Level Elementary, Pre-Intermediate

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Level Elementary, Pre-Intermediate

Level – Elementary, Pre-Intermediate Equipment: handouts, Power Point presentation, videos, cards with the tasks,You Tube resources Objectives: To talk about school subjects and schools of Great Britain. To enrich students’ vocabulary of the topic. To provide students with speaking, listening, writing practice. To develop ability to work in pairs. To revise grammar material “have to”. To cause a positive attitude to the subject.

PROCEDURE I ORGANISING 1. Greeting. 2. Aims. Today we’re going to speak about school subjects, about our school and schools of Great Britain and about ideal schools. 3. Warming up – Jazz chant “ I get up at 7.30” I get up at seven thirty Here’s my day. This is what I do. I get up at seven o’clock. Seven o’clock? Seven o’clock. I take a shower at seven thirty. Seven thirty? Seven thirty. I have breakfast at seven forty-five. Seven forty-five? Seven forty-five. I go to school at eight fifteen. Eight fifteen? Eight fifteen. I start classes at nine o’clock. Nine o’clock? Nine o’clock. I have lunch at one o’clock. One o’clock? One o’clock. I go home at five fifteen. Five fifteen? Five fifteen. I have dinner at seven thirty Seven thirty? Seven thirty. I go to bed at ten forty-five. Ten forty-five? Ten forty-five. And then I start all over again.

II THE MAIN PART OF THE LESSON 1. Speaking. a) make a list of school subjects. Try to write as many as you can. You’re given 2 minutes. b) pair work Match the names of the subjects and the things you study on these lessons. Math Learn about the past English Learn numbers History Learn about other countries Geography Learn to sing Music Learn about Western culture c) What’s your favourite subjects and why? 2. An interview How much you do you know about our school? I’d like to invite our interviewer. She’ll ask you some questions about our gymnasia. - Is your school state or private? - How many students are there in your class? - How many teachers have you got? - How many lessons a day do you usually have? - Is your school mixed? - Do you wear a uniform? - What’s the uniform for boys? - What’s the uniform for girls? 3. British schools. I see that you know a lot about your school. And now you have a chance to learn more about British schools. Power Point presentation. Many British children start school at the age of 3 or 4 if there is a play school near their house. These schools are nursery and they are not compulsory. Children are taught to sing, draw, they play different creative games. Compulsory education begins at the age of 5, when children go to primary school. Children start secondary school at the age of 11. All the students study the same 12 subjects. When students are 14 they can choose the subjects they like, but some subjects are still compulsory. The school year in Britain starts in September.The lessons last 40-45 minutes. British pupils wear a school uniform. All the pupils have there own lockers. In most British schools each pupils has two lockers: a gym locker and a hall locker. The lockers are important and guarantee the safety of the pupils’ belongings. At the age of 16, pupils take GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) examination. Compulsory education ends at 16. .Some people leave secondary school and go to colleges for further education. Some choose to stay at secondary school for two years more and prepare for a university.

Videos (Eton College, Harrow school, Winchester college) http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=r75ajf6UEhU&feature=share&list=PL26337F1D58B9C80D Video is played for 2 minutes. At this time students tell the information about this place.

Eton College is a British independent boarding school for boarding pupils aged between 13 to 18 years. It is a large boys' school, with over 1,300 pupils, and was founded in 1440 by King Henry VI.

The School is located in the village of Eton, near Windsor in England, and is one of nine English independent schools, commonly referred to as "public schools”. Following the public school tradition, Eton is a full boarding school, which means all pupils live at the school. The school is known for its traditions, including a uniform of black tailcoat and waistcoat, false-collar and pinstriped trousers. Most pupils wear a white tie.

Eton has a long list of famous former pupils. David Cameron is the nineteenth British Prime Minister to have attended Eton, and has recommended that Eton set up a school in the state sector to help drive up standards.The College has also educated generations of British aristocracy and members of the Royal family, the most recent being Prince William and his brother Prince Harry.

