MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION of PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE ADMINISTRATORS FORUM Tuesday August 11, 2015 9:30 am – 12:30 pm Location: MPHI-Okemos

I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

III. Administrative Items A. Approve the Agenda B. Approve Meeting Minutes—June 9, 2015 C. Receive the Treasurer’s Report D. Correspondence—Home Visiting Provider Group survey—Lynn McDaniels E. Chair’s Report—MALPH meetings—July 13, 2015 and August 10, 2015

IV. Old Business A. MDSS update B. STD Billing Codes Position Paper C. NAF Higgins Lake Conference cost breakdown

V. New Business A. New Members B. Hearing and Vision Funding Formula C. 3-Tier Accreditation status D. MCH Block Grant Changes E. MI League for Nursing membership request

VI. Speakers A. 10:00 am: Gretchen Schmacher, PhD—APRN pending legislation B. 10:30 am: Dawn Shanafelt, MDCH Perinatal Nurse Consultant—MDCH Update

VII. Reports

A. Reports of Officers and Committees 1. NAF Committee Reports Awards – M. Thorne, M. Terpening Bylaws (Odd years) – M. Thorne, T. LaRocco Data – M. Thorne, P. Fralick Education & Orientation – J. Chittenden, A. Young 2014/15 Nominating – M. Thorne, T. LaRocco Strategic Planning – L. McDaniels, K. Haskins 2. NAF Representative Reports COMON – L Hahn, J. Chittenden MPHA – J. Chittenden 3. MALPH Committee Reports The purpose of the Nurse Administrators Forum is to enhance the health of Michigan citizens, based on our knowledge of Public Health Nursing practice, by providing effective leadership, collaboration, legislative outreach and professional mentoring for Public Health Nurse Administrators. Governance – M. Thorne Premier Conference – J. Chittenden 4. MDCH Committee Reports CSHCS Advisory – J. Chittenden Family Planning –M. McInnes, A. Tabor MACI – S. Schryber (Feb, May, Aug, Dec)—Talking Points distributed MIHP – P. Fralick (as needed) MPHA PHN Section: Academic Practice Partnerships – P. Hamel, M Terpening Body Art – M. Terpening, D. Dotson

VIII. Free Forum

Next meeting: September 15, 2015


Teleconference number: 1.712.432.1579 Access Code: 552324#

The purpose of the Nurse Administrators Forum is to enhance the health of Michigan citizens, based on our knowledge of Public Health Nursing practice, by providing effective leadership, collaboration, legislative outreach and professional mentoring for Public Health Nurse Administrators.