A Grimston Parish Council Meeting Was Held in the Village Hall
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A GRIMSTON PARISH COUNCIL MEETING WAS HELD IN THE VILLAGE HALL ON MONDAY 4th MARCH 2013 AT 7.30 PM Present: Cllr Stebbings (Chairman), ClIrs Coe, Howard, Israel, Johnson, Moore, O'Brien, Packer & Whitmore, and c. 25 members of the public. Apologies: Cllrs Fulcher, Pitcher & PCSO Calaby. The signing of remaining Dispensation forms: ClIr Packer signed her Dispensation form. ClIr Fulcher still to sign. To receive Declarations of Interest: There were none. The Minutes of the previous meeting: were taken as read, Approved by the Council and signed by the Chairman. The following Accounts were Approved for payment: E-on Energy — Jan. energy charge (£62.25) paid DD on 11/02/13; BT Broadband — Feb. broadband (£18.99) paid DD on 16/02/13. Other Accounts Approved: Glasdon UK Ltd — 2 x Dog bin posts (£116.28); Westcotec Ltd — Feb. streetlight maintenance (£90.43); Owl's Roost Enterprises — V/G tree & ground work (£125.00); Mr J Missing — Clerk's Feb. wage (U96.16) & Clerk's Feb. Expenses (£12.70) — both dated 6/03/13. Business Reserve Gross Interest - £1.17 was paid into the A/C on 2nd February 2013. Westcotec — Have asked for a quarterly bill starting April 2013. Planning: Considered by the Planning Committee since last meeting: 13/00240/F: Mr A Parnell, The Nook, Back Lane — Construction of annexe (Approve, permanently tied to main house). 13/00194/F: Mrs P Suckling, 22 The Walnuts — Variation of Condition 2 attached to Appeal Decision APPN2635/A/06/2028116 (06/00980/CU) to allow 20 cats to be boarded at any one time: Agreed to Put to Full Council (emailed to other Ms). ClIr Moore Proposed that the P/Council Approve an increase to 20 cats, achieved by allowing more than 1 family cat in each pen, but not by increasing the number of pens, Cllr Coe Seconded, 8 for, 1 Abstained. Borough Planning Reports were received: For their 4th February Planning Committee Meeting;- 12/00510/TP0: Recommending that 2 TPOs be confirmed without modification. 12/01557/F: Mr Fulcher, Ramblewood Farm — Recommending Refusal & Authorisation of Enforcement Action for the application to Retain a mobile home for a further 3 years to enable arrangements for a permanent home (emailed to all). 4th March Meet: 13/00017/F: Mr/Mrs R. Wright, Field Lodge, Back Lane — Recommending Refuse & Authorise Enforcement Action (emailed Planning Committee) — The applicant reported that this application had been approved. Borough Planning has given permission for 86 Chapel Road (Confirmed Order for 2 TPOs without modification) —Not commented on by P/C. Borough Planning has Refused permission for Mr Fulcher, Ramblewood Farm (To retain a mobile home for a further 3 years to enable arrangements for a permanent home) — P/C Approved for a final 18 months. Incinerator Inquiry Update — Planning Inspectorate (APP/X2600N/12/2183389) — The Opening Meeting was held last week & the actual Inquiry starts tomorrow. MIN 41 — Further information received about the Timetable set by the Planning Inspector at Park Farm Country Hotel, Hethersett (emailed to all): Tues. 26th — Thus. 28th March. P/Council Update — Presentation information (emailed to all). Talk by Dr Clive Bond about archaeology in the Gaywood River Valley and a public participation project: A very interesting presentation was given, explaining how a grant had been obtained to set up the project. They need volunteers especially on 15/16th June to take part in finding out more about our history. They have information about 12th Century pottery kilns and the Roman Villa, but little is known about earlier kilns and where the settlements were. County Councillor's Report: Mr Murphy was not present. Borough Councillor's Report: Mr Pitcher was not present. Matters Arising: Changes to the Refuse Collection — The new bins have been delivered (1st April start). New Village Sign — The Chairman asked again for any pictures of suitable Signs. Pott Row Green Trees — Awaiting the Electricity Tree man to check out the tree. School Trust — Cllr Stebbings had no further developments to report. Dog Bins — Now received 2 bins & posts. Sites agreed as near the school (agreed with the Head) — this is on the verge and needs Highways permission & Ashwicken Road Green (our land). Cllr Stebbings agreed to erect the bins. Matters Arising Continued Dog waste had been dumped at the Congham Road bins — Borough cleared it this time, but will not do it again. They ask that people double bag it and put it in their Black Bin (copy V/Link). They will let us know if we need more clearances. Police Matters: SNAP Minutes — 31' January received (emailed to all). Speeding — Chapel Road — Message from Sally Bettinson about flashing speed signs (asked for a long time ago). Asked if they could go in Chapel Road (current hot spot)? They have been placed in Gayton Road. Thefts — Bad day on Tues 19 February — 9 burglaries in