climate, dis- Administration, Diplomacy, Military. VP being granted or not according to specific ob- eases, wealth of the land, water supply, weather jectives existing for each period and each player etc....), and the 3rd is the “tolerance” level of the na- Coming next, the random events phase. Random (See Scenario handbook). tives to European penetration. These levels apply to events are of two different types. Those of general every province part of the same Area. order, good or bad, are called “Economic” and there Military leaders are removed from or added to play is one per player each turn. Those called “political” according, to the dates written on their respective C. Terrain events, more “historical” in feeling, happen at the counters. The terrain of a province can be clear (i.e. plains rate of 3 or 4 by five-year turn. They give the -beige color), forest (green, with symbol of tree), rhythm of the game. mountain (chestnut, with symbol of mountain), marsh (light green, with symbol of reed), or desert Each player can then enter diplomacy, at will with GAME EQUIP- (yellow, with symbol of dune). his partners or according to a limited number of ac- MENT tions per period on minors. It is at this time that C.1 Rivers are represented by blue lines. They also declaration of wars take place, particularly if a save as frontiers between provinces that they sepa- Causus Belli is available (otherwise it is very costly rate They can be crossed by land units. in terms of Stability and Victory Points). The game includes: - 2 maps in color (Europe & Rest-of-The-World) C.2 Straits are represented by blue arrows on seas Then, players adjust their treasury according to the of 80 cm x 60 cm each; (or lakes) separating two provinces. They can be inflation (up to - 33% loss!) and calculate their in- - 1412 counters (armies, fleets, leaders, detach- crossed by land and naval units. come (provinces, domestic, foreign and maritime ments, Colonies, Trading posts, etc); C.3 The terrain and rivers have an impact on move- trade, Colonies, Trading Posts, sales of exotic re- - 1 handbook of rules, 1 handbook of scenarios, 1 ment and combat. sources, loans, etc.). The obtained treasury is re- handbook of annexes; duced if the Stability of the county is negative. - 6 player’s aids, record sheets, 2 ten-sided dice. D. Cities All cities indicated on the map are fortified They They proceed afterwards to the maintenance of are represented by a “” (level 1 fortress), or by a their units (veterans or conscript armies, fleets, “” (level 2 fortress) (See §18). Each city has a 1. MAPS fortresses) and raise new forces (conscripts solely) name. Capitals of countries (both major and minor) in the limit authorized for each country during each are written in red. period. They redeploy also their military leaders They use an identical principle, for both the Europe (some can leave Europe, others not). and Rest-of-the-world maps: they are divided into D.1 Cities having a port are identified directly and provinces and seas, for the different aspects of the solely by a “” (for level 1 fortified ports), or by a The administrative phase allows all players, simul- game (stocking of counters, movement combat, “” (level 2). Ports allow entry to each sea zone taneously, to develop their industry, their trade economy etc.). Color codes and important informa- adjacent to the province containing the port. (thanks to their commercial dynamism, symbolized tion for players are presented at the back of this by two indexes, domestic and foreign), their handbook D.2 Some provinces, mostly on the Rest-of-the- Colonies and Trading Posts, their technology. world map (e.g. Panama province with marshes) are 1.1 THE MAP OF EUROPE separating two sea zones that are not adjacent. The military phase is played in the decreasing val- The map of Europe is divided into provinces. Prov- Naval units entering port in those provinces may ues of monarchs order, each player in turn under- inces are regrouped into major countries (represent- exit this port only into the same sea zone they en- taking a round. Each round entails additional ex- ed by players) and into minor countries (with one or tered it from (or a sea zone adjacent to both the port penses, according to the extent of operations that more provinces). and the sea of entry). the player wants to undertake At the end of each “Home” or “National” provinces of major countries D.2.1 They cannot exit into a sea zone that touches round, one verifies if the phase stops (die-roll infe- are delimited by dearly visible frontiers on the Eu- a coastline which is not the same as the one they rior to the number of already undertaken rounds). ropean map, in the country’s color (same as on the entered from. counters of that country - e.g. France is color-coded D.2.2. Note, however, that a port in those provinces - Movements are function of the distance from a in blue, both for counters and boundary of national is opened on each of the separate sea zones. friendly supply source (on land) or, at sea, of the provinces). Minor country provinces are listed in Example: There is no “Panama Canal” yet, there- risk value of seas traveled through (entailing the Annexes handbook. fore units entering a port in Panama from the Carib- losses). bean Sea cannot exit to the Pacific Ocean. Howev- - Combats take into account such values as ma- 1.2 THE REST-OF-THE-WORLD MAP er, units may disembark in Panama port from naval neuver, fire, shock or boarding of the different Outside of Europe, provinces are regrouped in large units arriving through the Caribbean. Then, after leaders present (but only the highest ranking Areas, delimited by red-colored frontiers. Informa- landing they may re-embark on different naval units leader of each side is in command), as well as the tion relative to each Area is printed within the Area located on the Pacific side of the same port. technologies (naval or land) of each camp and boundaries (or clearly close to it). It concerns na- the morale level of units involved in that combat. tives’ military strength, exotic resources (sugar, Major victories increase the Stability (and major spices...), the difficulty level for colonial establish- defeats decrease it!). ment, and tolerance level to European expansion. For more details, see §55. After military operations, players adjust their Sta- bility (it declines when wars prolong too much or 1.3 PROVINCES increases when the prosperity, i.e. the income, of Each province, in addition to its name, contains in- their nation has progressed). formation.

At the end of this phase, peace may be concluded. It A. Income can be through negotiation and mutual agreement The pink number printed in each province of Eu- on peace terms, or because the Stability of a player rope represents its income level, expressed in num- has fallen to such a point that the peace becomes ber of Ducats (D$), the monetary unit of the game. mandatory. Negotiations with minors also take Outside of Europe, income of each province part of st place at this time. Areas is the 1 number among the 3 mentioned for the Area. Finally each counts accumulated victory points 4 start may become so during the course of game (as el. 1.4 SEAS specified in the scenario). Seas and oceans are divided into sea zones. A.2 Excess “?” leaders must be removed at random B. The Detail of the Counters when there are enough named leaders in play to A. The Sea Risk Level Information on counters is usually easily under- reach the minimum number per category. Each sea zone has a name (in English) and possess- standable. es a numerical value printed in a cloud symbol (the B. Specific cases higher the risk figure the darker the cloud symbol). B.1 Colors are used to identify the different nation- The content of the counters (armies, fleets, and de- This value is called the sea risk level (See 15.3). alities of counters. tachments) is indicated on the player’s aides. It is Some seas outside of Europe have, in addition, a described in the Annexes handbook for minor coun- light blue circle containing a positive figure. It rep- B.2 See the back of the scenario handbook for the tries. resents a die-roll modifier on naval movement attri- description of the different counter types and expla- tion used whenever that sea zone is crossed during nation relative to the information presented on each B.1 Note that the “Heiliges Reich” army counter movement (even if the stack is not stopping in that type. and detachments have a content similar to that of same sea zone). armies and detachments of the player currently be- B.3 Armies, fleets, Trading Posts and Colonies ing Emperor (See §53, Political rules). B. Commercial Zones have a (+) symbol on their front and a (-) symbol on In some seas is found a merchant ship silhouette their back, giving general information relative to B.2 Use “revolt” armies and detachments if needed (with a number). This represents the center of a their actual content The content level is: (+) = 50% for the Natives, French Protestant and British Roy- commercial zone, that can be either “sea”, or or more, (-) = less than 50%. alist units if extra forces are necessary. “country” trade zone. B.4 Most military leader counters are used to repre- B.3 White fortress markers are used only for minor B.1 Each trade zone is considered as covering in sent two different leaders. One is presented on the countries. fact the sea zone where is found its symbol, as well front side, the other on the back (these leaders com- as all nearby, adjacent sea zones. ing into play at different times, there is no possibili- ty to have one same single counter being used to B.2 Round shaped trade zones are called “Country show two different leader at the same time). 3. TABLES AND DICE Trade Zone” (CTZ), and carry the name of a major country. This country trade zone represents the do- B.5 As a rule, Generals and Admirals serve in Eu- Most of the results, procedures and modifications mestic sea trade of the named country. rope, the Conquistadors and Explorers outside of are summarized on explicit tables (See Players’ Europe (with some exceptions). Aides). B.3 Square shaped trade zones are called “Sea B.6 Military leaders have 3 different “military” val- The game uses ten-sided dice (called D10 here- Trade Zone” (STZ), without particular name except ues each: maneuver, fire, shock/boarding (and also after) for the resolution of the different actions and that of the sea zone where they are physically print- siege for some Generals), as well as two figures phases of the game. ed on the map. They cover the general trade, with giving their turn of appearance in and removal from no connection to one specific country, be it major the game. 3.1 TABLES or minor. Tables serving to solve the different actions of B.7 Each leader possess also a letter indicating its game are regrouped on the players’ aides. C. Pirates hierarchical rank for command (“A” being the best) Outside Of Europe, commercial zones are accom- (See 17.1-C or 17.2-C). 3.2 DICE panied by a “” representing pirates. This symbol The two dice used in this game are ten-sided. A possesses one (or several) value, called “appearance B.8 A blue ““ symbol indicates that this leader is zero (0) on the die always represents ten (10). value”, which is used to determine if pirates acti- authorized to leave the European map. vate within that specific trade zone (mostly through 3.3 PLAYERS’ AIDES random events, See §31). B.9 An “m” symbol indicates that this leader (Ad- Each player has its own Player’s aide that regroups miral or General) cannot leave the Mediterranean all tables and information most relevant to play. It 2. COUNTERS (Black sea included) and coastal provinces of the is recommended to keep at least one clear copy of same. each, using photocopy. They are of two different sizes: large and small. The size has no impact on the game. The more im- B.10 An “@” symbol indicates that this leader can 3.4 RECORD SHEETS portant information for play is summarized on serve only in Asia (exclusively - See 55.2-B). Each player has a set of record sheets at his disposal counters. Some counters possess different informa- to record all of his actions, his military forces and tion between their front and their back (especially B.11 A “$” symbol indicates that this leader can strengths, his treasury, his income calculations... it military leaders). serve only in America (exclusively - See 55.2-C). is also advised to photocopy these record sheets be- fore play, as each is rarely re-usable after utiliza- 2.1 COUNTERS DESCRIPTION B.12 A white “©” symbol indicates that this leader tion. There are 1412 counters in all for this game, repre- is in fact a privateer (See 49.4) and not an Admiral. senting: Such a privateer may never command fleet coun- - military units: armies, fleets, and small detach- ters. ments (naval/land); - fortresses; B.13 A yellow “©” symbol indicates that this lead- - military leaders (Admirals, Generals, Conquista- er is both an Admiral and a privateer (See 49.4) and dors, Explorers), and monarchs of major and mi- may command fleets. nor countries; - Trading Posts and Colonies; 2.2 USE OF THE COUNTERS - commercial fleets; - diplomatic status of minor countries; A. Minimum number of leader counters - information markers: siege, looting revolt, gold On the player’s aides, there is an indication of the mines, turn/phase markers, technologies... etc. minimum of leader counters per category (Gener- als, Admirals. Explorers, Conquistadors) a player A. Number of Counters must have during a turn. The number of counters provided in the game is the maximum usable limit. All the counters of a player A.1 If the number of leaders in play, for a given may well not be available from the start of a partic- category, falls or already is below the minimum, the ular campaign or scenario. Counters not available at player can draw at random one or more “?” leaders of the missing category to reach this minimum lev- 5 MC: Multiple Campaign 6. INCOME & DIPLOMACY 4. LEXICON Land Technologies Med: Medieval Some abbreviations are used to facilitate the taking Ren: Renaissance This phase is limited, and exists only in some battle of notes by players as well as to reduce repetition Ter: Tercios scenarios. in the rules. Arq: Arquebuses Mou: Muskets 6.1 SEQUENCE 4.1 USUAL ABBREVIATIONS Bar: Baroque (from 1630, period of the 30 years’ 1. Income Abbreviations often used in the game are the fol- War) 2. Diplomacy lowing: Man: War of Maneuver (from 1700, period of the War of the Spanish Succession) 6.2 INCOME Frequent Terms GD: “Guerre en Dentelles” (i.e. War in Laces -from Every player (one country or group of countries) re- - Period: The 60 game turns are segmented into 1750, period of he Seven Years War) ceives each turn a fixed amount in ducats, as indi- “periods” of approximately 50 years (between 6 cated in the scenario being played. and 12 turns, according to the epoch in play; e.g., Naval Technologies the 1492-1519 period is 6 turns long). Car: Carrack - Gln: Galleon 6.3 DIPLOMACY - Stability: it is an indication of the domestic situa- VL Latin Sail - Bat: Battery In some scenarios, it is possible that minor coun- tion of a country represented by a player. VA “Vaisseau”, or Ship of the Line (from 1650, pe- tries are “tested” during this phase to determine - Stack: several (or single) military unit(s), with or riod of the Anglo-Dutch Wars) their intention towards the players. without leader(s), placed on the map. TP: “Trois-ponts”, or Three-Deckers (from 1770, This is checked through a die-roll, independently of - Attrition: risk of loss linked to the movement, re- period of the War of Independence) the will of the players, as indicated in the scenario treat, supply and sieges. being played. - Box: sites on the diplomatic track (or technology Various A minor country can thus be controlled by a player. track) where are positioned markers of countries, VP: Victory Points- TR: Royal Treasury It is then considered as an “ally” of this player, i.e. both major and minors. D$: ducat, the monetary unit of the game its units and its territory are used by the player as its - CB: Casus Belli, motive of war declaration with- D10: ten-sided the own. out loss of Stability. D100: 2 ten-sided dice, one indicating tenths, and - Round: military sub-phase where each player, in the other units. turn, activate none, some or all his units. - Campaign: allows the activation of military units 7. LOGISTIC PHASE for a round. There are 3 different types: Passive Campaign (PC), Simple Campaign (SC), or Mul- tiple Campaign (PC). BASIC - Day: complete sequence of combat (fire & NB: Please follow specific scenario rules for par- shock/boarding). RULES ticular cases. - Strength Point (SP): a quantity of units of a spe- cific type. 7.1 SEQUENCE - Major country: country directly represented by a PREAMBLE 1. Maintenance player in that game. 2. Purchases - Minor country: country not directly represented 3. Placement on map by a player in that game. A complete list of those Basic rules mostly concern the battle scenarios, figures in the Annexes handbook. played exclusively on he European map, for two players or more. They are limited mainly to the mil- 7.2 DEFINITION OF A MILITARY UNIT So as to facilitate the comprehension here are some Characteristics of Monarchs itary field. Rules are organized in rubrics processing he main definitions: ADM: Administrative Military units (army, fleet, and detachment) are MIL: Military aspects of he game, if possible in he order of he se- quence of play but without following it by a too rig- counters used by countries to represent their armed DIP: Diplomatic forces in the game orous way. Each point of rule entails a general pre- sentation, followed by the different detailed points Trade A. Units Content CTZ: Country Trade Zone relating there. Examples may illustrate some spe- cific rules (in general based on 1492 era informa- Each unit has a content. This content is expressed in STZ: Sea Trade Zone a variable number of strength points (SP). tion). FTI: Foreign Trade Index - A land unit can contain a force distributed be- DTI: Domestic Trade Index tween infantry (I), cavalry (C) and artillery (Art) TP: Trading Post - COL: Colony 5. SEQUENCE OF PLAY strength points. IND: Industry - A naval unit can contain ships of 3 different Each game turn represents five years of real time. types: warships (N), galleys (Ga), transport ships Land Units Players play simultaneously during each phase, ex- (Tr). A+: army, (+) side up cept during the military phase, in which the order A-: army, (-) side up of play alternates (as indicated in the scenario, or A.1 Each unit can contain a variable force, up to the D: detachment initiative level during campaigns). maximum of its capacity. This capacity is proper to I: infantry - Art: artillery - C: cavalry each country (by unit), and depends on the period in 5.1 SEQUENCE OF PLAY play (indicated in the scenario). Content is indicated Naval Units The sequence of play in the basic game can be sum- in the players’ aides, and expressed in terms of SP F+: fleet, (+) side up marized as follows: of the type contained in the unit at its maximum F-: fleet, (-) side up size For minors, it is indicated in Annexes in the D: detachment 1. Income & Diplomacy Phase* descriptive list of minor countries. N: warship (excluding galleys and galleass) 2. Logistic Phase Ga: galley and galleass 3. Military Phase 7.3 SIDE (+) AND SIDE (-) ARMY/FLEET Tr: Transport ship 4. Redeployment Phase Each army and fleet has two sides (front/back): one 5. Interphase is (+), the other (-). Military Operations * = in some scenarios only. MP: Movement Points PC: Passive Campaign SC: Simple Campaign 6 This notion indicates if the unit contains a total concerned minor county. the counter (red figure in the center of the fortress force known to be more (+) or less (-) than 50% of symbol). its maximum capacity. B.1 If this force increases beyond its basic size, the - It is placed side (+) if it contains 50% or more player controlling the minor country has to pay the B.1 A fortified city cost no maintenance, except if (up to full strength) of its capacity. maintenance of the extra strength, using his own list there is a fortress counter placed over it. - It is placed side (-) if it contains less than 50% of of costs for that extra maintenance. its capacity (to a minimum of one, i.e. there are B.2 Minor counties pay no maintenance for their no “dummies”). B.2 If the minor country has artillery in its basic fortress counters. force, but does not possess the Renaissance technol- 7.4 DETACHMENTS ogy, consider all artillery SP as an equal number of 8.3 DEMOBILIZATION A detachment is a militarily weak unit in terms of infantry SP. All force in excess as compared to the basic force, capacity. It can be naval or land (front/back). Its ca- whose maintenance is not paid, is demobilized and pacity is limited to 10 (any type of SP except ar- C. The Experience of Units removed from the military unit. tillery) for all countries, and whatever the period Land units of the basic force (army, detachment) A military unit without force is removed from the being played: have in permanence the status of “veteran” for com- map (but the counter remains available for later bats (See 17.2 - D). use). A/- land detachment: 10 infantry or cavalry (con- Naval units have no particular status (since there is scripts or veterans), but no artillery. no such distinction in the naval domain). 9. THE PURCHASE OF UNITS B/- naval detachment: 5 warships or transport Players do receive new forces only by buying them. ships, or 15 galleys *. Example: The Venetian basic force, in 1492, is: 3 Their prices vary with the technology, and their detachments (either land or naval) and a side (-) number is limited within each period played. * = whatever the period is, a galley (Ga) accounts fleet. Each minor country receives additional forces for l/3 of a ship. In 1500, the Venetian player possesses a side (-) through the roll of one the on the Reinforcements army containing 8 infantry SP (all veterans) and Table (whatever their technology is). In some sce- 7.5 DEFINITION OF WHAT IS “FRIENDLY” aside (+) fleet container 60 galleys. The side (+) narios, players may receive reinforcements (as a A province, a stack, etc. is defined as “friendly” fleet does not cost anything as it is equivalent to 2 minor country). when it is controlled by: detachments and the side (-) fleet. The side (-) All these forces are limited in number, either for army costs the equivalent of 2 land detachments for the purchase limit, or regarding the maximum size A/- the player; the maintenance: 1 is free and the remaining de- authorized. This limit is fixed according to the B/- another player that grants a passage right tachment will have to be paid. See following exam- played period (as per Player’s aides), or by the (through province) to the player, or an ally of ple. number of available counters for the placement on the player (province/stack); the map. C/- a minor country allied to either one of the 8.2 MAINTENANCE COSTS above-mentioned players. The cost of the maintenance is different according 9.1 PURCHASE OF LAND FORCES to: To purchase units, use the costs indicated for each 8. MAINTENANCE county on its Costs table (according to its land tech- Each country has what is called a basic force, A/- the nature of the unit (army, fleet, detachment); nology, See §16). whose maintenance is free. However, a player can B/- its capacity (side + or -) whatever the exact decide to increase his global forces beyond this ba- content in SP is, A. Detail or Standard Purchase sic force, but that will have for effect to cost him C/- its experience (conscript/veteran) for land units Players can buy a unit (army or detachment) of more ducats each turn so as to maintain this force only, their choice in two different manners: in excess into play. D/- its technologies (land and naval). Each player’ Costs Table indicates the different 1/- directly side (+) or side (-) with a standard con- costs of land and naval unit maintenance, for those Each major country has its own costs table, adapted tent (different for each period) in infantry, cav- that are in excess of the basic forces. These costs to its structural capacities. This table is located on alry and/or artillery SP. also apply to their allied countries (if they have the Player’s aide relative to that country. 2/- or by filling in the counter in detail, with the any). See Players’ Aides for details. different types of SP and up to the maximum For land units, a distinction is made between con- Example (continuation of precedent) The Venetian capacity of the unit, each component SP bought scripts and veterans SP. player has a land detachment (veteran) in addition in this way having its own price, depending on to his basic forces. He pays only the maintenance the period in play. The side of the unit depends 8.1 BASIC FORCES of this extra unit. His land technology is currently thus on the number of SP bought to fill it in. Each country has a basic force whose maintenance Renaissance. By consulting his Cost table, he can All Ducats fractions are to be rounded-up. is free. This force is different for each country (ma- see that he must pay 8 ducats for this extra mainte- jor or minor) and variable from a period to the oth- nance. A.1 These counters (armies and detachments) have er. no cost by themselves. It is composed of armies or fleets, side (+) or side A. The Choice of Units Experience (-), and/or detachments (naval or land), as indicated Land units (those in excess as compared to the ba- in the scenario or campaign played. sic force) can be maintained in two different man- ners: as conscripts (less expensive but less efficient A. Equivalencies and Specifications in combat, due to a lower morale); or as veterans Consider, for this free basic force maintenance the (more expensive but they have a better morale in following equivalencies: combat). A.1 The player chooses under what form he main- A/- a side (+) army/fleet costs the same as 2 side(-) tains his land units and those of his allies. This armies/fleets; choice can be made separately for each unit (i.e. B/- a side (-) army/fleet costs the same as 2 army and/or detachment) and may vary from a turn land/naval detachments. to the other.

A.1 Note that unless specifically indicated, a de- A.2 The totality of forces (infantry, cavalry, ar- tachment (D) may either be a land or a naval de- tillery SP) contained in the unit becomes automati- tachment (player’s choice, made during seining up). cally veteran if the maintenance is paid in veteran, or conscript if it is paid in conscript B. Allied Minor Country The basic force of an allied minor country is indi- B. Fortresses cated in the Annexes, in the descriptive list of the Each fortress counter placed on the map has a maintenance cost equal to its “level” indicated on 7 A.2 The choice to buy standard or detail is free and fantry (I), 10 cavalry (C) and 2 artillery (Art) always a cost of 7 ducats (no influence of technolo- left to the player, provided he does not exceed lim- strength points (SP). gy on purchases of transport ships). its in doing so (See Advanced rules for details on France possesses the Renaissance technology limits). (therefore it can buy cannons!). Should it desire A.2 Fleet and detachment counters have no cost by buying in detail 30I, 9C and 6 Art SP. the cost of its themselves. A.3 In any case, whatever the type of purchase cho- purchases would be: sen, the maximum content of armies/fleets and/or * 25I at 0.5 ducats (D$) each (basic price of the pe- B. Galleys detachment for the period in play cannot be exceed- riod) + 5I at 1 D$ each (double of the period basic A galley uses up 1/3 of a ship in the stacking capac- ed. price). i.e. a total of 17.5 D$, rounded up to 18 D$. ity within a fleet or detachment counter. * 9C at 3 D$ each (basic price), i.e. $27 Designer’s Note: prices for detail and standard * 2 Art at 5 D$ each (basic price), 2 others at 10D$ B.1 galleys earn be bought only by a player having purchase are different as standard purchase are (double of the period basic price) and the last 2 at a port in: calculated on an avenge which may differ from 15 D$ (triple of the period basic price), i.e. a total A/- the Mediterranean Sea (Black Sea included); what the player may obtain in calculating the stan- of 60 D$. B/- or in the Baltic Sea; dard cost himself This is done on purpose. The total expenses represented by this purchase C/- or in the Caspian Sea. come therefore to 105 D$. B. Filling-up Understrength Units France chooses to distribute those just bought Ships Limits To fill up understrength units, players must buy forces among 3 newly created side (-) armies, e.g. The ships limit of purchase at the normal price is force in detail (See A.). No standard purchase is al- 10I, 3C and 2 Art each (i.e. 15 strength points by also the maximum purchase limit per turn. lowed in that case. array, which is < to 50% of the capacity of a French army in this period). 9.3 MINOR COUNTRY PURCHASES C. Purchase Limits A minor country receives forces by rolling one the The quantity of forces available for purchase each G. Fortress Construction on the Reinforcements Table (See players’ aides), turn, at the normal price, is limited, according to the On the map exist only level 1 or 2 fortified cites. in an “Offensive” posture (i.e. use the column la- played period (see players’ aides). These levels can be increased by the construction of beled “Offensive” on the Reinforcement Table) * fortress counters. without any payment In such a case, ignore any ref- C.1 The number of forces purchased is also limited erence to military campaigns made in the table by the maximum capacity in number of SP of G.1 The purchase price of fortress counters (ac- armies and detachments available to the player. The cording to their level) is permanent whatever the These reinforcements can be placed only if the mi- same is valid for minor countries. period in play. However, some fortification levels nor country has a military counter at its disposal are accessible only when the player or minor coun- that has a sufficient capacity to integrate its rein- C.2 The different possible distribution of an army try has reached a certain level of technology: forcements. Otherwise all excess reinforcements are content in terms of Infantry, Cavalry and/or Ar- lost tillery SP is fixed for the whole duration of a period Level Ducats Technology and cannot be modified, even when purchasing SP 2 25 Medieval A. Forces in Excess in detail. 3 50 Renaissance If the newly received reinforcements make the total 4 75 Baroque forces of the minor country exceeds its basic force C.3 The 10 SP content of a detachment, on the oth- 5 100 turn 40 * or later allowance (See Annexes, list of minors); the player er hand, can be filled in with any type of SP except can choose between accepting them and paying the Artillery. * = with at least the Baroque technology. corresponding maintenance (during the next main- tenance sub-phase); or refusing them. D. Overcosts G.2 To construct a fortress at a certain level, it is Some forces may have a supplementary cost when necessary to pay in addition to the final level price B. Naval Limitation the normal per-turn purchase limit is exceeded (See all non-existent intermediate levels. A minor country can place a new naval unit only in C.). Already existent levels (on the map or on an al- one of its coastal provinces, and solely if it possess- ready placed counter) are not to be paid. es fleet or naval detachment counters. D.1 All forces bought in excess of this limit and up Example: Calais is a level 2 fortified city. To con- to the double of the limit cost double price. struct a level 4 fortress there, it is necessary to pay Example: Poland (from 1492 to 1792) can buy no both the level 3 (nonexistent yet) and the level 4, ship because it possesses no fleet or naval detach- D.2 Those bought between the double and the triple i.e. 125 ducats. ment counters. of the limit cost triple price. G.3 The number of fortress counters provided in D.3 The maximum purchasable is at the most equal the game is the maximum available. A player can to the triple of the limit and may never be exceeded. always remove one fortress counter (or more) from the map if he wants to use it at another place (he D.4 A force bought outside normal recruitment has then to repay its full cost again). provinces (See 10.1-A) costs the double of its price G.4 There is no limit per turn for purchase of (cumulative with above-mentioned overcosts). fortress. The only applicable limits are the techno- logical level achieve by the player, his remaining E. The Experience of Recruits treasury and the number of fortress counters avail- Land forces newly bought are always considered as able for placement. conscripts (except rare exceptions. See scenarios and §53, Political Rules). 9.2 NAVAL PURCHASE E.1 Note the distinction between conscripts and The naval force purchase is made in the same man- veterans within army or detachment contents, e.g. ner as for the land force purchase, with the excep- in the case where a unit maintained in veteran (dur- tions below: ing the maintenance sub-phase) has its content filled up with conscripts (during the Purchase sub- A. General Case -phase). The player can buy in detail ships of 3 different F. Artillery types: warships (N), galleys (Ga) for some coun- Artillery is available only for countries having at tries solely, and transport ships (Tr). least the technological level Renaissance. A.1 Use costs indicated for each country in its own Example: In 1515, France can buy at the normal Costs Table (according to its current naval technol- price up to an army (+) i.e. a maximum of 25 in- ogy, See §16); except for transport ships that have 8 During this sub-phase of placement he adds 15 gal- To displace their units (and to fight), players are 10. THE PLACEMENT OF leys (that he has just bought in detail) bringing his obliged to pay the cost of a “military campaign”, UNITS fleet to its maximum. more or less expensive according to what they de- Once bought, the new forces are placed on the He has also bought 10 other galleys (placed in an- sire to undertake. map, in principle within a national province of the other fleet counter) paying than at double price be- owning country. cause he wants to place this new fleet in the port of 11.1 SEQUENCE Strength Point (SP) can be placed only in armies, Candie (in CRETA, this province is annexed to fleets or detachments. Their number is registered in Venice in 1492, but is not a national province, Camp A plays first. the player’s military forces record sheet, in the box which explains why the price is doubled). corresponding to the military unit where they are This fleet in CRETA is placed on it (-) side because 1. Choice of the Campaign located and distributed among the different SP it contains less than half of its maximum capacity 2. Movement and interceptions attempts by Camp B types available. Military leaders may also be dis- (50% of 25 = 12.5 ships, or 37.5 galleys). 3. Attrition placed during this sub-phase 4. Resolution of Combats 10.3 MILITARY LEADERS REDEPLOY- 5. Resolution of Sieges MENT 10.2 GEOGRAPHICAL LIMIT Each player may redeploy his military leaders, re- Camp B plays second, following the exact same se- In principle, all newly placed units, or all reinforced gardless of distances, to any military stack (or quence units of a player, have to be placed in a national unbesieged city) under his control, provided that, province of the owning country (and under its con- while doing so, he respects the hierarchical order of 6. Test of Phase End trol). command. However, a military leader in a besieged city cannot Note: A new round is played, whenever the phase A. Constraints be redeployed. aid test fails. A newly created (or reinforced) fleet or naval de- Any yet unplaced leader (for lack of available com- tachment has to be in any home country pat (not mand or just arrived in play) can be deployed, as only a national province) when it is created or rein- soon as constraints of command allow. 12. MILITARY CAMPAIGNS forced. Each player has to pay a “military campaign” if he A.1 Some countries, according to the played sce- Note: The placement of newly arrived leaders on desires to move his units and to initiate combats (or nario, must place (or reinforce) their land units in the map takes place during the Interphase. to continue already undertaken sieges). The cost of some specific provinces only (specified in the such campaigns is more or less important accord- played scenario), unless they pay double price to A. The Military Hierarchy ing to the objectives the player is pursuing. Should have them placed elsewhere (see A.3 hereafter). Each military leader has a letter on its counter indi- the player wish not to start any campaigns in one cating its hierarchical rank of command (“A” being round he may pass and in fact, remains inactive for Example: the best). this round. The choice to start a campaign or not In the period 1492-1S60, Turkey has to place (and has to be made every round. reinforce) its land units only in the national prov- A.1 The highest-ranking military leader placed on There are three different types of campaigns: pas- inces of THRACIA and/or Angora. the map has to be placed on the strongest military sive, simple and multiple (according to a variable stack of the country (national or mixed with an al- level of activity against the enemy). Undertaking a NB: This does not apply to naval unit in Europe. lied unit) and so forth by descending order, both in campaign means paying an “activation” cost. This the hierarchy and the strength of stacks. cost is to be paid round by round, for each player. A.2 Some countries can in addition create (or rein- force) units in some provinces outside their home A.2 The strongest stack is determined in armies or 12.1 TYPES OF CAMPAIGNS country national provinces. fleet terms by their side, (-) or (+), then in detach- Players can make different campaign types, but ments terms (the exact force content of these units only one of any type can be undertaken in a single Example: has not importance). round. The 3 military campaign types are Passive, It is the case of Spain in Italy, if it controls the Simple and Multiple. province of MILANO directly or through the “Hab- A.3 No military leader of inferior rank can be They provide a different number of stacks that can sburg inheritance of MILANO” event. placed on the map if all leaders of the same country be activated for hostile actions, i.e. going into “un- and of superior rank have not yet been placed yet friendly” territory. A.3 Nevertheless it is still possible to create (or re- A.3.1 Should this placement constraint be not re- inforce) a unit in a province out of those where the spected at the end or during the course of a round recruitment is normally authorized. This province (due to leader injury or capture for instance), the has to be officially annexed. In this case, the pur- player must ensure that it will be so at the end of chase of the force costs the double of its basic price the next round or Redeployment phase (whichever (See 9.1-A), before any modification for overcosts. comes first).

A.4 Artillery SP can only be placed in army coun- A.4 This placement is made by category of military ters (not in land detachments). leader (Admirals and Generals), each category in- Artillery can be converted, at no cost, into infantry dependently. (if required or desired), of an equivalent experience (i.e. conscript or veteran). 11. MILITARY PHASE 10.2 SIDE (+) AND SIDE (-) The Military phase is segmented in a series of Armies and fleets are placed (or adjusted) on their rounds (for both movement and combat), all of (+) side if they contain a force equal to 50% or them identical and repetitive. more (all SP types together) of their total SP capac- However, there is uncertainty as to when this phase ity (See 7.2). will end, because at the end of each round, players They are placed on their (-) side if they contain less make a test to determine if the phase finishes. There than 50% of this capacity. are on the average 4 to 6 rounds, per phase (2 min- Reminder: a galley uses up 1/3 of a warship for this imum, and in very rare instances, up to a maximum calculation. of 11 rounds). Each round is representing more or less, a year of real time In AD 1500, the Venetian player has in the port of Players play one after the other, during each round Venice, a side (+) fleet containing 60 galleys (its of this phase. To facilitate the comprehension, let’s maximum capacity for this period is 25 ships per say that the first player(s) is called “Camp A”, the fleet [or 75 galleys]). other(s) “Camp B”. 9 results from the decision of another player, see The Cost of Campaigns A.4 This stacking limit for naval units is also valid 14.8). Each type of campaign has a different cost. in ports. On the other hand, land units in ports can- not be considered there as embarked and therefore A.1 Movement must be undertaken (order of move- are counted for land stacking limits. ment is important for interceptions resolution). Passive Campaign (PC): 10 D$ Once moved, a stack can no longer move this A.5 Stacking limits in besieged fortresses is the round, except if forced to do so at the end of a com- The Simple Campaign (SC): 20 D$ same as in a province, i.e. two counters. bat (e.g. retreat after battle).

The Multiple Campaign (MC): 100 D$ B. Overstacking 14.2 LAND MOVEMENT The stacking limit can be exceeded (i.e. Overstack- The most important notion for land movement is to ing) during the course of movement, but has to be know which provinces are friendly and which are B. The Passive Campaign (PC) respected at the end of the movement phase. All not. Indeed, this status is going to affect the ampli- The player can move none, any or all of his military units in surplus (it overstacked) are eliminated im- tude of movement stacks at will, but only in friendly territory, or in mediately at the end of the Movement phase. A. Friendly Provinces any sea zone. The same applies to his allied minor During a round, activated land units can move countries. B.1 The stacking limit may sometimes be exceeded freely among friendly provinces: during the course of a round (due for example to a B.1 The turn “friendly territory” designates all player being attacked before he had a chance to A/- controlled by the player, provinces under the player's control (or that of his move his units, or for a stack of 2 units successfully B/- controlled by another player that grants a pas- allies) and without enemy presence (military stack, relieving the siege of a city containing already 2 sage right or fortress, even besieged). friendly besieged units). C/- controlled by an allied minor country of the player, or another player giving a passage right. B.2 No movement that would involve an attack (of B.2 If this happen, the player must make sure that any kind), no landing in enemy territory and no he will respect the stacking limit during his first op- A.1 Each province moved through costs a certain naval blockade are authorized for the player. portunity to move the units number of movement points (MP) to the moving stack, as follows: B.3 Sieges already established can he pursued B.3 If those units in excess are involved in combat (since that does not constitute a movement). during another player round, they do not participate  Clear terrain (plain) in friendly province: costs 1 in that combat but must suffer all adverse results (if MP. C. the Simple Campaign (SC) any). The player owning the units always chooses  Clear terrain (plain) in an enemy province: costs Same thing as above, however the player is autho- which are involved and which are not 2 MP if at least one enemy stack or fortress rized to move one stack (without constraint) into (even besieged) is present. enemy territory. C. Stacking Limits per Province  Other terrain: 3 MP (with or without enemy A province can contain only 1 stack of 2 units (or 2 presence). C.1 If a land stack is transported by sea to disem- stacks of 1 unit each) from one side at the end of  Crossing of rivers and straits, landing on a bark in enemy territory, the naval stack that trans- the combat phase, except in the case of a siege coastal province: +1 MP. where can coexist the stack(s) of the besieger and ports it is considered as the same stack as the land-  Naval transportation: 2 MP, whatever the num- the besieged stack. ing stack (and not 2 different stacks) provided that ber of sea zones crossed during transport. all units constituting the land and naval stack have begun the round in the same port, province or sea A.2 If a stack has not enough remaining MP to en- Important Note: The various islands part of Den- zone. ter a province, it is obliged to stop where it is, be- mark, Baleares and Ionia constitute one single prov- fore entering this province. ince for game purposes (as delimited by the shade C.2 An attack on an enemy stack (on land or at A stack (if supplied) is never obliged to move, or to lines around them), in particular land movement sea), or a naval blockade counts for one activated spend all its MP by movement Unspent MP cannot and combat stack. be accumulated from round to round. The whole MP allowance is recovered at the beginning of each D. The Multiple Campaign (MC) new round. The player is authorized to move freely any, some C.1 A sea zone can contain any number of stacks or all of his stacks, without any constraint in terms belonging to different players, provided that no sin- A.3 All movement costing 6 MP or more entails a of territory (friendly or enemy), and to lead as many gle player possesses more than 2 units by sea zone. risk of attrition (See 15.2). combats, blockades and sieges as he desires. C.2 A stack of 2 units may enter a province where A.4 It is not necessary to have a leader to move a there is already a friendly stack, if this later stack stack. 13. STACKING moves away before the round’s end. Players can never exceed the stacking limit for A.5 Leaders may move alone on the map, with a ca- their counters. This limit is two military unit coun- 14. MOVEMENT pacity of 20 MP on land (unlimited at sea). They ters per player and per province or sea zone (em- During each round of the Military phase, a player barked land units at sea are not counted in the can move his stacks through provinces and sea naval units stacking). zones of the map. Each movement of a stack will have to be related to a supply source. Movement A. Stacking limit may also be subject to attrition. The limit of stacking is 2 counters (armies, fleets 14.1 CAPACITY OF MOVEMENT and/or detachments) per player and per province, or Land counters have, for each round, a capacity of sea zone. movement of 12 movement points (MP). Each province crossed by the stack costs a certain num- A.1 The (+) or (-) side of units is of no importance ber of MP. The movement of a naval stack has an in the stacking. Each unit (whatever is its internal unlimited capacity in terms of movement points. force content) counts as one counter for stacking limits A. Sequence A.2 Leaders are never counted for stacking. Movements of all units of a player have to be un- dertaken and completed, one by one, before any A.3 Land units transported by sea do not count in single combat or siege is resolved, with the excep- the stacking limit of the sea zone their carrying tion of interceptions (because combs in such a case stack lies in. 10 are considered as eliminated if attacked alone or The Turkish player realizes that he cannot reach a province adjacent to the same sea zone the fleet is successfully intercepted. Vienna (Wien) and remain there out of supply (to located in. establish a siege), because his stack would then be B. Presence of a Fortress 6 MP away from his closest source of supply B.3 The supply provided by the fleet does not ex- When a stack enters enemy territory (through multi- (Buda): tend inland into a province not adjacent to the ple or simple campaign), it must cease its move- Calculation: 2 MP for Presburg province (fortress fleet’s sea zone. ment if there is an unbesieged enemy fortress in this in enemy control), + 1 MP to cross the Danube riv- territory. er + 3 MP to enter in Austria (forest terrain) = To- B.4 if the fleet moves, for any reason, and is not tal is 6 MP. present when supply is considered, the units on land B.1 However, the stack may continue its movement He prefers to wait to take the Presburg fortress to are considered unsupplied unless they managed to (if it has sufficient remaining MP) if the player establish there his new supply source before resum- find a supply source in the meantime. owning the stack detaches in the province a force at ing his drive to Vienna. least equal to 10 times (or more) the level of the yet 14.4 DETACHING OR ABSORBING FAC- unbesieged fortress (even if there are enemy forces A. Retreat for Lack of Supply TORS sheltered in that same fortress). If a stack begins a round out of supply (its supply Each stack (army, fleet or detachment) can detach source has been taken or besieged by the enemy), it (i.e. drop off) factors and/or leaders during move- B.2 One or several detachments, even an army must imperatively retreat to the closest friendly ment across provinces, cities, ports or sea zones counter, may be created for the opportunity (if fortress, without combat. traveled through, without any restriction other than available). These counters are placed in the prov- During this retreat for lack of supply, it must test that of the stacking limit. ince where is found the fortress. This fortress is said for attrition (See 15.2). Counters (armies, detachments) can be created to to be “covered”. The player must detach enough SP place the detached factors. in the newly created detachments/army from his A.1 This retreat can be made through a province oc- moving stack (as per B.1 above) to be allowed to cupied by the enemy (cost 2 MP) but without stop- A. Detaching and Movement resume movement. ping there to enter combat. This is an exception to Units thus detached can no longer move for the re- rule 14.2 B & C. mainder of the current round, neither can they be C. Presence of an Enemy Force absorbed by others units. A stack entering a province containing enemy units A.2 On the other hand, an enemy force located in a has to stop its movement, except if the enemy de- province through which retreating units move can B. Detaching and Attrition cides to shelter his units in a fortress (if the fortress attempt an interception of the retreating stack (See However, in the case of the moving stack suffering is friendly). 14.8). This attempt is never mandatory but, if it is attrition, all units detached from the stack during successful, entails an immediate combat. the movement of this stack suffer attrition as if they C.1 If the stack that moves has a strength at least 10 had moved all the way with the detaching stack. times superior to that of the enemy (if the latter re- A.3 This retreat for lack of supply is mandatory However, losses must be taken in priority among mained out of the fortress), the enemy stack is elim- (and therefore free, no campaign cost implied). the units having moved the farthest. inated, and the phasing player movement may con- tinue. A.4 A stack that must retreat for lack of supply will C. Absorbing Factors not be able to move voluntarily for the remaining of Similarly, any moving stack can absorb units and/or D. Straits this round, even if the owning player of this stack leaders during its movement, under both following Land forces may always cross the straits printed on has not yet taken an opportunity to regularly move conditions: the map, even if an enemy fleet is also present in his retreating stack. the sea zone containing the straits symbol.  First, the moving stack, by doing so, does not A.5 A stack that cannot reach a friendly fortress and violate stacking limits at the end of its move- D.1 Crossing a strait costs 1 additional MP. supply source, is destroyed instead ment.  Second, units thus absorbed in the moving stack D.2 All islands part of the Danmark, Baleares and Example: (continuation of precedent) have not themselves already moved (including Ionia provinces (on the European map) are consid- The 2 Turkish armies have taken Presburg (which those detached by other stacks) during the ered as one single and same province for land becomes their new supply source). In their next course of the same movement phase. movement purposes. movement phase, they moved from Presburg and entered Austria to besiege Wien. C.1 A unit can only absorb units of the same na- 14.3 LAND SUPPLY But, during their own phase, a stack of Habsburg tionality. A stack of land units may not in any case be volun- units enter the Erbland province where Presburg is tarily located at a distance of 6 MP or more from a located, taking the fortress in the ensuing combat C.2 In case of attrition, the result applies to the to- friendly supply source. A friendly supply source is phase They thus block the Turkish supply path. tality of units, i.e. those moving initially with the an unbesieged friendly fortress. In such a case, During the following round, the 2 Turkish armies stack and those absorbed during the stack move- movement is stopped in the last province that quali- have therefore to retreat (for lack of supply) and ment. fies for supply. must move to reach the nearest unbesieged friendly fortress, i.e. Buda. 14.5 NAVAL MOVEMENT For the supply path length calculation, all provinces The Habsburg stack in Erbland decides not to in- Naval units (fleets or detachments) located in an under enemy control cannot be counted as part of tercept the retreating Turks, and both Turkish unblockaded port or in sea zone can move, during the supply path. armies arrive at Buda where they remain for the each round, any number of sea zones that they de- reminder of the round. They must also roll on the sire. Example: Turkish campaign against Vienna in attrition table for this retreat. 1683. A. Galleys A Turkish stack of 2 armies leaves the city of Buda B. Sea Supply. Naval units containing galleys (Ga) can only move in the province of Magyar (Hungary) that is con- Stacks that have just been landed by naval units are through and in the following sea zones: trolled by Turkey. considered supplied during the course of the round - Mediterranean: all 10 sea zones (Black Sea in- It crosses the province of Erbland that contains a where the landing took place. cluded), level 1 enemy fortress (Presburg). The Turkish - Baltic: Baltic Sea and Gulf of Bothnia: Caspian: player creates 1 detachment containing 10 SP to B.1 On subsequent rounds, those land units (or land Caspian Sea. “cover” the fortress (and he removes these 10 SP units in a coastal province) are considered as sup- from the content of its 2 armies). plied if at least one friendly fleet counter (either F- Cost: 2 MP because it is a province of plain terrain or F+, not D) is located in the sea zone adjacent to with an enemy presence (even if the fortress has the province they are in. been covered, it was not so when the Turks entered the province). B.2 This means that a fleet counter provides supply only in the province where a landing took place, or 11 - C.1 A fleet cannot transport units to and through enemy stack. In no case may any already blockaded B. the Naval Attrition sea zones unknown to it, even though the player units join this battle. To the difference of land movement, all naval units owning the transported units know these sea zones must suffer from attrition, whatever the number of (See Rest-of-the-world rules - §55). 14.8 INTERCEPTION sea zones traveled through (even none if they re- A player can always attempt, during the movement main in the same sea zone for the duration of the C.2 Note that fleets having just proceeded to the phase of an enemy player, to intercept any and all turn) in the course of the round (See 15.3). landing of units may go further and blockade the enemy stacks moving within his reach. port of the province where they have landed their Reminder: the maneuver of units of a player is B.1 However, the attrition may be modified by on-board units. done stack by stack. naval technology (See Technology) and declaring use of available ports in concerned sea zones. 14.7 BLOCKADE A. Naval Interception A naval stack can move to blockade an enemy port, In a sea zone, a stack can be intercepted only by a C. Presence of the Enemy to prevent all enemy naval unit from entering that stack located in the same sea zone, including from Naval units are never obliged to stop when they en- port (or exiting from this port); a blockade affects a an unblockaded port of that same sea zone. ter a sea zone where enemy naval units are located. port city siege resolution (See 18.3) and has an in- fluence on the obtaining of wind gauge (See 17.1 A.1 A naval stack may only be intercepted when it C.1 They may, however, be intercepted by those -E). enters the sea zone where the intercepting naval enemy naval units. units are located It cannot be intercepted when it A. Escaping Blockade leaves that same sea zone. C.2 Exception: Naval units entering a blockaded Units blockaded in a port can try to escape the port must stop and fight the enemy blockading blockade. They succeed if they obtain a result of 8 B. Land Interception force (See 14.7 below). or more on a die-roll. On land, a stack can be intercepted only by a stack located in an adjacent province, provided that the 14.6 NAVAL TRANSPORT This escape die-roll is modified as follows: intercepting stack is not itself besieged. The transport capacity of a fleet (or a detachment) depends on the number and the nature of its con- +1 if the stack blockading the port has less ships B.1 A land stack may only be intercepted when it tained ships: than the stack attempting to escape (all types enters a new province qualifying for interception together); from the province where the intercepting units are A/- a warship or a galley has a capacity of 1 naval +? the differential of opposing Admirals maneuver located. It cannot be intercepted when it leaves transport point (ntp); values (escaping player - blockading from its current province into another province that opponent), but solely if it is positive. does not qualify for interception. B/- a transport ship has a capacity of 4 ntp. A.1 In case of failure (result <8), the blockaded C. Resolving Interception Attempts A. Transport Requirements stack cannot escape the blockade and remains in The interception succeeds if the result of a die-roll An army (or a detachment) necessitates a transport port See A.2 below. is 5 or more. capacity proportional to the number awl nature of the different forces that compose it: A.2 On a result of 5 or less, the stack blockading This die-roll is modified as follows: the port has the possibility, if it desires so, to attack -1 infantry =1 ntp the stack that has tried to escape. In that case, it au- +? the differential of opposing Generals (or Admi- -1 cavalry = 2 ntp** tomatically gets the wind gauge. Combat ensues rals) maneuver values (intercepting player - in- -1 artillery = 2 ntp** and results are examined. tercepted opponent); This differential can be -1 military leader = 0 ntp A.2.1 If the blockading stack loses the combat (suf- negative. -20 ducats =1 ntp fering retreat), the blockade is broken. The stack +1 if interception attempt takes place in a province that tried to escape can then escape the blockade containing a friendly city and/or a stack. ** These types of SP must only and exclusively be and, if the players wants it, may continue moving or -1 if the intercepting stack participated in a siege loaded on transport ships. can follow the defeated blockading stack and block- or a blockade during this round or the previous ade it in turn in the port the former retreated to. one. B. Transport A.2.2 If the blockading stack wins the combat, the -2 if the intercepting stack is located in a port. The naval and land movements can be combined to losing stack remains in port and the blockade con- -2 if the province of the intercepting stack con- allow a player to undertake transport. tinues. tains enemy units. -2 if Poor Weather event is in effect. B.1 The embarkation has to take place in a port, and A.3 If the blockaded stack succeeds in escaping the the landing either in a friendly port, or in a coastal blockade, it can however still be intercepted, using D. Restriction on Interceptions attempts province (it is then called a landing). the normal manner (including by the stack that A stack may make any number of attempts as it is blockaded it); In case of interception, it is consid- legally possible, but can intercept successfully an B.2 Land units must be already present in the port ered as being found on the high seas, and not in adverse stack only once per round. at the time of embarkation. front of the port. D.1 On the other hand, if the intercepting stack is B.3 if the naval stack undertaking the transport suf- A.4 A blockaded stack in a port can still choose to victorious and remains in the province (or sea zone) fers from losses (attrition, combat), land units trans- run the blockade, without seeking particularly to es- where the interception has taken place it may still ported suffer from losses in the same proportions. cape unbeknownst the blockading stack. In this case attempt to intercept other enemy stacks moving B.4 if the naval stack moves to a friendly port, then a naval combat takes place automatically (See within range later in that same round. the land stack may move again (after naval attrition C.1.1), the blockading stack getting automatically has been tested). The sea travel costs 2 MP for the the wind gauge. land units (whatever the number of sea zones A.4.1 If the blockaded stack loses the combat, it can crossed during the travel). nevertheless choose to force the blockade, whatever the cost, so that it can flee to another port In this C. Restrictions on Transport & Landings case, it undergoes an additional pursuit by the Land units may be transported by naval units of an- blockading stack (See 17.1 K). The latter can fol- other allied player or minor country, but only if this low it and blockade the new port where it has fled. allied country is actively engaged in a war on the A.4.2 Forcing the blockade at all costs is mandatory same side as the country owning the transported when the port of a blockaded stack falls in the units (i.e. there is no “allied” transport dung peace- hands of enemy land units. time). A.5 When a naval stack want to enter a blockaded port, it must first successfully battle the blockading 12 A. Land Units B.3 Trois-Ponts receive two column shifts to the E. Successful Interception The land units of a player at peace must end their left. If an interception attempt succeeds, the two stacks movement, each round, in his own country or in (the intercepting and the intercepted) suffer from at- one of his vassal minor country’s territory (and MI- C. the Naval Attrition Test trition* (See 15.3) and then resolve a combat. LANO for Spain when that province is Habsburg). The player suffering attrition rolls one the after the *Note: automatic for naval interception (as if completion of the naval move and consults the col- movement of both stacks had stopped in the sea The land units of a player at war may also end their umn of the Risk table corresponding to the risk val- zone of interception); only if 6+ MP spent for land. movement, each round, in a friendly Allied country ue retained for this attrition test (major or minor) at war against the same enemy. E.1 If the intercepting stack wins, it remains in the C.1 This column is modified as per B above for province or sea zone where the interception combat Exception: when a player himself at peace sends a technology. took place. The intercepted stack must retreat (See stack for an intervention in a foreign Civil War (See 7.1-J) immediately to the closest friendly province 53.40). C.2 The die-roll is modified as follows: or port. The retreating stack must also suffer from attrition for this retreat (See 15.3). B. Naval Units +1 per sea zone crossed with a similar risk level Same for naval units, but they may stay also at sea ? depending on special risk modifiers (Rest-of- E.2 A victorious intercepting naval stack can the-world map only) choose to follow the beaten intercepted stack and 15 ATTRITION OF FORCES -? maneuver value of the Admiral leading the blockade the port where the latter has fleet. moving stack 15.1 PRINCIPLE +2 if Poor Weather event is in effect E.3 In case of defeat, the defeated intercepting This attrition is systematic for naval units, and con- stack must retreat to the closest friendly province or ditional for land units (if 6+ MP are spent during C.3 Losses are applied immediately (rounded up) port, and must suffer from attrition (See 15.3). The one single movement phase by any one stack). before any possible combat is resolved. movement of the stack that has been intercepted re- sumes normally. 15.2 LAND ATTRITION 16. TECHNOLOGIES It in the course of the same round, land units move The technology, land or naval, is a key element in Example: An English fleet led by a British Admiral (or retreat) 6 MP or more, roll one the on the Attri- combats (as well as for purchases and maintenance (maneuver value:4) is located in Plymouth (port tion Table, under the #7 column. costs of units). adjacent to both the Irish Sea and the Channel sea The technology determines, among other things, the zones). An enemy fleet, led by a Dutch Admiral This attrition die-roll is modified as follows: morale of units participating in a combat. It also (maneuver value: 2), moves from the Bay of Biscay serves to determine the combat table to be used, as sea zone into the Irish Sea. The English player de- -1 if all provinces traveled through during this well as the fire, shock or boarding power of units. clares its intention to intercept, stopping temporar- movement are friendly (See 7.5); 16.1 GENERALITIES ON THE TECHNOLO- ily the Dutch movement in Irish Sea. He rolls a -? maneuver value of the General commanding GY D10 for his interception attempt. the stack (except in retreat after a defeat in The different technologies of players (and minor He obtains a 5, modified by +0 (+2 for the differ- combat, where this value is not applicable -See countries) are fixed by scenarios. ential of Admirals maneuver values. -2 because the §17). English fleet is in a port). This result is not suffi- 16.2 TECHNOLOGIES cient to intercept successfully. 15.3 NAVAL ATTRITION The following naval and land technologies exist: The Dutch fleet resumes its movement and pro- The attrition applies to all naval stack having ceeds to the Channel sea zone. The English player moved through any number of sea zones. Even Land Technologies announces another interception attempt (the first those that do not move suffer attrition if they re- - Med: Medieval attempt having failed). This time, he rolls a 9, mod- mained at sea during the round. On the other hand, - Ren: Renaissance ified again by +0, but nevertheless sufficient for a a stack remaining in a port does not suffer attrition. -Ter: Tercios** successful interception. Both the Dutch and English - Arq: Arquebuse fleets make immediately an attrition check (the A. Risk Values - Mou: Muskets Dutch using the attrition value calculated on the Each sea zone possesses a risk value that serves to whole length of their movement, from the sea zone determine attrition. This risk value is located in a or port where it started its movement and up to the cloud symbol (whose intensity of black reflects the sea zone of interception), then combat is resolved. level of risk incurred in the zone).

