Modified Register for Cochran

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Modified Register for Cochran

Modified Register for Cochran

First Generation

1. Cochran .

He had the following children:

+ 2 M i. Cochran .

3 M ii. (son) Cochran .

4 M iii. (son) Cochran .

5 M iv. (son) Cochran .

Second Generation

2. Cochran ().

He had the following children:

+ 6 M i. William Cochran was born in 1710.

Third Generation

6. William Cochran 1 (, ) was born in 1710 in Renfrew, Paisley Abbey, Scotland. He died in Mecklenburg Co., North Carolina.

William served in the military US Navy.

sources: majority: Phyllis Files Kim Hendrix Pete Cochran Mike Cochran

William's dad was a large manufacturer and ship owner of great wealth and 3 of his brothers had ships of their own.

William was a stow away on his uncle's ship. landed in America in New Hampshire in 1726. Went to Virginia with other cousins and then moved to Mecklenburg Co. prior to Revolutionary War.

While William was growing up he often spent several days at the castle of 1 of his uncles. This uncle entertained him with tales of the many battles he had fought for their King. He related how another William Cochrane, a Sir, had married Eupheme, daughter of Sir William Scott of Andress, Fifeshire, and these 2 men had planned to bring groups of people to America. They had written to the Governors of different states for permission to send these people.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 1 On arriving back home after the dining hour and having asked for his dinner, he was served with food that remained from the servants' table, which he declined. That night his parents locked him in his room.

They did not remember the secret door that lead down the four floors into the basements. He waited until all had gone to bed, and he slipped down and silently stole out of the castle to the corrals where he quickly saddled his beautiful white horse. The next day he arrived at the port where his uncle's ship waited for passengers. He had sold his horse and saddle and had bought a money belt to hide his money. He then hid in the ship until far out to sea. He was discovered and put to work. He had been around ships all his life and quickly received admiration for his work. He was a tall, red haired lad, who looked older than his sixteen years.

On arriving in America he joined the navy, and spent 2 years in it. Then he visited relatives in Londenderry, New Hampshire, where he helped build churches. The next year he visited relatives in Chester Co., PA. He worked there for a year. Many of the younger people were going to homestead land in Virginia. William and his cousins went along and he settled near Richmond. There, John Cochran, Andrew, David, and Dr. William Cochran settled. He married in Virginia and had several kids. They remained there until North Carolina opened its land to land buyers. Selling their land in Virginia, they bought land and also homesteaded. Each man over 18 years of age could claim 50 acres. They left Virginia and settled two miles from the Court House in Mecklenburg, North Carolina. Some went to nearby counties.

William Cochran's kids at this time were: Robert, Thomas, Samuel, Andrew, and William.

It is thought that William was born in either Ayrshire or Fife County, Scotland in 1710. Information about his parents are unknown, but it is known that he had an uncle that was a ship builder. It was on one of this uncle's ships that William stowed away, arriving in New York sometime in 1726. He was turned over to the British Navy, and impressed into service around New York and the eastern seaboard for two years. _After leaving the navy, he went to Londenderry, New Hampshire where he had relatives. It is thought that he spent about a year there helping as a church builder, after which he drifted to Chester County, PA. While in Chester, he met cousins John, Andrew, David, and another William who was a Doctor. They decided to go to Virginia and homestead, settling near Richmond. (Virginia Migrations, Vol I, Hanover County page 36, Deed Book Spotsylvania County pages 257-263)_William married while in Virginia, but nothing is known about his wife. It is recorded that he had four sons, Robert, Thomas, Samuel Andrew, and William. When North Carolina was opened to land buyers in the mid 1740's, they left Virginia and bought land near the courthouse in Mecklenburg. There is no further information about William, but son Thomas Cochran stayed near Mecklenburg the rest of his life, while the other brothers settled in different counties in North Carolina.

William married Helen Cochran in Virginia. Helen died in North Carolina.

They had the following children:

+ 7 M i. Thomas Cochran , Sr. was born in 1744. He died in 1794.

8 M ii. Robert Cochran was born in Virginia.

9 M iii. Samuel Cochran was born in Virginia.

10 M iv. Andrew Cochran was born in Virginia.

11 M v. William Cochran was born in Virginia.

Fourth Generation

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 2 7. Thomas Cochran , Sr. 2,3,4,5,6 (William, , ) was born in 1744 in near Richmond, Virginia. He died in 1794 in Charlotte, Mecklenburg, North Carolina. He was buried in North Carolina. Thomas served in the military POW in Prisonship "Forby" off coast of Chester Bay. He served in the military Rev. War.

Thomas bought land, 150 acres on Cedar Branch of 12 Mile Creek, in Mecklenburg Co. in 1764. His will was declared in about 1794, probably Thomas Cochran died about that time. He fought in the Revolutionary War and was held prisoner on ship off coast of North Carolina. He did not receive pay for fighting and received land grant, that was passed on to James Cochran, remained in family until James Cochran's death.

He wrote his will March 14, 1786 and it was provin in April 1794. In it he gave his wife Sarah items in addition to what was allowed her as dower by law along with the benefit of "my plantation whereon I now live for the schooling and care of my children 150 acres on Camp Branch of 12 Mile Creek." Also, 200 acres equally divided between sons: Eleazer, John, William and Robert at the time Robert is 21 years or the youngest surviving; son Thomas was given his note; Daughter Jean, wife of Andrew Rea was mentioned; Executors were wife Sarah, son Eleazer, and John McCorkle. Witnesses: John Osburn, William Houston, William Porter.

Thomas and wife Sarah gave or sold land to their sons as follows: John Cochran, March 31, 1798, for L50, 200 acres; Thomas Cochran, Jr. (III), Nov. 9, 1799, for L50, 156 acres on 12 Mile Creek. "...corner of John Ritchie... post oak by James Cochran's house..."; James Cochran, Nov. 9, 1799, for L50, 40 acres on 12 Mile Creek and 132 acres elsewhere; Moses Cochran, Oct 14, 1801, for $100, 100 acres on 12 Mile Creek.

Rachel Cochran who married Edmond Ritchie Nov. 28, 1799 is also mentioned. Thomas Cochran and wife Sarah disappeared from the records of Mecklenburg Co., NC before 1810 but whether they died or moved away could not be determined.

Will of Thomas Cochran: In the name of GOD, amen! I THOMAS COCHRAN of Mecklenburg County of the state of north carolina, being at present well in body but of sound and dispesing memory and understanding, and calling to mind the uncertainty of this life, that it is appointed all men are to die, do make and order this my last WILL and Testament in maner and form following, principally and first of all, I command my soul to God, who gave it and my body to the Earth to be buried in a Christian like and decent mannar at the direction of my Execurters and hereafter named. And as touching such worldly goods as it hath pleased God to bless me with in this world. I give and dispose of the same in the manner and form following:

First, I WILL that my just debets and funeral charges be paid and satisfied as soon as convenient after decease.

I give and bequeath unto my well beloved wife Sarah, one feather bed and furniture, of her choice any of my cows and calf, besides what is allowed her as DOWER by law, to geather with the great benefit of the whole of this plantation whereon I now live for the schooling of my children, my youngest son comes of age twenty one years if so, that she remained my widow, last if during that time she married, she is thensforth to have such part of the land as is allowed by law, and my children such as is not then come of age, to be to learn a trade, if my EXECUTERS derects so be it.

Then it is my WILL that the plantation whereon I live, containing 150 acres and a piece of the adjoining the same counties containing 65 acres togeather with another tract of land on the CAMP BRANCH of TWELVE MILE CREEK, containing 200 Acres that the three aforesaid tracts of land be equally devided between my four youngest sons, vis; Eleaser, John, William and Robert, to be devided as they agree at the time that Robert is twenty one years of age or the youngest survivers of my children be at that age of twenty years, to them or the survivers of them forever in fee simple.

It is likewise my WILL that my Negro WRENCH, named Chieo remain and be with my widow and her

children's use during her widowhood then come to my sons above named as an undivided right and not to be sold, but for some noterious fault, but if it so happnes that said wench Chieo should have children before my youngest son or the surviving youngest be of full age then John, William and Robert shall each of them have one of the said children, John the oldest of them, William the next oldest, and Robert

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 3 the next, and said wench and her increase beside to be the property of my son Eleazer.

I WILL that my son Thomas Jr. have a two year old heifer out of my stock, immediately after my decease, and I WILL that my son Thomas have given up to him his note of hand from him to me for two pounds, ten or fifteen shillings, and likewise a coat jacket and breeches of my wearing apparal of a pale blue color of callen and linen, the said cloths to be given him IF he comes or sends for them within two weeks after my decease.

And further it is my WILL that my stock of horses, cattle, and PLATIONS, tools, household furniture, and all my personal ESTATE remaining to be left in common with my widow and four youngest sons before named for their use and maintaiance until such time as my widow marries or the youngest son be 21 years of age, then the stock, and all the rest to be sold or devided into equal shares amongst my widow and her youngsters.

And lastly, I do hereby nominate and appoint my well beloved wife Sarah, my son Eleazer, and John McCorkin to be sole Executors of this my last WILL and TESTAMENT, thereby reoking and making void all other WILLS made by me hereto fore made.

In Witness where of I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 14th day of March in the year of our Lord, 1786.

Published, pronounced, and declared by the said Thomas COCHRAN to be his last WILL and Testament in the presence of us, who at his request have subscribed our names as witnesses. THOMAS COCHRAN (seal) Witnesses: John Osburn, William Haveton, William Parten

The Mecklenburg Signers and Their Neighbors by Ray Worth states that these Cochrans signed: John, Benjamin, Robert, Thomas Sr. and Thomas Jr.

American Prisoners of the Revolutionary War by Dandridge states that the Cochrans from Mecklenburg, NC were Thomas, James, John, Robert and Richard; flogged and held in the prisonship "FORBY" in the Chester Bay in 1774.


he and his brothers moved with their father to Mecklenberg, NC when that state opened up to land buyers. Thomas married in North Carolina, but little is known about his wife other than her name was Sarah, this being mentioned in his will. (March 14, 1786) Mecklenburg County Will Book, page 190.) Their issue were, Jean who married Andrew Rea, Eleazer, Thomas Jr., John, William, James and Robert. As you can see here and in following pages, this Cochran line seems to have named sons after uncles and brothers quite often. This of course gets quite confusing when trying to figure out who is who. _In his will, Thomas states that he owns "150 acres and a piece of the adjoining counties containing 65 acres together with another tract of land on the Camp Branch of Twelve Mile Creek, containing 200 acres." He left this land to his widow, with the condition that she use the land provide for the "schooling" of his children until such time as the youngest son reaches the age of 21 years, then the land is to be divided among them. I guess it was usual for those times, but his daughter is not even mentioned in the will. Another sign of those times, "It is likewise my WILL that my Negro WRENCH, named Chieo remain and be with my widow and her children's use during her widowhood then come to my sons above named as an undivided right and not to be sold, but for some noterious fault, but if it so happens that said wench Chieo should have children before my youngest son or the surviving youngest be of full age, then John, William and Robert shall each of them have one of the said children, John the oldest of them, William the

next oldest, and Robert the next, and said wench and her increase beside to be the property of my widow." __"The Mecklenburg Signers and Their Neighbors" by Ray Worth mentions Thomas and his sons. _"American Prisoners of the Revolutionary War" by Dandridge states that Thomas, James, John, Robert and Richard Cochran from Mecklemburg, N.C. were prisoners in the prisonship "Forby" in the Chester Bay, 1774. Am unable to determine exactly when Thomas died, but son Robert Cochran <05robert.htm> is the next ancestor in this particular line.

1790 Mecklenburg Co., NC Census, page 378-45: Cochran,Thomas Sr., 2 free white males 16 and up, 2 free white males under 16, 1 free white female including heads of families, 1 slave

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 4 ------

State of N. Carolina Salisbury District No. 566 } Agreeable to an Act of the Genearl Assembly before in Woke? County that 6th July 1791? Thomas Cochron was allowed Nine pounds four shillings thence for militia ??? by the board of Auditors Sept. 15th 7003??? By ??? David Wilson y and WittCathey Lg. 6. 0 7.7 ______9.11.7 ??? Trotter C, B

------Thos. Cochran Lg. 4. 5.4 ______9.9.4


State of North Carolina No. 9 Mecklenburg County } This may Certify that as Commisioned of the County aforesaid I have J????? farm? That Cochran ???? Nun???? all of Boet????

At the ???? aforetained in spanish mill Dollars, By a Benefactortions of Congress Dated 29th February 1740 amounting in the whole to fifty nine spanish mill Dolalrs, which sum is to bear interest at 5 ? Cent??? J??? agreeable to an net of General Assembly in said C??mad. By me this ??? Day of ? November? the Year 87? David Wilson C.C.

No. 364

to Tho. Cochran the written Claim of L23..12..01 10~9..3 and ?? Geo Graham ?? 798 in the ??? of 1787


Comptroler's Office. Kingston

The United State of America To the State of North Carolina

The sundries allowed by a Committee

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 5 of Claims as P. Report dated October 1779.

219. To Thomas Cochran of ditto (feriages?).....16 (currency)


Specis Certificates paid into the Comptrolers Office

No. 4566, By whom Granted Wilson MCathey, To whom Granted Thomas Cochran, Date Spet. 18?, Sum 9.4

Thomas married Sarah Flenniken 7,8 in 1770. Sarah was born about 1748 in Pennsylvania.

They had the following children:

+ 12 M i. James M. Cochran was born in 1770. He died on 16 Apr 1857.

13 M ii. William Cochran was born in Mecklenburg Co., North Carolina.

14 M iii. Eleazer Cochran .

+ 15 M iv. Thomas Cochran , Jr. .

16 M v. Moses Cochran was born about 1772 in Mecklenburg Co., North Carolina.

17 F vi. Jean Cochran was born in Virginia. Jean married Andrew Rea in Mecklenburg Co., North Carolina. Andrew was born in Mecklenburg Co., North Carolina.

18 F vii. Rachel Cochran was born about 1776. Rachel married Edmond Ritchie on 28 Jan 1799 in Mecklenburg Co., North Carolina. Edmond was born in Mecklenburg Co., North Carolina.

19 M viii. John Cochran was born in Mecklenburg Co., North Carolina.

John served in the military POW in Prisonship "Forby" off coast of Chester Bay. He served in the military Rev. War.

+ 20 M ix. Robert S. Cochran was born on 24 Dec 1781.

Fifth Generation

12. James M. Cochran 9,10,11 (Thomas, William, , ) was born in 1770 in Charlotte, Mecklenburg, North Carolina. He died on 16 Apr 1857 in Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. He was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

James served in the military POW in Prisonship "Forby" off coast of Chester Bay. He served in the military Rev. War .

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 6 "The Mecklenburg Signers and Their Neighbors" by Ray Worth mentions Thomas and his sons. _" American Prisoners of the Revolutionary War" by Dandridge states that Thomas, James, John, Robert and Richard Cochran from Mecklemburg, N.C. were prisoners in the prisonship "Forby" in the Chester Bay, 1774. Am unable to determine exactly when Thomas died, but son Robert Cochran <05robert.htm> is the next ancestor in this particular line.

State of N. Carolina Salisbury District No 6433} Agreeable to ?? of the General Assembly ??? Wake County the 14th day 1781 Thomas Cochran was allowed Eleven pounds, ??? Shillings ??? for Militia Service by the board of Audtors Janry 23rd 1781 By Grder Harris ??? Trotter C.B. Will Cathey

James married Elizabeth Orr 12,13,14,15 daughter of David Orr and Catherine Orr on 17 Jan 1798 in Charlotte, Mecklenburg, North Carolina. Elizabeth was born in 1779 in Charlotte, Mecklenburg, North Carolina. She died after 7 Jun 1860 in Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. She was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

1790 Mecklenburg Co., NC Census, page 380-17: Orr, David, 1 free white male 16 and up, 4 free white males 16 and under, 4 free white females including heads of families, 0 slaves

1860 Marshall Co., TN Census, 15th Civil District Lewisburg PO; pg. 262-14; June 7, 1860: Cochran, Elizabeth, 81 female white, house keeper, value of real estate 1200, value of personal estate 1300, born NC, illiterate Cochran, Catharine, 50 female white, born NC, illiterate Cochran, Martha, 46 female white, born NC, illiterate Cochran, Susan, 44 female white, born NC, illiterate Cochran, Julina, 38 female white, born NC, illiterate Cochran, Silas, 35 male white, farm laborer, born TN, illiterate Cochran, Levi, 28 male white, farm laborer, born TN, illiterate

James and Elizabeth had the following children:

21 F i. Catherine "Katey" Cochran was born in 1799 in Charlotte, Mecklenburg, North Carolina. She died in 1885 in Cochran, Marshall Co., Tennessee. She was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cochran, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

Catherine and her other unmarried sisters, in 1857, petitioned the other heirs not to sell the land of their father since the four of them lived with their mother and had no place else to live. They referred to themselves as "four sisters, neither of whom has been married". In 1858 the land was divided and the four sisters received about 60 acres on which they lived out their lives. 24 July 1885 Catherine, Susannah, and

Julina Cochran for the love and affection and for the care and support that we have heretofore received and are now receiving Silas Cochran and Levi Cochran, our nephews, we do hereby give them the land we heired from our father James Cochran's estate, 60 acres, in District 15.

1860 Marshall Co., TN Census, 15th Civil District Lewisburg PO; pg. 262-14; June 7, 1860: Cochran, Elizabeth, 81 female white, house keeper, value of real estate 1200, value of personal estate 1300, born NC, illiterate Cochran, Catharine, 50 female white, born NC, illiterate Cochran, Martha, 46 female white, born NC, illiterate Cochran, Susan, 44 female white, born NC, illiterate

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 7 Cochran, Julina, 38 female white, born NC, illiterate Cochran, Silas, 35 male white, farm laborer, born TN, illiterate Cochran, Levi, 28 male white, farm laborer, born TN, illiterate

1880 District 15, Marshall Co., TN, page 478C Cochran, Katey, self, white female 80, single, housekeeper, born NC, father born NC, mother born NC Cochran, Matty, other, white female 77, single, Cochran, Susan, other, white female 75, single, born NC, father born NC Cochran, Julina, other, white female 70, single, housekeeper, born NC, father born NC Cochran, Silas, other, white male 60, single, farmer, born TN, father born NC, mother born NC Cochran, Levi J., other, white male 55, single, farmer, born TN, father born NC, mother born NC Terusen, James, other, white male 18, single, field hand, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN Richardson, D., other, white male 63, widow, shoe maker, born TN, father born NC, mother born NC

+ 22 F ii. Margaret Cochran was born on 5 Feb 1801. She died on 1 May 1886.

+ 23 F iii. Martha "Matty" Cochran was born in 1803. She died in 1880.

24 F iv. Susannah (Susan) Cochran was born in 1805 in Charlotte, Mecklenburg, North Carolina. She died in 1885 in Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. She was buried in Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

1860 Marshall Co., TN Census, 15th Civil District Lewisburg PO; pg. 262-14; June 7, 1860: Cochran, Elizabeth, 81 female white, house keeper, value of real estate 1200, value of personal estate 1300, born NC, illiterate Cochran, Catharine, 50 female white, born NC, illiterate Cochran, Martha, 46 female white, born NC, illiterate Cochran, Susan, 44 female white, born NC, illiterate Cochran, Julina, 38 female white, born NC, illiterate Cochran, Silas, 35 male white, farm laborer, born TN, illiterate Cochran, Levi, 28 male white, farm laborer, born TN, illiterate

1880 District 15, Marshall Co., TN, page 478C Cochran, Katey, self, white female 80, single, housekeeper, born NC, father born NC, mother born NC

Cochran, Matty, other, white female 77, single, Cochran, Susan, other, white female 75, single, born NC, father born NC Cochran, Julina, other, white female 70, single, housekeeper, born NC, father born NC Cochran, Silas, other, white male 60, single, farmer, born TN, father born NC, mother born NC Cochran, Levi J., other, white male 55, single, farmer, born TN, father born NC, mother born NC Terusen, James, other, white male 18, single, field hand, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN Richardson, D., other, white male 63, widow, shoe maker, born TN, father born NC, mother born NC

+ 25 M v. John Cochran was born in 1807. He died in 1868.

26 F vi. Julina Cochran was born in 1809 in Charlotte, Mecklenburg, North Carolina.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 8 1860 Marshall Co., TN Census, 15th Civil District Lewisburg PO; pg. 262-14; June 7, 1860: Cochran, Elizabeth, 81 female white, house keeper, value of real estate 1200, value of personal estate 1300, born NC, illiterate Cochran, Catharine, 50 female white, born NC, illiterate Cochran, Martha, 46 female white, born NC, illiterate Cochran, Susan, 44 female white, born NC, illiterate Cochran, Julina, 38 female white, born NC, illiterate Cochran, Silas, 35 male white, farm laborer, born TN, illiterate Cochran, Levi, 28 male white, farm laborer, born TN, illiterate

1880 District 15, Marshall Co., TN, page 478C Cochran, Katey, self, white female 80, single, housekeeper, born NC, father born NC, mother born NC Cochran, Matty, other, white female 77, single, Cochran, Susan, other, white female 75, single, born NC, father born NC Cochran, Julina, other, white female 70, single, housekeeper, born NC, father born NC Cochran, Silas, other, white male 60, single, farmer, born TN, father born NC, mother born NC Cochran, Levi J., other, white male 55, single, farmer, born TN, father born NC, mother born NC Terusen, James, other, white male 18, single, field hand, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN Richardson, D., other, white male 63, widow, shoe maker, born TN, father born NC, mother born NC

+ 27 M vii. David Cochran was born in 1810. He died on 17 Aug 1899.

+ 28 M viii. James C. Cochran was born on 7 Jan 1813. He died on 6 Apr 1883.

+ 29 M ix. Eleazer A. Cochran was born on 25 Sep 1819. He died on 11 Dec 1890.

15. Thomas Cochran , Jr. (Thomas, William, , ).

1769 bought 300 acres on the waters of 12 Mile Creek.

Thomas married Sarah Cochran .

Thomas and Sarah had the following children:

+ 30 M i. Thomas Cochran , III .

31 M ii. Eleazer Cochran .

32 M iii. Robert Cochran .

20. Robert S. Cochran (Thomas, William, , ) was born on 24 Dec 1781 in Mecklenburg Co., North Carolina. He died in Hacklesburg, Marion Co., Alabama. He was buried in on his ranch, 5 miles south of Hacklesburg, Marion Co., Alabama.

Robert served in the military POW in Prisonship "Forby" off coast of Chester Bay. He served in the military Rev. War.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 9 North West Alabama, Vol. I, pg. 218 by Clark states that Robert Cochran was sent by the Governor to survey and name the counties in Alabama. Also that he was the first white man to settle there. Also see Clarks Records, A Cochran Genealogy by Elliot Cogwell.

Was a tall handsome man, and in 1777 was in parliament in Mecklenburg, NC.

In 1827 he was sent to survey, lay out and name counties in Alabama. He homesteaded 50 acres and bought 1000 acres of land and named it Hacklesburg, Marion Co., Alabama. His family remained there while he went to survey and name other parts of Alabama.

Robert was born December 24, 1781 in Mecklenburg County, N.C., the son of Thomas as mentioned in the last page. _Robert was a member of the "parliament" in Mecklenburg, and in 1827 he was appointed, (not known by whom) to survey, lay out and name counties in Alabama. He homesteaded 50 and bought 1000 acres there, and named it Hacklesburg, Marion County. He moved his family there while he continued to survey. An interesting point, "North West Alabama" Vol. I page 218 by Clark states that Robert Cochran was the first white man to settle in North West Alabama. _Robert married Sarah Hemegen, and they had eleven children. Son Andrew was the only one to remain in Alabama until his death. _-Levi T. Cochran-born in Mecklenburg County, N.C. October 3, 1799, finally settled in Giles, (Maury) County, Tenn. Married Elizabeth Bevens in 1822. _-Robert Cochran-born in Mecklenburg 1802. _- Silas Maxwell Cochran <06silas.htm>-born in Mecklenburg January 1, 1809. In 1829 moved to Giles (Maury) County, Tenn. Later moved to Pontotoc County, Belden, Mississippi in 1836. _-Andrew K. Cochran-born 1811 in Mecklenburg. He is buried in Vandina Cemetery near Hacklesburg, AL. _-Thomas D. Cochran-born 1816 in Mecklenburg. Left Alabama in 1860 and bought land in Poplar Springs, Mississippi, near his brother Silas. He was a member of the group that migrated to Texas in 1886 which is discussed further along the line. He is buried at Salem, TX. _-Mildred Cochran-married Ray Duncan _- Jane Cochran- _-Polly, or Mary Cochran- _-Margaret Cochran-married Green _-Two boys died in infancy

Robert married Sarah Henning or Hemegen in 1799 in Mecklenburg Co., North Carolina. Sarah was born in 1768 in Mecklenburg Co., North Carolina. She died in 0086.

They had the following children:

+ 33 M i. Col. Levi Thomas Cochran was born on 3 Oct 1799. He died on 29 Jan 1885.

34 M ii. Robert Cochran was born in 1802.

+ 35 M iii. Silas Maxwell Cochran was born on 1 Jan 1809. He died on 11 Aug 1868.

+ 36 M iv. Andrew K. Cochran was born in 1811. He died on 24 Dec 1882.

37 M v. Thomas D. Cochran was born in 1816 in Mecklenburg Co., North Carolina.

He was buried in Salem, Texas.

Thomas lived in Alabama until 1860 when he bought land in Poplar Springs, Mississippi, near his brother, Silas M. In 1886 he went with a group of relatives to Texas.

Left Alabama in 1860 and bought land in Poplar Springs, Mississippi, near his brother Silas. He was a member of the group that migrated to Texas in 1886.

38 F vi. Milt or Mildred Cochran was born about 1818. Milt married Ray Duncan in Tennessee.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 10 39 F vii. Jane Cochran was born about 1820.

40 F viii. Mary "Polly" Cochran was born about 1824. Mary married Green .

41 F ix. Margaret Cochran was born about 1826. Margaret married Green .

42 M x. (son) Cochran died young.

43 M xi. (son) Cochran died young.

Sixth Generation

22. Margaret Cochran 16 (James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 5 Feb 1801 in Charlotte, Mecklenburg, North Carolina. She died on 1 May 1886 in Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. She was buried in McAteer Cemetary, Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

1880 District 14, Marshall Co., TN, page 461A Richardson, John H., self, white male 54, single, farmer, born TN, father born NC, mother born NC Richardson, Margaret, mother, white female 77, widow, born NC, father born Ireland, mother born NC Richardson, Sarah A., sister, white female 40, single, born TN, father born NC, mother born NC Richardson, Henry J., nephew, white male 15, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN

Margaret married Harvel C. Richardson in Marshall Co., Tennessee. Harvel was born in 1780. He died in Nov 1845 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He was buried in McAteer Cemetary, Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

They had the following children:

+ 44 M i. James C. Richardson was born on 14 May 1824. He died on 15 Sep 1897.

45 M ii. John H. Richardson 17 was born on 17 Jan 1826 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He died on 10 Apr 1883 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He was buried in McAteer Cemetary, Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

1880 District 14, Marshall Co., TN, page 461A Richardson, John H., self, white male 54, single, farmer, born TN, father born NC, mother born NC Richardson, Margaret, mother, white female 77, widow, born NC, father born Ireland, mother born NC Richardson, Sarah A., sister, white female 40, single, born TN, father born NC, mother born NC Richardson, Henry J., nephew, white male 15, single, born TN, father born TN, mother

born TN

46 F iii. Elizabeth Richardson was born in 1830 in Marshall Co., Tennessee.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 11 47 F iv. Mary A. Richardson was born in 1833 in Marshall Co., Tennessee.

+ 48 M v. David Richardson was born in 1835.

49 F vi. Margaret C. Richardson was born on 8 Sep 1837 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died on 28 Feb 1880 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She was buried in McAteer Cemetary, Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

50 F vii. Sarah J. Richardson 18 was born in 1841 in Marshall Co., Tennessee.

1880 District 14, Marshall Co., TN, page 461A Richardson, John H., self, white male 54, single, farmer, born TN, father born NC, mother born NC Richardson, Margaret, mother, white female 77, widow, born NC, father born Ireland, mother born NC Richardson, Sarah A., sister, white female 40, single, born TN, father born NC, mother born NC Richardson, Henry J., nephew, white male 15, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN

51 M viii. Eli Richardson was born in 1844 in Marshall Co., Tennessee.

23. Martha "Matty" Cochran (James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born in 1803 in Charlotte, Mecklenburg, North Carolina. She died in 1880.

1860 Marshall Co., TN Census, 15th Civil District Lewisburg PO; pg. 262-14; June 7, 1860: Cochran, Elizabeth, 81 female white, house keeper, value of real estate 1200, value of personal estate 1300, born NC, illiterate Cochran, Catharine, 50 female white, born NC, illiterate Cochran, Martha, 46 female white, born NC, illiterate Cochran, Susan, 44 female white, born NC, illiterate Cochran, Julina, 38 female white, born NC, illiterate Cochran, Silas, 35 male white, farm laborer, born TN, illiterate Cochran, Levi, 28 male white, farm laborer, born TN, illiterate

1880 District 15, Marshall Co., TN, page 478C Cochran, Katey, self, white female 80, single, housekeeper, born NC, father born NC, mother born NC Cochran, Matty, other, white female 77, single, Cochran, Susan, other, white female 75, single, born NC, father born NC Cochran, Julina, other, white female 70, single, housekeeper, born NC, father born NC Cochran, Silas, other, white male 60, single, farmer, born TN, father born NC, mother born NC Cochran, Levi J., other, white male 55, single, farmer, born TN, father born NC, mother born NC Terusen, James, other, white male 18, single, field hand, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN Richardson, D., other, white male 63, widow, shoe maker, born TN, father born NC, mother born NC

Martha married Cochran in 1820.

They had the following children:

52 M i. Silas Cochran was born in 1825 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He died in 1890 in Marshall Co., Tennessee.

1860 Marshall Co., TN Census, 15th Civil District Lewisburg PO; pg. 262-14; June 7,

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 12 1860: Cochran, Elizabeth, 81 female white, house keeper, value of real estate 1200, value of personal estate 1300, born NC, illiterate Cochran, Catharine, 50 female white, born NC, illiterate Cochran, Martha, 46 female white, born NC, illiterate Cochran, Susan, 44 female white, born NC, illiterate Cochran, Julina, 38 female white, born NC, illiterate Cochran, Silas, 35 male white, farm laborer, born TN, illiterate Cochran, Levi, 28 male white, farm laborer, born TN, illiterate

1880 District 15, Marshall Co., TN, page 478C Cochran, Katey, self, white female 80, single, housekeeper, born NC, father born NC, mother born NC Cochran, Matty, other, white female 77, single, Cochran, Susan, other, white female 75, single, born NC, father born NC Cochran, Julina, other, white female 70, single, housekeeper, born NC, father born NC Cochran, Silas, other, white male 60, single, farmer, born TN, father born NC, mother born NC Cochran, Levi J., other, white male 55, single, farmer, born TN, father born NC, mother born NC Terusen, James, other, white male 18, single, field hand, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN Richardson, D., other, white male 63, widow, shoe maker, born TN, father born NC, mother born NC

53 M ii. Levi J. Cochran was born in 1829 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He died in 1890 in Marshall Co., Tennessee.

Levi served in the military Pvt., Co. H, 17th Inf., CSA Civil War.

1860 Marshall Co., TN Census, 15th Civil District Lewisburg PO; pg. 262-14; June 7, 1860: Cochran, Elizabeth, 81 female white, house keeper, value of real estate 1200, value of personal estate 1300, born NC, illiterate Cochran, Catharine, 50 female white, born NC, illiterate Cochran, Martha, 46 female white, born NC, illiterate Cochran, Susan, 44 female white, born NC, illiterate Cochran, Julina, 38 female white, born NC, illiterate Cochran, Silas, 35 male white, farm laborer, born TN, illiterate Cochran, Levi, 28 male white, farm laborer, born TN, illiterate

1880 District 15, Marshall Co., TN, page 478C Cochran, Katey, self, white female 80, single, housekeeper, born NC, father born NC, mother born NC Cochran, Matty, other, white female 77, single, Cochran, Susan, other, white female 75, single, born NC, father born NC Cochran, Julina, other, white female 70, single, housekeeper, born NC, father born NC Cochran, Silas, other, white male 60, single, farmer, born TN, father born NC, mother born NC Cochran, Levi J., other, white male 55, single, farmer, born TN, father born NC, mother born NC Terusen, James, other, white male 18, single, field hand, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN

Richardson, D., other, white male 63, widow, shoe maker, born TN, father born NC, mother born NC

17th TENNESSEE INFANTRY _Company H _Men from Marshall County, Tennessee

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 13 ABOUT THE 17TH TENNESSEE INFANTRY REGIMENT The 17th Tennessee Infantry was mustered into Confederate service on August 15, 1861 at Big Creek, Campbell County, TN. The regiment was then placed under the command of Brigadier General Felix K. ZOLLICOFFER, and participated in an engagement at Rock Castle, Kentucky (Camp Wildcat) on October 21, 1861, where it suffered 45 causalities. On January 20, 1862 the regiment was engaged in action at Fishing Creek near Mill Springs, Kentucky. In this battle the regiment suffered 46 casualties and Brigadier General ZOLLICOFFER was killed. The next action the regiment saw was during General Bragg's invasion of Kentucky in 1862. During this campaign the regiment was present at the capture of Munfordville and at the battle of Perryville (Oct. 8, 1862 - 24 casualties). The regiment was placed in General Patrick R. CLEBURNE'S Division during the battle at Murfreesboro (Dec. 31, 1862), where the regiment listed 246 causalities out of 598 men engaged. Following the Tullahoma campaign, the regiment was heavily engaged at the Battle of Chickamauga (Sept. 19 & 20, 1863) and suffered 130 causalities out of 249 men engaged. The regiment then severed its connection with the Army of Tennessee and served under Lt. General James LONGSTREET during campaigns against Knoxville and East Tennessee in the Fall and Winter of 1863/64. The regiment was then transferred to the Army of Northern Virginia in the Spring of 1864. In Viriginia, the regiment was involved in many battles, including Drewry's Bluff (May 15, 1864 - 68 casualties out of 319 engaged), Petersburg (June 17, 1864 - 70 men captured), and Hatcher's Run (Feb. 2, 1865). The regiment was surrendered by LEE at Appomattox Courthouse with approximately 70 men remaining from the over 1000 men who served. Company H of the the 17th Tennessee Infantry was formed in Marshall County, Tennessee. The information included below was obtained from the microfilmed copies of the compiled service records stored at the National Archives and the Marshall County Historical Quarterly, Summer 1988, Vol. XIX, No. 2.

COCHRAN, A.J., Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Slight wound in head at Murfreesboro Dec. 31, 1862. COCHRAN(or COHORN), Columbus, Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Captured at Harrodsburg, KY Oct. 9, 1862, but present on muster roll for Jan./Feb. 1863. Deserted and took oath at Roane Co., TN Dec. 1863. COCHRAN (or COHORAN), Elisha, Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted Nov. 7, 1862 at Lewisburg by Tally. Deserted, took oath at Roane Co. TN. COCHRAN, Lewis (or Levi), Pvt., Co. H, Elisted Nov. 7, 1862 at Lewisburg by Tally. Deserted and took oath in East Tennessee Feb. 1864. COCHRAN, W.J., Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted Nov. 7, 1862 at Lewisburg, TN by Tally. COCHRAN, W.T., Pvt., Co. H COCHRAN(or COHORN), Wilson, Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Deserted took oath at Roane, Co. TN Dec. 1863.

HILL, H.W.(Wash) , Pvt., Co. H Enlisted Nov. 24, 1862 at McMinnville, TN by Wright. Slight wound in side at Beech Grove (Hoover's Gap) June 25 & 26, 1863. Captured

near Chattanooga Sept. 13, 1863. Took oath, desires to be released to Wartrace. McCRORY, Robert H. , Capt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Last record indicates present for duty at Mill Springs, KY Dec. 1861 ORR, Thomas A. Enlisted Feb. 2, 1863 by Col. Floyd. ORR, W.M., Pvt., Co. D (or H?), Enlisted May 28, 1861. Wounded sent to Hospital May 16, 1864. Left index finger amputated. Engaged at Chattanooga, Kentucky, Murfreesboro, Petersubrug. Also wounded in right hip. Pension application 16212 (111) . PAXTON, John F., Cpl., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. RAMBO, D.H., Pvt., Co. H RAMBO, M.V.B., Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Discharged due to disability Sept. 14, 1861. TALLY, J.P. 1st Lt., Co.H, ENlisted May 28, 1861. Promoted 2nd Lt. May 15, 1862. 1st Lt. June 26, 18662. Severly wounded in breast at Murfreesboro, Dec. 31, 1862. TALLY, Stephen T., Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1862. Captured near Petersburg, VA June 17, 1864. Prison at Elmira, N.Y. Conscripted after one year, desires to got to

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 14 Marshall County, where family resides. Released April 1, 1865. TILLMAN, M.T., Pvt., Co. H (also listed as GILLMAN, M.J.), Enlisted May 28, 1861. Severly wounded in arm at Murfreesboro Dec. 31, 1862. Captured at Marshall Co. TN Dec. 30, 1863. Prison Rock Island. Took oath April 29, 1865. TWITTY, L.H., Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Freemon Batery, Huggins Light Artillery Co. Engaged with Baxter's Artillery, Served at Wild Cat, Fishing Creek, Trenton, Lexington, TN., R-Ford Station, Perkins' Crossroads, Douglass Church, Chickamauga, Dalton, Atlanta. Paroled with Johnson, North Carolina. Pension application 11090. WEBSTER, Robert Hill, Co.H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Wounded at Perryville. Detached to Darden's Battery Feb. 1, 1863 by order Gen. Johnson. Captured near Petersburg June 17, 1864. Paroled at Richmond March 1865. Pension application 3996.

25. John Cochran 19,20,21,22 (James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born in 1807 in Charlotte, Mecklenburg, North Carolina. He died in 1868 in Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. He was buried in London Cemetery, Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

Sources: Kim Hendrix Pete Cochran Death Certificate of Curd Cochran Billye Jobe Phyllis Files

TSLA Roll # A-2188 - Marshall Co. TN Probate Deeds 1836-1840, Page 142 John COCHRAN & Mary his wife to William McRORY to indenture and bargain and Sale of 21 acres of land was this day aknowledged before me by the Said COCHRAN & Mary his wife and by me certified for registration March 16th 1839 M. W. OALEY (clk

1860 Marshall Co., TN Census PO Lewisburg, enumerated June 5, 1860, page 220-18 Cochran, John, 52 male white, farmer, Value of Real Estate 4,000, Value of Personal Estate 2,000, born in NC, illiterate Cochran, Mary, 51 female white, house keeper, born NC, illiterate Cochran, Nancy, 26 female white, domestic, born TN, illiterate

Cochran, Peter, 23 male white, farm laborer, born TN, illiterate Cochran, Rachel, 21 female white, domestic, born TN, attended school within the year Cochran, Talitha, 19 female white, domestic, born TN, attended school within the year Cochran, Lycurgus, 17 male white, farm laborer, born TN, attended school within the year Cochran, Columbus, 14 male white, born TN, attended school within the year Cochran, Mary, 12 female white, born TN, attended school within the year Cochran, James, 10 male white, born TN, attended school within the year

John married Mary "Polly" McCrory 23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33 daughter of Hugh McCrory , Jr. and Dicy Bates in Marshall Co., Tennessee. Mary was born on 22 Oct 1808 in Mecklenburg Co., North Carolina. She died on 20 Jul 1884 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She was buried in London Cemetery, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

Jan 8, 1840, Robert, Wade H., Sally, Rachel, Elizabeth Pyle, Mary Cochran, all children of Hugh McCrory, deceased, and William McCrary, to whom John Cochran and wife Mary had heretofore conveyed their interest in the 151 acres, the remaining part of the original 226 acres to Jones Collins (another child of Ann, an idiot, was not named here). NOTE: William is not named specifically as an heir of Hugh.

1860 Marshall Co., TN Census; 14th Civil District PO Lewisburg; June 5, 1860; page 220-18: Cochran, John, 52 male white, farmer, value of real estate 4,000, value of personal estate 2,000, born NC, illiterate Cochran, Mary, 51 female white, housekeeper, born NC, illiterate

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 15 Cochran, Nancy, 26 female white, domestic, born TN, illiterate Cochran, Peter, 23 male white, farm laborer, born TN, illiterate Cochran, Rachel, 21 female white, domestic, born TN Cochran, Talitha, 19 female white, domestic, born TN, attended school within the year Cochran, Lycurgus, 17 male white, farm laborer, born TN, attended school within the year Cochran, Columbus, 13 male white, born TN, attended school within the year Cochran, Mary, 12 female white, born TN, attended school within the year Cochran, James, 10 male white, born TN, attended school within the year

1870 Marshall Co., TN, Mooresville PO, page 177, June 6, 1870 dwelling 69, family 71 Cochran, Mary, 61 female white, farming, value of real estate 1800, value of personal estate 400, born NC, can't read or write Cochran, Nancy, 37 female white, born TN, can't write Cochran, Mary, 23 female white, born TN, can't write Cochran, James, 19 male white, farm laborer, born TN Richardson, Josephine, 8 female white, born TN, attended school within the year Richardson, William, 2 male white, born TN (living 2 doors from Licergas Cochran)

1880 Marshall Co., TN Census; 462d; District 14: Cochran, Mary, white female 71, self, farmer, born NC, father born NC, mother born VA Cochran, James, white male 29, son, farmer, born TN, father born NC, mother born NC Richardson, William, white male 12, grandson, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN

John and Mary had the following children:

+ 54 M i. Hugh T. Cochran was born in 1828. He died in 1868.

+ 55 F ii. Elizabeth Cochran was born in 1830. She died before 1868.

56 M iii. Thomas Cochran was born in 1831 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He died on 21 Oct 1861 in Rock Castle, Virginia.

Thomas served in the military Pvt., Co. C, 17th Inf., CSA Civil War.

Civil War - Thomas Cochran, Private, Co. C, 17th Inf. Regt., TN Memorial Rolls Extracted from_The Military Annals of Tennessee_Confederate_By John Berrien Lindsley_(Published 1886) COCHRAN, E. A.; died October 9, 1862 [35th Infantry - Co. I] _COCHRAN, John Cowan; d. at Jackson, Tenn., 1884 of disease contracted in the Service [Forrest's Escort] _COCHRAN, Joshua R.; d. Nov. 17, 1861 [7th Infantry Regiment - Co. C] _COCHRAN, Lindsay; died July 13, 1863 [35th Infantry - Co. I] _COCHRAN, Robert; d. at Warm Springs, Va., Nov. 13, 1861 [7th Infantry Regiment - Co. C] _COCHRAN, Thomas; Killed in engagement at Rock Castle, Oct. 21, 1861 [17th Infantry Regiment - Co. C] _COCHRAN, W. J.; Killed at the battle of Murfreesboro, Dec. 31, 1862 [17th Infantry Regiment - Co. H] _

17th Regiment, Tennessee Infantry ORGANIZATION: 17th Infantry Regiment was organized at Camp Trousdale, Sumner County, Tennessee, in June, 1861, with 914 men. Its companies were raised in the counties of Bedford, Marshall, Franklin, Moore, Coffee, Jackson, and Putnam. It served at Cumberland Gap, then moved to Kentucky where it was engaged at Rock Castle and Fishing Creek . Later the unit was ordered to Mississippi and assigned to A.T. Hawthorn's Brigade. Returning to Kentucky attached to B.R. Johnson's Brigade, it

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 16 fought at Perryville , then joined the Army of Tennessee. After fighting at Murfreesboro and Chickamauga , the regiment was consolidated with the 23rd Infantry. This command was sent to Knoxville, then Virginia where it saw action at Drewry's Bluff , took its place in the Petersburg trenches, and, assigned to McComb's Brigade, ended the war at Appomattox . The 17th totalled 547 effectives in June, 1862, lost forty-one percent of the 598 at Murfreesboro, and had fifty-two percent disabled of the 249 at Chickamauga. It surrendered 5 officers and 63 men on April 9, 1865. OFFICERS: Colonels Albert S. Marks, T.C.H. Miller, and Tazewell W. Newman; Lieutenant Colonel Watt W. Floyd; and Majors James C. Davis and Absalom L. Landis. Source: Page 561 - 595, Goodspeed's History of East Tennessee, 1887. The Seventeenth Tennessee (Confederate) Regiment was raised in Bedford, Marshall, Franklin, Jackson and Putnam Counties, and with T W Newman, colonel, was mustered in May 5, 1861. It was disciplined at Camp Trousdale and late in July was transferred to Virginia, but in August returned to East Tennessee. It joined Zollicoffer's Kentucky campaign and at the battle of Rock Castle in half an hour lost 11 killed and 27 wounded. Again it participated in the battle of Fishing Creek (where Gen. Zollicoffer was killed), with the loss of 10 killed and 36 wounded. February 19, 1862, it reached Murfreesboro; thence moved to northern Mississippi, where it participated in the siege of Corinth. In May, T C H Miller became colonel, but was soon succeeded by Albert S Marks. It was transferred to Chattanooga early in August, and in September moved into Kentucky with Bragg, fighting stubbornly at Perryville; thence moved south with the army and December 31 was engaged with magnificent courage at Murfreesboro, losing the extraordinary number of 246 killed and wounded. Later it was engaged at Hoover's Gap, and in September, 1863, at the fearful contest of Chickamauga lost 145

killed and wounded. It soon moved north with Longstreet against Knoxville; assisted in the assault on Fort Loudon; lost 10 men killed and wounded at Bean's Station; and passed the winter of 1863-64 in East Tennessee, suffering incredibly. In May, 1864, it moved to Petersburg, Va., and assaulted the enemy at Drury Bluff May 16, losing 12 killed and 50 wounded. It fought in numerous skirmishes around Richmond, and February 5, 1865, sustained considerable loss at Hatcher's Run. April 2 it fought its last battle on the defenses of Petersburg, losing severely, over half its men being captured. It surrendered at Appomattox April 9.

57 F iv. Nancy Cochran was born in 1832 in Marshall Co., Tennessee.

1860 Marshall Co., TN Census; 14th Civil District PO Lewisburg; June 5, 1860; page 220-18: Cochran, John, 52 male white, farmer, value of real estate 4,000, value of personal estate 2,000, born NC, illiterate Cochran, Mary, 51 female white, housekeeper, born NC, illiterate Cochran, Nancy, 26 female white, domestic, born TN, illiterate Cochran, Peter, 23 male white, farm laborer, born TN, illiterate Cochran, Rachel, 21 female white, domestic, born TN Cochran, Talitha, 19 female white, domestic, born TN, attended school within the year Cochran, Lycurgus, 17 male white, farm laborer, born TN, attended school within the year Cochran, Columbus, 13 male white, born TN, attended school within the year Cochran, Mary, 12 female white, born TN, attended school within the year Cochran, James, 10 male white, born TN, attended school within the year

1870 Marshall Co., TN, Mooresville PO, page 177, June 6, 1870 dwelling 69, family 71 Cochran, Mary, 61 female white, farming, value of real estate 1800, value of personal estate 400, born NC, can't read or write Cochran, Nancy, 37 female white, born TN, can't write Cochran, Mary, 23 female white, born TN, can't write Cochran, James, 19 male white, farm laborer, born TN

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 17 Richardson, Josephine, 8 female white, born TN, attended school within the year Richardson, William, 2 male white, born TN (living 2 doors from Licergas Cochran)

+ 58 F v. Sarah Cochran was born in 1834. She died in 1868.

59 M vi. Peter Cochran was born in 1836 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He died in 1868.

a report in the settlement of his father's estate, said he left neither widow or child.

Civil War - Peter Cochran, Private, Co. C, Union, 4th TN Mounted Inf. Regt.

4th Regiment, Tennessee Infantry ORGANIZATION: Organized at Camp Garber, near Flat Lick, Ky., November, 1861, to March, 1862. Attached to 25th Brigade, 7th Division, Army of the Ohio, to October, 1862. 1st Brigade, District of West Virginia, Dept. of the Ohio, to November, 1862. SERVICE.-Cumberland Gap Campaign March 28-June 18, 1862. Moved to Cumberland Ford April. Skirmishes at Big Creek Gap June 11-12 and 15. Occupation of Cumberland Gap June 18 to September 17. Expedition to Pine Mountain September 6-10. Big Creek Gap September 7. Evacuation of Cumberland Gap and retreat to

Greenupsburg, Ky., September 17-October 3. At Gallipolis, Ohio, and operations in Kanawha Valley, W. Va., till November. Designation of Regiment changed to 1st Tennessee Cavalry November 1, 1862 (which see). Regiment reorganized at Nashville, Tenn., May, 1863. Ordered to Lebanon May 22. Attached to District of North Central Kentucky, 1st Division, 23rd Army Corps, Dept. of the Ohio, to January, 1864. 2nd Brigade, District of Nashville, Dept. of the Cumberland, January, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 12th Army Corps, Dept. of the Cumberland, to April, 1864. 3rd Brigade, 4th Division, 23rd Army Corps, Dept. of the Ohio, to October, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 4th Division, 23rd Army Corps, to February, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 4th Division, District of East Tennessee, to March, 1865. 1st Brigade, 4th Division, District of East Tennessee, to August, 1865. SERVICE.-Duty in District of North Central Kentucky to September, 1863, and in District of Nashville, Tenn., till April, 1864. Ordered to McMinnville September 9, 1863. Action at McMinnville October 3 (Captured). At Nashville and Knoxville, Tenn., till April, 1864. Action at Holston River February 20, 1864. Near Greenville February 21-22. Moved to Loudon April 12. Duty at Loudon, Kingston, Knoxville and Cumberland Gap and in District of East Tennessee till August, 1865. Scouts from Kingston to England Cove July 7-9 and July 12-18, 1864. Mustered out August 2, 1865.

60 F vii. Rachel J. Cochran was born on 12 Aug 1838 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died on 11 Sep 1893 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She was buried in London Cemetery, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

+ 61 F viii. Tabitha C. Cochran was born on 23 Mar 1841. She died on 9 Jun 1916.

+ 62 M ix. Lycurgus C. "LC" "Curd" or "Kirg" Cochran was born on 6 Jul 1843. He died on 14 Jan 1931.

63 M x. Columbus (Christopher?) Columbus Cochran was born in 1845 in Marshall Co., Tennessee.

1880 District 2, Marshall Co., TN, page 321C Cochran, David, self, white male 70, married, farmer, born NC, father born NC, mother born NC

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 18 Cochran, Elizabeth, wife, white female 65, married, keeping house, born NC, father born NC, mother born NC Cochran, Cephas M., son, white male 30, single, laborer, born TN, father born NC, mother born NC Paxton, Julius, grandson, white male 12, single, at home, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN Paxton, Otis B., grandson, white male 10, single, at home, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN Paxton, Anna C., granddaughter, white female 8, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN

living next door: Cochran, Columbus, self, white male 30, married, farmer, born TN, father born NC, mother born NC Cochran, Nancy J., wife, white female 33, married, keeping house, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN_Cochran, David N., son, white male 1, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN Cochran, William O., son, white male 2 months, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN Causbis, Alexander M., father in law, white male 62, married, laborer, born TN, father

born NC, mother born KY

living next door to Columbus: Cochran, Eleazer, self, white male 60, married, farmer, born TN, father born NC, mother born NC Cochran, Frances, wife, white female 46, married, keeping house, born TN, father born NC, mother born GA Cochran, Margaret J., daughter, white female 19, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN Cochran, Lucy M., daughter, white female 14, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN Cochran, Thomas A., son, white male 12, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN Cochran, Geneva J., daughter, white female 9, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN Cochran, John T., son, white male 8, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN Cochran, Odella, daughter, white female 6, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN

they moved to Green Co., Texas

Civil War - Cochran, Columbus, Private, Co. H, TN, 17th Inf. Regt.

17th Regiment, Tennessee Infantry ORGANIZATION: 17th Infantry Regiment was organized at Camp Trousdale, Sumner County, Tennessee, in June, 1861, with 914 men. Its companies were raised in the counties of Bedford, Marshall, Franklin, Moore, Coffee, Jackson, and Putnam. It served at Cumberland Gap, then moved to Kentucky where it was engaged at Rock Castle and Fishing Creek . Later the unit was ordered to Mississippi and assigned to A.T. Hawthorn's Brigade. Returning to Kentucky attached to B.R. Johnson's Brigade, it fought at Perryville , then joined the Army of Tennessee. After fighting at Murfreesboro and Chickamauga , the regiment was consolidated with the 23rd Infantry. This command was sent to Knoxville, then Virginia where it saw action at Drewry's Bluff , took its place in the Petersburg trenches, and, assigned to McComb's Brigade, ended the war at Appomattox . The 17th totalled 547 effectives in June, 1862, lost forty-one percent of the 598 at Murfreesboro, and had fifty-two percent disabled of the 249 at Chickamauga. It surrendered 5 officers and 63 men on April 9, 1865. OFFICERS: Colonels Albert S. Marks, T.C.H. Miller, and Tazewell W. Newman; Lieutenant Colonel Watt W. Floyd; and Majors James C. Davis and Absalom L. Landis.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 19

17th TENNESSEE INFANTRY _Company H _Men from Marshall County, Tennessee

ABOUT THE 17TH TENNESSEE INFANTRY REGIMENT The 17th Tennessee Infantry was mustered into Confederate service on August 15, 1861 at Big Creek, Campbell County, TN. The regiment was then placed under the command of Brigadier General Felix K. ZOLLICOFFER, and participated in an engagement at Rock Castle, Kentucky (Camp Wildcat) on October 21, 1861, where it

suffered 45 causalities. On January 20, 1862 the regiment was engaged in action at Fishing Creek near Mill Springs, Kentucky. In this battle the regiment suffered 46 casualties and Brigadier General ZOLLICOFFER was killed. The next action the regiment saw was during General Bragg's invasion of Kentucky in 1862. During this campaign the regiment was present at the capture of Munfordville and at the battle of Perryville (Oct. 8, 1862 - 24 casualties). The regiment was placed in General Patrick R. CLEBURNE'S Division during the battle at Murfreesboro (Dec. 31, 1862), where the regiment listed 246 causalities out of 598 men engaged. Following the Tullahoma campaign, the regiment was heavily engaged at the Battle of Chickamauga (Sept. 19 & 20, 1863) and suffered 130 causalities out of 249 men engaged. The regiment then severed its connection with the Army of Tennessee and served under Lt. General James LONGSTREET during campaigns against Knoxville and East Tennessee in the Fall and Winter of 1863/64. The regiment was then transferred to the Army of Northern Virginia in the Spring of 1864. In Viriginia, the regiment was involved in many battles, including Drewry's Bluff (May 15, 1864 - 68 casualties out of 319 engaged), Petersburg (June 17, 1864 - 70 men captured), and Hatcher's Run (Feb. 2, 1865). The regiment was surrendered by LEE at Appomattox Courthouse with approximately 70 men remaining from the over 1000 men who served. Company H of the the 17th Tennessee Infantry was formed in Marshall County, Tennessee. The information included below was obtained from the microfilmed copies of the compiled service records stored at the National Archives and the Marshall County Historical Quarterly, Summer 1988, Vol. XIX, No. 2.

COCHRAN, A.J., Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Slight wound in head at Murfreesboro Dec. 31, 1862. COCHRAN(or COHORN), Columbus, Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Captured at Harrodsburg, KY Oct. 9, 1862, but present on muster roll for Jan./Feb. 1863. Deserted and took oath at Roane Co., TN Dec. 1863. COCHRAN (or COHORAN), Elisha, Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted Nov. 7, 1862 at Lewisburg by Tally. Deserted, took oath at Roane Co. TN. COCHRAN, Lewis (or Levi), Pvt., Co. H, Elisted Nov. 7, 1862 at Lewisburg by Tally. Deserted and took oath in East Tennessee Feb. 1864. COCHRAN, W.J., Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted Nov. 7, 1862 at Lewisburg, TN by Tally. COCHRAN, W.T., Pvt., Co. H COCHRAN(or COHORN), Wilson, Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Deserted took oath at Roane, Co. TN Dec. 1863.

HILL, H.W.(Wash) , Pvt., Co. H Enlisted Nov. 24, 1862 at McMinnville, TN by Wright. Slight wound in side at Beech Grove (Hoover's Gap) June 25 & 26, 1863. Captured near Chattanooga Sept. 13, 1863. Took oath, desires to be released to Wartrace. McCRORY, Robert H. , Capt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Last record indicates present for duty at Mill Springs, KY Dec. 1861 ORR, Thomas A. Enlisted Feb. 2, 1863 by Col. Floyd. ORR, W.M., Pvt., Co. D (or H?), Enlisted May 28, 1861. Wounded sent to Hospital May 16, 1864. Left index finger amputated. Engaged at Chattanooga, Kentucky, Murfreesboro, Petersubrug. Also wounded in right hip. Pension application 16212 (111) . PAXTON, John F., Cpl., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. RAMBO, D.H., Pvt., Co. H RAMBO, M.V.B., Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Discharged due to disability Sept. 14, 1861.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 20 TALLY, J.P. 1st Lt., Co.H, ENlisted May 28, 1861. Promoted 2nd Lt. May 15, 1862. 1st Lt. June 26, 18662. Severly wounded in breast at Murfreesboro, Dec. 31, 1862. TALLY, Stephen T., Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1862. Captured near Petersburg, VA June 17, 1864. Prison at Elmira, N.Y. Conscripted after one year, desires to got to Marshall County, where family resides. Released April 1, 1865. TILLMAN, M.T., Pvt., Co. H (also listed as GILLMAN, M.J.), Enlisted May 28, 1861. Severly wounded in arm at Murfreesboro Dec. 31, 1862. Captured at Marshall Co. TN Dec. 30, 1863. Prison Rock Island. Took oath April 29, 1865. TWITTY, L.H., Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Freemon Batery, Huggins Light Artillery Co. Engaged with Baxter's Artillery, Served at Wild Cat, Fishing Creek, Trenton, Lexington, TN., R-Ford Station, Perkins' Crossroads, Douglass Church, Chickamauga, Dalton, Atlanta. Paroled with Johnson, North Carolina. Pension application 11090. WEBSTER, Robert Hill, Co.H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Wounded at Perryville. Detached to Darden's Battery Feb. 1, 1863 by order Gen. Johnson. Captured near Petersburg June 17, 1864. Paroled at Richmond March 1865. Pension application 3996.

Columbus married Susan Ann London daughter of Wilson London and Jemima or Jamima McCorkle on 25 Jan 1866 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. Susan was born on 7 Mar 1848 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died on 18 Sep 1923 in Greer Co., Texas.

moved to Texas

64 F xi. Mary A. Cochran was born in 1847 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died in 1927 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She was buried in Wilson Hill Cemetery, Marshall Co., Tennessee. Mary married J. W. Duncan on 29 Mar 1874 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. J. W. Duncan was born in 1845 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He died in 1902 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He was buried in Wilson Hill Cemetery, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

65 M xii. James H. Cochran 34 was born on 11 Jul 1850 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He died on 24 Jan 1882 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He was buried in London Cemetery, Marshall Co., Tennessee. James married Marcena M. Hopwood on 6 Sep 1871 in Marshall Co., Tennessee.

27. David Cochran (James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born in 1810 in Charlotte, Mecklenburg, North Carolina. He died on 17 Aug 1899 in Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. He was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

David lived on the farm place until his death.

1860 Marshall Co., TN Census, PO Belfast, 1st Civil District, June 9, 1860 Page 010-15 Cochran: David, 45 White Male, Farmer, 2500 Value of Real Estate, 3000 Value of Personal Estate, born NC Elisabeth, 45 Female White, born TN America, 21 Female White, Weaver, born TN and is Illiterate Orleani, 19 Female White, Weaver, born TN Andrew, 17 Male White, Farm Laborer, born TN and going to school James P., 13 Male White, born TN and going to school

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 21 Columbus, 8 Male White, born TN and going to school Amanda, 6 Female White, born TN Nelson, 5/12 Male White born TN

1880 District 2, Marshall Co., TN, page 321C Cochran, David, self, white male 70, married, farmer, born NC, father born NC, mother born NC Cochran, Elizabeth, wife, white female 65, married, keeping house, born NC, father born NC, mother born NC Cochran, Cephas M., son, white male 30, single, laborer, born TN, father born NC, mother born NC Paxton, Julius, grandson, white male 12, single, at home, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN Paxton, Otis B., grandson, white male 10, single, at home, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN Paxton, Anna C., granddaughter, white female 8, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN

living next door: Cochran, Columbus, self, white male 30, married, farmer, born TN, father born NC, mother born NC Cochran, Nancy J., wife, white female 33, married, keeping house, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN_Cochran, David N., son, white male 1, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN Cochran, William O., son, white male 2 months, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN Causbis, Alexander M., father in law, white male 62, married, laborer, born TN, father born NC, mother born KY

living next door to Columbus: Cochran, Eleazer, self, white male 60, married, farmer, born TN, father born NC, mother born NC Cochran, Frances, wife, white female 46, married, keeping house, born TN, father born NC, mother born GA Cochran, Margaret J., daughter, white female 19, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN Cochran, Lucy M., daughter, white female 14, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN Cochran, Thomas A., son, white male 12, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN Cochran, Geneva J., daughter, white female 9, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN Cochran, John T., son, white male 8, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN Cochran, Odella, daughter, white female 6, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN

David married Elizabeth "Lizzie" Phifer daughter of Peter Phifer and Margaret Lawson on 22 Mar 1836 in Maury Co., Tennessee. Elizabeth was born in 1813 in Maury Co., Tennessee. She died on 1 Mar 1900 in Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. She was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

They had the following children:

+ 66 F i. Paralee Cochran was born on 21 Mar 1838. She died on 12 Jun 1892.

67 F ii. America J. Cochran was born in 1840 in Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. America married Samuel J. Haynes on 12 Dec 1878 in Marshall Co., Tennessee.

+ 68 F iii. Orlena Cochran was born in 1842. She died in 1880.

+ 69 M iv. Andrew Jackson Cochran was born on 5 Jan 1842. He died on 2 Jun 1928.

70 F v. Margaret Cochran was born in 1846 in Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died in 1860.

71 M vi. James Monroe (Cephus) Cochran was born in Nov 1847 in Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. He died in 1910.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 22 according to census did not marry, in 1880 census still living at home.

72 M vii. Columbus Cochran was born in 1852 in Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

+ 73 F viii. Amanda Cochran was born in 1853. She died in 1929.

74 M ix. Nelson Cochran was born in Jan 1860 in Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. He died in 1880.

according to census, he died before this date.

28. James C. Cochran (James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 7 Jan 1813 in Charlotte, Mecklenburg, North Carolina. He died on 6 Apr 1883 in Maury Co., Tennessee. He was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

1880 Marshall Co., TN, Dist. 15, page 473b Cockran, James, self, married, male white 63, farmer, born NC, father born NC, mother born NC Cockran, Margaret, wife, married, female white 45, house keeper, born NC, father born NC, mother born NC Cockran, Emily Betty, daughter, single, female white 15, house keeper, born TN Cockran, John, son, single, male white 18, born TN Cockran, Jim, son, single, male white 15, born TN Cockran, Sam D., son, single, male white 10, born TN Cockran, Miffing, son, single, male white 2, born TN

James married Margaret C. Fox on 31 Oct 1855 in Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. Margaret was born on 4 Nov 1833 in Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died on 17 Aug 1905. She was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

They had the following children:

75 F i. Sarah Elizabeth Cochran was born in 1858 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. Sarah married Frank P. Davis on 30 Nov 1876 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. Frank was born in 1849. He died in 1926 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

76 M ii. John Elam Cochran was born on 26 Feb 1861 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He died on 6 Jul 1939 in Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee. He was buried in Beechwood Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

COCHRAN, JOHN ELAM; Sex: M ; Race: WHITE; Date of Birth: FEBRUARY 26, 1861; Place of Birth: MARSHALL CO., TN; Age: 78; Date of Death: JULY 6, 1939; Place of Death: MARSHALL CO., TN; Place of Burial: BEECHWOOD; Marital Status: MARRIED; Spouse: MARGARET J COCHRAN; Father: JAMES COCHRAN; Mother: MARGARET FOX; Informant: MARGARET J COCHRAN; Funeral Home:London Funeral Home

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 23 John married Margaret J. Davis on 6 Nov 1883 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. Margaret was born in 1861 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

77 F iii. Mary Emily Cochran was born in Feb 1862 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. Mary married Benjamin Corbin on 23 Dec 1884. Benjamin was born in Feb 1854.

78 M iv. James A. Cochran was born in Aug 1866 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He died in 1939. James married Margaret J. Cochran daughter of Eleazer A. Cochran and Mary Elizabeth Collins in Marshall Co., Tennessee. Margaret was born in Dec 1862 in Marshall Co., Tennessee.

79 M v. Samuel C. Cochran was born in Aug 1870. He died in 1967 in Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. He was buried in Lone Oak Cemetery, Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. Samuel married Oma Alice Cochran daughter of William J. Cochran and Paralee Cochran on 6 Dec 1894 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. Oma was born in 1865 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died in 1953 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She was buried in Lone Oak Cemetery, Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

80 F vi. Melphia A. Cochran was born in Nov 1878 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died in 1950 in Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee. She was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. Melphia married Edwin B. Moffitt on 20 Feb 1895 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. Edwin was born in Apr 1874. He died in 1937 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

29. Eleazer A. Cochran (James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 25 Sep 1819 in Charlotte, Mecklenburg, North Carolina. He died on 11 Dec 1890 in Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. He was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

1860 Mrashall Co., TN P030-24 COCHRAN - P. O. Belfast, Tenn., 2nd Civil District, June 16, 1860- 363/ 353-A046-24 Eleazor 40 M W Farmer 1300 1360 Tn Frances 26 F W Tn I James P. 12 M W Tn S Arabela F. 8 F W Tn S Sarah P 5 F W Tn Lucinda 3 F W Tn Tempy 7/12 F W Tn

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 24 Eleazer married (1) Rachel Turner daughter of James Turner and Esther Ewing on 4 Mar 1847 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. Rachel was born in 1826. She died in 1854 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

They had the following children:

+ 81 M i. James Knox Polk Cochran was born in Sep 1848. He died in 1933.

Eleazer married (2) Mary Elizabeth Collins daughter of Jones Collins and Phoebe Wright on 17 Apr 1855 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. Mary was born in 1834. She died in 1898 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

Eleazer and Mary had the following children:

82 F ii. Margaret J. Cochran was born in Dec 1862 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. Margaret married James A. Cochran son of James C. Cochran and Margaret C. Fox in Marshall Co., Tennessee. James was born in Aug 1866 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He died in 1939.

83 F iii. Rebecca F. Cochran was born on 18 Jan 1851 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died on 19 Jun 1916 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. Rebecca married Warren Shaw on 26 Jan 1871 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. Warren was born on 26 Jan 1837. He died on 10 Aug 1902 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

84 F iv. Sarah P. Cochran was born in 1855 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. Sarah married John C. Purdom on 22 Jul 1873 in Marshall Co., Tennessee.

85 F v. Lucinda C. Doll Cochran was born on 16 Apr 1857 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died on 22 May 1938 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. Lucinda married Columbus Brown Simpson son of John H. Simpson and Mary Elizabeth Cochran on 21 Jun 1877 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. Columbus was born on 27 Oct 1848. He died on 22 May 1938 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

86 F vi. Temperance S. "Tempy" Cochran was born in Dec 1859 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. Temperance married Robert N. Dink Hopwood on 28 Aug 1878 in Marshall Co., Tennessee.

87 F vii. Mary Cochran was born in 1864 in Marshall Co., Tennessee.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 25 Mary married John M. Bowers on 30 Dec 1879 in Marshall Co., Tennessee.

88 F viii. Lucy M. Cochran was born in 1865 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. Lucy married T. P. Richardson .

89 F ix. Ella Cochran was born in 1868 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. Ella married J. H. Richardson on 14 Jan 1892 in Marshall Co., Tennessee.

90 F x. Geneva Cochran was born in 1870 in Marshall Co., Tennessee.

moved to Ellis Co., Texas after marriage.

Geneva married J. T. Chiles .

91 M xi. John Thomas Cochran was born in 1872 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. John married Millie Bell on 22 Aug 1902 in Marshall Co., Tennessee.

92 F xii. Odella Cochran was born in 1874. Odella married Thomas Welch on 16 Feb 1896 in Marshall Co., Tennessee.

30. Thomas Cochran , III (Thomas, Thomas, William, , ).

He had the following children:

+ 93 M i. Azor Cochran was born on 29 Nov 1803. He died on 7 Apr 1861.

+ 94 M ii. Thomas Stewart Cochran was born in 1786. He died on 18 Feb 1880.

33. Col. Levi Thomas Cochran 35,36,37,38,39,40,41 (Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 3 Oct 1799 in Charlotte, Mecklenburg Co., North Carolina. He died on 29 Jan 1885 in Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. He was buried in Mt. Carmel Cemetery, Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

Levi was employed as elected postmaster on 13 Feb 1841.

Levi Cochran was a furniture maker in Marshall Co (then Bedfor dCo.) TN. His Day Book or ledg er is one of only 2 such documents known to presently exist in the state of TN.

He grew up in Hacklesburg, Alabama, but returned to his grandfather Thomas Cochran's ranch as a young man and there met and married Elizabeth Biddy Bivens on Feb. 11, 1822.

Col. Levi T. Cochran was 6'3" tall, had black hair and eyes. He first came to Giles Co., Tennessee where he had relatives - uncles John, James and Ezara Cochran. All were born in NC. Later his brother, Silas Maxwell Cochran, age 21, also came to Giles Co., TN from Ala. and worked in the Cochran Mills. Here he mat Nancy W. Talley and married her June 1, 1833. She was the daughter of Abraham Tally.

Col. Levi T. Cochran owned 2000 acres, a large mill which provided power for a saw mill, planning mill, grist mill and cotton mill, and a section for lathe work and caskets. Lumber was turned out for homes, barns, and stores, and posts for funiture. He also owned a large general store at Cochran district in

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 26 1870 in which he employed many men. He had 2 slaves valued at $1500 and 445 acres in Marshall Co. valued at $8000. He also owned 221 acres from the Thomas Polk N.C. Grant 135, John Cochran owned 500 a.S. James had 100 acres of the Haywood Tract of the Polk grant.

Levi was a furniture maker in Marshall Co. then Bedford Co. as early as 1825. His day book or ledge is one of two such documents known to exist in the state at the present time. Many of his pieces of furniture are pictured in the book, "The Art and Mystery of Tennessee Furniture". His Bible is in possession of his great granddaughter Angela Boyd.

He had moved from Alabama to Maury Co., TN.

Cochran, TN was named for Levi T. Cochran. It was first called Benton, then the name changed to Cochranville, and later changed back to Cochran. Col. Cochran was appointed postmaster on Feb. 13, 1841 at age 52. He and James Cochran deeded 25 acres each for the grounds of Marshall Academy, which was established Feb. 5, 1842. It was located 2 miles south of Cochran, east of Cornerville pike on the Cochran Cemetery road.

Levi T. Cochran became a very wealthy man. He bought 2000 acres of land, on part of which stands the beautiful brick home of Angelena Boyd. A copy of a picture of the first home of Levi T. Cochran is on the cover of the Marshall County Historical Quarterly, Vol. V, Fall 1974, No. 3, published by the Marshall County Historical Society...

The Tennessee Encyclopedia of History & Culture: NINETEENTH-CENTURY FURNITURE- AND CABINETMAKERS

Although Tennessee furniture has been an overlooked and forgotten regional treasure, the simple and straightforward functional pieces produced by Tennessee craftsmen before 1850 reflect an era of outstanding craftsmanship. The furniture of this period exhibits dignity and worth of material objects from everyday life.__Early furniture-making was not limited to cabinetmakers in major settlements like Greeneville, Knoxville, Memphis, and Nashville. Many craftsmen lived in rural areas and combined their craft with farming and carpentry. Other craftsmen--turners, joiners, chairmakers, carpenters, upholsterers --produced furniture for Tennessee homes. For cabinetmakers and related craftsmen, the growing towns

offered more opportunities for successful businesses.__Nineteenth-century craftsmen had to be versatile in order to survive, prosper, and satisfy the needs of their community. Rural and urban cabinetmakers served as coffinmakers, which established them in the undertaking business. These craftsmen adapted their skills to the needs of their patrons.__The 1820 Manufacturers' Census from East and Middle Tennessee counties contains important information about cabinetmakers. Craftsmen listed information about the materials used, the quantity and cost of materials, and the names and pieces of finished products. Gross production ranged from less than $100 annually to as much as $6,000. The average shop operated with no more than three craftsmen, though one Nashville cabinetmaker employed five men and nine boys. The apprenticeship system, in which boys in their early teens were bound to craftsmen by the quarterly court or by parental consent, provided necessary help in the cabinetshops. The wide variety of furniture forms mentioned in the 1820 census includes chests, chairs, cupboards, tables, dining tables, clock cases, sideboards, desks, secretaries, bedsteads, presses, bookcases, and candlesticks. In one year James Bray, a Knoxville cabinetmaker, and the four craftsmen in his shop produced sixty pieces, ranging from square tables (sold for $3 each) to secretaries and cherry presses (sold at $50 each).__Apart from the 1820 census, the most important estate inventory is that of cabinetmaker Daniel McBean. His inventory and sale accounts provide a vivid picture of a Nashville shop in 1815. Forty-three furniture items made in advance for sale were on hand at the time of his death. The items, ranging from cradles to dining tables to bookcases and sideboards, were sold by the administrator of McBean's estate.__Tennessee furniture reflects the heritage of the westward migration and the individualism of the early pioneers. While isolated from eastern mainstream influences, frontier craftsmen inherited Old World craft traditions and often showed some familiarity with academic styles. Their work was also shaped, however, by their new environment and the peculiar circumstances and needs of a frontier society. The result was an individualistic combination of stylistic elements and an unconventional use of construction techniques that gave backcountry furniture the distinctive character so attractive to the collector and so challenging to the historian of material culture. Identifying furniture made in Tennessee can be difficult, as cabinetmakers signed few pieces of furniture. Instead, artisans let style and craftsmanship identify their work. Many years later, this practice, while a testament to the craftsman's confidence in his distinctive style, is an impediment to those trying to identify regional pieces. __The patrons of Tennessee furniture makers were primarily Anglo-Americans of English, Scots, and Scots-Irish descent. They arrived from Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania, the products of diverse

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 27 economic and social backgrounds. As they poured over the mountains, the settlers furnished their homes as their means allowed, using design concepts brought from eastern areas.__The difficulty of the journey to Tennessee often precluded the inclusion of furniture. As a consequence, settlers purchased locally made furniture after their arrival in the new region. As wagon roads became better and river shipping became easier, Tennessee craftsmen found themselves in competition with the skilled and stylistically sophisticated manufacturers in Pennsylvania, Virginia, and North Carolina. Cincinnati, one of the largest furniture manufacturing cities in the country, began shipping large assortments of furniture downriver to Tennessee. Prominent citizens like Andrew Jackson selected wares from Philadelphia, which were shipped upriver from New Orleans.__Varieties of wood are useful in designating Tennessee furniture. The distinguishing characteristics of the grain and color of cherry made it the favored wood for furniture. The mellow brown color made walnut the second most frequently used wood. Other woods used for furniture included maple, mahogany, and rosewood. Two regionally abundant woods--tulip poplar and yellow pine--were used for secondary parts like drawer bottoms and sides and backboards. Tulip poplar was used in pieces made throughout the state, but yellow pine was used in the geographic regions of higher altitudes where these trees were plentiful. Occasionally cedar and cypress were used as secondary woods.__Tennessee furniture has a simplicity in both form and decoration. Craftsmen of the region inlaid lighter woods into the native cherry and walnut for decorative appeal. An array of motifs can be found--rope and tassel, gamecocks, geometric forms, running vine, eagles, compass stars, simple line, diamond, and quarter-fans. The largest number of inlaid pieces originated in upper East Tennessee. The use of inlay declined in Middle Tennessee and is found least frequently in West Tennessee.__The most distinguishable Tennessee forms include the sugar chest and the Jackson press. The sugar chest

was developed to safeguard large quantities of sugar, a commodity of great value. Fairly simple in design, a sugar chest consisted of a large wooden storage bin set on legs. The majority of chests featured a small drawer below the bin. Since only the most affluent nineteenth-century households could afford sugar in bulk, a sugar chest was a status symbol displayed in public areas of the home like the dining room.__The Jackson press is also indigenous to the Tennessee region. Although the form and name were contemporary with Andrew Jackson, the exact origins of the press remain unknown. As early as 1825 the term appeared in an estate inventory in Davidson County, where Andrew Jackson lived. Most presses consisted of a shaped back splash over a rectangular top above two projecting drawers over cupboard doors set on turned feet. In the small area of Good Spring, the Levi Cochran cabinet shop produced three Jackson presses between 1833 and 1835, charging from $20 to $23 for each.__Other forms of furniture produced in Tennessee included desks, secretaries, bookcases, candlestands, work tables, tables, cellarets, sideboards, slabs, safes, cupboards, presses, dressers, tall case clocks, tall chests, bureaus, chests, clothespresses, wardrobes, bedsteads, chairs, settees, and sofas. According to the 1820 Manufacturers' Census, desks were among the most expensive articles produced, though most settlers would not have needed a desk. Necessary pieces of the nineteenth-century home included candlestands and work tables. These were found in abundance in inventories of the period.__The rise of the plantation culture sparked demand for high style furniture like elaborate sideboards. In 1815 cabinetmaker Captain James G. Hicks produced a cherry sideboard for $129.99. Advertisements often proudly listed sideboards. Another related form was the slab or slab-sideboard, a tall table sometimes fitted with drawers. The safe was a piece used for storage of food, usually placed in the kitchen area. The safe consisted of a wooden case with two drawers over two doors fitted with punched tin panels. Tin designs varied from the simplistic to the more elaborate punched designs of tulips, hearts, stars, candlesticks, urns, and other geometric shapes.__Two forms of furniture necessary for storage were the cupboard--flatback or corner--and the bureau. Both of these forms survive in large numbers. The continued functional aspect of these pieces may explain why they have survived.__Three major categories of chairs appeared in Tennessee inventories--Windsor, fancy, and common chairs. Nineteenth -century household accounts referred to chair sets in half-dozen and one-dozen lots. Most households had a half dozen Windsor or common chairs. Chairs were usually painted in a variety of colors ranging from yellow and red to green and black to conceal the variety of woods used in their production.__The furniture produced in Tennessee during the nineteenth century imparts a sense of pride and respect for our forbearers who struggled to create homes of comfort and beauty in a new territory. Derita Coleman Williams, Memphis__Suggested Reading(s): Derita Coleman Williams and Nathan Harsh, The Art and Mystery of Tennessee Furniture and Its Makers Through 1850 (1988).