area, including 1 in Low Rd, Grimston, & 2 in Leziate Drove, Pott Row, also Hazel Close (attempted burglary). Also in February there was I Criminal Damage. Norfolk Constabulary — Message from Stephen Betts, asking for comments on Police & Crime Plan (emailed all). Sewage Problems: Henry Bellingham replied that he could not come on 4th March, as did Victoria Crerand (AW) — she sent a list of Anglian Water officers who will come to our 8th April meeting at 7 p.m. (emailed to all + HB). She also asked what sort of questions we want answered. Said that I would ask councillors tonight — nobody came up with any questions. Ashwicken & Leziate connection to Sewers: Applications 12/02078/F & 12/02082/F for pumping stations: We Objected until the sewage problems in Pott Row are resolved. Received a Borough Report recommending Approval for both pumping stations, at their Committee Meeting today. Comment on our view: "AW has confirmed that the scheme is not designed to address the concerns raised, as this is a separate catchment area." Clock Tower issues: Cllr Pitcher & the Clerk met with Mr Morton & Mr Sloan on 8th Feb. Mr Morton felt the cracks were surface cracks and are a maintenance issue. Agreed that Mr Sloan would give us a price for a day's pointing — His quote is £200 + Vat for 1 man, for 1 day — Cllr Moore Proposed that his quote be accepted, Cllr Coe Seconded, Agreed. NCC "Parish Partnerships" (75%:25%): Letter from Graham Plant — Re. Parish Partnerships — NCC's share is 75% & P/Council's share is 25% (2 copies circ. for information). The Clerk & Cllr Israel met the School Head today — she would like 2 flashing school signs (which could cost £6,000 each). However the 2 signs at Church Hill School are still in place, so moving them should bring down the cost. We will also get half last year's share back = £1,750. A Seminar will be held at 2 p.m. on 8th March at Saddlebow (emailed to all). Cllr Whitmore Proposed that the P/Council support the School's bid for Parish Partnerships up to £12,000 (cost to us of £3,000 less the refund from last year = £1,250 maximum), Cllr Coe Seconded, Agreed. Highway Matters: Potholes — Sent in a village plan marking potholes — Reply: High Priority holes will be done at once, the rest programmed — 3-4 weeks to complete. Trod — Lynn Road — Reply: They will soil & reseed when the weather improves. Hedge — Outside the Old Rectory. Reported to Highways: Reply: They will write. Since have received a reply from Mr Case — illness — he will do eventually (emailed to Sally Bettinson). It was reported that it has been cut. NCC Legal Notices — Re. Road Closure, Massingham Road, 4-7 March (NtBds + V/Link) Signs — Cllr Israel reported that signs around the village need some care & repair. This is the work that Highway Rangers do — please note particular signs that need care so they can be passed on to the Rangers when they next come. Correspondence: Good Companions — Received a donation request today — On next agenda. Notes on Neighbourhood Planning — Jan. issue from Borough (emailed to all) (2 copies circ. for info). WREN — Are desperate to give out grants (emailed to all). The V/Hall & HFLL could apply. Managing Flood Risk — NCC's Dec. newsletter received — a consultation will follow about NCC's responsibilities. NALC Information — LAIS 1347: CIL information & LAIS 1348: Planning Applications (2 copies of each circ. for info). A.O.B. (for exchange of information only) for members of the public: Old Schools & V/Hall — Cruso & Wilkins are doing costings for future uses, which must be self- financing. The Village Hall is a separate charity and not under threat. The School Trust will hold a public meeting before any decision is made. Speeding — Concern was raised by members of the public — what can be done? Information will be obtained about the cost of flashing speed signs & Speedwatch volunteers. The meeting closed at 9 p.m. Date of the next meeting: Monday 8th April 2013 at 7.00 p.m. GRIMSTON PARISH COUNCIL
A Grimston Parish Council Meeting will be held in the Village Hall on Monday 8th April 2013, commencing at 7.00 p.m.
AGENDA: Talk and Q&A Session with Anglian Water about Sewage problems. 1) Apologies, including signing the last Dispensation form. 2) To receive Declarations of Interest. 3) Minutes of the previous meeting. 4) Approval of Accounts for payment, including NALC & NRCC Subscriptions. 5) County Councillor's Report. 6) Borough Councillor's Report. 7) Matters arising from the previous meeting. 8) Police Matters. 9) Refurbishment of 5 metal seats. 10) Good Companions request for a Donation. 11) Clock Tower issues. 12) Highway Matters, including Signs & Parish Partnerships. 13) Planning Matters. 14) Correspondence. 15) Other Business, for the exchange of information only, to be conducted at the discretion of the Chairman. Also an opportunity, for members of the public to raise issues & exchange information (time permitting). Clerk to The Parish Council. Signed J Missing