Canyon Crest Academy
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Mr. Elias Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 3:15-4:00 Room E205 [email protected] 858-350-0253 ext 4165 Canyon Crest Academy Spring 2006 Geometry Course Syllabus
Welcome to Geometry. Geometry is the mathematics of properties, measurements, and relationships of points, lines, planes, angles, surfaces and solids. While studying Geometry, we will revisit topics from Algebra 1 to strengthen your understanding of Geometry and to help you be successful in Algebra II next year. As this school uses block scheduling, we will cover several topics each day. This document will be the students’ and parents’ guide to the rules and procedures of our class; make sure this document and its contents are fully understood.
Expectations: Be on-time and ready work when the bell rings Take notes and bring course materials everyday Ask questions and help to answer the questions of others Complete 1 hour of homework for each math class period Keep all your work and file it in an organized binder Stay on task at all times
Class Rules: RESPECT, RESPECT, and RESPECT: 1. The Teacher 2. Yourself 3. Everyone else Failure to do so may result in a warning, teacher/student conference, parent contact, behavior contract, and/or referral.
Required Text/Materials: Geometry, McDougal Littel Three-ring binder with dividers (though one is not needed exclusively for math) Organization in this class is very important. The binder should be divided into the following sections: Notes/Toolkits, Do Nows, Homework/Class work, and Tests/Quizzes. Graph paper Compass, protractor, ruler, paper, pencils, and eraser Scientific calculator (optional)
Grading: Grades for this class will be calculated with the following weighting:
Note: It is required that each student bring the required text/materials daily. All work, unless otherwise specified, must be completed in pencil.
60% Tests/Quizzes/ Projects 90 – 100 % A 30% Homework/Class work/Notebook 80 – 89% B 10% Final Exam 70 – 79% C 60 – 69% D 1 0 – 59 % F Mr. Elias Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 3:15-4:00 Room E205 [email protected] 858-350-0253 ext 4165
Assessment: An exam will be given at the end of 1-2 units, approximately every week or two. Quizzes may, or may not be, announced. They will be worth 10 to 40 points. Two projects will be assigned in the semester. They may be a paper, presentation, activity, etc.
Homework: Homework will be assigned daily at the end of each class block. Assignments will be collected the following class meeting. Credit for homework will be given on the basis of completion and accuracy. All work must be shown to receive full credit. Complete as much of each problem as possible. Homework assignments will each be worth 5 points. Doing homework on a daily basis is necessary for successful completion of this class; therefore students may be given detention or alternate assignments for not turning in assignments.
Class Work, Preparation and Participation: Each class block will begin with the students completing a required warm-up exercise. These exercises are meant to develop past concepts and prepare students for what may be learned in future class periods. Students are expected to pay attention and be an active, positive and contributing member of the classroom community. After the daily lecture, students will complete an in class assignment(s) that often reflects the content of the homework. Poor classroom performance will not be tolerated. Students that are not seated in their seat with their homework turned in, notebook, textbook, and pencil out, and working on the warm-up when the tardy bell rings may lose points for that day.
Absences: Only if a student has an excused absence, will they have an extension on any due dates. (Homework – 1 day after the last missed class, Test/Quizzes – up to one week after the date of the last missed class). Students will be given four (4) hall passes; any unused passes can be turned in for extra credit at the end of the class.
Tardiness: If a student receives 3 unexcused tardies throughout the entire course, they are required to attend one mandatory tutorial the day after the third tardy.
Calculator: Unless otherwise stated, calculators are not allowed in the classroom.
Cell Phones/Walkman: Use of cell phones and any kind of walkman will not be tolerated during class. If there is use of any of these items, they will be kept in my possession until class ends.
Cheating: The San Dieguito Union High School Academic Honesty Policy will be strictly enforced. In accordance with this policy, copying, or any other form of cheating, will result in a zero for the assignment, a referral, and appropriate disciplinary action.
Help/Support: The math teachers at CCA are committed to student success. Tutorials will be held after school during my office hours or by appointment. Weekly evening sessions will be held every Tuesday from 6-8 p.m. in the Media Center.
2 Mr. Elias Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 3:15-4:00 Room E205 [email protected] 858-350-0253 ext 4165 Common Questions: 1.) Do you give partial credit on quizzes and tests? Yes! You will earn partial credit when you: Set up the problem correctly, show all your work, and only make a minor error You will NOT earn partial credit when: Answering multiple choice questions I cannot read your handwriting You did not show your work You left the problem blank 2.) Can we take notes in a spiral notebook? Yes! However, it must be 3 hole-punched and kept in your notebook.
3.) Can we do our warm-ups and homework in a spiral notebook? No. Since you will be turning in your homework everyday, and may be asked to turn in your warm-up at any time, it will be awkward, loud, and messy if you rip out papers. Please do you work on straight-edge lined paper.
Students should have a copy of this syllabus in the first section of their math notebook. If it is misplaced, please print another copy for your reference. Please email me with any questions regarding this syllabus.
List the names and phone numbers of at least three (3) reliable study buddies:
1. ______2. ______3. ______
3 Mr. Elias Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 3:15-4:00 Room E205 [email protected] 858-350-0253 ext 4165
Please sign below to indicate that this course syllabus has been read and understood.
Student Name and Signature: ______
Parent/Guardian Name and Signature: ______
Parent/Guardian Phone Number: ______Email: ______