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MSBA CODE FINDER INDEX Revised November 12, 2015, MSBA 2015C
A Gifted...... IGBB-AP Language Minority (LM)...... IGBH Migrant Students...... IGBCB A+ Schools Program...... JFCL, JFCL-AP Program...... IL Abandoned Property...... DI-AP2 Reading...... IGC, IKE, IL-AP Absence(s) State Programs...... ILA Employee...... GBCBC Assignment of Students to Grade Levels/Classes...... JECC Student...... JED Assistance for Abuse, Child...... JHG New Teachers...... GCL Abuse and Neglect Hotline...... JHG Practicing Teachers...... GCL Academic Achievement...... IK Asthma-Related Emergency Academic Calendar/Year/Day...... IC Medications.....EBBA, JHCD, JHCD-AP, JHCF, JHCF-AP Academic Dishonesty...... JG-R Athletics...... IGD, IGD-AP2 Acceleration...... IKE At-Risk Students...... IGBD Acceptable Use...... EHB Attendance Accident Absences and Excuses (Student)...... JED Prevention...... EBBA Compulsory Ages...... JEA Reports...... EBBA Employees...... GBCBC Response...... EBBA Part-Time...... JEA Accountability/Commitment to Accomplishment...... AF Standards, Grades K 8...... JED-AP1 Accounting B Fiscal...... DI Standards, Grades 9B12...... JED-AP2 System...... DI Attorney, School...... BCG Activities Audio and Visual Recording...... KKB Extracurricular...... IGD Audit Committee...... DA Fundraising...... IGDF Audits...... DIE Funds Management (Student)...... DI Authorized Signatures...... DGA Interscholastic Athletics...... IGD Authorized Users (Technology)...... EHB Administration (see also Professional Staff, Superintendent) Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)...... EBBA-AP Adult Education Programs...... IGC Automobiles...... ECD, JG-R State and Federal Programs...... CGC Administration of Medications to Students...... JHCD Admission(s) B Exchange Students...... JECA, JECA-AP1 Free...... DFEA Background Checks...... GBEBC, GCD, GDC Restrictions...... JEC Ballot Issues, School Board...... BBBB Students...... JEC, JECA Bargaining Unit...... HA, HH Advanced Standing Credits...... IKF Basic Instructional Program...... IGA Advertising in District Facilities...... ADF-AP1, KI Behavioral Intervention Plan...... JGE Advisory Committees to the Board...... BCE Benefits Affordable Care Act...... GCBC, GCBC-AP1, GCBC-AP2, Professional Staff...... GCBC GDBC, GDBC-AP1, GDBC-AP2 Superintendent's...... CBC Agendas (Board Meetings)...... BDDB Support Staff...... GDBC Air Quality...... ADF-AP1 Bidding Procedure/Requirements...... DJF Alcohol Testing (Employee)...... GBEBB Bids, Construction...... FEF-AP1 Allegations of Sexual Misconduct Board (see also School Board) with a Student...... GBLB, GCPB, GCPE, GCPF, GDPB Committees...... BCE Allergy Prevention and Response (Student)...... JHCF Officers...... BCB Allowable Expenses (Federal Funds)...... CGC-AP2 Officials, Appointed...... BCC Americans with Disabilities Act Organizational Meeting...... BCA Procedures...... IGBA-AP3 President...... BCB Ammunition, Possession (Student)...... JG-R Secretary...... BCC Animal Habitats...... ECG Superintendent Relationship...... BCD Animals on District Property...... ECG Treasurer...... BCC Annexation...... BBBB Unexpired Term Fulfillment/Vacancies...... BBE Annual Budget...... DB Vice President...... BCB Appointed Board Officials...... BCC Board Meetings Architectural Services...... FEB Closed Meetings...... BDC Arrangements for Professional Staff Electronic Participation in Board Meetings...... BDA, BDDF Substitutes...... GCE Minutes...... BDDG Arson...... JG-R News Media Services...... BDA, BDDA Asbestos...... EBAB-AP1 Notification of...... BDA, BDDA Assaults...... JG-R Public Participation...... BDDH Assessment Quorum...... BDA English Language Learner...... IGBH Regular...... BDA
MSBA Code Finder Index 2015C Page 1 9/15 Release of Information...... BDDL Closed Meetings, Records and Votes...... BDC Special...... BDA Closings (Schools - permanent)...... FC Voting Method...... BDDF Closings (Schools - temporary, emergency)...... EBC-AP1 Board Member (see also School Board) Coast Guard Auxiliary Leave...... GCBDA, GDBDA Business Relationships...... BBFA Commitment to Accomplishment...... AF Compensation and Expenses...... BHD Committees Confidential Information, Use of...... BBFA Ad Hoc, Temporary...... BCE Conflict of Interest and Financial Disclosure...... BBFA Advisory to the Board...... BCE Contributions...... BBFA Audit...... DA Delegate...... BCCA Board...... BCE Ethics...... BBF Lay, Special...... BCE Exclusion of Resigning...... BBE Communicable Diseases...... EBB Financial Interest Statement...... BBFA Communication Devices...... EHB-AP Liability/Insurance...... BHE Community Nepotism...... BBFA Comments on