. . t v C »

A s ^ c m n cr. xuHB 11. i n t t!40B TWELVE jKanrh^etrr Etintitts if^roUi D ll^ !l*l Pl6m 1 " i- there Is some danger thet flee, ■us to the stoeu auaagers. We w cosm ■ '" thrown helter-okelter e t nupOels, know they will M eay ooo- Green School 5509 About Town sMgkt egrout eU over churob Btruetlva ertUelem oCfered. Heard Along Main Street Uwan. Wild rise being eown In ARMY AND NAVY CLUB MMlt pleeoo n d i^ t net bo mgerdod “Besrfi AMag” really did hear t k i n a NEW SUPER VOL. Lxvn ., NO; u end epeghetti eupper et in to regloUr her obJecUon to of custonsere to n ktonUty has us pretty well heeding out to the Green end re­ ond Grade Pkeaent Children’s Dey progrems in the Let us look beck. 11m electric buffaloed here In New England, turning vie Woodbridge street, month when there ere so meny power wes out fifteen minutes ■peeking of buffeloes. If tbeee cir­ were mdlreetly the result of the Fine Performance lU r . Jemee RTielJ. mleleter of greduetion progrems. She s^d Tueedey night You know! cuses that are coming In here ere herd work o f e young couple, Dope Makm Holiday the Church of the Neserene, Mrs. whose name muet .be withheld. one of her youngsters wee gredu- How they suffered. Helf sheved, wise, they will cloeely guard their A highly entertaining eeaembty Ben end their children, Jemee, helf e cup of coffee, helf e glese We beer they secured over three BINGO Gottwald Elected ntng from gremmer school end bed eerebeoe. Else they mey find the program wes presented at Green Federal Judge Bans end Btumn Jeen, will leeve of orenge juice, no lipstick— the himdrsd algnetures end eubmltted e pert thet required memoraing. A t rice reisers have mode off with the list to the olBciele. who ■chool recently to memtois of the momlnf for e motor trip the seme Ume the youngsUr wes world turned upside down. them. AT 8:30 SHARP to fft Louie, where thev win et- in turn took the matter up with Idndeianrten and second grade. pert in e Children's Oows, they sey, ere elmoet en- To ecoommndete fill tto.,puplle tend the Quedrennlel convention D ^ ^ ^ ^ m Uiet elso required e ' Urely creeturee of hebit tha Connecticut Cbmpeny. The Czech President; o t the Neeerene denomlnetlon. From the mellbeg: Chengs hoe been la operation only end vlsitora the program wee re­ lot of memorising. She seid it wes I ------e week, but es time goM on end pented with much eucesM and to ’ EVERY SATURbAY NIGHT June IT to M Incluelve. They will reelly e herd tesk for her young- W’e understend thet the “new Deer Heard Along: Maritime Walkout; the enjoyment o f everyone who nt- ■top ea route in PltUburgh, end people get used to the idee, it is ■ter Md too much of e strein. i look" is proving to be e big help I heve been reeding the Interest' bouiMl to be popular. Our inform­ tended. w ill leeve the children with Mr. Most Children's Dey progrems ere to the bendege end emice bust- tng end uplifting sermons thet ant who lives in the Highland I’erk Mrs. M ery Hutchinson end mem- ATTRACTIVE DOOR PRIZES! Given 296 Votes BeU'e perente. ITiey will eleo visit Mnm held in churches tomorrow 1 nese. Girls who used to skip down heve appeared In ’The Hereld fre­ section eeld the raeldeats along tora of both kindergarten groope In Ctolumbue, Ohio, with M re end roost grede school gredueUon the Stairs end down the street In quently bgr Rev. Word end Rev. Charter Oek strasi signed e peti­ arranged the following progjwm: ■MTe perente. Rev, Oieeter Aui- exerdsee ere being held this com­ what is known ea “ gey ebendOn” Stanpeon end It is e marvelous feel­ tion also, but ware unsuccessful ia Announcera wun Peter HaiMea ing to know that there la someone Hailed by Speaker m Orders Bargaining tln, former mlnieter o f the church ing week, so we cen reedlly see —which we suppose means shorter getting bus service there, e end Margaret Heir; welcome wee w ill be in cherge end teke cere of where there could be e conflict skirts—ere tumbling around in who is willing end capable of cell­ It la e conaldereble distance from *S6MJali*t PreaideMt in ing our attention to our faith of given by Authur House end Pet­ Mr, BelTe peetorel duties in his Of course the High school greds the.8e long, flcwlng creations that the terminua et Main end Charter er Hansen. ’There followed eonge News Tidbita eboence. add flounce tc femininity. The today. Oek street to Highland Perk. Sodalirt Country*; Ab beve nothing to worry ebout since Looking about us here end to the cleM ' ’The Smell Pepooe^, ^ Yd. Order Now While We Aro CaBai Ftsai (ff) Wins Injunction Name* Three they ere well over the Qdldren s "new look", it is said, has caused Their pies wes for e kxm along "tiM Beers Crow” , ’T h e Clroua Ike ennuel meeting of the Men- en old color combination—black mbroed we find evidence of e re­ Charter Oek end Porter sureeL legiaiiee Svrom to Of Union* InvoWed Dey ege. Tee. yes—thet wes quite vealing nature. The old leason to Clown’’ end ’Bwlng in e Swing.' Loading Dairy Farm Soil Republican Leaders ctisetsr Reelty boerd will be held noUeeeble efter yesterdey's gredu­ end blue—to stage a comeback. Craetive expression in nurMry ' Gonethntkm; Troope Moodey evening, June J1 et E. J- love thy neighbor es thyself has We’re still hearing many favor­ And Applies Speeifie- etion exercises. been put aside. We heve found it riiymee by the cleea “Little o f IsMpRnBlTB t o _____ HoU’e oottege. Bolton Lake. Sup­ In connection with children ■ Now thet school is out end the able commente ebout the eppaer- Peep", “Sing e Song of Sixpence" COAllSE GRAVEL DELIVERED $1.25 YD. Revievred in Conrtye^ people timil^ It la getting aUIhoaa ally to and GnH children ere free to room again, easier to hate, condemn, and hu- per w ill be eerved end officers progrems. we elweys get e kick mtllete those about ua ence of Manchester’s p^oeawa la and “ U ttle Miss M u ffet" Plan Night Session the street becomes e little more the Memorial Day parade. Led by mm elected for the coming yeer. out of items submitted for publl- Yet, deep in our beerte, we know P oem, "Punny Story" by Peter Prague, Juno 14.— Menthly Hdltor S d t^ ' WeMn G I PhBBBB; Other dangerous. Darting out from be­ Chief at Police Herman SdMndel WenMn end Judith Light. Tap tMls Wellatiey gradaatao.. . . Ooa- ceUon thet reed like this: thet e return to e faith is some­ SEWERS, DITCHING Cxoehofilovakifi'fi brst Com­ Injoncdons Alfcctiag Mrs. Cynthle Kenebl of Wells “ The Such end Such Society will hind perked cars, playing in thing deeper and more eternal they marched at the head et 1 4uiee by Linde Brodeur end Mery pectieut Ok bow plaaa to ghandca Put Senate on Overtimaj street, ehelrmen of the Gift Perty enterteln the children of the mem­ streets, riding double on bikes, then ourselvee. panda 8T strong. It was the n Lfi Howell. UenM by the cle aepMe tanka aed dry weae leeteHed. munist president was dectid I 1m4 SnBaya la the otata. thoaa Palestine €^ts West Coast and Great o f Lekote Council, No. 61, Degree bers et e perty Tueedey evening. hooking rides on rear parts of Our dlseppointmente and our un- Impneeiva pubUo enpeareaoe, “How Do Tou Do,' My Pnrtneri*. and took oince today. Pre­ New Bstrea . . . PteC. Fowler Schedule in Drive to trucks, and ell o f the other dang­ o f Pocehontss, requests ell mem- The children heve been rehesrslng hepplneea would be lessened if we without doubt, in the history ‘Ilie children Vi-ere remarkably Equipment for Hire Truck-Shovel mier Klement G ottu ^ was —tper ef Law School telle Lakes to Be Soo^t ers become present in large quant­ the deportment. It wee so much capable In their handling of the Anwrlcaa Hardware Oorp, etrUcen Wind Up BusInasM *bers to bring their glfU to the e delightful progrem." could share our religion with elected by a show of 298 Quiet at Last; m isting Wedneedey, June 16, end Sure, throw e perty fo r the kids ity. Be careful. (Hilldren don't others no matter of whet faith more Impressive then eSolng e h«if ennouncementr end the carrying Crawler Shovel* — Bulldosera —• Trucks In New Britain to penlet becenee think. Motorists should. 1 Soy wHh a Mg toaSra e f epiaae And Adjourn Saturday , Juna 14.—hope the fine spirit Grade Twe’e Pregraei tary election hold in 18th cen­ IlM y ’ll break you tlw y can.” . • teoMalai a ia held ki — A Federai judge today *a- There hea been eoaslderahlc Truce Working evening. The merch o f clvUlxetlon de­ holler-then-thou feeling. It does continues. Grade two. directed by Mrs. NUSSDORF CONST. CO. tury VladiAimky hall, and oommlttoe aa- W ashliiflbii, 7 u m 14.—^(1^’ joined a rafiritime atrik* bb- pends on e lot of water going talk about biting dogs ia town. not mean e saintly appearance to Madeline Hickey, eleo provided en f t DBBariELO OBIVB TBU MANCfflR8TBa SSeS - » lyaahlag tod- — Rcpublicfin leaders put the Meny coses heve been reported woe heUed I v fipeaker OMrleh til June 24. He ordeiad Um over the dem. To get down to Sunday service, end the rest of the Every so often we beer ed Intereeting program. I t ran es John oe “ e BotiaUet pceeldent tai • oral crime. * Senate on an overtime achfid* CIO unions and ihipownars eases, water, or coel, es the sys­ ebout meltmen, milkmen, meter week being es mean as our dlepoel- tionel etoriee shout the town’s followe: ____ Oaott rere» eee kn Price Gmtrol United Nations Media­ readers end newspaper boys being Socleliat country.” uie today as Conffreis drov* inTolved to bargain “tB gori tem mey be, generates electricity tione allow \u to be, but it Is ea heavy hell stortn of lest Tuesday. Announcer wes Robert Ander­ Apart from Oottarald end a court declaicu which would hove Favorite Sons Likely tor on Rhodes Set­ Electricity, in turn, runs clocks. nipped by unfriendly canines Carlyle once said, “ It files hke Ws were told the other day ebout son who introduced choral epeek- women deputy who raotyaed three required TA to pay up to five to wind up itfi bualBfifiS aad faith’* meantime. A wfitfan- FILMS Heppy is the men who owns an Well, from whet we were told hollowed fire from heart to heart' e fellow who hod plentod 60 tomS' ing by the cleea “Orendfether deye ego, only two votea wera not times taoe value of manyany national"«ri«t«ei Again Theme adjourn next Satonlay. S«B*- ting Up Headquarters wlde strike has been thraat- DEVELOPED AND old-fashioned stem winder, for he the other day, we think the doge I know of e mother who, in her to plants. In order to protect Frog”, "MorrJng on the Farm" ecconated for amoag tha 800 ■ervloe life ineuraaee pwlctai , . . deserve somewhat of e brsek in SUelo and * To Hold Out Longer tor Wherry (Neb.), aetlaff cned by aevBB iiniona oa east, PRINTED ■hell arise In time! Let us tell own way, is ea effocUve e worker them (they were of good alee when end "The Nursery Clock”. Tap memben of ParBemafiL who la- To Negotiate Peace wart sad gntf coasto aad on ttw this furore egelnst them. in God’s way ea any preechar. She he planted them) he pieced peach donee by Carol Heuetis, eonge by forward todSy . . . CaUfomia'e Republican tasder, told re- S4-HOUR SERVICE you e story. clude 314 Oxamualet party mem­ Traman Also Plans to Great Lakes tar soom tiaw aftor This week there wes e storm. The story thet reached us Is never “talks religion" but simply besketa over each of them. Be Vivian Cole, Robert Anderaon, ANNOUNCING ben. Governor Whirea tovon payment porten thare wffl be a niffht Oalro. June 14—(P )—The Arab- tbst dogs ere often aggravated Ruth Adamy end Michael Ro- of |S8 a week to expeetaat weili- eeeelon e f Dm fieneto taal*hL morrow arftinlaht. Their smi- Identifiable es Tuesday No. 8 with preys for her children end her cause o f the unusual w et weather Ore alii hgr ArehfeMwp Speak on Honsing on New Trend Threatens to Jewish truce wee reported to have t r ^ w^^toe^that Ba^ ^ ^ Fltai DfipoaH Bos into biting. One women sew friends. And strange as it mey meniw. Songs by the cleea, “ A la g Buthin i . . . . House paeeee bin TO Ve4e aa Trmta A e l hell end wind, lightning and rein. the emeteur gardener thought he the Opening of *nM aew preetdent otrece allegl- Remainder of His Tour Two Challenge brought quiet to Paleetlae at Mot At Start Entranoo Ughtnlng struck one of the youngster with etlck In hand eeem, tha problems besetting her had beat tmeover the plants eo Busy CHocK” with Paul Tierney to iacreeee poaeloae o f widows end Stretch Ont Republi­ The chamber ta eeheiuled to threshing e dog evidently not the loved ones ere usually aolved end plS3ring the clock; "The Grocer •ace to the peoplaa democracy orphans of World W ar 1 and H today. Tha United Notioos m iilli a aalcas lavetved a rt rttoBm nerves of civUlsetlon: to wit, thet they could gat some eunahlne, coaeUtutloB. wcat lato the Hrafi- can Natkmal Conven­ vote at 4 pw WL (afi.t> ofi ksW or wmaeatiy to the east aadgfiK boy's own. to the point o f making ehe has the deep aettefied feeling much needed. If Old Sol ever Men” and "Five Little Drums’* totemna by ft*K*88ii8* 4 yaar. l ! Dewey Ht^es tion to ■rtwirtha reciprocal trade torams ea Rhhdae setting na wire on e pole. ^ . .v the dog turn on the young^ster. of knowing the eecret of .faith. with Raymond Henna playing the ceay courtyard to rovtow troops . . . American Journal o f Medicine headqusrten for negotiotloas to- fist yhoaes ef ths thraatoaei KEMP'S ’The town wes plunged into the showed up. So he uncovered them ead poUoe; gad thea erdooad bock Aboard Trmmmm Ikata aa- tion's Ba|k>Ung Now agraeaMfiU acL wallmaL Other tojaaettcan affbefi- desk ogee for fifteen mlnuten The woman ran out with broom We need not be wealthy to leem —lest Tuesday. ’Then came the drum. ’The final number wee e JOHNSON’S MUSIC STORE ennounoee discovery of ward foftiny pMos. tato tha courtyard whore Catholic ■prapd by m ice. . . Jews and Arata Baato to Lee Aagelee, Jobs Wherry said he hspes the Sen­ tog the wort coast sad Great Time wes turned beck. in hand and protected the boy this secret for even the humblest wind, the rein end the hall. Now If ■ong, "Four Leaf Clover" by Ruth ate can pass toolght Mils to pro­ Both Jewe and Syrians charged mey discover it Once one has Adamy. Archbtahop Joeef Bersa greeted eeaee i MI. .. m In . _TripoU . . . . jrttta h 14-Hff) — FreaHiat Traama Waohington, June 14.— Yoangd*hl and S i^r Lakes were to he sought la ether A lot of people forget to turn but she elso gave the led e tongue ho wonts tomatoes this summer he 15 MAPLE STREET, 2ND FLOOR him and lira . Gottwald at tae to fonto for ths Ihtsrlor depart- new vtolationa In northern Pnas- cIttaK /ashing. found it the change w ill be megl- This program werthe'leet of Its Foreign Offiee aulrtag expi toevM lat* eeatheta Caa- r—A new holdout trend among tlBo yesterday cC Um foareraeli It eh ^ again es their electric must buy some more plants be- Telephone 2-4026 door o f SL VltuB cathediaL foeaia toSty wMb a_wanSag Think He*s «Too mcaL the Navy aad a anaUtor of U. a. Attorney Jetai F. X Me- clocks resumed their measured (so One dog owner told us o f _ ceL No longer will Ufa be futile kind poBslblo at the Green School for dtaeppearance o f Brtttalittah oil ex- •nBtotiee that begmi Friday OMm- end without meaning. eeuae those he hod set out ere on The erchblahop, clod In hrIlUent pert in ftomenie. dw8 it “eaart m m ever Me fgYorite sons threstenfi t ^ SBVRTMMHi tOPESEEtkfEMa Gshty said the Btaday much per kilowatt hour) silence. friendly dog in his neighborhood. ground leveL until increased facilities make it mistic* on Noi tog under U. N. Rmasonhtpw Tha In e recent article thet I reed, possible to liave toe auditorium A COMPLETE LINE OF MUSICAL ■cerlet robee, ebook heada heartily water power to ■peetol tator- day to stretch out the Repub­ Re said debate oa the loog- VV10H piovM N n AHantie Result: local bus drivers the It always epproeebea persoiu who Anon with the piWdentiel couple end Abdul Hnawln Rashlr new range farm bin ta eehaduled to Jeera eeld they hod been toreed to ley law begaa whes chance to be walking poet. He femoiia psychletriet wrote thet evelleble for use other then ea e INSTRUMENTS AND ACCESSORIES . far of Iran . . . Soft coel negoUe- esto.” It was jaat oUer 7 a. oe lican Natoinal convention’! New Caetle, N. R „ June 14—<*) fight bndi. t im Byrians threat next morning, who usually pick up “millions of me nend women ere class room. then escort^ them lato the church fpM.L) whoa th* preMdeat ■tsrt tomorrow. order was rigaod. knots of passengers et the mein hea never been known to bite any­ fo r e to deum (Tbenkagtvlng) to n rMooee taSn today . . , Mrs. presidential balloting. Follow­ —Gov. Tbomae E. 0)ewey*e pre­ H alf a dosea major btlta may be eaed to do ee. seettaa at ths low i one. A men wee coming along creeping through life on their It ia hoped thet the rhildren will Reeds (all strengths) Mergerat Good, BriotM. Eng addreeoed Mo first eeowd o f But two tniee ohservete. United Range and Fuel hands end knees, (figuratively Dance Recital Clarinets meae, eung to en Ambraetea chor­ ers of some major candidates diction he’d win the Republican broehed tato discard to the drive the street when this dog trotted not for long be deprived of this op­ Pads expyttng twins and ta mother of toe day at Soato Barbara. T t States Nnvol offlcen, got bnrii to Th* ■peeking), merely toceuee they re- portunity of meeting in e body to al. was mighty alee of es aawy report that several of their preeidentiel nominetioa today met to have (fongreae qnlt Saturday. up to him. Without the dog in Saxophones Mouthpieces An audience whldi pecked the ^■•draplete . . . Two Chllfornle Congieaataaal leadera heva seta TM Aviv from the northern ftoat of the Jnstlee anjrwey Indlceting e streak of vi- fuM to rely upon any power but By Jaye Pupils share their telenta end learning clergymen credited with having of yea to get op se early to colleagues with single-state challenges from eupportera of two lest night and reporM all quiet OIL FENDER AND BODY themselves.’’ experiences. Trampets M u tes endent Vledlelecaky hell applaud­ becking heve become Increealngly privately ooly a revanel of ad­ m at by G. a. Dtatrirt. otouenese the man drove out hie ed the election long end loud end the peSteet oelSaieB necMcat on others mentioned. journment pLua can save the there. Jewish communique anid John W. Ctaaey. . foot end caught the dog under the ThoM who think in thla way Strings for all instruments record . . . Two movie stunt fllera, cagey ebout making any second heve nothing but anxiety end Mlee June K. Jeye presented her Gnitara chanted: Gov. Luther W. Toungdehl of oleomargarine tax repcelar, pay the fighting etoppad yesterday WORK jew. Then the dog did turn on Frank Clerk end Mark Owen, or third beUot promtaes of sup­ MInneeoU end Gov. Ktoi Sigler of raonitog. hsaring was art tar beertechee, end we heve but to pupils in e colorful, lively, end Harmonicas Music Stands "Atatja President Gottwald — port releea for Federal employes, the is him. The owner of the enlmel ■ucceaeful donee recital et the killed la crash of their plane Aboard Truman Train an Route Michigan raid they thought the Wcleense 488 fomfigranto to dotormlae whether the L. T. WOOD CO. look et our doily newepepera to Town Instruction Books, etc. Long Live President Gottwald.” to Loo Angeles, June 14— (S’) — Gov. Eerl Warren, for Inetehce, anti • Cbmmuntat blU, tidalende SoUaiene and Plaax, Inc. came running from hie house end find It eo; the tragic deaths, eul- Buehnell Memorial, Hertford, re­ They joined in singing the nation­ "Middle IBOOCM" of the 43.000.000 New York Governor wee "too TIm Jaws welcomed 480 Insasl- tloB would bs celled the dog off. But he didn’t femUlee In the United Stetee wee PresidentTruman ehlfted hto pre­ has served Munt notice to those optimistic." meeaura, on entl-lynch MU end on n Btoiell 8 t T A 44N ■M Oaalst atrvet cides end hopeleae cease of the cently. Approximately 150 pu­ al anthem. enti-poU tax propoeoL gnata to Tel Aviv Inst night HMy A fter th e ! leeve the scene without telling Advertisement Your Inspection Is (Cordially InvHed f8.8B8 lest yeer, up $830 from convention epfsking campaign who beve been wooing hie becking Youngdehl Is ell-out for Harold got their flirt food coavey la ever 1 cfftaial of tiw youth o f our nation. pils appeared in beautiful cos­ The BritUh, French end United that he is going to hold on to WhUe there ta ao certainty the( the pedeatrien thet he should be 1948 , • • Oetoeft pvMca think rob­ beck to price oontrol end housing E. Stesaen; Sigler wants to draft ■evra weekfi through froai IM m Our friends end our neighbors tumes beeed on college cleaeroom States, Chinese end Rueelen em- Celtfornie’e 53 votea for several the 80th CkxigNM w ill Meae np bitten flit such e foolish move ere important to ell of ue. We end campus life. Notice is hereby given thet. In Carlylfi B. Johaaoa, Owner ber who tortured end kUled 78 today a ^ completod plans to Senator AHhur Vendenbew. ta l iraialiai yeeterany, nslag against the dog. beoeedora heeded tha diplometic ■tump In eight more gtetea Ihallote a t PhUadelptale to eee ■bop fo r keene at the ead o f the NMU live among thoee whom we love An unfortunate accident oc­ accordance with the provisions of eerpa preeeaL Twloa the CUeelin y ^ old Btaner Jones, weeltiqr re­ Thaee aeeerUone touched o f f -a paoaAaUt a s c i^ A n h roc Dog trainers win ten you that curred which prevented Mies Jaye ared ooatraotor, wot en eOqiieint- He will meke the taotrOf*« eertae heppene. round o f "politicking” et the 40th wSSk, that ta w target bafog aito- trirt- Beth BMVW ereatad pel la a I end whom wo do not. We cannot Section 3 of Subdivision Regula­ Slovak redle ooauaentator noted W ernn’e frteiMe contend he hea ed at by Dpaaker MarUa (R - you should never show e dog thet cheut the human soul but we cen herMlf from performing. At the tions for the Town o f Manchester, enee. of five “major” eddreeeee of hta enn^el National Governora’ con­ lenta fo r U. N* tm ee cheOera. had ths aatherlty that Laurence Btelnherdt, Amerl' e better chance for the nomina­ Maee) aad Senator Taft (R- attention of the Manchester men ing letter this week: Scale 1" equals 40’—Mey 25th, Dewey Inelete He WUl Win nation himself—and to "not too detcrminaUoii to fight Ziontam has PnU Unt Of Meata. 1948, Hayden L. Griswold, C. E. ■eel them up tor poeterity to reed many bellote.’’ e f BRUNNER'S he refused, we understand, to el- Deer Heard Along Mein St: In 3048 . . . Six Royal Air Force Dewey, however, Inelete he will weakened." * r P r a ttB i Groetricfi Prnitfi and, ^J^tidng to be done ebout it. The seid hearing will to held et cop the prize "after not too many A few minutes eerUcr, Warren Ohio Womali Charged laroel hoa Instated upon state­ S58 East Ceater St. A walk do«-n Menebester Center Hope Greatest Flood Jets wtn hop Atlentte around July Robertson Asks Sena hod told e press conference he Perhepe he thought thet it wee thsM days presents e drab picture the office of the Board of Direc­ ballots." With Murder After hood In ■ portioned Palestine. Ah- TcL 5191 Vefretfiblofi tors, in the Municipal Building, in I . . . Takye aewapopen predict personally did not think this meet­ the company thet would heve to indeed for the proepecUve buyer. Disaster Passing Tem­ Jep cabinet win fen in budget dis­ tors to Jam Russia*# The New Yorker gave e "defi­ ■tend the loee. However, accord­ KNOFLA seid Town of Manchester on nitely not” response to reporters ing of governora was the place to Hushand, Daughter Die (Ueotlai aa Page BtyOt) We feel thet Mencheeter is en up pered by Warning pute engage in partisan politics. The ing to our informant, then le e end coming community end there­ Tuesday, June 3Snd, 1948 et Propaganda by Action who eaked him whether he looks px)d chenoe thet the home office eight P. M. / BUYING?... SELLING? for e prolonged deadlock. Californian frankly admitted. how­ Dtatr«rt< fore the Mein etrect etorea could ever, be Intended to talk with as dnclnnaU,, June 14—UP)—Pre- In another state will deduct the well afford e facelifting. BROTHERS A ll persona interested ere here­ Portland, Ore., June 14 — (P)— Weehlngton, June 14—UP) — A The questioning took piece et llminery hearing for Mrs. Mary amount from the cashier’s pay. the National Conference dt Gover­ many governora aa praaible and The merchendlM is obviously of by notified to appear et the above The third end apparently tha last Democratic eenetor today celled Cloy Watte, whose huebend sad Row Settled We hope when the local resident General Contractor time end show cause, i f any they REAL ESTATE Chinese Reds upon hta coUeeguee at both par­ nors now In eeeelon et New Castle, that they undcubtedly would talk IriU I re e ^ thla he wUl have e change good quality, but certainly the pre­ o f the Columbia river’e eummer some politics. '' daughter died o f poison, win heve. why sold Plena shell not to ThaFfi our business 7 days a week, 52 weeks ties to jam RueaU’e mpegende N. H. held tomorrow morning. a * 4. of heart u d bear In mind whet sentation of It. to the buying pub­ Jobbing and flood create ewlrled oeewerd today Warren, also on hand for the There was on sir of poUUcal lic, does not do It justice. Our town approved. mill by rejecting the Republican- Mra WatU, 48, wes charged At Oak Ridge “•,PP*"*4 to Judes when he. too. Dated et Manchester, Connecti­ a year handling Real Estate problems to your from this area. TrytoLand b e^ ed trade act MIL meeting, aldeetepped queeUone tenoton hanging over the govern­ hi th C A L L 5 1 4 1 le n ebopplng center for many General Repairing ors’ conference—where the mein with murder yesterday In oonnaC' ■liver.sold his honor fo r 80 pioceeI—VI- u»o f cut. this 11th dey of June, 1948. Hope thet tha gneteet fiood dis­ The meeaura would revive, but ebout hie own ctaencee. He sold, by Ike Weal. H ftT _FOR— neighboring communities ea well satisfaction. however, be Intends to talk to aa taouee ere taxes and dvlUen de- tlon with the death of her 11-year- CaU,4033 S. G. Bowen, aster In the Pacific northwest le In modified fonn, the tariff-outting old daughter, Barbara Ann. The Management and Labor es fo r we proud Mencbester-ltce. peselng wee tempered by Army Hundred Junks Report­ reciprocal trade eneemente act many other guvernora ee poseible. fenee—but the political maneuv­ GIv'en IJfo Seatcoee W e think the buslnesemen of Men- Secretory of the Boerd of Di- child died Mey 15 after e aeveral It will to e matter of news when Before 6 p. m. rectore of the Town of Manchee- MAIN STREET— EAST CENTER STREET werninge thet there win to no re­ which lepaed Saturday mldnigtiL There ere Indlcetione that TeR, ering wee being done privately in Sdieduled to Sign Con Soleai. 'Maae.. JoOe t6-—tjh— toe sun ahinee here. It also will to eheeter should develop s more Large t family hoaae 8 end Lovely 8 room hotwe. 4 ;ird- ed Seen Between Ting- like Dewey, believes the issue w ill hotel rooms. months of suffering from nausea. LswreOM J. Bififfy. fl-year-«M ter, Connecticut. spite from menace of high weter In e speech prepared for the re­ The hearing wiU be held before to e matter of interest to record plesaent end Interesting center fi, t cor garage, •teem heat reome, hot nrater heat ultb nil In the lower valley for oeveral hai bland," Mainland sumption of dnate today, Senator be settled fa irly aoon, but Rep. Dewey spent e couple of hours tract Formally Today Okinawa Naval vetaraai eleaBed C I T Y C A B how Jong it shines if it ever ^onVi point fo r en already picturesque uritk ell. eU fecllitlee. Situated All medern eoavgidencea. weeks. A. 'Winta Itobertaan (Ve.) de- Clerence Brown. Teft’e mei^ger oonfsrring with Gov. Horace Hil­ Mayor R. Edward Tape of Nor­ guiny tedoy to nsordw' la the eeo- SAFE, COURTEOUS DRIVERS peep through strongly again. The town. eu large lot la Meal baeineee Large well tamdacapefi lot Mith Troope end eendtog craws atm has laid there may be seven M - dreth of Maine. Steosen has wood. a pert of greeter CIncInnaD. •od degree la ttm *L ValeaUfis ’niree Interester ahoppere. Shenghnl, June 14— (fi)—A hun­ The mayor In ■ city with no munt Oak Ridge, Tenn., June 14—(F) weather has us in deepeir. The loeattoo. extra building that could to work today to save rich fermlanda “ Nothing would 'pleaae the Mos­ lots. claimed nine of Maine’s 13 >lele- —Management snd labor were day alojlag ef psi^ Beatriee OPEN ALL NIGHT ■trewtorry festivals wUl heve to Ed Note: We dlMgree with ueed for 3 or 8 car garage. end Induetriel mUle guarded by dred junke loaded with Cbinoee cow propegende machine more, foteo. but Dewey supporter^ see . Ipsl ro'tirt. sets as police judge. Btaoeherd. 17. a koby-ettlsr. Ordinarily Namlnale Speedily Questioned throughout yester- ■chcduled to sign a contract for­ to curtailed we hear, huekletorriee Three Interested Shoppere. HOME TOWN NEWS THOMPSONVIl.I.E— flood weakened ee^worke. The Oommuntat troops tried to lend on right now, than to be able to point poasIMUty of e swing toward the Judge Ffook )l. Norroy aeBteaes* NORTH MAIN STREET Ordinarily Republicans nominate dsy. the csim. Slender matron de­ mally ending ■ etrlke threat at the aren’t being vleited by the heee, th eif criticism. We think the busl- Elm Street—fi rnomi, 6 yeare 7 room bniMe. 8 todr«N>uiii. Columbia yesterdesr wee tock up the coast 100 mOae south of here, to e reversal on the pert of the e presi^nt epc^ily. It took six New Yorker. Oak Ridge national laboratory to­ him to nie Issprtaeament. |b tqto there is e question shout the cider nese district here preranta e moat dd .' enmnlele Uerege, heaull- to Its June 1 peek In this area, but United Stetee In Ue econmnie for­ Dewey Secs Great Goins n t^ any connection w ith the death day. . ommrsdiBg aeeeptqges e f the plea ■team heat tritb oil. lerim re-, a pro-govenunent dtapetch eeld trice for Lhein to pick the late and aniwered many queries with crop end thing* generally don’t unueuel picture, certainly not e fully taadMiiped. fruit tree* Oe wa« expected to start dropping to­ eign policy end to. ten the peoplift Wendell L. W lllkie in 1940, but Dewey told e press conference Settlement of a lengthy wage whleh come pt the eotoet et the oeptlon hall, t car garage, nice today. *I1m report oould not be the statement; look bright dreb appearance. Few towns of MM line. Furaaee heal, la rg e let. ^ day. of western Europe end Letta only one to eettle on Dewey In that things looked “excellent" for dispute beta'cen the A F L Atomic Irtal. Aerteunt Dtatrirt. Attecoto Manchester’s sise heve such e ape- let- Prired for qiilrh eale. Own- The known deed in three weeks oonanaed. America: *W« told you oo’.’’ "See my lawyer.” John F. R jon w M oe wax eriiBe Nor let ue forget the com. I f The veegeta were reported eeen 1944. One ballot had decided the him at Philadelphia; that he has Trades end Labor Council end you get any early sweet eora this doua Mein strMt. end few towns «r lunvlag nol ol town. ROCKVILLE— of Columbia end rreeer river Agieee To Start Vettag Issue in the four conventions pre­ made “ greet gains" since his vic­ RefUsce Lie Deteelar Thet OsrMde end (^rbon Chemieeta woe iovelv^. we beve been in offer any more fioode etende et 40. in w eten between Tlnighel Island STATION WAGON yeer you will heve to coneider p rooms built In 1847. Cepu end the mnlnlehd. The dtapetch Tlie Senate has agreed to etert ceding 1940. tory over Steeaen in the Oregon She refused to be subnitttcd to Corporation, operator of the re­ yourself in luck, for it hea come attractive stores. Since the war, EDMUND STKKFrr Cod Step-aevtag kitchen, large Daiaege Tope 8148,088,88# voting et 4 p. m. (e. s. L ) on ell The modern record was set in prUboiy. a lie detector test. search center for the Atomic Beaegottatlea Aet UpM8 Tow n and Country ReheblUtetion o f 60,000^ home- did not say whether the attempted to our notice that the Meson has with the release of more end more ■ 8 ronme ctnnplele. nie hetli. living room, dining rotun, t pendl^ emendmente to the O. O. 1920 when it required 10 votes to •Aeked whether he thought there Coroner Herbert P. Lyle ruled Energy commission, was an­ Washtagtoo, J«aa 16 ( f ) 'Dto leas end reetoretlon of utiUtiee, emphlbiotu landings wee auccees- P.-epenaored bUl to extend the ipreiae eeort tsfiiy ophcM seB- made most oom fielde into rice meteriels, merchants and building avurainry. fufi Ineutellun. Nre- bedraoma npetelra, ■team bent fuL It sold tha Cbmmuntats were pick Warren G. Herding. The ell- would be a deadlock at the con­ the girl's death a homicide about nounced yeaterdey. Rebuilding — Refinishing peddlea. proprietors heve brightened up plaee, feet water heat. Niwr with olL Beeement garage. roods, raUa, Induatriea gnd fenu' trade lew oile year beyond lest vention, he repUed quickly "defi­ two weeks ago and lost week aX' ISVt ^B ts Average Iscresse ■UtatleaaBty at th* war uealifirtn lends In the etricken river beetne from northern Kiengeu province, time record v/ee In 1850, when end tat many coms entirely rebuilt MW Mae ead ehopples center. Large lot. Saturday, with chengae. nitely not" burned the body of her father, W il­ The agreement provided for en reaigettatles act. Nsoe ef top |na« 16 Yoan — Woodwevking and Finishing There Is some talk around ebout w ill require months end perhepe which Includes Shanghai end Nan­ Jamee Garfield wee chosen on the farmers abandoning old etaadby tha etorc fm t s . We don’t pretend Ueody to tnnve In nn enmple- ’ The act lapsed ht midnight Sat­ 36. But Governor Sigler told news­ lis, to determine the cause of hta overage hourly wage Increase of ttees dtoeeatad sa the tasao ef so#- STONE STREET— years to complete. Damage In the king. urday efter both Republican end 16 H cents to ebout 875 production Phone Manchester 5326 crape here and going Into rice and to know anything ebout merchan­ ^te■ et enlei Large scale fighting hea been to Republirens—without the two- men who buttonholed him In a cor­ death. PathologUt reports showed ■tttotleasfity. VslMtty ef Bw tany .8 room nlngle. oil hot wetei etricken veUey le believed over Democratic leaders agreed there workcra et the laboratory. wesehaJleaged hy three csotyototo ducks Inetesd If you are planiilhg to baiN or baj a ntw home, our ■ectore along the 100 miles be- In Shantung, e pro-government It would require the Federal sessing mercury. He said shs national, omergency provision of not IocbIc the t) tween here the Pedfie will re­ dtapetch aeld. the fighting around T a riff commiseion to tnveeUgete orally admitted, however, to hav­ the Tnft-Hnrtley lew. wes dis­ newey -Bkert (B ... Me-), tafiflfiff main critical for days. The river Tataum, pro^del capital, “hee end hold hearings on every com­ ing had borMturate. but was un­ missed Friday. Union and man­ mortfag* dopartment am aaabt yon la choosing the type house you want we I peaad ^e**iM ^ea fey tke Dntas WE HAVE CUSTOMERS it for you. ta due to drop in the Portlend- changed from eklnntahea to fur- modity the president wonted cov­ able to recall when she hod It or agement hod been In elmort con- WAITING! Venoouver, Weah.^ eree but a foot taus batthw.” Oommuntats kept up ered by a trade agrqement- In Schools Music Festival bow much. ■teat negotlatioas since. COLLEaiON **nmiMTOW*a tbo day weVc been living for . . ..oar car vtrtraBy of dpewring bfiot saitod to youT droiinstanccs. a In the next four days. I t then ta attacks against nearby railway cases where the chief aaocuUvc The chief aUo eold Mrs. Watts t t C^to Iscrcoee Sought win bo ready. Fas gliiid we let VAN'S SERVICE STA­ Call Saturday or Sunday llnr ImleMttaa paoM HOMRa ONDIW O. L BILL To Inspect Any of These expected to raeede a half ■ foot a end highway towna. dlaregerded oommtaaton raooto- orally admittsd having Paris green The union sought n 88 cents en MONDAY, JU N E 14 TION romlr thfi radiator.** o r RIUHTS NOW BBINO day for three weeks. Northerly Petplng reported roll mendetloae. tae would have to ton at the time of her husband's hour Incraoee oe well ea the wel­ n ...... 5/ O O NaTBlNirCD ' Properties Todsy'e dike operation near traffic between roping and Ttent- Congreeo ebout it within *6 days TONIGHT death, ’ The potaon wee used. fare ronceeelons. The company Poittaad ta aimed e t saving a sta had bean resumed after a 80- and explain why. Fnts eeld she told him. to con­ ■old Its ”fiaol” eff er before the to- Tresaonr Ephaw IN THE SOUTHWEST SECTION SERVl CE North Portland lowland eree east hour Interruption — longest since The Houee already hee rtarBd The aanael eeboele auwle teettt taminate bread used ta the de­ junctloiv expired included wage to- ■> o f e ten mile ftood etrty that In the government took ever the line e MU which would pwm it Ckmgreea eaaae o f lala, w1* be heM I ■gaare. MMs ead struction of some troublosome Cieoaes averogtog more than IS Wetofeifitoa. THE MANCHESTER TRUST CO. cents on hour. SI AT I ON eludes the ehattered debris of efter Japan's ooitapee. Oommuntat to veto trade pacts the president Scheol* etreeta, teal|jrt. The w n begfs sharply pigsons. poeitloaU o o M th a ' tha Baagilal <-> Help Local Industry By Continuing MANCHESTER, CONN. Jarvis Realty Co. Venport, the inundated Portland .41so questioned yesterday were This contract wee rejected by Racelptab lit cavalry blew up s bridge end approved against conqmiesion edi St eeves e'Cloch. V A N ’S i' 654 CENTER STREET TEI.. 4112 OR 7*275 Ta Bara P l ^ . . The Need Has Not Uiminiahed! Member Federal Deposit Ins. Corp. ^ 2 7 HARTFORD RD. (J 3866 (Oeattaoed ea Page Two) (CMttoued eu rpge Blght| (Ueattaaed ea Pago fWei) (Ceattooef ea Page Twe) I os Page BltM) ia BB I r - --^1 Y . .