1860 Marshall Co., TN Census P261-22 COCHRAN - P. O. Lewisburg, Tenn., 15th Civil District, June 6, 1860 Levi 60 M W Carpenter 10000 Value of Real Estate 14390 Value of Personal Estate NC Elizabeth 57 F W House Keeper NC Mary 19 F W Domestic Tn Levi N. 17 M W Laborer Tn S Laura A. 13 F W Tn S

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 28 A. J. BARTLETT 24 M W Carpenter Tn

Levi married Elizabeth Biddy Bivens daughter of John Bivens and Gemima Crockett on 14 Feb 1822 in Mecklenburg Co., North Carolina. Elizabeth was born on 24 May 1803 in Mecklenburg Co., North Carolina. She died on 7 Feb 1873 in Mt. Carmel or Lewisburg?, Marshall Co., Tennessee. She was buried in Mt. Carmel Cemetery, Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

They had the following children:

+ 95 M i. John B. Cochran was born on 21 Aug 1823. He died on 3 Jan 1873.

+ 96 F ii. Sarah A. Cochran was born on 9 Jan 1826. She died on 2 Aug 1901.

97 M iii. Robert J. "Bobby" Cochran was born on 13 Apr 1828 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He died on 7 Sep 1840 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He was buried in Mt. Carmel Cemtery, Lewisburg, Tennessee.

+ 98 F iv. Eliza Emmaline Cochran was born 29 Feb 1830. She died on 9 Dec 1921.

+ 99 F v. Elizabeth L. or Jane Cochran was born on 26 Nov 1833. She died on 3 Dec 1852.

100 F vi. Harriet J. or L.? Cochran was born on 2 Mar 1836 in Maury Co., Tennessee. She died on 27 Oct 1852 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She was buried in Mt. Carmel Cemtery, Lewisburg, Tennessee.

never married

+ 101 F vii. Margaret Josephine "Maggie" Cochran was born on 20 Apr 1838. She died on 23 Oct 1915.

+ 102 F viii. Mary C. "Mollie" Cochran was born on 7 Jun 1840. She died after 1910.

+ 103 M ix. Levi Nathaniel Cochran was born on 27 Jul 1843. He died on 18 Mar 1912.

104 F x. Laura A. A. Cochran was born on 7 Apr 1846 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. Laura married Richard T. Johnson on 5 Aug 1865.

35. Silas Maxwell Cochran (Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 1 Jan 1809 in Mecklenburg Co., North Carolina. He died on 11 Aug 1868 in Belden, Pontotoc Co., Mississippi. He was buried in Cherry Creek Cem., near Engmar, Pontotoc Co., Mississippi.

Silas was a tall red headed man. He lived in Hackleburg, Alabama until he was 18 years of age. He then went to work in his brother's mill in Giles Co., later Maury Co., Tennessee in 1829, Col. Levi T. Cochran. There he met and married Nancy William Tally.

about 1835 he bought 1000 acres of land in Pontotoc County, Mississippi, now Belden, at a government sale. It was wooded land. He and Nancy had 14 kids. SHe lived in Lewisburg, TN. She died Oct. 1, 1853 as a result of the birth of her last child, Henry Lee Cochran.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 29 2 years later, Silas went back to Alabama and married a school mate, Mary Ann Ormand. She was the mother of the last 6 kids.

He worked in Giles Co., TN, at age 20, married there. He later bought a ranch in Pototoc Co., Belden, Miss., where he died.

He planted orchards, had many fields of grain, with 2000 head of horses and 100 head of cattle. With the help of neighbors and relatives he built a nice large house. The slaves had a place about 1/2 mile away near the barns and corrals. He had 2 cellars, and later there was a large fish pond made. The walls of his house were 2 feet thick. They used no nails but pegs, and any hardware being used was hauled from Memphis, TN by carts. He had 1 room made just for flour, coffee and sugar. At this time in 1977 the homestead is still being lived in by Joe Cochran, his grandson. S.M., Nancy, Mary, Robert and 2 younger sons are all buried in Cherry Creek Cem near Engmar in Pontotoc Co., Ecru, Miss., 10 miles from his home. It was here that the family went to church. Besides the church there were several stores, a post office and school. Silas gave 50 acres for the school grounds and helped build a 1 room school. He was a justice of the peace. He was very patriotic, naming his sons after presidents, captains, religious heroes, and relatives. His portrait hangs over 1 of the fireplaces in his old homestead. We do not know who painted it. He was the father of 20. Each of 15 of them had large families....

The homestead where all the kids were born is about 1 mile from the main highway. On each side of the sandy path or small road leading up to it are cedar trees about 20 feet apart. They are large now but the Cochran boys had brought the seeds from Alabama and planted them. ALso they built a big Cochran fish pond. It is about an acre and contains many varieties of fish. The old homestead sits in the middle of a yard with huge live oak trees in about 5 acres in the yards. An orchard and huge garden are at the back. Pecan, berry and other types of trees are on the ranch, which sits on top of a hill.

Below, part of a deed of the 1000 acres of land that Silas Maxwell Cochran bought from the government, which is now Belden, Miss., 8 miles from Tupelo, in Lee Co. Murry Cochran, son of Bryce Monroe Cochran, had 785 acres of this land in 1950-1968. Now his son, Calvin, born in 1945, and Murry's widow, Fannie, live on the place.

DEED TO: Silas Maxwell Cochran This indenture made this first day of April 1836, between CON HO YEA No. 216 SEALY"s District of the Chickasaw nation of Indians of the first part, and Richard Bolden & Wilson T. Carruthers of the second part witnessith, that for, and in consideration of TWO THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS, paid to the part of the first, doth hereby bargin, sell, deed and convey to the party of the second part, sections of lands numbering Ten, Eleven, and Twelve, Township nine and Range four EAST, which has been located for the party of the first part as her RESERVE; to have and to hold the said land hereby conveyed to the party of the second part and their assigns or the assigns of the survivor of them, forever free from claim of all claimants. In the testimony whereof the party of the first part hath sealed and delivered these presents, the day and the year, first above written thist. Con Ho Yea X

Witnesses: Issac James X C.M. Tindall

Recorded: Court House, Pontotoc, Miss., 1836 ______

The Last Reunion At The Old Home In Mississippi Aug. 21, 1923 by B. M. Cochran Silas Maxwell Cochran came from Giles Co., Tennessee, in 1840 and settled as a pioneer in the first district of Pontotoc County, near old Cherry Creek, where he resided for seven years, moving from there he settled on the place where his son, B.M. Cochran, has been living for sixty-eight years.

Mr. B.M. Cochran received on August 20, a telephone message from his brother, Calhoun Cochran, that

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 30 he and his two sons, Fleet and Byrd, were in Tupelo, having come from Barber, Arkansas, to surprise him, Calhoun having lived about 40 years in Arkansas.

On August 21, Mrs. Claude Sudduth and Mr. Clarence Riley went to Belden in answer to another message received. There they were met by Col. and Mrs. Jas. L. Cochran of Union City, Tenn., Mrs. Mary Ellen Cochran Tucker and daughter, Mrs. Maggie Tucker Yarbrough, of Nashville, Tenn., Mrs. Parolee Cochran Strain, of Reform, Ala., Miss Mar Grisham, of Baldwyn. These kinsfolk were taken out to the old homestead where they were met and greeted by the others.

That afternoon the crowd gathered around the Cochran pool to watch Murry, Mark and Shelby, sons of B. M. Cochran, with their Arkansas cousins, Fleet and Byrd, seine. The spectators greeted them with applause after each seine haul, amidst much laughter and fun, which continued until about twenty-five pounds of fine trout were caught.

The crowd then returned to the house where the fish were prepared and served in the nature of a big fish fry.

The next morning, Claude Sudduth, Clarence Riley and Quitman Perkins took the crowd in their autos to old Cherry Cemetery, where B. M. Cochran and his sons had placed marble markers on the graves of B. M. Cochran's mother and four brothers. This cemetery marks the resting place of Silas M. Cochran, his two wives and four sons, which makes it a dear spot to each Cochran.

After returning from the cemetery they were greeted by Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Cochran and their son, Archer, of Baldwyn:

Thursday morning the fatted kid was killed, and another kinsman, a brother-in-law, Mr. Scott Hall, of Blue Springs, joined in the pleasure and feast of that day.


The First Cochran Reunion

The first Cochran reunion was held Aug. 1, 1923 by a son of Silas Maxwell Cochran's who lived at the old homestead. He was Bryce Monroe Cochran, son number 10. Five of his brothers and four sisters with some of their issue were there. This was the last time they were all together. The next year two of them had passed on.

The next reunion was also held at the old homestead in 1963. It was held by Murry Cochran, son of B.M. 's, in remembrance of all the ones who had lived and died there.

Each year since then we have had a reunion in a different state with as many as 85 to 125. We had 8x10 colored pictures of the group made each time, with a two page report.

There are many in these pictures that are not in any place in the books....


Silas and Nancy had fourteen children during their twenty years of marriage, and after her death Silas returned to Alabama and married Mary Ann Ormand, of Russellville, born February 15, 1822. With Mary he had another six children so this gets complicated further on. Mary died January 22, 1902, and Silas died August 11, 1868. _With the help of neighbors, and slaves, Silas built a large house in Belden. The thousand acres of land he owned was mostly orchards and grain, with some pasture for horses and cattle. Not verifed, but he is thought to at one time have over 200 horses and 100 head of cattle. He had a reputation among neighbors as being a "thrifty scotsman". In what context this is meant is not known. It is known that he donated 50 acres of land for a local school. Silas served for a short time as a Justice of the Peace, but most of his life was taken up by farming and children.

--- Below is reference to part of a deed filed in the Pontotoc Courthouse in 1836: DEED TO: Silas Maxwell Cochran "between CON HO YEA No. 216 SEALY's District of the Chickasaw nation of Indians of the first part, and Richard Bolden & Wilson T. Carruthers of the second part witnesith, that for, and in consideration of TWO THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS, paid to the part of the first part, etc.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 31 Witnesses are Issac James (signed with X), and C.M. Tindall. Signed by Con Ho Yea, (signed with X)" This is how Silas came about his farm in Belden, buying it through brokers for the Chickasaw Indians at about $2 an acre. His descendents still live on, or around the land.


In a write up in "Godspeed" of Marshall Co. Tennessee: The main subject is Silas' son, J.L....."(Silas Maxwell) was of Irish descent, born in 1808 in Marion County. N.C. He came to Middle Tennessee in 1829, and located in Marshall, where he lived at the time of his marriage to Miss Talley, by whom he had A family of nine sons and five daughters. Mr. Cochran was a skillful cabinet-maker. In 1841 he moved to Pontotoc County. Miss., where he engaged in agricultural_pursuits. After the death of his first wife he married Miss Mary Ann Orman, of Alabama, who bore him six children."__Silas married (1) Mary Ann ORMAND, daughter of James T. ORMAND and Mary Ann RAMSEY/REA, after 1853 in AL. Mary was

born 15 Feb 1822 in N.C. and was counted in a census 1850 in Franklin Co., Alabama . She died 22 Jan 1902 in Pontotoc Co. MS and was buried in Cherry Creek Cemetery, Pontotoc, MS. Is said to have brought with her cedars and pecan seedlings with her from Alabama. These cedars are said to be some of the first in the area. Was living with Brice Monroe in the 1900 Census....78 years old. On the Census of 1900, Alice lists her mother as being born in South Carolina.(Delta County, Texas)__They had the following children:_Bryce Monroe COCHRAN was born 25 Oct 1855 and died 24 Dec 1931._Silas Calhoun COCHRAN was born 6 Jul 1857 and died 13 Jun 1940._Elizabeth LouAlice COCHRAN was born 18 Feb 1859 and died 15 Jun 1923._Marson Ormond COCHRAN was born 14 Aug 1860. He died 29 Oct 1873 in Pontotoc Co. MS from Pneumonia and was buried in Cherry Creek Cemetery, Pontotoc, MS._Charles Calvin COCHRAN was born 6 Apr 1862. He died 9 Aug 1875 in Pontotoc Co. MS from Small Pox and was buried in Cherry Creek Cemetery, Pontotoc, MS._Newton Tucker COCHRAN was born 28 May 1866. He died 27 Aug 1875 in Pontotoc Co. MS from Small Pox and was buried in Cherry Creek Cemetery, Pontotoc, MS._Silas also married (2) Nancy Williams TALLY, daughter of Abraham TALLY, after 1829 in Marshall Co., TN. Nancy was born 14 Sep 1813 in Lewisburg TN. She died 1 Oct 1853 and was buried in Cherry Creek Cemetery, Pontotoc, MS._They had the following children:_Andrew Jackson COCHRAN was born 16 Apr 1834 in Marshall Co. TN. He died 24 Mar 1898 in Baldwyn, MS. _Andrew J. Cochran (First_Last) Regiment Name Capt. Bradford's Co. Mississippi. (Confederate Guards Artillery). Side Confederate _Company Soldier's Rank_In Sgt. Major _Soldier's Rank_Out 1 Lieutenant _Film Number M232 roll 8_Robert Franklin COCHRAN was born 6 Jun 1835 in Marshall Co. TN. He died 24 Jan 1861 in Belden, Lee, MS and was buried in Cherry Creek Cemetery, Pontotoc, MS._Abraham Marchel COCHRAN was born 10 Sep 1836 in Marshall Co. TN. He died 1916 in Cottonwood, TX._Sarah Jane COCHRAN was born 2 Mar 1837 in Marshall Co. TN. She died 1838 in Belden, Lee, MS and was buried in Cherry Creek Cemetery._William Pryor COCHRAN was born 19 Apr 1839 in Marshall Co., TN. He died 11 May 1919 in Seattle, Washington._William married Nancy Rutledge TALLY, a cousin to her husband_Mary Ellen COCHRAN was born 29 May 1840 and died 8 May 1929._Stephen Tally COCHRAN was born 29 Jan 1842 and died Jul 1906._Elizabeth Ann COCHRAN was born 19 Apr 1843 in Pontotoc Co., MS. She died 14 Aug 1868 in Charleston, MS. Married a Grissom_Levi Thomas COCHRAN was born 6 Mar 1845 in Pontotoc Co., MS. He died 7 May 1927 in Ranger, TX._James Lindsey COCHRAN was born 29 May 1847 and died 10 May 1927._Parolee Lockhart COCHRAN was born 30 Jul 1848 and died 24 Dec 1928._Nancy Lavina COCHRAN was born 5 Jan 1850 in Pontotoc Co., MS. She died 2 Oct 1917._John Quincy COCHRAN was born 5 Oct 1851 in Pontotoc Co., MS. He died 1889 in Texarkana, AK._Henry Lee COCHRAN was born 18 May 1853 in Pontotoc Co., MS. He died 19 Jul 1934 in San Marcos, Tx.__A SMALL PART OF THE COCHRAN CLAN__SILAS MAXWELL COCHRAN__Born in Mecklenburg County, N.C. January 1, 1809, Silas moved to Giles (Maury) County, Tenn. in 1829, and married Nancy William Ta

Silas married (1) Nancy Williams Tally daughter of Abraham Tally and Mary Duncan in Jul 1833 in Giles Co. (now Maury Co.), Tennessee. Nancy was born on 14 Sep 1813 in Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died on 1 Oct 1853 in Belden, Pontotoc Co., Mississippi. She was buried in Cherry Creek Cem., near Engmar, Pontotoc Co., Mississippi.

They had the following children:

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 32 + 105 M i. 1st Lieut.; Capt. Andrew Jackson Cochran was born on 16 Apr 1834. He died on 24 Mar 1898.

+ 106 M ii. Robert Franklin Cochran was born on 9 Jun 1835. He died on 24 Jan 1865.

+ 107 M iii. Abraham Marshall "Abe" Cochran was born on 10 Sep 1836. He died in 1916.

108 F iv. Sarah Jane Cochran was born on 2 Mar 1837. She died in 1838 in Belden, Pontotoc Co., Mississippi. The cause of death was burns. She was buried in Cherry Creek Cem., Belden, Mississippi.

109 M v. William Pryor Cochran was born on 19 Apr 1839 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He died on 11 May 1919 in Seattle, King Co., Washington. William married Nancy Rutledge Tally .

William Pryor Cochran's cousin.

+ 110 F vi. Mary Ellen "Etta" Cochran was born on 29 May 1840. She died on 8 May 1929.

+ 111 M vii. Stephen Tally Cochran was born on 29 Jan 1842. He died in Jul 1906.

112 F viii. Elizabeth Ann Cochran was born on 19 Apr 1843 in Pontotoc Co., Mississippi. She died on 14 Aug 1868 in Charleston, Mississippi. The cause of death was flux. Elizabeth married Grissom .

113 M ix. Levi Thomas Cochran was born on 6 Mar 1845 in Pontotoc Co., Mississippi. He died on 7 May 1927 in Ranger, Eastland Co., Texas.

+ 114 M x. Hon.; Sgt.; TN Representative James Lindsey Cochran was born on 29 May 1846. He died on 9 May 1927.

+ 115 F xi. Paralee Lockhart Cochran was born on 30 Jul 1848. She died on 24 Dec 1928.

+ 116 F xii. Nancy Lavinia Cochran was born on 5 Jan 1850. She died on 2 Oct 1917.

117 M xiii. John Quincy Cochran was born on 5 Oct 1851 in Belden, Pontotoc Co., Mississippi. He died in 1889 in Texarkana, Arkansas. The cause of death was heart attack.

He had worked with his brother, William Pryor Cochran's stores in Shelbyville, Tennessee when he was out of school. He had 5 brothers and a married sister already living in Texas, so he went to visit them in Robertson County, TX. He bought about 200 acres of land near Cleburn, TX, also around Whitney Lake. He decided to go visit his brothers who still owned the old homestead in MIssissippi. He had a heart attack while on the trip and died suddenly. John was one of those Cochrans who did not care to write letters and not even his sister Mary Tucker knew much about his affairs.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 33 + 118 M xiv. Henry Lee Cochran was born on 18 May 1853. He died on 17 Jul 1934.

Silas married (2) Mary Ann Ormand in Alabama. Mary was born on 15 Feb 1822 in Russellville, Alabama. She died on 22 Jan 1902. She was buried in Cherry Creek Cem., near Engmar, Pontotoc Co., Mississippi?.

They had the following children:

+ 119 M xv. Bryce Monroe Cochran was born on 25 Oct 1855. He died on 23 Dec 1931.

+ 120 M xvi. Silas Calhoun Cochran was born on 6 Jul 1857. He died on 13 Jun 1940.

+ 121 F xvii. Elizabeth Lou Alice "Lou Alice" Cochran was born on 18 Feb 1858. She died on 15 Jun 1923.

122 M xviii. Morrison Ormand Cochran was born on 29 Aug 1860 in Mississippi. He died on 29 Oct 1873.

123 M xix. Charles Calvin Cochran was born on 6 Apr 1862 in Mississippi. He died on 9 Aug 1875.

124 M xx. Newton Tucker Cochran was born on 28 May 1866 in Mississippi. He died on 27 Aug 1875. The cause of death was diptheria.

36. Andrew K. Cochran (Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born in 1811 in Mecklenburg Co., North Carolina. He died on 24 Dec 1882 in Alabama. He was buried in on his ranch, 5 miles south of Hacklesburg, Marion Co., Alabama.

He was 16 when his dad, Robert S. Cochran, brought his family to this part of the country which he named Hacklesburg, Marion Co., Ala., in 1827. At the time of his death he owned 200 acres of land which had belonged to his dad. Their land was bought by Mr. Vandivers and it was on this place where they were buried. Many Cochrans are buried in Cedar Tree Cem. in Hacklesburg, Ala.

Andrew married Jane Orrick on 28 Oct 1838.

They had the following children:

+ 125 M i. 1st Lieut. Robert Silas Cochran was born on 1 Aug 1839.

+ 126 M ii. Levi Thomas Cochran was born on 13 Mar 1841.

127 M iii. James Brady Cochran was born on 22 Dec 1843 in Hacklesburg, Marion Co., Alabama.

+ 128 M iv. John Carroll Cochran was born on 19 Nov 1845. He died on 4 Jul 1910.

129 F v. Delitha Elizabeth Cochran was born on 2 Sep 1846 in Hacklesburg, Marion Co., Alabama.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 34 130 M vi. Andrew H. Cochran was born on 18 Nov 1848. He died on 13 Dec 1864.

131 M vii. Riley Cochran was born on 1 Aug 1854.

+ 132 M viii. Ervin Smith Cochran was born on 1 Nov 1857. He died in 1919.

+ 133 M ix. E. Z. (Ezra) Cochran was born on 4 Dec 1859. He died on 24 May 1919.

Seventh Generation

44. James C. Richardson (Margaret Cochran, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 14 May 1824 in Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. He died on 15 Sep 1897 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He was buried in McAteer Cemetary, Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

1880 Dist. 2, Marshall Co., TN census page 318B James C. Richardson, self, married, male white 56, born TN, blacksmith, father born NC, mother born NC Frances A. Richardson, wife, married, female white 45, born TN, keeping house, father born NC, mother born GA John W. Richardson, son, single, male white 23, born TN, blacksmith, father born TN, mother born TN James E. Richardson, son, single, male white 19, born TN, at home, father born TN, mother born TN Sydney M. Richardson, daughter, single, female white 16, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN Alfred H. Richardson, son, single, male white 14, born TN, at home, father born TN, mother born TN William F. Richardson, son, single, male white 12, born TN, at home, father born TN, mother born TN Edney C. Richardson, daughter, single, female white 10, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN Robert L. Richardson, son, single, male white 7, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN

James married Frances Ann Collins daughter of Henry Collins and Frances Martin on 18 Nov 1855 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. Frances was born on 25 May 1833 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died on 6 Jan 1909 in Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. She was buried in McAteer Cemetary, Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

They had the following children:

134 M i. John W. Richardson was born about 1857 in Tennessee. John married Caline in Tennessee. Caline was born in Tennessee.

135 M ii. E.W. (James Edward) Richardson was born about 1862 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He died about 1924 in Murfreesboro, Rutherford Co., Tennessee. E.W. married (1) Judith Ann Frances Crews daughter of William Polk Crews and Margaret Elizabeth Jane Ashton on 11 Aug 1889 in Maury Co., Tennessee. Judith was born on 10 Dec 1866 in Maury Co., Tennessee. She died on 8 Jan 1905 in Newbern, Dyer Co., Tennessee. E.W. married (2) Ella Hamblin on 30 Aug 1908 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. Ella was born in Tennessee.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 35 136 F iii. Sydney M. Richardson was born about 1864 in Tennessee.

137 M iv. Alfred H. Richardson was born about 1866 in Tennessee.

138 M v. William F. Richardson was born about 1868 in Tennessee.

139 F vi. Edney C. Richardson was born about 1870 in Tennessee. She died in Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

140 M vii. Robert L. Richardson was born about 1873 in Tennessee.

48. David Richardson (Margaret Cochran, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born in 1835 in Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

David married Elizabeth Cochran daughter of John Cochran and Mary "Polly" McCrory on 17 Jan 1856 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. Elizabeth was born in 1830 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died before 1868 in Marshall Co., Tennessee.

They had the following children:

141 M i. Samuel Richardson .

142 F ii. Josephine Richardson .

143 M iii. Thomas Richardson .

144 M iv. Henry J. Richardson 42 was born about 1865 in Tennessee.

1880 District 14, Marshall Co., TN, page 461A Richardson, John H., self, white male 54, single, farmer, born TN, father born NC, mother born NC Richardson, Margaret, mother, white female 77, widow, born NC, father born Ireland, mother born NC Richardson, Sarah A., sister, white female 40, single, born TN, father born NC, mother born NC Richardson, Henry J., nephew, white male 15, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN

145 M v. William Richardson 43 .

54. Hugh T. Cochran (John, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born in 1828 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He died in 1868 in Marshall Co., Tennessee.

1860 Marshall Co., TN Census 1st Civil District, PO Belfast, TN June 7, 1860 Page 005-01 Cochran: Hugh, 31 Male White Farmer 2500 Value of Real Estate, 1050 Value of Personal Estate, born TN Nancy, 31, Female White born TN Fredonia A., 9 Female White born TN Martha, 7 Female White, born TN Mahala J., 5 Female White, born TN

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 36 Henry C., 3 Male White, born TN Babe, 1 Female White, born TN Thos. Boyers, 75 Male White, Domestic, born NC Jane Boyers, 73 Female White born SC

Hugh married Nancy Rogers daughter of Thomas Rogers and Jane Rogers on 13 Feb 1850 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. Nancy was born in Feb 1828 in Tennessee. She died in 1910.

1880 District 1, Marshall Co., TN, page 307A Nancy Cochran, self, married, female white 50, born TN, farmer, father born NC, mother born SC Hannah Cochran, daughter, single, female white 19, born TN, at home, father born TN, mother born TN Hugh Cochran, son, single, male white 16, born TN, laborer, father born TN, mother born TN Bruce Cochran, son, single, male white 10, born TN, laborer, father born TN, mother born TN Willie Cochran, son, single, male white 8, born TN, laborer, father born TN, mother born TN Joseph Emberson, other, single, male white 18, born TN, laborer, father born TN, mother born TN

Hugh and Nancy had the following children:

146 F i. Fredonea A. Cochran was born in 1851 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died in 1910 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She was buried in Marr's Hill Cemetery, Marshall Co., Tennessee. Fredonea married Alexander Cowan on 24 Feb 1868 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. Alexander was born on 6 Jan 1863 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He died in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He was buried in Marr's Hill Cemetery, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

+ 147 F ii. Harriett Martha Cochran was born in 1853. She died in 1913.

+ 148 F iii. Mahala Jane Cochran was born in Jun 1854. She died in 1933.

149 M iv. Henry C. Cochran was born in 1856 in Marshall Co., Tennessee.

150 F v. Mary Bell Cochran was born in Apr 1859 in Tennessee. She died in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She was buried in Beechwood Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee. Mary married John Walter McCollum on 22 Jan 1880 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. John was born on 19 Sep 1860 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He died on 19 Dec 1947 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He was buried in Beechwood Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

151 F vi. Hannah G. Cochran was born in 1861 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died in 1950 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She was buried in Beechwood

Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

1880 District 1, Marshall Co., TN, page 307A Nancy Cochran, self, married, female white 50, born TN, farmer, father born NC, mother born SC Hannah Cochran, daughter, single, female white 19, born TN, at home, father born TN, mother born TN Hugh Cochran, son, single, male white 16, born TN, laborer, father born TN, mother born TN

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 37 Bruce Cochran, son, single, male white 10, born TN, laborer, father born TN, mother born TN Willie Cochran, son, single, male white 8, born TN, laborer, father born TN, mother born TN Joseph Emberson, other, single, male white 18, born TN, laborer, father born TN, mother born TN

Hannah married William G. Caneer on 4 Jan 1881 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. William was born in 1858.

152 M vii. Hugh T. "Bud" Cochran , Jr. was born in Aug 1862 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He died in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He was buried in Beechwood Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

1880 District 1, Marshall Co., TN, page 307A Nancy Cochran, self, married, female white 50, born TN, farmer, father born NC, mother born SC Hannah Cochran, daughter, single, female white 19, born TN, at home, father born TN, mother born TN Hugh Cochran, son, single, male white 16, born TN, laborer, father born TN, mother born TN Bruce Cochran, son, single, male white 10, born TN, laborer, father born TN, mother born TN Willie Cochran, son, single, male white 8, born TN, laborer, father born TN, mother born TN Joseph Emberson, other, single, male white 18, born TN, laborer, father born TN, mother born TN

Hugh married Ada D. Caneer daughter of William Caneer and Melissa Bartlett on 27 Dec 1885 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. Ada was born on 20 Dec 1868 in Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died on 7 May 1939 in Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee. She was buried in Beechwood Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

Marshall County, TN _Funeral Home Records

COCHRAN, ADA; Sex: F; Race: WHITE; Date of Birth: DECEMBER 20, 1868; Place of Birth: CORNERSVILLE, GILES CO., TN; Age: 70; Date of Death: MAY 7, 1939; Place of Death: CORNERSVILLE, MARSHALL CO., TN; Place of Burial: BEECHWOOD CEMETERY; Marital Status: MARRIED; Spouse: H T COCHRAN; Father: WILLIAM CANEER; Mother: MELISSA BARTLETT; Informant: H T COCHRAN; Funeral Home: London Funeral Home

153 M viii. Bruce E. Cochran was born in Jul 1868 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He died in 1963 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He was buried in Short Cemetery,

Marshall Co., Tennessee.

1880 District 1, Marshall Co., TN, page 307A Nancy Cochran, self, married, female white 50, born TN, farmer, father born NC, mother born SC Hannah Cochran, daughter, single, female white 19, born TN, at home, father born TN, mother born TN

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 38 Hugh Cochran, son, single, male white 16, born TN, laborer, father born TN, mother born TN Bruce Cochran, son, single, male white 10, born TN, laborer, father born TN, mother born TN Willie Cochran, son, single, male white 8, born TN, laborer, father born TN, mother born TN Joseph Emberson, other, single, male white 18, born TN, laborer, father born TN, mother born TN

Bruce married Sarah Florence McCrory daughter of Robert J. McCrory and Mary A. F. Hardin on 30 Dec 1897 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. Sarah was born in 1871 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died in 1962 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She was buried in Short Cemetery, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

154 M ix. William H. "Willie" Cochran was born in Jul 1871 in Marshall Co., Tennessee.

1880 District 1, Marshall Co., TN, page 307A Nancy Cochran, self, married, female white 50, born TN, farmer, father born NC, mother born SC Hannah Cochran, daughter, single, female white 19, born TN, at home, father born TN, mother born TN Hugh Cochran, son, single, male white 16, born TN, laborer, father born TN, mother born TN Bruce Cochran, son, single, male white 10, born TN, laborer, father born TN, mother born TN Willie Cochran, son, single, male white 8, born TN, laborer, father born TN, mother born TN Joseph Emberson, other, single, male white 18, born TN, laborer, father born TN, mother born TN

William married Fannie Fowler . Fannie was born in 1877.

55. Elizabeth Cochran (John, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born in 1830 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died before 1868 in Marshall Co., Tennessee.

Elizabeth married David Richardson son of Harvel C. Richardson and Margaret Cochran on 17 Jan 1856 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. David was born in 1835 in Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

They had the following children:

155 M i. Samuel Richardson is printed as #141 on page 36.

156 F ii. Josephine Richardson is printed as #142 on page 36.

157 M iii. Thomas Richardson is printed as #143 on page 36.

158 M iv. Henry J. Richardson is printed as #144 on page 36.

159 M v. William Richardson is printed as #145 on page 36.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 39 58. Sarah Cochran (John, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born in 1834 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died in 1868.

Sarah married James M. Parks 44 on 2 Dec 1852 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. James was born about 1833 in Tennessee.

They had the following children:

160 F i. Amanda Parks .

161 M ii. William Parks .

162 F iii. Cordelia Parks .

163 M iv. Charles M. Parks 45 was born about 1861 in Tennessee.

164 F v. Mary Jane Parks 46 was born about 1863 in Tennessee.

165 M vi. James Milton Parks , Jr. 47 was born about 1866 in Tennessee.

61. Tabitha C. Cochran 48 (John, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 23 Mar 1841 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died on 9 Jun 1916 in Globe, Marshall Co., Tennessee. She was buried in Green Wilson Cemetery, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

1880 District 14, Marshall Co., TN census page 460d Joseph Wilson, self, married, white male 35, born TN, farmer, father born NC, mother born TN Talitha Wilson, wife, married, white female 39, born TN, keeping house, father born NC, mother born TN William C. Wilson, son, single, white male 15, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN Sallie Wilson, daughter, single, white female 11, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN Marcus Wilson, son, single, white male 2, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN

Tabitha married Josephus C. Wilson 49 son of Green Wilson and Lillias Tinsley Bills on 8 Jan 1864 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. Josephus was born on 17 Jun 1845 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He died on 12 Mar 1889 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He was buried in Green Wilson Cemetery, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

They had the following children:

+ 166 M i. William Columbus Wilson was born on 15 Sep 1864. He died on 7 Jul 1951.

167 F ii. Sallie Wilson 50 was born about 1869 in Tennessee.

168 M iii. Marcus Wilson 51 was born about 1878 in Tennessee.

62. Lycurgus C. "LC" "Curd" or "Kirg" Cochran 52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60 (John, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 6 Jul 1843 in Marshall Co. Tennessee. He died on 14 Jan 1931 in Ardmore, Carter Co., Oklahoma. He was buried in Rose Hill Cemetery, Confederate Cemetery, Ardmore, Carter Co., Oklahoma.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 40 Lycurgus served in the military Co. E, 11th TN Cav. (Confederate) Civil War.

He fought with and against his brothers during the Civil War and even after the war was over. There is a courthouse in Tennessee that still has bullet holes in it from one of their gun fights. LC got tired of fighting so he took his only child Henry and they left Dovie and went west. Family stories say that he

1860 Marshall Co., TN Census PO Lewisburg, enumerated June 5, 1860, page 220-18 Cochran, John, 52 male white, farmer, Value of Real Estate 4,000, Value of Personal Estate 2,000, born in NC, illiterate Cochran, Mary, 51 female white, house keeper, born NC, illiterate Cochran, Nancy, 26 female white, domestic, born TN, illiterate Cochran, Peter, 23 male white, farm laborer, born TN, illiterate Cochran, Rachel, 21 female white, domestic, born TN, attended school within the year Cochran, Talitha, 19 female white, domestic, born TN, attended school within the year Cochran, Lycurgus, 17 male white, farm laborer, born TN, attended school within the year Cochran, Columbus, 14 male white, born TN, attended school within the year Cochran, Mary, 12 female white, born TN, attended school within the year Cochran, James, 10 male white, born TN, attended school within the year

1870 Marshall Co., TN PO Mooresville, page 177, June 6, 1870 dwelling 71, family 73 London, Ann?, 44 female white, farming, value of real estate 1000, value of personal estate 400, born TN, can't read or write London, Rachel, 9 female white, born TN, attended school within the year London, George M., 7 male white, born TN, attended school within the year Cochran, Licergas, 26 male white, farm laborer, born TN, male citizen of the US of 21 years of age and upwards. (living 2 doors from Mary "Polly" (McCrory) Cochran)

Form A-1 No. A 4149 Application for Pension for Confederate Soldier or Sailor. DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE L. C. Cochran P.O. Bokchito Okla St., R, R. No. Filed in Pension Office MAR 29 1920 Disallowed Allowed No. P Allowed from Amt. $ per month. Reconsidered and allowed From Amt. $ No. P

THIS SPACE BELOW FOR USE OF COUNTY JUDGE ONLY State of Oklahoma, County of Bryan Filed in this office of the County Judge of said county and state this 27 day of Mar 1920 It is hereby recommended that the within named ap- plicant for pension is granted a pension, (SEAL) (signed by W.L. Bauer) Temporary County Judge THIS APPLICATION MUST BE FILED WITH AND APPROVED BY THE COUNTY JUDGE OF THE COUNTY WHEREIN THE APPLICANT RE- SIDES. (dated MAR 29 1920)


17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 41 STATE OF OKLAHOMA Durant, Oklahoma March 28, 1922.

Col. Sneed, c/o Confederate Pension Department, Oklahoma City, Okla.

Dear Colonel:- L.C. Cochran of Caddo, Oklahoma served in the Confederate Army in Tennessee and was orderly to General Frank Cheatam. On account of the fact that he was orderly to General Chatam he did not become very well acquainted with a large number of his comrades and is absolutely unable to locate any who are living that can make affidavit to the fact of his service, but he is able to produce any number of affidavits from people who have for more than forty years understood from him and others that he did serve in the Confederate Army. As a matter of fact he served about eighteen months. Will you kindly advise me as to whether or not the proof that he will be able to make will be sufficient to satisfy your department in securing a pension for him? I shall appreciate any information or advice that you may give me in the premises and you will kindly send me copies of such blanks as are necessary for use in making his application. Yours truly, (signed) Chas. McPherren Chas. E. McPherren


March 30,1922. Hon. Charles E. McPherren, Durant, Okla. Dear submitter: In reply to your letter of 28th instant, I am inclosing form of application for Comrade? L. C. Cochran of Caddo to fill out and return to this office, and I will try to get his record from the War Department at Washington. Relative to effiderits? covering proof of service, you are sworn that no heresay testimony is acceptable in any question of law, and unless he could ???? affidavits of comrades who served with his in the Confederate army, they could not possibly be acceptable as proof, for the reason that no person who did not serve with this comrade could possibly know that he rendered faithful service in the U.S.A. The law (copy of which is inclosed) says that the affidante? "???? of the ????. Nobody could possibly have know ??? of the fact that he did serve unless they had served with him. When I receive the application of this comrade, I shall do all I possibly can can to ??? him in getting his record. I am glad to have his ???? called to my attention, and only hope we shall be able to establish his proof. With kindest personnel ???? and good ???. I am, Very truly yours, Commission???

State of Tennessee The Adjutant Generals Office


April 19, 1923.

Mr. A. E. Richey, Caddo, Oklahoma.

Dear Sir: Replying to your letter of April 23 1923 regarding the record of L. C. Cochran. The records of this office show that the 11th Tennessee Cavalry was mustered into the 9th Tennessee Cavalry, and no roster of the 11th Cavalry is given. It is suggested that you write The Adjutant General of the Army, Washington, D.C. for this record. Yours very truly,

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 42 (signed) William C Boyd William C. Boyd The Adjutant General.

United State Postoffice Caddo, Oklahoma, Apr. 23d, 23 A.E. Richey, P.M. Virginia Richey, Assistant Caddo, Oklahoma Adjutant General, Washington, D.C. Dear Sir:- Enclosed find letter from Adg. Gen. State of Tenn. relative to service of L.C. Cochran, 11th Ten. Cav. Capt. Gordon, Gen. Bell, or Gen. Cheatham, commander. Comerades Bob. Phillips, Jeff Crunk. Enlisted at Lewisburg, Marshall Co. Tenn. 1863. This information is wanted by this Confederate soldier to enable him to secure a State Pension under the laws of Oklahoma, hence his request. Claims he did detail duty. A reply will be appreciated. 8 Received A.G.). APR 26 1923 Yours truly, (signed) AE Richey


Respectfully returned to A.E. Richey, P.M. Caddo, Oklahoma. with the information that the name mention- ed within has not been found on the rolls, on file in this Department or the organization to which reference is made, which rolls partly cover the period from Mar. 1, 1863, to Sept. 16, 1864, and that nothing has been found in the official records concerning the service capture or parole of L.C. Cochran, Co.E. (Capt. Gordon) 11 (Holmans) Tenn. Cav.

CSA It is deemed proper to remark, however, that the collection of Con- federate States Army records on file in this Department is far from com- plete, and is not fully indexed, and the failure to find the name of any person thereon (or to find his com- plete record) is by no means conclu- sive evidence that such person did not serve during some period not cov- ere by the ????? Department. R.T. Phillips and Jos. J.B. Crunk, are shown to have served as privates in above orgn. (signed by Robert C. ????) The Adjutant General ....

United States Postoffice A. S. Richey, P.M. Virginia Richey, Assistant Caddo, Okla. May 3d 1923.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 43 Caddo, Oklahoma Hon. Judge Maytubby Durant, Oklahoma. Dear Friend:- I wish you would please make out this old gentleman's Application for Con. pension, approve and send on to the Commission. Evidentally he is Confederate Veteran, , as War Dept. shows that records are incomplete. His Captain writes or indicates that he was in the service. (Captain Gordon) he is old and has no property and no kin that will take care of him. He needs a pension badly. I believe with your endorsement the Pension Board will grant him a pension. Yours truly, postmaster (signed) AH Richey

Fill Affidavit No. 1 AFFIDAVIT NO. 1 RESIDENCE AND CITIZENSHIP BY TWO CITIZENS WHO KNOW THE APPLICANT HAS RESIDED IN THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA. STATE OF OKLAHOMA, COUNTY OF Bryan; Before me J.V. Connell, a notary public, in and for said county and state, on this 4th day of May 1923 personally appeared Newt Raines whose address is Caddo, Oklahoma and J.F. Roberts whose address is Durant, Oklahoma who are personally known to me to be credible citizens who by me being only sworn, each for himself deposeth and saith: That he is personally acquainted with the within named applicant for pension; that he has read the within and foregoing application and to the best of his knowledge and belief the statements therein contained are true; that to his knowledge said applicant is now and has been a bona fide resident and citizen of the State of Oklahoma for ten years next preceding this date; that he personally knows that said applicant's habits are good and free from dishonor; and that he knows of no reason why said applicant should not be granted a pension under the laws of Oklahoma; and further that he has no interest whatever in this

claim for a pension. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS 4 DAY OF May A.D., 1923 a notary public to and for said County and State (SEAL) signed Newt Rains J.F. Roberts

State of Oklahoma, SS. Affidavit. County of Bryan. Licurges C. Cochran being first duly sworn on his oath says; My name is Licurges C. Cochran, I reside at Caddo, in Bryan County, state of Oklahoma. I am the identical person who has made the attached application for a pension; and as stated therein I was a confederate soldier and served from sometime in the fall of 1863 to the end of the war in 1865, about one and one half years. So far as I now know I am the only one of my Company or Regiment now living; I have made some enquiry but have been unable to locate any of the boys who served with me in the army. I would have gotten the statement of some on eor more of them if I could have located them; the nearest I can come of gettig a statement from any one who served with me is an old letter from my captain, A. R. Gordon, said letter bearing date April 23, 1915, and is hereto attached and made a part of this affidavit. (Signed) (Lecurges C. Cochran's signature) Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of May, A.D. 1923. (signed by J.V. Connell) Notary Public. My commission expires November 19, 1924

(the letter by Gordon I have a copy of and is alittle hard to read)

Lived in Caddo, Bryan Co., Oklahoma for 12 years at time of pension application. Was born in Marshall County, Tennessee. Was 70 years old at time of pension application. Physical condition was very poor and unable to work, not able to do, and am not engaged in any thing. Applied for a pension because was unable to earn a livelihood by manual labor. Served in Cavalry, command organzied or from what

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 44 state he enlisted was Tennessee. He enlisted in the fall of 1863 near Lewisburg and served for 1 year in Co. E, 11th Tenn. Reg. (Cavalry). HIs officers were Colonel D.W. Holmans, Captain A.R. Gordon. He disbanded and told by Capt. Gordon to go home. At close of the war, to Lincoln or Marshall County, Tennessee. He was not wounded in battle. Signed by Lecrurges C. Cochran Subscribed and sworm to be before this 4th day of May A.D. 1932. signed by J.V. Carnnell (Notary Public)

On Form A-T it states State of Oklahoma, county of Bryan I, the undersigned, a Confederate Soldier (or Sailor), do hereby make application for a pension to be granted me according to the laws of the State of Oklahoma, and under oath I make answer to the following questions: 1. What is your FULL NAME? Licurges C. Cochran 2. What is your post office address? Durrant R 584 Bokchito, Okla. 3. What is your street, route or box number? 4. Are you an actual resident of the State of Oklahoma? Yes Of what county? Bryan 5. How long have you lived in the State of Oklahoma? 10 years

6. Where were you born? Tenn. What is your age? 75 7. Have you ever applied for a pension anywhere? No Where? When? 8. If so, were you granted a pension? If not, why not? 9. Do you receive any income, annuity, pension, salary, wages, fees, money or other means of support, from any source whatever? No If so, state in detail the source and amount thereof. 10. Do you, your wife or both of you own a home or property of any kind, either real, personal or mixed (household goods and wearing apparel not included), either in fee simple, for life, or is your own right, or an interest therein, or does anyone hold in trust for your benefit ????, any such property? (answer yes or no.) $350.00 interest, in 10 acres of land 11. If so, give an itemized statement of each piece, article or head, and the assessed value of each: 12. Have you or your wife transferred or sold property of any kind within the last two years? No If so, state fully the amount: 13. Have you a home of your own? No If not, with whom do you live? From place to place 14. If related to the person you live with, state what relation. 15. Have you any relatives or connections whose natural duty it is to provide for you? (State fully) One son who is not able to take care of him. 16. What is your physical condition? Feeble Are you able to work? No 17. What occupation are you engaged in? 18. Are you an inmate of any public home or institution, charitable or otherwise? No 19. Do you apply for a pension because you are in???? and unable to earn a livelihood by ???? Yes 20. Did you serve in infantry, cavalry, artiliary or navy? Calvary 21. In what state was your command organized or from what state did you enlist? Tenn. 22. When did you enlist? 1863 Where? Near Louisburg You served how long? 18 mo. 23. What was the number or letter of your company, battery or ship? 24. State the name and number of your regiment or battalion. 25. To what other ???? if any were you transferred? 26. State the names and rank of your officers. Capt. Andrew Gordon 27. How were you released from the Confederate Service? (Captured, paroled or honorably discharged. ) Turned loose Why? Near End of War When? In Spring of 1865 Where? Near Louisburg 28. Were you ever wounded in battle? No 29. Were you ?????? No 30. Were you detailed for special service in any armory or shop for the ???? of the army or navy? No State fully (Signed by Licurges LC Cochran) Subscribed and sworn to before me this 31st day of May A.D., 1919 Lewis Paull??? Co. Judge (signed) Bryan County, Oklahoma

In 1904 they were in Wolfe City, Hunt Co., Texas

The Establishment of the Confederate Home by the Legislature House Bill No. 41[by Gilmer, Maxey &

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 45 Casteel, of the House & Allen, an act of Senate Providing for the erection of, and the taking over to the State of Certain Property for a Home, to be known as the Oklahoma Confederate Home, for Indigent and Disabled Confederate Soldiers and Sailors, Their Wives and Widows: Providing for a Board of Trustees for the control and management of said Confederate Home and Be It Enacted by the people of the State of Oklahoma: Section l. That the institution contemplated to be built as hereinafter provided and as provided for under the articles of incorporation of the Confederate Veteran Home Association and to be built within or near the corporate limits of the City of Ardmore,Carter County,Oklahoma, is hereby created

and made a charitable institution of the State of Oklahoma, same to be known as the Oklahoma Confederate Home The Board of Trustees is to care for the indigent and disabled soldiers and sailors who enlisted, served and participated as a soldier in the army or as a sailor in the navy of the Confederate States of America during the Civil War,and also for the aged wives and widows of such soldiers and sailors. Section 2: The control and Management of said home, to be located as afore described, shall be vested in a Board of Trustees composed of Seven[7] members, each residing in the State and participated in Civil War ,to be appointed by the Governor with advice and consent of the Senate of Oklahoma Section 3 : The said Board of Trustees shall biennially elect a President, Treasurer and Secretary from their number and fix amount of bond which the Treasurer shall be required to give for upkeep of home. Section 4: The Secretary of State shall furnish a certificate to each member of the Board of Trustees within 10 days of his appointment. Section 5: Said Board may solicit and receive money, gifts, donations, endowments or other property in the name of the state for the use and benefit of said Oklahoma Confederate Home. Section 6: The President of the Board shall upon confirmation of the Board of Trustees appoint an Executive Committee consisting of three [3] members of the Board, to meet every 3 months and annually in March of each year. Section 7: The Board of County Commissioners of the counties or the friends of the applicants shall pay the expenses of sending the applicants to said home. Section 8: All Money received by Treasurer, is to be immediately put in Oklahoma Confederate Home Fund Section 9: For the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of this Act ,the sum of Twenty Thousand(20,000)Dollars is appropriated from the State of Oklahoma for the maintenance and support of said Oklahoma Confederate Home for the fiscal year ending June 30,1911. BEN F.WILSON Speaker of the House of Representatives. J. C.GRAHAM President Pro Tempore of the Senate Approved February 14, 1910 C. N. HASKELL Governor of the State of Oklahoma

Lycurgus married Dovie Webster 61,62,63,64,65,66 daughter of Robert Hill Webster and Nancy Ann McAteer on 28 Dec 1897 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. Dovie was born on 21 Feb 1879 in Tennessee. She died on 1 Feb 1938 in Texas. She was buried in Valdesta, Collin Co., Texas.

Moved to McKinney, Texas. She married "Grandad". When she died, he married Minnie

1880 Marshall Co., TN census - District 14, page 462d Webster, Robert H., white male, 40, self, married, farmer, born MS, father born MS, mother born TN Webster, Nancie A., white female 35, wife, married, keeping house, born TN, father born NC, mother born NC Webster, William, white male 11, son, single, born TN, father born MS, mother born TN Webster, John M., white male 10, son, single, born TN, father born MS, mother born TN Webster, Haleus, white male 7, son, single, born TN, father born MS, mother born TN Webster, Alferd, white male 6, son, single, born TN, father born MS, mother born TN Webster, Dovey, white female 3, daughter, single, born TN, father born MS, mother born TN Webster, Nancy A., white female 2, daughter, single, born TN, father born MS, mother born TN

1900 Marshall Co., TN, 14th District, ED 91, sheet 5B, June 1, 1900 dwelling 90, family 92 line 61, McAteer, Robert, head, white male, born Aug. 1814, age 85, widow, married 47 years, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN, farmer,?, 0 months not employed, can read & write, speaks English, own or rent?, free or mortgaged?, house line 62, Webster, Dovey, gr. daughter, white female, born ? 1856?, age 14?, married 1 year, mother of 1 child, 1 child still living, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN, can read & write, speaks English line 63, Webster, Patrick, gr. grandson, white male, born Oct. 1898, age 1, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN, can read & write?, speaks English line 64, King, ???? W., Gr son in law, white male, born Feb. 1874?, age 23, married 1 year, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN, farmer?, 0 months not employed, can read & write, speaks English line 65, King, Angie, gr. daughter, white female, born Aug. 1889, 20, married 1 year, 0 children, born TN,

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 46 father born TN, mother born TN, can read & write, speaks English

Lycurgus and Dovie had the following children:

+ 169 M i. Patrick (Pat) "Henry" Cochran was born on 14 Oct 1898. He died on 6 Jan 1951.

66. Paralee Cochran (David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 21 Mar 1838 in Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died on 12 Jun 1892. She was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

Paralee married William J. Cochran son of Thomas Stewart Cochran and Catherine Dulin on 7 Feb 1857 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. William was born on 17 May 1836 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He died on 14 Dec 1905 in Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee. He was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

1880 Marshall Co., TN, District 15, page 484d Cochran, W.J., self, married, male white 43, farmer, born NC, father born NC, mother born NC Cochran, Parus, wife, married, female white 42, housekeeper, born TN, father born NC, mother born NC Cochran, Cordela, daughter, single, female white 20, housekeeper, born TN Cochran, Onna, daughter, single, female white 15, housekeeper, born TN

17th TENNESSEE INFANTRY _Company H _Men from Marshall County, Tennessee

ABOUT THE 17TH TENNESSEE INFANTRY REGIMENT The 17th Tennessee Infantry was mustered into Confederate service on August 15, 1861 at Big Creek, Campbell County, TN. The regiment was then placed under the command of Brigadier General Felix K. ZOLLICOFFER, and participated in an engagement at Rock Castle, Kentucky (Camp Wildcat) on October 21, 1861, where it suffered 45 causalities. On January 20, 1862 the regiment was engaged in action at Fishing Creek near Mill Springs, Kentucky. In this battle the regiment suffered 46 casualties and Brigadier General ZOLLICOFFER was killed. The next action the regiment saw was during General Bragg's invasion of Kentucky in 1862. During this campaign the regiment was present at the capture of Munfordville and at the battle of Perryville (Oct. 8, 1862 - 24 casualties). The regiment was placed in General Patrick R. CLEBURNE'S Division during the battle at Murfreesboro (Dec. 31, 1862), where the regiment listed 246 causalities out of 598 men engaged. Following the Tullahoma campaign, the regiment was heavily engaged at the Battle of Chickamauga (Sept. 19 & 20, 1863) and suffered 130 causalities out of 249 men engaged. The regiment then severed its connection with the Army of Tennessee and served under Lt. General James LONGSTREET during campaigns against Knoxville and East Tennessee in the Fall and Winter of 1863/64. The regiment was then transferred to the Army of Northern Virginia in the Spring of 1864. In Viriginia, the regiment was involved in many battles, including Drewry's Bluff (May 15, 1864 - 68 casualties out of 319 engaged), Petersburg (June 17, 1864 - 70 men captured), and Hatcher's Run (Feb. 2, 1865). The regiment was surrendered by LEE at Appomattox Courthouse with approximately 70 men remaining from the over 1000 men who served. Company H of the the 17th Tennessee Infantry was formed in Marshall County, Tennessee. The information included below was obtained from the microfilmed copies of the compiled service records stored at the National Archives and the Marshall County Historical Quarterly, Summer 1988, Vol. XIX, No. 2.

COCHRAN, A.J., Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Slight wound in head at Murfreesboro Dec. 31, 1862.

COCHRAN(or COHORN), Columbus, Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Captured at Harrodsburg, KY Oct. 9, 1862, but present on muster roll for Jan./Feb. 1863. Deserted and took oath at Roane Co., TN

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 47 Dec. 1863. COCHRAN (or COHORAN), Elisha, Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted Nov. 7, 1862 at Lewisburg by Tally. Deserted, took oath at Roane Co. TN. COCHRAN, Lewis (or Levi), Pvt., Co. H, Elisted Nov. 7, 1862 at Lewisburg by Tally. Deserted and took oath in East Tennessee Feb. 1864. COCHRAN, W.J., Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted Nov. 7, 1862 at Lewisburg, TN by Tally. COCHRAN, W.T., Pvt., Co. H COCHRAN(or COHORN), Wilson, Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Deserted took oath at Roane, Co. TN Dec. 1863.

HILL, H.W.(Wash) , Pvt., Co. H Enlisted Nov. 24, 1862 at McMinnville, TN by Wright. Slight wound in side at Beech Grove (Hoover's Gap) June 25 & 26, 1863. Captured near Chattanooga Sept. 13, 1863. Took oath, desires to be released to Wartrace. McCRORY, Robert H. , Capt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Last record indicates present for duty at Mill Springs, KY Dec. 1861 ORR, Thomas A. Enlisted Feb. 2, 1863 by Col. Floyd. ORR, W.M., Pvt., Co. D (or H?), Enlisted May 28, 1861. Wounded sent to Hospital May 16, 1864. Left index finger amputated. Engaged at Chattanooga, Kentucky, Murfreesboro, Petersubrug. Also wounded in right hip. Pension application 16212 (111). PAXTON, John F., Cpl., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. RAMBO, D.H., Pvt., Co. H RAMBO, M.V.B., Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Discharged due to disability Sept. 14, 1861. TALLY, J.P. 1st Lt., Co.H, ENlisted May 28, 1861. Promoted 2nd Lt. May 15, 1862. 1st Lt. June 26, 18662. Severly wounded in breast at Murfreesboro, Dec. 31, 1862. TALLY, Stephen T., Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1862. Captured near Petersburg, VA June 17, 1864. Prison at Elmira, N.Y. Conscripted after one year, desires to got to Marshall County, where family resides. Released April 1, 1865. TILLMAN, M.T., Pvt., Co. H (also listed as GILLMAN, M.J.), Enlisted May 28, 1861. Severly wounded in arm at Murfreesboro Dec. 31, 1862. Captured at Marshall Co. TN Dec. 30, 1863. Prison Rock Island. Took oath April 29, 1865. TWITTY, L.H., Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Freemon Batery, Huggins Light Artillery Co. Engaged with Baxter's Artillery, Served at Wild Cat, Fishing Creek, Trenton, Lexington, TN., R-Ford Station, Perkins' Crossroads, Douglass Church, Chickamauga, Dalton, Atlanta. Paroled with Johnson, North Carolina. Pension application 11090. WEBSTER, Robert Hill, Co.H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Wounded at Perryville. Detached to Darden's Battery Feb. 1, 1863 by order Gen. Johnson. Captured near Petersburg June 17, 1864. Paroled at Richmond March 1865. Pension application 3996.

William and Paralee had the following children:

170 F i. Oma Alice Cochran was born in 1865 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died in 1953 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She was buried in Lone Oak Cemetery, Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. Oma married Samuel C. Cochran son of James C. Cochran and Margaret C. Fox on 6 Dec 1894 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. Samuel was born in Aug 1870. He died in 1967 in Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. He was buried in Lone Oak Cemetery, Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

171 F ii. Cordelia Cochran was born on 25 Dec 1858 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died on 30 Dec 1938 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

172 F iii. Clementine Cochran was born in 1862 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. Clementine married J. D. Phifer on 8 Jan 1880.

68. Orlena Cochran (David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born in 1842 in Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died in 1880 in Marshall Co., Tennessee.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 48 Orlena married James A. Paxton on 16 Feb 1865 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. James was born in 1842. He died in 1882.

They had the following children:

173 M i. Julius Paxton was born in 1867 in Marshall Co., Tennessee.

174 M ii. Otis Brittain Paxton was born on 24 Jun 1869 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He died on 6 May 1900 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

175 F iii. Anna C. Paxton was born in 1872 in Marshall Co., Tennessee.

69. Andrew Jackson Cochran (David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 5 Jan 1842 in Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. He died on 2 Jun 1928 in Hill, Johnson Co., Arkansas. He was buried in Yale Cemetery, Hill, Johnson Co., Arkansas.

Andrew served in the military Pvt., Co. H, 17th Inf., CSA.

email from Phyllis, Tues., Oct. 1, 2002: Kim, Andrew Jackson Cochran was my grandfather that had the bullet in his head._It obviously didn't hit his brain...... There are so many civil war clubs today and people working on all that information.... Kim, Andrew signed up in area of Marshall Co. and without looking it up would probably give you wrong name, but one of the Cochran's were leader of the troop and there was about 6 or more Cochrans in that troop. They fought in all the battles at Rubyridge and he was shot in battle at Vicksburg. Andrew had a bullet in his forehead for rest of his life. __Your Peter was probably named after Peter Phifer. I love all the old stories and said that I guess it was meant for me to do genealogy since I was last child in family and with just Mom & Dad and me at the end and so many evenings mother would tell me all about her family and memories.

17th TENNESSEE INFANTRY _Company H _Men from Marshall County, Tennessee

ABOUT THE 17TH TENNESSEE INFANTRY REGIMENT The 17th Tennessee Infantry was mustered into Confederate service on August 15, 1861 at Big Creek, Campbell County, TN. The regiment was then placed under the command of Brigadier General Felix K. ZOLLICOFFER, and participated in an engagement at Rock Castle, Kentucky (Camp Wildcat) on October 21, 1861, where it suffered 45 causalities. On January 20, 1862 the regiment was engaged in action at Fishing Creek near Mill Springs, Kentucky. In this battle the regiment suffered 46 casualties and Brigadier General ZOLLICOFFER was killed. The next action the regiment saw was during General Bragg's invasion of Kentucky in 1862. During this campaign the regiment was present at the capture of Munfordville and at the battle of Perryville (Oct. 8, 1862 - 24 casualties). The regiment was placed in General Patrick R. CLEBURNE'S Division during the battle at Murfreesboro (Dec. 31, 1862), where the regiment listed 246 causalities out of 598 men engaged. Following the Tullahoma campaign, the regiment was heavily engaged at the Battle of Chickamauga (Sept. 19 & 20, 1863) and suffered 130 causalities out of 249 men engaged. The regiment then severed its connection with the Army of Tennessee and served under Lt. General

James LONGSTREET during campaigns against Knoxville and East Tennessee in the Fall and Winter of 1863/64. The regiment was then transferred to the Army of Northern Virginia in the Spring of 1864. In Viriginia, the regiment was involved in many battles, including Drewry's Bluff (May 15, 1864 - 68 casualties out of 319 engaged), Petersburg (June 17, 1864 - 70 men captured), and Hatcher's Run (Feb. 2, 1865). The regiment was surrendered by LEE at Appomattox Courthouse with approximately 70 men remaining from the over 1000 men who served. Company H of the the 17th Tennessee Infantry was formed in Marshall County, Tennessee. The

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 49 information included below was obtained from the microfilmed copies of the compiled service records stored at the National Archives and the Marshall County Historical Quarterly, Summer 1988, Vol. XIX, No. 2.

COCHRAN, A.J., Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Slight wound in head at Murfreesboro Dec. 31, 1862. COCHRAN(or COHORN), Columbus, Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Captured at Harrodsburg, KY Oct. 9, 1862, but present on muster roll for Jan./Feb. 1863. Deserted and took oath at Roane Co., TN Dec. 1863. COCHRAN (or COHORAN), Elisha, Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted Nov. 7, 1862 at Lewisburg by Tally. Deserted, took oath at Roane Co. TN. COCHRAN, Lewis (or Levi), Pvt., Co. H, Elisted Nov. 7, 1862 at Lewisburg by Tally. Deserted and took oath in East Tennessee Feb. 1864. COCHRAN, W.J., Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted Nov. 7, 1862 at Lewisburg, TN by Tally. COCHRAN, W.T., Pvt., Co. H COCHRAN(or COHORN), Wilson, Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Deserted took oath at Roane, Co. TN Dec. 1863.

HILL, H.W.(Wash) , Pvt., Co. H Enlisted Nov. 24, 1862 at McMinnville, TN by Wright. Slight wound in side at Beech Grove (Hoover's Gap) June 25 & 26, 1863. Captured near Chattanooga Sept. 13, 1863. Took oath, desires to be released to Wartrace. McCRORY, Robert H. , Capt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Last record indicates present for duty at Mill Springs, KY Dec. 1861 ORR, Thomas A. Enlisted Feb. 2, 1863 by Col. Floyd. ORR, W.M., Pvt., Co. D (or H?), Enlisted May 28, 1861. Wounded sent to Hospital May 16, 1864. Left index finger amputated. Engaged at Chattanooga, Kentucky, Murfreesboro, Petersubrug. Also wounded in right hip. Pension application 16212 (111). PAXTON, John F., Cpl., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. RAMBO, D.H., Pvt., Co. H RAMBO, M.V.B., Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Discharged due to disability Sept. 14, 1861. TALLY, J.P. 1st Lt., Co.H, ENlisted May 28, 1861. Promoted 2nd Lt. May 15, 1862. 1st Lt. June 26, 18662. Severly wounded in breast at Murfreesboro, Dec. 31, 1862. TALLY, Stephen T., Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1862. Captured near Petersburg, VA June 17, 1864. Prison at Elmira, N.Y. Conscripted after one year, desires to got to Marshall County, where family resides. Released April 1, 1865. TILLMAN, M.T., Pvt., Co. H (also listed as GILLMAN, M.J.), Enlisted May 28, 1861. Severly wounded in arm at Murfreesboro Dec. 31, 1862. Captured at Marshall Co. TN Dec. 30, 1863. Prison Rock Island. Took oath April 29, 1865. TWITTY, L.H., Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Freemon Batery, Huggins Light Artillery Co. Engaged with Baxter's Artillery, Served at Wild Cat, Fishing Creek, Trenton, Lexington, TN., R-Ford Station, Perkins' Crossroads, Douglass Church, Chickamauga, Dalton, Atlanta. Paroled with Johnson, North Carolina. Pension application 11090. WEBSTER, Robert Hill, Co.H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Wounded at Perryville. Detached to Darden's Battery Feb. 1, 1863 by order Gen. Johnson. Captured near Petersburg June 17, 1864. Paroled at Richmond March 1865. Pension application 3996.

Andrew married (1) Harriett Milliken on 7 Sep 1873 in Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. The marriage ended in divorce.They were divorced on 16 Nov 1876.

Harriett was born about 1848.

They had the following children:

+ 176 F i. Laurie Cochran was born in 1877. She died in 1915.

Andrew married (2) Martha Elizabeth Hazelip daughter of Laborn Hazelip and Louisa Grimes on 16 Dec 1879 in Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. Martha was born on 15

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 50 Jan 1844 in Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died on 3 Sep 1927 in Hill, Johnson Co., Arkansas. She was buried in Yale Cemetery, Hill, Johnson Co., Arkansas.

They had the following children:

+ 177 F ii. Josie Cochran was born in 1881. She died in 1945.

+ 178 F iii. Frances "Fannie" F. Cochran was born on 30 Jul 1882. She died on 16 Oct 1972.

+ 179 F iv. Berthe Etta Cochran was born on 24 Jan 1888. She died on 27 May 1951.

73. Amanda Cochran (David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born in 1853 in Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died in 1929 in Rogersville, Lauderdale Co., Alabama. She was buried in McCartney Cemetery, Rogersville, Lauderdale Co., Alabama.

Amanda married William Newton "W.N." Bills son of Matthew Bills and Esther E. King on 11 Oct 1876. William was born on 30 Oct 1852 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He died on 27 Jul 1931 in Rogersville, Lauderdale Co., Alabama. He was buried in McCartney Cemetery, Rogersville, Lauderdale Co., Alabama.

(info. by Jane Shepperd via Phyllis Files)

William and Amanda had the following children:

+ 180 F i. Mary Elizabeth Bills was born on 2 May 1890. She died on 7 Aug 1973.

+ 181 M ii. John T. Bills was born in 1877. He died in 1944.

+ 182 F iii. Roda Clemmie Bills was born on 2 Sep 1870. She died on 7 May 1967.

+ 183 F iv. Fannie Bills was born on 2 May 1879. She died on 26 Sep 1957.

+ 184 M v. Ollie Engoldsby Bills was born on 23 Dec 1883. He died on 19 Jun 1955.

+ 185 F vi. Alma Irene Bills was born on 4 Nov 1885. She died on 21 Dec 1964.

186 F vii. Dollie Bills was born in Tennessee. She died before 1900.

187 M viii. Andrew Jackson Bills was born on 20 Jan 1893 in Tennessee. He died on 16 May 1907 in Rogersville, Lauderdale Co., Alabama. He was buried in McCartney Cemetery, Rogersville, Lauderdale Co., Alabama.

81. James Knox Polk Cochran (Eleazer A., James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born in Sep 1848 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He died in 1933 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

1880 District 2, Marshall Co., TN page 321D Cochran, James K.P., self, white male 31, married, laborer, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN

Cochran, Mary J., wife, white female 29, married, keeping house, born TN, father born TN, mother born Ill

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 51 Cochran, Elizabeth, daughter, white female 10, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN Cochran, Frances, daughter, white female 8, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN Cochran, James H., son, white male 7, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN Cochran, Tobias, son, white male 2, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN

James married (1) Mary "Mollie" J. Hardin on 9 Aug 1868 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. Mary was born in 1851. She died in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

They had the following children:

188 F i. R. Elizabeth Cochran was born in Aug 1869. She died in 1898. R. Elizabeth Cochran married J. E. Hammond on 12 Jan 1890 in Marshall Co., Tennessee.

189 F ii. Frances M. Cochran was born in 1871 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died in Belfast, Marshall Co., Tennessee. She was buried in Belfast, Marshall Co., Tennessee. Frances married William B. McRee on 31 Aug 1893 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. William died in Belfast, Marshall Co., Tennessee. He was buried in Head Spring Cemetery, Belfast, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

+ 190 M iii. James Henry Cochran was born in 1873. He died in 1941.

191 M iv. Elmore Cochran was born in 1875 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He died in 1880 in Marshall Co., Tennessee.

192 M v. W.O. Tobias Cochran . W.O. married Martha Whitsett on 24 Jul 1905 in Marshall Co., Tennessee.

James married (2) LuLu Cochran in 1898 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. LuLu was born in 1879. She died in 1940 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

93. Azor Cochran 67,68 (Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, William, , ) was born on 29 Nov 1803 in Mecklenburg Co., North Carolina. He died on 7 Apr 1861 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

Azor came to Tennessee in the late 1820's and the Cochran Cemetery is his old family graveyard deeded by his son Wilson to trustees. Most researchers believe him to be the brother of Levi Cochran, and they did marry sisters. No proof could be found but it appears that his father was either Thomas Cochran III or Eleazer Cochran, sons of Thomas Cochran, Jr. He is almost certainly a nephew of James Cochran.

TSLA Roll # A-2188 - Marshall Co. TN Probate Deeds 1836-1840, Page 182 Azar COCHRAN to John B FOWLER to Indenture & Bargain & Sale of 33 acres of Land in Marshall County Was this day ackowledged before me by the Said Azar COCHRAN & By me Certified for Registration This 31st day of December 1839 M. W. OAKLEY (clk By JOhn ELLIOTT D.C.

TSLA Roll # A-2188 - Marshall Co. TN Probate Deeds 1836-1840, Page 183 Abram BIVINS to Azar COCHRAN to Indenture & Bargain & Sale of 40 Acres of Land in Marshall County Was this day acknowledged by the Said Abram BIVINS & By me Certified for Registration This 31st of

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 52 December 1839 M. W. OAKLEY (clk By John ELLIOTT D.C.

1850 Marshall Co., TN, District No. 15, Sept. 6, 1850, 104a lines40-43 & 104b lines 1-2 dwelling 140/family 140 Azor Cochran, 56 male white, farmer, value of real estate owned ????, born NC Hannah Cochran, 60 female white, born ??? Dovey Cochran, 18 female white, born TN Wilson Cochran, 16 male white, farmer, born TN, attended school within the year Elizabeth Cochran, 14 female white, born TN

1850 Marshall Co., TN Slave Census, Dist 15, Sept. 4, 1850 A.A. Johnson, page 333 Azer Cochran (p 104) 1 slave age 22 female black; 1 slave age 3 female black; 1 slave age 1 female black

1860 Marshall Co., TN Census, PO Lewisburg, TN, 15th Civil District, June 6, 1860 P. 261-18, Cochran, Azor, 51 Male White Farmer, born North Carolina and is Illiterate Wilson, 24 Male White Farm Laborer, born TN Elizabeth, 19 Female White, Domestic, born TN

Azor married Hannah Bivens daughter of John Bivens and Gemima Crockett on 17 Feb 1824 in Mecklenburg Co., North Carolina. Hannah was born on 12 Jun 1797 in Anson Co. or Mecklenburg Co.??, North Carolina. She died on 4 Jul 1858 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

They had the following children:

+ 193 M i. Lindsey Cochran was born in 1825. He died in Aug 1862.

+ 194 F ii. Violet Cochran was born in 1827.

195 F iii. Dovey Cochran was born on 4 Dec 1831. She died on 25 Jun 1853. She was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

never married

+ 196 M iv. Wilson Cochran was born on 27 Jan 1834. He died on 15 Aug 1904.

94. Thomas Stewart Cochran (Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, William, , ) was born in 1786 in Mecklenburg Co., North Carolina. He died on 18 Feb 1880. He was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

son of either Thomas III or Eleazor Cochran but in 1807 Eleazer sold Thomas Stewart Cochran land on 12 Mile Creek. Thomas Stewart Cochran came to Marshall Co. with his family in 1846/1847.

1860 Marshall Co., TN P009-36 COCHRAN - P. O. Belfast, Tenn., 1st Civil District, June 9, 1860 Thos. S. 72 M W Farmer 5000 1000 NC Catharine 68 F W NC Ely 33 M W Farm Hand NC Eliza 23 F W Weaver NC

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 53 Thomas married Catherine Dulin daughter of Sugar Dulin on 17 Jan 1816 in Mecklenburg Co., North Carolina. Catherine was born on 25 Feb 1791 in Mecklenburg Co., North Carolina. She died on 1 Jun 1873. She was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

They had the following children:

+ 197 M i. William J. Cochran was born on 17 May 1836. He died on 14 Dec 1905.

+ 198 F ii. Lucinda Cochran was born on 17 Mar 1817.

+ 199 M iii. Dulin Cochran was born in Nov 1819. He died in Dec 1906.

+ 200 F iv. Mary Elizabeth Cochran was born in 1823. She died on 27 Apr 1899.

201 M v. Eli Cochran was born in 1827. He died in Oct 1862. The cause of death was killed in battle.

Eli served in the military Pvt., Co. H, 41st Inf., CSA.

+ 202 M vi. Elisha Cochran was born on 7 Mar 1827. He died on 8 Aug 1901.

203 F vii. Joannah G. Cochran was born in 1829.

died before her father without heirs.

Joannah married William T. Richie on 25 Jan 1848.

+ 204 M viii. Christopher Columbus Cochran was born on 7 Aug 1831. He died on 28 Feb 1918.

205 F ix. Catherine Eliza Cochran was born in Oct 1837. She died on 18 Feb 1884. She was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee. Catherine married John C. Hedgecoth on 22 Mar 1868. John was born on 6 Mar 1842. He died on 11 Apr 1908. He was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

95. John B. Cochran (Levi Thomas, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 21 Aug 1823 in Maury Co., Tennessee. He died on 3 Jan 1873 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He was buried in Cochran or Mt. Carmel Cem.?, Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

1850 Marshall Co., TN, 105a, District No. 15, Sept. 6, 1850 lines 13-15, dwelling 149/family 149 John B. Cochran, 27 male white, cabinet workman, born PC?, can't read or write Jane M. Cochran, 27 female white, born TN Mary A. Cochran, 4 female white, born TN

1850 Marshall Co., TN Slave Census Dist. 15, Sept. 5, 1850 A.A. Johnson, page 337 John B. Cochran (p105) 1 slave age 17 female black, 1 slave age 4 male mulatto; 1 slave age 1 female mulatto

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 54 1860 Marshall Co., TN Census Page 256-20, PO Lewisburg, TN, 15th Civil District, June 4, 1860 Cochran: John B., 36 Male White Engineer, 100 Value of Real Estate, 8800 Value of Personal Estate, born NC Jane M., 36 Female White House Keeper, born TN Mary N., 13 Female White, born TN, going to school Hattie, 6 Female White, born TN, going to school Sarah, 1 Female White, born TN

John married Jane M. Henry on 12 Jan 1846 in Maury Co., Tennessee. Jane was born on 16 Aug 1820 in Tennessee. She died on 11 May 1883 in Paris, Tennessee. She was buried in Cochran or Mt. Carmel Cem.?, Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

John and Jane had the following children:

206 F i. Mary N. Cochran was born about 1847 in Tennessee.

207 F ii. Hattie Cochran was born about 1854 in Tennessee.

208 F iii. Sarah Cochran was born in 1859 in Tennessee.

96. Sarah A. Cochran (Levi Thomas, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 9 Jan 1826 in Maury Co., Tennessee. She died on 2 Aug 1901 in Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. She was buried in Davis-Moore Cemetery, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

Sarah married (2) Samuel Davis on 9 Sep 1840 in Marshall Co., Tennessee, Executed Sept 9, 1841, By Burgess Hardin JP. Samuel was born on 4 Aug 1814. He died on 1 Sep 1909 in Marshall Co., Tennessee.

They had the following children:

+ 209 F i. Emmeline Davis .

210 M ii. Robert L. Davis was born on 30 Jan 1844. He died on 16 Sep 1858.

211 M iii. John A. Davis was born on 24 Mar 1849. He died on 20 Jun 1853.

98. Eliza Emmaline Cochran (Levi Thomas, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born 29 Feb 1830 in Murphreesboro, Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died on 9 Dec 1921 in Cleborne, Johnson Co., Texas. She was buried in Buel Cem., Alverado, Johnson Co., Texas.

Eliza married Jackson Carroll "J.C." Cummings on 13 Jul 1848 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. Jackson was born on 3 May 1820 in Murphreesboro, Marshall Co., Tennessee. He died on 11 Dec 1873 in Cleborne, Johnson Co., Texas. He was buried in Buel Cem., Alverado, Johnson Co., Texas.

