Avedis Donabedian, M. D., M. P. H
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January 7, 1919, Beirut, Lebanon
Nathan Sinai Distinguished Professor of Public Health, The University of Michigan.
Massachusetts, 1957 New York, 1958 Pennsylvania, 1961
American University of Beirut, B. A. (“with distinction”), 1940. American University of Beirut, M. D. (“with distinction”), 1944. Post-graduate course in pediatrics and child health at the institute for Child Health, University of London, Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street, London, April- September, 1947. Harvard School of Public Health, M. P. H. (magna cum laude), 1955; Delta Omega
American University of Beirut, 1943-44 (Internship equivalence) Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, Traineeship, 1959-60.
Teaching Fellow in Pharmacology, American University of Beirut, 1938-40. Physician and Acting Superintendent, English Mission Hospital, Jerusalem, Palestine (now Israel), 1945-47. Instructor in Physician, American University of Beirut, 1949, 51. University Physician, American University of Beirut, 1949-51. Director, University Health Service and Clinical Assistant in Dermatology, American University of Beirut, 1951-54. Medical Associate, Medical care Evaluation Studies, United Community Services of Metropolitan Boston, 1955-57. Research Associate in Medical Care, Harvard School of Public Health 1955-57. Visiting Lecture in Medical Care, Harvard School of Public Health, 1957-58. Assistant Professor of Preventive Medicine, New York Medical College, 1957-60; Associate Professor, 1960-61. Consultant to Department of Physical Medicine Rehabilitation from department of Preventive Medicine, New York Medical College, 1959-61. Research Consultant, Study of Rehabilitation Potential of Nursing Home Population, Departments of Physical Medicine and rehabilitation and Preventive Medicine, New York Medical College, 1960-61. Associate Professor of Public Health Economics, School of Public Health, The University of Michigan, January 23, 1961-64. Professor of Public Health Economics, July 1964. Professor of Medical Care Organization, The University of Michigan 1966. Nathan Sinai Distinguished Professor of Public health, the university of Michigan, 1979.
Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences (“Senior Member”, 1971) American Public Health Association (Fellow) Association of Teachers of Preventive Medicine The American College of Hospital Administrators (Honorary Fellow)
Dean Conley Award, 1969 by the American College of Hospital Administrators for paper on “Promoting Quality though Evaluating the Process of Patient Care”. Norman A. Welch Award, 1976, by the national Association of the Blue Shield Plans for the book: Benefits in Medical Care Programs. Elizur Wright Award, 1978, by the American Risk and Insurance Association, for the book: Benefits in Medical Care Programs. National Merit Award, delta Omega Society, October 17, 1978. Honorary Fellow, The American College of Hospital Administrators, 1982. Honorary Fellow, American College of Utilization review Physicians, 1984. Richard B. Tobias Award, 1984, The American College of Utilization Review Physicians, October 1984. (First Recipient). Award “in recognition of a Distinguished Career in Health Services Research”, Association for Health Services Research, June 10, 1985. (one of three who received the first set of awards). Award of Appreciation, The University of Michigan Medical Center, for “Outstanding Service to The University of Michigan Health Care Community”, October 18, 1985. Gold medal Award, Medical Alumini Association, American University of Beirut, May 1986. Baxter American Foundation Health Services research Price, 1986. Avedis Donabedian Foundation for the improvement of Health Care was created in 1989 in Barcelona, Spain. The Foundation supports citizens, professionals, providers and administration to develop Quality improvement efforts. Avedis Donabedian Foundation for the improvement of Health Care was created in 1994 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, with same goals. Avedis Donabedian Resource Center in Ancora, Italy, in 1998, was created to provide literature and bibliographic support for Quality improvement professional. Avedis Donabedian library in Jerusalem, Israel, was created in 1994, to provide literature and bibliographic support for Quality improvement professional. American Public Heath Association, Sedgwick Memorial Medal, for Distinguished Services. The American College of Public Health 1999. Donabedian Chair Autonomous University of Barcelona. The Autonomous University of Barcelona created in 2000 in the Faculty of Medicine the Avedis Donabedian Research Chair on Quality, actually chaired by professor Rosa Suñol. Avedis Donabedian Distinguished University Professor of Public Health Director, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 2002, Actually chaired by Professor Kenneth E. Warner. Honorary Professor University of Cuernavaca, México.
Editorial Board, Medical care Review (originally Public Health Economics and Medical Care Abstract, 1963-1977; 1980. Editorial Board, Medical Care 1970-1973; 1983-1987. Member, International Editorial Board, Ecerpta Medica Section 17 (Public Health, Social Medical and Hygiene), 1971. Editorial Board, Inquiry, 1979-1982.
Participant, Inter-American Conference on “Evaluation of Child Health Services: The Interface between Research and Medical Practice”. The Forgarty International Center, Bethesda, Maryland, March 7-9, 1977. Participant and presenter, Health Services research Seminar, Queretaro, México, July 13-15, 1978 (Sponsored by the Secretariat of Health and Assistance of México, The National Council for Science and Technology of México, and The Pan-American Health Organization). Participant, session chairman, and presenter, International Working Conference on Quality Assessment on Medical Care, Ludwigsburg, Federal republic of Germany, October 2-5, 1979 (Sponsored by Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich and the Robert-Bosch Foundation). Consultant, MSD Foundation and Royal College of General Practitioners, England, on quality assessment in General Practice, May 14-June 5, 1984. (Visits to University departments of general practice and/or Faculties of the College, in Tunbridge Wells, Nottingham, Manchester, Edinburgh, and Newcastle). Member, Academic Advisory Committee, center for Public Health Research of México, 1984. Professor of the seminar, “Setting up Quality Assessment and Assurance in Hospitals”. Escuela de Alta Dirección y administración (EADA), Barcelona, May 16-17, 1989.
The executive Committee, American College of Utilization Review Physicians, on upgrading competence and status of members. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, on plans for new initiatives in quality assessment and assurance. The national Organization for Quality Assurance in Hospitals (CBO) of Holland, on methods of quality assessment. Center of Public Health Research, University of Health, México, on a model for assessing the quality of care provided by health centers. Institute for Health Issues Management, Northwestern University, on plans for public affairs programs (possibly for public television) on current health issues. Office of technology Assessment, U. S. congress, Advisory Panel on the Quality of Medical Care: Information for Consumers. U. S. general Accounting Office, Panel on de Quality of care in Medicare. American law Institute-American Bar Association Committee on Continuing Professional Education on plans for a Peer review Conference. (relevance of quality assurance methods in health care to peer review activities in the legal profession.