‘ . j

MANCnnBSTER EVENING HERALD. MANCUSaTER. UDNN. MONDAY, JUNE 14, 1948 Ma KCHEBTFR e v e n in g RERAI.D, MANCHE8TE1L ODNN-MONDAY, JUNE 14. 191f ■qor Urgdf Beating Robdft J. Baraitr, aoa of Mr. a»4 ising raacua and firs fighting par- vate plane he waa flying from ).., !! / 41 Graduated Local Radio Club Contacts SafeCracLera Sliei^ldAn Lease Mra.T Albert J. Beraler cof Hart­ Veteran (iets Uaa wtoh the Seat flagship, tha PoKce Recover Trumbull flekt, Groton, to Btom- Rockville ford,'took plaoo Batardax aftor- Bunker Min. was Mt ^ a Japa- ford plunged into tke sound off Tiade Act BUI wxMi a t ^ RoekriBo lZotli9dIot iMsa aulclda ptona. He also was nearby Waterford. At St. Jameses chnrclfe Bov. Forroat Muosar. awarded the bronae star. The body waf diacovered floating I < H < I • Over 500 World Stations Believed Here Offered Firm Two Degrees Body of Flier I I am ' of toe Ualoa Cbogragatkm- A t Wesleyan. Aadcraon won in the sound off Crescent beach (( froM Pag# Oat) Elks’ Program ol etoffek. oAclatod. seven aporta letters and was ac­ here ircaterday by Charlca Martens Parochial School Exer> H m Msaamater Radio Ouh haldtHlghland School on Porter atraat Add P M ta n tive in student life. He waa prool- of Grant Hack. State PoUce Lieut. Broke Into l^ilding* net. Tba Bonata Flaaaea atna- Holuiaf Authority b A A f* added foatura for tho com- Dashes to Aoto to Keep dent of the coUaflo body, the nn- Stamford AviRtor Lost William E. Macktnsie of toe Ita U th Annual Field Day over tha and waa In operating cendiUon In For Flag Day lUFRIGERATORS cisca Are Held in two houra. the equipment waa In But Were Unable to mltUa knackad out tha vato cec- WiBhigto SdD to LwriI Fourtt od July eriobratlwi Weeleyaii Date After doagradnato student govommont. On Flight from Groton Groton barracks announced. Mar­ W S • - I Ifi I t i<- ''ink ■ week end. oontacUng over SOO au- continual operation for 24 hours. tlon. too Eockrillo Modol M d was head of Alpha CM Rho tens attempted to draw the body Church t The Awarda tiona througtiout the world. ItM The amateur operators ware amply Rifle theSafea Itobartaon, In ptagglag for a Corporation Club wBI BnasBt a daaa- UConn Honor fratornRy. To Hb Home Qty from toe water by hooking onto D4 hoar conteet waa accounted a supplied with food by'famlllca and three yoar, nc-chainga oxtanalon, Annual Exerdbee to Be oC ita activlttoa from the belt. The belt broke, however, mid Mackenxie, and the body sank Standard Appliance Co, at JamM ftrochlal aeheol aaeraaa ^ membera of the local friends and meals weia prepared said: 1:80 to 8 «> oa Moftday, July 5. ■afa crackars wlio Saturday Oaarga f. Laaanir, fraaMtot o f Hdd Thia EYcning In A t tlto proooiit ttoM tbo dub has MkkDetown. June 14—(P>—The East Lyme, June 14—(Ja—The again. I \i I ' I ri)i ^ i. gTsduated a cIs m of 41 puplla In chih With tric e aa many contacta ■ on the apot. Power for the equip­ “The bl aartlaan futalga Miley «f Miss Mary Pickett alSkt broke into a WUllmanUe (ho toiarldap OM$ormtiato ownara 95 dltoikjijl.^^ rm isB tmer Bag aacratary of Admiral ’body of Bdward Albin. missing The body waa located shortly at. J.RiM churofi rnday evratne made this year than Were made ment was provided by a porCaUa which wa iwva a ilgbt to fa praui R isdiY ille Stamford aviator, waa recovered last pear. Btatlona were contacted gasoline generator owned by the taraga and atela $509. are be- la s flna thing, but It will prove to of tha Sbendan buHdthg on Main Mare A. MRadMUo famed Task afterwards by State Policeman The exercleea opened with the A aaoottag of oportomou and Guest at Shower from Long Mand Souml here yee- John E Gunning and Richard Ik almoat aU e ( the 4S etatae, many club. Rain ever tha week end ham­ Hwad by polioa to hatra baaa tha bo o hollow mochary If It la not atraat, haa racaived. a request EoekvUle, Juae 14— (Bperial)— Force 86 loerivod two eollege do- march of the ' puplla into tha otborii iatorootad tai tho formation terday. Mrs. Albin identified the Proctor, a Nlantic fisherman In dDataeta thmughout the B ritM pered soma ot tha planned ae- 8k*)6 (s a g aftoih aaiOar Satur­ implaaitatod by a ganuina M-par> ftoai tba fb is ta l Housing Au- ot a football toam for tho Rock- grooo'srootorday from unlverstUeo The aanaal Flag Day exireiaaa of b i ^ at a Now London funeral whoee boat the search waa bring church. rolowlng the preaenta- lalea, several oontacta In New Sea- tivltlaa but did not bother tha re­ d ay'algM Make Into two Man- tiaaa aeoaoaila toraign policy tharlty tftal tba moparatian buy viUo High school thio fall will to 50 mllos apart. Mias Margaret Broansn of Warit- land, sad ate In Auatralia caption. The contaat was ae geared to the long-run aalf-intarest the RockvUle Lodge od BIha wiU henna, otote police frtnn the Groton made. tion of apomaa prUM were ekaator autoaMhUa daalars* buUd- out tha remaining two yeara of a bold thia tvoalng at 7:56 o’d e d i at Henry B. Anderson of Sherman tngton street entertaliwd with a Uaa Paetahia XmilMnaat successful that operatora had of the nation. tan year lease on the building to taka place on the terraoe oqtakte barracks announced. ORANGE HALL BINGO awarded by Rev. John L. Lough- tbo PoUco Court rooma. A t thio rocaivod hlo law degree from the mlacrilaneouo shower at bar homo This is the year 5708 on the Jew- Tha m fS TrLToS M 6i trouble contacting new statkau at to jiasahy tkalr “w n Piwa Ratoty oaatafe** the ttouilag AeitlMrity far 85,000. St tha noma Uus evening at 7:80 Umo tho motoods of ralotog funds Albin was lost late In the after­ mn. paator of the church, who Unhreraity of Oonnectlcut at Storrs noon of May 30 when a light pri­ i lah calendar ^ almalatad aawrgancy conditlona in tha and of the 24 hour period. way iato aatos iMra. “Cooparatlan la the formaUon During w s early Magaa of the p. na, wenther permitting. In eaae for tho purchase of oqulpaMnt for at 4:90. Then, with.his wife and yesterday afternoon, hotioring her c o m m / EVERY MONDAY alflo delivered the addrcM. praparattaB for a dlaaater almllar During the contest Boas Miller, of a boat of Intomatloaal organt- The Uat of awarda, the claaa offl- Waaa P i ...... Rato houeing shortage Before the war of rain toe axendaea will be I too toam and othar Itama noodad Ms mother, ho dashed for his auto­ cousin, Mlm Mary Pickett cf to tha Ovegna flood. AU equipment announcer from WTIC, Intarvtiwad Inaiittaia bafora addnlght Sat­ sations . , . will prora to ba but the Federal Housing Authority at toe Oanlage Houaa. wlU to diacuanad. It has baan a mobile to keep another graduation Washlngtot:, Conn. Mioa Bitonan cera claaa motto and Hat of grad* uaad waa pertabla, tha four trana. Ponny Bingo Starting At 7 :30 P. M. members cf the club on a wtiq urday both Um Baleh and Cola an ampty gesture If tha Vnltad leased the Sheridan hotel bulkttng There will be the usual rttualla^ number of years since the Rock­ data hers at 6:16. uatea follow; mlttara la aa# being home made. will to her maid of honor when she recorder. The Interview will be ■aotara eSaipaalaa oa Oantar atract Btotoo . . . ahrinka back Into tha arhich eras ahaaged over for thani tic oanmoatoa with tha offlcera of vlUe High school was rapreaentad Aitdernon reached the Wesleyan Awarda: Flrat priae for acholar- The axatpoMBt waa aet up in tha shell af ecoaeaslc sulf-contaln- le married on June 26 to RayraoiKl 0 KEM P’S, Ine. rcbroadcBst WNlncaday evenlax at ware aetoiad, it was raportod to­ I apartmeatiIments The Authority the lodge taklug place. A featurd la tos sports Sold by a football univorrity campua wall in advance Regular Bingo At 8:00 P. M. ahip. Joan Naomi Mooney, donated C- A . P, haadguartafa near tha 7:80 over WTIC. m ant* arWiea to llapaae o f the this year will to toe Evotutioa of toam. ot the daotgnated time. Donning Hickey of Hartford. Oueots were 763 MAIN STREET TEL. 5CM by the Children of Mary Sodality; day. A t tiM Raich buHdlng, tha preeent from Washington, Hart­ Admifl^ion 25c thimraa had triad to rise a safe, Robertson argued that the Ra- the b lag with members of the Boy Recrivoa Degree Ms cap and gown, he Joined the Frigidaire Heaikiaartera For Over tS Team aecond priae for acholarahlp, Mary pubUcaa bill would aaddia the tar­ 'ibe proposition la bring taken Scouts taking part. Tha Elka Tri­ Ronald B. CarlSon of Rockville corn men cement proceaalon and waa ford and thle town. AIDNG THE WAY hut had not baan succaaaf ul. nor 28 REGULAR GAMES . 7 SPECIALS Grace Petricca, donated by the received a Bachelor of Science Ih e hoetem choee pink and white Gottwald Elected did tbay apparantly obtain any iff oommloalon arith auah a t«a- Into consideration by tba Blicri- bute tu the Flag will to given by the Orot graduate to racelve hla Children of Mary Sodality; ptite Schools^ Head Oogroe at the Sprtnglleld College for her elaborate decorations. The PLUS SWEEPSTAKES loat at tba OeUs property. PaSea mandous Job c f fact finding that It dan Corporation. Mr. Laasner has Past Exalted Ruler ADea U tk mastar's dagret from President for Chrlntian Doctrlna, Julia would haaa too offoat af soutUlng atotod that If the Corporation and there will be vocal aelecUona commencement on Sunday. He Victor L. Botterdeld. centerpiece on the buffet oiipoer Ciech President; ballava that tbay arera frlibtaned maJorM in phyatcal oducation. table was a wedding cake, baked Tereaa Moiiarty. dofiated by the aaray flam tha Manehaatar loea- tha trada paogram. should grant the request the build­ by Allen Middleton, accompanied Interrupted By Navy Service Holy Nome Society; Father Reldy Heart Victim and artlatlcaliy decorated by the PAUSE FOR COKE ing wlu net ba ebaagad back to by Thomaa Rady Srd. The apeakey A gradnace of Wealevan in 1940, tkms. Aa tar aa can ba laaraed. Raekora of tha O. O. P. blU deny mother of the bride-elect, Mrs. Memorial priae for U. S. Hlatory, G iven 296 Votes that it provMoa for any radMal a hoUl but will somala aa apart- of toe evening will to Former OoV' Andanon's post graduata work Rosemary Tereaa Ullmar, donated ao ana ehaervod the thieves or William J. Pickett Mlm Pickett auapactod anything out of tba or­ ehaages. They say thoae paapnaad enwr Wilbert Snow o f Middletown. Wife of Singer waa interrupted by his Navy aerv- by the Ladiea of Columbua. ice. He was aeparated as lieuten­ received many lovely gifts. Nearly All Life of Dr. dinary waa occurring. Tha loeal are prooadural and would not limit The program is open to the public. Claaa motto; 'T o Jaaua Through (Ooettewd Page Oee) ant commander after aervtce xriUi braaka ware dlscovarad after aa tha power of tha praoldant nor In Mans Oraa Ta Open The Art School of Faihion Mary." Nelion Hume Devoted •n y w ay hamatHng tha program. The Doboea-Ertel- Labw-Hanaen Hurt in Crash Task Force 58. , AMESITE DRIVEWAYS present at tha alaetloe of hla aue- ampioyaa at Cola's, happening to Two Building Resuming his studica in 1946, Claaa offlcera; Prealdent, Rich­ 'ITm Damoctsta won at laaat one Poet No. 14 of the American Le­ Cordlany Invllea Von and Year Frienda to Attonfl Its ceaaor. To Education atop tharo lata Saturday, found a Anderson, who was born in Pitts­ ard Thomas Day; vice prealdent, RepubUcaa to their cause. Banator gion will sponsor a Mardl Oraa be­ ANNUAL EXHIBITION OF STUDENTS* WORK Ckole« of Color CholM of Matortal After the election Antsn Zapot- door open. • Wnton, Juno 14—(J>)— Mra. Law- burgh, Pa., has traveled back and Joan Naomi Mooney; aecretary, Tobay —Karrlll K. tor tbo otaoUan of a four raan. The RockvlUe Fish and Game day night, polioa said, when aa au­ Ex-mlngn. Tneoday and Ttoweday, frmn 7 te 9 MAKOU.V Jamca Barrett Nancy Jana Bell, planes soaiM ovettaea#. Danbury boapital. He had bean buatneBa owned by Thomaa Gor­ received the Oliver star for organ­ Th- cathedral eeramony waa the a patient at the hoapital only a don of Chaplin. Kimberley. 76, of this town died one fe rally dwelling on Hawthorne club will hold a meeting this eve­ tomobile being driven driven by • I Fercot Street, Hartford I ~ Thomaa Joseph Berry, Albert few days. today at tha Chailetta Hungar- street. The ectiaaated cost of ning at sight o'clock at the club­ her husband collided with another Ernest Bombardier. Bartara Ann first Reman Catholic rites for the Hare they were sueceaatul. They election of a Csechoalovak presi­ Dr. Hume, who devoted nearly ford hoapital, Torrlngton. Ha araa araotloa waa Uatad ft,000. house on Mile Hill. car at a stop sign. Boynton, ’ John Paul Oalkina, used a garage acatylana torch Beehlag Fonda dent. the official ntwapaper of the ; all his life to eduoauim, *waa a past master of Hops Grange of A panalt haa also baan granted Tibbetts received slight abra- Richard Thomaa Day, Jeaaph John that was handy, to bum the door W made a Knto Oagliardoae, Catholic People’s party said. I off the safe and took the $500 doh- Groat by Pope Plus X I in 1938 'Pomona Orange and waa aacratary the arscUoa a f a-Quanaat but at County Chairman for the Child­ on his arms but was'not hospital- IIS Margaret Mary Gardnar, Jean The archbishop and the govern­ tants without being rooleated. ren's Crusade which is seeking THOMAS D. COLLA ment have clashed. The archbishop for outstanding achievement in After this, it Is thought Ui4y of tha Utchflald County Osopara- Mt. Nabo at aa aatlmatod coat of iaed, police said. Arline Gavello, ’ Shirley Ann tlva aasodatton, in addition to be­ funds for the children of Europe. Attractive/^ and bishop of the country are on th- field of Catholic education. continued on to Norwich. In that $11,200. *niere waa no fas col- Tliey identified the driver of the PH O N E Tcrow Pavifif Contractor 4% Henrj-, Robert Joseph Howarth, ing grand Juror In Ooahan for Harold Ludke of Rockville la the record against prlaata taking part Bom In . Dr. city an early morning garage Sra lacted far this permit The work other ca: as Ehigene U. WoUc, 28, Clare Anne Hutchinson, Richard many years Funeral services wlU County treasurer. Sol Lavitt la Arranftd PHONE In the present government, which Hume waa gradtiated from the waa reported, and there were will ba done by town employaca of Brooklyn, adding the accident Home M utt Eric Kchl, Eugena Frederiok College of St. Francis Xavier in be held Wednesday afternoon In wlUi a aub-oontractor for plumb­ chairman for the Rockville. Ver­ happened when the Wolk car MANCHESTER Kiely, Raymond Francie KUwlly aelaed power in a ooup lad br Ck>tt- signs that It had been started by non and Ellington district and B. 1900, received an M. A. degree an apparent attempt to deal siaH- Ocaban,- ing and Ughtlng. stopped suddenly at the traffic Be Sold! Clalre-Ann Lamanao, John Oaln wald last February. Henry Sefton la heading the cam­ light. Nine conferences have been held there in 1901 and the Ph. D. at larly with a safe In a gariga Owner Lcaviiir State 5 2 3 0 Mahoney, Franria Robert Manner. Georgetown university in 1915. paign In the schools. No arcests were made, police by government offldals and a there. Charming pre-wni # Patricia Ann McCann, Francis He taught at the Lpyola school Mrs. Loulae Morin said. Terrene# McGann, Helen Eileen church committee. NuOMrous com­ About a year ago thieves sought S|gato adlUsto idgbi Mra. Louise Teabo Morin, 61, of Dutch dilanlnl to selert promises have been announced by In New York city, spent about a to get Into safes In Maneheatar kt SO Windermere avenue, wife of Jo­ nrighborboud. on torge. BINGO McLaughlin. *Joan Naomi Mooney, FOR ANY Sr/E ORDER the government, including the con­ year In 1905 and 1906 aa aasistant the Manchester Motor Salaa com­ seph Morin, died Saturday after wen toadaeaped let. First •Julia Tereaa Morlarty, Henry to the vice prealdent of the New William Mutrt, *Mary Grace tinuance of parochial schools and pany and In a local laundry, but being stiieken in front of St. Ber­ Falls at Home; ■her eonalris of Hvtax OP fr-ednm of religious Instruction. York Life Insurance company and were not succesafuL Best for FOOD nard's church where she had at­ room with flteptoea. heat­ TOMORROW NIGHT Petrlera. Jarquellne T a r a a a waa aasorlate headmaster of iha No Announced Betrcat tended a wedding. Removed to ed am room and dlnlna • WMtern l.nmber Plcaut, Taahelle Florenea Flro, Newman school, Hackansaok. N. Painfully Hurt Lorraine Mary Quirk, Philip There has been no announced re­ the Rockville City hospital by am­ room with corner rhlsit J., when he came to New Milford bulance she died while on the way elnart. Spnriom Mtehm, e Wall Hoard AMERICAN LEGION HOME GET YOUR CAR READY FOR Joseph Rich, Rene Stephen Rivard, treat from A «ts lament by Catho­ to organize Canterbury, a private to the hoapital while being attend­ pnntry and tovatavy. Robert Gene .Schark, Paul John lic blahops at Olomoue May S that Finest for DANCING Mrs. Carrie CkU'penter. of 54 e Insulation preparatory school for boys. ed by a phyalclan. Chestnut street, received a frac­ Second floor ma ^ Leonard Street Sembrlr, Maureen EUaaheUi Sul­ ‘ prleats who were deputies In Par­ Siindvlng are hla widow, Mrs. She was born In Malone, N. Y., riwerfni bedrooms In UMl e Roofing Suifilin livan, Henry Franria SaampUnakI, liament had voted for bills with ture of both wrists and painful SUMMER DRIVING! Mary Desjardins Hume; three October 11, 1880. the daughter of head and knee injuries In a fall at tton to sewing room amt INDIVIDUAL SEAIN! DOOR PRlXESt Walter Donald SrempHnakl. •Pa­ which no ("hrlstlan. let alone sona, Michael. Stephen and David George and Ida Poutrie Teabo, and OBodern talk. Plenty at # Manon Supplies TODAY a n d TVE8DAT her home early Saturday evening. tricia Ann Taylor, Thomaa Daniel priests, could agree." Hume: two brothers, Raphael and had lived here for many years. She etoeet spner.' fall attic ami 23 Regnfair Gamen Toomey. ‘ Roaemary Tereaa Ull- Mrs. Carpenter was sitting on e Hardware. Paint I The Olomoiu; declaration forbade Cyril Hume, and t'vo als’ ^rs. Mias At CAVEY’S was a member of St. Bernard's the ledge of the porch on the hnaemr.M. steam beat with mar. I prleats fron* taking part In any Mark? Hume and Mrs. John J. church and waa active in 4-H work ground floor talking to a neighbor on and I car garage. Extra And Other Materialn •With Honor. Carson. Extra Special Garnet I political croup, even In Action 45* East Center St. and had formerly been active In on the second floor directly over­ adjoining lot syaltoble. the American Legion Auxiliary. ' committ-es. Funeral sendees wdll be held head when she lost her balance I The fate of ih» Rev. .Toaef Wedne-diy morning In rbapel Besides her husband she leaves a Jarvis Drive Out and See Ua daughter, Miaa Joan Morin; two and toppled over onto the cement I Plojhar, minister of health In the of pur Lady at the Can'-ib’iry driveway below, a. fall of five or PENNY HINtU) RKOUIJLR HINGO Third Crest ' Gottwald cabinet since February, school. brothers, Joseph Teabo of Boston, Realtv Co. AT tomiD VMsa AumobTv o* mi coca-coia comtant it Tonight — Mary Ann Costello Peter Teabo of Manchester: a sla­ six feet. After emergency treat­ 7:30 TO 6:15 STARTS AT t t lT i IS In the oalance. U will be known PT.1 tomorrow when Zapotocky pre­ WITH ter, Mrs. Frederick Haas of Hart­ ment by Dr. Gerard R. Miller she REALTORS Com-Uola Bottling Compony ol Conn., East Hartford. Conn. Going to Sea “Yea Wem Meant For MaV waa removed to Manchester Me­ sents his new cabinet to the new ford. Tha funeral uriU be held 6.54 Center Street Bolton Notch * • Mat. A t 2:06—Eva. A t 7iM morial hospital whera her Injuries o 1948. IW C111« ^ president. l o Continue Route Ed MIRANDA FOURTET Tueeday at 6:30 a. m. at the White Tel. 4112 Or 7275 (Continued from Page One) Funeral Home and at 9 a. m. at were attended to anrt sh< was dla- WE DELIVER A reception for the diplomatic For Night Traffic St. Bernard's Catholic church. charged later in the evening. municipal airport and hundred* cf corps was held early this after­ Burial will be at St. Joseph’s cem­ homes and amall farms. noon. This was to ba f dlowad by etery, Poquonock. DfiTo tt into our mnd?rn carafre Belle*. Rise Stopped a re^optioti for t^e common people TTvs construction of the bridge Distinctive Atmosphere Weddings Army engineers believe they In the palace courtyard at which for the WDbur Cross High.*ay at Miss Corlime A. Carroll, daugh­ ■o« anil let oa rudy your car for the have stepped the rise of water In Gottwald V aa to make a talk ad- i’olla -'1 and Demlng street baa re­ I : I I ter of Mr. and Mra. William A. dresa*d to the nation’s workers. o|Mn roada-Hfut it in tip-top shape the North Portland lowland atrip sulted in a permanent Increase In Choice Drinks, from Our Bar Carroll of 69 High street, and W il­ parallaling the Columbia. This Is To Lay U reath on Grave night truck traffic through the NOW JPLAOTNO^ liam J. Brennan, aon of Mr. and E veryon e L o o k s ot Your Rugs! for aa/a, smooth summer driving. threatening to pour arroaa a croaa- Tomorrow President and Mrs. center of Manchester. When con­ Mra. James J. Brennan of 86 dlke guarding the war-built Trout- Gottwald .'.'111 lay a wreath on the struction started it was nscessary Brooklyn street, were married Sat­ Evaryone will tell you “You make a dale, Ore., aluminum worka. grave of Th'’'niaa-G. Maaaryk, first to reroute truck traffic on Route urday at St. Bernard's Catholic Other critical areas are down- president of the Czechoslovak re­ 15 through Manchester O n ter on T m l E K I I S church with a reception following RIGHT turn when you turn in here." stream from ro-tland. The dikes public. Cent»r street and West penter FOR THE BEST at the Itallan-American Friend­ guarding Long*'icw-KeIso, Wash., Gottwald, who has been Czecho­ street to East Hartford to avoid ship (JIub. are still considered crUlcal. but slovakia's preinter since July 3, the construction work. The truck­ Cavey's Mias Joan Mary Fetko. daughter of Mr. and Mra. Joseph Fetko of 18 the lower Pacidc tides are expect­ 1946, was ilio only candidate and ing companies have discovered ed to ease this district. thus became this nation’s third PLl’S; “Angel’q.Alley" Oak street, and Allan Elbert that the new route oaves their Burke, aon of Mr. and Mra. Russell The Red CiBaa today Hated hut president. Sixteen years ago he drivers muc|i time in bypaaaing 20 names on flie orig'nal “critical stood for the presidency against Burke of 112 Prospect street, were the traffic lights on East Hartford WED.-THUR8.-FEI.-SAT. married Saturday at St. Bernard’s Inqmry" Uat of perrons missing Thomas G. Masaryh, tha country's Main street and have d:clded to since the Blemorlal day Sunday flrat chief executive, but received “STATE OF THE UNION* Catholic church. A reception fol­ MORIARTY make the new route permanenL lowed at the Princess Ballroom. dike burst that Shattered the city PLUS: “ Fabnioua Joe" only a handtui of votea, Mias Margaret Emma Staudt, of Vanport. This Hat originally Anton Zapotocky, a trades union JUNE named 121 men, women and chil­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John leadtr who has been Uia deputy ON THE SAME SHOW Staudt of 6 Kingsbury avenue, and dren and last week waa parad premier, eu.reeds Gottwald as the OPENS I5 T H X' BROTHERS Frederick P. Koppel, Jr., of Paw­ dally. It has remalnei^ at 20 for On Tha Laral At Center And Broad eabinet head. C n S T U J O O D Special TO tucket, R. I., were married Satur­ the past 41 hours. It consists of Gottwald‘la 61 yeara old, a na- day afternoon at Trinity Lutheran TELEPHONE 5135 persona tha Rad Cross says It hais Uva of Moravia, a former carpen­ TODAY and TUES. ZALE-GRAZUNO church. Rev. E. O. Pieper, pastor, agbausted all clues In trying to 19TH ter. He engineered tha Fabruary •TNTIUOUE’* Championship «.<«. TUESDAY ofllclatlng. A reception followed locate. Five bodies have been re­ coup which gave the Communlita Ooergo Rsft Juno Hnvoe at Maple Grove. covered from the city debris sad full control of Czechoslovakia. He ----- A L S O ----- FIGHT PICTURES The marriage of Miss Haael M. water area. has bean a Communist for decades "THE EXILE" Nlederwerfer, dauriiter of Mr. and and spent the war yeara in Mos- Doug Fairbanks Mnria Moatoa See Zale Score Mrs. Richard Nlederwerfer, to ccw. . By A Kaye NATION'S LARQBST Faatura—1:45, 6:80, 8:40 Bound By Beund Doooriptlon Last Show Tonight— 8tM MOTORIZED OUTDOOR SHOWS Tha Poisoil Deaths BTiNVOURWmfPlJOnWLIMBa, HAM B. PR B lL Prestnto Dewey-Richmon B rin g our rugs * Don- Pergonal Notices standing. n chian Cleansed." ABOUT FUNERALS Card of Thanks IVY • MAY BE AVOIDED with Jaaa FantabM. Herhait Miene Socura a ckwr undaratanding Th. family of th- Uit- a.orf. Hol­ Marshall sad PatHcla DRIVE land fratefully thank frl-ndu for their AMIRiCA^S FINEST. MIDWAY DONC’IIIAN'S tnirU U In Manrh«H.trr W.\SH ROOM; Unique equI|Mn«til and speetol pan* VACATION Kaowiss Ooy and Night of (untral matla re by having kind rtmemlirsnceii m their berMV*- ever}' WMlnrMlaj for )>lrk-u|i and ees.%i>» remove the ntuoi xtubtorn aoU. etawwa' 4Naay a talk with ua Learn how mmt. Also: “Slightly Soandaleua' MAKE THISi R IF A IR SERVICE R v y With Confidence ot Boland*$» Mr., 0»nrfe Holland. 4340 delivery. aber . . . yonr r«^ la Ihurongbly dean. ctenZ ttoreuiJI. you can arrange for a Mrvica David Holland, With Fve4 Rrady aM Sheila Ryaa- LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION It la rtnaed repmirdly wHb oeft wntor, of imprasaivo digrocter at a every trace et dust, grit asd rmhadded dM. Core Ftdly Guaranteed ceel you can afford. An Appreciation We’re here to answer your In behalf of my mother. Adeline STARTDfa WRD,. JUNE 16 queationa. Phone, write of Thompson, may I extend to all old Doughorty Show Groimclg Phone and new friend*, her appreciation r i *^0METH1N6 IN THE BROWN-BEAUPRE,Is«- tha dally acta of klndncas and tbs re< mambrance of special day* that havs WIND- CENTER STREET Ont-ef-TV>wn been her portion in the many months Wlth OCANNA DVRRIR 30 BISSELL STREET PHONE 7191 - 2-0098 rualoruers caB of bar Invalldlam at the Manchaaur Hartford 7-1I7I 1' Memorial Hoapital Annex. Personally aa4 DONALD O*0ONN0F. 7-1171 ^ UiMO taproealon* in so varlod ways For Bonofit Votormns of Foroign Wars, Tom Brown Howard F. Beeupre happlnsM and Also **WILD BBAimr** 205 PEARL ST., HARTipifiJ:^ comfort In that It haa been flven whits WHh DON PORTER yet she lived. LOUISE OOUiER Post 2146 A CARPET STORE SINCE ’84


