Level 1 Search Results

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Level 1 Search Results

Parkland School District 1210 Springhouse Rd. Allentown, Pa. 18104 G.I.S.T. Documentation (version 7.0) Grades 4-5 Gifted Identification and Screening Team

Student: Date of Birth: Parents: School: Address: Grade: Teacher: Phone (Home): Phone (Cell/Work):

Referral Source:

Teacher Parent Other

Date Processed: Level I Packet Distributed/Parent contact ______GIST Team Review with School Psych Stop at Level I Letter Issued (‘Paperclip’ to File) OR GPTE & Letter Issued

Level I – Search results Score Check Appropriate Column Below 1. Gifted Ratings Scale (GRS) > 70 69-65 64-60 59-56 < 55 Completed by classroom teacher & scored by Teacher of Gifted 2. Parent Behavior Rating Scale 80-70 69-59 58-33 32-17 < 16

Scored by Teacher of Gifted

3. PSSA Reading 2294-1709 1708-1618 1617-1548 1547-1490 < 1489 * 3rd grade PSSA is in ( ) (1966-1553) (1552-1517) (1516-1487) (1486-1459) (< 1459) Completed by Teacher of Gifted

4. PSSA Math 2446-1889 1888-1792 1791-1720 1719-1612 < 1611 * 3rd grade PSSA is in () (1843-1597) (1596-1537) (1536-1495) (1494-1432) (< 1431) Completed by Teacher of Gifted

5. Group Intelligence Test: > 130 129-126 125-119 118-111 < 110 OLSAT8 and/or K-BIT2 Completed by Teacher of Gifted; K-BIT2 by Counselor 6. Reading CBA: Qualitative 3 years 2 years 1.5 years 1 year On grade Reading Inventory -5 (QRI-5) above above above above level Administered by Teacher of Gifted 7. LEAD21 Quarterly 4.0-3.8 3.7-3.5 3.4-3.3 3.2-3.0 2.9 – Benchmark Writing Assessment Average Average Average Average Average Administered by Classroom Teacher 8. Math CBA: GO Math! 100-94% 93-88 87-82 81-76 75- Benchmark Test Administered by Teacher of the Gifted 9. Creative Test For Gifted Synthesis Analysis Application Comprehension Knowledge Reasoning 25-22 21-15 14-9 8-3 2- Administered by Teacher of Gifted

Total Checks per Column

X weight X5 X4 X3 X2 X1

Weighted Score + + + + = Note: If total is 40 or more, Continue to Level II. Issue GPTE. If Total is less than 40, Stop at Level I. TOG send home stop letter. TOG paperclip electronic copy of letter in Pentamation. Maintain original copy of letter and GIST rubric Total with student file at school.

Level II– GMDT Evaluation Score Check Appropriate Column Below 1. Intelligence Measure: > 130 129 128-126 125-120 < 119 WISC-IV Administered by School Psychologist 2. WIAT III Word Reading >130 129-125 124-120 119-116 < 115 (Standard Score) Administered by Psychologist

3. WIAT III Numerical > 130 129-125 124-120 119-116 < 115 Operations (Standard Score) Administered by Psychologist

Total Checks per Column

X weight X5 X4 X3 X2 X1

Weighted Score Total Score from Level II

Total Score from Level I + Total Level I and II combined Note: If total is 52 or more, refer to GIEP Team Combined If Total is less than 52, complete Gifted Written Report, Reg Ed GNORA and send to Student Total Services G.I.S.T. Documentation (Version 7.0) – Grades 4-6 Teacher Input Form – Part of Level II

Student: Date of Birth: Parents: School: Address: Grade: Classroom Teacher: Phone (Home): Phone (Cell/Work):

Does the student show an Intense Academic Interest beyond other students their age (math acceleration, creative writing)? Please DESCRIBE in what areas and how student demonstrates his/her interest in each area:

Does the student demonstrate Academic Creativity beyond other students their age (artwork, music)? If so, please DESCRIBE:

Does the student have any Foreign Language Aptitude beyond other students their age (Participates in after school language programs, speaks another language)? Please DESCRIBE:

Does the student demonstrate Technology Experience beyond other students their age (uses Microsoft Office, makes web pages)? Please DESCRIBE:

Does the student have any intervening factors which may mask gifted ability (ESL, learning disabilities, speech and language impairments)? If so, please DESCRIBE:

Does the student have any Leadership Skills beyond other students in the classroom (Peer Tutor, Peer Mediator, volunteers to help, accepts responsibility and Student Council)? Please DESCRIBE: G.I.S.T. Documentation (version 7.0) – Grades 4-6 Teacher Input Form (page 2)

Student Name: Date of Birth: Teacher Name: School:

Recent research indicates that high achieving students present a unique set of challenges, which may require modifications to the general curriculum. Please indicate the types of accommodations/ enhanced supports in place to address the student’s instructional levels and the extent to which this child utilizes these accommodations.

INSTRUCTIONAL ADAPTATIONS Circle One Acquisition Statement 3 The student masters new information with little instruction and shows advanced/creative skills in application of new subject material. (3 points) 2 The student is able to acquire new information with few repetitions and readily applies recently learned information to new situations over time. (2 points) 1 The student acquires and retains information at a rate average to his/her classmates. (1 point)

LEAD21 Reading Assessments (Please indicate LEAD21 levels below)

LEAD21 Group Placement Test:

Current LEAD21 Instructional Level:

LEAD21 Quarterly Benchmark Writing Assessment (Please attach copy along with scored LEAD 21 Rubric): LEAD21 Writing Trait Rating (1 to 4 ) Ideas Organization Word Choice Voice Sentence Fluency Conventions Presentation Total Score GO Math! Benchmark Test Scores for Current Grade Level (Please report all tests given thus far) Date Given # Correct/Total Pts Percentage Beginning of Year Middle of Year End of Year

*Please complete along with Gifted Rating Scale (GRS) and send to Teacher of the Gifted

G.I.S.T (7.0) Documentation Creative Test For Gifted Reasoning

Student Name: Date of Birth: Teacher Name: School:

Synthesis Analysis Application Comprehension Knowledge (26-22) (21-15) (14-9) (8-3) (2-0)

Test For Fluency And Flexibility: “How many ways can you use a paper clip?” (Score – 4pts. max.) Score ______

Test For Creative Analysis: “What would be some advantages and disadvantages of having two heads?” (Score – 5pts. max.) Score ______

Advantages Disadvantages

Line Test – 4 Drawings (Score – 8 pts. max.) Score ______0 – no drawing See attached 1 – complete drawing 2 – detail drawing Cubic Reasoning – (Score – 8 pts. max.) Score ______Test B – 1 point for each correct response (Use model for K-2, if needed.) Student Interview:

1. What is your favorite subject in school and why?

2. What activities do you outside of school (sports, scouting, acting, etc.)?

3. Do you use the computer? If so what things do you do on the computer?

4. Do you volunteer anywhere (autism walk, etc.)?

5. Do you speak any foreign language? BRENDA L. DERENZO PARKLAND SCHOOL DISTRICT Director of Student Services “Educating For Life” DAVID E. RAMSEY Supervisor of Pupil Services Administration Center BRIAN S. BARONE 1210 Springhouse Road, Allentown, PA 18104-2119 MATTHEW A. CARLSON 610-351-5555; FAX 610-351-5569 DEANNA L. FISHER www.parklandsd.org GENA R. HOLMES STEPHEN A. MATULEVICIUS VALERIE MARIOTTI KELLY THEOPHILLE School Psychologists


Re: gifted referral

Dear ,

Your child has been named as a student who may be mentally gifted and in need of specially designed instruction. As a result, the school team would like to conduct a screening process.

As part of this process, we will review existing information from your child’s record as well as administer curriculum-based assessments. These assessments will help us to determine your child’s current instructional level in reading, written expression, and mathematics. We also will evaluate your child’s creativity and reasoning skills. Finally, both you and your child’s classroom teacher will be asked to provide input regarding your child. This input will focus on several characteristics associated with mental giftedness. I have enclosed the parent input form for you to complete. It is essential that you complete this form in as accurate and fair-minded way as possible. Please do not spend a lot of time on each item or the whole scale. It has been shown that a parent’s first reaction in rating each item results in the most accurate representation of their child. Completing this form will enable the team to consider your input in the nomination of your child. Please return the scale to me as soon as possible.