14.9 MOVEMENT OF LEADERS A.1 If player’s stack moves into a sea zone and has A military leader can move unaccompanied by mil- access to a friendly port (See 7.5) in this zone, the itary units (if it is not in a besieged city) from and risk value of this sea zone is reduced by 3 (but to a to any friendly military stack (unbesieged). This minimum value of 1). movement is authorized only if the hierarchy of command is respected (See 17.1 - C) both on the A.2 in the case the stack moved through several sea departed stack and at the end of this movement, on zones, the risk value used for naval attrition is the the reached stack. highest encountered in the traveled through sea zones. A. Leader Movement Capacity A military leader has a movement capacity of 20 A.3 If several sea zones possess the same “higher” movement points (MP) on land, without suffering risk value, each supplementary sea zone (after the any attrition. An Admiral has an unlimited capacity first) with this same risk value entails +l modifier to on sea zones, without suffering attrition as well. the die-roll on the Attrition table. NB: No campaign is needed to move leaders alone B. Naval Technology and Attrition B. Interception of Leader Technology affects the column on which attrition is No military leader traveling alone may be intercept- checked by a number of column shifts to the left or ed. the right as follows: Note: The same applies to Conquistadors and Ex- B.1 Carracks and Galleys receive one column shift plorers on the Rest-of-the- World map. to the right.

14.10 MOVEMENT, WARS & PEACE B.2 Vaisseaiu receive one column shift to the left. 13 -Bar : “Guerre Baroque” (Baroque Period) two players want to enter combat, the sequence of - Man : War of Maneuver combat consists in a number of steps as follows: - GD : “Guerre en Dentelles” (“War in Lace”) a- Determination of morale. Naval Technologies b- Determination of wind gauge. -Car: Carrack c- Fire. -Gin: Galleon d- Retreat of the player that has the wind gauge, if -VL: Latin Sail he desires to do so. -Bat: Battery e- Boarding. -Va: Vessel f- Retreat, Pursuit (if one of the opponents breaks - TP: Three - Deckers his morale), End of Combat and retreat. g- injury of Admirals. ** Tercios: this technology is only available to the Spanish player and affects his Spanish infantry SP C. Command exclusively. Tercios remains valid until the The Admiral in command of a stack during a battle Baroque technology is achieved by Spain. The +1 is the one with the highest hierarchical rank (See infantry morale modifier is also valid for Arque- 2.1-B7). In case of ties, the choice is made by the buse technology (both coexist). player.

The naval technology concerns only warships. Gal- C.1 If there are units of different nationality within leys and transport ships have no particular technol- the same stack, command belongs to the Admiral ogy that may evolve with time. However, the level leading the largest force (in number of ships, a gal- of technology affects the price of galley purchase ley being valued at 1/3 of a ship). (but not that of transport ships). Technology also affect naval attrition (See 15.3.B C.2 If a naval stack has no Admiral in command, above). the player chooses randomly a Replacement leader with a “star” (use a gray one for a minor country stack), to command for this battle (and is removed 17. COMBATS when it is over). There can be combat when enemy units are found in the same province or in the same sea zone. D. Step (a): Morale Sieges are also combat, but are processed sepa- It is determined once and for all, at the beginning of rately (See if 18). combat. If there is no retreat before combat, combat is mandatory. D.1 Each player declares what is the type of ships The order of combats is determined by the phasing that is in “first line”: warship or galley ships (trans- player, except for interceptions that are resolved port ships may never be in first line, unless if they immediately. are the only type of ships present in the stack). Combat is undertaken in several steps and takes into account the technology, strengths and respec- D.2 Ships in first line are not automatically the tive morale of committed naval or land units and most numerous in a stack, but they have to repre- present leaders. sent at least 10% of the total of all ship types present in the stack. 17.0 GENERIC RULE - REPLACEMENT LEADER D.3 It is the morale of first line ships that is taken When a stack of units (naval or land) is involved in into account for morale calculation, and this for all combat and there is no military leader (Admiral or the battle. This first line ship must also suffer losses General) present on the stack, the owning player in priority immediately places one of his “replacement” lead- ers, selected at random, on top of that stack. That D.4 If a stack is composed of units of two countries leader is commanding the stack for the whole dura- having a different technology, the technology used tion of that naval or land combat. for the combat is: Once the combat solved, the replacement leader are removed, so that it can be used elsewhere, whenev- A/- that of first line ships; er required. B/- or the technology of the most numerous type of ships (the less advanced in case of ties). 17.1 NAVAL COMBAT When two opposing stacks (fleets and/or detach- D.5 If the stack is constituted only of transport ments) are present in the same sea zone, there may ships, it breaks its morale automatically at the end be a naval combat if any one of the two players de- of the Fire step. sires it. D.6 Remark: A naval unit is generally constituted exclusively either of a single type of warships, or A. Retreat before Combat galleys: (with or without transport ships); therefore A player can refuse combat and retreat before com- there is no choice to make, they are all considered bat by rolling the D10 die and obtaining a modified in first line. result of 8 or more. Warships (the only ones to benefit from the naval This Retreat before Combat die roll is modified as technology): follows:

+? The differential of maneuver values of oppos- ing Admirals (player - opponent), if positive.

B. Sequence of Naval Combat If the retreat before combat attempt fails or if the 14

Tech. Morale Car 1 Gln to VL 2 Bat to Va 3 TP 4

Galleys and Transport Ships

Ga 2 NT 0

E. Step (b): Wind Gauge Each player rolls one D10 and applies the following modifications:

+? the maneuver value of his: Admiral ? Wind Gauge modifier* depending on the type of ships in first line (according to their technol- ogy if they are warships) as compared to the one of the opponent. * = See Player’s Aide to determine Wind Gauge modifier linked to ship types (column: player’s ships, line: opponent’s ships).

E.1 The player that obtains the highest modified die-roll gets the wind gauge. In case of ties, nobody gets it. E.2 Having the Wind Gauge gives the benefits be- low, during all other steps of naval combat:

+1 to fire die-roll; +1 to boarding die-roll; +1 to pursuit die-roll (if any); and finally the possibility to retreat immediately af- ter the Fire step, without losing the combat (See d below).

E.3 EXCEPTION: When two fleets are composed solely of galleys (or galleass, See 17.1-O), there is no Wind Gauge determination. This step is not tak- en in account, and one proceeds directly to the Fire step.

F. Step (c) - Fire step The Fire step is resolved by having each player rolling one D10, result being read on the Combat Result Table (CRT), located on the Players’ Aides. This combat is simultaneous.

The Fire die-roll is modified as follows

+? the differential of opposing Admirals’ fire val- ues (player - opponent), solely if it is positive. +1 if the player has the wind gauge. 15

F.1 The column on the Combat Result Table (CRT) ed port. It will be operational only from the next is determined for each player with the help of the I.1 The Column on the CRT is determined for each round. Naval Fire Table according to the type of ships in player with the help of the Boarding Table, accord- first line on both sides (line: player’s ship type, col- ing to the opposing first line ship types (line: play- L.2 All other ships lost by the pursued side are umn: opponents ship type). er’s ship type, column: opponents ship type). sunk.

F.2 The percentage of loss inflicted on the many is I.2 The percentage of losses inflicted to the many is M. Injury (or sacking) of Admirals calculated on the basis of the ships’ firepower, as calculated on the basis of the boarding power of the Each player verifies if his Admiral commanding the follows: different ship types, as follows: stack has been injured (or sacked) during (alter) N* Ga NT combat N* Ga NT 1 1 1 NB: do not roll for replacement leader as they are 1 0.5 0 * = each warship (N) is worth 1 in boarding power, automatically removed at the end of the combat whatever the naval technology. The same is true for (see 17.0 above). * = each warship (N) is worth 1 in firepower, what- the two other types (galleys, transport ships). ever the naval technology. M.1 An Admiral is injured (or sacked) on one die- J. Step (1)- Retreat and End of Combat roll of 1 or less. G. the Combat Result Table (CRT) AT THE END of the combat, if none or both of the It indicates losses inflicted to the enemy, expressed two participants have a zero or negative morale, This injury die-roll is modified as follows: in percentage. both players must retreat simultaneously, and no- body wins the battle. -1 for an Admiral having a fire or boarding value G.1 This percentage is applied on the firepower of 6. value (or boarding value in step e) of the firing J.1 Each must return to the closest friendly un- -1 for the vanquished Admiral (combat lost by players forces. blockaded port (and suffer from attrition in the break of moral or voluntary retreat). process). -5 if all units of the player have been eliminated. G.2 Losses thus obtained are rounded up. Then they are deducted from the opponent’s total number of J.2 If only one player breaks, he loses the battle, M.2 If the Admiral is injured (or sacked), its fate is ships. They are “Out of Combat” for the rest of this may be pursued (“chased”) and must then retreat to determined as follows, by rolling another unmodi- particular combat. the closest friendly unblockaded port. fied D10: J.2.1 The winner of a combat can follow the loser G.3 Losses must be taken in priority among first and blockade the port where the latter has fled. This Odd: the Admiral dies (or is sacked). line ships, then by other types (if any). Losses are victor’s movement cannot trigger any interception, Even: the Admiral is injured (or sacked) for a num- chosen by the owner of the stack, not his opponent. but an attrition check must still be made (See 15.3) ber of rounds equal to half the die-roll result, round- for the victor’s units. ed up (if the turn finishes in the meantime, the Ad- G.4 On the table, a numerical value indicates a per- miral returns to play on the following turn). centage loss (expressed in %) inflicted on the oppo- J.3 Admirals’ possible injury must then be checked, nent. then the battle is over. M.3 When his Admiral is killed, injured (or sacked), the player can take, as his new Admiral, G.5 A (-) means that no loss has been caused. J.4 A retreat has to be made to the closest unblock- the Admiral present on the same stack that has the aded friendly port. If none is available, the retreat- rank hierarchically second to the Admiral just re- G.6 A % accompanied by 1 to 4 asterisks (*) indi- ing force is destroyed instead (captured in the Cam- moved (if any). cates a loss of a morale level, respectively of 1,2,3 paign game). or 4 levels. N. Venetian Galleasses J.5 An attrition check is made for this retreat, ex- These are very particular galleys that only the Example: Let’s suppose that a player has a fire- actly as for a regular naval movement, i.e. accord- Venetian player can possess. power of 46, and that he inflicts 20% of losses dur- ing to the risk value of sea zones crossed during the ing the fire step. This 20% amounts to 9.2 (20% of retreat (See 15.3). N.1 For all combat purposes, whenever Venetian 46) rounded up to 10. galleasses confront an enemy fleet with galleys His opponent must take 10 ships out of combat K. Pursuit placed in first the, they benefit from the following (whatever his force) among those he has place in A Pursuit takes place when one of the players has a advantages: the first line. zero or negative moral at the end of any one step of the naval combat procedure (i.e. fire or boarding 1/- the galleass use the A column of the CRT for H. Step (d) Retreat after Fire step). both the Fire and Boarding steps; At the end of the Fire step, the player having the hi that case, one D10 is rolled under the E column wind gauge can retreat if he wishes so (See below of the CRT. This pursuit die-roll is modified as fol- 2/- each galleass has a firepower of 5 against gal- 17.1 -E). lows: leys (instead of 1); If the player that possesses the wind gauge desires to continue the combat, proceed to the Boarding +1 if the winner has the wind gauge. 3/- each combat (the, boarding) is not considered step. +? the differential of maneuver values of Admirals simultaneous for the galleasses. The galleasses Otherwise, combat is over and players proceed di- (winner - opponent), solely if it is positive inflict losses to the enemy First (separately of rectly to Step F to determine if there will be a pur- K.1 Note that if both players have a zero or nega- the suit or not. tive morale at the same time, there is no pursuit, no victor or loser, and both players have to retreat (See I. Step (c) Boarding step J.). The Boarding step is resolved by having each play- er rolling one D10, the result of which is read on L. Capture during Pursuit the Combat Result Table (CRT) This combat is si- The winner can choose to capture up to 50% of all multaneous for both players. ships among those lost by his opponent during the pursuit (i.e. the losses incurred by the pursuit die- The boarding die roll is modified as follows: roll). However, the number of ships thus captured can never exceed 10. +? the differential of opposing Admirals boarding values (player - opponent), solely if it is posi- L.1 These captured ships are put in a new naval de- tive. tachment (if available). This detachment is then im- +1 if the player has the wind gauge. mediately placed in the closest friendly unblockad- 16

O.1 Units blockaded in a port may always sortie COMPLETE NAVAL COMBAT EXAMPLE from that port and enter naval combat with the ene- my stack blockading that same pat. This combat is The battle of Beachy Head – 1690 done as per the normal combat rules.

France is at war with Holland and England (allied together). The naval technology of both sides is VA P. Example (“Vaisseaux”’, i.e. ship of the line). See Previous Page - The Battle of Beachy Head Two French fleets make their junction in the Irish Sea zone and enter the Channel sea zone. The first French fleet, side (+) contains 30 warships (N) and 4 transport ships (Tr). It is led by Admiral 17.2 LAND COMBAT Tourville (rank B - values: 4.3.5] ). The second is also side (+), contains 30 N It is resolved according to the same basic principles and is led by Admiral Chateaurenault (rank: D - values: 3.3.4). as m naval combat. In this same sea zone are located a side (+) English fleet with 35 N led by Admiral Herbert (rank E- When two opposing enemy armies are present in values: 2.2.2) and a side (+) Dutch fleet with 30 N. led by Admiral Evertzen (rank D - values:4.4.4). the same province, there must be a combat except if As allies, it is Herbert (English) that commands, since he leads the most numerous fleet. None of the the attacked player succeeds in retreating before players wants to refuse the combat. combat. The morale of both sides is 3 (technology is VA) and warships are all in first line. On the wind gauge In combat, the attacker is always the player that table, no player benefits from a technological advantage (same type of ship on each side), so only Ad- moved his stacked last in the province where the mirals count. combat takes place (therefore, the non-phasing The French rolls a 7, modified by +2 (for maneuver differential between Tourville:4 and Herbert: player is the attacker during combat following suc- 2), giving a modified result of 9. The Anglo-Dutch die-roll is a 8, modified by +0 (as the differential cessful interception). between Herbert and Tourville maneuver values is negative and, in such a case, only positive modi- fiers apply). The French player gets the wind gauge. A. Retreat Before Combat During the Fire step, the French player rolls his D10 and obtains 6, modified by +1 (for wind gauge) A player can refuse combat and attempt to retreat and another +1 (for fire values differential between Tourville:3 and Herbert: 2). It gives a net result of before combat by obtaining a modified die-roll re- 8 on the C column CRT (VA:VA on the Naval Fire table gives C column). This entails a 30% * result, sult of 8 or more. i.e. 30% loss inflicted on the enemy, which with 60 firing French ships, which means 18 ships lose. It also means 1 level of morale lost for the allies. This retreat before combat die-roll is modified as The Allied die is a 6, modified by 0 (fire differential of Admiral values being non positive) which, on follows: that same C column of the CRT generates a 10% result i.e. 10% loss (of 65 firing ship), or 7 ships for the French. +? the differential of maneuver value of opposing Losses are noted. French strength goes down from 60 to 53 ships, the Anglo–Dutch from 65 to 47 Generals (“retreating” player - “attacking” op- ships. ponent), only if it is positive. The French player (that still has the wind gauge advantage), does not exert his possibility to retreat before the boarding step and thus this step is performed. A.1 This refusal of combat is automatically suc- He rolls his D10 on the C column (for the Boarding) and obtains a 5, modified both by +1 (wind cessful if the attacked stack takes refuge in the city gauge) and +3 (for boarding value differential between Tourville: 5 and Herbert: 2), bringing a net of the province (but only if it is friendly, See 7.5). result of 9 that generates 30%** loss inflicted by the 53 remaining French ships, i.e. 15.9 rounded up In that case, no die-roll is needed. to 16 losses for the Allies. The Allies die-roll is a 5, not modified (the differential of Admirals in boarding values being negative) A.2 If such a stack is composed of two units and which, on the C column, brings 5% loss of 47 remaining ships, i.e. 23 rounded up to 3 losses for the one French. of the two units of the stack remains outside the There remains 53-3= 50 ships to the French (less than 33% loss as compared to initial strength), ad city, 47-16=31 ships to the Allies (less than 66% loss from initial strength). a combat takes place. The English and the Dutch must share losses by half. A.3 If there remains no unit outside the city, a siege As the allies have broken, they lose the combat and must Retreat, after a French pursuit. can be established (See §18). The French rolls a 1, modified both by +1 (wind gauge) and +2 (for boarding values differential be- tween Tourville: 4 and Herbert: 2), bringing a net result of 4 that generates no loss on the E column B. Sequence of Land Combat used for pursuits. If the retreat before combat attempt fails or if both players want to conduct combat, the sequence of Each player must test his commanding Admiral. The Allies obtain a 1, which entails an injury. The re- combat is the following: roll is an 8, meaning that Herbert is injured (for 4 rounds). It is therefore removed from the Allied stack and Evertzen takes command (See 17.1-M3). a- Determination of stacks morale The French obtains a 0, Tourville is not injured. b- Fire. c- Shock The allies must retreat to the closest unblockaded friendly port (Portsmouth) where the French de- d- Retreat and Pursuit if one of the stacks breaks clines to follow and blockade them in. A result of 5 is rolled for attrition of the retreating allies, modi- its morale fied by -4 (maneuver value of Evertzen now in command), entailing no loss. e- Possible Injury of Generals This complete sequence constitutes one full day of The French gets 4 VP for this victory (two enemy fleets defeated at 2 VP each in that case), the English combat. and Dutch sharing the lost -4 VP for their defeat. C. Command For each stack, the General leading the stack during other Venetian galleys), then the combat resumes battle is the one that has the highest hierarchical normally; N.3 Venice can construct the galleasses from 1550 rank among those present on the same stack (See 2. 4/- the losses inflicted by galleasses are taken on onwards, at a price double than that of galleys, and l-B7). the opponent’s galleys before the latter resolves this up to a maximum of 10 galleass units. In case of ties, the choice is that of the player hav- his own sequence of combat. ing the most units in that stack. However, If a N.5 As far as other naval rules are concerned, a gal- monarch is present, he takes command as he has N.2 Note, however, that morale loss inflicted by a leass is a galley. precedence over any General (even of his own galleass may never exceed 1, and only during the country). Fire step. Ignore excess * results obtained above 1 O. Ports and Combat in the Fire step, and ignore all * results in the No attack of units located in ports is allowed in this Boarding step. Apply only if there are other Vene- game. Units in ports can only be blockaded there. tian or allied galleys with galleasses. 17

C.1 If there are units of different nationality, the Tech. Inf. Cav. Art. G.2 The percentage of losses inflicted to the enemy command goes first: Med 0 0 0 is calculated on the basis of the shock power of the Ren to Ter 0 0 2 strength points present, as follows: 1/- to a monarch (General with orange rhombus Arq 0.5 0 2 symbol or crown); Mou to Man 1 0 2 Tech. Inf. Cav. Art. 2/- to the General leading the largest force, in num- GD 1 0.5 2 Med to Man 1 2 2 ber of (+) or (-) armies and/or detachments (or GD 1 2 2 SP if tie; and if SP tie the player chooses). E.3 The terrain modifies the firepower of artillery as follows: G.3 The terrain modifies the power of shock as fol- C.2 Important Note; The Generals’ fire modifier of lows: units with Medieval technology is always applied to A/- it has 1 firepower when attacking (not defend- calculate modifiers, even if their units cannot tech- ing) in mountain terrain A/- Cavalry SP are worth 1 in forest, marsh or nically “fire”. B/- it has 1 firepower for both attacker and defend- mountain terrain er in marsh and forest terrain B/- (Shock die) Malus -2 for units having just land- C.3 If a land stack has no General in command, the C/- (Fire die) Malus -1 for units having just landed ed or crossed a river/strait. player chooses randomly a Replacement leader with or crossed a river/strait. a “star” (use a gray one for a minor country stack) H. Step (d) Retreat to command for this battle (and is removed when it E.4 At the difference of naval combat, there is no At the end of the combat, if none of the two partici- is over). possible retreat after the land Fire phase. pants has a zero or negative morale, or if both have broken at the same time, the two players retreat si- D. Step (a): Morale F. the Combat Result Table (CRT) multaneously. Morale is determined before the beginning of com- It indicates losses inflicted to the enemy, expressed bat. It depends on the land technology in vigor (See in percentage. H.1 Nobody wins the battle in that case. Each goes §16), and the experience of the troops. to the closest unbesieged friendly city, the attacker F.1 This percentage is applied on the firepower val- retreating first (See H.7). Tech. Morale ue (or shock value in step e) of the firing player’s Med 1 forces. H.2 If only one player has broken, he loses the bat- Ren to Ter * 2 tle, suffer a pursuit, and must retreat (rout). Arq to GD 3 F.2 Losses thus obtained are deducted immediately from the opponent’s total number of units. In case H.3 Players must determines if Generals have been * = morale is 3 for the Spanish infantry only (not of fractions, losses thus obtained are rounded up. injured before the retreat (if any) is effected, but af- Habsburg infantry) with Tercios technology. ter any possible pursuit F.3 Losses are chosen freely by the opponent, D.1 Veterans increase the morale level by +1 if they among its forces, except in the case of a pursuit H.4 Retreat following a combat is done in the same constitute the majority of SP, compared to con- where the order is: artillery, infantry, cavalry. manner than that for lack of supply (See 14.3), with scripts (i.e. 50% or more). the main difference that Generals do not modify the F.4 On the table, a numerical value indicates a per- attrition die-roll if the stack is routing. D.2 If a stack is composed of units of two different centage loss (expressed in %) inflicted on the oppo- countries having a different technology, the tech- nent H.5 A retreating stack has to move until it reaches nology used for the combat is that of the most nu- the closest unbesieged friendly city, otherwise the merous troops (the less advanced in case of ties), in F.5 A (-) means that no loss has been caused. retreating force is destroyed. terms of counters (i.e. A+ or A- or D). F.6 A % accompanied by 1 to 4 asterisks (*) indi- H.6 If the retreating force leaves the province D.3 The level of morale is calculated at the begin- cates a loss of a morale level, respectively of 1,2,3 where the combat was held, it automatically suffers ning of the battle. or 4 levels. from attrition (See 15.2), whatever the number of MP expended in doing so. E. Step (b)-Fire G. Step (e) Shock H.6.1 The #7 column of the Attrition table is used The Fire step is resolved by the roll of a D10 on the Shock is resolved by the roll a D10 by each player, for retreats after combat. Combat Result Table (CRT), for each one of the the result of which is read on the CRT. This combat two players opposed in that combat This combat roll is simultaneous for both players and is modified H.7 A losing player may retreat into the city situat- die-roll is simultaneous for both players and modi- as follows: ed in the province where combat took place, with fied as follows: the +? the differential of opposing Generals shock val- +? the differential of opposing Generals fire values ues (player - opponent), but only if it is posi- (attacking player - defending opponent), but tive. only if it is positive. +1 if the player has the superiority in cavalry -1 to the attacker (the one that is at the origin of (twice more cavalry than its opponent). * * combat) if the terrain is in mountain. -1 for the attacking player (the one that originated -1 for both players if the terrain is in forest, desert combat) if the terrain is mountain. or marsh. -1 for both players if the terrain is forest, desert or -1 for units having just landed or crossed a marsh. river/strait in the Movement phase. -2 for units having just landed or crossed a river/strait in the Movement phase. E.1 The Column on the CRT is determined for each **IMPORTANT NOTE: Cavalry superiority is not player with the help of the Land Fire table, depend- applicable in a forest or marsh terrain, and for a ing on the participating units technology (Line: combat that follows the crossing of a river or a player’s technology. Column: opponent’s technolo- strait, or upon landing. gy) E.2 The percentage of losses inflicted on the enemy G.1 The Column on the CRT is determined for each is calculated on the basis of the participating units player with the help of the Shock table, according firepower. to their respective technology (Line: player’s tech- The firepower value of the different types of land nology. Column: opponent’s technology). units is as indicated on the table that follows: 18 whole or part of his stack without suffering attri- enemy stack besieging that same fortress. This tion. combat is done as per the nominal combat rules. B. Longer Retreat Penalties H.7.1 However, this is not possible if the city is be- For every such city or port that cannot be entered sieged or already stacked with 2 counters. L.2 Example due to stacking limitation, the retreating players H.7.2 units that remain outside of the city (in case See the Battle of Mohacs on the might-hand side of suffers a +1 modifier to his retreat attrition die-roll. only some units decide or can retreat into the city) next page. have to undertake a normal retreat, if they can. C. Absorbing/Eliminating Units in Retreat H.7.3 A siege can then be established by the victor Each combat, on land or at sea, brings victory However, should the player wish so, retreating units (See §18) if the retreating units took refuge totally points (VP) to the victor and costs the same number may absorb units in the port or city province first or partially into the city. of VP to the loser. entered during retreat, providing that, in such a case, the stacking limits are not exceeded. If so, ex- H.8 A losing player may retreat to a friendly fleet if A. the Victor cess SP and units are eliminated. he controls the city-port (in the province). The victor of a combat is the player that does not retreat and that put his opponent to rout (i.e. breaks C.1 If even 1 single SP remains, it must be elimi- I. Pursuit his opponent morale) nated if the player wishes not to retreat farther than A Pursuit takes place when one of the players has a the first friendly city or port reached during the re- negative morale level at the end of one of the phas- A.1 The victor of a combat earns 2 VP per (+) or (-) treat. es of combat (i.e. fire and/or shock or if one of the side army/fleet that the loser committed to the com- two retreats. bat (i.e. the maximum thus gained is 4 VP). A.2 Only 1 VP is earned if the victor is an allied I.1 A D10 is played on the E column of the CRT. minor country, whatever the composition of its This pursuit die-roll is modified as follows: stack

+1 if the winner has the superiority of cavalry (See A.3 The victor also earns only 1 VP if his stack was G.) except in marsh, mountain and forest ter- composed of detachments only. In the case of an rain army/fleet being present with 1 detachment, the vic- +? the differential of maneuver values between op- tory brings only 1 VP, in addition to those provided posing Generals (winner - opponent), but only by the presence of an army/fleet (not modified by if it is positive. major victories - See D below). -2 for units having just landed or crossed a river/strait in the Movement phase. B. the Loser The loser of a combat is the player that retreats (ex- I.2 The percent of losses applicable is calculated on cept in time case of retreat at fire step in naval com- the remaining shock power of the winner. bat if that player has the Wind Gauge).

K. Injury (or sacking) of Generals B.1 The loss of VP is calculated in the same man- Each player verifies if its General commanding the ner as the gain for the victor (See A above). stack has been injured (or sacked) during (after) combat. C. the Draw There is a draw if both players retreat or break K.1 A General is injured (or sacked) on one die-roll morale simultaneously. of 1 or less. There is no VP gain or loss for neither of them, al- though both have to retreat (See 172 -H). This injury die-roll is modified as follows: D. Major Battles -1 for a General having a fire or shock value of 6* There is a Major Battle when all three following -1 for the vanquished General (combat lost by conditions are met: break of moral) -5 if all units of the player have been eliminated 1/- there is at least one A+/F+ present on the losing *exceptions: king of Prussia Frederick II and Eng- side, and; lish General Marlborough. 2/- the losing side has lost at least 66% of its initial strength, and ; K.2 If time General is injured (or sacked), its fate is 3/- the victor of such a battle has not suffered more determined as follows, by rolling another unmodi- than 33% losses compared to his initial fied D10: strength. Odd: the General dies. D.1 In such a case, gains and losses of victory Even: the General is injured (or sacked) for a num- points are doubled (even if it concerns an allied mi- ber of rounds equal to half the die-roil result, round- nor country ally, but only if A+/F+ counters of that ed up (if the turn finishes in the meantime, the Gen- minor ally are present in the battle) eral returns to play on the foiling turn). E. Recovery of Morale The morale lost in the course of the battle is recu- K.3 If his General is killed, injured (or sacked), the perated when time battle ends. player can take as his new General any General possibly present on the same stack that has the rank 17.4 RETREAT PRIORITIES AND POSSIBLE hierarchically second to the General just removed. PRIORITIES As stated above, retreat must be made towards the L. Fortress and Land Combat closest friendly unbesieged city or unblockaded No attack of units located inside a fortress is al- port. This may lead to some stacking problems lowed in this game, apart from the siege rules (See when the port or city contains some units already. §18 hereafter). A.1 In such a case, retreat must be made to the sec- L.1 Units besieged in a fortress may always sortie ond nearest qualifying port or city that does not from that fortress and enter land combat with the contain units that would bring the stack to exceed time stacking limits. This is called a longer retreat. 19

COMPLETE LAND COMBAT EXAMPLE A. Fortified Cities A.1 All cities and ports registered on the map are The battle of Mohacs - 1526 fortresses, with a Minimum fortification level of 1. A.2 The “” symbols on the map represent level 2 The Turkish player (Renaissance technology) has just declared war to Hungary (Medieval fortified cities. technology). Two side (+) Turkish armies, each filled 30 infantry (I), 20 cavalry (C) and 3 artillery (Art) strength B. Fortress Counters points (SP), penetrate into the province of Pecs (from Croatia province, by crossing the river). One is Players and minors possess fortress markers, allow- full of veterans, the other of conscripts, therefore the global Turkish morale is considered as con- ing the increase of a city fortification level beyond scripts i.e. worth 2 (since veterans are not a majority) printed on-map levels 1 or 2. The Ottoman Sultan, Soliman himself (values: 3.3.1) (maneuver fire shock) is in command. In the province of Pecs thee is a Hungarian army, side (+), with 20I 20C, (all veterans), as well as a Hun - B.1 Fortress counters show two values: garian detachment with 5I and 5C (conscripts), both units of Medieval technology. This stack is led by A/- the figure placed in the middle of the fortress a minor country ? General (values: 2.2.2). symbol is the value of its level ; The Spanish player, that controls the minor country Hungary for the course of this war, decides not to B/- the number at the bottom right-hand side, out- retreat before combat. side of the fortress symbol, is its combat value, A battle is therefore started in Pecs province used during assaults only (see below) The Turkish morale is 2 (technology: Renaissance). The Hungarian morale is also 2 (1 for Medieval technology, +1 for majority of veterans). B.2 Fortresses indicated on the map have the same During the Fire step, the Hungarian player, Medieval technology, cannot fire (no artillery, and in- combat values as those printed on fortress counters fantry firepower is zero). The Turkish player is Renaissance and has a firepower of 12 (6 Art x 2 fire- of a similar level. power value each). According to the land fire table (Renaissance Vs Medieval), there is resolved on the C column of the 18.2 SIEGE CRT. To besiege a fortress, it is necessary that the be- The Turkish die-roll is a 9 modified by +1 (for fire Soliman:3 versus minor (?) General:2) -1 for river, sieger possess at least a force 10 times as strong as which gives a net modified die-roll of 9, bringing a result of 30% **, i.e. 30% losses (based of 12 fire - the level of the fortress. This strength is appreciated power), i.e. 4 Hungarian SP lost (taken in Infantry SP), and 2 levels of morale lost for the Hungarian. in terms of infantry, cavalry and artillery strength There remains only 21I and 25C in the Hungarian stack. points.

However, having thus reached a zero morale, the Hungarians break and lose the battle (historical re- A. When to Establish a Siege sult). A stack may always besiege the enemy fortress in a For the sake of the example, consider that the Turkish modified roll is an 8 giving a 30%* result. Dur- province empty of enemy stacks, including at the ing the Shock step, the Hungarian shock power is 71 (25C x 2 each + 21I). The Turkish one is 152 end of a victorious combat. (40C x2 + 60I + 6Art x2). The Hungarian player rolls a 7, modified by +1 (for shock differential: General?:2 -Soliman:1), i.e. A.1 When a city is besieged by a stack, another giving a 8 on the B column, which entails a 30%* result, or 30% SP losses (of 71), or 22 losses and 1 stack may enter the same province and replaces the level of morale lost for the Turkish player. The Turks decide to take all losses in Infantry SP. former one (which may now moves away). The Turkish player obtains a 8 result on the A column, modified by +0 (the differential of Generals in shock not being positive) and -2 (for having just crossed a river), i.e. a net of 6 which entails a 20%* B. What to Do in a Siege result, i.e. 20% SP losses (of 152), or 31 losses (all Infantry and 9C SP by the Hungarians) and 1 level Once the siege established, the besieger has the of morale. choice, each round, between two different types of There remains only 40C, 38I, 6 Art in the Turkish armies, and 15C for the Hungarian stack. The Hun- actions: garian player is now standing at 0 morale, therefore he breaks and is going to be pursued in the ensu- ing retreat. 1/- either to undertake a siegeworks operation; The Turkish pursuit power is identical to its remaining shock power, i.e. 130 (40C x2 + 38I + 6Art x2). 2/- or to launch an assault The pursuit die-roll, E column, is an 8, modified by +1 (for maneuver differential Soliman:3 versus General?:2) and -2 (crossing of the river), therefore modified to 7, which entails a 10% loss (of 131), or 13 losses (then 13C for the Hungarian stack). In total, the Hungarian player has suffered 48 SP losses (4 to fire, 31 to shock and 13 in pursuit). The Turkish player has lost 22 losses to Hungarian shock. Generals are tested, but nobody is injured. The total Hungarian losses are 48 SP out of an initial strength of 50, which comes to more than 66% of his initial force. The Turks have lost “only” 22 SP. less than 33% of their initial total. Therefore it is a major Turkish victory.

To continue a siege, the besieger has to pay a mili- 18. SIEGES tary campaign by round (does not matter which, A siege takes place when a land unit stack is found See §12). in a province containing an enemy fortress. The be- sieger has the choice, each round, between two ac- Fortresses are either already registered on the game tions of siege: the siegeworks or the assault (but map (level 1 or 2 only), or represented by fortress not the two). counters of players’ major countries and those of minor countries (usually of white color back- ground). Fortresses are quantified by level, going from 1 (the weakest) to 5 (the most elaborate). 20

inforcements during the movement phase, bringing of the fortress being assimilated to that of an equiv- 18.3 SIEGEWORKS ACTION the ratio back to 10:1 again - see example) alent number of infantry SP (See 17.2-E.1). The besieger seeks to weaken the defenses of the With Renaissance or Tercios technology, the fire- fortress, and to force it to surrender. But that risks B.2 Usure(-) and Usure(+): These markers we power of the fortress is that of its level, i.e. consid- to be a long process. To resolve siegeworks action, placed on the fortress and will modify all ulterior ered as an equivalent number of Artillery SP. the besieger must roll one D10 on the Siege Table, siegeworks results. They also have an impact on the which is modified as follows: besieged troop attrition checks (if any). NB: Remember that the firepower of infantry with If there is already one or more Usure counters on Renaissance or Tercios technology is zero. ? the differential of siege values of all Generals the fortress, they accumulate. However, 2 Usure(-) present (these of the besieging Generals - these counters are always replaced by a single Usure(+). B.2 Units having taken cover inside the fortress are of the besieged Generals). not counted during assaults for the defender fire- +1 if the number of artillery SP of the besieger is In addition. there can never be more than 2 Usure power calculation. But, on the other hand, they superior to the value of the fortress. counters (either - or + side up) on any one besieged must take priority in all casualties suffered during +2 if the number of artillery SP of the besieger is fortress. Any additional Usure marker of any type is assaults (consider that these units’ SP come to the at least double the value of the fortress. ignored. walls to recomplete a depleted defense). +1 if an “Usure(-)” counter is placed on the be- sieged fortress (“Usure” means Attrition) B.3 Breach (B): The besieger can, if he desires so, C. Assaults Resolution +3 if an “Usure(+)” counter is placed on the be- launch immediately an assault on the besieged Assaults are resolved by following a similar proce- sieged fortress. fortress. It benefits from a breach in the walls, dure to that of a land combat, including the modifi- +2 if a “Breach” result has been obtained during which gives him these following advantages: cation incurred by the Generals fire and shock val- any preceding round of the same turn. ues. +1 if the fortress contains one (or two) land de- 1/- a Breach decreases the combat value of the tachment having taken refuge within its walls. fortress to the quarter of its original value; NB: An assault is a land combat, so each side must +2 if the fortress contains an army (or two) having 2/- and it allows not to subtract the level of the have a General: if a side has no General in com- taken refuge within its walls (non -cumulative fortress from the assaulting player die-roll mand, the player chooses randomly a Replacement with the +1 above). (both in fire and shock steps - See Assaults be- General (with a star) or a gray General ?# (for a mi- -? the level of the fortress. low). nor country stack or fortress). -2 if the fortress is an unblockaded port (See 14.7). B.4 Honors of the War (HW): the besieged player Assault Resolution Procedure -2 if the fortress is situated in a terrain other than asks to surrender with Honors of War. Two out- clear (i.e. in forest, marsh, desert or mountain). comes are possible. a- Calculation of Morale All these modifiers are cumulative. b- Fire step 1/- If the besieger accepts, the city is captured! and c- Shock step A. Siege Value of Generals the besieged player places a detachment com- d- Injuries of Generals Some Generals have a siege value. It is indicated on prising a number of conscript infantry strength e- New assault determination? their counter by a red figure; at the extreme right of points equal to the level of the fortress and their other values. moves it automatically, together with any sur- D. Step(a) - Morale Generals not bearing this indication on their counter viving besieged units, to the closest unbesieged Apply the same procedure as for a land combat are considered as having a siege value of zero (0). friendly city. (See 17.2 - D), knowing that the fortress has a morale level equal to that of infantry SP of the A.1 All siege values of all Generals present at the There is no attrition for such a movement fortress owner, according to its technology. A same siege are added together and taken into ac- The fortress is then captured by the besieger. fortress is always considered as veteran. count. A.2 A General can be placed in a fortress (i.e. in a 2/- If the besieger refuses: consider the HW result D.1 Units having taken refuge inside the fortress defensive role), even if he is not accompanied by a as a Breach result and then resume siege (with are never counted in the calculation of morale. detachment or an army. His siege value (if any) a possible assault by the besieging units). D.1.2 Tercios technology morale bonus does not then applies in favor of the fortress defense (as a apply to Spanish fortresses. negative modifier). B.5 Surrender(R):The fortress is captured by the besieger. Besieged units that wore inside the E. Step(b) - Fire B. Results of the Siege Table fortress (if any) are immediately destroyed. It is resolved simultaneously, as in a land combat Results are of six different types: Besieger Losses (See 17.2.E) with the following important differ- (for the besieger), Usure(-) or Usure(+) (for the be- 18.4 ASSAULTS ences in terms of columns of the CRT where the die sieged), Honors of War, Breach, and Surrender. The besieger seeks to take the fortress by force (in- is rolled: stead of making a longer siegeworks action). An as- B.1 Besieger Losses (A) sault follows the same sequence as a land combat. E.1 Fire Column of Besieged units: The besieger must roll a D10 on the Attrition table, The besieger is the attacker. under the column corresponding to the number of Column Technology* rounds elapsed since the beginning of that siege (in- A. Units that can participate to Assaults A** Def: >= Renaissance cluding the first) this turn. During an assault, only infantry and artillery SP can be used by the attacker (cavalry, although it may * = Def: Defender This Attrition die-roll is modified as follows: besiege, can never assault a fortress).

-? the combined siege values of besieging Gener- B. Fire and Shock Power during Assaults als. - For the attacker: same as those of a land combat +2 if the fortress is situated in a terrain other than (See 17.2.E). clear (i.e. forest, marsh, desert or mountain). - For the besieged player (defender): fire and shock powers of the besieged player are based on If losses suffered through this besieger attrition the combat value of the fortress (See 18.1.B.1), make that the 10:1 ratio between besieger and diminished of all losses taken by this value in the the fortress value cannot be maintained (See 18.2), course of previous days of assault. the siege has to be lifted at the beginning of the siege phase of next round, unless this ratio have B.1 The firepower of the besieged player depends been reconstituted meanwhile (e.g. by arrival of re- however on its land technology. The combat value 21

**: No fire step when both are Medieval or for the -? the level of the fortress (attacker die-roll only), +1 if a Usure(-) marker is placed on the besieged Defender if he is the only one being Medieval. except if a treat result has been obtained in a fortress previous siegeworks operation of the same +3 if an Usure(+) marker is placed on the besieged NB: note that the shock column is the same (see be- round. fortress low). G. Step (d) Injury of Generals A.1 This rule applies only to units sheltered in the E.1.1 Also remember that if the defender technolo- Same as for a normal land combat (See above § fortress, not to the fortress combat value itself. gy is Renaissance, its firepower value is only equal 17.2 -K). to the fortress level value (as per 18.1-B.1 above). 18.6 FORTRESS CAPTURE E.1.2. In all other cases, it is equivalent to the H. New Assault Determination? A fortress taken by siege (siegeworks or assault) is fortress printed combat value. In the case where neither the attacker, nor the be- reduced by l level at the moment of its capture. The sieged player breaks its morale (or in case the De- capturing player may then replace the fortress E.1.3 Medieval technology allows no fire. There- fender is not eliminated), a new day of assault may counter (if any) by one of his (at 1 level less than fore, defenders, when they are Medieval, skip the take place immediately (choice of the attacker) in the initial level of the captured fortress). fire step. the same round. He must also detach units from the besieging force in a number of infantry SP equal to the residual lev- E.2 Fire Column of the attacker: Designer’s Note: This is different from the land el value of the fortress. combat where only one day of combat takes place Column Technology* If the fortress is printed on the map (not a counter), B Att: >= Renaissance H.1 The two players follow the procedure of assault it is assumed that it is automatically “repaired” and & Def = Medieval again, just as described above. recovers its original level at the conclusion of the C Att >= Renaissance assault. However, the capturing player must still de- Def: = Ren or Ter H.2 For this second “day” of assault, the defender tach the required SP (to man the captured fortress D Att: >= Renaissance takes as his new fortress combat value, the residual walls!). Def: >= Arquebuse combat value of the previous day, and so forth until * = Att: Attacker; Def: Defender the assault is over (see below). A. Dismantling a Fortress A fortress counter may also be dismantled. E.3 The fires die-roll of each player is also modi- H.3 This procedure is resumed each time that a day fied as follows: of assault ends without any side having broken its A.1 As an alternative, the capturing player may E.3.1 Modifiers morale or been eliminated. choose to dismantle the counter representing the captured fortress (the counter is simply removed +? the fire values differential of opposing com- H.4 If the last defending factor is eliminated during from the game). manding Generals (players highest ranking the same round when the attacker breaks his General - opponent’s highest ranking General), morale, the fortress is nevertheless captured. A.2 A fortified city (printed on the map) always but only if it is positive. possess its intrinsic fortification level, and thus can -? the level of the fortress (attacker die-roll only), I. Failure of an Assault never be neither dismantled, nor reduced (see except if a breach result has been obtained in a If the attacker has broken its morale, or if it pre- above). previous siegeworks operation of the same ferred to renounce to launch a new assault (See J), round. the assault is considered a failure. B. Fleet in a Blockaded Port All other modifiers are ignored. If the fortress is also a port, the naval stack (if any) E.3.2 Medieval technology allows no fire. There- I.1 In case of failure, the attacker ceases all attacks, may force the blockade to evade (See rule 14.7-A.4. fore, attackers, when they are Medieval, skip the and this particular assault is ended. However, he is 1). fire step. not forced to retreat if the siege prerequisites re- main valid (10:1 ratio). He will be able to resume a 18.7 UN-RESOLVED SIEGES F. Step(c) - Shock siege procedure (siegeworks or assault) during his All besieged fortresses not captured at the begin- It is resolved simultaneously, as in a land combat next round (if any). ning of the Redeployment phase (See §20) gener- (See 17.2 -G), with the following important differ- ates two possible alternatives: ences in terms of columns of the CRT Where the J. Fortress Repair die is rolled: If the attacker’s assault has been repelled, the com- E.1 Shock Column of the besieged player: same as bat value of the fortress returns automatically to its the one used during the Fire step (See E.1). Re- initial level, at no cost. This is done at the conclu- member that, at the beginning of the assault, the sion of the current round where the assault was un- shock power value of an assaulted fortress is in all dertaken. technologies equivalent to its printed combat value. 18.5 ATTRITION OF UNITS INSIDE A F.2 Shock Column of the attacker: FORTRESS Units that have taken refuge in a besieged fortress Column Technology* must suffer attrition. This attrition is tested at the A Att: >= Renaissance same time as other attrition checks, i.e. during the & Def = Medieval besieged players movement phase of the round, but B Att & Def = Medieval the calculation differs in a sense that the Attrition or Def = Ren or Ter Table is not used for siege attrition: C Def: >= Arquebuse A. Method The besieged player must roll one die. The die-roll * =Att: Attacker; Def: Defender result is then multiplied by 10, giving a percentage figure applied as attrition losses to units sheltered in F.3 The Shock die-roll of each player is also modi- the besieged fortresses. Losses are rounded up. fied as follows: This siege attrition die-roll is modified: +? the shock values differential of opposing com- -3 if the fortress is a unblockaded port manding Generals (player's highest-ranking -? the siege value of any one besieged General (if General - opponents highest ranking General), any). but only if it is positive. 22

However, the gain or the loss is limited to only 1 COMPLETE SIEGE EXAMPLE 1/- If, during the course of the siege, the besieger VP if the victor and/or the loser is an allied minor has obtained at least one Usure(+), Breach or country. The Siege of Rhodes 1522 Honors of the War result, the siege may be maintained (if the besieging players wants so, NB: there is no VP for on assault, but only for The Turkish player is at war with the Knights. otherwise see below). In this case, the besieg- siege The Turkish player and this minor country both ing player is not forced to repatriate the besieg- have the Renaissance technology. ing stack to the closest friendly unbesieged city During the movement phase of the first round, the Turkish player embarks 2 side (+) armies, each (by land or sea movement). However, see A 19. THE PHASE END TEST containing 30 infantry (I), 5 cavalry (C) and 3 ar- and B below, as well as section 20. Each round, from the second on, when every player 2/- If the besieger has not obtained anything more tillery (Art) [all veterans] Strength points. They has had the opportunity to make at least one activa- embark on 2 side (+) Turkish fleets (with 75 gal- than a Usure(-) result, he must retreat the be- tion (that he has played a campaign or passed), sieging stack (See 14.3 - A). leys and 10 transport ships) (See 14.6 for trans- there is a possibility that the military phase may port capacity details). These armies are led by the end. A. Naval Retreat Turkish General Ali Bey (value: 4.4.3 -maneu-, their morale is 3 (Renaissance: 2, Any naval stack blockading a besieged port must A. the Test of Phase End return to a friendly port in all cases. veterans: +1). A test must takes place from the end of the second The Turkish player chooses to make a simple mil- round on. One player rolls a D10 to determine if B. Counters adjustment Attrition itary campaign (See 12.1 -B) to disembark his the military phase has come to an end. force in Rhodes, both fleets moving on to block- If the siege is maintained during the Redeployment If the die-roll result is strictly inferior to the num- phase, all markers placed on top of the besieged ade the port. The island possesses a level 3 ber of already played rounds, the military phase fortress (fortress marker) and a Knight detach- fortress are removal, except for one Usure(-) mark- ends. Otherwise, a new round is started. er maximum (if any) that may remain in place. ment (10I SP, all veterans), with a morale of 3. The Knights’ General, reamed “Grand Maitre” 20. REDEPLOYMENT PHASE B.1 An Usure(+) marker is turned back to its (-) leads this detachment (values: 1.1.1 -1 ** NB: the side in such a case. A. Raising of a Siege last figure is its siege value). If a besieged fortress has no Usure(+) placed over The Knights, as a minor country, are played by B.2 All previous Breach (B) and Honors of War it, or has not suffered a Breach or HW result during the Spanish player. This player decides to have (HW) results are lost. the course of the turn, the besieger has to retreat to the detachment taking refuge inside the fortress at the closest friendly unbesieged city or port, and has the moment of the Turkish landing (i.e., automatic C. Siege Interruption to roll for attrition under the “7” column of the At- retreat before combat). The Turkish player has a A siege can be interrupted from several manners, trition Table (See 15.2). ratio largely above 10:1 against the fortress (60 I, either: 40C, 6 Art = 86 factors versus level 3). He can A.1 Generals may use their maneuver value to therefore besiege Rhodes, and he decides to start 1/- after having established the siege, the besieger modify this attrition roll with a siegeworks action. undertakes no military campaign (of any type, The Turk calculate his siegeworks modifier. i.e. he “passes”) in any given round; B. Besieger Attrition as follows: +3 (6 art against level 3). 2/- the besieger no longer possesses the minimum If the besieger has not lifted the siege (as per +1 (for the detachment sheltered in the fortress). 10-1 ratio against the level of the fortress (See §18.7-C above), he has nevertheless to suffer attri- -1 (for siege differential Ali Bey:0- Grand 18.2) at the start of the siege phase of a round; tion, but this time under the “5” column of the attri- Maitre: 1). 3/- the besieger is obliged to retreat following a tion table. -3 (level of the fortress). lost combat against a relieving enemy force in -2 (terrain: mountain). the besieged fortress province. B.1 Besieged Generals may apply their siege value The total amounts to a -2 net modifier. as a negative modifier to this attrition die-roll. He rolls a D10 on the siege table and obtains a 7, C.1 The siege is considered lifted immediately modified to 5: result is Usure(-). when any one or more of the above conditions ap- C. the Victor of a Siege An Usure(-) marker is placed on the fortress, plies. The victor of a siege is the one that has the control and the round of the Turkish player finishes. The of the fortress, the other player is the loser. This ap- Knights have to roll for attrition, because of the C.2 If the siege is lifted, all Usure (+ or -) counters plies even if the siege continues as per 18.7-C. detachment sheltered in Rhoda A 6 is obtained, are immediately removed, even if the fortress is modified by +1 (due to the Usure(-) just placed) again besieged in a following round. C.1 Siege Victory Points are then attributed or re- and another -1 (siege value of Grand Maitre), moved for each siege, resolved or not (See giving no change to the die-roll C.3 All previous Breach (B) and Honors of War 18.8). Continued on next page ... (HW) results are lost. C.2 The maximum gain/loss of VP in that Phase is 18.8 VICTORY POINTS & SIEGE l VP. Victory Points (VP) obtained for sieges depend on the level of the besieged fortress. These VP are at- D. Return to Port tributed at the conclusion of the Interphase. Naval units being located in a sea zone have to re- treat to a friendly, unblockaded port of their choice A. the Victor of a Siege (not necessarily the closest one). They roll for attri- The victor is the player that controls the fortress at tion (See 15.3). This is also applied to naval stacks the conclusion of either the Peace phase or the Re- currently blockading a still besieged enemy fortress deployment phase: either the besieged player if he (i.e. even if besieging troops have been able to re- has been able to hold until then, or the besieger if main in the province where the besieged port is lo- he has captured the fortress. cated).