• ' : BWENUIG HERALD. IIANUHBErBR. OOIfN MONDAT. JUNE 14. 194S MAN('HF:8TFR.BVfCNiNQ HKRALD. MANC^HBfrTRR. C»NM,MONDAY, JUN E 14, 1948 F A < n fo tm mera tflaa heodquartera for a po- Mra. Lyem apparently had epM ai fect attendance at rahiaraala aad Moe force, that It be o “magnificent an the gaa Jeta on her Mtcken aervleas from one to four yonro: One Local Crash 6 8 Woman^s Body Fine Attendance Awards Given New Foremen ^ TA Mary Lou Morrison, aad Harlans oaa raportod aocMant Zt oocurrsd Ekigaged to SuperviBc which takM plaoo tonight, the 0?cr 100 Present aC forth until the wee hours to the WaUbeofl. StAlM Take Initiative Pnsideat Roasmary Park of Ladlw of BL Maurice will meet Member of Torrington stimulating rhythm of Ken Bor- ognition for 134 in Three yeara: Janlea Fogg, Jean at the tnteraecUon of Porter and OpoRtion of Recently SEWERS, DITCHING Oonosotlcut college conferred Ifil ton tot row night, Tnssday. June 15, Other Ml Gnthering at BHtisIi- Parker atreets. Cara operfitad by On Matter fiegresa. Including one master of Family nip'a band Saturday night. Ken Sunday School Session Schuetz, Joan Schuata, and Batty Installed Loom* •ogMo twdm am» dry woBa tootaHfd. Unllrd Stotfs to Slop, rather than tonight which la their Houses In the Immediate aelgh- Amerk^ Club took tha drums and three wind in- Ann Trotter. Ture L Johnson of 174 Antamn arts. *rhcre were no honorary ds- nsnst mooting n M t Mrs. Thom­ borhood were damaged In the ex- A €t atrumanU and the ptaao gave out Four yeara: Barbara Kloppen- street and WllMam F. Mahoney of B«1b |i ‘Nmlon of O r . Mgh diattaictlan, Wilma WhBo' Now' UOndoii. June 14 — — greea. as Maneggto of Indian Drive In Torrlngton, Jtme 14 — (F) — plealon, window penes being shat­ At the children's Bbicharlat held 72 Spruce atreet w en reported In Otaasy Brdthara ‘hava hired Equipment for Hire Tmek-Shorei carpanter of WlBImuitle. end loa- Manchostor will bo hostesa to the tered and dorrs blown in. TlM O M i of iM t of Maache*- with the melodies. hurg, Cynthia Booth, and Dorothy N sraua OmtsinB. author aad Dr. James T. Cleland of Duke Tragedy has claimed the last mem­ The garden theme was promin­ Sunday, the dosing day In S t Morriaon. oolhalon.nt this point three foremen siiico' March to au- er Guesaeri* hot -Ana TIodnde of Saybraok. In Vnlrerslty’s Divinity 8«diool. meeting. Msmbora of the society The chain of tragic happealnga tor Him achool Friday Crawler Shovds BaIldoser» — Track* editor,^ today urgod that the ber of the Waldo Lyon family here. ent with bouquets of flowers on Mary’s Church School, awards for According to the report the parvlaa the operation of approxi­ homo oconotnica educatkm. preached the baccalaureate sefmon win HMOt at Dowdy’s FtUiqg Sta­ atarted with the Lyon family in irODMJ nlgM at tha BriUsh American club Johnson ear was going aouth on sierra, June 14—(e)-^Prezld*nt In tho achooi of Nnralag wtth United States take the IMtlaUve ydsterday. He aaid the baccalau­ tion at 7:40 p. m. before going on Mra. Martha Lyon’s body was 1927 when tht couple’s only child. every Uble. A trellis decorated perfect attendance were given to mately 200 new looms, the Indue- far a moat tuccaaafiU claaa re­ alth blossoms, an outside table Parker street and waa making tha NUSSDORF CONST. CO. Albert N. Jorgenaen of the Uni- high dtotlactlon, Doeothy Anita ln. a truck here. union. Otrar a hundred claaamates and umbrella loaned by Watkins n ORBBrtBLO INUVB TBL. MANCHKIITFH MW veralty of Connecticut today had Gladwin of Waot HartfotA and la of commencement programa. Is a ■W. for the occasion and the various sttendsnee ranged from one to onto Autumn, when h it Mahoney, today. the School of Bnataeos with high Tha vaMole for tMa aeflon, he symbol ct the Individual’s longing Fred BatHgnanl, Mrs. Bernard ridge avenue here Saturday after Hie father. Waldo B. Lyon, In , r and frienda enjoyed a deticioua coned upon tho United Stateo to yon kaor thol said. 8o dsn’l garden tools gave the right atmos­ twenty-one years. The names of At Country Cluh It waa stated, thought that whan Harold N. Mochrie, Ted Four- dlztlactkMi, John Gardner F«y ef sapisinsd to the Obnnectlcat CM- for a spiritual Interpretation of Baronouaky and Mra Vincent Per- an explosion whioh waa felt and late September, 1944 was fotmd anursaabord aupper aer\'ed by Johnson awimg right onto Porter ■top being 0 "nation of olever a to m . In Buolaeao Admlirfotra- lege For Women graduating claaa, Ufc. racchlo. heard a half-mile distant. dead Inside hla parked automoMIe b« inilty of J phere. Manchester Plumbing and those recognised follow: a ■ ■ ■■■■ ■ BkTt aad Attred O. MoreL who lira. Ida Soderburg and her aa- atreet he would so continue, but gueaaen" and to become a nation 1 tlon with high dteUaetton, Wood- would ba a review conference' In S t Maurice Chapel at Bolton Dead at Least Seven n enra and Dr. Hanchett M id the father Supply loaned the tools and door The flrat round of the Women's hnvo boon la the textUa field aU idatanta. prises were selected from these. One year: Jane M. Ames, Ro­ that Johnson cut left again to ^ thhiy Bvaa, ware hired opeciflcally trith greet prtnelpleo by which to flulllvan, J r , of Iter- which nU nations would pertlci- Center win open next Sunday, June Dr. Harry B. Hanchett yesterday had killed hlmaelf by inhaling Cora. At ths flm i Baaldea meeting old frienda and Richard Wharton won the first bert E. Ballaieper, Mrs. Mildred Spring Tournament at Manches­ onto Autumn atreet and in ao do­ for tho oporatlon of the new pats. Gibbons Assembly 2 0 .. Mass wni be Mid at 4:30 Mid Mra. Lyrn had been dead carbon monoxide. of diatreas, call on yonr new facea the group waa enter­ prise which waa a revolving Dougan, Nancy Gardiner, Shirley ter Country club waa completed ing, tha mishap reaultad. Damage machinery. UVe and tight, with which to wtoi la tho OoUogo of Arto aad Bel- FravMm tasarted hi Charter a. m. at least seven houra when the Doelar. IV n Us ad­ tained with a noor ahow conalat- sprinkling attachment. The second M. Hallin. David 8. HUU. William Sunday. was moderate. Mr. Mochrie, formerly with Tet- JOBS FOR MEN er looc. ices with the bachelor of orto 4o- Obuaiaa, the OommenCement day To Close Season Bottom Orange softball team will house was ripped by an explosion The Baltic ia the least salty of vice; and king Us prsMrip, Ing of dance aelactiona by Carolyn Kciah, William England, Glenn R. In Class A roa la New Hampehire, came to Bpcqkbig »t the annual com- te with high dtsUaetlon, B n la apeaksr, saM provlaion lor Calling meet the Coventry Grange team In of tUumlnating gaa. Terming the the world*a seas with a content as tion here to specialists. prise «’as a sprinkling can won by Peg Coventry. Wednesday night. Game and Marjorie Morria daughters of Howard Keyes. McKinney, June McKinney, Bar­ Olympia Fegy defeated Omnay Brothara on April 12. He anencement jreaterday, Jorgensen ward Baaa of WOUmanUc la such a eonferance is Includsd in death a auirlde.'. Dr. Hanchett said low as seven parte in a thousand. a former claaamate Bertha Lapp bara Chapman, Winthrop Porter, Chanda, 2 and 1. la empimrad in the Number S Mill ieplerad what ha termed the acme EEnglish; Louis D. Oeraon of Water- tha United Nations charter Gibbons AaaemMy, Catholic La­ time is 7:20. The big surprise for the evening Wll- Market Opening Morria. were the “eats by Sophie” which Claudia F. Richard, Clyde C. Rich­ Patty Dowd won from Mae oC the nrohdgoods Weaving Divl- Skilled and SemUSkiUed of our contemporary tooallsm, aa- bury. In Government and Interna- On ths basis of such s review, dies of Oolumbua. wth doss Its so­ Mlaa Gene Walton whiatlcd were included in the original tick­ ard, Jr., William R e ^ John J. U p by detoutt. aloo whara 200 Draper looms have •erting It was: tlooal relationa; Paul Albert God- he declared, the rules of the game cial activities for this season with Sargent. Barbara A. Schumacher, Clara Rand defeated Kit St. Delayed by Rain As Colt Park Dancers three favorite aelecUona and acro­ et price. Two tables were spread ncently been iaataUed. *Te guns on the horse race and wla of Widlmnatlc, In entomology; for tha nations might be drawn a picnic supper tomorrow evening batic dancoa were performed by with crackers, cheese, cold cuts James Schumacher. Jean E. Ted- John, 2 and 1. Mr. W urnler came from the Win; to gucaa right on a team and Sydney Torgan Herbert of Hart­ up aad provision mads for the North End Lee Thompaon aaalated by her ford. Gail Upton, Donald Werner, AHce Davteo defeated Patty Veraay Corporation in New Hamp­ DRIU. PRESS OPERATORS win; to gucaa r i ^ on the numbers ford, in poyOMlogy; Laura Magda­ at 4:80 on the K. of C. grounds. In Rave Over Singer and bread, pickles and cups of hot Due to rainy weather, the sched­ enactmsnt aad •oaforcement of: case of Inclement weather It will STRAWBERRY SUPPER Mttle aiater Doreen. Norman Kron- coffee. Robert R. Westmoreland, Leslie Buckland, 1 up. shire oa April 19 and la also at and win; to gueos right on the len McHale of wirtertiury. PhoniKicy Ann McBride defeated Ann Man- uled opening of tho strasrberry RADIAL imil.l. PRK.SS OPERATORS thoss rules. be served inside. ontertatncd with several tra- The committee wras well pleased Whitehouse, Mrs. Dorothy Wlni- work cm tha Draper Looms. pollticat party, to Join that party meat and toternatlonal relationa; Ha strasaad that “with much of 4 Depot TeL fis a ler. Richard Kennedy, Joan E. nella, 5 and 4. auction at tha Manchester Auction May Tbomaoq of Tbomas- Leo Cleary, stewxril at the Bob Tyler, rrrmantic vocalist Friflay Evpningv June 18, 6:00 p. m. arsonatlons of Hollj-wood cele­ with the turnout and everyone Market did not materiallas yes­ Alfred O. Morri received hla pra- MILLING MACHINE OPERATORS aad than eome ta on the band tho world today boaet hy danger- rREIE E DEUVEHT Tedford. Julie Faulkner defeated Helen vkmo oxperienca at the Hathaway ton, in history: Helene Wagon- Knights of Columbus home will who recently made bis debut W’ith rities. seemed to have a good time. Hal] terday afternoon. Instead, tha fUlod problems whieh idealty the A1 Gentile Orchestra, has over­ Second Congregational Qiurrh gLetters from claaamataa who Berglund said he hoped that the Two years: Sally Armstrong, Aypra. 4 and 2. Manufacturing Company In New TUKRE1 LATHE OPERATORS ^^Mrartlng tha United StaUa went knlilit of Meriden, in peychologr; serve the nneal which will be fol­ ■eaaon’s flrat auction, under Rob­ should M handlsd hy the U.N, lowed by s social hour and card night becoine a big hit with Hart­ were unable to attend were on dis­ idea of this dance, wrlth the buffet Peter E. Banner, Walter E. Ban­ Nellie Johnson defeated Cora ert M. Reid * Sons, aucUoneera, Bedfonfand started at Cheney’s on to war for the preoervatlon of tho Abraham Wolfthal of WiUlmantK, ner, Rol)ert W. Baselcr, Myra J. Anderson, 2 and 1. March 15. Mr. Morel la In charge ENGINE LATHE OPERATORS In aoology. And with highest dls- that .orgaalaatlan lacks the neces­ party. ford dance fans. At the Colt Park .Mena: Asaorted cold cats, nalada. baked henna. roOa, play. It waa interesting to note lunch late In the evening would will atart at 2 p. m. today. aman nations, for tho Integrity of sary authority and lacks the ma­ Shell, where dances are held Boglisch, Barbara Caaaella. Caro­ Alice Blish won from Marguer­ of tha new Crompton and Knowles tlnctlon, Francis OoIUns Haber of Any member dealring to attend roffee, freah atmwbcrry ahortcake with whipped cream. how scattered about the country become a regular thing at the club While Boma buyers ahosrsd up INTERNAL GRINDERS minorities, Jorgensen aaid the coun­ chinery of enforcement to carry "Under The Stars”, every Wednes­ the various claaamataa are since dances. lyn Cassells, Lawrence R. Casaells, ite Stevens by default. lemma that are also located in tho try has made Tittle progress In de- S to m In hlstofy. may obtain a ticket by calUng Mra. Janet Christenaen, Kusaell Clif­ Class B : Marguorito Cole de­ here yesterday, no barrtoa Number 3 Weaving Mill. One EXTERNAL GRINDERS out iU dccisloaa. A. day. Friday, and Saturday nights, ADULTS 11.00 CHILDREN 6.'h- graduating seventeen yearn ago. oSerad. terming the principles by which Prises: . “Moreover," oooerted Oousina. Walter Anderson, 20 Avondale the ymmg trooner has kept the Arthur Miller, husband of the ford. Richard B. Curran, Enuna- feated Irene Brown. hundred of these looms have been It is willing to stand or fall In the Senior honors to those having road. Mrs. Anderson, who la chair­ Two 1-Act PUya The auction was bald aa sdiad- installed and some are already in ROBING MILL OPERATORS "the unanimity principle of its Se­ crowds calling for more with 'hla former Inea Burnham, took a jean C. Dittmeyar, Barbara A. Eleanor Scranton defeated future aiace that war ended. the highest standing of scholar­ man of the affair will be assisted renditions of popular tunas of the For RcflerTfitkNM Call 6272 Or 6607 Mansfield Singers Finnegan. Valeria J . Ford, John Georgia Lamback. uled In New Haven, where a farm- production. curity Council Mocks effective ar. group picture of the IM l claaa- era’ co-operative functions, and tho BENCH MECHANICS Said ha: ship for four yoara Dorothy tlon hy the very agency set up to by the following members: Mrs. day. matea present at the reunion. Hedlund, Wayn Keith, Chariea Jean Remmay won from Trudy Because these looms hava bean Wilbrod Messier, Mrs. Bernard Fo­ bidding waa brisk a t tbe 5 pi in use for a comparatively abort ” • IB Devotod to Kxpediente Anita Gladwin of West HarUord, enforce tbe peace." Dancing and reviewing old Entertain Blind Lathrop. Diana B. Lechauasa, O’Neal by default opening. The high for a l$-qnart POLISHERS "We claim we must get slung Cart Landsa Hubbard of Nor­ garty, Mrs. Leo Kwash, Mra. times and present experiences fol­ Bonne J. McArdle, Austin Mc­ Frances Hyde dafantad Helen time, a problem waa presented in Jeh to Btrsagthen UN Charles Klotzer. Mra. W. George crate was |8M, low $8.40, average finding men with sufficient experi­ .SHEE1 ME1AL MECHANICS with this or that nation. We ara wich; Aaron Loon Mlrsky of Hie first Mg Job of the proposed lowed. Dowell, Emma Malaon, Jean N. Skinner, 3 and 2. $8.45, or about 50 to 6$ cents a Stin devoted tc expedients end have Hartford, CeclUa Anna NaroskI Finnegan, Mrs. John Daley and Tomorrow anemoon, forty-two Miller. Carolyn M. Nnrrias, Rox- Jo Anderson dofantad Asllda ence In the operation of the new review council, aa he sees It, would Mrs. Joseph Dyer. ■wvw v>%«»v»Mvv»a»M»eaea»eaee*»eMva»a»aMe*aa»»»aae»asaeas»4aaaaae«aaas»»a»»eee»%»»»aiMa»eeais%»»aeeisi»»eeaeisi»sioaaeeeeaeevw quart. At New Haven 124 crates machinery. The present “on-tbe- RESISIANCE WELDERS not yet learned that adherence to of Derby. bo to strengthen tho UN to the boys and girls making up the ann A. Norris, Garry Recave, Gilbertson, 2 up. were offered. iciplea of right and wrong win Boys' Senior Glee Club, the Junior Wesley David Sargent, Cjmthla J. Melissa DeMartln dafsnted Vera Joh’’ training program under tha DROP H AMMER OPERATORS WUUam Duran Holman prizes point where member nations will dlractkm of Edward Wlerxhickl la more toward success then will in animal husbandry to the senior fMl secure enough to call-a mora­ Police Recover Boys* Glee Club and tly Blind Sauter, Hallday Smith, Paul E. Sundquist 2 up. r any devious intrigue or subterfuge Claaa chorus of the Mansfield Banner. Russell E. Stevauaon, Jr» Janet Ollbertaon defeated expected to provide a sufflcloat . ’ JIG BORER OPERATORS' and the Junior having the high torium on militarism... ~ number of local men experienced or eleverncaa. est standing ta animal husbandry. $5,000 in Loot Training School and Hoapltal, will Barry R Schallcr, Sandra G. Ste­ Louise Hawley, 2 and 2. Newfoundland WiU "8o we are tempted to have Cousins said It waa Important, present a two-hour entertainment venson, Donald E. Taylor, Brenda The second round must be la the operation of the modern Eiccilont working eonfliUofis. Goofl pay. Come in foi Louis Nesbesky of Newton, clsoi too, that “any disanpament pro­ DEPENDABLE kmms. Isadera wholly devoted to succcm of '4$ and Irring JalnchlU of Hart­ gram not he a one-way street at the Connecticut Institute for A. Tedford, Joan C. Treybal, played before Monday, June 21 a friendly inirrvicw with one of our employnlrnt nmn- rather than to right parties con­ Anaonla. Juns 14—(4>v—Lt- Vic­ the Blind, Wethersfield. John W. Westmoreland, Carolyn The playera will ba: Vote on 2 Qioices ford, class of ’M. travelled by moet of tbe nations New Britain We M d d e ndorw. OScr ia loeaicd on Willow Street — Jnst off trolled by expediency not by con in the thoiight that It is the true tor Caaric, commandant at Bethany The WllUmantlc CiW Band un­ A. LUk. Elwood A. Lechauam. Clam A: Olympta Fagy va. Main Street — East Hartford. Houra 8:00 A. M. to victlona and statesmen seeking Lehn and Fink modal to the harraeka of the state nollce, today der the leadership of iBdward D. Patty Dowd. member of the graduating clasa roed to peace, while other nations Three ycara: Carol A. Ahlberg, St. John’s. Nfld., June 14— — New Britain, June 14—(J>)—Mra victory rather than justice." are epeeding down a secret high­ Quality Foods llarlnari recovery of 15,000 worth Gerry will give a concert a t the Thomas A. Ansaldl, LOIhua R. Ban­ Clara Rand va. ABeo Davies. Residents of Newfoundland will 4:45 P. M. — Mondayn throoffh Fridaya. He told tne graduates that In a in the College of Pharmacy who of kwC taken from the Southferd Mansfield State Training School Ann McBrida vs. JuUa Faulkner. Joseph P. Scolla, 21, committed hu the highest general average way to eurpriae aggression.’’ ner, Susan H. BJorkman, Jaan Ool- vote again July 22 to decide what suicide Saturday night, aaid Police world without principle, absorbed Control of the new warfare with hofnea of Metropolitan Opera Or- and Hoapltal tomorrow evening. ombat Nadine Doucette, Garry C. Nellie Johnson vs. Alice Blish. kind of government they want by Its cleverncM and hogged down for four years—Stanley Paul ekaiitra Oonduete Wilfred Pellet- The band win preasnt sixteen S g t Daniel Cosgrove, by Inhaling Spack, Middletown. ite many weapons of mass destruc­ Dougan, Gall A. Eagleoon, Donna Clam B: Marguattta Cole va. They have tw5 choices: Confed­ In opportunism, “we must have tion is also vitaL he said, adding tier and hla aon .Camille and from numbers including two trumpst eration with Canada as that do­ illuminating gaa In her home here. Gervln Memorial prize to the L. Edwards, Leasely O. Edarards, Eleanor Scranton. Cosgrove aaid Mra ScoUa, who PRATT & WHITNEY men and v/omen who have prin* that such control must rest on a t T o d ay's tha Danbury home of Clarita Cros- solos, s trombone solo, a piccolo Nancy L Hallin, David Hansen, Jean Remmay vs. Frnncaa Hyde minion’s tenth provlnca; or re­ Ciplea, who know what they be­ member of the graduating ctozs moved here with her husband from In the College of Pharmacy who carefully defined power. aolo and a tuba aolo. This concert Judith Hanaen, Janet Hentechel, Jo Anderaon va. Mallassf De- sponsible self-government. lieve and why, who will atand or Oousina urged that the U. N. be Lieutenant Clark said the loot Is one made possible by the Amer- MarUn. In a referendum held on June 2 Hugo, Okla., aometlme ago, left bxe shown the greatest progress John D. Hentschel, Charleo M. n note asking that her body be re­ AIRCRAFT fail with those principles.’’ was found Sunday afternoon at the iesn FederaUon of Musicians Herrmann, Norma M. Keith, ^ally Barbara Carlson vs. Janet Gii- neither of those two olternativeo 'Disre were 6M bachelors de­ since his freshman year— Robert OOMT DO FAMIty vnUMUIO turned to her heme town, where 90 ano home of Mrs. NeUia Butkiewicx, 28 which has set aside certain funds A. Ltebe, David J. Lindsay, Janqps bertaon. won the 51 per cent required. A Baat Hartford 8. Connectirnt grees awarded and 44 masters de­ Anthony Belenardo of New Haven. JUNE tnioc, 'lOuMa tu n n : Lowest Prices TMM lAIMOXvk MOOtaW MCIMOOC Wooster strssL Anaonla. for free concerts. • Ladlea’ day this week tha wom­ third choice—continuation of tbe ahe la survived by her mother aad grees. Also, 34 certificates were Tbe Pharmacy commission Lieutenant Clark said her son, A. Lindsay, Richard K. N lela^ five sisters. MAKE WASH DAW OfidOtCTl / Francia R. Roblnaon, Robert W. en srill play a tournament of present form of government—ran awarded. prise given to the member of the . A M ESITE AT Atfonse Butklewics, 32. wss ar- match play va. par on a handicap last and was eliminated. graduating clasa in the CoUege of raoted at 7 Commerce atrMt, that Taylor, Bernice Wallbeoff, David Honen and Frise Awar4s W arehousem eii Go A. WUUama, Bette Lou Robinson.' baala. Last week Indies’ Day The island now la ruled by a These were the honors and prise Pharmacy for excellence in prac­ DRIVEWAYS LUCKY NUMBERS city, Sunday by State Policemen sras held Friday because of the British crown commission, ap­ awards: tical pharmacy—Carl George Ke­ John O’Brien and James Smith In Four years: Bette Lb Ahlberg, PACKARD ASK THE m an WHO OWNS ONE PACKARD vorkian of Hartford. Cynthia Booth, Jamas Doering, rain Thursday morning. The pointed after Newfoundland gave Honors: POWER ROLLED aonnectlon with the breaks. But- On Strike Today golfers played an Odd Hols tour­ up independent government -in College of Agriculture with high Tbe Merck prise, for pharros- 61.