Materials...... KLB Oath of Office...... BCA Involvement in Decision Making...... KC Orientation (New Member)...... BHA Involvement in Wellness...... ADF-AP1 Qualifications...... BBBA Use of District Facilities...... KG Removal from Office...... BBD Compensation Resignations...... BBC Board Member...... BHD Sale, Rental or Lease of Property by Individual...... BBFA Plans, Professional Staff...... GCD Self-Dealing...... BBFA Superintendent...... CBC Services Provided by...... BBFA Complaints (see Grievances) Training...... BHA Compliance Officer...... AC, IGBA Bond Issues...... BBBB Compulsory Attendance Ages...... JEA Bonded Employees and Officers...... DH Computer Usage...... EHB Bonded Indebtedness...... DC Conduct Borrowing Authority...... DC Bus...... JFCC Boundary Change (of District)...... BBBB Staff...... GBCA, GBCB Boycott (Employee)...... HPA Student...... JG, JG-R Boy Scouts of America Equal Access Act...... AC Confidentiality Breach of Security...... EHBC-AP Closed Board Meetings...... BDC Breaks, Required (Nonexempt Employees)...... GDBB Communicable Diseases...... EBB Breastfeeding...... EBBC, GDBB Employee Records...... GBL Budget, Annual...... DB Grievance Records...... AC Building and Grounds Maintenance...... ECB Library Records...... IIAC Building and Grounds Security...... ECA Online...... EHB-AP Buildings Identified as Persistently Dangerous...... JCB-AP Student Records...... JO, KBA, KDA Bullying...... JFCF, JG-R Conflict of Interest Bus (see also Transportation) Board...... BBFA Discipline...... JFCC, JG-R Staff...... GBCA Scheduling and Routing...... EEAB Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA)...... GCBC, GDBC Consolidations (Schools)...... FC C Construction Contracts Bidding and Awards...... FEF Management Services...... FEC Career Education...... IGAD Contracts Career Ladder...... GCLB Indefinite...... GCD Cameras (Students)...... JG-R Probationary...... GCPF Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)...... EBBA-AP Professional Staff...... GCD Cash Management (Federal Funds)...... CGC-AP3 Release from...... GCD Cell Phones Cooperative Purchasing...... DJF Staff...... GBCC Coordinator(s) Students...... JG-R A+ Program...... JFCL-AP Ceremonies and Observances...... IND Compliance (Discrimination, Harassment Certification, Part-Time and Substitute Professional Staff...... GCE or Retaliation...... AC Change Orders...... FEF English Language Learner Program...... IGBH Child Abuse/Neglect...... JHG Homeless Students...... IGBCA Childbirth Leave, Professional Staff...... GCBDA Migrant Students...... IGBCB-AP1 Children s Division = Pest Management...... EBAC-AP Interviews with Students...... JFG Reasonable Suspicion Alcohol & Drug-Testing Reporting and Investigating Child Abuse/Neglect...... JHG Programs...... GBEBB-AP1, GBEBB-AP2 Children=s Internet Protection Act (CIPA)...... EHB Suicide Referral...... JHD-AP Citizenship (A+)...... JFCL Wellness Program...... ADF Civil Air Patrol Leave...... GCBDA, GDBDA Copies, District Records...... BDDL Class Size...... IHB Copyrighted Materials...... EGAAA Classroom Corporal Punishment...... JGA Parties...... ADF-AP1 Counseling (Student)...... JHD Rewards...... ADF-AP1 Court-Appointed Special Advocate...... JFG
9/15 Page 2 MSBA Code Finder Index Correspondence Courses...... IGCE, IKF Drug Testing Credit Cards...... DJF, DJF-AP2 Drivers...... GBEBB, GBEBB-AP2 Credits (Graduation)...... IKF Employees Other Than Drivers...... GBEBB, GBEBB-AP1 Crime Victim Leave...... GCBDA, GDBDA Students...... JFCI Criminal Background Checks...... GBEBC, GCD, GDC Drugs, Teaching About...... IGAEA Crisis Intervention Plan...... EBCA Dual Enrollment...... IGCE Curriculum, Development of...... IF Due Process (Employee) Custodian of Records...... BCE, BDDL Reduction in Force...... GCPA-AP1 Cyberbullying...... JFCF, JG-R Due Process (Student)...... JGE Duties Board President...... BCB D Board Secretary...... BCC Board Treasurer...... BCC Board Vice President...... BCB Data Reporting...... CGC-AP1 School Board...... BBA Debarred or Suspended Providers...... DJF Defibrillators...... EBBA-AP Depository of Funds...... DG Designated Agent...... EGAAA E Detention and/or In-School Suspension of Students...... JGB Determination of Budget Priorities...... DB Early Dismissal (weather or other emergencies)...... EBC Development Opportunities Early Graduation...... IKFA Professional Staff...... GCL Earthquake, Plans and Drills...... EBC Diplomas...... IKF Education Directory Information...... JO Adult...... IGC Disabled Students Career...... IGAD Accessibility...... AC Occupational...... IGAD Discipline...... JGE Tobacco Use Prevention...... IGAEA-AP Programs...... IGBA Records...... JO, JO-AP Disadvantaged