St James Anglican Church 17 Tank Street Morpeth NSW 2321 Statement of Heritage Impact Issue B | 27 March 2018 Nominated Architect: Linda BaBic, NSW ARB 6869, AIA PO Box 1078, Hamilton NSW 2303 ABN: 13 969 355 650 T | 0412 993 813 E |
[email protected] W | St James Anglican Church Statement of Heritage Impact 1 Introduction 1.1 Background This report represents an assessment of heritage impact for proposed alterations to the existing façade and internal porch of St James Anglican Church, 17 Tank Street, Morpeth. It was prepared by Linda Babic, B.Arch., M.Herit.Cons. for the Anglican Parish of Morpeth. The subject property lies within the Morpeth Heritage Conservation Area, and is an individually listed item of local significance under Schedule 5 of the Maitland Local Environmental Plan 2011 (LEP). The site is within the St James Group, which includes an adjacent rectory, and a hall on the opposite street corner. 1.2 Methodology This report has been undertaken in accordance with the requirements of the Australia ICOMOS Burra Charter (2000), and more specifically the guidelines for Statements of Heritage Impact as issued by the NSW Heritage Office (1996 & 2001). These guidelines note that a Statement of Heritage Impact should address the following issues: • Why the item is of heritage significance. • What impact the proposed work will have on that significance. • What measures are proposed to mitigate negative impacts. 1.3 Limitations and Constraints The drawings describing the proposed works are DA drawings only and as such do not fully detail the proposed works.