Section 321373 - Compression Joint Sealants for Rigid Pavement
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This master should be used by designers working on Port of Portland construction projects and by designers working for PDX tenants (“Tenants”). Usage notes highlight a few specific editing choices, however the entire section should be evaluated and edited to fit specific project needs.
A. This section describes sealing expansion and contraction joints within rigid (portland cement concrete) pavement using compression seals.
A. Section 321300, Portland Cement Concrete Paving
A. ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials 1. ASTM D2628: Standard Specification for Preformed Polychloroprene Elastomeric Joint Seals for Concrete Pavements 2. ASTM D2835: Standard Specification for Lubricant for Installation of Preformed Compression Seals in Concrete Pavements
B. CRD: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Concrete Research Division 1. CRD C548: Handbook for Concrete and Cement Standard Specification for Jet-Fuel and Heat-Resistant Preformed Polychloroprene Elastomeric Joints Seals for Rigid Pavement
A. Submit the following: 1. Product data and test reports for each joint sealant product to be used. Include a written certification from the manufacturer that seal and lubricant/adhesive selected are recommended for the installation involved. 2. Samples of the material to be used in order to verify type. 3. Manufacturer’s instructions when installation procedures, or any part thereof, are required to be in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Installation will not be allowed until the instructions are received. Failure to furnish these instructions can be cause for rejection of the material. 4. List of all construction equipment to be used in the performance of the work.
A. Sample, identify, and test for conformance with applicable material specification, each lot of preformed joint seal and lubricant/adhesive produced for this project.
4/5/2018 COMPRESSION JOINT SEALANTS FOR RIGID PAVEMENT D:\Docs\2017-12-15\0b941a83bf6d645ae17585e4fa8a6306.doc 321373-1 B. A lot of preformed seal shall consist of one day’s production or 20,000 linear feet for each cross section, whichever is less. A lot of lubricant/adhesive shall be one day’s production.
C. Test seal(s) and lubricant/adhesive in an approved independent laboratory at no additional cost to the Port.
A. Deliver material to the work site in original unopened containers or bundles with labels indicating manufacturer, product name, and designation.
B. Store and handle materials to comply with manufacturer’s written instructions to prevent their deterioration or damage due to moisture, high or low temperatures, contaminants, or other causes.
A. Equipment: 1. Inspect equipment to assure uniform application of lubricant/adhesive to the sides of joint seal or the walls of joint. 2. If any equipment causes cutting, twisting, nicking, excessive stretching or compressing of the seal, or improper application of the lubricant/adhesive, suspend operation until causes of the deficiencies can be determined and corrected.
B. Procedures: 1. Provide quality control provisions during joint cleaning process to ensure that equipment and/or cleaning techniques do not damage the concrete. Cleaned joints shall be approved by the Port prior to installation of the lubricant/adhesive and preformed joint seal. 2. Determine conformance to stretching and compression limitations. After installation, measure distance between marks and if stretching or compression exceeds specified limits, remove seal to the last correct measurement. 3. Measure to determine conformance with depth and width installation requirements. 4. Remove all preformed seals not in conformance with specification requirements and replace with new joint seals at no additional cost to the Port.
C. Product: 1. Inspect joint sealing system (preformed seal and lubricant/adhesive) for proper rate of cure and bonding to the concrete, cuts, twists, nicks, and other deficiencies. 2. Remove waste from joint and replace seals exhibiting any defects prior to final acceptance.
A. Preformed seals shall be a vulcanized elastromeric compound using polychloroprene as the only base polymer.
COMPRESSION JOINT SEALANTS FOR RIGID PAVEMENT 4/5/2018 321373-2 D:\Docs\2017-12-15\0b941a83bf6d645ae17585e4fa8a6306.doc B. The material and manufactured seal shall conform to ASTM D2628 and CRD C 548.
C. Joint seal shall be a labyrinth type seal with the uncompressed depth of the seal greater than the uncompressed width of the seal. Actual width shall be 13/16 inch or 1 inch with a tolerance of plus 1/8 inch and minus 1/16 inch.