Students, Programs for...... IGBC Sex...... IGAEB Disaster, Plans and Drills...... EBC Vocational...... IGAD Discipline Educational Larceny...... JECA Reporting and Records...... JGF Election Leave...... GCBDA, GDBDA Student Code...... JG-R Elections, School Board...... BBB Students with Disabilities...... JGE-AP1, JGE-AP2 Electronic Cigarettes...... AH Disclosing Allegations of Sexual Misconduct Electronic Communications with Students...... EHB, GBH to Other Public Schools...... GBLB Electronic Devices (Students) Discrimination, Complaint Resolution...... AC Consequences of Misuse...... JG-R Dishonesty (Student)...... JG-R For Instructional Purposes...... EHBA Dismissal Precautions...... JEDB Electronic Mail (E-Mail)...... EHB, EHB-AP Disposal of Electronic Participation at Board Meetings...... BDA, BDDF Obsolete Textbooks...... DN, DN-AP Embedded Credits...... IKF Real Estate...... DN, DN-AP Emergency Closings...... EBC-AP1 Tires...... DN-AP Emergency Drills...... EBC Weeds...... ECB Emergency Medication...... JHCD, JHCF-AP Disposition of Employee(s) Abandoned Property...... DI-AP2 Alcohol and Drug Testing...... GBEBB Unbudgeted Revenue...... DED Background Checks...... GBEBC Disrespectful or Disruptive Conduct or Speech...... JG-R Bonded...... DH Distribution of Noncurricular Student Publications...... IGDBA Representative...... HA, HH District Sexual Harassment...... AC Budget...... DB Walkouts, Strikes and Other Disruptions...... HPA Legal Status...... AA Workers= Compensation...... GBEA Property (Surplus)...... DN, DN-AP Employment District Events Part-Time - Professional Staff...... GCE Athletics...... IGD-AP2 Substitute Professional Staff...... GCE Extracurricular Activities...... IGD End-of-Course Assessments...... IL Speakers...... INC Engineering Services...... FEB District-Sponsored Extracurricular Activities & Groups...... IGD English for Speakers of Other Languages...... IGBH District-Sponsored Instruction Options...... IGCE English Language Learners (ELL)...... IGBH Division of Family Services (See Children=s Division) Enrollment at the Option of the Board...... JECA Documentation for Use of Federal Funds...... DLCA Enrollment Projections...... FB Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Orders...... JHCE Entrance Age...... JEC Dress Code Epinephrine Premeasured Staff...... GBCB Auto-Injection Devices...... EBBA-AP, JHCD, JHCF-AP Students...... JFCA Equal Access...... IGDA Driving...... ECD, JG-R Equal Educational Opportunities...... AC Drug Dogs...... ECG Equal Opportunity Employment...... AC Drug-Free Workplace...... GBEBA Ethics Drug Possession (Student)...... JFCH, JG-R Board Member...... BBF
MSBA Code Finder Index 2015C Page 3 9/15 Evaluation Criteria for District and Independent Evaluations. .IGBA-AP2 Instructional Programs...... IM G Principals...... CFB, CFB-AP1 Professional Staff...... GCN Gambling (Student)...... JG-R Superintendent...... CBG Gangs...... JFCE Support Staff...... GDN GASB...... DI Teachers...... GCN-AP1 Gender-Fair Concepts...... IIA Examinations, Medical (Staff)...... GBE Genetic Information...... AC Exchange Students...... JECA, JECA-AP1 Gifted Program...... IGBB Exclusive Representation...... HA, HH Gifts to Schools...... KH Executive Sessions (Closed Meetings)...... BDC Goals/Objectives Expense Reimbursements...... DLC Instructional...... IA Expenses, Board Member...... BHD Library Materials, Selection...... IIAC Expulsion...... JGD Governmental Accounting Standards Board...... DI Extended Instructional Program...... IGC Grading...... IK Extended School Year (Students with Disabilities)...... IGBA Graduation Extortion (Student)...... JG-R Early...... IKFA Extra Duty, Professional Staff...... GCKA Exercises...... IKFB Eye Protection...... EBBA Foster Students...... IGBE, IKF Requirements...... IKF Grants...... DD F State and Federal Programs Administration...... DD-AP Grievances Facilities, Planning...... FB Discrimination/Harassment/Retaliation...... AC Facility Names...... F Instructional/ Media/Library Materials...... KLB Failure to Care for or Return District Property...... JG-R Public ...... KL False Alarms (Student)...... JG-R Staff...... GBM Family and Medical Leave...... GBBDA, GCBDA, GDBDA Student...... KL Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (see FERPA) Disadvantaged Students...... IGBC Federal Funds Audits...... DIE, DIE-AP Homeless Students...... IGBCA Federal Programs Administration...... DD-AP Grounds (see Building) FERPA...... JO Guardian Ad Litem...... JFG Release...... JO-AF1 Guidance...... JHD Field Trips and Excursions...... IICA Fighting...... JG-R Filtering/Blocking Device for Computers...... EHB H Financial Disclosure, Board Member...... BBFA Financial Reports