General Meetings, Programs and Trips
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September 20th, 2017 ORCHIDS, AIR PLANTS AND LIVING LOGS, “OH MY!” Sundance Orchids (located in Ft., Myers) esteemed gardeners are going to speak on a variety of Orchids and how to take care of them, in addition they will demonstrate assembly of their Living Logs which include Mopani Driftwood.
October 18th, 2017 VEGETABLES - IN THE GARDEN - IN CONTAINERS: EAT YOUR VEGGIE’S, THEY’RE GOOD FOR YOU! Bob Prier, Master Gardener is going to give us advice on what type of vegetable plants you can successfully grow in your Florida garden and what types of vegetable plants you can grow in containers.
November 15th, 2017 DROUGHT TOLERANT AND NATIVE FLORIDA PLANTS: Laurel Schiller, co-owner of Florida Native Plants Nursery in Sarasota will present plants that tolerate our dry season and also those that are native to Florida.
December 1st & 2nd, 2017 HOME TOUR & POINSETTIA SALE: This will be our 24th annual event. Our theme this year is “Christmas Memories”. Our Home Tour and Poinsettia sale are our Clubs major fundraiser. Come see just how talented and dedicated our members are and enjoy the fruits of their efforts. You will have such fun and probably be tempted to spend some money on the wonderful Christmas items for sale!
December 6th, 2017 HOLIDAY LUNCHEON: 11am at The Isles Yacht Club, Punta Gorda. Our Chair is Ann Simpson. Our theme will be “Christmas is Love and Happiness”. We are asked to bring our favourite Christmas thought written on a small card to be hung on the small Christmas tree for the Library!
January 17th, 2018 INFORMATION ON THE STANDARD FLOWER SHOW: Claudia Chopp and Carolyn Honour will present the working flower show schedule and demonstrate the designs. They will have the members sign up for the design categories. For those who sign up for the design categories, Claudia will have a workshop for the designers to bring their designs to work on.
February 21st, 2018 HERBS: GROW THEM IN CONTAINERS OR IN THE GARDEN One of our favourite speakers, Dolly Tomalinas, Master Gardener will speak to us about growing herbs in the garden and in containers. She will also let you know what herbs you ate today in your luncheon! Page 2
March 12th & 13th 2018 STANDARD FLOWER SHOW: Punta Gorda Garden Club at Fellowship Hall, First United Methodist Church, Punta Gorda, FL. Set up for the show will be March 12th, 2018 with the Judging on March 13th, 2018.
March 21st, 2018 ANNUAL OUTING TO SELBY GARDENS, SARASOTA: Please join your fellow members for a Guided Tour of Selby Gardens during the Andy Warhol Exhibit. Various Warhol themes will be on display throughout the Gardens, Conservatory and Mansion. The Gardens will be opened earlier than the normal hours to accommodate us. We encourage you to wear your favourite clothing from the sixties!!!
April 18th, 2018 RESTORATION OF OUR CORAL REEFS: We are delighted to welcome Katie Lohr, a Phd Student of Professor Joshua T. Patterson with UFL who has agreed to share information on her scientific and practical experience with the Coral Reef Restoration currently taking place in various locations in S.W. Florida.
May 2nd, 2018 DISTRICT MEETING & SPRING LUNCHEON The Punta Gorda Garden Club is delighted to be the hosts of the 2018 District IX meeting. Our Co-Chairs will be Vinita Jones and Pat Sandler. The luncheon will be at The Isles Yacht Club, Punta Gorda. “Let’s show our visitors a good time!