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Alabama State University s2


COURSE #: EDU 576 Web Enhanced DESCRIPTION: This graduate course is designed as an online/web enhanced course to provide classroom teachers, librarians and school administrators with an understanding of ways current and emerging technology can be used to facilitate teaching, learning and managing instruction. It addresses the need for lifelong learning necessitated by technological change. Students and the professor will meet weekly for discussion online. Students will be instructed using the Internet, email and on-line discussion forums. EDUCATOR AS DECISION MAKER: This course will facilitate the development of appropriate decision making skills that teachers must exhibit in the use of technology in the classroom.

Discussion sessions on issues, trends, and current uses of technology in K-12 education will be based upon assigned readings and will build the students knowledge base on the appropriate use of technology in a school setting. On- line students will use the College of Education Forum to discuss issues with fellow on-line students.

For internet sections, weekly assignments/modules will be devoted to gaining experience with PC and Macintosh microcomputers, learning software applications, exploring software, developing projects, working in peer/cooperative groups, and meeting with the professor for one-on-one conferences via email or internet

REQUIRED TEXT: 1) Teachers, Computers, and Curriculum: Microcomputers in the Classroom (Third Edition) 2000 Paul G. Geisert, Ph.D. Mynga K. Futrell, Ph.D.Additional materials will be shared by the professor as necessary.

2) Students must purchase the Praxis textbook in their major.

Example--- Educational Testing Services (2003). Study guide for the school leaders and services tests (The Praxis Series Test Codes: 0410, 0310, 0400, and 0420). NJ: ETS Publications. ISBN 0-88625-259-5

3. LiveText Software (Basic). Available at the ASU bookstore or online at

4. Alabama State Department of Education PEPE form for Library Media Specialist and other specialty areas/majors.

Revised 2-06-06 1 Available online at

5. Students must purchase several 3.5 inch data disks, CD-Rs. A jump, flash, or mini drive is recommended for personal use.

CREDIT HOURS: 3 Semester Hours INSTRUCTORS: Instructional Technology Staff OFFICE HOURS: As Posted and Virtual Office Hours by Appointment

Prepared by Agnes Helen Bellel Date Approved by Department Chairperson Date

Dean, College of Education Date

Revised February 6, 2006

Revised 2-06-06 2 MEETING TIME: See schedule for current semester

LAB HOURS: As Posted in LWLC 536 and 546 LOCATION: Room 536 or 546 Levi Watkins Learning Center or for the on-line section at There will be video conference discussion and Internet assignments. MATERIAL: Students must purchase two 3.5 inch data disks or a CD for their electronic portfolio. On-line students must have access to the Internet, and Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, and either Microsoft Access.

PREREQUISITES: Graduate standing. EDT 574 and EDT 575 Students may not enroll concurrently in instructional technology courses. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: Regular attendance in accordance with University policy is required. Students are responsible for information missed due to any absences. Active participation during discussion and hands-on laboratory is expected. Use of Macintosh and IBM PC computers to complete activities using the following applications: spreadsheet, database, and word processor. Students are responsible to complete Praxis II activities selected from assigned readings.

INSTRUCTIONAL METHODS: Lecture, discussion, demonstration, readings in technology, individual work, collaborative work groups, participation in video conferencing activities and professor-student conference. Students are also expected to use the COE On-line forum and email.

CLASSROOM DISPOSTION: Students are expected to submit assignments on time. Students must participate in course discussions are expected to be lively but without personal or derogatory remarks to other students’ discussion. On-line discussions will be conducted using Internet etiquette.

STUDENTS WITH DISABILITY: Qualified students with disabilities will be provided reasonable and necessary academic accommodations if determined eligible by the appropriate disability services staff at their home institution. Prior to granting disability accommodations in this course, the instructor must receive written verification of a student's eligibility for specific accommodations from the disability services staff at the home institution. It is the student's responsibility to initiate contact with their home institution's disability services staff and to follow the established procedures for having the accommodation notice sent to the instructor.


Revised 2-06-06 3

The Student will: Knowledge Statements 1. Demonstrate knowledge of integrating technology into a curriculum, including: appropriateness of integrating technology into teaching and learning importance of matching technology to teaching and learning styles uses of content specific software uses of software tool applications in various subject areas uses of educational internet sites for enhancing learning uses of multimedia applications for enriching learning

2. Demonstrate knowledge of evaluating educational software including: a. major approaches to the classification of educational software b. criteria used to evaluate educational software c. sources of software evaluations

3. Demonstrate knowledge of placement and management of computers and other instructional technologies including: a. placement of technology in different educational settings b. management and supervision of technology in the classroom.

