City Personnel Policies (Notes)

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City Personnel Policies (Notes)

BOOK: Administration SECTION: Personnel Policies (CHIEF NOTES) Page 1 of 11 Personnel Policies (Updated through 8/7/04) ARTICLE 100 GENERAL POLICIES AND PROVISIONS SECTION 101 AUTHORITY . City manager serves as Chief Administrative Officer for all city service branches except those otherwise provided for in the City Charter. SECTION 102 SCOPE . Personnel policies apply to the Classified Service and Unclassified Service (where applicable), and shall be administered by the City Manager or designee. . Changes in personnel policies must not supersede the specific language of collective bargaining agreements or labor agreements. SECTION 103 INTERPRETATION OF PERSONNEL POLICIES . The Personnel Directors provides interpretation of policies to departments and the city manager. SECTION 104 CONFLICT . Charter provisions/ordinances prevail over personnel policies if conflict arises. . Department Directors may make specific department/division rules based on personnel policies and have the authority to enforce them. Review of rules may be reviewed by Personnel Director for consistency. SECTION 105 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYMENT . Employment is without regard to race, creed, ethnic origin, color, religion, disability, sex, or age. ARTICLE 200 EMPLOYMENT SECTION 201 EMPLOYMENT PROCESS AUTHORITY . City manager must approve all filling of vacancies, however, "Blanket" approval may be granted. . Department Directors must notify Personnel Department if vacancy needs to be filled. . Personnel Director has sole authority to accept applications/conduct selection procedures, however, permission may be granted for Departments to conduct these items. . Acceptance of an application does not constitute employment. SECTION 202 PREFERENCES . Preference is given to honorably discharged military veterans and residents of Oklahoma City if all other qualifications are the same. SECTION 203 AGE REQUIREMENTS . Minimum age of any applicant with the City is 18 y.o. unless greater age is required. . Employment of individuals 16 or 17 y.o. shall conform to Child Labor Laws and be approved by Personnel Director. Minors age 14 or 15 require an appropriate release as well. SECTION 204 FALSIFICATION . False, incomplete, and incorrect statements on an application is grounds for refusing employment or termination if found after placement. SECTION 205 ARREST AND CONVICTION RECORDS . A disqualifying factor for employment involving operation of city vehicles include 3 or more moving violation convictions within 2 years. . A disqualifying factor for employment involving contact with minors includes unpardoned felony conviction/plea of nolo contendere, unpardoned convictions involving moral turpitude, non-consentual sex acts, controlled dangerous substances, firearms, or offense involving minors as victims. . A disqualifying factor for employment involving commission to carry a firearm include convicted felons, persons with VPOs, or persons convicted of a crime of Domestic Violence. Misdemeanor convictions and traffic violations may also be disqualifying. SECTION 206 PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS . All applicants are subject to drug testing. . Medical history and physical exam is required of all full-time persons prior to employment. . Physical Exams are paid for by the City and records are maintained at Personnel Department. . Employees returning to work from sick leave of more than 3 days or from lost-time injury may be required to submit to a physical exam. SECTION 207 EMPLOYMENT STATUS . Part-time jobs (less than 40 hours/week) and temporary/seasonal jobs do not include benefits. . School crossing guards are scheduled at the daily rate without benefits. SECTION 208 RELOCATION EXPENSES . City Manager authorizes relocation expenses prior to employment.