$. es.l. 706. 138. 175, 207 FINAST SUPER MARKET Idewies la held in Ueu of $5,000 John W. Doering, Robert Doering, Orders taken now! BpeetoHa- nament in which Olympln Fegy 1933 because of near bankruptcy. distinction, Richard Kellogg Ayer ceutical chemistry—tMcille Helen ioBda. Clark aaid, pendlrig arraign- Roger Dougan, Garry Gardner, Klermont of Waterbury; for dia- log ta parking arena aad qss San Francisco, June 14—(S>— Gerald Gardner, Janet N. Schaub, held low net, 31; Blather Matbla- ef Granby; dairy production, Ed­ ■Mat in Oxford Town court oa two win Andrew Crosby of Pomfret pensing pharmacy, Elmo Joseph atnlleM. Work gnnraateed. 1041 MAIN ST. - MANCWSm - na PAMUNC in e«ar iso Cn* aaonta of breaking and entering More than 7.000 CIO warehouseman Harlene Wallbeoff, James R. Mc­ aon, second low net, 41; and Peg Ilssp pnymente arranged. Free Chanda, low gross, 51. Center; In pomologv, William Hen­ Dianantoni of Stafford Springs. asd than. in the Sen F'ranciaco bay area Ardle, Earl Adamson, Jr. Biochemistry prise — Si^e^, eattnaat^ Connecticut Five years: Bette M. Boglisch, ry Massmau of Willlmantic; In struck for more pay today. WAITING FOR A NEW CAR? wildlife management, Donald Nel­ GItlln of New Hsven. Tha atrika waa atfacUve at one Robert J. Brown, Florence Coffin, T^e Hsrry M. Eudowe Memo­ Alice Kelley, Richard Kelley, Bar­ son Mercer, of WllUmantlc. DoMoio Brothers Now Froshor minute after midnight. A last min- Grammar Schools^ In the College of Arte and Set- rial prize given for outetending Wosheteriog Inc. Second Floor Fall ota nagoUatlng seaslon failed. bara J. Kennedy, Robert Little, Bnvtnf Cantvnetera WInea (fill en rn With high 4lstlnction, Cecilia work In biochemistry— Lucille C M Manafiertsr T fil Aayttiue 658 Center St.. Phone 5353 Soma 200 conoenw ara affected, James 3- Taylor, Robert W. Anna Nsrowskl of Derby In soolo-»Helen Klermont of WaterMry. Fatal for Athlete l avolvad ara wnolaaala distribution Thornton, C. William Thornton, Graduation Dates JO A N C A R O L outlets in such Unaa aa dry gooda, Dale M. WUklns. drugs, groceries, liquor, paper, Six yeara: EHaanor V. Field. Ar­ Mancheiter’a grammar arb;-il Wladaor Locks, June 14—(iH— hardware, steel, coffee, tea and lene Kelley, Elizabeth A. Trotter. graduations will be completed tlfs A fSB Is s hosoa wkleh wotfem ^ICMe Seven ysara: Janice Fogg, Wil­ week, with four eighth grade pro­ INIIDI INtOIMATION DOUGHNUTS ara rMsofiaUsg pransd fatal to It waa oatlmated anothq- $.000 liam F. Leese, Charles Morrison, motion exerclBcv acheduled. Tomor­ John J . Maauruk, 2$, weU-known workers belonging to other unions Dorothy Morrison Mary Lou Mor­ row momii'g the Hollister school IoQaI sthlete. in the struck warehouses would rison. Mias Edna Taylor, Carol A. class will be grsduated, the Buck- Masnruk diod Bafbrday In feel ths walkout. Roblnaon. land school clam following in the PKG OF f Mvmmm Mmmtt lt.fo o t fan from tbs sacond floor Mot aU warehouflsa in the area Bight yeara: Barbara Kloppen- afternoon. to the basement of a house owned arc concerned. Four hundred of burg. Pearl LeFort, Mary B. Mc­ Wednesday the Barnard school ‘ by Peter Bteoorowlcs. He bad en- 15 them do not belong to the dlatrl- Adams, William Ritchie, Jean eight grade will have Its com­ tarsd the structure to ass a friend butora’ Association of Northern SchuetA Joan Schuetz. mencement, ar.d the Green school ELECTRICAL PARTS who waa w o t l ^ tksra, asd faU California, employer-group In the Nine yaara: David Dougan. exarclaea will be held in the after­ TODAY'S MST MNAD BUY batwaen tha b ea m of a aaoM atrika. They employ dOOO CIO Eleven y ta n : Oliver Toop. noon. AND SERVICE IVAPOIATW TALI TINS atocy room whara tha Booriag had warehouaaman. Fourteen yaara; Mias Jean Oord- Thasa four ceremoalaa complete Evangeline Milk ■ITTY ALDIN batn tahan up. Hla body Mndad os ner. the Manchester Public School Rebuilding or rtfliacing the Here’a your opportunity to get modem, guaranteed transportation a ooncrata floor Is tho bsaamanL Sixteen yeara; Miss Gertruda graduations for thia year. m iA S T Maaunik. who was siafTlail aad following oquipaicnt t immediately, and save money too. fPOZTIN Herrmann. A U O t f M WHITE suen tha fath tr of a Ifl-OMSths aid ton, Frank Quish, Jr., Twenty-One yeara: Mrs. Viola Asparagus Spears BREAD nlayad haaahaU a t tha high achooi Trotter. GENERATORS M N and at tha Rartford Trade We have a group of *46, *47 Packard 4-door sedana. They look and Your *u(t get* I t in.pectloB* for Loomis Graduate Junior Choir Awards Modtrn Floral PBANCO AMMIKAN isv* o z tins achooi. Ra abw waa a awmbar of In addition to the school attend­ STARTBlIS perform like new and can be purchased on our convenient paymefR plan, qiialilT—76 for tailoring alone Spaghetti 18-OZ LOAVfS 2 7 * tha Wladaor Looha Kattl# Brooka ance awards the following ftidln- with your present car as part paymmt—if you have one. — when «»’« • Kiippenhrimer. hsashalt team asd tbs Ranbieri Frank J . Qulah, Jr., son o( Mr. Arrangomoffits DISTRIBUTORS PMAST bers of the Junior Choir were re- Everything m«*l be right be- 24-OZTINSi tootbaU toaa. and Mra. Frank J . Qulah of 48 coznized by special awards for per­ PtA fir MD KIDNIY MIUBROOK aiMI Foatar atrost, waa naduatad from By eaperlcncnd Sflriflta. Pot MAGNETOS Down payments start at ^500. inrr il ran bear that label. Baked Beans Loomia tnsUtuta, Wladaor, last Woddingo, AniilyomriM. Friday, Ha has boon aoeo^ed as a Hungarian Police PBnemln. Kte. PMAST td-OZ TIN SODA mamhor of ths froohinaa olaas at AS OF MAY 1ST B Brewn Bread Johns HofMno univoralty in Baltl- NORTON Disperse Parade mora. Latton la both football and The naoio of Edgnt E . ANDERSON 2902 m s baaaball waro waa a t Loomia by ELECTRICAL Brunner’S 14-oz i n Qulab. Ro %vas eentor oa tho foot- Thcrlinlt has no loRger GREENHOUSES Finast Ketchup ______W* Bodapaat, Rungary, June 14— PACKARD biUl team aad catrtMr for the bose- been connected with light­ 15S KIdrMgt St. ToL 84M INSTRUMENT COMPANY —Police hroks up a Roman Cath­ baU team. Manchester olic proosaaton hart last night on ing service. ’’ Klowera Hy W ire" PACKARD 2 0 0 Z TINS In On«*Way Centelners 71 HilUard St. TcL 5189 858 East Center St. Finest Applosauce the ground It had not been properly Precision Built Power antbortaad. Beral-offlcial sources Teh said poUea firsd ssreral warning nOBlOA 490ZTIN Shota into tha air when ths crowd Orange Juice BROOKSIDE ssamed niiwilling to diapeioa. General Motors Trucks Some of the participants were ar­ rested. OAK 46-OZ TIN MILK Josef Cardins! Mlndsasnty ad­ DOES THINGS FOR YOU Blended Juice monished CathsUcs In a pastoral SUMAC BACK AGAIN OTHER USED CAR BARGAINS' Rfifldar 21* latter to have "adf command." The LI MR latter was read yesterday in all mod aa ezcallaal '46 CHEV. CLUB COUPE T he admiring glances of your wife . . . Raspberry Preserve Catholic churcbea. Jvy.onkaadsamac 8 1948 Vaually vrell mfottned clerical J. , ^ t a n f l a and aafa, dries ap FAULTLESS NOBELT 8395 DOW^ ^ the impreasive fippefiniioe you make at LI JAR Homogaiiized «>a(t 2 2 * aourcas said the church and the (bohMarato a anriririagly ahart time. FATHER'S DAY Strawberry Preserve (Conununlat - dominated) govam- elWn wUhla 24 hows. At draggisla, 594 •42 CHEV. PICK-UP fi TON Ford H Ton a business meeting . . . your own per­ mant win atart nagotlatlona Juna NEXT SUNDAY a»»%a%aMaa»aa%»a%%»aaaas Id Tha atato la aaaking to aatabllah SUPER SHORTS 1245 DOWN sonal feeling of ease and correctnesa . .. control ovar church cchools. ■ Stoke Truck IVY-DRY I Made with the patented waistband far these are a few of the reasons you’ll Im comfort and guaranteed to last tbe Ufa «t *41 OLDSMOBILE COACH Cold JHnHok Otemi Salad Otami the garment; White broadeleMi er paO- 1295 DOWN proud you selected a Kuppenheimer. teriied woven madras In the popular 8 $ 3 8 5 iOO Down RNAST SU€H> NA11VI____ /, Rlnslder model with all-around Nebelt Talented Kuppenheimer designing cer­ i- waistband, or with Gripper fnstsnsra that *44 BUICK 8EDANET won’t pop off. 5595 DOWN______tainly makea a man look his best. Come BOLOGNA Iceberg LETTUCE ■* in and'see what it, will do for yo u . $ 1 . 5 0 ’46 FORD COACH B U Y - POUND 4 9 * 2 5 * Rtrim rib AtUetlo shirts . .85e 5345 DOWN Kuppenheimer Suita 560 to $80 Cap eleeve nader- *48 PACKARD CONVERTIBLE NOW la otSor to hotter aery# the peopk eWrto ...... OOc n ^ $1.2$ AN lUVIttmtMt IN oooe ASSfAgANCI RNAST SUCH> CUTAWAY 5895 DOWN—NEW ef Maachester, we have two funeral Brief Style ...... PRICES \ MIdkagth ...... *49 PACKARD COHVERTIBLE other Suits $37.30 To 160.00 MINCED HAM TOMATOES hoflMo. One located Ib the Northend Long leagth ______5295 DOWN WILL •f tewn, the ether hi the Central gart. Knitted Union Salta, abort «u POUND 4 9 * caio PKG ■lagyaa, ankle length $2M 1 5 . Buttoned on ebonlder, •■S’ST *46 MERCURY COACH BE Footwear for the Family lean, knee length ...... $ 2 Je 5485 DOWN-______'4 HIGHER PICKLI 4K MMINTO *45 PONTIAC 8EDANET 5695 DOWN SI LOAF CUCUMBERS Open Monday, Thunday MANY OTHERS TO N ig h u T IU lO CEH01ISE&SON SUdD POiMO 4 9 * 2 * - 2 5 * CHOOSE FROM • M MEN'S WEAR. '*********^ *i*^Tvn n iii* ~ * ...... laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAabaaaaaaaAaooooaaoitoaaaaofimmmi 182 MAIN flnr. TBL. $20$ e W E GIVE dUNT GREEN STAMPS PA CBA im ------A SK THE MAN WHO OWNS ONB PACKARD

♦ •/ / y


June 31, 17U, a little over s 'year in the May 4th note to Russia, in Amrl^ratrr from the epeaUng o f the Federal which, after listing our objections Hackett Estate Inventory Bon Voyage Party Oanventtea’s deUberatioas. Vir­ to Ruaaia'a actlvttlM among her For Mrs. Thofien Eortiittg l^rraUl ginia became the tenth atate, aft­ neighbors, we told Russia that B E P MEN'S FOBLWMP W 1 ^ . er long debaU in which Patrick "Bhould these attempts cesM, the Shows Value o f $188,618 m u u > rnrimirnncTiNO ox. tva * Henry lad the oppoaition, the final neceaeity for aome of the manl- Mrs. Carl. B. Thoran of West > . ■ ■ -.V I. vote In the state convention being feetations of United States for­ The Inventory of'the eetaU ofADepoetta ...... S6,*14.fi3 Canter atract w m honored Satur­ John H. Hackatt was fllad this { Mlscallanaous ...... 1SJM.17 day night with a aurprlM Ben Voy- n m . Ttm^ Om-} mMum ta to Tt for ratification. eign policy, which are apparently SOKMOSB \ i*. V morning with Judge William ■.' Mr. Hackatt diad July 5, 1M7, petty at tha home of Mr. and r»—» • OBtrttf t ML The action o f Virginia helped unwelcome in Moscow, would Hyde, Probate Court. District o f and in Ilia will, drawn Saptambar ra. John Wannargren of Alton ceeae with them." Fr t iUM * K**rr l^ w t . win a final 30 to 37 victory for the Manchaater, by the Hartford-Oon- 4, 1931, be directs the entire estate s t m t by 36 o f her friends and rclatlvaa from thU town. MMatr MI« MMar*' —«w tj m tk» eloquence of Alexander Hamilton Tha^ same note again recog­ nectlcut Trust Company, axacu- to his w ife in trust aad on har TM t MIM «t IUMftWI«r. Om b . . M _ A Bloat enjoyable evening w m nised the fact that the main la- tors, showing a total valua of i death to be divided equally be­ • m m i« CiMi MMUr. in N ew Tork. which had once had ■pent by tha group, cards 'and Bedroom Week suea are directly between our two |138,tlA79. tween hia four chlldran or thalr ■UMOUmON lUTM _ perh^a the fondeet dream of any Tha aatata waa made up o f the bclra. other paatlmM bMng enjoyed. BINGO Mrs. Fiito Lavay in bniatf o f tha Om tmtr *7 Hafl ...... •!*?■* o f the Btatee o f pursuing a single nations when it said the follow­ following Itema: The rfsl estate Inventory oov* Sf8 MBBUM By MbH Loo gathering praasntad to tha honor and powerful existence. By this ing; Real Estate ...... 8133,9SfiAO ered II plecM of property, meet Ob# BMBtB By ICofl S 1*00 ffueet. a bMuUful rhlneatona, Featuring Something Different Every TneMlnf U. B. Bonds ...... 128.50 i o f which w m located In tha Buck- 8IB0I# OBBy -B -O# time, North Carolina, whose Iso­ "W’e atiU do not despair by any ■terUng athrer lapel pin. Mr. W##B|y. By CBfTlBy B# means of a turn of events which Stocks ...... 6,363.00 I land district of ManchMter. ■Mliil MI«#rB«. OM T«BT ...... t l l w lated and provincial backwoods­ WennergreB, the boat, elao made, Evening. Playing Starts Promptly al 8 p. m. B ill permit us to find the road to e few remarks. Mrs. Thoran re­ Finest and Largest Selection in Years Wm » b> IUbbm OBrtgB ...... r to o men had a suspidoua and often decent and reasonable relation­ msnt against Finn w m the only ceived a bMutlful corsage made itBaMCH o r ignorant atUtude toward the rest College to Build charge to coma out of tha tnvsra- by her-daughter, Mlaa Fridaborg And Yon Don't Stay Late. ' T H * AMOCIBTCD rHCM of the country, and Rhode Island. ship between our two countries, TB# A##aoi#t#d PrB4* K #iettM i*#ly gatioa. Tnoren, which ahe wore during the •ntUtM to tb# UM of rtMBIteattoii of a]wa>e the off-horse, were the with a fundamental relaxation of lufinuary Now Finn, who w m a bellhop a t a evening. all B#v# o m m M mb rraoH## to n or only outcasts. The eleven raUfi- those tensions which today exer­ summer hotel In this raaort aiea, Mrs. Thoren. who ia active In a aol oU#rw«#B erwfitoB la Mndon, June 14 -na20j9 ' a the foreign policy speech he de­ da Cardinal Spellman, returning Matching Hepplawhlta bedalda table (not Itadf, aad was largely responal- qfraw berry shortcake. here by plane last night aald that shown) ...... 19.00 Ma for tha fact that CotigraM, al* livered Saturday, when he aban­ Adults fl.26—CklUren 76e In China he saw "a great many 30 to 00 day deUvary. though It was made up of the men doned hia attacks on OongreM in For Reservations Call refugees from Communist perse­ RUST CRAFT who la the past futility of their order to deliver an attack upon cution.** 492t Or 3089 It's adjustable... own sessions knew beat the need Russia and a defense o f hia own He said he m w "many priests Ivigioldlw abriBtnie i!. for change, refused to recommend foreign policy. expelled from their missions, FATHER’S DAY CARD the new OonsUtutioa to the statas, Unfortunately, for the prospects which had been burned.** War tension in the Far East “ is f Guess They^ll Just folding. . aad merely transmitted it to them of peace, the Truman speech waa tha same m it is all over the fbr their action. another of those black and white world," he said. Have to Wait Choose a piece at a time! The question then became, llrat, documents, in which RuasiA was. “Japan la peaceful and orderly, The Dewey-Richman Co, that of whether or not nine states the complete villain and the Tru­ and the man in charge are plcasKsd light as a by the low crime rate," he added. Jewlers — Stationers — Opticians would ever ratify the new Con* man policy the completely virtu­ HAVING TO WAIT for repair Tha cardinal returned from can buy Watkins Furnitun^ sUtutlon, second, whether if nine ous hero, and in which the weight YOU Australia, where he attended the work to be done is no novelty Diaparioa and Floor Covarlnga on did, .they would go ahead without of the Truman chargM against diocesan centenary celebration at today. And remember, if dis­ RUD6ET PAYMENT PLANS feather the osiers, and third, whether the Russia was necessarily lessened Melbourne. He also visited HawAil aster closeu up your home, with only a 35^ down payment . . bal­ J I t colonies would, after all, even* by his lack o f foankncM and and British possessions in the P a ­ every delay in repairing will cific in addition to China and ance In 3, 6 or 13 montba. No carrying taall^ be reunited under one new truthfulness with regard to his Japan. mean extra expanse for you— (Ace yaur aM,e8 haoMr tt tqtti Sm) charge on 3 months' plan. and stnmger government. own administration's foreign pol­ The cardinal praised the de­ liTing away from home. . Copies of the Cbnatltutlen went icy. votion of mlMlonaries a.id their out through the country, for the Thus, Mr. Truman blandly held "saciiflccs for their fellow men.” So why not protect yourself now with Rent and Additional ATTENTION! study of the people. It was, for hia own policy up qa one o f cham­ Smt mtft Ws ear $7 JO le $30ll0 4s^gw ' Americana, a jrear o f intense po* pionship of the United NaUona, Living Expense Insurance? litical diacuaaion and education. even claiming the Marahali Plan Set Joiht Session They quickly atraaged themaelvM itself aa • United Nations pro­ EASY TBUMSi el M«r Csliisss. Ya« m «# by ediss ea«r. BOYS Absr M y 31 b «■ cad ye# «p W $30lJ 0 lb iato two camps, the Federalists, gram. Whereas tha truth ta that For Jarvis Plans' atlewo8$1Q0 and the Aati*Federaliata. the Marshall Plan. Uka the Tru­ iTfy .93 The Aatt'Fadarallsts were the man Doctrine, and other less im­ The Board of Directors and the Town Planning Oommisalon will I A WEEK e Cfississ IS days. H SMd s h t j AGfUS 14 TO 18 TRS. 15 reaervatlonlata. They thought the portant American acts, have ig­ hold a Joint MMion In the Munici­ Sm M !•> mmahf IM •! country, with ita far*iluiig IS cot* nored and by-paased the United pal building on June 23 at 8 p.m., md STU ndna . . . #r your onlea, was entirely too large for NaUona. to act on the final approval of aub- a'*alngle governmental authority. Mr. Truman said “we are not divislon plana submitted for Oloott Agm/m'l Imigtl'SiOmt OH H ttur Bttmm JO . and. comfortable too for you can adjust the back to various Manor and Prospect Park by They thought maybe regional con* lounging positions by simply lifting the arms. Opens and cloaaa waging a ‘cold war.' *' He himself Alexander Jarvis, owner' and de­ federations would be better. They has proclaimed aad declared that The Molly Stark Group fry Cushman in one easy motion for carrying about . . and ia light as a feather veloper. OS HetSiar SUM M ER W ORK FOR ROYS under the were suddenly very fond of their cold war a hundred times in the Jarvis has proposed to build up for the frame is rust-proof aluminum. Choice of colorful green* earn state Individualities. As one peat two years. ^ Olcott Manor by oonatructi:natructlM a supervision of High School teachers, on red or, blue sailcloths trimmed in white. road from a point vM t o f A n a Elarly American at its best! Made of solid Vermont birch in the unique Cush­ Virginia debater asked, “Is it to Mr. Truman aald we have Acres on Center strMt, to run a shade tobacco farpi in Manchester, op* man styling and finish. Deeply scuffed as though age-worn, and highlighted. be supposed that one national ■ought and taken no territorial back and awing soutberly and Choose the Molly Stark Group a piece at a time, if you wish, for it is an Open government will suit so extensive gains from the war. That Ignores CMterly to come out on Olcott crated by Kohn Rrothera Tobacco Co. Stock pattern at Watkins, Dresser base 86.00, Mirror 22.30, Bedside tnble a country, embracing ao many clt* our possession of the Pacific Is­ street. In the other tract ha pro­ poses improvamenta that would 23.00, Full or twin size beds 55.00 each High chest 96.50. Immediate delivery. land bases, our ratenUon o f bases ( opep up a large new home tract. 175 East ao very different in manners, hab­ in Oreenland and the Azores, our Any interested person may ap­ m n m TRANSPORTATION WILL RE FURN- its, and ettstomsT" reoccupaUon of a base in Africa, pear to show causa, if any they Center St. Ifotwithataadlng the emotional and the fact that we are convert­ have, why the proposed layout, on Tel. 3665 ISHED from pick-up points in Manches-" file at the office of tk# town clerk, 0^ M a *w k e 6ie > i SIMMONS. elsmant ia soma such coaatdara* ing Japan into a great military should not be a p p io v ^ Edgar Clarke ter for farm and return. tiona, the sattonal debate waa, in and air baM aimed against Rua- T ruety pe the mala, a valid debate on Ideaa ■la. The mere fact that we have Insurer 9 Innerspn'ng Mattress and priadplcs aad the sciance of act formally annexed the terri­ Plans to Build T h e Cap e Ann C ro u p 198-®® government Th# early Amerl* tories Involved doea not tell the WORK WILL RE ON THE RASTS of for Solid AAaple Sana had set up their idaala in the truth. Business Block Declaration of independence. Now Finally, Mr. Truman said that an H hour day and a 6 day week; 7:30 Three piece or Truetype Soiid Mapie, apo- “SPEEDY" ______*»y Turnpike Aulu BtNiy Works Watkins extensive collection of 2 4 5 0 lhay'wara Making the technical tha issue is not between Russia p r cUdiy priced as this is a discontinued Terrence Shannon, of T9 R u s m U UMCta SPMDV, WHATS atptSTihANa. My PKiC' n ciu ju I sat ie It t h a t A . M. to 4 P. M- daily. Truetype Reproductions offers means of psoteetliig and guaran* and the United States, but be­ ■treet, owner of tho former Stays VMI$ WOOD MEAN* A «t 9scex.s. wHoaif sjSSSkt-Ml! "h group . . no more available when our C4R& HAva not SfiSN an almost unlimited variation thoM M6ftlSa tween Russia' and tho whole property tocatod on SM t Oantar *FE-DE'6TR1 AN- PaOMBLV TAiraN CASb atock ii exhausted. (Formerly 5262.60). Regular 29.75 street between the Bouthem Now of groupings. Sketched to left is It was typical of the debate world, and that accordingly the 0* Atci (OHO euOOSNI-V Dresser baae with deeply moulded mirror, England Telephone building and VINO TNBMMl.VIHr WORK WILL RE AVAILARLE on the Qneeti Anne lowboy 88.00. that the outstanding contribution issue la not one to be setUed by MAKINO WITM THt f S t lj six-drawer chest an/' full size Pilgrim bed. the First National Stores huUdlng, Chippendale mirror, 21.50, and to it ahouM have been’a a axtraor* bilateral negoUatlona between our has plana to build a new bustnCM eon _ MoucAm.y cHbCK ovan June 28. block on the site. Hia plana call MV CAB AND K tlP IT IN rush-seat bench, 32.60. See doz­ dMaty MriM of calmly analytical two powers. Hia proclamation itKAMMA* ■NMT Class bunnino gawagapor articles, written by for demollahing the eight-room oB osa ens of other pieces in Truetype that we do not intend to indulge dwelling now atandlng on the AamUton end Madiaon. i**»**n light collector’s finish, immedi­ in any power poUUcs divlaions of, property and for the oonatruoUon APPLY AT 66 SPENCER STREET, ate delivery. Aqr, w h i* ran in the Now York the world, to the injury and neg­ of thCnew block which will proba­ jBMipaima uadiff tho tuio of lect of other countries, la to be bly be used for Profeastenal oAces. Manchester, telephone 8088 or Sints V: IfAs pbdsiBlIA.* T h a n ware as Mr. Shannon aoqulrad tha prop­ walcoaMd. But it ta atUl the truth erty from the ChariM Stays eataia .4 ^ thSM e t t iA e t and wa liaatan to Emr!