and Statements...... DI Hacking (Student)...... EHB, EHB-AP, JG-R Firearms Handbooks...... CHCA, KB On School Property...... EBC Handicapped (see Disabled) Storage...... ECA-AP1 Harassment...... AC, JG-R Student Use/Possession...... JG-R Hazardous Materials...... EBAB Fire Drills...... EBC Hazards Firefighter Leave...... GCBDA, GDBDA Classroom...... EB-AP1 Fireworks (Student)...... JG-R Evacuation Routes...... EB-AP1 First Aid and Emergency Medical Care...... EBBA Hazing...... JFCF, JG-R Fiscal Head Lice...... JHC-AP2 Accounting and Reporting...... DI Health Responsibility...... DA AIDS...... EBB Year...... DBB Communicable Diseases...... EBB Flag Displays...... IND-AP Evaluating Students...... JHDA FMLA...... GBBDA HIV...... EBB Food Service Management...... EF Immunizations...... EBB, JHCB Foreign Exchange Students...... JECA, JECA-AP Lice...... JHC-AP2 Foster Care Medicines...... JHCD Liaison...... IGBE, JEC Records (Student)...... JO-AP Students...... IGBE, JEC, JED Screening and Referral Programs...... JHC-AP1 Transfers...... JECC Services...... JHC Fraud...... DA, DJF Hiring Staff...... GCD, GDC Free and Reduced-Price Food Service...... EFB Holidays Fringe Benefits Professional Staff...... GCBDA Professional Staff...... GCBC Support Staff...... GDBDA Support Staff...... GDBC Homebound Instruction...... IGBG Fundraising (Student)...... ADF-AP1, IGDF Homeless Students, Programs for...... IGBCA Funds Home Schooling...... IGBI Accounting for...... DI Honorary Diploma...... IND Depository of...... DG Hotlines Student Activities...... DI Abuse and Neglect...... JHG Use of Surplus...... DFA
9/15 Page 4 MSBA Code Finder Index Literacy...... JEA L Human Sexuality Curriculum...... IGAEB Lau Plan...... IGBH-AP Law Enforcement Officials I Removing Student...... JFG Student Interview with...... JFG Identification of Students Who May Require Lead Contamination Inspection...... EBAB Special Education Services...... IGBA-AP1 Lease-Purchasing...... DJF Illness and Injury Response and Prevention...... EBBA Leave(s) Immigration Records...... GBL-AP1 Professional Staff Immunizations...... IGBCA, JEC, JHC, JHCB Adoption...... GCBDA Incarcerated Youth...... IGBA-AP6 Bereavement...... GCBDA Incendiary Devices (Student)...... JG-R Childbirth...... GCBDA Independent Evaluations for Students with Disabilities...... IGBA Civil Air Patrol...... GCBDA Individualized Education Programs (IEP)...... IGBA, IKF, IKFB Coast Guard Auxiliary...... GCBDA Infection Control...... EBB Court...... GCBDA Inhaler...... JHCD Crime Victim...... GCBDA Injury Response and Prevention...... EBBA Election...... GCBDA Inoculations (see Immunizations) Family and Medical (FMLA)...... GBBDA In-School Suspension...... JGB Firefighter...... GCBDA Instruction General (Long-Term)...... GCBDB Evaluation of Programs...... IM Jury Duty...... GCBDA Goals...... IA Long-Term...... GCBDB Homebound...... IGBG Military...... GCBDA, GCBDB Materials...... IIA Military Caregiver Leave...... GBBDA Media Centers/School Libraries...... IIAC, KLB Personal...... GCBDA Organization...... IA Pregnancy...... GCBDA Parent/Family Involvement...... IGBC Professional...... GCBDA Priority Objectives...... IA Qualifying Exigency Leave...... GBBDA Programs Sabbatical...... GCBDB Basic...... IGA Short-Term...... GCBDA Extended...... IGC Sick...... GCBDA Insurance (see also Fringe Benefits) Support Staff Board Member Liability...... BHE Adoption...... GDBDA Employee Health...... GCBC, GDBC Bereavement...... GDBDA Event (Rental of Facilities)...... KG-AP1 Childbirth...... GDBDA Property and Liability...... EIA Civil Air Patrol...... GDBDA Student...... IGD, JHA Coast Guard Auxiliary...... GDBDA Transportation...... EEA Court...... GDBDA Integrated Pest Management...... EBAC Crime Victim...... GDBDA Intellectual Development...... IA Election...... GDBDA Internet Usage...... EHB Family and Medical (FMLA)...... GBBDA Interrogations, Interviews and Searches...... JFG Firefighter...... GDBDA Interscholastic Athletics...... IGD-AP2 Jury Duty...... GDBDA Interviews (Student) Military...... GDBDA Children=s Division...... JFG Military Caregiver Leave...... GBBDA Juvenile Officer...... JFG Personal...... GDBDA Intradistrict Transfers...... JCB Pregnancy...... GDBDA Investigating Professional...... GDBDA Child Abuse...... JGF Qualifying Exigency Leave...... GBBDA Suspected Fraud...... DA Short-Term...... GDBDA Investigation of Discrimination, Harassment Sick...... GDBDA or Retaliation Complaints...... AC Legal Services...... BCG Legal Status, School District...... AA Legislative Program, School Board...... BI Liability/Insurance, Board Member...... BHE J Liaison Foster Care Children...... JEC Jury Duty...... GCBDA, GDBDA Public School District Liaison...... JFG, JHG Juvenile Officers, Student Interviews with...... JFG Library ...... IIAC, IIAC-R Lice...... JHC-AP2 Limited English Proficiency (LEP)...... IGBH K Literacy Hotline...... JEA Local/Domestic Purchasing...... DJF Look-Back Measurement Method Key Control System...... ECA-AP1 (Affordable Care Act)...... GCBC-AP1, GDBC-AP1 Lunch Program...... EF