Copyright FireNotes, Inc.® ( Duplication Of Hard Copy Prohibited Without Consent BOOK: Administration SECTION: Personnel Policies (CHIEF NOTES) Page 2 of 11 SECTION 209 LOYALTY OATH . A statement of loyalty to the USA and State of OK must be signed prior to employment. SECTION 210 NEPOTISM . Immediate family members may not audit, supervise, appoint, remove, discipline, or evaluate other family members or be in areas where conflict may arise. . Persons employed for a period of 2 years prior to the election of a family-related Mayor/Council Member or appointment of City Manager are excluded from Nepotism policies. . Immediate Family Member includes: spouse, child, parents, brother/sister. . An applicant who has a family member working for the City must reveal this info to the Personnel Director, unless member has been employed prior to July 9, 1991. SECTION 211 APPLICANT REFUSAL . The Personnel Department refers qualified applicants to the appointing authority if no eligibility list is in place. SECTION 212 REJECTION OF CANDIDATES . When all candidates on an eligibility list have been rejected, the appointing authority must, in writing, request a new list of eligible candidates with reasons for rejection. ARTICLE 300 GENERAL POLICIES AND PROVISIONS SECTION 300 SOLICITATIONS . Solicitation is not allowed during work hours. SECTION 301 SECONDARY EMPLOYMENT . Secondary employment in which impartiality or independence of judgment in performance of City duties would be compromised or conflict of interest would arise. SECTION 302 POLITICAL ACTIVITY . No City, County, State, or Federal Government office may be held by an employee except if a member of a Federal, County, or State Advisory Board/Commission, then they may serve on the OKC City Board/Commission. . No political activities while on duty, in city vehicles, or in uniform. SECTION 303 WHISTLEBLOWER POLICY . Employees shall report fraud, improper action, or illegal acts to supervisor, manager, Department Director, or City Manager ASAP. . Improper actions include: violation of city, state, or federal law, abuse of authority, creation of danger to public safety/health, or waste of public funds. . Grievances, hiring decisions, promotion, firing, discipline/violation of bargaining agreements/employment contracts/policies & procedures, are not considered part of "improper actions". . A person who reports fraud but was involved in the fraud may be subject to termination. SECTION 304 ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS OR FAVORS . Gifts may be accepted if they do not compromise impartial performance or be view by the public as such. SECTION 305 INTEREST IN CITY CONTRACTS . Employees must not have an interest in contracts, services, supplies, or profits of any business which does work for the city, including owning of stock/financial interest. . City employees may not purchase directly or indirectly or through public auction, any item which is sold by the City. SECTION 306 STAFF CONTROL . Department Directors may require cross training/mandatory vacation for employees who handle money, personnel/payroll, or associated services. SECTION 307 PERSONAL APPEARANCE . No notes SECTION 308 FRAUD . Fraud pertains to: dishonest/fraudulent acts, forgery, misappropriation of funds, supplies, or City materials, improper handling/reporting of monies, profiting from inside knowledge, destruction of City records/equipment, and acceptance of gifts from vendors (of material value). ARTICLE 400 CONDITIONS IN THE WORKPLACE SECTION 401 DISCRIMINATION . Equal Opportunity is ensures by staffing activities such as selection, promotion, demotion, transfer, training, separation. . Personnel Director provides policy prohibiting discrimination/harassment and will provide updates via Personnel Services Bulletins.

Copyright FireNotes, Inc.® ( Duplication Of Hard Copy Prohibited Without Consent BOOK: Administration SECTION: Personnel Policies (CHIEF NOTES) Page 3 of 11 SECTION 402 HARASSMENT . The desired standard of employee behavior is one of cooperation and respect for each other, despite differences. . Harassment is unwarranted, unwanted verbal or non-verbal conduct which is abusive, obscene, threatening, or insulting to another person, where such conduct has the purpose or effect of creating an offensive, intimidating, degrading, or hostile environment, or interferes with or adversely affects an employee's performance (on or off duty). SECTION 403 SEXUAL HARASSMENT . Sexual Harassment - unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or inappropriate verbal or physical conduct of sexual nature which is made explicitly or implicitly as a term/condition of employment, interferes with the employee's work performance or work environment, or is used as a basis for employment decisions. SECTION 