They had the following children:

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 55 212 M i. Rufus Lee "R. L." Cummings was born on 29 Oct 1849. He died on 22 Sep 1882. He was buried in Buel Cem., Alverado, Johnson Co., Texas.

+ 213 M ii. John Nathaniel Cummings was born on 25 Dec 1853. He died on 1 Apr 1895.

214 M iii. Dewitt Clinton Cummings was born on 3 Mar 1856 in Johnson Co., Texas.

215 M iv. Jackson Mayberry "Jay M." Cummings was born on 9 Nov 1857 in Johnson Co., Texas. He died on 9 Apr 1923. He was buried in Buel Cem., Alverado, Johnson Co., Texas.

216 M v. Thomas Jefferson Cummings was born on 17 Jan 1863 in Johnson Co., Texas.

217 M vi. Andrew B. "A. B." Cummings was born on 17 Jul 1865 in Johnson Co., Texas. He died on 28 Sep 1896. He was buried in Buel Cem., Alverado, Johnson Co., Texas.

218 M vii. Robert R. Cummings was born on 4 Aug 1870 in Johnson Co., Texas. He died on 23 May 1892. He was buried in Buel Cem., Alverado, Johnson Co., Texas.

219 F viii. Martha Jane Cummings was born on 1 Apr 1870 in Johnson Co., Texas.

220 M ix. George F. Cummings was born on 12 Apr 1873 in Johnson Co., Texas. He died on 13 Jun 1897. He was buried in Buel Cem., Alverado, Johnson Co., Texas.

99. Elizabeth L. or Jane Cochran (Levi Thomas, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 26 Nov 1833 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died on 3 Dec 1852 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She was buried in Mt. Carmel Cem., Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

Elizabeth married Patrick W. McCorkle son of Patrick W. McCorkle and Unity Bivins or Bivens on 2 Dec 1851 in Marshall Co., Tennessee by Wae Barret, M.G.. Patrick was born on 16 Feb 1830 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He died on 15 Sep 1862 in Washington, Hempstead Co., Arkansas. He was buried in Mt. Carmel Cem., Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

They had the following children:

221 M i. Robert F. McCorkle was born on 6 Nov 1852. He died on 22 Jan 1853. He was buried in Mt. Carmel Cem., Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

101. Margaret Josephine "Maggie" Cochran (Levi Thomas, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 20 Apr 1838 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died on 23 Oct 1915 in Alvarado, Johnson Co., Texas. She was buried in Buel Baptist Cem., between Alvarado and Cleburne, Johnson Co., Texas.

Letter written by Levi Cochran to his daughter Margaret Cochran Bryant.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 56 Lewisburg, June 1, 1879 Dear Daughter and Family, I desire to rite you a few lines to let you know of my helth. I am not well at presant nor haint been for some time. I am sick in body and strength. My hands are so weak that I hardly hold a pen to rite at all. Hoping these few lines may find you all well when you receive them. The helth of our country are not good nor haint been for some time. A good deal of sickness and some death. S. L. Davis wife is dead and child Steward Cochran is dead. Dr. T. I. Kennedy is dead. John Smith's wife is dead and some others in the country. Sis Moor is in bad helth. She is sick at this time confined to her bed. All the rest of the connection are well as far as I know of at this time. I have nothing of grate importance to rite to you at present. Times hard on account of money matters. Provision low, wheat $1.00, corn 40 cts, flour $3.00, good coffee 5# to the dollar, sugar 8# to the dollar. We have had a cold and wet winter past, our wheat looks bad for the time of the year, we had frost the 2nd day of May. We are dry and needing rain at this time. The ground are so dry that corn can't get up, everything in the ground needs rain. Now I should like you to rite to me as soon as this comes to your hand and tell me all the news that you know of and how you are getting along in this world and if you ever hear from Lisar and family. I should like to see you all in this life, but my helth and strength will not purmit me to handle the trip at this time. So I will close for the presant. Rite soon if you can, so fair well for the presant.

Letter to Maggie Cochran Bryant from her neice Emma Leeb Cochran, daughter of Margaret's brother Levi N. Cochran.

July 12th 1884 Cochran Mills, Tenn. Mrs. Maggie Bryant

Dear Aunt, I received your letter one week ago and was glad to hear from you all - but sorry to hear you was not well. This leaves us all I am thankful to say. I am as well as can be. Mother still complaining with her arms and thumbs. Children all well. Aunt tell Grandpa I received a letter from him this evening, was glad to hear he was well for I felt so uneasy about him, this warm weather, but it has been raining for 2 weeks most of the time. Wheat is damaged badly, ours is not threshed yet and only sell at 75 cts, corn looks fine only hard winds blown it down, no rosen ears yet, fine gardens. Aunt, all the time seems lonely to me but it seems like Saturday and Sunday is the worst. Aunt, this is a trying time on all of us. There has already been things passed I never had any idea I ever could see, but alas my troubles are coming, things I never thought of, but I am trying to bear them the best I can, but sometime they overpower me in spite of all I can do and then I wander off to my self and let tears relieve me. Oh aunt, they all tell me not to do so, could I have you, who have gone over this road to talk with. It would be so much comfort to me. I have lost my dearest friend. I often think what will become of my children if I was taken from them. Then I think God will provide for them. I think who would take them. They had a kind Father, oh how we miss him. I can't tell you how, but I am doing all in my power to raise them right. I have been to church today, Brother Brown took his testimony from 22nd Chapter and 42 verse of Luke, he preach a good talk but it is hard to say "thy will be done" but we have to submit the best we can. Tell Grandpapa Mother says to tell her all about how is and when he is coming. Tell him to take good care of himself and if he begins to fail to start for home. You and him go to see Lizzie and Mat, Avalon is their post office. Some of you come home with him. Gally Morris was buried today at Wilson Cochrans. Today I seen Joe and Willie Johnson, all well there. Mother says tell you and Aunt Eliza, Aunt Mary and yourself she would be glad to be with you, but she fears she never can any more, says tell you all to write. Tell Grandpa Josia and Tom has a baby, a boy 17 months old, but can't walk. He went to Nashville to the poor house after it - they are very much please you know what comes up with me, that is, no harm comes out. I thought they were shouldering more that I could, not to be any kin to me, this is their business. Worth Rossen is able to sit up some, the health of the neighborhood is generally good. My children all join me in sending love to Grandpa, all 3 Aunts and children. Everyone write soon and tell me all the news. Emma

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 57 Margaret married William Jefferson "Buck" "W.J." Bryant son of Russell Bryant and Sidney Martin on 13 Sep 1859 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. William was born on 3 Jun 1835 in Tennessee. He died on 10 Sep 1878 in Blossom Prairie, Lamar Co., Texas. He was buried in Blossom Prairie, Lamar Co., Texas.

William served in the military Civil War - 17th Inf. Co. C on 15 May 1861.

civil war 17th infantry Co C. Military Induction 5/15/1861

Extra duty ambulance teamster July 21, 1863. Captured near Petersburg, Va June 17, 1864. Imprisioned at Pt. Lookout Military Depot, Elmira, N.Y., Transferred for exchange Feb. 13, 1865. At surrender at Appomattox. __Body interred at Paris, Lamar Co. Tx, Plossom Prarie__Paid tax on 871 lbs raw cotton 10/ 29/1867 in Lewisburg, Marshall Co, Tn

William and Margaret had the following children:

+ 222 M i. Robert Wesley "Wes" Bryant was born on 10 Feb 1866. He died on 22 Jul 1931.

223 M ii. Quincy Bryant .

224 F iii. Leni Leota Bryant was born on 8 Aug 1860 in Tennessee. Leni married George Washington Freeman in May 1876 in Marshall Co.,

Tennessee. George was born in Oct 1830.

225 M iv. William E. "Bill" Bryant was born on 29 Nov 1861.

226 F v. Sally Ida "Mittie" Bryant was born on 18 Jan 1864.

227 vi. M. Francies Bryant was born on 29 Sep 1867.

228 F vii. Rudy "Bootie" Bryant was born on 5 Oct 1869.

229 M viii. Samuel Davis Bryant was born on 28 Aug 1871.

230 F ix. Maxie A. Bryant was born on 9 Mar 1874.

231 x. (infant) Bryant was born on 17 Jul 1878.

102. Mary C. "Mollie" Cochran (Levi Thomas, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 7 Jun 1840 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died after 1910 in Caldwell Co., Texas. She was buried in Luling Cem., Caldwell Co., Texas.

Mary married Archibald Crockett "A. C." "Crockett" Millican son of William M. Millican and Violett P. Crockette on 8 Nov 1860 in by H K Shields, Mg., Marshall Co., Tennessee. Archibald was born on 4 Nov 1839 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He died on 11 Dec 1917 in Caldwell Co., Texas. He was buried in Luling Cem., Caldwell Co., Texas.

Civil War veteran

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 58

Obituary, paper unknown:

"Mr. A. C. MILLICAN died at his home on South Guadalupe Street a half past ten o'clock Tuesday night December 11th.

"Some months ago, he suffered a slight stroke of paralysis from which he never fully recovered.

"So patient was he in the suffering which he endured that all except his closest friends supposed him to be in fairly good health.

"The funeral was held from the residence Thursday afternoon December 18th. Religious services, conducted by Rev. R. A. McCurdy, pastor of the Lockhart Presbyterian Church, Rev. J. M. Purcell, a former pastor an intimate friend of Mr. MILLICAN, and Rev. A. H. McCurdy, former pastor at Luling, were held at the Presbyterian Church. Each speaker eulogized in befitting manner the life and work of Mr. MILLICAN.

"At the conclusion of the services at the church, the Luling Lodge of Odd Fellows, assisted by members of the Fentress Lodge, took charge of the body and buried it in Lockhart Cem. The burial service was read by H. L. King, acting Noble Grand, and a talk was made by Rev. McKinney, pastor of the Methodist Church at Luling, Chaplain. "A large number of friends and relatives were present from different portions of the county to pay the last tribute of respect, and many beautiful floral offerings bore further testimony of love and esteem.

"Mr. MILLICAN was born in Marshall County, Tennessee November 4, 1839. There on November 8, 1860, he was married to Miss Mary C. COCHRAN. Together they came to Texas, arriving at a place near Prairie Lea on January 22, 1868.

"For many years that community was their home. From Prairie Lea, Mr. MILLICAN and his family moved to a farm near Luling where they lived until he moved to the town to become Justice of the Peace of Precinct No. 2, which office, together with that of city tax assessor and collector, he filled acceptably to

the people for a number of years.

"A few years ago Mr. MILLICAN and his family moved to Lockhart and continued a resident until the time of his death.

"In boyhood, Mr. MILLICAN united with the Presbyterian Church. He was for nearly fifty years an elder in this church, and the greater (copy folded over)

"At the age of 21 he was made an Odd Fellow and stood high in the counsels of the order. He was favorably known in the Grand Lodge and was one of the leaders in establishing the Odd Fellows Orphanage at Corsicana. He often visited this institution and his work was to him a source of great pride. Much of the time he was district deputy of the order in this section. He was one of the charter members of the lodge at Luling.

"Until his health failed some months ago, Mr. MILLICAN was remarkable active for his years. He loved the society of his fellow-men and was present at almost every gathering, taking an active part in what was being done.

"He was a lover of good music and was active in promoting it in the church, lodge and community.

"The chaplain of the Odd Fellows said that since Brother MILLICAN had been away from Luling there had been very little singing in the lodge."

Archibald and Mary had the following children:

232 M i. Will Millican was born in Sequin, (Guadalupe Co.), Texas.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 59 233 F ii. Oran Millican was born in Sequin, (Guadalupe Co.), Texas.

234 iii. Jessie Millican was born in Sequin, (Guadalupe Co.), Texas.

103. Levi Nathaniel Cochran (Levi Thomas, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 27 Jul 1843 in Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. He died on 18 Mar 1912 in Tolar, Hood Co., Texas. He was buried in Strouds Creek Cem., Tolar, Hood Co., Texas.

Levi married Asenith Elinor Araminta Mitchell daughter of Thomas Sidney Mitchell and Elizabeth P. Sawyers on 9 Jan 1866 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. Asenith was born on 8 Dec 1848 in Pulaski, Giles Co., Tennessee. She died on 27 Apr 1912 in Texas. She was buried in Strouds Creek Cem., Tolar, Hood Co., Texas.

They had the following children:

+ 235 F i. Emma Lee Cochran was born on 13 Oct 1866. She died on 19 Aug 1910.

+ 236 M ii. Robert Mitchell Cochran was born on 6 Feb 1872. He died on 22 Mar 1932.

+ 237 M iii. William Van "Van" Cochran was born on 7 Mar 1884. He died on 2 Nov 1951.

105. 1st Lieut.; Capt. Andrew Jackson Cochran (Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 16 Apr 1834 in Giles Co. (now Maury Co.), Tennessee. He died on 24 Mar 1898 in 2 miles from Guntown and Baldwyn, Mississippi. The cause of death was softening of the brain.

Andrew was employed as farmer. He served in the military 1st Lieut. - Confederate Guards Artillery in Dec 1862.

He was a 1st Lieut. in the Confederate Guards Artillery in Dec. 1862. Later he became a captain. He served in 4 states and was in 15 battles.

Andrew J. Cochran (First_Last) _Regiment Name Capt. Bradford's Co. Mississippi. (Confederate Guards Artillery). _Side Confederate _Company _Soldier's Rank_In Sgt. Major _Soldier's Rank_Out 1 Lieutenant _Alternate Name _Notes _Film Number M232 roll 8

Andrew married Mrs. Martha Llewelyn . Martha died in 1912.

She had a son, George and a daughter, Sally, who married John Jones. George had 12 kids. He became a professor at T.C.U. in Fort Worth, TX.

Andrew and Martha had the following children:

238 M i. William Silas Cochran was born on 15 Dec 1868 in Baldwyn, Mississippi.

239 M ii. Edward Wilder Cochran was born on 23 Nov 1870 in Ellistown, Mississippi.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 60 240 F iii. Nancy Alma Cochran was born on 20 Dec 1873 in Mississippi.

241 F iv. Maude Cochran was born on 11 Mar 1877 in Guntown, Mississippi.

242 M v. Claud Cochran was born in 1874 in near Baldwyn, Mississippi. He died in 1878.

243 M vi. Hubert Earnest Cochran was born on 9 Jul 1879 in Mississippi.

244 M vii. Oscar Dee Cochran was born on 11 Apr 1881 in Mississippi. He died on 28 Mar 1941 in Jackson, Tennessee.

Oscar was employed as worked for the railroad.

106. Robert Franklin Cochran (Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 9 Jun 1835 in Belden, Pontotoc Co., Mississippi. He died on 24 Jan 1865 in Belden, Pontotoc Co., Mississippi. The cause of death was pneuomonia while being held captive in a barn. He was buried in Cherry Creek Cem., near Engmar, Pontotoc Co., Mississippi.

Robert served in the military CSA - 32nd Regt., Mississippi.

He was 6'6" tall and had auburn hair, borwn eyes, a Roman nose and was thin. He enlisted in the Confederate Army in the 32nd Regt. of Mississippi. He fought in 4 battles and was wounded twice. He was held captive in a barn without heat and was wet; he took pneumonia and died Jan. 24, 1865. He was buried with military honors in the Cherry Creek Cemetery where both is paretns are buried as well as two small brothers. He married Nancy Williams May 31, 1857. His brother, Honorable James Lindsey Cochran came and helped his widow. He bought their farm which was partly in Lee County and many acres in Pontotoc County, Mississippi. James wished to adopt Robert's son, as he only had 2 daughters. However, Nancy, who was a teacher, moved back nearer her relatives.

Robert married Nancy Williams on 31 May 1857.

Nancy was employed as teacher.

They had the following children:

245 M i. David Lindsey Cochran was born in 1856 in Pontotoc Co., Mississippi.

107. Abraham Marshall "Abe" Cochran (Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 10 Sep 1836 in Lewisburg, Gaines Co., Tennessee. He died in 1916 in Cottonwood, Texas. He was buried in Cottonwood, Texas.

Abraham served in the military Civil War - enlisted in the 1st, 135th Regt., Mississippi Vol. on 30 Jun 1864. He was employed as farmer; carpenter.

He was a tall, blond man, and married Etta Cox, whose father was born in the frontier settlement of Oklahoma of a white father and an Indian mother.

He drew the plans for the buildings in Cottonwood - a college, a wagon company store and churches and homes. They named a street after him; it runs east and west in Cottonwood. He enlisted in the 1st, 135th Regt. of Mississippi, Vol. June 30, 1864 for 3 years. He was wounded twice and was in the hospital in Georgia. His wife, Etta, was a very industrious and a very neat housekeeper. She taught school before her marriage. Abe spent his boyhood in Pontotoc Co., Belden, Mississippi. He came to

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 61 Texas with 20 wagons of relatives; four brothers and a married sister. They settled in Robertson County, Calvert, Texas, about 1876. He homesteaded 4 sections of land. He was a quiet, mild-mannered man.

Abraham "Abe" Marshall Cochran was born in Lewisburg, Gaines County, Tennessee September 10, 1836. His mother Nancy must have remained in Tennessee with her family to give birth to him while his father Silas was buying the land in Mississippi, and joined him later. Not much is known about his life around Belden other than he married Etta Cox, a school teacher whose mother was a Chickashaw Indian, sometime in 1856. Two children were born to them before he enlisted in the 1st, 135th Regiment of Mississippi (War Records of Mississippi, National Archives, Washington, D.C.) in 1864, and was hospitilized with wounds in Georgia at wars end. In 1866, along with his Uncle Thomas D. Cochran, brothers Stephen Tally, Levi Thomas, John Quincy, Henry Lee, half sister Elizabeth Lou Alice and her husband Baldwin, and twenty wagons he decided to go west to Texas. This was not unusual at the time, as the practice was for the oldest son to inherit the family land, and he had two older brothers. Also, everyone was going west in that period to escape the federal reconstruction of the south after the war. Family stories passed down about the trip describe Abe's uncle Thomas as being reluctant to make the trip, as he was 70 years old at the time and it was a hard trek by covered wagon, oxen and mules. When Thomas did relent, he took an old African American former slave, whose name no one remembers for sure, but thinks was John or Josh, along to take care of him. About halfway through the trip, Thomas became convinced he was going to die before he reached Texas, so he had John build a coffin and sling it underneath the wagon. Every night they stopped to camp, John would take the coffin down and lay it beside Thomas along with a shovel, so if Thomas died during the night all he would have to do is pick him up, put him in the coffin and bury him. Thomas made it to Texas, and settled in Salem, where he is buried. Sadly, nothing is known about John, not even if he reached Texas himself. _Abe either bought or settled land in Calvert, Robertson County, Texas around 1876 and lived there until his death in 1916. Prior to this he lived in Cottonwood, where he helped lay out the streets and construct some of the buildings. In appreciation the town of Cottonwood named one of the streets after him. _Children of Abraham Marshall and Etta Cox: _-William-born 1857, Belden, MS. _-Marshall-born 1859, Belden, MS. In 1880, went to the Montana gold fields. He wrote home that he had struck it rich and was on his way back to Texas. He was never heard from again. _-Nellie Geems-born November 10, 1866 in Cottonwood, TX. Married George Nesbitt Borden, a Methodist minister and descendent of the French family famous as the first to pasteurize milk, November 23, 1882. Died March 9, 1953 in Calvert, TX.

Abraham married Etta Cox daughter of John Cox and Sally Ann Geems.

Her father was born in the frontier settlement of Oklahoma of a white father and an Indian mother. She was tall, dark complexion.

Abraham and Etta had the following children:

246 M i. William Cochran was born in 1857 in on his grandpa's 1000 acre ranch at Belden, Pontotoc Co., Mississippi.

He went to Texas with his family.

247 M ii. Marshall Cochran was born in 1859 in on his grandpa's 1000 acre ranch at

Belden, Pontotoc Co., Mississippi. He died in Texas.

Marshall went to Texas with his family. He grew up in Calvert, Robertson Co., TX and in Cottonwood. He left for the gold fields in Montana at the age of 21. He became very wealthy. He wrote that he was coming home but never arrived. It is thought he was robbed and perhaps murdered on the way.

+ 248 F iii. Nellie Geems Cochran was born on 10 Nov 1866. She died on 9 Mar 1953.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 62 + 249 M iv. Brant Cochran was born on 27 Oct 1879. He died in Oct 1979.

250 M v. Austin Brooks Cochran was born in 1880 in Calvert, Texas. He died in 1898 in Spanish American War.

Austin served in the military Phillippines War Vet.

251 M vi. John Cochran was born in 1881 in Calvert, Texas. He died in 1940 in Baird, Texas.

252 M vii. William Pryor "Jack" Cochran was born in Calvert, Texas. He died in 1915 in Baird, Texas.

110. Mary Ellen "Etta" Cochran (Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 29 May 1840 in Giles Co., Tennessee. She died on 8 May 1929 in Nashville, Davidson Co., Tennessee.

A sketch of Mary Ellen was written by a granddaughter: "Mary Ellen was the sixth child born to Silas Maxwell and Nancy Williams Tally Cochran. She was born May 29, 1840 in Giles County, Tennessee and was between one and two years old when her father bought the home in Mississippi at a land sale. In her childhood the place was known as Chesterville, Mississippi, but today (1966) it is on a rural route from Belden, Mississippi. It was my privilege and joy to be "Grandma's" companion the last eight years of her life. The stories I have; the history I have copied; and the memories that keep her alive for me are priceless. Mary Ellen was the second daughter, but Sarah Jane, who was born on March 2, 1838, was scalded to death in 1839 while the family was visiting the Tally Grandparents, so Mary Ellen grew up the oldest daughter and one to whom her family was most important. She had no patience with "snobbery" however. She treated every one alike no matter how great or how small. She could have met the President of the United States with the same ease that she met a neighbor. Loving her family, she kept in touch with as many of them as she could until her death on May 29, 1929 in Nashville, Tennessee. During a visit to her Tally Grandparents who lived in Marshall County, Tennessee, she met a school teacher, Newton Guildford Tucker of Williamson County, Tennessee, who was reading and studying to be a doctor. They were married July 18, 1861. Her sister, Lou Alice, was a baby when she left home and had grown up and married before she got back because of the Civil War and so Grandma had all the children who could get to her home come there and she taught them. Her husband, who was then a doctor, entered the Confederate Army but was ordered back to his home community by Governor Harris after about a year or fifteen months. "Newt" and "Mollie" had eight children, five of whom out-lived them. All five lived in Nashville and so we have had a very close family connection. Grandpa Tucker died January 8, 1899 of the "infirmities of old age". He was only fifty-nine years of age but he had worn his body out practicing medicine over a large area. "Ma Tucker", as her great-grandchildren called her, was a benediction to those who knew her. How many times I have known of neighbors coming to her for advice and counsel. She was always able to give it.

She had a keen sense of humor. Many times I have heard her say, "Yes, my father had twenty children and not an idiot among them, and her eyes would twinkle. When I was fifteen years old I wrote, at her dictation, all she could tell me about her's and grandpa's families. This was the beginning of my family records which, today, are quite thrilling. Grandma was almost eighty nine years old when she died and just the day before she said to my father, " Charlie, I am not afraid to die but I still enjoy living and would like to stay if I could." I just hope a little bit of Grandma has rubbed off on me and I can live my life as contentedly, helpfully, and beautifully as she lived hers. Once, when I was complaining about a lady being hard to get along with I said, "Well, she is only seventy- five years old so there's no excuse for her to act like that." My father said, "Puddle, you are gauging all old people by Grandma and you must remember that she was a rare exception." What greater tribute could be paid to a Mother-in-law?

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 63 Allie Yarbrough Jones, Granddaughter, Nashville, Tennessee, 1969 Note: most of the material concerning this family came from Allie Yarbrough, Jones.

Mary married Dr. Newton "Newt" Guilford Tucker son of Allen C. Tucker and Elizabeth Jane Bugg on 18 Jul 1861 in Williamson Co., Tennessee. Newton was born on 28 Mar 1839 in Williamson Co., Tennessee. He died on 8 Jan 1899 in Nashville, Davidson Co., Tennessee.

He was a graduate of the Univ. of Nashville, receiving a M.D. degree on March 1, 1861.

1880 CENSUS (Household):_Newton TUCKER Self M Male W 41 TN Physician TN TN _Mary TUCKER Wife M Female W 40 TN Keeping House NC TN _Robert TUCKER Son S Male W 16 TN At School TN TN _Ellen TUCKER Dau S Female W 14 TN At School TN TN _Maggie TUCKER Dau S Female W 9 TN At School TN TN _Mark TUCKER Son S Male W 7 TN At School TN TN _George TUCKER Son S Male W 4 TN TN TN _Gurley TUCKER Son S Male W 2 TN TN TN _Source Information:_Census Place Nashville, Davidson, Tennessee; Family History Library Film 1255250; NA Film Number T9-1250; Page Number 294B _Dr. Woodring Pearson was was descended from a distinguished pioneer Tennessee family who arrived in middle Tennessee in the early 1800's. Dr. Pearson's family produced a number of early physicians, including Newton Guilford Tucker who cared for troops during the Civil War as it swept through middle Tennessee. _Young Newton Guilford Tucker, son of Allen C. Tucker and Elizabeth Jane Bugg, stretched on the floor in front of the fire. He was sixteen and thirsty for an education. Grandpa William believed in work; and while he worked on the farm, Newton collected pine knots to throw on the fire for light. Grandpa felt he had enough education and did not permit “wasting” a lamp for the sake of education! Newton had much studying and reading ahead. In spite of his youthfulness, he was considered educated at age sixteen and was teaching in the public schools of the county. Subsequently, he studied medicine as was the custom, under the direction of Drs. Johnson and McClure in Lewisburg, Tennessee in 1859. He graduated from the University of Nashville Medical School on March 1, 1861. He was married to Mary Ellen Cochran on July 18, 1861 in Marshall County. He was recommended as a surgeon in the Confederate Army. _In addition to Newton, his two uncles, George Robert Tucker and John Hardeman Tucker joined the Confederate Army. Newton was ordered by Governor Harris of Tennessee to proceed to Marshall County, where he was to care for the medical needs of the county. George Robert was discharged in 1862 or 1863 as being “unfit” for service because of a stiff leg from White swelling and chronic bronchitis. John Hardeman Tucker was a confederate soldier until his death in 1864 at the Battle of Stone’s River in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. When the family learned of his death, a wagon was promptly sent to Murfreesboro to bring him home. William Tucker was spared the agony experienced by many southern gentlefolk. He died at the beginning of the war, and it was left to the two remaining sons, George and Ferdinand, to manage the farm and care for their mother. His will revealed that William was a caring person, as he directed his sons, among other things, to care for two elderly slaves for the rest of their lives. His will was written in 1860, but was not probated until 1866, after the war. When a final disposition was made of his property in 1936, William had thirty-one known

grandchildren and ninety-eight great grandchildren. _William Tucker’s grandson was of medium height with sandy hair and a red beard. He may have resembled that first John Tucker and he still belonged to the Presbyterian Church, blue stocking variety! This was Newton Tucker, the grandson who determined that his life’s work would be in the field of medicine. After the war, Newton and his wife Mary Ellen (Mollie) Cochran continued to live in Marshall County for thirteen years. Dr. Tucker became the mayor of Lewisburg, Tennessee, a position he held until he moved with his family to Nashville, where he practiced his profession until his death in 1899. He was a beloved doctor of distinguished reputation. His grandchildren and great grandchildren called him “Grandpa Tucker:; his wife called him “Doctor.” He called his wife “Mrs. Tucker.” In s

Newton and Mary had the following children:

253 F i. (daughter) Tucker was born in 1862. She died infancy.

never named.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 64 + 254 M ii. Robert Oliver Tucker , M.D. was born on 12 Dec 1863. He died on 13 Jan 1945.

+ 255 F iii. Ellen Bugg Tucker was born on 3 Jan 1866. She died on 23 Aug 1945.

256 F iv. Annie Maxwell Tucker was born on 14 Oct 1868 in Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died about 1873 in Nashville, Davidson Co., Tennessee.

+ 257 F v. Margaret Stockton "Maggie" Tucker was born on 25 Jan 1871.

+ 258 M vi. Mark Guildford Tucker was born on 12 Dec 1872. He died on 29 Jul 1938.

259 M vii. Blackburn "Burnie" Tucker was born on 8 Sep 1875. He died on 22 Jan 1936. Blackburn married Emma McGowan .

260 M viii. James Gurley Tucker was born on 9 Oct 1877 in Nashville, Davidson Co., Tennessee. He died on 6 Feb 1896.

111. Stephen Tally Cochran (Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 29 Jan 1842 in Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. He died in Jul 1906 in Weatherford, Parker Co., Texas. The cause of death was heart trouble.

Stephen T. Cochran (First_Last) _Regiment Name 2 Mississippi Infantry. _Side Confederate _Company H _Soldier's Rank_In Private _Soldier's Rank_Out Private _Alternate Name _Notes _Film Number M232 roll 8__Internet site has his birth in Marshall Co., TN ... Godspeed shows that Silas M. and family moved to Pontotoc in 1841__Stephen married Serna DAVIS._They had the following children:_Silas Levi COCHRAN was born 6 Oct 1881 in Texas. Silas married Nora Dean MILLER on 1892 in Wise County, Texas.

Stephen married Serna Davis .

They had the following children:

+ 261 M i. Silas Levi Cochran was born on 6 Oct 1881.

114. Hon.; Sgt.; TN Representative James Lindsey Cochran (Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 29 May 1846 in on the Cochran homestead in Belden, Pontotoc Co., Mississippi. He died on 9 May 1927 in Union City, Obion Co., Tennessee. He was buried in Lexington, Henderson Co., Tennessee.

James served in the military Sgt., Confederate Army - 4 years.

He received a college degree, taught for several years, was a banker, lawyer, rancher and a Representative of Tenn.

material on Hon. James L. Cochran is in Rep. of Tenn. Records. Also at the University of Texas Libarary are 2 pages of his career as a Legislator from Tenn. 1890-1915. submitted by Barbara Kay Fiddler

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 65 May 13, 1927_Progress_Hon. James Lindsey Cochran James Lindsey Cochran, son of Silas and Mrs. Nancy Cochran, was born in Cherry Creek, Mississippi, and at the age of 17 years he enlisted as a soldier of the Southern Confederacy. His opportunities to secure an education were limited, yet he secured sufficient book learning to become a teacher and did teach at Sardis and other places. He first married Miss Ophelia Hardin, who died about 1888, leaving two daughters, Miss Amy, who married Hollis Horner and lives in Union City, Tennessee, and Miss Tommie, who married Prof. C. Perry Patterson, who holds the chair of history in the University of Texas at Austin. In about the year 1890, Prof. Cochran, as he was generally known, married Mrs. Bettie Brooks, widow of the late W.J. Brooks, who was Clerk & Master of the Chancery Court of Henderson County and well-known citizen of Lexington, and she survives him. Mr. Cochran was a lifelong member of the Presbyterian church. After teaching, farming, representing Henderson County in the Lower House of the Legislature, when Henderson County had a direct representative, being elected over Dred Smith, also of Sardis, and representing the Senatorial district of Madison, Chester and Henderson Counties in the State Senate, Mr. Cochran founded the Sardis Bank in 1899, and was its cashier and active business manager for eleven years, until January 2, 1916, when he moved to Union City. His two daughters having married and moved away, Mr. Cochran moved to that town in 1910 and there spent the remainder of his long and honorable life, which closed Tuesday morning, May 10th, between the hours of four and five, he having reached the great age of past 81, and after nine weeks of almost total disability. After moving to Obion County, Mr. Cochran was elected to the State Senate and House and that, we believe, was his last active service in politics, except that he was Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate of the Tennessee Legislature for two terms. Not many months ago he and his good wife were visitors to Lexington and Mr. Cochran was given quite an ovation on the street. He was a clean man of excellent ability and throughout life he had made a success of whatever he undertook. His remains reached Lexington Wednesday on the midday train and the funeral was held in the M.E. Church, South, with Rev. W.D. Jenkins officiating and the body was laid to rest in Lexington Cemetery. Cochran, James Lindsey (1847-1927) HOUSE, 46th General Assembly, 1st Ex. Sess., elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John Etheridge McCall; seated Feb. 24, 1890, and served to end of term, Jan. 4, 1891; HOUSE, 47th General Assembly, 1891-93; representing Henderson County in both Assemblies; SENATE, 52nd General Assembly, 1901-03; representing Henderson and Madison counties; HOUSE, 58th and 59th General Assemblies, 1913-17; representing counties of Obion, Dyer, and Lake; Democrat. Born at Chesterville, Pontotoc County, Miss., May 29, 1847; son of Silas Maxwell and Nancy Lavina (Talley) Cochran. Attended "common" country schools of community while working on father's farm; schooling interrupted by service in Civil War; after war worked on father's farm during 1866; went to school six months in 1867, attending four different schools of neighborhood; "one school would play out for the want of patronage, then another until all four disbanded;" then came to Marshall County, Tenn., former home of mother, and attended Marshall Academy at Belfast for three years. First married at Belfast July 2, 1873, to Ophelia

Hardin, daughter of Rev. Robert and Mary Davidson (Hunter) Hardin; she died June 2, 1877, leaving two daughters-- -7- Amy and Tommie; second marriage Nov. 27, 1890, to Mrs. Elizabeth (Covery) Brooks, widow of W. F. Brooks; no children by this marriage indicated. Taught in "country district schools" twelve years in Marshall and Henderson counties; farmed twenty-six years in Henderson County with home at Sardis; organized a bank at Sardis of which he was cashier seven successful years; retired and moved, 1910, to Union City, Obion County, wherehe lived rest of life. Aside from his terms in the General Assembly, detailed above, Cochran's only public office, so far as found, was post as sergeant-at-arms of the Tennessee Senate in 1919 and again in 1921. In Confederate army; enlisted at Chesterville, Miss., Nov. 2, 1863, age sixteen, in Co. G, 8th Mississippi Cav.; became a sgt.; served under Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest, taking part in battles of Fort Pillow, Brice' s Cross Roads, and Harrisburg, Miss.; continued until surrender of command at Gainesville, Ala., May 12, 1865; held rank of Col. in United Confederate Veterans. Member Presbyterian Church fifty-one years and ruling elder thirty-three years; delegate from Memphis Presbytery to General Assembly of that church at Kansas City, Mo., 1915; member Knights of Pythias. Died at Union City May 9, 1927; buried in Lexington Cemetery, Lexington. Sources: Autobiographical sketch in "Questionnaires of Civil War Veterans," Manuscript Division, Tenn. State Library and Archives; information supplied by daughter, Mrs. Tommie Cochran Patterson, Austin, Tex.; Lexington Progress, July 7, 1905; Aug. 8, 1907; Mar. 10, 1911; July 27, 1934; Senate Journal, 61st

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 66 General Assembly, 1919, p. 7; do., 62nd General Assembly, 1921, p. 11; Henderson County Tombstone Records, II; Nashville Banner, May 20, 1889; Blake, Lawmakers and Public Men of Tennessee, 90. Cochran, James Lindsy, lived in Union City, TN, and was 75 years old when he completed the form. He was born in Pontitoe(sic) Co., MS, son of Silas Maxwell Cochran who was born in North Carolina. The family lived in Hacelsburg, AL, Lewisburg, TN, and Chesterville, MS. James Cochran's mother was Nancy Lavina Talley, daughter of Abraham Talley and Nancy Dunkin, who lived in Marshall Co. His great grandfather, Robert Cochran, came from Ireland and fought with "Washington on behalf of the Coloneys. He was a sailor on Atlantic Ocean 14 years."

Burial was mentioned in a letter from Tommie Cochran Patterson to Bryce Monroe in 1931. Letter found in Juanita Miller's possessions after her death._From "Godspeed" Marshall Co., TN --_"Prof. J. L. Cochran. of Sardis, Tenn., was born in Mississippi in 1847, son of S. K. and Nancy (Talley) Cochran. The father was of Irish descent, born in 1808 in Marion County. N.C. He came to Middle Tennessee in 1829, and located in Marshall, where he lived at the time of his marriage to Miss Talley, by whom he had A family of nine sons and five daughters. Mr. Cochran was a skillful cabinet-maker. In 1841 he moved to Pontotoc County. Miss., where he engaged in agricultural_pursuits. After the death of his first wife he married Miss Mary Ann Orman, of Alabama, who bore him six children. She still resides in Mississippi, where (her husband died in 1888. Our subject remained with his parents until he reached his majority. He had very limited educational advantages, as his time was employed in earning a livelihood. He left home the possessor of two suits of clothes, $30 in his pocket and little or no learning, but feeling keenly the need of knowledge he at once determined to obtain an education and began making efforts for accomplishing this end. He applied himself closely and_diligently, without the aid of an instructor, to gain sufficient information that he might earn money to pay his tuition and board at_school. He returned to Tennessee, entered the Union Academy which he was enabled to attend for four years. In 1871 he began teaching, and taught the first six sessions in the same district of Bedford County, thus favorably illustrating his success as a teacher. At one time he had ninety pupils enrolled. In 1879 he became principal of McClure's Institute, holding that position for three years; then taught seven months in Thomasville, Ga.; came back to Tennessee, and since that time has been a resident of Sardis, where he organized the high schools and conducted them for three years in a highly commendable manner. He is universally

spoken of as an efficient teacher and a most excellent disciplinarian, He also instructs in all the dead languages: Latin, Greek, etc. July, 1873, he married Miss Ophelia Hardin, a native of Marshall County, and the daughter of Rev. Robert Hardin, D.D. Mrs. Cochran presented her husband with two bright children: Amy Bemis (named after the daughter of Dr. Bemis. of New Orleans), and Thomas A. Prof. Cochran is a Democrat and cast his first presidential vote for_Seymour and Blair. He is a member of the Masonic Lodge, No. 137, of Farmington, Tenn., being a Master Mason. The past summer he spent in looking after the interests of his valuable farm which contains about 592 acres. Prof. Cochran is, in every sense of the word, a self-made man. By his own efforts and force of character he has risen from poverty and obscurity, to be acknowledged by all as one of the most cultivated, respected and substantial men in the entire community. He and wife are members of the Presbyterian Church. He taught school at Sulphur Springs, Lincoln Co., Tenn., from 1886 to June, 1887, and_then at Spring Place, Marshall Co., Tenn., from 1887 until he was elected principal of McClure's Institute."_He had the following children:_Tommie COCHRAN. Tommie married PATTERSON._Amy COCHRAN. Mentioned in a letter from Tommie Cochran Patterson to Bryce Monroe Cochran in 1931. She had 5 children, 3 boys and 2 girls.

James married (1) Mary Ophelia Hardin daughter of Rev. Robert Hardin II, D.D. and Mary Hunter on 2 Jul 1873 in Belfast, Marshall Co., Tennessee. Mary was born on 3 Feb 1857 in Lewisburg, Tennessee. She died on 2 Jun 1887 in Sardis, Tennessee.

She was the granddaughter of Col. Robert Hardin, a Colonel in the Rev. War, and for whom Hardin Co., TN was named.

James and Mary had the following children:

+ 262 F i. Amy Bemis Cochran was born on 30 Jul 1879. She died on 13 Mar 1963.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 67 263 F ii. Tommy or Tommie A. Cochran was born on 25 Sep 1885 in Lewisburg, Tennessee. She died on 3 Mar 1965 in Houston, Texas. The cause of death was stroke. She was buried in Austin Memorial Park, Austin, Texas.

She was a poet, writer and composer. She was one of the first of Silas Maxwell Cochran's grandchildren who did research on the Genealogy. She hired a researcher in N.C. to gather proof and material on our William Cochran from Scotland. A small brunette, she married Dr. Caleb Perry Patterson. They went to the University of Edinburg, Scotland in 1931-32 and lived for a while in England. In 1919 Dr. Patterson came to UT as an instructor in government. He and Tommy wrote over 50 books before he died in Austin, TX at age 91 on Dec. 11, 1971. Included within is his obituary. He and Tommy left his farms, bonds, treasury notes, lands and mansion in Austin to the University of Texas, Austin, Texas. Their mansion is on 5 acres of land in down town. It is to be used as a home for the President of the University. A foundation was left for needy students. Material on Dr. Patterson can be found in "The Austin American", pub. Dec., 1971, Austin, TX, "Great Men of Texas".

Tommy married Dr. Caleb Perry Patterson son of Robert Henry Patterson and Mary Elizabeth Creasy on 8 Aug 1907 in Sardis, Tennessee. Caleb was born on 23 Jan 1880 in Saltillo, Tennessee. He died on 29 Nov 1971. He was buried in Austin Memorial Park, Austin, Texas.

The Austin American

Professor Patterson of UT Dies

Dr. Caleb Perry Patterson, distinguished professor emeritus of government at the University of Texas, died Monday night at the age of 91. Dr. Patterson, who earned 13 degrees, including a LLB degree from the UT Law

School in 1922, was born in Saltillo, Tenn., Jan. 23, 1880, and came to Austin as an instructor in government at UT in 1919. Services for Dr. Patterson will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at Weed-Corley Funeral Home with burial in Austin Memorial Park. Rev. Loyce Estes of First Cumberland Presbyterian Church and Rev. C. W. Hall will officiate. Patterson was married to Tommie A. Cochran at Sardis, Tenn., Aug. 8, 1907. Patterson received BA and MA degrees from Vanderbilt University in 1911, an MA from Harvard in 1916, the LLB from Texas in 1922 and the PhD from Colubmia in 1923. He also earned degrees from Scotts Hill College, Southern Normal University and the University of Memphis. Patterson began his teaching career as an instructor in literature at Vanderbilt in 1910. He taught as a professor of history and government at West Tennessee Teachers College from 1912-17 and was an instructor in history at Columbia in 1918-19 before coming to UT. While at UT, Patterson taught as an adjunct professor and an associate professor, becoming a full professor in 1925. From 1928-1950, he taught as a graduate professor. Through a Carnegie Foundation grant, Patterson studied international organization and administration in Europe in 1926. He also studied the judicial system of Great Britain in 1931 and .... after receiving a Laura Spelman Rockefeller Foundation award. Dr. Patterson was a member of the American Political Science Association, the State Bar of Texas and the Southwest Social Science Association. He founded the honorary scholarship society in political science, Pi Sigma Alpha, of which he was president for 3 years. He also was a founder of the Patrick Henry Chapter Sons of the American Revolution. Patterson was an authority on Thomas Jefferson, and in ... UT established a C. ... Patterson-Thomas Jefferson Collection, which included important resources for the study of Jefferson's life and writings. Patterson authored 17 books and 60 articles, including ... volumes in D. C. ... political

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 68 science series. Survivors include a nephew, Malcolm Patterson of ..., Wyo.; and two nieces, M... Nina Sue Austin and Mrs. ... Kelly, both of Paris, Tenn.

James married (2) Margaret Elizabeth "Bettie" Covery on 27 Nov 1890. Margaret was born on 7 Jun 1847. She died on 23 Jul 1934 in Kentucky. She was buried in Lexington, Henderson Co., Tennessee.

Margaret was one of James' daughter's school teacher.

115. Paralee Lockhart Cochran (Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 30 Jul 1848 in Belden (then called Chesterville), Pontotoc Co., Mississippi. She died on 24 Dec 1928 in Fairfield, Mississippi. The cause of death was heart failure.

She was a beautiful, lively brunette. Her creed in life was the Golden Rule. She did "unto others" out of the simplicity of her soul. She was always joking and enjoying life.

Living in Union, Mississippi during the 1880 Census.__Parolee married Brice STRAIN._They had the following children:_Leila STRAIN was born about 1878._John STRAIN was born about 1871._James STRAIN was born about 1866._Henry STRAIN was born about 1875._Andrew J. STRAIN was born 1880. _Silons? STRAIN was born about 1868._The census record does look like Silons....should probably be Silas.

Living in Union, Mississippi during the 1880 Census.__Parolee married Brice STRAIN._They had the following children:_Leila STRAIN was born about 1878._John STRAIN was born about 1871._James STRAIN was born about 1866._Henry STRAIN was born about 1875._Andrew J. STRAIN was born 1880. _Silons? STRAIN was born about 1868._The census record does look like Silons....should probably be Silas.

Paralee married Rev. Brice Blackburn Strain son of James Strain and Angelena McWharter on 25 Jun 1866 in Fairfield, Mississippi. Brice was born on 8 Dec 1840 in Mt. Hope, Alabama. He died on 25 Sep 1897 in Fairfield, Mississippi.

He served in the military Co. H, Ind. Miss. Inf., Whitings Brigade, Army of N. Va.. He was employed as Cumberland Preacher.

He was promoted to Lieut. He was wounded at Wildness May 5, 1864. He was also severely wounded at the Battle of Gettysburg. He became a minister after the war. Later he became general manager of the Tupelo Oil Co. and Ice Co. He was in ill health for many years.

Brice and Paralee had the following children:

264 M i. James Blackburn Strain was born about 1866.

265 M ii. Silas Lee Strain was born about 1868.

266 F iii. Mary Estell Strain .

267 M iv. John Franklin Strain was born about 1871.

268 M v. Henry Edwin Strain was born about 1875.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 69 269 F vi. Ella Lockhart Strain .

270 M vii. Emery Madison Strain .

271 F viii. Leila or Lilla Angeline Strain was born about 1878.

272 M ix. Robert French Strain .

273 M x. George Kumpey Strain .

274 F xi. Margaret "Maggie" Lavine Strain .

275 M xii. Thomas Alva Strain .

276 M xiii. Olie Strain .

116. Nancy Lavinia Cochran (Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 5 Jan 1850 in Belden, Pontotoc Co., Mississippi. She died on 2 Oct 1917 in at the home of her daughter in Fairfield, Mississippi. The cause of death was heart.

Nancy married Samuel Scott Hall on 25 Jun 1875 in Ellistown, Mississippi. Samuel was born on 4 Feb 1853. He died on 16 Jul in Mississippi.

They had the following children:

277 M i. Samuel Claud Hall was born on 23 Nov 1877. He died on 13 Oct 1947.

278 M ii. Silas Earle Hall was born on 21 Nov 1878. He died on 13 Oct 1920. Silas married Stella Epting . Stella died in Sep 1974 in Blue Springs, Mississippi.

279 F iii. Effie Montrosa Hall was born on 8 Jun 1881. She died on 25 Jan 1909.

280 F iv. Nancy Buela Hall was born on 31 Mar 1887. She died on 9 Mar 1954. Nancy married Rutherford Todd Agnew .

281 F v. Mary Bess Hall was born on 23 Jul 1890. She died on 15 Oct 1937.

118. Henry Lee Cochran (Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 18 May 1853 in Belden (then called Chesterville), Pontotoc Co., Mississippi. He died on 17 Jul 1934 in San Marcos, Hays Co., Texas. He was buried in San Marcos Cem., San Marcos, Hays Co., Texas.

He was the last son born to Silas Maxwell and Nancy Talley Cochran. He was a blond with blue eyes, was 6' tall and weighed 185 pounds when he was 50 years old. He lived with his sister while growing up - Mary Ellen Cochran who married Dr. Newton Tucker of Nashville, TN. After his marriage he went with his father-in-law to Texas in 1876. They bought a farm at Calvert, TX, in Robertson Co. about 1880. About 1900 they moved to Eden, TX. in 1910, Henry Lee Cochran went to West Texas and bought a 4 section ranch. It was located in Schleicher Co., 18 miles NW of Eldorado, TX and 17 miles SE of San

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 70 Angelo, TX, in Tom Green Co. There he and his wife lived until Earl, Pryor, and Lester decided they wished to leave the ranch country and go to college. By Henry Lee's paying cash for his ranch, Pearl Cochran, his oldest son, could get his ranch 4 miles west of his father's without any money down. Byrce Monroe had to make a down payment on his, which was 1 mile NE of his father's ranch. About a block's distance from Grandfather's place was the school house where church was held and picnics. He had given 15 acres for the school grounds and help build the school. Grandfather, with the help of his four sons, built a 3 bedroom house. It had a porch on the south side and a small one at the back. The dining room and kitchen were together and the table could seat 12 people. There were 3 out buildings, a workshop, a large barn with 2 corrals, cow lots, 3 pens, and a windmill. He raised horses, cows, sheep, and goats. When I remember him there, he took care of the very fine large garden, leaving the handling of the ranch to his 3 sons: Lester, Earl L., and Pryor. On Sundays the entire family, consisting of Bryce Monroe, Pearl E., his wife, and 2 daughters, Iva Dell and Marcelette would meet Pearl Edgar, his wife, Della Bartlett Cochran, their 2 sons, Chester and Murl, and an adopted son, Barney at Grandfather's house for lunch. After lunch, I remember Grandfather sitting in the shade on the front porch. Murlce, Marcelette, and I would be playing hide and go seek. Grandfather would raise questioning eyes at me when in my flight, I would pause at his side. I was fascinated by the beautiful ornated gold watch on a long gold chain that went across his vest from 1 small pocket to the other. The watch enchanted me because it had an emblem on it. When I asked him about it, he explained it was the "Coat of Arms and Crest" of the Cochrans and that it had been given to him by his great-grandfather Cochran. His forefather had been born in a castle in Scotland and his great-great- grandfather was a lord. I assumed at the time he was teasing me. Lester, the youngest son, remembers this watch, and said that it had been stolen from Grandfather in 1917 when he was on a visit to Fort Worth, Texas. He had come to Fort Worth to supervise the building of Camp Travis. I never saw my Grandfather in western clothes; he always wore a blue suit. He was quiet, cheerful, and peaceful. I do not know what church he belonged to. I remember that he liked a highball before meals and Grandmother disapproved of liquor, in any form. This was the basis of many a misunderstanding. When the boys decided they had had enough of ranch life and Grandfather could not get help, he sold the ranch and divided everything with his wife. He spent several years just traveling. He visited all his brothers and sisters, one in Seattle, Washington - WIlliam Pryor Cochran; Silas Calhoun in Barber, Arkansas; those in Mississippi. He wore a Texas cowboy hat. He went to live near his old friend, John Nance Garner who later became Vice-President, in Uvalde, Texas. In 1932 he had several strokes and became paralyzed. He died on July 17, 1934, and was buried in San Marcos, Texas. His son Lester lived there at the time. Lester had a beautiful home and no children. Grandfather was lonely there as both Iris and Lester worked. Uncle Pearl and his 2 sons had moved to El Cajon, California. Henry Lee Cochran's mother died in childbirth. It was a breach birth. He went to live with his sister until

he married Mary Roxanne Wheelis. She was a small brunette, wore red hair in a knot. Shen she died at the age of 95 she had black straight hair with a white streak on the left side of her head. She never weighed more than 110 pounds. She was a very neat housekeeper, good cook and very generous. The day she died she had been quilting all morning and just laid her head on the quilt frame and gently passed away. She was visiting Uncle Pearl, her oldest and favorite child. I am a throwback to Mary Wheelis Cochran as I am small, weighing 114 pounds. My mother is 5'4", father 5'11". My sister Marcelette is 5'5" and weighs 135 pounds. (written by his granddaughter, Iva Dell Cochran Hudson - 1963.)

Henry married Mary Roxanna Wheelis daughter of Ben F. Wheelis. Mary was born on 18 Jul 1858.

They had the following children:

+ 282 M i. Edgar Pearl Cochran was born on 25 May 1878. He died on 29 Jan 1961.

+ 283 F ii. Mary Ola Cochran was born on 22 Nov 1878. She died on 9 Aug 1937.

+ 284 M iii. Bryce Monroe Cochran was born on 29 Jul 1882. He died on 8 Aug 1958.

+ 285 M iv. Maxwell Merritt Cochran was born on 4 Nov 1884. He died on 7 Nov 1958.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 71 + 286 F v. Emma Cochran was born on 29 Nov 1886. She died on 26 Jun 1967.

+ 287 M vi. Pennington Pryor Cochran was born on 8 Jul 1888. He died on 2 Jan 1956.

+ 288 M vii. Lieut. Earl Lindsey Cochran was born on 15 Apr 1895. He died on 10 Aug 1928.

289 M viii. Lester Lee Cochran was born on 28 Aug 1897 in Kirk, Robertson Co., Texas. He died on 4 Jun 1973 in Karnes City, Texas. He was buried in San Marcos Cem., San Marcos, Texas.

He was medium sized dark haired man with large dark eyes and a Roman nose. He ranched for awhile, then moved to San Marcos with his mother, sister Ola and Earl, who was in college. He worked in a funeral parlor at San Marcos. He liked sports, fishing and hunting. He was a builder, stockman and had a funeral business in Karnes City, TX.

Lester married (1) Iris Easterwood . Lester married (2) Hieda Bruns in Karnces City, Texas.

119. Bryce Monroe Cochran (Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 25 Oct 1855 in Belden, Pontotoc Co., Mississippi. He died on 23 Dec 1931 in Belden, Pontotoc Co., Mississippi.

He resided in the old homestead. He was a teacher, Justice of the Peace. He built caskets and used the second floor of the home for this business. Because of this, the children (being superstitious) later decided to remove the second floor. The lower floor still retains the very ornate ceiling which he built. He was 5'7" tall and had black hair. His portrait still hangs in the house.

Bryce married Ida Lackey Cochran .

They had the following children:

+ 290 M i. Dr. Roy L. Cochran was born on 30 Mar 1890. He died on 16 Apr 1966.

+ 291 F ii. Zanah Lovelle Cochran was born on 22 Oct 1891. She died in 1973.

+ 292 M iii. Lawrence Lilly Cochran was born on 24 Jan 1894.

+ 293 M iv. Dixon Roden Cochran was born on 31 Dec 1896.

+ 294 M v. Murry Lackey Cochran was born on 22 Nov 1898. He died in Aug 1973.

+ 295 M vi. Mark McKenney Cochran was born on 23 May 1901. He died on 8 Nov 1965.

+ 296 M vii. Shelby Smith Cochran was born on 30 Aug 1903. He died on 20 May 1971.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 72 + 297 F viii. Mary Amanda Cochran was born on 18 Oct 1905. She died on 22 May 1975.

120. Silas Calhoun Cochran (Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 6 Jul 1857 in Belden, Pontotoc Co., Mississippi. He died on 13 Jun 1940 in Barber, Arkansas. The cause of death was pneumonia.

He came to Arkansas in 1884 and died June 13, 1940 in Barber, Arkansas. He taught school and farmed.

Silas married Laura Ann McClain in Apr 1880 in Belden, Pontotoc Co., Mississippi.

They had the following children:

+ 298 M i. Charles Fleet "Fleet" Cochran was born on 5 Jan 1881.

+ 299 M ii. Byrd Cochran was born on 4 Dec 1882. He died on 18 Sep 1932.

+ 300 F iii. Annie Duchess Cochran was born on 8 Feb 1887. She died on 18 Jun 1971.

+ 301 F iv. Myrtle Modene Cochran was born on 16 Oct 1889.

+ 302 F v. Dewey Florence Cochran was born on 16 Jan 1897.

121. Elizabeth Lou Alice "Lou Alice" Cochran (Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 18 Feb 1858 in Mississippi. She died on 15 Jun 1923 in Charleston, Texas.

Her and her husband came to Texas with the relatives of Robertson Co., but bought land in Enloe, Delta Co., Texas. She was a very tall, beautiful lady.

Elizabeth married Andrew W. Beckham in Belden, Pontotoc Co., Mississippi.

They had the following children:

303 M i. Alpheus M. Beckham was born on 9 Oct 1884. He died on 23 Apr 1916.

304 F ii. Mernetta A. Beckham was born on 23 Jan 1886 in Mississippi. She died in Jun 1959.

305 M iii. Eldridge W. Beckham was born on 3 Dec 1887. He died on 23 Jan 1956.

306 F iv. Media A. Beckham was born on 4 Sep 1889 in Texas. She died on 12 Jan 1917.

307 M v. Curtis C. Beckham was born on 29 Nov 1889. He died on 29 Jul 1913 in Texas.

308 M vi. James Marshall Beckham was born on 3 Aug 1891. James married Mary Iglehart . Mary died about 1972 in Cooper, Texas.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 73 309 M vii. James C. Beckham was born on 31 Jul 1895 in Charleston, Texas.

310 M viii. Elphone R. Beckham was born on 28 Nov 1903. He died on 20 Mar 1958 in Texas.

125. 1st Lieut. Robert Silas Cochran (Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 1 Aug 1839 in Hacklesburg, Marion Co., Alabama. He was buried in Lyle's Chapel Cem.?, between Booneville and Barber, Logan Co., Arkansas.

Robert served in the military 1st Lieut. Confederate Guards Artillery in Jan 1863.

military - see National Archives and Records Dept., Service Dept., Washington, D.C. He was in 12 battles. After the war he had a store. He was 26 when he was with a group of Alabama families, cousins and friends who migrated to Arkansas and Oklahoma. He first had a Wagon Yard and a Training Shop in Little Rock, Arkansas. His yard could take care of about 6 wagons. People brought their bedrolls and slept on the ground. They would shop or plan their trips on to northern parts of the states. A family of Indians from Mississippi had stayed for 2 weeks in Robert's place, and 1 of their daughters was sick, they grew impatient and decided to leave her near a doctor as they went to search of a farm. Robert felt sorry for this Indian girl. There has been some questions as to her name. The census records of that time are very mixed. Some say her name was Mary Whitehead. Anyway, Robert married her. She was a very smart, beautiful lady. They moved to Lone Oaks Co., Arkansas, and reared their children around there. One of the families that came west was a cousin, Silas Calhoun Cochran, and his wife, Laura Ann McLain married in Belden, Mississippi. They settled in Barber, Ark. in 1884. Robert lived near them and he and his wife are buried between Boonetown and Barber, Ark. His issue lived around there and in Oklahoma.

She had married a Choctaw Indian girl. They came after the Civil War on their way through Texas to Oklahoma.

Robert married unknown . unknown was buried in between Boontown and Barber, Arkansas.

an Indian girl.

Robert and unknown had the following children:

+ 311 M i. Rev. John Jefferson Cochran was born on 1 Nov 1858.

312 M ii. Thomas Cochran .

313 M iii. Robert Cochran .

314 F iv. Mary Cochran .

315 F v. Marjary Cochran .

316 F vi. Rosie Cochran . Rosie married Bradshaw .

317 M vii. Jessie Cochran .

Jessie was Jess Cochran's father. Mother was Martha.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 74 126. Levi Thomas Cochran (Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 13 Mar 1841 in Hacklesburg, Marion Co., Alabama. He was buried in old home place 1 mile south off Highway 41.

Levi served in the military Civil War - 1st Alabama Cav..

He fought in the Civil War. He entered the war on July 12, 1862, and was deactivated on Oct. 20, 1865. His commander was Col. George E. Spencer, CSA. A plague bearing his name is on the east side of the Marion Co. court house along with the other veterans of Marion Co. He was a thrift Scotchman. He was a good Christian, a friendly, kind man.

Levi married Adalina Nichols . Adalina was born on 13 Mar 1841 in Hacklesburg, Marion Co.

, Alabama.

They had the following children:

318 M i. Reubin A. Cochran was born on 31 Jul 1866. He died on 11 Jul 1936.

319 M ii. William R. Cochran was born on 10 Aug 1868.

320 M iii. Lee A. Cochran was born on 23 Oct 1871.

321 F iv. Mary Adaline Cochran was born on 23 Apr 1873.

+ 322 M v. John Elgin Cochran was born on 14 Apr 1876.

+ 323 M vi. Robert Silas Cochran was born on 23 Oct 1878. He died on 14 Dec 1940.

324 F vii. Mateldia Cochran was born on 26 Feb 1882.

+ 325 F viii. Cordelia Cochran was born on 20 Aug 1887. She died in 1971.

128. John Carroll Cochran (Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 19 Nov 1845 in Hacklesburg, Marion Co., Alabama. He died on 4 Jul 1910.

John Carroll Cochran and Martha Ann Cochran moved to a farm east of Little Brown on what was called Sandhill. The family lived here for some time, but the family home burned and they lost all of their household possessions. The family built a new home and moved to the new location often referred to as the Jacey Bottom. It was a 2 story building.

They had numerous barns, sheds, and pens for the different animals. They had a large orchard with a variety of fruit trees. They grew cotton, corn, hay and the usual crops planted and grown for the use of the family.

They had a large number of farm animals. They also had a large number of riding horses. Riding, hunting, fishing and swimming were sports enjoyed by the family. From pictures of some of the boys they also had 3 bicycles in the family.

The children of the family attended school at Nelio.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 75 John married Martha Ann Taylor . Martha was born on 12 Jul 1847. She died on 12 Mar 1904.

They had the following children:

+ 326 F i. Manerva Ann Cochran was born in Oct 1866. She died in 1901.

+ 327 F ii. Mary Jane Cochran was born on 18 Sep 1867. She died on 30 Aug 1940.

+ 328 F iii. Lucy Isbell "Lou" Cochran was born on 18 Jan 1871. She died on 20 Feb 1936.

+ 329 M iv. James Andrew "Jim" Cochran was born on 17 Jun 1874. He died on 15 Jul 1946.

+ 330 F v. Mandy or Manda Cal Dona Cochran .

+ 331 M vi. William Irving Cochran was born on 27 Oct 1880. He died in 1960.

+ 332 F vii. Rausie Lee Cochran was born on 25 May 1883. She died on 10 Apr 1975.

+ 333 M viii. Levi Taylor Cochran was born on 22 Nov 1885. He died on 24 Sep 1967.

334 M ix. Albert Thomas Cochran was born on 27 Sep 1889. He died on 15 Aug 1909.

132. Ervin Smith Cochran (Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 1 Nov 1857 in Hacklesburg, Marion Co., Alabama. He died in 1919.

Ervin married Sarah Clark .

They had the following children:

335 F i. Mollie Cochran was born on 5 Apr 1884. Mollie married George Williams .

+ 336 M ii. George Riley Cochran was born on 23 Sep 1888. He died on 15 Jun 1957.

337 F iii. Fannie Cochran was born on 30 Jan 1886. Fannie married Ica Williams .

338 M iv. Joan Gordon Cochran was born in 1889. Joan married Ema Hamerick .

339 F v. Magelene Cochran was born on 5 Jul 1891.

340 F vi. Ada Bell Cochran was born on 27 Nov 1896. Ada married Jake Williams .

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 76 + 341 F vii. Susie Cochran was born on 1 Mar 1909.

133. E. Z. (Ezra) Cochran (Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 4 Dec 1859. He died on 24 May 1919 in Hacklesburg, Marion Co., Alabama.

There were 3 unmarked graves on Ezra's burial grounds.

E. Z. (Ezra) Cochran married Orrette . Orrette was born on 11 Jun 1860. She was christened in 4/28/1905.

They had the following children:

342 F i. Jane Cochran was born on 5 Jan 1891. She died on 20 Apr 1920.

Eighth Generation

147. Harriett Martha Cochran 69 (Hugh T., John, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born in 1853 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died in 1913 in Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee. She was buried in Beechwood Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

Harriett married Jackson A. Alexander 70 on 11 May 1872 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. Jackson was born in 1848 in Tennessee. He died in 1928 in Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee. He was buried in Beechwood Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

They had the following children:

343 F i. Sallie Alexander 71 was born about 1872 in Tennessee.

344 M ii. John Alexander 72 was born about 1878 in Tennessee.

148. Mahala Jane Cochran 73 (Hugh T., John, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born in Jun 1854 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died in 1933 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She was buried in Beechwood Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

Mahala married John W. McCollum 74 on 25 Aug 1872 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. John was born in Nov 1852 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He died in 1936 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He was buried in Beechwood Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

They had the following children:

345 F i. Lula McCollum 75 was born about 1875 in Tennessee.

346 M ii. Ollie McCollum 76 was born about 1878 in Tennessee.

347 M iii. Jacob McCollum 77 was born about 1879 in Tennessee.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 77 166. William Columbus Wilson 78 (Tabitha C. Cochran, John, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 15 Sep 1864 in Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. He died on 7 Jul 1951 in Vinita, Craig Co., Oklahoma. He was buried in Fairview/Vinita City Cemetery, Vinita, Craig Co., Oklahoma.

William married Emma Victoria Elliott about 1885. Emma was born on 20 Aug 1866 in Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died on 20 Jan 1913 in Ft. Smith, Sebastian Co., Arkansas.

They had the following children:

348 M i. Earnest H. Wilson was born in Oct 1886 in Tennessee.

349 F ii. Nola F. Wilson was born in Jun 1889 in Tennessee.

350 F iii. Birdie W. Wilson was born in Aug 1891.

351 F iv. Essie L. Wilson was born in Mar 1894.

169. Patrick (Pat) "Henry" Cochran 79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86 (Lycurgus C. "LC" "Curd" or "Kirg", John, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 14 Oct 1898 in Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. He died on 6 Jan 1951 in Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma. He was buried in Rose Hill Cemetery, Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma.

They grew cotton on their farm.

1900 Marshall Co., TN, 14th District, ED 91, sheet 5B, June 1, 1900 dwelling 90, family 92 line 61, McAteer, Robert, head, white male, born Aug. 1814, age 85, widow, married 47 years, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN, farmer,?, 0 months not employed, can read & write, speaks English, own or rent?, free or mortgaged?, house line 62, Webster, Dovey, gr. daughter, white female, born ? 1856?, age 14?, married 1 year, mother of 1 child, 1 child still living, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN, can read & write, speaks English line 63, Webster, Patrick, gr. grandson, white male, born Oct. 1898, age 1, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN, can read & write?, speaks English line 64, King, ???? W., Gr son in law, white male, born Feb. 1874?, age 23, married 1 year, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN, farmer?, 0 months not employed, can read & write, speaks English line 65, King, Angie, gr. daughter, white female, born Aug. 1889, 20, married 1 year, 0 children, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN, can read & write, speaks English

1930 Adair Co., Okla., Lees Crek Twp., ED1-6, Sheet 8a, 50, June 27, 1930 Dwelling 130, family 134, lines 26-28 Cochran, Henry, Head, owns home, family lives on farm, male white 38, married ?years, can read & write, born Okla., father born Cherokee, mother born Fullblood, speaks English, farmer on general farm, actually worked, nov. of farm schedule 127

Cochran, Maggie, wife, female white 22, married ?years, can read & write, born Okla., father born Cherokee, mother born Fullblood, speaks English, no occupation

Cochran, George, brother, male white, single, can read & write, born Okla., father born Cherokee, mother born Fullblood, laborer in industry, actually worked.

dwelling 131, family 135, line 29 Cochran, George, head, owns home, lives on farm, male white, single, can read & write, born Okla., father born Cherokee, mother born Fullblood,farmer on general farm, actually worked.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 78 Chickasha paper, Monday, Jan 8, 1951 .....At 8 Tonight Rosary will be said at 8 o'clock tonight in the chapel of Chickasha Funeral home for Henry Cochran, 52, Chickasha route two. Requiem high mass will be sung at 9 a.m. Tuesday by Rev. Bart Murtaugh in Holy Name Catholic church. Mr. Cochran, who was born Oct. 14, 1899 in Louisburgh, Tenn., died at 4:45 p.m. Saturday in an Oklahoma City hospital. He was a resident of Chickasha for 18 years, formerly living in Waurika. Mr. Cochran, who spent most of his life farming, was employed by the Rock Island railroad in 1947. He worked for the railroad for one and one-half years before a heart ailment caused his retirement. Mr. Cochran suffered a heart attack two weeks ago and was hospitalized. He was a member of Holy Name Catholic church. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Maggie Cochran of the home address; four sons, Jack, William and Pete Donald of the home and Henry Cochran Jr., of Oklahoma City; five daughters, Mrs. J. W. Thacker of Oklahoma City; Mrs. Raymond Hart of Lindsay, route four, Mrs. Jack Dulaney of Terminal, Texas, Miss Eva Jo Cochran and Miss Juanita Cochran of the home; and a step-father, A. D. Paterson of Valdasta, Texas. Interment will be in Rose Hill cemetery.

The Chickasha (Ok.) Daily Express Tuesday, Jan. 9, 1951, page 2 Cochran Mass Sung Today Requiem high mass was sung for Henry Cochran, 52, Chickasha route two, by Rev. Bart Murtaugh in Holy Name Catholic church at 9 a.m. today. Mr. Cochran died of a heart attack Saturday after having been hospitalized for two weeks. Pallbearers were Tom Gibson, Clarence Brown, Jim Davidson, Larkin Hart, Henry Ross and Julius Lybrand. Interment was in Rose Hill cemetery under direction of Chickasha Funeral home.

Patrick married Mary Magdalene "Maggie" Scoggins 87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97 daughter of George Nelson Scoggins and Roma Jackson on 11 Nov 1916 in Durant, Bryan Co., Oklahoma. Mary was born on 8 Jul 1897 in Bridgeport, Wise Co., Texas. She died on 24 Sep 1992 in Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma. She was buried in Rose Hill Cemetery, Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma.

She had never read a magazine before in her life until one day while she was in town shopping decided

to stop by a magazine stand and look through one. in the magazine she saw an ad in there from dovie... dovie was looking for her husband LC and son Henry. Grandma (Maggie) went home and wrote a letter to Dovie and told her that she (Maggie) was married to Henry and that LC was her father-in-law. a while later dovie came for a visit.

Grandma (Maggie) bought her very first sewing machine - a Singer - from William Samuel Carpenter (my great grandpa). Grandma would make all the kids' clothes out of flour sacks using her own patterns she made herself. She also loved to tat.

1900 Wise Co., TX census - Willow Point Voting District, enumeration district 152-9a, sheet number 4, enumarated June 8, 1900 Dwelling number 139, Number of family, 139

Line 5, Scoggins, ______, husband, white male, born Sept. 1847, 44 yrs old, married 7 years, born GA, father born unknown, mother born unknown, farmer, months not employed 0, can not read or write, speaks English, owns home, owned free, farm, number of farm schedule 145? (hard to read)

line 6, Scoggins, Roma, wife, white female, born March 1847, 43 yrs old, married 7 years, mother of 4 children, number of children living (hard to read), born TX, father born ~, mother born ~, can read and write, speaks English

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 79 line 7, Scoggins, Vadia, daughter, white female, born May 1884, single, born TX, father born GA, mother born TX, can read and write, speaks English

line 8, Scoggins, Maud, daughter, white female, born Jan. 1886, single, born TX, father born GA, mother born TX, can read and write, speaks English

line 9, Scoggins, Martha, daughter, white female, born Feb. 1888, single, born TX, father born GA, mother born TX, can read and write, speaks English

line 10, Scoggins, Chesley, son, white male, born Feb. 1887, single, born TX, father born GA, mother born TX, can read and write, speaks English

line 11, Scoggins, Lilly, daugter, white female, born April 1894, single, born TX, father born GA, mother born TX, can read and write, speaks English

line 12, Scoggins, George, son, white male, born June 1894, single, born TX, father born GA, mother born TX, can read and write, speaks English

line 13, Scoggins, Maggie, daughter, white female, born July 1897, single, born TX, father born GA, mother born TX, can not read or write, speaks English

1930 Adair Co., Okla., Lees Creek Twp., ED1-6, Sheet 8a, 50, June 27, 1930 Dwelling 130, family 134, lines 26-28 Cochran, Henry, Head, owns home, family lives on farm, male white 38, married ?years, can read & write, born Okla., father born Cherokee, mother born Fullblood, speaks English, farmer on general farm, actually worked, nov. of farm schedule 127

Cochran, Maggie, wife, female white 22, married ?years, can read & write, born Okla., father born Cherokee, mother born Fullblood, speaks English, no occupation

Cochran, George, brother, male white, single, can read & write, born Okla., father born Cherokee, mother born Fullblood, laborer in industry, actually worked.

dwelling 131, family 135, line 29 Cochran, George, head, owns home, lives on farm, male white, single, can read & write, born Okla., father born Cherokee, mother born Fullblood,farmer on general farm, actually worked.

Patrick and Mary had the following children:

+ 352 F i. Ruby Lee Cochran was born on 14 Jul 1917. She died on 28 Jan 1996.

353 M ii. PFC Jack Nelson Cochran 98,99 was born on 26 Feb 1919 in Durant, Bryan Co., Oklahoma. He died on 12 Jan 1988 in Purcell, McClain Co., Oklahoma. He was buried on 15 Jan 1988 in Rose Hill Cemetery, Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma.

Jack served in the military PFC US Army WWII 6 Jan 1942 - 14 Sep 1945 in Tunisia, Sicily, N, Algeria and French Morocco Campaigns.

The Chickasha Daily Express Tues., Jan. 12, 1988 p. 2

JACK COCHRAN Funeral for Jack Cochran, 68, former Chickasha resident, is pending with Sevier Funeral Home. He ws born Feb. 26, 1919, in Durant and died today, Tuesday, Jan. 12, 1988, in

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 80 Purcell.

The Chickasha Daily Express Wednesday, January 13, 1988 page 2

JACK COCHRAN Funeral for Jack Cochran, 68, former resident of Chickasha, will be held at 1:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 15, 1988, in the Chapel of Sevier Funeral Home. Rev. C.A. "Pete" Spradlin, pastor of College Heights Baptist Church, will be officiating. He was born Feb. 26, 1919, in Durant, and died Tuesday, Jan. 12, 1988, in Purcell. Mr. Cochran had lived most of his life in Chickasha, moving to Sunset Manor Nursing Home in Lexington in 1986. Mr. Cochran served in the U.S. Army during World War II, from 1942 until 1945. He was a veteran of the Tunisia, Sicily, Naples-Foggia, Algeria, and French Morocco campaigns. He was preceded in death by his father, Henry Cochran; his sister, Pearlene Cochran; two brothers, Henry Cochran Jr. and William Kenneth Cochran. Survivors include his mother, Maggie Cochran of Chickasha; one brother, Pete Cochran of Hays, Kan.; five sisters, Ruby Chambers of Trackerville, Ann Hart of Lindsay, Catherine Dulaney of Hobbs, N.M., Eva Jo Cochran and Juanita Cook, both of Chickasha; and numerous nieces and nephews. Interment will be in Rose Hill Cemetery under the direction of Sevier Funeral Home.

The Chickasha Daily Express Sunday, Jan. 17, 1988 page 14A

JACK COCHRAN Funeral for Jack Cochran, 68, former resident of Chickasha, was held at 1:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 15, 1988, in the Chapel of Sevier Funeral Home. Rev. C.A. "Pete" Spradlin, pastor of College Heights Baptist Church, officiated. Organist was Fern Riddles. Soloist was Richard Hallmark. Pallbearers were Ft. Sill military: Anthony Higgins, Larry Heyman, Derrick

Napoleon, John Long, Paul Schilling, Walter Cheatham, Gary Flint, David Avery, Geraldo Berios, Kenneth McGee, Louis Mays, Christopher Froeba, Darin S. Corne, Rollin Taylor, Wesley Bailey, Ralph E. Allen, Philip C. Foster. Interment was in Rose Hill Cemetery under the direction of Sevier Funeral Home.

354 M iii. Corporal William Kenneth "Dick" Cochran 100,101 was born on 26 Jan 1921 in log cabin in Quannah, Hardeman Co., Texas. He died on 6 Jun 1987 in Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma. He was buried in Rose Hill Cemetery, Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma.

William served in the military CPL US Army WWII.

Only one in the family that was born in a log cabin.

The Chickasha Daily Express Monday, June 8, 1987 page 2

WILLIAM KENNETH COCHRAN Funeral for William Kenneth Cochra, 66, Chickasha, will be held at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, June 9, 1987, in the Chapel of Sevier Funeral Home. Rev. C.A. "Pete" Spradlin, pastor of College Heights Baptist Church, will be officiating. He was born Jan. 26, 1921, in Quannah, Texas, and died Saturday, June 6, 1987, in Oklahoma City.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 81 Mr. Cochran graduated from Ninnekah High School. He had lived in the Chickasha area most of his life, moving back here in 1970. He was a professinoal tile setter. Mr. Cochran was a veteran of World War II, having served in the U.S. Army. He then attended the University of Oklahoma. He was preceded in death by his father, Henry Cochran; his sister, Pearlene Cochran; and a brother, Henry Cochran Jr. Survivors include his mother, Maggie Cochran of Chickasha; two brothers, Jack Cochran of Lexington and Pete Cochran of Hays, Kan.; five sisters, Ruby Chambers of Chickasha, Ann Hart of Lindsay, Catherine Dulaney of Hobbs, N.M., Eva Jo Cochran and Juanita Cook, both of Chickasha; and numerous nieces and nephews. Interment will be in Rose Hill Cemetery under the direction of Sevier Funeral Home.

Chickasha Daily Express Wednesday, June 10, 1987 p. 2

WILLIAM KENNETH COCHRAN Funeral for William Kenneth Cochran, 66, Chickasha, was held at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, June 9, 1987, in the Chapel of Sevier Funeral Home. Rev. C.A. "Pete" Spradlin, pastor of College Heights Baptist Church, officiated. Pallbearers were provided by military from Ft. Sill. Organist was Mrs. Fern Riddles. Soloist was Richard Hallmark. Interment was in Rose Hill Cemetery under the direction of Sevier Funeral Home.

+ 355 F iv. Anna Mae M. "Sis" Cochran was born on 28 Mar 1923. She died on 15 Mar 2005.

+ 356 F v. Georgia Katherine "Doodle" Cochran was born on 22 Feb 1925.