At the end of this level of screening, which must take place within ten calendar days, a decision will be made as to whether or not to move to a formal evaluation. If the results of this screening lead to formal consideration for entrance into the gifted program, you will be presented with a Gifted Permission to Evaluate form. Giving your permission will allow the school psychologist to proceed with the creation of a Gifted Written Report (GWR).

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.


Teacher of the Gifted

Enclosure: Parent Recommendation Form G.I.S.T Documentation (7.0) Parent Recommendation Form

Student Name: Date of Birth: Parent Name: School:

Recent research has shown that creative behavior and/or academic talent is a combination of four basic traits: above average learning, motivation, creativity, and leadership. Please circle the number that indicates this child’s degree of the characteristics described below as compared to other students of the same age. Make sure all items are completed. Highly Above Below Average Superior Average Average Learning 1. Learns rapidly, easily, and efficiently 4 3 2 1 2. Reasons things out; uses logic; makes good 4 3 2 1 decisions; organizes tasks well. 3. Understands abstract ideas readily; recognizes 4 3 2 1 relationships and implications 4. Uses a large vocabulary with accuracy 4 3 2 1 5. Academic work is above grade level 4 3 2 1 Motivation 1. Is a self-starter; shows initiative 4 3 2 1 2. Is able to maintain long periods of concentration 4 3 2 1 3. Follows through and completes tasks on time or 4 3 2 1 before 4. Is willing to spend more time than required on 4 3 2 1 subjects that interest him /her 5. Has one or more strong interests; seeks complex 4 3 2 1 and challenging activities. Creativity 1. Displays great curiosity and imagination 4 3 2 1 2. Generates many solutions or alternatives 4 3 2 1 3. Is a risk-taker; shows independence 4 3 2 1 4. Reveals originality in oral or written work; gives 4 3 2 1 unusual, unique, or clever responses 5. Other students turn to him/her for ideas and 4 3 2 1 suggestions when something must be decided Leadership 1. Carries responsibility well; can be counted on to do what she/he has promised and usually does it 4 3 2 1 well 2. Seems to be well liked by classmates 4 3 2 1 3. Adapts readily to new situations; is flexible in thought; action, and does not seem disturbed when 4 3 2 1 the normal routine is changed 4. Tends to dominate/lead others when they are 4 3 2 1 around; generally directs activity in which involved 5. Is cooperative with teacher and classmates; 4 3 2 1 avoids bickering; is generally easy to get along with Please continue on other side. As part of the Gifted Identification Screening Team (G.I.S.T.) process, information from parents is imperative in gaining insight into behaviors outside of the educational environment. Recent research indicates that multiple forms of intelligence exist in various domains. Please complete the following questions.

1. Describe how your child relates to their peers, siblings, parents and adults.

2. Describe any extracurricular activities or interests in which your child is involved (sports, music lessons, community events, charity/volunteer work, etc.).

3. Describe your child’s self-concept (personality, sense of responsibility, self-confidence, motivation, etc.)

4. Indicate the outstanding intellectual, social and academic traits your child exhibits.

5. Indicate the outstanding communication skills your child might have. Please include experience speaking a foreign language and any leadership roles in which your child participates.

6. Indicate any technology experience your child may have. PARKLAND SCHOOL DISTRICT BRENDA L. DERENZO “Educating For Life” Director of Student Services DAVID E. RAMSEY Supervisor of Pupil Services Administration Center BRIAN S. BARONE 1210 Springhouse Road, Allentown, PA 18104-2119 MATTHEW A. CARLSON 610-351-5555; FAX 610-351-5569 DEANNA L. FISHER www.parklandsd.org GENA R. HOLMES STEPHEN A. MATULEVICIUS VALERIE MARIOTTI KELLY THEOPHILLE School Psychologists



Dear Parents:

Your child was screened for possible testing for consideration as a mentally gifted student. As we reviewed the existing records as well as the curriculum-based assessments and checklists that were completed, the decision was made that your child would not meet the criteria for classification as mentally gifted and be in need of specially designed instruction.

You should know that your child’s nomination indicates that your child is performing very well compared to his or her classmates. Please be assured that the curriculum and the instruction to which your child are exposed are of the highest caliber.

Please contact me if you have questions about your child’s program or the screening process.


Teacher of the Gifted

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