MSBA Code Finder Index 2015C Page 5 9/15 M P Parental Involvement Maintenance, Buildings and Grounds...... ECB Migrant Program...... IGBCB-AP1 Managing Federal Funds...... CGC-AP2, CGC-AP3 Section 504...... IGBA-AP3 Marketing...... ADF-AP1, JO-AP, KI Parents Married Students...... AC Custodial...... KDA Meal Charges...... EF-AP1 Divorce...... KDA Media Centers...... IIAC Non-Custodial...... KDA Medical Examinations, Staff...... GBE Visitation...... KDA Medicines, Administered to Students...... JHCD Parents= Bill of Rights...... IGBA-AP1, JGE-AP1 Memberships, School Board...... BJ Parent/Family Involvement Memorial Scholarships...... KH Instructional and Other Programs...... IGBC Memorials on Facilities and Grounds...... FFA Migrant Education Program...... IGBCB-AP1 Mentor Teachers...... GCL, GCL-AP1 Title I...... IGBC Mercury, Handling and Disposal...... EBAB-AP2 Wellness...... ADF-AP1 Migrant Students, Programs for...... IGBCB Parking Controls...... ECD Military Caregiver Leave...... GBBDA Parties...... ADF-AP1 Military Leave...... GCBDA, GCBDB, GDBDA Part-Time and Substitute Professional Staff Minutes (Board Meeting)...... BDDG Employment...... GCE Mission, School District...... AD Certification...... GCE Monthly Measurement Method Qualifications...... GCE (Affordable Care Act)...... GCBC-AP2, GDBC-AP2 Remuneration...... GCE MoVIP...... IGCE, IKF Part-Time Attendance...... JEA MSBA Delegate and Alternate...... BCCA Payment Process...... DK Multicultural Concepts...... IIA Permanent Teacher, Defined...... GCG Persistently Dangerous Buildings...... JCB, JCB-AP Personal Leave N Professional Staff...... GCBDA Support Staff...... GDBDA Naming Facilities...... FF Personnel Records...... GBL Naming Rights...... FF Access...... GBL-AP1 Neglect, Child...... JHG Immigration Records...... GBL-AP1 Negotiations with Employee Representatives...... HA Pest Management...... EBAC Nepotism...... BBFA Philosophy, Educational...... AD Noncurricular Activities...... IGDA Phones Nondiscrimination...... AC Staff...... GBCC Nonprescription Drugs...... JHCD Students...... JG-R Notice Physical Activity...... ADF-AP1 Closed Board Meetings...... BDC Physical Examinations (Staff)...... GBE Notification of Board Meetings...... BDDA Picketing (Employees)...... HPA Nuisance Items...... JG-R Plans, Disaster Nursing Mothers...... EBBC Earthquake...... EBC Nutrition Fire...... EBC Education...... ADF, ADF-AP1 General...... EBC Fundraising Exemption...... ADF-AP1 Police, Student Interview with...... JFG Guidelines...... ADF-AP1 Policy Promotion...... ADF, ADF-AP1 Adoption...... BF Administration...... BF Alternative Adoption Procedures...... BF Implementation and Dissemination...... CH O Process, School Board...... BF Proposals...... BF Objectives (see Goals) Review...... BF Observances...... IND Suspension...... BF Occupational Education...... IGAD Political Campaigns...... DCB Off-Campus Programs...... IGCE Pornography (Student Possession)...... JG-R Officers, Board...... BCB Powers and Duties, School Board...... BBA Online Safety...... EHB Pregnancy Leave, Professional Staff...... GCBDA Opt-Out Prescription Drugs...... JHCD Directory Information...... JO-AP Prevailing Wage...... FEF-AP1 Physical examination or screening...... JHC Prevention Student Surveys...... JHDA Damages, Vandalism and Theft...... ECA-AP2 Organizational Meeting, Board...... BCA Priority Objectives...... IA Organizations Privacy...... EHB Noncurricular...... IGD, IGDA Privacy Protection...... EHBC Secret...... JFCE Private Schools Student...... IGDA Students with Disabilities...... IGBA-AP4 Orientation, New Board Member...... BHA Private Tutoring...... GBCA Probation, Professional Staff...... GCPF