357 F vi. Pearlene "Pearl" Cochran 102,103 was born on 8 Dec 1926 in Waurika, Jefferson Co., Oklahoma. She died on 13 Jan 1927 in Waurika, Jefferson Co., Oklahoma. She was buried in Waurika Cem., Waurika, Jefferson Co., Oklahoma.

waurika cemetery: COCHRAN, Pearlene, b. 8 (18?) Dec 1926; d.13 Jan 1927

358 F vii. Eva Jo Cochran 104,105,106 was born on 6 Oct 1928 in Waurika, Jefferson Co., Oklahoma. She died on 7 Jun 2004 in Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma. She was buried in Rose Hill Cem., Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma.

The Oklahoman, Wed., June 9, 2004, page 14A Chickasha Cochran, Eva Jo, 75, died Monday. Services 11 a.m. Thursday (Sevier).

The Express-Star (Chickasha, Okla), Wed., June 9, 2004, page 2A Eva Jo Cochran

Funeral service for Eva Jo Cochran, 75, of Chickasha, Oklahoma, will be held at 11:00 a.m., Thursday, June 10, 2004, in the Chapel of Sevier Funeral Home.

Eva Jo Cochran was born October 6, 1928, in Waurika, Oklahoma, the daughter of Henry and Mary (Scoggins) Cochran, and died June 7, 2004, in Chickasha.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 82 Eva Jo lived with her mother until her mother's death. She moved in with her niece, Shirley Sneed, in 1999 and lived with her until Shirley's death in 2003. She was currently living with her great niece, Jami Jeffreys. She loved her cats. Eva Jo was preceded in death by: parents; 4 brothers; 2 sisters; 1 niece: Shirley Sneed.

Survivors include: great niece: Jami Jeffreys and family of Chickasha; 3 sisters: Juanita Cook of Chickasha, Anne Hart of Lindsay, Katherine Dulaney of Albuquerque, New Mexico; nieces: Susan Bogle of Chickasha, Kim Hendrix of Kansas, Patricia Fleming of Stillwater, Carolyn Cobble of Chickasha, Sandy Schuster of Albuquerque, New Mexico, Pam Driehorst of Oklahoma City, Carla VanDorn of Chickasha; nephews: Phillip Sneed, Tim Cook, Daren Cook, Brett Cook, all of Chickasha, Barry Cochran, Mike Cochran, Chris Cochran, all of Kansas, Ray Hart of Washington, Edmond Hart of Lindsay, Jack Dulaney of Gainesville, Texas; numerous great nieces and nephews. Interment will be in the Rose Hill Cemetery under the direction of Sevier Funeral Home.

+ 359 M viii. Pat "Henry" "Junior" Cochran , Jr. was born on 2 Dec 1931. He died on 20 Mar 1975.

+ 360 F ix. Maggie Juanita "Juanita" Cochran was born on 16 Feb 1934.

+ 361 M x. Pete Donald "Sonny" Cochran was born on 22 Oct 1935. He died on 29 Dec 1998.

176. Laurie Cochran (Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born in 1877 in Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died in 1915 in Friley, Johnson Co., Arkansas. She was buried in Johnson Co., Arkansas.

Laurie married John Stewart in Johnson Co., Arkansas. John was born in Arkansas.

John and Laurie had the following children:

+ 362 M i. John Stewart .

363 M ii. Ernest Stewart was born in Johnson Co., Arkansas.

177. Josie Cochran (Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born in 1881 in Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died in 1945 in Fayetteville, Washington Co., Arkansas. She was buried in Yale Cemetery, Hill, Johnson Co., Arkansas.

Josie married James Pierce in Friley, Johnson Co., Arkansas. James was born in 1871. He died in 1923 in Hill Twp., Johnson Co., Arkansas. He was buried in Yale Cemetery, Hill, Johnson Co., Arkansas.

They had the following children:

364 M i. Lloyd Andrew "Andrew" Pierce was born on 11 Aug 1904 in Hill Twp., Johnson Co., Arkansas. He died on 29 Jan 1947 in Fayetteville, Washington Co., Arkansas. He was buried in Yale Cemetery, Hill, Johnson Co., Arkansas.

Lloyd served in the military Technical 5, U.S. Army, WWII.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 83 365 F ii. Delia Pierce .

366 M iii. Brit Pierce was born in 1914 in Johnson Co., Arkansas. He died in 1946. He was buried in Yale Cemetery, Hill, Johnson Co., Arkansas.

Brit served in the military Technical 5, U.S. Army, WWII.

367 F iv. Marie Pierce .

368 M v. Marcus Pierce was born in Arkansas. He died in Jun 1987 in Fayetteville, Washington Co., Arkansas. He was buried in Baptist Ford, Greenland, Washington Co., Arkansas. Marcus married Opal Pierce .

369 F vi. Alta Pierce died in 1986 in Washington. Alta married Turley Beard .

370 F vii. Mary E. Pierce was born in Johnson Co., Arkansas. She died in Johnson Co., Arkansas. She was buried in Yale Cemetery, Hill, Johnson Co., Arkansas.

tombstone reads 15 months old

371 F viii. Baby Pierce was born in Johnson Co., Arkansas. She died in Johnson Co., Arkansas. She was buried in Yale Cemetery, Hill, Johnson Co., Arkansas.

tombstone reads Baby Pierce.

178. Frances "Fannie" F. Cochran (Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 30 Jul 1882 in Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died on 16 Oct 1972 in Visalia, Tulare Co., California. She was buried on 19 Oct 1972 in Visalia District, Visalia, Tulare Co., California.

Frances married (1) Andrew J. "Andy" Isaacs in Friley, Johnson Co., Arkansas. The marriage ended in divorce.Andrew was born in Arkansas. He died in 1922 in Johnson Co., Arkansas. He was buried in Yale Cemetery, Hill, Johnson Co., Arkansas.

Andrew and Frances had the following children:

+ 372 M i. Oscar Otis Isaacs was born on 5 Aug 1903. He died on 28 Aug 1964.

373 M ii. Estel James Isaacs was born in 1909 in Friley, Johnson Co., Arkansas. He died in 1977 in Fresno, California. He was buried in Visalia Cemetery, Visalia, Tulare Co., California. Estel married Grace Corley in Oklahoma. Grace was born in 1912 in Arkansas. She died in 1992 in Visalia, Tulare Co., California. She was buried in Visalia Cemetery, Visalia, Tulare Co., California.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 84 374 F iii. Lucy Isaacs was born in 1911 in Friley, Johnson Co., Arkansas.

375 M iv. baby boy Isaacs died in Johnson Co., Arkansas. He was buried in Yale Cemetery, Hill, Johnson Co., Arkansas.

376 M v. baby boy Isaacs was born in Johnson Co., Arkansas. He died in Johnson Co., Arkansas. He was buried in Yale Cemetery, Hill, Johnson Co., Arkansas.

believed that these two babies were twins.

Frances married (2) Andy Sasser in Friley, Johnson Co., Arkansas. The marriage ended in divorce.

179. Berthe Etta Cochran (Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 24 Jan 1888 in Clarksville, Johnson Co., Arkansas. She died on 27 May 1951 in Ivanhoe, Tulare Co., California. She was buried on 31 May 1951 in Chouteau Cemetery, Chouteau, Mayes Co., Oklahoma.

Berthe married Jerry Mar Gilbert son of James Harrison Gilbert and Minerva Catherine Williams on 11 Jul 1903 in Friley, Johnson Co., Arkansas. Jerry was born on 14 Sep 1884 in Pettigrew, Madison Co., Arkansas. He died on 20 Feb 1967 in Vinita, Craig Co., Oklahoma. He was buried on 23 Feb 1967 in Chouteau Cemetery, Chouteau, Mayes Co., Oklahoma.

"Jerry was the oldest of his family and it appears he had a lot of responsibility. One of his family was always living with them. He farmed in Arkansas after he married and worked in logging mill. He was really a hard worker who believed in working from sun-up to sun-down. With the large family that was probably necessary and each one of the boys worked hard on the farm. Different cousins lived with them and also worked hard. Estel Isaacs, Otis Isaacs, Arthur Gilbert, Jimmy Chester Gilbert, Ace Gilbert and Floyd Ritchie a nephew. Whereever he moved his mother and father followed shortly. Grandfather Jim Gilbert would come out in the fields to visit and be with dad some each day. He believed in everyone giving their best and doing their best. They always shared crops, vegetables and helped with other neighbors with harvesting, canning." Census 1900, 1910, 1920 Johnson Co., Arkansas Marriage Licenses Married Friley, Johnson Co., Arkansas Marriage Licenses recorded Washington Co., Arkansas July 3, 1903 1921-1922 J.M. Gilbert, A.J. Cochran were on the school board for district #79 - according to Earl Gilbert, they decided to get on school board as some people were trying to keep them from using the school house for church services and they wanted to make sure they could use the school house. Moved to Oklahoma in 1922 to Murphy, Mayes Co. Moved to Chouteau, Oklahoma in 1932 lived there until 1949 Moved to Visalia, California in 1949. Death Certificate death in Vinita, Oklahoma

buried in Chouteau, Oklahoma

Jerry and Berthe had the following children:

+ 377 M i. Earl Gilbert was born on 7 May 1904. He died on 7 Jul 1995.

+ 378 M ii. Ernest Gilbert was born on 22 Jan 1906. He died on 12 Sep 1993.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 85 + 379 F iii. Erma Gilbert was born on 12 Apr 1908. She died on 22 Jan 1988.

380 F iv. Minerva Elizabeth Gilbert was born on 5 Jan 1911 in Clarksville, Johnson Co., Arkansas. She died on 20 Jan 1987 in Pryor, Mayes Co., Oklahoma. She was buried on 23 Jan 1987 in Chouteau Cem., Chouteau, Mayes Co., Oklahoma.

Minerva was named after both grandparents.

Minerva married General Lee Hildreth son of Robert Henry Hildreth and Marquerite Mayes on 23 Sep 1933 in Murphy, Mayes Co., Oklahoma. General was born on 14 Jul 1909 in Pryor, Mayes Co., Oklahoma. He died on 4 May 1960 in Pryor, Mayes Co., Oklahoma. He was buried on 7 May 1960 in Chouteau Cemetery, Chouteau, Mayes Co., Oklahoma.

+ 381 M v. Fred Gilbert was born on 21 Nov 1912. He died on 4 Apr 1987.

+ 382 F vi. Hazel Eloise Gilbert was born on 10 Oct 1915. She died on 1 Jan 1986.

+ 383 F vii. Mabel Fayrene Gilbert was born on 15 Jun 1918.

+ 384 F viii. Verlie Gilbert was born on 6 May 1920.

+ 385 F ix. Anna Mae Gilbert was born on 31 May 1922. She died on 20 May 1995.

386 F x. baby girl Gilbert was born on 18 Apr 1924 in Murphy, Mayes Co., Oklahoma. She died on 18 Apr 1924 in Murphy, Mayes Co., Oklahoma. She was buried on 18 Apr 1924 in Chouteau Cem., Chouteau, Mayes Co., Oklahoma.

+ 387 M xi. Albert Jay Gilbert was born on 22 Jan 1926.

+ 388 F xii. Jessie Virginia Gilbert was born on 7 Apr 1929.

+ 389 F xiii. Phyllis Rae Gilbert was born on 13 Sep 1931.

180. Mary Elizabeth Bills (Amanda Cochran, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 2 May 1890 in Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died on 7 Aug 1973 in Ruleville, Sunflower Co., Mississippi.

Mary married John "Pappy" Jefferson Robison son of Robert Cornealius Robison and Virginia Lucretia Trotter on 21 Aug 1904 in Lauderdale Co., Alabama. John was born on 12 Oct 1880 in Florence, Lauderdale Co., Alabama. He died on 21 Sep 1957 in Greenwood, Leflore Co., Mississippi. He was buried in Ruleville, Sunflower Co., Mississippi.

They had the following children:

+ 390 F i. Ora Lee Robison was born on 9 Jul 1906. She died on 25 Apr 1997.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 86 391 ii. Baby Robison .

392 M iii. Clayton Cornealius Robison was born on 17 Dec 1909 in Littleton, Alabama. He died after 1990 in Webb, Tallahatchie Co., Mississippi. Clayton married Annie Mae Winters in 1937.

393 F iv. Gladness Eudell Robison was born on 9 Sep 1911 in Rogersville, Lauderdale Co., Alabama. Gladness married James William Smith on 9 Feb 1928 in Macon, Mississippi.

394 F v. Dollie Lourona Robison was born on 27 Dec 1913 in Florence, Lauderdale Co., Alabama. She died after 1990 in Mississippi. Dollie married Charles Henry Legg in 1931 in Mississippi.

395 F vi. Madgie Willard Robison was born on 16 Feb 1916 in Rogersville, Lauderdale Co., Alabama. She died on 25 Jun 1918 in Rogersville, Lauderdale Co., Alabama. She was buried in McCartney Cemetery, Rogersville, Lauderdale Co., Alabama.

396 M vii. Joseph Cornwallis Robison was born on 24 Sep 1918 in Rogersville, Lauderdale Co., Alabama. Joseph married Grace Irene Linch on 14 Jul 1944 in Drew, Mississippi.

397 M viii. Horace Harding Robison was born on 13 Mar 1921 in Rogersville, Lauderdale Co., Alabama. He died on 21 Oct 1921 in Rogersville, Lauderdale Co., Alabama.

398 F ix. Augajelle Robison was born on 20 Dec 1922 in Rogersville, Lauderdale Co., Alabama. She died in Columbus, Lowndes, Mississippi. Augajelle married Frank Childress on 10 Feb 1940 in Mississippi.

399 F x. Virginia Augusta Robison was born on 9 Aug 1925 in Mississippi. Virginia married Stanford I. Farmer on 20 Jan 1946 in Drew, Mississippi.

400 M xi. Baby Robison was born in 1927. He died in 1927.

401 F xii. Ramona Ananiah Robison was born on 4 Dec 1928 in Macon, Mississippi. Ramona married Billy Hayes Kyle on 12 Jun 1949 in Minter City, Mississippi.

181. John T. Bills (Amanda Cochran, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born in 1877 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He died in 1944 in Rogersville, Lauderdale Co., Alabama. He was buried in McCartney Cemetery, Rogersville, Lauderdale Co., Alabama.

John married Mattie E. Thompson . Mattie was born in 1885. She died in 1961 in Rogersville, Lauderdale Co., Alabama. She was buried in McCartney Cemetery, Rogersville, Lauderdale Co., Alabama.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 87 They had the following children:

402 M i. Errit Bills .

403 ii. Idel Bills .

404 F iii. Jamima Bills .

405 M iv. Dallas Bills .

182. Roda Clemmie Bills (Amanda Cochran, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 2 Sep 1870 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died on 7 May 1967 in Rogersville, Lauderdale Co., Alabama. She was buried in McCartney Cemetery, Rogersville, Lauderdale Co., Alabama.

Roda married N. Wes England in 1903.

N. Wes England and Roda had the following children:

406 F i. Irene England .

407 M ii. Bill England .

408 F iii. Eunice England was born on 5 Oct 1912. She died on 10 Jan 1918 in Rogersville, Lauderdale Co., Alabama. She was buried in McCartney Cemetery, Rogersville, Lauderdale Co., Alabama.

409 F iv. A. G. England was born on 25 Jun 1917 in Alabama. She died on 15 Oct 1918 in Rogersville, Lauderdale Co., Alabama. She was buried in McCartney Cemetery, Rogersville, Lauderdale Co., Alabama.

410 M v. Charles W. England was born on 7 Aug 1911 in Rogersville, Lauderdale Co., Alabama. He died on 8 Nov 1911 in Rogersville, Lauderdale Co., Alabama. He was buried on 8 Nov 1911 in McCartney Cemetery, Rogersville, Lauderdale Co., Alabama.

183. Fannie Bills (Amanda Cochran, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 2 May 1879 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died on 26 Sep 1957 in Rogersville, Lauderdale Co., Alabama. She was buried in McCartney Cemetery, Rogersville, Lauderdale Co., Alabama.

Fannie married Lonnie W. Pierce on 9 Aug 1898 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. Lonnie was born on 19 May 1877 in Tennessee. He died on 10 Jan 1937 in Rogersville, Lauderdale Co., Alabama. He was buried in McCartney Cemetery, Rogersville, Lauderdale Co., Alabama.

They had the following children:

411 i. Saltel Pierce .

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 88 412 M ii. Felton Pierce .

413 F iii. Maxie Pierce .

414 iv. O. W. Pierce .

415 F v. Mary G. Pierce .

416 vi. Willie C. Pierce .

417 F vii. Julie E. Pierce .

418 F viii. Arbell Pierce .

184. Ollie Engoldsby Bills (Amanda Cochran, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 23 Dec 1883 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He died on 19 Jun 1955.

Ollie married Viney Viola Lindsey on 11 Aug 1918 in Lauderdale, Alabama.

They had the following children:

419 M i. Marlon Chester Bills was born on 23 Feb 1919 in Alabama. He died on 3 Feb 1983. Marlon married Bertie Mae Kirksey on 26 Dec 1946.

420 F ii. Amanda Virginia Bills was born on 24 Dec 1920 in Alabama. Amanda married Leland Philip White on 13 Jul 1949.

421 F iii. Evelyn Janett Bills was born on 11 Jul 1922 in Alabama.

Evelyn married Robert Daniel Davis on 16 Dec 1939.

422 M iv. Ollie Englesby Bills , Jr. was born on 8 Sep 1924 in Rogersville, Lauderdale Co., Alabama. He died on 14 Oct 1926 in Rogersville, Lauderdale Co., Alabama. He was buried in McCartney Cemetery, Rogersville, Lauderdale Co., Alabama.

423 F v. Mary Floetta Bills was born on 13 Nov 1926 in Rogersville, Alabama. Mary married Mahlond Brindley on 2 Sep 1949.

424 F vi. Elizabeth Ann "Betty" Bills was born on 31 Aug 1928 in Rogersville, Alabama.

425 M vii. William Bills was born on 6 Aug 1930 in Alabama. William married Verda Marie Miller on 5 May 1951.

426 F viii. Dollie Joy Bills was born on 7 Aug 1932 in Rogersville, Alabama. Dollie married Donald Prather Dick on 2 Jun 1956.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 89 427 M ix. Burford Elree Bills was born on 6 Sep 1934 in Rogersville, Lauderdale Co., Alabama. He died on 7 Sep 1934 in Rogersville, Lauderdale Co., Alabama. He was buried in McCartney Cemetery, Rogersville, Lauderdale Co., Alabama.

428 M x. Franklin Deloy Bills was born on 29 Oct 1935 in Alabama. He died on 26 Feb 1978. Franklin married Glenda Gayle Newberry on 30 Jan 1960.

185. Alma Irene Bills (Amanda Cochran, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 4 Nov 1885 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died on 21 Dec 1964.

Alma married William D. Robison son of Robert Cornealius Robison and Virginia Lucretia Trotter on 26 Dec 1922 in Lauderdale, Alabama. William was born on 15 Nov 1883 in Lauderdale, Alabama. He died on 22 Nov 1952.

They had the following children:

429 F i. Grace Robison was born in 1924.

430 M ii. William Cornealius Robison was born in 1927.

190. James Henry Cochran (James Knox Polk, Eleazer A., James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born in 1873 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He died in 1941 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He was buried in Short Cemetery, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

James married Annie L. Wilkerson on 22 Dec 1895 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. Annie was born in 1880. She died in 1941 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She was buried in Short Cemetery, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

They had the following children:

431 M i. Roy Edward Cochran was born on 7 Mar 1906 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He died on 31 Jul 1941 in Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. He was buried in Short Cemetery, Marshall Co., Tennessee. COCHRAN, ROY EDWARD; Sex: M ; Race: WHITE; Date of Birth: MARCH 7, 1906; Place of Birth: MARSHALL CO., TENNESSEE; Age: 35; Date of Death: JULY 31, 1941;

Place of Death: LEWISBURG, MARSHALL CO., TENNESSEE; Place of Burial: SHORT CEMETERY; Marital Status: MARRIED; Spouse: VERNER McDANIEL COCHRAN; Father: JAMES HENRY COCHRAN; Mother: ANNIE WILKERSON; Informant: T A McDANIEL; Funeral Home: London Funeral Home

Roy married Verner McDaniel .

193. Lindsey Cochran (Azor, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, William, , ) was born in 1825 in Tennessee. He died in Aug 1862.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 90 Marshall Co., TN 1860 Census PO Lewisburg, TN, 15th Civil District, June 6, 1860 P. 260-39 Cochran: Lindsey, 30 Male White Farmer, 800 Value of Personal Estate, born TN Letha, 25 Female White House Keeper, born TN Wilson B., 10 Male White, born TN, going to school Atlas, 6 Male White, born TN Lidia A., 2 Female White born TN Thompson, Andy, 16 Male White, Farmer Laborer, born TN

Lindsey married Letha Ray on 30 Nov 1848. Letha was born in 1835 in Tennessee.

They had the following children:

432 M i. Wilson B. Cochran was born in 1850 in Tennessee. Wilson married Sallie E. Hawkins on 19 Jan 1871.

433 F ii. Mahala A. Cochran was born on 18 Sep 1852 in Tennessee. She died on 9 Apr 1854. She was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

+ 434 F iii. Mary Alice Cochran was born in 1854.

+ 435 F iv. Lydia F. Cochran was born in 1857. She died in 1932.

+ 436 F v. Dixie L. V. Cochran was born in 1860.

437 F vi. Florence Cochran was born in 1862/1863 in Tennessee. She died in 1870/1875.

194. Violet Cochran (Azor, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, William, , ) was born in 1827 in Marshall Co., Tennessee.

Violet married Corporal David Bigham son of Hugh B. Bigham and Elizabeth Ramsey on 12 Nov 1848 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. David was born in 1828 in Bedford Co., Tennessee.

David served in the military Cpl., Co. B, 53rd Inf., CSA.

They had the following children:

438 F i. Hannah Elizabeth C. Bigham was born in 1850 in Marshall Co., Tennessee.

439 F ii. Dovie Ann Narcis Bigham was born on 21 Sep 1852 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died on 8 Nov 1852 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

440 F iii. Cordelia J. Bigham was born in 1854 in Marshall Co., Tennessee.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 91 + 441 M iv. Azor Cochran Bigham was born in 1857. He died in 1905.

442 F v. Nancy Tennessee Crunk Bigham was born on 27 Sep 1860 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died on 7 Jul 1861 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

443 M vi. John W. Cochran was born in 1863. He died in 1870/1880.

444 M vii. (son) Bigham was born in 1856 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He died in 1856 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

196. Wilson Cochran (Azor, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, William, , ) was born on 27 Jan 1834 in Tennessee. He died on 15 Aug 1904. He was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

Wilson served in the military Pvt., Co. H, 17th Inf., CSA.

1880 District 15, Marshall Co., TN census page 481B Wilson Cochran, self, married, male white 47, born TN, farmer, father born NC, mother born NC Martha Cochran, wife, married, female white 34, born TN, housekeeper, father born MS, mother born TN Luren A. Cochran, daughter, single, female white 12, born TN Allas Cochran, daughter, single, female white 10, born TN, housekeeper Julus Cochran, son, single, male white 8, born TN Emma Cochran, daughter, single, female white 6, born TN Inez Cochran, daughter, single, female white 4, born TN Edwin Cochran, son, single, male white 2, born TN

17th TENNESSEE INFANTRY _Company H _Men from Marshall County, Tennessee

ABOUT THE 17TH TENNESSEE INFANTRY REGIMENT The 17th Tennessee Infantry was mustered into Confederate service on August 15, 1861 at Big Creek, Campbell County, TN. The regiment was then placed under the command of Brigadier General Felix K. ZOLLICOFFER, and participated in an engagement at Rock Castle, Kentucky (Camp Wildcat) on October 21, 1861, where it suffered 45 causalities. On January 20, 1862 the regiment was engaged in action at Fishing Creek near Mill Springs, Kentucky. In this battle the regiment suffered 46 casualties and Brigadier General ZOLLICOFFER was killed. The next action the regiment saw was during General Bragg's invasion of Kentucky in 1862. During this campaign the regiment was present at the capture of Munfordville and at the battle of Perryville (Oct. 8, 1862 - 24 casualties). The regiment was placed in General Patrick R. CLEBURNE'S Division during the battle at Murfreesboro (Dec. 31, 1862), where the regiment listed 246 causalities out of 598 men engaged. Following the Tullahoma campaign, the regiment was heavily engaged at the Battle of Chickamauga (Sept. 19 & 20, 1863) and suffered 130 causalities out of 249 men engaged. The regiment then severed its connection with the Army of Tennessee and served under Lt. General James LONGSTREET during campaigns against Knoxville and East Tennessee in the Fall and Winter of 1863/64. The regiment was then transferred to the Army of Northern Virginia in the Spring of 1864. In Viriginia, the regiment was involved in many battles, including Drewry's Bluff (May 15, 1864 - 68 casualties out of 319 engaged), Petersburg (June 17, 1864 - 70 men captured), and Hatcher's Run (Feb. 2, 1865). The regiment was surrendered by LEE at Appomattox Courthouse with approximately 70 men

remaining from the over 1000 men who served. Company H of the the 17th Tennessee Infantry was formed in Marshall County, Tennessee. The information included below was obtained from the microfilmed copies of the compiled service records stored at the National Archives and the Marshall County Historical Quarterly, Summer 1988, Vol. XIX, No.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 92 2.

COCHRAN, A.J., Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Slight wound in head at Murfreesboro Dec. 31, 1862. COCHRAN(or COHORN), Columbus, Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Captured at Harrodsburg, KY Oct. 9, 1862, but present on muster roll for Jan./Feb. 1863. Deserted and took oath at Roane Co., TN Dec. 1863. COCHRAN (or COHORAN), Elisha, Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted Nov. 7, 1862 at Lewisburg by Tally. Deserted, took oath at Roane Co. TN. COCHRAN, Lewis (or Levi), Pvt., Co. H, Elisted Nov. 7, 1862 at Lewisburg by Tally. Deserted and took oath in East Tennessee Feb. 1864. COCHRAN, W.J., Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted Nov. 7, 1862 at Lewisburg, TN by Tally. COCHRAN, W.T., Pvt., Co. H COCHRAN(or COHORN), Wilson, Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Deserted took oath at Roane, Co. TN Dec. 1863.

HILL, H.W.(Wash) , Pvt., Co. H Enlisted Nov. 24, 1862 at McMinnville, TN by Wright. Slight wound in side at Beech Grove (Hoover's Gap) June 25 & 26, 1863. Captured near Chattanooga Sept. 13, 1863. Took oath, desires to be released to Wartrace. McCRORY, Robert H. , Capt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Last record indicates present for duty at Mill Springs, KY Dec. 1861 ORR, Thomas A. Enlisted Feb. 2, 1863 by Col. Floyd. ORR, W.M., Pvt., Co. D (or H?), Enlisted May 28, 1861. Wounded sent to Hospital May 16, 1864. Left index finger amputated. Engaged at Chattanooga, Kentucky, Murfreesboro, Petersubrug. Also wounded in right hip. Pension application 16212 (111). PAXTON, John F., Cpl., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. RAMBO, D.H., Pvt., Co. H RAMBO, M.V.B., Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Discharged due to disability Sept. 14, 1861. TALLY, J.P. 1st Lt., Co.H, ENlisted May 28, 1861. Promoted 2nd Lt. May 15, 1862. 1st Lt. June 26, 18662. Severly wounded in breast at Murfreesboro, Dec. 31, 1862. TALLY, Stephen T., Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1862. Captured near Petersburg, VA June 17, 1864. Prison at Elmira, N.Y. Conscripted after one year, desires to got to Marshall County, where family resides. Released April 1, 1865. TILLMAN, M.T., Pvt., Co. H (also listed as GILLMAN, M.J.), Enlisted May 28, 1861. Severly wounded in arm at Murfreesboro Dec. 31, 1862. Captured at Marshall Co. TN Dec. 30, 1863. Prison Rock Island. Took oath April 29, 1865. TWITTY, L.H., Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Freemon Batery, Huggins Light Artillery Co. Engaged with Baxter's Artillery, Served at Wild Cat, Fishing Creek, Trenton, Lexington, TN., R-Ford Station, Perkins' Crossroads, Douglass Church, Chickamauga, Dalton, Atlanta. Paroled with Johnson, North Carolina. Pension application 11090. WEBSTER, Robert Hill, Co.H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Wounded at Perryville. Detached to Darden's Battery Feb. 1, 1863 by order Gen. Johnson. Captured near Petersburg June 17, 1864. Paroled at Richmond March 1865. Pension application 3996.

Wilson married Martha J. Webster 107,108 daughter of William W. Webster and Mary Ann Eliza Hill on 8 Aug 1865. Martha was born on 1 Jan 1847 in Tennessee. She died on 1 Sep 1898. She was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

Wilson and Martha had the following children:

+ 445 F i. Laura Ann Cochran was born in Aug 1868. She died in 1948.

446 F ii. Alice M. Cochran was born on 25 Jun 1870/1871 in Tennessee. She died on 24 Feb 1933. She was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 93 Alice married John W. McDowra on 26 Jan 1905. John was born on 2 Feb 1876. He died on 12 May 1961. He was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

+ 447 M iii. Julius Clinton Cochran was born on 8 Aug 1872. He died on 29 Aug 1950.

448 F iv. Emma Cochran was born in May 1874 in Tennessee. She died in 1950. She was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee. Emma married Clyde L. Shaw on 5 Nov 1896. Clyde was born in 1871. He died in 1945. He was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

449 F v. Inez E. Cochran was born in Nov 1876 in Tennessee. She died in 1947. She was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee. Inez married William N . Freeman on 26 Dec 1895. William was born in 1871. He died in 1910. He was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

450 M vi. Edwin C. Cochran was born in Oct 1878 in Tennessee. He died in 1931. He was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee. Edwin married Annie Maxie Webster on 19 Nov 1900. Annie was born in 1884. She died in 1918. She was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

451 F vii. Anna Mai Cochran was born in Sep 1881. She died after 1907.

She was in Pottowatomie Co., Oklahoma in 1907 and was not married at that time.

+ 452 M viii. Robert Eugene Cochran was born on 23 Feb 1883. He died on 13 Jan 1941.

453 M ix. T. Adolphus Cochran was born in 1885. He died in 1960. He was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee. T. Adolphus Cochran married Lettie Emerson on 25 Dec 1904. Lettie was born in 1886. She died in 1969. She was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

454 F x. Zana Cochran was born in 1887. She died after 1907. Zana married Francis J. Boswell on 25 Dec 1904. Francis died after 1907.

In 1907 they were in Pottawotomie Co., Oklahoma

197. William J. Cochran (Thomas Stewart, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, William, , ) was born on 17 May 1836 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He died on 14 Dec 1905 in Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee. He was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 94 1880 Marshall Co., TN, District 15, page 484d Cochran, W.J., self, married, male white 43, farmer, born NC, father born NC, mother born NC Cochran, Parus, wife, married, female white 42, housekeeper, born TN, father born NC, mother born NC

Cochran, Cordela, daughter, single, female white 20, housekeeper, born TN Cochran, Onna, daughter, single, female white 15, housekeeper, born TN

17th TENNESSEE INFANTRY _Company H _Men from Marshall County, Tennessee

ABOUT THE 17TH TENNESSEE INFANTRY REGIMENT The 17th Tennessee Infantry was mustered into Confederate service on August 15, 1861 at Big Creek, Campbell County, TN. The regiment was then placed under the command of Brigadier General Felix K. ZOLLICOFFER, and participated in an engagement at Rock Castle, Kentucky (Camp Wildcat) on October 21, 1861, where it suffered 45 causalities. On January 20, 1862 the regiment was engaged in action at Fishing Creek near Mill Springs, Kentucky. In this battle the regiment suffered 46 casualties and Brigadier General ZOLLICOFFER was killed. The next action the regiment saw was during General Bragg's invasion of Kentucky in 1862. During this campaign the regiment was present at the capture of Munfordville and at the battle of Perryville (Oct. 8, 1862 - 24 casualties). The regiment was placed in General Patrick R. CLEBURNE'S Division during the battle at Murfreesboro (Dec. 31, 1862), where the regiment listed 246 causalities out of 598 men engaged. Following the Tullahoma campaign, the regiment was heavily engaged at the Battle of Chickamauga (Sept. 19 & 20, 1863) and suffered 130 causalities out of 249 men engaged. The regiment then severed its connection with the Army of Tennessee and served under Lt. General James LONGSTREET during campaigns against Knoxville and East Tennessee in the Fall and Winter of 1863/64. The regiment was then transferred to the Army of Northern Virginia in the Spring of 1864. In Viriginia, the regiment was involved in many battles, including Drewry's Bluff (May 15, 1864 - 68 casualties out of 319 engaged), Petersburg (June 17, 1864 - 70 men captured), and Hatcher's Run (Feb. 2, 1865). The regiment was surrendered by LEE at Appomattox Courthouse with approximately 70 men remaining from the over 1000 men who served. Company H of the the 17th Tennessee Infantry was formed in Marshall County, Tennessee. The information included below was obtained from the microfilmed copies of the compiled service records stored at the National Archives and the Marshall County Historical Quarterly, Summer 1988, Vol. XIX, No. 2.

COCHRAN, A.J., Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Slight wound in head at Murfreesboro Dec. 31, 1862. COCHRAN(or COHORN), Columbus, Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Captured at Harrodsburg, KY Oct. 9, 1862, but present on muster roll for Jan./Feb. 1863. Deserted and took oath at Roane Co., TN Dec. 1863. COCHRAN (or COHORAN), Elisha, Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted Nov. 7, 1862 at Lewisburg by Tally. Deserted, took oath at Roane Co. TN. COCHRAN, Lewis (or Levi), Pvt., Co. H, Elisted Nov. 7, 1862 at Lewisburg by Tally. Deserted and took oath in East Tennessee Feb. 1864. COCHRAN, W.J., Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted Nov. 7, 1862 at Lewisburg, TN by Tally. COCHRAN, W.T., Pvt., Co. H COCHRAN(or COHORN), Wilson, Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Deserted took oath at Roane, Co. TN Dec. 1863.

HILL, H.W.(Wash) , Pvt., Co. H Enlisted Nov. 24, 1862 at McMinnville, TN by Wright. Slight wound in side at Beech Grove (Hoover's Gap) June 25 & 26, 1863. Captured near Chattanooga Sept. 13, 1863. Took oath, desires to be released to Wartrace. McCRORY, Robert H. , Capt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Last record indicates present for duty at Mill Springs, KY Dec. 1861 ORR, Thomas A. Enlisted Feb. 2, 1863 by Col. Floyd.

ORR, W.M., Pvt., Co. D (or H?), Enlisted May 28, 1861. Wounded sent to Hospital May 16, 1864. Left index finger amputated. Engaged at Chattanooga, Kentucky, Murfreesboro, Petersubrug. Also wounded in right hip. Pension application 16212 (111). PAXTON, John F., Cpl., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 95 RAMBO, D.H., Pvt., Co. H RAMBO, M.V.B., Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Discharged due to disability Sept. 14, 1861. TALLY, J.P. 1st Lt., Co.H, ENlisted May 28, 1861. Promoted 2nd Lt. May 15, 1862. 1st Lt. June 26, 18662. Severly wounded in breast at Murfreesboro, Dec. 31, 1862. TALLY, Stephen T., Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1862. Captured near Petersburg, VA June 17, 1864. Prison at Elmira, N.Y. Conscripted after one year, desires to got to Marshall County, where family resides. Released April 1, 1865. TILLMAN, M.T., Pvt., Co. H (also listed as GILLMAN, M.J.), Enlisted May 28, 1861. Severly wounded in arm at Murfreesboro Dec. 31, 1862. Captured at Marshall Co. TN Dec. 30, 1863. Prison Rock Island. Took oath April 29, 1865. TWITTY, L.H., Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Freemon Batery, Huggins Light Artillery Co. Engaged with Baxter's Artillery, Served at Wild Cat, Fishing Creek, Trenton, Lexington, TN., R-Ford Station, Perkins' Crossroads, Douglass Church, Chickamauga, Dalton, Atlanta. Paroled with Johnson, North Carolina. Pension application 11090. WEBSTER, Robert Hill, Co.H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Wounded at Perryville. Detached to Darden's Battery Feb. 1, 1863 by order Gen. Johnson. Captured near Petersburg June 17, 1864. Paroled at Richmond March 1865. Pension application 3996.

William married Paralee Cochran daughter of David Cochran and Elizabeth "Lizzie" Phifer on 7 Feb 1857 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. Paralee was born on 21 Mar 1838 in Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died on 12 Jun 1892. She was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

They had the following children:

455 F i. Oma Alice Cochran is printed as #170 on page 49.

456 F ii. Cordelia Cochran is printed as #171 on page 49.

457 F iii. Clementine Cochran is printed as #172 on page 50.

198. Lucinda Cochran (Thomas Stewart, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, William, , ) was born on 17 Mar 1817 in Mecklenburg Co., North Carolina.

Lucinda married William H. Morris on 25 Jan 1844 in Mecklenburg Co., North Carolina. William was born in 1810. He died after 1870.

They had the following children:

458 F i. Martha Morris was born in 1846.

459 M ii. Thomas G. Morris was born in 1848.

460 M iii. William M. Morris was born on 15 Mar 1851. He died on 29 Nov 1883. He was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

461 F iv. Sarah Frances Morris was born on 9 Jun 1853. She died on 12 Jun 1884. She was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

462 M v. Marion J. Morris was born on 29 Jul 1859. He died on 30 Jul 1880. He was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 96 463 F vi. Mary E. Morris was born on 29 Jul 1859.

199. Dulin Cochran (Thomas Stewart, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, William, , ) was born in Nov 1819 in Mecklenburg Co., North Carolina. He died in Dec 1906. He was buried in Thompson Cemetery, near Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

Dulin served in the military Pvt., Co. H, 41st Inf., CSA.

Civil War - 41st TN Inf. - CSA

Marshall Co., TN P010-01 COCHRAN - P. O. Belfast, Tenn., 1st Civil District, June 9, 1860 Dulin 38 M W Farmer 300 NC America 29 F W Tn Livona 10 F W Tn Reles 3 F W Tn

Dulin married America F. Thompson daughter of Henry Thompson and Malinda Paxton on 10 Oct 1849 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. America was born on 31 Aug 1831. She died on 2 Dec 1905. She was buried in Thompson Cemetery, near Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

They had the following children:

464 F i. Levonia P. Cochran was born in 1850. She was buried in Thompson Cemetery, near Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. Levonia married Samuel F. Jobe on 29 Nov 1873.

465 M ii. Pelias H. Cochran was born on 23 Mar 1857. He died on 9 Oct 1862. He was buried in Thompson Cemetery, near Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

466 M iii. John Henry Cochran was born in Sep 1864. He died in 1951. He was buried in Cochran Cemetery. John married Nancy L. Sanders on 16 Dec 1886. Nancy was born on 12 Mar 1864. She died on 7 Feb 1902. She was buried in Cochran Cemetery.

200. Mary Elizabeth Cochran (Thomas Stewart, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, William, , ) was born in 1823 in Mecklenburg Co., North Carolina. She died on 27 Apr 1899.

Mary married John H. Simpson on 9 Aug 1845 in Mecklenburg Co., North Carolina. John was born in May 1819. He died in 1902.

They had the following children:

467 M i. Columbus Brown Simpson was born on 27 Oct 1848. He died on 22 May 1938 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. Columbus married Lucinda C. Doll Cochran daughter of Eleazer A. Cochran and Mary Elizabeth Collins on 21 Jun 1877 in Marshall Co.,

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 97 Tennessee. Lucinda was born on 16 Apr 1857 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died on 22 May 1938 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

468 F ii. Elizabeth J. Simpson was born on 17 Jun 1847. She died on 28 Sep 1884. She was buried in Cochran Cemetery.

469 M iii. Isaac Simpson was born in 1852.

470 F iv. Cynthia Josephine Simpson was born in 1855.

+ 471 M v. Ambrose B. Simpson was born in Jan 1857. He died in 1933.

472 F vi. Eliza Catherine Simpson was born in 1860.

202. Elisha Cochran (Thomas Stewart, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, William, , ) was born on 7 Mar 1827. He died on 8 Aug 1901. He was buried in Cochran Cemetery.

Elisha served in the military Pvt., Co. H, 17th Inf., CSA.

17th TENNESSEE INFANTRY _Company H _Men from Marshall County, Tennessee

ABOUT THE 17TH TENNESSEE INFANTRY REGIMENT The 17th Tennessee Infantry was mustered into Confederate service on August 15, 1861 at Big Creek, Campbell County, TN. The regiment was then placed under the command of Brigadier General Felix K. ZOLLICOFFER, and participated in an engagement at Rock Castle, Kentucky (Camp Wildcat) on October 21, 1861, where it suffered 45 causalities. On January 20, 1862 the regiment was engaged in action at Fishing Creek near Mill Springs, Kentucky. In this battle the regiment suffered 46 casualties and Brigadier General ZOLLICOFFER was killed. The next action the regiment saw was during General Bragg's invasion of Kentucky in 1862. During this campaign the regiment was present at the capture of Munfordville and at the battle of Perryville (Oct. 8, 1862 - 24 casualties). The regiment was placed in General Patrick R. CLEBURNE'S Division during the battle at Murfreesboro (Dec. 31, 1862), where the regiment listed 246 causalities out of 598 men engaged. Following the Tullahoma campaign, the regiment was heavily engaged at the Battle of Chickamauga (Sept. 19 & 20, 1863) and suffered 130 causalities out of 249 men engaged. The regiment then severed its connection with the Army of Tennessee and served under Lt. General James LONGSTREET during campaigns against Knoxville and East Tennessee in the Fall and Winter of 1863/64. The regiment was then transferred to the Army of Northern Virginia in the Spring of 1864. In Viriginia, the regiment was involved in many battles, including Drewry's Bluff (May 15, 1864 - 68 casualties out of 319 engaged), Petersburg (June 17, 1864 - 70 men captured), and Hatcher's Run (Feb. 2, 1865). The regiment was surrendered by LEE at Appomattox Courthouse with approximately 70 men remaining from the over 1000 men who served. Company H of the the 17th Tennessee Infantry was formed in Marshall County, Tennessee. The information included below was obtained from the microfilmed copies of the compiled service records stored at the National Archives and the Marshall County Historical Quarterly, Summer 1988, Vol. XIX, No. 2.

COCHRAN, A.J., Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Slight wound in head at Murfreesboro Dec. 31, 1862. COCHRAN(or COHORN), Columbus, Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Captured at Harrodsburg, KY Oct. 9, 1862, but present on muster roll for Jan./Feb. 1863. Deserted and took oath at Roane Co., TN Dec. 1863. COCHRAN (or COHORAN), Elisha, Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted Nov. 7, 1862 at Lewisburg by Tally. Deserted, took oath at Roane Co. TN. COCHRAN, Lewis (or Levi), Pvt., Co. H, Elisted Nov. 7, 1862 at Lewisburg by Tally. Deserted and took oath in East Tennessee Feb. 1864.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 98 COCHRAN, W.J., Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted Nov. 7, 1862 at Lewisburg, TN by Tally. COCHRAN, W.T., Pvt., Co. H COCHRAN(or COHORN), Wilson, Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Deserted took oath at Roane, Co. TN Dec. 1863.

HILL, H.W.(Wash) , Pvt., Co. H Enlisted Nov. 24, 1862 at McMinnville, TN by Wright. Slight wound in side at Beech Grove (Hoover's Gap) June 25 & 26, 1863. Captured near Chattanooga Sept. 13, 1863. Took oath, desires to be released to Wartrace. McCRORY, Robert H. , Capt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Last record indicates present for duty at Mill Springs, KY Dec. 1861 ORR, Thomas A. Enlisted Feb. 2, 1863 by Col. Floyd. ORR, W.M., Pvt., Co. D (or H?), Enlisted May 28, 1861. Wounded sent to Hospital May 16, 1864. Left index finger amputated. Engaged at Chattanooga, Kentucky, Murfreesboro, Petersubrug. Also wounded in right hip. Pension application 16212 (111). PAXTON, John F., Cpl., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. RAMBO, D.H., Pvt., Co. H RAMBO, M.V.B., Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Discharged due to disability Sept. 14, 1861. TALLY, J.P. 1st Lt., Co.H, ENlisted May 28, 1861. Promoted 2nd Lt. May 15, 1862. 1st Lt. June 26, 18662. Severly wounded in breast at Murfreesboro, Dec. 31, 1862. TALLY, Stephen T., Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1862. Captured near Petersburg, VA June 17, 1864. Prison at Elmira, N.Y. Conscripted after one year, desires to got to Marshall County, where family resides. Released April 1, 1865. TILLMAN, M.T., Pvt., Co. H (also listed as GILLMAN, M.J.), Enlisted May 28, 1861. Severly wounded in arm at Murfreesboro Dec. 31, 1862. Captured at Marshall Co. TN Dec. 30, 1863. Prison Rock Island. Took oath April 29, 1865. TWITTY, L.H., Pvt., Co. H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Freemon Batery, Huggins Light Artillery Co. Engaged with Baxter's Artillery, Served at Wild Cat, Fishing Creek, Trenton, Lexington, TN., R-Ford Station, Perkins' Crossroads, Douglass Church, Chickamauga, Dalton, Atlanta. Paroled with Johnson, North Carolina. Pension application 11090. WEBSTER, Robert Hill, Co.H, Enlisted May 28, 1861. Wounded at Perryville. Detached to Darden's Battery Feb. 1, 1863 by order Gen. Johnson. Captured near Petersburg June 17, 1864. Paroled at Richmond March 1865. Pension application 3996.

1880 Marshall Co., TN Dist. 15, page 474C Cockran, L.V., self, married, male white 27, farmer, born TN, father born NC, mother born TN Cockran, N.P., wife, married, female white 21, house keeper, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN Cockran, Luther, son, single, male white 3, born TN, father born TN Cockran, S., daughter, single, female white 5 months, born TN Cockran, Elisha, other, married, male white 60, farmer, born TN Russell, Brant, Grandfather, widowed, male white 80, born TN

Elisha married Eliza Coleman daughter of Thomas Coleman and Mary on 1 Oct 1851 in Marshall Co., Tennessee by William D. Powell, J.P. (lic. sep 20, 1851). Eliza was born in 1835. She died in 1870/1880. She was buried in Mt. Carmel Cemetery, near Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

They had the following children:

+ 473 M i. Levin V. Cochran was born in Oct 1852. He died in 1947.

204. Christopher Columbus Cochran (Thomas Stewart, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, William, , ) was born on 7 Aug 1831. He died on 28 Feb 1918. He was buried in Cochran Cemetery.

Christopher served in the military Pvt., Co. H, 17th Inf., CSA.

1860 Marshall Co., TN P010-12, A026-12

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 99 PO: Belfast, 1st Civil District 6/9/1860, Dwelling 192, Family 196 Cochran, Columbus, 26 male white, value of personal estate 400, born NC Cochran, Lucretia, 20 female white, born TN_Cochran, Darcas, 2 female white, born TN

Christopher married Lucretia M. Tompson daughter of Henry Thompson and Malinda Paxton on 10 Sep 1857. Lucretia was born in Oct 1839. She died on 30 Jun 1868. She was buried in Thompson Cemetery, near Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

They had the following children:

+ 474 F i. Dorcas A. Cochran was born on 3 Sep 1858. She died on 30 May 1937.

209. Emmeline Davis (Sarah A. Cochran, Levi Thomas, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ).

Emmeline married James B. F. Moore .

They had the following children:

+ 475 M i. James Thomas Moore .

213. John Nathaniel Cummings (Eliza Emmaline Cochran, Levi Thomas, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 25 Dec 1853 in Tennessee. He died on 1 Apr 1895. He was buried in Buel Cem., Alverado, Johnson Co., Texas.

John married Elmina Josephine "Josie" Weems . Elmina was born on 1 Sep 1848. She died on 8 Dec 1924. She was buried in Buel Cem., Alverado, Johnson Co., Texas.

They had the following children:

+ 476 F i. Mary Jane Cummings .

477 M ii. Jackson Carroll Cummings . Jackson married Nora Jane Adams .

478 M iii. Robert Clinton Cummings was born in 1881 in Texas.

222. Robert Wesley "Wes" Bryant (Margaret Josephine "Maggie" Cochran, Levi Thomas, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 10 Feb 1866 in Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. He died on 22 Jul 1931 in Alvarado, Johnson Co., Texas. He was buried in Buel Cem., Alverado, Johnson Co., Texas.

Robert married Henrietta "Rettie" Franks daughter of Jasper Franks and Mary. Henrietta was born in 1873. She died in 1942. She was buried in Buel Cem., Alverado, Johnson Co., Texas.

They had the following children:

+ 479 M i. Robert Duke Bryant was born on 27 Oct 1907.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 100 235. Emma Lee Cochran (Levi Nathaniel, Levi Thomas, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 13 Oct 1866 in Pulaskia, Giles Co., Tennessee. She died on 19 Aug 1910 in Iowa Park, Wichita Co., Texas.

Emma married George Waren on 5 Dec 1881 in Cleburne, Johnson Co., Texas. George was born on 2 Dec 1861 in Grandview, Johnson Co., Texas. He died on 12 Jan 1952 in Bangs, Brown Co., Texas.

part indian

George and Emma had the following children:

+ 480 M i. James Alexander Waren was born in Aug 1882. He died on 29 Feb 1952.

+ 481 M ii. Joseph Lee Waren was born in Aug 1885. He died on 13 Mar 1942.

482 M iii. George Waren , Jr. was born on 26 Apr 1889 in Grandbury, Texas. He died in 1952 in Fort Worth, Texas. George married Ann McCutcheon .

+ 483 F iv. Ann Serina Waren was born in Dec 1891. She died on 29 Nov 1938.

+ 484 M v. Otho Newton Waren was born on 26 Nov 1892. He died in Dec 1960.

+ 485 F vi. Flora Mildred Waren was born on 18 Apr 1905.

236. Robert Mitchell Cochran (Levi Nathaniel, Levi Thomas, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 6 Feb 1872 in Cleburne, on Nolan Creek, Texas. He died on 22 Mar 1932 in Tolar, Hood Co., Texas. He was buried in Strouds Creek Cem., Tolar, Hood Co., Texas.

Robert married Cora or Clara L. Painter on 29 Sep 1895 in Johnson Co., Texas. Cora was born on 10 Nov 1878 in Tolar, Hood Co., Texas. She died on 5 Apr 1979 in Tolar, Hood Co., Texas. She was buried in Strouds Creek Cem., Tolar, Hood Co., Texas.

They had the following children:

+ 486 F i. Delight C. Cochran was born on 26 Jan 1899.

487 F ii. Hulah Cochran was born on 2 Sep 1902 in Tolar, Hood Co., Texas. She died on 5 Apr 1993. She was buried in Strouds Creek Cem., Tolar, Hood Co., Texas. Hulah married Isom Dennis O'Neal . Isom was born on 8 Jan 1900. He died on 1 Apr 1971. He was buried in Strouds Creek Cem., Tolar, Hood Co., Texas.

237. William Van "Van" Cochran (Levi Nathaniel, Levi Thomas, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 7 Mar 1884 in Sequin, (Guadalupe Co.), Texas. He died on 2 Nov 1951 in Tolar, Hood Co., Texas. He was buried in Tolar Cem., Hood Co., Texas.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 101 William married Edith Bates on 24 Dec 1908. Edith was born on 19 Dec 1889. She died on 17 Oct 1968. She was buried in Tolar Cem., Hood Co., Texas.

They had the following children:

488 F i. Edna Murl Cochran was born on 30 Jun 1915. Edna married Sawyer .

248. Nellie Geems Cochran (Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 10 Nov 1866 in Cottonwood, Texas. She died on 9 Mar 1953 in Calvert, Texas.

She was reared in Cottonwood, TX.

Nellie married George Nesbitt Borden on 23 Nov 1882 in Robertson Co., Texas. George was born on 12 Sep 1855 in Tennessee. He died on 22 Apr 1934 in Callahan Co., Texas.

George was employed as Minister in Calvert, Robertson Co., Texas. He was employed as Methodist Minister in Cottonwood, Texas. He was employed as Justice of the Peace in Owensville, Texas.

He lived in Ft. Worth, TX in 1920. His family lived near Grant's Prairie in Robertson County and later went to San Marcos College in San Marcos, TX before moving to Cottonwood, TX. The Bordens have their genealogy back to those in France and England and were of those that became famous for being the first to pasteurize milk.

George and daughter Stella went to college in San Marcos after they moved there in about 1900.

He was a Methodist Preacher; Justice of the Peace.

George and Nellie had the following children:

+ 489 F i. Stella Borden was born on 4 Nov 1883.

+ 490 M ii. Clifton Marvin Borden was born on 9 Apr 1886. He died on 18 Aug 1959.

249. Brant Cochran (Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 27 Oct 1879 in Calvert, Robertson Co., Texas. He died in Oct 1979 in Knox City, Texas.

At the age of 96 he was able to dress and care for himself and usually walked 4 blocks each day. He is a tall, handsome, likeable man, interested in politics and his country. He farmed around Cottonwood, TX for a while then bought a farm in Knox City, Texas.

Brant Cochran, fourth child of Abraham Marshall and Etta, was born October 27, 1879 in Calvert, TX. He married Sally Fanny Smith on New Years day, 1899. They stood in the back of a wagon with the minister while friends and family gathered around. Sally was born October 15, 1882 in Cottonwood, TX., and Brant met her when her family was picking cotton on his fathers farm. Sally came from a very poor family and never learned to read or write, but she taught herself needlework and became extremely good. Some of her embroidery work that still exists today is a marvel to look at. She died April 1962 in Knox City, TX. Brant died in 1979, just prior to his 100th birthday. _Brant farmed around Cottonwood, TX. until just prior to the first world war, then bought a farm outside Knox City, TX. He raised mostly cotton, and lived there with Sally until 1947, when they sold the farm and bought a home in town. _Children of Brant

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 102 Cochran and Sally Fanny Smith: _-Cecil-born December 3, 1899, Cottonwood, TX. Died 1996 Merkel, TX. Married Hazel Dickey, born July 9, 1907. Hazel died in July, 1972. Cecil died in 1996, buried in Merkel, TX.

Brant married Sally Fanny Smith on 1 Jan 1899. Sally was born on 15 Oct 1882 in Cottonwood, Texas. She died in Apr 1962 in Knox City, Texas.

She was a beautiful, tall, industrius lady.

Brant and Sally had the following children:

491 M i. Cecil Cochran was born on 3 Dec 1899 in Cottonwood, Texas. He died in 1996 in Merkel, Texas. He was buried in Merkel, Texas. Cecil married Hazel Dickey . Hazel was born on 9 Jul 1907. She died in Jul 1972.

492 M ii. Hobert Cochran was born on 2 Nov 1901 in Cottonwood, Texas. He died on 14 Jan 1905 in Cottonwood, Texas.

493 M iii. Austin Cochran was born on 16 Mar 1903 in Cottonwood, Texas. He died in 1923 in Knox City, Texas.

494 F iv. Burnice Cochran was born on 3 Oct 1906 in Cottonwood, Texas. She died on 18 Dec 1929 in Knox City, Texas.

495 F v. Blanche Cochran was born on 22 Feb 1909 in Cottonwood, Texas. She died in 2001 in San Angelo, Tom Green Co., Texas. Blanche married Sam Hodges .

+ 496 F vi. Mozelle Cochran was born on 13 Dec 1913. She died in 1999.

497 M vii. Brice Cochran was born on 20 Sep 1917 in Knox City, Texas. He died on 1 Aug 1919 in Knox City, Texas.

498 M viii. Carl Thomas Cochran was born on 20 Sep 1920 in Knox City, Texas. Carl married Kanova Lee Loper in 1940. Kanova died on 14 Jan 1998.

254. Robert Oliver Tucker , M.D. (Mary Ellen "Etta" Cochran, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 12 Dec 1863 in Williamson Co., Tennessee. He died on 13 Jan 1945 in Nashville, Davidson Co., Tennessee.

Robert married (1) Nora Alberta "Allie" Harlin on 6 Jan 1885.

They had the following children:

+ 499 F i. Mary Allie Tucker was born on 24 Aug 1887. She died in May 1979.

+ 500 M ii. Harlan Guilford Tucker was born on 14 Nov 1889. He died on 19 Oct 1992.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 103 Robert married (2) Ella Ada Harlin on 14 Nov 1894. Ella was born in May 1871.

They had the following children:

501 F iii. Dorthea Tucker was born on 21 Sep 1901. Dorthea married Sam F. Coleman . Sam was born about 1902 in Nashville, Davidson Co., Tennessee.

255. Ellen Bugg Tucker (Mary Ellen "Etta" Cochran, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 3 Jan 1866 in Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died on 23 Aug 1945 in Meredith, New Hampshire.

Ellen married William Thomas Woodring on 22 Dec 1886 in Tennessee. William was born on 7 Nov 1863 in Tennessee. He died on 10 Jan 1910 in Tennessee.

They had the following children:

502 F i. Maxie Nave Woodring was born on 25 Jan 1888 in Tennessee.

503 M ii. Thomas Volney Woodring was born on 17 May 1891 in Tennessee. He died on 2 Sep 1961 in Tennessee.

+ 504 F iii. Olive Karen Woodring was born on 23 Jul 1893.

505 F iv. Margaret Stockton Woodring was born on 5 Nov 1897 in Tennessee. She died on 30 Apr 1944 in Tennessee.

506 v. (child) Woodring .

257. Margaret Stockton "Maggie" Tucker (Mary Ellen "Etta" Cochran, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 25 Jan 1871 in Tennessee. This is probably the Maggie Yarborough who was Dean of Women at Columbia University in New York. __Samuel Low Tucker COMPLAINT RE: 60 ACRES:_"That the said Allen Tucker had four children, viz., Newton G. Tucker, who died, intestate, in Davidson County, Tennessee, in 1898, survived by five children, his only heirs-at-law, viz., defendants Dr. R.O. Tucker, Mrs. Ellen Woodring, Mrs. Maggie Yarbrough, Mark Tucker, and Dr. B. G. Tucker, who died recently without issue surviving him; another son, George W. Tucker, died in 1906 in West Tennessee, leaving surviving him as his only heirs-at-law defendants Dr. Murrey Tucker, and Carroll Tucker. The said Carroll Tucker lives in West Tennessee, according to complainant’s information, but his place of residence is unknown and cannot be ascertained upon diligent inquiry. The efforts made by complainant to locate him, as well as all other interested parties, whose names or addresses are alleged herein to be known and not ascertainable upon diligent inquiry, will be detailed hereinafter._Another child of Allen Tucker, viz., Mandy McCurdy, died, intestate, in 1918 in Marshall County, Tennessee, survived by six children, who are her only heirs-at-law, viz., Harlin McCurdy, Maggie Cathey, Rufe McCurdy, Susue May Jones, W.E. McCurdy and Leland McCurdy. "

Margaret married Charles Henry Yarborough on 8 Nov 1899. Charles was born on 5 Nov 1872.

They had the following children:

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 104 507 F i. Mary Alva Yarborough was born on 12 Aug 1900.

+ 508 F ii. Allie Tucker Yarborough was born on 26 Jan 1904. She died in Sep 1980.

+ 509 M iii. (son) Yarborough .

+ 510 F iv. (daughter) Yarborough .

258. Mark Guildford Tucker (Mary Ellen "Etta" Cochran, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 12 Dec 1872 in Tennessee. He died on 29 Jul 1938.

Mark married Lena Reese in 1893. Lena was born on 5 Feb 1875.

They had the following children:

511 F i. Estelle Tucker was born on 11 Feb 1894.

261. Silas Levi Cochran (Stephen Tally, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 6 Oct 1881 in Texas.

Silas married Nora Dean Miller in 1892 in Wise Co., Texas.

They had the following children:

+ 512 F i. Frankie Cochran .

262. Amy Bemis Cochran (James Lindsey, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 30 Jul 1879 in on a farm near Lewisburg, Tennessee. She died on 13 Mar 1963 in Pontotoc, Pontotoc Co., Mississippi.

Amy married Hollis Bedford Horner son of Amos Jasper Horner and Mary Pace on 10 Feb 1898 in Sardis, Tennessee. Hollis was born on 9 Dec 1859 in Cedar Creek, Perry Co.,. He died on 13 Mar 1932 in Jackson, Tennessee.

They had the following children:

513 M i. James O'Bryon Horner was born on 14 Jun 1899 in Sardis, Tennessee.

James married Dixie Jackson in 1933.

514 F ii. Mary Elizabeth Horner was born on 22 Mar 1901 in Dickson, Tennessee. Mary married William L. Magill on 3 Sep 1924. William died on 30 Apr 1965.

515 F iii. Maxie Louise Horner was born on 19 Dec 1902 in Centerville, Tennessee. Maxie married Corlisle Burns . Corlisle died on 6 Mar 1966 in Augusta, Georgia.

+ 516 M iv. Amos Jasper Horner was born on 23 Sep 1905. He died on 30 Jul 1973.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 105 + 517 F v. Lindsey B. Horner was born on 11 Oct 1907. She died on 31 Aug 1973.

282. Edgar Pearl Cochran (Henry Lee, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 25 May 1878 in Carroll Co., Tennessee. He died on 29 Jan 1961 in El Cajon, California.

He was a black haired, slim, good-looking man. He ranched in West TX for about 20 years, loved good books and music. He was a very religious man. He smoked a pipe. He had several light strokes in the last 2 years of his life, was in a rest home 1 week before his death. He married at the age of 21.

Edgar married Della Bartlett in Kirk, Texas. Della was born on 6 Jun 1877. She died in 1970 in El Cajon, California.

Della was a mjsic teacher from Cleburne, TX.

Edgar and Della had the following children:

+ 518 M i. Chester Cochran was born on 3 Sep 1898. He died on 28 Apr 1965.

519 M ii. Murl L. Cochran was born on 25 May 1905 in Eden, Concho Co., Texas.

He has red hair, blue eyes. Slim, earnest, hard worker.

Murl married Mary Patterson on 26 Feb 1928 in Sipe Springs, Texas.

283. Mary Ola Cochran (Henry Lee, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 22 Nov 1878 in Carroll Co., Tennessee. She died on 9 Aug 1937 in Taft, Texas. She was buried in San Marcos Cem., San Marcos, Texas.

Mary married John Henry Adams . John was born on 15 Jun 1861. He died on 12 Dec 1921.

he was a preacher and was dark complexioned.

John and Mary had the following children:

520 F i. Clair Mae Adams was born on 17 Jul 1900 in Travis, Texas.

She is a dark complexioned school teacher. She reared James Stone's boy and girl and Calvin Lee Jochetz. She is a very pretty and smart girl. Plays the piano.

Clair married James E. Stone . James was born on 15 Mar 1893 in Gonzales, Texas.

284. Bryce Monroe Cochran (Henry Lee, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 29 Jul 1882 in Robertson Co., Texas. He died on 8 Aug 1958. He was buried in Eden, Concho Co., Texas.

He had several strokes, but was very active up to 2 years before his death. He was a middle sized, dark complexioned man. He was named after an uncle, Bryce Monroe of Belden, Mississippi, and favored

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 106 him. He was very talented, could sing, play music, draw, was very friendly and a good sport. He could do any type of work and do it well. He was a rock mason, traded stock, ranched and helped the poor. He was not a politician, but he was the power behind the throne, whomever he endorsed got elected. He was sentimentalist. He taught his brother Pryor's boys to fish and hunt. He drew blueprints for homes and contracted to build them. When he sold his ranch in West Texas and moved to Eden, after his year stay in Seattle, Washington, he became an unpaid bond broker. No rancher sold his horses or bought without first consulting Bryce. He had a wonderful personality. The room seemed different the moment he walked into it. He always cleaned and repaired his own cars and houses. He was a very good dresser, neat and clean. He loved his children and relatives. When his nephew, Joe Lee Cochran had a heart attack and died, Bryce had his first light stroke as he stood by the casket. He didn't seem to know where he was. Then when his brother Pryor died with a heart attack, he had the second stroke. He grieved himself to death over them. He and Pearl Simmons were as unlike as possible. She was very religious.

Bryce married (1) Pearl E. Simmons daughter of Simmons and Mary Gordon on 24 Dec 1902 in Eden, Concho Co., Texas. Pearl was born on 1 Jan 1882 in Bonham, Texas. She died on 25 Feb 1974. She was buried in Abilene, Texas.

Her mom died when she was 4 years old. She was a tall, slim, pretty brunette with dark eyes. She never cared for dances or parties. She loved handwork, sewing, gardening, visiting the sick, helping the poor. In her last 10 years she always remembered the grandchildren, great grandchildren, and great great grandchildren of 3 with checks in their cards. She visited all of them often. Flew to California. When she was 75, she cared for Maud Caffey Cole's home (a neice) for several years. For 30 years, she lived with an old rich aunt as companion and friend in Abilene. She would ride the bus down town when she was 80 years old to visit all her working friends. She was born with a misplaced bone in her foot and no one knew about it until after her death. She also had arthritis for 50 years. These disabilities she did not let keep her from doing things she wished to do. She had patience, determination, and a very sweet personality. She was slow with her part of the housework in the home when she was young, causing her step mother not to like her, so she went to live with her older married sister, Lena Caffey. She did all athe milking of 4 cows, rode the fence line for stray animals, did most of the cooking for 7 people, tended to small children, and did hand work. She could play a harp and piano, and sing. Her mind was good up until the last week of her death from kidney failure. She died Feb. 25, 1974 and is buried in Abilene, TX in her son-in-law's burial plot, where 3 more plots are waiting.

Bryce and Pearl had the following children:

+ 521 F i. Iva Dell Cochran was born on 1 Dec 1904.

522 F ii. Marcelete Cochran was born on 19 Sep 1906 in San Angelo, Texas.

She is a tall blonde and is very smart and pretty. She plays the organ, attended Brownwood Christian College in 1924, and went to Abilene Business College.

Marcelete married (1) Gordon Allen . Gordon died in 1926.

A msuician. His father owned the Allen Music Co. of San Angelo, TX. Gordon was killed in a car wreck in 1926.

Marcelete married (2) Major J. O. Brown . Major J. O. Brown was born on 20 Jun 1889 in Arkadelphia, Arkansas. He died on 22 Jul 1956 in Abilene, Texas.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 107 Major J. O. Brown served in the military Major in the US Army.

A retired major from the army, who owned an interest in 3 car supply stores in Big Lake, Odessa and Abilene.

Bryce married (2) Jewel Parker in 1931.

She is a brunette. She is very friendly, smart and likeable. She was a grass widow with 7 children and they reared a grandson of hers.

Bryce and Jewel had the following children:

+ 523 F iii. Patsy Lee Cochran was born on 22 Jul 1933.

+ 524 M iv. Carl Monroe Cochran was born on 29 Sep 1935.

+ 525 M v. William "Bill" Gray Cochran was born on 22 Aug 1937.

285. Maxwell Merritt Cochran (Henry Lee, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 4 Nov 1884 in Calvert, Texas. He died on 7 Nov 1958.

Maxwell served in the military US Army in Washington.

He was medium sized man, had dark hair and blue eyes. He owned a tailor shop in Eden, TX. He was a great hunter, nice looking and rather quiet. He was in the Army in Washington about 1900.

Maxwell married Kate Henry in Eden, Texas.

They had the following children:

526 F i. Mary Nell Cochran was born on 6 Aug 1914 in Eden, Texas.

She was married twice, one was named Pashevich. Both husbands were in the military service. She was a school teacher, then bought a Ladies Ready to Wear store in Del Rio, TX.

Mary married (1) Pashevich .

Pashevich served in the military military service. Mary married (2) unknown .

unknown served in the military military service.

+ 527 F ii. Bobbie Lou Cochran was born on 15 Feb 1925.

+ 528 M iii. Patrick Sheldon Cochran was born on 20 Nov 1919.

286. Emma Cochran (Henry Lee, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 29 Nov 1886 in Kirk, Texas. She died on 26 Jun 1967 in Harlingen, Texas.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 108 She was a slender, good-looking woman with black hair and eyes and a sweet smile. She sang, played musical instruments, and was a very neat housekeeper.

Emma married (1) Eulleras Williams about 1903 in Eden, Texas. Eulleras died in 1960.

They had the following children:

529 F i. (daughter) Williams died young.

530 M ii. Leon Williams was born on 5 Jul 1909 in Eden, Texas. He died on 19 Jun 1940 in Harlingen, Texas. The cause of death was TB.

531 F iii. Wanetta Jones .She was related to her parents by adoption.

Emma married (2) Jones in 1963 in Harlingen, Texas.

287. Pennington Pryor Cochran (Henry Lee, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 8 Jul 1888 in near Waco, Kirk, Texas. He died on 2 Jan 1956 in Eden, Texas. The cause of death was heart attack. He was buried in Eden, Concho Co., Texas.

He was a tall, slender man with brown hair and pretty light brown eyes. He had high cheek bones like an Indian. He was very good-looking, was a tease, but like music, books and sports. He lived on the ranch in West Texas a year or 2 after his marriage, then moved back to Eden. He was a carpenter and later worked for the Highway Dept. He did not smoke nore drink. His wife was French, black haired with blue eyes, and of the Catholic faith. She wa quiet, a good homemaker. She has Parkinson disease.

Pennington married Mary Mahan on 9 Feb 1891. Mary died on 10 Nov 1970.

They had the following children:

532 M i. Joe Lee Cochran was born in 1916 in on a ranch El Dorado, Schleicher Co., Texas. He died on 21 Jun 1951.

Joe served in the military 81st Armd. Regt., WWII in 1942.

He was a tall, thin, handsome man. He worked at the drug store, and was born on a ranch in Schleicher Co. He was in the 81st Armd. Regt., WWII, 1942. He liked fishing, hunting, and music. He was friendly but quiet.

Joe married Alta Bell .

Alta was employed as school teacher.

533 M ii. Pryor Francis Cochran was born on 24 May 1918 in on a ranch near San Angelo, Texas.

He was tall, black haired man with large dreamy brown eyes, Roman nose, standing 6'2" and weighing 200 lbs. He likes music, fishing, gardening, sports, amateur photography, is in the publishing business. They live in a beautiful $20,000 home in White Rock Lake Add. near Dixon, Ill.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 109 Pryor married Josephine .

+ 534 F iii. Julia Pearl Cochran was born on 27 Aug 1920.

+ 535 M iv. James Lindsey Cochran was born on 28 Oct 1924.

288. Lieut. Earl Lindsey Cochran (Henry Lee, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 15 Apr 1895 in Kirk, Texas. He died on 10 Aug 1928 in Palo Alto, California. The cause of death was of a brain operation; shell schocked from WWI. He was buried in San Marcos Cem., San Marcos, Texas.

Earl served in the military WWI - Lieut. - 143rd Machine Gun Battalion.

He was a tall, slender blonde. He was ambitious, liked books, played music, loved singing, fishing, sports, and was an amateur photographer. He was a school superintendent, then a doctor. He was a Lieutenant in WWI, was shell shocked which resulted in his death years later.

------Earl Lindsey Cochran

Funeral services for Earl Lindsey Cochran, 33, were held Tuesday afternoon at the home of his brother, Lester Cochran, with Rev. Bruce Brannon, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, reading the service at the home and San Marcos Post, American Legion, No. 144 having charge of the service at the cemetery.

The American Legion quartet, composed of Jas. R. Buckner, L. N. Wright, C. L. Key and V. W. Blake,

sang at the home and at the cemetery.

Mr. Cochran died in the Government hospital at Palo Also, Cal., on Friday, August 10. He was born at Kirk, Texas, and attended the Teachers College in San Marcos. He was a veteran of World War and served in France for 23 months, remaining for service in the Army of Occupation. He belonged to the 143rd Machine Gun Battalion.

After returning from the army he engaged in the profession of teaching, having taught in the towns of Shiner, Yoakum, Lockhart and Somerset until three years ago when he lost his eyesight. He is survived by his widow, whose maiden name was Miss Willie Neely, formerly of Yoakum, and his 3 year-old son, Earl L. Cochran, Jr.; by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cochran of Uvalde; by two sisters, Mrs. J. H. Adams of Taft and Mrs. U. G. Williams of Harlingen, and by five brothers, E. T. Cochran of Enoc, Texas; B. M. Cochran, M. M. Cochran and P. T. Cochran of Eden, Texas, and Lester L. Cochran of San Marcos. All of the above members of his family were present except one sister, Mrs. Adams, who is ill at a hospital in Glen Rose, Texas.

Pallbearers were: Active, John Waldo, J. O. Scott, Max Scrutchin, E. J. Petty, T. C. Johnson, Jr., W. A. Wyatt, G. R. Cox, and D. F. Votaw; honorary, E. B. Jackson, A. C. Burkholder, C. G. Mead, ... A. Nelson, Gates Thomas, C. ... Evans, R. F. Agnew, W. I. Woodson, Joe Herman, C. H. Aiken, N... Oldham, Harlan Beidler, L. Traylor, M. H. Nesbitt, Mack P..cott, V. Nesbitt, Claude Jones, ...len Woods, L. J. Eastwood, J.. . McDuffy, H. K. Eastwood, J... Kornegay, C. M. Eastwood, John Wood, Beall Wood, W. A. Wyatt.

Earl married Willye Neely .

They had the following children:

+ 536 M i. Earl Lindsay Cochran , Jr. was born on 25 Oct 1925.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 110 290. Dr. Roy L. Cochran (Bryce Monroe, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 30 Mar 1890 in Belden, Pontotoc Co., Mississippi. He died on 16 Apr 1966.

He was the oldest of Bryce's kids. He attended grade school in Belden, and finished high school at Mississippi Heights Academy, then located in Blue Mountains, Mississippi. He did pre-med at the University of Oklahoma. He enlisted in the Medical Corps (Reserve) Oct. 13, 1917 and served until Dec. 21, 1918, receiving his M. D. from the Oklahoma School of Medicine in June, 1919. He organized a Health Center at McAllister, Okla., where he lived about 7 years. This was the first Health Center in Oklahoma. He later established his practice at Caddo, Okla., and served all the other small towns around there. He served as a General Practitioner for 46 years. On May 9, 1958, he was honored by several other communities and Caddo. They called it "Dr. Roy Cochran's Appreciation Day". Speeches were made, the sheriff formed a posse; flotas, a ride in a convertible through town; with many newspapermen covering the event. The 5,000 children he had delivered (now grown) came as a group. Many sets of twins were among the group. One of these families, the Leroy Vest family, had their picture taken as they had 2 sets of twins. Dr. Cochran was a member of the Atoka.. Bryab Coal County Medical Assn.; the Oklahoma Medical Association and the American Medical Association; an associate membre of the Kansas City Southwest Clinical Society for more than 30 years - attending the 43rd conference in Oct., 1965. His death in April 16, 1966 was due to a coronary occlusion. He greatly cared for his relatives and was one of the people who helped arrange for a Cochran reunion in Tupelo and Belden, Miss. in 1965.

Roy married Maud (Maudie) Holmes . Maud died on 23 Sep 1972.

They had the following children:

+ 537 M i. Dr. Bryce Holm Cochran was born on 18 Jan 1923.

+ 538 M ii. Maude Shannon Cochran was born on 4 May 1924.

+ 539 F iii. Mary Jean Cochran was born on 8 Aug 1925.

+ 540 F iv. Ruth Cochran was born on 22 Feb 1927.

+ 541 M v. Howard Hayne Cochran was born on 2 Sep 1931. He died on 14 Jul 2002.

542 M vi. Roy Len Cochran . Roy married Gayle .

291. Zanah Lovelle Cochran (Bryce Monroe, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 22 Oct 1891 in Belden, Pontotoc Co., Mississippi. She died in 1973.

She taught for a while and was later a sales lady.

Zanah married Sudduth . Sudduth died in 1926.

They had the following children:

543 M i. Hershel Cochran Sudduth was born on 6 Jun 1914 in Mississippi.

He is a tall, dark haired man, very handsome. He was reared in Bissell, 4 miles from Tupelo, Mississippi. He went to live with his uncle, Dr. Roy Cochran, at a very young age. Hershel attended Southwestern State College in Durant, Oklahoma in the

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 111 Science Department, spent 8 years at Oklahoma University Medical School, received his B.S. degree in O.V in 1938, his M.D. in 1942. He then entered the navy in 1942 at Corpus Christi and remained for 3 years, taking part in the invasion of Okinawa. He married Jewel Sims in 1943 before he went overseas. He was a captain in the Navy, stationed in Washington, D.C. Bethesda Medical (Senators) Center. He went to John Hopkins University in Baltimore, getting 6 degrees. He received his Ph. D. in 1959 and is now with the navy base in Utah.

Hershel married Jewel Sims in 1943.

+ 544 M ii. Charles Maxwell Sudduth was born on 11 Nov 1918.

+ 545 M iii. Paul Allen Sudduth was born in 1920.

292. Lawrence Lilly Cochran (Bryce Monroe, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 24 Jan 1894 in Belden, Pontotoc Co., Mississippi.

He is tall, slender, black haired man. He married Ovie Josephine Dupree of Belden, Mississippi. They moved to Amarillo, TX for her health. Lawrence worked for the railroad and has been to several Cochran reunions.

