Teams Development Sharing 微钉科技 (Medalsoft/Weinteck) Office 365 Dev Days 2019 Beijing Danny Huang [email protected] 186 1687 4806 微钉科技 / Company Profile Partnership: • Solution Partner • Microsoft FastTrack Partner • AgilePoint Strategy Partner Weinteck Hong Kong • UiPath Solution Partner • Nintex Premier Partner Offices Shanghai Beijing/Tianjin Guangzhou/Shenzhen

Talents 100+ Talents Tech Staff: 90+

8+ Years 200+ Customers 30% Fortune 500 Capabilities Multi-Lang Support 20+Solutions 8+ Products

ISO27001 SCRUM APAC China Mainland SKYAUDIT Microsoft Partner Awards

Office 365 Best Solution Award Teams Solution on Corenote

Microsoft Tech Summit 2018, Shanghai Microsoft Inspire 2019, Las Vegas

•Microsoft Solution Partner •Microsoft FastTrack Certified Partner Our Solutions

Leaders in China Markets Challengers in China Market

Modern Workplace Business Process Information Security Cloud Application Business Application Solution Solution Solution Solution Solution

• Enterprise Information • Business Process • Insider Threat Detection • Azure Web / Logic • Dynamics 365 CRM Portal Improvement & Analytics Applications Technical Services • Document Security • Business Process • Information & Data • Azure AI Applications Management Management Asset Audit • Azure IoT Applications • Mobile Information • Robotic Process • Information Security Portal Automation Assessment Our Products

SKYAUDIT SERVICEME IP Co-selling Ready IP Co-selling Undergoing

Insider Threat Management Knowledge Bot for Teams/Office 365

SKYAUDIT 是内部威胁管理解决方案,通过安装 SERVICEME Knowledge Bot 是基于Teams知识 Agent 监控用户操作日志,以及获 库机器人解决方案,帮助企业用户快速查找和解决 取Office 365用户操作日志,来分析用户行为,发 他们的问题,寻找答案,比如术语库、人事财务行 现和告警潜在的危险用户。产品包括SKYAUDIT 政等部门的自助知识库服务,快速检索Office (On-premise & Azure VM) 和 SKYAUDIT Cloud 365/OneDrive文档。 (Cloud Native & Azure Single Tenant)

Based on Microsoft Cloud Platform Digital Transformation

Examples of Digital Transformation in MTR

Passengers Operations (Chatbot) (IoT and Data Analytics)

MTR Mobile Chatbot Function • Train-Borne Noise Monitoring System

MTR Mall Shoppers Supporting Functions (IoT) (Robotic Process Automation)

Shopping Mall Carpark Availability Check BPM/RPA重点行业 – 供应链

E2E Supply Chain

计划 资源 生产 交付 启用 Level 0 Level

销售预测 需求计划 供应计划 分析与智能 分类管理 准备 计划 仓库 运输 应收账款

订单管理 B2B 合作

S&OP reconciliation/Publish 采购 应付账款 生产 主要数据 客户服务 Level 1 Level

定义类别 运行财务建模 调整并确定计划 收集资料 公司投入: S&OP输入 更新主要数据 货物收据 生成选择列表 处理投诉

Match GRs with Planned 基线表现 工作中心,路线,材料, 执行选择 退货处理 数据清理、填充 物料清单处理/数据更新 地点 arrivals 审查能力 工作台分析 逾期到货沟通 更新systems / excel中的定 更新货物信息&沟通 分析 采购绩效评估 创建、更新配置 容量和产品计划 位器 收集数据,客户计划, 外部 需求变化分析 发送准备发运给客户/合作 输入 更新批次号,序列号 B2b 门户网站出价, 报价 伙伴 报告和沟通 设置供应商目标 时间表 请求发货 确定库存优化 分析趋势 下载数据, 运行报告 支持运输预测 订单更新/预警 获取原材料 - 供应,仓库, 采购申请 公司生产订单 目录和价格管理. 合同制造商 运输合作伙伴选择 货物文件收集 在excel中应用转换格式进 处理 POD & 生成发票 报告预测 行分析 在Excel中应用格式转换进 报价请求处理 Slotting 升级逾期交付 行分析 选择运输供应商 报价请求流程支持 文档处理 数据准备,合作伙伴数据, 供应商选择 数据准备, 合作伙伴数据, 客户, 供应商, 项目 创建, 更 分析需求 外部输入 平衡需求和供应 时间表 升级逾期提货 付费提醒 外部输入 新