B. Victory Points The victor of a siege receives during the Peace Phase as many VP as the initial value of the fortress level (i.e. before reduction, if captured by the be- sieger, See 18.6). The loser in a siege loses as many VP as those gained by the victor. 23

COMPLETE SIEGE EXAMPLE other Grand Maitre (special rule concerning the remove the fortress counter since it is not useful. Knights - See Advanced Rules). That amounts to He must anyway detach 2 Infantry SP from his The Siege of Rhodes 1522 the same for the Turks. After this second day the armies (i.e. a number equal to the remaining level) status of each camp is the following: -for the Turk- to man its newly “Muslim” walls. Continued from previous page ... ish: 41I and 6 Art, morale 0; - for the Christian: The Military Phase of the turn ends on the sixth combat value of the fortress at 58, morale 3. round, hopefully for the Turkish player. During the Therefore the detachment suffers 60% losses (on The Turkish player breaks and now realizes that he Redeployment phase, the Turkish player earns 3 VP 10SP), i.e. 6 losses. There remains only 4I SP with- cannot anymore carry on with the assault. The for the capture of Rhodes (equal to its initial in the Knights detachment. siege is over for this round. fortress level). and the Spanish player loses 1 (as During the second round, the Turkish player pays The siege is nevertheless maintained because the the Knights is an allied minor country, loss is limit- for a passive military campaign (to allow for the Turkish player still possess the necessary 10:1 ra- ed to 1 VP). continuation of the siege). He estimates that an as- tio against the fortress (41I + 10C + 6 Art SP =57 sault could have a chance to take the fortress (NB: vs. 3). That seems very foolhardy without the benefit of a The combat value of Rhodes is raised back to its breach obtained through siegeworks action). basic value of 60. The Usure(-) marker is still in The assault begins. Both the Turkish and Knights place. The morale of each player returns to its ini- morale are standing at 3. tial level. On the third round, the Turkish player During the Fire step, the Knight player fires on the makes a simple campaign, and reinforces his be- basis of a 3 firepower (with Renaissance technolo- sieging force with 2 detachments (containing 191 gy, the assimilated firepower infantry is null, and SP, veterans) via sea transport and they are imme- the fortress firepower is thus considered to be diately incorporated in its armies upon landing equal to the level of the fortress. i.e. 3). The A col- bringing them both back to nearly maximum capac- umn is used. The die-roll gives an 8, not modified ity. He has now again 60I, 10C and 6 Art. (differential of opposing Generals fire values being He chooses to make a new siegeworks action. The negative), what amounts to a 30%* result, i.e. 30% die-roll gives a 9 on the siege table with a modifier losses (out of 3 firepower value), rounded up to 1 that is now standing at -2 [See 1st round for calcu- loss (taken in Infantry SP) and 1 level of morale lation, the +1 for the presence of the Usure(-) lost for the Turks. marker being compensated by the disappearance of The Turkish attacker fires with 6 Art. Its firepower the Knights detachment] This die-roll gives an is 12. The modifier to the die-roll is -3 (for the Usure(+) result An additional Usure marker is fortress) and +1 (differential of opposing Generals placed, side (+), on the fortress (as there are al- fire values is positive), for and of -2. ready 2 Usure markers on the fortress, no addition- He obtains an 8, modified to 6, on the CRT column al one can be placed anymore). There is no attri- C (Renaissance Vs Renaissance), i.e. a result of tion for the Knights as there is no land unit shel- 10% losses (on 12 factors), or 2 losses for Chris- tered anymore inside the fortress. tians. These losses are taken by the detachment For his fourth round, the Turkish player makes a (where only 2I SP now remain). passive campaign, and chooses again to make a The combat value of the fortress is still intact; the siegeworks action. He obtains a 10 (Very Lucky!) Turkish assault force is now standing at 59I and 6 modified this time by +0, thanks to the Usure(+) Art. (NB: remember, cavalry do not participate in marker placed the previous round, which gives a B assaults). During the Shack step, the Knights have result (breach). a shock power of 60 (combat value of the fortress). * The Turkish players now opts for an assault. The The die-roll gives a 5, non-modified (differential of combat value of the fortress is divided by 4 because shock values of opposing Generals is not positive), of the breach result, therefore it stands at 15 (60/4) what amounts to a result of 10% losses (of 60) un- and its level is no longer subtracted from the fire der the A column, or 6 losses taken in Infantry SP (and shock) die-roll of the attacker in case of as- by the Turks. sault. In the ensuing Fire step, the Knight player The Turkish player has a power of shock of 71 rolls a 1, modified by +0 (same calculation as pre- (591+ 6Art valued 12). He rolls a 2. The modifier vious assault for him), A column ,inflicting no loss- to this die-roll is -3 (for the fortress) and +1 (dif- es to the Turkish player. ferential of shock values of opposing Generals be- The Turkish attacker has a firepower of 12(6 Art ing positive for the Turks), which is a net of -2, *2). He obtains a 6, modified by +3 (fire values dif- which results in 0 on the B column, i.e. no result. ferential, no fortress level subtracted), i.e. 9, C col- Generals are tested, but nobody is injured. umn, which bring a 30%** result (of 12), a 4 SP None of the two adversaries having broken its losses to the defender and 2 levels of morale. The morale, the Turkish player decides to continue the value of combat of the fortress now is reduced to 11 assault for a second day (NB: this is different from (15 - 4). land combat). During the Shock step, the Christian player rolls a The combat value of the fortress is intact, and 8, modified by +0, column A, which gives a 30% * Turkish have now 53I and 6 Art SP left. The morale result; i.e. 30% losses (on 11 factors)., or 4 lost In- of the Turkish player has fallen to 2. fantry SP and 1 level of morale to the Turks. On the second day Fire step, the Christian player The Turkish player responds. His shock power is rolls a net 6 and inflicts 20% * losses (3 72 factors (60I+6Art * 2). and he obtains another firepower), or 1 loss (taken in I) and 1 level of 7, modified by +2 (shock Ali Bey) which amounts to morale. The Turkish player inflicts no loss (0 re- a net 9, B column, that is 40% ** (of 72) or 29 sult). In the Shock step, the Christians obtain the losses, and 2 levels of morale for the Christian de- same die-roll result as in Fire (this time 12 losses fenders. and -1 again to the Turkish morale), and the Turk- The value of the fortress being thereby eliminated, ish inflicts 4 losses (which destroys what remains of Rhodes is captured by the Turkish player (as well the Knights detachment, the extra 2 losses being as the Grand Maitre leader). taken on the fortress combat value which is now re- Generals are tested, but none is harmed. The duced to 58). fortress counter is reduced to level 2 due to the fact Generals are tested, and the Grand Maitre is in- of its capture. As the fortified city of Rhodes is an jured (3 rounds). It is immediately replaced by an- intrinsic value of 2, the Turkish player decides to 24

The seven periods (and corresponding length in game turns) covered by the game are the following: 21. THE INTERPHASE Apply all specific rules of the scenario being ADVANCED Period 1492-1519: 6 turns played, in particular those concerning the calcula- RULES Period 1520-1559: 8 turns tion of VP linked to the military and political situa- Period 1560-1614: 11 turns tion at the end c/the turn. Remove military leaders Period 1615-1664: 10 turns scheduled to leave the game and take those sched- Period 1665-1699: 7 turns uled to arrive on the following turn. Advanced rules are designed for campaign scenar- Period 1700-1759: 12 turns ios, which are played with the whole set of rules Period 1760-1792: 6 turns A. Dates on Military Leader counters (Basic and Advanced). The date of arrival (turn number) is the figure locat- The game seems quite complex at first glance, this 24.2 LIMITS BY PERIOD ed on the left-band sick of the leader silhouette. is why it is advised to get acquainted with some of Within each of the above periods, countries repre- The date of departure (turn number) figure is locat- the main mechanisms by playing your first games sented by the different players have a certain num- ed on the right-hand side of the leader silhouette. solitaire, or by beginning with XVIth century cam- ber of limits for their different actions and purchas- paigns (easier to play than later ones). es. B. Placement of Newly arrived Leaders Rules are organized in rubrics processing the main There are limits as well as for the number of units, These leaders are placed on military stacks of their aspects of game, if possible in the order of the se- strength points contents and number of counters owner, located in friendly unbesieged cities or quence of ploy but without following it by too rig- (especially Manufactures, Colonies and Trading friendly province. orous a manner. Posts). Each point of the rules comprises a general presen- C. Leaders Removal from Game tation, followed by the different detailed paints re- A. Limits Leaders are removed from the game if their date of lating to it. These limits are valid each turn during the period departure corresponds to the turn just played (i.e. Examples illustrate some specific paints of the for which they apply. they leave the game at the end of their scheduled rules (based in general on a significant AD 1492 turn of departure). situation). A.1 The period limits cannot be exceeded, except Think to check the back of military leader counters, Each of game turn in a campaign represents five for some particular cases specified in the rules. as it is possible that another military leader arriving years of real time. soon is displayed on the other side of such a Each round is roughly equivalent to one campaign B. Limits Tables counter. season (i.e. one year on average). The limits, for each player, are regrouped in two different tables on the player’s aide. One table D. “?” Leaders presents the limits per turn within each period, the Each player has 3 “?” leaders (General/Admiral) 23. SEQUENCE OF PLAY other the limits per period applicable globally for and 3 more “?” leaders for exploration (Conquista- Players play simultaneously each phase, except the whole duration of a period. dor/Explorer). during the Military phase, in which the order of Each player has a minimum number of leaders by play alternates according to the sum of the players’ B.1 Taking into account the variable length, in kind each turn, as described in his player’s Aid (per monarchs capacities. Administrative operations be- number of turns, of the different periods, it is usual- period). The player receives a “?” leader when he ing written, they can be resolved simultaneously ly necessary to read the numerous information has no historical leader of this kind for the next without conflict among players. printed on these tables at the beginning of a given turn. This leader is drawn at random between period, their usage proving then very repetitive those ? available. 1. Monarchs Survival Phase within a same period, thereby making them self 2. Events Phase learning. A.1 The “?” leaders have no life determination. 3. Diplomatic Phase They stay in game as long as they do not die; they 4. Income Phase C. Turn limits Table may be removed at the end of a period. 5. Administrative Phase The Turn limits per period concerns essentially 6. Military Phase diplomatic and administrative actions, and also the A.2 If a “?” leader dies (battle, or attrition outside 7. Redeployment Phase logistical elements (counters sizes & contents, re- Europe), and the minimum requirement leaders is 8. Peace Phase cruitment, etc.) for each player and each period of not respected, a new “?” leader is received at this 9. Interphase the game. phase (drawn at random). Phases already described in the basic game remain C.1 Each player has a limit of diplomatic actions A.3 At the end of a period, if a player has still “?” appreciably the same. relative to his diplomacy on minor countries, for leader, he loses the ones which are described as Phases not yet described are detailed in the follow- each of the various periods of the game. minimum leaders for the next period. ing paragraphs.

Example: in 1492 the French player starts with an “?” admiral. If he loses his “?” admiral (battle, at- 24. PERIODS trition), he will not receive a new “?” admiral be- cause he has no admiral in his minimum leaders for the 1st period. A period represents a series of turns, historically Anyway, at the end of the turn 1519 he loses his “?” homogeneous, with a duration of approximately 50 admiral because he has no admiral minimum lead- years (more or less). The 60 game turns are distrib- er for the 2nd period (1520-1559). uted in several periods to simulate the different epochs of the era covered by this game. 22. VICTORY These periods give the rhythm of the campaign A player wins by having accumulated at the end of game, especially the 1492-1792 Grand Campaign. game more victory point (VP) than any other play- Each player possesses for his country, a series of er. These VP are received each turn (e.g. for battles limits to his purchases and actions that is deter- and sieges) and also at the end of the scenario be- mined for each one of the periods covered in the ing played Scenarios contain the list and means of game. These limit are a maximum that cannot be obtaining VP from those to be attributed at the end exceeded, except for very few specific cases. of the played game.


D.3 The player has a limit of Manufacture markers C.2 Each player has a limit for every administrative (round shaped counters) that he may have in play, A. Bankruptcy operation that he can attempt each turn within the on the map of Europe, during a given period. From the instant a TR is empty (i.e. valued at zero) period, in particular: This is a limit in terms of Manufactures counters, the player immediately suffers bankruptcy (See not units, as every round-shaped counter may repre- §26.).  Creation of Manufactures sent up to 2 manufactures of the same type.  Exceptional Tax raising B. Inflation  Improvement of FTI/DTI D.4 Land military units of the players have, for The TR of a player, during the Interphase at the end  Commercial Development each type of SP, a maximum recruitment capacity, of each turn, is decreased by the inflation percent-  Colonization per turn, for each period. age indicated by the inflation level.  Establishment of Trading Posts It may be increased by events. Read its value under the inflation marker positioned D.4.1 Also, if a player does not possess the Renais- on the Prices track located on the Rest-of-the-world  Competition Action sance technology (or a more advanced one), he can- map.  Improvement of the Technology not build and place artillery SP in his armies. The capacity in his army counters that is reserved for ar- B.1 All ducats lost are rounded up to the nearest These actions constitute the player main activities tillery can be used for infantry SP instead as long as whole number. during his administrative phase. his technology is Medieval. D.4.2 However, this is no longer valid after the B.2 The percentage of inflation depends on the Important Note: A player may always use fewer ac- player has reached Renaissance technology (or a amount of gold repatriated to Europe from territo- tions (or even none) than allowed by his maximum more advanced one). ries located in the Rest-of-the-world (See Rule period/turn limit. 51.3). D.5 In the case of ships, there is in addition to the C.3 Force limits indicate the number of units of the turn limit above a maximum total available number basic force considered to have a free maintenance of warships, indicated for the whole length of a giv- (i.e. those in play without having to pay their main- 26. BANKRUPTCY en period. tenance each turn). D.5.1 That absolute maximum warships limit can Land units of this basic force are veterans (See A player suffers from bankruptcy at the instant be placed in his naval units. This limit includes all 17.2-D) when his royal treasury reaches 0 ducats (or less). types of warships (however a galley uses up to 1/3 The consequences are serious for the Stability, in- of the total) but not the transport ships. C.4 Minimum Leaders. The player must also have come and investments of the concerned player. in permanence a certain number of leaders, speci- E. Exceeding Limits fied by type (Admirals, Generals, Conquistadors, 26.1 BANKRUPTCY EFFECTS A player can decide to exceed the limits of a period Explorers - Specified with their initials). If the his- When a player suffers bankruptcy, the following ef- for the DTI, the FTI and Manufactures only, but he torical leaders that the player receives do not suffice fects are immediately applied: thus takes the risk to lose Stability (See §27.) in a to reach this minimum leader quantity per type, he chronic manner. Anyway, there nevertheless always can take some additional leaders at random, among A/- the Stability decreases by 4 levels; exists an absolute limit than can never be exceeded his available unnamed ? leaders of the required B/- 2 Manufactures, chosen at random, are elimi- in any case, as follows: type. nated; C.4.1. He must remove them when the need is no C/- 4 levels of commercial fleets are lost, chosen E.1 There is maximum exceeding limits: no more longer felt, due to sufficient named leaders of the by the bankrupted player ; than 2 over the normal period limit. concerned category in play. D/- 15 VP are lost. C.4.2 The monarch counter is never counted in this E.2 The DTI and the FTI of any player can never limit. A bankruptcy has also an unfavorable and perma- exceed the level of 5. nent effect for the player when he rolls on the C.5 Military force purchase limit per turn. The mili- Loans table (See Players’ Aides) during each re- E.3 The maximum number of Manufactures coun- tary force purchase indicates the maximum number naming turns of the current period. ters of a player is limited by the number of such of forces, for each type of strength point (infantry, counters provided in the game. cavalry, artillery, warships & galleys, transport 26.2 BANKRUPTCY AND PEACE ships), that the player may construct in each Pur- Bankruptcy forces the bankrupted player to imme- F. Penalty for Exceeding the Limits chase phase. diately sign a peace with all of his enemies if bank- If an event provokes a revolt in the country of a C.5.1 Remember that the purchase limit, for land ruptcy brings his Stability to the -3 level. This player that has exceeded his limits, and if the result forces only, can be doubled, even tripled, by paying peace is determined and resolved during the imme- of the modified die-roll serving to determine the in- overcosts (See 9.1-D). diately following Peace step; then the game re- tensity of the revolt is even, then the player imme- C.5.2 On the other hand, the purchase limits for sumes its normal course (See §50). diately loses: ships can never be exceeded (exception: the role of Fisheries as an “exotic” resources, See 61.4-D).  2 in Stability levels, The limits fixed in this table cannot be exceeded in  1 Manufacture, principle. This is valid in any and all turns of the  1 level of FTI, period (see for some particular exceptions here-  1 level of DTI after). This applies every time the conditions are met, i.e. as long as any of the above limits is exceeded by D.1 The DTI (Domestic Trade Index) and the FTI the concerned player. (Foreign Trade Index) of a player are both limited to a maximum ceiling (level) during the length of a given period. However these limits may possibly be 25 THE ROYAL TREASURY increased, temporarily or permanently, thanks to The Royal Treasury (TR) represents the accumula- events or player’s decision (see E below). tion of all income, post and present, of a player less This limit can be increased only through events, his expenses. It is modified (usually reduced) by in- temporarily or permanently. flation at the end of each turn.

D.2 The player has a limit of Colony and Trading 25.1 THE ROYAL TREASURY (TR) Post counters that he may place on the map, outside The TR of a player is credited with all income or of Europe, for the whole length of a period. other financial gains of the player, and debited of all his expenses. 26

2. Successor values determination (when required) 28.5 REIGN LENGTH 3. Initiative calculation The reign length of the monarch's successor is ob- 27. STABILITY tained by the roll of a D10 on the Reign Table (See The player represents the monarch of the country he Player Aides). Stability is the most important indicator for a play- is in charge of. He may execute different actions It gives the reign length, in number of turns, for the er in a campaign game. It is Stability that allows thanks to values of his monarch, whose reign has a new monarch. players to best manage their country because it has limited duration. It indicates also the status in which the reign begins, an impact on most administrative operations, as namely: well as monarch survival, income, war duration Reign Length - Dynastic Crisis and on peace levels achieved. A monarch has a reign length evaluated in number - Minority(3 possible) of turns. A monarch must undergo a survival test - Fragile Health 27.1 PRESENTATION each turn, and if it succeeds them all successively, it dies at the beginning of the turn following its last Roll again for reign length if: The Stability track is located on the Rest-of-the- turn of reign. The reign length of a monarch is de- world map. Each player has a Stability marker, termined at the moment of its advent, on the reign 1/- Dynastic crisis is rolled; and ignore any other which fluctuates between -3 and +3. A positive Sta- table (note that reign length of the first monarch in result hit reign length number. bility is a good thing; then to be at +3 level is excel- play is given for each campaign scenario). 2/- Fragile Health is rolled; and ignore any other lent. A null or negative Stability is ominous, and result but reign length number. penalizes the player. This reign length may indeed be suddenly reduced by a failure of the Survival die-roll, or by event. See A. Variation of the Stability 28.4 below. Dynastic Crisis The Stability varies according to the actions of the A Dynastic Crisis entails a series of temporary dis- players or situations affecting the player (e.g., state advantages for the player. of war), or else by events. Each monarch possesses 3 values: A.1 Values of any new monarch ascending the A.1 These variations are indicated here and there in  MIL: Military throne via Dynastic Crisis are determined at ran- the concerned rules or events. It is not necessary to  ADM: Administration dom by the roll of an unmodified D10, giving di- learn each and every one variation, as they will be  DIP: Diplomacy rectly the new monarch’s values (i.e. do not use the reminded to the player’s when the need arises. Monarchs Values Table). Each one of these characteristics is determined only Re-roll if a 1,2 or 10 is obtained (because the value 27.2 STABILITY AND INCOME once, at the time a new monarch ascends the throne allowed for each characteristic is 3 to 9). (after the death of the precedent), thanks to the The Stability affects the income as follows: Monarch Values Table (See Player's Aides and A.2 Monarch values are then temporarily divided §28.7, below). by two (rounded up) for this turn (only). +10% to Income with a +3 Stability. A. Military Value A.3 Every Dynastic Crisis generates a 2 levels drop From -10% up to -50% for a negative or null Stabil- The Military value is the main modifier of the tech- of Stability for the affected country. ity. nology improvement operation (See §45.12). It also serves to determine combat values (maneuver, fire, A.4 In addition, a Dynastic Crisis: These values are indicated at the bottom of each shock) of the monarch when serving as a General box on the Stability track (See 53.22). 1/- gives an immediate Casus Belli (CB) against the victim country to every ally of the con- 27.3 STABILITY IMPROVEMENT B. Administrative Value cerned player, provided that such ally has of- The player may improve his Stability, by attempt- It is the main modifier for most administrative oper- fered a dowry in marriage (See 32.2 - C); ing a Stability Improvement Operation (see 50.2). ations, either for the choice of the column, or for 2/- validates some political events if they occur die-roll modifications (See §45). during the next event phase, or have already oc- Stability may also improve during the Redeploy- curred in the period currently played (e.g., ment phase when prosperity increases (see rule C. Diplomatic Value “Fronde in France” or “War of The Spanish 49.1). It is the main die-roll modifier for diplomatic ac- Succession”). The Crisis specific treatment is tions, such as the attempt to get control of a minor then described in the event. 28. MONARCH PHASE country (See §33). B. Minority This phase is played simultaneously, each player 28.4 THE SURVIVAL TEST Minority can be of the 3 different and following testing the survival of his monarch, and determin- types: Baby, Child or Teenager. It entails a tempo- ing if needed the characteristics of its successor. Each monarch has to make a survival test at the be- ginning of each turn. rary reduction of each one of the monarch’s values, The player represents the monarch of his country. starting at -3 for a baby, then -2 for a Child and fi- The monarch possesses 3 values: Military, Admin- A. Survival nally -1 as a teenager (one turn each. See also istrative and Diplomatic. These values are used for 28.7.B below). diplomatic and administrative operations of the Each player rolls a D10 for his monarch, and on a player and in a lesser measures in the military do- modified result of 10 or more, the monarch dies. This die-roll is modified as follows: C. Majority main. The monarch is an adult, without any particular The different characteristics of a monarch are used modification or change to its values. for diplomatic operations on minor countries, ad- +1 if the Stability of the country is negative +1 if the monarch is of fragile health ministrative operations and also to improve the D. Fragile Health technological level of the player’s country. In a +2 on the turn following a dynastic crisis +1 as above, on the second turn following a dynas- The monarch is grown-up (i.e. Majority) but suffers lesser measure, the Military characteristic affects from a weak physical constitution. Therefore it re- combat (if the monarch leaves in person to conduct tic crisis +? as per random event(s) ceives a permanent +1 modifier to its Survival die- the war). roll each turn, until its demise. Every monarch has also a maximum life duration Opposedly, on a result of 1 the reign length of a determined upon his arrival on the throne (i.e. in monarch increases 1 turn (limited to a maximum of two additional reign turns per monarch). 28.7 VALUES OF SUCCESSOR play). When he dies, characteristics of the succes- The 3 values of the new monarch are determined sor are determined randomly. If the monarch is deceased, it is necessary to deter- mine values and reign length of its successor. after reign length has been established. 1. Monarchs Survival test 27

A. Procedure A. Particular Cases if the current one is the last period, i.e. 1760- The player rolls a D10 for each value, on a column In same described specific cases, the event may 1792)... etc. corresponding to the value of the just defunct concern all players (e.g. Poor Weather). monarch in the same category (see Values Table). B.3 If the result located in the obtained box is a B. Description & Duration number, it concerns an historical event Refer to the A.1 Each die-roll may be modified according to The detailed description of each event is provided Annexes handbook to find it and apply its effects. events having occurred during the immediately pre- in the Annexes handbook Each event, except ex- ceding reign, such as: plicit precision of the contrary, applies immediately B.4 An “R” result indicates the occurrence of a re- and only during the current turn, and solely for the volt, so consult the Revolt Table of the played peri- -1 for each” Death of the Heir of Throne “event player that has rolled for it (there are some excep- od (located at the beginning of the Annexes hand- -2 for the “Excellent Ministers” event (even if it tions - See list of events). book). was obtained several times), with a certain number of specific conditions applying, as per 29.2 POLITICAL EVENTS B.5 A “D” result indicates a diplomatic upheaval event description (See Annexes). Political events are regrouped in tables, each table concerning minor countries. To solve it, roll two corresponding to one single period. They are deter- D10 and add the numbers thus obtained. For each B. Temporary Modifications mined by the roll of two consecutive D10 (first and controlled minor country, this sum is compared to Once determined, these values can be modified second die-roll) on the Political Event table of the the “fidelity” value of this minor (fidelity is printed temporarily if the monarch is minor (see §28.6 -B period played. Each table has for result either a in red at the back of the minor country diplomatic above) or if there is a dynastic crisis (See 28.6-A). number, or a “R” or a “D” (and even both a figure marker). These modifications apply to each value of the and either a R or a D, separated by a slash). B.5.1 If the fidelity of the minor is equal to or infe- monarch: rior to the obtained sum of the dice, the diplomatic The Political Events tables are located on the back marker is moved down the Diplomatic track a num- -3 if the result is “baby”; -2 and -l respectively on cover of the Annexes handbook ber of boxes equal to the difference between the fi- the two following turns. delity value and the above-mentioned sum. -2 if the result is “child”, -1 on the following turn A. Number of events per turn B.5.2 Should this reduction move the marker be- -1 if the result is “teenager” There are 3 Political events per turn. It is possible yond the first diplomatic box on the track, the that a fourth one may be generated by die-rolls marker is removed from the track and placed in the B.1 Divide values by 2 for the turn, if a dynastic made for the first three. “Neutrals” oval holding Area located at the top left crisis occurs. of the Rest-of-the-world map (labeled “Les Neu- B. Determination of Events tres” on the map). B.2 Nevertheless, the minimum for the each value B.1 First Die-roll remains 1. The maximum value never exceeds 9 in The roll (1-9) of the first the is used to determine any case. the column on the current Political Event table. If a 10 is rolled, then re-roll and check the 3 possible 28.8 INITIATIVE cases below: The initiative is used during the military phase, to  Re-roll is (l to 7): a fourth event is played this determine the order of play for the turn between the turn. Ignore all future ten (0) results on the first different players. Players play in turn, according to die-roll, including for all of the other events not the descending order of the sum of their respective yet rolled for (re-roll until you do not get a 0). monarchs’ values, from the highest (playing first) to  Re-roll is (8 to 9): the event is checked on the ta- the lowest (playing last). This is called the Initiative ble of the preceding period (or even the one be- value. fore if the preceding period has no longer any available event to be selected), or on the same ta- Ties must be solved by unmodified competitive die- ble in the case of the 1492-1519 period. The col- rolls. umn to use in such a case is always the first col- umn unless already filled up (proceed to the sec- ond in such a case, and soon). 29. EVENTS PHASE  Re-roll is (10): the event is checked on the table of the next period, or on the same table in the This phase is played simultaneously for Events are case of the 1760-1792 period. of two different orders: economic events and politi- The column to use in such a case is always the first cal events. Each player rolls for one economic column, unless already filled up (proceed to the event. Then, three (sometimes 4) political events second in such a case, and so on.) are rolled for the turn by the initiative player (not one per player as before). B.2 Second Die-roll Economic events are rolled on the Economic Event The roll (1-9) of the second die is used to determine table. This table does not depend on the period in the event itself within the selected column on the play and applies at all times. It is completely ran- corresponding period table. Count the boxes in the dom. Political events are rolled on the Political column downwards (it from top to bottom), jump- Event table (Events are taken among those con- ing already marked-off boxes, until you reach a box cerning the played Period). So as to preserve his- count corresponding to the number obtained ax the torical realism, these events are centered on the second the. played period although no event is predictable and B.2.1 Should you reach the bottom of a column, events from a previous or later period may still continue counting from top to bottom on the next arise. column on the right, and so on until you reach the required figure and corresponding box (note that 29.1 ECONOMIC EVENTS the extreme left column is considered to be at the Economic events are determined by the roll of two “right” of the extreme right column). consecutive D10 (named “first” and “second” die- B.2.2 The event thus determined may be applied, roll) on the Economic Event table. The number ob- and, if so, its square is marked-off (it will no longer tained by crossing the line figure (first die-roll) and be selected). However, see F below. the column figure (second die-roll) gives the eco- B.2.3 If a ten (0) is obtained on this second die-roll, nomic event, which applies to the player. the die is re-rolled under the same column, but in the table of the next period (or the precedent period 28

the Throne” economic event that may trigger a Suc- C. Die-roll Modifiers cession war). 1/- For each side (+) revolt, it loses 1 Stability lev- The following die-roll modifiers apply to the dice el rolled for political events: It is never certain that an event could happen, due 2/- for all side (-) revolts, it loses only one addi- to the fact that there are more boxes to be marked- tional Stability level * Period 1492-1559: THE TORDESILLAS TREATY off in every period table than the total number of MODIFIER events that can possibly be achieved within the du- However, the maximum a player can lose from re- ration of the period. volts of all types is 3 Stability levels. -1: if both Spain is Counter-Reform -1: if there are Colonies or Trading Posts in Ameri- Example: the 1492-1519 period comprises 5 turns, A. Revolt and Income ca placed this turn or the previous one (if any) i.e. in theory 15 political events (or at best 20 if All provinces in revolt (either a strong or a weak re- -1: if Spain or Portugal holds the diplomatic luck generates one additional event each turn). The volt present) bring no income during the player’s counter of the minor country Papacy. table of this period comprises 40 boxes, meaning income phase. that at least half of them will remain un-marked. This applies during each political event phase of B. City Control this period (#1) until the event “Treaty of Tordesil- A revolt never controls the city of the province las” is obtained. 30. REVOLTS where it is located, except if it was generated to- A revolt is determined randomly, concerning where gether with a revolt detachment that specifically Period 1560-1614: THE SPANISH TAX ON HOL- and when it occurs. A revolt usually brings a drop controls the city (as per the Revolt Strength Table LAND MODIFIER in the Stability level of the victim player. This play- results), or if this is specified by the event that has er has to crush the revolt as quickly as possible generated this revolt (e.g. this is the case in mine -1: applied to the second die-roll for each turn that otherwise taking the risk to witness an extension of Political events, such as “Rebellion of La the Spanish player has taxed a non-revolted that revolt (that can go as far as overthrowing the Rochelle”). Holland (See 53.19 - C) during any and all pre- player’s monarch, bringing real trouble). ceding period. C. Control of the Revolt Revolts are generated by events. The revolt tables The player designated to “control” a revolt manages Some events can figure on several boxes on a peri- indicate the strength and location of the revolt, ac- it as good as it seems to him. This player is consid- od's political events table. When a specific event cording to the period in play. The revolt tables are ered as “friendly” for that specific revolt (See 7.5). occurs, the box obtained by rolling the dice is located at the start of the Annexes handbook One For example, its military stacks can enter the prov- marked-off. table is used to determine the victim country (then ince in revolt as if it belonged to him (i.e. it has be- However, for some events, the other similar boxes used again to know who else controls the revolt). come a friendly province), provided that there are on the table are not marked-off, allowing the event Another group of tables (one per country) helps de- no enemy stacks in this province. to repeat itself sometimes again in the same one or termine the revolting province. Finally a table gives any following turn, provided that the event is ex- the virulence (i.e. the strength) of the revolt. D. Revolt Technology plicitly described as repetitive (e.g. “Wars of Reli- Revolt detachments (or armies) are considered as gions in France”). A. Resolving Revolts having the immediately inferior technological level One proceeds in the following order, by rolling one as compared to that of the country where the revolt D.1 If the event description states that its occur- die during each of the steps below: takes place (the minimum being always Medieval). rence is unique although the event may have several 1. country that is the victim of the revolt boxes, consider all future results bringing the same 2. province where the revolt takes place* E. Revolt stacking event as an “R” or “D”) event instead. Such events 3. country controlling the revolt** There may be only a limited number of revolts in are identified by a slash separating the event num- 4. virulence of the revolt any one province. The maximum is 2 revolts mark- ber from a “R” or “D” letter. ers per province, any side (+ or -) up, plus two re- * = if the province no longer belongs to the victim volt detachment and/or armies (same stacking rules E. Filling up a Table country (or to one of its vassals), the country con- as for “regular” military units). When there no longer remains any unmarked-off trols the revolt (step 3. is thus skipped). box in a given table (an exceptional but possible ** = that country cannot be the victim country (un- 30.3 REPRESSION case), proceed to the next period event table (but less as per * above). To suppress a revolt in a province, the player has to players still remain in the same period as far as oth- send troops in the province (and therefore to pay a er roles and limits are concerned). A.1 The die-roll used to determine the revolting multiple or simple campaign as the province is not province is modified by the Stability of the victim friendly to him anymore). F. Conditional Events country. He may also attempt a repression in a province if Some events can happen and be applied only when the city of that province is still under the control of others have been released previously (even in the B. Virulence of a Revolt the rebels (either besieged or not). same turn if an event is obtained after the one trig- According to the result given by the Revolt gering it). Strength Table, a side (+) revolt counter is placed Those types of events are identified by asterisks (*) on the province if the revolt result is “strong”, or at the right of their number on the event table. side (-) if it is “weak”. If the condition releasing such an event is not met at B.1 Some results indicate that these counters are ac- the time the event is rolled for, its box is not companied by a General (?) or a revolt detachment marked off, and the result is considered to be a “R” (containing 10 conscript infantry SP). or a “D” (see letter on right-side of the slash) in- The General (?) is chosen randomly among the light stead, unless specified otherwise. gray minor countries’ Generals.

F.1 For more details, consult the event case by case B.2 In such a case, the revolt detachment is placed (see Annexes handbook). in the province city. Rebels thus benefit then from the province fortress witch they now control G. Duration of Events Events have a one-turn duration in principle, unless B.3 Units of the player present in the province are the contrary is explicitly stated in the event descrip- immediately retreated (without attrition) to the tion (e.g. The 30 Years War may last up to 6 turns). nearest friendly, unrevolted, province. Others can also be triggered by previously obtained events, or may be released later by other events if At the Redeployment phase, if one or more revolts their conditions are met (e.g. “Death of the Heir to still exist in a country, the country loses Stability: 29

Note: Only national units from the players may be A.2 Two pirates (-) are exchanged for one side (+) used against revolts. B. Ethnic Revolts pirate. Pirates (+) and pirates (-) can coexist in a No units belonging to minors, even vassals) or ma- Revolts appearing through the play of political same STZ, without limit. jor allies may ever be used. events different from the R result on the event are The two exceptions are the Emperor who may use considered as ethnic revolts. A.3 When all provinces bordering all the sea zones Holy Roman Empire units to repress revolts in his attached to a particular STZ or CTZ are in revolt country, and supporting Catholic/Protestant allied B.1 Ethnic revolts always proliferate in all prov- (unusual but possible), place one side (-) pirate in stacks for the loyal player during a War of Religion. inces described in the political event, even if the this STZ/CTZ at the beginning of the Peace phase. owner of that province is not the country victim of A. Repression Test the event B. Particular Pirates STZ The player rolls a D10. If the modified result is 8 or Example: When the United-Provinces Revolt occur The following STZ: Coast of Peru, Western At- more the revolt disappears if it was weak, i.e. side and Spain no longer controls the Artois province lantic Ocean and Gulf of Guinea possess 2 pirates (-) up, or becomes weak if it was strong, i.e. (e.g.. it was ceded to France), the revolt still spread appearance values. The STZ Caribbean Sea Zone changed from side (+) to side (-) up. there. possesses 3 appearance values. All other STZ on the rest-of-the-world map possess only one such This die-roll is modified as follows: 30.5 EXECUTION OF THE MONARCH value. If, at the moment of the Peace phase, half of all na- +1 for each detachment of the player present in the tional provinces* (rounded up, delimited on the B.1 For STZ having 2 or 3 appearance values, use province map by a frontier of the color of country) are in re- the first value when only one player possesses +2 for each side (-) Army of the player present in volt, the regime of the country is overthrown and Trading Posts or Colonies in coastal provinces of the province the monarch is executed. that STZ (See 1.4.-B.1). +4 for each side (+) Army of the player present in * = Do not count those that have been annexed by the province other countries. B.2 For STZ having 2 values, use the second ap- ? the differential of maneuver values of opposing pearance value when there are 2 different players or Generals (player - rebel), even if it is negative. A. Consequences more possessing Trading Posts or Colonies border- -3 in terrain other than plain All revolts present in the country are removed. A ing that STZ. -2 if the revolt is strong, i.e. side(+)up new monarch is determined, its values are those ob- -1 for France, when event “War of Religion in tained directly by the die-roll results, without any B.3 For the STZ Caribbean Sea Zone, use the sec- France” is in effect modifier (and without consulting the Monarch Val- ond value in the case of only 2 different players, -1 for England, when event “Civil War in Eng- ue table); and this for every characteristic. and the third value when there are 3 players or more land” is in effect having such Trading Posts and Colonies. -1 for Spain*** when the event “United-Provinces A.1 Then a reign length equal to the a die-roll on Revolt” is in effect the reign table is determined, to check the reign C. Pirates and Privateers start status (i.e. child, teenager, adult or fragile See rule 49.4 for all details pertaining to damage in- ***or, if Protestant, during the War of Religion in health). flicted by pirates and privateers. Spain (not cumulative with the Dutch Revolt). A.2 The royal treasury is decreased by half (round- A.1 However, an unmodified die-roll result of 1 is ed down). always considered as a failure 32. DIPLOMATIC PHASE A.3 The DTI is reduced by one and 3 Commercial This phase is played simultaneously. Players may A.2 Similarly, an unmodified die-roll result of 10 is fleets levels are reduced in the CTZ box of the negotiate to establish agreements between them always considered as a success. country (chosen at random, even on other players' (official alliances or informal agreements). Then commercial fleets - NB: it represents pillage and players make diplomatic actions with minor coun- A.3 If there are 2 revolts, only one may be crushed lost properties due to this really unstable situation!) tries to control them (or to lower the level of con- during the round, and only one applies its malus (if trol of other players). These levels of control are both are strong). A.4 The Stability is reduced by 4 levels. appreciated to various degree (Royal Marriage, Subsidies, Military Alliance... etc.). Players end 30.4 EXTENSION OF REVOLTS A.5 The new monarch is considering as suffering a this phase by declarations of war (between them or At the redeployment phase, revolts that still exist on “Dynastic Crisis”(result “1” on the table of Reign, against minor countries). the map may proliferate (the victim player has lost See 28.6-A). the corresponding levels of Stability before the ex- 32.1 SEQUENCE tension of the revolts- see above). 31. PIRATES 1. Negotiations between Players A. Proliferation Pirates may appear in STZ/CTZ following the oc- 2. Agreements & Declarations of War Adjust the revolt markers simultaneously: currence of the economic event “Pirate.,” Each 3. Diplomacy on Minor Countries 1/- A previously side (-) weak revolt becomes a turn they remain in play, pirates will try to weaken 4. Resolutions of Actions side (+) strong revolt the players’ commercial fleets, during the rede- 5. Diplomatic Counter adjustment 2/- A previously side (+) strong revolt generates a ployment phase of the turn (See §49). side (-) weak revolt in one adjacent province (belonging of course to the victim country), of A. Appearance of Pirates the choice of the player controlling the revolt Pirates appear in Rest-of-the-world STZ (identified by a pirate symbol) and, sometimes in specific A.1 If this is not possible, a detachment of revolt is STZ/CTZ in Europe (according to events). placed in the same province (or an army if there are A.1 When the ‘Pirates” event occurs, roll one single already 2 revolt detachments present, the SP of the D10 for all STZ outside of Europe. Compare, then, detachments being absorbed in the army). for each STZ, the figure on the die with the number Note: a previously weak revolt that becomes strong located close to the pirate symbol. That specific does not generate a weak revolt. number is named the pirate appearance value. If the die-roll result is superior or equal to the appearance A.2 A city in revolt generates a side (-) revolt in its value, one side (-) pirate counter is placed in that province if it is not besieged and there is no revolt STZ. A die-roll result of 10 brings a side (+) pirate marker anymore in the province. into play immediately in that same STZ.

A.3 See 31 hereafter for consequences on piracy. 30

ed to the other, receiving, party upon conclusion of D.2 The treaty remains valid as long as the borrow- 32.2 NEGOTIATIONS the agreement (i.e. at the end of the Diplomatic er has not paid back all received ducats. Other loans Negotiations between Players Phase). can be concluded on following turns, but always in Players can negotiate freely between them to get C.1.1 The ceded province, Colony or Trading Post the same way (moneylender to borrower). into various kinds of agreements, as long as they re- must be l00% under the control of the ceding play- D.2.1 No new, additional, loan treaty can be con- spect the letter and the spirit of the rules. Players' er, i.e. it is not possible to cede any territory in re- cluded between these two players as long as that diplomatic relationships may however be “official- volt or occupied by another player at the time of the one remains valid. ized” in alliances, or may be broken. dynastic treaty. Players negotiate between them, freely. It is advised D.3 The borrower can break the treaty at any time, that the time of negotiations be limited to at most C.2 The two players are authorized in addition to and refuse to pay interest and/or the capital owed to 10 minutes on an average (5 is counseled, but not exchange an extra province, Colony or Trading the lender. always possible or realistic). Post. D.3.1 In such a case, he loses immediately 1 stabili- C.1.1 This exchange may be made in addition to the ty level and receives a negative modifier of-2 on the A. Outcome of Agreements dowry (e.g., exchange of one province + dowry of a Loans table until the end of the period currently When negotiations are closed, players announce province/or 100+ ducats), but it is not compulsory played. their agreements: informal agreement, or alliance and may never involve national provinces. (by specifying which), and their possible trade re- C.2.2 This extra transfer costs 1 level of Stability to D.4 If an event releases a Casus Belli between the fusal. the ceding party. moneylender and the borrower and that the war is declared between them, the treaty is immediately This is done during the Diplomatic Phase, before C.3 The dynastic alliance can be canceled at any broken without penalty. the declarations of War and any Diplomacy on mi- given time. The party that cancels it loses 2 Stabili- D.4.1 In such a case, no back payment or reim- nor countries. ty levels. bursement is to be made by the borrowing country.

