This Agreement Entered Into on 1St (First) Day of October 2013
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General of Police & Director General of Home Guards & Civil Defence Department as Department Defence Civil & Guards Director by Home of 1, # General represented at and office 042 Director & 560 – Police registered of its Bangalore with General Road, TRUST Mudaliar WELFARE Annaswamy DEFENCE CIVIL & GUARDS HOME its successors and assignees of SECONDthe PART as to referred director, Managing and CEO 560047, Surgeon, Bangalore Orthopaedic Town, (Richmond) Shanthala 111, at office corporate its having and 1956 LIMITED PRIVATE CARE HEALTH IN TPA ANYUTA AND of assignees and successors shall its include expression and which mean part. “HG&CDWT” first context as the the to to referred repugnant after unless herein Chairperson, its “ANYUTA TPA” “ANYUTA This entered agreement into on which expression shall unless repugnant to the context mean and include and mean context the to repugnant unless shall expression which No: 31 / 18 Loyola Layout, Loyola (Off. Victoria) Road, Ward – Ward Road, Victoria) (Off. Loyola Layout, Loyola 18 / 31 No: BETWEEN , a company incorporated under the Companies Act, Companies the under incorporated company a , 1 st
(First) NUA TA i Healthcare in TPA ANYUTA ersne y by represented day of October 2013 r . Rvnr Shetty Ravindra N. Dr.
n een after herein and
Page11 hra h hr at s eggd i h uies o rvdn uptet ad iptet / inpatient and outpatient providing of business the in engaged Diagnostic centers, Doctors, networked hospitals, its through community the to services, hospitalisation is party Third the Whereas administer to Self-Fundedthe Scheme (here-in-after as to referred engaged renewal certificate 16/05/2014, 16/05/2011to from issued Hyderabad. at TPAAnyuta in Health care is SecondWhereas the party IRDA is an Licensed TPA in Health Care, No– Licence an17, with IRDA Dr. / &CIVILGUARDS TRUST” (here-in-after DEFENCE WELFARE ABY/HG&CDWTrust).. “ called Mr. scheme a created members Administrator family / the Director as Where Managing / Director shall expression mean its and andinclude assigneessuccessors, of the Medical “ as to referred herein its ______by herein at represented and ______office registered its ______with Hospital ______Now, it is hereby agreed between partiesthe hitherto. DEFENCE& CIVIL WELFARE TRUST”the on and terms conditions hereinafter stipulated. the under covered member(s) the to treatment and facilities said the of operation the to pursuant In Nursing Homes, care centers,day clinics, etc. 1) till till years (three) 3 of period a for agreement of date the from force in be shall agreement this That after the aboveafter the mentioned date. may renewedatbe the of option the mutually on parties in the business administering of health care schemes hasand been engaged by first partythe “HG&CDWT” “HG&CDWT” with an intention to provide medical facilities to the employees and their and employees the to facilities medical provide to intention an with ABY scheme, “ scheme, RGA BAY OAE YOJANE BHAGYA AROGYA AND A ND ANYUTA TPA ANYUTA ABY 30 Scheme envisaged by “HOME GUARDS “HOME by envisaged Scheme th ABY etme 06 h agreement The 2016. September THIRD PART THIRD ” is appointed to extend medical extend to appointed is ” Scheme). ged trs ad conditions and terms agreed under
. h ei f “HOME of aegis the PROVIDER ”, which ”,
Page11 3) 2) 5) 4) under theunder provisions of this coverageof and scope of schemethe well as proceduresas Unit the That IndianGovernments, Medical Council or any Local other Bodies. medicalin extending treatment facilities any under law or orders by issued or final. However, thisshall not preclude in any mannerresponsibility the doubt any of case In ailmentparticular / medical condition, the decision the of scheme. the of purview the outside hospital provider the any whatsoeverobligation formeeting the cost medical treatment of / of Secretary / communication. written The Chairman the by authorised otherwise unless only conditions medical medicalextend treatment facility / the ofto members the for scheme the provider as hospitals perprescribed procedure by Scheme time from to time to who ANYUTA TPA, in turn will ailments/medical the That TPAANYUTA such for required etc. material information, facilities, all provide shall Hospital Provider covered under existingthe provisions of treating as well medical personnel for etc. treatment of / ailments carry will out continuous evaluation of the provider in hospitals dated agreement administrator extending for medical treatment facilities agreed byas to the That That That ABY/ ABY/ ANYUTA TPA ANYUTA H&DT “HG&CDWT” ABY/ . “HG&CDWT” “HG&CDWT” H&DT “HG&CDWT” 16 will provide administrative, consultative and monitoring services to the the to services monitoring and consultative administrative, provide will th rs hl su l h ebr fof members the all issue shall Trust uy 2010 July ABY Trust shall advise the members of the scheme (through respective (through