Dunoon and Cowal Community Questionnaire

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Dunoon and Cowal Community Questionnaire

Dunoon and Cowal Community Questionnaire

If you could spare 10 minutes of your time, we would like to investigate how people in the community feel about the facilities and opportunities in Cowal. The questionnaire won’t take long and will give you an opportunity to make your voice heard.

Please tick the box that describes you below. Please indicate the number in your household in each age range below.

AGE RANGE MALE FEMALE AGE RANGE MALE FEMALE Under 18 years 0-4 years 19-35 years 5-11 years 36-55 years 12-17 years 56-69 years 18-59 years Over 70 years Over 60 years

How long have you lived in the Cowal community? ______years ______months Do you have access to your own vehicle? YES NO Do you use the local public transport services? Regularly Occasionally Never

Please rate the following services in the Dunoon and Cowal Communities: Very Poor Poor Adequate Good VeryGood (Please tick appropriate box)

Parking……….. Public Transport……….. Litter Bin Collection……….. Street Cleaning……….. Street Lighting……….. Post Boxes……….. Road Conditions……….. Road Crossings……….. Children’s Play Areas……….. Shopping Facilities……….. Leisure Facilities……….. Community Facilities……….. Medical Provision……….. Public Toilets………..


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Do you perceive this Community to:- b

e Have good community relations?……...…………. Have a friendly atmosphere?……………..………. (Please tick appropriate box). Be a safe place to live? …………………………... Be inclusive to all?..... ………………….………... Have adequate disabled access?………...………... Please suggest the 3 greatest issues in the Cowal Community (please mark 1,2,3)

Graffitti Vandalism Traffic Speeding

Rowdy Gangs Alcohol Crime

Litter Dog Fouling Drugs

Other (please identify): Homelessness Unemployment


Please rate the facilities for different age groups within Dunoon and Cowal Communities: Very Poor Poor Adequate Good Very Good (Please tick appropriate box)

Pre-school……….. Primary school……….. Secondary school……….. Young Adults……….. Mature Adults……….. Retirees……….. The Very Elderly………..

Which of the following facilities are you familiar with in the Community? (please identify those you are aware of, your household would use occasionally, use regularly or would like information about). No idea Aware of Occasional Regular want info

Queens Hall……….. Hunter’s Quay……….. The Link Club……….. Local Churches……….. Youth Centre……….. Burgh Hall……….. Leisure Centre……….. Innellan Village Hall……….. Stadium……….. West Bay / Sandbank Play Areas……….. Pubs……….. Restaurants / Cafes……….. Grammar School Sports Facilities……….. Sailing Clubs……….. Golf Clubs……….. Medical Facilities……….. Castle House Museum……….. Cinema……….. Library……….. Tennis Club……….. Are there any other community facilities that you use regularly?

If the following additional facilities were added to the community how valuable would they be?

No use Little Use Some Use Used Often Essential

Youth Drop-in……….. Sports Hall……….. Conference Centre……….. Debt Counseling Service……….. Wedding Facility……….. Adult Education Centre……….. Addiction Support Service………..

Can you suggest any other improvements that could be made to the facilities?

Please Circle the Community Clubs, Activities and Groups that You are Familiar With:

Camera Club eXp Youth Club Boys Brigade Scouts The Link Club

Befrienders Timebank DYFL (Football) Churches Badminton Club

Basketball Club Rugby Club Football Clubs Golf Clubs Dog Training Club

Mums and Tots Exercise Classes Dance Schools Girl Guides Martial Arts Clubs

Swimming Club Tennis Club Choral Club Art Club Senior Citizen’s Club

Are you aware of other community groups working within the community?

Can you suggest any other groups that would benefit the community?

Do you read the community newspaper? YES NO

Do you listen to the community radio station? YES NO

Have you any ideas for improving communication within the community?

Do you know of any place that could be used for local community projects?

Please use this space to make any other comments you feel are relevant to improving the quality of life within Dunoon and Cowal Community.

If you have asked for information on anything or would like to be contacted with results of the survey, please put a contact e-mail address here (this will not be used for any other purpose)…


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