M ra der-Wagner bouatng bill, a standby Mila. The hle rhafls la east a f Lat- price control measure and labov ran, wWcIi to 15 aidlea weat o f ly. tra tern om ml|M ahmst dew to a ^ inter Church South Church welfare legislation befora jquitting Palestine Gets Hospital Plan VtetiMr. Uartfofd. Six Honorary J e n is a li. Passing Autos T od ay's R adio dipfomas. The only Sini^ Praifico lo r the RepubUcari Nattonal eoti- Commaadera of toe Tiana Tm' rtiwtoe; I f* . Stoae Swtut Bridgw- hgr whkh ho cm brauk W eddings vantlon at Philadelphia. dan Arab Lagton la too M y toto Gets Support Mra Howi reuttae la nevrtty aad Graduation Children's Day The President discarded his pre­ Quiet at Last; Checked Here Stohr, Martdan, eenauctram; Mm. Degrees Given Democracy vious Ideas of preparing a mann- aaid toe IsraeUe had bieliea tot l y - truce by briagtag toe eearey la Osrttat Polrlor ef NorwaBt adju- Preaideat Victor L. Butterllxki Kleifi-TlBck Groebet-DcLtoig acrlpt for hla Loa Angalaa speech Mm Ctotro BMtamM. unchecked. U. 8. Obaeal General « l 6 » - . 4 MeBlahoii and Foote As> tnUi toM too gnSaattag etaaa tost YKoreiMS Hdd at Both Mice Katherine Thick, daughter | Impressive Exerei«es in favor o f talking from notaa. His Truce W orking ■tottaa: Mm Msnr C ow ctIcHt College for "your abna mater ia eeacxtaod staff says he talks mors forceful­ WUUam Burdett of toa V. N. Slate Officers Look Over WDHO-etol Moat: BtwK Tnom-u. a. HfirtM ] M edeaa Vievrs A v i ^ of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Duck of . Truce commissiea asked the Jew­ ••rt T1m7 Faror Weat o f WotwuBt and M m only that toe fnuta of year Hfo ISemlem by ChlMren’* Well Attended Despite ly when ha doesn't use a text. (C sa tto a ii ream Page One) Can and Note Condi* W O O G -H a rtfoet BoUoa ^ a a k ; SuiSm ot Now Ham Presideot Hon* can CotMept as *Pm 168 West Center street and Henry | They said, however, that report­ ish agency not to tend thraugh 1386-O ah. THMIO—Arthur CMDuy; Itowfi. abalt nudUpto." Bad Weather unchecked ccavoys. Haven F^poaal ester guarfit. ored «t Wesleyan Te that end. he eald. toe unlve^ Oasaea John Klein, son of Mr. end Mrs. | ers could expect a,, repctltioa of duIM ealled for "a unitary Arab ' tion of Madiines WON8-Jaka Bsa. WONB-Owma Ckn: Billy pl«*8 Capitidisia* An laraeU spelieaman eald toa Boua aity had sought to do three totnga I " Andrew Klein of S Edgerton place, | the slashing sttseks on Congress stata In which toe Jews would havs WnO-BaelnU«a Wife. Impreeslve Children's Day ex- which punctuated off-the-cuff talks Legion bad abot at toa ooarey IS tha , Wow B a m . Juno 14—<•)—tup- ' OnutaaUon m c n U m w «r« held were married Saturday, June 5, in : full cittocnshlp and loeal independ­ Five offlocn from toe Stata De- 4 iU — Jam Hertford. J« m I I ' m cn route to the west coast. Con­ Saturday but hadn’t hit It. Bor- ? • Ot^ port for toa prnpnaal to ceastmet of mwnlug. gqldaaM aad kawira- at tlM C aitcr church at both ecrv- the Zion Lutheran church. erciaea were held at the South ence. PitotBMHt e f M otor Vehlelce eea- W K M B - Nmra: 646 Itoq u et To Tett Pretiure fogreee wart awarded can demoerecy la a "p e e ^ e eapl* gressmen returned the sttsok. dett weat out to forestall BghUag. • vatoraao hospital to W ait Hav- tioa (or the huUding at yaur Brea, Idm under the direction of MIm The double-ring ceremony was Methodlat church yesterday morn­ dnetod a "apot-ebeek" oa east- Mathias fit toe annual eona- toltom.- saye Dr. BueqMal PaddW When the President called the 80th "But tola IS not yet the Ume for Ceaveya Net Meattened sharpen your critical faculties,” Dorothy Peaae. the Miniater of performed by the minister. Rev. ing. In spite *of the inclement bbund traffle at too Interaoetion W n O -it e B a Danas. w has boaa g im the Obwiaettcut forawr sscretaiy ef fowiga aOMiu IN sum to*«usalng these polltica) matters," Truce terma mada pubUe by Cooker Gauges it esarctaea at Wealeyaa aad to teach thorn to Uvo "as a Cdocatloe. A t the flrat aervire at Conmsa the "worst” House Re­ 6 i 8 » - e f Meatoo. Paul G. Prokopy. Daring the weather a to i^ congregation gath­ he said, "and w e are now concern^ Bemadotte Tuesday do not men­ of East Center sad Porter atreeU WOWS Oahrial taartmMt of ^ Dtaablad Aamr- aarvaat of otoxra." t:15 the Kindergarten and the publican leaders countered by de­ W D R O -M W Ie eff toa RsDord. U m tU r. dty. service, Mrs. George Winder sang ered at toe morning hour of wor- Mto toe gieateat taak-/ightlng tion coavoya to Jomaalcm but from 6 a. m. ^ 4 p. m. today. In- T m ff—TouserraWa Ihpa. toua Vetowaa by two Cbniiaetlent IB odditlea to too alx Dr. Padma, apaaM i« a t toa HIB- MtRINNIT M m a ry children preaented their scribing Mr. Truman as the W O O O -Kawa; I860 Ctah. Raatdants e f W applag aad vl- toe rccipicnta waa Dr. yer coHege eom m ie wacat haco “I Love You Truly,” end “Still As ahlp when the pupils from the vari­ "worst”, president. Ekmlam and unifying PalesOne." forbid movement of war materiato apeetor Chariaa MeCartoy was in W W O —T elsphooe Hour. degreco, 14 aiaator of arts profrain. The theme of the morn­ The Night.” ous departments o f the Church W TIff—Frsaldint Tramaa etaity Mieold taha advaatogo of —— — V Ffok, praatdsnt e f toe yesterday. asM that Aatorteaa The President, his advisers said, Me denied reports he favored a and put reHcf to Jaruaalem poopte ebarie at too pmesedlngs. Spaaking ot too eonoludiag aao- aad 117 bachalor at arts dagroao ns lulSrik* ing waa “Poundationa." A amall The bride, who was given in WTTC— Ltoreaso Joesa. O w M ctim CfoUege for Woman at deamcraey abeoM be adverttoed school under the direction of de­ sxpects to talk during toe day with of Palestine and Trans-Jor­ In toe hands o f toe Interaatlenal Antomobilaa ware stopped on TTOWB-WtWA rioa of too DAV oonventlon bore tbs opportunity to have toair praw weto awarded at tha ualvirritya claaa gara a proloaue explaining marriage by her father, Michael partmental superintendents pre- 6>«8— N ew LsMdon and daughter o f Dr. tkreugbeut the wertd ia erder to James D. Roosevelt, son of hla tote dan. H e 'aa;d he would follow the Red Croce. Bast Centar street and dirceted in­ SiSS— yaotorday. U< 8. Senator Brton sura esaaar gaugoo taotod Thurs­ 114th oemmeaeeaMBt. the ne^ for foiindatlona that are Duck, waa attended by her sla­ ssnted in brief form aspects of WOH8—Two-Tan Baker. J. U gw Farit of GatervUle. prevent another wevM war. predecessor and chairman of too W n O —Contented Program. poealhls, said tf somstolng wasn’t Manehester, ia among Uw 60 bank- gree. had bean unable to advarttae Temple." Certificates of promo­ sleepea tapering to a point at the children ere introduced to the work tacked M istoar Hay Yarden, two with their names attached with Wcadall W. PhilUpa, ractor ot Mrs. fliecfer O. Oroebel WCCO-Muatc Left. 16:18— doaa " it wUl ha a betrayal of the ars througbout the state who have effectively Its dsBMcracy to the tion were preaented by Rev. Doro­ wrists. She carried a cascade of of the department. T ^ Junior miles south of Lake Hule. and The truce agreement calls fbr sign the ticket, and toe operator adherivo taps. ChrUt church ia Rye, N. T „ D.D.; WON8—iuperman. WTOT—Lawyert Talk It Ov«r. pro mi sea mada to toe servicemen.” regtsterod tor a Svt-dxy eeurea la entire world. thy Peaae and Bibles were present­ white roses, carnations and atepha- group illustrated their work by Russell Hubbard White of Boe- shelled K efsi Sxold. seven miles Internment o f men between 18 must mail the Ucket within tea Mm Glasier wUi auawar ques­ Dr. Paul E Klopatsg, director of Mias Virginia Mae DcLong, WTHT—Tarry aad toa Ftratas. 16:86— Offleeva Elected real estate aad aapralaal which ed to members of the Third Grade notls with orchid centar. ton, Maaa„ who has been termed north o f the lake, and Eln Gcb, and 45 who reach Israel during dajs to the Department of Motor reoearch at toe Unlveraity of Min­ Asserting that the Oommunlsts daughter of Mra. Mary OeLong of quotation from Scripture, stories w n c —PorUa Faoas Life. WDRC—Screen Guild Players. tions about canning and using began Monday at taio Fbrt Tnm - as they were promoted Into the The maid of honor wore pink ny­ from the Bible, and aonga. Chil­ toe "ecrtptural engineer,” was a Just east o f the Sea of Galilee. the armistice. Vehicles. Fallura to comply with Tha alaetlea of officcra for toa preaaurs cannara, and wUl have nesota, D.S., and Samuel M. era proclaiming that Amerieaa Junior department by Rev. Clifford WOWS— Paul Clament Trio. bnU branch at toa Unhrersi^ at lon with net hoop skirt, nat mitts 45 Delmont street, and the late dren from the Prim ary department visitor In Manchester today. Mr. In Damascus. Syrian Premier these regulationB will be followed s m — dapurtmant aad Ita Auxiliary also DulleUna for distribution. There Oreen. heed o f the Wesleyan A rt capitallHi «• for tha pririleged W p B O —Old Record Shop. WTHT—Special Program, Oonnecttcut la Wow lacideB, claaaea. only, PadUla nrged too O. Simpson. and short net veil. She carried a William DeLong, was united In sang groups of eonga, and several Whits was visiting the local book­ Jamil Matdr.tn Bey told a newsman Britleb Te Get AM Plaa Goods by a summons from the depart­ highlighted yesterday’s final sea- Win be no charge for tola service. department. M.A. A t Second Service WOOO—HsadUnas; Tune for w n c —P i^ Waring Show. The achool to offered Jototty by achoole aad tnatitatas o f tola coun­ cascade of Talisman roses. The gave recitations learned in class stores introducing his book 'The the Jews attacked yesterday morn­ ment. 11:66— rion. U moc were the offlcera Additional information may be se­ Adriaee Avoiding Biulinn marriage Saturday to Cheater Gil­ the Savings Banka Aaeoaatloa at try to take the lead in educating A t the second service at 11 bridesmaids were similarly attired session. The Beginners interpret­ Combined Ocepcls of Matthew, ing in the Baniyas area and in­ London—(iP>—The British gov­ Oreen sUckera were placed on Tots. named: cured from Mm Beihorm Potter- In the commencement addreaa bert Groebel, son of Mr. and Mra. W D R C —News On A ll Stations, Connecticut aad the uaiveraity'a the other countries on the Ameri­ o’clock the theme waa continued. In aquamarine and carried cas­ ed their werk brieSy and sang Mark, Luke, ahd John." , flicted acme caminitlee at Tel ernment will put no bars In toe vehiclea that pass -d the Inspeetion. WON8—Captain Midnight. l i l t s — Dopurtaaant: Vincent E. Uric- ton of 171 Avery street Dr. Park advised the greduateo to WTHT^Bandstand. achool o f buaiaoaB admtntatraticn. can concept o f government. The Junior department, represent­ cades of pink rosea Carl Groebel of 65 Spruce street. songs and offered prayers, charac­ Mr. White, a graduate of M. I. Khenilr. Banii'as is In Syria a way ot private traders seeking to Some of the vehicles that were W DRC—Danes Orehsatra. ehlOb Hartford, ooaunander; Rus­ avoid "the prixon house o f rou­ FOR 101 YEARS ed by two sixth grade pupils, told make a profit from Marahall nan W7IC—Just Plata BUI. The biide'a mother wore black The douMe-rIng ceremony was teristic of their regular Sunday T, and a retired consulting en­ half mile from Palestine and about stopped already poMersed green WOWS—United Nations Today. sell SulUvaa, New Haven, senior pence lientossat Diee tine.” o f learning to use the Bibles as a goods they may buy from the gov­ 8 itt— with print top and black accesor- performed at twelve noon in the activities. Rev. W. Ralph Ward, gineer, to one of the few men who five mllea nurthcast of Kefar sUekera and ao were not d:tkined. W T H T — Blue Room, vlea com wander; Paul GrlOo, Mer­ "Mankind has become 'paper- further step In building the foun­ ies. The bridegroom’s mother Jr., minister, presided at the serv­ have had the drive to accomplish Ssold. Syria warned >he would send ernment, And It contemplates no These stickers can also be obtained W DRO—Lum aad Abner. w n c —N ew s iden. GoorgU Christopher, Bridge- bound.' ” he said. "W hen he grad- South Methodist church by the Torrlniton. June 14— — Lt. dations for a useful, happy Chris­ wore navy blue with black accea- ice, and baptised a large number their youthful Ideals. As a youqg her troops b.-vk Into action unless special arrangements for distribu­ at SOI V service' ga n gea where the W X N B - A l DaOaro. 11:86— pint, H om an Goaa, New London (JT) uatea he la apt to step thinking Anthony V. Werner, 87, ef toe tian life. soiies. ^ th mothers wore orchid minister. R,jv. W. Ralph Ward, Jr., of children and infanta. man he waa Impressed with the Jewish “aggressions" stopped. tion of toe goods received under meehanics arc accredited Inspec­ W 0N8—Tom Mix. WDRC—Symphony Hall. and Burt Brlduon of New Brit­ and fall Into a routino, the symbol The Junior High preaented a corsages. George G. Ashton played the bridal Recent graduates from college Idea that the life of Jesus should The Jewish truck convoy from tbb American aid plan, saju Glen- tors. WTYO—Front Page Farrell, WOWS—Dance Orchaatra; ain. Junior vice commanders: Jas. Torrtngton poUee deportment died for which ia the tittle pieces of Bramatlxation, "Ihc Little Road." A reception for 100 guests fol­ music and accompanied the soloist, and Manchester High achool. who he published in chronological or­ Tel Aviv took food Into Jerusalem vil Hall, financial secretary to tb: Other officers on duty were 8i88— News. F. Martona. Watsrhury, treasurer; et his home here yesterday after a paper he wavee to aad fro, stocks Delong's Refrigo'atioii ^rhich pointed out the fact that one lowed at the ZIpser dub on Brain Robert Gordon, who sang "B e­ are also members o f South church, der. With the aid o f a pair o f for 90,000 Jews there. It avoided Treasury, Warren Blessing, Wllllem Callen­ W O RC— News. W n C —Dance Orchestra. Harry Leary, Watsrhury, chsplain; long illnaaa He was a mambar of and oliarea. playing cards, newa- obms c must begin with the easier road to ard place. cause” and T Love You Truly.” were listed in the calendar. It was scissors and tw o Bibles o f toe the Arab blockade of the Tel HaU Bays that suppHcs received der. Erwin Konesnl and Peter Ras- W K N B — News; 8ports. 13:66— George Blanchard of Hamden, ser­ the department since 1919. Imme­ D U and CoMuercia] travel before one can go on to The bride and bridegroom left Given In marriage by her broth­ noted that both the valedictorian King James version Mr. W hite has Aviv-Jenisalem road by going under the plan will be used “ in the kowsM. to 11:60 a. m. approxi­ W O N 8—News. WOWS—Danes Orchestra, geant-at-arms; aad John F. Bock- diate survivors are bia widow, two greater and more dilllcult high- 53 VILLAGE STREET ROCKVILLE, CONN. for a trip to Niagara Falls and er, Ray DcLong. the brAe was at­ and salutatorian o f this year's over a detour Jewish engineers mately vehiclea had bc:n WTHT—Memory Lane; Base­ w n c —News; Click Orchestra. omaky, Anaonia, officer o f the day. sons aad hit father. trays. It was very well presented ediM the four books eliminating best Interests of the country, both no 4 ^ Canada. They wrlU make their tended by her sister. Miss Edith Manchester High achool class, one third o f the verses which ball Scoreboard. 13'A»— Auxiliary: Mrs. Ethel Rlttow, hnd was directed by Mrs. G. E. had built through the Judean socially and econondealty.’* throuih toe Inspection tone. Howe Addrfiss 103 Starkweather St^ 5IanchesUr home for the present with the DeLong, as maid of honor, and by Constance Rogers and Caroljm have been duplicated In the ori­ W n o - N a w s . WOWS— Dance Orchestra. Hartford, oommandar: Mrs. Kath­ H ersog o f Center church Thes- bridegroom’a parents. Miaa Patricia Griswold and Mias Sonniksen, respectively, are mem­ ginal. His work has gained the WOOO—Sports. WTIC—Orrin Tucker Orchestra. leen O’Connell of Bridgeport aen- Distribntor For Mans. The bride, who la amploysd by Ruth WesneskI as bridesmaids. bers of South church. tor vice conunander; Mrs. Lintinued from Page One) Oiriclala o f Johnson C Smith unl- Hove roar doctor Iris- BEER (X)OLERS AND MILK COOLERS A t both servtcea, SO in aU. Force, 469th Heavy BOmbera— neckline wa» trimmed with seed W T H T —Serano Oammell; Cas- pbaas ale varaity (Wagro) early today ro- atosrriirtbNi B-34 Liberators—eervlng as sec­ pearls. She wore a finger-tip veil Mr Tnimsn will make rear tlas la tha Air. of illusion and carrie.i a aheaf of In tVrMna’s OVSf not prt- tion chief in the Parachute Divi­ platform talks at Albuquerque, N. W n C — Professor Andre Schen- ported that about 90 studentd Repairs On AU Makes Of Refrigeration eslto lilies. (Jiiiiese Reds vats prwtvsaliioot wlrs t»r sion. Before enteriiuf tha A rm y M., and other points en routs to kw . wtro victims ' ef food poisoning m EPHRE HOUR ORCHESTRAS he was employed by ndneer Para­ The honor attendant wore peach WOOC—Concert Hour. yaaterday. immsSIsto •savory ts Specializing In Croeley Repairs M anchester Kansas City. STANNARIIS LicciMfd Rookinir Aguat chute Company. At present he la marquiaette. Miss Griswold wore Try to Land 8:48— Dr. O. M. WUkUm former' Arm y voar bsma Die president's press secre*«ry. Commercial and Domeatic D a le Book employed by the Underwood Tjrpe- green' taffeis snd Miss WesneskI Charles G. Ross, announced that W DRO—JLowall Thomas. physician and ataff physician at A. P. M. writer Corporation as an assem­ light blue tsffeta. All three at­ Mr. D ll man will spend Wed,(sdsv (I'lntlnoed fro ns Page One) WOWS— Ralahew Randssvous, Good Samaritan hoepital, gave bler and typewriter repairman. tendants carried arm bouquets *of wnO—Throa Star Extra. ' thia report o f victims after a RUSSELL P. BRODERICK nifcht at hla home In Indep<*iril- ANNOUNCES WELDON'S 24 HOUR SERVICE i a « p ; pink gladiolus. The flower girl was T:6*— midnight count. TanIgM enre. Mo., rather than at Kansas ripped trarka at eight points near Pool Office Rot 92 •61 M A IN STREET Outdoor anulo festival at Edu- CUfford-Bloodgood dressed In'yeMow organdy and car­ a ty . Tientsin. W DRC—Beulah. Twelve students hoepltalisid TEL. ROCKVILLE 1882-J2 MANCHESTER 2-1797 osUonal Square by school chll- ried a basket of daisies. OPENING WKWB —Wawa; Man About Manchcolcr Mias Ruth Margaret Bloodgood, Mr. Truman will leave his spec­ In Jehol province, directly north and reported in “ fair” condition Town: Polish Melodies. drea. High aebool eholnt band daughter of Mr. and Mra. William The bride's mother wore a black ial train when It arrives at Kansas o.' Peiping, Pro-government reports WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON after serious gastric disturbances. WOWS— Fulton Lewis, Jr. sad chorus o f 1,000 voices. M. Bloodgood of 46 Hemlock and white print and the bride­ City and drive to Independence raid National troops were making About 80 students seriously af­ WTHT—News, Soalng Board of Appeals. Ifuni- Streep was married Saturday to groom’s mother, navy blue and with Mrs. Truman and Margaret. progress In an attempt to sqiieete fected and under treatment at the w n c —Supper Club. hulling at 8. RuspeU Everett Clifford, son of white. Both wore coinages of pink Later he will drive to Grandview, out scattered Communists between OF A DEUaOUS FULL LINE OF university's infirmary and HUDSON SALES HUDSON SERVICE HUDSON SALES No elhti tilvorplott can' Runt Brothers Ctreus, Dougher- 7:15— Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Clifford and white carnations, and assisted also In Jackson county, to visit his Chengteh, Jehol capital, and dormitory. bring to your homo tudk- In receiving at a reception for 150 Kupeikof, TO miles northeast of WDRC-Jack Smith Show. ty lot. of 100 Comer Hill street. Rev. brother, Vivian Truman, and hla Six doctors, acoraa o f nuraea is isstsfMsts ogslon beauty, >ueh porfoc guests in the social hall of the Peiping. Thi! dlspstchce said gov­ WOWS—Tello-Test. Alfred Lk WilUams, rector, per­ slater. Miss Mary Jane Duman. and many voluntsars fought from far €» ar Soma rrpain tion of dotail. Hich moletw Orsduatioa, Hollister street church following the ceremony. ernment troops from two points W T H T —ChUdren'B Hour, formed the double ting ceremony This will be the chief executive's 6 p. m..xmttt m idnight,to ruUeve school In morning. Buckland school were coverin'r and were expected w n c —Wews. tha suArerd, university officials Istily oxquitito dotiga. In St. Maly's Episcopal church at When the couple left for a motor first visit home since the death of In afternoon. tour o'clock. Palms, gladiolus and trip through Vermont and Canada I to Join shortly m m — reported. Dr. WUklna said earty Surely it's no wowdor that hla aged mother, Mrs. Martha E. WDRC—To be Announced. MONEIYes can |st e cam leas Factory Trained Mechanics Whf c w dsy, la a e 18 The same accounts termed eerl- 1847 Rogort Bros. ii owwcrf’ cahiatlons decorated the altar. the bride wore an aqua gabardine ★ HOME * today that toe "emergency is quickly end privrtriy. Duman. ban Omduatloa, Barnard school In During the service Carleton De­ ous the posUion at Fengtou, high­ w ow s—Henry J. Tavlor. over.” auit, white acceasories and a cor­ The places, as revised, do not Ml the friendly berie that end lovod Iw mevo wemea mnalag. Oreen school In after- laney, uncle of the bride, sang way towTi 10 miles north of the WTHT —Lone Ranger, . . . service your car here at McCInro’a, men who know ears from atem sage of pink ard white carnations. contemplate a speech In Jackson made Pweenel Fiaenee Co. their ony emor liliwplala. ''Because” and 'The Lord’s Pray­ They will make their h ,me for the great coal mining center of Taug- w n c —Sympnony of Melody, county, nor any sppcspince by the choice af ever eaa mil- Yew con *ot yew tablo vMk er.” He was accompanied by Or­ present with the bridegroom’a par­ shan. They said martial law wr.s WCOO—Wewa; Charlie Spivak. to stern, HUDSON, and EVERY OTHER MAKE. the president In Kansas City be­ Week End Deaths lion nereom lert yeer. itt lovolinoM Hwaugh auv‘ Manchester Republican W o- ganist Jdhn COckerman who play­ ents and receive their friends after being enforced at Tangshan. on the 7:45— "Tm 6eM Oo fe e l" yond his drive through the city to I * h«i •) Me MM now amn’s dub, host to County Asso­ ed the traditional bridal music. June 20. Peiping-Mukden rallwoy 60 miles WOWS—Inside of Sports. Don't borrow unnicengrlly. If your car is seting up, drive it in here and well have it rnaning right omy budget paymonto. independence. He will board the DELICATESSEN ciation at Manchester Country Glvtn in marriage by her father, Both young people are graduates northeast of Dentsln. WTIC—Senator from Oonn. Richmond, Ind.— K erry FronkeL But If a loen—for • moi tb or dub. the bride was attended by her of Manchester High echool. Mr. train St Independence Thiiisday Manchuria waa relatively quiet. 8:06— ■ yrar—ti the Mn« Official Inspection Station No. 931 He apoke at commencement ex- •FRANKFURTS • ROAST HAM • BAKED BEANS WCCC— Music Box: Headlines. Loans $88 to 8309 berry festival and program. An- hrlde and William Canade. Three gave Jewelry. • ROAST CHICKEN • t and noted derson-Shea Ainciliary at Pott year old Susan Delaney, cousin of erciaea at the University of Cali­ • KNOCKWURST • CODFISH CAKES authority on nervous diseases. Drive In fo r a Check-Up fornia at Berkeley. • ROAST TURKEY cemnknrn tmst u r i s r e s s r Horae. the bride was Sower girl and wore Hnmphrieg-Waszkielewicg • LIVERWURST • IX)B8TER SALAD New York— Harry J. Keys. 55, Cradit Tanw 8naday,,Snne 86 a dress of smbroiderod marquis­ Aska Withdrawal of.Boycotta • FRIED CHICKEN cartoonist for the Oalumbus, 0 „ ette. Miss B3ikabeth Ann Woszkiele- "What the world needa in order • POTATO SALAD Sun Seeker Outdoor Sportsmen's Show. wlcx, daughter o f Mrs. Annie E. BAKED HAM • BOLOGNA •STUFFED PEPPERS Dispatch. tv^oihMfVMHCS. Can B* Artaaiai Center Springs Park. The bride's gown of oandlellght to regain a sense o f security Is an Aad • CLAM CHOWDER Chantilly lace had a sheer Sesh Wasxklelewics of 46 Birch street end to Soviet obstruction and •SALAMI • STUFFED TOMATOES Ot Maaebeeter Tueaday, dune 18 and the lata NIkodem Wasxkiele- • SOUPS color neckline, and bertha dotted aggression,” he said. H s asked • DEVILED EGGS 8272 d Ftaor, Stata Thsaler Balldbig .Joint session Board o f Directors wlcx, waa married Saturday to E l­ STRAWBERRY • VEAL LOAF 11-18 with sequins. The long, fittsd Russia to withdraw its boycott of • HORS D’OEUVRES 763 Mala Street, TeL 8436 and Town Planning Commiesion at more Turkington Humphries, son • MINCED HAM 8 p. m. sleeves tapered to a point, and the a United Nations recommendation (On Order) Uoease No. 391 of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Hum­ asking Bulgaria, Yugoslavia and SUPPER • POLISH RINGS toll skirt terminated in a circular phries of 12 LlUey street. Rev. • SAUCES train. Her full length veil of Albania to atop aiding Qraak reb­ Friday, June 18—5:30-7;30 FRESH John L. Loughran, rector o f St. els. H e asked Russia also to • POLISH ROLUS • PICKLES. RELISH French Imported Illusion was James’s church, performed the Talcottvilk CoRgretatioM draped frOm a Juliet ea|f o f abandon its boycott which pre­ Church • PRESSED HAM About Town double-ring ceremony at 9 o'clock, vents residents of north Korea • OLIVES CO • matching Chantilly lace. She car­ Adnlta $1,88 FRUITS The organist, Mrs. Eleanor Ben­ from working with sooto Korea • COTTAGE HAMS • SLAW loss Jane Nackowskl, local pia­ ried a white prayer book with or­ CbiMren T o IS. 68e nett. played the traditional bridal for a unified national government AND no teacher, entertained her stu­ chid marker and riiower o f ste- Make Resen t tioos • DUBUQUE BACON • CHEESES music. The altar was decorated Truman’s aides said he would dents Saturday with a party to phanotls. Tel. 5886 Or 4611 with white gladiolus and caUa return to day to hla challengenge to • HAMBURG /PARTY DELICACIES 60¥flLLSST. (1 lOCAIION) m . a »f4 4 > close the season. Each student The matron of honor wore yel­ lilies. Congress to pass the Taft-Ellen- No TIcketa SoM After Thara, •PEPPER LOAF played two plecea, one from mem­ low embroidered marquisette and Miss Gladys Wasakielewlci waa VEGETABLES • SPICES ory and the other with music, carried Talisman roses. The maid o f honor fo r her slater, and • MINCED CHICKEN • 6 l l ^ l^oao who attended were Barbara bridesmslds wore orchid embroid­ tha bridesmaids were Miaa f x iT if McIntosh, Patricia Mack, Andrea ered marquisette and their arm Pallier end Mrs. Sally Nokes of and Joheph Paggioli, ' Joan Han- bouquets were of yellow carna­ Hartford. Kenneth Smith of Rock­ SPECIAL CONCOCTIONS PREPARED ON ORDER SUCH AS scorn, Judith Moriarty, Eleanor tions. ville was best man for Mr. Hum­ Kitchoii Clocks Benevento and Doris Vlchi. Miss The bride’s mother wore dusty phries, and ushering were Peter r BOUILLABAISSE, BORSCHT, SEAFOOD COCKTAII>S Vichl who also studies voice with rose summer crepe with lace, and Oleaki and Bernard Lebieda o f Coming Friday i NATURALLY-W. E. GOODCHILD, JR. Miss Nackowskl, rendered a vocal the bridegroom’s mother, blue Norfolk, Va., both nephews of toe Selection. summer crepe; both wore corssgea bride. $ 4 .9 5 ..i„ of white split camationa They aa- Presented in marriage by her Beethoven Glee Club members aiated In receiving at a reception brother-in-law. Chester G. Kosak, Hors tTOeuvres For Your Cqcktqil Party When You’re Selling Your are reminded of the session tonight in the pariah houae for 200 gueats. the bride waa gowned in candle- at eight o'clock at Emanuel Luth­ The decorations were white glow satin, the skirt terminating eran church for the purpose of streamers and white bella. In a court train. Her finger-tip HOME repairing the sheet music used dur­ The bride chose tor traveling a veil of Illusion was held in place The New 1949 ing the season. white aummec gabardine, white by a wreath o f phatoanopato and ALSO acceaaorlea and orchid c o r^ e . On maidenhair fern. She carried a our volume of record high home sales so far thia