文件收据/处理 费率更新,复制数据 货物跟踪 数据管理 应用跟踪和追踪,条形码 交付状态 更新客户服务等级 数据整合 产品, 标准成本核算更新 供应商查询/ 帮助 提升延迟交货和更新交货 供应商关系 预定运输 EDI 异常处理 收集数据&运行预测错误报 车间发布在制品/仪表盘 更新库存 数据集合 告 发票处理 批复行情,价格表 计划退货 质量检测一致性 Level 2 Potential tasks 2 Potential Level 审核时间表 质量一致性 问题选择 重新格式化信息到运营部、 货物跟踪/确认收据 B2B 登录 & 输入, 报告 跟踪货物 提单,收据,销售终 报告 & 沟通 供应商谈判 外部、合作伙伴 端,舱单,更新海运 发布到仓库 计划物流 上传 GPA 国家备案 订单输入/创建 船舶合同,上传文件, 处理 ASN 通知 发票收据 MAP review, 价格匹 到货货物跟踪检查,1 监控数据质量 定制填料自动出口系 配 数据清理,跨系统复制 数据丰富 采购订单发布 B2B协作/异常处理 统。,安全备案 0 RPA potential HIGH MEDIUM LOW NONE RPA + BPM = More Value On Your Investment

Have BPM and No RPA? Have RPA and No BPM? Have both BPM and RPA

✓ Deploy RPA Platform ? ✓ Add RPA Apps ✓ Easier to work with BPM through Task APIs to get the ✓ Let RPA Robots handle the ✓ Bring humans and robots best of both RPA and BPM repetitive tasks together to work collaboratively platforms and solve end—to—end ✓ Upsell RPA Apps to automate processes ✓ Let RPA handle simple robotic long and complex processes tasks and robot exceptions ✓ Not a BPM solution. ✓ Humans jump in to resolve Compliments BPM platforms to ✓ Encourage BPM integration with exceptions or escalations gain better results RPA long running workflow capabilites for complex task A ✓ Not a basic BPM or solution. ✓ Jointly work with BPM Tech scenarios Compliments BPM plattorms to partner if there‘s a need for a gain better results BPM solution ✓ Let RPA Robots handle the repetitive tasks

Confidential PowerBI Teams & Power Platform / Power Visual Agent PowerApps Power Automate Teams & Power Platform / Power Visual Agent Power Visual Agent Teams & Power Platform / Power Visual Agent Teams/Office 365 Dev Practices Legacy Applications vs Modern Cloud Applications

Legacy Apps Intelligent Apps 传统应用 智能应用

Teams with Legacy Teams with MS Cloud

• SSO Integration • AI Applications • Teams Tabs • IoT Applications • Bot Messaging • Data Applications Legacy Applications vs Modern Cloud Applications

Traditional on-premises Modern cloud

• Decomposed, de-centralized • Monolithic, centralized • Design for elastic scale • Design for predictable scalability • Polyglot persistence ( of storage • Relational database technologies) • Strong consistency • Eventual consistency • Serial and synchronized processing • Parallel and asynchronous processing • Design to avoid failures (MTBF) • Design for failure (MTTR) • Occasional big updates • Frequent small updates • Manual management • Automated self-management • Snowflake servers • Immutable infrastructure Teams/Office 365 & Azure Cloud Application Multiple Azure regions for high availability

Apps UI (Frontend) Apps Logic (Backend) Microsoft Cloud brings workplace evolution / 微软带来工作方式演变

ServiceMe for Teams is an intelligent collaboration robot based on Office 365/Azure & Teams, which helps enterprise improve user collaborative work experience.

