City of Hills August 9, 2010 City Council Meeting

The regular scheduled City of Hills Council meeting was held on August 9, 2010 at 7:00 PM at the Hills Fire Station meeting room. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Russell Bailey. Council Members present: Steve Harris, Merle Hill, Tim Kemp and Cathy Knebel. Absent: Thom Kirkpatrick. Other present: Bonnie Hansen, City Clerk, Ron Wolfe, Maintenance, Fire Chief Jim Malmberg, City Attorney Ben Hayek, Kathy Septer, Shelly Klein, Paula Altmaier, Angie Rummelhart, Carl Cambridge, Judy Cambridge, Kris Malmberg, Lee Ann Sommers, and Greg Downes A motion was made by Knebel and seconded by Kemp to accept the consent agenda including the beer permit for Casey’s. Roll Call was held. Ayes: 4 Motion passed Public discussion was opened at 7:02. Several audience members asked for an update regarding a meeting with the ICCSD board. The Mayor said this would be in his report later in the meeting. Questions were asked regarding if Section 8 housing was be permitted in the City of Hills. Discussion was held what was Section 8 housing and the requirements of a landlord. Attorney Hayek stated that the City can not restrict low income zoning. The only way would to make all housing single residential. Concerns were raised about the siren sounding within the City Limits when there is no electricity. The Council has been looking into this and currently has a plan in place until more research is done. This includes a manual start of the old siren as needed. Public discussion ended at 7:20 Resolution 2010-14 was introduced for approving issuance of bonds for Midwest Disaster area revenue bonds. This bond would include these requirements for low incoming housing: 15 units of median income. This would mean one person must make $32,700, two people must make $37,380 and three people would have to make $42,000 in order to rent one of these units. The residents must be dispersed throughout all the buildings and not just one building. Greg Downes, current owner and landlord, stated he requires a credit score of 600, and the most recent income tax return in order to rent any apartment. Attorney Hayek has looked over the papers and sees no problem at this time. A motion was made by Kemp and seconded by Hill to accept this resolution. Roll Call was held. Ayes: 4 Resolution passed. The Jake brake ordinance was presented. A motion was made to accept this ordinance on the first reading by Knebel and seconded by Harris. Roll Call was held. Ayes: 4 Ordinance passed. A motion was made by Hill and seconded by Kemp to waive the second and third readings of this ordinance. Roll Call was held. Ayes: 4. Ordinance passed. Discussion was held regarding drainage south of Main Street. All storm sewers basins have been cleaned south of Main Street by Hills Bank. Ron has been meeting with Kevin Trom, Hills City Engineer, regarding possible solutions to this problem. Another meeting was being held this week. Attorney Hayek updated the Council on his recent change in jobs. He has started his own firm and will be able to spend more time with the municipalities of Solon and Hills which he currently serves. The action list was discussed. The discussion of a new siren which would solar powered and battery backed up was discussed. Options between a generator and the solar power/batter backup sirens were discussed. More information will be presented after more investigation and discussion. Reports: Mayor: The Mayor has met with Patti Fields, ICCSD Board President. She and Superintendent Murley have agreed to come to the August 23 meeting to discuss some of the concerns of the community. They would like the questions to be presented to them before the meeting so they could be prepared with answers. They also stated that they would not discuss decisions already made. The Hills Redistricting Committee said they would get the questions to the Clerk and she would give the questions to the Mayor and Council. The Mayor has asked some citizens to come to the next meeting to discuss some parking issues. Fire Chief: The Fire Chief discussed the issue of a tire blowing and asked how to proceed with emergencies like this the future. The Chief called the Mayor and asked for a set of new tires for the truck that had blown the tire. The Mayor approved one tire and asked for the others to be checked. The Department did purchase two new tires. Discussion was held on how to handle these issues in the future. It was decided that the Department, in an emergency, could purchase what they thought they would need and then present the bill to the Council. The Council has as a rule never rejected a bill from the department but the Council could then discuss the need of the purchase. Maintenance: Ron reported the grass is growing fast! He discussed some of the options of the storm sewer drainage that he and Kevin have been having. They are having another meeting on August 10. Ron hoped to have more information after this meeting. They had discussed putting a sleeve in one of the pipes. The price for this sleeve would be $10,000 for three hundred feet. Clerk: The clerk reported she had received a check for $600.00 from Stump Town Shooters for purchase of the left over fireworks from the 4th of July. With no other business, a motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Hill and seconded by Kemp at 8:20. Ayes: 4 Motion passed. Meeting adjourned.

______Russell Bailey, Mayor Bonnie Hansen, City Clerk