year b consistent. Mary C. Keeney Tent, Daugh­ their return from a honeymoon In cascade bouquet of toe same varie­ ters of Union Veterans of the Civil Washington. D. C.. and Virginia ty o f orchids, atephanotlB and What You Hava Been Waiting For In Fancy War, will meet tomorrow evening Beach, the couple will live for the Wrlghtil. at 47 Maple street Flag day will present with the bridegroom’a The honor attendant wore a paranta and be at home to their gown of appto green nylon taffeta, f r d OPEN 9 A. M. TILL 9 P. M. 7 DAYS A WEEK« be observed and a social hour with 6 Id refreshments will follow. friends after July 1. and carriM a caacada of yellow Both are graduates of Msnehet- marguerites. The brldeamaida No home too high priced to receive our personal attention. Two Mary B. Cheney Auxiliary will ter High school. Mr. Clifford serv­ were attired In citron yellow nylon meet tonight in the Stats Armory. ed with the U. 8. Army in World taffeta. AH three attendants wore BAKERY and PASTRIES trained reai estate specialists ready and willing to serve yon at all D O RM 8VIR Delegatas tc the recent convention W ar n, and la employed by the W, large nata matching their gowns. To be displayed af the Sfafff win make their leporta Plana a. Glenney company. His gift to The bridesmaids carried arm bou­ thnea. ' WE SUGGEST will also be discussed fo r the an- the bride was a pearl necklace. quets of white marguerites. Armory, Main Sf. In a set­ iaual ' joint mitlng with Ward Die bride's gift to her attendants A dinner and reception followed By Suo BnnwM A 15 days exclusive rights is all we need to get results. You name ‘ O w ney Camp, U. 8. W, V. this were rhinestone bracelets. in St. James’s heU which waa ar- •MACAROON CUPCAKES TooTl rule lota of attsntioa la UsticaUy dacorated with garden •TASTY COOKIES this figure-molding sun dress. ■.iSumBser. ting where all can see the new B y Mra. Anna Oabot For complete protection for your price, hc’II do the rest. Let us give you an acenrate 'Hop dol­ .4U'. flowera and fema. •LAYER CAKES Fashioned of two hamonlaing Make theae lovely pUlowcaaea or ; Maacheatsr Orange members When tha couple left for a motor tobrics or all toe same, whichever bureau' scarf dccorationa for toa lar'’ appraisal of your home absolutely free with no obligation to Row Settled trip through the Adlrondacka the •RYE BREADS you pnfar. For street, add the .l«b o have made reservations tor the models easily and comtortablye ^ guest room or young girl'a hop# your furs in controlled cold voults, sell. ^bus going to Cromwell tomorrow bride wore a navy biqe bengaUne •WEDDING AND BIRTHDAY-^ CAKES JauBtiy Snrod Jackat. chest. The demurs ruffled over* suit, navy accesaorles and orchid Bight BsIghbon’ Bight are re- Pfittem No. 8372 la for sixes li, skirt is worked in simple stltchas At Oak Ridge coraags. They wlU ba at home fully insured, at moderate prices I/gMOtad to be at tha MaiKmlc Tara- OURSPEaALTY •PUMPERNICKEL U> 18,14.16 and 16. Sixa 13. d r ^ sdilch blend perfectly with tha at 6:48. to their friende at 46 Birch straet 8 1-4 ymtia o f 85 or S6-lnto plus dainty ambroldared figure. _____ ^ K « 6 O to) after July 37. Mr. Humphries was 5-8“ “ * tor bodloo; Jacket, 1 1-S . To obtala complete crocheting CALL with toe D to Division 4i months, vank. inatmetlona aad atltch lllostratloiia W. E. Goodchfld, Jr. Real Estate G>. Mra. Boat Ashley who died to in the Pacific theater of opera­ WANDY PIES to# workers In a National Labor; or this patteni. sand 38 cents, for erochsUng. hot-tron tranator WIOR ; Wnuaiaatle yesterday aftamocn la tions. RslatkBs Board poU tost week by ■a. your name, addreaa. aiaa fo r omhroldMy deotgn. atitrii Uluo- Manchester's **Liva Wire** Reel EsMtSe Office u te toother of Ml*. Richard OsUaat. • voto of to S f w U ig g f ^ Aadsnwa-4BMB anx- m l6. ■ and tha p a tta n number trationo and o o o ^ ta flniahlng dl- MANCHESTER I t e BStUsment was reached In Dito Is No OamMe V. r. W. Mrs. AabtoFa •umstt, Ths Manchsatsr ractlona for CBanuing Lteei J- •n mtanded session which bsgan DILLON UsrfiM, 1180 Are. K m w 869 MAIN STREET PHONE 4168 MANCHESTER .'Will hs held la S t Marya (pattam N a 0736) send 15 oenta FWdsy morning snd snded early Grand Xaland. Neb.—<;n— The * n ^ WllUmantic at bIm o*elo(di. ^ Saw York 18, N. t . la coin plus 1 cent postage. Tour Ftotsrilsy. Amerasnt was an- birthday situation was strietly a E. Me STANNARP & COMPANY M -flay. Msmbars wte might Saad M odnta today for your name, address and the pottera DRY CLEANERS nounoad barsra IV. thatoa oompany and aeven-come-eleven proposition for goisibla to pay their te- RNE TABLB OBUCACRES flopy ot toe Spring and' Summer number to Anne Cabot The Msa- '*You will be glad TOMORROW yon did to Washington' Ching, the Cert McCuUough family dur­ tu tha dacaaaed, o u y caS Sales and Service FariUon. 83 pfiges brinotUI o f aew- cheater Evening Herald. 1150 Avo- 93 Wrils Street Phone 72S4 tMtoctor o f M ^ ^ ’ ing Umy, The McCuUougha have ^ business with Goodehild, Jr., TODAY” “ ,n r y aad Van Saadt fun- M7 MAIN 8TRBBT lag intorm a^. Free gift pattern nue o f the Americas. Wes- York 18, and OmcUtotlon servtca. two daughters. Janice Kay waa 130 CENTER STREET MANCHESTER printad la bMk. N. Y . -- -n North street thst Full terms were not made public 11 on the 7th. Karene Sue was N n l t ^ fiSBdiqg H Siliu 8f the Gfistnet 7 on Uu U th . 1^-:. [UlUlWilHIUlUllUttlllUlUIIIII^^^ i

. j MANCHESTER EVENINO HERALD. MANCHESTER. OONM-MONDAY, JUNE 14, 194S MANTHFarrER RVENING HERALD. MANrHKRTBH MONDAY. JUNE 14. IMS r A 0 i : i Woman Debates Wins Honors Gets Law Degree Member of 1892 Claia la Graduated T ru st Fund i Dems* Delegate Slate At Graduation Attends Commencement To Aid Gary Motors Pin First Defeat of Season on Italians^ 6 to Geofga H. Hall ot 129 ToUand.i. friends, and Ur. Bowers succaedad Local Boy to Be Recip­ Wm. R. Thornton Is Turnpike, in the Oakland aectlon in getting young Mr. Hall to joto c. Mw HoH». •»|SS25i.1 S S n rrb T 'S (riven Coveted Fenn of the------town, attended- - . — .-J the .68th . . . . y ,, pubUahtag plant ient of Aaaiatance ir Home Ron Aee commencement excrctoea at the In New York. Ha w m aoon ovm> Medical Costs Tmm. Ames to optn hint of difference* or cominc Trophy at Kingswood University of Connecticut at •acr of tha praaa room and bald Four Teams Bunched Fight Enlivens M * V 1 'decUlon* m*rred th* *inoolh op- Storrs this week-end, when a class other important positions. He bad H a ^ e M r * . IH a iy v a i - ' emtioB of this convention William Barton Thornton of 608 of 782 was graduated. It ao hap­ previously been empimad at th* The atory of how jnan at adcnca, It had been feared by some lead­ of maUn- dele^Uon to Preaident Truman, tion from "Kingawood School." three of that small-claae still liv­ Ha marrtad the former Mlaa year-old. handicapped boy. to being Bad* • vigerou* effort to but thla did not develop. The con­ Weft Hartford recently. Bill wa* ing. In those daya ten waa about Jennie Strong, a local school­ unfolded today here, whera RaV. BrareBy Gianto, CardsI Covey and Gentileore t e tlw propoeed *l*t* of dele- vention did. however, approve the awarded the coveted "len n the average number to graduate, Dr. John L. Lou^ran, paator of teacher and thay HvmI In New A t Fight fUma ware a thfcg of the Oo^panefaed S L to the Dereocratic National unit rule for the delegation, Trophy ' given annually to the and the training waa along agri­ York for a number of ycara, until St. James's church, hasda a nawly- And PiratM in Hol i Local Sport Trade Blows in Twi Few pogUlatla tarn ttom Mnn-TpnatTeeally m RO the Joe Loula and vwttan a* th* party held lt» nrlegates Elected ftuderit who attained the highcat cultural pursuits at "Connecticut her father, the tot* R. N. Strang e formed trust fund setup to defray Pennant Race; -Kiner aattooaHy ------a eonvenUon at BuahneU Me- The following delegatca to the in athletic* and acholar Aggie." tha boy's surgical expenses and cheater Jouracyed to Newark teat I Jaraay Jaa Wolaatt bout laat year. Softball Game; Chag toes (B) health failed and Mra. Hall apent Chatter Thuradny aveniag for tba arorkTs! llaiuigar Ranaon brought Um pic- •aHaL Boiitford. Saturdaj* mom-July 12 Philadelphia National con " aliip. and he aleo received the Mr. Hall wa* th* son of the tote much time with him. provide for hia education and sup- And Sauer Hh Homen AaB.H.FO.A.& < a g rt until he reaches tha age ot ndddlqwaigbt ohamplnnablp bout! tara to Manrhsatar and Um Inter- Scatters Two Binglea w. Th* >1***1 tntioduced for con* ven'tlon were elected: ■Optlrau* O vla’ award ime- Mr. and Mra. George Hall, long­ Mr. Hall ratired aom* 12 or 18 . B 1 8 f I I Full Vetee Qua Onudtoa luM Jnekto Babb batwaan tha than chnOangar Tony oat waa anMilngly Mgh. PhlUlpa, 8h . . • BBllgfi' jl^atlnn waa atated to have been morialire* In Seavern Hall thoae time realdenta of North Elm street yrara ago, and hM amce apent his By Jaa ailekli'r M aiad aftAr conaultatlon amonir Jerome H. Kohn. Hartford; and nelghbora of the tot* Senator Gary, who has spent more than wfH spend the aamoMr mentha aa ito and Um champ of tha 166 < ite m Atoea Y te a ^hagnan. p .. .. 8 1 1 8 B t bov* who throughout their cour»e, leisure lime contentedly at the half of hia lifetime in hospitals, Sm aalon al district leader* and Stephen K. Elliott. Southington; . a * ' Arthur E. and Judge Herbert O. Strong homestead, looking after By The Aaaactatei Frees Ukagunrda nt a aantby AUaatte padatA Itoeky Ctinok McCarthy is no longar mtowsM. 3h ..3 • B B t B Paul R. Connery, Norwalh; C or-; have dl.ftlnqulahed themaeUea waa born without ear*. On Jun* m Storttog Wadneadny night at the tata party leader* who finally Bowers. Arthur Bowers waa ad­ tho place, planting a small garden U National Laagua, noted for banch. Both ataa ptoyad feotbaU at ’ ^ ■ aporto .editor of the Bristol Press. ItaUana ...... 8 1 1.000 Osvay, e .... . 3 1 • B 1 • * neliua V. Mulvlhlll, Bridgeport: Jo- g^ood iltiEcniiK 10, Dr. Lyndon A. Peer of West Us cloaa panaant raeaa, la atog- tha Uahranlty of OmuMctleut last State thaater In Manchaatai Vnga. N .. . ■read on the name* of 30 dele- Hia ftandin* wa* exempllfled In vertising soliciter for many yeara during the summers, and taking r? i ‘Am Mandar rad-haad made nosny F to o ra ...... 4 1 .800 ..3 1 B 8 • f ' and 30 alternate* which did aeph DePaola. Meriden; Harold C. Aalkony f . Oryk with Munsey'a magaalne, a popu­ Mekarfl W. Law Orange, N. J„ completed hta 22nd 'tog ofM tbla yaar that promlaea to aaaaon. Qaadtao atarrad nt hnlf- oomplata nwtkm plctuxaa of tha M otors...... 3 3 .500Aaraa. lb .. .4 fififitB- ______Donegan, New Haven; T. Emmet the School f*laa* Book, ‘The much tntereat in the North End operation at a Newark. N. J„ hos­ frtandi to Mancheater during hto ot iBcIode the name of Mra. Mary lar publication about the turn of Improvement Aasoctation of all Ilka back whOe Robb waa aa and. atant-baag acrap win ba abemn an tenure aa Bell Toam sports editor. InfHaa ...... 2 3 .400Roatek, cf .. . 4 1 1 1 f t Hartford, preaident of i Clarle. Kllllngly: John J. Tynan, Wy\em." aa follow*: pital, stKcessfully creating for the waya by cosapaztoon. Um aciaan. Maiugar Jack Baaaon Nlcholaa-Bristol ____ 2 3 .400Maaoa. r t . . . "In the fall of 1942. Kingawood Anthony J. Gryk, son of Mr*. the century. Mr. Bowers and Pub­ which he waa an officer and con­ Richard Willard Law of Man­ He receuUy oontplated 17 yean . 1 1 B • B • IBha StaleState Federation of Dr mo- i MIMle^wn; ''’‘" ‘••J' a^MmJaMn’ lisher Frank Munaey were good chester was a member of the youngster ear* of hi* own flesh w ith Um aaaaon nearly one third ftoo members of tha Mi said Um figh t plctawaa arouM ba North Enda...... 2 4 ASS Torrlngton; end John 8. Monagan, School had the good fortune to Sophia Gryk of 76 Wells street, tinues M 'a director. and cartilage. Aside from minor artth the pnpa r.. . BlU TuthiH’s fM t ratic Worsen. was graduated from th* Univer- largest graduating class in St, gone, tha gap batwaan the oo- tor High faculty nrq ■hown n t nU parfornmneaa Wad- flfUi mils bankad midget ra Kaeeya ...... i 5 .187Totato ...... T 1 It waa In bahalf of honoring Waterburj-. Lawrence University'a 92-year his­ treatments, Gary, youngest person toadlng New York Otoats and tha Churdi ■oftbnil Laagua. DIek nsadny through Saturday: Half Votes I Bity of Connecticut School of Law ever to undergo such unique and track at Stafford Springa has be tn . Valent* that Mr*. Holden I on Sunday afternoon. June 13, tory to receive degree* at Gunni­ ■baton Braves and tbs fourth Danlalaon parfonaa with tha Oin- ThiM. ona of tha b lg g ^ cham- the alto of flrat main event artos Booring four big runa In tha Homer S. Cummings. Green­ son Memorial Chapel exercises expensive surgery, to through with placa 8 t Louis Cardlnala to only tor (3ongw and Walkor Brlggn la pkmahlp nttraeUoaa In yonra arm •ok tba floor. wich: Senator Brian McMahon, with the degree of LL.D. The ' Injuries Fatal Pick 3 Here long hospital sojourns. for Bm DUe, Bob Minor and Georga aacood inning Cantor Motors def- B . Paganl, I commencement exercises were held | yesterday at Canton, N. Y. Sena­ ona and ona half gnmas. Pitta- the Spartaaa* oatchar. ba b i t n ^ t to Um acrean. practical­ Flannke. Each received the check­ w, i.,tinT T.,rn^t"u'had' alwava ' Norwalk; John M. BaUey, Hart- tor George Aiken (Rep., Vt.) deliv­ Delicate Surgery burgh to to third ptaoa, a gama ly to the backyard ef many iteg feated the Italian Americans to K arr. Sh ...... 3 0 • B 1 f F e t o ^ out that It charlea E. Mahoney. Wind- ‘ on the campus of the University | ered f la v o r the first time to hto a B o f t ^ Twilight Leagu* gama leaB tha custom to include the , at Storr.*, Connecticut. | F o r LfOeal Man For DAV Posts ered the commencement address to Gary'* new ears, result of deli­ behind tha laader. Judge RayaMmd Bowers, to a addicts. onraar . Ford powered enra have M. OBrrcatl. lh,p 8 • 1 8 1 1 •or; Mayor Henry J . Owlasda, more than 190 candidates for cate grafting from different parts 'The Ught altuattaa doaa not and Zale belted Qraalano out to IdM under th* Ughu Saturday night at Oanticora, cf ..3 0 1 I B t (kderatlen president among the New Britain; Mr*. Agnes McKee, I Mr. (Jryk is married to the for- . eonvaranUon with Chief Harman grabhad th* apoUight to date at Megataa or alternates, Mra. Hold- ■ mer Mi** Anne Bankowskl of New | graduate and undergraduate de­ of his body, are unable to make there. The fifth ptooa PhllPea flcbendal tost Raturdny, said of round thrae but only after seven Stafford Springs. . . Ttd Tappatt Robertson Park by a 6 to 0 acora. GaUL p. r f ----- 3 0 0 6 1 8 E^ast Hartford; Alexander S. grees. him hear. Even surgical miracles are only two and a half yamea off minutes of tha bloodlaat and most Greene. If ___ 3 0 0 30 0 *1 damanded that euch recognition Lynch, West Haven; Thorn** K, i Britsin. Conn, hss a daughter, Calvin S. Edwards Sue* Newly Elected (Aim- had a wonderful dog that could arou th* feature at West Spring- The fuse Uiat was hit between M accorded Mra. Valentr. She waa and now reside* at 28 Cottage | Mr. Law lives at 40 Coburn cannot provide him with eardrums. tba paoa. Only eight and a naif play baaebnD—axc^lng at •avagely oonteatad fight la many field tost Saturday night with Bin P. Correnti rf.lb 1 0 0 1 0 I Keyes, New Haven; Arthur Hule, road in Manchester. It was hia desire to have eara Ilka game aeiMrnta the Inat place Chi­ y aan . these two ttsma during the 1947 BouUUtot, e ... 3 6 0 6 6 1 mtnmA In thi* effort by Mr*. EIlz- North Branford. street. | rumba at Hospital Aft­ m andfr Honors L ocm I Ing catches with hia mouth of Schindler second . . M to washed ibath OMbett of Hartford. He graduated from Clark Uni­ other boys that decided hia par­ cago CuIm from tha laa-Mra. thrown balto aa wall ns ratriavtag. The oompleta blow by blow ac­ aeaaon waa again hit in this game E. PaganL 3b ..3 0 6 4 I •* Dr. Frank Anastaalo. New Ha- ent* to *ee to it that Gary had out the scheduled card at Cherry Remarking to Senator Brian, Chester Bowles, Essex; versity in 1938 and taught in the I er .4iito Crash Men With Positions For comparative purpoaea, the count arin ba shown with tha run­ Fark tost night It waa tha third aa another flsreup occured to the McMahon, convenUon preaident. ' public school* in Mancheater for j ordinary ears and so escape the fourth place Detroit Tlgai’a to the ning Ume tarenty mtoutaa In ad­ Th* powerful Houaa of David last half of the aeeond inning. Tbtato ...... 88 8 3 U 8 8 Thomas J. Dodd Lebanon;-Ray­ cruel barbs of his playmates. He Dancing Danny Falcana and ratoout in nine aebadulad naaets Jiat *the women have aupported mond S. Tatcher, East Hampton; four years until his enlistment in j Calvin F. Edwards. 28. of 124 ■Vincent Uricchlo, of Hartforff, Potato Crops American League are c ^ t gamea Jack Arnutrog arc atotad to ap­ dition to Um fight Itself, aeanaa at Um Avon fifth mil* ovaL . . . . baseball tcam-wfll appear'to fun With th* Italians at bat. Dam Inntnga: m the Army Air Corp* in October, : has been hearing normally with a in back of the pava-aetUng d are- around ringside and notahlaa praa- OentUcore ano Charley Oovey col­ J party and helped elect you." Mr*. Eather K. Taft, Norwich; High street, died at the Manches­ newly elected .State Comniaiktor new hearing aid provided last year pear In neitlon aa Um next bdxtog Motorcycle raring ataita Wednea fores Wednesday night for their M otor* ...... 048 on O—• . Iftra. Corbett urged that Mrs. 1942. in which he served for three : land Indlaas. ent artn be shoan* Including Barney day. Jun* 23 at Cherry Park . . . lided at the plate aa Genttleora Mayor Thomas NelUgan. Ansonla; ter Memorial hospital at 3:15 I'at- of the Dlaabled American Veter- Topic of Talk by Irving 1. Schachtel, president of card at Ocaaa Beach, Now Lon­ scheduled night contest with Naa­ Runt* batted to. Gazsa 3. FhU- Falasta be inClutM in the dele- Maurice Tengney, Waterbury; and a half year*. While In the Bravaa Back aa Tap Roaa, Jack Dampaey and OaiM PMIadelphla rhilliea vm spoaaor came tn fro.n third base and th* Sonotone Corporation, who took a don. Both boya are trainad by Tunney. All knockdoama arm be siffs undsr Um UghU at M t Naha. Ups 3; two-basa hlto, O m M ecra; « iStlaa. George Carr. Norfolk: State Rep- I service, he wa* a Plans and Train- urday afternoon a* a result of an«, honored Manchester mem­ The Bravaa, wno droppad out of Pato VandrUIa. Tba totter a kaaahall school at Norwalk, Juite field waa iinmediataly fUtod with ' Ing Officer In the Armament School' personal Intereat in the youngster, ahoam tn alow motloa. Thera wara Ths boys with the Io m btarfis players anJ fans with mayham la thra* baas Mta, Chaanau; atolsa Sanator McMahon aaked Mra. reeentative Clara O’Shea, Beacon multiple injuries incurred In an ber* in hia Hat of committee ap­ " I f * my radio," «ays Gary, "and tha lead Saturday when they Buf­ haadlaa hto aon. Pa^ ona ot tba 19-81 arith Jo t Labate Ir ebarga . . bam* Aano, Mllew^ Gana S i Ttn|i~ whom ah* propoaed to eli- at Lowry Field. Denver. Colorado, ' automobile accident on Finley Memlirrs of kiwanis fered a doubis loaa to CinclnnaU, three oocaaiona whan GraMano The Boaton Braves are atotad to are coached by Andy ifsrMloeh, tiieir eyes. P*sy waa resumed after Falla; Joseph M. Zone, Stamford; pointments released tmlay. Wil­ the kids try to listen in with me.” batter club flgbtan to New Eng who St the present time la also a euertBoaa. PMUlpa, MltowaM. Mu- Siaata so that Mra. Valente might and Luev Conlff, Danbury. ' and at the time of his discharge street shortly before midnight bounced back into a first place Ua biased the canvas. The third whan mak* a Hartford appaaranca totor ten minutes and the ItaUana, I was the officer in chdrge of train- I liam Gordon has been named aa Club Hpar Address by Made by Sonotone, the instrument Nstlonsl League hasebaO aooot ■on; doubto ptoy*, B. Pataal 9* - srv *. As Mra. Holden hesitated, The following altemete* were Friday, A native of Mancheater, is a special bone-conduction device aith tha Otanta yaatarday by he took the final count tn the third In Um aeaann to engage tha Eaatern minua their istching aee, Eddie i*«*taiteai Bnig that if no substltu- I ing aid* with the rank of First Chief of Staff, and (folonel ■ E. hesL They boast 17 victorias In 11 ooo- Mlkuckl who could not ba ac­ M. OarreaU. PMUlpa to MilawaM'’ elected; Jeme* M. Roche, New Ha­ he was the son of the late George which Rhort-circuit* sound waves dumping tha Rada twlca In Cto- m League Hartford Chlefa. ' Lieutenant. Verne Stewart, of the Pioneer Government Man U Twilight Baaaball League teau ptoyed to data and an con­ counted for, went down to thair to Aaron; basaa on baBa, GaBl R t|M was hrrolved. he would have ven; James P. Geelan, New Ha­ F. and Lillie A. i Wheeler I EM- through the boy'* skull, and from ctonaU. 8-7 and 10-6. The Rads may acheduto eeveral Sunday aa-mle the Holden motion out of i Mr. Gryk'* brother. Wesley, a Parachute Company, has been sidered one of the best of tha orig­ flrat defeat of Um a**sen. Without Cbrrvatl 8, Chagaoa 3; atithaanta. ven; Frank nancy. East Haven; wards and attended local school. A Potatoe* waa the topic of Al- *'* has been able to hear blew a atx-run lead to tha first gamea la order to gH poatponed Vincent Vlllano, New Haven: Tee- ' graduate of the Boston University named chairman of public rela­ gauM. Eddie Btanky drova to inal travelling attrncUona. thair star hurier, tha ItaUana a n Gam 8. CTiagmm 4 ; Mta • « O alR s j 1 * World \t'ar II veteran he was a games to befon Um and of Jun*. 4 for 5 run* in 5 inning*; OMrautl " it iB . Balden promptly suggested ale Wawwrmen. New Haven; EUx- Wm. B. Thornioa School of I-aw. now a practicing member of the National Guard tions and publicity for the state. bel t Sweeten at the weekly dinner gm,., ^ia recent hoapltal dia- Bobby Sturgeon with tha wtonlng (Joach Hershock win atari In left the «ame aa any othar team to th* Mia. Valanta be named in I at^rney in Manchester. Samuel Taggart, commander of Tba PA'a maat Moriarty** Monday Moriarty^s and Poles field. Davenport, who ptoya aac­ laagua, which proves that pltehtog 1 tor I nm la 3 hR bff- abeth King. New Haven; Arthur and of Dilworth-Cornell-Quey meeting of the Manchester Ki- j charge, little Gary, whose forU- run to climax a four-nm atoth- night and tba fallowing night th* ptaM t t Mra. Thomas J . SpelUcy Sebert Coventry: Mr*. Beatrice have Bill'a name placed on the list | Manchester Chapter, DAV, is list­ wania Club this noon at the Coun- ^ Inntng rally. ond base, performed wltn Albany. I* the difference batwaea a wto- pitcher, by Chegoa 1. GaUI 1; - Post. American Legion. ' tude and courage have not failed same two teams are scheduled Georgia, one of the Chrdlnato’ farm aC nutfbrd. Chadbourae, Scotland: Mr*. Doro­ of iU student*. Bill Immediately' He leaves his wife. Mrs. Thelma ed for an important post, but try Club. In the aacond gaaM Bob EUi- Pat O^Siillivan nlng and hiring team. bAlk. Cbfraatli M in d b^Ui. ^ him since hia first oneration at th* again tn a postponed gana*. teams. E3lis wUl b* In center BouthUat 3; loring pltchsr. GalU: Mata Chairman John M. BaUey, thy SatU, New London: H. Fran- signed up for three major • Bryant) Edwards, RN; and two Commander Uricchio is not yet Mr. Sweeton, a member of the age of 14 months, has been the ob­ ott'a fifth Inning hooM run with Open Busy Twi Slate !*■ registering hit third win In ilsiaiVlng ea the motion, said cla McLaughlih. Jewett City. the school had to offer for .... , Guest Speaker prepared to announce the duty he United States Agricultural Con­ two matea aboard gave tba Bravaa field. Third Baseman Mackey ■lx irterU. Jerry Chagnon b*M th* umptraa, Schwab, lolray; ttma'' brother*. Frederick G. Eldward* of ject of sympathetic acknowledg­ Naariffs wUl ptoy a doubtohead Favored to Win ptoyed with Um Chicago Cuba tn that ha had long been closely allied i Joseph Me»trl. Colcheater; Rob York Club. Hi* athletic proweaa | Manchester and Kenneth W. Eld- will be assigned. version Commission, said the 1946 a commanding laaa Hank Bauer Italian* to two hlto. On* waa a 1:30. ments from all over the country. ■r Wadnaaday night. Manager 1943 as wsU SS to ths Pnelflc Ooart ground rul* double off the bat in party work with Mrs. Valente art Pigeon, Tolland; Mary C. quickly a * ‘'^*‘* lecognition. and wards of Miami, Fla. Of 128 delegatca there were 123 crop was the best in recent times Father Loughran has enlisted the of the Reds hit hia 18th and Itth weaker atsters this year, win be a ■M hald her in high esteem, Hauaman. Stratford; Ellxabeth At GOP Meet present and voting at the conven­ Oaorga MltcbsU’a amUUoua team New Britain, June 14—(jn— Four Gamee Scheduled League. Ey>lod*no wU lb* to right of aentilcor* and th* othar wa* a he received hi* Wyvern award in I The funeral will be held at two but due to limited transportation aid of interested neighbors, service home runs and tripled to the angagaa RockvUto to a Twilight rejuvenated ball club fresh from naked by Dtotrlcte Dolan, Bridgeport; John F. Mc­ tion In New Haven. The officer*’ j facilities many went to waste, ond game. field and at short trill bs Watson line *lnfle by Hippo OomnU In an odd fioubl* play la th a gam a, all three *port». - - - , o'clock tomorrow afternoon at clubs and other organizations, to League gam* at tha Oval at 6 With Grace Lenexyk ouL It looked Thie Week at Oval; thair tic game with the hot Naa- who has seen servlos with the Al­ the result of the batter not run­ Ho polntad out, however, that Carthy. Bridgeport: Edward When the next school year Mra. James L. McConaughy of the \V. P. Quish E'Uneral Home at alate was unanimously adopted Potato surpluses oceur only The Giants and Cardlnala a ^ t the third. Shine, Fairfield; Theresa Hudson, create the fund for Gary. He is be­ o’clock and thrae hours tator at today as though Patricia O'Sulli­ alff club. Frank KlnaL playing lentown Red Birds. First Bass- Seata Four Runa ning out an Infield fly with a baas ' tha drafting of tha list of dele- rolled around. "Red” again show­ Cornwall, widow of the tote Gov- j 726 Main street. Rev. Raynold when presented by the nominating once in four years when growers ing assisted by Timothy P. Hollo- a couple of close declalons. 