One of two opening speakers (with Charles Lewis), Fall meeting, Institute of Medicine, Nov. 6, 1974. Eligible for Fellowship, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, CA., April 1977. First Ward Darley Lecture, Department of Preventive Medicine and Community Health Care, University of Colorado Medical center, March 5, 1979. Biography, Hospital Administration Oral History Collection, American Hospital Association, April 1984. (One of 34 as of that date). Visiting Scholar, the MSD foundation, with join sponsorship by the Royal College of general Practitioners, England, May 1984. (First Recipient). “An Evening with Avedis Donabedian”, Medical Care Section, American Public Health Association, November 14, 1984. Michel Davis Lecture, Graduate Program in Health Administration, University of Chicago, May 1986. 3 OTHER SELECTED SERVICES ACTIVITIES
Chairman, Program Committee, Medical Care Section, American Public Health Association, 1964-66; Member of the Committee 1963-64. Member, Community Health Research Training Committee, Public Health Service, Boreau of Services-Community Health, 1965-1969. Member, Advisory Committee on HIB Research and Statistics, Social Security Administration, 1965-67. Member, Michigan Association for Regional Medical Programs Task Force on Methods and Evaluation, 1967-69. Member, Committee on Evaluation and Standards, American Public Health Associations, 1968-70. Member, Research Scientist and Fellowship Review Committee, National Center for Health Services Research and Development, 1970-71. Member, Panel on Health Services, National Academy of Sciences, 1970. Member, Governing Council, American Public Health Association, 1970-73. Consultant, Forum II, Delivery of Child Health Services, 1970 White House Conference on Children. Member, Committee on Health Care Resources in the Veterans Administration, National Research Council, 1974. Member, Review Group on Quality of Care, Bureau of Health Services Research, Health Resources Administration, Public Health Service, 1974. Member, Advisory Panel on National Insurance, Sub-committee on Health, Committee on Ways and Means, U. S. House of Representatives, 1975. Member, Honorary Degree Committee, The University of Michigan, 1982-1984. Member, School of Public Health Deanship Committee, The University of Michigan, 1982-84. Member, Advisory Committee on Distinguished University Professorships University of Michigan. Member, Task Force on Health Care Services Data, Department of Management and Budget, States of Michigan.
Publication in Journal with Peer Review:
Pinkston, J. O. Pinkston, J. L. and Donabedian, A. "Vaso-motor Response to Pheny1-1-Amino-2-Propane Sulfate (Benzedrine Sulfate) in Dogs”. R The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 66:28, 1939
Rosenfeld, L. S., Donabedian. A. and Katz, J. "Unmet Need for Medical Care” New England Journal of Medicine, 258:369-374, February 20, 1958
Rosenfeld, L. S. and Donabedian, A. "Prenatal Care in Metropolitan Boston" American Journal of Public Health, 48:1115-1124, September 1958.
Donabedian, A. and Rosenfeld, L. S. "Some Factors Influencing Prenatal Care” New England Journal of Medicine, 256:1-6, July 6, 1961.
Donabedian, A. and Axelrod, S. J. "Organizing Medical Care Programs to Meet Health Needs" Annals of: The American Academy of Political and Social Sciences, 337:46-56, September 1961
Donabedian, A. and Attwood, J. C. "An Evaluation of Administrative Controls in Medical Care Programs" New England Journal of Medicine, 269:347-354, August 15 1963.
4 Donabedian, A. and Rosenfeld, L. S. "A Follow-Up Study of Chronically I11 Patients Discharged from Hospitals" Journal of Chronic Diseases, September 1964, 17:847- 862.
Donabedian, A., Rosenfeld, L. S. and Southern, E. M. "Socio-economic Status and the Components of Infant Mortality in a Metropolitan Community" Public Health Reports , 80:1083-1094, December1965.
Donabedian, A. "Evaluating the Quality of Medical Care" The Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly, July 1966, (Part 2)44:166-203.
Lenzer, A. and Donabedian, A. "Needed Research in Home Care" Nursing Outlook , 15:42-45, October 1967.
Donabedian, A. “Promoting Quality Through Evaluating the Process of Patient Care" Medical Care 6:181-202, May-June 1968. Also appeared in Quality in Health Care, Volume II Action Proposals and Discussions. Report of the 1968 National Health Forum, March 15-17, Los Angeles, California. Pages 195-235. National Health Council, New York, 1968.
Donabedian, A. and Thorby, J. "The Systemic Impact of Medicare" Medical Care Review 26:567-585, June 1969.
Donabedian, A. "An Evaluation of Prepaid Group Practice" Inquiry 96:3-27, September 1969.
Donabedian, A. "Some Issues in Evaluating the Quality of Nursing Care” American Journal of Public Health 59:1833-1836 October 1969.
Donabedian, A. "Annual Administrative Reviews: Patient Care Evaluation" Hospitals, Vol XLIV, No. 7, April 1, 1970pp. 131-134 and 136.
Donabedian, A. "Social Responsibility for Personal Health Services An Examination of Basic Values" Inquiry 8:3-19, June 1971.
Donabedian, A. "Models for Organizing the Delivery of Health Services and Criteria for Evaluating Them" Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly 50:103-154, October 1972 (Part 2).
Donabedian, A. "An Examination of Some Directions in Health Care Policy" American Journal 21 Public Health 63:243-246, March 1973.
Donabedian, A. "The Numerology of Utilization Control" Inquiry 911:229-232, September 1974.
Donabedian, A. "Issues in National Health Insurance" American Journal of Public Health 66:345-350, April 1976 (Also see page 341 for an editorial by Sidney S. Lee)
Donabedian, A. "Effects of Medicare and Medicaid on Access to and Quality of Health Care” Public Health Reports, 41:322-331, July-August 1976.
Donabedian, A. "The Quality of Medical Care: A Concept in Search of a Definition" The Journal of Family Practice 9:277-284, August 1979
Donabedian, A. “The Quality of Medical Care”. Science 200:856-864, May 26, 1978. Has also appeared as ”La Calidad de la Atención Médica" Ciencia y Desarrollo, 1981 7:68-76. 78. 85-8q. 5 Donabedian, A., "Methods for Deriving Criteria for Assessing the Quality of Care”. Medical Care Review 37: 653-698 Fall 1980.