Traditional Workspace Modern Workspace Intelligent Workspace 传统模式协同 现代化协同 智能化协同

多个系统工具平行使用、信息孤岛 Teams + Office 365 提供一站式 ServiceMe 通过Azure AI功能扩展 和内容/知识无法重用 协同解决方案和企业级信息安全。 Office 365 + Teams智能化协同功能

• 文件服务器内部文件 • O365 提供门户/内容/邮件/会议等 • Knowledge Robot • 云盘等分享外部文件 • Teams 提供高安全聊天/会议视频等 • Application Robot • 各类聊天工具和传输文件 • Power Platform / Azure提供构建 • Secretary Robot • 分离的邮件系统和会议管理 统一现代云原生的业务应用平台 • Self Service Robot • 第三方视频和音频管理 • ……. • 烟囱式的各类应用平台 Intranet systems cannot fully understand your questions and people wants more intelligent applications


More efficiency, more innovations!

更高的协作效率,加快企业创新 ServiceMe Knowledge Bot / 知识库机器人 Your team has questions and ServiceMe has answers

Knowledge Point Knowledge Base Knowledge Library

术语库、客户、项目等 人事财务IT等业务部门 Office 365/Azure文档图 企业结构化知识点 常见问题和答案等 片库及第三方内容库

Acronyms, Customers, Frequent Ask Question Knowledge libraries from Projects etc structured from HR/IT/Marketing etc Office 365/Azure and 3rd knowledge point departments party contents ServiceMe Knowledge Bot Video Solution Architecture Solution Architecture / 解决方案架构

Such as Acronyms Teams Messaging Extension

4. If KB does not exist, search O365/Azure 1. Ask Questions

5. Reply to users

2. Search Q&A KB

3. Reply to users if KB has answer 语义分析元数据 / Metadata & Language Understanding

Location / SharePoint, Office 365, O365, OneDrive, , Teams, Stream, Azure …… Products AgilePoint, Nintex, ServiceMe, SKYAUDIT, BPM365

Time / Yesterday, last month, this week, last week, …… Period 昨天、上个月、本周、上周、……

Project, Proposal, Solution, Product, Requirement, Specification, Test Case, …… Business Business Process, Intranet Portal, 业务流程、企业门户、财务管理、……

Retail, Automobile, Medical, …… Industry 零售、汽车、医疗、…… 多语言支持 / Multiple Language Support

Do you have some auto industry documents?

BMW Kickoff.pptx

Chinese / English QnA Chinese / English VWTS Spec.docx Knowledge Base, will Knowledge Library search support other language … 威马汽车文档.docx Solution Flow / 解决方案架构

• Azure DB • Azure AD • Cloud Server

• Azure Bot • Data Transfer • User Interaction • Azure QnA • Integrations • O365 Integration • Azure LUIS • Automations • Bot Assistant • MS Search • Intranet Portal • Bing Services • Content Library • Structured Data ServiceMe Knowledge Bot

Teams/Office 365/Azure Technical Map Office 365 Light-weight Applications

Office 365 用户体验类 Office 365 管理工具类 CoreView(O365软件管理工具) Valo BindTuning:

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Please do watch this keynote on Ignite 2019 Microsoft Events bring you more knowledge and opportunities

• Azure Arc • Azure Synapse • Azure Quantum Compute • Azure DevOps • Visual Studio Online • Visual Studio IntelliCode Live Share • Power Platform • Power Automate & Power Visual Agent (RPA) • Project Cortex (Knowledge Mining) • Microsoft Endpoint Manager (SCCM + Intune) Source Code Demo