The simple public announcement of the agreement C.4 Only the dynastic alliance allows players to E. Defensive Alliance suffices to validate it. This public agreement bears cede or exchange a province, Colony or Trading A player linked to another player by a defensive al- treaty value. Post. Each ceded possession has to be specified at liance has to declare war on any other country that the time of the alliance conclusion. attacks his co-signer. He is considered as benefiting A.1 These declarations must be made loudly in the C.4.1 Each ceding costs 1 level of Stability to the from a CB for this specific declaration. order of the initiative (See 28.8). ceding party. E.1 If the player refuses to declare war along with A.2 Two types of agreements exist: the informal C.5 The player that pays the dowry can benefit his co-signer, he immediately loses 2 Stability lev- agreement (limited in scope), and the alliance. Only from a War of Succession inside the other player's els and the alliance is canceled. an alliance allows conclusion of important agree- country, i.e. he is allowed to declare war on that E.1.1 The co-signer also receives a temporary CB ments country as if he had a CB, or on the contrary he is against the defaulting player. allowed to enter as an ally of that same country A.3 There exist several different types of alliances, (See 53.35), as if he had a defensive alliance with E.2 The co-signer player may also prefer not to each corresponding to a precise agreement (See it. “call” his Ally (or Allies). 32.3 below). The type of alliance must always be C.5.1 This is valid only if a dynastic Crisis occurred E.2.1 In this case, the allied player is left free to de- publicly announced to all other players. in the country that received the dowry. clare his participation in this war (with a CB) or not. 32.3 ALLIANCES C.6 A dynastic alliance cannot be renewed with the E.2.2 If the Ally chooses not to participate, he suf- Only players possessing a determined alliance can same player less than 3 complete turns after the of- fers no penalties and the Alliance is not considered cooperate in the various domains considered here- ficial end (i.e. be it after two turns or earlier be- as broken. after. cause it was previously broken) of the previous al- liance. E.3 This Alliance lasts for the duration of the next 2 A. the Different Alliances turns, except when and if canceled by events or vol- There are of 4 different levels: C.7 A dynastic alliance cannot be formed with a untary cancellation by one (or even both) of the co- player of a different religion unless a 2 Stability signer. - Dynastic Ties level loss is incurred for doing so. - Loan Treaty C.7.1 This applies until 1615 between Protestant E.4 All declarations of war by this way cost only 1 - Defensive Alliance and Catholic countries and until 1665 between Stability level (whatever number of declarations in - Offensive Alliance Catholic/Protestant and Orthodox Christian coun- the current turn). tries. It always applies between all Christians and B. Modes Muslims. E.5 When the players are forming an “Alliance”, Alliances are concluded between two or more play- they have to sign together the same peace with their ers. A player can conclude as many different al- C.8 Historical Option: (not recommended for play enemies: liances as he desires with the same player, and/or balance): A dynastic alliance cannot be formed by E.5.1 With a minor country: count all the modifiers with different players, with the restrictions given Turkey with any other player. enemy minor/all allies. If peace is accepted, the al- for each type of alliance as described hereafter. lies must share the gains; D. Loan Treaty E.5.2 With a major country: as for minor country, C. Dynastic Ties Only players that have agreed on a Loan treaty can except for allies make an average of their Stabilities A pair of players may conclude a marriage between lend money from one to the other. One is referred (rounded down). the ruling families of their realms, so as to create to as the “lender”, the other as the “borrower”. family ties. They can no longer declare war on each E.6 If at war against the same enemy, all allied other without Causus Belli (CB). This alliance lasts D.1 To be validated, the moneylender has to trans- players may move and play together (at the lowest for the whole duration of the next 2 consecutive fer at least 50 ducats to the borrower on the turn the player’s Initiative rating rank). turns, except when specific events occurs, forcing treaty is concluded. its cancellation. D.1 .1 Restriction: the lender is forbidden to lend more than his turn income. C.1 To conclude this marriage, one of the two play- D.1.2 Modes of payback and interest are left to the ers has to offer a dowry to the other. discretion of players (the “loan” can be even a gift C.1.1 The dowry has to be 100 ducats (minimum, without refund). more can be offered), or consists of one single province, Colony or Trading Post, immediately ced- 31

E.7 If an ally is twice at -3 stability (See 50.13), he Each such counter is placed on the diplomatic 33.2 DIPLOMATIC ACTIONS must sue for peace, and sign a separate peace. In track located on the Rest-of-the-world map. Such a A player has a number of diplomatic actions which this case, his Alliance is not considered as voluntar- counter must be found in permanence placed in a is limited according to the period in play (from 1 to ily broken (and there is no CB). square corresponding to its attitude towards a 6 actions per turn). player or in the square reserved to the neutrals. F. Offensive Alliance A. Principle Same as for the preceding type of alliance, except 33.1 PRESENTATION The player registers on his record sheet all his that it applies also in the case where the co-signer is The principle of the diplomacy with minor coun- diplomatic actions of the current turn, by specifying at the origin of the war declaration on another, tries is that there can be only one influence of any which minor countries are aimed at. He must pay third-party player or minor. one single player on a given minor, meaning that the cost of each action and indicate on his record this player has a preponderant influence. This influ- sheet the level of investment placed in that action F.1 Also apply E.1 and E.7 above. ence is divided into different levels of increasing (either basic, medium or strong). importance, which are: 32.4 INFORMAL AGREEMENTS A.1 The player can also declare that he is support- An informal agreement allows all types of actions 1. MR: Royal Marriage* ing one action of another player. This support is a and understandings that does not require specifical- 2. SU: Subsidies* diplomatic action of the player by itself (it has to be ly a formal alliance (ex. right of way through play- 3. AM: Military Alliance paid as a basic investment diplomatic action), and er's provinces, supply…). The breach to such an 4. CE: Expeditionary Corps must be written on the supporting player record agreement entails no penalty for the player in cause. 5. EG: Entry in war sheet. 32.5 THE TRADE REFUSAL 6. VA: Vassal A.1.1 Supports can be discussed and established as During peace, a player can refuse the access of his 7. AN: Annexation an informal agreement between the player granting market to the foreign trade of another player, but * Note = nothing to do with that which could exist support and the one receiving it. that costs him 1 (one) Stability level at the moment between players. A12 In all cases, supports can never be sold to an- he announces his decision. Once taken, the decision other player more than 30 D$ each. can be maintained from one turn to the other (with- A. Limit out any additional decline in Stability). This influence may be limited sometimes to a maxi- A.2 A player can make only one single action on a mum level for some specific minor countries, single minor country per turn, i.e. he cannot accom- A. Reaction of the Other Player and/or for some particular players. It is even possi- modate his actions on any manner on the same mi- The other player whose trade has been denied then ble that a player could not make diplomatic action nor country within one same and single turn. receives a temporary CB against the player refusing against a particular minor (e.g. the Turkish player A.2.1 He is also not allowed to attempt any diplo- him trade. If he refuses his own trade in reprisal, he against Persia). matic action (or support another player) on a minor suffers from the same effects (loss of 1 level of Sta- country with which he is in war. The only “diplo- bility... etc). B. The Diplomatic Track matic” action allowed on minors at war with the Each player has a line of his own on the diplomatic player is separate peace (See 50.15 Peace with mi- B. Value of Trade Refused track situated on the Rest-of-the-world map. Col- nors). When a player is refused the trade of another, the umns indicate the different diplomatic status that foreign trade loss is assigned: it is calculated on the the player can achieve on a minor, as described im- B. Cost of Diplomatic actions basis of the refusing player’s European Trade value, mediately above. The costs are the following: i.e. the income of the refusing player’s provinces, including vassals (See §37.). C. Diplomatic Counters Basic investment: 20 D$ Each counter (front/back) regroups relative infor- Medium Investment (+2 to the die-roll): 50 D$ B.1 This value must be deducted from the basic mation concerning the minor country mentioned on Strong investment (+5 to the die-roll): l00 D$ 1500 D$ of European trade, in addition to all de- that counter. Support (+l to the die-roll): 20 D$ ductions made for the player’s provinces (and those of his vassals) as well as for possible events. Front 33.3 RESOLUTION OF AN ACTION Religion When all players have completed the writing down  12 Hannover of their intended actions on the record sheet, each Dowry action is resolved. Two cases are possible to solve 33. DIPLOMACY & MINOR en+1 >1700 an action: COUNTRIES 1 -20 name 1/- the aimed-at minor country is neutral or con- bonus trolled by the player; 2/- the aimed-at minor country is under the control After having negotiated between them, players may of another player. “negotiate” with minor countries. Each player has AM Subsidies 1 to 6 diplomatic actions per turn. This number is The term “control” means that the diplomatic mark- given for each country and each period, in his list Back er of the minor country is located on a box of the of limits, as per the Limits table located on Players’ diplomatic track of any one player. That player con- Aides. C 2 3 E trols the minor. Each diplomatic attempt against one minor country Hannover necessitates 1 such action and an investment in en+1 EG According to the 2 cases depicted above the proce- ducats which can be basic, medium or strong. >1700 15 dure used in solving the action differs. * 6 Actions and diplomatic expenses have to be written on the player’s record sheet in the space allocated name A. Order of Resolution to “diplomatic actions”. bonus Actions are all announced, and then solved, minor Results of those actions must then be assessed. fidelity by minor, the order of which being of no impor- Each is solved with the help of two dice In case of tance (choice of minor according to the initiative if success, the influence that the player exerts on the AN VA contentions between players), in the following or- minor is adjusted. der: Each minor country that is influenceable by the All this information also figures in the handbook of diplomacy of players has a diplomatic status mark- Annexes for each and every minor. er displaying the relevant indications for the diplo- matic game. 32

ber of “points of progression” equal to the differ- +3 Entry in War; Vassalisation or Annexation box 1/- actions on neutral minor countries; ence of die results. (controlling player only) 2/- actions on minor countries already controlled C.2.3 This difference is used to move the minor ? as per applicable event (e.g. +2 for Catholics on by players. country diplomatic marker down the track, on the Protestants for being conciliatory following defending player’s line on the diplomatic track (See “The Reform” event) Note: Actions must have been written down to be F.). considered as valid. C.2.4 If the result is null or negative, nothing hap- * = Note that some bonuses are valid only from a pens and the defending player keeps the marker date (e.g. “> 1700”: bonus valid from 1700 on- B. Case of a Neutral Minor, or a Minor already where it is. wards). Controlled by a Player B.1 The action is aimed at increasing the level of C.3 The investment paid by the defending player is E. Each Status (i.e. box) on the diplomatic track control of the player on that minor country. The to be paid in addition to all other investment and has a variable cost of progression, according to the player rolls one die-roll (modified as indicated in D costs paid that turn, should he also have attempted level of control (status name is printed at the top of below), then two dice are rolled by any other player his own action(s) on different minor countries. the track) and the concerned minor country. to illustrate the resistance of that minor to the con- trol attempt. C.4 The defending player benefits from a bonus ap- E.1 Political status “Neutrals”, “Royal Marriage” plicable to the die roll according to the degree of and “Subsidies” cost always 1 point of progression. B.1 If the modified die-roll obtained by the player control that he exerts on the minor. This bonus is is strictly superior to the sum of the 2 dice obtained reminded to the player’s attention at the top of the Exception: to enter the Subsidy box for Switzerland earns a number of points of progression used to Diplomatic track on the map. minor country marker costs 3 points. make the marker of the minor advance on the diplo- matic track (See F.) C.5 If several players make an action on a same mi- E.2 The cost is variable for the other status accord- nor country already controlled by another player ing to minor countries. It is indicated on their diplo- B.2 The player earns a number of points of progres- (including one of them), all their actions are re- matic marker (See 33.1 - C), as well as in the list of sion equal to the result of the difference between solved at the same time. Each player rolls one the minor countries located in the Annexes handbook the player dice and those rolled for the minor. (and modifies it as per D below). The one that has B.2.1 If the result is null or negative, it does get any obtained the best result is “selected” (solve ties as E.3 If a “*” figures on the diplomatic marker for a points of progression (there is no “negative” pro- in B.3 above). particular status, it indicates that this political status gression). C.5.1 Then the defending player rolls his die (and is not achievable with this minor country. modifies it), and the action proceeds normally. B.3 If several players attempt an action on the same E.4 If initials appear instead of a figure (cost), they neutral minor country, these actions are resolved to- C.6 Example: The Spanish player controls the mi- indicate that only the country having these initials gether at the time (each player rolls his die-roll and nor “Papaute’” in Military Alliance (AM) level. can reach this political status, under the restriction modifies it). The Venetian player announces an action on that that a specific event allowing it has occurred. B.3.1 The player that obtained the best result (i.e. same minor. The Spanish player answers that he the highest modified result) is selected to proceed will defend his level of control. He secretly bids Example: the Latvija (Lithuania) minor country further. Solve ties by competitive unmodified die- 100 D$ for that action. The Venetian player has diplomatic marker bears, 10Sw (initials standing rolls. The two dice for the minor are then rolled, bid the same (i.e. a +5 modifier). for Sweden) at the location of the Annexation (AN) and the action is resolved normally (as in B, B.1 The Venetian rolls 6, +5 for his bid + 7 for his cost on the marker. It indicates that only Sweden and B.2 above) monarch DIP value, + 1 for similar religion, for a can annex the Latvija (at a cast of 10 points of pro- total of 19. gression for Sweden). C. Case of a Minor Controlled by Another Play- The Spanish roll is 10, +5 for his bid, + 4 for his er Monarch DIP value, +1 for similar religion, +2 for F. Diplomatic Markers Adjustment The action is aimed at decreasing the level of con- his AM level., for a total of 22. Costs of progression indicate the number of points trol of another player on the minor country. It may The Spanish player wins, but as he is only reacting of minimum progression to advance (or move back) happen at the same time that the controlling player to the Venetian action, he does not earn any pro- the counter of the concerned minor on the diplomat- may try to improve his level of control on that same gression point for the difference of 3 between their ic track. minor. respective die-rolls. F.1 When all diplomatic actions have taken place, C.1 Case of an action made on a minor already on D. Modifiers the minor country diplomatic marker is moved ac- the track of a player while that player also makes an This action does not require a table to read its re- cording to the number of points of progression ob- action to increase his own level of control sults. Any player that rolls for this Minor Diploma- tained for that minor and the costs to enter the vari- C.1.1 There is no “reaction” investment to be paid cy has his die-roll modified as follows: ous status boxes, in favor of the player having ob- by the controlling player and the level of invest- tained the success on this minor. ment paid by him for his own action is considered +? DIP value of his monarch the same for the “reaction”. +? according to investment in the concerned action F.2 When it is required to move a marker back, the Both actions are then resolved at the same time as (medium or strong) cost to enter the status boxes (backward) is the above in B.3.1 +1 same religion (until 1614 - not applicable from same as for advancing into it. 1615 onwards) C.2 The controlling player did not plan to make any +1 per other player supporting the action Example: It cost 2 points of progression to move a action on that minor. He is then allowed to take a -4 different religion (until 1614 - not applicable marker back from a box that cost 2 to enter. “reaction action” on that minor and must pay the in- from 1615 onwards) NB- Not applicable to “D” events. vestment required. This action may be in addition -2 different religion, but only between Islam and to the ones he is normally entitled for the current Christianity (from 1615 onwards) turn. -3 if the player was at war against the minor dur- C.2.1 The controlling (i.e. defending) player has to ing the preceding turn pay the cost of the action investment to counter the +1 bonus* of player’s country as per the diplomat- attacking players action, otherwise the counter of ic marker of the minor country the minor country is automatically replaced in the +1 Marriage or Subsidies box (controlling player “Neutrals” box before the attacking player rolls his only) die. +2 if the minor diplomatic marker is on the Mili- C.2.2 If the modified die-roll of the attacking player tary Alliance or Expeditionary Corps box (con- is strictly superior to the modified die-roll of the de- trolling player only) fending player, the former earns a calculated num- 33

F.3 Advancing a diplomatic counter is never A.2 The positive net amount obtained by Subsidies A. Minor Country Forces Available mandatory. A player may always stop the marker can never exceed 50 Ducats, except explicit preci- Same as for the Military Alliance, except that the progression even if sufficient progression points re- sion of the contrary as explained in some events. player can use one stack from the basic force of the main. minor country freely, including outside the minor A.3 When a players pays the subsidies, the ducats initial territory (except outside of Europe if the mi- F.4 Moving back a marker is mandatory. If the thus transferred to the minor are deducted from the nor country has no Colony or Trading Post there). marker reaches the “Neutrals” box while doing so player treasury (and just marked-off i.e. there is no This is also solely applicable for territories of the and some remaining points of progression are still such thing as “minor country treasury”). player or his enemy (and any sea zone in Europe). available, the marker can then progress in favor of the player that has succeeded in the action, for a A.4 Diplomatic “income” (i.e. positive subsidy) is A.1 &A.2 &A.3 Same as Military Alliance. number of points of progression equivalent to the credited to the player TR at the end of the Diplo- remaining balance. matic phase. A.4 The minor country Persia may only use its Ex- peditionary Corps forces in Turkish or Mameluk F.5 All points of progression balance that do not 33.6 MILITARY ALLIANCE territory and also inside formerly Persian provinces suffice to enter into (or move back from) the box is The position on the Military Alliance (AM) box located on both the European and Rest-of-the-world lost and not applicable. gives a bonus of +2 during any ulterior diplomatic maps phase for the player controlling the minor country. G. the Political Status B. War & C. Losses The diplomatic marker of a minor country is moved A. Minor Country Forces Available Same as Military Alliance. on the track until it reaches a political status box, as In addition, the player can use units of the minor allowed by the number of points of progression and country, within the following limits: 33.8 ENTRY IN WAR the various costs to enter those boxes. The position on the Entry in War (EG) box gives a If the marker has progressed, intermediate boxes in- A/- the basic force of the minor is usable only with- bonus of +3 during any ulterior diplomatic phase dications are ignored. Apply only the result and in the territory of the minor, without limitation for the player controlling the minor country. benefits of the status corresponding to the box (See Annexes, list of minors). where the marker is located. B/- If the minor is activated in a war by its control- A. Minor Country Forces Available ling player (e.g. to help its controlling player, Same as Expeditionary Corps, except that the minor Example: If a marker leaves the ‘Neutrals” box See 345-G), a maximum of 2 stacks from this country may also receive reinforcements each turn and moves up to the ‘Military Alliance” box, only force can move into any one province or sea in the Logistics sub-phase, rolling one the on the that status is taken into account. Intermediate re- zone that is adjacent to the territory of the mi- Reinforcements Table (with some limitations, See sults such as “Royal Marriage” and “Subsidies” nor (but only if this province or sea zone is Rule 34.6-E). are ignored. friendly or enemy to the player controlling the The player controlling the minor has then the minor). These forces are granted to the control- choice to accept or refuse these reinforcements. 33.4 ROYAL MARRIAGE ling player (free maintenance). The player may move any number of minor units The Royal Marriage (MR) box gives the advantage outside his country (See B.). of a bonus of +1 during any ulterior diplomatic A.1 Units belonging to the player can also freely phase as long as the player controlling the minor move into the territory of this minor; which is then A.1 Minors keep their basic forces free mainte- country retains this status. considered as friendly territory for the controlling nance. player. A.1.1 However, if at war, the minor country can fi- A. the Dowry nance by itself a variable number of detachments in When the minor country diplomatic marker reaches A.2 However, this is allowed only under the follow- addition to its basic forces. This number is equal to the MR box by advancing (not by moving back), ing condition: The minor country authorizes access the Income bonus as printed on the Reinforcements the player rolls one die. If the result is: to its territory, or may move its military units out- Table or indicated in the Annexes. The player has side national territory (as described B/above) only not therefore to pay maintenance for these extra de- A/- Even the player receives the sum of the dowry if the player is currently involved in a war (i.e. not tachments. in ducats as indicated on the diplomatic marker valid during player’s peacetime conditions). (See 33.1 -C). A.2 The purchase of the minor’s reinforcements is B/- Odd: the player has to pay the dowry. A.3 The minor country is not considered at war in free but it will have to pay next turn the mainte- this status and its forces, used by the player, are nance of all forces in excess to its basic force (as A.1 if the player refuses to pay the dowry, the considered as mercenaries. described above). marker is returned immediately to the “Neutrals” A.3.1 It means that the opponents of the player A.2.1 Reinforcements are to be placed in units of box. must declare war on the minor if they want to ac- the minor country currently located within their ini- cess that minor territory. tial home territory. 33.5 SUBSIDIES A.3.2 In such a case, the diplomatic marker is im- The position of a diplomatic marker on the Subsidy mediately moved to EG status. (SU) box gives a bonus of +l during any ulterior diplomatic phase for the player controlling the mi- B. War nor country. If the player is involved in a war, he may use the forces of his minor country allies (if active as de- A. Subsidies scribed in the limit of A above.). The player rolls a D100 (two dice, one for tenths However. the minor stays neutral even if it agrees and the other for units - 00 means 100). He modi- to grant help to his controlling player. fies the obtained die-roll result by the Subsidy mod- ifier (always negative) indicated on the minor coun- C. Losses try marker (Sec 33.1 - C). No stack from such a minor ever receives reinforce- If the result is: ments and, once destroyed, is no more available in A/- positive: it indicates the number of ducats that the same conflict where it was lost (unless later ful- the player receives from the minor; ly at war). B/- negative: it indicates the number of ducats that the player has to pay to the minor. 33.7. EXPEDITIONARY CORPS A.1 If the player refuses to pay, the marker is im- The position on the Expeditionary Corps (CE) box mediately and directly returned to the “Neutrals” gives a bonus of +2 during any ulterior diplomatic box. phase for the player controlling the minor country. 34

33.13 FIDELITY OF MINORS B. War A.2 He may build units there as in other non-na- Minors all bear on their marker an indication of fi- Same as Military Alliance, but the stacks of the mi- tional provinces. delity. It is this indication that is taken into account nor country may move up to 12 MP away from in the case and resolution of “D” (diplomatic) event home territory. B. Condition of Annexation during the event phase (See 29.2-B5). To be annexed diplomatically, a minor country has B.1 If activated, the minor declares war to the con- to be adjacent to a province already controlled by Example: Diplomacy with Minor, In 1700, during trolling player’s enemies. An active minor at war is the annexing player, otherwise the diplomatic the diplomatic phase the French player (diplomatic called a “minor ally”. counter of this minor is placed on the Vassal box value of his monarch: 8) prepares 1 diplomatic ac- and cannot be move up to the Annexation box. tion on the Lorraine minor (currently in the Span- NB: Every territory of member states of the Saint ish Expeditionary Corps box) with a strong invest- Empire is home territory for HR units. B.1 In addition, it is necessary that the minor coun- ment (cost: 100 D$). The English player supports try could be annexed (meaning that there is no as- the French action in Lorraine (cost for England: 20 C. Losses terisk (*) on the diplomatic marker of the minor- D$), having negotiated beforehand to receive from A minor ally may replace its own losses through the See 33.1 -C). the French 30 D$ for this gesture (i.e., a net profit use of the above-mentioned Reinforcement table (if of 10D$). The Spanish player (diplomatic value: 3) chosen by the player, See 34.6-E) at no cost for the C. Dis-annexion also writes down an action on Lorraine on his player. An annexed minor can be dis-annexed if another note-sheet, with a basic investment (cost: 20D$). player succeeds in moving the diplomatic marker of During the resolution of action, players announce 33.9 VASSALISATION the minor country back on the diplomatic track, their choice. Both the Spanish and French players The position on the Vassalisation (VA) box gives a away from the AN box. This applies to annexation announce that they attempt an action on Lorraine. bonus of +3 during any ulterior diplomatic phase having originated from either a diplomatic action or The resolution of these two actions on Lorraine is for the player controlling the minor ountry. a military conquest (except some specific cases not dissociated because one player already has a specified in the Annexes handbook - e.g. Hungary control and intent to increase it, while the other A. Minor Country Forces Available or the Mameluks) tries to weaken the other player’s control level. Same as for Entry in War, except that the minor They will be resolved at the same time country does not finance detachments in addition to C.1 A minor can also be de-annexed by a diplomat- The Spanish player will also react to the French at- its basic forces (cancel A.1.1 above). ic variation during the event phase (See events), tempt and defend his control level with the same change that could make the marker’s present posi- basic investment as the one paid for his original B. War & C Losses & Reinforcements tion be moved one or more boxes action, but this time in reaction (20 D$) to the Same as for Entry in War. French attempt and at no extra cost for Spain (which would then have had to be paid if Lorraine D. Income 33.11 REST-OF-THE-WORLD MINOR COUN- had not been planned as a Spanish action and still Vassal income from provinces, colonies, Trading TRIES needed to be defended..). Posts, exotic resources and commercial fleets is in- These minor are: OMAN, ADEN, MYSORE, HY- The Spanish player (that controls the Lorraine) cluded in the controlling player’s income, both dur- DERABAD, OHIO, SUDAN, SIBIR, MOGOL rolls one die and obtains a 3, modified by +3 ing war or peacetime. EMPIRE, CHINESE EMPIRE, NEFOUD and (monarch) +2 (existing Military Alliance status), JAPAN. See the particular cases below. i.e. 8. D.1 Vassal provinces contribute to domestic and The French player now rolls for his action, getting foreign trade. A. Oman, Aden and Sudan a 8, which is modified by +8 (monarch) +5 (strong OMAN and ADEN minor countries cannot be sub- investment, +1 (English support), i.e. a net modi- D.2 Vassal provinces do not contribute to Manufac- ject to diplomacy as long as the minor country fied result of 22. ture percentage income. MAMELUK is still in existence (See 53.28). The die roll of France is higher that that of Spain, therefore the French player will be the one attempt- E. Minors that cannot be Vassals B. Ohio, Hyderabad, Mysore ing the action Some minors can never be vassals. They have in A player cannot attempt any diplomatic action on He obtains 22-8 = 14 points of Progression on the this case an asterisk (*) printed on their diplomatic these minors as long as he does not possess a Lorraine minor. marker (See supra) on the vassal position. Colony and/or a Trading Post in an Area adjacent to When all actions have taken place each diplomatic or inside their territory. counter having been the object of an action, is ad- F. Vassals and Separate Peace justed. Lorraine thus receiver -14 points following A vassal ally never accept to sign a separate peace C. Sibir the French action. unless: No single game action (including diplomacy, move- The Lorraine diplomatic marker is moved down the - its capital is under enemy control (and unbe- ment and combat) is authorized on this minor as Spanish track from the Expeditionary Corps box sieged by friendly forces); long as there is no Russian player, i.e. before AD (cost: 2 pts.), to the Military Alliance box (cost: 1 - it is forced to accept an unconditional peace 1560 in the Grand Campaign game. pt), then Subsidies box (1 pt), Royal Marriage box (when totally conquered). (1 pt), and reaches the Neutral box (1 pt), having D. Mogol, China; Japan, Nefoud spent 6 points in the process. There remains a bal- 33.10 ANNEXATION No diplomacy is possible on these minors (See An- ance of 8 unspent points. The position on the Annexation (AN) box gives a nexes). The French player can then make the marker bonus of +3 during any ulterior diplomatic phase progress on the French line of the truck, from the for the player controlling the minor country. When E. Persia and Mameluks Neutrals box: It can enter the Royal Marriage box the minor country marker is in the AN box of a Although possessing some territories situated on the pt), Subsidies box (1 p1), Military Alliance box (1 player, that country is considered as annexed by the Rest-of-the-World map, these minors are consid- pt), Expeditionary Corps box (2 pt), for a total of 5 player. ered as European minors and use the same rules for points. The balance is 8-5 = 3 is not sufficient to diplomacy. enter the Entry in War box (because it would be A. Units and Income of Annexed Minors necessary to have 4 remaining progression points All force of an annexed minor are removed, and 33.12 THE PAPACY to do so - see counter values). provinces of that minor are annexed, although they Any Catholic player that has a status of at least Note that the French player has the possibility if he cannot be considered as national provinces of the Military Alliance (AM) with the PAPACY wishes so, to place the Lorraine diplomatic marker annexing player. receives an extra 50 D$ income at the end of the Diplomatic phase (See §33). However, this rule no A.1 The player receives all income from annexed longer applies from 1615 onwards. provinces as if they were his own, including for Manufacture percentage income. 35 on any box on the track that should be below the B. Cost in Stability 2/- or a player determined by the list of preference maximum box he has reached (i.e., inferior to Ex- established for each minor country state (See peditionary Corps box). none: with a Free CB. Annexes handbook) or determined by the de- -1 level: with CB. scription of the event triggering the war. 33.14 STATUS OF MINORS IN 1492 -2 levels: without CB. This list figures in the Annexes, giving for each mi- In no case can the assailant can be chosen as the nor country information on its name in the game, its NB: Cost in lost Stability may be altered by exist- player handling the attacked minor country. historical name, its basic forces, its income, its ing treaties and alliances between players (Sec §32. wealth modifier, its diplomatic status, the content of above), or also by event description. B.1 A player can refuse to take control of a neutral its military units in various types of SP, its religion minor country attacked by another player or attack- and its technology limits and levels; as well as all 34.3 STABILITY & WAR ing another player: in such a case, he suffers a 1 details for the processing of particular cases During the war, at the end of each turn, the Stability Stability level loss. of each participating player is reduced 1 cumulative In this case too, another player is chosen as per B level each turn (e.g.. the player loses 1 level on the above,... etc. first turn, 2 others on the second, 3 on the third and B.1.1 If all players refuse to take control, the first 34. WARS so on... etc.). However, after 4 consecutive war player on the list of preferences must play the mi- turns, the loss is limited to -4 levels per turn, and nor, losing one additional Stability level in the They take place due to independent decisions of this until the peace is made. process. any player or players (announced during the Diplomatic phase) or may be started by events. A. Stability and War End B.2 A player that accepts the control of a neutral The duration of wars is not limited in principle. minor that has been declared war upon places the 34.1 DECLARATIONS OF WAR However, if a country at war stays two consecutive minor diplomatic marker on his diplomatic track, in Wars are declared during the Diplomatic phase (by turns in the -3 Stability box (when at war with the the Royal Marriage box (i.e. the first box on the left the attacking player), before actions on minor coun- same enemy), peace has to be concluded (See of the diplomatic track). tries are written down and resolved. A minor coun- 50.13). B.2.1 However, this is done without the player ben- try may also declare war during the events phase, as efiting from the effects of such a position. described in some events (e.g. “Poland declares 34.4 TRADE & WAR War on Russia” event in period 1560-1614). The war forces all belligerent players to refuse mu- B.3 The fact to accept to play a minor country at tually the trade access to their market (trade war does not mean that the player is himself at war A. Casus Belli (CB) refusal). This influences the calculation of their for- against the assailant A Casus Belli (CB) allows declaring war by losing eign trade income as follows: only 1 Stability level, without any loss of victory C. Effect of War on Diplomatic Actions points (VP). CB are of two different types, perma- A/- The European market value of each one is de- Only the player that plays the minor country can nent or temporary. creased by the amount of Income of the other make diplomatic actions on that minor. However, player’s provinces (including vassals). he cannot reach the status “Annexation” (if achiev- B. Free Casus Belli B/- Other commercial income sources (commercial able) as long as that the minor is at war. It is a CB without loss of Stability. fleets, exotic resources, etc...) are not affected directly by the state of war. C.1 To do so, the player running the minor has to C. Temporary Casus Belli break all military alliances (either defensive or of- The temporary CB is provided by events, or by the 34.5 MINOR COUNTRIES AT WAR fensive), if any, with the player enemy of that mi- rules. It may be used only once and is then can- A minor country is at war if: nor country, at no cost in Stability. celed. 1/- a player declares war on the minor country (or D. The Player Controlling the Minor is already D. Permanent Casus Belli the reverse through an event resolution); at War against the Assailant Here are the permanent CB: 2/- or if it is located in the Entry In War box(or The player plays its attacked minor countries nor- higher) of a player at war and is declared in the mally. 1/- Following the Reform (event), all Catholic war by the controlling player (See G. below for countries have a permanent CB against all details of minor declaration in a war). D.1 A minor country with its diplomatic marker Protestant countries (and vice versa). This is no standing at Military Alliance or Expeditionary longer valid after 1615, included. The term “assailant” is used to designate the enemy Corps status is moved directly to the Entry in War 2/- Spain has a permanent CB against all Pagan or of a minor, even if the minor is at the origin of the box of the controlling player if its national territory Muslim countries. This is no longer valid after war declaration. is invaded by the assailant. It cannot decline from 1700, included. that box as long as the war lasts. 3/- Turkey has a permanent CB against all Chris- A. Reaction of Player already controlling an at- tian countries and against Persia. This is no tacked minor country D.2 The player, being himself already at war with longer valid after 1700, included. If a player declares war on a minor (other than a the assailant, can intervene and help militarily the 4/- A player has a permanent CB against any coun- vassal), the player controlling that minor has a tem- minor. try (player or minor) that has the monopoly of porary CB against the assailant. D.2.1 If the player pays for a multiple campaign, the player’s CTZ, or that has annexed a nation- minor country units can be included as part of his al province of the player. A.1 A declaration of war against a vassal implies an stacks. automatic declaration of war to the country control- D.2.2 The reverse is not true, i.e. minor countries 34.2 COST OF A WAR DECLARATION ling the vassal. As a consequence, cost in Stability campaigns cannot be used to activate the control- A declaration of war costs VP, as well as a loss of is 2 levels without CB (or 1 with CB). ling Stability, according to whether the player has a CB The CB in question may be valid against the vassal or not. minor or its controlling player.

A. Cost in Victory Points B. Neutral Minor Control Determination (-) No VP: with CB A neutral minor country attacked by a player (or the -10 VP: without CB, against a player or a minor reverse (through event)) must be played by a play- country vassal of a player. er. This player is chosen according to the following -5 VP: without CB, against a minor (except vassal priority order: minor country - see above). 1/- a player that is already at war with the as- sailant. 36 player’s units, except if both are stacked together G.1.1 This die-roll is done during the Diplomatic Another event also is a Persian war on Turkey. and led by a minor country leader. Phase, immediately after the player’s declaration of Persia is controlled by Venetia and that player de- war and before any other diplomatic activity on mi- cides to take this opportunity to have Venice de- D.3 The minor automatically makes peace at the nor countries. clare war to Turkey! same time as the controlling player. It means that if the player concludes peace with the assailant, the G.2 This die-roll may be attempted only once per Each player now tests the involvement of his mi- war is also over between the latter and the con- minor and per turn. It may be renewed on a still nors in that global conflict: trolled minor. If the player is at war with others neutral minor on a following turn, at the cost of one players or minors, his minors remain at war at his of the player’s diplomatic actions. * France controls Savoia an EG: he rolls a 4, +3 side if their markers are located in the Military Al- (control bonus), +2 (Savoia has a common border liance box or higher. G.3 Modifiers to this entry die-roll depend on the with enemy Milano), -4 (Habsburg and Spain are country the player wants his minor to declare war Catholic, as Savoia) = 5... a failure. Savoia stays E. Minor country alone at War upon. They are the following: neutral, although its territory may be traveled The player- that gets the control plays the minor through by France due to EG status (and in addi- country as if it was standing at an “Entry in War” +? diplomatic control level bonus tion by event description). status, whatever the exact control status of the play- +? political bonus on the country (e.g. France +1 er presently is. on Bayern) * Spain controls the Papacy (CE) and Genoa (EG). +2 if the enemy player has a common border with He rolls for Genoa: 5 +3 (control bonus) “8”...a E.1 A “D” event (Diplomatic perturbation) can de- the minor country success; then for Papacy 7, +1 (control bonus) = crease the level of status (if the player is not himself -2 for Poland (not applicable to France when con- 9... another success. involved in that war), but not below the Royal Mar- trolling Poland following a French success in riage box. the “War of the Polish Succession” event) * Venezia has Poland at EG: he rolls 4, +3 (con- -4 if the religion of the enemy player is the same trol bonus). +2 (common border with Turkey). -2 E.2 The minor can exceed its basic forces with re- as that of the minor - not applicable after 1614 (Polish stubbornness) - 7... a failure. ceived reinforcements, without the player having to (when multiple enemies of both different and pay the excess units maintenance (but he will have similar religions are present, consider that there * Turkey has 7 vassals in 3 groups: to pay it if he eaters himself in that same war is at least one “different” religion) European (Wallachia, Moldavia, Crimea), North against the assailant). -4 if the closest enemy province is 6 MP or more Africa (Al Djazair, Tunisia), Middle East (Oman, from the minor territory, or more than 2 sea Aden), plus Arabia in CE and Steppes, Kazan and E.3 The player receives VP (both positive and neg- zones away if on a minor coastal province. Astrakhan in MR. Each group has an enemy with 6 ative) linked to the actions of his controlled minor, -4 if the minor country is already involved in a MP or 2 seas away. Average level of control is vas- but can intervene militarily only when he enters different war. sal, except for the European group .where the ma- himself that same war on the assailant. jority is MR. He rolls for European group: 4, +1 Note: Minors described as friendly to a specific (control bonus), +2 (Crimea common border with E.4 The peace with a minor that is alone at war fol- country in an event (example: War in Italy) do not Persia) 7... a failure He rolls for North Africa: 5+3 lows a particular procedure (See 50.15). receive any control bonus if they are on the diplo- (control) =8 ...a success.., and then for Middle matic track of a country different than the one de- East: 1, +3 (control bonus as the majority of the E.5 If the player declares war on the assailant, the scribed as “friendly”. group is vassal), =4 ...another failure. diplomatic marker of the minor is then placed di- rectly on “Entry in War” box of the player, and can- G.4 Special Turkish case For reinforcements, Spain receives an expedi- not move back as long as that war continues. The above test is done slightly differently for Tur- tionary corps from the Papacy and rolls for Ge- key, where its minor are tested as groups, not one noese and Habsburg reinforcements (he is entitled E.6 If the player obtains a status of vassal via diplo- by one as above. to 2 minors but Habsburg is automatic and only matic action on that minor, he must declare war im- other minor is active at least EG level in that war). mediately on the assailant or forfeit the newly G.4.1 There are 3 groups, as follows: Turkey chooses Al-Djazair and Tunisia, as all oth- achieved vassal status (and move the marker back A/- The European Group: Wallachia, Moldavia, ers do not qualify and will receive reinforcements down to Entry in War box). Crimea, Astrakhan, Kazan, Steppes, plus any next turn only, and only if involved in the war. other minor in continental Europe. Persia receives reinforcements, as it entered the F. Conduct of the War B/- The North African Group: Morocco, Al-D- war through event. The player plays the minor country as he wants, at jazair, Tunisia, Tripolitania, Cyrenaica, plus the the same time as his own units in the round (accord- Mameluks if controlled. ing to initiative order). C/- The Middle East Group: Arabia, Irak, Oman, G.4.7 Exception: Al-Djazair may always be tested and Aden. separately when the Barberus Admiral is in play, Basic Forces of a minor country at war are de- even if the North African group does not qualify or ployed inside its national territory. Then, each turn, G.4.2 The frontier bonus applies if at least one mi- failed. the minor country receives reinforcements on the nor member of the group qualifies. Reinforcements Table, as indicated according to its G.4.3 The distance malus does not apply if at least 34.6 REINFORCEMENTS TABLE status (See Annexes). one member of the group is within 6 MP (or 2 seas) Reinforcements can be chosen for each minor by from the target. the player that has the control, according to one of F.1 The minor country automatically receives a free G.4.4 On the contrary, if all group members are at the Simple Campaign for its forces, each round. least 6 MP (or 2 seas) away, the group is not tested at all. F.2 the minor country may sometimes move one or G.4.5 The diplomatic bonus applies only if at least more Multiple Campaigns (through the Reinforce- half the members of the group (currently controlled ments Table). by Turkey) are at the same level of diplomatic con- trol. G. Intervention of Minors in a War declared by G.4.6 None of the possible Turkish geopolitics their Controlling Power. bonus may apply (however, see Al Djazair below). When a player enters or declares war, his controlled Example: Minor Participation and Reinforcement minor countries (including vassals) do not automat- In 1520, event: “War in Italy” occurs. France de- ically participate in that war, if they are not them- cides to declare war on Spain and the Habsburgs selves directly attacked. (who inherited Milano). She is assisted by Turkey G.1 To participate, a minor must be rolled for and a who is thus honoring its Offensive Alliance with modified result of 8 or more must be obtained. France. 37 following 3 attitudes: Offensive, Defensive or Naval. C. Military Leaders of Minors This income as directly assigned by the Stability of Some minors have military leaders in their basic the player (at best +10%, extra income and when it An attitude is chosen at the start of the Logistics forces. This is indicated in the rubric “Basic is negative or null -10 to -50%). This constitutes sub-phase and is valid for the current turn only. The Forces” in the Annexes handbook; in the 1492 mi- the Net Income. choice may be changed every applicable turn nor country status list. The available treasury of a player is his Net income Once an attitude is chosen, one die is rolled (and C.1 In addition the Reinforcements Table gives the + the treasury that remained from the previous modified - see below) and the Reinforcements Ta- possibility of additional military leader(s). phase and +/- loans and interest contracted by the ble indicates the result. player. C.2 A military leader is obtained by the roll of a A. Choice of Attitudes D10 equal to or inferior to the value indicated on 35.1 SEQUENCE This attitude has an impact on forces that the minor the Reinforcements Table under the rubric “Lead- is going to obtain and on the way to conduct the ers”. 1. Variation of Exotic Resources Prices war, namely: 2. Calculation of Income C.3 A General is then picked at random among Offensive: the minor country has to move at least a gray-colored minor (?) leaders still available. 35.2 PRICE OF EXOTIC RESOURCES stack into enemy territory (i.e. the enemy player ter- Exotic resources represent the main trade resources ritory or the territory of one of the controlled mi- C.4 In case a naval attitude has been chosen for the little or not known in Europe (or fairly rare). These nors of the assailant), if the concerned enemy terri- minor and a leader is obtained, an (?) Admiral can exotic resources are: tory is adjacent to the minor country territory, or be picked up in place of a General. within possible reach of same (i.e. maximum 12 Sugar, cotton, tobacco, spices, fisheries, furs, and MP away). The minor's move must be effective D. Reinforcements Types- Specific Cases products of orient (such as silk, chinaware, etc.) during the 1st or the 2nd round of the Military All land reinforcements are conscripts, except for and.. slaves. phase. the following minors and the SP types below: These resources may be exploited by the players NB: When attacking a player through an event a 1/- 100% of Swedish new forces obtained between Colonies and Trading Posts. minor country may move as many of its available 1560 and 1740 included are veterans. force and as far as possible within enemy territory. 2/- Same thing for Switzerland (in permanence), A. Prices 3/- Same for Prussia after 1740, or after the event Prices of these resources fluctuate according to the Defensive: the minor country cannot move any “Prussian Army Reform “, whichever comes European Offer (quantities exploited by players and stack outside of its territory. first minor countries) and European Demand. The price 4/- 50% of all newly received cavalry of Poland, of a resource is the value indicated on the Prices Naval: the minor must move at least one naval Mameluks and Persia are veterans. track, just below the resource Price marker. stack to undertake an attack against an enemy naval 5/- Persia can place its reinforcements in its Asiat- stack; or to establish a blockade or also to under- ic provinces outside of Europe. B. Exploited Quantities take transportation and/or landing of its land units 6/- Portugal, when a minor country, can place 30% Exploited quantities depend on the number pro- into enemy territory. its reinforcements in its possessions outside of duced by the totality of Colonies/Trading Posts of Europe (if any), but only when not annexed by all players and minor countries (See Rest-of-the- A.1 The choice of the attitude is left to the player Spain (see event). world §60 & 61). The exploited quantity of a given that controls the minor country. This choice may be resource is the value indicated under its Quantity changed each turn. All these percentages are rounded up. marker (on the Exploited Quantities track).

Exception: if the minor is the attacker (as described E. Minors Reinforcements limits C. The Change in Prices in the event), the player must choose automatically When checking for reinforcements in one single Initial price of each resource is fixed in each sce- an Offensive attitude (or Naval if the minor country turn, each player must choose a maximum of 2 of nario played, under the At Start Prices rubric. Play- has fleet or naval detachments counters - see A.2 his active minors to receive those reinforcements. ers must total the number of each exotic resource below), as per event description. exploited in the world (including those exploited by E.1 All other active minors not chosen do not re- minor countries). The production marker of this re- A.2 The naval attitude may only be chosen for a ceive reinforcements and start with their basic source is placed on the on Quantities Exploited minor country that has naval counters at its disposal forces only track, above the number corresponding to this quan- tity. B. Modifier to Reinforcements E.2 Exceptions: The following active minors al- Some modifiers may be applied to the die-roll for ways receive their reinforcements C.1 If the total of exploited quantities of one single reinforcements. All modifiers are cumulative.  Habsburg, Poland when a named Polish king is resource is above 20, the marker is flipped on its in play (e.g. Sobieski), and Al-Djazair when back side showing the +20 symbol, and placed on B.1 There is a “Political” modifier specific to some Barberus is in play; the track above the number of total quantities di- minor countries.  Namely active minors also activated by events minished by 20 (e.g. for a total of 30, the marker is Such a modifier is indicated on the right-hand side (for every turn of that war). flipped back side up, on the 10 box). of the Reinforcements Table, and also in the coun- try's description in the Annexes. This is in addition to the 2 active minors nominated B.2.1 If none is indicated, no such modifier exists. by the player. B.2.2 Some political modifiers are applicable with- in specific time frames only. 35. INCOME PHASE B.2 The reinforcement die-roll is also modified cu- This phase is played simultaneously. Players deter- mulatively by a modifier linked to the minor coun- mine their income. Income must be registered on try income. That income is calculated on the basis the player’s economic forms. of provinces controlled by the minor at the time the The registration order of the income is clearly reinforcement die-roll is made. identified on the economic form of the player. Note that 4 income blocks (province, trade, rest-of- B.2.1 The At Start income modifier for each minor the-world, various) have sub-totals to facilitate the is indicated in the Annexes, on the list of minor sta- calculation. tus, under the “Provinces/Income” rubric. All this forms the Gross Income of player. 38

C.2 Three cases may appear, according to the ar- (such as those indicated on the prices track) even if rows indicated above and/or below the box the these resources are not automatically available yet. C. Rest-of-the-world Income Quantity marker is on: E.1 The resources that are not available are the fol- The player registers: A/- One or Two arrows above the box: lowing (with date of availability): If there are one or two arrows located above the box  Sugar and Tobacco from 1615 onwards 1/- the income of his Colonies; where the marker is placed, there is price adjust-  Cotton from 1700 onwards. 2/- the income of his Trading Posts; ment. A D10 is rolled that must be compared with 3/- the income of his exotic resources. the value at the right-hand side of the Quantity E.2 Even if not available, their prices may be af- marker of this resource. fected by events, this is an anticipation of the future This forms the “Rest-of-the-world Income” of the =>If the D10 result is above or equal to this value, demand on these resources. player. This income is written down on the player the Price counter is adjusted one (or two) boxes to economic record sheet, in each of the above rubrics the right, according to the number of arrows. 35.3 CALCULATION - GROSS INCOME and also in the Rest-of-the-World Income subtotal The gross income is decomposed in 4 parts: Land box. (See §55 and following for details). B/- One or Two arrows below the box: income, Trade income, Rest-of-the-world income, Same thing, except that it is necessary to look for and Industry income. D. Income of Manufactures arrows located at the bottom of the box, and com- The player registers: pare the D10 die-roll with the value at left-hand A. Land Income 1/- the fixed income of his manufactures; side of the Quantity marker. The player registers: 2/- the variable income of his manufactures; => If the result is above or equal to this value, the 3/- the income of his European mines. marker is adjusted to left, according to the number 1/- the income of all his provinces (each income is of arrows. printed in purple on the map); This forms the” Income of Industries “of the player. 2/- the income of all provinces of his vassal minor This income is written down in each of the above C/- Arrows both above and below the box: countries; rubrics and also in the Industry sub-total of the eco- Same thing, as cases A and B above, but two price 3/- then in negative all the income corresponding nomic record sheet. adjustments test as per A and B above to be made to provinces that are in revolt, looted, and/or separately under enemy control (he receives no income for Note: the variable income of manufactures is al- => If the result is above or equal to the right and/or all such provinces). ways calculated on the basis of the gross province left value, the marker is adjusted to left and/or right income (line 8 on the Economic sheet) and is not respectively, according to the number of arrows in This constitutes the Net Land Income of the player. affected by revolts or enemy occupation of the each direction. This income is written down on the player econom- provinces. ic record sheet individually in each of the above rubrics and as a total in the Land Income sub/total 35.4 CALCULATION – NET INCOME Example: Sugar production - 1680 box. The gross income is then modified by the Stability There are 18 sugar produced by players and mi- of the player. There can be a gain or an income nors in 1680. The quantity counter is placed in the A.1 Events that affect the income of provinces are loss. The player has then the possibility to borrow “18” box on the track one arrow on top, 2 arrows not permanent and are therefore registered in the ducats from the game system. This is done by on the bottom). Case C above applies. rubric labeled “Other territorial income” (may be rolling for a National or International loan on the 1/-One die is rolled for the top arrow, an 8 is ob- negative) of the economic record sheet. Loan Table and by choosing which one offers the tained and compared to the value on the right-hand best conditions. side of the price marker (bearing a 5). As the result B. Trade Income is at least equal to 5 (in fact above this value), the The player registers: A. Income & Stability price marker is adjusted 1 box to the right (i.e. The player earns or loses income according to its price increase). 1/- the Domestic trade, obtained by cross-indexing Stability level, in the following percentage 2/-One die is rolled, and a 10 obtained, for the 2 the income of provinces of the player and his amounts: arrows at the bottom. As the result is above the left- vassals (calculated in A above) with the Do- +10%: Stability +3 hand side value of the price marker (which is 8), mestic Trade Index of the player (called (-): Stability +1 or +2 the price marker is adjusted 2 boxes to the left (i.e. “DTI”). -10%: Stability 0 one box per arrow). 2/- the Foreign trade, obtained by cross-indexing -25%: Stability -1 3/-In the end the net result is that there is a price the current European market values* with the -33%: Stability -2 decrease of 1 box (to the left). Foreign Trade Index of the player (called -50%: Stability -3 “FTI”). Round up gains and losses in ducats. The gain or 3/- revenues of the player commercial fleets in all the loss of income is registered on the correspond- STZ/CTZ C.3 Some Quantity markers have no +20 men- ing box on the economic record sheet. 4/- bonus in case of monopolies by any of the play- tioned on their back: That means that there can be er commercial fleet placed on its (+) side in no more than 20 resources of this type in exploita- The player registers on his economic record sheet, STZ/CTZ (50% or 100% monopoly according tion per turn (the market cannot absorb more, or in the relevant boxes: to the degree of that monopoly - see below) they simply do not exist). 5/- the income of the Trade Centers (Mediter- 1/- loans received or subscribed (in negative for re- ranean, Atlantic, Orient) controlled by the play- D. Limit to the Variation funds); er (100 ducats each in principle) who possess The progression of a given price is limited to a the greatest number of commercial fleet levels maximum ceiling, for each resource. Each ceiling is relevant to each trade center. indicated on the price track. A ceiling must never * = the current European market value used by a be exceeded. player is equal to 1500 D$ minus all income of Do not roll the D10 for possible price rise if the provinces controlled by the player and its vassals, ceiling is already reached by the marker. Opposed- the land income of other players refusing him ly, the minimum of a price is either the one indicat- trade, and minus, whenever required, an amount of ed in the scenario or 0 if no indication is mentioned. European trade loss depicted in some events. E. Other Variations of Prices All these income form the “Commercial Income” of Prices of resources may also be modified by events, the player. This income is written down on the or at the start of some periods, for some resources player economic record sheet, in each of the above rubrics and also in the Trade Income subtotal box. 39

2/- interest paid (always negative) or received Commercial gains incorporate income generated There are also two convoys in the game Labeled (from loans to other players) by commercial fleet levels present in a country “Indes Orientales” (i.e. East Indies) and “Smyrna” trade zone (CTZ) or in a sea trade zone (STZ). (i.e. Smyrna; or Levant Area) that provide income C. the Net Income These levels are gained through successful admin- to the players. The player makes the sum of his gross income with istrative operation (See 45.8), and lost by competi- the possible gain/loss from his Stability, his loans tion (See 45.11) of the other players and also by pi- A. Income of Centers and interest paid. This forms the Net Income of the rates or privateers attacks (See 49.4). These levels Each Trade Center brings a 100 D$ income , except player. are recorded on the commercial fleets record sheet the Grand Orient center which has a variable in- of the player come (with a trend to the decrease...!) 35.5 AVAILABLE TREASURY The player makes the sum of his Royal Treasury (as A. Commercial Fleets B. Centers in 1492 it stands at the end of the Diplomatic phase) and his A commercial fleet is identified by a counter bear-  the Mediterranean Center is located in the port net income. This forms the Available Royal Trea- ing an ID letter. This letter identifies the commer- city of Venice (Venezia province, controlled by sury of the player for the current turn. The player cial fleet on the record sheet of the player and phys- the Venetian player). will be able to use this treasury for all the future ically on the map.  the Grand Orient Center is located in the port phases of the turn, notably the following one (Ad- The player can place a maximum of one commer- city of Alexandria (Alexandria province, con- ministrative Operations). cial fleet for a given STZ/CTZ. That does not in- trolled by the minor country MAMELUKS). clude those of his different vassals if some are  The Atlantic Center is located in the port city of 35.6 THE REST-OF-THE-WORLD GOLD present. Anvers (Flanders province, controlled by the Although not being directly integrated to the vari- Spanish player). ous income of the player listed above for the In- B. Levels of Commercial Fleets come phase, the production of gold by mines locat- The commercial value of a commercial fleet is C. Displacement of Centers ed in the Rest-of-the-world takes place during the quantified in term of levels. The levels represent the The Atlantic and Mediterranean Centers may be Income phase. (NB: This is important if the gold fleet market share in its particular trade zone. displaced during the Interphase (See §51). Each mines are captured during the Military Phase.) center belongs to the player that possesses the B.1 A fleet possesses from 1 to 6 levels. greatest number of levels in commercial fleets in 36. DOMESTIC TRADE specific CTZ and STZ. This income is determined by cross-indexing the  It is placed on its (-) side if it possesses 1 to 3 C.1 If the controlling player changes, the Center is Land Income (on-line) with the DTI (in column). levels. displaced to a national port of this player (of his  It is placed on its (+) side if it possesses 4 to 6 free choice). A. Land Income levels. It has been calculated in 35.3 - A (total of provinces D. the Mediterranean Center - provinces looted.. etc). C. The Commercial Gain STZ/CTZ attached to Mediterranean Center are: all It depends on the level of the fleet and on the Mediterranean (i.e. Gulf of Lion, Ionian Sea) and B. the DTI STZ/CTZ Where it is located, as follows: Adriatic Sea STZ, Black Sea STZ, Caspian Sea The DTI value is provided by the scenario or the STZ, Turkiye CTZ. campaign being played. The player can improve his +1 D$ by level in STZ DTI in the course of the game (by administrative +2 D$ by level in CTZ F. the Atlantic Center operation, See 45.7). STZ/CTZ attached to the Atlantic Center are: All D. the Commercial Bonus STZ or CTZ other than those of the Mediterranean This level income is however modified as follows: Center, on both the Europe & Rest-of-the-world 37. FOREIGN TRADE maps. This income is determined by cross-indexing the A/- For all STZ or CTZ in which the player pos- European market value for the player (on-line) sesses a side (+) fleet, he gains a bonus equal to F. the Grand Orient Center with the FTI (in column). 50% of the value printed in the ship symbol of The Grand Orient center, located at the port city of the STZ or CTZ (rounded up). Alexandria (Alexandria province, Mameluks minor A. European Market Value B/- For all STZ or CTZ in which the player is the country) follows particular rules. This center repre- It is basically evaluated at 1500, minus the follow- only one to possess a side (+) fleet containing 6 sents mostly the caravan land trade from Asia to ing: levels and that there is no other commercial Europe fleet in the STZ/CTZ, he gains a bonus equal to A/- the income of all provinces controlled by the l00% of the value printed in the ship symbol of F.1 It remains positioned at Alexandria, as long as player (and his vassals); the STZ or CTZ. the minor MAMELUKS is not conquered by the B/- the income of all provinces of other players Turkish player. When this occurs, the Center is (and their vassals) with which the player is at E. COMPETITION & LEVELS war or those that refuse him their trade (See See §46 for aides processing the Competition. 32.4); C/- same with minor countries that are at war with F. Definition Reminder of a STZ/CTZ the player; Each STZ/CTZ covers several sea zones: the one D/- amounts possibly given by events (trade loss where the symbol is located, and all adjacent sea due to wars in Europe, as described in the zones. event). Reminder: A STZ symbol is a square, a CTZ as a A.1 Note that the basic value of 1500 D$ increases circle. Some sea zones of different STZ/CTZ may to 1700 D$ once the minor country USA is in play. overlap.