Donabedian, A. "Advantages and Limitations of Explicit Criteria for Assessing the Quality of Health Care" Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly (Health and Society 59:99- 106, winter 1981.
Donabedian, A. "Criteria, Norms and Standards of Quality: What Do They Mean?” American Journal of Public Heath 7:409-412, April 1981.
Wyszewianski, L. and Donabedian, A. "Equity in the Distribution of Quality of Care" Medical Care 14:28-56, Supplement to December 1981.
Donabedian, A. "Using Decision Analysis to Formulate Process Criteria for Quality Assessment" Inquiry 18:102-119, Summer 1981.
Donabedian, A. "Perspectives on the Free Choice of the Source of Personal Health Care" Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly (Health and Society 59:586-595, Fall 1981.
Donabedian, A., Wheeler, J. R. C., and Wyszewianski, L. "Quality, Cost, and Health: An Integrative Model”. Medical Care 20:975-992, October 1982.
Donabedian, A., "Quality, Cost, and Clinical Decisions" Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 468: 196-204, July 1983
Donabedian, A., "The Quality of Care in a Health Maintenance Organization" Inquiry 20:218-222, Fall 1983.
Donabedian, A., "Quality Assessment and Monitoring: Retrospect and Prospect” Evaluation and the Health Professions 6:363-375, September 1983
Donabedian, A., "Volume, Quality, and the Regionalization of Health Care Services" Medical Care 22:95-97, February 1984 (An Editorial. )
Donabedian, A "Criteri e Standard" Salute e Territorio 43:35-46, July August 1985 (Florence, Italy).
Donabedian, A "The Epidemiology of Quality" Inquiry 22:282-292, Fall 1985
Donabedian, A. "Some Thoughts on Cost Containment and the Quality of Health Care" Administration in Mental Health 13:5-14, Fall 1985. Donabedian, A. "Quality Assurance: Corporate Responsibility for Multihospital Systems in the 1980s" QRB: Quality Review Bulletin 12:3-7, January 1986.
Donabedian, A. "Quality Assurance in our Health Care System" Assurance and Utilization Review 1:6-12, February 1986.
Donabedian, A. "Criteria and Standards for Quality Assurance and Monitoring” QRB Quality Review Bulletin. 12:99-108 March 1986. (A slightly expanded version of the Italian paper reported above. )
Donabedian, A. "La Investigación Sobre la Calidad de la Atención Médica" Salud Pública de México 28:324-327, May-June 1986
Donabedian, A. "Five Essential Questions Frame the Management of Quality in Health Care" (Health Management Quarterly) 9:6-9, First Quarter 1987. 6 Rhee, K. J. ;Donabedian, A. ;and Burney, R. E. ; "Assessing the Quality of Care in a Hospital Emergency Unit: A Framework and Its Application" ORB Quality Review Bulletin 13:4-16 January 1987.
Donabedian, A. ; Elinson, J. ; Spitzer, W; and Tarlov, A. "Advances in Health Assessment Conference Discussion Panel" Journal 21 Chronic Diseases 4 (Supplement 1): 1835-1915, 1987.
Donabedian, A. "Commentary on Some Studies of the Quality of Care" Health Care Financing Review, Annual Supplement, pp. 75-85, 1987.
Frenk, J. and Donabedian, A. "State Intervention in Medical Care: Types, Trends, and Variables" Health Policy and Planning 2(1):17-31, 1987. (Also appeared in a Spanish translation of a shortened version as "Los Sistemas Nacionales de Salud. Una Perspectiva Comparativa” Revista de Administración pública Nº69-70, Enero- Junio 1987, pp. 221-238. )
Donabedian, A. "Cándido en el País de la Investigación en Servicios de Salud" Salud Pública de México. 29:520-530, November-December 1987. ("Candide in the Land of Health Services Research. ")
Donabedian, A. "Quality and Cost: Choices and Responsibilities" Inquiry 25:90-99, Spring 1988.
Donabedian, A., "The Assessment of Technology and Quality: A Comparative Study of Certainties and Ambiguities" The International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care 4:487-496, Nº 4, 1988.
Donabedian, A. “A Primer of Quality Assurance and Monitoring in Medical Care" The University of Toledo Law Review 20:401-453, Winter-1989. (Has also appeared on pages 99-143 of Law Practice Quality Evaluation: an Appraisal of Pee Review and Other Measures to Enhance Professional Performance. Philadelphia, PA: American Law Institute -American Bar Association, Committee on Continuing Professional Education. 1988
Donabedian, A. "Quality Assessment and Assurance: Unity of Purpose, Diversity of Means" Inquiry 25:173-192, Spring 1988.
Donabedian, A. "Monitoring: The Eyes and Ears of Healthcare" Health Progress, 69:38-43, November 1988.
Donabedian, A., "The Quality of Care: How Can It Be Assessed?" Journal of the American Medical Association 260: 1743-1748, September 23/30, 1988. (Also appeared as "La Calidad de la Asistencia. ¿Cómo podría ser evaluada?" Jano: Medicina y Humanidades 36:103-104, 107-110, Mayo 1989.
Frenk, J., Ruelas, E., and Donabedian, A., “Staffing Aspects of Hospital Management: Some Issues for Research” Medical Care Review 46:189-220, Summer 1989. (Has also appeared, in a slightly different version, as Hospital Management Staffing and Training Issues. Working Papers, Population and Human Resources Department, The World Bank, July 1989, WPS 173, Washington, D. C. )
Donabedian, A. I "Hacia Una Visión Integradora de la Investigación y la Educación en Salud Pública" Salud Pública de México 31:569-5731 Julio-Agosto 1989, (Towards an Integrative View of Research and Education in Public Health).
7 Donabedian, A. "Institutional and Professional Responsibilities in Quality Assurance" Quality Assurance in Health Care 1:3-11, No. 1, 1989.
Also appeared as "L'ABC della Quality Assurance e del monitoraggio dell’assistenza sanitaria" QA: Verifica e Revisione della Qualità dell’Assistenza Sanitaria e delle Cure Mediche. Parte 1, 1-2, 1989, pp. 6-19; parte 2, 3-4, Ottobre 1989, pp. 7-16.