Lawrence married Ovie Josephine Dupree .

They had the following children:

+ 546 F i. Sybil Elizabeth Cochran was born on 20 Dec 1916.

+ 547 F ii. Olivia Lucelle Cochran was born on 1 Dec 1919.

+ 548 F iii. Anna Rebecca Cochran was born on 19 Dec 1920.

549 F iv. Dorothy Allene Cochran was born on 11 Feb 1925 in Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma. Dorothy married (1) David Barkell on 21 Jan 1950 in Englewood, California. Dorothy married (2) Kenneth E. Collins on 13 May 1966.

of Lockney, TX. They live in California.

293. Dixon Roden Cochran (Bryce Monroe, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 31 Dec 1896.

He is a small, dark haired man, a good worker - promptness was his word. He was host to the reunions after Murry's death. Pearl died many years ago.

Dixon married Pearl .

They had the following children:

550 F i. Doris Cochran was born on 12 Sep 1921.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 112 They have 2 children and live in Albany, Mississippi.

Doris married James West .

551 F ii. Janatia Cochran was born on 29 Aug 1923. Janatia married Dalton Miller .

294. Murry Lackey Cochran (Bryce Monroe, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 22 Nov 1898 in Belden, Pontotoc Co., Mississippi. He died in Aug 1973. The cause of death was of a heart attack while out in the field.

He died of a heart attack while out in the field. He had just returned from a trip to Jerusalem. He was a tall, blackhaired man, ambitious, and always smiling. He had 237 acres of the 1,000 acres owned by his great grandfather. He gave the second Cochran reunion held. He killed the fatted calf and gave parts to each daughter and son to be cooked any way they cared to, then the dinner was spread together under a huge live oak tree.

Murry married Fannie Lee Gore .

They had the following children:

+ 552 F i. Daisy Cochran was born on 28 May 1925.

+ 553 M ii. Milton Lindsey Cochran was born on 24 Sep 1926. He died in 1967.

+ 554 M iii. Silas Arthur Cochran was born on 18 Oct 1928.

+ 555 F iv. Sarah Ann Cochran was born on 2 Nov 1931.

+ 556 F v. Betty Jane Cochran was born on 14 Feb 1934.

+ 557 M vi. Joe Murry Cochran was born on 1 Jan 1937.

558 M vii. Clair Cochran was born on 7 Sep 1942. Clair married Sheffield .

+ 559 M viii. Calvin Cochran was born on 12 Apr 1945.

295. Mark McKenney Cochran (Bryce Monroe, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 23 May 1901. He died on 8 Nov 1965 in Tupelo, Mississippi. The cause of death was of a heart attack while shopping in Tupelo, Mississippi.

Mark served in the military US Army Texas War in 1917.

He was a tall brunette, jolly, serious, ambitious and religious. He and his brother Shelby joined the Army in the Texas War of 1917. His brother, Dr. Roy Cochran, offered to help both men through medical

college but they chose to go to Texas instead. They returned to Mississippi after about a year there and Mark ranched in Mooreville. They reared an orphan boy.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 113 Mark married Carrie Frost . Carrie was born on 19 Sep 1903 in Mecadonia Community, near Sherman, Mississippi.

She is a very beautiful woman - jolly, friendly, very warm hearted and kind, a very good cook and loves flowers.

Mark and Carrie had the following children:

+ 560 M i. Robert Frost Cochran was born on 2 Oct 1925.

561 F ii. Edith June Cochran was born on 5 Jun 1927 in Macedonia, Mississippi.

She is a beautiful, small brunette, ambitious, and a writer.

Edith married (1) Buse . Edith married (2) Walton Yarbrough in Rt. 3, Baldwyn, Mississippi.

They have a $45,000 brick home and a dairy.

562 M iii. Kenney McKenney Cochran was born on 6 Jul 1941 in Sherman, Mississippi.

He went to Mississippi College. He married Candy Skenner of Jackson, Mississippi. They were married for about 3 years and are now divorced. Kenney works in Tupelo and shares the home with his mother. He is a photographer and has helped with the Cochran material.

Kenney married Candy Skenner .

296. Shelby Smith Cochran (Bryce Monroe, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 30 Aug 1903 in Belden, Pontotoc Co., Mississippi. He died on 20 May 1971. The cause of death was heart attack.

Shelby served in the military US Army, Texas War in 1917.

He and his brother Mark joined the Army in the Texas War of 1917. His brother, Dr. Roy Cochran, offered to help both men through medical college but they chose to go to Texas instead. They returned to Mississippi after about a year there. He was very tall and blond. He ranched near his father's place. He was very kind, friendly, ambitious, and loved by all.

Shelby married Iva Maxey .

They had the following children:

+ 563 F i. Lois Nell Cochran was born in 1945.

297. Mary Amanda Cochran (Bryce Monroe, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 18 Oct 1905 in on the old homestead. She died on 22 May 1975.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 114 She was a small brunette, very ambitious, taught school for many years. She married James Longest, a handsome man in the insurance business. Mary Kept all the records of the Cochran family and has the old Confederate money her grandfather, S. M. Cochran got caught with after the Confederate War. She had a beautiful, comfortable home and was dependable, serious and religious.

Mary married James Longest son of Dr. J. T. Longest.

James and Mary had the following children:

+ 564 F i. Ida Ann Longest was born on 28 Jul 1943.

+ 565 M ii. Terry James Longest was born on 8 May 1945.

298. Charles Fleet "Fleet" Cochran (Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 5 Jan 1881 in Belden, Pontotoc Co., Mississippi.

He was 4 months old when his people came to the west. He farmed, then retired to Greenwood.

Charles married (1) Mary Jane Laster . Mary was born on 23 May 1884 in Ione, Arkansas. She died on 6 Oct 1910 in Barber, Arkansas. She was buried in French Prairie Cem., Ione, Arkansas.

They had the following children:

+ 566 F i. Locha Dell Cochran was born on 26 Jun 1903. She died on 30 Oct 1972.

+ 567 M ii. Nolan Monroe Cochran was born on 30 Jan 1910.

+ 568 F iii. Lola Mae Cochran was born on 30 Jan 1910.

Charles married (2) Minnie Peoples . Minnie was born on 2 Oct 1889.

She is a tall, kind and religious woman. She is now in a nursing home in Boontown, Arkansas. She can still sew, write, go to church, and visit her relatives.

Charles and Minnie had the following children:

+ 569 F iv. Mollie Louise Cochran was born on 8 Aug 1913.

+ 570 F v. Dottie Elizabeth Cochran was born on 3 Feb 1915.

+ 571 F vi. Ruth Eva Cochran was born on 10 Oct 1917.

+ 572 M vii. Charley Cochran was born on 27 Feb 1918.

+ 573 F viii. Era Mae Cochran was born on 15 Apr 1922.

+ 574 F ix. Velta Lea Cochran was born on 13 Dec 1923.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 115 + 575 F x. Abigail Cochran was born on 2 Apr 1927.

+ 576 M xi. Roy Lawrence Cochran was born on 9 May 1930.

+ 577 F xii. Lana Naomi "Pat" Cochran was born on 31 Oct 1932.

299. Byrd Cochran (Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 4 Dec 1882 in Barber, Logan Co., Arkansas. He died on 18 Sep 1932 in Barber, Logan Co., Arkansas.

Byrd married Mattie Daisy Peoples on 22 Dec 1903.

They had the following children:

+ 578 F i. Zelma Faye Cochran was born on 18 Dec 1904.

+ 579 F ii. Opal Zenvia Cochran was born on 20 Sep 1906.

+ 580 M iii. Orville Nolan Cochran was born on 21 Sep 1908.

+ 581 M iv. Carl Fleet Cochran was born on 15 Mar 1911.

+ 582 F v. Lizzie Laura Cochran was born on 23 Dec 1921.

+ 583 F vi. Dorothy B. Cochran was born on 11 Mar 1924.

+ 584 M vii. Dayle D. Cochran was born on 12 Mar 1926.

+ 585 M viii. Doyle B. Cochran was born on 12 Mar 1926.

300. Annie Duchess Cochran (Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 8 Feb 1887 in Barber, Logan Co., Arkansas. She died on 18 Jun 1971.

Annie and Fred lived in Gilmer, TX.

Annie married (1) Edward Lee Prince . Edward was born on 16 Jun 1883 in Logan Co., Arkansas. He died on 4 Mar 1954.

They had the following children:

+ 586 F i. Vera Hazel Prince was born on 15 Jan 1905.

587 F ii. Olive Prince was born on 13 Jul 1907.

Olive resided in Kansas. Olive married Calkins .

+ 588 F iii. Ruby May Prince was born on 8 Apr 1908.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 116 589 F iv. Audrey Prince was born on 8 Mar 1911 in Barber, Logan Co., Arkansas. Audrey married Mattock .

+ 590 M v. Muncie Pat Prince was born on 1 Jun 1912.

+ 591 F vi. Leatrice Pearl Prince was born on 20 Apr 1914.

+ 592 M vii. Curtis Ford Prince was born on 6 Apr 1922. He died on 2 Jun 1946.

+ 593 M viii. Gorman William Prince was born on 27 Jan 1923. He died in 1975.

Annie married (2) Fred Johnson .

301. Myrtle Modene Cochran (Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 16 Oct 1889 in Booneville, Arkansas.

Myrtle married Clyde Presson on 27 Oct 1907.

They had the following children:

+ 594 F i. Mildred Latrell Presson was born on 5 Jan 1909.

+ 595 F ii. Gladys Marie Presson was born on 1 Apr 1911.

+ 596 F iii. Oleta Wave Presson was born on 27 Mar 1916.

+ 597 F iv. Wanda Dell Presson was born on 24 Feb 1922.

+ 598 F v. Jewel Avis Presson was born on 23 Oct 1924.

+ 599 M vi. Norman Dale Presson was born on 20 Sep 1925.

+ 600 M vii. Kenneth Roland Presson was born on 15 Mar 1927.

+ 601 M viii. Calvin Eugene Presson was born on 21 Dec 1930.

+ 602 M ix. Granville Reed Presson was born on 4 Nov 1932.

302. Dewey Florence Cochran (Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 16 Jan 1897 in Barber, Logan Co., Arkansas.

Dewey resided in Barber, Logan Co., Arkansas.

She is a very pretty lady, has beautiful furniture, and artistic talent. She is a good cook and very friendly.

Dewey married Clyde Turner on 11 Jun 1922. Clyde died on 25 Oct 1969.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 117 They had the following children:

+ 603 F i. Delphene Turner was born on 22 Mar 1923.

+ 604 M ii. Glen Hendrick Turner was born on 20 Aug 1928.

+ 605 F iii. Bobbie Kathleen Turner was born on 25 Jan 1933.

311. Rev. John Jefferson Cochran (Robert Silas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 1 Nov 1858 in Lone Oak, Marian Co., Arkansas.

After Margaret died, he married her sister.

John married Martha Roman .

Her name is either Martha Roman or Margaret Whitehead.

John and Martha had the following children:

606 M i. Terry Lynn Cochran .

607 M ii. Charles "Charlie" Jefferson Cochran was born on 19 Sep 1876.

608 M iii. Leonard Cochran was born in 1878.

+ 609 M iv. Thomas Cochran was born in 1879.

610 M v. Lee Cochran .

611 F vi. Ashley Cochran died very young.

+ 612 M vii. Robert Oliver Cochran was born in 1887.

+ 613 M viii. Myrtle Cochran was born in 1892.

614 F ix. Mary Frances Cochran was born in 1893. Mary married Bennie Empson .

He was a full blooded Choctaw Indian reared by Moyers family. His parents were killed by other Indians. no kids.

615 x. (unnamed) Cochran .

616 xi. Cecero or Sisoro Cochran was born in 1894.

He married at age 30. Lived in Antler, Okla. no kids.

+ 617 M xii. Luther Cochran was born in 1895.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 118 + 618 M xiii. John Millard Cochran was born on 6 Jun 1896. He died in 1922.

322. John Elgin Cochran (Levi Thomas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 14 Apr 1876 in Marion Co., Alabama.

He was a thrifty Scotsman. He liked to catch snakes, keeping their rattlers by the dozens. He liked herbs and was an "herb doctor". He was well known in Marion Co. He liked to take trips about the county. Instead of riding a horse, he liked to walk. In the early hours he would walk to Hacklesburg, Ala., which was 8 miles, spend the day visiting with Reubin and Silas Frank Cochran, his nephews, often spending the night with them. They would discuss their genealogy and tell old tales about their grandfather and his father who came to Alabama and laid it out and named the town Hacklesburg, after Mecklenburg Co., NC. Silas Frank Cochran had worked on the Cochran line and keep up with his cousins and second and third cousins. Although the homes had electricity, he refused to have his place wired. When others had electricity in their homes, he wouldn't have it. He was a friendly woodsman and a true Scotsman.

John married Julia Sylvana Nichols on 19 Aug 1896.

They had the following children:

619 F i. Oma Cochran was born on 21 Apr 1894 in Marion Co., Alabama.

620 M ii. Thomas Cochran was born in Aug 1898 in Haleyville, Alabama.

+ 621 M iii. Greel Cochran was born on 20 Feb 1904. He died on 12 Oct 1961.

+ 622 M iv. Larry Leland Cochran was born on 8 Mar 1906.

623 M v. Melvin Theodore Cochran was born on 25 Mar 1909. He died in 1940.

blind from birth, played on Garnd Ole Opry (fiddle).

624 F vi. Ganell Cochran was born on 1 Jun 1915. Ganell married Zattis Glenn Tald .

625 F vii. Dena Glenn Cochran was born on 10 Oct 1919 in Haleyville, Alabama. Dena married Hubbert Blackwell .

323. Robert Silas Cochran (Levi Thomas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 23 Oct 1878 in Hacklesburg, Marion Co., Alabama. He died on 14 Dec 1940.

Robert married Lovella Scott . Lovella was born on 16 Aug 1878. She died on 6 Dec 1963.

They had the following children:

626 M i. Freeman Lonzo Cochran was born in 1900. He died in 1974. Freeman married Judy Mae Kennedy . Judy was born on 29 Apr 1903.

627 M ii. Lura Lando Cochran was born in 1902. Lura married Lola Bell Crues .

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 119 628 F iii. Viola Cochran was born in 1905. Viola married (1) Brad . Viola married (2) Tom Cagle .

629 F iv. Ledia Cochran was born in 1907. Ledia married Shelby Nix .

630 F v. Leva Cochran was born in 1911. Leva married Flex Cantrell .

+ 631 M vi. George Cochran was born in 1913.

632 F vii. Louida Cochran was born in 1915. Louida married Lew Teesner .

633 M viii. William Brady Cochran was born in 1917. William married Close Grissom .

325. Cordelia Cochran (Levi Thomas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 20 Aug 1887. She died in 1971 in Georgia.

Cordelia married John Fredrick in Alabama. John was born in 1841.

They had the following children:

634 M i. Simon Fredrick was born in Sep 1904. He died in 1977.

635 M ii. Ira Fredrick was born on 19 Mar 1906.

636 F iii. Lonnie Bell Fredrick was born on 19 May 1908.

637 M iv. Troy Fredrick was born on 3 Sep 1911.

638 v. Vell Fredrick was born on 4 Sep 1913.

639 F vi. Vade Fredrick was born on 1 Jun 1915.

640 M vii. Briggs Fredrick was born on 20 Apr 1917. He died in 0004.

641 viii. Ovis Fredrick was born in 1920. Ovis died in 1960.

642 F ix. Clovis Fredrick died on 13 Apr 1974.

326. Manerva Ann Cochran (John Carroll, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born in Oct 1866. She died in 1901.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 120 Manerva married General Rosen Chantz (R.C.) Holley . Rosen was born in 1862. He died in 1950.

They had the following children:

643 M i. Marshall Holley . Marshall married Lenore Jones .

644 F ii. Lucy Elizabeth Holley . Lucy married Thomas Pitchford .

645 F iii. Geneva Holley . Geneva married John Sheilds .

327. Mary Jane Cochran (John Carroll, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 18 Sep 1867. She died on 30 Aug 1940.

Mary married (1) Albert Moreland .

Mary married (2) J. Marion Holley .

They had the following children:

646 F i. Lessie Ree Holley . Lessie married Prentice Goodwin .

647 M ii. Price Holley . Price married Alice Brown .

328. Lucy Isbell "Lou" Cochran (John Carroll, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 18 Jan 1871. She died on 20 Feb 1936.

Lucy married Erastus B. Pardue .

They had the following children:

648 F i. Mary Pardue . Mary married Bud Chaffin .

649 M ii. Milton Pardue . Milton married Alma Hill .

650 F iii. Edna Pardue . Edna married Lee Eaton .

651 F iv. Ethel Pardue . Ethel married Arnold Smith .

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 121 652 F v. Jewell Pardue . Jewell married Vick Riddle .

653 M vi. Shelton Pardue .

329. James Andrew "Jim" Cochran (John Carroll, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 17 Jun 1874. He died on 15 Jul 1946.

James married Mittie Holley . Mittie was born on 19 Sep. She died on 27 Oct 1951.

They had the following children:

654 F i. Grace Cochran . Grace married Marshall .

655 M ii. Alf Cochran .

moved to Texas.

656 F iii. Annie Fay Cochran . Annie married Leburn Howell .

657 F iv. Ruth Cochran . Ruth married Robert Haines .

658 M v. Earl Cochran . Earl married Clara Nunley .

659 M vi. Harold Cochran . Harold married Fay Davis .

660 F vii. Lucille Cochran . Lucille married Bonner Arnold .

330. Mandy or Manda Cal Dona Cochran (John Carroll, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ).

Mandy married John Baker Paden .

They had the following children:

661 F i. Eula Paden . Eula married Cecil Langford .

662 M ii. Freed Paden . Freed married (1) Heltie .

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 122 Freed married (2) Wilmes .

663 M iii. Telford Paden . Telford married Hilma Lindsey .

664 F iv. Ona Belle Paden . Ona married (1) Henry . Ona married (2) Rip Goss .

665 F v. Sara Paden . Sara married Julian Baggett .

331. William Irving Cochran (John Carroll, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 27 Oct 1880. He died in 1960.

William married Essie Honeycutt . Essie was born in 1887. She died in 1973.

They had the following children:

666 F i. Peachie Cochran . Peachie married Harold Goodwin .

332. Rausie Lee Cochran (John Carroll, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 25 May 1883. She died on 10 Apr 1975.

Rausie married Oliver Ellsworth Owens on 23 Aug 1906 in Piney Grove, Prentiss Co., Mississippi. Oliver was born on 31 Mar 1877. He died on 7 Jun 1961.

They had the following children:

+ 667 F i. Eufra Owens was born on 13 Jun 1907.

+ 668 M ii. Thomas Dolan Owens was born on 23 Oct 1909.

669 iii. Cleo Owens was born on 29 Mar 1913.

333. Levi Taylor Cochran (John Carroll, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 22 Nov 1885. He died on 24 Sep 1967.

Levi married Mary Melisa Cordelia Elizabeth Scott . Mary was born on 20 Aug 1889. She died on 4 Jun 1971.

They had the following children:

670 F i. Verlon Cochran . Verlon married Charlie Adams .

671 F ii. Opal Cochran was born on 7 Jun 1910. She died on 9 Feb 1929.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 123 672 F iii. Betra Cochran .

Betra married Clayton Sanford .

673 F iv. Rose Cochran was born on 29 Nov 1918. She died on 1 Sep 1941.

674 F v. Vera Cochran . Vera married Pete Downs .

675 M vi. Roy Cochran . Roy married Wilmer .

336. George Riley Cochran (Ervin Smith, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 23 Sep 1888. He died on 15 Jun 1957. He was buried in Cedar Tree Cem., Hacklesburg, Marion Co., Alabama.

George married Viva Williams . Viva was born on 10 May 1890.

They had the following children:

+ 676 F i. Nellie Cochran was born on 30 Mar 1912.

+ 677 F ii. Nettie Cochran was born on 12 Feb 1919.

341. Susie Cochran (Ervin Smith, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 1 Mar 1909.

Susie married B. McCarey . B. McCarey died in 1981.

They had the following children:

+ 678 F i. Ruby Nell McCarey .

Ninth Generation

352. Ruby Lee Cochran 109 (Patrick (Pat) "Henry", Lycurgus C. "LC" "Curd" or "Kirg", John, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 14 Jul 1917 in Uvalde, Uvalde Co., Texas. She died on 28 Jan 1996 in Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma. She was buried in Fairlawn Cem., Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma.

Ruby married (1) J. W. Thacker .

They had the following children:

+ 679 F i. Billie Louise Thacker was born on 21 Feb 1938. She died on 11 Jan 1995.

+ 680 F ii. Shirley Marie Thacker was born on 21 Feb 1946. She died on 25 Feb 2003.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 124 681 M iii. Carl David Thacker .

Ruby married (2) R. C. Chambers 110,111 son of Ruben Chambers and Violet on 10 Oct 1967 in Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma. R. C. Chambers was born on 10 Jun 1919 in Booneville, Arkansas. He died on 8 May 1989 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. He was buried in Laverty Cemetery, Grady Co., Oklahoma.

355. Anna Mae M. "Sis" Cochran 112,113 (Patrick (Pat) "Henry", Lycurgus C. "LC" "Curd" or "Kirg", John, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 28 Mar 1923 in Waurika, Jefferson Co., Oklahoma. She died on 15 Mar 2005 in Oklahoma. She was buried on 19 Mar 2005 in Rose Hill Cem., Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma.

ANNA MAE HART__Funeral services for Anna Mae Hart, 81, of Lindsay, will be held, Saturday, March 19, 2005, at 2:00 P.M., in the Ferguson Funeral Home Chapel, with Barry Clagg officiating.__Anna Mae Hart was born March 28, 1923, in Waurika, Oklahoma, the daughter of Henry Cochran and Mary Scoggins Cochran. She died Tuesday, March 15, 2005, at Manor Health Care, in Oklahoma City.__She grew up in Grady County, graduating from Ninnekah High School in 1942. After graduation, she took NYA training at the Grady County Fairgrounds. When she completed her training, she moved to Dallas, Texas, where she worked for an air craft factory during World War II.__Ann married Raymond Hart on March 25, 1944, in Chickasha, Oklahoma. They would have celebrated their 61st wedding anniversary this month.__After RaymondÕs discharge from the Navy, they settled on their farm near Criner, Oklahoma where they reside to this day.__Ann enjoyed collecting antiques, particularly dishes and glassware. She also took delight in bird watching. She enjoyed spending time with her family, especially her grandchildren and great grandchildren and looked forward to their visits._Chickasha (Oklahoma) Express-Star, March 17, 2005 _She was a member of the Criner Baptist Church.__She was preceded in death by, both parents; four brothers: Bill, Jack, Henry Jr., and Pete Cochran; and two sisters: Ruby Chambers and Eva Jo Cochran. __Survivors include her husband, Raymond, of the home; two sons and daughter-in-law: Edmond Hart, of Lindsay, Oklahoma, and Ray and Sherry Hart, of Washington, Oklahoma; two daughters and sons-in-law: Caroleene and Keith Tooley, of Ninnekah, Oklahoma, and Patricia and Eldon Fleming, of Stillwater, Oklahoma; daughter-in-law, Linda Hart, of Chickasha; two sisters and brother-in-law: Catherine Dulaney, of Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Juanita and James Cook, of Chickasha; two sisters-in-law: Shirley Cochran, of Hays Kansas, and Flo Cook, of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; seven grandchildren; six great grandchildren; and numerous nieces, nephews, and friends.__Interment will be in the Rose Hill Cemetery under the direction of Ferguson Funeral Home.

Anna married Raymond Hart on 25 Mar 1944 in Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma. Raymond was born on 26 Sep 1920 in Ninnekah, Oklahoma.

Raymond was employed as farmer in Lindsey, Oklahoma.

They had the following children:

+ 682 M i. Edmond Arnold Hart was born on 2 Feb 1947/1948.

+ 683 F ii. Patricia Ann Hart was born on 11 Mar 1950.

+ 684 F iii. Caroleene Maria Hart was born on 11 Aug 1953.

+ 685 M iv. Ray Franklin Hart was born on 25 Jun 1958.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 125 356. Georgia Katherine "Doodle" Cochran (Patrick (Pat) "Henry", Lycurgus C. "LC" "Curd" or "Kirg", John, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 22 Feb 1925 in Waurika, Jefferson Co., Oklahoma.

Georgia married Jack Dulaney . Jack was born on 2 Jan 1924 in Oklahoma. He died on 6 Dec 1999.

They had the following children:

+ 686 M i. Jack "Lucky" Dulaney , Jr. was born on 7 Sep 1943.

+ 687 F ii. Sondra Eleene Dulaney was born on 5 Jan 1946.

688 F iii. Janice Kay "Jan" Dulaney was born on 30 Sep 1947 in Ada, Oklahoma. She died on 27 Oct 2001 in Indianapolis, Indiana. She was buried in

Washington Park North Cemetery, Indianapolis, Indiana.

Jan worked for United Nations. She had also written speeches for Rockefeller when he ran for President.


October 29, 2001

54, Indianapolis, died Oct. 27. She was deputy bail commissioner several years for the Marion County Sheriff's Department. Previously, she worked several years in the Naval Office at the Pentagon, Arlington, Va. Services: 11 a.m. Oct. 30 in Washington Park North Mortuary, with calling from 4 to 8 p.m. Oct. 29. Burial: Washington Park North Cemetery. Survivors: husband Gene Hammil; mother Catherine Dulaney; sister Sandy Schuster; brother Jack Dulaney.

Janice married (1) Jerry Bear Shield . The marriage ended in divorce.

He was full blooded Indian

Janice married (2) Gene Hammil .

359. Pat "Henry" "Junior" Cochran , Jr. 114,115 (Patrick (Pat) "Henry", Lycurgus C. "LC" "Curd" or "Kirg", John, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 2 Dec 1931 in Verden, Grady Co., Oklahoma. He died on 20 Mar 1975 in Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma. He was buried in Rose Hill Cemetery, Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma.

Pat served in the military PFC US Army Korea.

The Chickasha Daily Express Friday, March 21, 1975 p. 10 HENRY COCHRAN, JR. Funeral service for Henry Cochran, Jr., 43, 1302 Miss. will be at 4 p.m. Saturday in the Chapel of Sevier Funeral Home, with Rev. Herbert Prater, pastor of the Southern Baptist Church, Criner, officiating. Cochran was born Dec. 2, 1931 in Grady County. He died in a pickup-car accident near Wayne

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 126 Thursday morning. Cochran had lived in this area practically all of his life and was a veteran of the Korean War, serving in the U. S. Army. He had worked the last three years for Hart-Agri Sales at Wayne. He is survived by one daughter, Miss Pamela Cochran of Moore; his mother, Mrs. Maggie Cochran of Chickasha; three brothers, Jack Cochran of Lindsay, William Cochran of Lindsay, and Pete Cochran, of Hays, Kansas.; five sisters, Mrs. Ruby Chambers of Chickasha, Mrs. Ann Hart of Lindsay, Mrs. Cathryn Delaney of Hobbs, N. M., Miss Eva Jo Cochran of Chickasha and Mrs. Juanita Cook of Chickasha. Interment will be in Rose Hill Cemetery under the direction of Sevier Funeral Home.

The Chickasha Daily Express, Monday, March 24, 1975 page 2 HENRY COCHRAN, JR. Funeral service for Henry Cochran, Jr., 43, of 1302 Miss., was held at 4 p.m. Saturday in the chapel of the Sevier Funeral Home, with Rev. Herbert Prater, pastor of Southern Baptist Church of Criner, Okla., officiating. Music was provided by Mrs. Freida Young, organist, and Richard Hallmark, soloist. The American glag was presented by PFC Gerome Dowsing, of the Ft. Sill Army Guard. Pallbearers were Sp E-4 Timothy Simms, Sp-4 Milton Walker, and Sp-4 Marion Smith.

Honorary Pallbearers were Bo Cail, Joe Morris, Tommy Gibson, Henry Troup, Jr., Jerry Cox and Raymond Holmes. Interment was in the Rose Hill Cemetery, under the direction of the Sevier Funeral Home.

Pat married Flo Cook .

They had the following children:

689 F i. Pamela Michelle Cochran was born in Jun 1960 in Oklahoma. Pamela married Danny .

360. Maggie Juanita "Juanita" Cochran (Patrick (Pat) "Henry", Lycurgus C. "LC" "Curd" or "Kirg", John, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 16 Feb 1934 in Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma.

Maggie married James Rayburn "Chief" Cook son of Lee Cook and Clemis? on 8 Dec 1955 in Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma. James was born on 2 Mar 1932 in Amber, Grady Co., Oklahoma.

They had the following children:

690 M i. Gary Blake Cook was born on 9 Oct 1956 in Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma. He died on 11 Oct 1956 in Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma. He was buried in Rose Hill Cem., Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma.

+ 691 M ii. Darren Ray Cook was born on 23 Jun 1958.

+ 692 F iii. Susan Kay Cook was born on 16 Aug 1959.

693 M iv. Bret Alan Cook was born on 8 Nov 1960. Bret married Denise Williams on 21 Dec 1990. The marriage ended in divorce.

+ 694 M v. Timothy Joe Cook was born on 2 Nov 1963.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 127 361. Pete Donald "Sonny" Cochran 116,117,118,119,120,121,122,123 (Patrick (Pat) "Henry", Lycurgus C. "LC" "Curd" or "Kirg", John, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born124,125 on 22 Oct 1935 in Tabler, Grady Co., Oklahoma. He died126 on 29 Dec 1998 in Hays, Ellis Co., Kansas. He was buried127,128 on 2 Jan 1999 in Fairlawn Cem., Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma.

Pete was employed as owner, accountant, framer Owner in Franklin Crafts & Framing. He graduated Accounting in Wichita State University, Wichita, Sedgwick Co., Kansas. He was employed as Comproller 1968 - 1985 in Travenol. He served in the military SP 4 US Army.

Worked as Comptroller at Travenol, Hays, Kansas from 1968 to when the Hays, KS Plant closed in 1986. OPENED FRANKLINS IN 1986.

Pete worked as Comptroller at Travenol in Hays, Kansas from 1968 to when the plant in Hays closed it's doors in 1986. They bought Franklin Crafts and Framing in 1986 in Hays, Kansas. In early 1990's they enlarged their store to include fabrics and in about 1996 they enlarged their store to take up 3 store spaces along 27th Street in Hays, Kansas

Worked for Katy & Rock Island Railroad in Oklahoma

When he was little, all the kids would take a break and go skinny dippin' in the pond on their farm. grandma (Maggie) saw this and came out spanking every one of them. the girls had to go back in and help with house work and the boys had to go back into the fields and work.

one time dad (Pete) was little, his dad was sittin' on the chair in the house reading a newspaper. dad wanted some attention so he kept bugging his dad and hittin' the newspaper. his dad told him to go out and round up the cow that was in the yard. dad then went out there and ended up chasing the cow around the yard.

one time dad and his brothers and a couple of their friends were riding around in the country in the car. the car broke down, needed more water in the radiator. with no water around all the guys drank what was in the car and ended up peeing in the radiator just so they could get the car back home.

Pete married132 Shirley Ann Davis 129,130,131 daughter of Beuren Frank Davis and Lela Eunice Carpenter on 15 Apr 1961 in Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma. Shirley was born on 7 Oct 1941 in Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma.

They had the following children:

+ 695 F i. Kimberly Dawn Cochran was born on 1 Feb 1968.

+ 696 M ii. Michael Craig Cochran was born on 9 Oct 1969.

+ 697 M iii. Christopher Wade Cochran was born on 12 Nov 1973.

698 M iv. Barry William Cochran was born on 14 Feb 1981 in Hays, Kansas.

Named after Barry Switzer, OU Football Coach and later Dallas Cowboys Coach. Also named after Dick Cochran.

Barry was named after Barry Switzer, the then head football coach of OU, and now of the Dallas Cowboys. His middle name was named after uncle Dick Cochran (Kenneth William) and great grandpa William Samuel Carpenter.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 128 362. John Stewart (Laurie Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born in Arkansas.

He had the following children:

699 F i. Mamie Stewart was born in Arkansas. Mamie married Rasmussen .

372. Oscar Otis Isaacs (Frances "Fannie" F. Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 5 Aug 1903 in Friley, Johnson Co., Arkansas. He died on 28 Aug 1964 in Madill, Marshall Co., Oklahoma. He was buried in Woodberry-Forest Cem., Madill, Marshall Co., Oklahoma.

Oscar married Lucy Blackwell in Oklahoma.

They had the following children:

700 F i. Geraldine Isaacs was born in 1929 in Oklahoma.

701 F ii. Hazel Isaacs was born in 1930 in Oklahoma.

377. Earl Gilbert (Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 7 May 1904 in Clarksville, Johnson Co., Arkansas. He died on 7 Jul 1995 in Wagoner, Wagoner Co., Oklahoma. He was buried on 10 Jul 1995 in Wagoner, Wagoner Co., Oklahoma.

Earl married Altha Pearl Shipp on 18 Mar 1927 in Dutton, Madison Co., Arkansas. Altha

was born on 15 Jul 1910 in Dutton, Madison Co., Arkansas. She died on 5 Jan 1980 in Wagoner, Wagoner Co., Oklahoma. She was buried on 8 Jan 1980 in Wagoner, Wagoner Co., Oklahoma.

They had the following children:

+ 702 M i. James Lawrence Gilbert was born on 12 Sep 1929. He died on 19 Jun 1992.

+ 703 F ii. Myrl Fayrene Gilbert was born on 15 Feb 1931.

+ 704 F iii. Hazel Maxine Gilbert was born on 29 Mar 1936.

+ 705 M iv. Harold Wayne Gilbert was born on 19 Sep 1938.

378. Ernest Gilbert (Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 22 Jan 1906 in Clarksville, Johnson Co., Arkansas. He died on 12 Sep 1993 in Van Buren, Crawford Co., Arkansas. He was buried on 15 Sep 1993 in Ozark, Franklin Co., Arkansas.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 129 Ernest married Pearl Mae Mitchell daughter of Richard Sylvester Mitchell and Deliza Vickers on 12 Dec 1926 in Washington Co., Arkansas. Pearl was born on 13 May 1909 in Johnson Co., Arkansas.

They had the following children:

706 F i. Melba Gilbert was born on 26 Apr 1927. Melba married Riddle Williams .

707 F ii. Hazel Katherine Gilbert was born on 1 Nov 1929.

+ 708 M iii. Joel Dean Gilbert was born on 18 May 1932.

709 F iv. Wanda Faye Gilbert 133 was born on 3 Jul 1935 in Arkansas. She died on 6 Oct 1937 in Franklin Co., Arkansas. She was buried on 6 Oct 1937 in Hickory Grove Cem., Franklin Co., Arkansas.

+ 710 M v. Howard D. Gilbert was born on 1 Nov 1938.

+ 711 M vi. William Ernest Gilbert was born on 29 Mar 1944.

379. Erma Gilbert (Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 12 Apr 1908 in Clarksville, Johnson Co., Arkansas. She died on 22 Jan 1988 in Quincy, Plumas Co., California. She was buried on 26 Jan 1988 in Quincy Cemetery, Quincy, Plumas Co., California.

Erma married Emery Branson on 5 Sep 1936.

They had the following children:

712 M i. Jerry A. Branson was born on 29 May 1939 in Visalia, California.

713 M ii. Harold Branson . Harold married Sharlene . The marriage ended in divorce.

+ 714 M iii. Wayne Branson .

+ 715 F iv. Phyllis Pauline Branson was born on 17 Jul 1943.

+ 716 F v. Betty Branson .

381. Fred Gilbert (Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 21 Nov 1912 in Clarksville, Johnson Co., Arkansas. He died on 4 Apr 1987 in Visalia, Tulare Co., California. He was buried on 8 Apr 1987 in Visalia, Tulare Co., California.

Fred married Erin Edwards on 2 Dec 1933 in Chouteau, Mayes Co., Oklahoma. Erin was born on 28 Aug 1916 in Tahlequah, Cherokee Co., Oklahoma. She died on 30 Jun 1990 in Visalia, Tulare Co., California. She was buried on 3 Jul 1990 in Visalia, Tulare Co., California.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 130 They had the following children:

717 M i. baby boy Gilbert was born on 14 Oct 1940 in Visalia, Tulare Co., California. He died on 14 Oct 1940 in Visalia, Tulare Co., California. He was buried in Visalia, Tulare Co., California.

+ 718 F ii. Patricia Wandella Gilbert was born on 14 Feb 1935.

+ 719 M iii. James Ronald Gilbert was born on 18 Jun 1937.

+ 720 F iv. Frances Roberta Gilbert was born on 22 Sep 1938.

382. Hazel Eloise Gilbert (Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 10 Oct 1915 in Clarksville, Johnson Co., Arkansas. She died on 1 Jan 1986 in Pryor, Mayes Co., Oklahoma. She was buried on 4 Jan 1986 in Chouteau Cem., Chouteau, Mayes Co., Oklahoma.

Hazel married Rufus Jackson on 14 Oct 1933 in Chouteau, Mayes Co., Oklahoma. Rufus was born on 3 Jul 1914 in Missouri. He died on 17 Jan 1950 in Chouteau, Mayes Co., Oklahoma. He was buried on 19 Jan 1950 in Chouteau Cem., Chouteau, Mayes Co., Oklahoma.

They had the following children:

721 M i. Billy Jackson was born on 1 Dec 1934 in Chouteau, Mayes Co., Oklahoma. He died on 1 Dec 1934 in Chouteau, Mayes Co., Oklahoma. He was buried on 1 Dec 1934 in Chouteau Cem., Chouteau, Mayes Co., Oklahoma.

+ 722 F ii. Hazel Marthelle Jackson was born on 31 Oct 1935.

+ 723 M iii. Floyd David Jackson was born on 3 Aug 1946.

383. Mabel Fayrene Gilbert (Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 15 Jun 1918 in Clarksville, Johnson Co., Arkansas.

Mabel married Samuel Ozell Howell on 22 May 1947 in Tulare Co., California. Samuel was born on 15 Mar 1911 in Cleburne, Johnson Co., Texas.

They had the following children:

+ 724 M i. Larry Ozell Howell was born on 30 Dec 1949.

+ 725 M ii. Gary Lynn Howell was born on 18 Sep 1951.

+ 726 F iii. Etta Jean Howell was born on 30 Mar 1953.

+ 727 M iv. Randy Mark Howell was born on 22 Oct 1957.

384. Verlie Gilbert (Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 6 May 1920 in Clarksville, Johnson Co., Arkansas.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 131 Verlie married Theodore Raper on 17 Jul 1937 in Chouteau, Mayes Co., Oklahoma. Theodore was born on 23 Nov 1910 in Oklahoma. He died on 19 Apr 1985 in Chouteau, Mayes Co., Oklahoma. He was buried in Chouteau Cemetery, Chouteau, Mayes Co., Oklahoma.

They had the following children:

+ 728 M i. Billy Raper .

+ 729 F ii. Sharon Raper .

385. Anna Mae Gilbert (Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 31 May 1922 in Clarksville, Johnson Co., Arkansas. She died on 20 May 1995 in Sand Springs, Tulsa Co., Oklahoma. She was buried on 23 May 1995 in Chouteau Cemetery, Chouteau, Mayes Co., Oklahoma.

Anna married Fred Fleming on 10 Jan 1944 in Chouteau, Mayes Co., Oklahoma. Fred was born on 15 Aug 1919 in Murphy, Mayes Co., Oklahoma. He died on 11 Feb 1953 in Pryor, Mayes Co., Oklahoma. He was buried on 14 Feb 1953 in Chouteau Cem., Chouteau, Mayes Co., Oklahoma.

They had the following children:

+ 730 M i. Jack Dewane Fleming was born on 7 Sep 1948.

+ 731 F ii. Karen Sue Fleming was born on 5 Aug 1953.

387. Albert Jay Gilbert (Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 22 Jan 1926 in Murphy, Mayes Co., Oklahoma.

Albert married Betty Frank Simpson on 1 Jun 1944 in Chouteau, Mayes Co., Oklahoma. Betty was born on 5 Dec 1927 in Wilburton, Latimer Co., Oklahoma.

They had the following children:

+ 732 M i. Jerry Frank Gilbert was born on 24 Aug 1945.

+ 733 M ii. Jonathan Jay Gilbert was born on 2 Jul 1953.

388. Jessie Virginia Gilbert (Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 7 Apr 1929 in Murphy, Mayes Co., Oklahoma.

Jessie married Ulysesses Grant Marshall on 20 Jul 1947 in Chouteau, Mayes Co., Oklahoma. The marriage ended in divorce.Ulysesses was born on 22 Aug 1928 in Turley, Oklahoma.

They had the following children:

+ 734 M i. Malcolm Grant Marshall was born on 9 May 1951.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 132 + 735 F ii. Judy Lynne Marshall was born on 10 Jan 1956.

+ 736 F iii. Donna Sue Marshall was born on 15 Nov 1957.

389. Phyllis Rae Gilbert (Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 13 Sep 1931 in Murphy, Mayes Co., Oklahoma.


email from Phyllis on Mon., Sept. 30, 2002: Kim, Our family was 6 red heads and 6 many grandchildren and grt grandchildren with red hair. None of our children have red hair, but Marsha has red and of course little Collin and both of them get so much attention. It was also on my Gilbert side of the family so guess it was meant for all of us. But talking to the Cochrans in Tennessee apparently quite a lot of them had red hair and that is a Scottish trait. When we were over there they said so many Scottish people still have red hair and my mother had 3 Scottish in her line. __My mother always said of her father that he was a very gentle man. He was born in 1844 and didn't marry until after the civil war. One story that was passed down and I checked and found his civil war papers was about him going awol from war to go home for Christmas. Then he went back in January and joined up with a different troup and sure enough I found that and then when war was over union set them all free of their desertion. I found papers that showed he deserted his troup. Our family are so big on Christmas and I said well we got it honest. Andrew divorced his first wife and then married my grandmother in late 1770's, I found marriage papers and he had to post a bond for 1100. He must have really loved her. My mother was born in 1888. When he got the 160 acres in Arkansas as grant for time served in civil war he took his family over there and then went back to Marshall Co. by horse and brought the daughter back that was by first wife. My parents had a home close to Andrew and Martha Elizabeth and it was larger than my parents and when my folks had so many children, Andrew and Elizabeth traded houses and moved to the smaller house to give my family more room. My folks moved to Oklahoma in mid 1920's and last three of us children were born in Oklahoma. Civil war papers on Andrew said he was a tall man, black hair and blue eyes. My mother had black hair and blue eyes, but was tiny and petite. Until I started doing this genealogy we thought all our red hair came from my dad's side...... surprise ---surprise.__Always good hearing from you...... Calvin handed me the package from you while I was on email and after I got off had chance to look at all of it....thanks very much. You have done a good job and that is a lot of pictures...... _Thanks again, Phyllis

Phyllis married Calvin Howard Files son of James Wesley Files and Rosie Viola Howard on 3 Apr 1950 in Ivanhoe, Tulare Co., California. Calvin was born on 11 Oct 1930 in Corsicana, Navarro Co., Texas.

They had the following children:

+ 737 M i. Michael Howard Files was born on 29 Jun 1952.

+ 738 F ii. Sherrie Etta Files was born on 4 Sep 1954.

+ 739 M iii. Gilbert Ray Files was born on 9 Feb 1956.

390. Ora Lee Robison (Mary Elizabeth Bills, Amanda Cochran, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 9 Jul 1906 in Rogersville, Lauderdale Co., Alabama. She died on 25 Apr 1997 in Orange Co., Texas. She was buried in Autumn Oaks Cem., Orange, Texas.

Ora married William Fred Alexander son of Alonzo Washington Alexander and Minnie Ola Bagle on 4 Sep 1922 in Athens, Alabama. William was born on 6 Sep 1900 in Winston

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 133 Co., Alabama. He died on 30 Oct 1995 in Orange, Texas. He was buried in Autumn Oaks Cem., Orange, Texas.

WWI, U.S. Army, Pvt. 1918

William and Ora had the following children:

740 M i. Howard Curtis Alexander was born on 26 Mar 1931 in Ruleville, Mississippi. He died on 8 Nov 1998 in Ft. Worth, Texas. Howard married Betty Jean Lefter .

741 M ii. Elree Alexander was born on 26 Jun 1923 in Rogersville, Lauderdale Co., Alabama. He died in Mar 1993 in Houston, Texas. Elree married Nettie Mae Tyrie in Aug 1942 in Memphis, Tennessee.

742 F iii. Doris Jean Alexander was born on 19 Jul 1926 in Rogersville, Lauderdale Co., Alabama. Doris married Trusty .

743 F iv. Minnie Elizabeth Alexander was born on 30 Oct 1929 in Minter City, Mississippi. She died on 11 Oct 1930 in Mississippi.

744 M v. Byron Lloyd Alexander was born in 1932 in Mississippi. He died after 1934.

died about 2 1/2 years old

745 F vi. baby Alexander was born in Aug 1934. She died in Aug 1934.

746 F vii. Evelyn Francis Alexander was born on 30 Jun 1935 in Ruleville, Mississippi. Evelyn married Armor Lamar Hughes on 15 May 1958 in Orange, Texas.

747 F viii. Margaret Lynne Alexander was born on 25 Apr 1938 in Ruleville, Mississippi. Margaret married Thomas Asa Edwards on 27 Sep 1952 in Sledge, Mississippi.

748 M ix. Charles Wayne Alexander was born on 28 Jan 1941 in Minter City, Mississippi. Charles married Kay W. Crawford .

749 F x. Barbara Ann Alexander was born on 12 Jun 1942 in Mississippi. Barbara married Horace Lane Wade in Bridge City, Texas.

750 M xi. William Fred "Jimmie" Alexander was born on 31 Mar 1945 in Indianola, Mississippi. William married Shirley Ann Hodgkinson on 21 Aug in Orange, Texas.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 134 751 F xii. Jackie Lee Alexander was born on 14 Apr 1946 in Indianola, Mississippi.

434. Mary Alice Cochran 134 (Lindsey, Azor, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, William, , ) was born in 1854 in Tennessee.

Mary married George W. Hobby 135 on 10 Jan 1872. George was born about 1852 in Tennessee.

They had the following children:

752 F i. Florence Hobby 136 was born about 1874 in Tennessee.

753 F ii. Pink Hobby 137 was born about 1876 in Tennessee.

754 M iii. Ollie Hobby 138 was born about 1878 in Tennessee.

435. Lydia F. Cochran 139,140,141 (Lindsey, Azor, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, William, , ) was born in 1857 in Tennessee. She died in 1932. She was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

Lydia married George Washington Lee 142 son of C. B. Lee and E. on 25 May 1873. George was born in 1856 in Tennessee. He died in 1932. He was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

They had the following children:

755 F i. Bee Lee was born on 1 Jan 1882. She died on 24 Jul 1893. She was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

436. Dixie L. V. Cochran 143 (Lindsey, Azor, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, William, , ) was born in 1860 in Tennessee.

Dixie married Marcus H. "Mark" Rambo 144 son of Benjamin F. Rambo and Arminta S. Wilson on 7 Jun 1877. Marcus was born on 2 Jan 1865 in Tennessee.

They had the following children:

+ 756 F i. Sarah Ester Rambo was born on 26 May 1882. She died on 17 Apr 1956.

441. Azor Cochran Bigham (Violet Cochran, Azor, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, William, , ) was born in 1857 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He died in 1905 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

Azor married Caroline about 1874 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. Caroline was born in 1854 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. She died in 1944 in Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tennessee. She was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

They had the following children:

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 135 757 M i. John W. Bigham was born on 4 May 1885. He died on 20 Dec 1956. He was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

445. Laura Ann Cochran (Wilson, Azor, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, William, , ) was born in Aug 1868 in Tennessee. She died in 1948. She was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

Laura married Adolphus Whitsett on 1 Sep 1901. Adolphus was born in 1870. He died in 1949. He was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

They had the following children:

758 F i. Sadie B. Whitsett was born on 14 Oct 1902. She died on 3 Dec 1910. She was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

759 ii. (infant) Whitsett was born on 30 Jun 1905. (infant) died on 7 Jul 1905. (infant) was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

447. Julius Clinton Cochran (Wilson, Azor, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, William, , ) was born on 8 Aug 1872 in Tennessee. He died on 29 Aug 1950. He was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

Julius married Martha Emma Pruitt daughter of Sine C. Pruitt and Dorcas A. Cochran on 7

Jan 1897. Martha was born on 29 Feb 1876. She died on 10 Aug 1957. She was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

They had the following children:

760 M i. Fred Cochran .

761 M ii. Floyd Cochran .

762 M iii. J. P. "Jack" Cochran .

763 F iv. Martha D. Cochran . Martha married Carson Davis .

764 F v. Nellie Cochran . Nellie married (1) Bob Wilkes . Nellie married (2) Ewell Poteet .

452. Robert Eugene Cochran (Wilson, Azor, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, William, , ) was born on 23 Feb 1883 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He died on 13 Jan 1941 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee. COCHRAN, ROBERT EUGENE; Sex: M ; Race: WHITE; Date of Birth: FEBRUARY 23, 1883; Place of Birth: MARSHALL CO., TENNESSEE; Age: 57; Date of Death: JANUARY 13, 1941; Place of Death: MARSHALL CO., TENNESSEE; Place of Burial: COCHRAN CEMETERY; Marital Status: MARRIED;

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 136 Spouse: AUDIE PRUITT COCHRAN; Father: WILSON COCHRAN; Mother: MARTHA WEBSTER; Informant: HOWARD COCHRAN; Funeral Home:London Funeral Home

Robert married Audie Pruitt daughter of Sine C. Pruitt and Dorcas A. Cochran on 8 Jul 1905. Audie was born in 1885. She died in 1948. She was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

They had the following children:

765 M i. W. Howard Cochran was born on 16 May 1906. He died on 28 Apr 1963. He was buried in Lone Creek Cem., Marshall Co., Tennessee. W. Howard Cochran married Louise Hardison . Louise was born on 16 Jan 1909.

471. Ambrose B. Simpson (Mary Elizabeth Cochran, Thomas Stewart, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, William, , ) was born in Jan 1857. He died in 1933.

Ambrose married Martha S. Shaw on 18 Oct 1883. Martha was born in Jun 1863. She died in 1939. She was buried in Cochran Cemetery.

They had the following children:

766 F i. Maxie E. Simpson was born in Oct 1884.

767 F ii. Lillian Simpson was born in Nov 1886.

768 M iii. William E. Simpson was born in Jul 1890.

769 M iv. Allen Simpson was born in Feb 1896.

473. Levin V. Cochran (Elisha, Thomas Stewart, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, William, , ) was born in Oct 1852. He died in 1947. He was buried in Cochran Cemetery. 1880 Marshall Co., TN Dist. 15, page 474C Cockran, L.V., self, married, male white 27, farmer, born TN, father born NC, mother born TN Cockran, N.P., wife, married, female white 21, house keeper, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN Cockran, Luther, son, single, male white 3, born TN, father born TN Cockran, S., daughter, single, female white 5 months, born TN Cockran, Elisha, other, married, male white 60, farmer, born TN Russell, Brant, Grandfather, widowed, male white 80, born TN

Levin married Nancy Peninah Moffitt on 22 Mar 1877. Nancy was born on 26 Jun 1858. She died on 25 Nov 1926. She was buried in Cochran Cemetery.

They had the following children:

770 M i. Oli Luther Cochran . Oli married Artie B. Nix on 25 Jul 1896.

771 F ii. Eugenia M. Cochran was born in Nov 1879.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 137 772 F iii. Minnie E. Cochran was born in Nov 1881.

773 M iv. Shirlie Cochran was born on 6 Mar 1884. He died on 9 Sep 1937. He was buried in Cochran Cemetery.

774 M v. Ommie D. Cochran was born in Jan 1887.

775 M vi. Thomas D. Cochran was born on 19 Oct 1894. He died on 5 Feb 1917. He was buried in Cochran Cemetery.

474. Dorcas A. Cochran (Christopher Columbus, Thomas Stewart, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, William, , ) was born on 3 Sep 1858. She died on 30 May 1937. She was buried in Cochran Cemetery.

Dorcas married Sine C. Pruitt on 29 Apr 1874. Sine was born on 5 Feb 1849. He died on 17 Nov 1929. He was buried in Cochran Cemetery.

They had the following children:

+ 776 M i. Luther Lee "Jack" Pruitt was born in 1875. He died in 1954.

+ 777 F ii. Martha Emma Pruitt was born on 29 Feb 1876. She died on 10 Aug 1957.

+ 778 M iii. Henry M. Pruitt was born in 1879. He died in 1961.

+ 779 M iv. Francis F. "Shealey" Pruitt was born in 1882. He died in 1948.

+ 780 F v. Audie Pruitt was born in 1885. She died in 1948.

+ 781 F vi. Bertha Pruitt was born in 1891.

+ 782 M vii. Willie Anderson Pruitt was born in 1892.

475. James Thomas Moore (Emmeline Davis, Sarah A. Cochran, Levi Thomas, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ).

James married Bettie Mae London .

They had the following children:

+ 783 F i. Angelena Moore was born on 21 Nov 1917.

784 F ii. (daughter) Moore .

785 F iii. (daughter) Moore .

786 M iv. (son) Moore .

787 M v. (son) Moore .

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 138 476. Mary Jane Cummings (John Nathaniel Cummings, Eliza Emmaline Cochran, Levi Thomas, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ).

Mary married Virgil Gordon Rust .

They had the following children:

+ 788 F i. Lawana Bernice Rust .

479. Robert Duke Bryant (Robert Wesley "Wes" Bryant, Margaret Josephine "Maggie" Cochran, Levi Thomas, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 27 Oct 1907.

Robert married Jessie Olene Chandley daughter of Bertie William Chandley and Sara Tina Williams. Jessie was born on 27 Dec 1906.

They had the following children:

789 M i. (son) Bryant . (son) married Lily Rose Roper daughter of James Paul Roper and Clarice Burchfield. Lily was born on 21 Apr 1942 in Colusa, Colusa Co., California. She died on 30 Oct 1975 in Elgin, Union Co., Oregon.

480. James Alexander Waren (Emma Lee Cochran, Levi Nathaniel, Levi Thomas, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born in Aug 1882 in Grandbury, Texas. He died on 29 Feb 1952 in Midland, Texas.

James married Jessie Mahaney .

They had the following children:

790 F i. Georgia Lee Waren .

791 M ii. Joseph Lee Waren .

792 F iii. Ruby Earl Waren .

793 M iv. James Waren .

794 F v. Betty Waren .

795 F vi. Bessie Waren .

481. Joseph Lee Waren (Emma Lee Cochran, Levi Nathaniel, Levi Thomas, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born in Aug 1885 in Grandbury, Texas. He died on 13 Mar 1942 in Brownwood, Texas.

Joseph married (1) Vera Cude .

They had the following children:

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 139 796 M i. Farral Waren .

797 M ii. Vernon Waren .

798 F iii. Nell Waren .

799 F iv. Bell Marie Waren .

Joseph married (2) Leona Cunningham .

483. Ann Serina Waren (Emma Lee Cochran, Levi Nathaniel, Levi Thomas, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born in Dec 1891 in Grandbury, Texas. She died on 29 Nov 1938 in Tahoka, Texas.

Ann married Troy Coplin .

They had the following children:

800 F i. Pauline Coplin .

801 M ii. Mildred Coplin .

802 M iii. E. W. "Bud" Coplin .

484. Otho Newton Waren (Emma Lee Cochran, Levi Nathaniel, Levi Thomas, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 26 Nov 1892. He died in Dec 1960 in Brownwood, Texas.

Otho married Donna Ellis .

They had the following children:

803 M i. George Waren .

804 M ii. W-John Waren .

485. Flora Mildred Waren (Emma Lee Cochran, Levi Nathaniel, Levi Thomas, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 18 Apr 1905 in Snyder, Kiowa Co., Oklahoma.

Flora married William Taylor Smith .

They had the following children:

+ 805 F i. Clair Edna Smith was born on 13 Mar 1924.

806 M ii. Billie Ray Smith was born on 3 Oct 1927. He died on 1 Mar 0002 in Fort Worth, Texas.

+ 807 M iii. James Ray Smith was born on 30 Apr 1932.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 140 486. Delight C. Cochran (Robert Mitchell, Levi Nathaniel, Levi Thomas, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 26 Jan 1899 in Tolar, Hood Co., Texas.

Delight married Joe Musick . Joe was born in 1894. He died in 1933. He was buried in Strouds Creek Cem., Tolar, Hood Co., Texas.

They had the following children:

+ 808 M i. Eugene Robert Musick was born on 10 Jan 1917. He died on 3 Dec 1985.

489. Stella Borden (Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 4 Nov 1883 in Cameron Road, now Hwy. 77, Owensville, Texas. Stella and her dad went to college in San Marcos after they moved there in about 1900. She is a tall, well built lady - very smart and pretty. After her children were grown, she worked during the depression at a sewing projet and in a school lunch room. She is very artistic and a very friendly person. She has worked on her genealogy for many years and has inspired others to become interested. She took care of her ailing husband many years and after his death worked hard on her genealogies. She also took care of her mom until her death.

Stella married John T. Griffin . John was born on 24 Oct 1874. He died on 11 May 1966.

His dad was a preacher and 1 brother was Dr. Q. Griffin of Tulia, TX. One of his aunts came to Cottonwood before the town was laid out. He was a farmer and photographer.

John and Stella had the following children:

+ 809 M i. Homer Thomas Griffin was born on 29 Oct 1902.

+ 810 M ii. James Mead Griffin was born on 22 May 1904.

+ 811 M iii. Charlie Alexander Griffin was born on 12 Feb 1906.

+ 812 M iv. Green Berry Griffin was born on 8 Oct 1907.

+ 813 F v. Nellie Francis Griffin was born on 18 Dec 1909.

+ 814 F vi. Edna Mae Griffin was born on 11 Oct 1911.

+ 815 F vii. Katherine Lee Griffin was born on 10 May 1913.

816 F viii. Fredda Bird Griffin was born on 11 Sep 1916. She died on 11 Dec 1918.

+ 817 F ix. Jonnie Ruth Griffin was born on 27 May 1920.

+ 818 F x. Stella Laverne Griffin was born on 10 Aug 1922. She died in Sep 1941.

+ 819 F xi. Ala Pluma Griffin was born on 9 Jan 1925.

+ 820 M xii. Jack Russell Griffin was born on 21 Dec 1927.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 141 490. Clifton Marvin Borden (Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 9 Apr 1886 in Robertson Co., Texas. He died on 18 Aug 1959 in California.

Clifton married (1) Eulia Ayres . Eulia was born in May 1888. She died in Oct 1910.

They had the following children:

+ 821 M i. Lorenzo Dow Borden was born on 28 Feb 1907.

+ 822 F ii. Floyce Borden was born on 28 Oct 1908.

Clifton married (2) Annie Lou Kemper on 31 Jul 1911. Annie was born on 17 Jan 1897.

They had the following children:

+ 823 M iii. Jack Kemper Borden was born on 8 Aug 1912.

+ 824 F iv. Mildred Jo Borden was born on 4 Sep 1914.

+ 825 F v. Marie Borden was born on 8 Oct 1916.

+ 826 F vi. Margaret Borden was born on 30 May 1919.

+ 827 F vii. Fay Borden was born on 15 Jan 1922.

+ 828 F viii. Lucy Lucille Borden was born on 4 Jul 1925.

+ 829 F ix. Virginia Pearl Borden was born on 4 Oct 1927.

+ 830 F x. Pauline Borden was born on 22 Dec 1932.

496. Mozelle Cochran (Brant, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 13 Dec 1913 in Knox City, Texas. She died in 1999. She was buried in Orange Co., California.

Mozelle married A. L. Oliver .

They had the following children:

831 M i. Gary Oliver .

832 F ii. Sharon Oliver .

499. Mary Allie Tucker (Robert Oliver Tucker, Mary Ellen "Etta" Cochran, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 24 Aug 1887. She died in May 1979 in Lake Charles, Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 142 Mary married William Gorham .

They had the following children:

833 F i. Ellanora Gorham was born on 2 Mar 1910.

834 ii. (child) Gorham .

500. Harlan Guilford Tucker (Robert Oliver Tucker, Mary Ellen "Etta" Cochran, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 14 Nov 1889. He died on 19 Oct 1992 in Hermitage, Davidson Co., Tennessee.

Harlan married Lavelette Sloan . Lavelette was born on 26 Jan 1890.

They had the following children:

+ 835 F i. Nancy Tucker was born on 27 Aug 1916.

836 ii. (child) Tucker .

504. Olive Karen Woodring (Ellen Bugg Tucker, Mary Ellen "Etta" Cochran, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 23 Jul 1893.

Olive married Claude Edward Pearson on 15 Jul 1914 in Tennessee. Claude was born on 27 Jan 1890 in Crockett Co., Tennessee. He died on 17 Jan 1978 in Tennessee.

was a banker in Nashville. He died in 1978 at the age of 88. was not a farmer

Claude and Olive had the following children:

837 M i. Woodring Pearson was born on 17 Apr 1915 in Nashville, Davidson Co., Tennessee. He died on 28 May 2003 in Woodland, California.

[email protected] email received 11Sep1997_I am 82 and a retired general surgeon. I was born and reared in Nashville, TN. I received my BA and MD degrees from Vanderbilt University. Mary Betty and I were married in Meredith, NH in 1940. I then continued post graduate education, interning in surgery at New York Hospital (Cornell

Medical Center) We then moved to San Francisco and I was on the house staff in surgery at University of California Hospital from '41-'43, From '43-'46 I was medical officer on a destroyer in the Pacific Theater. I returned to UC San Francisco and was there '46-'49, completing the residency in surgery. By this time Mary Betty and I had three sons._We moved to Woodland, CA where I joined the Woodland Clinic as surgeon and continued there until my retirement in 1977. During this period in Woodland we had two daughters. During the past 20 years we have had a wonderful life with much world travel, involvement with our church, work in my woodshop and in our garden, and time for genealogy research. This is much longer than I intended to make this resume, but I felt we needed to be better acquainted since we are cousins. _My father, Claude Edward Pearson, was a banker in Nashville. He died in 1978 at the age of 88. He was the only Pearson in our direct line who was not a farmer._His father, John Winfield Pearson, farmed in Crockett, Co. TN on the same land which his great grandfather, Henry J. Pearson, had purchased in 1836. John Winfield' father, John Edward Pearson, was born in Williamson, Co.TN in 1831 and died in 1880. He was a cavalryman in the Confederate Army under General Bedford Forrest. Part of the land

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 143 which Henry J. bought in 1836 is still in possession of the Pearson family, and, as we know, Henry J and John R. were half brothers._Father: Claude Edward PEARSON b: 27 JAN 1890 in Crockett Co., TN _Mother: Olive Karen WOODRING b: 23 JUL 1893 in Nashville, TN_Marriage 1 Mary Elizabeth "Mary Betty" FRENCH b: 18 OCT 1917 in Lawrence, KS_Married: 22 JUN 1940 in Meredith, NH 3 4_Memorial services for Dr. Woodring Pearson will be held at the Woodland United Methodist Church in Woodland, Ca. on Tuesday, June 3rd at 2 p.m._Dr. Pearson died Wednesday, May 28 surrounded by his wife and family. He is survived by his wife of 63 years, Mary Elizabeth, their five children and their families: Stephen and his wife Betsey and their children Thomas and Marcus; William (Bill) and his wife Greta; Malcolm and his wife Linda and their children Matthew and Holly; Jane Shelby and her husband Sam and their children Andrew and Evan; and Ann Franke and her husband Carl._Dr. Pearson was born April 17, 1915, in Nashville, Tennessee. He was the son of Claude Edward and Karen Woodring Pearson. He was descended from a distinguished pioneer Tennessee family who arrived in middle Tennessee in the early 1800's. Dr. Pearson's family produced a number of early physicians, including Newton Guilford Tucker who cared for troops during the Civil War as it swept through middle Tennessee. Dr. Pearson was educated in the Nashville public schools, Duncan College Preparatory School, and Vanderbilt University from which he received a BA degree in 1937 and an MD degree in 1940. He was a president of his class at medical school, and was elected to Alpha Omega Alpha, an honorary medical society. He was also a member of the Sigma Chi Fraternity while at Vanderbilt._In 1940 Dr. Pearson began his graduate training which included an internship in surgery at Cornell University's New York Hospital. In 1941 he began the residency program in surgery at the University of California San Francisco finishing as Chief Resident at San Francisco General Hospital in 1949._From 1943 to 1946 Dr. Pearson served in the United States Navy as a Medical Officer on the destroyer U.S.S. Lowery which saw action in the Philippines, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa._In the fall of 1949 Dr. Pearson joined the surgery staff of Woodland Clinic. He served as Chief of Surgery at th

508. Allie Tucker Yarborough (Margaret Stockton "Maggie" Tucker, Mary Ellen "Etta" Cochran, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 26 Jan 1904. She died in Sep 1980 in Nashville, Davidson Co., Tennessee.

Allie married Cecil Derwent Jones on 27 Jul 1929. Cecil was born on 9 Jul 1905. He died

on 17 Nov 1991 in Tennessee.

They had the following children:

838 i. (child) Jones .

509. (son) Yarborough (Margaret Stockton "Maggie" Tucker, Mary Ellen "Etta" Cochran, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ).

(son) married (1) Tuckey .

They had the following children:

839 M i. (son) Yarborough .

(son) married (2) Mefford .

They had the following children:

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 144 840 ii. (child) Yarborough .

841 iii. (child) Yarborough .

510. (daughter) Yarborough (Margaret Stockton "Maggie" Tucker, Mary Ellen "Etta" Cochran, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ).

(daughter) married Morton Lipscomb Carl . Morton was born on 19 Aug 1905.

They had the following children:

842 i. (child) Carl .

843 ii. (child) Carl .

844 iii. (child) Carl .

512. Frankie Cochran (Silas Levi, Stephen Tally, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ).

Frankie married Clark .

They had the following children:

845 M i. Joe Clark .

516. Amos Jasper Horner (Amy Bemis Cochran, James Lindsey, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 23 Sep 1905 in Lyle, Tennessee. He died on 30 Jul 1973 in West Memphis, Arkansas.

Amos married Violet Viola Goldsmith in Armory, Mississippi.

They had the following children:

+ 846 F i. Jean Marie Horner .

517. Lindsey B. Horner (Amy Bemis Cochran, James Lindsey, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 11 Oct 1907 in Union City, Obion Co., Tennessee. She died on 31 Aug 1973 in At their motel in Armory, Mississippi. The cause of death was cancer. Lindsey married Hugh Ollie Stucker son of Hugh Murray Stucker and Marietta Bolding on 18 Apr 1929 in Armory, Monroe Co., Mississippi. Hugh was born on 22 May 1909 in Armory, Monroe Co., Mississippi. He died on 31 Aug 1973 in At their motel in Armory, Mississippi.

They had the following children:

+ 847 F i. Jane Horner .

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 145 518. Chester Cochran (Edgar Pearl, Henry Lee, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 3 Sep 1898 in Kirk, Texas. He died on 28 Apr 1965 in El Cajon, California.

He was a slim, dark haired man, artistically inclined. Won many prizes with historical cut out scenes.

Chester married Ruby Patterson about 1920.

They had the following children:

848 F i. Marjorie Cochran died about 1922.

849 M ii. Jack Harlan Cochran was born on 11 Jan 1923 in Eldorado, Texas. He died on 10 Dec 1970 in California.

+ 850 M iii. James Patton Cochran was born on 8 Aug 1926.

521. Iva Dell Cochran (Bryce Monroe, Henry Lee, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 1 Dec 1904 in Eden, Concho Co., Texas.

Iva married (1) James Eugene Duckworth . James was born on 6 Aug 1895 in Texas.

They had the following children:

+ 851 F i. Billie Louise Duckworth was born on 29 Jun 1923.

+ 852 M ii. Carl DeLain Duckworth was born on 6 Oct 1926.

Iva married (2) Milby B. Hudson on 28 Aug 1943 in San Atontonio, Texas.

He is a thin brunette; has a degree in music eduation, taught band for 16 years at schools in Ft. Worth, TX. He plays with an orchestra and teaches at the C&S Music Co. He likes to study, meet important people. He is very religious. His grandfather Frank Hudson was a 33 degree mason in Galveston, TX. He left land, buildings and bonds to his grandchildren.

523. Patsy Lee Cochran (Bryce Monroe, Henry Lee, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 22 Jul 1933 in Carrizo Springs, Texas.

SHe is a thin, tall brunet, very friendly and pretty. She is an expert at any position she takes and has won several prizes in her plane. She won first place in the Powder Puff Derby in Dallas, TX in 1963. She taught flying and plays golf. She married a tall, handsome brunet, James Barbee, in Uvalde, TX.

Patsy married James Barbee . James was born on 6 Aug 1927 in Ft. Collins, Colorado.

An oil gauger and they own Barbee Knives & Leather Co. in Ft. Stockton, TX.

James and Patsy had the following children:

+ 853 M i. Johnny Lee Barbee was born on 7 May 1951.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 146 854 F ii. Marla June Barbee was born on 31 May 1951 in Ft. Stockton, Texas.

Marla resided in Carlton, Texas. She was employed as teacher.

Marla married Will Condit on 28 Jan 1975.

855 F iii. Sharron Glynn Barbee was born on 9 Nov 1952 in Iran, Texas.

Sharron was employed as school teacher in Del Rio, Texas. Sharron married Nelson C. Schauer on 23 Oct 1976 in Ft. Stockton, Texas.

524. Carl Monroe Cochran (Bryce Monroe, Henry Lee, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 29 Sep 1935 in Carizo Springs, Texas.

Is a brunet and works as a machinist and at the oil fields. He won scholarships in football.

Carl married (1) Lois Marie Schuessler .

They had the following children:

+ 856 F i. Carla Marie Cochran was born on 8 Sep 1956.

857 F ii. Billie Donna Cochran was born on 14 Aug 1959 in Mason, Texas.

858 F iii. Lois Ann Cochran was born on 24 Jul 1962 in Flourbluff St., Corpus Christi, Texas.

Carl married (2) Margary .

Margary has 2 children by her first husband. Margary and Carl live in Uvalde, TX

Carl and Margary had the following children:

859 F iv. Jana Lyn Cochran was born on 12 Apr 1971.

525. William "Bill" Gray Cochran (Bryce Monroe, Henry Lee, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 22 Aug 1937 in El Dorado, Texas.

He grew up and played football in Christoval, TX. He and Carl both won scholarships in football. He is a tall, thin brunet, raises and owns racehorses in Ronson, WV. He is smart, an artist and very friendly.

William married Tomi Carolyn Cady in Arkansas Pass, Texas.

They had the following children:

860 M i. Bryce Monroe Cochran , III was born on 6 Jan 1965 in San Antonio, Texas.

He was named for his grandfather Bryce. He is an artist, writer and cowboy.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 147 861 F ii. Cody Flynn Cochran was born on 8 Jul 1967 in Bandera, Texas.

She is very talented - can sing, dance, draw. She is very pretty and smart.

862 M iii. William "Bill" Cochran , Jr. was born on 8 May 1969 in Ransom, Virginia.

He is just like his dad - full of life, friendly, smart, jolly, and likeable.

527. Bobbie Lou Cochran (Maxwell Merritt, Henry Lee, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 15 Feb 1925 in Eden, Texas.

She is a tall blonde.

Bobbie married Vernon Parker . Vernon died on 12 Feb 1974 in Del Rio, Texas.

Vernon and Bobbie had the following children:

863 F i. Hattie Lou Parker . Hattie married Jack Dee Shely on 29 Apr 1974.

528. Patrick Sheldon Cochran (Maxwell Merritt, Henry Lee, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 20 Nov 1919 in Eden, Texas.

Patrick was employed as Standard Oil Co..

He is 6'2" tall, blond, blue eyes and quiet.

Patrick married Billie . The marriage ended in divorce.They were divorced on 8 May 1968.

Billie was employed as First Federal & Loan Assoc..

They had the following children:

864 M i. Patrick Sheldon Cochran , Jr. was born on 29 Sep 1946. He died on 21 Aug 1967. The cause of death was killed in the war.

Patrick served in the military killed in the war.

+ 865 F ii. Deborah Cochran was born about 1948.

534. Julia Pearl Cochran (Pennington Pryor, Henry Lee, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 27 Aug 1920 in Eden, Texas.

She is a small blonde, very smart, and is a private secretary.

Julia married (1) Marvin Williams in Aug 1947 in Abilene, Texas.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 148 He is a nice looking, tall blonde.

Marvin and Julia had the following children:

866 F i. Kathy Williams was born on 3 Aug 1948 in Abilene, Texas.

867 M ii. Kenneth Williams was born on 12 Feb 1951 in Abilene, Texas.

868 M iii. Keith Williams was born on 1 Feb 1952 in Abilene, Texas.

869 F iv. Karen Williams was born on 11 Apr 1955 in Abilene, Texas.

Julia married (2) Bain Talley on 19 Dec 1965 in Abilene, Texas. The marriage ended in divorce.They were divorced in 1966.

535. James Lindsey Cochran (Pennington Pryor, Henry Lee, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 28 Oct 1924 in Eden, Texas.

He is a tall 6'2" man, weighs 200 lbs. He has blonde hair, blue eyes, plays the trumpet for a hobby, fishes, hunts, is a Dermatologist. He works for the State Highway Dept.

James married Verna Louise Flipping in Eden, Texas.

They had the following children:

870 M i. James Carrol Cochran was born on 11 Dec 1947 in Eden, Texas.

871 F ii. Mary Rainel Cochran was born on 19 Apr 1949 in Eden, Texas.

872 M iii. Carlton Lynn Cochran was born on 19 Sep 1956.

873 F iv. Mary F. Cochran was born on 12 Sep 1961 in San Angelo, Texas.

874 F v. Kay Francis Cochran was born on 10 May 1963.

536. Earl Lindsay Cochran , Jr. (Earl Lindsey, Henry Lee, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 25 Oct 1925 in San Antonio, Texas.

Earl served in the military US Navy - WWII.

He is a good looking blond, was in the navy during WWII. Earl, Jr. and Margaret own a home in Houston, TX.

Earl married (1) Ann Gould in 1947 in Yoakum, Texas.

They had the following children:

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 149 875 M i. Michael Earl Cochran was born on 28 Sep 1948.

Earl married (2) Margaret Shiudler on 10 Jun 1952 in Elizabeth City, North Carolina.

537. Dr. Bryce Holm Cochran (Roy L., Bryce Monroe, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 18 Jan 1923 in Caddo, Oklahoma.

Bryce was employed as partner in the hospital in Midwest, Oklahoma.

Bryce married Judy Owens .

Judy was employed as teacher.

They had the following children:

876 F i. Judy Gaylene Cochran was born on 19 Mar 1954.

877 F ii. Peggy Lynn Cochran was born on 13 Jul 1958.

538. Maude Shannon Cochran (Roy L., Bryce Monroe, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 4 May 1924.

Maude married C. A. Bilbo in Midwest, Oklahoma.

They had the following children:

878 M i. Charles Roy Cochran was born on 26 Sep 1941.

879 M ii. Robert Allen Cochran was born on 24 Jan 1949.

880 F iii. Deborah Lynn Cochran was born on 20 Nov 1952.

539. Mary Jean Cochran (Roy L., Bryce Monroe, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 8 Aug 1925.

Mary married Joe Creel .

Joe resided in Dallas, Texas.

They had the following children:

881 F i. Mary Ann Creel was born on 27 Apr 1952.

882 M ii. William Lynn Creel was born on 30 Jul 1953.

883 M iii. Joe D. Creel was born on 28 Jul 1955.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 150 540. Ruth Cochran (Roy L., Bryce Monroe, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 22 Feb 1927.

Ruth married James Callahan in Midwest, Oklahoma.

They had the following children:

884 M i. Thomas James Callahan was born on 3 Oct 1952.

885 F ii. Shannon Mary Callahan was born on 25 Sep 1958.

541. Howard Hayne Cochran (Roy L., Bryce Monroe, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 2 Sep 1931 in Caddo, Bryan Co., Oklahoma. He died on 14 Jul 2002. He was buried in Caddo Cem., Caddo, Bryan Co., Oklahoma.

Howard graduated in 1949 in Caddo High School, Caddo, Bryan Co., Oklahoma. He served in the military US Army 1954 - 1956 in Stationed in Germany in field artillery counter - mortar ra. He was employed as certified safety professional and Texas State Board of Insurance representative.

Cleveland Co., Oklahoma - Obit for Howard Haynie Cochran Obit for Howard Haynie Cochran Howard Haynie Cochran Howard Haynie Cochran, 70, of Amarillo, died Sunday, July 14, 2002.

Services will be at 11 a.m. today in Paramount Terrace Christian Church with the Rev. Scott Greer and the Rev. Mark Zimmerman officiating. Burial will be at 2 p.m. Thursday in Caddo Cemetery in Caddo, Okla., by N.S. Griggs and Sons Funeral Directors, 2615 Paramount Blvd.