Ability Statements 4. Demonstrate the ability to integrate technology into a lesson which previously did not include technology including: a. using objectives in designing instruction b. developing evaluation materials for technology enhanced lessons

5. Develop software evaluation criteria

6. Conduct and write a report evaluating educational software

7. Work collaboratively to design an ideal technology infused classroom

COURSE COMPONENTS/STANDARDS: The student will be required to complete the following:

a. Module assignments b. Peer Reviews c. Technology Plan d. Virtual Classroom Plan e. Visitations to Technological related communities f. Software Reviews (3) g. Instructional Unit Integrating Technology Computer Assisted Instruction: Making use of content driven software h. Instructional Unit Integrating Technology Tools in Instructions i. Integrating Multi-media into an Existing Lesson j. Micro Teaching: Demonstrating a Technology Infused Lesson k. Instructional Unit Integrating Technology Student on the Internet l. Integrating Instructional Technologies in K-12 Curriculum Technology Rich Learning Environment Design and Rationale m. Curriculum Vitae n. A portfolio which includes all of the materials that each student has completed for EDT 576, during that semester. o. Mid-term (examination/presentation) p. Final Examination (In-Class)

Revised 2-06-06 4 q. Comprehension Self-Check List (Primer A, Primer B, Primer C, Primer D, and Primer E)


Module 1 Introduction

Module 2 Technology Plan

Module 3 Integrating Technology Computer Assisted Instruction: Making use of Content Driven Software

Module 4 Integrating Technology Tools in Instructions

Module 5 Multi-media

Module 6 Technology Infused Lesson

Module 7 Technology Rich Learning Environment

Module 8 Technology and the Diverse Learner

Module 9 Technology and Digital Divide

Module 10 Virtual Classroom


 Students must complete ALL assignments.  Students must take ALL exams as scheduled.  Students must complete all reading assignments in the textbook, handouts, and on the Web.  Students must complete PowerPoint Presentations as instructed by the teacher.  Students must participate in all interactive aspects of the course.  Students must check the course bulletin board and e-mail at least three times per week for announcements.

Students must actively participate in threaded discussion events.



Score Descriptor Explanation 4 Exceptional The candidate demonstrates exceptional understanding and/or skill expected of teaching professionals at the initial level of certification. Knowledge conveyed and/or performance demonstrated regarding this standard places the candidate at a level far beyond peers.

Revised 2-06-06 5 3 Proficient The candidate demonstrates proficient understanding and/or skill expected of teaching professionals at the initial level of certification. Knowledge conveyed and/or performance demonstrated regarding this standard is consistent with that of effective performance.

2 Basic The candidate demonstrates a basic level of understanding and/or skill expected of teaching professionals. Knowledge conveyed and/or performance demonstrated regarding this standard is consistent with preservice teachers’ initial understanding and/or performance in this area.

1 Unacceptable The candidate does not demonstrate a minimal level of understanding and/or skill expected of Knowledge conveyed and/or performance demonstrated regarding this standard is unsatisfactory.

SPECIAL NOTE: An error is defined as an omission of a stated criteria, a typo, misspelling, and lack of detail in explanations. For the above criteria used to assign grades for each assignment the following may cause a reduction in points:  late assignments  lack of participation in discussion  poor attendance COURSE GRADES: To pass EDT 576 students must meet all objectives. A will be awarded based on 90% of the points available B will be awarded based on 80% of the points available C will be awarded based on 70% of the points available D will be awarded based on 60% of the points available An F will be awarded based on less than of the points available

CLASS PARTICIPATION: Students must participate in all interactive aspects of the course. For example, students must communicate with other students via the Discussion Board, Students are expected to communicate with the instructor as a learning resource. Students must check the course bulletin board, e-mail, and the discussion board frequently for announcements, and students must actively participate in threaded discussion events.

COURSE GROUND RULES: Participation is required. Students are expected to communicate with other students through the Discussion Board and E-mail. Student MUST learn how to navigate in Blackboard- asuonline. Students will keep abreast of course announcements by checking the Home Page, Discussion Board, and E-mail. Students MUST Use Blackboard email for all correspondence. The instructor will not accept any work or correspondence sent through any of my other e-mail addresses, through the "snail" mail, nor by leaving at my office. In order to keep a record of all work, correspondence, etc. for the course, we must communicate through your personal account and Blackboard- asuonline. Students must address any technical problems immediately (if anything is not working properly). Please observe course netiquette at all times.

