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Webroot Release Notes Webroot AntiSpyware Corporate Edition Release 3.5.1

World Headquarters 2560 55TH Street, Boulder, Colorado 80301 USA Toll-Free: 1.800.772.9383 • Telephone: 303.442.3813 Fax: 303.442.3846 • New Features in Webroot AntiSpyware Corporate Edition 3.5.1

The Webroot AntiSpyware Corporate Edition (WASCE) 3.5.1 release allows customers to sample Webroot’s new Web Security SaaS, a hosted service that filters Internet traffic through Webroot data centers, where malicious threats and unwanted content are blocked before reaching the corporate network. To implement this filtering service, administrators can silently deploy a Desktop Web Proxy plug-in during client installation. Later, they can configure the proxy service to work with browsers and turn on Web Security SaaS capabilities on a group-by-group basis.

The Desktop Web Proxy plug-in manages transparent authentication on corporate desktops and laptops. As it passes HTTP and HTTPS traffic from Web-enabled applications to the Webroot filtering service, it adds the user’s authentication information to the Web requests and enables the filtering service to identify traffic accurately.

Fixes included in Webroot AntiSpyware Corporate Edition 3.5.1

Numerous performance and technical improvements were added as outlined below:

 Improvements to Active Directory integration resolving some AD login issues to the Admin Console, as well as viewing and installing clients from the Client Install/Uninstall screen under the AD View tab.  Database performance improvements to limit the growth of the database and transaction log.  Additional improvements to the Webroot Client to further address the engine failure issues.

Operating System Support

Webroot AntiSpyware Corporate Edition 3.5.1 supports the following operating system platforms:

Webroot AntiSpyware Corporate Edition (and with Antivirus) System Requirements Server OS Windows 2000 Pro or Server with SP4 Windows XP Pro with SP2*, SP3 Windows Vista SP1, Premium, Business, or Ultimate Windows 2003 Standard, Enterprise, R2, or Small Business Server R2 VMware Workstation 5.5 or higher CPU 1 GHz Minimum Memory 1 GB Minimum Disk Space 1 GB Minimum DB Support Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition (English language; free

Copyright 2008 Webroot Software. All Rights Reserved. Page 2 of 6 download) Microsoft SQL Server 2000 or 2005 (for Vista: SQL Server 2005 SP2 is required) Browser Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1 or later Firefox

Copyright 2008 Webroot Software. All Rights Reserved. Page 3 of 6 Network The Webroot Server components require the following network access: Requirements Client Service (WebrootClientService.exe): requires local network access. Update Service (WebrootUpdateService.exe): requires local network and Internet access Admin Console (WebrootAdminConsole.exe): requires local network access and use of port 50003 on your server, by default. The Distributor Service on your server uses the same port. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) access requires use of port 50023. Distributor OS Windows 2000 Pro or Server with SP4 Windows XP Pro with SP2, SP3 Windows Vista SP1, Home Basic, Premium, Business, or Ultimate Windows 2003 Standard, Enterprise, or Small Business Server R2 CPU 1 GHz Minimum Memory 1 GB Minimum Disk Space 1 GB Minimum Network Distributor Service (WebrootUpdateDistributor.exe): By default uses Requirements local network access and use of port 50003 on your server. The Admin Console service on your company server uses the same port. Client OS Windows 2000 Pro or Server Windows XP SP2, SP3, Home, Professional, or Tablet Windows Vista SP1, Home Basic, Premium, Business, or Ultimate Windows 2003 Standard, Enterprise, R2, or Small Business Server R2 CPU 1 GHz Minimum Memory 512 MB RAM or more recommended, 1 GB for Vista Premium Disk Space 100 MB free space Network The Webroot Client components require the following network access: Requirements CommAgent™ (CommAgent.exe): requires local network access and use of ports 50001 and 50002 on the client workstation. Webroot Client (SpySweeperUI.exe): no network requirements. Spy Sweeper Engine (SPYSWEEPER.exe): requires local network or Internet access, depending on which is needed to access the company server.

Copyright 2008 Webroot Software. All Rights Reserved. Page 4 of 6 Known Issues

For current information on known issues, or to get answers to common problems, use the Webroot online knowledgebase:

Current known issues with this release include:

9284 Localized (international) Domain Name, User name, Group name, password are not supported. 8907 On DE/FR WAC, upgrade from a previous release to current 3.5 shows three issues (1) Installation Shield will be in English;(2) After upgrade, the Windows Start menu Webroot names will be in English; (3) Content of news page and online help will be in English. 7428 IE7 on Vista: when Favorites Shield blocks a Favorite, the Favorite will show until IE7 restarted. 9008 Need to run IE process as Administrator on Vista (UAC ON) in order to install WAC SSL certificate. 9526 IE Favorite Shield on IE7 might block Favorite from being added if the page includes URLs that are Common Ad Site Shield blocks. 4235 High CPU when 3rd party AV product and Webroot client are both sweeping. 7882 WAC UI performance on IE6 is slower when compared to IE7. 7961 Display of Quarantined Items in client UI will take a very long time to list the entries when there are many entries. 8869 Detected Registry key trace is quarantined multiple times. 9683 Distributors may not run on Vista due to missing directories. 14188 WAC doesn't verify the length of group name when editing existing group 20874 Clients older than 3.1.5 with the latest AS update shows up in Dashboard > Definition status as critical workstations. 19836 IE Hijack shield not blocking changes of some registry key entries in HKCU. 18931 Localized version WAC server notification format variables display in the field without proper name. 20152 DWP error: ESTPM.exe encounter error when uninstalling client. 20793 DWP error: DWP client gets application error after running a few days.

Copyright 2008 Webroot Software. All Rights Reserved. Page 5 of 6 LegalNotice Legal Notice

© 2003 - 2008 Webroot Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Webroot, Spy Sweeper, and the Webroot and Spy Sweeper icons are trademarks or registered trademarks of Webroot Software, Inc.

This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit ( © 1998-2008 The OpenSSL Project. All rights reserved.

This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young ([email protected]). © 1995-1998 Eric Young. All rights reserved.

All other trademarks, service marks, product names, and company names or logos are the property of their respective owners.

Copyright 2008 Webroot Software. All Rights Reserved. Page 6 of 6