. t v C » A s ^ c m n cr. xuHB 11. i n t t!40B TWELVE jKanrh^etrr Etintitts if^roUi D ll^ !l*l Pl6m 1 " i- there Is some danger thet flee, ■us to the stoeu auaagers. We w cosm ■ '" thrown helter-okelter e t nupOels, know they will M eay ooo- Green School 5509 About Town sMgkt egrout eU over churob Btruetlva ertUelem oCfered. Heard Along Main Street Uwan. Wild rise being eown In ARMY AND NAVY CLUB MMlt pleeoo n d i^ t net bo mgerdod “Besrfi AMag” really did hear t k i n a <Man «m koU thatr Gives Program C ky o f V V o f Chmrm And on Soma of Manehe$Ut^» Stdo SfrM fg, Too an the best thing. They b m tried the other day thet the new bus c a m «a H a f Uila afUmeoB Bt R with oets bofore, end It has not loop scbedulea from Hartford to tbt OBiiiiinrtrT- A buffet lunch Manchester Green vie Mein and proven popular. i i t e * ru g s m MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JI7NE 14, 1948 fFOURTBEN PAGES) P R IC tfO U ti trtn be eerred et three o’clock end A mother of two children celled » stope, were pussled by the deerth This buslneas o f adapting e crop Woodbridge etreeta. namely bueee Kindergarten and See> NEW SUPER VOL. Lxvn ., NO; u end epeghetti eupper et heeding out to the Green end re­ in to regloUr her obJecUon to of custonsere to n ktonUty has us pretty well ond Grade Pkeaent Children’s Dey progrems in the Let us look beck. 11m electric buffaloed here In New England, turning vie Woodbridge street, month when there ere so meny power wes out fifteen minutes ■peeking of buffeloes. If tbeee cir­ were mdlreetly the result of the Fine Performance lU r . Jemee RTielJ. mleleter of greduetion progrems. She s^d Tueedey night You know! cuses that are coming In here ere herd work o f e young couple, Dope Makm Holiday the Church of the Neserene, Mrs. whose name muet .be withheld. one of her youngsters wee gredu- How they suffered. Helf sheved, wise, they will cloeely guard their A highly entertaining eeaembty Ben end their children, Jemee, helf e cup of coffee, helf e glese We beer they secured over three BINGO Gottwald Elected ntng from gremmer school end bed eerebeoe. Else they mey find the program wes presented at Green Federal Judge Bans end Btumn Jeen, will leeve of orenge juice, no lipstick— the himdrsd algnetures end eubmltted e pert thet required memoraing. A t rice reisers have mode off with the list to the olBciele. who ■chool recently to memtois of the momlnf for e motor trip the seme Ume the youngsUr wes world turned upside down. them. AT 8:30 SHARP to fft Louie, where thev win et- in turn took the matter up with Idndeianrten and second grade. pert in e Children's Oows, they sey, ere elmoet en- To ecoommndete fill tto.,puplle tend the Quedrennlel convention D ^ ^ ^ ^ m Uiet elso required e ' Urely creeturee of hebit tha Connecticut Cbmpeny. The Czech President; o t the Neeerene denomlnetlon. From the mellbeg: Chengs hoe been la operation only end vlsitora the program wee re­ lot of memorising. She seid it wes I ------- e week, but es time goM on end pented with much eucesM and to ’ EVERY SATURbAY NIGHT June IT to M Incluelve. They will reelly e herd tesk for her young- W’e understend thet the “new Deer Heard Along: Maritime Walkout; the enjoyment o f everyone who nt- ■top ea route in PltUburgh, end people get used to the idee, it is ■ter Md too much of e strein. i look" is proving to be e big help I heve been reeding the Interest' bouiMl to be popular. Our inform­ tended. w ill leeve the children with Mr. Most Children's Dey progrems ere to the bendege end emice bust- tng end uplifting sermons thet ant who lives in the Highland I’erk Mrs. M ery Hutchinson end mem- ATTRACTIVE DOOR PRIZES! Given 296 Votes BeU'e perente. ITiey will eleo visit Mnm held in churches tomorrow 1 nese. Girls who used to skip down heve appeared In ’The Hereld fre­ section eeld the raeldeats along tora of both kindergarten groope In Ctolumbue, Ohio, with M re end roost grede school gredueUon the Stairs end down the street In quently bgr Rev. Word end Rev. Charter Oek strasi signed e peti­ arranged the following progjwm: ■MTe perente. Rev, Oieeter Aui- exerdsee ere being held this com­ what is known ea “ gey ebendOn” Stanpeon end It is e marvelous feel­ tion also, but ware unsuccessful ia Announcera wun Peter HaiMea ing to know that there la someone Hailed by Speaker m Orders Bargaining tln, former mlnieter o f the church ing week, so we cen reedlly see —which we suppose means shorter