404 SAFETY . Health/Safety training includes: violence prevention, facility inspection, evacuation, first-aid, defensive driving, HazMat, and environmental protection. . Health and Safety Programs are designed to prevent injuries and avoid loss of time from work. SECTION 405 WEAPONS . Unless commissioned, no employee will carry/conceal a weapon while on duty, in uniform, or while driving a City vehicle. . Pocket knives are not considered weapons under the weapons policy. SECTION 406 VIOLENCE IN THE WORKPLACE . Workplace violence means physical action, verbal or non-verbal, that is reasonably perceived as a threat, harassment, abuse, intimidation or personal contact that produces fear, causes bodily harm, or damage to property. SECTION 407 INTOXICANTS . Employees may not possess or use any substance that impairs mental or physical capacity. SECTION 408 SMOKING . No notes ARTICLE 500 CLASSIFICATION SECTION 501 THE CLASSIFICATION PLAN . The Position Classification Plan groups positions that are like, together. SECTION 502 MAINTENANCE OF THE CLASSIFICATION PLAN . Maintenance of the Position Classification Plan is subject to City Council approval. SECTION 503 PURPOSE OF THE CLASSIFICATION PLAN . The Position Classification Plan established required skills, knowledge, and abilities for each classification, and assists in analyzing work areas, budget analysis, productivity standards, and training needs. SECTION 504 CLASSIFICATION AND ALLOCATION OF POSITIONS . Positions are classified based on primary tasks performed, level of difficulty, responsibility, skills, abilities, worker aptitudes, physical requirements, and working conditions. . Positions in the same character of work, but differing levels of difficulty, will be grouped into 1 class. . Compensation/pay range is NOT a determining factor in position classification. SECTION 505 CLASSIFICATION CHANGES . Employees may request a position classification review when actual work performed does not conform to the job description. . Personnel Director may deny a position classification review if the new duties of the employee can reasonably be assigned to the present classification or another position. . Reclassification of a position occurs as a result of a job audit. . Pay rate adjustments as a result of reclassification will follow the Step Placement Policy. SECTION 506 CLASSIFICATION SPECIFICATIONS . Position Classifications are descriptive only, not restrictive, and reflect the duties of the position. ARTICLE 600 COMPENSATION SECTION 601 COMPENSATION PLANS . Compensation Plans govern pay rates of all positions and are approved by City Council. SECTION 602 ADMINISTRATION OF COMPENSATION PLANS . Classified Service pay ranges are are submitted by the Personnel Director to the City Manager for City Council approval. . The City Manager has final authority for pay ranges and classifications for the Classified Service. . The City Auditor and Municipal Counselor present the Compensation Plan for their personnel directly to the City Council, but retain final authority for salary/classification determination.

Copyright FireNotes, Inc.® ( Duplication Of Hard Copy Prohibited Without Consent BOOK: Administration SECTION: Personnel Policies (CHIEF NOTES) Page 4 of 11 SECTION 603 STANDARDS FOR DETERMINATION OF PAY RANGES . Pay ranges are directly related to the Classification Plan. . Pay ranges should take into account class specifications, recruiting experience, availability of applicants, pay rates for other similar positions in the field, cost of living, and the City's economic position. SECTION 604 MAINTAINING COMPENSATION PLANS . Personnel Director will conduct periodic analysis of pay ranges to keep them competitive and uniform and direct changes to the City Manager. SECTION 605 APPLICATION OF COMPENSATION PLANS . Employees will be paid according to the pay range of the applicable class unless appointed by the City Manager to the Executive Pay Plan. SECTION 606 ENTRANCE SALARY . New employees will start at Step A unless the Department Director gets approval from the City Manager based on qualified individuals that can NOT be hired into Step A, applicants who possess exceptional qualifications, or no other applicants have comparable qualifications. . Re-employment with previously satisfactory service may deem a pay rate other than Step A. SECTION 607 PAY RATE ADJUSTMENTS . Lateral transfers are transfers between departments, divisions, or classifications having the same pay range. . Promotion pay raises occur as a result of competitive selection process or passing a valid selection process. . Voluntary Demotion occurs when employee CHOOSES to move to a lower classification for non-disciplinary reasons. . Disciplinary Demotion occurs when employee moves to a lower classification for