9/15 Page 6 MSBA Code Finder Index Probationary Teacher, Defined...... GCG Cocurricular Activities...... IGD Procedure(s) Crisis Intervention...... EBCA A+ Schools Program...... JFCL Disadvantaged Students...... IGBC Accounting...... DI English Language Learners...... IGBH Board Elections...... BBB Extracurricular Activities...... IGD District Properties Disposal...... DN-AP Federal...... CGC Exchange Students...... JECA Gifted Students...... IGBB Fire Safety...... EBC Homeless Students...... IGBCA First Aid Guidelines...... EBBA Migrant Students...... IGBCB Head Lice...... JHC Parent/Family Involvement...... IGBC Immigration Records (Employee)...... GBL State...... CGC Natural Disasters...... EBC Students with Disabilities...... IGBA Part-Time Attendance...... JEA Wellness...... ADF Payroll...... DLB Prohibition against Discrimination, Harassment Petty Cash...... DJB and Retaliation...... AC Purchasing...... DJF Project Labor Agreements...... FEF-AP2 Relocation Assistance (Facilities)...... FB Promotion, Acceleration and Retention of Students...... IKE Sale of District Property...... DN Property and Liability Insurance...... EIA Student Activity Funds...... DI Protective Equipment...... EBBA Students with Disabilities in Private Schools...... IGBA Public Comments...... KL Surrogate Parents...... IGBA About Instructional/Media/Library Materials...... KLB Vandalism...... ECA Public Concerns and Complaints...... KL Professional Development Public Conduct on District Property...... KK-AP1 Administrators...... GCL Public Display of Affection (Student)...... JG-R Committee...... GCL-AP1 Public Gifts to the Schools...... KH Leave...... GCBDA, GDBDA Public Information Program...... KB Programs...... GCL Public Participation at Board Meetings...... BDDH Responsibilities...... GCL-AP1 Public Solicitation/Advertising in District Facilities...... KI Structure...... GCL-AP1 Public's Right to Know...... KBA Support Staff...... GDL Purchasing Teachers...... GCL Cards...... DJF, DJF-AP2 Professional Leave...... GCBDA, GDBDA Cooperative...... DJF Professional Staff Domestic...... DJF Appeal Procedure...... GCPD Local...... DJF Assignments...... GCI Preferences...... DJF Background Checks...... GBEBC Career Ladder Program...... GCLB Q Contracts and Compensation Plans...... GCPF Defined...... GCA Qualifications, Board Member...... BBBA Development Opportunities...... GCL Quorum (Board Meetings)...... BDA, BDDF Development Programs...... GCL Dismissal...... GCPE Evaluation of...... GCN Extra Duty...... GCKA R Fringe Benefits...... GCBC Hiring...... GCD Reading Assessment...... IGC, IKE, IL-AP Holidays...... GCBDA Reconsideration of Materials...... IIAC, KLB Long-Term Leaves...... GCBDA Recording Observation...... GCN Audio and Visual...... KKB Part-Time...... GCE Board Meetings...... BDA Positions...... GCA IEP Meetings...... IGBA, KKB Probation and Tenure...... GCG Records Reduction in Work Force...... GCPA Discipline (Student)...... JGF, JO Release from Contract...... GCPB Electronic...... EHB Renewal (of Contract)...... GCPF Financial...... DI Resignation...... GCPB IEP...... IGBA-AP1, JO Retirement...... GCPC Immigration...... GBL Salary Schedules...... GCBA Personnel...... GBL Short-Term Leaves...... GCBDA Student...... JGF, JO, KDA Substitutes...... GCE Recruiting Staff...... GCD, GDC Supplementary Pay Plans...... GCKA Reduced-Price Food Service...... EFB Suspension...... GCPD, JG-R Reduction in Force (RIF) Termination (see Dismissal) Due Process...... GCPA-AP1 Termination Hearing, Procedure and Costs...... GCPE Professional Staff...... GCPA Transfers...... GCI Re-Employment, Professional Staff...... GCPA Tutoring for Pay...... GBCA References (Employee)...... GBLB Vacancies, Posting of...... GCD Referral of Students to Other Agencies...... JHD Vacation...... GCBDA Registered Sex Offenders...... KK Programs Regular Board Meetings...... BDA Assessment...... IL Reimbursement of Travel Expenses...... DLCA
MSBA Code Finder Index 2015C Page 7 9/15 Relations with Memberships...... BJ Law Enforcement Authorities...... KNAJ Policy Adoption...... BF Release from Contract (Professional Staff)...... GCPF Policy Process...... BF Release of Information (Board Meetings)...... BDDL Powers and Duties...... BBA Religion, Teaching About...... IGAC School Bus (see also Bus and Transportation) Religion in Schools...... IND, KLB Scheduling and Routing...... EEAB Relocation Assistance...... FB-AP School Census...... IGBA Remedial Conference...... JGD School Closings, Consolidations and Reorganizations...... FC Removal from Office, Board Member...... BBD School Day...... IC Removal of Students from School...... JG, JGD School District Mission...... AD By Law Enforcement Officials...... JFG School Flex Program...... IGCE Renewal of Professional Staff Members...... GCPF School Lunch Program...... EF Rental of District Facilities...... KG, KG-AP1 School Resource Officer (SRO)...... JFG Reorganizations (Schools)...... FC School Volunteers...... IICC Report Cards...... IK School Year, Extended...... IGBA Reporting Screening Child Abuse/Neglect...... JHG Head Lice...... JHC-AP2 Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation...... AC Health...... JHC-AP1 Fraud, Theft or Misuse of District Funds...... DA, DJF Searches by School Personnel...... GBCB, GCPD, GDPD, JFG Third-Degree Assault...... JGF Seclusion, Isolation and