A. Lubricant/adhesive shall be a one-component compound conforming to ASTM D2835.
A. Concrete Saw: 1. Provide a self-propelled power saw with water-cooled diamond or abrasive saw blades. 2. Saw shall be capable of cutting joints to the depths and widths specified and have the ability to remove filler, existing old joint seal, or other material embedded in joint or adhering to joint face.
B. Sandblasting Equipment: 1. Provide an air compressor, hose, and a long-wearing venture-type nozzle of proper size, shape, and opening. Maximum nozzle opening should not exceed 1/4 inch. 2. Air compressor shall be portable and capable of furnishing not less than 150 cubic feet per minute and maintaining a line pressure of not less than 90 psi at the nozzle while in use. Equip compressor with traps to keep compressed air free of oil and water. 3. Nozzle shall have an adjustable guide that will hold nozzle aligned with the joint about 1 inch above the pavement surface and will direct the blast to clean joint walls. Height, angle of inclination, and size of nozzle shall be adjusted as necessary to ensure satisfactory results.
C. Waterblasting Equipment: 1. Provide a trailer-mounted water tank, pumps, high-pressure hose, a wand with safety release cutoff controls, nozzle, auxiliary water re-supply equipment, and a vacuum sweeper. 2. Water tank and auxiliary water re-supply equipment shall be sufficient capacity to permit continuous operations. 3. Pumps, hoses, wand, and nozzle shall be of sufficient capacity to permit the cleaning of both walls of the joint and the pavement surface for a width of at least 1/2 inch on either side of joint. 4. Pump shall be capable of supplying a pressure of at least 3,000 psi. Mount a pressure gauge to show, at all times, the pressure, in pounds per square inch, at which equipment is operating.
D. Sealing Equipment: 1. Provide an engine powered, automatic self-propelled joint seal application machine. 2. Equipment used to install preformed seal shall have the capability to place seal to the prescribed depths within the specified tolerances without cutting, nicking, twisting, or otherwise damaging seal. 3. Equipment shall not stretch or compress seal more than 1.5 percent longitudinally during installation.
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A. Examine joints indicated to receive joint seal for compliance with requirements for joint configuration, installation tolerances, and other conditions affecting joint seal performance.
B. Proceed only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.
A. The ambient temperature and the pavement temperature within the joint wall shall be at least 35°F and rising at the time of installation of the materials.
B. Sealant application will not be permitted if moisture or any foreign material is observed in the joint.
A. Prior to sealing the joints for the entire project, prepare a test section at least 200 feet long at a location within the project that is acceptable to the Port.
B. Test section shall utilize specified materials and approved equipment.
C. Materials and installations that meet specification requirements may be incorporated into the permanent work. Remove materials or installations that do not meet requirements and re-clean and reseal joint at no additional cost to the Port.
A. Cleaning: 1. Thoroughly clean joint to remove all laitance, filler, old existing sealant, foreign material and protrusions of hardened concrete from the sides and upper edges of the joint space to be sealed. Joints may be cleaned either by sandblasting or waterblasting. 2. Correct any irregularity in the joint face which would prevent uniform contact between joint seal and joint face. 3. Collect all removed laitance, filler, sealant, foreign material, and concrete protrusions and properly dispose of off Port property.