Has also appeared as “Garantía y Monitoría de la Calidad de la Atención Médica: Un Texto Introductorio”. Perspectivas en Salud Pública, No. 10. México, D. F. : Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública, 1990.
Donabedian, A., "Specialization in Clinical Performance Monitoring: What It Is and How To Achieve It” Quality Assurance and Utilization Review 5: 114-120, November 1990. Has also appeared as Chapter 17, pages 417-430 in J. B. Couch, editor, “Health Care Quality Management for the 21st Century”. Tampa, FL: American College of Physician Executives, 1991.
Donabedian, A. “The Seven Pillars of Quality" Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 114: 1115-1118, November 1990
Donabedian, A. “The Role of Outcomes in Quality Assessment and Assurance”. Quality Review Bulletin (QRB ) 18: 356-360, November 1992
Donabedian, A "E’Possibile Valutare la Qualita Dell’Assistenza Sanitaria?" Psicomed 1: 37-41, Gennaio-Marzo1992
Donabedian, A. “Continuity and Change in the Quest for Quality” Clinical Performance and Quality Health Care 1: 9-16, January/ February/March 1993. Also has appeared as “Continuidad y Cambio en la Búsqueda de la Calidad”. Salud Pública de México 35: 238-247, 1993
Donabedian, A., “Quality of Care – Whose Responsibility is it?” American Journal of Medical Quality 8: 32-36, Summer 1993
Donabedian, A. “Prioridades para el Progreso en la Evaluación y Monitoreo de la Calidad de la Atención” . Salud Pública de México 35: 94-97, Enero-Febrero 1993.
Donabedian, D. and Donabedian, A., “Effectiveness of Computer-Aided Learning in Community Health Nursing”. Computers in Nursing 11:102-112, May/June 1993.
Donabedian, A., “Models of Quality Assurance”. The 1993 Leonard S. Rosenfeld Memorial Lecture, Department Of Health Policy, School of Public Health, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Donabedian, A., “Quality Issues and Regional Health Performance Caparisons” Pages 69-74 in Conference Proceedings, Agora II, Athens, October 18-19, 1993. Also “Qualité et Comparaison des Performances de Santé Regionale" a French translation, on pages 72-78 of the French text of the above.
Donabedian, A., "Aktiva Konsumenter Helt Avgorande For Vardens Kvalitet”: Sprida: Tankar om Varden. Stockholm: Spris forlag, 1994 Spri rapport 393, Projecnummer 31043. (Swedish translation of "The Contribution of Consumers to Promoting the Quality of Health Care” Paper presented at the Eleventh International Conference on Quality Assurance, Venice, Italy. May 28, 1994
Donabedian, A., “la Contribución de los Consumidores para Promover la Calidad de la Atención Sanitaria" Puntexpress Sanidad, No. 157, pages 1-2 and 4, September 29, 1994"(Spanish translation of preceding paper). 8 Donabedian, A. ”Una Reconsideración de las Responsibilidades Profesionales e Institucionales ante la Garantía de Calidad Assistencial" (“A Reconsideration of Professional and Institutional Responsibilities for Quality Assurance in Health Care”) Pages 11-20 in Los Mejores Hospitales de España, 1994. Barcelona, Fundación Avedis Donabedian (FAD) October 1994.
Donabedian, A., “Garantía de calidad: ¿Quién es responsable?” Calidad de Atención a la Salud: 3: 7-11, Junio 1996.
Donabedian, A. "The Effectiveness of Quality Assurance" International Journal for Quality in Health Care 8: 401-407, August 1996.
Donabedian, A. “Quality Stewardship in Codman's Life and Work" The Joint Commission Journal on Quality Improvement 24:52-55, January 1998
Donabedian, A. Preface to Valutacione, Costi, Management: “Il Caso Particulare della Psichiatria…” Edited by Di Munzio, Milano: Franco Angeli 1998
Donabedian, A. “Qualitá e Costi. Relazioni e Consequenze” (Quality and Cost: Relationships and Consequences) Pag. 629-654 in Aristide La Rocca, Ospedali e Sanità in Italia. Napoli: Liguori Editore, S. R. L. August 1999.
Donabedian, A. “Grado di Efficacia della Quality Assurance” (The Effectiveness of Quality Assurance), pag. 655-661 in Aristide La Rocca, August 1999.
Donabedian, A. “El Pasado y el Futuro a los ochenta años” (Past and Future at Eigthy) Revista de Calidad Asistencial 14: 785-787, Diciembre 1999.
Donabedian, A. “Evaluating Physician Competence” Bulletin of the World Health Organization Vol 78, nº 6, 2000, pag. 857-860
“The paper on "Evaluating the Quality of Medical Care": a. Reprinted in Schulbert, H. C. Sheldon, A and Baker, A., Editors Program Evaluation in the Health Fields. New York: Behavioral Publications. Inc. 1970 b. Permission granted to reprint in an introductory text on community medicine prepared by R. I. Kane, University of Utah Medical Center. c. Appeared in a book on quality assurance (Medical Peer Review: Theory and Practice), edited by P. Y. Ertel and M. G. Aldridge. Saint Louis: The C. V. Mosby Co. 1977, 421 pp. d. Permission granted to reprint in Contemporary Classics in Science ISI Press, Philadelphia.
Paper on "Promoting Quality Through Evaluating the Process of Patient Care" a. Dean Conley Award, American College of Hospital Administrators, 1969 b. One of 11 Papers inc1uded in a “kit" on appraisal of the quality of medical care prepared for distribution by the American Medical Association. c. Appeared in a series of reprints prepared and distributed by the Division of Health Care Services of the Community Health Service in cooperation with the Joint Committee on Medical Care Education. American Public Health Association. d. Reprinted in Roemer, M. I., Editor. Health Service Organization: A Collection of Readings. Division of Health Administration, School of Public Health, University of California, Los Angeles, 1972, mimeo. e. Reprinted in Challenging the Profession: 22 Years of Innovation in Health Care Management. Commemorative Edition in honor of the 50th Anniversary, 1933-1983, 9 American College of Hospital Administrators. Chicago: Pluribus Press, Inc. and American College of Hospital Administrators, 1982. 357 pp.