Eton has traditionally been described as the most famous public school in the world. Early in the 20th century, a historian of Eton wrote, "No other school can claim to have sent such famous figures to make their mark on the world."

Winchester College http://youtu.be/molB6VFEny0 (The video is played while students are making their reports about this place)

Winchester College is an independent school for boys in the British public school tradition, situated in Winchester, Hampshire, England. It has existed in its present location for over 600 years and claims the longest unbroken history of any school in England. It is the oldest of the original nine English public schools and is one of four remaining full boarding independent schools, meaning all pupils are boarders, in the United Kingdom.

Winchester has its own entrance examination, and does not use Common Entrance like other major public schools.

Every pupil at Winchester, apart from the Scholars, lives in a boarding house, chosen when applying to Winchester. It is here that he studies, eats and sleeps.

Winchester College has its own game, Winchester College football (also known as 'Win: Co: Fo:' or, more recently, 'Winkies'), played only at Winchester. It is played in Common Time (the spring term), the main game in Short Half (the autumn term) being Association football. In Cloister Time (the summer term) the main sports are tennis and cricket.

Harrow School http://youtu.be/z09vwus7puQ (The video is played while students are making their reports about this place)

Harrow School, commonly known simply as "'Harrow", is an English independent school for boys situated in the town of Harrow, in north-west London. There is some evidence that there has been a school on the site since 1243 but the Harrow School of today was officially founded under a Royal Charter of Elizabeth I in 1572.

The school has about 830 boys spread across twelve boarding houses, all of whom board full-time. It remains one of the five all-boys, full-boarding schools in Britain.

Harrow has many traditions and rich history, which includes the use of straw hats, morning suits, top hats and canes as uniform. Everyday dress, worn to most lessons, consists of a white shirt, black silk tie, light grey trousers. An alternative uniform, Sunday dress, worn every Sunday, consists of something similar to morning dress; a black tailcoat, which is cut similarly to an evening coat, but with a higher-cut skirt and no facing on the lapels, dark grey pinstriped trousers, a black waistcoat, a black tie, braces and a white shirt.

Its long line of famous leavers include eight former Prime Ministers (including Churchill, Peel), numerous foreign statesmen, former and current members of both houses of the UK Parliament, two Kings and several other members of various royal families and a great many famous figures in both the arts and the sciences.

4. Questions. Discussion. And now let’s see how attentive you are. I’d like to invite my helper, one more interviewer to ask you some questions about British schools.

- Is nursery education compulsory? - When do students start their secondary school? - What can students choose when they are 14? - What does it mean? GCSEs? - When does school year start in September? - Do British students wear a school uniform? - What school did Prince William and Prince Harry go to? - What school has its own game? What game? - Students of what school wear straw hats? - What marks are in Great Britain? - What does it mean A? ( B, C, D, E)?

5. Relaxation, song “Touch the stars!” http://youtu.be/UIaUoKRE4vc 6. Grammar “Have to”

Every school hast its own rules.

Ex.1 Look at the table. Are these things compulsory or not compulsory in your school?

1. wear a uniform 2. study a foreign language 3. take exams 4. do homework 5. get to school before 9 6. stay at school after 4 o’clock 7. listen to the teachers

Ex.2 Ideal school Complete the description of the ideal school, use “have to” or “don’t have to”.

We………….get to school early – 10.30 or 11.00 is OK. We…………….wear a uniform – we can wear what we like. There are classrooms, but we ………….go to lessons. We sometimes go to the computer room or to the library instead. We …………..be quiet in the library – we can sit and talk with friends. There is a canteen where students have a snack or lunch. We………………….buy food – it’s all free.

8. Pair work

Think about your ideal school. Write one sentence (some sentences) to describe it. Use “have to” and “don’t have to”. Take blue papers and write your ideas there.

9. Presentation of students’ ideas.

Now share your ideas with the class. We’ll stick all your thoughts to the poster on the board and we’ll have the description of ideal school.


Home task – write the description of the ideal school.

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