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B. Sawing: 1. Saw joints to clean and to open them to the full specified width and depth. Center saw cut over the joint line. 2. Using a water jet, thoroughly clean joint faces to remove all saw cutting or any debris remaining on the faces or in the joint opening. 3. Install seal within 3 calendar days of the time the individual joint cavity is sawed unless otherwise approved by the Port. 4. Saw depth shall be between 3/4 and 1 inch deeper than the uncompressed depth of the seal. 5. Nominal width, within a tolerance of plus or minus 1/16 inch, of sawed seal cavity shall be: a. For a nominal 13/16-inch-wide compression seal, the nominal saw cut width shall be 1/2 inch. (This applies when pavement temperature at time of sawing is between 35 and 80°F. If pavement temperature, at time of sawing, is above 80°F, decrease nominal saw cut width by 1/16 inch. If pavement temperature, at time of sawing, is below 35°F, increase nominal saw cut width by 1/16 inch.) b. For a nominal 1-inch-wide compression seal, the nominal saw cut width shall be 9/16 inch. (This applies when pavement temperature at time of sawing is between 35 and 140°F. If pavement temperature, at time of sawing, is below 35°F, increase nominal saw cut width by 1/16 inch.) 6. Measure pavement temperature in the presence of the Port. Measurement shall be made each day before commencing sawing and any other time during the day when temperature appears to be moving out of allowable sawing range.
C. Sandblast Cleaning: 1. Sandblast clean all concrete joint faces and pavement surfaces extending at least 1/2 inch from the joint edges. 2. Use multiple passes to ensure the surfaces are free of dust, direct curing compound, or any residue that may prevent ready insertion or uniform contact of the seal and bonding of the lubricant/adhesive to the concrete. 3. After final cleaning and immediately prior to sealing, blow out joints with compressed air and leave completely free of debris and water.
D. Waterblast Cleaning: 1. Waterblast clean all concrete joint faces and pavement surfaces extending at least 1/2 inch from the joint edges. 2. Use multiple passes to ensure the surfaces are free of dust, direct curing compound, or any residue that may prevent ready insertion or uniform contact of the seal and bonding of the lubricant/adhesive to the concrete. 3. Vacuum joint area to remove any residue. 4. After final cleaning and immediately prior to sealing, blow out joints with compressed air and leave completely free of debris and water.
A. Time of Installation:
4/5/2018 COMPRESSION JOINT SEALANTS FOR RIGID PAVEMENT D:\Docs\2017-12-15\0b941a83bf6d645ae17585e4fa8a6306.doc 321373-5 1. Seal within 3 calendar days of sawing seal cavity and immediately following concrete cure and final cleaning of joint walls. 2. Provide an approved temporary seal to prevent infiltration of foreign material if prepared open joint cannot be sealed by the end of workday. 3. If sealing operations are interrupted by rain, wash joints, clean with air pressure and allow to dry prior to installing lubricant/adhesive and seal.
B. Installation Sequence: 1. Seal longitudinal joint first, followed by transverse joints, and then all other joints. 2. Cut seals in longitudinal joints to allow transverse joints to be intact from edge to edge of pavement. 3. Make intersections monolithic by use of joint seal adhesive and take care in fitting intersection parts together. Remove and replace any seal falling short of the intersection at no additional cost to the Port.
C. Installation Procedure: 1. Install using specified equipment. 2. Cover sides of the joint seal or the sides of the joint with a coating of lubricant/adhesive and install seal in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. 3. Coat butt joints and seal intersections with a liberal application of lubricant/adhesive. 4. Immediately remove any lubricant/adhesive spilled on the pavement to prevent setting on pavement surface. 5. The in-place seal shall be in an upright position and free from twisting, distortion, cuts, and stretching or compression in excess of 3 percent. 6. Place seal at a uniform depth of 3/16 inch, plus or minus 1/8 inch, below the pavement surface except when the joint is beveled or has a radius at the surface, or as otherwise directed by the Port. Beveled joints or joints with a radius at the surface shall have seal placed to a depth of 1/8 inch, plus or minus 1/8 inch, below the bottom of the edge of the bevel or radius. No part of the seal may project above the pavement surface or above the edge of bevel or radius. 7. Install seal in the longest practical lengths. 8. Allow lubricant/adhesive to set for 1 hour prior to cutting at a joint intersection to reduce the possibility of shrinkage.
A. Upon substantial completion of the project, remove all unused materials from the site, remove any lubricant/adhesive on the pavement surface, and leave pavement in clean condition.
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