getting bus service there, e end Margaret Heir; welcome wee w ill be in cherge end teke cere of where there could be e conflict skirts—ere tumbling around in who is willing end capable of cell­ It la e conaldereble distance from *S6MJali*t PreaideMt in ing our attention to our faith of given by Authur House end Pet­ Mr, BelTe peetorel duties in his Of course the High school greds the.8e long, flcwlng creations that the terminua et Main end Charter er Hansen. ’There followed eonge News Tidbita eboence. add flounce tc femininity. The today. Oek street to Highland Perk. Sodalirt Country*; Ab beve nothing to worry ebout since Looking about us here end to the cleM ' ’The Smell Pepooe^, ^ Yd. Order Now While We Aro CaBai Ftsai (ff) Wins Injunction Name* Three they ere well over the Qdldren s "new look", it is said, has caused Their pies wes for e kxm along "tiM Beers Crow” , ’T h e Clroua Ike ennuel meeting of the Men- en old color combination—black mbroed we find evidence of e re­ Charter Oek end Porter sureeL legiaiiee Svrom to Of Union* InvoWed Dey ege. Tee. yes—thet wes quite vealing nature. The old leason to Clown’’ end ’Bwlng in e Swing.' Loading Dairy Farm Soil Republican Leaders ctisetsr Reelty boerd will be held noUeeeble efter yesterdey's gredu­ end blue—to stage a comeback. Craetive expression in nurMry ' Gonethntkm; Troope Moodey evening, June J1 et E. J- love thy neighbor es thyself has We’re still hearing many favor­ And Applies Speeifie- etion exercises. been put aside. We heve found it riiymee by the cleea “Little o f IsMpRnBlTB t o _____ HoU’e oottege. Bolton Lake. Sup­ In connection with children ■ Now thet school is out end the able commente ebout the eppaer- Peep", “Sing e Song of Sixpence" COAllSE GRAVEL DELIVERED $1.25 YD. Revievred in Conrtye^ people timil^ It la getting aUIhoaa ally to and GnH children ere free to room again, easier to hate, condemn, and hu- per w ill be eerved end officers progrems. we elweys get e kick mtllete those about ua ence of Manchester’s p^oeawa la and “ U ttle Miss M u ffet" Plan Night Session the street becomes e little more the Memorial Day parade. Led by mm elected for the coming yeer. out of items submitted for publl- Yet, deep in our beerte, we know P oem, "Punny Story" by Peter Prague, Juno 14.— Menthly Hdltor S d t^ ' WeMn G I PhBBBB; Other dangerous. Darting out from be­ Chief at Police Herman SdMndel WenMn end Judith Light. Tap tMls Wellatiey gradaatao.. Ooa- ceUon thet reed like this: thet e return to e faith is some­ Cxoehofilovakifi'fi brst Com­ Mrs. Cynthle Kenebl of Wells “ The Such end Such Society will hind perked cars, playing in they marched at the head et 1 4uiee by Linde Brodeur end Mery SEWERS, DITCHING pectieut Ok bow plaaa to ghandca Put Senate on Overtimaj Injoncdons Alfcctiag streets, riding double on bikes, thing deeper and more eternal street, ehelrmen of the Gift Perty enterteln the children of the mem­ then ourselvee. panda 8T strong. It was the n Lfi Howell. UenM by the cle aepMe tanka aed dry weae leeteHed. munist president was dectid I 1m4 SnBaya la the otata. thoaa Palestine €^ts West Coast and Great o f Lekote Council, No. 61, Degree bers et e perty Tueedey evening. hooking rides on rear parts of Our dlseppointmente and our un- Impneeiva pubUo enpeareaoe, “How Do Tou Do,' My Pnrtneri*. and took oince today. Pre­ New Bstrea . PteC. Fowler Schedule in Drive to trucks, and ell o f the other dang­ o f Pocehontss, requests ell mem- The children heve been rehesrslng hepplneea would be lessened if we without doubt, in the history ‘Ilie children Vi-ere remarkably Equipment for Hire Truck-Shovel mier Klement G ottu ^ was —tper ef Law School telle Lakes to Be Soo^t ers become present in large quant­ the deportment. It wee so much capable In their handling of the Anwrlcaa Hardware Oorp, etrUcen Wind Up BusInasM *bers to bring their glfU to the e delightful progrem." could share our religion with elected by a show of 298 Quiet at Last; m isting Wedneedey, June 16, end Sure, throw e perty fo r the kids ity. Be careful. (Hilldren don't others no matter of whet faith more Impressive then eSolng e h«if ennouncementr end the carrying Crawler Shovel* — Bulldosera —• Trucks In New Britain to penlet becenee think. Motorists should. 1 Soy wHh a Mg toaSra e f epiaae And Adjourn Saturday New York, Juna 14.—</f) meke returns of tickets sold, es end they do ell the work.
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