Paper on "Annual Administration Reviews: Patient Care Evaluation" a. Translated into Spanish for distribution by the Latin American Center for Medical Administration Pan American Health Organization. 3a. Paper on "Social Responsibility for Personal Health Services: An Examination of Basic Values. " Inquiry , 1971 Reprinted as ch. 1, pp 3-19, in Health Policy" edited by Jim Bjorkman and Christa Altenstetter, in The International_Library of Comparative Public Policy, An Elgar Reference Collection, Northampton, MA, 1998
Paper on "An Evaluation of Prepaid Group Practice” a. Appeared in a series of reprints prepared and distributed by the Division of Health Care Services of the Community Health Service in cooperation with the Joint Committee on Medical Education, American Public Health Association. b. lncluded in HMO Background Materials, a manual prepared by the office of Group Practice and HMO Work Group, HSMHA. c. lncluded in a syllabus distributed to first and second year medical students at the University of Washington School of Medicine. d. Reprinted in H. J. Berman and Lewis E. Weeks, Editors, Economics in Health Care. Germantown, Maryland: Aspen Systems Corporation, 416 pp.
Paper on "Models for Organizing the Delivery of Personal Health Services and Criteria for Evaluating Them" a. Has been reprinted in Zola and McKinlay, Editors. Organizational Issues in the Delivery of Health Services. New York: PRODIST, Published for the Milbank Memorial Fund, 1974, 393 pp.
Paper on "Measuring and Evaluating Hospital and Medical Care" a. Appeared in the September 1976 issue of The Hospital Medical Staff, (American Hospital Association) by request of its editor. b. Permission given to include in an anthology tentatively entitled Health Care--A Humanistic Approach being prepared by Gerald P. Turner and Joseph Mapa of The University of Toronto for McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited.
Paper on "Concepts of Health Care Quality: A Perspective" a. Appeared in modified form in June 1976 issue of "QRB: Quality Review Bulletin (Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals) by request of its editor. b. Appeared in P. Y. Ertel and M. G. Aldridge, Editors, Medical Peer Review: Theory and Practice. Saint Louis: The C. V. Mosby Co. 1977, 421 pp. c. Reprinted on pages 2066-2091, Vo1urne III, Surgery in the United States: A Summary Report of Study on Surgical Services for the United States. The American College of Surgeons and the American Surgical Association, 1976.
Paper on "Issues in National Health Insurance" a. Permission granted to include in the eighth book in the series on Contemporary Issues of the National Textbook Company, designed for high school debaters (1977). b. Permission granted to include in a collection of excerpts on the National High School Debate Topic for the academic year 1977-78 being prepared by the Congressional Research Service of the Library of Congress. c. Permission granted to include in Research Unit. 1977-78, to be published by Championship Debate Enterprises, Vermillion, S. D., for use by high school debaters. d. Permission granted to include in a book of readings for graduate students in business administration prepared by R. A. Milch of Loyola College in Maryland.
Paper on "Effects of Medicare and Medicaid on Access to and quality of Health Care” Will appear in the eighth book in the series on Contemporary Issues of the National Textbook Company, designed for high school debaters (1977). 10 “The Quality of Medical Care” Science 1978 a. Included in compilation being prepared by Science. The seventh in their compendium series, this one health maintenance. b. Appeared in somewhat modified from in Health, United States 1977-1978. A yearly report prepared by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare for the President and Congress of the United States c. Included in a book of readings on Issues in Health Services being compiled by Stephen J. Williams for John Wiley and Sons, New York. d. Included in a book of readings on Issues in Health Policy being prepared by Marie E. Cowart, of Florida State University. (Publisher not specified) e. Appeared as “La Calidad de la Atención Médica”. Ciencia y Desarrollo 7:71-76, 78, 85-89, March-April 1981. (translation, and introduction by Julio Frenk. May 26, 1978 f. To be reprinted in Hospital Organization and Management: Text and reading by J. S. Rakich and K. Darr. Spectrum Scientific Books, Inc. 1982 g. Appeared as Chapter 2, pp. 15-34 in Graham, N. O., Editor Quality Assurance in Hospitals. Rockville, Maryland: Aspen Systems Corporation, 1982 h. Will appear in a book by M. D. Keller on Medicine: Planning Your Career.
Paper on "The Quality of Medical Care: A Concept in Search of a Definition" The Journal of Family Practice. August 1979. Will appear in the annual book series, Archives of Family Practice, edited by J. P. Geyman. published by Appleton-Century- Crofts.
Paper on "Quality, Cost, and Health: An Integrative Model" (Donabedian Wheeler, Wyszewianski, Medical Care, October 1982). a. Appeared as a chapter in Pena, J. J. et al., Editors Hospital Quality Assurance: Risk Management and Program Evaluation Rockville, MD: Aspen Publications, 1984. 297 pp.
Paper on "Market-Oriented Cost-containment Strategies and Quality of Care" (Wyszewianski, Wheeler, Donabedian, Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly, Fall 1982) a. Reprinted on pages 505-537 in Rist, R. C., Editor, Policy Studies Review Annual, Volume 7. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books, 1985.
Paper on "Twenty Years of Research on the Quality of Medical Care: 1964-1988" Evaluation and the Health Professions, September 1985. a. Reprinted on pages 1-30 in R. B. Tobias and J. T. Ziegenfuss, Jr. editors, Quality Assurance and Utilization Review: Current Readings in Concept and Practice. Sarasota, Florida: American Board of Quality Assurance and Utilization Review, 1987.
Paper on "Criteria and Standards for Quality Assurance and Monitoring” QRB: Quality Review Bulletin, March 1986. a. Reprinted on pages 33-66 in R. B. Tobias and J. T. Ziegenfuss, Jr., editors, Quality Assurance and Utilization Review: Current Readings in Concept and Practice. Sarasota, Florida: American Board of Quality Assurance and Utilization Review. 1987.