scheme the of members the advise shall Trust ABY/ scheme. rs il pecie ad poie a xasie ls of list exhaustive an provide and prescribe will Trust “HG&CDWT” “HG&CDWT” n te aceie rvdr hsias b h the by hospitals provider accredited the in ABY Scheme or as frommodified time Trust or ABY Scheme.The odtos cvrd udr te the under covered conditions by requested when and as evaluation ABY/ ABY/ photographs of all the eligible members eligible the all of photographs extent the features, salient its Officers), of coverage regards as ambiguity ABY/ ANYUTA ANYUTA “HG&CDWT” “HG&CDWT” “HG&CDWT” H&DT “HG&CDWT” ABY em f mdcl fclte as facilities medical of terms and terms for availing benefits availing for terms and ABY/KF&ESW the to same the intimate Scheme identity cards with with cards identity Scheme eia conditions medical their vide parties both of the provider hospital provider the of by extended facilities TPA shall hospital provider Trust. Trust. will not be under be not will rs hog a through Trust rs hl be shall Trust rs, as Trust, o tm. The time. to eta State / Central / ailments listed ANYUTA TPA ANYUTA ABY
Page11 8) 7) 6) 9) will dischargewill its responsibilities agreed asas to perits agreement and medical timely facilities the to members of to hospitals provider accredited The hospitals. the with tie-up provide shall TPA ANYUTA the That orMedical anyCouncil Local Body. prescribed medical treatmentunder anyor law orders issued Centralby / such beyond expenditure any precludenot the provider hospital discharging from its of payment for responsible be not shall turn will intimateprovider the hospital. The /ailments medical conditions, bewhich would communicated to theunder the That ailments/medical conditions. provider for hospital treatment of ailments/ all the medical conditions or regulations. The as (KMA) and bywhen amended GoK or perCGHSas rates the That such availing member shall produce an letterauthorisation The in such caseswithin 48 given. be to needs treatment medical immediate where authorisation inletter cases of emergency medical conditions ailments, / provider the shallhospital extend facilities theunder provisions of the theas casemay be production on of letterauthorisation with along the to obligation such membersadmit inpatient for treatment or extend pro formaprescribed to providerhospitals.the The provider conditions medical / ailments of treatment for members the refer shall Officers Unit the That uniquewith identity number and signed theduly by rmtamsino ebro roiybssb h rvdrhsia,esrn tnadstandard ensuring hospital, provider the by basis priority on member of admission prompt dated Trust ABY/ ABY/ 16 th “HG&CDWT” “HG&CDWT” H&DT “HG&CDWT” July 2010 ABY Trust shall be to free negotiateand fix specially . . The Trust will make the payments the make will Trust Trust may prescribe maximum limit payable towards treatment towards payable limit maximum prescribe may Trust ANYUTA TPAANYUTA ABY/ ’s responsibility shall’s include ABY “HG&CDWT” “HG&CDWT” Scheme as antk eia tedne Rules Attendance Medical Karnataka concerned Officer Unit or treatment the under covered authorised officer. h the the extending for responsibilities shall this However, limits. maximum certain for scheme the of provision as per the tariff prescribed under under prescribed tariff the per as ABY Trust and hours of admission.hours of under be shall hospital per its provisions. ANYUTA TPA ANYUTA provisions. its per Indian any Governments, State and rules conditions, their with cee fr esrn speedy ensuring for Scheme cee wtot an without scheme However card. identity treatment, outpatient ihwith in who TPA, ANYUTA the with tariff reduced ABY ABY/ ciet etc. accidents ensuring TPA ANYUTA specific certain Scheme in the in Scheme “HG&CDWT”
Page11 13) 12) 11) 10) 16) 15) 14) miscellaneous charges, attender charges for the treatment. fees,Admission/Registration Documentation Fees, Processing and scheme the of members from deposit advance any take to not agrees hospital provider the That treatmentreviewing the being to provided members.the Scheme the of staff/officers the to co-operation full extend to agrees hospital provider the That requiredthe unnecessary period, tests, and diagnosis medication. responsible forreimbursement of medical expenses for avoidable hospitalisation understood theby provider hospital that the under period and not are administered unnecessary test, diagnosis kept not are members that ensure shall it and agrees hospital provider the That member. adhere the to best standard and ofquality Medicare throughout the ofbest services them to as perthe provisions of is/are facilities / treatment medical timely and best the that ensure shall hospital provider the That member. beds, or any facilities other for needed treating ailmentthe / of treatment Scheme priority on by basis facilitiesextending like spot for it to referred members the /ailments admit to agrees hospital provider the That Trust. ANYUTA TPA forcarrying its duties out under present the