Restraint...... JGGA To Law Enforcement...... JGF Secret Organizations...... JFCE Reports Section 504 Accident...... EBBA Discipline...... JGE-AP2 Data...... CGC Procedures...... IGBA-AP3 Financial...... DI Security Grievances...... AC Building...... ECA Illness...... EBBA Grounds...... ECA Injury...... EBBA Network...... EHB Reproduction of Copyrighted Materials...... EGAAA Personnel...... ECA Resignation Records...... ECA Board Member...... BBC Test...... ILA Professional Staff Members...... GCPB Selection of Architectural, Engineering and Support Staff Members...... GDPB Land Surveying Services...... FEB Resolution of Discrimination Complaints...... AC Selection of Construction Management Services...... FEC Restitution Service Animals...... ECG School and Personal Property...... ECA, JG-R Service(s) Vandalism...... ECA-AP2 Food, Free and Reduced-Price...... EFB Retaliation for Reporting Discrimination or Harassment...... AC Food, Management...... EF Retention of Records...... BDDL, EHB, JO Income from...... DN Retention of Students...... IKE Student Transportation...... EEA Retirement Sex Education...... IGAEB Professional Staff...... GCPC Sex Offenders on District Property...... KK Support Staff...... GDPC Sexting (Student)...... JG-R Revenue Sexual Harassment...... AC From Federal Tax Sources...... DEA Sexual Misconduct From Investments...... DFA Employee...... GBLB, GCPB, GCPE, GCPF, GDPB From Local Tax Sources...... DEA Student...... JG-R From State Tax Sources...... DEA Sick Leave, Professional Staff...... GCBDA Unbudgeted - Disposition of...... DED Smoking (see Tobacco) Revenues from Investments/Use of Surplus Funds...... DFA Social Development...... IA Revenues from Tax Sources...... DEA Software...... EHB Rewards in the Classroom...... ADF-AP1 Solicitations...... KI Routing (Bus)...... EEAB Speakers at District Events...... INC Special Advocate...... JFG Special Board Meetings...... BDA S Special Education...... IGBA, JGE Staff Absences...... GBCBC Sabbatical Leaves...... GCBDB Administrative Renewal...... GCPF Safety (Technology)...... EHB Background Checks...... GBEBC, GCD, GDC Safety Program...... EB Conduct...... GBCB Salary Deductions...... DLB Conflict of Interest...... GBCA Salary Schedules, Administrative Staff...... GCBA Ethics...... GBCB Salary Schedules, Professional Staff...... GCBA Grievances...... GBM Scheduling, Bus...... EEAB Health and Safety...... GBE School Admissions...... JEC Involvement in Decision Making...... GBB School Attorney...... BCG Medical Examinations/Testing...... GBE School Board (see also Board, Board Member) Positions...... GCA Applicants, Method of Filing...... BBB Relations with Students...... GBH Elections...... BBB Tardiness...... GBCBC Legislative Program...... BI
9/15 Page 8 MSBA Code Finder Index Use of Communication Devices...... GBCC Suspension, Removal and Expulsion...... JGD Wellness...... ADF-AP1 Technology Copyright Agreement...... EGAAA Standards, Teaching...... GCN Tobacco Use...... AH, JG-R State Programs Administration...... DD-AP Transportation in Private Vehicles...... EEA Strike (Employees)...... HPA Transportation Services...... EEA Student(s) Wellness...... ADF Absences and Excuses...... JED Students with Disabilities...... IGBA Activities Funds ...... DI Incarcerated Youth...... IGBA-AP6 Alcohol/Drug Abuse...... JFCH Independent Evaluations...... IGBA-AP2 Allergy Prevention and Response...... JHCF Initial Identification...... IGBA-AP1 At-Risk...... IGBD Surrogate Parents...... IGBA-AP5 Automobile/Vehicle Use...... JG-R Substitute Teachers...... GCE Communicable Diseases...... EBB Summer School...... IGC, IKE, IL, JEC Complaints and Grievances...... KL Sun Safety...... ADF-AP1 Conduct On School Transportation...... JFCC Superintendent Disabled Appointment...... CBB Assessment...... IGBA Contract/Compensation and Benefits...... CBC Census...... IGBA Evaluation of...... CBG Discipline...... JGE Recruitment...... CBB Enrolled in Private Schools...... IGBA-AP4 Supplementary Pay Plans, Professional Staff...... GCKA Identification...... IGBA Support Staff Placement...... IGBA Absences...... GBCBC Programs...... IGBA Appeals...... GDPD Visually Impaired...... IGBA Assignments...... GDI Disadvantaged, Programs for...... IGBC Background Checks...... GBEBC Discipline...... JG Defined...... GDA Corporal Punishment...... JGA Dismissal...... GDPD Hearings...... JGD Evaluations...... GDN Students with Disabilities...... JGE Fringe Benefits...... GDBC Dismissal Precautions...... JEDB Hiring...... GDC Dress Code...... JFCA Holidays...... GDBDA Drug Abuse...... JFCH, JG-R Leaves...... GDBDA Exchange...... JECA, JECA-AP1 Nonrenewal...... GDPD Expulsion...... JGD Positions...... GDA Foreign