B. The FTI The FTI value is provided by the scenario or the 39. CENTERS OF TRADE AND campaign being played. The player can improve his CONVOYS FTI in the course of game (by administrative opera- There are 3 Centers of Trade in the game: tion, See 45.7). - the Mediterranean Center - the Atlantic Center 38. COMMERCIAL GAINS - The Eastern or Levant Trade Center, called “Grand Orient” in this game. 40 transferred during the following Interphase to the centage of the transported income equal to the pur- B. Colony Levels/Trading Posts Turkish port city of Smyrna until the end of the suit die-roll result The value of a Colony or a Trading Post is quanti- game (in the Turkish province of SMYRNA). J.2.3 If the escort wins the combat, no income is fied in term of levels. It represents its degree of de- captured. velopment. F.2 The income of the Grand Orient Center is set at 100 D$, but may be reduced as follows: J.3 Income of the convoys is only credited in the B.1 A Colony or a Trading Post possesses from 1 players TR immediately upon arrival in any home (minimum) to 6 (maximum) levels. -10 D$ if there are between 1 and 5 Colonies or port of that player in Europe, i.e. during the Mili- Trading Posts (side (+) or (-) up) belonging tary or Redeployment phase, not the Logistics sub-  the establishment is placed on its (-) side if it to Christian players (all players except the -phase possesses 1 to 3 levels. Turk) in India or in Asia (See 55.2 B & D),  It is placed on its (+) side if it possesses 4 to 6 Siberia excepted. J.4 Convoys are attributed to only one player per levels. -10 D$ for every 5 additional Colonies and/or turn, as follows Trading Posts as above (rounded up). C. Income of a Colony -10 D$ for each Christian commercial fleet, either * “Indes Orientales” is attributed to the player that It depends on the level of the Colony: (+) or (-) side up, in any one or both of the exploits the most (but at least 10) Spices or Product following STZ: Eastern Indian ocean, of Orient exotic resources. In case of ties, the attri- side ( - ) Colony: Oman Sea Zone. bution is made in the order of decreasing priority +1 D$ by level -50D$ if Turkey and the minor country Persia are below. +? D$ equal to the Arden Income value at war. -? as per event description. 1/- The player controlling the Atlantic Trade Cen- side (+) Colony: ter (and also at least 10 spices/P. of Orient) +1 as level However, that income can never become negative 2/- Nederland until 1700 +? D$ equal to double the Area Income value and, if so, remains at zero (0). 3/- England after 1700 included Exception: no income at all if the Colony is exploit- G. Venice and the Grand Orient Center *”Smyrna” is attributed by the Turkish player to ing a gold mine (See §42). As long as the Center is located at Alexandria, the any other one player of his choice, provided that Venetian player receives 50% (rounded up) of the this player either has a port in the Mediterranean D. Income of a Trading Post current income of the Center. (possession or vassal) or controls the Mediterranean It depends on the level of the Trading Post: Trade Center. H. Enemy Occupation of a Center side ( - ) Trading Post: 1 D$ If the province containing a Center is occupied, the Each time, Turkey receives 20 D$ income immedi- side (+) Trading Post: 2 D$ player possessing the Center receives no income ately. from it. E. Income of Exotic Resources J.4.1 The Turkish player may refuse to grant the Each exotic resource brings an income equal to the H.1 If this province is ceded (during peace) and that convoy, and, in such a case, immediately loses 20 number of that resource that the player currently ex- the player still holds the conditions of control, that D$ and 1 Stability level ploits, multiplied by the price of the exotic resource player must displace the Center to any other port lo- J.4.2 If the convoy is granted to another player that for the turn (See 35.2). cated in his home country. the one who controlled the Mediterranean Trade Center, that player receives an immediate and tem- 41. INDUSTRIES H.2 If none is available, the Trade Center is re- porary CB against Turkey. moved from play until a suitable province is avail- Other sources of income of a player are coming able. 40. COLONIES & TRADING from his European mines, and his Manufactures. POSTS J. The “Indes Orientales” and “Smyrna” Con- A. Manufactures voys A Colony presents the establishment of colonists in Manufactures represent industries of all types de- A main economic event at the time was the arrival the “New World” (or elsewhere, as long as it is on veloped by the player (round-shaped counters). The in European ports of the annual convoys from the the Rest-of-the-world map), bringing income by name of each manufacture has no real importance East Indies and the Levant (present day Middle themselves and allowing also, in some cases, the (except for technology development). East). The following rules represent these facts. exploitation of exotic resources of the Areas they are located in. A.1 These manufactures are created by the adminis- J.1 Those two counters are available each turn, to A Trading Post is the establishment of merchants trative operation of “Manufacture Creation”. The bring extra income, as follows: on the shores (or in the interior) of overseas Areas, front side of the counter is used to represent 1 man- outside of Europe, bringing income of their trade, ufacture of the given type, the back indicates that  “ Indes Orientales” is available each turn any and allowing the exploitation (by exploitation of the there are 2 manufactures of that type. one player exploits at least 10 Spices or Product native manpower or trade) of exotic resources (ex- of Orient exotic resources. The convoy is cept for some Areas or resources in America and in A.2 Each manufactures brings to the player a fixed placed in a side (+) Colony or TP of the con- Siberia, where the income is proceeded differently revenue (called Permanent Income - See B below) cerned player (see attribution in J.4 below) for lack of sufficient servile workforce). in ducats as indicated on the counter, as well as a See details in §55 and following. variable income, expressed in percentage (%) of the  “Smyrna” is available each turn in the Turkish total land income of the player provinces (but not part of Smyrna once the Grand Orient trade A. Colonies & Trading Posts those of his vassals). Note: these fixed revenues center has been transferred there. Each Colony and Trading Post is identified by a and percentages are purposely different for each counter bearing its name. This name identifies the country. J.2 Each convoy contains 50 transport ships, each establishment on the record sheets of the player. carrying an income of 1 D$. A player can place such an establishment in prov- A.3 Manufactures located in a looted province or J.2.1 Those counters are considered naval units inces located on the Rest-of-the-world map (excep- out of the control of the player (military occupation, (but do not count in the stacking limit of a stack). tions, See 55.2-F) by succeeding in a Colonization revolt.. etc.) bring no variable or permanent income Therefore they must roll for attrition as any other (See 45.9), or Trading Post establishment (See naval unit. If they are intercepted while alone (not 45.10) administrative operation. escorted), they are immediately captured. J.2.2 If attacked when escorted and if the escort los- es the battle, the attacking player receives a per- 41

(the counter is ignored but not removed from play). B.1 Once announced, the exploitation is definitive exploit 4 Furs (the price is 6), and he receives an until depletion of the mine (by random event) and additional 24 ducats (4 x 6). His Rest of the World B. Permanent Income cannot be voluntarily stopped. Income is 30 ducats (5 + 1 + 24). The permanent income of manufactures is summed -He has 4 manufactures: 1 Art side 2 (10 ducats up and registered in the corresponding box of the B.2 A Colony exploiting a mine produces no other and 5%), 1 Wine side 2 (4 ducats and 1%), 1 Metal player's economic record sheet. income. The gold produced is counted separately on side 2 (8 ducats and 2%) and 1 Instrument side 1 (4 the economic record sheet because it has to be ducats and 1%). Permanent industrial income is 26 B.1 This income is not affected by territorial transported to an European port (See 48.4) before to ducats ; Variable industrial income is 22 ducats changes except physical occupation, revolt or loot- be credited into the player's treasury. (9% of 235, the provinces income, line 8). He pos- ing of the province where one manufacture counter sesses no European mines, so his Industrial In- is located. B.3 No slaves are needed to exploit a gold mine. come is 48 ducats.

C. the Variable Income B.4 Gold has a major influence on the variation of The French player has a Gross Income of 407 The percentage (%) printed on manufactures are inflation. ducats (235 + 94 + 30 + 48). His Stability is at +3, summed up. The variable income is thus the sum of and he receives an 10% extra income (+ 41 all these percentages, applied on the global income ducats); his Corrected Gross Income is now 448 of the provinces controlled by the player (vassals ducats. He chooses to refuse to pay back his na- excepted): use always line 8 of the Economic sheet. Example of Income tional loan (earned the previous turn, 150 ducats at Fractions are rounded up. 6%). He must pay just the loan’s interests, -9 ducats (6% from 150), but no capital payment is C.1 The variable income is registered on the corre- French income in 1540 (turn 11, 2nd period). The needed. Now this loan is gone, with no interest to sponding box of the player’s economic record sheet French player has been Protestant since 1515 (first pay during the following turns, but he will not get period), and he already began his colonial develop- new national loan until next period, and he will suf- C.2 A manufacture counter is temporarily neutral- ment (God saves his conversion!). fer a malus -3 to get an international loan until the ized and gives no income (permanent and variable) end of the period 2. when the city where it is located is under enemy France is at peace. Francois I is king and his loyal His Net Income is 439 ducats (443 - 9). Now he de- control. and mighty excellent minister Calvin (ADM 9, DIP termines his new Treasure: 439 (Net Income) + 85 6, MIL 5) rules for him since two turns (by a lucky (treasure at the end of the Diplomatic phase) = 524 D. European Mines economic event). France controls the minor coun- ducats. He may now make his logistical expenses, Each European mine brings a fixed income of 20 try Savoia (Royal Wedding), and possess 85 investments for administrative actions... ducats as long as that mine is not depleted (this may ducats. He has just his basic military forces (free of happen following a random event). The European charges), so he pays no maintenance cost & he mine income is registered on the corresponding box The French player gets Economic Event 7 “Popu- chooses to build a new naval detachment (5 war- of the player’s economic record sheet. larity” and receives +20 ducats, plus bonuses for ships, tech. Caraque), the cost is -30 ducats. some administrative actions. His treasure is now He tries several administrative actions: D.1 Mines located in a looted province or out of the 105 ducats. A war broke out (by a political event) - a new Instrument manufacture (to invert side 2), control of a player (by military occupation, revolt, between Persia and Turkiye so the European mar- and pays a basic investment (-30 ducats); etc.) bring no income. ket value goes down. - up-grade his Colony Montreal to the level 2, and At the diplomatic phase, he sells one of his diplo- pays a strong investment (-100 ducats); D.2 The income of mines located outside of Europe matic actions to give a support to Spain for +25 - make a new Trading Post at Ceylon, and pays a is processed separately, because it has to be repatri- ducats (but he has to buy the support, -20 ducats). strong investment (-50 ducats); ated to Europe (See §42 & 48.4) before it can be He also attempts an action to the Hanse, with a ba- -two commercial actions in the STZ North America credited to the player’s treasury. sic investment (-20 ducats). The Venice player tries (to create a new commercial fleet at 2 levels), and to negotiate with Savoia and in reaction, the pays a medium investment each (30 ducats x2 = French player wants to react to protect his control -60 ducats); 42. THE REST-OF-THE- over it, and pays a medium investment (-50 ducats). - a land technological action, and pays a strong in- WORLD GOLD The French action on the Hanse is a success, and vestment (-100 ducats). the Hansian marker is moved to “Subsides box” The total cost for administrative actions is -340 Gold may also be produced by gold mines located and lucky France receives +45 ducats! But the ducats (30 + 100 + 50 + 60 + 100). His new trea- in the Rest-of-the-world. This gold is not registered Venetian action is also a success, and Savoia is no sure is 154 ducats (524-30-340). in the player’s income immediately, because it has longer controlled by France. At the end of the At the military phase, his explorer Jacques Cartier first to be repatriated to Europe. But it is neverthe- Diplomatic phase, the French treasure is again 85 tries 3 overseas expeditions, and he pays 3 Passive less produced during the income phase. The repa- ducats (105 + 25 – 20 – 20 – 50 + 45). campaigns, -30 ducats. At the end of the turn, his triation of the gold takes place during the Military treasure is 124 ducats (154 - 30) but he has to en- phase (and might thus be seized by an enemy), or The French player determines his income: sure inflation (at 10%), so he loses -13 ducats during the Redeployment phase (and thus might be - his provinces worth 235, he writes it on the line 8. (10% of 124, rounded up). exposed to attacks by pirates or privateers) accord- He possesses no vassal minor countries, and no His final Treasure is 111 ducats (to write back to ing to the mode of repatriation chosen by the play- event disturbing his income so his Land Income is line 1 for the turn 12). er. 235 ducats. - His DTI is 3 so his Domestic trade worth 50 A. Income of Mines ducats (intersection DTI 3 with Land income 235). Mines produce 20 D$ of gold each, except two of His FTI is 3, the European Market for France them, one located in the Azteca Area and the other worth 1500 - 235 -100 (war Persia/Turkey) = in the Inca Area, that produce 40 D$ and 50 D$ re- 1165, so his Foreign trade worth 35 ducats (inter- spectively. section FTI 3 with 1165). The French STZ is 3 ducats (three commercial fleet at 1 level each in B. Exploitation Irish Sea, Gulf of Lion, Ionian Sea), and the French To exploit a gold mine, a Colony (with any number CTZ is 6 ducats (one fleet in CTZ France at 3 lev- of levels) has to be in the province containing the els) the French Trade Income is 94 ducats (50 + mine symbol. If a player desires to exploit it, he 35 + 6 + 3). simply has to announce it (NB: the player is not - He has a Colony (-) “Montreal” in America Area obliged to exploit a mine even if he has a Colony in (1 level), worth 1 + 4 (income) 5 ducats. He has a that province). Trading Post “Port Marie” in Quebec Area (2 lev- els), worth 1 ducat. His Colony and Trading Post 42

A. The Table of Loans F. Refunds at the End of the Game FRENCH INCOME The table indicates the amount, the duration (for Any player that has not refunded any current Inter- TURN # National loans) and the applicable rate for the loan. national or National loan at the end of the game los- # ITEM 11 12 Modifiers to the dice differ according to the type of es a number of Victory Points (VP) equal to the 1 TR at Start of 1515 85 111 loan and the specific situation of the player rolling double of the ducats not refunded (principal and in- 2 TR after Event Phase 105 for that loan. terest combined). 3 Gifts and Loans 25 4 Investments -40 5 Reaction Investments -50 B. The National Loan 43.2 VENICE, PORTUGAL 6 Subsidies & Dowries 45 The player borrows the money mostly from the During the Grand Campaign 1492-1792, the Por- 7 TR Diplomatic Phase 85 medium class of his home country. A National loan tuguese and Venetian players can grant no loan or 8 Income of Provinces 235 need not be refunded by the player that has sub- gift to whoever else in the course of the last three 9 Income Vassal Provinces scribed it. (3) turns of their presence in play, i.e. before they 10 Events (+/-) are transferred respectively to Netherlands and Rus- 11 Losses 12 Land Income 235 B.1 If he does not refund the capital, he immediate- sia. 13 Domestic trade income 50 ly loses 1 Stability level and will receive the fol- 14 European Trade Income 35 lowing penalties: 43.3 NETHERLANDS 15 STZ Income 3 The Netherlands player wishing to be transferred to 16 CTZ Income 6 1/- No new national loan may be obtained until the Austria (see Grand Campaign rules), is allowed to 17 Monopoly bonuses end of the period. take this transfer decision only if he has granted no 18 Trade Centers Income 2/- All new International loans receive a -3 die-roll loan or gift since at least three (3) turns before the 19 Trade Income 94 20 Colonies Income 5 penalty until the end of the current period. turn of transfer. 21 Trading Posts Income 1 3/- However, he has to pay one last time the inter- 22 Exotic Resources Income 24 est on the loan. 23 Investment in Slaves 24 Rest of the World Income 30 C. The International Loan 44. ADMINISTRATIVE PHASE 25 Manufactures (permanent) 26 This type of loan must to be refunded in its entirety During this phase, play is simultaneous. This phase 26 Manufactures (% of line 8) 22 within a maximum period of 3 turns after it is ob- 27 European Mines integrates the Logistic phase already described in 28 Industrial Income 48 tained. An international loan can be refunded by an- the basic rules, and adds a new phase, that of “Ad- 29 Gross Income (12+19+24+28) 407 other loan (of any type). ministrative Operations”. These allow players to 30 Stability Bonus (+/-) 41 try to develop in many different fields, such as 31 Corrected Gross Income 448 C.1 If the player cannot refund the loan at the expi- Colonies, commercial fleets, Trading Posts, tech- 32 Loans and Interest -9 ration of the third turn following its subscription, or nology, manufactures, trade, etc. 33 New Loan else if he cannot pay interest, he suffers an immedi- Every administrative operation must be written 34 Net Income 439 ate bankruptcy (See §26). 35 TR at end of Income Phase 524 down to be attempted. 36 Maintenance expenses -30 37 Administrative actions -340 D. Interest of a Loan 44.1 SEQUENCE 38 Reaction Competition Interest is paid during each turn until the capital has 39 Technology Adjustments been refunded entirely. Interest is based on the in- I. Logistic sub-phase 40 Exceptional Taxes terest rate obtained for the loan. Every turn, the 1. Maintenance 41 TR end Administration Phase 154 amount of interest is always based on l00 % of the 42 Campaign expenses -30 2. Purchases subscribed capital, even if the principal has been 3. Placement of Units 43 Gains from pillage partially refunded in previous turns. 44 Gold back to Europe 45 Stability Improvement II. Administrative Operations sub-phase 46 Indemnities and ransoms D.1 No interest is paid the turn the loan is received 1. Investments and operations registration 47 TR at end of Peace Phase 124 by the player. But he has to pay interest each fol- 2. Resolution of operations 48 10% Inflation in 1515 -13 lowing turn, even the turn he pays back all the capi- 49 TR at End of Turn 111 tal (and even if he chooses to not refund a national 44.2 LOGISTIC SUB-PHASE loan). It is identical to the one presented in the basic rules (See §7), with the following exceptions: E. Loans and Gifts between Players 43. LOANS Players are authorized to lend money to each other. A/- the term “ally” is replaced by “vassal” (minor A player may obtain a loan by rolling several dice In that case, amounts, interest and the duration country having the vassal diplomatic status). on the Loan Table. Two possibilities exist: sub- terms are fixed at their convenience. B/- the maintenance for minor countries are de- scribing to a National loan or to an International scribed in detail in the Diplomatic phase, ac- loan. The player chooses which one he prefers to E.1 Any loan or gift necessitates the existence of an cording to the degree of control of the player subscribe to, according to the amount that is avail- official diplomatic agreement; the loan treaty (See (See 33.4 to 33.10). able and the interest to be paid for it. This can be 32.2 - D). C/- the reinforcements for minor countries are ob- checked before a final choice is made. tained by the Reinforcements Table (See 34.6). Only one loan can be obtained each turn from the E.2 In such a case, the transfer of capital and inter- “game system” (i.e. do not include loans received est to be paid takes place during the Diplomatic from players). Loans and interest are cashed in and phase (See 32.2 - B). out of the Royal Treasury directly. E.3 However, such a loan or gift can never exceed 200 ducats per turn, even if funds are available in 43.1 NATURE OF LOANS the TR of the moneylender. A loan may either be National or International. The player can only subscribe to one single type of loan E.4 If terms fixed by the loan treaty are not respect- for one given turn. He must first determine for each ed, the defaulted player has a temporary CB against one, on the Table of Loans, the offer that is made the other (defaulting) player, for the duration of the by the “market” (capital, interest). next 3 turns. For example, this may happen when NB: A loan may be refunded by a player at any the player that has received the loan does not pay its time before the normal number of turns. interest, or worse, does not refund. 43

D/- Particular rules for the Rest-of-the-World map E. General Method B. Procedure are described at the end of those rules in §55 The player rolls one die for each one of his written The operation is attempted on the Commercial & and following. administrative operations, for which he has paid the Colonial Actions table, under a column whose val- cost and investment (if any). ue is calculated as follows: A. Privateers’ Logistic Privateers are used during the Redeployment phase E.1 This D10 roll is name “conjuncture die-roll” ADM + FTI + investment - 9 mainly to decrease commercial fleet levels (See and is undertaken for each operation (e.g. 2 rolls for 49.4). 2 actions on the same Colony, or on 2 different The die-roll of conjuncture is then rolled. This die- Players can buy privateers (if their limit in number Colonies). It is modified by investments, various roll is modified as follows: of privateer counters still available allows it). Side specific modifiers (according to operation type and (-) privateers cost 10 D$, and side (+) cost is 20 D$. player’s characteristics) and applicable special rules +? Stability of country or events for the turn. -1 for Spain if inflation level is 10% or more A.1 Their respective maintenance is 5 and 10 D$. -1 for Turkey, and for Russia before Peter the 45.3 OPERATIONS LIMIT Great A.2 Note that there are limits to the maximum num- The player is limited in general to l operation by +2 for England after 1700 ber of privateer counters that a player may use in a type. This limit by turn is valid for all the periods. ? by event turn (See 49 for details). See specific cases on player’s aides. C. Result A. Operations with Multiple limit (higher than l) An “S” result on the table indicates a success. The If a player has a 2+ limit for a given type of opera- player places a new manufacture of his choice on 45. ADMINISTRATIVE OPERA- tion (e.g. Colonization or Competition), he can its (1) side, or on its (2) side for an already placed TIONS choose between either several separate attempts or counter. Any other result is a failure. Any player may attempt to undertake and succeed a multiple attempt on the same objective. in administrative actions to develop his country, his D. Placement of Manufactures trade, to colonize, develop his technologies... etc. Example: With 2 actions of Colonization in 1700- A player can place a maximum of 3 Manufacture In the course of a same turn, he can be brought to 1759, the English player can make 2 attempts on counters in the capital province of his home country execute some, all or part of those presented here- the same Colony or 1 attempt each on 2 different and 1 counter in any of his national provinces. after, according to his free choice and/or financial Colonies, in the same turn. possibilities. D.1 Choose the province of placement (capital 45.4 INVESTMENTS province excepted) among national provinces, in 45.1 PRESENTATION Players can increase their chance of success by in- decreasing order of income value. The number of operations by type, depends on the creasing the cost of an operation, i.e. by invest- Note: Some provinces not following the above rules limit in vigor for the presently played Period. ment. may be designated in certain scenario setups.

The general rule is: each player is entitled to under- A. Definition of Investment D.2 If a province of placement is ceded during take a minimum of one operation of each type, ex- Players get bonus to the column used for the action peace, the counter is displaced immediately and au- cept otherwise specified (See Limit tables of the resolution (to the die-roll for the technology im- tomatically to another suitable national province. player in his own Players' Aides). provement action) according to the level of invest- ment made for that action. E. Limit A. Procedure The number of Manufacture counters is limited per The player is financially limited by the available 1/- A basic investment gives no bonus (in fact, it is player and per period (and finally by the counter- ducats contained in his Royal Treasury. Adminis- the basic cost of the operation) mix limit itself). This period limit may be exceeded trative operations of a player have to be written on 2/- A medium investment has a higher cost but (if the player wishes so. See optional rule 24.2-E). its Administrative Operations record shed, other- gives a bonus of +l to the die-roll of conjunc- wise they are considered as void. ture. F. Military Occupation 3/- A strong investment has the highest cost but If the player temporarily loses control of the prov- 45.2 TYPES OF OPERATIONS gives a bonus of +3 to the die-roll of conjunc- ince where the manufacture counter is located, or if There are 3 different groups of Administrative Op- ture. the province is looted, the manufacture then ceases erations, each integrating one or several operations. to produce for as long as the occupation (military, A.1 The investment (Basic, medium or strong), has revolt. etc.) or the looting remains. A. The Three Main Groups to be written and paid operation by operation.  Domestic operations F.1 Similarly, the occupant cannot use this ‘occu-  External (or Foreign) operations A.2 Note that the cost of the investment varies with pied’ manufacture for his own production. the type of operation.  Technological operations 45.6 RAISING OF EXCEPTIONAL TAXES B. Detail of Operations This operation can be attempted only once per turn, The details among the three main groups is the fol- The other applicable modifiers, and types of opera- but only if the Stability of the attempting player’s lowing: tions are described in the following paragraph. country is not at -3 level AND the player’s country is currently at war (with another minor and/or major B. Three Domestic Operations country or more).  Creation of Manufactures Internal Operations  Exceptional Tax raising  Improvement of FTI/DTI 45.5 MANUFACTURES This operation can be attempted only once per turn, C. Four External Operations whatever the period is.  Commercial Fleets Development  Colonization A. Price  Establishment of Trading Post Basic Investment: 30 D$  Actions of Competition Medium (+1 column): 50 D$ Strong (+3 columns): 100D$ D. One Technological Operation  Improvement of the Technology (naval or land) 44

A. Price: Medium (+1 column): 30 D$ C. Result This operation is free! Strong (+3 column): 50 D$ An “S” result indicates a success. The Colony is placed on its (-) side with 1 level (when placed for B. Procedure B. Procedure the first time in a previously empty province), or This operation does not necessitate the use of a ta- The operation is attempted and resolved on the gets an additional 1 level if it existed already. When ble. Proceed as follows. The player makes his die- Commercial & Colonial Actions table, under the it reaches the level 4, it is placed on its (+) side. The roll of conjuncture, which is modified by: column whose value is calculated as follows: maximum number of levels allowed is 6.

+? ADM of monarch In STZ: FTI + Investment – fleets* 45.10 ESTABLISHMENT OF A TRADING +? value of Stability level, multiplied by 3 (NB In CTZ: FTI + DTIp/o + Investment – fleets* POST may thus be a negative number) The province(s) where takes place the attempt of  by event. * = -l for each foreign commercial fleet present establishment has to be written down and an- (whatever its side). nounced. C. Result p/o = + DTI of player (if action takes place in his The obtained modified result, multiplied by 10, own CTZ) OR – opponent’s DTI (if action takes Basic Investment: l0 D$ gives the number of ducats to add to the royal trea- place in the opponents CTZ) Medium (+1 column): 30 D$ sury, or remove from the TR in case of a negative The die of conjuncture is then rolled and modified Strong (+3 columns): 50 D$ result. by: B. Procedure C.1 The Stability decreases by 1, whatever the re- +1 if player’s fleet is on its (+) side The operation is attempted and solved on the Com- sult and amount of ducats obtained in the process. -l if pirates are present in STZ/CTZ mercial & Colonial Actions table, under the column C.1.1 Exception: there is no loss of Stability if at -l if there were war operations and/or privateers whose value is calculated as follows: least one national province is enemy occupied at the during the previous turn in the concerned time those exceptional taxes are raised. STZ/CTZ. FTI + Investment - Natives* ? by event 45.7 IMPROVEMENT OF THE FTI OR DTI * = - tolerance of the natives of the Area (third fig- This operation can be attempted only once by turn, C. Result ure) where the attempt takes place. whatever the period. It must be attempted either for An “S” result indicates a success; the commercial If there is no value, consider that it costs 1 in this the FTI or for the DTI (note the choice on the at- fleet gets an additional 1 level. When it reaches the precise case. tempting player’s record sheet), but not for both in level 4, it is placed on its (+) side. one single turn. C.1 It cannot go above 6 levels in any case. First The die of conjuncture is then rolled and modified level obtained is always level 1. by: A. Price -l per foreign Trading Post or Colonies in the Basic Investment: 30 D$ C.2 If there is already a foreign fleet on its (+) side Area Medium (+1 column): 50 D$ (even if acquired at the same time, as operations are +? maneuver value of any one Conquistador Strong (+3 columns): 100 D$ resolved simultaneously), a test of competition present (if any) must take place (See §46) until there remains only -l war operations in the Area during the previous B. Procedure one single (+) side fleet in the same STZ/CTZ. turn The operation is attempted and resolved on the ? by event Commercial & Colonial Actions table, under a col- C.3 Any other result is a failure. umn whose value is calculated as follows: C. Result 45.9 COLONIZATION An “S” result indicates a success. The Trading Post ADM + Investment -9 The province where the colonization attempt takes is placed immediately on its (-) side with 1 level place has to be written down and announced. (when there is none before the attempt), or earns 1 The conjuncture the is then rolled and modified by: level if it existed already. A. Price +? Stability of country Basic Investment: 30 D$ C.1 When it reaches the level 4, it is placed on its -1 for Turkey and Russia Medium (+1 column): 50 D$ (+) side. +2 for England after 1700 Strong (+3 columns): l00 D$ ? by event C.2 The maximum number of levels is 6. The first B. Procedure level obtained is always level 1. C. Result The operation is attempted on the Commercial & An “S” result indicates a success; in such a case, Colonial Actions table, wider the column whose 45.11 COMPETITION the FTI or the DTI increases by 1 level. Any other value is calculated as follows: This operation is aimed at reducing the level of for- result is a failure. eign Trading Post in a province, or foreign com- FTI + Investment - Difficulty * mercial fleet in a STZ/CTZ. D. Limit * - difficulty value of the Area (second red figure, The maximum the DTI and the FTI can reach is as per map indications) where the colonization at- A. Price fixed by player and by period. This period limit tempt takes place. The die of conjuncture is then Basic investment: 10 D$ may be exceeded (if the player decides to do so). rolled and modified by: Medium (+1 column): 30 D$ See rule 24.2. Strong (+3 columns): 50 D$ +2 if the Colony already exists (i.e. improvement D.1 However, in any case, it may never exceed 5. of an existing Colony in the same province) +? maneuver value of one Conquistador present in the province (if any) External Operations -1 war operations in the Area during the previous turn -3 for the first attempt of colonization of the play- 45.8 COMMERCIAL FLEET ACTION er (applied only once for the Whole game) This operation concerns commercial fleets located -2 for second attempt (idem) in Sea Trade Zones (both STZ and CTZ). -1 for third attempt (idem) ? by event A. Price Basic Investment: 10 D$ 45

+1 by Instrument and/or Tissus (“cloth”) manufac- B. Procedure ture counter (+2 maximum) applicable only to A.1 Note that a competition can be made only in a The operation is attempted and resolved on the naval technology STZ/CTZ where the player attempting competition Commercial & Colonial Actions table, under the ? by event possess a commercial fleet himself; or in an Area column whose value is calculated as follows: where he possesses a Trading Post (or an adjacent C. Result Area to same). FTI* + Investment - Foreign FTIo** If the modified result is equal to: 12+, the technology increases 1 level B. Procedure * - + attempting player’s DTI if the action is located 16+, the technology increases 2 levels The player must write down, then announce each in his own CTZ 19+, the technology increases 3 levels one of his attempts, as well as the player or minor ** = - opponent's DTI if the player plays the action the action is aimed at. Otherwise, the action is can- in the opponent’s CTZ. D. Limit celed The increase in technology cannot make the tech- The opponent must be specified and written down nology marker go above the technology ceiling if C. Defensive Investment on the player's record sheet for each action. the current turn does not allow it (See technology The aimed at player may, in defense, pay a medium §47). or strong investment, without having to deduct this The die of conjuncture is then rolled and modified defensive action from his own competition actions by: D.1 In such a case; the marker remains in the high- limit. est attainable box. -1 if presence of at least one Trading Post (in the D. Calculation of Result Area) or at least one commercial fleet of a The column is determined as describe in 45.11 – B country other than the one aimed at (i.e. a third above. For all “S” results, the level of the target is party). 46. COMPETITION decreased by l level. -1 war operations in the Area or STZ/CTZ during The Competition is mandatory if several commer- the previous turn cial fleets are side (+) in the same STZ or CTZ, or E. Number of Actions and Distribution ? by event else for the attribution of erotic resources in case The competition action can be made as many time the maximum production of resources is reached. as the number of such action that the player is enti- C. Result Competition may also arise due to a deliberate ac- tled for the period in play. An “S” result indicates a success. The aimed at for- tion of a player on opponents’ (or minors') Trading eign Trading Post, or commercial fleet, loses 1 lev- Posts and commercial fleets. E.1 These actions of a player can aim several times el. the same opponent’s counter, or several counters of There is mandatory Competition in an STZ/CTZ the same player, or else counters of several players, C.1 If the Trading Post (or commercial fleet) is re- when it contains more than one side (+) commercial and this until the player reaches his allowed actions duced to the level 0, its counter is removed from the fleet following the resolution of all other adminis- limit map. trative operations. That resembles the mandatory Competition resolu- C.2 Any other result is a failure. This mandatory Competition is resolved at the end tion. It may happen when, in a one Rest-of-the- of the Administrative Phase, after completion of all world Area, at least two players each have one or See 46 for more details on competition. other voluntary actions of Competition decided by more side (+) Colonies and/or Trading Posts. the players (Resolved during administrative opera- D. Constraints tions). In such a case, it is impossible to share equitably A Competition action can only be attempted in a the exotic resources (normally 1 by level present), STZ/CTZ or Area where the player possess himself A.1 The procedure is the same as that of an admin- since the total number of these levels may well ex- a commercial fleet, Colony or Trading Post, or any istrative operation of Competition (See 45.11 ceed the number of exploitable resources in the sea zone or Area adjacent to same. above), with the exception that players cannot make Area. any investment in that instance. This mandatory ac- tion is free and does not count on the competition Proceed to an action of Competition for each con- Technological Operation actions limits of the turn (See 24.2). cerned Area, involving the players possessing the side (+) Trading Posts and/or Colonies. A.2 Each involved player (i.e. all those having a 45.12 TECHNOLOGIES side (+) fleet involved) rolls a D10 on the Colonial A.1 This action is undertaken as in 46.1 above and This operation can be attempted only once per turn and Commercial Action table. If the player does not stops when there remains only one single player and for only one of the two types of technologies, obtain an “S” result, his side (+) commercial fleet with one (or more) side (+) counters, or when the i.e. either the naval or the land technology. The loses 1 level. The process is continued until there total number of levels does not exceed the total choice has to be written down on the player’s remains only one single side (+) fleet in the number of available resources. record sheet. STZ/CTZ. It is thus possible that there remains no side (+) fleet. B. Result A. Price The player that is the only one remaining with side Basic Investment: 30 D$ A.3 When a player has a side (+) fleet with 6 levels (+) counters gets as many exotic resources as his Medium (+l to the die-roll): 50 D$ involved, all other players and minor countries, in- number of levels allow him to produce. The choice Strong (+3 to the die-roll): 100 D$ cluding those with side (-) fleets must roll for com- of the type of resources is up to him if there are dif- petition until the 6 levels side (+) fleet remains ferent types present. B. Procedure alone or loses one level. This Operation is solved without using a table. The B.1 Possible balance is then distributed proportion- player rolls the die of conjuncture. This die-roll is 46.2 VOLUNTARY COMPETITION ally among the levels of the other players' counters, modified by: It takes place by means of a Competition action (ac- but also including those belonging to the cording to the player’s turn limit for that type of ac- +? MIL of the player's monarch tion). +? according to medium (+1) or strong (+3) in- vestment A. Case of Application +1 by Metal manufacture counter (+2 maximum), This action is aimed at the commercial fleet or the applicable only to land technology Trading Post of another player or minor, in a STZ/CTZ (for fleets) or Rest-of-the-world province (for Trading Posts). 46 player with the side (+) counter(s). All fractions are See 47.3) and some Rest-of-the-world minors (See lost. A.1 Special Cases: Portugal, Venice, Genoa, Swe- 62.1-B). den and Holland, when minors, have a minimum in- 46.4 COMMERCIAL FLEETS PARTIAL MO- trinsic FTI value of 3. 47.2 MOBILE MARKERS NOPOLY There are also counters, called mobile markers, for It is obtained in a given STZ/CTZ by the player that B. Reduction of Minors Commercial Fleets Lev- each specific technology, naval and land, except possesses the side (+) fleet in the aforementioned els those existing in 1492 (Land: Medieval, Naval: STZ/CTZ. A/- Minor countries having lost levels on their Carrack) If there are other side (-) fleets present in the commercial fleets, either by player's Competi- There is also no marker for the technology Tercios STZ/CTZ the player is considered to be exerting a tion or pirates/privateers, automatically regain (concerning the Spanish player only). partial monopoly. one such level per turn and for each one of their fleets, until they reach their initial 1492 level, A. Access to Technologies A. Income & Victory Points provided the returning levels satisfy to success- The date on the mobile markers indicates first pos- A partial monopoly brings a bonus equal to half the ful competition when returning on the map. sibility of access to the technology (in terms of numerical value printed in the STZ/CTZ symbol B/- If the minor loses a constraint competition, its year, not game-turn). (rounded up), and 1 VP per turn the condition is level is permanently lost (it happens when a maintained. player’s commercial fleet increases to 6 levels). A.1 If a player has a too rapid progression, he will have to wait until the access date arises to benefit 46.5 COMMERCIAL FLEETS TOTAL MO- Note: levels lost beyond that initial level are irre- from the technology, even if it means several turns NOPOLY deemably lost - this may happen in scenarios where to wait. The player's technology marker remains in It is obtained in a STZ/CTZ if the player is the only the starting levels are different from 1492 or for the box preceding immediately that of the mobile one to possess a commercial fleet in the STZ/CTZ Venice, Portugal and Holland in the Grand Cam- marker. and that fleets is at maximum level, i.e. it contains 6 paign Game when they became minor countries. levels. This type of monopoly is quite hard to A.2 The player’s marker will be adjusted only on achieve; but may sometimes be granted automati- C. Colonies and Trading Posts of Minors the turn registered on the mobile marker. Only then cally by events (e.g. “The Act of Navigation” for Colonies and Trading Posts of minors, once elimi- will the player possess the technology in question. England). nated (by Competition or combat & conquest, or The mobile marker will also be then equally adjust- transfer following peace) are gone for good. ed (See 47.5). A. Income & Victory Points A total monopoly brings a bonus equal to the nu- Example: In 1492, Portugal begins with a one level B. Placement of Mobile Markers merical value printed in the STZ/CTZ symbol, and commercial fleet in the STZ Guinea Gulf. Later, in Mobile markers are placed as requested in the sce- 3 VP per turn the condition is maintained. 1560s era, when Portugal becomes a minor coun- nario, on the box of the technological track with the try, this fleet contains 5 levels. box number indicated in the scenario set-up. 46.6 THE MONOPOLY OF EXOTIC RE- In 1570 the English player tries a competition SOURCES against this fleet. He has a FTI of 3 and pays a 47.3 MINOR COUNTRIES & CATEGORIES The monopoly of an exotic resource is granted medium investment. Portugal has FTI of 3, and Minors are regrouped in three separate entities, when a player is alone to exploit that resource. It benefits too a free medium investment The English each having its own technology: means that no other player or minor country ex- player wins his competition, and the Portuguese ploits even one unit of the same resource. fleet decreases to 4 levels. A/- The “Latin” category groups all the Latin Note that this does not include Rest-of-the-World In 1610, after many competitions, this fleet is re- Christian minor countries (of both the Catholic minors such as Oman, Aden, Mysore, China, Per- duced to 1 level (as 1492). A new successful com- and Protestant religion), including Hungary sia, etc... petition decreases it to 0. But, as its lower level when annexation by Habsburg (See 53.2) has must be equal to 1492 situation the level is back to taken place, and Poland before 1700 (not in- According to the number of such a resource cur- 1 next turn. cluded). Their technologies, naval and land, rently exploited, the player receives victory points In 1670, the English player increases his commer- both increase on each turn that is indicated by for each turn the conditions are maintained. cial fleet in this STZ to 6 levels. So, there are imme- an L on the game-turns track. diately constrained competition with every com- B/- The “Orthodox” category regroups all minors A. Victory Points mercial fleet. The English player chooses to begin of the Christian Orthodox religion, Hungary be- A player receives 1 VP per turn for each type of re- the competition with Portugal: he wins, and this fore its annexation by the Habsburg, and source for which he possesses a monopoly and ex- time the Portuguese level is permanently lost as a Poland after 1700 included. Their technologies, ploits up to 5 units of a resource. result of this constraint competition (due to Eng- naval and land, both increase on each turn that land's fleet being at its maximum level of 6 - The is indicated by an 0 on the game-turns track. A.1 He receives 3 VP per turn for those for which Portuguese fleet, reduced to 0, is removed from the he possesses a monopoly and exploits 6 units or game). more.