Paper on "The Epidemiology of Quality" Inquiry Fall 1985 a. Reprinted on pages 33-66 in R. B. Tobias and J. T. Ziegenfuss. Jr. editors, Quality Assurance and Utilization Review: Current Readings in Concept and Practice. Sarasota. Florida: American Board of Quality Assurance and Utilization Review, 1987
Paper on "Quality and Cost: Choices and Responsibilities" Inquiry 25: 90-99, Spring 1988 a. Republished in modified form in Journal of Occupational Medicine, Volume 32, No. 12, December 1990, pages 1167-1172
11 Paper on "The Quality of Care: How Can It Be Assessed?" Journal of the American Medical Association, September 2:3/30, 1988 a. Reprinted as Chapter 2, pages 14-28 in N. O. Graham, editor, Quality Assurance in Hospital, Second Edition. Rockville, MD: Aspen Publishers Inc., 1990. b. Reprinted as Chapter 4, pages 52-65 in Schele, J. A. Editor, Quality Management in Nursing and Health Care. Albany and elsewhere: Delmar Publishers, 1995
Paper on “Specialization in Clinical Performance Monitoring: What it is and How to Achieve it” Quality Assurance and Utilization Review 5: 114-120, November 1990 a. Reprinted as Chapter 17, pages 417-430 in J. B. Couch, editor, Health care Quality management for the 21 st Century. Tampa, FL: American College of Physician Executives, 1991.
Paper on "Continuity and Change in the Quest for Quality” Clinical Performance and Quality Health Care: 9-16, January/February/March 1993. a. Appeared in Spanish translation as “Continuidad y Cambio en la Búsqueda de la Calidad” Salud Pública de México 35: 238-247, Mayo-Junio, 1993. b. Appeared in modified form as "Models of Quality Assurance. Chapter 6, pages 88- 103, in Schmele, J. A., Editor, Quality management in Nursing and Health Care. Albany, and elsewhere: Delmar Publishers, 1995.
Donabedian, A. Et al. Medical Care Chart Book, Bureau of Public Health Economics, School of Public Health, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. First Edition, with Axelrod, S. J., 1962, unpaginated. Second Edition, with Axelrod, S. J., 1964, unpaginated. Third Edition, with Axelrod, S. J. and Agard, J. J., 1967, 240pp. (Revised, 1968). Four Edition. Third Edition, revised, 1968. Fifth Edition, with Axelrod, S. J., Swearingen, C. And Jameson, J. August, 1972, 337 pp.
Axelrod, S. J., Donabedian, A. And Gentry, D. W. Medical care Chart Book. 6th Edition, Ann Arbor: Bureau of Public Health Economics, The University of Michigan, September 1976, 384 pp.
Donabedian, A. Exelrod, S. J., and Wyszewianski, L. Medical care Chart Book Seventh Edition. Ann Arbor: Health Administration Press, 198º. 420 pp.
Donabedian, A., Axelrod, S. A., Wyszewianski, L. And Lichtenstei, R. L., Medical Care Chartbook, 8th Edition. Ann arbor, MI: Health Administration Press, 1986.
Donabedian, A. “ A Guide to Medical Care Administration” Volume II: Medical Care Appraisal – Quality and Utilization. American Public Health Association, New York, 1969, 176pp.
Donabedian, A. “Aspects of Medical Care Administration: Specifying Requirements for Health Care”. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1973, 649 pp. Translation of book, Donabedian, A. “Los espacios de la salud: Aspectos Fundamentales de la Organización de la Atención Médica” México, D. F. : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1988, 772 pp.
Donabedian, A. “Benefits in Medical Care Programs” Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1976, 436 PP. Translation of book, Donabedian, A., “Beneficios en los Programas de Asistencia Médica”, Colección Salud y Seguridad Social, Serie Problemas Conteporaneos. México City: Instituto del seguro Social, 1982, 494 pp.
12 Donabedian, A. “Explorations in Quality Assessment and Monitoring, Volume I: The Definition of Quality and Approaches to its Assessment”, Ann Arbor, MI: Health Administration Press, 1980, 163pp. Translation of books, Donabedian, A. “La Calidad de la Atención Médica”, México City: La Prensa Médica Mexicana, March 1984, 194 pp., Donabedian, A. “La Qualità Dell’Assistenza Sanitaria: Principi e Metodologie de Valutazione”, Roma: La Nuova Italia Scientifica (NIS)February 1990.
Donabedian, a. “Explorations in Quality Assessment and Monitoring. Volume II: The Criteria and Standards of Quality”. Ann Arbor: Health Administration Press, 1982, 504 pp.
Donabedian, A. “ Explorations in quality Assessment and Monitoring, Volume III, The Methods and Findings of Quality Assessment and Monitoring: An Illustrated Analysis”. Ann Arbor: 1985, Health Administration Press.
Donabedian, A. An Introduction to Quality Assurance in Health Care. Oxford University Press, 2003.
Donabedian, A. “Methods of Evaluating the Quality of Medical Care” Chapter 5, pag. 121-137 in C. L. E. H. Sharp and H. Keen, editors. Presymptomatic Detection and Early Diagnosis. Pitman Medical Publishing Co., Ltd., London 1968
Donabedian, A. “The Quality of Medical Care” Chapter 7, pag. 83-101, in L. Corey, S. E. Saltman and M. F. Epstein, Editors, 1972.
Donabedian, A, ”Medicine in a Changing Society”. St. Louis: The C. V. Mosby Company, 1972, 228 pp
Donabedian, A. “Questioni etiche nella definizione e nella valutazione della qualità dell’assistenza” Pag. 233-245 in Walter di Munzio, editor, La valutazione in Psichiatria, Napoli, Italy: Liguori: Editore 1990
Donabedian, A., "Reflections on the Effectiveness of Qua1ity Assurance” Part II, pages 59-128 in R. H. Palmer, A. Donabedian, and G. J. Povar, Strivin for Quality in Health Care: An Inquiry into Policy and Practice. Ann Arbor, Mt: Health Administration Press 1991
Donabedian, A. “Defining and Measuring the Quality of Health Care” Chapter 4, pages 41-64, in Wenzel, R. P., editor, Assessing Quality Health care Perspectives for Clinicians. Baltimore, MD: Williams- and Wilkins 1991.
Schmele, J. A. and Donabedian, A. "The Application of a Model to Measure the Quality of Nursing Care in Home Health” Chapter 22, pages 375-394 in Schmele, J. A., Editor, Quality Management in Nursing and Health Care. Albany, and elsewhere: Delmar Publishers 1995
Donabedian, A., "A Quarter-Century of Work on Quality of Care at the Institute of Medicine” Pages 53-57 in Institute of Medicine Council, For the Public Good: Highlights from the Institute of Medicine, 1970-1995. Washington, DC: National Academy Press 1995.
Donabedian, A. "Foreword" Pages XI-XIV in M. C. Phaneuf. “The Nursing Audit. Profile in Excellence”. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Educational Division/Meredith Corporation, 1972. Pp. 130 plus attachments.