'Hm Gae Houeere Anxioue coach of the Clintoa atroat nine, n ta a had bean placed In the Stamford: Anthony Mazz*. Green­ committee. chose their own courses, the speak­ ML Nebo tha Arms maat the van hardly can mtsa winning her man Clin* to Um proparty of tbs runner on first In th* ItahansO ed his abiUty to keep Kingawood Johnson of the Covenant Congre- ran, mortician and Attorney John Qlanta won the first gams. 8-7, will have both Al Burowlec and CinclnnaU Reds. Four big nuia and th* baQ game ' hands of the various congressional wich; John A. Membrlno, Water­ error McConaughy of Connecticut, er said. The country requires and the Ctorda took the second, S-2, baardad House of David undar the second straight OoiUMcUcut Wo­ To Turn Back PA'e waa the Motor* affort to tte a*o» fourth. Gain firow a waBi wtth^ School in high sport* standing. In gational rhurch will conduct the J . O'Ckmnor of Mancheater. and by UghU. Snap Server ready fOr mound The Davids boast two fine rs- non* out Johnny Groan* Mt a^ dtotrifts. Tha change, he said, waa bury; Winifred McDonald, Weter- will be the guest speaker at the | services. Interment will be in the 375,000,000 bushels of potatoes a ■napping a five-game loring men’s Golf AsaoctoUon crown nt ond inning on two eoUd hit*, two bury. his Second E'orm, Bill was elected J. B. Thwlng of Hartford, who fit­ duty, with Eddie Wlarzblcki be­ ceivers in Mocrick and Petlongo. short toftoM fly to tha right o<> aaosiderad to make for more lib- co-prealdent of the York riub, and luncheon-meeting of the Manchea-1 Grove Hill cemetery, Rockrille. year. Mr. Sweeton declared. He streak. the ShutUe Meadow Country (Jlub "Rain, rsin, stay swsy, bacause hind th* plate. Harry Beruardl. walk* off GaiU and a hit batsman, Matthew Scully, Naugatuck; further atated that a small farm­ ted Gary hia hearing aid last Oc­ A special SporUmen’a Show Mocrlck ptoyed with Pine Bluffs In covey Slid Ektdi* Vilga both drew tiM mound. PhlIttpA Motora thM * araUty in the aelectlon of dele- also waa made captain of the foot­ ter Women * Republican CUib, j C'ondltloa of Others tober and called the child's plight The Canto squelched a ninth- h m . we’ve got four games to ptoy." Pete Staum and big Georga Dixon fBtea, and did away with hinU I Agnes Proulx. Mlddlebury; Nor- | Obituary er cannot exist aa an individual inning Giant uprising to eke out oommittaa maettog wlU ba held the WesUrn League, while the tot­ walks nnd OaUi than got th* next baseman, caught th* hsU, dnfM fis I man Dube, New Milford; Alfred |ball. haaketball and baseball Thursday. June 17, at 12:30 at the ' The condition of the other three to Mr. Schachtel’s attention. Tuesday avantog a t 8 o’clock at ^ to s Lenexyk from Newington, That’s i t sport fsns. A heavy will be on hnnd to supply the ter belongs to ths S t Louis Ctordl- It tomad to MUawrid an aaaaafi* khM d ^ gatea were picked by men involved in the accident re­ under the present economic condi­ a second game win. Harry Bra- DOW totornatlonally famoii*, to schedule to on tap for this week's punch St the plat*. two batters. BiU Mtlewaki waa Mt ! IJeAngellia. Tonington; Mra. Mar- >teams.. tions. Gary was born in Greenville. Pa. tha Center Springe Lodge. Any nato. to force GMU at aaeend aafi MOaw * noas central authority. Manchester Country Club. In hon­ mained the. same today at the cheen, who was chnrgad with the passing up the state tourney for scUvlUcs In the Twilight Lesgus. Game Ume la 6 o’clock with th* by a pitched ball and th* ' garet IVrottl, Hartford; Julia In his Third Form year. his or of the convention delegates, , The attendance prize, donated HI* parent*. Mr. and Mr*. Harry member of the Mnncbaeter DlvU Four ouUtandlag chuekers are loaded with two out*. Larry G an a aki toaaafi to Anu at Brat Mra. Holden'a motion for Mrs. popularity with hia rlaasraates hospital. All are still in a serious Laag of 148 Biasell street, have flrat gama defeat, retired the last the Women’s NnUonal Interoolle- It’s only a week before launching usual sttendnnce pris* being Itotod on the visitors’ roster. Mair I Hughes, Hartford; Mr*. Thomas Mr*. Francl* Burke Redick, secre- ■ by William Rublnow, waa won by two men tn th* ninth of the night­ akm who baa not made raffle re­ cam* through with a aoUd atogl* for tb* doubt* play. Xs tbs Motora < "Vaiente, put to vote, waa lost. ' J. Spellacy, Hartford; William i waa recognized furtlier by hia be­ condition. one daughter, Judy, 11 yeara old. turns Is asked to do so today to giste competiUon which atarta to­ the summer campaign, and the awarded. to formerly of Pann State, Logan seveoth Innlag with Oovagr ait flrat ' i Oalegatas from the 17th aena- tary of State, and Mra. Martha I Funerals James Duffy. cap with the tying and winning as Oovey ano Vilga aoond with I Burpee, Rocky Hill; Lawrence ing elected vice-president of the Those injured are: Herbert Joe Deacon. day nt (Tofumbua. O. league has already been cet back of th* Western League, Danardo of m, Vilga hlV a pop up • fisit to itorial district protested also Dewing. I Tomlinson, 20, of 9 Pioneer circle: runs on the bases. A final with Grace and Pat, an over a week with four poetponed Mllewakt gotog to third and Gaaaa I Moran, Bristol; and James R. Rab- upper Third Form. He advanced LIttto Rock, and glack of tha Pa­ to eocond. Oacar PhllUpa Umu oame tha right of aeeond bai iagaiiut the national delegation Reservations for the luncheon ! John Wagner, of 9 South Main Ctiarlotto F. Fisher Ralph Ktoer bammerad out hia excellent possibility had not the games and tost Friday’s overtime cific Coast League. Just who will bett, Windsor Locka. i to intermediate sports, w'-ere he should be made by Wednesday at 1 The funeral of Charlotte Find­ 16th and iTth hom* runa of tha HoUy Maadtoy, ranking Man- MAJOR LEAGUE through with another atogl* fiawn nboleai and aikad to know who it 1 In street, and August CU-abino, 22, chaater golfer, wm ba the dafand- conflict In dates ■rl**n, would tie oontest between Nssslffs and draw th* starting asaignment tt^fM nfilTigra^ again was a tiiree-Ietter man. the latest through Mrs. William ' lay Fisher, wife of Shepherd Fish­ season to toad Um Plrntaa to a 9-3 Um middle to aoora Mltaxrakl and waa that submitted tha names i addition to his achievement* in of 12 Glenwood street. tag chaniplon in the State Ama­ have baen worth going milea to Um PA'S must bs mads up. To­ against the locals win not be to nsca Osvay aafi from the congressional district in G. Crswford. Mrs. L. T. Wood, I er of Diamond Lake, Glastonbury, AT second gnuM victory over Phila­ ■ae. night’s contest between the PA’s Gaan with tha third aad touith Leaders Plan i athletic*. Bill continued to main- teur Golf Champlonablp Tournn- known prior to gam* time. runa aad the Motors lad 4 to 0. OomnU an not for tl which they reside. No action other Mrs. Robert J. Smith or Mrs. | waa held yesterday afternoon at delphia after the Phils bad copped Thera no longer to any doubt but and Mortarty’s is th* beginning of Although gam* time to listed for ptoy. I tain a high scholastic average and George F. Borst. th* Holmes Funeral Home, 400 the opener, 8-7. noant which wm ba ptoy^ June 26- PhUUpa contlancd to steond ea the tham questioning, however, de- July 1 at the OrMnwlch (Country that the popular 21-year-old Miss a rough acbsdul* in an attempt to By The Aasodatefi Preas 9 o’clock, baseball fsns are urged aa/t am Night Session waa placed on the Honor Roll for Main street. ONCE get things rolling along agsln. throw-in ^ t waa out by two B y aomlng tba i vclopad bare. E'ollowing is the list of patron­ Local Students Sahmlta Wins Mztb Club. Entries wm cloaa Friday O’Sullivan from Orange and Race Amerlraa Lcogac to get there early so as to witness at tha final saara tba Bi the full year. Oortbtnian Chapter, Order of the CASH Batting-W lllJams, Boaton .398 Btapo aa he tried to mak* third to laltan Dslagntlan esses of the affair: Mrs. Cecil Eng­ Johnny Sebmita registered hia the baseball “rircua" ra t on by (CoatuiMd troaa Page Um ) I In Bill’s Fourth Form year, he for parUclpanta. Brook appears to be following in These two teams will b* meet­ end the inning. BOW withto naeh at dM Tha seating of the Bolton dale- land, Mr*. Bherwoocl Bowers, Mra. , Etoatern Star of Hartford of w’hlch alxUi victory of the aeaaon and hia Graos's footatspa. Th* pewly- ing each other for the first Ume Boudreau, Clsveland .363. these bearded baseball wizards. was elected president of his clasa th* deceased was a member, waa WANTED 1,000 1 leading ct( Um XtaUSM *«onnd, a atoa hav* aas dsB vSation waa not decided untU Bat- Raymond Hagedorn, Mrs. John Given Degrees third over Brooklyn when he Tha Brittoh Americana today erowaad Eastern Women's Golf this season. Their first round Runa batted in—WlUlama, Bos­ Their "pepper gams" to out of this itara allmbafi into tM adjourn next Saturday they will | ^ excellent jab of repre­ in charge of the servee. Burial hurled the Cuba to a 3-1 victory ton 55; DlMagglo, New York 48. world. And mom, and dad, thla Gentileore dumped a liner Juet in­ lurday morning when the cradsn- quit until next January unless j ^is form that year on the Lappen, Mrs. Alden Bailey, Mrs. > burled a challenge at Nasslffa for champ isn’t resting on her laurels, game was rained out, and will be side the left field foul ItaM and wtth th* wta. . tiSls eemmitta* In Its report gave , Harold Turkington. Mra.. Carl E. ------I will take place at the convenience AUTOMOBILES over tha Dodgers to C bica«. Oil played tomorrow night Th* Polss Runs—Williams. Boston 45: Di- ia one gam* that you'll want to G.O.P. leader* recall th* leglala- g^udent Coimcll. Besides maln- Nine Mancheater resident* were family. a baseball game Sunday afternoon however. She Intends to taka noth­ earn* all the way around to ^ •Seb of tour disputing delegates a I Hultine. Mr*. Joseph Russell. Mra. Hodgea’ spoiled Schmitz’ Mutout ing for grantsd sven though hardly are currently riding to the third Mageio, Boston 37. take the kiddles to see. It wiU be tora before then. The recaU pro-1 his high scholastic rating awarded degrees a t . the annual ; ------— a t ML Nebo on a wtoner-taka-all their thrUI of a Ufetlme. plate and this wsa the ptoy that hsK vats each. I George H Waddell, Mrs. diaries bid with his third homer. baals. Tha BA’s won n Twl Lcnyie anybody In the field of over 80 ex­ ■pot with ■ .500 record of two Hits—Wlllisma. Boston 70; Bou­ vtolon to a "string’’ Martin w ants; played three commencement ceremonies held in .\ana P. .\ndrulot The New York Yankees anlvag- started the fireworks thra* waaka Tht dedadon came after the ,S. House, Mr*. W. G. Oawford. All Years — Makes — Models game from the Anna aevernl pects the personable Pat to fall and two, one full game behind dreau. devetond #3. early. Geiitllcore collided a t th* Sftarl Siekailmim to tie to the adjournment reaolu- | ^ ^.^ich he had pro- Mra. Robert J, Smith. Mrs. L. T. the baakatball "cage” at the U ni-' xhe funeral of Ann* P. Andrulot, ed the final of a four-game aertca Naasiffs. Moriarty’s. on th* other Doubtes—Boudraau, Clsvsland -nssnaltte* had heard Mis. Clyde Uon. Without it. only Preaident the first teems. For his From 1934*8 to 194R’s Regardless of Condition waaka ago but na both tanina are victim of an upset plate with Covey and In ton tlaw llsrahall. apaaklng for th* Demo- Woo Louts 8. Philsdelphto, June 14 — (F> - - Cantor Oaagsi VR Bt JkMR Coach Sugar Hugrat ha* engaged son of Edgewood, and Shirley Las- Ptoy was raauawd In a B:15—MaaoriaL oommittaa on Friday ' hia junior year. Cragin in Business Admlniatra-1 Lutheran church of Glastonbury next inning. Phil Riaauto’a hom­ Bill Brennan to eoaeh the pltebers. night would push them into third Striksouts — Brtosie, Philadel­ Connie Mack, slready alarmed whil*, and It was than (Coatlaued Irani Page Una) er off Gene Bearden in Um e ^ t b to of Mill ftlver, a youngster who along With the PA'a. over the near-collapse of hto pitch­ Ftoars vs, ladtoa. a ^ t . Tha Town Oommittaa up- A* a member of the Sixth E'orm, tion: and Newell Tiemann in i officiated. Bearers were Edward has been playtog Okceptlonally phia 54; Lemon, Clsvaland 51. that th* hit by Gantiloora waa a hnd tha caucuo rules adopted at Bill was appointed a Prefect by Chemistry. j Fromerth, Harry Fromerth, Elmer offset a counter attack by the In­ coach Vic Pafani will have his Pitching —> Raaehi, New York ing stsff, had trouble today. a few hours of each other. Warren Seven Local Bovs Htotory repeated Saturday eve­ well lately, rate. ground .rule doubla, dua to the s party cuueua tn August 1946 and the Faculty. In sports thla year. Bachelor of Art degree* were Dunning, Edward and August diana In the ninth. ning when the Ttalinne and Motor* chargaa all wound up to anstch T-1 .875; Bearden, Cleveland 6-i principals are th* vet*rail8 cars bring parkad an the flatd waa flrat to reach here and when CAFITOL MOTORS. Inc. m An Ifi-hole qualifying round Is eaiplslBOd they had not baen used Bill was elected co-captain of the awarded to; Ann Goodchild In Pudmat and Charles Stanat. Jr. 11 Phlindelphla AthieUca apllt third place from the Poles. Art ,85T. of the hurling corps for Mack‘9 where the tall waa hIL Th* rale Mortarty’s va PA’a i p. 4B, * - Denvay'a motor caravan pulled up a double-header with the 8t. LMia oolUdad and a fight developed. A today’a target Is 1P47 baeauae tha incumbent first football team and played on Enlist ill Navv Sociology; Conatance J. Kehler in i Burial waa in the family lot in 368 MAIN STREET HARTFORD yaar ago it waa a free-for-all Patton, Jaka Banka, and Johnny Nsitansi Laagna Pbitodelphis Athletics — 38-y*af- waa made by tha oaptalns and um­ OvaL fowa ohalrman did not oaa flt to be went out to the porch atepa to the basketball and baseball team*. ■English; and Gerald T. Sapiens* | Center cemetery. South Wlnd.sor. Browns to creep within three Match play begins tomorrow CThomick are expected to wield the old Nelson Potter. MB’s va Motora, 9 p. aa B sh whlla aaalar beads prevented n with Um S6-hoto on Friday. BstUng-M uslal, B t Louts .176. pires prior to the game but npo thorn. I t waa pointed out that meet the New Yorker and shake He was a member of the Dance ' in English. I ------gamea of the American L e a ^ heavy bats. Pngsnl will, in nil Holmes, Boston .873, Dietrich dsmzhded hto uncoafit- not relayed to the announcer Or SrXWOtL hand*. Seven Manche.ster men. all leading Indians. They wen The repeUUui kat Saturday eight al­ probability call on the aee of bla tlonal release and Mack aald okay U f rulfO ompowand the Town j committee, head of the circulation Baccalaureate exercises were j Mr*. Catherine MeSweeney Dailey though aevaral piayer9 On both Early arrivals iwtod tha Murae Runt batted in—Bauer, Cincin­ fan*. The governor'e conference Itself I members of the Manche.'-.ter High iecOnd game, 3-1, after havtng staff, port alder Georg* Bwan to BO long aa the other cluha in th* OisiTaltto* to flU any vacandea ! department ef the "New*," vlce- held at the "cage ” at 11:15 a. ro. I The funeral of Mra. Catherine teanu ware Involv^ In a brief irtto eoggy Uiia morning from yes­ nati 48; Kiner. Pittahurgh 43. Ptoy to Naoalffa va Rockvllk, t p. flL—> sad It WM ooQtandsd the nsgatlve got down to business aesslona to­ school graduatine- cisss of 1948, I John S. Mlllia, president of th e , MeSweeney Dailey of 28 High dropped the opener, 7-6. terday’s rain and tbs possibility do the shucking wiui Art Pott- league waive Dietrich’s ssrviesa. Play resumed with Gentileore on OvaL 1 president of hia clasa. vlce-pre»i- enlisted today in the United States •truggto. Runs— MusiaL Bt. Louis 44; voU os tho Msto ptaoented at the day with a round-table discuaalan dent of the Outing au b, and alao University of Vermont, waa the > street. Rockville, who died Satur- Die Tlgen went above the AOO loomad that winter rutoa sslght be grats catching. As for Potter, Mack teased him aeeond base. Chagnon gat two bat- Houaa at DavM va. MbmMR t on taxea the first item on the I Navy. • mark for the flrat ttm# to waaka Tha PA’a, oonaldarad ona of tha Ktoar. Pittsburgli and Lockman. off th* ball club yestordhy, than May I f cauoua raaulted la vacan- I a member of the •‘Claeabook’’ ' principal speaker. Mr. Mlllia dla- I day morning, will be held from t ^ usad. Naw York 41. ta n then Paul O em ntl w n hit Bw m.—M t NahR d as arhleh ahould bavs been flUed agenda. The.'V are: whan they dafaatad the ganntora reportedly relnstoUd th* aerow- by a pitched ball to place runnera ^ B t JanMa va Oak OrtU. B:1B— ' staff. Richard E. Alves. 163 Spruce cussed the part that ahould be i W. P. Quiah Funeral Home at 225 in both ends of a doublehaadar la HIta—Mualal, B t Loula T3; Aah- ball artist several hours later but ty tha Toam Committee. ! Bill has been accepted end played by religion in the life of Main street tomorrow morning at 1 M anchester burn, Philadelphia and Gustlne. on first aad third bass. Boots Charter Oah. street: Andrew Winzler, Jr., 51 9:30 followed by a requiem maaa ' Washington, 9-3 and 9-2. Standings Art Morrow, sports writer at the Bouthllet hit a grounder to short South Mathodlat va. Favorite Sons j will enter Dartmouth college. West Middle Turnpike; Douglas , every individual. He deplored the ( Rain forced the poatponemant Neto York Yankees Retire Pittsburgh 67. Philadelphia Inqulrar aald Potter Mr. JawaU stated the Town ■ Hanover, .N. H„ thla fall where at St. Bridget's church at 10 Doubles—Ruaaell. Boston 14: and Correnti waa forced at sec 8:16—MamoriaL Cwnsiltto* did not aMda by th* Anderson, 40 Hemlook atreet. "cynical" attitude found among of tha scheduled double header in conaidared himself still fired and NB’s va. lA 't i he will study engineering and manv modern college students. o'clock. Burial will be in SL Toatotfiayto Basnlts Behans. Chicago, Marshall and ond base to retire the rid* with­ n ils they uphold, that the May 18 Likely Holilouls I Robert E. Jen.sen. 321 E>st Center James’s cemetery. Boston between Chicago White left for hia home in Chicago as out a acora. FMBay. fimm 18 i business administration, and 'the street: Gilbert M. E'lavell. 33 Peck- The Baccalaureate choir under, IPublic Market! Sox and the Rad Box. Babe Ruth *s No. 3 Uniform Mtea, Naw Yorii 18. th* A’s antratosd for the WasL Cfsous WM net warned property Thera waa no more soortog then aaas of '48 send* their beet to a the direction of Professor John Hartford 7-8, Blngbamton 6-L Triplas—Mualal, Bt. Loula 8 BA’a va A ircraft 8 p. m. OaaL In' that tha rules state aucb warn- (Ceattouad frani Pago One) ard atreet; William E. Bloviah, R. 80.5-807 MAIN STREET Scranton 6-0, Wllllamaport 1-7. Th* Potter tooldeat devalraefi to until the Motors got another Rad Man va. htdlgoas, B:1B — fine athlete and a regular guy." E'. D. Carter street: and Howard Yingling sang several selection* WalCkus, CMeago T. the flret gam* of a twin bUI with ihg riiould be advertised 26 daya Elmira 5-3, WUkes-Barre 0-4. New York, Jun* 14 —(I No<^either at the Stadium or on the Home runa—Bauar, Cincinnati marker tn tn* fifth inning. With C3isitsr petor to tha maating. It waa also works out. Massachusetts’ 36 Bill IS- the son of Mr. and Mrs. Phaneuf, 14 East Maple street, including Sibelius' "Onward Ye Floors and Indies the St. Louis Browns. Mack one out, Chagnon lined a hot j William J. Thornton of 608 Wood- Peoples” and Wilhoiiaky’a ar­ AbcMit Town UUca 10. Albany 8. longer will the number ”3' grace I road. It Is worn today by the 18: Kiner, Pittahurgh 17. brought EN>tt*r to from the bull­ S t Bridget’s va North Mathafi- CBSitondad that the warning waa votes may be held in line for Sena­ Alves, Winzler and Blovish ae- Nattounl ■drive between Correnti tn right and Ut 6:16-MemoriaL tor Leverett Saltonatall much j bridge itrect. rangement of "Battle Hymn of unfform worn by n member of Bsbe for the tost time. Btolan baasa—Aahburn, Phila­ pen when Lou Brissle wsvared af­ tMiomplate In that It did not in- lected the C. B. draft.sman arhool. In Twilight Game New York t-A S t Louis 7-3. ”Bsbe la one of haseball’s Im­ Gentileore in left that went to the North tad a va. MoteSR B p. m.' Shid* spadfle inatnictiona to of- longer than had been expected: the Republic.” Today ia Flag Day. but aa ucual the New York Ynnkcaa. delphia 16; Torgeaon, Boston 10. ter bolding a 5-1 lead going Into fence. Chagnon beat the throw to Anderson and E'lavell the airman Tuesday Specials Boston 8-10, CtoctonaU 7rB. It was worn tor the tont Ume mortals. Hto contribuUon to th* Btrikeouta—JanssB, New York Robarteon. flea oaikeni m to udien and where alM New Jersey’s 38 for Gov. Al­ school, and Jensen and Phaneuf Commencement ceremonlea atart- very few people in Mancheater the eighth toning. third for a triple. He then scored aa PhUadslphla 8-2. PltUburgh 7-9. yesterday nt the Yanks* Stadium game cannot be measured. It la and Branca, Brooklyn 54. Brtosie had yielded ona run and pattttoM might be presented. The fred E. Driecoll and Connecticut's the electrician arhool. ee at 2:45 p. m. with the proces­ recognized the occasion. Few flags sun amarttog from their first Chicago 3, Brooklyn 1. tba throw was wide and went in 19 for Senator Raymond E. Bald­ Judge Enjoins sional, to the organ accompani­ were displayed on Main street. defeat of the aeaaon at the hands by Um man who mads It famous— with deep appreciation for what Pitching—Wahmeler, Clnclnns- left th* bases loaded with non* caueui dalagatae also atated that Amorienn Bab* Ruth. ha has done for baseball that 1 to th* stands. Chagnon then bore the rules contain nothing which ment of Tombelle'a’ "Marche Pon- of the league leading Itnllnns, the U and P o s t Naw York 5-1 .833. out. Potter then becaoM the first down on th* Italians to retire the win. Personalized Floora nine will take S t Louis 7-L Fhiladrlphia 5-3, Ruth’s uniform has bean official­ hereby present hto uniform to the Athletic pitcher to force In a run pauld ha Intarpretad to prohibit Maritime Strike; tlficale.” The Invocation waa giv­ The sixth pressure cooker, BUTTER .k75c Detroit 6-9. Washington 3-2. • ride to order in the Iszt three in­ Hospital Nojes awarded in the club conducted at on the Indies in n twmght 6:80 ly rettred and presented to bnsa- Hall of Fame.” on a walk when he passed pinch nings. I swsIwaUoiii from tha floor. en by the Rev. J. Garland wag- New York 5, d em an d 3. bnll's HsU of Fame nt Ooopen- The Bsbe, tears to hto eycA ask- aa Triumph ' ^At fha dose of tbs dlscuaalon a Public Records Potterton’s was won ^Saturday by game tonight nt Robertson Park. bitter Joe Scbulta. Correnti Take* Over W ednesday Told to Bargain goneer. Fireball Pop Gleason or Ston Ka- Boston-Chlcago (PP). town. N. Y , where tt may ha aaaa ad to say a few words. A huabad Otowna (1) Paul Lehner then aockad a Mottos WM siada that Mr. Jawcll Admitted Satiirdav:irdav Pascal Poe I PresidentPreaident AioeixAlbert .v.N. Jorgenaen • Mra. Mary McGuire, *381 Suminlt atoag with tha hat tha Baba uaad ailsnoa fall over th* deeply moved -AB R H PO A E Hippo Correnti took over th* ' sad Mrs. Elala Jonao. caucus dc- Smoked Tongue watoc wm to* Um rubber for th* slngto to right off Potter and tha mound Chora for th* ItaUana to Undar Ths QuItctolBi Dcefla 52 Earl atreet: ilrs, Shirley Mar- then gave the commencement ad* street. The Iwket was drax^^ Floora as they attempt to get aO' to clubbing hto 80th hone run to audience. “Ladtoa and gaoUanMn, Batten, a ...... 3 1 1 18 4 0 tying runa acorsd. Tha winning IHstoo. ba aastod with fuU voting (Continued from Page One) riaon. 37 Alton street: Mr*. Mar- dresa entitled "The *t*turn i J*®** Robinson of 155 Summit P e t OBL 1927. ..321 0 0 0 mound Chora* for th* Italian* to William F. Johnson to Bertha M. Other win atrenk atartad. On tha 1 Just want to say oos thing. 1 BaUlnghlrLji nm came In on the aame play an traubl*. Larry Rostek greeted which motion was aacoodsd MoAIltoter, property on Hilliard Ion Chapin. 373 .Middle Turnpike. I Prlnt'*P>« '’ He emphaaizad the Im-| atreet. Leon Corned Beef mound for the Indies, who a n WiUlamsport .919 — The Babe waa on hand yestei^ am proud I hit the flrat hom* run Bpallnian, 2b ..300 0 2 2 an overthrow. I t WM BUgfsitod by 6 of lU left-wing faction, sent this east: Arthur Patton. 26.6 High portance of high and strong prtn- | Albany ...... 1 2 0 0 0 1 Correnti with ■ single and wa* A rc lig h ts street telegram to ail ahlpa in port Adjutant Richard D. and Mrs. | currently to a three way Ua for day to participate to the celebre- here against Boston tn 1923. It to Janaen. If . ■ Potter stuck around to glv* up ppar of tha oommltto* bow- atreet. west. ciples, though not Scranton .... Uon of the 25Ui anatvcnaiy of tha marveloua to see these 13 or 14 Gardner, lb .... I 0 0 6 0 0 •acrificed to second by Tommy r, that a dsddon ba rsaohad In Charles J. Btricktond to Fred G. here; Atwell of the local Salvation Army i third place, will be either Bob one more hit and on* mor* run. Mason. Rostek took third Blawaori, property on Hawthorne Admitted Sunday: Gary Recave ' onea, by which the nation SM BACON SQUARES Hunley or Johnny Pringle. UUca ...... opealag of tha Yankee Stadium, players who were my toammatos Fanner, ef .. ..800 0 0 0 Then Mack wavad him ou t In a n i aaadbs. WaaHng of an four "Make full preparation* to strike oe corps left for Osw’ego, N. Y., today | Hartford .. h 1 0 3 0 0 aeorad on * balk by Correnti with M t N r i m atraet. at 12 midnight Tuesday. The 211 Main atreet: Clinton'Kay, 15 its people and leaders should on receipt of news of the death of After getttag off to a bad start along with all living nwmbera of goli^ back 35 yaara. I’m tolling KlMw, 8b .... vole* that could b* baard to th* with M vote such ra- Bl]Unghanton . Woodbonsa, as ..300 0 0 0 Oaaia at the plat* for th* Maton Anna Lantlerl luliano to Mary only thing that will stop us I* an Tboroaa drive: .Mr*. Agnes guided. , . Mrs. Atwell’a father, Alvin Wilt- j against the Italians last Friday the 1928 werid champion Yankoca. you it makes bm proud and happy seata near th* A'a dugout. Mack sixth *anfi final run. Oaaxa draw a C. Mastrio, property on Cooper Knowles, 82 E'lorem e .street: E'ollowiiur the president a ad­ BACON ENDS alghL tha ladtoa cama beak to WillVUReo-Barre .659 10k A crowd of aoma 60,000 fans to he bar*. Thank you." , Blanco, rf .. . 8 1 0 0 0 0 told Potter: "If that's tha baat acceptable contract. Ignore all sic of that town, who had been In ’ Ehntra .316 12 walk and promptly otoic atreet statements other than official James Miiiesner, 137 Bissell dress. approximately 700 bache­ (Sliced) really throw a scare Into the lead­ thundered a tramaadoua ovnUon Dan Topping, preaident of th**f you can do, gat your check." e o m m l t t a a lor's degree* and 45 m'aater’s de­ failing health for some time. Ad­ Totato ...... 22 7 2 21 6 3 and third base. PhUllp* fltod to W am atea Daeda statements from the tuilon. Keep ; stregt: Mra. Anne E'rey, 149 .Sum jutant Atwell will p^rohably not be ing lA’s. Again tonight tha Indies aa the Babe pldgeon-toed out of Yankees, then prcaanted both The pitcher promptly departed abort Chagnon drew a walk. j i aaght to s lusmorlal to Mra. grees were awarded. Rev. Wag­ New York . . . Ruth and Barrow with Inaerihed WnHappera (4) Helen B. Jolla to William J. and in touch with the unlonrfor strike' mlt street; Oscar .Muller, Rock able to return to town until FAIRMONT FR0ZE;N wm no doubt glvs tha oppoaltleii the vtoittog teem’B dugoat hat la for the clubhouse. Later, h* and MilewnU fhed out to th* catcher MBMa DIb m Waldi of Columbia. Maria B. Stroker, property on Me- trouble as thay oonUnua to go all Boetan ...... hand. watche*. Inacribad on Ruth’s Copeland, 3b, cf 4 0 1 0 0 2 the 85-yaar-old Maek was* report­ W ^ w s a toiMlBMuaiy adopted. assignments.'’ ville; Mr*. Mary Hills. 28 Garden goner cloaed the , Thursdav or Friday to and tha toning. Chagnon got K m itn o t. activities with the reading of the Thursday or frioay out for that first dtvtoloii bwth. Pittsburgh ... As ba stood before tha chaertog watch were th* words “Silver An­ Bralnard, Ib ..411 3 0 0 ed to hav* reached an undarstand- #-topi hnaolntlas os tho lato But Curran replied: drive; Ralph Azingei. 48 Coburn 0 tba ItaUana la order to tba aavaoth Bertha M. McAltUter to Martin “Ha* No Authority” Benediction. 43c In the event that thla game la ■ t L o u is...... throng. Bd Barrow, tormar Yaa- niversary (1923-1948) Yanks a Chrlettonaen. ra,p 3 1 1 0 1 Ing. but Murrow aald such waa M m RsM s V. ly ia r ad Hsddaia. road: Mrs. Gladys Campbell, 34 ' The regular monthly meeting | STRAWBERRIES 0 0 aa Um gam* ran out with th* M. Caprilosal- et tix, property on "That’s a lie. Palazzl had no Middle Turnpike. we.«t: Mrs. K ath-' called off, it will ba playad Thun- FhUadolphto . kaa preaident and th* man who Stadium — The Houas that Ruth Lappen, cf. Sb . . 4 0 0 0 not the caae. stoo waca adopted on of the Recreation and Park Ad- | Brooklyn .... WUlto, p, aa 1 0 0 ItaUana win airaak snapping at six. miUard atreet authority to make auch a state­ orlne Lynch, South 'Coventry: ■ day night at 6:30. converted Mm from ptteher to aa B u ilt” On Barrow’s watch wars ..811 Dietrich aald he to ’’haart-brok'; ■teg. Bapopasn n - visory Board will be held Monday BLUE OCEAN OlnrlnnsU . . . outSaldar. buggwi baaabeU’s be­ the words “Builder of Champions, Parry, c . •.. ..310 14 s en at leaving the A’a, the beat club Both team* cama through with HOUSE Maiy C. Maatrio to C. Wealey ment. TTie executive officers of the Joseph Senna, Sr.. 83 .•raman cir- | evening at 7:30 p. m. at tha Etoat] 0 I ognanontA antl- Bwwvu ct ux, property on Cooper union are reaponsible in deciding Reported Missing, Chleogo loved Immortal. 1921-43.” Toop, If ...... 