Mr. Cochran was born Sept. 2, 1931, in Caddo, Bryan County, to Dr. Roy L. and Maudie Holmes Cochran. He graduated from Caddo High School in 1949, attended Southeastern State College, Murray State College and earned a chemical engineering degree from Oklahoma State University.

He served in the Army from 1954 to 1956 and was stationed in Germany in the field artillery counter- mortar radar. He married Gaylia Rackley on Aug. 31, 1956, in Kenefic, Okla. He was a certified safety professional and Texas State Board of Insurance representative.

He was a lifetime member of American Society of Safety Engineers and served as president and held other offices. For 32 years he worked for Texas Employers Insurance Co. of Texas.

At the time of his death he was a safety control consultant for Texas Association of School Boards and served many school districts in the Texas Panhandle. He was a member of Paramount Terrace Christian Church.

He was an advocate for Amarillo Youth Choirs and Troop 86 Boy Scouts of America, of which his grandson was a member. He and his wife accompanied the youth choir to Europe on a concert tour and chaperoned many Boy Scout activities.

He was preceded in death by his parents; two brothers, Roy Len Cochran and Dr. Bryce Holmes Cochran; and two nephews.

Survivors include his wife; a daughter, Laura Maudie Ware of Amarillo; a son, Howard Holmes Cochran and wife, Jennifer, of Amarillo; three grandchildren, James Weston Ware, Amanda Whitney Cochran and Kaitlin Taylor Cochran, all of Amarillo; three sisters, Maude Shannon Bilbo of Norman, Okla., Jean Creel and husband, Joe, of Waxahachie and Ruth Callahan and husband, James, of Oklahoma City; two

sisters-in-law, Gayle Cochran of Midwest City, Okla., and Ray Jean Hankey of Durant, Okla.; and a host of nieces, nephews and friends.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 151 The family suggests memorials be to Amarillo Youth Choirs Inc., 112 W. Eighth Ave., Amarillo, TX 79109; or Troop 86 Boy Scouts of America, 401 Tascosa Road, Amarillo, TX 79124. Amarillo Globe-News, July 17, 2002

Howard married Gaylia Rckley on 31 Aug 1956 in Kenefic, Oklahoma.

They had the following children:

+ 886 F i. Laura Maudie Cochran was born on 29 Dec 1960.

+ 887 M ii. Howard Homes Cochran was born on 29 Sep 1962.

544. Charles Maxwell Sudduth (Zanah Lovelle Cochran, Bryce Monroe, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 11 Nov 1918.

Charles resided in Jackson, Mississippi. He was employed as lawyer.

He had the following children:

888 M i. (son) Sudduth .

889 M ii. (son) Sudduth .

545. Paul Allen Sudduth (Zanah Lovelle Cochran, Bryce Monroe, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born in 1920.

Paul was employed as manager in Rockwell Co.. He resided in Tupelo, Mississippi.

Paul married Ione .

They had the following children:

890 M i. Kenneth Sudduth was born in 1950.

891 M ii. Allen Sudduth was born in 1952.

892 M iii. Marion Sudduth was born in 1955.

546. Sybil Elizabeth Cochran (Lawrence Lilly, Bryce Monroe, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 20 Dec 1916 in La Kemp, Beaver Co., Oklahoma.

Sybil married Robert Stanley McCarty .

he was from Pauls Valley, Oklahoma.

Robert and Sybil had the following children:

893 M i. Robert Lawrence McCarty was born on 31 Mar 1941.

Robert resided in White Castle, Louisiana.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 152 894 M ii. William Richard McCarty was born on 14 Jan 1947 in Ft. Dix, New Jersey.

547. Olivia Lucelle Cochran (Lawrence Lilly, Bryce Monroe, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 1 Dec 1919 in Kiowa Lone Wolf Co., Oklahoma.

Olivia married Harry Williams Fincher in Apr 1942.

of Silvis, Illinois

Harry and Olivia had the following children:

895 F i. Nina Sue Fincher was born on 27 Dec 1947 in Napa,.

896 F ii. Bonnie Kay Fincher was born on 6 Jul 1955 in Concord, California.

548. Anna Rebecca Cochran (Lawrence Lilly, Bryce Monroe, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 19 Dec 1920 in Lone Wolf, Kiowa Co., Oklahoma.

Anna married (1) Myron E. Runyon on 24 Nov 1940.

of Silvis, Illinois.

Myron and Anna had the following children:

+ 897 F i. Sandra Jeneen Runyon was born on 15 Nov 1941.

Anna married (2) Roy A. Meier .

552. Daisy Cochran (Murry Lackey, Bryce Monroe, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 28 May 1925.

Daisy married Rev. Dorsey Harvey .

They had the following children:

898 F i. Reita Harvey was born in Jan 1945.

899 F ii. Jean Harvey was born in 1950.

553. Milton Lindsey Cochran (Murry Lackey, Bryce Monroe, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 24 Sep 1926. He died in 1967. The cause of death was car wreck.

Milton married Opaline .

They had the following children:

900 F i. Linda Nell Cochran was born on 30 Jan 1948.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 153 901 M ii. Robert Lindsey Cochran was born on 23 Mar 1949.

902 F iii. Patricia Rose Cochran was born on 8 Oct 1952.

554. Silas Arthur Cochran (Murry Lackey, Bryce Monroe, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 18 Oct 1928.

Silas married Dorothy Bedford .

They had the following children:

903 F i. Deborah Delsie Cochran was born in 1954.

904 F ii. Rebecca Kaye Cochran .

905 M iii. Timothy Arthur Cochran was born about 1957.

906 M iv. Silas Cochran , Jr. was born in 1961.

555. Sarah Ann Cochran (Murry Lackey, Bryce Monroe, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 2 Nov 1931.

Sarah was employed as has a beauty shop. She resided in Nashville, Davidson Co., Tennessee.

Sarah married Maynard Leeman .

They had the following children:

907 M i. Dale Leeman was born about 1957.

908 M ii. Anthony Leeman was born in 1959.

556. Betty Jane Cochran (Murry Lackey, Bryce Monroe, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 14 Feb 1934.

Betty married Harold Duke in Sherman, Mississippi.

They had the following children:

909 F i. Pennie Dian Duke was born about 1960.

910 F ii. Melessia Elain Duke was born about 1963.

557. Joe Murry Cochran (Murry Lackey, Bryce Monroe, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 1 Jan 1937 in Tupelo, Mississippi.

In 1975 they were living with his mom on the home place, plan to build on part of the land.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 154 Joe married Barbra Rice .

They had the following children:

911 M i. Hugh Murry Cochran was born on 10 Feb 1957.

912 F ii. Gayla Joy Cochran was born on 15 Mar 1960.

913 M iii. Nolan Keith Cochran was born on 28 Jan 1967.

559. Calvin Cochran (Murry Lackey, Bryce Monroe, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 12 Apr 1945 in Belden, Pontotoc Co., Mississippi.

Calvin married Sandra .

They had the following children:

914 F i. Christina Leigh Cochran was born on 5 May 1971 in Belden, Pontotoc Co., Mississippi.

915 F ii. Heather Melinda Cochran was born on 8 Aug 1973.

560. Robert Frost Cochran (Mark McKenney, Bryce Monroe, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 2 Oct 1925.

He is a good salesman with brown hair and eyes. Jerry is a very pretty, ambitious lady.

Robert married Jerry Crane .

Robert and Jerry had the following children:

916 F i. Robin Crane Cochran was born on 25 Jan 1962 in Lousiana.

563. Lois Nell Cochran (Shelby Smith, Bryce Monroe, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born in 1945.

She went to Blue Mountain College in TN and taught several years. She is a tall, brown-haired, pretty girl.

Lois married Harold W. Umfress on 8 Aug 1971.

Harold was employed as druggist.

They have a $50,000 home near Pontotoc and Tupelo, Mississippi.

Harold and Lois had the following children:

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 155 917 F i. Jennifer Clair Umfress was born on 18 Nov 1972 in Tupelo, Mississippi.

918 F ii. Karen Monette Umfress was born on 2 Dec 1974.

919 F iii. Alison Faith Umfress was born on 1 May 1977.

564. Ida Ann Longest (Mary Amanda Cochran, Bryce Monroe, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 28 Jul 1943.

She is a tall brunette. Taught some, is an artist.


Miss Ida Ann Longest Tells Of Engagement to Marvin B. Smith

Mr. and Mrs. James Longest of Tupelo announce the engagement of their daughter, Ida Ann, to Marvin Burnell Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lucien Wilkinson Smith of Brandon.

The bride-elect is a granddaughter of the late Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Longest of Pontotoc and of the late Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Cochran of Belden.

Mr. Smith is the grandson of Mrs. B. M. Segrest and the late Mr. Segrest of Brandon and of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Smith of Jefferson County.

Miss Longest is a graduate of Tupelo High School and Blue Mountain College. While at Blue Mountain, she served as sophomore class president, junior representative on the Student Government Council, vice -president of the Student Government Association and president of Modenian Society. Miss Longest was an art teacher at Jones Junior High School in Laurel for the 1965-66 school year.

Mr. Smith is a graduate of Brandon High School and Mississippi State University. He is an electrical engineer with Schlumberger Oil Well Service Company in Laurel.

The wedding will be solemnized in the sanctuary of Calvary Baptist Church, Tupelo, on Friday, August 19, at 7:00 p.m.

Ida married Marvin Burnell Smith son of Lucien Wilkinson Smith on 19 Aug in Tupelo, Mississippi.

He is of Laurel, Mississippi. They now live in Bartlesville, Oklahoma.

Marvin and Ida had the following children:

920 F i. Amanda Elizabeth Smith was born on 25 Aug 1968 in Mississippi.

921 F ii. Yolare Ann Smith was born on 28 May 1972.

922 F iii. Rachel Gwynn Smith was born on 27 Dec 1976.

565. Terry James Longest (Mary Amanda Cochran, Bryce Monroe, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 8 May 1945 in Mississippi.

Terry resided in Montgomery, Alabama.

Terry married Hannette Strain .

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 156 They had the following children:

923 M i. Barry James Longest was born on 14 May 1971 in Alabama.

566. Locha Dell Cochran (Charles Fleet "Fleet", Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 26 Jun 1903 in Arkansas. She died on 30 Oct 1972 in Portland, Oregon.

Locha married Vester Earp .

They had the following children:

924 F i. Mary Francis Earp was born in 1923.

925 M ii. Granville Earp was born in 1926 in Oregon.

567. Nolan Monroe Cochran (Charles Fleet "Fleet", Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 30 Jan 1910 in Arkansas.

Nolan married Ruth Craig in Greenwood, Arkansas.

They had the following children:

+ 926 M i. Rex Cochran was born on 29 Mar 1933.

927 F ii. Colleen Cochran was born on 11 Feb 1937. Colleen married Stephen Canada .

Stephen was employed as teacher in Ft. Smith, Arkansas.

+ 928 M iii. Wredgie Cochran was born on 26 Nov 1942.

+ 929 M iv. Gary Cochran was born on 9 Feb 1945.

930 F v. Dyann Cochran was born on 5 Sep 1951. Dyann married Sutton .

568. Lola Mae Cochran (Charles Fleet "Fleet", Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 30 Jan 1910 in Arkansas.

Lola married (1) Oran Peoples .

They had the following children:

+ 931 M i. Sam Peoples was born on 15 Jun 1931.

+ 932 M ii. Jake E. Peoples was born on 22 Aug 1934.

+ 933 F iii. Loretta Yevone Peoples was born on 30 Mar 1936.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 157 Lola married (2) Sheriff Bud Williamson . Bud died in Jun 1974.

Bud and Lola were married nearly 21 years. He was 20 years older than she.

569. Mollie Louise Cochran (Charles Fleet "Fleet", Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 8 Aug 1913.

Mollie married Olaf Holland on 11 Nov 1934.

Olaf resided in Mansfield, Arkansas. He was employed as carpenter.

They had the following children:

+ 934 F i. Roena Holland was born on 8 Jul 1935.

+ 935 M ii. Bobby Duel Holland was born on 25 Jan 1939.

936 F iii. Barbra Holland was born on 25 Jan 1939. Barbra married Richard Thomas . Richard was born on 28 Sep 1939.

Richard was employed as career in US Navy.

+ 937 M iv. Olaf Howard Holland , Jr. was born on 1 Feb 1944.

+ 938 M v. Phillip Holland was born on 22 Mar 1955.

570. Dottie Elizabeth Cochran (Charles Fleet "Fleet", Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 3 Feb 1915.

Dottie married Clifford Sanderson on 12 Nov 1933.

They had the following children:

939 M i. Darvin Sanderson was born on 10 Nov 1940.

940 F ii. Donna Kaye Sanderson was born on 13 Apr 1947.

Donna resided in California.

571. Ruth Eva Cochran (Charles Fleet "Fleet", Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 10 Oct 1917.

Ruth married Roy Phillips on 2 Apr 1937.

They had the following children:

+ 941 M i. Harold Donald Phillips was born on 12 Feb 1938.

+ 942 F ii. Sharon Lee Phillips was born on 24 Aug 1943.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 158 572. Charley Cochran (Charles Fleet "Fleet", Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 27 Feb 1918.

Charley was employed as Bogg-Warner.

Lives at Greenwood, Arkansas. He is a tall brunette with blue eyes, very friendly, a hard worker, smart. He has been the president of our Cochran reunion.

Charley married Dorothy Elmore on 4 Nov 1939.

She is a tall, slim blonde, very sweet, likable and friendly.

Charley and Dorothy had the following children:

+ 943 F i. Charlotte Cochran was born on 21 Aug 1940.

+ 944 F ii. Karon Cochran was born on 31 Mar 1948.

945 M iii. Roger Cochran was born on 2 Jan 1950. He died on 10 May 1975. The cause of death was killed in a plane crash.

They lived in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma.

Roger married Sussan Weindell .

573. Era Mae Cochran (Charles Fleet "Fleet", Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 15 Apr 1922.

She is a very attractive lady with black hair and eyes - very likable and friendly.

Era married Horace Black on 21 Sep 1940. Horace was born on 5 Jan 1918.

He is with the Life of Georgia Insurance Co. in Fort Smith, Arkansas.

Horace and Era had the following children:

+ 946 M i. Gaylon Edmond Black was born on 16 Apr 1941.

+ 947 M ii. Clemon Dwayne Black was born on 23 Jun 1942.

+ 948 F iii. Shelia Elain Black was born on 7 Aug 1946.

+ 949 F iv. Debra Kay Black was born on 27 Apr 1948.

574. Velta Lea Cochran (Charles Fleet "Fleet", Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 13 Dec 1923.

The live in California.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 159 Velta married Coy Nichols .

They had the following children:

+ 950 M i. Gregory Lynn Nichols was born on 5 May 1947.

575. Abigail Cochran (Charles Fleet "Fleet", Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 2 Apr 1927.

lives in Greenwood, Arkansas.

Abigail married Ishmeal Willsey on 23 May 1945.

They had the following children:

951 F i. Rita Willsey was born on 15 Apr 1947.

952 F ii. Marylan Kay Willsey was born on 29 Oct 1948.

+ 953 F iii. Katherine Willsey was born on 5 Sep 1952.

576. Roy Lawrence Cochran (Charles Fleet "Fleet", Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 9 May 1930.

they live in Ft. Smith, Arkansas.

Roy married (1) Lema Berkshire on 5 Oct 1952. Lema died on 1 Oct 1966.

They had the following children:

954 M i. Larry Cochran was born on 25 Jan 1958.

955 F ii. Judy Marlene Cochran was born on 25 Jun 1962.

577. Lana Naomi "Pat" Cochran (Charles Fleet "Fleet", Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 31 Oct 1932.

They have their own business in Oklahoma City.

Lana married Coy Winn on 20 Apr 1952.

They had the following children:

956 M i. Perry Lee Winn was born on 14 Aug 1959 in Midwest, Oklahoma.

957 M ii. Bradley Coy Winn was born on 16 Oct 1967 in Midwest, Oklahoma.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 160 578. Zelma Faye Cochran (Byrd, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 18 Dec 1904 in Barber, Logan Co., Arkansas.

Zelma married Jim P. Blythe on 3 Mar 1931. Jim died on 9 Apr 1959.

They had the following children:

+ 958 F i. Avanell Blythe was born on 16 Mar 1932.

+ 959 M ii. Farris Leon Blythe was born on 17 Apr 1933.

+ 960 F iii. Daisy Mercedes Blythe .

+ 961 F iv. Eva Darlene Blythe was born on 2 Oct 1936.

579. Opal Zenvia Cochran (Byrd, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 20 Sep 1906 in Barber, Logan Co., Arkansas.

Opal married (1) Ralph Williamson in 1933.

They had the following children:

+ 962 M i. Robert Paul Williamson was born on 8 Mar 1935.

+ 963 M ii. Darian "Derrel" McClain Williamson was born on 24 Dec 1936.

+ 964 F iii. Helen Ruth Williamson was born on 10 May 1938.

+ 965 F iv. Mary Josephine Williamson was born on 7 Apr 1940.

+ 966 F v. Hope Modean Williamson was born on 27 Feb 1943.

+ 967 F vi. Mattie Pearl Williamson was born on 1 Nov 1944.

Opal married (2) Leslie Morgan in 1955.

580. Orville Nolan Cochran (Byrd, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 21 Sep 1908. was born on 21 Sep 1908.

Orville married Retha Woods on 31 Aug 1931.

They had the following children:

+ 968 M i. Ronald Hudson Cochran was born on 19 Oct 1933.

+ 969 F ii. Betty Doris Cochran was born on 23 Jan 1939.

+ 970 M iii. Larry Dwight Cochran was born on 1 Nov 1944.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 161 581. Carl Fleet Cochran (Byrd, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 15 Mar 1911.

Carl was employed as rancher in Barber, Logan Co., Arkansas.

Carl married Clarice Sanford in Aug 1932.

They had the following children:

+ 971 F i. Nell Virginia Cochran was born on 29 Mar 1934.

+ 972 M ii. Donald Eugene Cochran was born on 7 Feb 1939.

582. Lizzie Laura Cochran (Byrd, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 23 Dec 1921.

Lizzie married James Russell in Barber, Logan Co., Arkansas.

They had the following children:

+ 973 M i. Jerry Darwin Russell was born on 30 Oct 1943.

974 M ii. Jimmy DeLane Russell was born on 14 Jan 1948. Jimmy married Belinda Fay Elmore on 22 May 1971.

975 F iii. LaDarla Joy Russell was born on 3 Sep 1957.

583. Dorothy B. Cochran (Byrd, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 11 Mar 1924.

Dorothy married Claude Neisler on 7 Feb 1944 in Greenwood, California.

They had the following children:

+ 976 F i. Judy Ann Neisler was born on 29 Sep 1948.

584. Dayle D. Cochran (Byrd, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 12 Mar 1926.

Dayle was employed as construction worker. He resided in Boonesville, Arkansas. He served in the military served with the Seabees - Feb 1946.

Dayle married (1) Peggy Rue Frederick on 22 Aug 1947.

They had the following children:

977 F i. Sandra Kay Cochran was born on 24 Sep 1950.

978 F ii. Debra Rae Cochran was born on 26 Jan 1952.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 162 Dayle married (2) Bernadine Hubbard .

Dayle married (3) Glen Dee McLemore on 23 Jun 1962.

They had the following children:

979 F iii. DeAnna LaDale Cochran was born on 11 Jan 1965.

585. Doyle B. Cochran (Byrd, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 12 Mar 1926.

Doyle was employed as at the missile field in Cape Kennedy, Florida. He served in the military served with the Seabees 18 Jan 1945 - .

Doyle married (1) Janie Rose Brown on 20 Nov 1943.

They had the following children:

980 M i. Edwin McLain Cochran was born on 21 Sep 1944.

Doyle married (2) Sarah Evelyn Hicks on 11 Mar 1951.

Doyle married (3) Shelia Hicks on 2 May 1964.

They had the following children:

981 M ii. Doyle B. Cochran , Jr. was born on 10 Mar 1952 in Wichita, Sedgwick Co., Kansas.

982 F iii. Carol Kay Cochran was born on 23 Jul 1954 in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

586. Vera Hazel Prince (Annie Duchess Cochran, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 15 Jan 1905.

lives at Gilmer, TX.

Vera married Frank Lenhart . Frank was born on 15 Mar 1883.

They had the following children:

+ 983 F i. Joan Lenhart was born on 3 Nov 1924.

+ 984 F ii. Anna Jean Prince was born on 9 Dec 1926.

+ 985 M iii. Coy Sanford Lenhart was born on 5 Jun 1929.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 163 + 986 F iv. Yvonne Lenhart was born on 10 Oct 1938.

+ 987 F v. Emilie Lenhart .

+ 988 F vi. Janice Lenhart was born on 25 Jul 1940.

+ 989 F vii. Linda Carroll Lenhart was born on 5 Mar 1942.

588. Ruby May Prince (Annie Duchess Cochran, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 8 Apr 1908.

Ruby married Howard Marion Purkaple . Howard was born on 19 Mar 1904 in Neodosha, Kansas.

Howard and Ruby had the following children:

+ 990 M i. Howard Marion Purkaple , Jr. was born on 21 Dec 1925.

+ 991 M ii. Jerry Neil Purkaple was born on 14 Dec 1930.

+ 992 F iii. Amarr Purkaple was born on 31 Aug 1946.

590. Muncie Pat Prince (Annie Duchess Cochran, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 1 Jun 1912.

Muncie married Minnie Leota Byers on 11 Aug 1932.

They had the following children:

+ 993 M i. Don Alan Prince was born on 1 Jun 1933.

+ 994 M ii. Ronald Lee Prince was born on 4 Feb 1936.

995 F iii. Carol Rosetta Prince was born on 7 Sep 1939. Carol married Norman Ward .

996 F iv. Eva Jean Prince was born on 3 Oct 1942. Eva married James Lindsay .

997 F v. Linda Ann Prince was born on 19 Nov 1944. Linda married Larry Jordan .

998 F vi. Joan Rosiland Prince was born on 25 Jul 1946. Joan married Don Grubbs .

999 F vii. Lana June Prince was born on 24 Jul 1951. Lana married Ray Starks .

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 164 591. Leatrice Pearl Prince (Annie Duchess Cochran, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 20 Apr 1914.

Leatrice was employed as saleswoman.

has a child and grandchild by first husband.

Leatrice married (1) unknown .

They had the following children:

1000 i. child .

Leatrice married (2) Bill Dooley .

592. Curtis Ford Prince (Annie Duchess Cochran, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 6 Apr 1922. He died on 2 Jun 1946. The cause of death was killed in a motorcycle accident.

Curtis married Bernice Browning .

They had the following children:

1001 F i. Patricia Ann Prince was born on 19 Nov 1940.

1002 F ii. Gloria Jean Prince was born on 5 Jun 1944.

593. Gorman William Prince (Annie Duchess Cochran, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 27 Jan 1923. He died in 1975. The cause of death was heart attack.

He was an artist and a draftsman. He owned his own business in Victoria, Texas. He was a blond, good- looking man, very friendly.

Gorman married Louise Depine .

She is a small, pretty brunette.

Gorman and Louise had the following children:

+ 1003 M i. William Gorman Prince was born in 1953.

1004 F ii. Gail Prince was born in 1958. Gail married Andrew Faidley on 4 Nov 1972.

594. Mildred Latrell Presson (Myrtle Modene Cochran, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 5 Jan 1909.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 165 Mildred resided in California.

Mildred married Jeff Owens in 1929.

They had the following children:

1005 M i. Ralph Owens .

1006 M ii. Clydense Owens . Clydense married Sharp .

1007 F iii. Barbara Jean Owens .

1008 F iv. Joyce Ann Owens .

1009 M v. Jerry Owens .

1010 F vi. Sue Owens .

1011 M vii. Lindens Owens .

595. Gladys Marie Presson (Myrtle Modene Cochran, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 1 Apr 1911.

Gladys married A. H. Reding on 15 Dec 1928.

They had the following children:

1012 M i. Donald Reding was born on 11 Mar 1930. Donald married Claudine Kingsley on 19 Jun 1958.

1013 F ii. Doris Lea Reding was born on 11 Mar 1932. Doris married Richard Holmes on 4 Dec 1948.

1014 M iii. Forris Leon Reding was born on 4 Jun 1936. Forris married Shirley Cabe . Shirley was born on 25 Feb 1958.

1015 F iv. Sharon Modean Reding was born on 13 Mar 1941. Sharon married Richard Moritz on 12 Jun 1961.

596. Oleta Wave Presson (Myrtle Modene Cochran, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 27 Mar 1916.

Oleta married Sidney Rowe .

They had the following children:

1016 i. Lavon Rowe .

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 166 1017 F ii. Nita Gail Rowe .

597. Wanda Dell Presson (Myrtle Modene Cochran, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 24 Feb 1922.

Wanda married Wayne Lewis .

They had the following children:

+ 1018 F i. Linda Dell Lewis was born on 19 May 1943.

+ 1019 M ii. Roger Dwayne Lewis was born on 5 Jun 1952.

598. Jewel Avis Presson (Myrtle Modene Cochran, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 23 Oct 1924 in Barber, Logan Co., Arkansas.

Jewel married Clifton E. Damron on 12 Apr 1937. Clifton was born on 2 Jun 1903 in Booneville, Arkansas.

They had the following children:

+ 1020 F i. Nell Elane Damron was born on 20 Aug 1938.

1021 M ii. Clifton Michael Damron was born on 18 Nov 1946 in Fayetteville, Arkansas.

599. Norman Dale Presson (Myrtle Modene Cochran, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 20 Sep 1925.

Norman resided in Iowa.

Norman married Wanda Jean Hill in 1950.

They had the following children:

1022 M i. Donald Presson was born on 12 Feb 1951.

+ 1023 M ii. Ronald Presson was born on 12 Feb 1951.

600. Kenneth Roland Presson (Myrtle Modene Cochran, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 15 Mar 1927.

Kenneth married (1) Janeene Cliff in 1950.

They had the following children:

1024 F i. Pamela Jean Presson was born in 1951.

Kenneth married (2) Betty Kensinger . Betty was born on 17 Feb 1934.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 167 Kenneth and Betty had the following children:

+ 1025 M ii. Kenneth Roland Presson , Jr. was born on 2 Jul 1954.

1026 F iii. Deborah Cherlyne Presson was born on 13 Dec 1955.

1027 F iv. Susie Modean Presson was born on 5 Oct 1960.

1028 M v. David Allen Presson was born on 2 Aug 1962. David married Betty .

601. Calvin Eugene Presson (Myrtle Modene Cochran, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 21 Dec 1930.

Calvin was employed as manager in Penney's, San Fernando, California.

Calvin married Sylvia Adamson .

They had the following children:

1029 M i. Stephen Douglas Presson .

1030 M ii. Gregory Presson .

1031 M iii. Scott Allen Presson .

602. Granville Reed Presson (Myrtle Modene Cochran, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 4 Nov 1932.

A very handsome fellow.

Granville married Patricia Ann Yandell in Jun 1955.

They had the following children:

1032 F i. Judith Ann Presson was born on 9 May 1951 in Rock Island, Illinois.

603. Delphene Turner (Dewey Florence Cochran, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 22 Mar 1923.

Delphene married Ray A. Hope on 12 Apr 1941.

They had the following children:

+ 1033 F i. Linda Hope was born on 22 Jun 1947.

1034 M ii. Bobby Hope was born on 22 Aug 1955.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 168 604. Glen Hendrick Turner (Dewey Florence Cochran, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 20 Aug 1928 in Barber, Logan Co., Arkansas.

Glen and Barbara live up north.

Glen married (1) Doris Lewis in 1948.

They had the following children:

1035 F i. Elizabeth Turner was born on 31 Oct 1959.

Glen married (2) Barbara Cross in 1952.

605. Bobbie Kathleen Turner (Dewey Florence Cochran, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 25 Jan 1933.

Bobbie married Robert McGhee on 19 Jul 1955.

They had the following children:

+ 1036 M i. Gary McGhee was born on 20 Aug 1953.

1037 M ii. Roger Loyd McGhee was born on 16 Jun 1958. He died on 18 Jun 1958. He was buried in Pine Log Cem., near Barber, Logan Co., Arkansas.

609. Thomas Cochran (John Jefferson, Robert Silas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born in 1879.

Thomas married Sarah Wright . Sarah was born in 1870.

They had the following children:

1038 F i. Lois Sand Cochran .

1039 F ii. Phebie Francis Cochran .

1040 M iii. La Roy Cochran .

1041 F iv. Dollie Cochran .

1042 v. Clair Cochran .

1043 F vi. Edna Collins Cochran .

1044 M vii. Jack Cochran , Jr. . Jack married West Tula .

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 169 612. Robert Oliver Cochran (John Jefferson, Robert Silas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born in 1887.

Robert married Betty Stuart or Stewart .

They had the following children:

1045 M i. Cleborn Fredrich Cochran was born on 10 Aug 1912. He died on 10 Mar 1975.

1046 F ii. Hattie Fields Cochran .

1047 M iii. Leonard Allen "Dutch" Cochran was born in Jun 1912. He died on 10 Mar 1924.

1048 F iv. Pearl Cochran . Pearl married B. F. Williamson , II .

1049 M v. Delbert Lee "Louie" Cochran was born on 25 Dec 1932.

+ 1050 F vi. Barbara Nell Cochran was born on 6 Dec 1941.

+ 1051 F vii. Elsie N. Cochran was born on 27 Mar 1918.

+ 1052 M viii. Herbert Cleo Cochran was born in Aug 1920.

613. Myrtle Cochran (John Jefferson, Robert Silas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born in 1892.

Myrtle married (1) James Roy Asher daughter of Asher.

His sister, Ida Ethel, married John Millard Cochran.

Myrtle and James had the following children:

+ 1053 M i. Charlie Jefferson Cochran died on 28 Feb 1943.

1054 M ii. Leon Cochran .

1055 M iii. Cecil Cochran .

1056 F iv. May Cochran .

Myrtle married (2) Robert Donahoe .

They had the following children:

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 170 1057 F v. Starlie Gertrude Cochran .

617. Luther Cochran (John Jefferson, Robert Silas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born in 1895 in Oklahoma.

Luther married Myrtle Gye .

They had the following children:

1058 F i. Loraine Cochran died in 0001.

618. John Millard Cochran (John Jefferson, Robert Silas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 6 Jun 1896 in Oklahoma. He died in 1922 in Mosier, Oklahoma. The cause of death was heart attack.

He moved to Arkansas. He married Ethel Asher who was 14 at the time. He was a farmer and played the organ at church.

John married Ida Ethel Asher daughter of Asher. Ida was born on 14 Mar 1899.

They had the following children:

+ 1059 M i. George Jefferson Cochran was born on 6 Aug 1914. He died on 4 Jul 1982.

+ 1060 F ii. Leona Bell Cochran was born on 6 Jun 1916. She died on 9 Dec 1974.

621. Greel Cochran (John Elgin, Levi Thomas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 20 Feb 1904 in Marion Co., Alabama. He died on 12 Oct 1961 in Hamilton, Alabama.

Greel married Lonnie Bell Frederick . Lonnie was born on 10 Oct 1901.

They had the following children:

+ 1061 M i. Olan Ethridge Cochran was born in 1928.

1062 M ii. John Calvert Cochran was born on 12 Feb 1930.

1063 M iii. William Cochran was born on 10 Oct 1933.

1064 F iv. Bettie Mae Cochran was born on 20 Apr 1934. She died in Jun 1934.

1065 M v. Jack Dempsey Cochran was born in Nov 1935.

+ 1066 F vi. Dorothy May Cochran was born in 1926/1936.

1067 F vii. Ruby Cochran was born on 16 Mar 1937. Ruby married Don Johnson .

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 171 1068 M viii. Brady Hugh Cochran was born on 4 Mar 1941. Brady married Evelene Belther .

1069 M ix. Charles Elgin Cochran was born on 2 Apr 1944. Charles married Virginia Tice .

1070 M x. Max Daniels Cochran was born in 1946.

622. Larry Leland Cochran (John Elgin, Levi Thomas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 8 Mar 1906 in Marion Co., Alabama.

Larry married Nettie Frances Tice . Nettie was born on 29 Dec 1909 in Marion Co., Alabama.

They had the following children:

1071 M i. Artie J. Cochran was born on 30 Sep 1927 in Marion Co., Alabama.

Artie resided in Berien Springs, Michigan. Artie married Nellie Ruth King .

1072 M ii. Odis J. B. Cochran was born on 24 Aug 1929. Odis married Joyce Ann Cupp .

1073 M iii. Larry Ollis Cochran . Larry married Barbara Ann Boissee in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

1074 F iv. Darlene Cochran was born on 5 Dec 1933. Darlene married Rayburn Reed .

1075 F v. Arlene Cochran was born on 5 Dec 1933. She died in 1933. She was buried in Antioch Church Cem., near Hamilton, Alabama.

1076 F vi. Daisy Lou Cochran was born on 18 Jan 1938 in Marion Co., Alabama.

Daisy resided in Berien Springs, Michigan. Daisy married Joel Franklin King on 22 Dec 1952.

+ 1077 M vii. Elvis Ray Cochran was born on 26 Feb 1938.

1078 F viii. Hazel Marie Cochran was born on 23 Jun 1940. Hazel married Glenn Cupp .

1079 F ix. Alice Faye Cochran was born on 23 May 1943. Alice married Garry Dean Cupp .

631. George Cochran (Robert Silas, Levi Thomas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born in 1913.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 172 George married Easter Clements .

They had the following children:

+ 1080 F i. Martha Fay Cochran was born on 29 Mar 1930.

+ 1081 M ii. Eugene Cochran was born on 25 Aug 1936.

+ 1082 M iii. Donnie Cochran was born on 19 Sep 1940.

+ 1083 F iv. Hellen Cochran was born on 12 Mar 1944.

+ 1084 M v. Bobby Cochran was born on 1 Jun 1947.

1085 M vi. Wayne Cochran was born on 15 Feb 1955. Wayne married Shelia Forster .

667. Eufra Owens (Rausie Lee Cochran, John Carroll, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 13 Jun 1907.

Eufra married Harold Delbert Blount on 13 Apr 1929 in Tishomingo, Tishomingo Co., Mississippi. Harold was born on 23 Jul 1907.

They had the following children:

1086 F i. Barbara Owens Blount was born on 16 Feb 1932. Barbara married Charles Tillman Parker on 4 Sep 1952 in Tishomingo, Tishomingo Co., Mississippi. Charles was born on 22 Nov 1928.

668. Thomas Dolan Owens (Rausie Lee Cochran, John Carroll, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 23 Oct 1909.

Thomas married Sibyl Prescott Loveless on 17 Jun 1939 in Burton, Prentiss Co., Mississippi. Sibyl was born on 4 Sep 1919.

They had the following children:

+ 1087 F i. Myra Lee Owens was born on 22 Jul 1940.

+ 1088 F ii. Monna Sue Owens was born on 3 Nov 1942.

+ 1089 F iii. Donna Jean Owens was born on 7 Mar 1949.

676. Nellie Cochran (George Riley, Ervin Smith, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 30 Mar 1912.

Nellie married Lon Gunnin . Lon was born on 15 Jan 1906 in Hacklesburg, Marion Co., Alabama.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 173 They had the following children:

+ 1090 F i. Jean Gunnin was born on 5 Nov 1928.

1091 M ii. Kenneth Gunnin was born on 3 Jun 1932. He died on 6 Sep 1980. Kenneth married Joann Cunning . Joann was born on 6 Apr 1951.

677. Nettie Cochran (George Riley, Ervin Smith, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 12 Feb 1919.

Nettie married Isaac Henry Mason . Isaac was born on 26 Apr 1914.

They had the following children:

1092 M i. Huey Richard Mason was born on 2 Jul 1934.

1093 F ii. Alma Lou Mason was born on 13 May 1940.

1094 F iii. Betty Sue Mason was born on 7 Oct 1957.

678. Ruby Nell McCarey (Susie Cochran, Ervin Smith, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ).

Ruby married Thomas McCurley .

They had the following children:

1095 M i. Bobby Joe McCurley .

Tenth Generation

679. Billie Louise Thacker (Ruby Lee Cochran, Patrick (Pat) "Henry", Lycurgus C. "LC" "Curd" or "Kirg", John, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 21 Feb 1938 in McKinney, Collin Co., Texas. She died on 11 Jan 1995.

Billie married (1) Rusty Vert . Rusty died on 25 Dec 1994 in Ada, Oklahoma.

They had the following children:

1096 F i. Sherri Vert .

Billie married (2) Gerald Don Wheeler . The marriage ended in divorce.Gerald was born on 25 Nov 1934. He died on 28 Nov 2000. He was buried in Block 7E, Rush Springs Cem., Rush Springs, Grady Co., Oklahoma.

He is doing life in prison for killing his wife he married after he and Billie divorced.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 174 (same as Gerald Donald Wheeler born abt 1934, died Nov. 28, 2000, Block 7E, Rush Springs Cem., Grady Co., Okla.?)

Gerald and Billie had the following children:

+ 1097 M ii. Jerry Don Wheeler was born on 11 Apr 1958. He died on 30 Dec 1988.

1098 F iii. Debbie Wheeler . Debbie married Stevens .

Billie married (3) Bobby Christian .

680. Shirley Marie Thacker (Ruby Lee Cochran, Patrick (Pat) "Henry", Lycurgus C. "LC" "Curd" or "Kirg", John, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 21 Feb 1946 in Dallas, Dallas Co., Texas. She died on 25 Feb 2003 in Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma. She was buried on 27 Feb 2003 in Fairlawn Cem., Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma.

Shirley Marie Sneed We are deeply saddened to announce the passing of our mother, grandmother, and friend, who after a long and courageous battle, passed away Tuesday, February 25, 2003, with family by her side. Funeral services will be held on Thursday, February 27, 2003 at 1:30 p.m. in the Ferguson Funeral Home Chapel. Shirley was born in Dallas, Texas, on February 21, 1946, the daughter of J.W. Thacker and Ruby Lee

Cochran Thacker. Shirley moved to Chickasha as a child. She attended schools in both Chickasha and Ninnekah. Shirley was always compassionate, always servicing others. Graduating from St. Anthony's School of Nursing in 1964. Shirley worked as a LPN at Grady Memorial Hospital. She spent ten years as a shift- nursing supervisor at Christian Care, also spending eighteen years at Southwest Youth and Family Services as both a family and drug and alcohol counselor. Over the years, she opened her heart and home to seven foster children. She will be remembered and deeply missed. Shirley was preceded in death by both parents and step-father R.C. Chambers; grandmother: Maggie Cochran; one sister and brother-in-law: Billye and Rusty Vert; one brother: Carl Thacker and nephew Jerry Wheeler. Survivors include: one son and daughter-in-law: Phillip and Kristin Sneed; three daughters and sons- in-law: Carla VanDorn, Jami and London Jeffreys and Stephanie and Kevin Hayes, all of Chickasha; two aunts: Eva Cochran and Katherine Dulany; nine grandchildren: Jeff and Kerry VanDorn, Dusti, Phillip, Logan and Kaleb Sneed, Joshua Jeffreys, Kaila Hayes and Brennon Bush; two great grandchildren: Skylar and Brooklyn; and special friends left to mourn are Diana Cobb, Vicki Saliba, Mary West, Wanda and Dale Lane, Jami Mathews, Eddie Cowen and Rhonda Sneed. Heartfelt thanks go to Dr. Karen Maluf and to Cindy, Lisa and Becky of HOCO, for their care of our loved one. Interment will be in the Fairlawn Cemetery under the direction of Ferguson Funeral Home.

Shirley married Leroy Sneed . The marriage ended in divorce.Leroy was born in Anadarko, Caddo Co., Oklahoma.

They had the following children:

+ 1099 M i. Phillip Dewayne Sneed was born in 1967.

+ 1100 F ii. Jami Sneed was born in 1968.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 175 682. Edmond Arnold Hart (Anna Mae M. "Sis" Cochran, Patrick (Pat) "Henry", Lycurgus C. "LC" "Curd" or "Kirg", John, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 2 Feb 1947/1948 in Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma.

Edmond married Linda Sue Milford in Apr. The marriage ended in divorce.

They had the following children:

1101 M i. John David Hart was born in Nov 1967 in Nobil, Oklahoma.

683. Patricia Ann Hart (Anna Mae M. "Sis" Cochran, Patrick (Pat) "Henry", Lycurgus C. "LC" "Curd" or "Kirg", John, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 11 Mar 1950 in Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma.

Patricia married Eldon Fleming on 12 Aug 1966.

They had the following children:

1102 M i. Donnie Fleming was born in 1968 in Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma.

1103 F ii. (daughter) Fleming .

684. Caroleene Maria Hart (Anna Mae M. "Sis" Cochran, Patrick (Pat) "Henry", Lycurgus C. "LC" "Curd" or "Kirg", John, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 11 Aug 1953 in Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma. Caroleene married (1) David English in Aug 1970. The marriage ended in divorce.

They had the following children:

1104 F i. Shelley Katherine English was born in 1973 in Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma. Shelley married Jason .

+ 1105 F ii. Sarah English was born in 1975.

Caroleene married (2) Eldon Cobble . Eldon was born on 5 Nov 1941. He died on 23 Nov 1993 in Oklahoma. He was buried in Fairlawn Cem., Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma.

died morning of Thanksgiving Day


Caroleene married (3) Keith Tooley .

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 176 685. Ray Franklin Hart (Anna Mae M. "Sis" Cochran, Patrick (Pat) "Henry", Lycurgus C. "LC" "Curd" or "Kirg", John, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 25 Jun 1958 in Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma.

Ray was employed as farmer.

Ray married Sherrie on 16 Dec 1977.

They had the following children:

1106 M i. Jacob Hart was born in 1986 in Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma.

1107 F ii. Rachel Hart was born in 1988 in Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma.

686. Jack "Lucky" Dulaney , Jr. (Georgia Katherine "Doodle" Cochran, Patrick (Pat) "Henry", Lycurgus C. "LC" "Curd" or "Kirg", John, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 7 Sep 1943 in Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma.

Jack was employed as owner in El Paso Imports based in Texas.

Jack married Faith .

They had the following children:

1108 F i. Grace Dulaney .

687. Sondra Eleene Dulaney (Georgia Katherine "Doodle" Cochran, Patrick (Pat) "Henry", Lycurgus C. "LC" "Curd" or "Kirg", John, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 5 Jan 1946 in Freer, Duval Co., Texas.

Sondra married Don Shuster .

They had the following children:

1109 M i. William Shuster .

1110 F ii. Kate Shuster .

1111 M iii. Mathew Shuster .

691. Darren Ray Cook (Maggie Juanita "Juanita" Cochran, Patrick (Pat) "Henry", Lycurgus C. "LC" "Curd" or "Kirg", John, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 23 Jun 1958 in Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma.

Darren married Darla Jo DeHart on 5 Sep 1975. The marriage ended in divorce.Darla was born on 28 Jan 1959 in Anadarko, Caddo Co., Oklahoma.

They had the following children:

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 177 1112 M i. Dustin Lee Cook was born on 14 Jan 1978 in Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma.

1113 F ii. DesiRae Cook was born on 13 Oct 1979 in Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma.

692. Susan Kay Cook (Maggie Juanita "Juanita" Cochran, Patrick (Pat) "Henry", Lycurgus C. "LC" "Curd" or "Kirg", John, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 16 Aug 1959 in Thomas, Custer Co., Oklahoma.

Susan was employed as teacher.

Susan married Charles Allen "Allen" Bogle on 3 Jul 1980 in Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma. Charles was born on 14 Oct 1957 in Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma.

They had the following children:

1114 M i. Trevor Allan Bogle was born on 26 Sep 1984 in Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma.

1115 M ii. Cody Blake Bogle was born on 26 Nov 1989 in Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma.

694. Timothy Joe Cook (Maggie Juanita "Juanita" Cochran, Patrick (Pat) "Henry", Lycurgus C. "LC" "Curd" or "Kirg", John, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 2 Nov 1963 in Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma.

Timothy married Jackie Sue Smith on 1 Oct 1982 in Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma. Jackie was born on 25 May 1964 in Oakland, Alameda Co., California.

They had the following children:

1116 M i. Braden Cook was born on 12 Aug 1991 in Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma.

1117 M ii. Madison Cook .

695. Kimberly Dawn Cochran 145,146 (Pete Donald "Sonny", Patrick (Pat) "Henry", Lycurgus C. "LC" "Curd" or "Kirg", John, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born147 on 1 Feb 1968 in Wichita, Sedgwick Co., Kansas.

Middle name from dad's middle name.

(from shirley sneed): "elvis001" To :

Subject : Congraulations Date : Tue, 23 Jan 2001 17:25:27 -0600

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 178 Congraulations! Susan had told Eva and I that you were expecting but we didn't know that you had produced. We are very happy for you, and know that you will be a very good mother. That is a great name for a baby boy and I know your dad would be proud to have a grandson named after him. I sincerley hope that you got a good man this time and we look forward to meeting him. We especially want to get a hold of that baby boy. Has your momma and brothers got to see him yet? I am having great trouble with this computer stuff they say you never get to old too old to learn new tricks but I am begining to disagree. Eva and I are FAT and SASSY ( Eva told Shirley to speak for herself! ) We don't do much but eat and sleep and GRIPE! The grandkids are over alot and so are the kids. Phillip is coaching and Jami is nursing and both doing okay. I wish we could see all of you more. Our family keeps getting smaller. Eva and I hope to visit Hayes when the weather gets more stable. We have had alot of rain and A LOT of snow. Which has made my breathing problems worse. I haven't heard from Bear since before Christmas must be my turn to write him back. Takes me 4ever and Dusti does all of the work!! ( he he he can you tell it is me??) She loves and I mean LOVES to gloat. Thank you for the email I promise to keep in touch and you do the same. Tell the husband what a sweet wonderful ( and adorable) person Dusti is ( oh don't forget about Shirley and Eva ) So maybe he will want to bring you and Trey down to see us sooner. Always remember we love you.

Love Cousin Shirl and Eva oh and most importantly me Dusti

Kimberly married149,150 Ferrell Dale "Butch" Hendrix , Jr. 148 son of Ferrell Dale "Dale" Hendrix and Phyllis Genean "Genean" Craig on 10 Sep 2000 in Tower Hill, Illinois. Ferrell was born151 on 12 Nov 1964 in Shelbyville, Shelby Co., Illinois.

Ferrell was employed as ESDA Coordinator, Home Land Security in Atwood, Piatt/Douglas Co., Illinois. He was employed as Fire Capt., Fire Inspector, ex Fire Chief, ex EMT in Atwood, Piatt/Douglas Co., Illinois. He was employed as safety director in ADM Decatur, Macon Co., Illinois. He was employed as part time Cop in Atwood, Piatt/Douglas Co., Illinois. He was employed as part time Cop in Arthur, Douglas/Moultrie Co., Illinois. He was employed as part time Cop in Windsor, Illinois.

They had the following children:

1118 M i. Trey Donald Hendrix 152,153,154 was born155,156 on 13 Dec 2000 in Decatur, Macon Co., Illinois.

Middle name from mommy and grandpa cochran. Trey was born during the Bob Stoops Era. OU was ranked number 1 in the AP, record was 13-0 with a 8-0 record in the Big 12 Conference and National Champions. 2000 OU Schedule: Sept. 2 OU vs. Texas-El Paso WIN 55-14 Sept. 9 OU vs. Arkasnas State WIN 45-7 Sept. 23 OU vs. Rice WIN 42-14

Sept. 30 OU vs. Kansas WIN 34-16 Oct. 7 OU vs. Texas at Dallas WIN 63-14 Oct. 14 OU at Kansas State WIN 41-31 Oct. 28 OU vs. Nebraska WIN 31-14 Nov. 4OU at Baylor WIN 56-7 Nov. 11 OU at Texas A&M WIN 35-31 Nov. 18 OU vs. Texas Tech WIN 27-13 Nov. 25 OU at Oklahoma State WIN 12-7

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 179 Dec. 2OU vs. Kansas State WIN 27-24 Big 12 Championship at Kansas City, Missouri Jan. 3, 2001 OU vs. Florida State WIN 13-2 Orange Bowl at Miami, Florida with 76,835 people in attendance

2001: 11-2 record under Coach Bob Stoops, ranked 6th in AP rankings, ranked 6th in the AP 2001 OU Schedule: Aug. 25 OU vs. North Carolina WIN 41-27 Sept. 1 OU at Air Force WIN 44-3 Sept. 8 OU vs. North Texas WIN 37-10 Sept. 29 OU vs. Kansas State WIN 38-37 Oct. 6 OU vs. Texas (at Dallas) WIN 14-3 Oct. 13 OU at Kansas WIN 38-10 Oct. 20 OU vs. Baylor WIN 33-17 Oct. 27 OU at Nebraska lose 10-20 Nov. 3OU vs. Tulsa WIN 58-0 Nov. 10 OU vs. Texas A&M WIN 31-10 Nov. 17 OU at Texas Tech WIN 30-13 Nov. 24 OU vs. Oklahoma State lose 13-16 Jan. 1 OU vs. Arkansas WIN 10-3 Cotton Bowl at Dallas, TX

[email protected] (Kathy A. Hendrix) To : [email protected] CC : [email protected] Subject : Re: Treys picture Date : Thu, 05 Apr 2001 09:12:36 -0500

He is a doll! And all that hair!!!!! I'm sure you and Butch are proud of him.

From Juanita: [email protected] To : [email protected] Subject :

picture Date : Sun, 4 Mar 2001 13:39:19 EST

Thank-you for the picture of Trey. He sure is a cutie! We are leaving for Galveston today to spend some time. Hope it's warm. Juanita

696. Michael Craig Cochran (Pete Donald "Sonny", Patrick (Pat) "Henry", Lycurgus C. "LC" "Curd" or "Kirg", John, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 9 Oct 1969 in Hays, Kansas.

Michael married Laurie Lynn Copeland daughter of Carl Copeland and Karen Ireland. Laurie was born on 31 Aug 1970 in Erie, Pennsylvania.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 180 They had the following children:

1119 F i. Allison Laurie Cochran was born on 23 Sep 1989 in Liberal, Kansas.

1120 F ii. Haley Ann Cochran was born on 30 Dec 1992 in Hays, Ellis Co., Kansas.

697. Christopher Wade Cochran (Pete Donald "Sonny", Patrick (Pat) "Henry", Lycurgus C. "LC" "Curd" or "Kirg", John, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 12 Nov 1973 in Hays, Kansas.

Christopher married Christine Lavonne Henry daughter of Walter James Henry on 14 Sep 2001 in Topeka, Kansas.

They had the following children:

1121 F i. Avery Mackenzie Cochran was born on 4 Apr 2002 in Topeka, Kansas.

1122 M ii. Alexander James Cochran was born on 31 Mar 2005 in Plainville, Rooks Co., Kansas.

702. James Lawrence Gilbert (Earl Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 12 Sep 1929 in Murphy, Mayes Co., Oklahoma. He died on 19 Jun 1992 in Pryor, Mayes Co., Oklahoma. He was buried on 22 Jun 1992 in Wagoner, Wagoner Co., Oklahoma.

James married Ina Marie Hull on 17 Apr 1954.

They had the following children:

+ 1123 M i. Michael Gilbert was born on 18 Dec 1956. He died on 8 Jun 1991.

703. Myrl Fayrene Gilbert (Earl Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 15 Feb 1931 in Murphy, Mayes Co., Oklahoma.

Myrl married Louis Britten Watkins on 7 Sep 1947 in Wagoner, Wagoner Co., Oklahoma. Louis was born on 8 Feb 1925 in Christie, Adair Co., Oklahoma.

They had the following children:

+ 1124 F i. Linda Karen Watkins was born on 21 Aug 1948.

+ 1125 M ii. Richard Louis Watkins was born on 16 Jun 1950.

1126 M iii. Charles Britten Watkins was born on 30 Oct 1952 in Wagoner, Wagoner Co.

, Oklahoma. Charles married Kimberly Ann Benningfield in Oklahoma.

+ 1127 F iv. Denise Sheila Watkins was born on 5 Mar 1955.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 181 + 1128 F v. Tarra Lynn Watkins was born on 23 Feb 1958.

704. Hazel Maxine Gilbert (Earl Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 29 Mar 1936 in St. Paul, Arkansas.

Hazel married Homer Pat Dils on 10 Jan 1955 in California. Homer was born on 10 Nov 1930 in Little Rock, Arkansas.

They had the following children:

1129 F i. Danette Patricia Dils was born on 25 Aug 1956.

+ 1130 M ii. Brent Patrick Dils was born on 6 May 1959.

705. Harold Wayne Gilbert (Earl Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 19 Sep 1938 in Chouteau, Mayes Co., Oklahoma.

Harold married Linda Ward . The marriage ended in divorce.

They had the following children:

1131 F i. Crystal Gilbert was born in Muskogee, Muskogee Co., Oklahoma.

1132 M ii. Curtis Wayne Gilbert was born in Muskogee, Muskogee Co., Oklahoma.

+ 1133 F iii. Charmagne Renee Gilbert .

708. Joel Dean Gilbert 157 (Ernest Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 18 May 1932 in Arkansas. He was buried in Mineral Springs Cem., Washington Co., Arkansas.

Joel married159 (1) Ruby Joyce Gilbert 158 on 2 Jan 1959. Ruby was born on 14 Dec 1936. She died on 8 Feb 1981 in Washington Co., Arkansas. She was buried in Mineral Springs Cem., Washington Co., Arkansas.

They had the following children:

1134 M i. Joel Dean Gilbert 160 was born on 7 May 1956 in Franklin Co., Arkansas. He died on 7 May 1956 in Franklin Co., Arkansas. He was buried on 7 May 1956 in Hickory Grove Cem., Franklin Co., Arkansas.

+ 1135 M ii. Jimmy Dale Gilbert .

+ 1136 F iii. Joy Deeann Gilbert .

Joel married (2) Evelyn .

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 182 710. Howard D. Gilbert (Ernest Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 1 Nov 1938 in Mulberry, Arkansas.

Howard married Pat .

Howard and Pat had the following children:

1137 M i. Michael Don Gilbert .

1138 F ii. Sheila Deniese Gilbert .

1139 M iii. Clifton Howard Gilbert .

711. William Ernest Gilbert (Ernest Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 29 Mar 1944.

William married Sharon .

They had the following children:

1140 F i. Choya Darlene Gilbert was born on 16 Oct 1966 in Fort Smith, Arkansas. Choya married Michael Lee Brown on 15 Jun 1985. Michael was born on 8 Apr 1965 in Fort Smith, Arkansas.

1141 F ii. Crystal Gilbert .

714. Wayne Branson (Erma Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ).

Wayne married Barbara .

They had the following children:

1142 F i. Debbie Branson .

715. Phyllis Pauline Branson (Erma Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 17 Jul 1943 in Visalia, Tulare Co., California.

Phyllis married Dennis Bruce Reff in Quincy, Plumas Co., California. Dennis was born on 4 Apr 1940 in Bismarck, Burleigh Co., North Dakota.

They had the following children:

1143 F i. Terri Kay Reff was born on 27 Aug 1962 in Quincy, Plumas Co., California. Terri married Robert Beam in 1983.

716. Betty Branson (Erma Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ).

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 183 Betty married Paul Smith .

They had the following children:

+ 1144 F i. Shari Smith .

+ 1145 F ii. Paula Smith .

1146 M iii. Brad Smith .

1147 F iv. Karalynn Smith .

718. Patricia Wandella Gilbert (Fred Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 14 Feb 1935 in Pryor, Mayes Co., Oklahoma. Patricia married Burl Walter McGahey on 13 Feb 1954 in Ivanhoe, California. Burl was born on 3 Jul 1935 in Grandfield, Oklahoma.

They had the following children:

+ 1148 F i. Erin Dorlene McGahey was born on 29 Jan 1955.

+ 1149 F ii. Brenda Denise McGahey was born on 18 Sep 1957.

+ 1150 F iii. Janet Lynne McGahey was born on 7 May 1962.

719. James Ronald Gilbert (Fred Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 18 Jun 1937 in Visalia, Tulare Co., California.

James married Nancy Evalena Story . Nancy was born on 31 Aug 1942 in Grants, New Mexico.

They had the following children:

+ 1151 M i. Jimmy E. Gilbert was born on 18 Apr 1960.

+ 1152 F ii. Laronna Gilbert was born on 20 Sep 1962.

1153 M iii. James W. Chlonber was born on 20 Oct 1960 in Visalia, Tulare Co., California.

1154 M iv. Timothy D. Chlonber was born on 12 Oct 1962 in Hanford, California.

720. Frances Roberta Gilbert (Fred Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 22 Sep 1938 in Chouteau, Mayes Co., Oklahoma.

Frances married David Robert Burch on 31 Dec 1988 in LaCrescenta, California. David was born on 27 May 1942 in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 184 They had the following children:

1155 F i. Kimberly Denise Sievers was born on 22 Sep 1963 in Mt. View, California. Kimberly married (1) Tommie Richard Stover on 23 Aug 1986 in Jose, California. The marriage ended in divorce.Tommie was born on 5 Jun 1952 in Madera, California. Kimberly married (2) Kevin Price .

722. Hazel Marthelle Jackson (Hazel Eloise Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 31 Oct 1935 in Chouteau, Mayes Co., Oklahoma.

Hazel married Robert A. Dotts on 1 Nov 1963 in Grants, Cibola Co., New Mexico. The marriage ended in divorce.Robert was born on 20 May 1934 in Rico, Colorado.

They had the following children:

+ 1156 M i. Douglas Paul Dotts was born on 20 Mar 1958.

+ 1157 M ii. Boyd Irwin Dotts was born on 17 Aug 1964.

+ 1158 F iii. Cindy A. Dotts was born on 28 Feb 1966.

723. Floyd David Jackson (Hazel Eloise Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 3 Aug 1946 in Chouteau, Mayes Co., Oklahoma.

Floyd married (1) Alma Jackson .

They had the following children:

1159 F i. Tammi Jackson .

1160 F ii. Shelli Jackson .

Floyd married (2) Georgia Jackson .

They had the following children:

1161 M iii. Michael Jackson .

Floyd married (3) Lisa Jackson .

724. Larry Ozell Howell (Mabel Fayrene Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 30 Dec 1949 in Turlock, California.

Larry married Anita Dale Hudson on 1 Nov 1968. The marriage ended in divorce.Anita was born on 14 Oct 1950 in Healsburg, Sonoma, California.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 185 They had the following children:

+ 1162 M i. Glen Dale Howell was born on 23 Sep 1968.

+ 1163 M ii. Larry Wayne Howell was born on 21 Sep 1969.

+ 1164 F iii. Shelly Rene Howell was born on 4 Jan 1971.

725. Gary Lynn Howell (Mabel Fayrene Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 18 Sep 1951 in Turlock, California.

Gary married (1) Wendy Sue Clevenger on 28 Nov 1970 in Reno, Nevada. The marriage ended in divorce.Wendy was born on 7 May 1953 in Salinas, California.

They had the following children:

1165 M i. Aaron Mitchell Howell was born on 11 Jun 1970 in Sonora, California.

+ 1166 F ii. Tracie Lynn Howell was born on 2 Nov 1971.

+ 1167 F iii. Kelley Jean Howell was born on 3 Jun 1974.

Gary married (2) Krista Howell in Sonora, California.

They had the following children:

1168 iv. Taylor Holland Howell was born on 6 May 1995 in Sonora, California.

1169 M v. Michael Howell was born on 15 Jan 1998 in Sonora, California.

726. Etta Jean Howell (Mabel Fayrene Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 30 Mar 1953 in San Jose, California.

Etta married Timothy N. Frankenstein on 30 Dec 1972 in Sonora, California. Timothy was

born on 6 Aug 1950 in Sonora, California.

They had the following children:

+ 1170 F i. Jenneen Rachel Frankenstein was born on 26 Jul 1973.

+ 1171 M ii. Timothy Nile Frankenstein was born on 7 Sep 1977.

727. Randy Mark Howell (Mabel Fayrene Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 22 Oct 1957 in San Jose, California.

Randy married Kathy Simpson on 20 Dec 1991 in Anchorage, Alaska. Kathy was born on 12 Feb 1965 in Anchorage, Alaska.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 186 They had the following children:

1172 M i. Isaac M. Howell was born on 26 Jun 1979 in Great Falls, Montana.

1173 F ii. Nikki L. Howell was born on 28 Jan 1982 in Casper, Wyoming.

728. Billy Raper (Verlie Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born in Chouteau, Mayes Co., Oklahoma.

Billy married Susanna .

They had the following children:

+ 1174 F i. Suzanne Raper .

729. Sharon Raper (Verlie Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ).

Sharon married James Key .

They had the following children:

+ 1175 F i. Shari Key .

+ 1176 F ii. Patricia Key .

+ 1177 M iii. Ted Key .

1178 M iv. Jonathan Key .

730. Jack Dewane Fleming (Anna Mae Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 7 Sep 1948 in Pryor, Mayes Co., Oklahoma.

Jack married Billie Haire on 9 May 1970. Billie was born on 30 Mar 1952 in Colquett, Georgia.

They had the following children:

+ 1179 M i. Jason Dewane Fleming was born on 19 Sep 1973.

+ 1180 F ii. Michelle Fleming was born on 22 May 1974.

1181 M iii. Christopher Fleming was born on 17 Nov 1976 in Marietta, Georgia.

731. Karen Sue Fleming (Anna Mae Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 5 Aug 1953 in Pryor, Mayes Co., Oklahoma.

Karen married Dale Williams on 26 Jun 1975. Dale was born on 26 Jun 1944 in Jay, Oklahoma.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 187 They had the following children:

1182 F i. Susan Williams was born on 14 Dec 1967 in Wurtzburg, Germany.

1183 F ii. Jaclyn Williams was born on 13 Jan 1987 in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

1184 F iii. Jennifer Williams was born on 21 Dec 1989 in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

732. Jerry Frank Gilbert (Albert Jay Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 24 Aug 1945 in Pryor, Mayes Co., Oklahoma.

Jerry married Marilyn Kay Oliver . Marilyn was born on 18 Oct 1947 in Yale, Payne Co., Oklahoma.

They had the following children:

1185 F i. Jennifer Leigh Gilbert was born on 29 Apr 1968 in Dallas, Texas. Jennifer married Kelly John Ralls on 8 Oct 1994 in Dallas, Texas.

1186 F ii. Janet Kay Gilbert was born on 16 Aug 1971 in Dallas, Texas.

1187 F iii. Dana Ruth Gilbert was born on 8 Feb 1982 in Dallas, Texas.

733. Jonathan Jay Gilbert (Albert Jay Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 2 Jul 1953 in Visalia, Tulare Co., California.

Jonathan married Brenda Adele Meadows . Brenda was born on 27 Oct 1957 in Fort Worth, Tarrant Co., Texas.

They had the following children:

1188 M i. Jeremy Jay Gilbert was born on 24 Jan 1980 in Visalia, Tulare Co., California.

1189 F ii. Rebecca Lynn Gilbert was born on 23 Dec 1982 in Dallas, Texas.

734. Malcolm Grant Marshall (Jessie Virginia Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 9 May 1951 in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Malcolm married Deborah Lynn Walker on 14 Jul 1973 in Memphis, Tennessee. Deborah was born on 9 Dec 1953 in Memphis, Tennessee.

They had the following children:

1190 M i. Matthew Grant Marshall was born on 27 Jun 1988 in Irving, Texas.

735. Judy Lynne Marshall (Jessie Virginia Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 10 Jan 1956 in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 188 Judy married Mark Alan Smith on 20 Jun 1981 in Houston, Harris Co., Texas. Mark was born on 22 Jul 1958 in Pecos, Texas.

Mark and Judy had the following children:

1191 F i. Veronica Allegra Smith was born on 23 May 1987 in Anchorage, Alaska.

1192 F ii. Valerie Alanna Smith was born on 17 May 1989 in Dallas, Texas.

736. Donna Sue Marshall (Jessie Virginia Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 15 Nov 1957 in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Donna married Michael Edward Cropper on 3 Sep 1976 in Houston, Harris Co., Texas. Michael was born on 15 Oct 1951 in Houston, Harris Co., Texas.

They had the following children:

1193 M i. Christopher Sterling Cropper was born on 5 Jul 1980 in Houston, Harris Co., Texas.

1194 F ii. Holly Michelle Cropper was born on 15 Nov 1984 in Houston, Harris Co., Texas.

1195 F iii. Kimberly Dawn Cropper was born on 5 Jul 1989 in Houston, Harris Co., Texas.

737. Michael Howard Files (Phyllis Rae Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 29 Jun 1952 in Waxahachie, Ellis Co., Texas.

Michael married Dorothy Louise Hood on 30 Mar 1972 in Antioch, Contra Costa, California. Dorothy was born on 2 Mar 1951 in Antioch, Contra Costa, California.

They had the following children:

+ 1196 F i. Angel Labeth Files was born on 3 Sep 1975.

738. Sherrie Etta Files (Phyllis Rae Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 4 Sep 1954 in Waxahachie, Ellis Co., Texas.

Sherrie married John Fred Caradonna son of John Caradonna and Ann on 4 Nov 1972 in LaMesa, San Diego, California. John was born on 17 Dec 1946 in No. Tonawanda, New York.

They had the following children:

+ 1197 F i. Shauna Rae Caradonna was born on 11 Aug 1975.

1198 F ii. Marsha Ann Caradonna was born on 18 May 1978 in LaMesa, San Diego, California.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 189 739. Gilbert Ray Files (Phyllis Rae Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 9 Feb 1956 in Waxahachie, Ellis Co., Texas.

Gilbert married (1) Therisa Huffstutler daughter of Ira Dean Huffstutler and Myrtlene Cooley in 1977 in San Diego Co., California. Therisa was born in 1953.

They had the following children:

1199 F i. Tiffanie Carrie Files was born on 1 Jul 1978 in LaMesa, San Diego, California.

1200 M ii. Christopher Ray Files was born on 4 Jan 1980 in El Cajon, San Diego, California.

Gilbert married (2) Nevine El Rashidy on 1 Dec 1983 in San Diego, San Diego Co., California. Nevine was born on 12 Oct 1954 in Alexandria, Egypt.

They had the following children:

1201 F iii. Sarah Rosemarie Files was born on 25 Dec 1984 in Oceanside, California.

756. Sarah Ester Rambo (Dixie L. V. Cochran, Lindsey, Azor, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, William, , ) was born on 26 May 1882 in Hunt Co., Texas. She died on 17 Apr 1956. She was buried in Hunt Co., Texas.

Hunt Co., TX - Newspapers - Beautiful Party in Bride's Honor *********************************************** This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: "Sarah Swindell"

Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************** Beautiful Party in Honor of Bride at White Rock The beautiful country home of Mrs. Pearson at White Rock was opened Thursday afternoon when Mrs. C. A. Ross entertained with a miscellaneous shower honoring her niece, Mrs. James Kennedy, a recent bride, who is leaving to make her home in Oklahoma City. The affair was of much local interest and attended by many of the younger set as well as intimate and personal friends of the honoree. The reception room was enhanced by a profusion of spring blossoms, carrying out the colors of gold and green. Music on the Victrola was enjoyed and many games were played. Prizes were given to Mrs. Johnnie Woodard and Miss Gwendolyn Simpson of Lubbock, both of which were presented to the honoree. Many other beautiful gifts were then presented to Mrs. Kennedy who thanked each one in her own charming way. Refreshments of ice cream, cake and mint sticks were served. The following guests were present: the honoree, Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. H. B. Shanks, grandmother of the honoree; Miss Willie Shanks, Mrs. Willie Shields, Mrs. Rolan Nicholson, Mrs. Max DeFee, Mrs. Dan Simpson and daughters of Lubbock, Mrs. Clyde Ross, Mrs. Johnnie Woodard, Mrs. Paul Singleton, Mrs. Brice Eldridge, Mrs. Roy Phillips,

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 190 Mrs. Tommie Wright, Mrs. Jim Woodard, Mrs. Brodie Houston, Mrs. Aubry Woodward, Miss Pearl Trotter, Mrs. G. Trotter, Mrs. Rayshond Green, Mrs. Mack Compton of Celeste, Mrs. C. A. Ross of Lane, Miss Lula Green, Miss Loraine Green, Pauline Kennedy, J. B. Kennedy, and Mrs. Pearson. It was an ideal afternoon to everyone attending the affair being characterized by most genuine hospitality.--Reporter. (Undated 1929-1930, The Greenville Messenger)

Sarah married Guy Garland Trotter in Hunt Co., Texas. Guy died on 19 Oct 1976 in Hunt Co., Texas.

Guy and Sarah had the following children:

+ 1202 F i. Stella Frances Trotter .

1203 M ii. Guy Garland Trotter was born on 10 Jan 1955 in Hunt Co., Texas. Guy married (1) Charlotte D. Benton on 8 Oct 1977 in Hunt Co., Texas. The marriage ended in divorce.They were divorced on 26 May 1995 in Hunt Co., Texas. Guy married (2) Dana L. Smith on 2 Dec 1995 in Hunt Co., Texas.

776. Luther Lee "Jack" Pruitt (Dorcas A. Cochran, Christopher Columbus, Thomas Stewart, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, William, , ) was born in 1875. He died in 1954.

Luther married Delia Bigham .

They had the following children:

1204 M i. Leonard L. "Buddy" Pruitt was buried in Cochran Cemetery.

1205 F ii. Mazie C. Pruitt was buried in Cochran Cemetery.

777. Martha Emma Pruitt (Dorcas A. Cochran, Christopher Columbus, Thomas Stewart, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, William, , ) was born on 29 Feb 1876. She died on 10 Aug 1957. She was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

Martha married Julius Clinton Cochran son of Wilson Cochran and Martha J. Webster on 7 Jan 1897. Julius was born on 8 Aug 1872 in Tennessee. He died on 29 Aug 1950. He was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

They had the following children:

1206 M i. Fred Cochran is printed as #760 on page 129.

1207 M ii. Floyd Cochran is printed as #761 on page 129.

1208 M iii. J. P. "Jack" Cochran is printed as #762 on page 129.

1209 F iv. Martha D. Cochran is printed as #763 on page 129.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 191 1210 F v. Nellie Cochran is printed as #764 on page 129.

778. Henry M. Pruitt (Dorcas A. Cochran, Christopher Columbus, Thomas Stewart, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, William, , ) was born in 1879. He died in 1961. He was buried in Cochran Cemetery.

He had the following children:

1211 M i. Horace Pruitt .

1212 F ii. Edith Pruitt . Edith married Massey .

Henry married (2) Erma Poarch . Erma was born in 1891. She was buried in Cochran Cemetery.

They had the following children:

1213 F iii. Ruth Pruitt . Ruth married David Collins .

779. Francis F. "Shealey" Pruitt (Dorcas A. Cochran, Christopher Columbus, Thomas Stewart, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, William, , ) was born in 1882. He died in 1948. He was buried in Cochran Cemetery.

Francis married Minnie B. Church . Minnie was born in 1891. She was buried in Cochran Cemetery.

They had the following children:

1214 M i. Tommie Sine Pruitt .

1215 F ii. Darce Pruitt .

1216 F iii. Gladys Pruitt . Gladys married (1) Buford Sanders . Gladys married (2) Rudolph Waldron .

1217 F iv. Mavis "Tot" Pruitt . Mavis married Chester Mitchell .

1218 F v. F. Murrel Pruitt . F. Murrel Pruitt married (1) J. B. Morton . F. Murrel Pruitt married (2) Leeburt Collins .

1219 F vi. Christine Pruitt . Christine married Willard Coyle .

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 192 780. Audie Pruitt (Dorcas A. Cochran, Christopher Columbus, Thomas Stewart, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, William, , ) was born in 1885. She died in 1948. She was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee.

Audie married Robert Eugene Cochran son of Wilson Cochran and Martha J. Webster on 8 Jul 1905. Robert was born on 23 Feb 1883 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He died on 13 Jan 1941 in Marshall Co., Tennessee. He was buried in Cochran Cemetery, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tennessee. COCHRAN, ROBERT EUGENE; Sex: M ; Race: WHITE; Date of Birth: FEBRUARY 23, 1883; Place of Birth: MARSHALL CO., TENNESSEE; Age: 57; Date of Death: JANUARY 13, 1941; Place of Death: MARSHALL CO., TENNESSEE; Place of Burial: COCHRAN CEMETERY; Marital Status: MARRIED; Spouse: AUDIE PRUITT COCHRAN; Father: WILSON COCHRAN; Mother: MARTHA WEBSTER; Informant: HOWARD COCHRAN; Funeral Home:London Funeral Home

Robert and Audie had the following children:

1220 M i. W. Howard Cochran is printed as #765 on page 129.

781. Bertha Pruitt (Dorcas A. Cochran, Christopher Columbus, Thomas Stewart, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, William, , ) was born in 1891. She was buried in Cochran Cemetery.

Bertha married James H. Bigham . James was born in 1881. He died in 1963. He was buried in Cochran Cemetery.

They had the following children:

1221 F i. Lucille Bigham . Lucille married Rufe T. Collins .

1222 F ii. Mamie Kate Bigham . Mamie married Howard Lee Head .

782. Willie Anderson Pruitt (Dorcas A. Cochran, Christopher Columbus, Thomas Stewart, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, William, , ) was born in 1892.

Willie married Ruby Nichols . Ruby was born in 1901.

They had the following children:

1223 M i. Joe Billy Pruitt .

1224 F ii. Opal Pruitt . Opal married Bill Orr .

1225 F iii. Dorcas Pruitt . Dorcas married Roy Little .

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 193 783. Angelena Moore (James Thomas Moore, Emmeline Davis, Sarah A. Cochran, Levi Thomas, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 21 Nov 1917 in Cornersville, Tennessee.

Angelena married Frank Boyd .

They had the following children:

1226 F i. (daughter) Boyd .

1227 F ii. (daughter) Boyd .

1228 M iii. (son) Boyd .

788. Lawana Bernice Rust (Mary Jane Cummings, John Nathaniel Cummings, Eliza Emmaline Cochran, Levi Thomas, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ).

Lawana married Guy Stockton Perry .

They had the following children:

1229 M i. Guy Stockton Perry , Jr. .

805. Clair Edna Smith (Flora Mildred Waren, Emma Lee Cochran, Levi Nathaniel, Levi Thomas, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 13 Mar 1924.

Clair married (Robert) Wayne Neisler , Sr. . (Robert) was born on 31 May 1918.

(Robert) was employed as employed by American Airlines.

They had the following children:

+ 1230 M i. Robert Wayne Neisler was born on 18 Sep 1942.

+ 1231 M ii. Gary Lynn Neisler was born on 2 Dec 1948.

1232 F iii. Karan Sue Neisler was born in Apr 1961.

graduated 1970 from Wills Point High School. Now majoring in Computer Science in Austin State University.

807. James Ray Smith (Flora Mildred Waren, Emma Lee Cochran, Levi Nathaniel, Levi Thomas, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 30 Apr 1932.

James was employed as postmaster.

James married Ruby Rosentreter . Ruby was born on 13 Feb 1936.

They had the following children:

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 194 1233 M i. James W. Smith , Jr. was born on 10 May 1969.

808. Eugene Robert Musick (Delight C. Cochran, Robert Mitchell, Levi Nathaniel, Levi Thomas, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 10 Jan 1917. He died on 3 Dec 1985. He was buried in Strouds Creek Cem., Tolar, Hood Co., Texas.

Eugene married Marcella Head .

They had the following children:

1234 M i. Glen Musick was born in 1945.

1235 M ii. Robert Musick was born in 1948.

809. Homer Thomas Griffin (Stella Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 29 Oct 1902 in Cottonwood, Texas.

Homer married (1) Odette Cameron on 7 Jun 1925 in Tulia, Texas.

They had the following children:

+ 1236 M i. Homer Cameron Griffin was born on 17 Feb 1927.

Homer married (2) Maggie McCarty on 23 Dec 1933.

810. James Mead Griffin (Stella Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 22 May 1904 in Cottonwood, Texas.

James married Thelma Gladson on 29 Dec 1928 in Snyder, Texas.

They had the following children:

+ 1237 M i. James Melvin Griffin was born on 4 Jul 1930.

+ 1238 F ii. Melba Joy Griffin was born on 7 Sep 1931.

+ 1239 M iii. Kenneth Griffin was born on 3 Nov 1936.

1240 M iv. James Mead Griffin , Jr. was born on 2 Nov 1936 in Hockley Co., Texas.

811. Charlie Alexander Griffin (Stella Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 12 Feb 1906 in Cottonwood, Texas.

Charlie resided in Delano, California.

Charlie married Nora Barnett on 8 Sep 1928 in Snyder, Texas.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 195 Charlie and Nora had the following children:

+ 1241 F i. Emma Charlene Griffin was born on 31 Aug 1951.

+ 1242 F ii. Stella Maxine Griffin was born on 18 Jan 1933.

+ 1243 M iii. Curtis Alton Griffin was born on 3 Feb 1935.

812. Green Berry Griffin (Stella Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 8 Oct 1907 in Cottonwood, Texas.

Green married (1) Ora Mae Davis .

They had the following children:

1244 M i. John Green Griffin was born on 4 Feb 1928. He died on 28 May 1928.

+ 1245 F ii. Joycie Bee Griffin was born on 14 Jan 1930.