Revised 2-06-06 6 OUTLINE FOR COMMUNICATION: Email

 Always include a subject line.  Remember without facial expressions some comments may be taken the wrong way.  Be careful in wording your emails. Use of emotions might be helpful in some cases. :-)  Use standard fonts.  Do not send large attachments without permission.  Respect the privacy of other class members


 Review the discussion threads thoroughly before entering the discussion. Be a lurker first and then a discussant.  Maintain threads by using the "Reply" button rather than starting a new topic.  Do not make insulting or inflammatory statements to other members of the discussion group. Be respectful of other’s ideas.  Be patient and read the comments of other group members thoroughly before entering your remarks.  Be cooperative with group leaders in completing assigned tasks (if we have group assignments).  Be positive and constructive in group discussions.  Respond in a thoughtful and timely manner.  The instructor may give bonus points to students who have successfully helped another student or students with requested information.

The Discussion Board is a great place to check with other students about your concerns or questions (just as you would face-to-face in an on-ground classroom situation. *The instructor will monitor the Discussion Board.

Grading Criteria: Grades reflect a student's progress in course content. A four point grading system will be used (please note Grading Scale). Successful completion of the assignments listed below will demonstrate how well the student has met the

Course Objectives. Grading Scale: Grades reflect a student's progress in course content. The following grading system will be used:

Weighting and Grading of Course Components

Module assignments (1,000 points)

Peer Reviews (6- all or none) (100 points)

Technology Plan (25 points)

Revised 2-06-06 7 Virtual Classroom Plan (25 points)

Visitations to Technological related communities (3 -all or none) (100 points)

Software Reviews (3) (25 points each =75 points)

Instructional Unit Integrating Technology Computer Assisted Instruction:

Making use of content driven software (25 points)

Instructional Unit Integrating Technology Tools in Instructions (25 points)

Integrating Multi-media into an Existing Lesson (25 points)

Micro Teaching: Demonstrating a Technology Infused Lesson (25 points)

Instructional Unit Integrating Technology Student on the Internet (25 points)

Integrating Instructional Technologies in K-12 Curriculum Technology Rich Learning

Environment Design and Rationale (25 points)

Curriculum Vitae (10 Points)

LiveText ePortfolio posting and copy of portfolio on CD or disk which includes all of

the required materials that each student has completed for EDT 576, during that semester. (190 Points) (190 points)

Mid-term (examination/presentation) (50 points)

Final Examination (In-Class) (100 points)

Student Participation (175 Points)

Comprehension Self-Check List (Primer A, Primer B, Primer C, Primer D, and Primer E) (100 Points)

Total = 2100 (Points)

All course components for EDT 576 are graded on an A-F scale

The final grade is arrived as follows:

A= 1950 points or more, B= 1800-1949 points, C=1700- 1898 points, D=1600-1699 points,

F = less that 1600 points

Revised 2-06-06 8 Each student must have access to the minimum requirements


Hardware--The following is a list of the basic minimum requirements for some of the ASU Online Courses.

PC users…

A minimum computer system that will help you access all the tools in the courses is a Pentium 166 or better 64 Megabytes of RAM or better Windows 98 (or higher if possible) A modem (56k minimum; Cable or DSL will give you best performance) And a dependable internet service provider (ISP). Any provider will do as long as you get an email account, have access to the World Wide Web, and don’t have serious problems connecting.

For Mac users…

Minimum system requirements for Mac users are a 604 PowerPC processor Preferably a G3 (iMac are included) or G4 processor computer running Mac OS 9.x or above Your Macintosh should have a minimum or 64 MB RAM, preferably 128 with at least 25 MB assigned to your browser. If you need assistance in adjusting memory please refer to your Apple Help file searching under the header Memory - Adjusting your memory usage. It is advised that you not have multiple applications open while working in your browser within the Online Degree Program . This requires more RAM and will cause the browser to run very slowly. A modem (56k minimum; Cable or DSL will give you best performance) And a dependable internet service provider (ISP). Any provider will do as long as you get an email account, have access to the World Wide Web, and don’t have serious problems connecting or maintaining a connection.