301 0 0 0 I waa ever with." ahd to nrstoa ad F n o - clc. Side Recreation building on School F U t C s n Ortowold. 8b ..300 0 1 0 ■tirwt such things and not a local agent." Discharged Saturday: Walter SALMON 37c The band struck im ”Auld Laag The raUrsawnt of Ruth’a No. S He added ”1 felt that I could OP cIvO righto pco- streeL See The Big Ctovetood .689 — Syne,” with Lucille Manaera stag­ Smith, If ...... 000 0 0 0 Xva J . Watkins to Bari G. Rud- Earlier CMrran had said the Schindler, Rockrille: Helen By- Local Girl Found la th* second uniform to bt so help th* club, but I hav* pltdMd lasos WM glvas s dall at ux, property on Lakewood union would not defy the law. Pkltafitlphto .608. t ing the beart-tlngUng rstoela. Tke honored by the Yanks. Ths other only 15 1-8 innings thla year, and jnlito tha Taft- cholski, 92 Homestead street: Mias Dorothy Denton, of 39 Ste­ SW EET U F E New York .. A71 ■ crowd waa asked to Join la the is the No. 4 worn by the lata Lou Totala .... .88 4 S 18 5 2 ba'vie started only two game*—on* CXrele Bottth. The injunction apecifically named John Vinton, Wapping, phen street, was among the alum­ AUSTIN A.40 Manchetfor DAVID Act, and u r ; ^ Its MWntoga AppMeattoae the National Maritime union, tha Norma Miller. 17, of thi* town, D otnit .... AlO • singing but few rcspondiKl becausa Griulg. Ruth’s fence-busttog mate HtUtoppan .. .. 1 0 0 1 0 3 0-4 against (Jlevetond the other U m rtonlotloiui *up- Norman Ronald Balch of 41 Discharged Sunday: Francis who .disappeared from her home nae of Wellesley College attending | P t. J a r Washtagton .462 10k of clogged throats. la tha twenties and early thfartlas. Clown* ...... 0 0 0 2 5 0 X-- 7 against the Chicago Whits Box.” Marine Engineer* Beneficial Asso­ clasa reunions Over the week-end. MAYONNAISE 43c Bowling Gm n lis pnfiaat agacoltva pofi- Phalpn road and Bivins Bunco Hor­ ciation, and the American Radio Donahue, 161 West Center street; Saturday, v.as reported by l^ i Sedane Bostou .... A56 lO k After tha arasle stoppad, WB- Following the Ruth carantoalea In addition to these woes. Mack Beverly Brogard. Wapping; Bar­ police this aTternoon to have Been S t Loula . . . A90 U k OaV (No ton of as Stephen atreet wedding Association, all CIO afllllatea, aa FRESH, GREEN Itora Harri^ge^ prastdant of tks a two toning game batwaan awm- finds thra* at his front-ltns pltob- _ St the Juno M by Rev. W. Ralph Ward well aa unlicensed shipping per­ bara Valenti, Andovei found In Wllllmantlc. Mr. and Mra. William Douglas, MG ConvertibleB Chicago U A93 IT k AuMrlesn Laagua, stopped for­ hars of the 1923 Yankee toam and Loa Angelas Bwi Hogan won •ra, Phil MarchUdon. Dick Fowter » 1 tras tor tiM Btonocratic DIacharged today; John Limer­ of Rutland, Vermont, formerly of Jr. sonnel and 84 shipping companies. 'The girl wo* reported mlMlng Fbmaui BsWsh Mafia C a n TMajTbi ward to praaant tbs Babsto unL Yankee stars of later yeara was U. B. Opaa golf ohamploaship with and Bill McOahan suffering sore WILL OPBN AS NASSIFES BtoWjH Ifon- ick, 75 Main street; Mrs. Mar­ Saturday and n deacrlptlon of the TnlcottvUIe. war* vtoltora yastar- F o r torn fornelly to tha Man ag AntfeanF Joaaph Balvatora of 90 Judge Ctoncy’a order also ra- CUCUMBERS 3 19c ptoyed. 78-hoto adora of 87B. eight strokes arms 8 P. M.. MON„ JIJN B 16 Ii4rss-9tototo4 Sffsta Wa^urt atepat and Mary Margarat •tralna tha ship oparatora ^from garet NIchoto. 79 Mill street; Paul girl wna broadenat over peraral day with their daughter, Mra. Wll- No Gamoa SelMdultd. FaaM. Ruth waa scheduled to manage undar p ar. He’a going to give McOahan a FtniPllchAlt *brl6tii9’' B a q ^ e t 1ST Baekmatack atraat, locking out union workara. Campball, TaJcottville: Mr*. Elal* Connacucut radio etatitoto Oen^ Uam M. Aadtipon. of Hmnloek P & A SALES BastMga Spaal th* 1923 toam but hia doetor de- chance tonight to an axhibiUoa ABiyo hav* M waOtaff Jim M . Tha pattUon. filed in U. 8. DU- ArmatroBg. 1028 Tolland turn­ plate details utr* lacking nt prees ■treat. Thay enroo bard for 8 fare- RBD. R in B l i t Omreh S t, Harttotfi t-fidlfi Na OeeeejSM hM HairidgS asid: ddad that It waa too chilly ganM at PUtobuigh agataat tha Bfi as* to psv9m iSBtoeaBFH- Mlrhaal B rary flebueto of 708 trict court, asked the court to pike; Mra. Hascl Freeman and time. . well party for their grandson. ”As pi^deat of the Amarican C^uck Droasen. cungnt Yankee hoaOan — Amsrica’s Wlghtman Pirataa. I t ll ba Pato Bader Night toff itaa been Main atraet and Lou Blisabath order the milona and the ship daughter, 7 Hilliard street. Miss Miller wa(i a member of the Douglas Anderson, who enterad B u n . 3 C Alway at Utlea. League I fiaclaro Ruth’s uatfom coach, took over. Barrow tod the Cup team swept Baal four mstchea and tha aseond baaaman tram AU- fiRBVIB BOnUMNO the Navy this morning for a three RADISHES BarTji Thrap CBNTBB BTBBBY St that Uma. Paean of 35 Cbastnut atraet wed- operster# to. resume collective Birth today; A son to Mr. and Manchester High graduating “Claa* Britala U16 Elmira at WUkoa-Barre. officially ratirad. It aavar agala A ll-Stan. 'Mho loat 3-6, after Bob to eoBBplato B-Laoaquest t t Groat quippa. Pa., will ba honorod by diBff JUBS M a t Otator ahureb. baiRalaiag "to good fpitk." Mra. 'Louie BatU. Bush HUl roadi of 1946. year term. (Only OaaM will ha worn by a Yhnkaa ptoyar Mauaal drove la two runa. Britain. hto honMtowa trlandA llANrHWnTR KVENTNO*Hk k a Li ». MANIWIWTKfl. DONN.MONDAT, JUNE 14. l»4 t M ANCHEam EV f^N G HERALD. MANCHEffTER. OONN. MONDAY, JUNE 14. 1949 f t a m PAGE Faint leg—t'aprriss XI INNpi— KirEii— FrI* 41 MmHwlHdd UiM li t t Wratiff to Ewit 9U Nowra tar isita • 7t Awteaiebtiee Par Salt HsBsehsM Scrricts arasaat 8sr th% wad- Stopping a paamr-by outside a MMlMi.KVII.LE FUMIS MiMALVIk m il* TfcLBPHONE Bmployaa, vataran, 4W- BABT CENTER Uraat — i to him who walta bat tie groom was pallca station, a rnnalahla aald: Offered IS-A orrSIUOR and sKterlor palatlaf, CANARIES, GOLDFISH WASHUfO Mashtafk tjSwtf im PLTMOTmi foar-door 5S- traUb-tn snowancaa tswarda new eommntlng gaily, BptinigSeM to •ffMH arith tile bath, extra bath,- ^’Can you spore a aatnota to coma liSM Mdaii. BKC*nnt cotuMtloa. THB HOMBCRArr Shop. SO paper hangt'ng. W. Popoff. Hartford, duliaa 6. 6 or d-ioom qtoam kaqt *0 ales lo t' Sense and Nonsense »it he wha iS*^tor*”uSit ha ‘'What’8 tha amt- Inslda. sir?’’ as 647171. •peed Quean waakan, All auksa waata , danified lu—wM *. PhoM a-2na. Pearl strsaC. brings you a gsoer- TROPICAL FISH Mot'tor salt wife and dan^tsr. xamatto dilraway, 8-car garasa tarr Hava you bwt the rhHr” Pamai^By; (Buaplctaualy) "What i dapandably rapalrad. Fiekup W1B gat tt ap anwh qalUta. tor?” 1 al handyman ssrrles. Scroetta ruK ’VUAUTT. pries, aarvlca aanrtea 8*1676, ABC; 83 Mapi* GkU Manebaalar 8>1U& Cba be yoom 'lea oa today for Aa — r***T— eaOad his man to- A ■OB taapoUlUeiaa Groam: *7fo. Iha riag*a aato mads, woodworking. Soor tils Hendryx CsfM t* laapact. Occa*. ' la 6toon tham plana la hoM oa a strali^ F. Wla Bhott, q w * d la Be: ‘■haO I phono you or audga palrs and clsanlng; umbrsUa re­ tte. M m m 806d. laaaa on ptaialaaa to right buyer. fiifs T1 yeu?" Vara Palatt. atar. WW. ora for the gral ttass PrlM ir MUwaukaa JeunmL Loat aai Found Motorcycles BIcycIrg 11 pairing: man’a ahlrt collar aad SIX Weeks old OoUla pups tor Can Hafttord 8-4141 axtanaioa Soma minda Hha conertto: cuff ravsrsal and raplncaoMnt. REAP THE banaflta of years of salt. Males $13, females 18. OaU SHOP AND COMPARE 836. i^glit totor thix type oottngo. |t They Father: "WeO. what excuse hava id boat Sm Stuart all mixed up parmananUy Prof: *Teu caa’t alaap la i o f fuaUty ra­ laqulrad af thair lO tr r — Black aocount book. Marlows Utua Msndlag Sbop. painting *Tcnow bow.” aurfaca oon 2-1406 afUr 6. ^ h dock a you got tor eonring home at thia BOY'S 26" bicycle. Reconditioned POWER LAWN MOWER FOR 8A U 6-10’ X IF eaWn, ault- ^ Waaln. T86 Mdhi street' eat ciaaa” tai^aftm jtale pAoapAm ta tor) hour of the right?” Woodbrldr* aIrMt. Reward. D. dltlon and tal hires analysed. In­ Btadaut) *Tt you dMatt tolh a BalMdga. wha amro auKkleatiy raeovarad to V»i»h»ii, tS Pb«Ip« Road. and repainted. Phone 7068. terior and ostartor. Floors sanded Nw^Jg|torel|a^^BMath Running abla far toadalda aland or other Vhofw 6646 ( r 3144. Daughter: "Wall. mv dear, I Bnildin(->Contnicttiif 14 Articles for Sale purposes Phona 6443. He wag trdhahly tha wartd’a loud I couML** Iervs* was playlag aelf with aome friends and roSntalMd. C. F. Charbonneaa w ent galfar aad wa* at tha vary "Ton d m t IDWW arhat you nUao l / w r — Tw Manchertcr Public Guide: "Wefl, wa have a and • e a a .** IM Henry straa- Dial 3-6376. S99JB Ptua Vtolght SalMirfaM for Salt 78 hy act p Mtlag up aaah amralag Maikat Prtday afternoon l>«- Wanted Astoi CARPENTER Work ot all kinds, MAN’S Bicycle and turnaca bkrp- hottom et Wa lavm. Aftar a paru* trough of water aad w* turn on F h t ^ i '“What? At 3 a.ra.? ’ Roofa, aWllr.ga, additions anc, al- ottlarty mato**hliag hWa ha aald Whu vir dnara ot* ta t apaa, to great tha aunrlw,” aaya a the tap home. Van Camp Bros Phone tng walla, landscape aad gradins wbool riding tractors with at* bath, large attic, ona-car garage. m. Theater, Sunday. Finder may typawritcre, Immedlata dalhrary. Nicely landscape lot BxcaUant keep money plus $ft reward If 5244. work, dndar bkwka, brick, aapUo M nafeal—-D nsM tic 29 Liberal terms aad trada-ias. R ^ tacbmonts Hand and pox tanks inatallad. Frss astlBBntas ■wwars Lawn odgers Gram locaUon. Price 316,000; CaU returned to owner. Phone 6428. ANTIQUES ReSniahed. Repairing pairs on all makes Marlow's, 867 M06. H. Grady, Agent Wantad—Real Estato 77 given CaU Valentino BaUued 6- PIANO TUNING, repairs, recos' Main street catchers Capitol Grinding Co. done on any furnitura. *nemann, 1601 80 Btrcb stroot dltlonlng, ate. John Oockerham, 88 Main atraat CaU 7968. ATTENTION lavestors A fout- DESIRE A modern aingla, prefer­ Personals 189 South Main street Phone 38 Bigalow at Phona 4316. ROUND Dining room tnbls Can­ 5643. VANOOUR Construction Co. Now fkmlly .-dwaUlBg of .16 rooms lo­ ably In Pina Acres or Pina Acre ning jars about 13 dooen. S to- cated on BlaseU street An addi­ Terracs Writs Box Z, Herald. komes planned aad built to your male canaries for mating. Sight Wutad—To B«y 58 WANTED—Ride to Mlddletosm, REFRIGERATION speclflcatlona. Altaratlona, roof­ Bonds Stofhs tional apartment of S rooms on eaxe, Underwood Champion CALL OSTRINSKY 6876 for fur third floor may be completed at TO BUT or aaU real aatata eoa* 7 a. m. daily. Phone 2-0451. SERVICE ing. Ttmo payiMnta arranged. M ortgacn 21 portable typewriter, double bed tact Madalinr Smitn. Realtor, Phone 4838. naca removal, rags scrap matals small oast Property In good con­ Domestic and Conunardal with spring. Cal 2-8383. Top prices dition. Potential groaa Income ” Parsonaltaed Real Batata Sarv- SEND 61. Receive popular song A BIO MORTGAGE Savings—You Ics” Room 26, Rubinow Build­ and mystery tune title free. R. save $300 to 6760 at 4 per cent CANNING Jars 18 dosen, quart undqi praaqat rent law, 31.680 PIELA'S REFRIGERATION Florists— Nurseries 15 ahaialto,-Itokert J. Spalth, Inc., ing. 3-1643 - 4679. Clarke, 204 Amsterdam Ave.. SALES AND SERVICE Interest on your Sobm. Insured atae. Tomato Jules extractor. Rooma Wlthost Bosrff New York 33. high mortgages oo Somoa. Before Phone 8276. 863liato. *ra. 8450. HAVING REAL Bstato probiemaT 38 Birch Street TaL 8-t4U Transplanted vagatahla and SoW' FURNISHED Room near bath, arlng plants. Perennials and you purchase . . . before you A.MODERN alx-room house, Chty aitd farm property bought WANTED—Rids dsUy to Hart­ build . . . or If you need tor gentleman or coupls Near and sdld by calling R. T. Mcikinn. ford. Tldnlty Conn. Oenersl. 1 UBLIC STENOGRAPHER. shrubs. Woodland Gardena, 188 CUSHMAN Motor scooter, new uaflnlabed, 1 year old, seml-alr YOUR MA EVER RE-ARRANGES THE FURNITURI AND RUTS Woodland street Phona. Snancing . . . O. L and FHA Main street Phone 3-3389. condition, automatic heat Rusco Realtor. Pbona Mambastai 7700. from MIddls Turnpike West and F. M. Broderick, Rubinow Bldg. loana arranged. Autborlaed by condition. 503 Adams street THIS COUCH ON THAT StPE OF THE ROOM^ LgM M E KNOW Hawthorns strset Hours 7:16 to Phone t-1643. NICE Pleasant room arith kltchM Stpfta a^doars venstian blinds WANTED to lease, Sept. 1, throe TRANSPLANTED VEGETABLE leading banka and Insurance com­ Ownita^' tratiaferred. Immediate 4:80. CaU 6060. panies Call Oonn A Oonn Co., 76 prlvUeges for reliable coupls bedroom house with option to WILLIAMS OU Sarvlea hns t plants. Tomatos, pappara, lottuca. References required. Cktt 3-1464 oocnpanty. Call Manchestar 8052 FUNNY RUMINKHfl BY BEHMHBRGER PRIKUILIJIE PUP BY AL VERMEER BOOTS celery, cabbage, eggplant broc­ Farmington avenua 7-8367. Open Bottled Ga 45A buy In year's time. Beat of refaa- AND HER nunillES Man To 5lan BY ; a n m a k i i n stnlled Petro Oil biirnars la many after 6 p. m. after 7 p. m. for appointment ances Reply Roger Williams, r coli, Bruooal aprouta. baall. ate. Saturday tU noon. /WMf v> m a \ iwoiaaTeMQ .*06 tuMk. neiwNa WOOlIb A Amt MOva MWb *08 (uvtAuci , m 3 \ AatsaoMlaa for Sale Manchestar homaa. Thay hava BOTTLED Gaa appllancas Bot­ Box V, Herald. aanvHVt :>i.\* ou .wott HOUh «CK VttWMglh 'm u given the utmost aatlafaetloa. Flowering plants—aatars, pa- tled gas hot watn bcatbrs bot­ ROOMS For Rent In private JUST Completing 6-room modern fAc b sd /wwy I sn y th in f. Kx/ '40UQ OAUClUO \ uo taoT >#00 PMOUtO HSMa .1H1 vdotti vvm - 1*8. 6CHOOV . V tAIMH 'T V4\VV For oompieta buraar aalas and tunlaa. snapdragons, salvia, tled gaa ranges XotUad gaa oom home, flve roinutea from Main hnusa on Overlook Drive. Hot WANTED — Two-family house w htcA / knam / /toiwr MMCA A evKVA ee agaratum, verbena, aoaiigolda, Bnaincaa Oppertunitiaa 82 water heat, garage, shade trees, HOUt ClUMCbb -iw i toew i- VOU h*0U\.O \ WAb A ou t isitfN n l i i u 1940 PLYMOUTH DELUXE aervica and an aasurad auppty of bination atovas, bottled gaa beat­ Bathroom floor. Inquire 166 from owner, 6 rooma In one duy frofrt bUCOOQA6t bOKl Gulf fual oU CaU S-1S07. alnnlaa. carnations, ate. Garsn' ers Manchester Pips and Supply, Eldridga street, second floor.- lot 76’x200’, See Wm. Kanehl. apartment, residential aectlon. o* youu vnivv erovu t luma vinca vtnaa epUioa Urns BAKERY Routs. Asking price |1,- . 4 DOOR SEDAN 300, which Includes delivery Inc. TaL 6286. • 7773 Spare for play yard. No agents. ALL APPLIANCES aarvlcod and and window boxes Bllad. Four Pl e a s a n t Room arith batlt^tn Write Box S, Herald. Black. Radio and heater. rapalrad. burnera, rafrlgarators, acres ot hardy plants such aa truck. Alice Clampet, 36 Purnell MOBILE Flams bottle gas for private home. Gentleman only. READY For occupancy. Two new o ranges, washers, ate. a U work delphinium, phlox, popptaa place (rear). Phone 4863 or 2- larm and home, avallanie now Near but line. 116 North 6-rooro 1>^, both houaea, forced WOULD LIKE to purchase home, Nsw Biotor'recently installed. gnarantaad. Metro Sarvloa Oo muma Strawberry and aapara- 0880, or Mr. Mitten phone 8636. Manchester Pipe and Supply School. Phona 6398. hot water heat, oil flre(L flre- la good condition, four to six I f \ Tal Manehastar 3-0886. gua planta Shruba fruit traaa, Telephone 6265 • 3-0868. placea. Excellent residential ares rooms and fairly priced. No ROOM for married couple or Delmont Realty Company. Phone FULL PRICE 2946 avargroans. Woodland Gardena Help Wanted-—Fcmal* 85 agehts please. Write Box 3L RAiTO — Elactrical AppUancs 188 Woodland street Talophona girls. CaU 3-1614, or 47 Cottage 4266,- 2-0632 after 6 p. m. Herald. Sarrtca, rapalrs pickad up and M74. Fuel and Peed 49-A street dellTared promptly. W yaara' WANTED—Sales girl for Satur­ DIRECT FROM oamer, pre-war WANTED To Buy, a two. three days only. Federal Bake Shop, TERMS ARRANGED axparlenc)irlenca. John Maionay. Phona ONE MILLION planta ready now; SOFT Firewood for furnaca, LARGE Furnished room for rent. 4-room single with bath, full pr four-family home In Manches­ 885 Main. stove, fireplace. 38 for two cord 61046. 1 Walnut atraat Cabbage, cauliflower, celery, to­ CaU 3574. length attic, garage, acreened ter. No occupanev necessary, load, delivered. Fhiions RockvUle front porch, storm windows, matoes peppera 8 kinds, snap­ EXPERIENCED sales clerk, pre­ Write Box J, Herald. ■OUMENE and FLAGG, Inc. VENETIAN cUlnda AH tyr dragons calendulas alnnlas pa* 562J2. hardwo^ floors and natural mads to order also racondltloa- ferably with gift shop experience ROOM IN private home. Gentle­ AI.I.KV IMIP IIu7 That’e Me tunlas, asters marigold, stock, for new store In Manchester. woodwork throughout. House ln-| Then ¥vhy le t BY V. T. NAM1.UI |N4ff8 sb4 Plymouth Dealer tng. Bast quality. FIndaU Manu lady alipper, blue lacs and man preferred. Call 8462. aulated by Johna-Manvllle. Im-' Writs Herald, Box F. 51 h/m iveste a facturlng Oo., 483 Middle Turn­ pansies Perennials, sweet Wil­ Household Goods mediate occupancy. Priced to ht/f'hour ttMnng pike Bast Call 4806. Munrheiiler ffS4 C3EMTER STREET liam, chrysanthemums poppies GENERAL Houaekeeper for fam­ THREE ROOMS of new furnitura ROOM For Rent, kitchen prlvl- aelL Write Bex A, HeralS. ' to y o u t OIL BURNERS serviced. Herco and American arbor-vltae, Glrba ily of four. 11 miles from Man­ can be purchased for only the un­ leges Call 2-2985. I Package Delivery a/hy didn’t you burners Inatallad. Purnacaa clean­ nrbor-vltae, pinks blue sprues, chester. Good home and good paid balance of 3266.79. Simply LARGE 8-Room single, located off . te ll him to CALL 1101 OR n o t Japanese yaws Irish Juniper, East Center street. Ideal location j Light Trucking «>rr*i'raTiir— ed. Prue’a Burner Sarvlea, 68 wages. Will consider woman, by taking over the account and Apartmantm Flats, O eet /t^ Cooper street TsL 6471 days, mountain laurel, rhododendrons, arith child. Phone WllUmantIc resuming psyments of 313.00 for a tourlat homa or rooming 6186 avanlngs. golden plumose. All vegetable 2874-J4. monthly. This furniture la brand Tenrmcnta ({3 house. House has 4 rooms up and | Phone 2-0752 tu rn POWM PaymantB. u H * «4 and bedding planta 15c per doz-' dewn, fireplace, oil heat, down- 1 pamtth 6a pay. Dooglaa Motor new. It has been In our ware­ IMMEDIATE occupancy in fine LAWN Mowers, hand and poarsr. an, 31 per hundred. Perennials WANTED—Chief of Service and house for 5 months It was orig­ ataira lavatory, garage. Immedi­ iala* aBmfB afferi you a batter sharpened, repaired. Saws Slad, different prices. Always open. relief cashier. Apply State Thea­ residential neighborhood, five- ate occupancy T. J. Crockett,' Baal la IBa elmmest ossd ears inally bought by a young couple room flat, four rooms beautifully oil stoves claaned. Installed arash- Phone Hartford 8-3061. East ter manager, Manchester. and after making payments de­ Broker. Phone 5416. ^am had amehanloally good too. tng otachlnea, vacuuipa repaired, Hartford. 876 Burnside avenue. furnished, one bedroom unfurn­ affBH arraagismoats wUl AMAZING -325 profit selling cided to live arith their parents ished References required. Write MANCHESTER—Oakland street. All mokes sewing pickup and delivery. Friendly Oraenhouae and nursery. All this furniture is of modern *‘Ha doean’t like to take any time off from hit work!” •or appeoaal aa you Flxlt Sbop. TeL 4n7. flfty 31 Christmas card assort­ Box U, Herald. Lovely 6-room single, excellent ■my hdlaog the Msnrhoattr Trust ments. 50 name printed 31. Sta­ design and Includes a bedroom suite, living room suite and din­ condition, oil burner, hot water macliines repaired CbT WMB 4 per oent bank rataa, Roofing—Siding tionery, candlettes, gift offers. APARTMENT to sublet. Comfort- heat, open stairway, Immediate ette set. If you are not ready for ablet attractive four and one-half 8IDE GLANCES BY GALBRAITH ar ahwallMr plmi ad your ebotes REFRIGERATION Write for samples Empire Card. occupancy, large extra lot Includ­ in your home by, Itay be daO your ear at Douglas ROOFINO — apeclallaing In re­ Elmira, N. Y. delivery of this furniture we will room furnished apartment with ERVICE: pairing roofs ot all kinds also atore It until you want It free of ed. Price 3 11.500. 33.50C cash, or CARNIVAL BY DICK lUlINKR IM ar SblaA 86> Mala atraat garage. Reasonably priced for 31,500 down to a veteran. Kav FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Horrible Thought BY MERRILL C. HI; IBM Commercial new roofs No Job too amall or charge. Delivery made anywhere the summer. Jure 25 - September factory meclianie. \ largs Good work, fair price. Free a-ithln 100 milea at no extra cost. Realty Co.. 869 Main street, k iT POMnAC sadaaotto. Hoat- ^ m e i t ie WOMAN For general housework, 5. CaU Manchester 2-2173. Manchester, Phone 4168. LF/ eeAN 008SMT Ulce 5EINC.- Look. IrS 80S*ta4. •r, radto. Uks new. 1947 Ford estimates CaU Howley, Man­ one day a week. Call 2-9386. 1 Albert's Furniture Co., 43 Allyn IN A a oscT . 8N0 wes (suTNii. (D«JM. , HBV.^ HELfl »NSCN r, radio, low mllaags SALESr chestar 6861. street, Hartford. FOUR-ROOM furnished apart­ MANCHESTER — Byron Road. Reasonable >'**1*^: » HOW COME (T -DICES SO Minari e<; I WHAT UTMC . Cola Motors T«L Chryaler Airtemp ment. Light and gaa provided. Lovely alx-room single, excellent R f iNO and siding our speclal- o a r / ' 6mS[ 0 6 Help anted— Male 3ft TRADE IN your old refrigerator Middle-aged couple. Cam be occu­ PHONE S-1226 ty. Naw oallings and carpentry. for a Philco-Croaley- Admiral. condition, fireplace, oil burner, Call 2-9419 H m pied at once. CaU 8254 6 to 8 p. air condition, large yard. 6 years Highest quality materials. Work­ Extra large trada-ln allowance! 1886 PONTIAC 4-door sedan, Co. AUTOMOBILE mechanic. A good m. ‘ old. Early occupancy, owner fore, A T A S O / good running condition, 3165. Scientific Refrigeration manship guaranteed. A A. Dion, proposition. Apply Town Motors, this week at Benson’s, 713 Main Photw WUUmanUe 170S-J-4 or 50 Cottage Street Inc. Phona 4860. cd to sell. Price reduced to 311.* Inc., 45 West Center stre^it street. 500 for quick sale, 33.500 cash, or 664-J-L Buainesa I .orations RADIO need 6xlng7 Hava tt re­ LOOM-FIXER wanted. Must be FLUOR problems solved anth For Run* * 64 $1,500 down to a veteran. Kay m y m r paired by experts Pick-up sarv- Heating— Plamhing 17 thoroughly experienced on C. A 'trroleum, aapLali tile counter Realty Co., 869 Main street, 1686 DODGE Panel truck. Can ioa, guarantoad work. Sate chack- Expert workmanship, fraa aatl- FOR RENT -Store neer Main Manchester. Phone 4168. QIVF fU 2-4181. Can be seen 31 H, Garden Houms for Kmt 65 DUYBACH Y\ A I N 'T and Vldnity ROOFING and Repairing of nU is a steady year-ln, year-out Job Centrally located. For pur* folk) wing street a. 0i6(MM6«0 kinds Chimney arork. gutter offering excellent working condi­ Drive. AEWir 1636 FORD aedan, la good eondl- W. O. MefONNET FOR RENT— July and August, ticnlars caO Lattret Chentnut. S fc S J IS ? ’ tkm. CkU 8-8618. work. Expert repairs Honest tions In a clean, light shop with WE BUT and sail good uaad home In Manchester of Capa Cod Phone Mnnchaatar 6308 workmanship. Satisfaction gtmr- new, modern shop equipment. furniture, combination rangaa, fashion. Reasonable. ,Box W, Church, Winter. Mvr- 1886 MASTER Chevrolet four- antead. Call Coughlin, Mnnehas- Company paid hoapitallzatlon. No gas rartges and beaters Jonas* Herald. tle. Garden and Park door. First 33011 takas It Phone WE HAVE flneat aasortmanta of JARVIS tar 7707. recognized holiday work. 5H day Furnitura Storo, 88 Oak. Pbona MYSSAiM 8-8837. kitchen llnoleuma. Also tUs and week vacation with pay. Apply CHIMNEYS RabuUt rapalrad aad 2-1041. R EA LT Y CO. taMOHiT wall coverings Manehastar Floor In person, afternoon or evening Bummer Homes for Rent 67 Bigekiw. St (Tint. MrVHsite Covering Co,. 66 Cottage atraat cleaned. Bird and Johna-Man- appointments. Baicb-Pontiac, Inc. COMBINATION Glendale, 4 oU, 4 1631 CHEVROLET coupe, pickup, vUls roofing Is our spaclalty. I BOL’TON LAKE—Front furnish* Phone 4112 Or 7275 Flnwer. Buaaelt iMVidIkO CaU 5688. 155 Center street. Manchester. gaa. Reduced to 3150 for quick Hayne*. Summit and 160 BlmHl street after 4 p. m. Rosa Bros Oo. Phono 3-0768, Pontiac Dealer for Manchester sale. Call Manchestar 2-1884, ed cottage for season or month­ FURNACES Tallorad to flt vour ly. Would winterize for right Wad'iworth. 1686 OLDSMOBIUE six. In very sad Metropolitan Hartford. home. Van Camp Bros Phono ROOFINO and Tspalrlag. R. party. Write Box H, Herald. good running condition. Radio 5244. DISHWASHER Wanted, THREE-PIECE ovarstuffkd par­ and hadtar, 3160 full price. Miller Webster. 6866. Spruce. M«p> tliili nights. Good pay. Apply lor set. CaU 6641.______6H For $ 3 ,0 0 0 Cadh You Motora, 658 Center street, Man- LAWN MOWERS, hedge aheara Oavey’a GriU. Wanted to Kent K I d r I d I e. i:i->i« A ftMALLFOk SllpN? THE LtaJ ESTATE street Phone 7658. Th* Office Of IN, Pbona Mnnobastar 61g3 or Hart* piano chair, parlor chairs, 3 sets ■*l V MV ART MUTILATED.'.? I s Our Greate$t ford 6-1438. Help Wanted— Male or of dishes and all kinds of alactrl'c HousvaoM ServiMs Female .37 and oil lamps Wo buy and aeU Tha Colonial Baric Vciual MOVING. Boosihold SOO<>* A**** good uwd furnitura IT Mapia Offarad 18-A piaooa.moved anyamara In the RESPONSIBLE person to distrib­ ■tract. Phona 3*1089. otatoi Alao goaaral trucking and ute tasty California vacuum Board Co. WkgE PM btqr H, seD It CALL STRICK 3-9087, for Uao- rubbloh rsmovod. Pianos our ONF DINING room •*©. One SUPERVISING leum laying. Service of range packed almonds, cashews, and Parker Street -jUUh gr tnffa.lt p m want anal- specialty. Fryatngaa aad Madl- mixed nuta through unique mer­ gaa stovs 325. 186 Naw Bolton W A ^ O Ibic Flottta Romanct MY LEKLIM mmm valaa far ywv b m m j . burnera and odd Jobs gan. Phona M41. road. Tkl. 3-6206. chandising ' plan. Full asslatance arraei^ die u c o m m s aevou watiwuieiWtaiMra.____ . W h n Tm Bagaga The ASHES AND RUBBISH ramovad. given to one selected In estab THREE-PIECE wicker act couch, AGCOUNTikNT Hen JO Mt.CtOOMh iffieiiia- M iw Mto Nta TOO ■twv *oa Sand, gravaL flU and loam. Gan- llahing Initial accounts. Small chair and table. Alao baby car- r pQPMicf. n ^ m ^ . x a u o i e t i c Janrit aral trucking. Range and fuM oQ, cash invpatment required aecurad riags CaU 6617. ______IF YOU ARE WELL VERSED IN GENERAL eiit aex womb v m fia avit Jamas Mactl. Pbona 4688. by OMrchandlse. For Interview ACCOUNTING ~ IF YOU CAN CLOSE BOOKS Organizafion WANTED wltb factory distributor, write FOR SALE — Baauty-Bkat mat- FOR# SALE Box V, Herald. trass 8-4 alaa. parfact condition. AND PREPARE STATEMENTS — IF YOU ARB 1W ffa rap «f thna tnaBBc- PitBttag~P»pcring ___ n On Cornell Street THOROUGHLY RELIABLE — IP YOU WANT ttora PM gat. BMalmam Phono 6429. Clerk typist for const lue- Near Campllc|ff Road A PERMANENT WELL PAYING POSITION aalw radMi hp a highly i i ^ R I O R and Intarior painting Dog*— Birds— Peta 41 LARGE Mahogany toathar office. Must be accurate and papoibangtng. Pros asU- WITH A FUTURE — IF YOU ARE AN ORGAN­ desk. ExcaUant condition. New Hraae 6 rooRMt f with figures. mates. Prompt aarvle^a. Raoson- KENNEL Supply Shop, 695 Main 5468. IZER a n d a w o r k e r . WRITE IN CONFI­ able ptieos. Phone 7630. D. E. atraot. ’Tal. 2-4373. Pet foods ac- unfinished, fireplace, open DENCE A FULL AND DETAILED LETTER OF Frochstta. caaaories vltammi, remadlea, staircase, oil buracr -with APPUCATION TO C. IL BURR * COMPANY. wardrobe cheat grooming, bathing, trimming CHILD’S Mapla steam heat. INC..:MANCHE8TER. r The Alexander D im u O R and oateilor pMnttng, dogs Delivery service. Phone 8-3788. papaibanglng- oolllng roSntab- Jarvis Co. ad. Men Inaiirad and property Td. 2-6766 ATTENTION: MR. HOGAN. a-ift WKV MOTHBRa ffSTlMUy TM, ffttiov m t . 5 Dover Road I damage. Expert work. Edward It j K1TTEN8' will he given away for FOR SALE—3-placa Uvlng room 25 Palm Street I Frtos Phans l.'UKNt I', the askliut. CaU 8650. suits GaU 6365 from S to 6 p. as i . . , ' .V / ■' ' f .■i, i' .1. n