+ 1246 F iii. Ona Love Griffin was born in 1933.

+ 1247 M iv. George N. Griffin was born on 28 Mar 1935.

+ 1248 F v. Gloria R. Griffin was born on 20 Aug 1938.

+ 1249 M vi. Victor Edrom Griffin was born on 22 Oct 1943.

Green married (2) Mable Sluder .

They had the following children:

1250 M vii. Joel Griffin was born on 17 Oct 1949.

813. Nellie Francis Griffin (Stella Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 18 Dec 1909 in Cottonwood, Texas.

Nellie married Vernon D. Hodges on 30 Oct 1926 in Snyder, Texas.

They had the following children:

+ 1251 M i. John Carroll Hodges was born on 12 Dec 1928.

+ 1252 M ii. Norman Hodges was born on 18 Jan 1935.

814. Edna Mae Griffin (Stella Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 11 Oct 1911 in Cottonwood, Texas.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 196 Edna married (1) Ben Hartley .

They had the following children:

+ 1253 M i. Leonard J. Hartley was born on 22 Feb 1933.

Edna married (2) Hayworth .

815. Katherine Lee Griffin (Stella Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 10 May 1913.

Katherine married L. P. Mason .

L. P. Mason and Katherine had the following children:

1254 F i. Ethel Lynn Mason was born on 3 May 1938. Ethel married Capt. Charles Williams in Wichita Falls, Texas.

Charles served in the military served in Taiwan.

+ 1255 F ii. Helen Joan Mason was born on 16 Sep 1940.

817. Jonnie Ruth Griffin (Stella Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 27 May 1920 in Cottonwood, Texas.

Jonnie resided in Lubbock, Texas.

Jonnie married Richard Davis .

They had the following children:

+ 1256 F i. Nancy Lee Davis was born on 11 Apr 1939.

+ 1257 F ii. Marsha Ann Davis was born on 2 Jun 1940.

818. Stella Laverne Griffin (Stella Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 10 Aug 1922. She died in Sep 1941.

Stella married Sorrells .

They had the following children:

+ 1258 F i. Patsy Sue Sorrells .

819. Ala Pluma Griffin (Stella Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 9 Jan 1925.

Ala married (1) Ardis Crowder .

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 197 Ala married (2) Eddie Bart in 1942.

They had the following children:

1259 F i. Stella Donna Bart was born on 3 Mar 1943.

+ 1260 M ii. Eddie Bart , Jr. was born on 22 Dec 1948. He died in 1973.

+ 1261 F iii. Patricia Ann Bart was born on 28 Apr 1950.

Ala married (3) Biggs .

820. Jack Russell Griffin (Stella Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 21 Dec 1927.

Jack was employed as works for the telephone company in San Antonio, Texas.

Jack married Rosalie Anderson .

They had the following children:

1262 M i. Russell H. Griffin was born on 1 Dec 1953.

Russell married Karen Denise Lincham on 1 Feb 1975.

1263 M ii. Mark J. Griffin was born on 16 Dec 1957.

1264 F iii. Lori Lynn Griffin was born on 4 Mar 1961.

821. Lorenzo Dow Borden (Clifton Marvin Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 28 Feb 1907.

Lorenzo married Fida Louise Stevens on 28 Aug 1926. Fida was born on 9 Nov 1908. She died on 11 Mar 1975.

They had the following children:

+ 1265 F i. Betty Dow Borden was born on 4 Nov 1932.

822. Floyce Borden (Clifton Marvin Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 28 Oct 1908.

Floyce married Leroy Butler . Leroy was born on 26 May 1903.

They had the following children:

+ 1266 M i. William Brooks Butler was born on 29 Oct 1932.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 198 + 1267 M ii. Thomas Lee Butler was born on 27 Oct 1938.

1268 F iii. Le Etna Butler was born on 25 Aug 1942. Le married Jerry Sikes .

823. Jack Kemper Borden (Clifton Marvin Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 8 Aug 1912.

Jack married Mary Elizabeth Smith . Mary was born on 28 Oct 1914.

They had the following children:

+ 1269 M i. Bert Clifton Borden was born on 21 Dec 1938.

+ 1270 F ii. Barbara Carolyn Borden was born on 30 Jan 1940.

+ 1271 M iii. Paul J. Borden was born on 10 Dec 1941.

824. Mildred Jo Borden (Clifton Marvin Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 4 Sep 1914.

Mildred married George Ernest Peterson on 17 Dec 1932. George was born on 9 Jun 1912.

They had the following children:

+ 1272 F i. Janet Marlene Peterson was born on 21 May 1935.

+ 1273 F ii. Peggy Nell Peterson was born on 19 May 1938.

+ 1274 F iii. Bonnie Sue Peterson was born on 11 Jan 1941.

+ 1275 F iv. Katie Ann Peterson was born on 2 Jan 1943.

+ 1276 M v. George Ernest Peterson was born on 6 Dec 1946.

825. Marie Borden (Clifton Marvin Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 8 Oct 1916.

Marie married Jesse Talmage Pruitt , Jr. on 19 Dec 1935. Jesse was born on 17 Mar 1915.

They had the following children:

+ 1277 F i. Patsy Sharron Pruitt was born on 22 Aug 1938.

826. Margaret Borden (Clifton Marvin Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 30 May 1919.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 199 Margaret married Jesse Cleveland Waggoner on 2 Feb 1938. Jesse was born on 17 May 1919.

They had the following children:

+ 1278 M i. Larry Newton Waggoner was born on 6 Feb 1943.

+ 1279 F ii. Joyce L. Waggoner was born on 4 Jun 1945.

1280 M iii. Rex Marvin Waggoner was born on 17 Oct 1948.

827. Fay Borden (Clifton Marvin Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 15 Jan 1922.

Fay married Robert Joseph Olson on 1 Nov 1941. Robert was born on 7 Sep 1918.

They had the following children:

+ 1281 M i. Robert Steven Olson was born on 29 Aug 1946.

1282 M ii. Dale Bunard Olson was born on 28 May 1949.

1283 M iii. Thomas Wayne Olson was born on 10 Oct 1955.

828. Lucy Lucille Borden (Clifton Marvin Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 4 Jul 1925.

Lucy married Arnold Valentine on 6 Sep 1941. Arnold was born on 8 Aug 1918.

They had the following children:

1284 M i. Anthony Lynn Valentine was born on 19 May 1943.

1285 M ii. Phillip Gerold Valentine was born on 16 Oct 1947.

1286 F iii. Valerie Colleen Valentine was born on 13 Aug 1953.

1287 M iv. Paul Stephen Valentine was born on 8 Oct 1955.

829. Virginia Pearl Borden (Clifton Marvin Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 4 Oct 1927.

Virginia married Floyd Earl Bay on 9 Jun 1945. Floyd was born on 18 Dec 1925.

They had the following children:

1288 F i. Dianna Marie Bay was born on 10 Aug 1947. Dianna married (1) Arnold Edward Smith on 9 Jun 1967. Arnold was born in

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 200 May 1948. Dianna married (2) Kelly Bowling on 12 Feb 1971. Kelly was born on 17 Mar 1940.

830. Pauline Borden (Clifton Marvin Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 22 Dec 1932 in Dawson Co., Texas.

Pauline married Donald Beswa Grant on 28 Nov 1957. Donald was born on 4 Apr 1937.

They had the following children:

1289 F i. Tracy Dawn Grant was born on 15 Sep 1958.

1290 M ii. Donald Barton Grant was born on 6 Nov 1962.

1291 F iii. Tammie Denae Grant was born on 26 May 1966.

835. Nancy Tucker (Harlan Guilford Tucker, Robert Oliver Tucker, Mary Ellen "Etta" Cochran, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 27 Aug 1916.

Nancy married Bayer .

They had the following children:

1292 i. (child) Bayer .

1293 ii. (child) Bayer .

846. Jean Marie Horner (Amos Jasper Horner, Amy Bemis Cochran, James Lindsey, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ).

Jean married Darcy Marcellian .

They had the following children:

1294 F i. Ann Marie Marcellian was born on 19 Mar 1967.

1295 M ii. Marc Marcellian was born on 19 Apr 1969.

1296 M iii. Todd Haden Marcellian was born on 18 Mar 1973.

847. Jane Horner (Lindsey B. Horner, Amy Bemis Cochran, James Lindsey, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ).

Jane resided in Greenville, South Carolina.

Jane married Ed J. Brant on 17 Dec 1960.

They had the following children:

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 201 1297 F i. Elizabeth Mary Brant was born on 15 Mar 1962.

1298 F ii. Linda Suzanna Brant was born on 8 Jun 1964.

1299 F iii. Amy Katherine Brant was born on 18 Jan 1973.

850. James Patton Cochran (Chester, Edgar Pearl, Henry Lee, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 8 Aug 1926 in Gallax, North Carolina. James married Violet Helen Paterson .

They had the following children:

1300 M i. Martin Lynn Cochran was born on 8 Jul 1953 in San Diego, California. Martin married Sheila Walcott on 27 Feb 1974.

1301 M ii. Cameron Lee Cochran was born on 13 Jan 1956 in San Diego, California.

1302 F iii. Kathleen Ann Cochran was born on 20 Mar 1957 in San Diego, California.

851. Billie Louise Duckworth (Iva Dell Cochran, Bryce Monroe, Henry Lee, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 29 Jun 1923 in Eden, Concho Co., Texas.

She is a legal secretary, an artist, writer, can sing very well and is a very beautiful lady.


Billie Janecki, our Cultural Arts Chairman, shown with an unfinished portrait she is painting of Pope John Paul II, has been a dedicated Scotsdale resident since 1995, when she and her husband, Richard, and four children moved here from the northwest side. Billie like the pioneering spirit of the World War II veterans and their families (reminded her of her native Texas) and joined in the civic activities of the SHA immediately.

Among her accomplishments are: Area Head and Block Captain for the SHA, canvassing each home in her area for new Block Captains and also for members for the St. Bede's Marian Choir and the Altar Guild (charter member of both); Charter Member of the PTA's for Bogan and Hancock; elected Recording Secretary of the SHA in 1961, just before the birth of her fifth and last child.

When newspapers reported the proposal sale of the 79th & Kostner Park District property for an apartment complex, instead of the promised park that lured the Janecki family to locate here, Billie enlisted the aid of her neighbor, Jayne Griffin, and they drew up and circulated petitions and obtained signatures from every home within the boundaries north of 79th Street. The then current SHA officers invited and entertained the Park District Commissioner with a tour of our area by car, and he was astounded at the numbers of small children playing in our streets for lack of a park. He told Billie he thought we were still a swamp and airport! A result of that effort by the community you see today as the Rainey/Hancock and Drukin/Crerar ...... The Commissioner not only saw that we needed parks, but feeder grammar schools as well, and sold the Board of Education a part of the Park District property for the schools.

When her youngest child started to school, Billie took an art course at Bogan Jr. College, and Bogan Park District. She has studied with several private teachers also, and is currently honing her skills in the new portrait class at Durkin. She has been showing her work in Art Fairs since 1978, and finds portraits challenging and rewarding. She also paints animal portraits, landscapes and still life. Her mother, father and brother are also artists, and daughter Linda specializes in pen and ink drawings.

This artistic family is headed by husband Richard, a professional musician. Now that he is retired, he and Billie share their talents and are, at last, enjoying "the good life" of music and art.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 202 Billie married Richard A. Janecki . Richard was born on 8 Oct 1917 in Chicago, Cook Co., Illinois.

of Chicago, Ill. He works as a manager of a sales company, plays trumpet in "The Whispering Nights" orchestra, and teaches music. He looks like a younger brother of Robert Taylor.

Richard and Billie had the following children:

1303 M i. Richard DeLain Janecki was born on 2 Nov 1943 in Ft. Worth, Texas.

He is a tall, good-looking man with a college degree. He is a business manager. Very quiet, smart man.

+ 1304 M ii. Gregory Thomas Janecki was born on 21 Oct 1948.

1305 F iii. Janice Marie Janecki was born on 6 Jan 1953 in Chicago, Cook Co., Illinois.

She attended Southwest College and received an Associate of Arts degree in June 1973. She worked for Ladies Home Journal for 2 1/2 years in advertising. In 1975 she studied mass communication and media at the University of Northern Colorado at Greely, Colorado. In 1976-77 she is majoring in broadcasting in Arizona State University and will graduate in Dec. 1977 with a Bachelor of Science degree in broadcasting.

1306 M iv. David Allen Janecki was born on 23 May 1955.

He attended college, plays hockey, and works for a wholesale drug co. He is blond and handsome.

1307 F v. Linda Joyce Janecki was born on 13 Feb 1962 in Chicago, Cook Co., Illinois.

She is an artist and a writer, an expert rider, plays and sings, and is a member of the Cowgirl Club.

852. Carl DeLain Duckworth (Iva Dell Cochran, Bryce Monroe, Henry Lee, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 6 Oct 1926 in Hereford, Texas.

He is a brown-haired, handsome man, is an artist and had his own commercial art company in Houston for 10 years. He is also a composer, writer, and musician. He married first to Marjorie then to Ginger. They own the Surf Courts and have a newspaper business in Rockport, TX.

Carl married (1) Marjorie Taylor in Aug 1951 in Ft. Worth, Texas.

They had the following children:

1308 M i. Carl D. Duckworth , Jr. was born on 6 Aug 1951 in Ft. Worth, Texas.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 203 He has brown hair and eyes and could pass for a younger brother of Burt Reynolds. He has a commercial art business in Rockport, TX. A very likeable person, likes music, water skiiing, fishing, is industrious, determined and loyal.

1309 M ii. Robert Duckworth was born on 6 Aug 1956 in Houston, Texas.

He is a handsome blond. He is in the construction business, is an artist, singer.

Carl married (2) Genevie "Ginger" Clements about 1958. Genevie was born in El Paso, Texas.

Her first husband was killed in a car wreck. He was Leon Stebler. She went to college in El Paso, TX. She reared Carl's 2 sons. She is a very good artist, plays the piano, sings, and is a bookkeeper and secretary. She is pretty, petite, and a stylist dresser. by her first marriage she had 2 children: Shirley Stebler and Leon.

853. Johnny Lee Barbee (Patsy Lee Cochran, Bryce Monroe, Henry Lee, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 7 May 1951 in Ft. Stockton, Texas.

Johnny married Catherine Bryce .

Johnny and Catherine had the following children:

1310 F i. Jennefer Lynn Barbee was born on 30 Sep 1973 in Florida.

856. Carla Marie Cochran (Carl Monroe, Bryce Monroe, Henry Lee, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 8 Sep 1956 in Mason, Texas.

Carla married Roger Elliot in San Angelo, Texas.

They had the following children:

1311 M i. Carlton Elliot .

1312 ii. (child) Elliot .

865. Deborah Cochran (Patrick Sheldon, Maxwell Merritt, Henry Lee, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born about 1948.

Deborah resided in Sanderson, Texas.

Deborah married Don R. Deaton .

They had the following children:

1313 M i. (son) Deaton .

1314 F ii. (daughter) Deaton .

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 204 886. Laura Maudie Cochran (Howard Hayne, Roy L., Bryce Monroe, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 29 Dec 1960. She was related to her parents by adoption.

Laura married Ware .

They had the following children:

1315 M i. James Weston Ware .

887. Howard Homes Cochran (Howard Hayne, Roy L., Bryce Monroe, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 29 Sep 1962. He was related to his parents by adoption.

Howard married Jennifer .

They had the following children:

1316 F i. Amanda Whitney Cochran .

1317 F ii. Kaitlin Taylor Cochran .

897. Sandra Jeneen Runyon (Anna Rebecca Cochran, Lawrence Lilly, Bryce Monroe, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 15 Nov 1941 in Los Angeles, California.

Sandra married Stuart Lough on 3 Dec 1961.

of Eyemouth, Scotland

Stuart and Sandra had the following children:

1318 F i. Jennifer Andrea Lough was born on 12 Nov 1962 in Torrance, California.

926. Rex Cochran (Nolan Monroe, Charles Fleet "Fleet", Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 29 Mar 1933.

He taught school in NM several years and is now principal of schools in Ft. Smith, Arkansas.

Rex married Nancy . Nancy was born on 24 Apr 1937.

They had the following children:

1319 M i. Michael Cochran was born on 7 Nov 1958 in Hobbs, New Mexico.

1320 M ii. Jeffrey Cochran was born on 16 Feb 1967.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 205 928. Wredgie Cochran (Nolan Monroe, Charles Fleet "Fleet", Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 26 Nov 1942.

Wredgie married Dian . Dian was born on 26 Aug 1945.

They had the following children:

1321 F i. Regina Lynn Cochran was born on 6 May 1966 in Greenwood, Arkansas.

1322 M ii. Brian Cochran was born on 24 Aug 1970.

929. Gary Cochran (Nolan Monroe, Charles Fleet "Fleet", Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 9 Feb 1945.

Gary married Retha Kay Cochran . Retha was born on 13 Mar 1947.

They had the following children:

1323 M i. Devin Keith Cochran was born on 25 Jan 1966 in Greenwood, Arkansas.

1324 M ii. Todd Cochran was born on 18 Oct 1970.

931. Sam Peoples (Lola Mae Cochran, Charles Fleet "Fleet", Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 15 Jun 1931.

Sam was employed as salesman. He resided in Forrest City, Arkansas. He served in the military US Air Force.

Sam married Jeanne Raper .

They had the following children:

1325 M i. Gregory Peoples was born on 1 Dec 1956.

1326 F ii. Tonia Ree Peoples was born on 3 Apr 1959. Tonia married David Charles Jones in Springdale, Arkansas.

They live in Commerce, TX where they are in college.

1327 M iii. Mark Peoples was born on 22 Aug 1959 in Springdale, Arkansas.

1328 M iv. Eric Peoples was born on 8 Sep 1965.

932. Jake E. Peoples (Lola Mae Cochran, Charles Fleet "Fleet", Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 22 Aug 1934.

Jake married Christie Johnson .

Jake and Christie had the following children:

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 206 1329 M i. Mark F. Peoples .

933. Loretta Yevone Peoples (Lola Mae Cochran, Charles Fleet "Fleet", Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 30 Mar 1936.

Loretta married Archie R. Thorton on 8 Mar 1952.

They had the following children:

1330 M i. Russell Thorton , Jr. was born on 14 Dec 1953.

1331 M ii. Randy Thorton was born on 1 Jan 1957.

1332 F iii. Reene Thorton was born on 26 Jul 1958.

1333 M iv. Ricky Thorton was born on 28 Sep 1959.

934. Roena Holland (Mollie Louise Cochran, Charles Fleet "Fleet", Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 8 Jul 1935.

They live in Hurst, TX. She is a beautiful girl with a friendly disposition.

Roena married Willie Tucker on 28 Aug 1954.

They had the following children:

1334 M i. Randy Tucker was born on 21 Apr 1955. Randy married Sue Kretzmier on 25 Jan 1975 in Dallas, Texas.

1335 F ii. Lindy Tucker was born on 21 Oct 1958 in Dallas, Texas.

935. Bobby Duel Holland (Mollie Louise Cochran, Charles Fleet "Fleet", Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 25 Jan 1939.

Bobby married Gladys Haern .

They had the following children:

1336 M i. (son) Holland .

1337 F ii. (daughter) Holland .

937. Olaf Howard Holland , Jr. (Mollie Louise Cochran, Charles Fleet "Fleet", Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 1 Feb 1944 in Boothe, Arkansas.

Olaf married Melba Harwell on 23 Apr 1965.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 207 They had the following children:

1338 M i. (son) Holland was born on 13 Mar 1966.

938. Phillip Holland (Mollie Louise Cochran, Charles Fleet "Fleet", Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 22 Mar 1955.

Phillip married Debbie .

Phillip and Debbie had the following children:

1339 M i. Jeremy Keith Holland was born on 5 Jan 1977 in Mansfield, Arkansas.

941. Harold Donald Phillips (Ruth Eva Cochran, Charles Fleet "Fleet", Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 12 Feb 1938.

Harold married (1) Terry Joan Gunderson .

They had the following children:

1340 M i. Martin Eric Phillips was born on 10 Sep 1962.

1341 F ii. Dan Wendy Gile Phillips was born on 28 Jan 1964.

Harold married (2) Marla Dee McCord on 28 May 1969.

They had the following children:

1342 F iii. Kelly Garett Phillips was born on 3 Oct 1967.

1343 M iv. Gregory Brandon Phillips was born on 6 Jul 1972.

942. Sharon Lee Phillips (Ruth Eva Cochran, Charles Fleet "Fleet", Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 24 Aug 1943.

Sharon married (1) George Donald Dodge on 14 Sep 1963.

Sharon married (2) Gilbert Armond Ramas on 17 Oct 1970.

They had the following children:

1344 M i. Gary Roy Ramas was born on 15 Jul 1974.

943. Charlotte Cochran (Charley, Charles Fleet "Fleet", Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 21 Aug 1940.

Charlotte married James Barnard .

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 208 They had the following children:

1345 M i. Jim Steavens Barnard was born on 10 Feb 1961.

1346 M ii. Kenneth Wade Barnard was born on 7 Feb 1964. He died on 20 Apr 1965.

944. Karon Cochran (Charley, Charles Fleet "Fleet", Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 31 Mar 1948.

Karon married Gary Batterfield in Jun 1976.

He was from Tulsa, Oklahoma

Gary and Karon had the following children:

1347 M i. Stacky Lee Batterfield was born on 20 Nov 1973 in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma.

946. Gaylon Edmond Black (Era Mae Cochran, Charles Fleet "Fleet", Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 16 Apr 1941.

Gaylon married Wilma L. Yancy on 2 Aug 1963. Wilma was born on 20 Jun 1946.

They had the following children:

1348 M i. Sherman Lee Black was born on 17 Jun 1964.

1349 F ii. Wilma Jean Black was born on 31 Aug 1967.

947. Clemon Dwayne Black (Era Mae Cochran, Charles Fleet "Fleet", Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 23 Jun 1942.

works at Rheem Mfg. Co.

Clemon married Ethel Mae Sheets on 11 Apr 1962.

They had the following children:

1350 F i. Kimberly Jo Black was born on 20 Feb 1963.

1351 F ii. Trisha Sue Black was born on 9 Sep 1966.

948. Shelia Elain Black (Era Mae Cochran, Charles Fleet "Fleet", Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 7 Aug 1946.

Shelia married Tommy George Burns on 18 Dec 1965. Tommy was born on 8 Jul 1941.

He works at Rhum Mfg. Co.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 209 Tommy and Shelia had the following children:

1352 F i. Terri Lynn Burns was born on 6 Sep 1967.

1353 F ii. Tina Gay Burns was born on 12 Jun 1972 in Hartford, Arkansas.

949. Debra Kay Black (Era Mae Cochran, Charles Fleet "Fleet", Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 27 Apr 1948.

Debra married Larry Dale Farris on 8 Jul 1966. Larry was born on 26 Aug 1947.

They had the following children:

1354 M i. Gregory Wayne Farris was born on 1 Jul 1968.

1355 M ii. William Douglas Farris was born on 18 Oct 1969.

950. Gregory Lynn Nichols (Velta Lea Cochran, Charles Fleet "Fleet", Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 5 May 1947.

Gregory married Victoria Zuleger . Victoria was born on 4 Oct 1949.

They had the following children:

1356 M i. Trevor Lee Nichols was born on 5 Sep 1971 in California.

1357 M ii. Neal Edwin Nichols was born on 20 Oct.

953. Katherine Willsey (Abigail Cochran, Charles Fleet "Fleet", Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 5 Sep 1952. Katherine married Mack Jones .

They had the following children:

1358 F i. Lori Jill Jones was born in Nov 1971.

958. Avanell Blythe (Zelma Faye Cochran, Byrd, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 16 Mar 1932 in Barber, Logan Co., Arkansas.

Avanell married Bermond Mannon on 8 May 1959.

They had the following children:

1359 M i. Joe Mannon .

step son

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 210 1360 M ii. Patrick Mannon .

step son

1361 M iii. Neal Duncan Mannon was born on 17 Jul 1963.

959. Farris Leon Blythe (Zelma Faye Cochran, Byrd, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 17 Apr 1933 in Barber, Logan Co., Arkansas.

Farris was employed as barber, stockman and factory worker.

Farris married Ann Wisely on 17 Jun 1955.

They had the following children:

1362 M i. James Michael Blythe was born on 25 Apr 1956.

1363 F ii. Cynthia Ann Blythe was born on 21 Apr 1958.

960. Daisy Mercedes Blythe (Zelma Faye Cochran, Byrd, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ).

Daisy married Freeman Lowe on 12 Apr 1952. Freeman was born on 16 Apr 1935 in Barber, Logan Co., Arkansas.

They had the following children:

1364 F i. Tawane Rue Lowe was born on 3 Sep 1953.

1365 M ii. Phillip Lyndel Lowe was born on 2 Jul 1958.

1366 M iii. Scott Allen Lowe was born on 8 Jul 1959. He died on 30 Jul 1961.

961. Eva Darlene Blythe (Zelma Faye Cochran, Byrd, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 2 Oct 1936 in Barber, Logan Co., Arkansas.

Eva married Frank Boyd on 26 Feb 1955.

they live in Mansfield, Ark. where they own a newspaper.

Frank and Eva had the following children:

1367 F i. Beverly Darlene Boyd was born on 9 Oct 1959 in Ft. Smith, Arkansas.

1368 M ii. Keven Frank Boyd was born on 13 Apr 1961.

1369 M iii. Shelton Kent Boyd was born on 25 Mar 1963.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 211 1370 F iv. Shannon Kerry Boyd was born on 11 Feb 1965.

962. Robert Paul Williamson (Opal Zenvia Cochran, Byrd, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 8 Mar 1935.

they live in Claremore, Oklahoma.

Robert married Carol Smith .

They had the following children:

1371 M i. Robert Dale Williamson was born on 23 Jul 1960.

1372 M ii. Steven Ral Williamson was born on 18 Oct 1964.

963. Darian "Derrel" McClain Williamson (Opal Zenvia Cochran, Byrd, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 24 Dec 1936.

Darian married Delores Wagner on 23 Apr 1957.

They had the following children:

1373 F i. Beverly Jo Williamson was born on 2 Feb 1958.

1374 F ii. Valerie Patricia Williamson was born on 28 Apr 1959.

1375 M iii. Robert Lee Darrel Williamson was born on 16 Jun 1960.

964. Helen Ruth Williamson (Opal Zenvia Cochran, Byrd, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 10 May 1938.

Helen married Chancey Hughes .

They had the following children:

+ 1376 F i. Deloris Diann Hughes was born on 24 Sep 1956.

1377 M ii. Lorance Allen Hughes was born on 25 Aug 1959.

965. Mary Josephine Williamson (Opal Zenvia Cochran, Byrd, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 7 Apr 1940.

Mary resided in Barber, Logan Co., Arkansas.

Mary married Namon Nelson on 18 Jun 1958.

They had the following children:

1378 M i. Michael Joe Nelson was born on 30 Apr 1961.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 212 966. Hope Modean Williamson (Opal Zenvia Cochran, Byrd, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 27 Feb 1943.

they live in Mansfield, Arkansas.

Hope married Arthur Boyd in Aug 1960.

Arthur and Hope had the following children:

1379 F i. Kathy Earlene Boyd was born on 5 Jul 1961.

1380 F ii. Ellen Ruth Boyd was born on 10 Nov 1965.

1381 M iii. Douglas Wayne Boyd was born on 2 Aug 1968.

967. Mattie Pearl Williamson (Opal Zenvia Cochran, Byrd, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 1 Nov 1944.

Mattie married Raymond Boyster .

They had the following children:

1382 F i. Debbie LeRay Boyster was born on 9 Jan 1964.

1383 M ii. Edward Lee Boyster was born on 13 Nov 1965.

1384 F iii. Carla Sue Boyster was born on 9 Feb 1967.

968. Ronald Hudson Cochran (Orville Nolan, Byrd, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 19 Oct 1933.

Ronald served in the military US Air Force.

Ronald married Donna Faye Rowe in 1958.

They had the following children:

1385 F i. Arlene Renee Cochran was born on 17 Nov 1965.

1386 M ii. Allen Cochran was born on 7 Jun 1973 in Brussells, Belgium.

969. Betty Doris Cochran (Orville Nolan, Byrd, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 23 Jan 1939.

Betty married Floyd Cabe in 1955 in Jonesboro, Arkansas.

They had the following children:

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 213 + 1387 M i. Floyd Lynn Cabe was born on 26 Jun 1957.

1388 F ii. Teresa Ann Cabe was born on 29 Feb 1960.

970. Larry Dwight Cochran (Orville Nolan, Byrd, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 1 Nov 1944.

Larry was employed as teacher in Ft. Smith, Arkansas.

Larry married Patsy .

Patsy was employed as nurse.

They had the following children:

1389 M i. Kevin Jeffery Cochran was born on 24 Mar 1972.

971. Nell Virginia Cochran (Carl Fleet, Byrd, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 29 Mar 1934. Nell married Charles Hattabaugh on 12 Apr 1952.

They had the following children:

1390 M i. Kenneth Charles Hattabaugh was born on 30 Dec 1952.

1391 M ii. Randall Eugene Hattabaugh was born on 29 Jun 1955.

1392 F iii. Pamela Gail Hattabaugh was born on 9 Aug 1957.

1393 F iv. Suzan Kay Hattabaugh was born on 29 Mar 1961.

972. Donald Eugene Cochran (Carl Fleet, Byrd, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 7 Feb 1939.

Donald married Betty Ruth Starling on 15 May 1959.

They had the following children:

1394 F i. Carla Marie Cochran was born on 6 Aug 1960.

1395 M ii. Gregory Don Cochran was born on 17 Jan 1963.

973. Jerry Darwin Russell (Lizzie Laura Cochran, Byrd, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 30 Oct 1943.

Jerry married Letha Jane Stalling on 6 Aug 1965.

They had the following children:

1396 F i. Susan Dora Russell was born on 9 Jun 1976 in Ft. Smith, Arkansas.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 214 976. Judy Ann Neisler (Dorothy B. Cochran, Byrd, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 29 Sep 1948.

Judy married (1) Martindale .

They had the following children:

1397 F i. Mitzi Renee Martindale was born on 27 Feb 1966.

Judy married (2) Harlson .

983. Joan Lenhart (Vera Hazel Prince, Annie Duchess Cochran, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 3 Nov 1924 in Okemah, Oklahoma.

Joan married Lynn Johnson .

They had the following children:

1398 i. Johnson .

1399 ii. Johnson .

984. Anna Jean Prince (Vera Hazel Prince, Annie Duchess Cochran, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 9 Dec 1926.

they live in Bellaire, TX.

Anna married Bill Anderson .

They had the following children:

1400 i. Anderson .

1401 ii. Anderson .

1402 iii. Anderson .

1403 iv. Anderson .

1404 v. Anderson .

985. Coy Sanford Lenhart (Vera Hazel Prince, Annie Duchess Cochran, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 5 Jun 1929 in Neosho, Missouri.

lives in Houston, TX.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 215 Coy had the following children:

1405 M i. (son) Lenhart .

1406 M ii. (son) Lenhart .

986. Yvonne Lenhart (Vera Hazel Prince, Annie Duchess Cochran, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 10 Oct 1938 in Gladewater, Texas.

Yvonne married Harold Smith .

They had the following children:

1407 F i. Susan Yvonne Smith was born on 4 Nov 1956.

1408 M ii. Harold Edward Smith was born on 24 May 1959.

1409 M iii. Glendell Clayton Smith was born on 6 Oct 1961.

1410 M iv. Westley David Smith was born on 6 Jan 1963.

987. Emilie Lenhart (Vera Hazel Prince, Annie Duchess Cochran, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ).

Emilie married Loftis .

They had the following children:

1411 i. Loftis .

1412 ii. Loftis .

1413 iii. Loftis .

988. Janice Lenhart (Vera Hazel Prince, Annie Duchess Cochran, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 25 Jul 1940 in Houston, Texas.

She had the following children:

1414 i. unknown was born on 12 Sep 1971.

989. Linda Carroll Lenhart (Vera Hazel Prince, Annie Duchess Cochran, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 5 Mar 1942 in League City,Texas.

She had the following children:

1415 F i. Lori .

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 216 990. Howard Marion Purkaple , Jr. (Ruby May Prince, Annie Duchess Cochran, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 21 Dec 1925 in Holdenville, Oklahoma.

Howard married Florence A. Reneau . Florence was born on 9 Oct 1930 in Norflit, Arkansas.

They had the following children:

+ 1416 F i. Karen Suzette Purkaple was born on 23 Jan 1947.

+ 1417 F ii. Janet Lynn Purkaple was born on 6 Feb 1948.

1418 F iii. Michele Denise Purkaple was born on 5 Oct 1953 in LaMarque, Texas.

Michele resided in Yuma, Arizona. Michele married Hawkins .

1419 M iv. Randal Steven Purkaple was born on 13 Jan 1955 in Texas City, Texas.

Randal resided in Houston, Texas.

991. Jerry Neil Purkaple (Ruby May Prince, Annie Duchess Cochran, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 14 Dec 1930 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Jerry was employed as music director in Baptist Church in San Angelo, Texas. He resided in San Angelo, Texas.

Jerry married Lela .

Lela was employed as teacher.

They had the following children:

1420 M i. Jerry Dixon Purkaple was born on 20 Sep 1952 in Lubbock, Texas. Jerry married Linda Gail Botsford .

1421 ii. Janan Purkaple was born on 1 Feb 1955 in Waco, Texas.

1422 F iii. Laurie Kay Purkaple was born on 9 May 1957.

992. Amarr Purkaple (Ruby May Prince, Annie Duchess Cochran, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 31 Aug 1946.

Amarr married (1) Ronald Simmons .

They had the following children:

1423 M i. Eddie Simmons was born in Oct 1969 in Corpus Christi, Texas.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 217 Amarr married (2) Vines .

Vines and Amarr had the following children:

1424 F ii. Cathryne Reba Vines was born on 24 Sep 1972 in Corpus Christi, Texas.

993. Don Alan Prince (Muncie Pat Prince, Annie Duchess Cochran, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 1 Jun 1933.

Don married Shirley White .

They had the following children:

1425 F i. Donna Gail Prince was born on 28 Feb 1953.

1426 M ii. Larry Paul Prince was born on 16 Sep 1955.

1427 M iii. Raymond Dale Prince was born on 30 Jan 1958.

1428 M iv. John Patrick Prince was born on 10 Mar 1960.

1429 F v. Janet Karen Prince was born on 5 Nov 1963.

1430 M vi. Roger Neil Prince was born in 1965.

994. Ronald Lee Prince (Muncie Pat Prince, Annie Duchess Cochran, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 4 Feb 1936.

Ronald served in the military licensed pilot in US Navy. He was employed as with the Braniff Airlines as a pilot and flight engineer in Dallas, Texas. He graduated in Kilgore College, Kilgore, Texas.

He has helped research the Cochran line and has spent much time on the Prince genealogy.

Ronald married Barbara Jean Payne . Barbara was born on 13 Nov 1938 in Wellsville, New York.

They had the following children:

1431 F i. Sharon Lyn Prince was born on 15 Oct 1958.

1432 M ii. Paul Alan Prince was born on 10 Sep 1961.

1433 F iii. Suzanne Denise Prince was born on 27 Jan 1963.

1434 M iv. David Jonathan Prince was born on 11 Jan 1965.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 218 1435 F v. Jennifer Marie Prince was born on 4 Sep 1970.

1003. William Gorman Prince (Gorman William Prince, Annie Duchess Cochran, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born in 1953 in Victoria, Texas.

William married Janette Vaculick on 21 Jul 1973.

They had the following children:

1436 F i. Vicky Cassandra Prince was born on 27 Dec 1973.

1018. Linda Dell Lewis (Wanda Dell Presson, Myrtle Modene Cochran, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 19 May 1943.

Linda married Donald Cockrell .

Donald and Linda had the following children:

1437 F i. Leann Dell Cockrell was born in Sylmar, California.

1019. Roger Dwayne Lewis (Wanda Dell Presson, Myrtle Modene Cochran, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 5 Jun 1952.

Roger married Pamela .

They had the following children:

1438 M i. Michael Wade Lewis was born on 26 Oct 1972.

1439 F ii. Kimberly Ann Lewis was born on 2 Dec 1973.

1020. Nell Elane Damron (Jewel Avis Presson, Myrtle Modene Cochran, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 20 Aug 1938.

Nell married Rex Underhill on 20 Aug 1959 in Springdale, Arkansas.

They had the following children:

1440 F i. Valerie Kay Underhill was born on 27 Jun 1960 in Springdale, Arkansas.

1441 F ii. Teresa Lynn Underhill was born on 21 Aug 1961 in Arkansas.

1442 M iii. Rex Eric Underhill was born on 21 Mar 1968 in Arkansas.

1023. Ronald Presson (Norman Dale Presson, Myrtle Modene Cochran, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 12 Feb 1951.

Ronald married Louise Ferguson .

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 219 They had the following children:

1443 M i. James Michael Presson was born on 19 May 1975.

1025. Kenneth Roland Presson , Jr. (Kenneth Roland Presson, Myrtle Modene Cochran, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 2 Jul 1954.

He had the following children:

1444 M i. Kenneth Roland Presson , III was born on 22 Feb 1972 in Rock Island, Illinois.

1445 M ii. Nicholas Jerome Presson was born on 10 Feb 1974.

1033. Linda Hope (Delphene Turner, Dewey Florence Cochran, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 22 Jun 1947.

Linda married Larry Patton .

They had the following children:

1446 M i. John Lance Patton was born in Jun 1971.

1036. Gary McGhee (Bobbie Kathleen Turner, Dewey Florence Cochran, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 20 Aug 1953. Gary married Christina on 27 Nov 1971.

They had the following children:

1447 F i. Lori Ann McGhee was born on 16 Jul 1974.

1050. Barbara Nell Cochran (Robert Oliver, John Jefferson, Robert Silas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 6 Dec 1941 in Ft. Worth, Texas.

Barbara married (1) William Saylor in Aug 1959.

They had the following children:

1448 M i. Ricky Leon Saylor was born on 7 Dec 1961.

1449 M ii. Shaelon Fredrick Saylor was born on 3 Feb 1963.

1450 F iii. Celinda Sheri Saylor was born on 25 Oct 1964.

Barbara married (2) John Young .

1051. Elsie N. Cochran (Robert Oliver, John Jefferson, Robert Silas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 27 Mar 1918.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 220 Elsie married (1) Herschel Robertson .

They had the following children:

1451 M i. Larry Wayne Robertson died in 0004.

Elsie married (2) Jimmie Romero .

Elsie married (3) George W. Tawater .

1052. Herbert Cleo Cochran (Robert Oliver, John Jefferson, Robert Silas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born in Aug 1920.

Herbert married (1) Ruby Lawso .

They had the following children:

1452 F i. Dorothy Joe Cochran .

Herbert married (2) Margaret Fowler .

They had the following children:

1453 F ii. Cleo Elaine Cochran .

1454 M iii. Milton Ralph Cochran was born on 2 May 1940.

1053. Charlie Jefferson Cochran (Myrtle, John Jefferson, Robert Silas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born in near Greenbriar, Folkner Co., Arkansas. He died on 28 Feb 1943.

Charlie married (1) Rosa .

Charlie and Rosa had the following children:

1455 M i. Virgil Edward Cochran was born on 28 Jan 1910 in Clarksville, Arkansas. Virgil married Sherley Dean .

+ 1456 M ii. Varbil Cochran was born on 28 Jan 1910.

Charlie married (2) Myrtle Gayer daughter of John Gayer and Ethel Moore. Myrtle was born on 2 Apr 1896 in Pitsbura Corner, McAlister, Oklahoma.

She was a widow of Leonard.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 221 Charlie and Myrtle had the following children:

+ 1457 F iii. Olene Victorie Cochran was born on 24 May 1919.

+ 1458 M iv. Edgar Riley Cochran was born on 25 Apr 1921.

+ 1459 F v. Dorothy Gerdine Cochran was born on 25 Feb 1924.

+ 1460 M vi. Orviel Villa Cochran was born on 1 Apr 1927.

+ 1461 M vii. Charles Jasper Cochran was born on 8 Feb 1934.

1059. George Jefferson Cochran (John Millard, John Jefferson, Robert Silas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 6 Aug 1914 in Antlers, Push Co., Oklahoma. He died on 4 Jul 1982 in Texas.

He was very artistic, versatile, tall and handsome. He worked as an electrician at General Dynamics, and worked in Alaska in WWII, was land owner and a conservative, frugal citizen. He was a Shriner and 32nd degree Mason.

George married (1) Florence McCastlen .

They had the following children:

+ 1462 M i. Charles Robert Cochran was born on 4 Dec 1934.

George married (2) Margueritta Bernice Allen . Margueritta was born on 2 Aug 1918. She died in Oct 1978.

They had the following children:

1463 F ii. Helen Lovell Cochran was born on 10 Jul 1940 in Texas. Helen married Ted Orrell in Arkansas.

+ 1464 M iii. Steven Cochran was born on 31 Dec 1958.

1060. Leona Bell Cochran (John Millard, John Jefferson, Robert Silas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 6 Jun 1916 in Antlers, Push Co., Oklahoma. She died on 9 Dec 1974.

Leona married William Kenneth Short . William was born on 9 Jan 1911.

William was employed as nurseryman, musician.

They had the following children:

+ 1465 M i. Kenneth Leon Short was born on 18 Dec 1933.

+ 1466 M ii. Jerry Fredrick Short was born on 30 Aug 1935.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 222 + 1467 F iii. Ellen Sue Short was born on 17 Jul 1937.

+ 1468 F iv. Shirlee Denice Short was born on 22 Jul 1939.

1061. Olan Ethridge Cochran (Greel, John Elgin, Levi Thomas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born in 1928.

Olan married Jean Bobo . The marriage ended in divorce.

They had the following children:

1469 F i. Pamala Ann Cochran was born on 18 Aug 1952. She died in 1953.

1470 F ii. Sandra Cochran was born on 21 Dec 1956.

1471 M iii. Joseph Cochran was born on 10 Sep 1960.

1066. Dorothy May Cochran (Greel, John Elgin, Levi Thomas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born in 1926/1936.

Dorothy married Henry Walker .

They had the following children:

+ 1472 M i. Hoyt Walker was born on 24 Sep 1944.

+ 1473 M ii. Jerry Walker was born in Mar 1948.

+ 1474 F iii. Vivian Walker was born on 3 Oct 1945.

+ 1475 F iv. Pat Walker was born on 14 Nov 1952.

+ 1476 F v. Martha Walker was born on 22 Nov 1955.

1477 F vi. Terri Walker was born on 10 Aug 1961. Terri married Philip Sherrill .

+ 1478 F vii. Jackie Walker was born on 4 Dec 1950.

1077. Elvis Ray Cochran (Larry Leland, John Elgin, Levi Thomas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 26 Feb 1938 in Marion Co., Alabama.

Elvis resided in Hamilton, Alabama.

Elvis married Allen Drew Hall .

They had the following children:

1479 F i. Cherry Sue Cochran was born on 30 Nov 1960 in Winston Co.,.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 223 Cherry married Gerald Kuntz .

+ 1480 F ii. Micka Ray Cochran was born on 1 Jul 1962.

1080. Martha Fay Cochran (George, Robert Silas, Levi Thomas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 29 Mar 1930.

Martha married (1) Bob Nix .

They had the following children:

1481 M i. Greg Nix .

Martha married (2) Charles Fuller .

1081. Eugene Cochran (George, Robert Silas, Levi Thomas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 25 Aug 1936.

Eugene married Sara Yarbrough .

They had the following children:

1482 M i. Curtis Allen Cochran .

1483 F ii. Carla Jean Cochran .

1082. Donnie Cochran (George, Robert Silas, Levi Thomas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 19 Sep 1940.

Donnie married Carolyn McNutt .

They had the following children:

1484 M i. Brent Cochran .

1083. Hellen Cochran (George, Robert Silas, Levi Thomas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 12 Mar 1944.

Hellen married Lenia Sartin .

They had the following children:

1485 M i. Jiff Sartin .

1486 F ii. Tina Sartin .

1084. Bobby Cochran (George, Robert Silas, Levi Thomas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 1 Jun 1947.

Bobby married Wanda Campbell .

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 224 They had the following children:

1487 F i. Ashly Cochran .

1488 F ii. Mellody Cochran .

1087. Myra Lee Owens (Thomas Dolan Owens, Rausie Lee Cochran, John Carroll, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 22 Jul 1940.

Myra married James Cleveland Whitlock on 23 May 1961 in Hernando, De Soto Co., Mississippi. James was born on 29 May 1939.

They had the following children:

+ 1489 F i. Elizabeth Joan Whitlock was born on 10 May 1962.

1490 F ii. Leslie Carol Whitlock was born on 10 Jan 1964.

1088. Monna Sue Owens (Thomas Dolan Owens, Rausie Lee Cochran, John Carroll, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 3 Nov 1942. Monna married Thomas Harold Hood , Jr. on 23 Dec 1961 in Tishomingo, Tishomingo Co., Mississippi. Thomas was born on 29 Dec 1939.

They had the following children:

1491 F i. Tara Sue Hood was born on 21 Jul 1973.

1089. Donna Jean Owens (Thomas Dolan Owens, Rausie Lee Cochran, John Carroll, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 7 Mar 1949.

Donna married Dennie Ray Richardson on 29 Nov 1968 in Florence, Lauderdale Co., Alabama. Dennie was born on 8 Apr 1948.

They had the following children:

1492 F i. Crystal Dawn Richardson was born on 29 Nov 1973.

1090. Jean Gunnin (Nellie Cochran, George Riley, Ervin Smith, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 5 Nov 1928.

Jean married (1) Thomas B. Jackson . Thomas died on 6 Apr 1980.

Jean married (2) Walter D. Kennennu .

They had the following children:

1493 M i. Lanny Kennennu was born on 1 Jun 1951.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 225 Eleventh Generation

1097. Jerry Don Wheeler (Billie Louise Thacker, Ruby Lee Cochran, Patrick (Pat) "Henry", Lycurgus C. "LC" "Curd" or "Kirg", John, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 11 Apr 1958 in Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma. He died on 30 Dec 1988 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. He was buried in Block 7E, Rush Springs Cem., Rush Springs, Grady Co., Oklahoma.

Jerry was employed as Service Station Operator for Kerr McGee.

He had the following children:

1494 F i. Christina Dawn Wheeler .

1099. Phillip Dewayne Sneed (Shirley Marie Thacker, Ruby Lee Cochran, Patrick (Pat) "Henry", Lycurgus C. "LC" "Curd" or "Kirg", John, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born in 1967 in Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma.

Phillip married (1) Jana Beth Tuck or Tucker? daughter of David Tuck on 15 Oct 1987 in Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma. The marriage ended in divorce.Jana was born in Pauls Valley, Oklahoma.

They had the following children:

1495 i. Sneed was born on 15 Jul 1992 in Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma.

Phillip married (2) Kristin .

1100. Jami Sneed (Shirley Marie Thacker, Ruby Lee Cochran, Patrick (Pat) "Henry", Lycurgus C. "LC" "Curd" or "Kirg", John, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born in 1968 in Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma.

Jami married London Jeffries . London was born on 24 Jun 1971.

They had the following children:

1496 F i. Dusti Jeffries was born on 8 Aug 1987 in Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma.

1497 M ii. Chance Jeffries was born on 1 Mar 1989 in Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma.

1498 M iii. Josh Jeffries was born on 1 Jul 1992 in Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 226 1105. Sarah English (Caroleene Maria Hart, Anna Mae M. "Sis" Cochran, Patrick (Pat) "Henry", Lycurgus C. "LC" "Curd" or "Kirg", John, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born in 1975 in Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma.

Sarah married Lupe .

They had the following children:

1499 i. Lupe .

1123. Michael Gilbert (James Lawrence Gilbert, Earl Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 18 Dec 1956 in Santa Ana, California. He died on 8 Jun 1991 in Pryor, Mayes Co., Oklahoma. He was buried on 11 Jun 1991 in Wagoner, Wagoner Co., Oklahoma.

Michael married Suzie Irving .

They had the following children:

1500 F i. Shanda Gilbert .

1124. Linda Karen Watkins (Myrl Fayrene Gilbert, Earl Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 21 Aug 1948 in Wagoner, Wagoner Co., Oklahoma.

Linda married Harry Thomas Dail on 19 Apr 1975 in Wagoner, Wagoner Co., Oklahoma. Harry was born on 29 Oct 1942 in Newport News, Virginia.

They had the following children:

1501 F i. Stacy Janean Dail was born on 26 Sep 1966 in Wagoner, Wagoner Co., Oklahoma. Stacy married Larry Lawrence Baker on 4 Dec 1986 in Wagoner, Wagoner Co., Oklahoma.

1502 M ii. Gary Craig Dail was born on 7 Sep 1969 in Muskogee, Muskogee, Oklahoma.

1503 F iii. Tricia Lynn Dail was born on 11 May 1971 in Muskogee, Muskogee, Oklahoma.

1125. Richard Louis Watkins (Myrl Fayrene Gilbert, Earl Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 16 Jun 1950 in Wagoner, Wagoner Co., Oklahoma.

Richard married Betty Wilkerson .

They had the following children:

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 227 1504 M i. Richard Louis Watkins , Jr. was born in 1973 in Wagoner, Wagoner Co., Oklahoma.

1505 F ii. Susan Michelle Watkins was born on 23 Dec 1974.

1506 M iii. Ronnie Watkins was born on 14 Mar 1978.

1507 M iv. Randy Watkins was born on 29 May 1984.

1127. Denise Sheila Watkins (Myrl Fayrene Gilbert, Earl Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 5 Mar 1955 in Wagoner, Wagoner Co., Oklahoma.

Denise married Sparky Joe Mullins . Sparky was born on 24 May 1951.

They had the following children:

1508 M i. Sparky Joe Mullins , Jr. was born on 29 Jun 1975 in Wagoner, Wagoner Co., Oklahoma.

1509 F ii. Jamie Michelle Mullins was born on 7 Nov 1979.

1510 M iii. Jerrod David Mullins was born on 13 Aug 1981.

1511 M iv. Jeffrey Stephen Mullins was born on 13 Aug 1981.

1128. Tarra Lynn Watkins (Myrl Fayrene Gilbert, Earl Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 23 Feb 1958 in Wagoner, Wagoner Co., Oklahoma.

Tarra married Ricky Richman .

They had the following children:

1512 M i. Clint Ryan Carpenter was born on 11 Jul 1975.

1513 M ii. Brent Lee Carpenter was born on 8 Oct 1981.

1514 M iii. Bradley Jay Carpenter was born on 9 Oct 1981.

1130. Brent Patrick Dils (Hazel Maxine Gilbert, Earl Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 6 May 1959 in Stuttgart, Arkansas.

Brent married Olga Diane Felan on 18 Jun 1988 in Oceanside, California. Olga was born on 2 Aug 1956 in Corpus Christy, Texas.

They had the following children:

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 228 1515 M i. Ryan Patrick Dils was born on 30 Jul 1993 in San Diego, San Diego Co., California.

1516 M ii. Colton Jacob Dils was born on 4 Dec 1998 in Temecula, California.

1133. Charmagne Renee Gilbert (Harold Wayne Gilbert, Earl Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born in Muskogee, Muskogee, Oklahoma.

Charmagne married Ray Russell .

They had the following children:

1517 M i. Chris Russell .

1518 F ii. Kandyce Russell .

1519 M iii. Justin Russell .

1520 M iv. Collin Russell .

1135. Jimmy Dale Gilbert (Joel Dean Gilbert, Ernest Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ).

He had the following children:

1521 F i. April Dawn Gilbert was born in 1975 in Arkansas. She died on 15 Mar 2002 in Huntsville, Madison Co., Arkansas.

1136. Joy Deeann Gilbert (Joel Dean Gilbert, Ernest Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ).

Joy married Bradshaw .

They had the following children:

1522 M i. Wessley Bradshaw was born in Arkansas.

1144. Shari Smith (Betty Branson, Erma Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ).

Shari married Kirk Reiniger .

They had the following children:

1523 M i. David Paul Reiniger .

1145. Paula Smith (Betty Branson, Erma Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ).

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 229 Paula married Sean Hendricks on 18 Jun 1994 in Quincy, Plumas Co., California.

They had the following children:

1524 M i. Tailor Jordyn Hendricks was born on 7 Dec 1994 in Susanville, California.

1148. Erin Dorlene McGahey (Patricia Wandella Gilbert, Fred Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 29 Jan 1955 in Visalia, Tulare Co., California.

Erin married Kevin Eugene Wright on 14 Aug 1976. Kevin was born on 29 May 1955 in Lakeville, Indiana.

They had the following children:

1525 M i. Walter Eugene Wright was born on 1 Dec 1977 in Long Beach, California.

1526 M ii. Matthew B. Wright was born on 4 Apr 1983 in Ukiah, California.

1149. Brenda Denise McGahey (Patricia Wandella Gilbert, Fred Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 18 Sep 1957 in Visalia, Tulare Co., California.

Brenda married Richard Donald Baer in 1976. Richard was born on 28 Dec 1954 in Mt. Holly, New Jersey.

They had the following children:

1527 M i. Jeremy Alan Baer was born on 13 Feb 1977 in San Diego, San Diego Co., California.

1528 M ii. Jeffrey Duane Baer was born on 1 Dec 1979 in Walnut Creek, California.

1150. Janet Lynne McGahey (Patricia Wandella Gilbert, Fred Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 7 May 1962 in Norfolk, California.

Janet married Melvin Paul Adair on 26 Jul 1981 in Antioch, California. Melvin was born on 10 Jun 1957 in Antioch, California.

They had the following children:

1529 M i. Joshua Paul Adair was born on 9 Jan 1982 in Walnut Creek, California.

1530 M ii. Jerrod Wayne Adair was born on 5 Aug 1983 in Walnut Creek, California.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 230 1151. Jimmy E. Gilbert (James Ronald Gilbert, Fred Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 18 Apr 1960 in Tacoma, Washington.

Jimmy married Lori Gilbert in Tacoma, Washington.

They had the following children:

1531 F i. Natalie Gilbert was born in Tacoma, Washington.

1152. Laronna Gilbert (James Ronald Gilbert, Fred Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 20 Sep 1962 in Puyallup, Washington.

Laronna married Manny Dominguez in Tacoma, Washington.

They had the following children:

1532 F i. Meagan Dominguez was born in Tacoma, Washington.

1533 F ii. Mandi Dominguez was born in Tacoma, Washington.

1156. Douglas Paul Dotts (Hazel Marthelle Jackson, Hazel Eloise Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 20 Mar 1958 in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Douglas married Marie Catherine Bohemick on 24 May 1986. Marie was born on 16 Oct 1959 in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

They had the following children:

1534 M i. Nathaniel Dotts was born on 10 Jan 1993 in Ft. Collins, Larimer Co., Colorado.

1535 M ii. Paul Michael Dotts was born on 9 Mar 1995 in Ft. Collins, Larimer Co., Colorado.

1157. Boyd Irwin Dotts (Hazel Marthelle Jackson, Hazel Eloise Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 17 Aug 1964 in Grants, Cibola, New Mexico.

Boyd married Kristen Dotts .

They had the following children:

1536 M i. Garrett Robert Dotts was born on 17 Aug 1994 in San Diego, San Diego Co., California.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 231 1158. Cindy A. Dotts (Hazel Marthelle Jackson, Hazel Eloise Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 28 Feb 1966 in Ogden, Weber, Utah.

Cindy married Terrence A. Valdez on 3 Mar 1984 in Farmington, New Mexico. Terrence was born on 6 Apr 1962 in Farmington, New Mexico.

They had the following children:

1537 M i. Robert Terrence Valdez was born on 8 May 1985 in Durango, Colorado.

1538 F ii. Melissa Ann Valdez was born on 19 Mar 1986 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

1539 F iii. Cynthia Marie Valdez was born on 30 Apr 1987.

1162. Glen Dale Howell (Larry Ozell Howell, Mabel Fayrene Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 23 Sep 1968 in Healsburg, Sonoma Co., California.

Glen married Sharla Ann Foster on 19 Aug 1988. Sharla was born on 17 Jan 1971 in Duncan, Stephens Co., Oklahoma.

They had the following children:

1540 M i. Joshua Cole Howell was born on 12 Sep 1989 in Ardmore, Carter Co., Oklahoma.

1541 F ii. Jordan RheAnn Howell was born on 11 Mar 1993 in Duncan, Stephens Co., Oklahoma.

1163. Larry Wayne Howell (Larry Ozell Howell, Mabel Fayrene Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 21 Sep 1969 in Santa Rosa, Sonoma Co., California.

Larry married Christie Ann Hilbern on 29 Nov 1986 in Georgia. Christie was born on 11 Apr 1968 in Carlton, Georgia.

They had the following children:

1542 M i. Cody Wayne Howell was born on 11 Apr 1988 in Carlton, Georgia.

1543 F ii. Heather Dale Howell was born on 22 Sep 1989 in Newan, Georgia.

1164. Shelly Rene Howell (Larry Ozell Howell, Mabel Fayrene Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 4 Jan 1971 in Salinas, Monterey, California.

Shelly married Kurt Duane Moore on 6 Jan 1992 in Fairfield, Ocala, Florida. Kurt was born on 10 Nov 1968 in Dodge City, Ford Co., Kansas.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 232 They had the following children:

1544 M i. Stetson Cole Moore was born on 29 Sep 1992 in Stillwater, Lincoln, Oklahoma.

1545 ii. Shelby Moore .

1546 iii. Collie Moore .

1547 M iv. Lindsay Moore .

1166. Tracie Lynn Howell (Gary Lynn Howell, Mabel Fayrene Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 2 Nov 1971 in Sonora, California.

Tracie married John Krbec in Sonora, California.

They had the following children:

1548 F i. Alexis Krbec .

1549 F ii. Kylie Krbec .

1167. Kelley Jean Howell (Gary Lynn Howell, Mabel Fayrene Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 3 Jun 1974 in Fontana, California.

Kelley married Jason Dambacker .

They had the following children:

1550 M i. Camerone Dambacker .

1551 M ii. Carson Ryan Dambacker was born on 8 Jan 2001 in Sonora, California.

1170. Jenneen Rachel Frankenstein (Etta Jean Howell, Mabel Fayrene Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 26 Jul 1973 in Sonora, California.

Jenneen married Steve Williams .

Steve and Jenneen had the following children:

1552 F i. Casey Nichole Frankenstein was born on 11 Sep 1996 in California.

1553 F ii. Hayley Williams .

1171. Timothy Nile Frankenstein (Etta Jean Howell, Mabel Fayrene Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 7 Sep 1977 in Sonora, California.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 233 Timothy married Sally in 2000 in Sonora, California.

They had the following children:

1554 M i. Andrew Michael Frankenstein was born on 26 Mar 2001 in Sonora, California.

1174. Suzanne Raper (Billy Raper, Verlie Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ).

Suzanne married Neil Griffith in 1993 in Eureka Springs, Carroll Co., Arkansas.

They had the following children:

1555 M i. John Austin William Griffith was born on 16 Mar 1995 in Andover, Kansas.

1175. Shari Key (Sharon Raper, Verlie Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ).

Shari married Eddie Krager .

They had the following children:

1556 M i. Ryan Krager .

1557 F ii. Sarah Krager .

1176. Patricia Key (Sharon Raper, Verlie Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ).

Patricia married Chris Bartel .

They had the following children:

1558 F i. Danielle Bartel .

1559 F ii. Stephanie Bartel was born in Oklahoma.

1177. Ted Key (Sharon Raper, Verlie Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ).

He had the following children:

1560 F i. Kristin Key .

1179. Jason Dewane Fleming (Jack Dewane Fleming, Anna Mae Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 19 Sep 1973 in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 234 Jason married Nancy Carr on 28 Jun 1997 in Nevada City, California.

They had the following children:

1561 i. Sage Sri Fleming was born on 30 Jul 1999 in Nevada City, California.

1180. Michelle Fleming (Jack Dewane Fleming, Anna Mae Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 22 May 1974 in Albany, Georgia.

Michelle married (1) Gregory Charles Phillips .

They had the following children:

1562 F i. Anna Elizabeth Phillips was born on 5 Jun 1996.

Michelle married (2) Dean McAbee .

1196. Angel Labeth Files (Michael Howard Files, Phyllis Rae Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 3 Sep 1975 in Salinas, Monterey, California.

Angel married Richard Daniel McGee son of Richard Wilson McGee , III and Darlene Oddo on 28 Jan 1994 in Santa Ana, Orange, California. Richard was born on 8 Sep 1973 in Long Beach, Los Angeles, California.

They had the following children:

1563 M i. Jonathan Daniel McGee was born on 19 Jun 1995 in Upland, San Bernardino, California.

1564 F ii. Katie McGee was born on 30 Mar 1999 in Temecula, California.

1197. Shauna Rae Caradonna (Sherrie Etta Files, Phyllis Rae Gilbert, Berthe Etta Cochran, Andrew Jackson, David, James M., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 11 Aug 1975 in LaMesa, San Diego, California.

Shauna married Scott Dauenhauer on 19 Jul 1997 in San Diego, California. Scott was born on 19 Mar 1975 in Portland, Oregon.

They had the following children:

1565 M i. Collin Joseph Dauenhauer was born on 9 Aug 2001 in Aliso Viejo, California.

1202. Stella Frances Trotter (Sarah Ester Rambo, Dixie L. V. Cochran, Lindsey, Azor, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, William, , ).

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 235 Stella married Claude Melvil Lowry , Jr. son of Claude Melvil Lowry and Emma Defee on 8 Mar 1935 in Hunt Co., Texas. Claude was born on 10 Apr 1915 in White Rock, Hunt Co., Texas. He died on 4 Oct 1970 in California.

They had the following children:

+ 1566 M i. Joe Cecil Lowry was born on 6 Apr 1936.

+ 1567 F ii. Frances Claudine Lowry was born on 21 Oct 1937.

1230. Robert Wayne Neisler (Clair Edna Smith, Flora Mildred Waren, Emma Lee Cochran, Levi Nathaniel, Levi Thomas, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 18 Sep 1942.

Robert married Pat .

They had the following children:

1568 i. Line Neisler was born about 1967.

1231. Gary Lynn Neisler (Clair Edna Smith, Flora Mildred Waren, Emma Lee Cochran, Levi Nathaniel, Levi Thomas, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 2 Dec 1948.

is a physician and graduated from Kirksville College of Ostepathic Medicine in 1974. Now an anaestheologist at Ft. Worth Osteopathic Hospital.

Gary married Dari Lyn Collins . Dari was born on 6 Dec 1949.

They had the following children:

1569 M i. Robert Mark Neisler was born on 23 Apr 1972.

1570 M ii. John Timothy Neisler was born on 25 Dec 1973.

1571 F iii. Shannon Rae Neisler was born on 6 Nov 1975.

1236. Homer Cameron Griffin (Homer Thomas Griffin, Stella Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 17 Feb 1927 in Tulia, Texas.

Homer resided in Long Beach, California.

Homer married Maroly Mailbot on 19 May 1948.

They had the following children:

1572 F i. Mary Susan Griffin was born on 6 Jun 1949.

1573 M ii. Terry Williams Griffin was born on 13 Jul 1950.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 236 1574 M iii. Joseph Michael Griffin was born on 8 Oct 1954.

1575 F iv. Marie Kathlene Griffin was born on 23 Apr 1958.

1576 F v. Shelia Ann Griffin was born on 23 Jul 1965.

1237. James Melvin Griffin (James Mead Griffin, Stella Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 4 Jul 1930.

James married Wanda .

They had the following children:

+ 1577 M i. Charles Keith Griffin was born on 12 Nov 1951.

1578 F ii. Vivi Diane Griffin was born on 2 Oct 1956.

1579 M iii. James Michael Griffin was born on 29 Oct 1959.

1238. Melba Joy Griffin (James Mead Griffin, Stella Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 7 Sep 1931.

Melba married Edgar Cotton .

They had the following children:

1580 F i. Deborah Dereise Cotton was born on 10 Aug 1952.

1581 F ii. Susan Renee Cotton was born on 6 Sep 1954.

1582 M iii. Stuart Allen Cotton was born on 11 Dec 1959.

1239. Kenneth Griffin (James Mead Griffin, Stella Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 3 Nov 1936 in Levelland, Texas.

Kenneth married Betty Lu Purdy in Oct 1958.

They had the following children:

1583 F i. Kellye Lorraine Griffin was born on 2 Oct 1961.

1584 M ii. Kevin Earl Griffin was born on 8 Jun 1964.

1585 M iii. Kurt Wayne Griffin was born on 6 Oct 1967.

1586 M iv. Kyle Griffin .

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 237 1241. Emma Charlene Griffin (Charlie Alexander Griffin, Stella Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 31 Aug 1951.

Emma married William Cornelle .

William served in the military US Air Force 1948 - 1952.

They had the following children:

1587 M i. Darryl Williams Griffin was born on 23 Sep 1954. Darryl married June Alice Bowker on 4 Oct 1975.

1588 F ii. Denise Marie Cornelle was born on 31 Mar 1958.

1242. Stella Maxine Griffin (Charlie Alexander Griffin, Stella Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 18 Jan 1933.

Stella married LoVenve Schneider .

They had the following children:

1589 M i. Keith Schneider was born on 18 Mar 1955.

1590 F ii. Vivian Schneider was born in Oct 1958.

1591 M iii. Kurt Schneider was born in Oct 1959.

1592 F iv. Valerie Schneider was born in Dec 1960.

1593 M v. Kevin Schneider was born in Apr 1963.

1594 F vi. Nora Schneider was born in Dec 1967.

1243. Curtis Alton Griffin (Charlie Alexander Griffin, Stella Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 3 Feb 1935.

Curtis married Anneta Marie Schneider .

They had the following children:

1595 F i. Julia Lavene Griffin was born on 23 Feb.

1596 F ii. Theresa Lynn Griffin was born on 9 Feb 1961.

1597 F iii. Michelle Diane Griffin was born on 9 Jan 1967. Michelle married Frances Tonoso .

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 238 1598 M iv. Albert Moretie Griffin was born on 19 Jan.

Albert served in the military US Air Force.

1599 F v. Tracy M. Griffin was born on 29 Jun 1968.

1245. Joycie Bee Griffin (Green Berry Griffin, Stella Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 14 Jan 1930.

Joycie married (1) Arnison .

They had the following children:

1600 M i. Daniel Robert Arnison was born on 3 Jun 1954.

1601 M ii. Loren Stein Arnison was born on 16 May 1956.

Joycie married (2) Al Wood .

They had the following children:

+ 1602 M iii. Allen Wood was born on 6 Jun 1947.

+ 1603 F iv. Aynthia Lucille Wood was born on 9 Aug 1948.

1246. Ona Love Griffin (Green Berry Griffin, Stella Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born in 1933.

Ona married (1) Daniel Olivera on 4 Jul 1948.

They had the following children:

+ 1604 F i. Sharon Olivera was born on 30 Oct 1949.

Ona married (2) Walter Croney .

They had the following children:

1605 M ii. Clifford L. Croney was born on 20 Jun 1954.

1606 M iii. Allan B. Croney was born on 15 Apr 1958.

1607 M iv. Walter D. Croney was born on 29 Sep 1958.

1247. George N. Griffin (Green Berry Griffin, Stella Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 28 Mar 1935.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 239 George married (1) Lagrand .

They had the following children:

1608 M i. Virgil B. Griffin was born on 23 Oct 1951.

1609 M ii. Mark W. Griffin was born on 10 Jun 1957.

1610 M iii. Mitchell E. Griffin was born on 30 Nov 1958.

George married (2) Donie Bisban .

1248. Gloria R. Griffin (Green Berry Griffin, Stella Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 20 Aug 1938.

Gloria married Fisher .

They had the following children:

1611 M i. Russell A. Fisher was born on 18 Feb 1966.

1249. Victor Edrom Griffin (Green Berry Griffin, Stella Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 22 Oct 1943.

He had the following children:

1612 M i. Anthony Ross Griffin was born on 8 Dec 1965.

1251. John Carroll Hodges (Nellie Francis Griffin, Stella Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 12 Dec 1928.

John married Joyce Farmer . Joyce was born in 1927.

They had the following children:

1613 M i. John Lynn Hodges was born on 22 Aug 1951.

1614 F ii. Carolyn Gail Hodges was born on 15 Jun 1954.

1615 M iii. Gregory K. Hodges was born on 8 May 1962.

Gregory served in the military US Air Force. Gregory married M. J. Soaker .

+ 1616 M iv. Otis Ralph Hodges was born on 26 Dec 1954.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 240 1252. Norman Hodges (Nellie Francis Griffin, Stella Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 18 Jan 1935.

Norman served in the military US Air Force, served in Germany and the Phillippines.

Norman married Dorothy Craik .

They had the following children:

1617 F i. Robin Ru Ann Hodges was born on 13 Jun 1967. She was related to her

parents by adoption.

1618 M ii. J. Norman Hodges .He was related to his parents by adoption.

J. Norman Hodges was adopted in 1962.

1253. Leonard J. Hartley (Edna Mae Griffin, Stella Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 22 Feb 1933.

Leonard served in the military US Air Force - served in Goose Bay 1960 to 1962.

Leonard married Claudette Harper .

They had the following children:

1619 F i. Judith Ann Hartley was born on 7 Sep 1955. Judith married John Allen Tillman in 1973 in San Antonio, Texas.

1620 M ii. Leonard Ty Hartley was born on 15 Dec 1962.

1255. Helen Joan Mason (Katherine Lee Griffin, Stella Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 16 Sep 1940.

Helen married Horton .

They had the following children:

1621 M i. David Horton .

1622 M ii. Charles Horton .

1256. Nancy Lee Davis (Jonnie Ruth Griffin, Stella Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 11 Apr 1939.

Nancy married Charles F. Griffin .

They had the following children:

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 241 1623 F i. Sheri Lonell Griffin was born on 6 Jan 1959 in Lubbock, Texas.

1624 M ii. Gary Glen Griffin was born on 15 May 1961.

1625 F iii. Sharla Dianne Griffin was born on 13 Feb 1963.

1257. Marsha Ann Davis (Jonnie Ruth Griffin, Stella Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 2 Jun 1940.

Marsha married Charles F. James .

Charles was employed as major in a hospital in Shelean, Washington.

They had the following children:

1626 F i. Deborah Kay James was born on 15 Aug 1960.

1627 F ii. Louise Ann James was born on 24 Dec 1961.

1628 F iii. Susan Elizabeth James was born on 31 May 1962.

1629 M iv. Michael Richard James was born on 7 Nov 1964.

+ 1630 F v. Kathryne James was born in Dec 1963.

1631 F vi. Linda Marie James was born on 7 Mar 1966.

1258. Patsy Sue Sorrells (Stella Laverne Griffin, Stella Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ).

Patsy resided in Big Springs, Texas.

Patsy married Carr .

They had the following children:

1632 F i. Carrie Lyn Carr was born on 11 Nov 1963.

1633 M ii. Kenneth Lee Carr was born on 18 Apr 1970.

1260. Eddie Bart , Jr. (Ala Pluma Griffin, Stella Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 22 Dec 1948. He died in 1973. The cause of death was in accident.

He had the following children:

1634 F i. Cheryl Denise Bart was born on 27 Dec 1972.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 242 1261. Patricia Ann Bart (Ala Pluma Griffin, Stella Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 28 Apr 1950.

Patricia married James Bent .

They had the following children:

1635 F i. Rebecca Sue Bent was born in Jan 1973.

1636 M ii. James E. Bent was born on 2 Jan 1974.

1265. Betty Dow Borden (Lorenzo Dow Borden, Clifton Marvin Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 4 Nov 1932.

Betty married Theodore M. Roman on 7 Aug 1950. Theodore was born on 7 Dec 1929.

They had the following children:

1637 M i. Mark Theodore Roman was born on 22 Apr 1954.

1638 F ii. Kimberly Ann Roman was born on 22 Jun 1956.

1639 F iii. Leslie Karon Roman was born on 25 Dec 1957.

1266. William Brooks Butler (Floyce Borden, Clifton Marvin Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 29 Oct 1932.

William married Margaret Norma Wilson .

They had the following children:

1640 M i. David Paul Butler was born on 4 Nov 1946.

1641 F ii. Donna K. Butler was born on 14 May 1954. Donna married Garry Ellison on 1 Jun 1972.

1642 F iii. Dianne Marie Butler .

1267. Thomas Lee Butler (Floyce Borden, Clifton Marvin Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 27 Oct 1938.

Thomas married (1) Carol Agnew .

They had the following children:

1643 F i. Sussanna Lee Butler was born on 18 Feb 1952.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 243 1644 F ii. Sandra Carol Butler was born on 14 Mar 1967.

Thomas married (2) Lona Hughes . Lona was born in 1935.

1269. Bert Clifton Borden (Jack Kemper Borden, Clifton Marvin Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 21 Dec 1938.

Bert married Dorothy Hemmet . Dorothy was born on 2 Dec 1942.

They had the following children:

1645 M i. Philip Christopher Borden was born on 19 Sep 1963.

1646 M ii. Andrew Collin Borden was born on 4 Nov 1969.

1647 F iii. Karen Virginia Borden was born on 10 Jan 1974.

1270. Barbara Carolyn Borden (Jack Kemper Borden, Clifton Marvin Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 30 Jan 1940.

Barbara married H. M. Walker on 5 Aug 1960.

They had the following children:

1648 M i. Ricky Dale Walker was born on 7 Apr 1961.

1649 F ii. Cindy Walker was born on 26 Oct 1963.

1271. Paul J. Borden (Jack Kemper Borden, Clifton Marvin Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 10 Dec 1941.

Paul married Kay Frances Allen on 18 Apr 1963. Kay was born on 29 Jan 1946.

They had the following children:

1650 M i. Michael Todd Borden was born on 29 Jan 1964.

1651 F ii. Darla Fay Borden was born on 29 Jun 1967.

1652 M iii. Clay Borden was born on 10 Sep 1970.

1653 M iv. Paul Shannon Borden was born on 25 Aug 1971.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 244 1272. Janet Marlene Peterson (Mildred Jo Borden, Clifton Marvin Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 21 May 1935.

Janet married Gary Schlothauer on 21 Jun 1959. Gary was born on 4 Sep 1936.

They had the following children:

1654 M i. Cliff Schlothauer was born on 9 May 1960.

1655 M ii. Clay Schlothauer was born on 8 Jun 1966.

1273. Peggy Nell Peterson (Mildred Jo Borden, Clifton Marvin Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 19 May 1938.

Peggy married Wayne Edd Eoff on 16 Jun 1957. Wayne was born on 4 Oct 1933.

They had the following children:

1656 F i. Amy Kathleen Eoff was born on 8 Aug 1959.

1657 M ii. Robert Wayne Eoff was born on 7 Jan 1961.

1658 F iii. Emmy Katherine Eoff was born on 20 Jun 1962.

1659 F iv. Sara Jane Eoff was born on 8 Feb 1966.

1274. Bonnie Sue Peterson (Mildred Jo Borden, Clifton Marvin Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 11 Jan 1941.

Bonnie married Victor Lowe Mathis on 30 Aug 1959.

They had the following children:

1660 M i. Vernon Scott Mathis was born on 24 Aug 1960.

1661 M ii. Joel Cameron Mathis was born on 22 Jun 1962.

1662 F iii. Shelley Suzanne Mathis was born on 18 Sep 1964.

1275. Katie Ann Peterson (Mildred Jo Borden, Clifton Marvin Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 2 Jan 1943.

Katie married John Dodson Yarbrough on 26 Jun 1960. John was born on 27 Nov 1935.

They had the following children:

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 245 1663 M i. Paul Trafton Yarbrough was born on 30 Jul 1962.

1664 F ii. Deanna Marie Yarbrough was born on 17 Oct 1964.

1276. George Ernest Peterson (Mildred Jo Borden, Clifton Marvin Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 6 Dec 1946.

George married Ginger Banks daughter of John M. Banks on 12 Aug 1972. Ginger was born on 18 Apr 1951.

They had the following children:

1665 i. Peterson .

1277. Patsy Sharron Pruitt (Marie Borden, Clifton Marvin Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 22 Aug 1938.

Patsy married Michael Joseph Kelly on 9 Aug 1958. Michael was born on 21 Aug 1938.

They had the following children:

1666 F i. Pamela Marie Kelly was born on 14 Feb 1960.

1667 M ii. Michael Richard Kelly was born on 28 May 1962.

1278. Larry Newton Waggoner (Margaret Borden, Clifton Marvin Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 6 Feb 1943.

Larry married Darlene Mongeon on 10 Sep 1969. Darlene was born on 2 Jul 1946.

They had the following children:

1668 F i. Lisa Bennet was born on 3 Jan 1967.

She was born from a previous marriage.

1669 F ii. Ginger Ann Waggoner was born on 27 Aug 1970.

1279. Joyce L. Waggoner (Margaret Borden, Clifton Marvin Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 4 Jun 1945.

Joyce married Paul Allen Nancy on 5 Jul 1965. Paul was born on 28 Nov 1944.

They had the following children:

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 246 1670 M i. Travis Paul Nancy was born on 27 Nov 1967.

1671 F ii. Natalie Denae Nancy was born on 22 Jan 1971.

1281. Robert Steven Olson (Fay Borden, Clifton Marvin Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 29 Aug 1946.

Robert married Linda Sue Roach on 13 Dec 1965. Linda was born on 28 Dec 1947.