the for data medical information, provide facilities, the all extend shall hospital provider the That treatment being given the to members etc. theinspection of provider hospital forensuring quality explain explain to the as patient the identify to agrees hospital provider The ABY ABY Scheme and Scheme and ANYUTA TPA Scheme. diso, peeeta lomn of allotment preferential the admission, under conditions medical to etc. assistance admitted, members medical the of review standards, periodic services, medical of quality and him and his relatives in the language the in relatives his and him like charges incidental other any monitoring, for TPA ANYUTA and required the beyond hospitalisation provide and member(s) to extended ABY/ eia odto f the of condition medical agreement escags R Fees, MRD Fees/charges, is It medication. and to agrees hospital provider The “HG&CDWT” “HG&CDWT” ramn f the of treatment ABY/ hl o be not shall Trust member, Trust “HG&CDWT” beyond ABY ABY
Page11 21) 20) 19) 18) 17) 23) 22) eaie bu h lns, ln f tetet ed ad bnft f amsin oe over admission of benefits and need treatment, of line illness, the about relatives patient stating that he/she Primary the by signed and drafted Certificate Medical the send to agrees hospital provider The Document submission. file Bills,etc.,summary, to TPAAnyuta soon after discharge or along Request, authorization Pre the of, format digital the send to agrees hospital provider The [email protected] [email protected] 080560047, •T: 41128311. •Mobile: 25364766. 98450 Loyola Loyola Layout, (Off. Road, Victoria) – Ward 111, to After discharge of patient,the the provideragrees hospital to the send original claim documents Document submission. file Bills,etc.,summary, to TPAAnyuta soon after discharge or along Request, authorization Pre the of, format digital the send to agrees hospital provider The and accountability of duplication avoid to Format Billing Anyuta in Bills the submit to agrees hospital provider The frequent admission treatment,and a at cost 20% overthat is the treat to Responsibility, Social Individual and Corporate of matter a as agrees hospital provider The anticipated ofcost treatment, etc.,) clearly written in capital letters. needed, Medicationsbe to Procedure/s administered, that may be like,information the treatment, line of Provisional /Final Pre Anyuta in information’s medical following the provide to agrees hospital provider The authorizationPre – request Anyuta to in theTPA, Anyuta Format. they understand about the line of illness, treatmentand the investigations needed, procedures needed, costs incurred, work, cut on costs and for transparency for and costs on cut work, needing patient ill chronically the The Format. Request authorization oiiir ae o uptet care, outpatient or care domiciliary had explained the to patient the admitted who Surgeon or Physician Discharge received, Authorization 94480 10136. 54311. –•E Mail: Shanthala Town, (Richmond) Bangalore ANYUTA Corporate /Office: No: 31 18 Discharge received, Authorization igoi, Investigations Diagnosis, a send then and costs hospital ubr o optlzd days, hospitalized of number base andbase notcost more. the and performed with the Original Claim Original the with Claim Original the with and the and
Page11 28) 27) 26) 25) 24) 29) this agreement, within medical claiming of the That purpose the for government the by imposed procedure new per thedirect hospital the provide to bills, discharge summaries, essentiality certificate lackingetc. in detail bewill treated as received. not bills, The above. stipulate period time the after received bills the on payment for responsible Scheme 15within days return from of the bills. The ANYUTA TPA and them in shape complete along any with information called forby ANYUTA willdetail be to returned hospitalthe ANYUTA by theTPA and provider withalong completedischarge certificate 30within days. Any bills or anddoctor counter signed by Medicalthe Superintendent / emergency certificate, essentiality bills, of sets 3 provide to agrees hospital provider the That Policyholderthe and another to one Insurer. the to identical folder claim original the of copy one over hand to agrees hospital provider the That thewith supplier’s and bill the Pharmacy withitems rate. withdone CGHS Codes and Surgical Rate. and Medical with done Procedures the heads, following the under Bills the send to agrees hospital provider The showingDiagnosis the ICD – codes. 10 Finalthe Diagnosis,the Surgical and medical sundries, admitted mentioning the Provisional Diagnosis, the or Surgeon the by signed duly Summary Discharge the send to agrees hospital provider The reports All the be should by signed the in specialists that field. care,post-operative prognosis, etc., a copy ofa the forwarding submitting letter the to bills required under fromthis agreement the provider hospital. ABY/ “HG&CDWT” “HG&CDWT” 60 (Sixty) days60 Trust agrees to settle the payable claims submitted by the provider provider the by submitted claims payable the settle to agrees Trust from the from date of the one handed over to Anyuta TPA to TPA Anyuta to over handed one the used implants and Stents used. sundries Investigations the Rate, and Code CGHS Final The used. etc., implants, stents, at arrive to done investigations relevant is patient the whom under Physician ABY/ as shape complete in bills the of receipt in stipulated condition per as hospitals, reimbursement time from essentiality summary, discharge treating the by signed duly certificate “HG&CDWT” “HG&CDWT” The provider hospital shall send shall hospital provider The and TPA ANYUTA TPA ANYUTA M/s. to RMO ABY optl sal resubmit shall hospital lacking papers related Scheme will Trust. etfct as certificate or TPA ABY o be not may ABY