Donabedian, A. "Foreword" Pages III-IV in J. E. C. Walker and N. L. Armondino “The Primary Care Physician: Issues in Armondino. The Primary Care Physician: Issues”. in Series, No. 7. Farmington, Conn. : University of Connecticut Health Center, 1977, 121 pp.
Donabedian, A. ”Foreword” to “Health Care Research in an HMO: Two Decades of Discovery”, Edited by M. R. Greenlick, D. K. Freeborn and C. R. Pope. Baltimore MD: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1988.
Donabedian, A., “Foreword” to Longo, D. R., Ciccone, K. R., and Lord, J. T., “Integrated Quality Assessment: A Model for Concurrent Beview”. Chicago, IL: American Hospital Publishing Inc, 1989.
Donabed¡an, A., “Foreword” to Long, M. J., “The Medical Care System: A Conceptual Model”. Ann Arbor, MI, AUPHA/Health Administration Press, 1994.
Donabedian, A. "Premio” to Frenk, J. L. “La Salud de la Población: Hacia una Nueva Salud pública”. México, D. F., Fondo de Cultura Económica 1994.
Donabedian, A. and Donabedian, D., “Foreword to Schmele”, J. A., Editor, “Quality Management in Nursing and Health Care”. Delmar Publishers, Inc. 1995.
Donabedian, A. “Ernest A. Codman, MD, The end Result Idea and the Product of a Hospital: A Commentary" Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 114: 1105, November 1990.
Avnet, H. H. “Psychiatric Insurance”. New York: Group Health Insurance, 1962, 28 pp. American Journal of Public Health May 1963, 53:845
Schwartz, J. L. “Medical Plans and Health Care. Consumer Participation in Policy Making with a special Section on Medicare”. Inquiry December 1968, 14:71-73
Rosenfeld, L. S., Katz, J. and Donabedian, A. “Medical Care Needs and Services in the Boston metropolitan Area”, 1957, 147 pp
Donabedian, A. A “Review Some Experiences with Prepaid Group Practice” Bureau of Public Health Economics, School of Public Health, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Research Series, 1965, No. 12, 74 pp.
Donabedian, A. "Concepts of Health Care Quality: A Perspective" An Occasional Paper, institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences, February 1976, Washington D. C. 16 pp. 14 Donabedian, A. “Needed Research in the Assessment and Monitoring of the Quality of Medical Care”. U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Public Health Service, National Center for Health Services Research, Research Report Series, DHEW Publication No. (PHS) 78-3219. Hyattsville, July 1978, Maryland, 35 pp.
Donabedian, A., "The Challenge of 'Quality Assurance' in Long Term Care under Private Auspices" Chapter 2 in Quality Assurance in Nursing Care: Current Practice and Prospects for the Future. Menlo Park, CA:SRI International, 1985
Donabedian, A. “The Baxter American Foundation Prize Address" The Journal of Health Administration Education Fall 1986, 4:611-613.
Donabedian, A. "The Price of Quality and the Perplexities of Care" The Michael M. Davis Lecture. Chicago: The Center for Health Administration Studies, University of Chicago, 1986.
The Bernard Snell Lecture, 1990. Department of Health Services Administration and Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Alberta, and The University of Alberta Hospitals, Alberta, Canada, 1991
Monograph on A review of some Experiences with Prepaid Group Practice, was selected by the Medical Group Management Association as one of the "75 most valuable books in print for managers of group practices" Dean Conley Award, 1969 by the American College of Hospital Administrators for paper on "Promoting Quality Though Evaluating the Process of Patient Care
The paper on “Evaluating the Quality of Medical Care” Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly, July 1966, was selected for inclusion as a “Citation Classic" in Current Contents, February 7, 1983, based on frequency of citation as reproved by the Science Citation Index and the Social Science Citation Index.
Azar, J. E., Abu Haidar, F. and Donabedian, A. "An Out break of Food-Borne Streptococcosis" The Lebanese Medical Journal September 1954, 7:281-291
Garabedian, G. A., Donabedian, A. and Abu Haidar, F. "Studies in an Outbreak of Influenza in Beirut”, Lebanon. Journal of Medicine and Hygiene, April 1956, 5:642- 646.
Donabedian, A. and Rosenfeld, L. S. "Replicability of a Screening Test" Sight Saving Review, Fall 1957, 37:156-161
Donabedian, A. "The Evaluation of Medical Care Programs" Bulletin of The New York Academy of Medicine, February 1968, 44:117-124.
Donabedian, A. "Some Issues in Health Insurance" Lebanese Medical Journal, 1969, 22:579-589.
Donabedian, A. "Measuring and Evaluating Hospital and Medical Care" Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, January 1976, 52:51-59.
Donabedian, A. "Quality Control in Medical Care Programs" Proceedings of the Institute on Medical Consultation and Administration in Vocational Rehabilitation Programs Ann Arbor, May 27-29 1963, Michigan.
Donabedian, A. "The Hospital Administrator and Assessment of the Quality of Medical Care. " Pages 7-11 in Applications of Studies in Health Administration Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Symposium on Hospital Affairs, Graduate Program in Hospital Administration and Center for Health. Administration Studies, Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago, December 1965.
Donabedian, A. “Teaching and Learning by the Case Method” Pages 17-22 in Use of the Care Method in Teaching Medical Care Administration. Public Health Service, Division of Medical Care Administration, Arlington, Virginia, 1968.
Donabedian. A. “The Nature and Magnitude of Need and Unmet Need in Medical Care” Pages 1-21 in Institute on Planning and Administration of Nursing Service in Medical Care Programs. The University of Michigan. School of Public Health, Continuing Education Service, Ann Arbor, 1968.
Donabedian, A. “Financing Medical Care: Costs and Expenditures” Pages 22-39 in Institute on Planning and Administration of Nursing Service in Medical Care Programs. The University of Michigan, School of Public Health, Continuing Education Service. Ann Arbor, 1968.
Donabedian. A. and Phaneuf. M. “Evaluating the Quality of Medical Care” Pages 169-224 in Institute on Planning and Administration of Nursing Service in Medical Care Programs. The University of Michigan, School of Public Health Continuing Education Service, Ann Arbor, 1968.
Donabedian, A. "Measurement of Quality in Health Care" Pages 13-49 in Conference Report Training: Conference ill State Health Facility Surveyors, Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Public Health Service, October 1969. Region V East Troy, Wisconsin.
