State Pier Needs and Deficiencies Planning Study

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State Pier Needs and Deficiencies Planning Study


State Pier Facility New London

SUBJECT: State Pier Master Plan and Implementation Strategy

The following outlines the recommended Maximum Build-Out Improvements that would need to be planned and phased for construction.

Administrative-First Steps:

Scope/RFP for Design and Engineering services

Prepare CEPA document for phased construction (3 year period).

Outside of TIGER III GRANT Lease or Acquire two adjacent parcels from New England Central Rail (NECR) The first is an eight acre parcel just north and west of the NECR (formerly CVRR) Pier. The second is just over an acre at the north end of Fourth Street.

Eastern Avenue Properties is a 2.29 acre waterfront property abutting the State Pier to the north. This site is accessible by rail, barge, and highway. This undeveloped property has 18.5 acres of deeded river bottom. This property is the closest to the state pier facility with direct access to the facility.

Terminate the Departments MOA with CTDEP to operate a public boat launch within the port security area and port district.

Purchase/Lease a mobile port crane. (Identify model suitable for facility)


Contract an environmental consultant to conduct sediment sampling and testing. Prior testing was to -37’ depth, new plan is to go to -42’ on the east side of state pier. Suitability has been determined; disposal has to be confined aquatic disposal (CDF) or upland.  Develop sample plan  Determine disposal method (CDF)  Develop dredge plan for entire facility (Phase 1 &2)  Permit Level and re-grade existing lay down areas for dust control and standing water concerns.

Relocate and improve main access road.  Improve turning radius  Additional truck queuing lanes  Partial removal of northeast section hill area (grading plan)  New gate/guard house

Bulkhead between NECR Pier and State Pier.  Increase lay down area  CDF for dredge material and hill material

Sheet pile around State Pier starting from east wing, east side, pier head, and west side to new bulkhead.

Extend the quay wall bulkhead north.

Remove existing dolphin piles and platforms.

Outside of TIGER III GRANT Dredge partial facility.  Quay wall  Three side’s state pier  Dewater and treat sediment place in CDF


Renovate NECR Pier Sheet Pile footprint to westerly property line Backfill behind sheet pile, raise grade of NECR Pier Re-establish rail line on NECR Pier Upgrade lighting Outside of TIGER III GRANT Dredge balance of facility place in CDF


Remove, re-grade and level entire northeast side of facility (grading plan).  Remove existing access road and retaining wall  Cap sediment in CDF

Demolition of administration Building, cargo warehouse, and maintenance garage.

Final pave all open storage areas complying with environmental storm water runoff management practices.

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