Revised 2-06-06 9 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT The minimum requirements Browser Recommendations  Netscape 4.76, 6.2.1, 6.2.2, and 6.2.3 (PC & Mac)  Internet Explorer 5.0 to 6.0, except 5.5 Service Pack 1 (PC)  Internet Explorer 5.0 and 5.1 (Mac OS 9.x)

 Internet Explorer 5.1 (Mac OS 10.1)  JavaScript must be enabled.

 Cookies must be enabled.

General Software Recommendations

I Each student is asked to use "Microsoft Word" for papers and assignments. This program offers the greatest common denominator in terms of sending documents across different platforms. Even if you don't have the most recent release of Microsoft Word, there are add-ins that will enhance the performance of your program. “Add-ins” are available at Microsoft site.

COURSE RESOURCES  Columbia Guide to Online Style by Janice R. Walker and Todd Taylor Citation Styles Online

Web Site Resources

AL Standard Number Description For EDT 576 Processes and criteria for evaluating students' technology proficiency and 42(4)(d) 1(ix) students' technology-based products within curricular areas.

Characteristics of appropriate and effective learner-centered lessons and units 42(4)(d) 1(v) that integrate technology.

Evaluate students' technology proficiency and students' technology-based 42(4)(d) 2(ix) products within curricular areas. Design, implement, and assess learner-centered lessons and units that 42(4)(d) 2(v) incorporate technology and use appropriate and effective practices in teaching and learning with technology.

Revised 2-06-06 10 49(2)(b) 7 Assist students and teachers in the application of information skills.

Revised 2-06-06 11 ISTE First-Year Teaching Performance Profile Required ISTE for EDT 576 # 4, 5, 7 and 14

This profile is used in this course since it is a graduate level course and most students have had at least one year teaching experience. Checked boxes indicate the standards which are addressed in this course.

Upon completion of the first year of teaching, teachers:

1. assess the availability of technology resources at the school site, plan activities that integrate available resources, and develop a method for obtaining the additional necessary software and hardware to support the specific learning needs of students in the classroom. 2. make appropriate choices about technology systems, resources, and services that are aligned with district and state standards. 3. arrange equitable access to appropriate technology resources that enable students to engage successfully in learning activities across subject/content areas and grade levels. 4. engage in ongoing planning of lesson sequences that effectively integrate technology resources and are consistent with current best practices for integrating the learning of subject matter and student technology standards (as defined by ISTE's National Educational Technology Standards for Students). 5. plan and implement technology-based learning activities that promote student engagement in analysis, synthesis, interpretation, and creation of original products. 6. plan for, implement, and evaluate the management of student use of technology resources as part of classroom operations and in specialized instructional situations. 7. implement a variety of instructional technology strategies and grouping strategies (e.g., whole group, collaborative, individualized, and learner-centered) that include appropriate embedded assessment for meeting the diverse needs of learners. 8. facilitate student access to school and community resources that provide technological and discipline- specific expertise. 9. teach students methods and strategies to assess the validity and reliability of information gathered through technological means. 10. recognize students' talents in the use of technology and provide them with opportunities to share their expertise with their teachers, peers, and others. 11. guide students in applying self- and peer-assessment tools to critique student-created technology products and the process used to create those products. 12. facilitate students' use of technology that addresses their social needs and cultural identity and promotes their interaction with the global community. 13. use results from assessment measures (e.g., learner profiles, computer-based testing, electronic portfolios) to improve instructional planning, management, and implementation of learning strategies. 14. use technology tools to collect, analyze, interpret, represent, and communicate data (student performance and other information) for the purposes of instructional planning and school improvement. 15. use technology resources to facilitate communications with parents or guardians of students. 16. identify capabilities and limitations of current and emerging technology resources and assess the potential of these systems and services to address personal, lifelong learning, and workplace needs. 17. participate in technology-based collaboration as part of continual and comprehensive professional growth to stay abreast of new and emerging technology resources that support enhanced learning for PK-12 students. 18. demonstrate and advocate for legal and ethical behaviors among students, colleagues, and community members regarding the use of technology and information. 19. enforce classroom procedures that guide students' safe and healthy use of technology and that comply with legal and professional responsibilities for students needing assistive technologies. 20. advocate for equal access to technology for all students in their schools, communities, and homes.

Revised 2-06-06 12 21. implement procedures consistent with district and school policies that protect the privacy and security of student data and information.

Revised 2-06-06 13

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