Call to Order- 8:37 AM

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Call to Order- 8:37 AM


Council on Member & Region Affairs Meeting Minutes June 22, 2007, 8:30 am – 3:00 pm EST Peabody Hotel Orlando, Florida

COMRA 2006-07 Goals and Aspirations: Strategic Goals  Goal 6: Develop and maintain mechanisms to recruit, retain and nurture the membership.  Goal 8: Establish and maintain a structured program to recruit, retain and nurture student members. Aspirations  Regional Vice Presidents review and follow job elements and description listed in the Regional Operating Procedures and Society Operation Guidelines or recommended changes to these requirements.

I. Call To Order Senior Vice President Warren Brown called the meeting to order at 8:37 a.m. Introductions were made by the meeting attendees. The agenda was reviewed and no changes made.

II. Council Meeting Attendance Council Members Present: Warren Brown Senior Vice President, Chair Terrie Norris Vice President, Region I Trish Ennis Vice President, Region II & CoMRA Vice Chair Richard Bourlon Vice President, Region III Ron Ross Vice President, Region IV Chris Patton Vice President, Region V Jim Morris Vice President, Region VI Mike Hayslip Vice President, Region VII Steve Kane Vice President, Region VIII Don Jones Society President (Ex-officio) Fred Fortman Executive Director (Ex-officio)

Staff Present: Terry Wilkinson Director, Member/Region Affairs Jim Drzewiecki Director of Finance/Controller Susan Lewis Manager, Chapter/Student Services Michelle Brozell Manager, Membership Development

Guests: Tom Lawrence Vice President, Professional Affairs Greg Smith Incoming Vice President-Region III Jim Weaver Incoming Vice President-Region V Tanis Marquette Incoming Vice President-Region VII

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Guests, continued:

Brian Brown Western Australia Chapter Ashok Garlapati Kuwait Chapter Owen Reed United Arab Emirates Yassin Darwish Egypt Society Section Felix Nakpodia Nigeria Mark Stone San Francisco Chapter

III. Approval of Meeting Minutes The Council on Member and Region Affairs held a meeting on February 16, 2007 and April 28, 2007.

Motion 06-07#17: Mike Hayslip made a motion, seconded by Terrie Norris to approve the CoMRA February 16, 2007 meeting minutes. Motion approved.

Motion 06-07#18: Mike Hayslip made a motion, seconded by Terrie Norris to approve the CoMRA April 28, 2007 meeting minutes. Motion approved.

IV. CoMRA Strategic Plan Chris Patton and Terry Wilkinson briefly discussed the new strategic planning process that Mike Thompson implemented in the last year. There is little time to be strategic before the July 15th due date. To make CoMRA more strategic, Chris and Terry proposed that a subcommittee be appointed to work throughout the year engaging the Council in some strategic discussions and making revisions to Goal 6 and Goal 8. The final changes should be submitted for final approval on or before the June 2008 Council meeting.

A subcommittee was formed with Trish Ennis, CoMRA representative to the Strategic Planning Committee, serving as the chair. Other volunteers for the subcommittee are Terrie Norris and Tanis Marquette.

Action Item #26: A Council strategic planning subcommittee is formed to facilitate Council strategic planning throughout the year, suggest changes to Goal 6 & 8 and submission of the final product on an annual basis before or at the annual June meeting. The 2007-08 Subcommittee is Trish Ennis (Chair), Terrie Norris and Tanis Marquette.

Chris further stressed that Regional Vice Presidents must work with other councils to determine where CoMRA fits into their activities and if our direction is the same or different from other councils.

Action Item #27: Regional Vice Presidents are requested to give their ARVPs the task to work with the other Councils to get some specific information from other Council activities and then submit the information to Chris Patton.

V. Senior Vice President Discussion. Warren Brown noted the report stands as submitted.

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VI. Regional Operating Procedures: Proposed changes to the Regional Operating Procedures were submitted as a pre-read document. Terry Wilkinson reminded everyone of the Council’s intent to have a standard document where Regions do not deviate from the standard procedures. Therefore, changes and/or deviations must be approved by the Council.

The major changes to the document are in two areas. The first area is placing language about the Assistant Regional Vice Presidents (ARVPs) and their Standing Committees in the same part of the document. In this same area is the inclusion of changes discussed in February that allow for Regions with Areas to submit the names of Area Directors to conduct the ARVP duties for the committees and liaison relationship with the respective Council. The second area is a recommendation from Terrie Norris that there also be an ARVP Treasurer and ARVP Secretary.

Discussion also took place about the Deputy RVP position with no resolution.

Action Item #28: Regional Vice Presidents are to further review the document and provide comments to Terry Wilkinson by July 22.

VII. Membership and Chapter Status: Membership: Michelle Brozell presented data on the rolling member growth rate that is at 2.7% (Goal 2% or higher) and the rolling retention rate that is at 89.7% (Goal 90% or higher) over the past twelve months.

Michelle further presented data on the ASSE membership count and total population of people who currently have selected certifications. The estimated population of individuals in selected occupations and certain target markets was also presented (see Appendix). Some of the areas need further research. Some discussion took place with no action.