They had the following children:

1672 F i. Sonjie Faye Olson was born on 24 Oct 1966.

1304. Gregory Thomas Janecki (Billie Louise Duckworth, Iva Dell Cochran, Bryce Monroe, Henry Lee, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 21 Oct 1948 in Chicago, Cook Co., Illinois.

He is an engineer for the railroad. He is a handsome dark-haired man.

Gregory married Valerie Coker . Valerie was born on 28 May 1950 in Chicago, Cook Co., Illinois.

She is a smart, beautiful blonde. She can sing, sew, and plays tennis.

Gregory and Valerie had the following children:

1673 M i. Thomas Gregory Janecki , Jr. was born on 26 Jan 1968 in Chicago, Cook Co., Illinois.

1674 M ii. Michael Alexander Janecki was born on 23 May 1970 in Chicago, Cook Co., Illinois.

1675 F iii. Catherine Marie Janecki was born on 6 Sep 1972.

1376. Deloris Diann Hughes (Helen Ruth Williamson, Opal Zenvia Cochran, Byrd, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 24 Sep 1956.

Deloris married Lowe . Lowe was born on 19 Mar 1953.

They had the following children:

1676 F i. Tawona Rue Lowe .

1677 M ii. Philip Lyn Lowe .

1678 M iii. Scott Allen Lowe .

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 247 1387. Floyd Lynn Cabe (Betty Doris Cochran, Orville Nolan, Byrd, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 26 Jun 1957.

Floyd married Betty .

They had the following children:

1679 F i. Christy Dawn Cabe was born on 10 Dec 1970.

1416. Karen Suzette Purkaple (Howard Marion Purkaple, Ruby May Prince, Annie Duchess Cochran, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 23 Jan 1947 in Kilgore, Texas.

Karen resided in Houston, Texas.

Karen married Pye .

They had the following children:

1680 F i. Mellisa Kaye Pye was born on 23 Jun 1967 in Galveston, Texas.

1681 M ii. Lynn Pye , Jr. was born on 5 Sep 1973 in Houston, Texas.

1417. Janet Lynn Purkaple (Howard Marion Purkaple, Ruby May Prince, Annie Duchess Cochran, Silas Calhoun, Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 6 Feb 1948 in Overton, Texas. Janet resided in Texas City, Texas.

Janet married Solar .

They had the following children:

1682 M i. Michael Purkaple Solar was born on 23 Oct 1971 in Galveston, Texas.

1456. Varbil Cochran (Charlie Jefferson, Myrtle, John Jefferson, Robert Silas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 28 Jan 1910 in Clarksville, Arkansas.

Varbil married Marjory Williams .

They had the following children:

1683 M i. Otis Denton Cochran .

1684 M ii. Denton Williams Cochran .

1457. Olene Victorie Cochran (Charlie Jefferson, Myrtle, John Jefferson, Robert Silas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 24 May 1919 in near Rock Point, Antlers, Push Co., Oklahoma.

Olene married Louis Zelbst .

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 248 They had the following children:

1685 M i. Charles Michael Zelbst was born on 11 Feb 1953.

1686 M ii. John Paul Zelbst was born in Apr 1954.

1458. Edgar Riley Cochran (Charlie Jefferson, Myrtle, John Jefferson, Robert Silas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 25 Apr 1921.

Edgar married Emily Delen Smith . Emily was born on 15 Feb 1925.

They had the following children:

+ 1687 M i. Kenneth Ray Cochran was born on 18 Feb 1948.

+ 1688 F ii. Terry Lee Cochran was born on 4 Oct 1954.

+ 1689 M iii. Steve Clay Cochran was born on 17 Mar 1958.

1459. Dorothy Gerdine Cochran (Charlie Jefferson, Myrtle, John Jefferson, Robert Silas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 25 Feb 1924.

Dorothy married Olf Henry Harbuck . Olf was born on 17 Feb 1920.

They had the following children:

+ 1690 F i. Helen Claudine Haberman was born on 18 May 1941.

+ 1691 M ii. Henry Ray Harbuck was born on 19 Jul 1942.

1460. Orviel Villa Cochran (Charlie Jefferson, Myrtle, John Jefferson, Robert Silas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 1 Apr 1927.

Orviel married (1) Marie .

Orviel and Marie had the following children:

1692 M i. Ronnie Vills Cochran was born on 12 Feb 1949.

Orviel married (2) Eunice Cora Johnsson . Eunice was born on 18 Apr 1932.

They had the following children:

+ 1693 M ii. Jimmie Don Cochran was born on 9 Feb 1951.

1461. Charles Jasper Cochran (Charlie Jefferson, Myrtle, John Jefferson, Robert Silas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 8 Feb 1934.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 249 Charles married Bobbie Gean Coffelt .

They had the following children:

1694 F i. Ruth Ann Wheller Cochran was born on 21 Sep 1960.

1695 M ii. Bobby Ray Cochran was born in Aug 1964.

1696 F iii. Tanya Sue Cochran was born in Sep 1966.

1697 F iv. Jackie Fay Cochran was born in Feb 1968.

1698 F v. Carolyn Kaye Cochran was born on 28 Feb 1970.

1699 M vi. Charles Paul Cochran was born on 16 Dec 1972. He died in Jul 1981.

1462. Charles Robert Cochran (George Jefferson, John Millard, John Jefferson, Robert Silas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 4 Dec 1934.

Charles married (1) Beaverly .

They had the following children:

1700 M i. Jerry Cochran .

1701 ii. Charyls Cochran .

1702 M iii. Carroll Cochran .

Charles married (2) Sonora .

1464. Steven Cochran (George Jefferson, John Millard, John Jefferson, Robert Silas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 31 Dec 1958 in Arkansas.

Steven married Lanya .

They had the following children:

1703 M i. Wesley Steven Orrell Cochran was born in 1982.

1704 M ii. David Cochran was born on 30 Nov 1959 in Arkansas.

1465. Kenneth Leon Short (Leona Bell Cochran, John Millard, John Jefferson, Robert Silas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 18 Dec 1933.

Kenneth was employed as night club owner in Azle, Texas. He was employed as musician, building contractor. Kenneth married (1) Myrna Starnes in 1955.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 250 Kenneth married (2) Carolyn Sue Bennett .

They had the following children:

1705 F i. Deborah Sue Short .

1706 M ii. Terry Lynn Short was born on 3 May 1939.

1707 M iii. Kenneth Leon Barrow Short was born in 1936.

His mom is Gean Barrow.

1466. Jerry Fredrick Short (Leona Bell Cochran, John Millard, John Jefferson, Robert Silas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 30 Aug 1935.

Jerry was employed as owner in Ace Burglar Alarm Co., Ft. Worth, Texas. He was employed as musician.

Jerry married Paula Jean Smith .

They had the following children:

1708 M i. Larry Don Short was born on 3 May 1958. Larry married Joanna Blackwell on 19 Sep 1981.

1709 F ii. Vera Ellen Short was born on 20 Sep 1960.

1467. Ellen Sue Short (Leona Bell Cochran, John Millard, John Jefferson, Robert Silas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 17 Jul 1937.

Ellen married (1) Billy Lee Mars . Billy was born on 6 Aug 1931.

They had the following children:

1710 M i. Mark Edward Mars was born on 20 Dec 1960.

1711 M ii. Stephen Bruce Mars was born on 24 Oct 1963 in Venezuela.

Ellen married (2) Robert Clayton Meconi on 23 Dec 1975.

1468. Shirlee Denice Short (Leona Bell Cochran, John Millard, John Jefferson, Robert Silas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 22 Jul 1939.

Shirlee was employed as nurse in Harris Hospital.

Shirlee married (1) Danny William Robertshaw .

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 251 They had the following children:

1712 M i. Derriel Wade Robertshaw was born on 30 Jun 1950.

Shirlee married (2) Milton D. Perkins in Aug 1965.

They had the following children:

1713 F ii. Susan Denise Perkins was born on 2 May 1957.

Shirlee married (3) Robert Drake on 23 Nov 1975.

1472. Hoyt Walker (Dorothy May Cochran, Greel, John Elgin, Levi Thomas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 24 Sep 1944.

Hoyt married Louise Pounders .

They had the following children:

1714 F i. Angie Walker was born on 1 Apr 1965.

1473. Jerry Walker (Dorothy May Cochran, Greel, John Elgin, Levi Thomas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born in Mar 1948.

Jerry married Eula Mae Tice .

They had the following children:

1715 M i. Wayne Walker was born on 13 Jul 1969.

1716 F ii. Lisa Walker was born on 8 May 1972.

1717 F iii. Gina Walker was born on 25 Nov 1975.

1474. Vivian Walker (Dorothy May Cochran, Greel, John Elgin, Levi Thomas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 3 Oct 1945.

Vivian married Frankie Reese .

They had the following children:

1718 F i. Paula Reese was born on 30 Jun 1966.

1719 M ii. Frankie Reese was born on 8 Apr 1969.

1720 F iii. Carla Reese was born on 1 Jun 1979.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 252 1475. Pat Walker (Dorothy May Cochran, Greel, John Elgin, Levi Thomas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 14 Nov 1952.

Pat married (1) Ables .

They had the following children:

1721 M i. Larry Ables was born on 24 Apr 1973.

1722 F ii. Lorie Ables was born on 3 Oct 1975.

Pat married (2) Jim Smith .

1476. Martha Walker (Dorothy May Cochran, Greel, John Elgin, Levi Thomas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 22 Nov 1955.

Martha married Wayne Miller .

They had the following children:

1723 F i. Adrian Pounders Miller was born on 13 Nov 1977.

1478. Jackie Walker (Dorothy May Cochran, Greel, John Elgin, Levi Thomas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 4 Dec 1950. Jackie married Kelly Robinson .

They had the following children:

1724 M i. Donnie Robinson was born on 18 Jul 1968.

1725 F ii. Jennifer Robinson was born on 17 Oct 1972.

1726 F iii. Jessica Robinson was born on 3 Jul 1979.

1480. Micka Ray Cochran (Elvis Ray, Larry Leland, John Elgin, Levi Thomas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 1 Jul 1962 in Sheffield, Colbert Co., Alabama.

Micka resided in Hamilton, Alabama.

Micka married Marvin Sullins .

They had the following children:

1727 F i. Jessica Ellen Sullins was born on 5 Aug 1980.

1489. Elizabeth Joan Whitlock (Myra Lee Owens, Thomas Dolan Owens, Rausie Lee Cochran, John Carroll, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 10 May 1962.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 253 Elizabeth married Edward Moore .

They had the following children:

1728 M i. Brian Matthew Moore was born on 6 Feb 1987.

Twelfth Generation

1566. Joe Cecil Lowry (Stella Frances Trotter, Sarah Ester Rambo, Dixie L. V. Cochran, Lindsey, Azor, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, William, , ) was born on 6 Apr 1936 in Hunt Co., Texas.

Joe married Keppler .

They had the following children:

+ 1729 M i. (son) Lowry .

1567. Frances Claudine Lowry (Stella Frances Trotter, Sarah Ester Rambo, Dixie L. V. Cochran, Lindsey, Azor, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, William, , ) was born on 21 Oct 1937 in Hunt Co., Texas.

Frances married Denn .

They had the following children:

+ 1730 M i. (son) Denn .

1731 F ii. (daughter) Denn .

1732 F iii. (daughter) Denn . (daughter) married Pension .

1577. Charles Keith Griffin (James Melvin Griffin, James Mead Griffin, Stella Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 12 Nov 1951 in Muleshoe, Texas.

He had the following children:

1733 M i. Chad Griffin was born on 18 Aug 1970.

1602. Allen Wood (Joycie Bee Griffin, Green Berry Griffin, Stella Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 6 Jun 1947.

Allen married (1) Janice Snutt .

They had the following children:

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 254 1734 M i. Johnny Allen Wood was born on 21 Apr 1967.

1735 F ii. Victoria Bee Wood was born on 28 Dec 1970.

Allen married (2) Bonnie Wielogoers .

1603. Aynthia Lucille Wood (Joycie Bee Griffin, Green Berry Griffin, Stella Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 9 Aug 1948.

Aynthia married Fullerton .

They had the following children:

1736 M i. Allen Kent Fullerton was born on 7 Mar 1969.

1737 F ii. Lucinda Fullerton was born on 23 Jan 1971.

1604. Sharon Olivera (Ona Love Griffin, Green Berry Griffin, Stella Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 30 Oct 1949.

Sharon married (1) Jack Braney .

They had the following children:

1738 M i. Mathew T. Braney was born on 18 Feb 1966.

Sharon married (2) G. R. Haig .

They had the following children:

1739 M ii. Anthony D. Haig was born on 18 Jul 1968.

1740 F iii. Sharon O. Haig was born on 9 Apr 1971.

1616. Otis Ralph Hodges (John Carroll Hodges, Nellie Francis Griffin, Stella Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 26 Dec 1954.

Otis resided in Mount Claire, California.

Otis had the following children:

1741 M i. Ralph C. Hodges .

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 255 1742 M ii. Robert A. Hodges .

1743 F iii. Katherine B. Hodges .

1744 M iv. Mitchell E. Hodges .

1745 M v. Joseph P. Hodges .

1746 F vi. Rosemary F. Hodges .

1630. Kathryne James (Marsha Ann Davis, Jonnie Ruth Griffin, Stella Borden, Nellie Geems Cochran, Abraham Marshall "Abe", Silas Maxwell, Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born in Dec 1963.

Kathryne married Weldon Thorton . Weldon was born on 17 Mar 1942.

They had the following children:

1747 M i. Weldon Paul Thorton .

1687. Kenneth Ray Cochran (Edgar Riley, Charlie Jefferson, Myrtle, John Jefferson, Robert Silas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 18 Feb 1948.

Kenneth married Linda Jane . Linda was born on 2 Nov 1950.

They had the following children:

1748 F i. Carrie Genett Cochran was born on 1 Sep 1973. Carrie married Kenneth Ray , Jr. .

1749 F ii. Deleona Jane Cochran was born on 2 Sep 1973.

1688. Terry Lee Cochran (Edgar Riley, Charlie Jefferson, Myrtle, John Jefferson, Robert Silas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 4 Oct 1954.

Terry married Linda L. Gaeman . Linda was born on 14 May 1957.

They had the following children:

1750 F i. Bobby Rae Gaeman .

1751 M ii. Brian Gaeman .

1752 M iii. Rodney Terry Gaeman .

Linda was not his mom.

1689. Steve Clay Cochran (Edgar Riley, Charlie Jefferson, Myrtle, John Jefferson, Robert Silas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 17 Mar 1958.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 256 Steve married Trasie Bruer .

They had the following children:

1753 F i. Anthonia Cochran was born in Jan 1981.

1690. Helen Claudine Haberman (Dorothy Gerdine Cochran, Charlie Jefferson, Myrtle, John Jefferson, Robert Silas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 18 May 1941.

Helen married Elmer Dow Turner on 13 May 1968. The marriage ended in divorce.They were divorced on 16 Sep 1970.

They had the following children:

1754 M i. Elmer Dow Turner was born on 9 Jan 1959.

1755 F ii. Jennifer Dowlene Turner was born on 9 Jan 1961.

1756 M iii. David Lynn Turner was born on 4 Aug 1963.

1757 F iv. Elizabeth Annetta Turner was born on 27 Aug 1966.

1691. Henry Ray Harbuck (Dorothy Gerdine Cochran, Charlie Jefferson, Myrtle, John Jefferson, Robert Silas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 19 Jul 1942.

Henry married Carla .

They had the following children:

1758 M i. Steven Carl Harbuck .

1759 M ii. Shan Paul Harbuck .

1760 M iii. Christian Robin Harbuck .

1693. Jimmie Don Cochran (Orviel Villa, Charlie Jefferson, Myrtle, John Jefferson, Robert Silas, Andrew K., Robert S., Thomas, William, , ) was born on 9 Feb 1951.

Jimmie married Lynn Reynolds Cochran . Lynn was born in Feb 1952.

They had the following children:

1761 M i. Jimmy Don Cochran was born on 3 Nov 1969.

1762 F ii. Kristy Ann Cochran was born on 4 Aug 1972.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 257 Thirteenth Generation

1729. (son) Lowry (Joe Cecil Lowry, Stella Frances Trotter, Sarah Ester Rambo, Dixie L. V. Cochran, Lindsey, Azor, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, William, , ).

(son) married Lotspeich .

They had the following children:

1763 F i. (daughter) Lowry .

1730. (son) Denn (Frances Claudine Lowry, Stella Frances Trotter, Sarah Ester Rambo, Dixie L. V. Cochran, Lindsey, Azor, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, William, , ).

(son) married Wallace .

(son) and Wallace had the following children:

1764 F i. (daughter) Denn .

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 258 Appendix A - Sources

1. Iva Dell Cochran, A Cochran Clan - Book Two, A Cochran Clan - Book Two, Page 29, Phyllis Files. 2. Census, Census, 1790 Mecklenburg Co., NC ."1790 Mecklenburg Co., NC Census, page 378- 45:Cochran,Thomas Sr., 2 free white males 16 and up, 2 free white males under 16, 1 free white female including heads of families, 1 slave."1790 Mecklenburg Co., NC page 378-45as head of household. 3. Marshall Co., TN Historical Society, Marshall Co., TN Historical Quarterlies, Marshall Co., TN Historical Society, Pg 84, Vol XIX, 1988-1989, 13 Aug 1996, Marshall Co., TN Historical Society. 4. Iva Dell Cochran, A Cochran Clan - Book Two, page 30 - Will. 5. Military Papers 2, State of NC , State of North Carolina, Dept. of Cultural Resources, Raleigh, NC 27699-4600, microfilm.Treasurer's & Controller's Papers, Army Accounts - Vol. B, Pg 177; Vol. XII, pg 52, folio 4Treasurer's & Controller's Papers, Revolutionary War Pay Vouchers, 2 vouchers. 6. Wills - NC, Archives & Records Section, Raleigh, NC, CR.065.801.14, 1794, Dept. of Cultural Resources, Office of Archives & History, Division of Historical Resources, Archives & Records Section, 4614 Mail Service Center.Mecklenburg Co., NC, Wills, 1749-1918. 7. Marshall Co., TN Historical Society, Marshall Co., TN Historical Quarterlies, Pg 84, Vol XIX, 1988-1989. 8. Iva Dell Cochran, A Cochran Clan - Book Two, page 30. 9. personal knowledge, 1790 Mecklenburg Co., NC."1790 Mecklenburg Co., NC Census, page 378- 45:Cochran,Thomas Sr., 2 free white males 16 and up, 2 free white males under 16, 1 free white female including heads of families, 1 slave."1790 Mecklenburg Co., NC page 378-45as son of Thomas Cochran, Sr. 10. Military Papers 2, microfilm, 1780's.Treasurer's & Controller's Papers, Army Accounts - Vol. J, page 234- 235;Treasurer's & Controller's Papers, Revolutionary War Pay Vouchers - 1 voucher. 11. Marshall Co., TN Historical Society, Marshall Co., TN Historical Quarterlies, Pg 84, Vol XIX, 1988-1989. 12. personal knowledge. 13. Census, 1860 Marshall Co., TN, 7 Jun 1860."1860 Marshall Co., TN Census, 15th Civil District Lewisburg PO; pg. 262-14; June 7, 1860:Cochran, Elizabeth, 81 female white, house keeper, value of real estate 1200, value of personal estate 1300, born NC, illiterateCochran, Catharine, 50 female white, born NC, illiterateCochran, Martha, 46 female white, born NC, illiterateCochran, Susan, 44 female white, born NC, illiterateCochran, Julina, 38 female white, born NC, illiterateCochran, Silas, 35 male white, farm laborer, born TN, illiterateCochran, Levi, 28 male white, farm laborer, born TN, illiterate."15th Civil District, PO Lewisburg, Marshall Co., TNpage 262- 14as head of household. 14. Census, 1790 Mecklenburg Co., NC ."1790 Mecklenburg Co., NC Census, page 380-17:Orr, David, 1 free white male 16 and up, 4 free white males 16 and under, 4 free white females including heads of families, 0 slaves." 1790 Mecklenburg Co., NC page 380-17as daughter of David Orr. 15. Marshall Co., TN Historical Society, Marshall Co., TN Historical Quarterlies, Pg 84, Vol XIX, 1988-1989. 16. Census, 1880 District 14, Marshall Co., TN, page 461A."Richardson, John H., self, white male 54, single, farmer, born TN, father born NC, mother born NCRichardson, Margaret, mother, white female 77, widow, born NC, father born Ireland, mother born NCRichardson, Sarah A., sister, white female 40, single, born TN, father born NC, mother born NCRichardson, Henry J., nephew, white male 15, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN." 17. Census, 1880 District 14, Marshall Co., TN, page 461A."Richardson, John H., self, white male 54, single, farmer, born TN, father born NC, mother born NCRichardson, Margaret, mother, white female 77, widow, born NC, father born Ireland, mother born NCRichardson, Sarah A., sister, white female 40, single, born TN, father born NC, mother born NCRichardson, Henry J., nephew, white male 15, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN." 18. Census, 1880 District 14, Marshall Co., TN, page 461A."Richardson, John H., self, white male 54, single, farmer, born TN, father born NC, mother born NCRichardson, Margaret, mother, white female 77, widow, born NC, father born Ireland, mother born NCRichardson, Sarah A., sister, white female 40, single, born TN, father born NC, mother born NCRichardson, Henry J., nephew, white male 15, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN." 19. personal knowledge. 20. Census, 1860 Marshall Co., TN, 5 Jun 1860."1860 Marshall Co., TN Census PO Lewisburg, enumerated June 5, 1860, page 220-18Cochran, John, 52 male white, farmer, Value of Real Estate 4,000, Value of Personal Estate 2,000, born in NC, illiterateCochran, Mary, 51 female white, house keeper, born NC, illiterateCochran, Nancy, 26 female white, domestic, born TN, illiterateCochran, Peter, 23 male white, farm laborer, born TN, illiterateCochran, Rachel, 21 female white, domestic, born TN, attended school within the yearCochran, Talitha, 19 female white, domestic, born TN, attended school within the yearCochran, Lycurgus, 17 male white, farm laborer, born TN, attended school within the yearCochran, Columbus, 14 male white, born TN, attended school within the yearCochran, Mary, 12 female white, born TN, attended school within the yearCochran, James, 10

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 259 male white, born TN, attended school within the year."14th Civil District, PO Lewisburg, Marshall Co., TN, Page 220-18as husband of Mary Cochran and father of Lycurgus. 21. Marshall Co., TN Historical Society, Marshall Co., TN Historical Quarterlies, Pg 85, Vol XIX, 1988-1989. 22. TSLA, Tennessee State Library & Archives, TSLA Roll # A-2188 - Marshall Co. TN Probate Deeds 1836-1840, Page 142 , 16 Mar 1839."TSLA Roll # A-2188 - Marshall Co. TN Probate Deeds 1836-1840, Page 142 John COCHRAN & Mary his wife to William McRORY to indenture and bargain and Sale of 21 acres of land was this day aknowledged before me by the Said COCHRAN & Mary his wife and by me certified for registration March 16th 1839 M. W. OALEY (clk." 23. personal knowledge. 24. Census, 1880 Marshall Co., TN."1880 Marshall Co., TN Census; 462d; District 14:Cochran, Mary, white female 71, self, farmer, born NC, father born NC, mother born VACochran, James, white male 29, son, farmer, born TN, father born NC, mother born NCRichardson, William, white male 12, grandson, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN."District 14, Marshall Co., TN, page 462Das head of household. 25. Census, 1870 Marshall Co., TN, 6 Jun 1870."1870 Marshall Co., TN, Mooresville PO, page 177, June 6, 1870dwelling 69, family 71Cochran, Mary, 61 female white, farming, value of real estate 1800, value of personal estate 400, born NC, can't read or writeCochran, Nancy, 37 female white, born TN, can't writeCochran, Mary, 23 female white, born TN, can't writeCochran, James, 19 male white, farm laborer, born TNRichardson, Josephine, 8 female white, born TN, attended school within the yearRichardson, William, 2 male white, born TN(living 2 doors from Licergas Cochran)."PO Moresville, Marshall Co., TN, page 177Dwelling 69, Family 71as head of household. 26. Census, 1860 Marshall Co., TN, 5 Jun 1860."1860 Marshall Co., TN Census; 14th Civil District PO Lewisburg; June 5, 1860; page 220-18:Cochran, John, 52 male white, farmer, value of real estate 4,000, value of personal estate 2,000, born NC, illiterateCochran, Mary, 51 female white, housekeeper, born NC, illiterateCochran, Nancy, 26 female white, domestic, born TN, illiterateCochran, Peter, 23 male white, farm laborer, born TN, illiterateCochran, Rachel, 21 female white, domestic, born TNCochran, Talitha, 19 female white, domestic, born TN, attended school within the yearCochran, Lycurgus, 17 male white, farm laborer, born TN, attended school within the yearCochran, Columbus, 13 male white, born TN, attended school within the yearCochran, Mary, 12 female white, born TN, attended school within the yearCochran, James, 10 male white, born TN, attended school within the year."14th Civil District, PO Lewisburg, Marshall Co., TN, Page 220-18as wife of John Cochran and mother of Lycurgus. 27. Marshall Co., TN Historical Society, Marshall Co., TN Historical Quarterlies, Pg 85, Vol XIX, 1988-1989. 28. Census, 1850 Census. 29. Census, 1840 Census. 30. Census, 1830 Census. 31. Census, 1820 Census. 32. Census, 1810 Census. 33. TSLA, TSLA Roll # A-2188 - Marshall Co. TN Probate Deeds 1836-1840, Page 142, 16 Mar 1839."TSLA Roll # A-2188 - Marshall Co. TN Probate Deeds 1836-1840, Page 142 John COCHRAN & Mary his wife to William McRORY to indenture and bargain and Sale of 21 acres of land was this day aknowledged before me by the Said COCHRAN & Mary his wife and by me certified for registration March 16th 1839 M. W. OALEY (clk." 34. Census, 1880 Dist. 14, Marshall Co., TN pg 462D."Mary Cochran, self, female white, 71, farmer, born NC, father born NC, mother born VAJames Cochran, son, male white 29, farmer, born TN, father born NC, mother born NCWilliam Richardson, grandson, single, male white 12, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN." 35. TSLA, TSLA Roll # A-2188 - Marshall Co. TN Probate Deeds 1836-1840, Page 160 , 3 Aug 1839."TSLA Roll # A-2188 - Marshall Co. TN Probate Deeds 1836-1840, Page 160 R. W. HILL to Levi COCHRAN to Bargain & Sale of 1 Girl Slave Named Silvey Was this day proven before me by the Oaths of James HARKNESS & Thos. D. CHEEK & by me Certified for registration this 3rd day of August 1839 M. W. OAKLEY clk By his Deputy John ELLIOTT." 36. TSLA, TSLA Roll # A-2188 - Marshall Co. TN Probate Deeds 1836-1840, Page 94 , 8 Jun 1838."TSLA Roll # A- 2188 - Marshall Co. TN Probate Deeds 1836-1840, Page 94 Levi COCHRAN Deed for 1 town Lot executed to him by Wm WILLIAMS Joel YOWEL James OSBURN Commissioners of the Lewisburg was this day acknowledged before me by Said commissioners and by me Certified for Registration June 8th 1838 M W OAKLEY clk By Wm WILLIAMS DC." 37. TSLA, TSLA Roll # A-2188 - Marshall Co. TN Probate Deeds 1836-1840, Page 117, 24 Oct 1838."TSLA Roll # A-2188 - Marshall Co. TN Probate Deeds 1836-1840, Page 117 Levi COCHRAN Power of attorney executed to him by Thos D CHEEK was this day proven before me by the Oaths of Daniel BIVIS and Eli STEEL Subscribing witnesses thereto and by me certified for Registration Oct 24. 1838 M W OAKLEY clk By Wm WILLIAMS DC." 38. TSLA, TSLA Roll # A-2188 - Marshall Co. TN Probate Deeds 1836-1840, Page 124 , 22 Dec 1838."TSLA Roll # A-2188 - Marshall Co. TN Probate Deeds 1836-1840, Page 124 Hugh B. BIGHAM to Levi COCHRAN to indenture and bargain and Sale of 70 acres of land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by the Said BIGHAM and by me certified for registration December 22nd 1838 M. W. OAKLEY clk." 39. TSLA, TSLA Roll # A-2188 - Marshall Co. TN Probate Deeds 1836-1840, Page 191 , 6 Feb 1840."TSLA Roll # A-2188 - Marshall Co. TN Probate Deeds 1836-1840, Page 191 John R HILL Shuriff, to Leve COCHRAN To Bill

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 260 Sale of one negro boy Named Tom was this day acknowledged before me by the Said John R. HILL and by me certified for registration February 6th 1840 M. W. OAKLEY (clk." 40. TSLA, TSLA Roll # A-2188 - Marshall Co. TN Probate Deeds 1836-1840, Page 193 , 11 Feb 1840."TSLA Roll # A-2188 - Marshall Co. TN Probate Deeds 1836-1840, Page 193 Levi COCHRAN to R. W. HILL to bill Sale of one negro girl was this day acknowledged before me by the Said COCHRAN & by me certified for registration February 11th 1840 M. W. OAKLEY (clk." 41. TSLA, TSLA Roll # A-2188 - Marshall Co. TN Probate Deeds 1836-1840, Page 206 , 4 May 1840."TSLA Roll # A-2188 - Marshall Co. TN Probate Deeds 1836-1840, Page 206 Commissioners to Levi COCHRAN to Indenture & Bargain & Sale of 2 Lots in the Town of Lewisburg Was this day acknowledged by Wm. WILLIAMS Sr James OSBURN & Joel YOWEL three of the Commissioners of Sd town & by me Certified for Registration This 4th day of May 1840--- M. W. OAKLEY (clk By John ELLIOTT." 42. Census, 1880 District 14, Marshall Co., TN, page 461A."Richardson, John H., self, white male 54, single, farmer, born TN, father born NC, mother born NC Richardson, Margaret, mother, white female 77, widow, born NC, father born Ireland, mother born NCRichardson, Sarah A., sister, white female 40, single, born TN, father born NC, mother born NCRichardson, Henry J., nephew, white male 15, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN." 43. Census, 1880 Dist. 14, Marshall Co., TN census, pg. 462D."Mary Cochran, self, female white, 71, farmer, born NC, father born NC, mother born VAJames Cochran, son, male white 29, farmer, born TN, father born NC, mother born NCWilliam Richardson, grandson, single, male white 12, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN." 44. Census, 1880 Giles Co., TN, District 17, pg 330B."1880 Giles Co., TN, District 17, pg 330B, Dwelling 72, family 78*Jas. M. Parks, white male 47, widowed, farmer, can't write, born TN, father born NC, mother born NCCharles M. Parks, white male 19, son, single, farm laborer, can't read and write, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNMary Jane Parks, white female 17, daughter, single, keeping house for 17 years, can't write, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNJas. M. Parks, Jr., white male 14, son, single, farm laborer, can't write, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN(*Is the person (on the day of the enumerator's visit) sick, or temporarily disabled, so as to be unable to attend to ordinary business or duties? If so, what is the sickness or disability? - Consumption)." 45. Census, 1880 Giles Co., TN, District 17, pg 330B."1880 Giles Co., TN, District 17, pg 330B, Dwelling 72, family 78*Jas. M. Parks, white male 47, widowed, farmer, can't write, born TN, father born NC, mother born NCCharles M. Parks, white male 19, son, single, farm laborer, can't read and write, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNMary Jane Parks, white female 17, daughter, single, keeping house for 17 years, can't write, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNJas. M. Parks, Jr., white male 14, son, single, farm laborer, can't write, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN(*Is the person (on the day of the enumerator's visit) sick, or temporarily disabled, so as to be unable to attend to ordinary business or duties? If so, what is the sickness or disability? - Consumption)." 46. Census, 1880 Giles Co., TN, District 17, pg 330B."1880 Giles Co., TN, District 17, pg 330B, Dwelling 72, family 78*Jas. M. Parks, white male 47, widowed, farmer, can't write, born TN, father born NC, mother born NCCharles M. Parks, white male 19, son, single, farm laborer, can't read and write, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNMary Jane Parks, white female 17, daughter, single, keeping house for 17 years, can't write, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNJas. M. Parks, Jr., white male 14, son, single, farm laborer, can't write, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN(*Is the person (on the day of the enumerator's visit) sick, or temporarily disabled, so as to be unable to attend to ordinary business or duties? If so, what is the sickness or disability? - Consumption)." 47. Census, 1880 Giles Co., TN, District 17, pg 330B."1880 Giles Co., TN, District 17, pg 330B, Dwelling 72, family 78*Jas. M. Parks, white male 47, widowed, farmer, can't write, born TN, father born NC, mother born NCCharles M. Parks, white male 19, son, single, farm laborer, can't read and write, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNMary Jane Parks, white female 17, daughter, single, keeping house for 17 years, can't write, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNJas. M. Parks, Jr., white male 14, son, single, farm laborer, can't write, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN(*Is the person (on the day of the enumerator's visit) sick, or temporarily disabled, so as to be unable to attend to ordinary business or duties? If so, what is the sickness or disability? - Consumption)." 48. Census, 1880 Dist. 14, Marshall Co., TN, pg 460D."Joseph Wilson, self, married, male white 35, farmer, born TN, father born NC, mother born TNTalitha Wilson, wife, married, female white 39, keeping house, born TN, father born NC, mother born TNWilliam C. Wilson, son, single, male white 15, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNSallie Wilson, daughter, single, female white 11, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNMarcus Wilson, son, single, male white 2, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN." 49. Census, 1880 Dist. 14, Marshall Co., TN, pg 460D."Joseph Wilson, self, married, male white 35, farmer, born TN, father born NC, mother born TNTalitha Wilson, wife, married, female white 39, keeping house, born TN, father born NC, mother born TNWilliam C. Wilson, son, single, male white 15, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNSallie Wilson, daughter, single, female white 11, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNMarcus Wilson, son, single, male white 2, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN."

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 261 50. Census, 1880 Dist. 14, Marshall Co., TN, pg 460D."Joseph Wilson, self, married, male white 35, farmer, born TN, father born NC, mother born TNTalitha Wilson, wife, married, female white 39, keeping house, born TN, father born NC, mother born TNWilliam C. Wilson, son, single, male white 15, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNSallie Wilson, daughter, single, female white 11, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNMarcus Wilson, son, single, male white 2, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN." 51. Census, 1880 Dist. 14, Marshall Co., TN, pg 460D."Joseph Wilson, self, married, male white 35, farmer, born TN, father born NC, mother born TNTalitha Wilson, wife, married, female white 39, keeping house, born TN, father born NC, mother born TNWilliam C. Wilson, son, single, male white 15, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNSallie Wilson, daughter, single, female white 11, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNMarcus Wilson, son, single, male white 2, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN." 52. personal knowledge. 53. Marriage License 3, Marshall Co., TN, 27 Dec 1897, Daphne Fagan, Marshall County Clerk, 1107 Courthouse Annex, Lewisburg, TN 37091. 54. Oklahoma Civil War Pension Application, Oklahoma Civil War Pension Application, Application 4149, Reel 10, Oklahoma Historical Society, 2100 North Lincoln Blvd., Oklahoma City, Okla. 73105-4997, microfilm. 55. Cemeteries, Oklahoma Cemeteries Mailing List, Carter Co., Oklahoma, 56. Headstone Photo - Rose Hill Cem., Confederate Section, Ardmore, Carter, Co., Oklahoma, photo taken by Bear Cochran, Barry Cochran. 57. Oklahoma Death Certificate, Oklahoma State Dept. of Health, 4 Mar 1931, Oklahoma State Dept. of Health, 1000 N E 10th St., Oklahoma City, OK 73152. 58. Census, 1870 Marshall Co., TN, 6 Jun 1870."1870 Marshall Co., TN PO Mooresville, page 177, June 6, 1870dwelling 71, family 73London, Ann?, 44 female white, farming, value of real estate 1000, value of personal estate 400, born TN, can't read or writeLondon, Rachel, 9 female white, born TN, attended school within the yearLondon, George M., 7 male white, born TN, attended school within the yearCochran, Licergas, 26 male white, farm laborer, born TN, male citizen of the US of 21 years of age and upwards.(living 2 doors from Mary "Polly" (McCrory) Cochran)."PO Moresville, Marshall Co., TN, Page 177, Dwelling 71, Family 73living with Ann? London. 59. Census, 1860 Marshall Co., TN, 5 Jun 1860."1860 Marshall Co., TN Census PO Lewisburg, enumerated June 5, 1860, page 220-18Cochran, John, 52 male white, farmer, Value of Real Estate 4,000, Value of Personal Estate 2,000, born in NC, illiterateCochran, Mary, 51 female white, house keeper, born NC, illiterateCochran, Nancy, 26 female white, domestic, born TN, illiterateCochran, Peter, 23 male white, farm laborer, born TN, illiterateCochran, Rachel, 21 female white, domestic, born TN, attended school within the yearCochran, Talitha, 19 female white, domestic, born TN, attended school within the yearCochran, Lycurgus, 17 male white, farm laborer, born TN, attended school within the yearCochran, Columbus, 14 male white, born TN, attended school within the yearCochran, Mary, 12 female white, born TN, attended school within the yearCochran, James, 10 male white, born TN, attended school within the year."PO Lewisburg, Marshall Co., TN, Page 220-18as son of John & Mary Cochran. 60. Marshall Co., TN Historical Society, Marshall Co., TN Historical Quarterlies, Pg 85, Vol XIX, 1988-1989. 61. personal knowledge. 62. Marriage License 3, 27 Dec 1897. 63. TX Death Certificate, TX State Board of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics, Texas Dept. of Health. 64. Census, 1900 Marshall Co., TN, 1 Jun 1900."1900 Marshall Co., TN, 14th District, ED 91, sheet 5B, June 1, 1900dwelling 90, family 92line 61, McAteer, Robert, head, white male, born Aug. 1814, age 85, widow, married 47 years, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN, farmer,?, 0 months not employed, can read & write, speaks English, own or rent?, free or mortgaged?, houseline 62, Webster, Dovey, gr. daughter, white female, born ? 1856?, age 14?, married 1 year, mother of 1 child, 1 child still living, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN, can read & write, speaks Englishline 63, Webster, Patrick, gr. grandson, white male, born Oct. 1898, age 1, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN, can read & write?, speaks Englishline 64, King, ???? W., Gr son in law, white male, born Feb. 1874?, age 23, married 1 year, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN, farmer?, 0 months not employed, can read & write, speaks Englishline 65, King, Angie, gr. daughter, white female, born Aug. 1889, 20, married 1 year, 0 children, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN, can read & write, speaks English."14th District, Marshall Co., TN, ED 91, Sheet 5Blines 61-65, Dwelling 90, Family 92as granddaughter of Robert McAteer and mother of Patrick. 65. Census, 1880 Marshall Co., TN."1880 Marshall Co., TN census - District 14, page 462dWebster, Robert H., white male, 40, self, married, farmer, born MS, father born MS, mother born TNWebster, Nancie A., white female 35, wife, married, keeping house, born TN, father born NC, mother born NCWebster, William, white male 11, son, single, born TN, father born MS, mother born TNWebster, John M., white male 10, son, single, born TN, father born MS, mother born TNWebster, Haleus, white male 7, son, single, born TN, father born MS, mother born TNWebster, Alferd, white male 6, son, single, born TN, father born MS, mother born TNWebster, Dovey, white female 3, daughter, single, born TN, father born MS, mother born TNWebster, Nancy A., white female 2, daughter, single, born TN, father born MS, mother born TN."District 14, Marshall Co., TN, Page 462Das daughter of Robert H. & Nancie A. Webster.

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 262 66. Marshall Co., TN Historical Society, Marshall Co., TN Historical Quarterlies, Pg 85, Vol XIX, 1988-1989. 67. TSLA, TSLA Roll # A-2188 - Marshall Co. TN Probate Deeds 1836-1840, Page 182 , 31 Dec 1839."TSLA Roll # A-2188 - Marshall Co. TN Probate Deeds 1836-1840, Page 182 Azar COCHRAN to John B FOWLER to Indenture & Bargain & Sale of 33 acres of Land in Marshall County Was this day ackowledged before me by the Said Azar COCHRAN & By me Certified for Registration This 31st day of December 1839 M. W. OAKLEY (clk By JOhn ELLIOTT D.C." 68. TSLA, TSLA Roll # A-2188 - Marshall Co. TN Probate Deeds 1836-1840, Page 183 , 31 Dec 1839."TSLA Roll # A-2188 - Marshall Co. TN Probate Deeds 1836-1840, Page 183 Abram BIVINS to Azar COCHRAN to Indenture & Bargain & Sale of 40 Acres of Land in Marshall County Was this day acknowledged by the Said Abram BIVINS & By me Certified for Registration This 31st of December 1839 M. W. OAKLEY (clk By John ELLIOTT D.C." 69. Census, 1880 Marshall Co., TN, District 1, pg 305A."1880 Marshall Co., TN, District 1, pg 305AJack Alexander, white male 31, self, married, farmer, born TN, father born NC, mother born TNHarriet Alexander, white female 26, wife, married, keeping house, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNSallie Alexander, white female 9, daughter, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNJohn Alexander, white male 2, son, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN." 70. Census, 1880 Marshall Co., TN, District 1, pg 305A."1880 Marshall Co., TN, District 1, pg 305AJack Alexander, white male 31, self, married, farmer, born TN, father born NC, mother born TNHarriet Alexander, white female 26, wife, married, keeping house, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNSallie Alexander, white female 9, daughter, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNJohn Alexander, white male 2, son, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN." 71. Census, 1880 Marshall Co., TN, District 1, pg 305A."1880 Marshall Co., TN, District 1, pg 305AJack Alexander, white male 31, self, married, farmer, born TN, father born NC, mother born TNHarriet Alexander, white female 26, wife, married, keeping house, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNSallie Alexander, white female 9, daughter, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNJohn Alexander, white male 2, son, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN." 72. Census, 1880 Marshall Co., TN, District 1, pg 305A."1880 Marshall Co., TN, District 1, pg 305AJack Alexander, white male 31, self, married, farmer, born TN, father born NC, mother born TNHarriet Alexander, white female 26, wife, married, keeping house, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNSallie Alexander, white female 9, daughter, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNJohn Alexander, white male 2, son, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN." 73. Census, 1880 Marshall Co., TN, District 1, pg 304d."1880 Marshall Co., TN, District 1, pg 304dJohn McCollum, white male 27, self, married, farmer, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNJane McCollum, white female 24, wife, married, keeping house, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNLula McCollum, white female 5, daughter, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNOllie McCollum, white male 2, son, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNJacob McCollum, white male 1, son, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN." 74. Census, 1880 Marshall Co., TN, District 1, pg. 304d."1880 Marshall Co., TN, District 1, pg 304dJohn McCollum, white male 27, self, married, farmer, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNJane McCollum, white female 24, wife, married, keeping house, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNLula McCollum, white female 5, daughter, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNOllie McCollum, white male 2, son, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNJacob McCollum, white male 1, son, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN." 75. Census, 1880 Marshall Co., TN, District 1, pg 304d."1880 Marshall Co., TN, District 1, pg 304dJohn McCollum, white male 27, self, married, farmer, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNJane McCollum, white female 24, wife, married, keeping house, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNLula McCollum, white female 5, daughter, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNOllie McCollum, white male 2, son, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNJacob McCollum, white male 1, son, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN." 76. Census, 1880 Marshall Co., TN, District 1, pg 304d."1880 Marshall Co., TN, District 1, pg 304dJohn McCollum, white male 27, self, married, farmer, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNJane McCollum, white female 24, wife, married, keeping house, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNLula McCollum, white female 5, daughter, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNOllie McCollum, white male 2, son, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNJacob McCollum, white male 1, son, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN." 77. Census, 1880 Marshall Co., TN, District 1, pg 304d."1880 Marshall Co., TN, District 1, pg 304dJohn McCollum, white male 27, self, married, farmer, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNJane McCollum, white female 24, wife, married, keeping house, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNLula McCollum, white female 5, daughter, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNOllie McCollum, white male 2, son, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNJacob McCollum, white male 1, son, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN." 78. Census, 1880 Dist. 14, Marshall Co., TN, pg 460D."Joseph Wilson, self, married, male white 35, farmer, born TN, father born NC, mother born TNTalitha Wilson, wife, married, female white 39, keeping house, born TN,

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 263 father born NC, mother born TNWilliam C. Wilson, son, single, male white 15, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNSallie Wilson, daughter, single, female white 11, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNMarcus Wilson, son, single, male white 2, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN." 79. personal knowledge. 80. Taken by Kim Hendrix, Headstone Photo - Rose Hill Cem., Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma, Butch & Kim Hendrix, PO Box 226, Atwood, ILL 61913. 81. Marriage License 2, Bryant Co., Okla. Heritage Assoc. Inc., 13 Nov 1916, Bryan Co. Heritage Assoc. Inc., PO Box 153, Calera, OK 77430-0153. 82. The Chickasha (Ok.) Daily Express obit, Chickasha (Okla.) Daily Express, June 9 is on page 2, June 8 & 9, 1951."Chickasha paper, Monday, Jan 8, 1951.....At 8 Tonight Rosary will be said at 8 o'clock tonight in the chapel of Chickasha Funeral home for Henry Cochran, 52, Chickasha route two. Requiem high mass will be sung at 9 a.m. Tuesday by Rev. Bart Murtaugh in Holy Name Catholic church. Mr. Cochran, who was born Oct. 14, 1899 in Louisburgh, Tenn., died at 4:45 p.m. Saturday in an Oklahoma City hospital. He was a resident of Chickasha for 18 years, formerly living in Waurika. Mr. Cochran, who spent most of his life farming, was employed by the Rock Island railroad in 1947. He worked for the railroad for one and one-half years before a heart ailment caused his retirement. Mr. Cochran suffered a heart attack two weeks ago and was hospitalized. He was a member of Holy Name Catholic church. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Maggie Cochran of the home address; four sons, Jack, William and Pete Donald of the home and Henry Cochran Jr., of Oklahoma City; five daughters, Mrs. J. W. Thacker of Oklahoma City; Mrs. Raymond Hart of Lindsay, route four, Mrs. Jack Dulaney of Terminal, Texas, Miss Eva Jo Cochran and Miss Juanita Cochran of the home; and a step-father, A. D. Paterson of Valdasta, Texas. Interment will be in Rose Hill cemetery. The Chickasha (Ok.) Daily ExpressTuesday, Jan. 9, 1951, page 2Cochran MassSung Today Requiem high mass was sung for Henry Cochran, 52, Chickasha route two, by Rev. Bart Murtaugh in Holy Name Catholic church at 9 a.m. today. Mr. Cochran died of a heart attack Saturday after having been hospitalized for two weeks. Pallbearers were Tom Gibson, Clarence Brown, Jim Davidson, Larkin Hart, Henry Ross and Julius Lybrand. Interment was in Rose Hill cemetery under direction of Chickasha Funeral home." 83. Oklahoma Death Certificate, 6 Jan 1951. 84. Cemeteries, Grady Co., Okla., Rose Hill Cem. 85. Census, 1930 Adair Co., OK, 27 Jun 1930."1930 Adair Co., Okla., Lees Creek Twp., ED1-6, Sheet 8a, 50, June 27, 1930Dwelling 130, family 134, lines 26-28Cochran, Henry, Head, owns home, family lives on farm, male white 38, married ?years, can read & write, born Okla., father born Cherokee, mother born Fullblood, speaks English, farmer on general farm, actually worked, nov. of farm schedule 127Cochran, Maggie, wife, female white 22, married ?years, can read & write, born Okla., father born Cherokee, mother born Fullblood, speaks English, no occupationCochran, George, brother, male white, single, can read & write, born Okla., father born Cherokee, mother born Fullblood, laborer in industry, actually worked.dwelling 131, family 135, line 29Cochran, George, head, owns home, lives on farm, male white, single, can read & write, born Okla., father born Cherokee, mother born Fullblood,farmer on general farm, actually worked."Lees Creek Twp., Adair Co., Oklahoma, ED 1-6, Sheet 8a, lines 26-29, Dwelling 130, Family 134As head of household. 86. Census, 1900 Marshall Co., TN, 1 Jun 1900."1900 Marshall Co., TN, 14th District, ED 91, sheet 5B, June 1, 1900dwelling 90, family 92line 61, McAteer, Robert, head, white male, born Aug. 1814, age 85, widow, married 47 years, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN, farmer,?, 0 months not employed, can read & write, speaks English, own or rent?, free or mortgaged?, houseline 62, Webster, Dovey, gr. daughter, white female, born ? 1856?, age 14?, married 1 year, mother of 1 child, 1 child still living, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN, can read & write, speaks Englishline 63, Webster, Patrick, gr. grandson, white male, born Oct. 1898, age 1, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN, can read & write?, speaks Englishline 64, King, ???? W., Gr son in law, white male, born Feb. 1874?, age 23, married 1 year, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN, farmer?, 0 months not employed, can read & write, speaks Englishline 65, King, Angie, gr. daughter, white female, born Aug. 1889, 20, married 1 year, 0 children, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN, can read & write, speaks English."14th District, Marshall Co., TN, ED 91, Sheet 5Blines 61-65, Dwelling 90, Family 92as son of Dovey Webster and great grandson of Robert McAteer. 87. TX Birth certificate, Texas Department of Health, 25 & 27 Oct 1992, Texas Dept. of Health. 88. TX Birth Certificate 2, Wise County, Texas County Clerk Office, 31 Oct 1955, Office of County Clerk, Wise County, Decatur, TX. 89. Marriage License 2, 13 Nov 1916. 90. personal knowledge. 91. Taken by Kim Hendrix, Headstone Photo - Rose Hill Cem., Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma. 92. Funeral Card. 93. The Chickasha (Ok.) Daily Express obit, This Chickasha Express-Star, 27 Sep 1992."Maggie CochranFuneral for Mary Magdalene "Maggie" Cochran, 95, Chickasha,will be held at 1:30 p.m. Monday,Sept. 28, 1992, in the Chapel ofSevier Funeral Home.She was born July 8, 1897, inBridgeport, Texas, and diedThursday, Sept. 24, 1992, inChickasha.She and Henry Cochran weremarried Nov. 11, 1916, in Durant.He preceded her in death in 1951.Mrs. Cochran had been a member of Calvary Baptist Churchin Chickasha for many years.She was also preceeded in death byher parents; three sons, HenryCochran Jr., Jack Cochran andWilliam Cochran; one

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 264 daughter,Pearlene Cochran; three brothers,Chesley Scoggins, GeorgeScoggins Jr. and John Scoggins;one sister, Vade Endsley.Survivors include five daughters,Ruby Chambers of Chickasha, AnnHart of Lindsay, Catherine Dulaneyof Hobbs, N.M., Eva Jo Cochranand Juanita Cook, both ofChickasha; one son, Pete Cochranof Hayes, Kan.; one brother, ClaudeScoggins of Duncan; 18grandchildren, 23 greatgrandchildren and 13 great greatgrandchildren.Interment will in Rose HillCemetery under the direction ofSevier Funeral Home." 94. Oklahoma Death Certificate, 2 Oct 1992. 95. Cemeteries, Grady Co., Okla., Rose Hill Cem. 96. Census, 1930 Adair Co., OK, 27 Jun 1930."1930 Adair Co., Okla., Lees Crek Twp., ED1-6, Sheet 8a, 50, June 27, 1930Dwelling 130, family 134, lines 26-28Cochran, Henry, Head, owns home, family lives on farm, male white 38, married ?years, can read & write, born Okla., father born Cherokee, mother born Fullblood, speaks English, farmer on general farm, actually worked, nov. of farm schedule 127Cochran, Maggie, wife, female white 22, married ?years, can read & write, born Okla., father born Cherokee, mother born Fullblood, speaks English, no occupationCochran, George, brother, male white, single, can read & write, born Okla., father born Cherokee, mother born Fullblood, laborer in industry, actually worked.dwelling 131, family 135, line 29Cochran, George, head, owns home, lives on farm, male white, single, can read & write, born Okla., father born Cherokee, mother born Fullblood,farmer on general farm, actually worked."Lees Creek Twp., Adair Co., Oklahoma, ED 1-6, Sheet 8a, lines 26-29, Dwelling 130, Family 134As wife of Henry Cochran. 97. Census, 1900 Wise Co., TX, 8 Jun 1900."1900 Wise Co., TX census - Willow Point Voting District, enumeration district 152-9a, sheet number 4, enumarated June 8, 1900Dwelling number 139, Number of family, 139Line 5, Scoggins, ______, husband, white male, born Sept. 1847, 44 yrs old, married 7 years, born GA, father born unknown, mother born unknown, farmer, months not employed 0, can not read or write, speaks English, owns home, owned free, farm, number of farm schedule 145? (hard to read)line 6, Scoggins, Roma, wife, white female, born March 1847, 43 yrs old, married 7 years, mother of 4 children, number of children living (hard to read), born TX, father born ~, mother born ~, can read and write, speaks Englishline 7, Scoggins, Vadia, daughter, white female, born May 1884, single, born TX, father born GA, mother born TX, can read and write, speaks Englishline 8, Scoggins, Maud, daughter, white female, born Jan. 1886, single, born TX, father born GA, mother born TX, can read and write, speaks Englishline 9, Scoggins, Martha, daughter, white female, born Feb. 1888, single, born TX, father born GA, mother born TX, can read and write, speaks Englishline 10, Scoggins, Chesley, son, white male, born Feb. 1887, single, born TX, father born GA, mother born TX, can read and write, speaks Englishline 11, Scoggins, Lilly, daugter, white female, born April 1894, single, born TX, father born GA, mother born TX, can read and write, speaks Englishline 12, Scoggins, George, son, white male, born June 1894, single, born TX, father born GA, mother born TX, can read and write, speaks Englishline 13, Scoggins, Maggie, daughter, white female, born July 1897, single, born TX, father born GA, mother born TX, can not read or write, speaks English."Willow Point Voting Precinct, Wise Co., TX, ED 152, Sheet 4Lines 5-13, Dwelling 139, Family 139As daughter of G.N. & Roma Scoggins. 98. personal knowledge. 99. The Chickasha (Ok.) Daily Express obit, Chickasha Daily Express, Wed., Jan. 13, 1988."The Chickasha Daily ExpressTues., Jan. 12, 1988p. 2JACK COCHRAN Funeral for Jack Cochran, 68, former Chickasha resident, is pending with Sevier Funeral Home. He ws born Feb. 26, 1919, in Durant and died today, Tuesday, Jan. 12, 1988, in Purcell.The Chickasha Daily ExpressWednesday, January 13, 1988page 2JACK COCHRAN Funeral for Jack Cochran, 68, former resident of Chickasha, will be held at 1:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 15, 1988, in the Chapel of Sevier Funeral Home. Rev. C.A. "Pete" Spradlin, pastor of College Heights Baptist Church, will be officiating. He was born Feb. 26, 1919, in Durant, and died Tuesday, Jan. 12, 1988, in Purcell. Mr. Cochran had lived most of his life in Chickasha, moving to Sunset Manor Nursing Home in Lexington in 1986. Mr. Cochran served in the U.S. Army during World War II, from 1942 until 1945. He was a veteran of the Tunisia, Sicily, Naples-Foggia, Algeria, and French Morocco campaigns. He was preceded in death by his father, Henry Cochran; his sister, Pearlene Cochran; two brothers, Henry Cochran Jr. and William Kenneth Cochran. Survivors include his mother, Maggie Cochran of Chickasha; one brother, Pete Cochran of Hays, Kan.; five sisters, Ruby Chambers of Trackerville, Ann Hart of Lindsay, Catherine Dulaney of Hobbs, N.M., Eva Jo Cochran and Juanita Cook, both of Chickasha; and numerous nieces and nephews. Interment will be in Rose Hill Cemetery under the direction of Sevier Funeral Home.The Chickasha Daily ExpressSunday, Jan. 17, 1988page 14AJACK COCHRAN Funeral for Jack Cochran, 68, former resident of Chickasha, was held at 1:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 15, 1988, in the Chapel of Sevier Funeral Home. Rev. C.A. "Pete" Spradlin, pastor of College Heights Baptist Church, officiated. Organist was Fern Riddles. Soloist was Richard Hallmark. Pallbearers were Ft. Sill military: Anthony Higgins, Larry Heyman, Derrick Napoleon, John Long, Paul Schilling, Walter Cheatham, Gary Flint, David Avery, Geraldo Berios, Kenneth McGee, Louis Mays, Christopher Froeba, Darin S. Corne, Rollin Taylor, Wesley Bailey, Ralph E. Allen, Philip C. Foster. Interment was in Rose Hill Cemetery under the direction of Sevier Funeral Home." 100. personal knowledge. 101. The Chickasha (Ok.) Daily Express obit, Chickasha Express Star, Wed., June 10, 1987."The Chickasha Daily ExpressMonday, June 8, 1987page 2WILLIAM KENNETHCOCHRAN Funeral for William Kenneth Cochra, 66, Chickasha, will be held at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, June 9, 1987, in the Chapel of Sevier Funeral Home. Rev. C.A. "Pete" Spradlin, pastor of College Heights Baptist Church, will be officiating. He was born Jan. 26,

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 265 1921, in Quannah, Texas, and died Saturday, June 6, 1987, in Oklahoma City. Mr. Cochran graduated from Ninnekah High School. He had lived in the Chickasha area most of his life, moving back here in 1970. He was a professinoal tile setter. Mr. Cochran was a veteran of World War II, having served in the U.S. Army. He then attended the University of Oklahoma. He was preceded in death by his father, Henry Cochran; his sister, Pearlene Cochran; and a brother, Henry Cochran Jr. Survivors include his mother, Maggie Cochran of Chickasha; two brothers, Jack Cochran of Lexington and Pete Cochran of Hays, Kan.; five sisters, Ruby Chambers of Chickasha, Ann Hart of Lindsay, Catherine Dulaney of Hobbs, N.M., Eva Jo Cochran and Juanita Cook, both of Chickasha; and numerous nieces and nephews. Interment will be in Rose Hill Cemetery under the direction of Sevier Funeral Home.Chickasha Daily ExpressWednesday, June 10, 1987p. 2WILLIAM KENNETHCOCHRAN Funeral for William Kenneth Cochran, 66, Chickasha, was held at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, June 9, 1987, in the Chapel of Sevier Funeral Home. Rev. C.A. "Pete" Spradlin, pastor of College Heights Baptist Church, officiated. Pallbearers were provided by military from Ft. Sill. Organist was Mrs. Fern Riddles. Soloist was Richard Hallmark. Interment was in Rose Hill Cemetery under the direction of Sevier Funeral Home." 102. personal knowledge. 103. Headstone Photo-Waurika Cem., Waurika, Jefferson Co., Oklahoma. 104. personal knowledge. 105. The Chickasha (Ok.) Daily Express obit, The Express-Star (Chickasha, Okla)., pg 2A, 9 Jun 2004."The Express-Star (Chickasha, Okla), Wed., June 9, 2004, page 2AEva Jo CochranFuneral service for Eva Jo Cochran, 75, of Chickasha, Oklahoma, will be held at 11:00 a.m., Thursday, June 10, 2004, in the Chapel of Sevier Funeral Home.Eva Jo Cochran was born October 6, 1928, in Waurika, Oklahoma, the daughter of Henry and Mary (Scoggins) Cochran, and died June 7, 2004, in Chickasha.Eva Jo lived with her mother until her mother's death. She moved in with her niece, Shirley Sneed, in 1999 and lived with her until Shirley's death in 2003. She was currently living with her great niece, Jami Jeffreys. She loved her cats. Eva Jo was preceded in death by: parents; 4 brothers; 2 sisters; 1 niece: Shirley Sneed.Survivors include: great niece: Jami Jeffreys and family of Chickasha; 3 sisters: Juanita Cook of Chickasha, Anne Hart of Lindsay, Katherine Dulaney of Albuquerque, New Mexico; nieces: Susan Bogle of Chickasha, Kim Hendrix of Kansas, Patricia Fleming of Stillwater, Carolyn Cobble of Chickasha, Sandy Schuster of Albuquerque, New Mexico, Pam Driehorst of Oklahoma City, Carla VanDorn of Chickasha; nephews: Phillip Sneed, Tim Cook, Daren Cook, Brett Cook, all of Chickasha, Barry Cochran, Mike Cochran, Chris Cochran, all of Kansas, Ray Hart of Washington, Edmond Hart of Lindsay, Jack Dulaney of Gainesville, Texas; numerous great nieces and nephews. Interment will be in the Rose Hill Cemetery under the direction of Sevier Funeral Home."The Express-Star (Chickasha, Okla), Wed., June 9, 2004, page 2AEva Jo Cochran. 106. The Daily Oklahoman, The Daily Oklahoman, The Oklahoman, page 14A, Wed., June 9, 2004."The Oklahoman, Wed., June 9, 2004, page 14AChickashaCochran, Eva Jo, 75, died Monday. Services 11 a.m. Thursday (Sevier)." 107. Census, 1860 Marshall Co., TN, pg 136B, 8 Jun 1860."1860 Marshall Co., TN, PO Lewisburg, 15th District, page 136B6/8/1860Webster, Mary A. E., 37 female white, housekeeper, value of real estate 4500, value of personal estate 4100, born TNWebster, Richard, 17 male white, farm hand, born MS, attended schoolWebster, Elizabeth, 15 female white, born TN, attended schoolWebster, Martha, 12 female white, born TN, attended schoolWebster, Sarah J., 9 female white, born TN, attended schoolWebster, Bethina, 7 female white, born TNHill, Robert W., 62 male white, nursery, born NC."1860 Marshall Co., TN, PO Lewisburg, 15th District, page 136B6/8/1860. 108. Census, 1850 Marshall Co., TN, pg 101B, 3 Sep 1850."1850 Marshall Co., TN, District No. 15, Sept. 3, 1850, 101bLines 17-34dwelling 102/family 102William W. Webster, 40 male white, value of real estate owned 900, born NCMary A. Webster, 26 female white, born TNRobert H. Webster, 11 male white, born TN, attended school within the yearRichard H. Webster, 9 male white, born TN, attended school within the yearElizabeth Webster, 7 female white, born TNMarth J. Webster, 3 female white, born TNRobert W. Hill, 52 male white, born NC."1850 Marshall Co., TN, District No. 15, Sept. 3, 1850, 101bLines 17-34, dwelling 102/family 102. 109. personal knowledge. 110. personal knowledge. 111. The Chickasha (Ok.) Daily Express obit, Tues., May 9, 1989."Chickasha Daily Express, Tuesday, May 9, 1989R.C. Chambers Graveside funeral for R.C. Chambers, 69, Chickasha, will be held at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, May 10, 1989, at Laverty Cemetery. Dr. Cecil Threadgill, pastor of Michigan Avenue Baptist Church, will be officiating. He was born June 10, 1919, in Booneville, Ark., and died Monday, May 8, 1989, in Oklahoma City. He moved to Oklahoma in 1933 and had lived in Oklahoma since that time. He and Ruby Cochran were married Oct. 10, 1967, in Chickasha. Mr. Chambers worked for the Water Department for the City of Chickasha. He was a veteran of World War II. He was preceded in death by his parents, Ruben and Violet Chambers; one brother and one sister; and one grandchild. Survivors include his wife, Ruby Chambes of the home; two sons, Gary Chambers of Springfield, Mo., Ralph Chambers of Chickasha; two daughters, Shirley Sneed of Chickasha, Billie Vert of Thackerville; three brothers, Leo Chambers, Marshall Chambers, both of Chickasha, and Bob

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 266 Chambers of Smithville; eight grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Interment will be in Laverty Cemetery under the direction of Sevier Funeral Home." 112. personal knowledge. 113. The Chickasha (Ok.) Daily Express obit, Chickasha Express-Star, Thurs., March 17, 2005."ANNA MAE HART__Funeral services for Anna Mae Hart, 81, of Lindsay, will be held, Saturday, March 19, 2005, at 2:00 P.M., in the Ferguson Funeral Home Chapel, with Barry Clagg officiating.__Anna Mae Hart was born March 28, 1923, in Waurika, Oklahoma, the daughter of Henry Cochran and Mary Scoggins Cochran. She died Tuesday, March 15, 2005, at Manor Health Care, in Oklahoma City.__She grew up in Grady County, graduating from Ninnekah High School in 1942. After graduation, she took NYA training at the Grady County Fairgrounds. When she completed her training, she moved to Dallas, Texas, where she worked for an air craft factory during World War II.__Ann married Raymond Hart on March 25, 1944, in Chickasha, Oklahoma. They would have celebrated their 61st wedding anniversary this month.__After RaymondÕs discharge from the Navy, they settled on their farm near Criner, Oklahoma where they reside to this day.__Ann enjoyed collecting antiques, particularly dishes and glassware. She also took delight in bird watching. She enjoyed spending time with her family, especially her grandchildren and great grandchildren and looked forward to their visits._Chickasha (Oklahoma) Express-Star, March 17, 2005_She was a member of the Criner Baptist Church.__She was preceded in death by, both parents; four brothers: Bill, Jack, Henry Jr., and Pete Cochran; and two sisters: Ruby Chambers and Eva Jo Cochran.__Survivors include her husband, Raymond, of the home; two sons and daughter-in-law: Edmond Hart, of Lindsay, Oklahoma, and Ray and Sherry Hart, of Washington, Oklahoma; two daughters and sons-in-law: Caroleene and Keith Tooley, of Ninnekah, Oklahoma, and Patricia and Eldon Fleming, of Stillwater, Oklahoma; daughter-in-law, Linda Hart, of Chickasha; two sisters and brother-in-law: Catherine Dulaney, of Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Juanita and James Cook, of Chickasha; two sisters-in-law: Shirley Cochran, of Hays Kansas, and Flo Cook, of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; seven grandchildren; six great grandchildren; and numerous nieces, nephews, and friends.__Interment will be in the Rose Hill Cemetery under the direction of Ferguson Funeral Home." 114. personal knowledge. 115. The Chickasha (Ok.) Daily Express obit, Chickasha Daily Express, March 21 & 24, 1975."The Chickasha Daily ExpressFriday, March 21, 1975p. 10HENRY COCHRAN, JR. Funeral service for Henry Cochran, Jr., 43, 1302 Miss. will be at 4 p.m. Saturday in the Chapel of Sevier Funeral Home, with Rev. Herbert Prater, pastor of the Southern Baptist Church, Criner, officiating. Cochran was born Dec. 2, 1931 in Grady County. He died in a pickup-car accident near Wayne Thursday morning. Cochran had lived in this area practically all of his life and was a veteran of the Korean War, serving in the U. S. Army. He had worked the last three years for Hart-Agri Sales at Wayne. He is survived by one daughter, Miss Pamela Cochran of Moore; his mother, Mrs. Maggie Cochran of Chickasha; three brothers, Jack Cochran of Lindsay, William Cochran of Lindsay, and Pete Cochran, of Hays, Kansas.; five sisters, Mrs. Ruby Chambers of Chickasha, Mrs. Ann Hart of Lindsay, Mrs. Cathryn Delaney of Hobbs, N. M., Miss Eva Jo Cochran of Chickasha and Mrs. Juanita Cook of Chickasha. Interment will be in Rose Hill Cemetery under the direction of Sevier Funeral Home.The Chickasha Daily Express, Monday, March 24, 1975page 2HENRY COCHRAN, JR. Funeral service for Henry Cochran, Jr., 43, of 1302 Miss., was held at 4 p.m. Saturday in the chapel of the Sevier Funeral Home, with Rev. Herbert Prater, pastor of Southern Baptist Church of Criner, Okla., officiating. Music was provided by Mrs. Freida Young, organist, and Richard Hallmark, soloist. The American glag was presented by PFC Gerome Dowsing, of the Ft. Sill Army Guard. Pallbearers were Sp E-4 Timothy Simms, Sp-4 Milton Walker, and Sp-4 Marion Smith. Honorary Pallbearers were Bo Cail, Joe Morris, Tommy Gibson, Henry Troup, Jr., Jerry Cox and Raymond Holmes. Interment was in the Rose Hill Cemetery, under the direction of the Sevier Funeral Home." 116. Oklahoma birth certificate, Oklahoma State Dept. of Health, 6 Nov 1935, Oklahoma State Dept. of Health, 1000 N E 10th St., Oklahoma City, OK 73152. 117. National Personnel Records Center, Military Papers, National Personnel Records Center, National Personnel Records Center, 9700 Page Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63132-5100. 118. Marriage License, Oklahoma State Dept. of Health, 24 Apr 1961, Oklahoma State Dept. of Health, 1000 N E 10th St., Oklahoma City, OK 73152. 119. photo taken by Butch & Kim Hendrix, Headstone Photo Fairlawn Cem., Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma, Fairlawn Cem., Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma, Butch & Kim Hendrix, PO Box 226, Atwood, ILL 61913.Rose Hill Cem., Chickasha, Grady Co., Oklahoma. 120. personal knowledge."Social Security Number: 442-34-4869." 121. Cemeteries, Grady Co., Oklahoma - Fairlawn Cem. 122. The Chickasha (Ok.) Daily Express obit. 123. resume."September 1950 to April 1954 - Ninnekah, Oklahoma High School, General EducationSept. 1954 to Feb. 1955 - Southwest College of Commerce, Pueblo, CO. Majored in AdministrationApril 1957 -to April 1958 Employed with Boeing Company. Duties: structural sheet metal. Employment interrupted for service with the U.S. ArmyApril 1958 to April 1960 - Service with the U.S. Army in Europe - M.O.S.: Communications Technician; Rank: Specialist Fourth Class; Status: Honorable DischargeApril 1960 to Feb. 1962 - Boeing Company. Structural sheet metal and electrical wiring. Terminated employment with Boeing to accept a

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 267 position compatable with field of study.Feb. 1962 to April 1964 - Wichita Precision Inc. Leading manufacturer of cleaning equipment. Has national distribution system and also exports equipment to Canada and Europe. From Feb. 1962 to June 1963 he was cost accountant. He supervised accounts payable, sat productive standards in a standard cost system, maintained a job order cost system for contract work, sat standards for new products and reporting labor efficiencies. Was promoted to chief accountant in June 1963 and retained the cost accountant's duties. Also general ledger maintenance, financial statement preparation and special reports to management, cash forecasts and cash commitments. Resigned to accept a position and salary which was more commensurate with his ability. Set. 1960 to May 1966 - Wichita State University, Majoried in Business Administration with an emphasis in accounting. Recv'd BS degree in Business AdministrationApril 1964 to July 1965 - Cities Service Oil Co. - Oil Hill, KS. He was responsible for maintaining a direct cost system for twenty oil leases including estimating expenditures for proposed facilities, supervising payroll, reporting production and cost data to management, advising management on productive conomies, and maintaining investment records. During this time he was attending college in the evening and gaining experience through working in his field of study. Resigned this position to gain wider knowledge in the manufacturing field. July 1965 to June 1966 Avionics Division of Lear- Jet Inc. - Wichita - cost accountant including initiating cost sytems and controls, setting and maintaining standards of productivity, collecting and reporting cost data, and preparing interim financial reports. This division was moved to Grand Rapids, Mich. which he couldn't make the move as he was continuing his education.June 1966 - 1967 - Weston-Garwin Carruth Division of Weston Inc., Wichita - division is a leader in the manufactore of flight instrumentation for General Aviation. Employed at the time 450 personnel in three locations in Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas. He supervised all accounting funtions of the division, established an accounting system which can be closed and statements prepared the fifth working day after close of the month.1968 to 1986 - Baxter Travenol Laboratories, Inc. - Hays, KS - Comptroller." 124. personal knowledge. 125. Oklahoma birth certificate, 6 Nov 1935.Oklahoma State Dept. of Health. 126. personal knowledge. 127. personal knowledge. 128. personal knowledge. 129. Oklahoma birth certificate, Nov 1941. 130. Marriage License, 24 Apr 1961. 131. personal knowledge. 132. personal knowledge. 133. internet,"Gilbert, Wanda Faye - 10/3/1927 Gilbert, Joel Dean - 5/7/1956. Nephew of Wanda." 134. Census, 1880 Marshall Co., TN, District 1, pg 305B."1880 Marshall Co., TN, District 1, pg 305BGeorge Hobby, white male 28, self, married, farmer, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNMary Hobby, white female 24, wife, married, keeping house, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNFlorence Hobby, white female 6, daughter, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNPink Hobby, white female 4, daughter, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNOllie Hobby, white male 2, son, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN." 135. Census, 1880 Marshall Co., TN, District 1, pg 305B."1880 Marshall Co., TN, District 1, pg 305BGeorge Hobby, white male 28, self, married, farmer, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNMary Hobby, white female 24, wife, married, keeping house, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNFlorence Hobby, white female 6, daughter, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNPink Hobby, white female 4, daughter, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNOllie Hobby, white male 2, son, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN." 136. Census, 1880 Marshall Co., TN, District 1, pg 305B. "1880 Marshall Co., TN, District 1, pg 305BGeorge Hobby, white male 28, self, married, farmer, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNMary Hobby, white female 24, wife, married, keeping house, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNFlorence Hobby, white female 6, daughter, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNPink Hobby, white female 4, daughter, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNOllie Hobby, white male 2, son, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN." 137. Census, 1880 Marshall Co., TN, District 1, pg 305B."1880 Marshall Co., TN, District 1, pg 305BGeorge Hobby, white male 28, self, married, farmer, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNMary Hobby, white female 24, wife, married, keeping house, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNFlorence Hobby, white female 6, daughter, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNPink Hobby, white female 4, daughter, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNOllie Hobby, white male 2, son, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN." 138. Census, 1880 Marshall Co., TN, District 1, pg 305B."1880 Marshall Co., TN, District 1, pg 305BGeorge Hobby, white male 28, self, married, farmer, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNMary Hobby, white female 24, wife, married, keeping house, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNFlorence Hobby, white female 6, daughter, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNPink Hobby, white female 4, daughter, single, born

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 268 TN, father born TN, mother born TNOllie Hobby, white male 2, son, single, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN." 139. Census, 1860. 140. Census, 1870. 141. Census, 1880 Marshall Co., TN, 1880."1880 District 15, Marshall Co., TN, pg 477AC. B. Lee, self, married, male white 70, farmer, born VA, father born VA, mother born VAE. Lee, wife, married, female white 47, house keeper, born TN, father born NC, mother born NCJ. E. Lee, son, single, male white 31, farm hand, born TNLona Lee, daughter, single, female white 12, born TNG. W. Lee, son, married, male white 24, farm hand, born TNLedia Lee, daughter-n-law, married, female white 20, house keeping, born TNMini Lee, daughter, single, female white 5, born TNRandell Tally, other, married, male black 30, servant, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN." 142. Census, 1880 Marshall Co., TN, 1880."1880 District 15, Marshall Co., TN, pg 477AC. B. Lee, self, married, male white 70, farmer, born VA, father born VA, mother born VAE. Lee, wife, married, female white 47, house keeper, born TN, father born NC, mother born NCJ. E. Lee, son, single, male white 31, farm hand, born TNLona Lee, daughter, single, female white 12, born TNG. W. Lee, son, married, male white 24, farm hand, born TNLedia Lee, daughter-n-law, married, female white 20, house keeping, born TNMini Lee, daughter, single, female white 5, born TNRandell Tally, other, married, male black 30, servant, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN." 143. Census, 1880 Marshall Co., TN District 2, pg. 326B."1880 Marshall Co., TN District 2, pg. 326BMarcus H. Rambo, white male 25, self, married, farmer, born TN, father born TN, mother born TNDixie L.V. Rambo, white female 19, wife, single, keeping house, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN." 144. Census, 1880 Marshall Co., TN District 2, pg. 326B."1880 Marshall Co., TN District 2, pg. 326BMarcus H. Rambo, white male 25, self, married, farmer, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN Dixie L.V. Rambo, white female 19, wife, single, keeping house, born TN, father born TN, mother born TN." 145. personal knowledge. 146. KS birth certificate, State of Kansas. 147. personal knowledge. 148. personal knowledge. 149. personal knowledge. 150. marriage certificate. 151. personal knowledge. 152. personal knowledge. 153. Birth Certificate - ILL, State of Illinois. 154. Birth Announcement. 155. personal knowledge. 156. Oklahoma birth certificate. 157. internet,"GILBERT, Ruby Joyce mar. Jan. 2, 1959 Dec 14, 1936 Feb 8, 1981 Joel D. ssw Ruby Joyce May 18, 1932." 158. internet,"GILBERT, Ruby Joyce mar. Jan. 2, 1959 Dec 14, 1936 Feb 8, 1981 Joel D. ssw Ruby Joyce May 18, 1932." 159. internet,"GILBERT, Ruby Joyce mar. Jan. 2, 1959 Dec 14, 1936 Feb 8, 1981 Joel D. ssw Ruby Joyce May 18, 1932." 160. internet,"Gilbert, Wanda Faye - 10/3/1927 Gilbert, Joel Dean - 5/7/1956. Nephew of Wanda."

17 Aug 2006 Descendants of Cochran Page 269

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