46.7 COMPETITION AND MINOR COUN- 47. TECHNOLOGIES TRIES The nature of competition with minor countries de- The technological level of each player is set at the pends on the nature of their diplomatic status. beginning of the campaign to be played. This level may evolves with actions of the players and also A. Diplomatic Status with some events, or finally with time. The diplomatic status influence is as follows: 47.1 TECHNOLOGY MARKERS A/- If the minor country is a vassal (marker in vas- Each player possesses 2 technology markers, one to sal box - or for Portugal when annexed by represent his land technology and the other his Spain through event) of a player, it is consid- naval technology (i.e. his type of warship - The ered as belonging to the player for all actions of naval technology marker bears an anchor for easier Competition and is included in both the play- identification). They are both placed on the same er’s costs and limits. It uses the player’s FTI. technology track. B- If the minor is not a vassal, it is considered as having an FTI of 2, with a free medium invest- A. Markers of Minors ment (+1), and replaces its lost levels as players There are also markers for European minor states do. If it is at war, proceed as above. (re-grouped in 3 different entities or categories – 47

C/- The ‘Islam” category regroups all minors of the A.1 Then minor entity technology markers are 1 D$ for each Detachment of the concerned catego- Muslim religion, including the Mogol Empire moved. When all have been moved and one or more ry and Persia. Their technologies, naval and land, of them have reached a mobile marker, this marker both increase on each turn that is indicated by is again immediately moved down the technology Exception: naval units counters that contain only an M on the game-turns track. track just in front of the next player or minor entity galleys or transport ships, have not to be included in D/- The following minors: Ohio, Hyderabad, marker of the same category (i.e. land or naval). the converted units (and therefore are not paid for). Mysore, China and Japan are equally regrouped together. Their technology, which is land only, A.2 Note: In case such a player's or minor entity C. Technologies and Prices increases on each turn that is indicated by a C marker is immediately at the left of the mobile With the evolution of the technology, the prices of on the game turn track. marker, the latter is not moved at all and remains in the different forces, both land and naval, increase. place. Refer to the Costs table for details (on Players' All other minors that do not figure in any one of the Aides). above groups have no naval technology and their B. Renewal of the Process land technology remains always Medieval This process is repeated for each technology, and at 47.7 THE TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCE each time that a player or minor entity technology Within a same type of technology (naval or land), A. Progression marker reaches the box where the mobile marker is the advance of one player or minor entity technolo- Players must succeed in their operations of technol- currently located. gy marker (not the mobile marker) on another play- ogy improvement to allow advance for their mark- er or minor entity corresponding marker may give ers. C. Simultaneous progressions an advantage to the former as follows: Remember that all technology improvement opera- for a 6 box or more lead, the player (or the minor A.1 Opposedly, technologies of minors automati- tions of players (on one side) and minor entities (on entity) receives a bonus of +1 to all his die-roll cally advance 1 box at the turn where their letter (L the other side, after players) is done simultaneously. made for interception (naval and land) and wind for “Latin”, O for “Orthodox”... etc.) appears on the Therefore, there is no way to benefit from some gauge (naval). game turn track. else’s moving of the mobile marker before one’s own to progress in the same turn. 47.8 KEEPING UP WITH TECHNOLOGY A.2 Minor countries technologies are, in addition, A player (or minor countries entity) that is late adjusted automatically in three cases: C.1 See also 47.4-A above for minors. enough in technology (naval or land) compared to the leading player or corresponding minor entity 1/- Significant delay as compared to leading play- D. Adjustment with time may benefits from a bonus to keep up. The calcula- ers (See 47.8). When the date (year value) on a mobile marker is tion of the bonus depends on the number of boxes 2/- Sweden automatically reaches the Baroque inferior to the current game-turn date, the mobile separating the player (or minor entity) with the (BAR) land technology when it enters the war marker is moved down the technology track one leading marker in the concerned category. during the “Thirty Years War” event (or before box for each year above its date value, until it that event if Gustave Adolphe is in play), if not reaches the box immediately in front of a player’s A. Cross-linked Categories already so. The land technology of all other or corresponding minor entity technology. Each player technology is linked to one minor enti- Latin minors becomes Baroque two turns after ty technology, helping to determine if the player Sweden. D.1 As there is no marker for the Tercios technolo- technology is late or in advance compared to the 3/- Prussia automatically achieves the Guerre en gy. Note this change of position on paper, for the minor countries of his group. The linked groups are Dentelles (GD) technology when it enters war use of the Spanish player only. established as follows: during the “Seven Years War “ event., if not al- ready so. The land technology of all other Latin 47.6 NEW TECHNOLOGY 1/Turkey: “Islam” minor entity minors becomes GD on the following turn. The Technology track is located on the Rest-of-the- 2/Russia: “Orthodox” or “Latin” minor entity = world map and is used for all markers (i.e. mobile from Peter The Great onwards (See 53.10) 47.4 PROGRESSION OF THE TECHNOLOGY markers, player’s and minor entity markers alike). 3/All others: “Latin” minor entity The technology of players progresses one or more levels, according to the result of their technological A. Conversion to a Newly acquired Technology B. Keep-up Bonus improvement attempts (See 50.2). A progression After having reached the mobile marker of a new If the technology marker of a player is located 6 may also be obtained by an economic event. technology and having obtained the technology, the boxes or more behind the technology marker of the player has to pay a cost of conversion to this new minor entity to which it is linked (naval or land), A. Minor countries adjustment technology, otherwise the benefit to his military the player benefits from a bonus of +l for each box The progression of minor country technology is units (and advantages in combats) are lost. of difference, counted from the sixth box behind in- done once all players have solved their technology cluded. improvement attempts, but after the mobile markers A.1 This cost of conversion has to be paid immedi- are adjusted. ately for the totality of armies, fleets or detach- B.1 This bonus is applicable during the resolution It means players may also benefit from Minors ments of the concerned player (except vassals) that of each technological operation during which the technological advances, but on the following turn. are currently on the map. If not, the progression of condition remains valid (but for similar technology; the concerned technological marker is canceled and e.g. having the land technology marker 6 boxes be- 47.5 MOBILE MARKER ADJUSTMENT the player's marker returned to its original position hind the naval technology of the minor entity mark- A mobile marker is adjusted automatically when a on the track. er does not qualify for the bonus). player or minor technology marker reaches it. The player or minor entity technology marker that just A.2 Exceptionally, if the player does not have entered the mobile marker box (see below) also au- enough treasure to pay for the conversion, he may tomatically and immediately gets an extra +1 box immediately get the right to obtain an exceptional advance on the track. loan (National or International) but at double the in- terest rate compared to the figure obtained on the A. Method Loan Table. When a mobile marker is reached by a player, the mobile marker is not adjusted (i.e. moved down the A.3 Minor countries never pay conversion costs, track) until all players have moved their own tech- whatever their diplomatic status. nology markers. Immediately when all players have moved their B. Conversion Costs technology markers, the mobile markers are adjust- ed. l0 D$ for each side (+) Army or Fleet 5 D$ for each side (-) Army or Fleet 48

B.2 Similarly, if the technology of a minor entity is phase is finished (i.e. there are from a minimum of trition as any other naval unit. If this unit is inter- 6 boxes or more behind the technology of a player 2 rounds up to 10 maximum in one single Military cepted while alone (not escorted), all the gold it linked to it, the concerned minor entity technology phase). currently carries is captured. must advance automatically on the technology track until it is located no more than 5 boxes behind the 48.2 MAJOR BATTLES A.3 If attacked when escorted and if the escort loses equivalent player technology marker. In addition to the gain or loss of Victory points, the the battle, the attacking player receives a percentage victor of a major battle earns 1 level of Stability, of the transported gold equal to the pursuit die-roll B.3 Note that it is also done, as for regular minor and the defeated player loses 1 (minors are not af- result. countries advances, after all players have resolved fected by loss of Stability). their technology adjustments. A.4 If the escort wins the combat, no gold is cap- 48.3 COMMERCIAL ZONES tured. EXAMPLE For naval movement purposes, the STZ/CTZ boxes are considered as being located in the sea zone that B. Units making the Gold transportation It is year 1610 and the French player is leading the contains their symbol physically. Units making the transportation of the gold can be technological race; his land marker is in box 30. moved even if the player makes no campaign at all Turkey is second (box 26). The Latin technology is 48.4 GALLEYS during the round (and therefore pays for none). in box 29 and scheduled to move up this turn. The Besides the Mediterranean, the Baltic and the musket technology mobile marker is in box 32 (in Caspian seas, a naval unit containing galley units B.1 Units transporting the gold can be intercepted 1610, it moved back 2 boxes from its original posi- can also move into the following sea zones located by enemy units. tion). on the Rest-of-the-world map: - Persian Gulf; B.2 It is not necessary to have a land detachment to The French player invests in a technological action - Red Sea Zone. carry the gold by land (consider that there is an in- and gains 2 boxes, thus reaching the mobile marker trinsic detachment of a few men and mules carrying on box 32. French technology therefore gains 1 ex- 48.5 TRANSPORTATION OF GOLD the gold). tra box (to 33) and the French land technology is The gold produced outside of Europe has to reach now musket, provided he pays the conversion cost one of the producing player’s European ports (gold B.3 If the gold moving alone (as per B.2 above) is (if not, his marker is blocked in box 31). can thus be forwarded to an European province be- intercepted, all of it is captured by the intercepting longing to the player, not necessarily a home prov- player. If it is accompanied by units, and that a bat- The Turkish player also gains 2 boxes and reaches ince port) so that the latter may receive it in his TR. tle takes place, all of the gold belongs to the victor 27. of the land combat. The gold may be transferred according to three dif- The mobile markers are now adjusted and the Mus- ferent manners: B.4 The gold taken by military units (land or naval) ket mobile marker is placed just before the Latin has to be repatriated in a European port of the cap- marker, in box 30. a) Direct transfer via commercial fleets: The turing player to be credited to that player treasury. Colony exploiting the gold has to be situated in a It may also be dropped in a Colony of the capturing As all players have made their attempts, the Latin province that borders a sea zone that is part of a player before the turn’s end. In all other cases, it is land technology marker moves up 1 box from 29 to STZ containing a commercial fleet of the player considered lost. 30, also reaching the new position of the mobile (See l.4-B.1). marker and thereby moving 1 extra box to 31. B.5 A player is not obliged to transport his gold ev- b) Land and sea transfer via commercial fleet: A ery turn. In this case, the gold produced remains in The mobile marker is now once more adjusted and land line of communication must be established the Colony where it has been produced or dis- drops down the truck from 30 to 28, just in front of from Colony to Colony until it reaches a Colony patched after capture (note the “in waiting” quantity the Turkish marker. satisfying the preceding condition (“a”, above). on the Colony record sheet). However, the maximal distance between the quali- fying Colonies must not cost more than 12 MP. The 48.6 STRUGGLE AGAINST PIRATES & PRI- 48. MILITARY PHASE path has to be announced by the player moving the VATEERS The Military phase in the Campaign game is played gold, specifying each province and/or Colony trav- Each round, a player may attempt to eliminate pi- as in the Basic rules (See §11). However, some eled through (as if the player was moving a land rates or privateers from STZ/CTZ. particularities linked to combats on the Rest-of-the- unit). world map are explained in §55 to 61 (i.e. those re- To do so, the player has to possess in the STZ/CTZ grouping Rest-of-the-world rules). c) Naval transfer: Gold may also be transported by one or more fleets or detachments and he must an- Also, a sub-phase is added to the military phase, naval unit(s) with transport ships in them where the nounce the aimed at pirate/privateer (maximum one dealing with the struggle against pirates and priva- gold can be loaded. The naval unit must either be attempt per player’s stack in a given CTZ/STZ). teers (if any). leaving from the Colony producing the gold or any However, to attack a privateer, the player must be The gold produced on the Rest-of-the-World map other qualifying port Colony as per “b”, above. at war with the player owning the privateer unit (during the income phase) can be transported by Each transport ship can carry a maximum load of (see exceptions for the English Sea Hounds - §53.). naval units for repatriation to Europe (enabling the 20 D$ of gold. player to perceive the income of his mines located outside of the European continent). A. The Flota de Oro The Spanish player has a counter named “Flota de 48.1 SEQUENCE Oro” that he may use especially and exclusively for The order of play in this phase is according to the the convoy of gold, with an unlimited capacity in initiative order, which may vary with the players’ gold. This counter has to make the trip from a monarch’s values. Colony port outside of Europe to a European port 1. Choice of the Campaign of the Spanish player to transport the gold. 2. Movement & Discovery 3. Attrition A.1 The Flota de Oro marker is placed automatical- 4. Resolution of Combats ly back on the Rest-of-the-world map, in a Colony 5. Resolution of Sieges port belonging to the Spanish player, at the begin- 6. Struggle against Pirates/Privateers ning of each turn. 7. Test of Phase End A.2 This counter is considered as a naval unit (but If the Phase End test fails, a new round is played, does not count in the stacking limit of a stack) made following the above sequence, until the Military of 100 transport ships. Therefore it must roll for at- 49

A.2 Important: Pasha cavalry, being light cavalry, is A. Pirates/privateers elimination Test always valued at 1 for shock and 0 for fire, whatev- E.1 If such is the case, one die is rolled, and the un- The player must roll a D10 and obtain a modified er the Turkish technology may be. modified result indicates the number of pashas that result of 8 or more to eliminate pirates and/or priva- become very corrupted. These pashas are chosen by teers. B. Placement of Pashas a player determined by the roll of a die on the Re- When at peace, the Turkish player must place a volt Table corresponding to the played period (See Modifiers applicable are: maximum of one pasha per province, with the limit these tables at the beginning of the Annexes hand- that none can be placed in a province that is adja- book). +2 by side (-) fleet of the player cent to a province already containing another pasha. +4 by side (+) fleet of the player In addition, no pasha may ever be placed in the E.2 Only pashas that are not very corrupted yet may +1 if at least a naval unit of any player or a minor Turkish capital province, THRACIA. be chosen by the player. is present (against pirates only) ? differential of Admiral maneuver values (player B.1 Pasha counters are taken randomly among E.3 A very corrupted pasha usually has lower mili- - privateer only - N/A against pirates) those not yet placed on the map. tary strength and costs more for corruption. It is -3 if a side (+) pirate/privateer unit is present even possible that a pasha has 0 in force value, in -1 if a side (-) pirate/privateer unit is present (non- B.2 If the Turkish player controls more provinces which case it costs for corruption and has no mili- cumulative with the previous -3) than he has available pashas to rule them, the extra tary utility. -1 if there has been combat operations (i.e. naval is lost and placement canceled. combat) in the STZ/CTZ this turn (NB: includ- E.4 Already very corrupted pashas (on map) remain ing this round but not including previous at- B.3 When at war, the pashas can be moved without so, i.e. they do not “benefit” from the decadence. tempts by players to reduce pirates and/or pri- any constraint of placement but must respect hierar- vateers in this round or another round of this chical rank constraints. When peace returns, the F. Stacking of Pashas turn). above constraint is back in force. The Turkish player can stack up to 2 pashas in addi- tion to the other military units in a stack. This is an A.1 An unmodified 10 is always a success. B.4 No new pasha may be drawn when Turkey is at exception to the rule that limits to 2 the number of war, even if required by a separate peace and corre- units in a stack. A.2 Each success of the player eliminates one side sponding province conquest on one or more other (-) pirate/privateer unit. opponents. G. Pashas in a Stack & Incidence on Units Expe- rience A.3 A player can undertake only one such operation C. Dismissal of Pashas In case of combat, if a pasha is present, the experi- per STZ/CTZ and per round. This limit is valid The Turkish player can dismiss (or impale...!) a ence of the stack is automatically “conscript” even whatever the number of pirates or privateers present pasha at any given time during the Redeployment if the other units present are constituted of a majori- is. phase (replace the removed pasha among those not ty of veterans. A.3.1 Privateers/pirates must be attacked one by yet in play). The Turkish player may then re-draw one each round. another one immediately at random. H. Combat Losses A.3.2 On the other hand, several players can attack Losses undergone during combat can be attributed several or similar pirates and privateers in the C.1 Every time a pasha is removed, the Turkish to a pasha, up to the number of SP part of that same STZ/CTZ each round. player loses 1 Stability level, then must lose another pasha counter. 1 level for each two pashas dismissed in addition of 48.8 THE TIMAR the first one (rounded up). H.1 In this case, whatever is the supported loss, the The Turkish player possesses a number of “timari- pasha is lost (to be replaced randomly by another ots” (i.e. feudal) troops in addition to his military C.2 The Turkish cannot dismiss any pasha if his pashas during the redeployment phase of the first basic force. Stability is already standing at or reaches the -3 lev- turn following peace - See 49.1 - E). They are represented by pasha (provincial gover- el. nor) counters. Each pasha is both a Turkish Gener- H.2 There is no pasha replacement while the war is al and a small military force in itself (equivalent to C.3 The newly drawn pashas are placed in a quali- in effect. 1 or several detachments - up to 3 maximum). fying Turkish province (with the constraint of B. However these pashas may become increasingly above if at peace). H.3 The force content in SP of a pasha cannot be corrupted and they cost ducats each turn to the incorporated in any other military unit (and con- Turkish treasury. With events, they can even be- C.4 No dismissal of pasha is allowed during versely). come extremely corrupted (backside) and less com- wartime. petent militarily. I. Technology & Pashas D. Corruption Cost of Pashas The pashas units cannot benefit from a technology A. Pashas The sum of the Corruption Values of all the on-map level that would be superior to “Arquebuse”, even The Turkish player has a certain number of pasha pashas is deduced from the Turkish income each if the Turkish player develops its land technology units at his disposal. Each one is similar to a Gener- turn. Register this loss in the “Other Income” (in beyond that level. al, i.e. it has military values and a hierarchical rank. negative) of the Turkish player economic record Pashas also have two additional items of informa- sheet. I.1 To retain the Timar system in play, the Turkish tion: player must no longer roll for land technology and F. Decadence make progress in it beyond the “Baroque” level (in- - On the left-hand side of the counter (blue figure): Some pashas can become very corrupted immedi- cluded). its value in force increments of 10 SP (see A.1, ately, when one or more of the following situations below). occur: I.2 To be allowed to roll again for better land tech- - On the right-hand side of the counter (red nology, he will have then to choose between the figure): its corruption cost in Ducats. 1/- “Corruption” event; Reform of the Turkish Army, or to maintain the 2/- the Turkish Stability is negative; Timar system (See §53.17 for details). A.1 A pasha has a standard military force of 5 in- 3/- the Turkish player raises exceptional taxes (See fantry and 5 cavalry SP for each number of force 45.6); increment. For example, a 3 valued pasha com- 4/- the Turkish player suffers bankruptcy; mands 15I and 15C SP. This force is always consid- 5/- the Turkish player maintains more military ered as conscripts, and can never become veteran. units than his allowed basic forces when at peace; 6/- the Turkish player exceeds his FTI, DTI or Manufactures limits (See 24.2 - E). 50

B. Adjustment of Already Existing Looting J. Movement and Combat Limitations Markers B.6 For some minor countries, the purchase of pri- A pasha unit may never attack, assault alone, nor Remove all side (-) looting markers, then adjust all vateers is free each turn (or every other turn). move more than 5 MP in a single round, nor leave side (+) looting markers from their side (+) to their the European map (except if Turkey possess prov- side (-), before to proceed to looting of the current Especially: inces taken to Persia, or Iraq, in the Rest-of-the- turn. world, and, in such a case, the pashas may move in A/- The Knights (See 53.4) the said provinces only). C. Looting Income The player that loots receives immediately in his B/- The Barberesques: the Muslim minor countries Royal Treasury a sum equal to the total cumulated of North Africa (Al-Djazair, Tunisia, Tripoli, 49. REDEPLOYMENT PHASE income of all looted provinces (not including exotic and Cyrenaica), each has privateers. The Bar- The redeployment phase unfolds the same manner resources for Colonies/Trading Posts). baresque privateers can act every turn. They at- as that described in the Basic rules (See §20) with tack non-Turkish commercial fleets located in some additional phases, as follows: D. Placement of New Looting Markers most Mediterranean STZ. However, these pri- When a looting takes place, one side (+) looting vateers may see their activity restricted by Pre-  Pirates and privateers (if any) able to attack marker is placed on the map, in the looted province, sidios (See 53.8). Lost Barbaresque privateers commercial fleets in STZ/CTZ do so to de- Colony or Trading Post. are replaced for free 1 or 2 turns after their de- crease these fleets levels. struction (in either a strong or weak siding, ac- E. Consequences of Looting cording to countries).  The gold produced on the Rest-of-the-world A side (+) or side (-) looting marker in a province When at peace, they are handled by the Turkish map can also be repatriated during this phase (Colony, Trading Post) cancels all land income of player. (but it is then submitted to attack by pirates or this province (or Colony, Trading Post) but not the NB: See the Annexes handbook for details per privateers, if any). exploitation of and income from exotic resources. country.  The whole of the gold already repatriated to Europe is then received by the player and cred- 49.3 PIRATES & PRIVATEERS C. Actions of Pirates and Privateers ited in his treasury. Pirates and privateers attack commercial fleets to Each player possessing a commercial fleet in a attempt to decrease their levels, and possibly to STZ/CTZ where pirates are active has to roll a D10 49.1 SEQUENCE capture gold repatriated to Europe that way be for- on the Pirates, Privateers and Natives Attacks table warded by these fleets. Pirates and privateers may (See Players’ Aides). Levels losses are taken on the 1. Land Stack looting either be strong (side (+) up), or weak (side (-) up). player’s fleet present in the STZ/CTZ (including 2. Attack of Pirates & Privateers minors). 3. Extension of Revolts A. Pirates 4. Retreat of Units (Sieges) & Attrition of Be- Pirates appear by event (See §31) and are placed di- C.1 For privateers to attack, their owner must be at siegers rectly in the STZ/CTZ where they remain until war with the player owning the commercial fleet(s) 5. Collection of all Gold Repatriated completely eliminated. They are active every turn. attacked.

A. Looting - Land Stacks B. Privateers Exception: See Political Rule §53.30 concerning Land stacks of a player located in enemy territory Privateers belong to players. They are bought dur- the “Sea Hounds”. Also allowed for Knights and may loot that territory (See 49.2 below). ing the Administrative phase (See 44.2-A). A sim- Barbaresques privateers (see §49.4 B.3 & §53.4, as ple campaign activation is necessary to move them. well as Annexes) B. Attack - Pirates & Privateers The player can transform a side (-) privateer into a Pirates and privateers must attack commercial fleets side (+) one by paying l0 D$. C.1.1 The player owning the privateer unit rolls the to decrease their level, and to seize gold that may die, consulting the privateers and pirates attacks ta- have been forwarded by these fleets (if any). The B.1 The number of privateers is limited according ble, and losses of levels are taken on the fleets of procedure is described below, in §49.3. to the different countries (by the number of coun- countries attacked by the privateer. ters provided in the game) but privateers have no C. Extension of Revolts limit of stacking and may coexist with fleets and D. The Pirates, Privateers and Natives Attacks Unsuppressed Revolts propagate in neighboring detachments of their owner. Table provinces (See 30.4 above). Results of this table depend on the pirates or priva- B.2 Another limit for privateers counters is the fol- teer force as well as on adverse defending forces. D. Retreat of Units - Siege lowing: there can be only one privateer counter in Same as in the Basic rules (See 20-A above). play for any player in each and every turn where the Applicable Die-roll Modifiers are: player has no privateer Admiral present on the map. E. Collection of the Gold B.2. 1 When one or more privateer Admirals (“©” +2 per side (-) defending fleet (vs. pirates/priva- The gold is repatriated through commercial fleets symbol) is in play, the limit of privateers is that of teers) then all the gold repatriated (during either the Mili- the countermix. +4 per side (+) defending fleet (vs. pirates/priva- tary or Redeployment phases, or both) is registered teers) on the repatriating player’s economic form. B.3 They do not undergo any attrition and cannot +1 for one or two naval detachments of the de- be intercepted while moving except if the port from fending player (against privateers only) 49.2 LOOTING where they exit is blockaded. In such an instance, +1 if at least a naval unit is present (pirates only) Players may receive supplementary income at this consider that a side (-) privateer is equivalent to 1 ? differential of Admiral maneuver values (priva- phase by looting provinces, Colonies or Trading warship, and a side (+) privateer is equivalent to 2 teer vs. player - NA against pirates) Posts of the other players (or minor countries) that warships. -3 per side (-) pirate/privateer their units occupy. B.4 For privateers and pirates to be placed in a STZ, it is necessary that at least one of the sea A. Principle zones attached to the STZ has been discovered, by A player can loot a province (or Colony/Trading the owning player for privateers, or by any player Post) if he possesses land units there (i.e. armies or for pirates. detachments, or Turkish pashas) during this phase. Exception: See rule 53.30 Looting is allowed even if the player does not in control the fortress of the province, Colony or Trad- B.5 The only other manner to attack them is to hunt ing Post. them in the STZ/CTZ where they act by rolling for their destruction during a round of the Military phase. 51

-1 per side (+) pirate/privateer G.6 A maximum of 1 privateer/pirate unit (any side ed in function of the obtained result. This result -1 if there has been combat operations in the up) can loot the same Colony/province in the same may even be negative! STZ/CTZ this turn. turn. A. Investment Note: Definition of a “defending” fleet/detachment: G.7 The player (for privateers) that loots a prov- Basic Investment: 30 D$ it is a stack of fleet/detachment markers present at ince, Colony, Trading Post receives immediately in Medium (+2 to the die-roll): 50 D$ the start of the Redeployment phase in a sea zone his Royal Treasury the double of the province, Strong (+5 to the die-roll): 100 D$ that is part of the concerned STZ/CTZ. Colony or Trading Post income. He receives in ad- dition all the gold that may be present in the B. Procedure E. Choice of Losses Colony. This action is resolved without requiring a table. The player can choose to suffer his losses from his The player rolls the die of conjuncture. This die-roll warships in the STZ (if any). In such a case, 2 elim- G.8 Pirates receive no income for looting, but a is modified as follows: inated warships equal the loss of 1 level, of com- looting marker is still placed on the map. (See mercial fleet 49.3). +? ADM monarch +? if medium or strong investment E.1 Return of lost levels: all levels eliminated by H. Return to Port +2 if victim* of a declaration of war privateers and pirates are noted on a separate After resolutions of pirates and privateers attacks, -2 if at war with a minor country record. Eliminated levels return to play at the rate players must repatriate their military naval units -3 if at war with one or more players (non-cumu- of 1 per Administrative Operation, free of charge, and their privateers to a port of their choice, by lative with the -2 above) in a commercial fleet placed in the STZ/CTZ where rolling for attrition for the sea zones risk levels as -5 if an enemy stack is on a national province and the levels were eliminated (and nowhere else). This during normal naval movement for their naval units controls the province city*** (each player’s na- may generate competition. (reminder: privateers are immune to naval attri- tional border is printed on the map) tion). ? by event F. Income of Privateers Each level eliminated by a Privateer brings a 2D$ H.1 Naval player units are repatriated first, priva- * = solely if the player has not transgressed himself income to the player that controls the privateer unit teers second. The order between naval units and/or an alliance, and has not declared war to anybody This income rises to l0 D$ if the fleet losing levels privateers of the various players is the same as that during this turn. transported gold. of the initiative (See 28.8). ** = containing at least one army counter, side (-) or (+). F.1 This “privateers” income is to be placed in the H.2 Pirates are never repatriated and remain perma- *** = not applicable during a Civil War or to rebel relevant rubric of the privateering player economic nently in their STZ/CTZ of appearance until their stacks appeared during or as a consequence of an record sheet. destruction by a player. event (i.e. revolts units , French rebels during “The Wars of Religion”, Royalist units during the “Eng- G. Pirates & Privateers Looting H.3 No interception may ever occur during this lish Civil War”, Russian rebels during the “Times Pirates and privateers can loot Trading Posts or phase, including by Presidios (See 53.) of Troubles in Russia”, etc...). Colonies (and also enemy provinces for privateers). I. Gold Capture C. Result G.1 Looted provinces, Colonies or Trading Posts Gold transported by commercial fleets is automati- If the modified result is equal to: may belong to minor countries or to players. For cally captured if the owning player has no naval privateers to be allowed to loot, it is necessary that unit in the STZ to defend it (See 1.4-B1). The gold 11+: the Stability increases 1 level a state of war exists between the owner of the priva- taken by pirates is always lost. 15+: the Stability increases 2 levels teer unit and the owner of the looted province. 18+: the Stability increases 3 levels Exception: for privateers, in some particular case I.1 The gold taken by privateers is cashed in the 5 or less: the Stability decreases 1 level (See 53.30 Sea Hounds special rule). Royal Treasury of the player controlling the priva- teer unit(s). Reminder: Stability varies from -3 to +3. G.2 Pirate may loot following a political event “Pi- rates” (See 31.), if there is already at least one side 50.3 THE INFORMAL PEACE (+) pirate in the STZ whose sea zones are adjacent The informal peace is concluded following a mutu- to provinces with Colonies and/or Trading Posts. 50. PEACE PHASE al agreement between 2 players or more, and has to G.2.1 Pirates loot on a modified die-roll of 8 or Wars can be ended only by a Peace. There are sev- be announced to all other players. more. Add +1 to the die roll for every side(-) pirate eral types of Peace. These types depend on the dif- in the STZ in addition to the first side (+) pirate. ference between the Stabilities and military situa- A. Consequences G.2.2 One victim Colony or Trading Post is chosen tion of the loser and of the winner of the peace. None of the players earns any VP for an informal at random. However players must be extremely careful not to peace. The war stops immediately and each player be at a -3 level of Stability for two consecutive regains 1 Stability level. G.3 The privateer/pirate marker intending on loot- turns. In such a case, they would be forced to ac- ing is placed in the concerned province. Trading cept any peace. However, players still have the A.1 This type of peace can comprise any clause for Post or Colony (consider that they disembark dur- possibility to act on their Stability level before which there was mutual agreement between the in- ing the first round of the Military phase). If the pri- peace is concluded volved players, in the limit authorized by rules (See vateer/pirate unit is still present at the Redeploy- 32.4). This type of peace can not be concluded with ment phase, it loots (as describes above). 50.1 SEQUENCE a minor.

G.4 In case of land combat in the province. Colony 1. Stability action investment or Trading Post, consider that each side (-) priva- 2. Action of Stability resolution teer/pirate is the equivalent of 2 veteran infantry, 3. Peace and side (+) units are equivalent to 5I SP. Each 2 Peace offers and discussions are made according to SP loss suffered by the pirate/privateer units results the order of the initiative. in a step reduction, i.e. a side (+) units is reduced to its side (-), or if it is already on its side (-), the pirat- 50.2 STABILITY IMPROVEMENT ACTION ed/privateer units is destroyed. A player can attempt to improve his Stability, but this is never compulsory. If he desires to improve it, G.5 A replacement leader (gray color) must be he must write down the investment he wishes to placed on top of pirates in case of land combat. pay for such an action and then roll for the Test of Stability Improvement. The Stability is then adjust- 52

50.5 WHITE PEACE (WP), OR PEACE OF the peace. All temporary CB are canceled, perma- 50.4 FORMAL PEACE LEVEL 0 nent CB preserved. A formal peace can be of 3 different types: white- If PD 0 or less, a white peace occurs. peace, conditional and unconditional. B. Indemnities A. Consequences Same as above, but indemnities are valued at 100 Once the principle of such a peace is accepted by The two players have to evacuate all conquests D$ per province. the involved players, the type of a formal peace made during the course of this war and return to the cannot be negotiated and is determined by the dif- situation of province control existing at the start of C. CP4 and Diplomacy ferential of the involved player’s Stability (see the war, except by express agreement between both In addition, the victor receives a bonus of +5 in §50.12 & 50.13). players. All temporary CB are canceled. Permanent diplomacy for the turn immediately following the It is also the only type of peace authorized with a CB are preserved. peace. minor country (See §50.15). 50.6 CONDITIONAL PEACE 1 (CP1), OR C.1 This bonus is applicable on one of the vassals A. Definition PEACE OF LEVEL 1 (of the victor’s choice) of the loser (if this one is a For the detail of peace, we will call “Peace Differ- player - not applicable to minor countries). ential” (PD) the differential between the Stability If PD = l, a peace of level 1 occurs. values of the 2 players at war and modified by the C.2 The choice must be secretly written down at the military situation as described in C., below. A. Result time the peace is made. The PD is considered between the one with the The player whose modified Stability is superior re- highest score (victor) and the one with the lowest ceives one province of the loser’s choice. It must be 50.10 UNCONDITIONAL PEACE (IP), OR (loser). selected among those conquered. However, another PEACE OF LEVEL 5 province (unoccupied by the victor) may be chosen If PD = 5 or more an unconditional peace (IP) oc- B. The Stability Difference instead if there is mutual agreement between the curs. The first and most important element of the PD is two signatories of the peace. All temporary CB are the difference of Stability between the victor and canceled, permanent CB preserved. An IP may also occur when the capital province the loser. This difference is always null or positive and 50% (rounded up) of all national provinces are for the victor and null or negative for the loser. B. Indemnities occupied by the enemy. If the victor has not conquered any province or if he B.1 Case of Allies: if more than one country is in- prefers to renounce to the one he is entitled, he re- A. Result volved on the victorious side when receiving peace, ceives 50 D$ of war indemnities instead. The player whose modified Stability is superior, re- the “victor’s” Stability is the average of all victori- ceives three provinces, all of his choice. They must ous countries Stabilities, rounded down. 50.7 THE PEACE OF LEVEL 2 (CP2) be selected arming those conquered. However, an- If PD = 2, a peace of level 2 occurs. other province (unoccupied by the victor) may be C. Military Situation modifiers chosen instead if there is mutual agreement be- The difference in Stability is modified by a numeri- A. Result tween the two signatories of the peace. All tempo- cal account of the military situation, to a maximum The player whose modified Stability is superior re- rary CB are canceled, permanent CB preserved. extent within the range of-4 to +4. ceives one province of his choice. It must be select- The net modifier is applied to the Stability value of ed among those conquered. However, another prov- B. Indemnities the victor. ince (unoccupied by the victor) may be chosen in- Same as above, but indemnities are valued at 150 stead if there is mutual agreement between the two D$ per province. C.1 Calculation of military modifiers: during all the signatories of the peace. All temporary CB are can- length of the war, note the following modifiers celed, permanent CB preserved. C. IP and Diplomacy when they occur, as well as when the peace is Same as for CP4 (bonus +5). asked. B. Indemnities Same as above, but indemnities are valued at 50 D$ D. Forced Peace +2: capital city lost by the loser per province. The loser of an IP has not the right to declare war -2: capital city conquered by the loser on the victor for the whole duration of next turn. +1: per province lost by the loser 50.8 PEACE OF LEVEL 3 (CP3) -1: per province conquered by the loser If PD =3, a peace of level 3 occurs. 50.11 TRANSFERS OF PROVINCES AT THE -2: per major battle won by the loser TIME OF PEACE +2: per major battle wan by the victor A. Consequences Provinces are transferred as an implementation of -1: per battle won by the loser The player whose modified Stability is superior re- the peace just concluded, immediately upon the +1: per battle won by the victor ceives two provinces, one of the loser’s choice and conclusion of the Peace phase. +1: per military leader of the loser killed or cap- one of his choice. They must be selected among tured those conquered. However, another province (unoc- A. Choice of Provinces -1: per military leader of the victor killed or cap- cupied by the victor) may be chosen instead if there This choice concerns: tured is mutual agreement between the two signatories of +1: per siege won by the victor the peace. All temporary CB are canceled, perma- 1/- provinces taken militarily in the course of the -1: per siege won by the loser nent CB preserved. just concluded conflict (except the capital prov- All these modifiers are cumulative. ince -However, see 53.15 & 53.16); B. Indemnities 2/- or provinces that used to belong to the victor C.2 A maximum balance of +3 to -3 may be carried Same as above, but indemnities are valued at 75 D$ and were annexed by the loser during a preced- forward from one turn to the other. per province. ing war.

D. The Peace Differential 50.9 PEACE OF LEVEL 4 (CP4) B. Transfer of Colony At the moment of the Peace, the PD is calculated as If PD = 4, a peace of level 4 occurs. A player can choose a Colony in place of a prov- indicated above, with the victor’s Stability modified ince, on the condition that he has effectively occu- by the military situation. A. Result pied this Colony during the course of just ended The player whose modified Stability is superior re- conflict. D.1 Should the PD thus obtained be negative, the ceives three provinces, one of the loser’s choice and only peace allowed is a White peace. two of his choice. They must be selected among B.1 This Colony counts as a province, whatever its those conquered. However, another province (unoc- side up (either - or +) if it has never been occupied cupied by the victor) may be chosen instead if there is mutual agreement between the two signatories of 53 during the conflict, it may still be chosen but then province of his choice, without having to pay the counts as two provinces in the calculation of prov- cost of activation and without rolling for attrition. E. Modifiers of Situation inces to be ceded during peace. It cannot therefore These are is applied cumulatively according to what be ceded in the terms of peace of level 1 or 2. C. Peace and Stability happened during the current turn (and to some ex- Finally, during the conclusion of a peace with a tent what happened during previous turns): C. Transfer of Trading Posts player or an attacking minor (at war by event), the The victorious player can, similarly, choose a Trad- Stability increases by 1 level for each signatory +3: per province lost by the minor ing Post instead of a province, but this Trading Post player. -3: per province conquered by the minor counts as one province if it is side (+) or a half -2: per major battle won by the minor (See 17.3-D) province if it is side (-) (However see C.1 C.1 In case of peace with multiple enemies, the Sta- +2: per major battle won by the player hereafter). bility increase is set anyway at a maximum of +1 -1: per battle won by the minor even if peace with different players or minors is +1: per battler won by the player C.1 Also, if the Trading Post chosen has never been made during the same peace phase. +1: per minor military leader killed or captured occupied during the conflict, it counts as two prov- -1: per military leader of the player killed or cap- inces in if side (+) or one if side (-). C.2 The increase takes place immediately at the end tured of the peace phase, also including any player or mi- +1: per siege won by the player D. Case of Victorious Allies nor that signs a separate peace. -1: per siege won by the minor The number of 3 provinces transferred is a maxi- -2: If minor is heretic (Catholic vs. Protestant, mum. The sharing of the spoils of war among allies C.3 A peace with a minor does not increase the Muslim vs. Shiite) is left to their free choice. player’s Stability (unless this minor has declared -2: if the target minor has accepted to negotiate a D.1 In case of disagreement, the loser is choosing war by an event). separate peace offer (see 50.12.B above for ac- which country among the victors (that country must cepting such a peace) have units presently in the loser’s territory) is to D. Peace and Minors ?: accumulated modifiers from previous turn(s), take the final decision of provinces choice and All active minors of players now at peace immedi- if any transfer. ately make a white peace at the same time (unless the controlling player gives some of their provinces E.1 All these modifiers are cumulative in one single D.2 However, any ally deprived of provinces when to the victor, See 50.15-H). turn. he is effectively occupying some of the loser’s provinces may ask his faulty ally to break the al- D.1 Exception: a minor at war through an event and E.2 A balance of a maximum of +4 (player’s favor) liance and immediately receives a CB against him. involved also in a war along its controlling player and a minimum of -4 (minor country’s favor) can can make peace only through a separate peace (See be kept from one turn to the other. 50.12 SEPARATE PEACE below). If several players are allied and at war together, E.3 All other balance modifiers are lost from one some may want to make separate peace. 50.15 PEACE WITH MINORS turn to the other. To make the peace with a minor, the “assailant” A. Separate Peace and Casus Belli player (See 34.5) has to indicate that he commits F. Consequences of Peace In this case, any other Allied player at war on the himself to peace negotiations with the minor. The If the peace is signed, no Stability level is gained same side that the one making a separate peace re- controlling player may be at war (against the as- (exception: if this minor declared war to the player ceives an immediate temporary CB against this sailant player) or not; in the former case it is a “sep- by an event). The player that controlled the minor player. arate peace”, signed before any peace between does not earn anything. players. If the minor country is the victor, the player that A.1 This CB may only be used the turn immediate- A player may offer peace with only one minor controls the minor country chooses the ceded prov- ly following the signature of the separate peace or it country per turn; and this minor may not be a vassal inces (if any). He must do so in priority among is lost. (See G. for exceptions). those located the closest from the minor country’s territory, in terms of movement points (a sea zone A.2 The Allied player making a separate peace A. Method “costing” 2 MP for this calculation). breaks his military Alliance, and suffers a loss of 2 To sign peace with the minor, the player rolls a levels of Stability. D10, taking into account the sought-after peace G. Multiple Peace level and all applicable modifiers. The level of Exception #1: A player may attempt separate peace A.3 Exception: If the Ally must make peace be- peace is chosen by the player, without taking into negotiations with more than one minor in the same cause of his Stability (See Peace Constrained be- account his own Stability. turn if he occupies at least one of their provinces low), he does not break his Alliance (and there is no (each one), or if each one of them occupies individ- CB against him). B. Result ually at least one player’s provinces. The peace is signed if the modified die-roll result is Exception #2: To negotiate with a minor vassal the 50.13 PEACE CONSTRAINED 5 or more. player must occupy its capital city. If a player is for two* consecutive at -3 in Stability, vis-a-vis the same enemy player, he is obliged to C. Peace level Modifier H. Common Peace make peace with this player. The level of that peace This modifier is the double of the value of the peace If the controlling player, at war against the assailant then depends on their Peace Differential. level chosen. It is considered as a positive modifier player, accepted to make peace, all his minors do *Three for underdeveloped Russia; see 53.9-D.1. if the offered peace is favorable to the minor, or as the same, except those at war by event (See L). a negative modifier if the offered peace is favorable 50.14 CONSEQUENCES OF THE PEACE to the player. Peace brings the conflict opposing the players to an end. D. Nationality Modifier It is applied for the case of conflicts with specific A. Peace and Casus Belli minor countries which are: Permanent CB are canceled if their cause disap- -4: Persia, Mameluks, Russia (when minor) pears with the war (e.g. return of a national Prov- -3: USA, China, Mogol, Japan, Sweden before ince previously annexed). The temporary CB linked 1760. Prussia after 1700, Venice (if minor), to this just-ended war disappears automatically. Poland, Austria/Habsburg -2: Sweden after 1760, Portugal (if minor) before B. Peace and Evacuation 1615 All units present on the territory of a former enemy -1: Portugal (if minor) after 1615 are repatriated by their owner to the closest friendly 54

H.1 If the Victor player receives provinces by fa- vorable peace, provinces of a minor ally (or vassal) A.1 If it has decreased 2 consecutive turns, the Sta- D. America Mines Depletion may be given to the victor, in place of provinces of bility declines 1 level. Any time that a “Mine Depleted” economic event is the loser player. rolled, check every gold mine in the Americas. On H.1.1 The Victor must be occupying these selected A.2 Otherwise it remains stable and Stability is not a die-roll of 1, that mine is depleted (2 or more in provinces when the peace is signed (control of the affected. 1665..., See Economic event #26)); A maximum of province and/or the city). one mine in the Americas may be depleted this way H.1.2 All minor countries provinces ceded by the 51.2 PLACEMENT OF LEADERS per game turn. controlling player count as his own for victory Generals & Admirals to be received (those stated as points. available from the start of the following turn) are D.1 Mines in America are tested according to the H.1.3 If minor cedes provinces by this way, its placed normally (See 21-B). following order. diplomatic marker is immediately move to the box  The Incan mine (#44-50 ducats) “Les Neutres”. A. Conquistadors & Explorers  The Tenoctititlan mine (#32-40 ducats) The Conquistadors and Explorers may either be  A mine from the player currently exploiting the I. Separate Peace placed in a national province of the player (See largest number of mines in America, then anoth- If a player signs a separate peace with a minor 1.1), or on the Rest-of-the-world map, in a Colony er, and so on... country (he is still at war against the controlling or a Trading Post of the player. player); this minor may not be again involved in a Example: in 1640, the Inflation marker is on box 3 war against him next turn (unless by an event or a A.1 Explorers may use their full values when trav- (the left one) on the Price track. Inflation is there- Crusade). eling from the European map to the Rest-of-the- fore 20% (as marked below this box) for all players World map but cannot stay on the European map at producing Gold. All other players use the box at I.1 No Stability level is gained for a separate peace the end of a round, unless as the result of an inter- the left of this one (box 3-right): which is 20% too, with a minor country (except with a minor declar- ception. in this case. ing war by an event). During his turn, the Spanish player moves his Flota B. Generals & Admirals with $ or @ symbol de Oro to repatriate 190 ducats worth of gold to I.2 A minor country at war by event may only make Note that some leaders (Generals or Admirals) Spain. An Inflation test occurs; a die is rolled and a a separate peace. bearing a symbol such as a $ (America) or an @ 7 is obtained. This means inflation...: more than (Asia) may be placed only in a Colony or a Trading 100 ducats were introduced in Europe this turn, the J. Unconditional Peace Post of the player that is located on the specified Inflation marker is moved 2 spaces to the right: box If a minor country loses and signs an unconditional continent. If there is none, the leader is delayed un- 4 (the left one) on the Price track. peace its political marker is moved automatically to til either removed or the conditions of placement Now Inflation is standing at 33% for all players the box “Les Neutres”. are satisfied. producing Gold; the others players use the box left to this one (box 4-right), which is only 25%. K. Failure of Peace negotiations 51.3 INFLATION Next turn, during the Event phase, a Deflation If the die-roll is inferior or equal to 5 the war with The Gold counter placed on the Resources & event occurs: the Inflation marker is moved back the minor continues normally for the following Prices track indicates the % of inflation currently one box to the left (box 3- left): the Inflation is 25% turn. Another peace attempt with that minor will be in force. -20% (depending whether the players produce gold allowed during the peace phase of next turn. or not). A. Quantity of Gold Exploited L. Global Peace All of the gold repatriated to Europe (all player’s Players accumulate (or lose) victory points (VP) All minors at war on the side of players signing amounts together) is added. each turn, for regular or particular situations, and peace with one or more other players automatically also for some specific discoveries. make peace (white peace) at the same time. A.1 If the obtained total is less than 100 ducats the Exception: minors at war with a player due to an “Gold Production” marker must be placed on the Here is the list of the most usual VP: event must be forced to sign peace as per the Peace Exploited Resources track on a box with 1 arrow with Minors process only. up. Each turn, during the interphase: ? its Stability A.2 If the total is l00 ducats or more, place the Gold +1 by STZ/CTZ where the player possesses the 51. INTERPHASE marker on a box with 2 arrows up. only side (+) commercial fleet This phase is played simultaneously. It follows most of the Basic rules. If some gold is repatriated this turn, roll a dice: on a  The Players’ State Prosperity is verified because result of 7 or more, the inflation increases: it can influence positively or negatively their Stability. - one box to the right if less than 100 ducats were  In this phase, Inflation is determined and affects repatriated ( one arrow up on the Production track); all players’ treasuries. Inflation increases ac- - two boxes to the right if 100 ducats or more are cording to the quantity of gold repatriated dur- repatriated ( two arrows up). ing the Redeployment phase of this turn from the Rest-of-the-World. B.1 The inflation marker may not exceed the 33% box (it is the maximum inflation rate). 51.0 SEQUENCE 1. Prosperity B.2 The inflation can however also be modified by 2. Placement & Death of Military Leaders events, and may well sometimes decrease (e.g. the 3. Inflation “Deflation” event bring a decline to the level of in- 4. Calculation of end of turn VP. flation - one box to the left). The player checks on his economic form the evolu- C. Limited Inflation tion of his gross income on the last two consecutive Players that do not produce gold on the Rest-of-the- turns (including the one just played). This evolution world map are affected by the inflation as if the in- affects the player’s Stability. flation marker was found one box to the left of the box it currently occupies. A. Effect on the Stability However, the minimum inflation is at least 5% for If the gross income has progressed 2 consecutive all players. turns, the Stability increases 1 level. 55

+3 by STZ/CTZ where the player possesses the B. VP and Minor Countries B.1 Its technologies and capacities of its units are only side (+) commercial fleet, with 6 levels Minor countries controlled by a player bring VP to then immediately re-adjusted to the level of Habs- +1 by monopoly of 1-5 units of an exotic resource the controlling player. Proceed as follows during burg characteristics. Its army and detachments +3 by monopoly of 6 units or more of an exotic re- the Peace phase: counters are considered as Habsburg counters for source all game purpose.  The player must total all earned or lost VP by the B.1.1 The diplomatic marker of Hungary (Hungarn) minor (as in 51.4-A, above) during this turn, is removed from play. At the conclusion of the Peace Phase:  He also add 1 VP per round during which the mi- B.1.2 The Hungarn basic force is added to that of ? land income value of the lost or earned prov- nor was under his control during the just com- the Habsburgs. ince (peace or annexation), per province pleted Military phase. 1 per diplomatic marker reaching the AM or B.1 The player earns (or loses) half of these VP B.2 If the above event takes place while Hungary higher box, only once it is obtained or lost (rounded up). has been conquered before 1535, the former Hun- (events excepted) garian provinces become automatically provinces 1 per battle where only detachments were present of the Habsburg minor country when units of the 5 per army/fleet of the player present if major latter occupy then militarily, even if these provinces battle won/lost by the player have not yet been ceded as part of a peace. 52 VICTORY 2 per army/fleet of the player present if battle won/lost A player wins by having accumulated at the end of B.3 If the Habsburg minor country attacks and con- +1 per successfully held fortress (for the defender) the game the highest number of victory points (VP). quers Hungary before 1535, it can no longer benefit +? level of the fortress for successful siege or as- from the above event. sault (besieger only) These VP are received each turn, and also at the +1 for a white peace end of periods or campaigns, according to the play- C. Otherwise ? for a conditional peace, victor/loser,? being =2 er objectives (See scenarios handbook). If the event “Inheritance...” does not occur in the times the peace level game, or if the country is not conquered before 10 for an unconditional peace, victor/loser In campaigns, players must choose secretly objec- 1535, apply all normal rules. -10 for each declaration of war without CB against tives for each period, and when these objectives are a player achieved at the end of the played period, they re- 53.3 THE UNION OF KALMAR -5 for each declaration of war without CB against ceive VP. They can lose VP for unattained objec- As long as this union is in vigor, Denmark and a minor country tives Sweden (Sverige) are considered as one and the +1 for each new Colony in the turn or each Colony same minor country and any attack on either one is brought on its (+) side this turn. Finally, players receive VP at the end of the game considered as an attack on both and entails the in- +1 for each new Trading Post in the turn or each (end of last played period), according to the final stallation of all forces of these two minors. Trading Post brought on its (+) side this turn. situation check. -20 for a player accepting to change its religion un- A. Diplomacy der peace conditions. However, diplomatic actions have always to be ne- gotiated country by country, even when the Union 53. POLITICAL RULES is still in force. Discoveries (Redeployment Phase): These special rules concentrate each on a very par- General rule: 0 VP per newly discovered sea area or ticular case that is best used in the Campaign A.1 To obtain an Expeditionary Corps or an Entry province on the Rest-of-the-world map, with the game. in War status on either one of the two countries, it following exceptions: is necessary to have the diplomatic marker of each 53.1 PRESENTATION country on the same position (or higher). +50 first discovered province (by sea) in America, Whenever necessary, Political rules takes prece- except Terre-Neuve Area dence over the Basic and Campaign rules, even if A.2 The player that has the control of both diplo- +75 first discovered province (by sea) in Asia sometimes they may contradict the rules. matic markers plays both countries in case of at- +50 first round-the-world trip, in 1 turn* tack. +20 first round-the-world trip, in 2 turns* 53.2 HUNGARY +20 second round-the-world trip Hungary is one of the minor countries that may be B. of the Union of Kalmar +3 first province of Quebec Area definitively removed from the game if it is con- This union disappears either after the event “End of +2 first province of Grand Lacs (Great Lakes) quered before 1535. the Union of Kalmar”, or when the Swedish mili- Area It may also be inherited by the Habsburgs (through tary leader Gustave-Adolphe enters plays, which- +3 first province of Rocheuses (Rocky Mountains) political event) and therefore disappear as an inde- ever comes first. Area pendent minor country. +10 Cape Horn sea zone 53.4 THE KNIGHTS +10 Cape of Good Hope sea zone A. Conquest before 1535 The Knights minor country represents the Knights +3 Hudson Bay sea zone Before 1535, Hungary (Hungarn) is conquered of the Order Of Saint - John of Jerusalem. This mi- +3 first province of Alaska (by land or sea zone) when its army is eliminated in combat, and/or it los- nor country starts in the province of RHODES at +5 first province of Alaska (by sea, from a port m es a major battle with its army, and/or if its capital the beginning of game in AD 1492. Any Christian Asia) (Buda) is captured. player declaring war to the KNIGHTS loses imme- +5 first province of Panama (by sea, from a port in diately 4 Stability levels. Europe or by Sea from the western coast of A.1 If any one of the three cases above happens, South America) Hungary disappears. Its forces and diplomatic A. Transfer to Malta +5 province of Kamtchatka reached by land from marker are definitively removed from the game. Whenever RHODES is conquered by the Turkish Europe over Siberia player, the Spanish player may cede the province of +1 for each province bordering the river situated in B. Habsburg inheritance of Hungary event the Amazonie Area If Hungary is not conquered before 1535, and if the +1 for each province bordering the river situated in event “Habsburg Inheritance of Hungary” occurs, Louisiane, Ohio, Illinois and Plains Area that minor country immediately and automatically +5 for conquering Inca and/or Azteca Areas (each) becomes a special vassal of the Habsburg minor +10 for each province conquered on China or Japan country (therefore of the Spanish player). It is con- * = either one sidered as a full part of the Habsburg minor country (See 53.5) and its units become Habsburg units. 56

MALTA to The Knights (if this province is still B.1.1 However, there is no the roll required to have Spanish and that player is willing to do so - See F.1 If there is no Turkish commercial fleet to at- them enter the war (automatically successful). A.4). tack, Turkey loses automatically this Stability level MALTA thus becomes the capital province of The if the Spanish player announces the privateer at- B.2 Crusade and Turkish Exception: Habsburg may Knights minor country. tacks Turkish trade (no roll to do). declare war with a Free CB against Turkey if: - the Turkish player controls any or all of the Hun- A.1 In counterpart, the Spanish player receives the F.2 If already at war, Turkey does not lose extra garian provinces after that Habsburg have re- diplomatic marker of the Knights, placed directly in Stability for such a successful attack on its trade. ceived the “Habsburg Inheritance of Hungary” his Vassal box (See C). It will remain there until the event (See 53.2); disappearance of the Knights. No diplomacy is then A.3 Remember one lost commercial level will be - or a Crusade is called. allowed anymore on this minor, except for Spain back every turn until the Turkish fleet will reach its (for possible diplomatic annexation). full former level back (See rules 49.3-E). B.3 Holy Roman Empire and Wars See D.2 below.

