Updating the Music-On Hold Song

Step 1: Format the audio file. 1. From MS Windows XP, open Sound Recorder

2. Open the .Wav file that you wish to import to the phone system

3. Choose File – Save As…

4. You now need to change the format to be acceptable to the phone system. Press the “Change” button for format.

IP Communications (815) 986-0199 Page 1 5. Set the format boxes to the same as below. (You can save this for future use also.)

6. Press “OK” when done, and then save.

Step 2: Upload to the Mitel Phone controllers (for each phone controller) 1. Log into the controller, and choose “System Administration” 2. From the pop-up window, choose “System Configuration” 3. Navigate down the options to Music On Hold -> System Audio Files Update

IP Communications (815) 986-0199 Page 2 4. Click “Browse” and navigate to the correctly formatted audio file done in step 1.

5. Click the update button. The system may take several minutes to upload and fully save the new audio file.

IP Communications (815) 986-0199 Page 3