Page11 a. 33) 32) 31) 30) b. a. 34) b. on all or any of the matters in disputes or difference. The award of the Arbitrator shall be final final be shall Arbitrator the of award The difference. or disputes in matters the of any or all on the which to matter the with deal servantexpressed views has Government a as his duties the of course that in or relates contract to had he that servant Government a is Arbitrator the Department, Welfare Family & that objection no Medical be will It him. by appointed person Health, other some or Karnataka of Government Secretary, the of arbitration sole the to referred be shall same the conditions) special the or these by for provided specially is which of decision the matters any to as (except contract this with connection in or contract, of conditions special any or conditions these under arising difference of dispute question, any of event the In Arbitration contract.the of termination after even discharged are they till scheme the per as treatment full render and The providershall hospital care oftake the members terminationadmitted till of the agreement Organization.Member the by / from agreement this of termination of letter receipt of date the until submitted bills the to respect with claims of settlement and processing its the fulfil facilitating to to regard with responsible obligations be shall TPA ANYUTA notice, a by contract the of termination Upon of Consequences Termination termination. containedterms by herein the provider one hospital, giving Termination administered the by provider hospital. TPA will be not responsible forany insurance claim or attendingother Para-medical medical / workers. own its at cover insurance indemnity professional adequate provide must hospital provider the That enrolment, eligibility. Admission ABY/ (like hardware necessary the computer premises, their within available make to agrees provider The If the Arbitrator be the Secretary, Health, Medical & Family Welfare Department, Government Government Department, Welfare Family & Medical Health, Secretary, the be Arbitrator the If and the on binding parties thiscontract. to “HG&CDWT” “HG&CDWT” : NUATAadand TPA ANYUTA : system with modem) which can be used for communicating electronically with electronically communicating for used be can which modem) with system
rs n NUA TA hs wl rmrl e ue o member for used be primarily will This TPA. ANYUTA and Trust : ABY/ H&DT “HG&CDWT” and and claimdischarge, etc. submission electronically.
rs hl eette otriaetethe terminate to entitled be shall Trust agreement with on breach of any of the of any of breach on with agreement treatment any of out arising otherwise ABY/ as well as doctors treating its for cost H&DT “HG&CDWT” ot rte oie o such of notice written month Trust and ANYUTA and Trust
Page11 e. d. c. at fayolgto ne hscnrc hl epeetdo eae yrao faywr war, any of reason by delayed or prevented be shall contract this under obligation any of party either by part in or whole in performance the contract, this of continuance the during time any at If 35) theplace as Secretary his at maydiscretion determine. i. h. g. f. Force majeure: majeure: Force other such or concluded is contract the where place the be shall arbitration the of venue The be shall force in apply to deemed to arbitrationthe proceedingunder this clause. being time to time from thereof modifications statutory any under, there rules the and amended) as (or 1996 Act, Conciliation and Arbitration the aforesaid, as Subject shall berespectively in the of discretion the Arbitrator. award and reference the to incidental cost the of assessment the reference, such every Upon time to for making publishingand the award. time from time contract the theto enlarge parties of the the all with consent Arbitrator may The thatreason is not matter possible, the is not be to arbitration to referred all. at Family & Medical Health, Secretary, any for if that and arbitrator as act should him by appointed person the the or Department Welfare than other person no that contract this of terms in the or arbitration, to commence the proceedings denovohe as may in his discretion In decide. taken then as proceedings the of record the on act to be, may case the as Arbitrators, outgoing the of place in Department