Donabedian, A. “Evaluation of Care: Potentials and Pitfalls” Chapter 2. pages 8-12 in J. E. C. Walker, D. J. Douglas and W. M. Vietzke, Editors. Evaluation of Care in the University and Community Hospital. New Haven: Connecticut Health Services Research Series, 1971, 56 pp.
Donabedian, A. “Examination of Some Directions in Health Care Policy” Pages 3- 10 in D. M. Haynes, Editor. Louisville Health Conference on Delivery of Health Care University of Louisville Health Sciences Center, October 6 1971, 59 pp.
Donabedian, A. “Examination of Some Directions in Health Care Policy” Also published in American Journal of Public Heath March 1973, 63:243-246.
Donabedian, A. “Medical Care in the United States: Organizational and Administrative Factors in the Utilization of Medical Care Services" Pages 28-56 in Provision of Dental Care in the Community Ann Arbor: School of Public Health, The University of Michigan, 1973, 201 pp.
Donabedian, A., “The Quality of Care in National Health Program” Pag. 52-59 in Subcommittee on Health of the Committee of Ways and Means, U. S. House of representatives. Panel Discussion on National Health Insurance. Prepared statements of Panelist on the Subject of Problems and Issues in Health Care Organization,
16 Delivery and Financing., 1975. Committee Print, 94 th Congress, 1st Session, Washington, D. C. : U. S. Government Printing Office, July 24 1975, 59 pp.
Donabedian, A. “Issues in National Health Insurance” Program Planning in MCH and CC. Proceedings of the Bi-Regional Conference, Regions 9 and 10, October 29- 31, 1975, Seattle, Washington. Washington, D. C. : The Maternal and Child Health Service, U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, 130 pp. (processed). (Also published in the American Journal of Public Health.
Donabedian, A. “Some Basic Issues in Evaluating the Quality of Health Care” Pag. 3-28 in Issues in Evaluation Research. Kansas City, Mo. : American Nurses’ Association, 1976, 148 pp.
Donabedian, A. “Perspectives on Evaluating the Quality of Health Care” Pag. 16- 24 in Assessing Physician Performances in Ambulatory Care. San Francisco: American Society of Internal Medicine, 1976, 294 pp.
Donabedian, A., "Evaluación y Monitoreo de la Calidad de los Servicios de Salud" pp. 65-81 in Investigación en Servicios de Salud. Proceedings of the Health Services Research Seminar, Queretaro, México, July 13-15, 1978 Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, y Secretaría de Salubridad y Asistencia, México. 1979, 328 DD.
Donabedian, A. ”What is Quality of Health Care? Who Defines It, and what Effect Does It Have on the Patient” Pages 7-15 in Quality of Health Care: Who Decides? A manual for the Development of an Experimental Workshop in Topics Related to Quality and Cost of Health Care, American Student Association, 1979.
Donabedian. A. "An Exploration of Structure. Process and Outcome as Approaches to Quality Assessment" Pages 69-92 in Hans-Konrad Selbmann and Karl Uberla. editors. Quality Assessment of Medical Care. Gerlingen: Bleicher Verlag. 206 pp. Published for the Robert Bosch Stiftung Gmb H. Stuttgart. Federal Republic of Germany, 1982.
Donabedian, A. “Impressions of a Journey in Britain” and “Comments", pages 94- 95, 111-112, 130-131, 144-145, 165-167, and 180-185, in D. Pendleton, T. Schofie1d, and M. Marinker, Editors, In Pursuit of Quality: Approaches of Performance Review in General Practice. London: The Royal College of General Practitioners, 1986.
Donabedian, A. "Quality Assurance: Corporate Responsibility in the 1990s". Pages 16-21 in Longo. D. R. and Hearle. J. M., Editors. Frontiers in Patient Care Assessment: Proceedings of the Multihospital Systems Invitational Conference. Chicago. October 22 1985. Chicago: The Joint Commission on Hospital Accreditation, 1986.
Donabedian, A. ”Quality Effectiveness, and Efficiency: A Proposed Conceptual Framework and Vocabulary" Pages 15-22 in Proceedings of the International Forum Linking Quality. Effect and Efficiency. October 17-18, Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Medical Center and American College of Hospital Administrators, June 1986.
Donabedian. A. ”Quality, Cost, and Quality Assurance in Oral Health" In Cartwright. C. B. and Razzoog. E. Editors, Quality Assurance and Cost Containment in Oral Health Care. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan School of Dentistry, 1986.
“ Quality, Cost, and Professional Responsibility” College of Public Health, University of South Florida, June 1986
17 “ Candide in the Land of Health Services Research” International Symposium on “New Avenues in Health Care Organization: From Research to Action”. México City, July 4, 1986
“ The Pursuit of Quality and the Cost of Care”, Conference on “The Cost/Quality Conflict: How It Affects The patients”. Northwestern University, Evanston, October 6, 1986.
“Some Principles and Methods of Quality Assessment” Medical School, University of Maastricht, Holland, November, 11, 1986.
“ Guideposts to Conference on Quality Assessment and Assurance” Third International Symposium for Quality Assurance in Health Care, Paris, November 13, 1986.
Donabedian, A. "Guidepoints to a Conference on Quality Assessment and Assurance" Pages 2. 6 in M. Shanahan, Editor, Proceedings of an International Symposium on Quality Assurance Health Care. Chicago: Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals, 1987.
Donabedian, A., "A Primer of Quality Assurance and Monitoring in Medical Care" in Law Practice Quality Evaluation: an Appraisal of Peer Review and Other Measures To Enhance Professional Performance. Philadelphia, PA: American Law Institute --American Bar Association, Committee on Continuing Professional Education, 1988. (Also see under "Invited Publications")
Donabedian, A., "Prologue and Summation, Dean’s Seminar 2, The Quest for Quality Health Care: Whose Choice, ? Whose Responsibility?” The Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine 56: October 1989, 406-422.
Donabedian, A., “Quality of Care and the Health Needs of the Elderly Patient" Pages 3-13 in J. A. Barondess, D. E. Rogers, and K. N. Lohr, Editors, Care of the Elderly Patient: Policy Issues and Research Opportunities. Report of a Forum of the Council on Health Care Technology, Institute of Medicine. Washington, D. C. : National Academy Press, 1989.