A.2 Units of the Knights are transferred and recom- F. the Grand Master C. Habsburg Technology pleted automatically to MALTA upon ceding of The Knights have a permanent military leader The technology of the Habsburg is independent this province by Spain named the “Grand Master” (on one of its sides is from that of Spain. It belongs to the “Latin” minor the named Grand Master ‘La Valette’, available be- entity. A.3 If MALTA is conquered by the Turkish player tween turns 15 to l9 only). Precision: the Tercios technology only applies to after this transfer, all Knights units are destroyed the lone Spanish infantry troops, not the Habsburgs. definitively, even if the province is subsequently re- F.1 It is never eliminated (a new Grand Master is captured by a Christian player. automatically and immediately elected if it is killed, D. The Habsburgs and the Holy Roman Empire injured or captured). The Habsburgs can take control of the Holy Roman A.4 If the Spanish player is Protestant, or does not Empire as a vassal at the end of the “Thirty Years hold MALTA, or does not want to cede it to the F.2 The Grand Master may be used either as an Ad- War” event, when the requisite conditions are satis- Knights, that minor country is removed from play miral (privateer Admiral included) or a General, at fied. See resulting changes in the event description. forever. the discretion of the player controlling that minor. D.1 Unless stated to the contrary, the Habsburgs are B. Diplomacy 53.5 THE HABSBURGS always starting a scenario as the Emperor country. The Turkish player can never make any diplomacy This special minor country is an integral part of the with The Knights minor country. patrimony of the Spanish player. Consider it as a D.2 The Habsburgs may always declare war, at no ‘special minor”, technically not following all minor cost in Stability to the Spanish player, on any coun- C. Units of The Knights states rules. This special status ceases to be in force try declaring war on a minor member of the Holy Units of the Knights are always veterans. Their during and after the event “War of the Spanish Suc- Roman Empire. maintenance is free, including that of all reinforce- cession”, provided that this event entails the disso- ments received. ciation of the Habsburg with Spain. It is also ended E. Religion of the Habsburgs if the Spanish player chooses to be Protestant dur- The Habsburgs are always Catholic and inevitably D. Semi-State of War against Turkey ing the Reform (See political event). members of the Counter-Reform (see event “The The Knights, even when “Neutral” in Diplomacy, Reform”), whatever is the choice of the Spanish are considered in a permanent semi-state of war A. The Habsburg as Minor country player as far as religious attitude is concerned. against Turkey. The reverse is not the, meaning that As long as this minor country is not dissociated Turkey is not officially at war with The Knights. with Spain, the Habsburgs diplomatic marker is E.1 However, if the Spanish player chooses to be permanently placed in the Spanish Entry in War Protestant, the dissociation with Habsburg is taking D.1 However, whoever controls the Knights is not (EG) box. place immediately and the Habsburg become a considered himself at war with Turkey. “normal” minor country at once. A.1 All rules corresponding to the play of minor D.2 When Turkey wants to attack the Knights, it countries having the Entry in War status are applied F. Dissociation with Spain has to declare war on them the normal way, except for the Habsburgs, with in addition the particular The Habsburgs, if it is dissociated with Spain, can that it does not lose any Stability level in doing so rules that follow. become a fully-fledged player country if the Dutch (but still loses the regular Stability as long as the player wishes so (Grand campaign only, See Sce- war drags on) A.2 After the rupture of the Habsburg with Spain, narios). the Habsburg becomes the Austria minor country D.3 The Spanish player (or another player if Spain (use the Habsburg diplomatic marker) and is dealt G. Austrian Player is Protestant) that controls the Knights benefits with as all other minor countries. If the Dutch player chooses to become Austrian, he from a free Simple campaign activation each turn receives 1 Austrian manufacture (unit, not counter) for The Knights privateer unit to attack the trade of A.3 Austria may become a player when the Dutch for each period already played since 1492, and not Turkey. player desires to change countries and to be estab- including the current one. lished there. This is valid solely during the Grand D.4 This attack is undertaken by the privateer Campaign 1492-1792 (See Scenarios). H. Habsburgs and Separate Peace. counter (which is basically on its (+) side) of the B. Particular Case: Attacks on the Habsburg The Habsburgs may however accept to negotiate Knights which is placed in the Turkey CTZ or any Before the separation mentioned above, any decla- separate peace, even when not dissociated with other Mediterranean STZ (except Caspian Sea) ration of war on the Habsburg is considered as an Spain, as any other minor. where there are Turkish commercial fleets, at the immediate and automatic declaration of war on Exception: when the Thirty Years War event or the Spanish player discretion. Spain (at no supplement cost in Stability or VP) un- War of Spanish Succession (with a Habsburg Heir) less the Spanish player announces the contrary and is in effect. D.5 If there is still a port under Christian control (it lets the Habsburg fight alone (he may join the con- doesn't matter which Christian nation, player or mi- flict later at the normal cost in stability). The re- nor country) touching sea zones in the Eastern verse is not in true principle, entailing all costs in Mediterranean or Aegean Sea, the privateer’s dice lost VP and Stability for doing so. rolls modified by +2. E. Effect of The Knights Privateers attack on B.1 If the Spanish player desires to have a still neu- Turkish trade during Peace time tral Habsburgs enter a war where he is himself al- Each turn that the privateer (+) of The Knights in- ready implicated, he must have the Habsburg de- flicts losses on Turkish commercial fleets, Turkey clare war, thus paying the costs in VP and Stability loses 1 Stability level if at peace. (if they have no CB towards the target country). 57

A. Presidios and Blockade D. Russian Under-Development 53.6 EUGENE & SAXE The port is considered as blockaded by this fortress, Before 1700 consider all Russian provinces as hav- General Eugene (Origin country Savoia) and Saxe even if the country that thus exerts the blockade is ing a cost in MP double than normal, for all units (Origin country Sachsen) can be attributed to either not at war with the owner of the blockaded port. belonging to non - Russian players and minor coun- France or the Habsburg. tries, except Kazan, Astrakhan and Steppes. A.1 Any entry or exit on this port by privateer units A. Attribution generates an automatic unilateral naval combat D.1 Russia, before 1700, must sue for enforced On the turn these Generals appear, roll a D10 for (without any wind gauge and boarding steps which peace only when she is standing for 3 consecutive their attribution. Modified results are applied as fol- are canceled in that specific case). turns at -3 Stability level with the same enemy (in- lows: stead of the regular 2 consecutive turns). A.2 The Presidio fortress has a naval firepower val- 1-3: France ue equal to the double of its level. Only the Presidio D.2 After 1700 (included) these rules no more ap- 4: Country of origin fires during that special combat. Naval units fired at ply. 5-0: Habsburg do not respond (no roll on CRT necessary). 53.10 PETER THE GREAT Modifiers: A.3 Fleets and detachments are affected as below, If the Russian player obtains a monarch whose sum but combat is never mandatory for the Presidio of characteristics is at least 18 and whose ADM +4 if the current French monarch has 7 or more as player. If he decides to do so, he must immediately value is 8 or more, this monarch is Peter the Great. MIL characteristic declare war on the players or minor country owning This great monarch may also arrive following the -4 if the current French monarch has 5 or less as the moving fleets and/or detachment(s). event “Peter the Great”. MIL characteristic A.3. 1 However, the above War declaration con- +1 for Eugene straint does not apply when only privateers are A. Values of Peter the Great as a military leader -2 for Saxe moving past the Presidio. Military values of Peter the Great are not attributed the same way as those of other monarchs (See B. Secret bids (Optional - but not recommended) B. Presidio fire 53.10). Take the following values (maneuver, fire, This die-roll can be modified in addition by a secret It is solved on the B column of the CRT whatever is shock/boarding) according to the number of com- bid of both the French and Habsburg (Spain if not the outgoing or entering ship type, or the technolo- bats Peter the Great leads: dissociated) players. Modify the die by +1 for each gy of the player that- controls the Presidio. No 10 D$ the Habsburg spend, and -l for each 10 D$ bonus is applicable to the Presidio fire step. First combat: 2.1.2 spent by the French. The maximum placement au- Second combat: 3.2.3 Third combat: 3.3.3 thorized to each is 100 D$ . All bid money is lost, C. Losses & Movement Fourth and following: 4.4.4 siege: -l whatever the final result. In addition to the losses inflicted via the CRT when From the third on, Peter the Great may also serve as the fire die-roll of the Presidio indicates at least a an Admiral, with the following values: 3.3.4. 53.7 GALLEYS l0% loss, or if the naval stack (privateers, detach- All the other rules concerning monarchs are fully Galleys cannot exit sea zones part of the Mediter- ments, fleets) receives one or more morale level applicable to Peter The Great. ranean, Red Sea, Persian Gulf, Baltic Sea, Gulf of loss, the naval stack cannot exit or enter that port Botnia, Caspian Sea and Black Sea Zone. this turn. 53.11 SAINT PETERSBURG If the Russian player has Peter the Great for a A. Bonus of Period (optional) 53.9 RUSSIA monarch, he can build the city of Saint Petersburg The bonus (or malus) is as follows: Russia begins the Grand Campaign, the 1492 and in the province NEWA, if he currently controls it 1520 Scenarios as a minor country. This remains so (either as a ceded province, a fully Russian prov- 1/- Before 1615 not-included, a stack composed until to 1559, with the particularity that no diploma- ince, or a militarily occupied province). The exclusively of galleys attacking a fleet of war- cy is allowed on this minor. Its capital city is Mos- fortress counter bearing the “Saint Petersburg” ships (N) and/or TR without galleys receives a cow. named is then placed in the NEWA province. This combat bonus of +1 for both the fire and board- city has a special fortification value, and has a port. ing steps of the naval combat. A. Grand Campaign 1492-1792 Note that before Saint Petersburg is constructed, 2/- Between 1615 and 1664 included: no bonus. In 1560, the Portuguese player takes control of Rus- the NEWA province city is not a port. 3/- After 1665 included, a stack composed exclu- sia, which then ceases to be a minor country. sively of galleys attacking a stack with war- A. Cost of Construction ships (N) gets a die-roll negative modifier of -2 A.1 In its place, Portugal then becomes a minor Saint Petersburg costs 300 D$ to build, and be- to both its fire and boarding steps of the naval country that keeps all units and counters located on comes the capital of Russia, once constructed. It re- combat. the Rest-of-the-world map that the former Por- places then the other existent city in NEWA. tuguese player had placed previously (See Scenar- NB: Transport ships are ignored in the detail of ios). These counters are kept where they are. B. Duration of Construction stack composition. The construction of Saint Petersburg takes 5 turns B. Initial Russian Forces (place the markers name pointing down in the inter- 53.8 PRESIDIOS Russia, as a player starts with forces and units as val). The city exists completely only after the 5 A Christian player controlling a port located in ei- described in the 1560 campaign (See Scenarios). turns length has elapsed. ther one or more of the following provinces; the Some events of the 1520-1559 period may attribute European map African coast, the islands of the Polish provinces, the minor countries Kazan, As- B.1 The payment of the construction cost may be Mediterranean or the HELLAS and/or MOREA trakhan, and Steppes to Russia (the latter then dis- shared in any fashion during one or more of the 5 provinces may construct there a fortress considered appear unless successfully defended by Turkey - construction turns, but has to be totally paid for the as separate from the port city of the province of See event descriptions). city to be considered as constructed placement. That specific fortress is named a “Presidio” (use a C. Souwarov fortress counter of the player to represent it and This General may enter play on turn 57 (instead of place that counter in front of the port symbol of the turn 60 as indicated on the counter), when a Rus- concerned province). sian General dies or is injured in the course a com- A Presidio captured by the owner of the port city it bat between turns 57 and 60. is currently blockading cannot be kept by that play- Souwarov replaces this General immediately, but is er and is removed from the game. not considered as ranking A before turn 60 (consid- er it as rank Z!) 58

B.2 During the construction process, consider Saint C.1 This fleet can then consider the city of this attempt to make the reform during the Interphase. Petersburg as a port (and a city of level 1). province as its home port. This port gives directly To do so, Turkey must have a null or positive Sta- on the Black Sea zone. This port cannot be blockad- bility (not negative). C. Initial Value ed, unless the city is besieged. The intrinsic fortification of that city is level 4 (ex- A.1 Turkey can make the reform without risk if it cept if the technology of the Russian player does 53.14 COSSACKS possesses a monarch with a military characteristic not allow it, in which case use the maximum value If the Russian player controls one or more of the (MIL) of 8 or more, but in that case Turkey must authorized by the Russian technology). following provinces: UKRANYA, KHARKOW, lose 3 Stability levels to ensure the reform’s suc- DONETSK or BESSARABIA, he receives each cess. C.1 This level may be may be increased to level 5 turn 5 free conscript cavalry SP in a city of his A.1.1 It also automatically suffers from 2 revolts, for an additional 200 D$ (if already level 4) paid in choice (or a Colony in Siberia) during the Logistics selected on the current period Revolts tables. a maximum of three consecutive turns. phase. A.2 If Turkey does not have such a monarch, the D. Impact on the NEWA Province Income A. Cossack Free Activation for Siberian Discov- Turkish player may nevertheless attempt the re- The province NEWA has its income multiplied in a eries form. An immediate survival test of his monarch is permanent manner by the level of fortification of From turn 15 to turn 35 included, the Russian play- made, with a positive modifier (malus) of +5: Saint Petersburg once the city is constructed. er receives a free simple campaign to move a land stack to any or all provinces of Siberia (See 55.2 - A/- if the monarch dies, the attempt fails, and the 53.12 RUSSIAN ARMY REFORM E), adjacent to a province already discovered by values of the successor are rolled with a malus Markers of both the land and naval technology of Russia. of -3 (for all of the MIL, ADM, and DIP char- Russia can never exceed the boxes where the corre- acteristics). However, the successor reign sponding minor entity technology marker(s), i.e. the B. Cossack Siberian Free Maintenance length is rolled normally and not modified; “Orthodox” minor entity are located. The Russian player can maintain for free 2 detach- This remains so until Peter the Great is the Russian ments located in Siberia, on the Rest-of-the-world B/- if the monarch survives, the reform succeeds, monarch. map, each containing 10 cavalry SP. This free but Turkey loses on a permanent manner a side maintenance exists as long as the above condition (+) army removed from its military basic force, A. Special Troops limit of Cossack control subsists. and this until the end of the game. The Russian player can use no more than 5 army counters and 1 fleet counter before the reform. The B.1 However, these detachments are never promot- In both cases, Turkey loses 3 Stability levels and number and types of detachments is not limited. ed to veterans. also automatically suffers from 2 revolts as in A.1 above. B. Technologies and Reform 53.15 RUSSIAN CONQUESTS When Peter the Great is the Russian monarch, the When the Russian player wins a war and receives B. Consequences minor entity technology Russia is linked to becomes provinces, he can annex the province containing the If the reform takes place, the Turkish player can that of the “Latin” minor entity (See 47.8-A). minor country capital. In this case, the minor has a therefore develop its land technology beyond the Above restrictions are then immediately raised. new capital in another province (chosen by its con- “Baroque” level, but loses the benefit of the Timar trolling player). system (See 48.7). 53.13 ARKHANGELSK, RUSSIA CTZ, AND Remark: This also applies to Turkey (see 53.16 be- THE RIVER FLEET low), but to no other player or minor country (NB: B.1 Remove all pashas from the game. Arkhangelsk is a Russian port located in Europe, except when granted by events). but effectively out of the European map. It cannot B.2 Reduce the basic force of Turkey each period be attacked, blockaded or conquered. A. Validity as in §A.2 above, i.e. one less side (+) army. This is valid only if the conquered province is adja- A. Creation of the Port of Arkhangelsk cent to a Russian province, and occupied by a Rus- 53.18 TURKISH CAPTURE OF VIENNA Arkhangelsk is created by the event #2 of the 1560- sian military unit (and not by a Russian minor ally If the Turks capture Vienna (AUSTRIA province) 1614 period (“Creation of the Muscovy Trade or vassal). and hold the city at the end of a turn, Venezia, Company”), or automatically in 1615 if the event France and England (if Catholic) both lose 1 Stabil- did not occur. As long as the port is not created, the NB: When a minor country (adjacent to Russian ity level each if they have no offensive alliance Russian player cannot build naval units of any type borders) sues for unconditional peace, by complete with Turkey (See 32.2 - F). or commercial fleets. military conquest, the Russian player may annex no Spain (or Austria if a player) loses 2 Stability lev- more than 3 provinces anyway. els. Other countries are not affected A.1 If Arkhangelsk is created only in 1615 due to event #2 not having occurred, the advantages of the 53.16 TURKEY A. Consequences Muscovy Trade companies to England (see event The Turkish player benefits from particular rules Each turn where Vienna stays under Turkish con- description) are not applied. for his conquests, and for his military force (the trol, Spain (or Austria if a player): Timar, See 48.7). He also suffers from the influence B. Russia CTZ of the Knight privateers (See 53.4) on his Stability. A/- loses 1 Stability level per turn in addition to all The Russia CTZ does not exist before the creation other losses of Arkhangelsk. Once that port is created, the CTZ A. Turkish Conquests B/- receives a bonus of +3 for all its diplomatic ac- brings a monopoly income of 5 D$. This income is The Turkish player can annex the capital province tions (and Entry in War tests) with minor coun- increased to 10 D$ once Saint Petersburg is created. of a conquered country, in the same conditions as tries that have a common frontier with the Hab- The commercial monopoly bonus (See §38) is re- those of the Russian player (See 53.15). However, sburg, and a bonus of +4 with Poland. spectively 3 (before St-Petersburg)/5 (after St- the main difference is that such a conquest may re- Petersburg) for the side (+) commercial fleet with lease a Crusade against him (See 53.25). less of 6 levels (partial monopoly), and 5/10 for side (-) commercial fleets with 6 levels (total mo- 53.17 TURKISH REFORMS nopoly). When Turkey land technology marker reaches “Baroque” technology, it can no longer advance. To If the Russian player has Peter the Great for his continue, Turkey needs to reform the Turkish Army monarch, and if he controls a province with a river but it has then to renounce to the Timar system. frontier and that the river rejoins the Black Sea zone (e.g. the Kharkow province), the Russian play- A. Procedure er may create a “River” fleet in this province. If the Turkish player desires to make the reform, he has to announce it in the Administrative Phase and 59

This bonus remains even if Vienna is ceded to Tur- every turn if announced publicly, from 1492 to and the regular Stability loss for war applied in- key during a peace, and this until Vienna is Habs- 1555, and takes place during the Income phase. stead. burgs/Austrian again. C.1 After 1560 (included), Spain cannot tax Hol- B.2 For Spain only this decrease becomes a -2 level A.1 Turkey receives 50 VP for the capture of Vien- land anymore. decrease per turn between 1615 and 1660 included; na, but only once in a game. then a -3 level decrease per turn between 1665 and C.2 For each time that there was a tax publicly an- 1695. A.2 Spain (or Austria if in play) loses 25 VP for the nounced before 1560, reduce the first die-roll by a same. cumulative 1 (to a minimum modified value of 1) B.3 Holland no longer loses Stability after 1615 for for each political event rolled in period 1560-1614, this special state of war (but still does for other B. Vienna and the Crusade until the revolt occurs. “regular” wars!). The capture of Vienna gives a bonus of +5 to the Crusade die-roll (See 53.25). 53.20 THE UNITED-PROVINCES REVOLT C. End of the Revolt The revolt takes place at the moment when the It comes to an end due either to the recognition of C. Transfer of the Capital “United-Provinces Revolt” event occurs. the United-Provinces by Spain or their full conquest If the province Austria (containing the city of Vien- This event liberates the Dutch player of all his by the Spanish player. na) is ceded to Turkey, the capital of the Habsburg above constraints (See 53.19-B). This recognition has to be announced by the Span- minor country is transferred to any other city in a The revolt is not a Civil War. ish player, during the Peace phase, at least one full Habsburg province, at the choice of the Spanish (or turn after the one when the revolt occurs. Austrian if in play) player. The full “Reform” event (i.e. players must choose C.1 This announcement entails a truce of 3 consec- C.1 If so, Spain (or Austria if in play) ceases to lose their religion) occurs automatically if not yet in ef- utive turns between Spain and Holland. During the 1 Stability level per turn. fect (even partially). truce, neither of them can declare war to each other, nor to their respective vassals. C.2 The new capital can be again conquered by the Turkish player, but in that case its capture brings no A. The Revolt C.2 Holland can however attack Portuguese units special VP bonus to the Turkish player. It also does When the revolt occurs, the Dutch player becomes and counters located on the Rest-of-the-World map not cost any special VP to the Habsburgs/Austria. free to make any action that he desires. if and only if Portugal is currently annexed by Spain (by random event of the 1560-1614 period). C.3 Vienna become automatically and immediately A.1 The revolt also provokes the following side-ef- This is not considered as breaking the truce. the capital of the Habsburg again if the province of fects: Austria is re-conquered by the Spanish (or Austri- C.3 During the course of the truce, the Spanish an) player. A/- The Dutch monarch Giuillaume of Nassau ap- player may lose some victory points due to recogni- pears (values 9.9.9); his reign length is to be tion of the United-Provinces Independence (see 53.18. BIS - FACING THE OTTOMANS determined on the Reign table. A dynastic cri- Grand Campaign period objectives for Spain & Before 1560, any player or minor country entering sis or minority is ignored, re-roll instead. Holland). combat (on land or at sea) against Turkish* units B/- All units (Spanish or other) located in the prov- suffers a malus of -1 to both his shock (on land) or inces of Zeeland, Holland, Den-Haag, Gueldre, C.4 However, at the end of the truce, the game be- boarding (at sea) die-rolls. This malus applies only Brabant and Friesen are eliminated. These tween Spain and Holland becomes entirely normal. on the first combat. This malus does not apply to above provinces become Dutch national prov- fire combat (either on land or at sea). inces (as per gray-colored border on map), even 53.21 DUTCH FLOOD The Venetian player is immune to this malus, as if they have been ceded to another player or mi- The Dutch player can decide, during the movement well as the following minors; Mamelukes, Genoa nor country before the revolt. of enemy troops in Zeeland, Brabant, Holland or and The Knights. C/- During the Logistic sub-phase of the Revolt Den Haag provinces, to flood immediately these * - not their vassals if alone with no Turkish units. turn, the Dutch player can buy military units, provinces (announced choice province by with his present Royal Treasury, without any province). 53.19 HOLLAND turn limitation for ships except the ceiling au- All following rules are applicable only after 1560 thorized for the period, and up to the triple for A. Application (except the Spanish tax rule in play since 1492). land units, without overcosts. Enemy units must immediately cease their move- Before 1560, Holland (Nederland on the country’s D/- If Giuillaume (i.e. the monarch counter) is ment, retreat to the province of departure, and suf- counters) is not represented directly by a player. It placed as General on the map (See 53.22), units fer attrition under the 7 column (See 15.2). No is represented after 1560 by the player that was stacked with him are all considered as veterans. movement from a non-Dutch player or minor coun- playing Venice (for the Grand Campaign 1492 E/- Holland’s technologies are considered equiva- try is allowed in a flooded province. -1792). lent to those of the “Latin” minor entity, but the Dutch markers are placed 1 box ahead of those A.1 Place a Looting marker, side (+) up, in each A. Initial Forces of Holland of the entity, provided that, in doing so, those flooded provinces (adjusted only during the turn They are indicated in the 1492 scenario (or Grand markers do not reach or exceed a mobile mark- following the turn of flooding). The prohibition of Campaign) for commercial fleets. These fleets lev- er with a date that is not yet achievable movement ceases when the looting marker is re- els may be increased by play during the first two moved. periods of a Grand Campaign, even if no “Dutch” B. Effect of the Revolt - Special state of war be- player is officially present (See Grand Campaign tween Holland & Spain A.2 The Dutch player may move in his flooded scenario rules). The Spanish and Dutch players are immediately provinces, but each count for 6 MP instead of its and automatically considered as being at war, al- regular MP cost. A.1 All other at start forces and characteristics are though no declaration of war has taken place. indicated in the 1560 campaign scenario (such as military forces, as well as DTI, FTI, Manufactures, B.1 This state of war remains as long as Spain has Treasury etc...) not recognized the independence of the Unit- ed-Provinces or fully conquered them. B. Holland before the Revolt B.1.1 During this war, at each turn end, Stabilities See Grand Campaign Rules. of both Spain and Holland decrease each by 1 level maximum instead of the regular progressive de- C. The Spanish Tax crease for war. Spain can decide to tax Holland each turn, at will, B.1.2 However, if Spain is at war with another of a fixed sum of 50 D$. This is valid for each and player or minor, this extra Stability loss is ignored 60

force) or at the time this event occurs in the Grand D.3 Each country thus concerned also immediately B. Cost in VP and Stability Campaign 1492-1792. loses the diplomatic counter of the Papacy if it con- Each flooded province costs 5 VP and -l in Stability trolled it which then becomes neutral (applicable to the Dutch player each turn the looting marker re- A. Event determination - The Tordesillas Treaty until 1550 included). mains in the province. dice modifiers Both dice (first and second) rolled for event during D.4 Spain and Portugal can, without declaring war, 53.22 MONARCHS IN COMBAT the 1492-1519 period are modified as follows: attack any and all units of other players (including Players can use their monarch counter as a military themselves, e.g. Spanish units in the Portuguese leader. However, a baby or child monarch cannot -l if Spain is partisan of the Counter-Reform zone of Influence) or minors, Catholic or not that serve as military leader (See 28.6- B). -l if there are Colonies or Trading Posts in Ameri- are found in their respective zones (each in his own ca placed this turn zone). A. Determination of Values -l if Spain or Portugal holds the diplomatic Its values for combat (maneuver, fire and shock) counter of the minor country Papacy. 53.24 CATHOLICS, PROTESTANTS AND are determined by the roll of one the on the follow- SHIITES ing table according to the current (including modifi- A.1 These modifiers don’t apply from 1520 on- The religious aspect of most conflict is important, cations by events) MIL value of the monarch. wards. in particular in terms of victory objectives for the players. The following rules give explanations to Monarch’s Military Value Table: B. the Treaty Validity that part of the game. The treaty is in effect until the “Annexation of Por- Die 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 tugal by Spain” event (#7 – 3rd period) or until A. The Sole Defender of Catholic Faith 1-2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1614 (included, end of the 3”' period). That title is also a period objective (see Campaign 3-4 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 Scenarios) for a Catholic country and is defined as 5-6 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 During this period, Spain arid Portugal share clearly follows: 7-8 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 the world into two zones of influence, one for each 9-0 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 of them, and will try to rule the world together for a A.1 If France or Spain is the only Catholic major while. country (do not count Portugal or Venezia), it is au- tomatically the “sole defender of the Catholic A.1 Roll one the for each of the 4 characteristics: C. Zones of Influence faith”. maneuver, fire, shock, and siege. Spain cannot make any discovery or Colonization, Note: The die-roll is modified by –3 for the siege Trading Posts, commercial fleet placement attempt A.2 If other countries are Catholic; a country be- value, and the maximum siege value is [-3]. in any and all of the sea zones and Areas located in comes the sole defender of that faith when the con- or bordering AFRICA, ASIA, as well as the ditions below are fulfilled: Designer’s note: On some player’s aide (Prussia, BELEM, RECIFE, BAHIA, AMAZONIA and RIO  Control the Papacy diplomatic marker for at least Austria), the above table has been slightly modi- Areas of South America. half (rounded up) of the turns of the just elapsed fied, giving values somewhat higher than these. period. Players may use any one table, by common agree- C.1 Spain is however allowed to send an expedition ment at start of play.  Participated in a Crusade (if any), with at least to make the round-the-world trip and may also at- one SC per round and no separate peace with the tempt to colonize the Area of LUCON in ASIA. B. General/Admiral Turks. A monarch is always used as a General. The excep- C.2 Opposedly, the prohibition for Portugal con- tions: B. Restoration of Catholicism after the Reform cerns all of AMERICA Areas and bordering sea Each time that Spain (or the country “sole defender zones, except the above-mentioned BELEM, RE- 1/- the Doge of Venice is used exclusively as an of the Catholic faith”) declares war on a Protestant CIFE, BAHIA, AMAZONIA and RIO Areas and Admiral; country and obtains an unconditional peace from their adjacent sea zones. Portugal may, as Spain, at- 2/- the Russian czar Peter The Great may be used this country, the Catholic player may decide to tempt to colonize LUCON or make a round-the- as an Admiral as well as a General (See 53.10), abandon all province(s) transfer and ask as sole world trip. but its values are fixed by the rules. peace condition the restoration of Catholicism in this country. C.3 Should Portugal and/or Spain possess Colonies C. Capture of Monarchs and/or Trading Posts in unallowed Areas (due to The use of a monarch as military leader leads to B.1 This clause is mandatory if the sole defender of placement before the treaty is signed), these coun- risk of combat casualty. If a monarch is killed or the Catholic faith is the Spanish player, or is parti- ters must be exchanged with equivalent counters of captured (i.e. if all units with which it was stacked san of the Counter-Reform (See political event the righteous owner of the concerned Area. have been eliminated in combat or siege), the play- “The Reform”). er immediately loses 2 Stability levels, in addition D. Effects on the Others Players to the possible combat-related losses. All these effects apply until 1550 (included). D.1 Any Catholic country (except Spain and Portu- C.1 A captured monarch must be ransomed during gal) that sends an expedition (i.e. moves a stack of the redeployment phase for a fixed sum of 200 units on the Rest-of-the-world map) outside of Eu- ducats. This sum must be paid or the player suffers rope must immediately lose 1 Stability level. immediate bankruptcy. D.1.1 The Stability loss happens when the naval C.2 The monarch returns to the player’s capital stack enters for the first time the Rest-of-the-world province immediately once the ransom is paid or map. Then this stack may move anywhere on that the player suffered from bankruptcy. map in the following rounds of the same turn with- out additional Stability lost. 53.23 THE TREATY OF TORDESILLAS D.1.2 This restriction applies even if the country is The Treaty event may only occur if America has at war with either one of Portugal and Spain, or been discovered (i.e. not in effect at the beginning even with both of them. of 1492’s turn). Once discovered, apply these rules: D.2 Similarly, every colonization attempt (success- ful or not) by any other Catholic country but Spain With this treaty, Spain and Portugal decide to share or Portugal costs this country 1 Stability level loss the world outside of Europe, to delimit their zone of per attempt. influence. The rule applies only to scenarios after 1500 (only if the Treaty is specified as being in 61

If there is a Crusade an immediate sub-phase of C. Gain on Conversions War Declaration follows, then the turn resumes its C.1 At least half (rounded up) of all the activations For each Protestant country thus forcibly converted, normal course. made by crusaders during a round of the Military the victorious Catholic player receives 10 VP if the phase must be directed towards provinces that are loser is a minor country and 20 VP if it is a player A.1 To know if there is a Crusade, it is necessary to considered as targets (see C.2 below) of that cru- (or the value indicated in the period objective, if obtain on one D10 a modified result of 8 or more. sade. any, which takes precedence). Also, if the scenario or an event gives different val- A net unmodified 10 result on the die-roll is always C.2 Targets provinces are the provinces most re- ues, apply them and ignore the above. a success, whatever the modifiers. cently conquered by Turkey, as well as the Turkish capital province of Thracia and the provinces of D. Effect of the Reconversion Modifiers *: Judea and Samaria, plus Malta, Creta and Cyprus All reciprocal permanent CB between these players +1 for each annexed or conquered Christian prov- if Turkish occupied. and/or minors are canceled following the restora- ince (as per 1492 religious status) by the Turks tion of Catholicism. since the start of the period played; D. Military Leader of the Crusade +5 if Vienna is captured by the Turks; It is a General or Admiral of the first participant D.1 A major country (i.e. a player) who is recon- -2 for each Catholic player at war against another player. This General or Admiral is automatically verted more than two turns after its initial change of country (Turkey excepted). the leader of the largest crusading force as, during religion suffers from the following side effects, -3 if the event “The Reform” has occurred at least the Crusade, it is considered to possess the highest each turn, if it maintains the new (forcibly imposed) once in any previous turn, including this one. hierarchical rank (even above kings and monarchs). religion: * Note the maximum modifier value is limited to +5 in all cases. D.1 This General or Admiral may well lead a total- A/- the country loses 1 additional level of Stability ly foreign crusader force (i.e. even counters that are each turn. B. Participation to the Crusade not of the General’s nationality). B/- Every even-numbered turn, the player must roll If there is a Crusade, each Catholic player, in the on the revolt table, in addition to any revolt order of initiative, has to decide whether he partici- E. Minor Countries and Crusades mandated by events or the rules. pates or not in the Crusade. The following minor countries only: Habsburg (whether Emperor or Hungary has been inherited), D.2 If the country reverts to its religion as it was B.1 If he refuses to participate, he immediately los- Papacy, Genoa, The Knights, Toscana and Parma before the reconversion, it loses 1 Stability level es 2 Stability levels (3 for the “Defender of the always participate in a Crusade where at least one and grants a temporary CB (valid till end of the cur- Catholic Faith”, See event “The Reform”), and the player is involved. Their diplomatic counter is rent period) to the country that imposed the change diplomatic counter of the Papacy if he was control- placed on the “Entry in War” box of the first cru- of religion on it. In such a case, side effects as per ling it. sading player (order of initiative) that has declared C.1 above are canceled. war on Turkey. B.2 If he participates, he must declare war to Tur- D.3 On the other hand, a forcibly reconverted minor key immediately and is considered as benefiting E.1 This does not apply if they are already on the country returns to the Protestant faith at the start of from a Free CB in doing so. track of another player that also participates in the the turn following its “reconversion” without any Crusade, in which case they progress on the Entry side effect. B.3 If the player enters war against Turkey, he may in War box of that player (unless they are already automatically and immediately obtain, if he desires higher). E. End of Religious Struggles so, a white peace with one or more currently All these above rules no longer apply from year Catholic adversaries (mediation of the Pope!). If the E.2 At the end of the Crusade, all minors that were 1615 onwards (except for Turkey Vs Shiites - see F latter(s) refuse the peace, they (each) lose 1 Stabili- not controlled by one of the Crusading players be- below). ty level and the diplomatic counter of the Papacy (if fore the Crusade start are immediately placed back controlled). into the “Neutrals” box. Option (recommended) Players can possibly extend B.3.1 In addition, the country thus denied a peace the duration of these rules until the end of the opportunity is not forced anymore to participate to Note: keep separate record of their pre-Crusade “Thirty Years War” (if it occurs), as a common the Crusade and not lose Stability for such a refusal. diplomatic status. agreement. B.4 In all other instances, all other Catholic coun- E.3 Other Catholic minor countries participate only F. Turkey and Shiite tries receive a CB against a refusing country. if controlled by a player participating in the Cru- Apply the B to D rules above to Turkey versus Per- sade himself. Use normal Entry in War rules for sia and the Mamelukes (both are Shiite Muslim B.5 Catholic minor countries never refuse the those minors, against Turkey. countries) for the Islamic equivalent of that reli- Pope’s mediation and automatically agree to a gious schism situation. white peace with a player with whom they are cur- E.4 Protestant, Orthodox and Muslims minors may rently at war. Protestant minors are not affected and not participate in a Crusade (even under control of a G. Roma may remain at war (however this state of war does Crusade player). If Roma is under Turkish control at any time, all give an “excuse” not to participate such as in B.3 Catholic players have a permanent Free CB against above). F. Venice Poland, Hungary, Habsburg Turkey (until Roma is released). Venice (as a minor country), even if controlled by a B.6 If it is the player who himself refuses the medi- player, participates also to the Crusade if one modi- G.1 If Roma falls to the Turks before 1615, an au- ation and ensuing white peace, he immediately los- fied die-roll of 8 or more is obtained. tomatic call to the Crusade is launched by the Pope es 1 Stability level and all other Catholic players (See 53.25 below). have a temporary CB against him. F.1 This die-roll is modified by +1 for each Vene- tian province of 1492 already conquered by the 53.25 CRUSADE B.7 If no player participates in a Crusade, no minor Turkish player. Until 1614 (included), each time the Turkish player participates either (See F. below for minor partici- conquers or annexes a Christian province during the pants). Peace phase, there can be a call to the Crusade C. Crusaders and Target Territories launched by the Pope. Catholic countries participating together in a Cru- From 1615 onwards, the call to the Crusade ceases. sade are considered as allied, and can stack their units together, and authorize each other participant A. Call to the Crusade country the access of their territory as long as this The call to the Crusade takes place immediately in enables their participating crusader stacks to reach the course the same above-mentioned Peace Phase. Turkish territory. 62

F.2 Same thing for Poland (Polska) and Hungary 53.26 THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE case, the HR army and detachment are unavailable (Hungarn) (die-roll modified with their own prov- The Holy Roman Empire is a political entity incor- until the peace. inces). porating most of the German minor countries (in- cluding the Habsburg). These minor countries bear D. Territorial use Restrictions F.3 If the Habsburg is not Emperor and Hungary the mention HR (Heiliges Reich or Holy Roman Imperial units can only be used in an Italian or Ger- has not been inherited, the Habsburg minor partici- Empire in German) next to their name in the list of man province, or in any European provinces of the pates in the Crusade as Poland and Hungary i.e. roll countries in the Annexes handbook. The Emperor Emperor, including Hungary if the Habsburg is Em- for the same result (die-roll modified by +1 for each (usually a Habsburg) can use HR military counters peror and has inherited that minor country (con- Christian province annexed by the Turkish player under some conditions. trolled or not). during this period). A. Army D.1 The Emperor may also use Empire units G. Crusade and the Holy Roman Empire The Holy Roman Empire possesses one army against revolts in his provinces, or during a Civil See E or F.3 above for the Habsburg. counter and two detachments counters. War. The Emperor player (if Catholic) participates in- evitably if one of his provinces or one of those be- B. Control of the Holy Roman Empire D.2 Important note: Alsace and Lorraine are no longing to the Holy Roman Empire has been con- The Spanish player representing the Habsburg is in longer part of the Empire when successfully an- quered, or if Hungary has been conquered by the principle the Emperor at the beginning of each sce- nexed (through event) by France. Turks (See 53.2). nario, except if the contrary is specified by an event (e.g. the event “Election to the Holy Roman Em- E. Empire Capital H. Endorsement of the Papacy pire” that allows the French player to become Em- The Empire capital is the city of Frankfurt, on the Crusader players receive at the end of each Diplo- peror). European map (MAINZ province). The city is only matic phase a global diplomatic income of 150D$ , the electoral Seat of the Empire arid is red to show shared equitably between them in divisions of 25 C. State of War it, but it is not a real capital. D$ (the surplus going on the first participant). When a player declares war on a minor country that is part of the Holy Roman Empire, the Emperor E.1 The MAINZ province may be annexed, even if H.1 This money coming from the Papacy, the usual player has an immediate CB against this player. If its city is in red. Its occupation or conquest has no 50 D$ diplomatic premium that the Papacy gives the Emperor declares war on the aggressor, he ob- consequence on the Holy Roman Empire. for a “Military Alliance” (or higher) status is not tains the military assistance of the Holy Roman perceived anymore (See rule §33.12). Empire, as follows: E.2 However, if a player occupies or conquers Frankfurt, the Emperor receives a Free CB against H.2 This is valid during all the length of the current C.1 Place in the capital city of the Emperor, or in that player as long as this situation lasts. Crusade. At the same time, the modifier value for the city of Frankfurt, or in a province of the at- “Subsidies” on the Papacy counter becomes -150. tacked German minor country (Emperor’s choice), 53.27 PRUSSIA AND SWEDEN one imperial (HR) detachment with 8I and 2C vet- All land forces SP received by these two minors I. Crusades and Separate Peace erans SP, without paying for its purchase or mainte- during reinforcement or purchase by these countries A crusader player that makes separate peace with nance. are veterans after the following has arrived: Turkey undergoes a loss of 3 levels of Stability. This separate peace also gives, in addition, a tempo- C.2 The Emperor player may also have the use of  For Prussia, this occurs after the “Reform of the rary CB to all the other crusading players against the Imperial (HR) army counter in which he can in- Prussian Army” event or when Frederick II ap- him, valid until the end of the Crusade. tegrate all forces of one or more German (HR) mi- pears in play, whichever comes first. nor countries that he controls (from the “Expedi-  For Sweden, it occurs from 1550 onwards, and I.1 If the Turkish player asks for peace from a Cru- tionary Corps” status or higher on the diplomatic until the end of the game. sader, he must ask it from all of them. He must track) or his own forces if in his own country (by choose the provinces part of peace conditions placing the HR army counter there). 53.28 THE MAMELUKS among Christian provinces the most recently con- C.2.1 These forces included in HR counters are The Mameluks represent the Arabic State spreading quered by him. now considered as “Imperials”. from Egypt to Syria in 1492. The Mameluks are Shiite Muslims. I.2 No minor country participating in a Crusade C.3 During each Logistic phase, if the Emperor may be tested by the Turkish player for separate pays 10 ducats, he may receive additional Imperial A. Conquest peace attempts, except the cases below: forces. This is done by rolling a D10 on the minor The Mameluks are conquered when their two capi- country’s Reinforcements Table (without any modi- tal cities of Damas and Cairo are taken, or if one of A/- A major country has signed a separate peace fier, in the “Defensive” attitude). Reinforcements them is captured and no combat has taken place be- with Turkey. thus obtained can be placed in Imperial (HR) units tween the Mameluk army (not detachments) and the B/- Venice if no Venetian territory is presently if they are in German (HR) territory. The mainte- assailant on the turn of the capital capture. Turkish-occupied AND Turkey cedes any for- nance of the army and of detachments of the Holy mer Venetian territory presently occupied back Roman Empire is free. A.1 The Mameluks minor then disappears in the en- to Venice in the ensuing separate peace (if suc- C.3.1 Campaigns obtained through the Reinforce- suing Peace phase. Remove the diplomatic counter cessful). ment table may only be used to move HR units, ei- of the Mameluks from play. ther alone or together with units of the Emperor. J. Provinces Recuperated by a Crusade C.3.2 Fortress received via the table may only be A.2 In addition, if the Mameluks are conquered by Provinces recuperated by the victorious Crusade placed in the attacked HR country (first choice) or the Turkish player, the “Grand Orient” Trade Cen- must include provinces previously annexed by Tur- the Emperor’s territory (second choice). ter is displaced to Smyrna (See 39- G). key that return then to their first proprietor. They have to be chosen in the order of the most recent C.4 These HR units remain in play until either A.3 Until the Mameluks are conquered, no diplo- Turkish conquests, especially that (or those) whose eliminated or the end of the war that triggered their macy is allowed on the following Rest-of-the-world conquest has released the Crusade. appearance on the map. They are removed after the minors: Oman, Aden, Sudan. peace is concluded, including all SP given by the J.1 If there is a surplus in the number of obtained emperor and currently placed in the HR counters. 53.29 SWITZERLAND provinces, it is necessary to take them in priority, in C.4.1 However, fortress levels received through the If the Swiss army (named Helvetia on the army the order below, among the following Rhodes, Io- Reinforcements table are kept on the map. counter) suffers a major defeat during a battle nia, Morea, Hellas, Samaria, Judea, Lebanon, Alep- C.5 All the above C. rules are canceled if the Em- against a stack of any player, Switzerland po. peror player is the one who declares war on a minor country member of the Holy Roman Empire. In this 63 immediately signs a “Perpetual Peace” with the B.5 Wallenstein is a mercenary in the exclusive ser- winning player’s country at the conclusion of the Example: In the same round, Da Gama can be an vice of the Habsburgs during the “Thirty Years up-coming Peace phase. Admiral during movement on sea zones, then, hav- War” event, and only then. It is removed from the ing disembarked, become a Conquistador. game forever once the event is completed. A. The Perpetual Peace When the peace is signed, Switzerland may no C. Other Leaders 53.34 POLAND longer attack (or have its units used by a player to The Spanish leader Don Juan, the English leaders Poland is a minor country that suffers “penalties” attack) the winning country and reciprocally. Blake, Monk & Rupert, the Venetian leaders Bar- from year 1700 onwards, both in diplomacy and barigo and Bragadin, the French leader Bussy, are technology. A.1 This peace brings 10 additional VP to the play- all dual function leaders. er that obtains it, and a gain of 1 additional level in A. Diplomacy and Technology Stability. C.1 They can serve as Generals and/or Admirals, After 1700, players receive a -3 modifier for all according to the turn numbers printed on their their actions of diplomacy on Poland. The minor B. Diplomatic Limit counters. They can, however, have only one func- entity to which Poland technology is attached is If Switzerland signs a perpetual peace, the Swiss tion per round (no change within the same round), now “Orthodox” (See 47.8-A). diplomatic counter (Helvetica) can no longer ever to the choice of the controlling player. exceed the Military Alliance box of any player, in- B. Catholic Poland cluding the victorious player. C.2 In addition, they can only have the function France may never control Poland via the “War of (General or Admiral) described on the side bearing the Polish Succession” event if France is not itself a C. Swiss Mercenaries the earliest turn of appearance until the first turn Catholic country. The player receiving the benefit of the perpetual where their second function is valid has arrived. peace may buy at the normal cost up to 10I SP per 53.35 WAR OF SUCCESSION turn. These SP are not counted in his turn limit. C.3 During the “English Civil War” event, Rupert There can be a Succession War if the player loses They are automatically veterans. may be a Royalist leader and have a separate color his monarch with the following conditions being in (pink) to indicate when used by the Royalists. The force: 53.30 SEA HOUNDS English player may use a loyal Rupert only with its The English privateer Admirals Drake and red colored counter. A. Conditions Hawkins, as well as both Explorers Cavendish and There is a risk of a war of succession occurring in Frobisher are the “Sea Hounds”. C.4 Bragadin and Barbarigo are Venetian leaders the player’s country if the player: sharing the same counter. Use them as in C.1 and A. Utilization C.2 above. 1/- received a dowry for a Dynastic Alliance with Sea Hounds may lead privateers that they command another player, and that this Dynastic Alliance to the attack of Colonies and/or Commercial fleets 53.33 MERCENARY LEADERS is still in vigor; of other players, without England having to declare White General counters (with one side only) are 2/- obtained a result on the Reign table for the war on that player. They can however attack only mercenaries. monarch’s successor showing a Dynastic Cri- one such player per turn, during the Military or Re- sis. deployment phase. A. Availability Their available number during a turn is determined The country suffering the above is hereafter called A.1 There is no loss of Stability for England in do- by the roll of one die. “the victim”. ing so as there is no state of war between herself and the attacked country. 1 to 4: No mercenary B. Declarations of War 5 or 6: l mercenary The player that has given the victim a dowry during B. Exploration with Seahounds 7 or 8: 2 mercenaries their Dynastic Alliance has two possible attitudes: Seahounds with Admiral symbols (e.g. Drake) may 9 or l0: 3 mercenaries also be used as Explorers for any discoveries to be 1/- either declare war on the victim country, made by the English player. Mercenaries are drawn at random, faces unknown 2/- or claim support to the victim’s new monarch, to the players before bids are made for hiring them. thus declaring war immediately to all the vic- 53.31 CLIVE, DUPLEIX, BUSSY AND COEN tim’s enemies, without cost in either VP or Sta- The following Conquistadors: Clive (English), Du- B. Purchase of Mercenaries bility. Such a support cannot be refused by the pleix (French) and Bussy (French dual function A player at war (and only then) has to announce victim country. General that can also be used as a Conquistador) during the Logistic phase (Purchase sub-phase) if are the only ones able to use the Conquistador Ta- he desires to bid for mercenaries. He has to pay a If nobody declares war on the victim, there is no ble in Areas located in INDIA. minimum of 10 ducats for each mercenary so de- war of succession. The Conquistador Coen (Dutch) is the only one al- sired. This sum is lost, even if the player does not lowed to use the Conquistador Table in ASIA, and obtain the use of the mercenary. C. Risks of the War this only in the Areas of Java, Sorebaja, Sumatra, If a player that has declared a war of succession Malaya and Borneo. B.1 If several players want the same mercenary, wins the conflict (at least by a conditional peace in they have to make competitive secret bids. The best his favor), the victim/supporting country can no A. Immunity against natives attacks offer gets the use of the Mercenary for the turn. All longer declare war voluntarily to that player until Any stack led by the above leaders does not gener- other bids are lost. the end of the current period, in addition to all the ate any attack by the natives (See Rule 62.6.C Mili- other conditions of the signed peace. tary Presence). B.2 Once bought, the player gets knowledge of the Exception: CB given by events. mercenary value. 53.32 DUAL FUNCTION LEADERS C.1 If the victim player wins the war of succession B.3 A mercenary can lead a player’s stack even in (minimum a conditional peace in his favor), any A. Portuguese Leaders the presence of a military leader of the player’s Portuguese military leaders Da Gama, Almeida and with a higher rank. However, in this case the player Albuquerque have two different sides on their has to pay 10 ducats. A mercenary can never take counter: one is a Conquistador the other either an precedence over a monarch. Admiral or a General. B. Choice of the Function for Portuguese leaders B.4 Mercenaries are in service of the player for 1 AT ANY GIVEN TIME in the course of a same turn only. They are removed from play at the end of round, the Portuguese player can use one or the oth- the turn Interphase. er of these sides (but not the two at the same time). 64 player supporting him and participating in that war USA, reaching the fixed value of 1700 D$ instead 2/- The chosen Area is publicly announced during benefits from the same conditions (except cession of 1500 D$. the Administrative phase and this Conquistador of provinces) as those obtained by the victim coun- is named viceroy of this Area, i.e. is not al- try, (as in C. above) except if the supporting play- A.4 The USA is a stoutly neutral country. There- lowed to leave it anymore. er’s Stability is standing at -3. fore, no diplomacy is possible with the USA. C.1.1 Peace is made at the same time as that of the C. El Dorado victim country, unless the supporting country re- B. USA and War. The Spanish player may only attempt to place mains at war with other participating countries. In case of declaration of war on the USA, this mi- Colonies and/or Trading Posts in Areas in AMERI- nor rolls on the Reinforcements Table both during CA that contain at least one gold mine site, or in C.2 A supporting country cannot be declared war the Logistic purchase sub-phase and every 3 rounds Areas adjacent to such gold mine Areas, or also in upon by the victim country for at least two turns af- in the Military phase (rounds 3, 6 and 9 of a turn). Haiti, Cuba and Antilles Areas. ter the conclusion of the war of succession, whatev- er the outcome of the war. B.1 Also consider that American Colonies of the C.1 This restriction is lifted from 1615 onwards. USA have 6 levels each for militia and fortification C.3 However, the reverse is not true. (see Colonies below), but not for movement and D. Exclusive and Asiento supply purposes of the attacker (not applicable to The Spanish player is not allowed to give permis- C.4 In the last case above (C.3), a supporting coun- USA Units). sion to any player or minor country commercial try loses all the advantages described in C.1 & C.2 B.2 In case of war, the USA are played by France fleet to be in a STZ whose sea zones border prov- and the war resumes normally. (or England if France attacked the USA). inces with Spanish Colonies and/or Trading Posts only. 53.36 COMPANIES OF TRADE 53.38 FIRESHIPS Any player in addition to the English and Dutch Fireships have been used with relative success D.1 Other players must normally have Colonies players can create his own trade company during (against the Armada by Drake in 1598, or the Rus- and/or Trading Posts in coastal provinces bordering the period 1560-1614, by paying 200 D$ and losing sians against the Turks in 1770) during the periods sea zones attached to a STZ to be able to place a immediately 100 VP. covered by the game. commercial fleet there.