Welfare Family & Medical Health, Secretary, the for lawful be shall it case, such every to In Arbitrator. outgoing the or of place in Arbitrator himself as person another appoint reference the with proceed to either Karnataka of Government Department, Welfare Family & Medical Health, Secretary, the for lawful be it shall reason any for court the by aside set being award his or reason any for court the by aside set being award his or reason any for act, or to incapable become or unable transferred being or otherwise or being resignation by office the or vacating act to refusing or neglecting dying, his of event the Welfare in Family Department, & Medical Health, Secretary, the by appointed person a be Arbitrator the If be shall it reason, any for acting of incapable becoming act to unable being his of event the in appoint to or himself another as person or Arbitrator; reference with proceed to either office in successor his for lawful be shall it otherwise, or resignation by office this vacating or transferred being his of event the in Karnataka.of lawful lawful appointfor himto another person Arbitrator; as or
Page11 assets. its all substantially of transfer or sale or reorganisation or consolidation merger, through assignable be shall interests party’s either that except, other the of consent written prior the without party either by part in or whole in assigned be not shall it but assigns, and successors respective their and hereto parties the of each upon binding be and of benefit the to ensure shall agreement This 36) partyaction. Each shall bear its costs &lossesarising out or accounton of such force majeure. of course further device other otherwise each or terms consult agreed on shall contract the parties of termination all the days, regarding 90 exceeding period a for event such any of reasons by delayed or prevented is contract this under obligation any of part or whole in performance the if that further provided exist, to ceased or end an to come has event such after practicable as soon as resumed be shall contract the under deliveries and non-performance such of respect in other the against relief any or damages or claim any have party either shall nor contract this terminate to entitled be event such of reason by shall party neither thereof, occurrence of date the from days 15 within other the to party either by given is event such any of happenings the of notice provided ‘events’) as to referred after (herein God of acts or emergency, financial restrictions, quarantine epidemics, explosions, floods, fire, sabotage, commotion, civil enemy, public the of acts hostility, address asaddress follows: its at intended is it which for party the to addressed telex telegram, by or prepaid, postage mail, ordinary or mail registered by sent or delivery personal by given and writing in be shall hereunder permitted or provided communication other or consent approval, demand, request, notice, Any 38) breach.subsequent or different any for, excuse or of, waiver to, other, consent constitute the shall by implied, or breach express a whether of, waiver or to, party any by consent No consented. or waived have to claimed party any by signed and writing in given is consent or waiver be such unless excused, deemed shall thereof breach no and waived deemed be shall agreement this of provision or term No 37) Notice: Notice: Non-Waiver: Assignment:
Page11 c. b. a. Welfare Trust Home Guard &Civil Defence Arogyaorganisation Bhagya Yojane andFor behalf on of Member mentioned above in presence the of following witnesses. year and month date, the on signatures their put have hereto parties the whereof, witness Ion among the parties. agreement the of statement exclusive and complete the is it that agrees further and terms its by be bound agrees to understandsit and thisagreement, read it has acknowledges that party Each ______ofHospital:______Name Address: The Medical /Director ManagingDirector Administrator/ Provider • • 31 /LoyolaNo: 18 Road, Layout,Main – Ward Shanthala 111, Town, Bangalore 560047, ANYUTA Corporate Office: in AnyutaTPA M/s. (P) Ltd, Healthcare By,Managed Arogya Yojane, Bhagya Home Guards &Civil Defence Welfare Trust Bangalore 5600001 – DGP &DG, Home Guards &Civil Defence #Department 1, Annaswamy MudaliarRoad, Secretary, Arogya Bhagya HomeYojane, Guards & Civil Defence Welfare Trust, Office of The Director, Home Guards &Civil Defence Department, & OrganisationMember The Administrator, Administrator, The E E Mail: – [email protected] [email protected] T: 080 41128311. •Mobile: 25364766. 98450 94480 10136. 54311. :
HOME GUARDS & CIVIL DEFENCE GUARDS TRUST CIVIL DEFENCE HOME WELFARE & Administrator : : : : Healthcare Ltd (P) Administrator Anyuta TPA andFor behalf on of in Provider andFor on behalf of
Signature: Address Name: Witness Chairperson, HG&CD Welfare Trust DGP &DG HG&CD Department & : Signature: Name: Welfare Trust Administrator Head Operations & HG&CD HG&CD
Signature: Name: Administrator Managing /Director Medical Director /