Chapters: Susan Lewis reported that all officer reports received by the May 31st deadline have been entered into the database. A listing of these officers have been distributed to the Regional Vice Presidents. Terry Wilkinson distributed an electronic file that included the latest update of all officer reports received and entered up to June 21, 2007.

Richard Bourlon inquired about the status of automation of chapter reporting. Terry provided an update.

Member Satisfaction Survey: Michelle Brozell and Terry Wilkinson summarized the first annual member satisfaction survey. Preliminary results were distributed.

Action Item #29: Regional Vice Presidents are to review the preliminary report and provide any recommendations for cross-tabulations or additional analysis they would like to see and submit them to Michelle Brozell by July 22.

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VIII. Incorporation and Affiliate Agreement Update: Terry Wilkinson gave an update to the Chapter Incorporation and Affiliate Agreement program. A web page for this subject has been placed on Officer Central. This page includes the Incorporation PowerPoint, frequently asked questions, documents and planned timeline. A recommendation has been received that a future PowerPoint include not only the positive side of incorporation, but the negative aspects of incorporation.

A webinar will be held in August to rollout the Chapter Incorporation program to chapters. A follow-up presentation will be made at the Leadership Conference and a second webinar and/or question and answer teleconference call will be held in October/November. The goal will be to have all the signed incorporation documents (either for incorporation in Illinois or a copy of the chapter’s filing for incorporation in their own state) and the signed affiliate agreement into headquarters by December 31, 2007. A status report will be provided at the February 2008 CoMRA and Board of Directors meetings.

Some discussion took place with no action.

IX. Update on Outcomes from April 28:

Dashboard Metrics - Terrie Norris and Chris Patton reported that they have taken feedback from the April meeting and categorized the responses. They are now working to find measurable items for the dashboard and define how to collect data from the chapters. Once they have identified measurables, they will ask CoMRA’s help.

Standard Bylaws – Susan Lewis reported that she is working with Society web staff on an integrated chapter bylaw document process. In addition, a draft of the standard bylaw document that will be universal to all chapters and the addendum for inclusion of items such as chapter territory, exceptions, etc. has been developed. Mike Hayslip recommended that someone else will need to replace him in working with Susan as he will be no longer on the Council.

X. Motions: Nigeria Chapter Approval Motion 06-07#19: Warren Brown made a motion, seconded by Terrie Norris to approve the formation of the Nigeria Chapter. Motion approved.

Felix Nakpodia, Nigeria Chapter formation leader, received permission to address the Council. Felix expressed his gratitude for assisting Nigeria with their development of the chapter and approval.

Papua Chapter Approval (Papua, New Guinea – Indonesia)

Motion 06-07#20: Warren Brown made a motion, seconded by Terrie Norris to approve the formation of the Papua Chapter. Motion approved.

Global Dues and SOG 6.20

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Motion 06-07#21: Warren Brown made a motion, seconded by Terrie Norris to approve the Global Dues structure. Discussion took place and changes were made to the motion. The amended motion was approved.

Bluegrass Chapter Charter Removal Motion 06-07#22: Mike Hayslip made a motion to remove the chapter charter of the Bluegrass Chapter, seconded by Terrie Norris. Motion approved.

Ohio Penn Chapter Charter Removal Motion 06-07#23: Mike Hayslip made a motion to remove the chapter charter of the Ohio Penn Chapter, seconded by Terrie Norris. Motion approved.

West Virginia Chapter Charter Removal Motion 06-07#24: Mike Hayslip made a motion to remove the chapter charter of the West Virginia Chapter, seconded by Ron Ross. Motion approved.

Model Chapter Bylaw Correction Motion 06-07#25: Terrie Norris made a motion to accept the modifications to the Model Chapter Bylaws, seconded by Ron Ross. Motion approved.

Leadership Conference Task Force Operating Procedures SOG 8.5 Motion 06-07#26: Terrie Norris made a motion to accept the modifications to the Leadership Conference Task Force Operating Procedures – SOG 8.5, seconded by Chris Patton. Motion approved. Note: The SOG will be sent to the Leadership Conference Task Force for review/approval after the 2007 Leadership Conference.

XI. Region PowerPoint Presentations Region 1: Terrie Norris unveiled the Diversity Committee’s “Diversity in Safety” poster. Terrie delivered a presentation featuring Region I, the Region’s Chapters and their activities. Accomplishments of the region were shared.

Region 2: Trish Ennis provided a presentation featuring Region 2, the Region’s Chapters and their activities. Accomplishments of the region were shared.

Region 3: Richard Bourlon provided a presentation featuring Region 3, Region’s Chapters and their activities. Accomplishments of the region were shared.

Region 4: Ron Ross provided a presentation featuring Region 4, Region’s Chapters and their activities. Accomplishments of the region were shared.

Region 5: Chris Patton provided a presentation featuring Region 5, Region’s Chapters and their activities. Accomplishments of the region were shared.

Region 6: Jim Morris provided a presentation featuring Region 6, Region’s Chapters and their activities. Accomplishments of the region were shared.