A. Companies: Effects of the Creation A. Conditions of use D.2 On the other hand, the Spanish player may The player benefits from the same advantages as Fireship attacks can be made only against blockad- grant the Asiento (Slave trade Monopoly) to any those obtained by the English and Dutch players, as ed enemy naval units, not in open sea combat. one other player- from 1665 onwards in exchange described in their respective events “Creation of of 4 free slave units brought by this player. the East India Company” and “Creation of the A.1 Only Admirals with a boarding value of 4 or Veerenigte Oostindische Company”, for the period more may make fireship attacks. D.3 This player then receives 20 VP on the turn he 1560-1614. is granted Asiento, plus one additional 1 VP per A.2 In addition, galleys may not be used for fire- turn when he supplies the required 4 slaves (or A.1 These benefits are applicable only until the end ship attacks. more). of the current period and as long as the Stability of D.3.1 Take special record of all this Asiento VP the player is positive or null. B. Procedure (see D.4 below). To use a fireship, the blockading player must elimi- A.2 If the Stability of the player that has created a nate one of his warships (N) SP and roll one die. On D.4 Asiento (and half of all VP received from it) is Trading Company reaches the -3 level during one a modified result of 8 or more, the attack is success- lost when the benefiting player does not provide the turn and remains here at the beginning of the imme- ful. The only modifier applicable is the attacking minimum 4 required slaves or is at war with the diately following Income phase, the Company suf- Admiral’s boarding value. Spanish player. fers from bankruptcy and its advantages are no longer available for the player. C. Result D.5 In such a case, Asiento may then be given If the attack is successful, roll another die. The re- again as per D.2 above to the same (once peace is A.3 If the English or Dutch player creates his com- sult is the number of enemy warships (if different made) or another player. pany before the occurrence of the corresponding types are present, losses are taken on a pro-rata ba- event, the event that creates it normally can no sis) immediately sunk. 53.39 PORTUGAL AND HOLLAND SECRET longer take place and is ignored instead (replace it MONOPOLY ON DISCOVERIES with a D event). C.1 No Admiral injury test is necessary for fireship attacks. In all the 1492, 1520 and Grand Campaign games, 53.37 THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA the Portuguese player is not allowed to sell, give or The United States of America (USA) is a new mi- 53.38 SPANISH COLONIAL POLICIES trade any of his discoveries, Colonies (except those nor country created by an English defeat during the Spain, only when a Catholic country, follows spe- that may be concerned with the Tordesillas Treaty event “War of independence of the English cific colonial policies regarding colonization, ruling application) or Trading Post with any other player. Colonies in America”. of Colonies and the search for gold. The same applies to the Dutch player from 1650 A. Forces of the USA A. Viceroys onwards. The USA have in permanence a basic force made of When a Spanish Conquistador captures the Azteca one side (+) army. capital city of Tenochtitlan, or the Inca capital city Similarly, the Spanish player that controls Portugal This army is equivalent in size and capacity to an of Cuzco, this Conquistador is named viceroy of in Annexation (event) is not allowed to sell discov- army of the English player. those respective Areas (as well as the adjacent Area eries, Colonies or Trading Posts placed by Portugal. of Sonoma in the case of the Azteca Area con- A.1 The USA controls all rebel Colonies that have queror) and is not allowed to leave them anymore 53.40 CIVIL WAR AND FOREIGN INTER- victoriously seceded from England. until removed from play. VENTIONS When England, Spain, France, Holland and/or Rus- See the Annexes Handbook for more details. B. Missionaries sia suffers from a civil war, intervention by The Spanish player is allowed one extra coloniza- A.2 Any player and minor countries can now place tion action (as compared to the turn limit), free of commercial fleets in STZ located on sea zones adja- charge, each turn and for a specific Area, provided cent to USA territories, without restriction. that both the following conditions are met: A.3 The basic value of the European foreign trade increases by 200 ducats after the creation of the 1/- Spain has a Conquistader in the Area 65 players in that civil war suffers from some specific C. Access to Siberia A player can ask for the verification of another constraints. No access to Siberia is allowed unless provisions of player’s record sheets if he thinks that there can be cases A and B above are fulfilled. an error. A. Foreign Intervention Limit Other players may, without declaring a war on the C.1 Should they cease to be valid once some A. Penalties country suffering the civil war, send units to fight in Colonies/Trading Post are placed, these Any such control bringing up the discovery of er- that country, on the side of the faction that is of the Colonies/Trading Posts may still be developed by rors that the faulty player is not able to justify of same religion as that of the intervening player. their controlling player, but no new ones may be good faith or explain entails the loss of 1 level of placed until the above conditions are again satis- Stability, or even 3 levels if all the other players de- A.1 This intervention is limited to a maximum of fied. cide it unanimously. one land stack and/or 1 naval stack per allied player (i.e. per country, not group of countries). 53.42 TRANSFER OF COUNTRIES AND A.1 If the faulty player is already at -3, he must lose WHITE PEACE all his treasury and suffer immediate bankruptcy B. Excessive Foreign Intervention A player that is at war with another player who is (See §26). If one or more players send more than one stack transferred to another country is immediately of- one the side of any one faction in such a war, he fered a white peace with the now minor country 54.3 SANCTIONS OF ERRORS must declare war on the country where the civil war (i.e. the country represented by the other player be- If there is one (or more) error, and that this error rages. fore the transfer). He is free to accept it or not. has benefited the player, it must be corrected imme- diately upon discovery. If this error has deserved B.1 In such a case, the civil war stops temporarily A. Portugal and Venice the player, no correction is made. and the victim country may use units of both fac- That peace offered is made immediately during the tions in his civil war to fight against the invader(s). peace phase of the 1555-1559 turn in the Grand 54.4 TIMING In addition:

-1/ Revolts do not incur any Stability loss during excessive foreign interventions. -2/ Rebel and loyal units may not collaborate (i.e. REST OF THE transport, stack and/or fight together). WORLD -3/ If an intervention occurs, events concerning the same Civil War are still marked off but their ap- plication is suspended. On any following turn Campaign. We recommend a timing of 5 minutes for diplomat- when the intervention is over, such already ic actions and 5 more for players’ administrative marked off events (during the above interven- B. Nederland operations. Another 2 minutes by round is recom- tion turns) will occur in addition of regular The offer is made and applied immediately at the mended per player to solve movements (intercep- events on a roll of l or 2 (no more than 1 per start of the turn when the Nederland player an- tions not included). turn). nounces his transfer to Austria in the Grand Cam- This timing limit may be exceeded, especially dur- paign, in case of a separation between Spain and the ing the first turns of a campaign or during later peri- B.2 However, in B.1 above, the units of both fac- Habsburg. ods when the number of units and stacks to move tions are kept under the control of the victim coun- increases sharply. try until the peace is signed with all foreign in- 53.43 THE PERSIAN PROVINCE OF ORMUZ vaders. This Persian province posses exotic resources and, To make matters clear, most of the rules applicable as such, may see the placement of a Trading Post. to play on the Rest-of-the-world map are regrouped B.3 Once the intervention is over, the civil war is Consider the following rules: together here. resumed and the rebels receive reinforcements if they have lost more than 25% of their initial A. Native reactions 55. GEOGRAPHY strength (proceed as per first turn of the civil war). This Persian province is considered as having a 300 55.1 PROVINCES OF THE REST-OF-THE- strength of natives in case of reaction against failed WORLD C. Minor Countries and Civil Wars placement of TP or reaction to a player military A. Provinces on the Rest-of-the-world map are re- No minor countries (even vassals) are allowed to presence. grouped into Areas. Areas are delimited by a red intervene in a civil war, unless specifically men- frontier. tioned by the Civil War event description. B. Ormuz Annexed by a Player If a player has annexed this province on the Persian A.1 Different indications (income, natives, exotic NB: This does not apply to HR units if the Civil minor, no TP or Colony placement is allowed in the resources...) are given for each Area. These indica- War occurs in the Emperor’s country. Ormuz province. tions are applicable to each and every province in the same Area. 53.41 COLONIZATION IN AND ACCESS TO SIBERIA A.2 Exception: Gold mines are only in the province Rossya or Turkey are allowed to start Colonies 54. OPTIONAL RULES where they are physically located on the map. They and/or Trading Posts in Siberia only after the Rus- bring a revenue of 20 D$ each when exploited, ex- sian player is active in the game and the following These rules are given as an advice to players. The cept those located in the AZTECA and INCA Ar- conditions apply. common sense of players will decide their applica- eas, that bring 40 and 50 D$ of revenue respective- tion or not. ly. A. Sibir That minor country must have disappeared from the 54.1 COMMON SENSE B. The Three Values of an Area game. All conflict in the interpretation of the rules has to Each Area contains, in addition to its income value, be solved according to common sense. Discussions two other numbered indications: B. Provincial control and resolutions have to be adopted by the majority The Russian or Turkish player may colonize of players. A/- the “difficulty” level of establishment that Siberia, if he controls: serves to determinate success of Colonization - the URAL province on the European map; 54.2 SECRECY attempts (9 is the worst, 1 is the best); - for the Turkish player only, at least two prov- Information printed on player’s record sheets is se- inces among the following: Kazan, Steppes, As- cret. In counterpart, all actions, decisions, income trakhan. and forces of the players have to be written. 66

B/- the “tolerance” level of the natives that serves Middle East) used for some placements in scenar- to determinate the success of Trading Posts im- ios. H.1 Exception: When sailing from the sea zone plantation attempts (9 is the worst, 1 the “Sea of Okhotsk” to the sea zone “Sea of Alaska”, friendliest). C. AMERICA consider that the Pacific Ocean is constituted of one All Areas located westward of Africa (i.e. at the left zone only, instead of the 2 usual zones as described B.1 When there are no natives or natives but no ex- Cape-Verde, Mauretania and Senegal Areas on the above. ploitable exotic resources, a hyphen (-) replaces the map), be they on the continent or on islands (except tolerance value (equivalent to a 1 for the operation those islands quoted in A., above) of Trading Post implantation, See 45.10). C.1 North America includes all Areas north of 56. COUNTERS B.2 Summary: An Area has therefore 3 values: Sonora, on the Mainland, and excluding the Carib- Counters used in addition to those of the basic and bean islands. campaign games as described above are the Con- Income/Difficulty/Tolerance quistadors, Explorers, Colonies and Trading Posts. C.2 South America includes all Areas not part of Each applies to every provinces part of the Area North America, i.e. south of and including Sonora, 56.1 TYPES OF COUNTERS on the Mainland, and the Caribbean Islands. Conquistador and Explorer leaders cannot use any C. Exotic Resources one or more of their competence in Europe, except Some Areas contain specific symbols that are those D. INDIA in the case of Explorers leaving from a port in Eu- of exotic resources. All Areas comprised between Bahk and Bengale in- rope to a destination on the Rest-of-the-World map, cluded. India is part of Asia. or when Explorers are intercepted on their way Blue Square: Fisheries from the map of Europe. E. SIBERIA White Square: Sugar All adjacent land Areas comprised between Sibir Pink Square: Cotton and Kamtchatka included, north of the Persian Brown Square: Tobacco Reminder of symbols on military leader counters provinces, Kazakhstan (and the Terra Incognita), Beige Circle: Furs Mandchu and Korea Areas. Brown Circle: Slaves -blue “ø”: may leave the European map; Red Circle: Spices - “@”: can serve only in Asia; E.1 There exists a land passage between all the Orange Circle: Products of Orient - “$”: can serve only in America. northernmost provinces of the Baikal and Amour Areas, connected to the northern province of the C.1 Exotic resources are available for the whole of A. Colonies and Trading Posts Kamtchatka Area. The distance of this passage is Colonies and Trading Posts are placed on the Rest- an Area and can be exploited in any province of the 6 MP. Area (the physical location of the province within of-the-world map following a successful adminis- the Area has no importance on resources exploita- trative operation to implant them, and cannot move F. The Areas assimilated as European provinces once placed. tion - see competition for details on resource shar- The provinces of Acores, Canarias, Urals, Kars, ing). Persis, Meched, Ormuz, Ispahan, Morocco and A.1 In case of destruction or transfer, these counters Nile are considered as European provinces in all re- C.2 The figure indicated inside the symbol of the are re-usable. The name that is printed on the spects. They cannot receive either Colonies or counter serves only to facilitate its identification. exotic resource is the total number of that type of Trading Posts counters. resource for the whole Area, and not for each prov- ince. B. Conquistadors and Explorers F.1 Exception #1: It is possible to place a maximum The Conquistadors and Explorers are usable respec- of one Trading Post in the Persian province of Or- C.3 The symbol shape (square or circle) gives an tively as Generals and Admirals for movement and muz. Consider the tolerance of the natives (Per- combat, on the Rest-of-the-world map only. indication as how the concerned type of resource sians) as being 9 in such a case. may be exploitable: They possess in addition some specific advantages: F.2 Exception #2: the Irakian province located out- A/- Conquistadors: modify land discoveries, com- 1/- Square: exploitable solely by Colonies in side of Europe may be colonized if Iraq is annexed. America and in Africa, and by Colonies and bats against natives, and give bonus to Colonies This may only be done by the player having an- or Trading Posts placement attempts; Trading Posts everywhere else on the map; nexed Irak (or having it as a vassal). 2/- Circle: exploitable both by Colonies and Trad- F.2.1 That Irakian province is considered as an ing Posts everywhere on the map. B/- Explorers: modify sea zones discoveries, Area with one single province and its Area values coastal province discoveries, and give bonus to are then 5/5/-. Colonies or Trading Posts placement attempts. 55.2 NAMES OF ZONES F.2.2 However, if Irak is no longer annexed or a The Rest-of-the-world map is subdivided in large vassal of the player owning the Colony marker, this Both follow the hierarchy rules for command (See geographical zones for the location of some events Colony is eliminated. and the placement of some military leaders (see in- 10.3,17.1-C, 17.2-C). side beck cover of the Annexes handbook). G. Connected Areas, provinces and sea zones B.1 Conquistadors and Explorers can be placed Europe & Rest-of-the-world A. AFRICA (and displaced) directly inside discovered provinces European western sea zones are all directly con- of the Rest-of-the-world map, even if the player All Areas comprised between Mauritania and Su- nected to all the following sea zones of the Rest-of- dan, following the coast. Insular Areas of Cape- does not possess a Colony or Trading Post yet in the-world map: Northern Atlantic Ocean, Acores the Verde, Madagascar, Seychelles and Mascareignes and Canarias sea zones. are part of Africa. G.1 The port of Suez on the European map (Rule B. ASIA province) also touches the Red Sea Zone. All Areas located to the east of Africa (at the right G.2 The Caspian Sea Zone, and the provinces of the Nile and Sudan Areas on the map), be they Urals, Kars, Arabia, Nile, Morocco are on both on the continent or on islands (except those islands maps. quoted in A., above). For game purposes, Asia does not include Siberia but includes India. H. The Pacific Ocean The Areas of Nefoud, Kazakhstan and all Persian It is constituted by 2 sea zones named “Grand Pa- provinces on the Rest-of-the-world map constitute a cific Ocean” and situated one and the other at each subsection of Asia called “Moyen-Orient” (“Mor” - extremity of the Rest-of-the-world map. They are both considered as adjacent to each other. 67 province, provided that there is at least one military D. Supply unit present. The supply of a land stack through unknown prov- B. Trading Posts inces is impossible (even with a Conquistador), but A Trading Post can be placed on any empty discov- C. The Military Hierarchy at the difference of Europe, retreat is not mandato- ered province without any restriction, even if a na- Remember the military hierarchy must be respected ry. However, this stack cannot attack voluntarily in tive city is present in that province. outside Europe as well as in Europe. such a case. C. Choice of Placement and Casus Belli Example: the Spanish Player has an Admiral and E. Commercial Fleets To place a Colony/Trading Post in an empty prov- an Explorer; one with rank A and the other with an A player can place a commercial fleet in a STZ lo- ince of an Area where there are already “overseas” symbol and rank “V”. The Explorer cated on the Rest-of-the-world map if any one of Colonies/Trading Posts (located in other provinces may command 2 naval detachments anywhere in the following requirements is met: of the same Area) of other player(s) does not con- the world, but only if the first Admiral also com- stitute a CB, unless this has been formulated ex- mands another stack with at least 2 naval detach- 1/- He has discovered all sea zones corresponding pressly in a specific agreement concluded between ments or a fleet side (-) in Europe to respect the to the STZ (See 1.4-B1); the involved players. military hierarchy. 2/- He has a Colony or an adjacent coastal Trading Post to the STZ and has discovered at least one 58. DISCOVERIES of the sea zones part of the STZ. Only discoveries allow players to enter sea zones 3/- Another player having already a commercial or provinces outside of Europe with a lesser risk. In 57. MILITARY ASPECTS fleet in the STZ authorizes him to access it addition, the Colonies and Trading Post placement 57.1 MOVEMENT (definitively acquired once given). can take place only in discovered provinces. A Movements on the Rest-of-the-world map have a stack can attempt a discovery with or without mili- cost doubled in MP as compared to the correspond- 57.2 REST-OF-THE-WORLD ATTRITION tary leader. To avoid the worst, it is preferable that ing cost on the European map. The attrition is somewhat different from Europe. the stack be led by a Conquistador (on land) or by an Explorer (in a sea zone). When a discovery is Exceptions: in provinces containing a named city 1/- If a sea zone/province is discovered, proceed as made; it is noted on a record sheet, for each player printed on the Rest-of-the-World map, or in level 6 in Europe. as some discoveries also bring VP. Colonies. 2/- If a stack of units tries to discover new prov- inces or seas, there is no test for attrition for 58.1 DISCOVERY In addition, a discovery test is required (with high this stack this round (because of the discovery A test of discovery is necessary each time that a attrition risk) if unknown provinces or sea zones are test itself). stack of a player enters unknown territory. This test traveled. is undertaken before both the land and naval attri- A. Seas of Great Risk tion have been verified. Each land detachment (not armies) that crosses a Some sea zones possess a Great Risk modifier, province bordered by a river or a lake pays only 2 symbolized by a positive figure in a blue circle (e.g. A. Method MP, whatever is the terrain, if the province is unoc- Cape Horn +2). If one of these sea zones is entered To discover a province or a sea zone, it is necessary cupied (presence of unit of another player). and/or traveled through, its Great Risk malus will to have obtained a “Success” result on the Discov- apply on the attrition die-roll. ery table. NB: a basic land movement in a province, in the Rest-of-the-world map (mostly non-clear terrain), A.1 Great Risk modifiers are cumulative. A.1 Several provinces or seas may be explored in cost 6 MP (3 x2) and entails a risk of attrition (See the same round by a Conquistador or an Explorer, 15.2). The presence of a leader (i.e.. a Conquista- B. Military Leaders and Attrition but the discovery roll is modified by -l for each ad- dor) is highly welcome. Outside of Europe, the Conquistadors and Explor- ditional unknown province (or sea) explored, after ers can use their maneuver value to reduce the die- the first. A. Passive Campaign roll of attrition. To undertake discoveries or attack natives only a A.2 Explorers and Conquistadors use their value of Passive campaign is required, even if the concerned B.1 Generals and Admirals can use it for that pur- maneuver to modify the die-roll of discovery in the provinces (for discoveries or attacks against na- pose only if they are authorized to move to the following cases: tives) are not exactly “friendly”. Rest-of-the-world map and only in discovered prov- inces/sea zones. A/- Explorers: in sea zones and coastal provinces B. Restriction (but uses only half his maneuver value on land, Land units (armies, detachments) cannot advance in 57.3 STACKING rounded up). more than one unknown province per round, except Stacking rules of are the same as those applicable in B/- Conquistadors: in provinces. if they are accompanied by a Conquistador (or an Europe for military units. In addition, each province Explorer in coastal provinces). can contain a maximum of one Colony or one Trad- A.3 A stack may only discover either land or sea ing Post. during the same round, not both. B.1 A stack of units entering an unknown provinces Exception an Explorer may try to discover first one or seas must stop its movement for the round, and A. Colonies or more sea zones, and if successful, he may then then achieve a successful discovery test. The first Colony to be placed in an Area has to be located in a discovered coastal province (if the Area C. Landing possess one coastal province), or if none is avail- A land stack may be landing on a coastal province able (land province or all coastal provinces already (with a leader or not). occupied), in a free discovered province. In any following round, that same stack may be re- A.1 A Colony may also be placed in a discovered embark on a naval stack even if there is no port in non-coastal province if another player’s Colony is the province where it is presently located, provided in an adjacent Area. that: A.1.1 This Colony remains in play even if the ini- - an Explorer is on the concerned naval or land tial port Colony is removed or destroyed later in the stack; game. - and/or a Conquistador is on the concerned land stack. A.2 Colonies can be placed in provinces containing C.1 If the coastal province is unknown, and the dis- a native city only when this city is captured. covery test is a failure, then the land stack must re- A.2.1 See the special cases of the Incan and Aztec embark immediately and the naval stack must be empires, as well as the Grand Campaign special moved to a friendly port (sea attrition possible). rule concerning the Portuguese Colony in Goa. 68 disembark on any one unknown coastal province in ies are known by the Spanish player (and he notes the same round to explore it. In this case there are all of them on his record sheet). Example: two different discovery attempts. If an 8 or more had been rolled (60% loss) for this The Spanish player discovers the eastern province travel the two ships would have sunk and no dis- of Cuba in 1492. He notes that discovery on his A.4 If the result is a “Success”, all the covery reported back to Spain... record sheet. This discovery will be known to all in provinces/sea zones explored are discovered. The 1665 (to those that do not know it already by players may note their discovered provinces/sea then...). zones to register them. B. The Cape Horn The Cape-Horn sea zone (located south of Patago- 58.2 PROVINCES AND ZONES ALREADY A.5 In case of a “Failure” result, none of the aimed- nia Area), can be crossed only once discovered, and DISCOVERED at provinces or sea zones are discovered. All con- only by those players having discovered it. Some provinces are already discovered at the be- cerned units have to retreat (See 14.3-A or 17.1-J) ginning of most campaign scenarios and are indi- and test for attrition. B.1 A player penetrating in this still unknown (for cated as such in each concerned scenario. It is no- him) sea zone must immediately stop there his tably the case of provinces in India and in Asia in A.6 If the result includes a “*” symbol, each mili- movement for the round. 1492 along the coastal provinces, Ceylon and Japan tary leader present must make a test. The concerned (thank you Marco Polo!). player must roll the die; if the die-roll is strictly su- B.2 This discovery (and the authorization of pas- perior to the unmodified value of maneuver of the sage that derives from it) can however be sold or However, provinces in Asia must still be discovered concerned leader, this one is eliminated. ceded to another player by a Loan Treaty (See 32.3- by sea before any player may attempt to place D). Colonies or Trading Posts there. A.7 A Conquistador or an Explorer may explore alone, without any military unit, taking more risk in C. Victory Points & Discoveries 59. COLONIES doing so. If the discovery result entails a loss of Province or sea zone discovery brings no VP on the A Colony is placed on the map after payment (and 30% or more, the leader suffers automatically as if player that succeeds in it, except for some that may success) of an administrative Colonization attempt he had received a “*” result (see A.6). bring a specific amount of VP (for the complete list, operation. see 51.4) to the first player to achieve them. If the result on the table for a Colonization attempt A.8 Military units may explore without a Conquis- imposes a combat with natives and that the latter tador or an Explorer. In this case they can explore C.1 Asia and America continents are considered are not destroyed or do not retreat, the Colony can- only 1 province or sea per round. discovered when a naval stack of a player reaches not be placed. for the first time a coastal province of that continent An implanted Colony begins at level 1, then it pro- A.9 To be effective, one of the units (leader or mili- (See 55.2A, B, & C). gresses according to actions of Colonization of the tary unit) participating to the Discovery must go owning player until it reaches the level 6 (maxi- back to a player’s port. D. Discovery of Province or Sea Zone already mum). A.9.1 In this case a land discovery may be trans- Known by other Player(s) It generates an income according to its levels (1 ferred directly to an adjacent naval stack (and this Those discoveries bring no VP, but they are indis- ducat each), and the wealth of the Area (simple or stack goes back to a port to report the good news). pensable for the concerned player to be able to en- double income according to Colony side up), as ter without risk, colonize, place a Trading Post or a well as from exotic resources that it can exploit. It commercial fleet in a STZ. may also be fortified. Example: In 1492 Christopher Columbus embarks on a Spanish naval detachment (with 3 ships) and D.1 The player has to succeed in his own discovery 59.1 MAXIMUM OF COLONIES travels to the sea of Azores (last known occidental attempt, or to obtain the property of that “discov- For each period, the maximum number of Colony sea) then enters far deep into unknown ocean... He ery” by agreement with another player (that has al- counters is limited and can never be exceeded (See tries to discover in the same round the Central At- ready undertaken this discovery). 24.3), except when granted by an event. lantic Ocean, Bermuda Triangle and Sea of Puerto See period limits (actions, counters) on Player’s Rico sea zones. E. Sale of Discoveries Aides. The Spanish player rolls for a naval discovery test A discovery can be sold by Loan Treaty (See 32.3- and adds +2 (because he attempted to discover 3 D), but at the rate of only one province or sea zone 59.2 LEVEL OF A COLONY seas in a single round) and -6 (Columbus’ maneu- per turn. A newly placed Colony is automatically level 1, ver value) to his die. A 6 is obtained, modified to 2 and placed side (-) on the map. See also §56 above The result is a Success with 10% loss: the 3 seas E.1 See also Political rule 53.39 for Portugal and for placement and restrictions on the same. are discovered and a ship is lost. Holland. Now the Spanish player chooses to disembark A. Progression of Level Columbus, alone, on Haiti Area east province to F. Validity of a Discovery A Colony progresses 1 level for each successful explore it (with some risks). A land discovery test is A discovery is really valid and credited to a player colonization operation. Up to level 3, the Colony rolled, he adds -3 (half of Columbus’ maneuver only if at least one unit participating to the expedi- remains placed on its side (-). From level 4 up, it is value) an 8 is obtained, modified to 5: it is a “1/2” tion of discovery returns to friendly territory to an- placed on its side (+). The level 6 is the maximum and 40% loss. nounce that discovery during the current turn or any that a Colony can reach. A 1/2 result means that another roll under the following one. Spanish FTI is required (value 1 in 1492): a 1 is 59.3 COLONY AND PORT obtained (lucky player!) and it is a Success. But as F.1 Otherwise the discovery, although having suc- Each Colony located in a coastal province is con- Columbus was alone and the loss is at least 30% he ceeded, is a failure... (because it is unknown in Eu- sidered as a port. must make a survival test under his maneuver val- rope...!). ue: a 6 is rolled, and he survives... Now, the round ends for Columbus and his naval detachment. G. Discoveries Spread Next round, the Spanish player chooses to send With the time, the knowledge of discoveries spread back his naval detachment to a European port (un- and discoveries become known to all. der Spanish control), but he leaves Columbus on G.1 Until 1660 included, only provinces containing Haiti (see Colony example for the motives of the a side (+) Colony/Trading Post may become known Spanish player). to all on the turn following their side (+) placement. Without an Explorer, the return travel is highly dangerous: the sea attrition is standing at 7 (travel- G.2 From 1665 on, all previously made discoveries ing through the Bermuda Triangle sea zone), and a (land and sea zones) become known to all. New dis- 6 is rolled: 40% loss (1 ship loss). All the discover- coveries become known to all from the second turn following its realization. 69

See also rules 53.41 and 53.23. A. Revolts 59.4 FORTIFICATION Colonies that are victims of a revolt event (e.g. A fortress marker can be placed on a Colony. The 59.7 ANNEXATION OF COLONY “Slave revolt” event) or a war with natives (e.g.. level of the fortification depends, of course, on the A ceded Colony (either as a peace term or by Dy- “Indian war in America” event), are determined at land technology of the player owning the Colony nastic alliance) is changed into a Colony counter of random, in priority among those that receive slaves (See 9.1-02). the new owner. (for revolts) or those situated in Areas where na- If none is available, the new owner cannot receive tives still reside. A. Cost of Fortifications the Colony (he may choose a province or Trading The cost of construction of a fortress is double than Post instead). 59.10 PLACEMENT OF A NEW COLONY that valid in Europe. The cost of maintenance is the Recommendation: To have the best chances to cre- same (i.e. equal the fortress marker value, from 1 to A. A Colony may be ceded as a peace term, in ate a new Colony, it is best advised to place a Con- 5). place of a province, at the choice of the deciding quistador (if any available) on the province during a player. round of the previous turn. Your colonial action B. Colony of Level 6 will then be tested with a bonus: the leader’s ma- Such a Colony is considered as possessing an in- Note: the victorious player obtaining the transfer of neuver value. trinsic level 1 fortified city. As such, no fortress a territory can refuse a proposed Colony and de- NB: an Explorer may be used as a Conquistador for marker is necessary to represent its intrinsic fortifi- mand a European province instead (or the reverse), this test in coastal provinces, but his bonus is only cation (place one only if fortification level increases if he prefers. its maneuver divided by two (rounded up). above level 1). A player can buy troops on side (+) and side (-) Example:(continuation of the Discovery example): 59.5 COLONIAL MILITIA Colonies. In 1495, the Spanish player tries to create the first Each Colony has an intrinsic colonial militia, con- Spanish Colony on Haiti (where Columbus is cur- sisting of a force of conscript infantry SP equal to 5 This purchase is limited to one land detachment rently located). He pays for a basic investment (30 if the Colony is on its (-) side and 10 if it is on its per Colony and only composed of infantry SP. ducats for a bonus +0). (+) side. He rolls under column 4 (Spanish “colonial” FTI A.1 This detachment costs double its normal price, -see player’s aides) +0 (investment) -4 (Haiti’s dif- Exception: French militias are veterans. except if the Colony is currently at level 6 (normal ficulty) = column 0. He rolls an 8-3 (first colonial Colonial militias have the same technology as that price then). Spanish attempt) +3 (half Columbus maneuver val- of the units of the player owning the Colony. ue), and obtains a modified 8: This is a Success! A.2 The quantities purchased are deducted from the A. Utilization of Militias per turn limit in vigor for the period played. The first Spanish Colony is founded (with 1 level): These colonial militias are not represented physical- the Spanish player chooses the “Hispanolia” ly by a counter and can never leave their Colony of A.3 Exception: the Russian player may buy cavalry counter and put it on Haiti Area east province. origin. In case of combat, just add the force of mili- SP in his colonial detachments in Siberia. Now Spain will only suffer a -2 malus for his sec- tias (in number of infantry SP) to military units al- ond colony placement attempt, and for Hispanolia ready present in the Colony. The player can construct naval units (transport and specifically he will benefit from a bonus +2 be- warships) in Colonies (not Trading Posts) at double cause the colony already exists, in addition to all A.1 Militias are automatically reconstituted at the the normal price, except for side (+) Colonies with other modifiers. end of turn where they have participated in a com- 6 levels (in that case, the price is normal). In future turns, the Spanish player would be best bat, but only if the Colony is not occupied by the advised to either continue his placement attempts enemy. B.1 Exception: the Russian player may also con- on Hispaniola colony (the +2 existence bonus struct ships in a Trading Post in Siberia (See 55.2 - would then offset the -2 and -l malus for second 59.6 COLONY INCOME E) located on a coastal province in the Amour or and third attempts), or pay for a much stronger in- During the income phase, a Colony brings an in- the Kamtchatka Areas. vestment than this time to avoid risks, or else be come as follows: sure he possess an explorer or conquistador with a B.2 Purchases made outside of Europe count double strong maneuver value. A/- if it is side (-): 1 ducat per level, plus the in- for the maximum limit of purchasable ships this come value of the Area; turn. 60. TRADING POSTS B/- if it is side (+): 1 ducat per level, plus the dou- ble of the income value of the Area. Example: A Trading Post is placed on the map after payment In 1492, Portugal possesses a side (+) Colony in and success of an operation of Trading Post im- In addition, a Colony may exploit some of the the Cape-Verde Area. It can construct there ships plantation. available exotic resources of the Area (See §61). (technology is currently Carrack) at the price of 16 This operation depends especially on the value of ducats per ship (instead of the usual 8 ducats per the Foreign Trade Index (FTI) of the player and the A. Colonies and Gold Mines unit, basic European cost). Each ship constructed value of native tolerance of the Area where the If a Colony (with at least one level) exploits a gold there “consumes” the equivalent of 2 in the Por- Trading Post is going to be placed. mine, it can no longer generate any other income. tuguese limit of ships. An implanted Trading Post begins at level 1. Then The income produced by the gold mine is counted it can progress until it reaches the level 6 (maxi- separately. The gold has to be forwarded to a Euro- C. Level 6 Colonies mum). It generates an income (1 or 2 ducats accord- pean port during the Military phase (See 48.4) or It is assimilated to an European province in all re- ing to its side) and exploits most exotic resources Redeployment phase to be credited in the player’s spects (i.e. movement, supply, units purchase and (except all square-shaped resources of America and treasury. placement, etc...). Africa). B. Enemy occupation of a Colony 59.9 COLONIES AND EVENTS A Colony occupied by the enemy is not destroyed. If at the beginning of a turn when the event “Gover- It generates no income either for its original owner nor” occurs, the player receives a free Conquistador or for the occupier, and ceases to produce gold (?) counter that gives him a +3 modifier to the die- while occupied. roll of colonization, in addition to the Conquistador (?) counter value of maneuver (just designate the Exception: If the Treaty of Tordesillas is still in governor’ to the other players). vigor (event, See 53.23), the Spanish or Portuguese A governor is removed at the end of the turn it is player occupying a Colony of another player in obtained. their own sphere of influence, may choose to de- stroy it (at the beginning the Redeployment phase). 70

Trading Posts are vulnerable to actions of Competi- A. Military Occupation 2/- each level of Colony for the fisheries resource tion from the other players. If, during the course of a round a player occupies may exploit 2 resources instead of 1; militarily (with either an A+, A- or Detachments) a 3/- each level of Trading Post for the furs resource 60.1 MAXIMUM OF TRADING POSTS Trading Post (even his own) in Asia, he may suffer exploits 2 furs of the Area; For each period, the maximum number of Trading in the Trading Post an immediate attack of the na- 4/- a Colony exploits all furs of an Area, but may Posts is limited and can never be exceeded (See tives in the Area. entail a reduction of that number when the 24.3), except for some specific cases and events number of side (+) Colonies increases above (See event “The Reform:” where France increases A.1 To solve this attack, roll a D10 at the end of the one (see E.1 below) in the Area; its limits by becoming Protestant for instance). movement phase (in the round when the military 5/- a Colony that exploits a mine produces no exot- units have entered the Trading Post province and ic resources. 60.2 LEVEL OF TRADING POST every ensuing round). If the die-roll result is strictly A newly placed Trading Post is automatically level inferior to the tolerance level of the natives, the A.2 Each level of a Trading Post or a Colony can 1, placed side (-) on the map. units and Trading Post of the player are immediate- exploit only one type of resource (if there is more ly attacked (See 61.6 -A) by the natives. than one type in the same Area). 60.3 DEFENSE OF TRADING POSTS A Trading Post has no intrinsic defense. If it is tak- A.2 See exception for specific Conquistadors (Po- A.3 If there are too many Trading Posts/Colonies of en and still occupied by enemy units at the begin- litical rule 53.31). different players to exploit the existing and avail- ning of the Redeployment phase, it is eliminated. It able resource, a Competition must take place (see can however be fortified and protected by units. 60.9 PLACEMENT OF A NEW TRADING §46). This competition resolution is free and imme- POST diate (without investments) and solved during the A Trading Post of level 6 possesses an intrinsic lev- Recommendation: To have the best chances to cre- Income phase. el fortification 1. No fortress marker is then neces- ate a new Trading Post, place a Conquistador (if sary. any available) on the province during the previous 61.3 PRICE & INCOME turn. Your colonial action will be tested with a The determination of exotic resources prices, their 60.4 FORTIFICATION bonus: the leader’s maneuver. variation and their income are indicated in the In- A fortress marker may only be placed on a Trading NB: an Explorer may be used as a Conquistador for come phase (see 35.2 & 40-E). Post if the fortress level is at most equal to half the this test in a coastal province, but his bonus is only level of the Trading Post (rounded up). its maneuver divided by two (rounded up). 61.4 PRODUCTION The simple presence of a Trading Post or a Colony Only a Trading Post of level 6 may be fortified up 61. EXOTIC RESOURCES allows a player to exploit the existing and available to fortress levels 4 and/or 5 (if allowed by the tech- Exotic resources are produced by Colonies or by resource(s) present in the Area. A player may how- nology). Trading Posts (some only). There are 8 different ever freely decide to exploit less than what he could Note. The level of the fortification depends of types of exotic resources: fisheries, sugar, cotton, do with his current capacity (for purposely making course on the land technology of player owning the tobacco, furs, spice, products of orient and.. slaves. prices increase, or to decrease the Offer on the mar- Trading Post (See 9.1-G.2). Their income depends on their price that changes ket for that resource). according to the world production. 60.5 INCOME OF TRADING POSTS What has not been produced in a turn is lost and A side (-) Trading Post brings a permanent 1 ducat 61.1 TYPES OF RESOURCES cannot be accumulated (different from the gold...) income. The income is 2 ducats if the Trading Post Some Areas have specific symbols that indicate the is side (+). presence of exotic resources (see 55.1-C). Re- A. Slaves sources identified by a square shape are exploitable To exploit sugar, cotton and/or tobacco in America It can in addition exploit most of the exotic re- only by Colonies in America and in Africa; else- a player has to possess slaves... Otherwise those sources of the Area (except those square-shaped in where Trading Posts may exploit them. above resources in that continent are unexploitable. America and in Africa). Resources symbolized by circle shapes are every- A.1 To allow production of cotton, sugar and/or to- 60.6 TRADING POST AND PORT where exploitable by both the Colonies and the bacco, it is necessary that 1 slave resource be ex- A Trading Post in a coastal province is considered Trading Posts. ploited for each side (-) Colony exploiting these re- as a port. sources. 61.2 AVAILABILITY 60.7 TRADING POST AND EVENT One or more exotic resources can be exploited by a A.1 For each side (+) Colony, this slave require- If at the beginning of a turn when the event “Gover- player as long as he possesses a Colony and/or ment is 2. nor” occurs, the player receives a free Conquistador Trading Post in one or more provinces of the Area (?) counter that gives him a +3 modifier to the die- where the resources are located. A.3 All the above applies whatever the number of roll of Trading Post placement, in addition to the cotton, sugar and/or tobacco produced by the Conquistador (?) counter value of maneuver (just What does matter is that the province of the Colony Colony. designate the “governor” to the other players). A and/or Trading Post is within the Area where the re- governor is removed at the end of the turn it is ob- sources are situated (even if the Colony is not ex- A.4 No slave is needed to exploit gold mines. tained. actly in the province where the resource symbol is “printed” on the map). B. The Contraband of Slaves A. Revolts There are always 5 available slaves on the “free” Trading Posts that suffer from an event “War with All resources are available in 1492 but the follow- market of the contraband (i.e. smuggled into the natives” (e.g. “War in Ceylon” event) are deter- ing; Sugar and Tobacco become available in 1615, mined at random, unless specified by the event. and Cotton in 1700. A. Quantity 60.8 ELIMINATION OF TRADING POSTS The figure indicated in the symbol of an exotic re- A Trading Post can be eliminated in two different source is the exploitable total of this resource for manners, either when: the whole Area. Each Trading Post or Colony level exploits in principle 1 point of an exotic resource 1/- It reaches level 0, due to events or Competition from the Area. (See §46); 2/- or when it is occupied by the enemy at the be- A.1 Exceptions: ginning of the Redeployment phase (the enemy 1/- it requires 2 Colony levels to exploit 1 unit of may destroy it or not, he has the choice). sugar, cotton or tobacco; 71 market by private “businessmen” of the time...!). mon agreement, or they solve the difference by an A. Exceptions These 5 slaves do not count on the produced quanti- action of Competition (See §46), free and immedi- The natives countries cited in 62.1-B above have a ty and the variation of prices of the slave exotic re- ate (without investments). technology of their own. There exists a specific source. marker of technology that regroups them all (See F. Sugar, Cotton and Tobacco 47.3). B.1 Players willing to get those slaves must bid se- These three exotic resources are non-existent until cretly for slave contraband, writing down quantities 1615 (for Sugar and Tobacco) and 1700 (for Cot- In practice, they begin the 1492 scenario and the and price per slave unit bid for. The player offering ton). Grand Campaign with Medieval land technology, the most wins the auction and obtains his desired then they may evolve, as the other markers of minor quantity at the price he offered. F.1 Before their date of appearance as scheduled entities (their marker advances with the letter “C” B.1.1 Then, if there are some contraband slaves still above, none can be produced (their prices are there- on the game turns track), plus normal technology available, then the second best offer gets what re- fore never adjusted, except by random events, be- adjustments. mains of contraband, according to quantity and fore their official date of appearance on the “mar- price he offered, and so on... until there are no more ket”). B. Naval Technology slaves available. No native countries, except OMAN and ADEN, F.2 These three resources each necessitate slaves to possess naval technology, because they have no B.2 Contraband slaves are available each Income be exploited in America (See A). warships that could be considered comparable to phase. those of the Europeans. F.3 This is not the case in Asia. C. Sales of Slaves between Players 62.3 AREAS AND COMBATS Players may sell slaves freely between them during 62. NATIVES Every province of an Area is considered as having the Diplomatic phase, by informal agreement. The the same natives values, and has each to be pro- selling player receives from the buying player an Natives are non-European minors; players cannot cessed separately for combat and implantation amount of ducats equivalent to the current slave make diplomacy with than (except rare exceptions (Colonies, Trading Posts). price multiplied by the quantity sold. described in the Annexes handbook – e.g. Mysore) They are more or less aggressive according to their Areas and Subjugation of Natives C.1 See also Political Rule 53.39 for Asiento value of tolerance as indicated in the Area (third When a player has destroyed the natives of at least (Spanish slave trade). Note that Asiento slaves must figure). They react to the European presence in two half the provinces of the same Area, all other prov- be currently exploited by the player having ob- different manners: either when a player attempts to inces become pacified and the natives there subju- tained that privilege. place a Colony or a Trading Post or more surely gated (same as if destroyed in combat). when there is a land European military force in one D. Fisheries or more of the provinces belonging to their Area A.1 This rule does not apply to China, Japan and all Each Colony may exploit 2 fisheries resources for (except fortresses). A Colony or a Trading Post natives in Asia. each one of its levels. Fisheries enable a player to that does not increase its level (and without pres- buy and build warships or transport ships in excess ence of a land stack) has not to fear a reaction of A.2 The Incan and Aztec Empires cannot be subju- of his purchase limit (and maximum of ships). natives. They can however intervene through some gated in this way unless their respective capital events (e.g. Indian War in America). Also, and in cities are conquered. D.1 This excess is 1 ship for each fisheries resource America only (except Ohio and Amazonia). natives that the player exploits. And this, whatever the side can be annihilated by players to pacify these Areas. 62.4 NATIVES AND LOSSES (i.e. + or -) of his Colony. Losses suffered in combat by natives are recuperat- 62.1 GENERALITIES ed at the start of the next Military phase (next turn), D.2 These ships may only be built in the Colonies The natives military force is indicated on the map, with the following exceptions: that are currently exploiting the fisheries or in Eu- close to the natives symbol. rope, at the normal purchase price in vigor (i.e. that A. America and Siberia is an exception to the doubling of the ship prices A. Natives Symbols If, in America and in Siberia, all natives of a prov- when building overseas!). The symbol used according to the different natives ince are eliminated at the end of a turn (Interphase), allows to differentiate them by Area and geographi- they are gone for good. D.3 The player that has the total monopoly of fish- cal zone. eries receives a +1 bonus modifier to his die-rolls Exception: natives of Ohio and Amazonia Areas are for all commercial fleets placement operations (See A.1 Natives cities are identified as per the European always recompleted at the start of the next Military 45.8). map. They limit the placement of Colonies (See 56 phase (next turn). above). Example: A.1 A province where all natives are eliminated or The English player, in 1700, possesses a side (-) B. Natives Countries subjugated sees its difficulty value reduced by 2 for Colony in Terre-Neuve (i.e. “Newfoundland”) that Some natives are real minor countries, having for all actions of Colonization. exploits there 2 fisheries. He may therefore con- most of these specific cases a diplomatic marker struct 2 ships in addition to its limit each turn, and available in the game. They are ADEN, OMAN, A.2 The province value of tolerance becomes 1, ex- increases its maximum limit for the period by ships. HYDERABAD, MYSORE, SUDAN, SIBIR, cept if the religion of the natives is Islam (vs. Chris- Those extra ships may be constructed either in Ter- OHIO (diplomatic markers available), and the na- tian players), in which case it remains as set on the re-Neuve or in England at the normal purchase tives empires of CHINA, JAPAN and MOGOL (no map. price in vigor. diplomatic marker). These last three are described in the Annexes hand- E. Furs book, even if it is not possible to undertake minor Each Trading post may exploit 2 furs per level. A diplomacy on them (always neutral). Colony can exploit the totality of fur resources of the Area it is located in. 62.2 TECHNOLOGY The land technology of most natives is Medieval E.1 However, each side (+) Colony in addition to during the whole length of the game (for all their the first side (+) in the same Area, reduces the num- units). Natives do not have naval technology, ex- ber of exploitable furs by one, to a minimum of cept Oman and Aden (both attached to the Islam zero. minor entity). E.2 In case of problem for the distribution of furs, either the players share them among them by com- 72

A.3 This is noted on a separate record sheet so as to plantation attempt, natives attack, and the combat is strength at the beginning of the following Military keep trace of which province of an Area is without resolved immediately by one die-roll on the “Pi- phase (next turn). natives. rates, Privateers and Natives Attacks table”. B.5 Natives that have survived the end of the Mili- A.4 Inca and Azteca natives are reduced to l0% of This die-roll is modified by: tary phase undertake an attack on the Pirates, Priva- their initial numbers in each of their yet uncon- teers & Natives Attacks table during the Redeploy- quered provinces once their capital cities (Cuzco Player’s favor ment phase and at the same time than attacks from and Tenochtitlan respectively) are conquered. +3 for a side (+) army pirates & privateers are resolved (proceed as in A., +2 for a side (-) army above). A.5 See also Political Rule 53.38-A on Spanish +1 for each detachment Viceroys. +2 for each level of fortress in the province C. Military Presence Natives’ Favor The simple presence of a military land stack in a 62.5 MINORS AND NATIVES -1 for every 20 natives (rounded down) natives province at the end of a round of the Mili- Most of the rules governing the play of neutral mi- -1 for each Colony/Trading Post of another player tary phase may provoke a reaction of the natives. nor countries also apply to natives, except the fol- or minor present in the Area One die is rolled: lowing particular cases: Both ? differential of maneuver value of General/ Con- C.1 If the result is strictly inferior to the tolerance A. Natives and Reinforcements quistador present (player - natives) value of the natives, natives activate as described in The Reinforcements table and choice of attitude B., above. (Offensive, Defensive, Naval) are not used for na- A.1 The percentage of loss given by the table ap- tives, with the exception of: plies to detachments or army forces content, and is C.2 If natives react, they only attack the units of the not based on the numerical force of natives (con- player that has provoked their reaction by his move- 1/- Oman and Aden. trary of regular combat). ment in the concerned province. 2/- Natives leaders (taking into account that there is no modifier to the die-roll for reinforcement). A.2 Each lost level step is applied to the C.3 A naval stack or a fortress counter does not en- Colony/Trading Post present. If a Colony, or a tail native reaction die-rolls. B. Natives Leaders Trading Post is reduced to the level 0, the establish- The General Akbar is available for natives of the ment is destroyed. C.4 Important Exception: see Political Rule §53.31. Mogul Empire; the Admiral Arabs can be used by both Oman and Aden. A.3 There can be only one native attack per result D. Voluntary Attack of a Player on Natives obtained on the Commercial, Colonial and Other The player must have made a declaration of war B.1 All natives of Asia and Siberia can use gray mi- Actions table. against them during the previous Diplomatic Phase nor (?) Generals counters. A.3.1 Such an attack is resolved immediately, not in order to do that. as per Case B, below. B.2 Natives of America and Africa can use only the D.1 The player announces that he is attacking na- two orange counters identified by Chef 1 and Chef B. Attack by Event tives of a province at the start of his Movement sub- 2. Native attacks take place each round of the military phase in the round. phase if they are activated by an event and this until C. Natives Empire Armies they are eliminated. D.2 Natives are then automatically activated (as de- The three following empires: Mogol, China and scribed in B., above). Japan each have an army that intervenes on a die- Note that natives may receive reinforcements if de- roll of (3+) on a D10 whenever a combat occurs in scribed in the event. D.3 They attack only units belonging to the player a province of their respective empires that opposes that has activated them. their natives local forces and player controlled B.1 This type of attack continues during one same units. single turn until complete victory or defeat of the D.4 Reminder: Only natives of America or Siberia natives at the end of the Military phase (the player may be completely destroyed (except Ohio and C.1 The army, with its maximum content, is placed controlling natives is indicated in the Annexes Amazonia). immediately in the concerned province, upon suc- handbook). cessful intervention. E. Influence of a Conquistador B.2 The numerical value close to the natives sym- Before each combat against natives, if a Conquista- C.2 The intervention is automatic in provinces bols on the map corresponds to the number of in- dor leads the player’s stack, one die may be rolled where are located the cities of Delhi, Pekin and Ky- fantry SP (conscript) to be placed in native army on the Conquistadors table (at player’s discretion - oto. See Annexes handbook for details. and detachment counters, if they are activated by an this is a purely voluntary action). event or a player’s declaration of war on them. C.3 This intervention test is renewed every round B.2.1 Particular Cases E.1 The player must sum up the 3 military values of that its conditions are effective. These are applied force the force content of the na- the Conquistador (maneuver, fire and shock) and tives below: determine the corresponding column on the table. 62.6 ATTACKS OF NATIVES A/- Natives of Asia: Count one third of the forces Natives may attack following either: as cavalry SP and 1% (rounded down) as ar- tillery SP. 1/- a failed Colonization attempt or implantation of NB: artillery is available only if natives have at Trading Post; least the Renaissance land technology. 2/- or following an event; B/- Japanese natives: they are always all consid- 3/- or player’s or minor’s military unit presence in ered as veterans. their province(s); C/- Natives of Siberia: their force is composed en- 4/- or an attack on them from a player. tirely and exclusively (for reinforcements pur- pose) of conscript cavalry SP. A. Natives and Terrain Important: Natives that attack are not penalized by B.3 A player earns no victory points or Stability in the terrain if they are in America or in Africa. combat against natives. He does not lose them ei- ther. B. Attack following a Failure In case of a “failure” result with a “*” symbol, fol- B.4 If at the end of the Military phase, natives are lowing a failed Colonization or Trading Post im- not completely eliminated, they return to full 73

E.2 The result is indicated in the form of percent- ages, as follows:

A/- the % of eliminated natives (% E); B/- the % of those that defect to the Conquistador stack (% D); C/- the % of those that resist and fight against the Conquistador stack (% R).

E.3 The number of natives controlled by the player as “deserters” is rounded down, other percentages are rounded up.

E.4 This Conquistador Table D10 is modified by cumulative +1 for each future use (with any Con- quistador, even if different of the one that first at- tacked) against natives of this same Area (same province or not). E.4.1 This modifier is cumulative per round and turn as well (keep track of it on a separate record).

E.4 Natives that defect to rejoin the Conquistador (result D%) are transformed into native detach- ments (or army, according to their number; use Re- volt army or detachment whenever needed) under the control of the player.

E.5 The defecting natives still have a Medieval technology until the end of the turn. If all the resist- ing natives are eliminated (America, Siberia) at the end of turn, these defecting natives are also consid- ered as eliminated (desertions, epidemics, reduction into slavery, etc.).

E.5 Natives that resist (result R%) constitute na- tives units that continue to fight against the player until completely eliminated or victorious.

E.6 Exception: Natives countries as defined in 62.1-B above do not suffer from this Conquistador table before regular combat (rules A above are ig- nored for them).

F. Conquistador Fate If all units with the Conquistador are eliminated, he is also eliminated except if the natives that are re- sisting are all eliminated at the same time.

G. Explorer An Explorer that disembarks to discover a coastal province can possibly be used in the role of Con- quistador, but its values are divided by 2 for all land discoveries and Colony/Trading Post placement at- tempts. It also suffers from a +2 modifier on the table of Conquistadors. But if he has to do a survival test, it is under his unmodified maneuver value.

H. Redeployment Phase exception During this phase, the Conquistadors and Explorers (and all units that accompany them) may remain in the province where they are located (except if it is not discovered) without having to return to a friend- ly province.

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