US Team Committee
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US Team Committee 2011 Spring Board Meeting Activity Report
US Team Committee Membership Changes An election was held in Nov-Dec to replace Sam Zimmerman who is stepping down after a three year term with our heartfelt thanks for his service. An excellent slate of candidates emerged: Sean Franke, Peter Deane and Bill Elliott, all highly accomplished competition pilots. In a very close race, Bill Elliott emerged as the winner. Our thanks to both Peter and Sean, and our encouragement that they continue to contribute to US Team success. After more than 10 years of service, Doug Jacobs indicated to Competition Chair Ken Sorenson a desire to step down from the chairman role – a position appointed by the SSA Board. Ken was able to recruit Bill Elliott as Chair, and he was confirmed by SSA Chair Al Tyler – congratulations and best wishes to Bill in his new role. DJ will continue on the Committee as Team Treasurer for another year to provide for a smooth transisiton, requiring that we elect two members to the Committee in the fall of 2011.
2011 US Junior Team With some delay, we have sent selection letters to Devin Bargainier and Boyd Willat as this summer’s Junior Team to Musbach, Germany in August. As of this writing a Junior Team Captain has not yet been identified but several initiatives are underway to recruit one and further suggestions would be welcome. Devin is an experienced international campaigner, having competed in Rayskala, Finland in 2009 with Corey Sullivan. Boyd is younger brother of many time Team member Garret Willat. Spring fundraising initiatives to help them on their way are being planned. As current policy, the US Team fully funds Junior Teams at a “bare bones” level since affordability is such an issue with pilots of this age group.
2012 WGC’s Based on our Selection Policy, we have identified several pilots who have qualified for the 15/18/Open WGC in Uvalde. They are Bill Elliott in 18 Meter Class, John Seaborn in 15 Meter, and Ron Tabery in Open Class. Congratulations to all. To defend their selection, all will be required to fly at next summer’s Uvalde contest. As of this writing we understand that the WGC 2012 organizers plan an Open Nationals and a mixed 15 Meter super-Regional contest there in August with will be open to international competitors so as to familiarize themselves with the site and area. Participation by US pilots at the Uvalde WGC will not require the usual large financial resources needed of overseas competition. This will enable us to send more than the usual two pilots per class if indeed space is available. In any case, all further Team members will be selected based on their performances over the coming summer months. The next WGC for Standard and Club Class will be held in Argentina in December, 2012. Selected for Standard Class based on 2010 standings is Peter Deane and in Club Class, Sean Franke. Both competed this past year Slovakia. They will also be required to defend their early selection by competing in the Argentinian Pre-Worlds, but as of this writing there is no further information on the organization and dates of such a contest. As noted in our last report, the IGC has decided to drop the World Class in favor of a 13.5 Meter class with an initial contest after 2014. A 20 Meter two place class may be added, further complicating the international class line-up. In any event, while there will be a World Class category in Argentina, participation is likely to be tiny, as it has been here in the US. After having supported the World Class with a two man team every two years since its inception, and having had very little participation and almost no change in the faces going year after year, the Team Committee decided to poll the competition community as part of the Rules Committee annual survey as to 1) whether we should send a team to Argentina and 2) whether they should be funded as usual with the other classes. Both votes were decidedly negative. Our final decision on this will be made shortly at our winter teleconference, and may be made available to the Board verbally.
Club Class Selection Policy Attached to this report is a Board Resolution we are submitting, asking for modification to the existing Club Class selection policy. In short, we are asking the Board to approve allowing pilots who have competed on a previous WCG Team to be eligible for selection in the Club Class. The rationale is contained in the Resolution and should be self-explanatory. This question was also polled among the competition community and had strong support.
Club Class Eligible Glider List We select our Club Class Team from those competing in our Sports Class, based on whether or not they are flying an eligible glider. Our list of eligible gliders, published annually, closely resembles that used by the IGC for world competition. To further enhance competitiveness and promote broader participation in Club Class selection, it is the Team Committee’s intent to extend the number of gliders eligible for selection. While our current list is not yet finalized, we intend to include more modern 15 Meter and Standard Class gliders on the list, but not yet include the more current generation of 18 Meter ships. This has provoked a bit of hyperventilation from those flying older models who apparently do not believe that the handicapping system used by the Rules Committee for Sports Class truly flattens out the performance differences between gliders of different generations and wingspans. Perhaps the Rules Committee should reevaluate our handicaps. Additionally, it is felt that pilots flying higher performance models will fare poorly when flying the lower performance models that must be utilized in Club Class WGC’s. Against these factors we must balance a dwindling pool of potential selectees and a very modest success rate for those selected in international competition. We implore the Board not to immerse itself in this complex subject, and let the Team Committee to its work as chartered.
Financials At this point we have paid out the Defined Benefit to all pilots who participated in the 2010 WGC’s, and I estimate our remaining balances to be around $15,000. This must be estimated at the moment because in preparing for this report, it was discovered that proceeds from fundraising being done by the 2012 Uvalde WGC group is being co- mingled with Team monies in the US Team account in Hobbs. We will work with Denise and Linda Murray to straighten this out as soon as possible and segregate the WGC funds in some way.
We are also working with the principals involved in formation of the Mozer Trust to amend the language so as to more closely follow the intent of the donor, i.e. to support the US Junior Champion in his or her pursuit of Junior WGC participation.
We will also publish shortly the annual spreadsheet on support available via the SSA Foundation – Robertson/Woods trusts. The calculation is based on the annual performance of the funds and the amount the Foundation Trustees approve as available to the Team Committee for current funding requirements, and under our current Memorandum of Understanding, is required to be jointly produced annually.
For the Committee Bill Elliott Chair