Exchange...... JECA, JECA-AP Recruiting...... GDC Foster Care...... IGBE Resignation...... GDPB Fundraising Activities...... IGDF Retirement...... GDPC Gifted...... IGBB Supplementary Pay Plans...... GDBB Guidance and Counseling...... JHD Suspension...... GDPD Hazing and Bullying...... JFCF Termination (see Dismissal) Health Services and Requirements...... JHC Transfers...... GDI Homeless...... IGBCA Vacancies, Posting of...... GDC Immunizations...... JHCB Vacation...... GDBDA Initiated Group Use of District Facilities...... IGDA Surplus District Property...... DN Insurance...... JHA Surrogate Parents...... IGBA-AP5 Interrogations...... JFG Surveillance Cameras...... ECA Isolation...... JGGA Surveying Analyzing or Evaluating Students...... JHDA Married...... AC Surveying Services...... FEB Medicines, Administration of...... JHCD Suspension...... JGD, JGE Migrant...... IGBCB In-School...... JGB Nonresident...... JECA Suspension and Termination of Support Staff Members...... GDPD Organizations...... IGDA Noncurricular...... IGDA Pregnant...... AC T Promotion...... IKE Publications...... IGDB Tardiness Distribution of Noncurricular ...... IGDBA Employee...... GBCBC Records...... JO Student...... JG-R Referrals...... JHD-AP Tax Relations with Staff...... GBH Borrowing Authority/Limitations...... DC Removal...... JG, JGD Rate Hearings and Reviews...... DC Resident...... JECA Revenues from Federal Sources...... DEA Restraint...... JGGA Revenues from Local Sources...... DEA Retention...... IKE Revenues from State Sources...... DEA Searches...... JFG Taxation Authority...... DC Seclusion...... JGGA Tax Rate Hearings and Reviews...... DC Self-Administration of Medications...... JHCD Taxing and Borrowing Authority/Limitations...... DC Sexual Harassment...... AC Teacher Speakers...... INC Definition...... GCG Suicide...... JHD-AP Mentor...... GCL
MSBA Code Finder Index 2015C Page 9 9/15 Negotiating Representatives...... HH Support Staff...... GDBDA New (Assistance)...... GCL Vandalism Teaching about District Property...... ECA Drugs, Alcohol & Tobacco...... IGAEA Consequences for...... JG-R Human Sexuality...... IGAEB Prevention...... ECA-AP1 Religion...... IGAC Reporting...... ECA-AP2 Teaching Standards...... GCN Restitution for...... ECA-AP2 Technology Vehicles (see Bus, Transportation) Security...... EHB-AP Violence Prevention...... IGC Usage...... EHB Virtual Instruction...... IGCE, IKF Tenure Vision Examinations...... JEC, JHC Professional Staff...... GCG Visitors to District Property/Events...... KK Termination (see also Reduction in Forces, Resignation, Visually Impaired Students...... IGBA Retirement) Vocational Education...... IGAD Professional Staff...... GCPE Volunteers...... GBEBC, IICC Support Staff...... GDPB, GDPD Voting Electronically (Board Meetings)...... BDA, BDDF Test Integrity and Security...... ILA Voting Method (Board Meetings)...... BDDF Textbook Selection and Adoption...... IIA-AP Theft (Student)...... JG-R W Theft of District Funds...... DA, DJF Therapy Animals...... ECG Waiver Requests (Resident Students)...... JECA Threats (Student)...... JG-R Weapons Title I...... IGBC Concealed...... ECA Tobacco In School...... ECA, JFCJ, JG-R Student Use...... ADF, AH, IGAEA, JG-R Webpages...... EHB, IGDB, KB Prevention...... IGAEA-AP Weeds...... ECB Teaching about...... IGAEA Wellness Program...... ADF Traffic and Parking Controls...... ECD Withdrawals (Student)...... JEA Training Work Administration of Asthma-Related Certificates (Student)...... JK Rescue Medications...... EBBA, JHCF Slowdown...... HPA Administration of Prefilled Stoppage...... HPA Epinephrine Auto Syringes...... EBBA, JHCF Workers' Compensation...... GBEA, GCBDA, GDBDA Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)...... EBBA Identifying and Reporting Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation...... AC Transcripts...... JO Transfers Accredited Schools...... JECC Buildings Identified as Persistently Dangerous...... JCB-AP Employee...... GCI, GDI Foster Care Students...... JECC Intradistrict...... JCB Unaccredited Schools...... JECC Travel Expenses...... DLCA Transportation (see also Bus) Student Services...... EEA Students in Private Vehicles...... EEA Truancy...... JED, JG-R Tuition, Nonresident Student...... JECA Tutoring for Pay...... GBCA
Unauthorized Travel Expenses...... DLCA Unexpired Term Fulfillment (Board)...... BBE Union(s)...... HA, HH Union Contract Ratification...... HA Use of Tobacco Products and Imitation Tobacco Products...... AH User Agreement...... EHB
Vacancies, Posting - Professional Staff...... GCD Vacancies/Unexpired Term Fulfillment (Board)...... BBE Vacations Professional Staff...... GCBDA
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