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Region 7: Mike Hayslip shared a DVD presentation featuring Region 7, Region’s Chapters and their activities.

Region 8: Steve Kane noted his written report stands as submitted.

XII. Global Task Force: Warren Brown noted his report stands as submitted. The Global Task Force will meet on June 23 from 5:30-9:30 p.m.

XIII. International Business:

Western Australia – Brian Brown delivered a presentation on the activities of the Western Australia Chapter. Some challenges with membership fulfillment/processing were shared. Michelle Brozell, Terry Wilkinson and Jim Drzewiecki will work on these issues.

Kuwait – Ashok Garlapati delivered a presentation on the activities of the Kuwait Chapter. Some challenges with membership fulfillment were shared. Michelle Brozell and Terry Wilkinson will work on these issues.

Middle East – Owen Reed provided an overview of some of the Middle East Chapter activities. Owen resides in the United Arab Emirates and there is opportunity for a chapter or affiliate with an existing organization.

Egypt- Dr. Yassin Darwish presented an overview of the Egypt Chapter activities. The Society Section’s greatest challenges if they have gone from 60 members to 17 in the past two years. Michelle Brozell will work on researching the expired members and/or roster issues for the Egypt Society Section.

XIV. Alternative Leadership Training: This topic was tabled for a future meeting.

XV. Passing of Gavel:

Trish Ennis recognized Warren Brown for his leadership as Senior Vice President during the past year and presented him with a plaque. Warren then passed the gavel to Chris Patton.

Chris Patton stated that the next Council meeting will be by a conference call on July 31. Chris discussed that he has distributed a proposed schedule for meetings next year, but has not heard back from a majority of the Regional Vice Presidents.

Chris also stated that one Regional Vice President has expressed interest in serving as a vice chair. Regional Vice Presidents have until the end of the conference to express their interest to Chris.

XVI. Forums: Terry Wilkinson shared information and instructions to use the Council on Member and Region Affairs and Global Task Force forums. They are only viewable/accessible if you login into the forums using a provided login and password.

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XVII. Leadership Training: Julius Rhodes, MPR Group, provided a leadership training session for the remainder of the meeting.

XVIII. Adjourn Meeting: Ron Ross made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 3:00 p.m., seconded by Terrie Norris. Motion approved.

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CoMRA Action Item 0607-10: Target Markets/Designation Comparisons

OCCUPATIONS % COMPARISON IN DIFFERENT TARGET MARKETS ASSE ASSE Total % of Occupation Count Population Market Source of Numbers Engineer 1,319 746,426 0.2% Professional Engineer count (NCEES data****) Nurses- Occupational * 6,279 Certified Occupational Health Nurses and their derivatives (ABOHN data) Firefighter - CFPS 34 1,722 2.0% Certified Fire Protection Specialists (NFPA data) Firefighter - Others * 313,300 Career Fire Fighters in U.S., 2005 (NFPA data) Risk Managers 914 10,000 9.1% Risk and Insurance Management Society (RIMS data) Professors * ** ** Company Owners * *** ***

* fields exist in TIMSS; reports being written to access the data **more research required ***more direction required from CoMRA ****requested NCEES provide subset of data pertaining specifically to SH&E engineers

NCEES = The National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying ABOHN = American Board of Occupational and Health Nurses NFPA = National Fire Protection Association RIMS = Risk and Insurance Management Society

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DESIGNATION % COMPARISON IN DIFFERENT TARGET MARKETS ASSE ASSE Total % of Acronym Count Population Market Designation PE 1,319 746,426 0.2% Professional Engineer CSP 7,476 11,206 66.7% Certified Safety Professional -

p CIH 1,468 6,518 22.5% Certified Industrial Hygienist i h CHP 46 1,495 3.1% Certified Health Physicist s r e CHMM 747 8,400 8.9% Certified Hazardous Materials Manager b

m CRSP 100 2,195 4.6% Canadian Registered Safety Professional e E

S CPEA 378 1,361 27.8% Certified Professional Environmental Auditor M

S l

a IOSH-RSP 218 n/a n/a IOSH Registered Safety Professional A n

o CFIOSH 0 565 n/a Chartered Fellow of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health i s

s CMIOSH 0 9,923 n/a Chartered Members of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health e f (IOSH Cert) 218 10,488 2.1% (CFIOSH and CMIOSH combined) o r

P CFPS 34 1,722 2.0% Certified Fire Protection Specialist

ASP 488 939 52.0% Associate Safety Professional CHST 333 942 35.4% Construction Health and Safety Technician OHST 510 1,276 40.0% Occupational Health and Safety Technologist STS 209 2,832 7.4% Safety Trained Supervisor

CoMRA Action Item 0607-7: Rolling Retention/Growth Rates

MEMBER RETENTION RATES MEMBER GROWTH RATES type date range % type date range % FY07 4-1-06 to 4-1-07 88.6% FY07 4-1-06 to 4-1-07 3.2% Rolling 5-1-06 to 5-1-07 90.0% Rolling 5-1-06 to 5-1-07 3.2% Rolling 6-1-06 to 6-1-07 89.7% Rolling 6-1-06 to 6-1-07 2.7%

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