disciplinary reasons. . Involuntary Demotion occurs when employee moves to a lower classification for non-disciplinary reasons. . Reduction of Salary Rate occurs when a Department Director reduces pay based on approval from City Manager and may establish a new pay review date. SECTION 608 PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONS . Performance of full-time employees must be evaluated at least annually and should cover a period of at least 6 months prior to the review date. . When an employee is transferred to another department and is within 6 months of a review date, the original supervisor shall forward a performance evaluation to be included in the new supervisor's annual review. SECTION 609 MERIT PAY ADJUSTMENTS . Department/Division Directors are responsible for granting/denying merit pay adjustments. . Merit pay adjustments must be submitted with a performance evaluation and will be based on the latest step placement policy. . Personnel Director has final approval of merit pay adjustments. SECTION 610 DENIAL OF MERIT PAY ADJUSTMENTS . If merit pay is denied, the Department Director will submit a performance evaluation along with reason for denial to the Personnel Director. SECTION 611 APPEAL OF DENIAL OF MERIT PAY ADJUSTMENTS . Appeals for denial of merit pay by employees will follow grievance procedures. SECTION 612 PAY REVIEW DATES . Pay review date is 1 year from date of hire or may be re-established due to merit pay adjustment, promotion, involuntary demotion, City Manager/Council-approved pay action, or other pay action. . Personnel Director may establish a new pay review date due to court order, legal settlement, or arbitration award. SECTION 613 PAYROLL AUTHORITY . The Department Director, City Manager, Personnel Director, or their designees are the ONLY persons authorized to adjust pay status for existing employees or to add a new employee to the payroll. . Payroll procedures come from the Finance Director (also established pay periods) and are approved by City Manager. SECTION 614 PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS . Payroll deductions must be required by law, authorized in writing by employee, disciplinary deductions authorized by policy, corrections for errors, monies which employee is obligated to the City, or deductions authorized by City Council action. SECTION 615 DUAL EMPLOYMENT . Employees may not be compensated for serving in more than 1 position with the City at a time. SECTION 616 TIME RECORDS . Time records are maintained by Department Directors and forwarded to Payroll at specified intervals. SECTION 617 EXEMPT AND NON-EXEMPT CLASSIFICATIONS . Non-exempt positions are those which are eligible for 1 1/2 times the overtime hours worked or accruing compensatory leave at the same rate. . Exempt positions are not eligible for overtime but may receive customer service pay/leave.

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SECTION 618 COMPENSATORY TIME AND OVERTIME . Law enforcement, fire, and emergency services have a maximum compensatory time threshold of 480 hours (320 overtime hours x 1 1/2 rate). . Compensatory leave can NOT be used for AWOL, unscheduled sick leave, or to offset suspensions without pay (can be used for LWOP scheduled absences). . Compensatory time should be used before vacation leave unless vacation time is near maximum accrual allowed. . Compensatory balances are paid when moving from non-exempt to exempt position, moving to another department, or upon termination. . Compensatory leave/overtime records are subject to audit by City Manager, Finance Director, City Auditor, and Personnel Director. SECTION 619 UNEXCUSED ABSENCES Unexcused absence is defined as failure to report for work without notification/approval of supervisor. SECTION 620 TEMPORARY ASSIGNMENTS . Employees working in a position with a higher salary range for more than 3 consecutive working days will receive acting pay. . Bargaining Unit employees (non-exempt) temporarily assigned to work in a higher classification will be paid per the CBA within the salary range of the higher position. . Management employees will not receive higher rate of pay for working in higher level classifications unless approved by city manager. SECTION 621 VEHICLE MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENTS . No notes SECTION 622 OTHER ALLOWANCES . City Manager approves allowances in addition to salary. SECTION 623 TERMINATION PAY . Final compensation is computed to the final hour and date of termination. SECTION 624 CUSTOMER SERVICE INCENTIVES FOR MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEES . Department directors may recommend management employees for customer service incentives (Personnel Director reviews it, City Manager approves it). Can include non-management employees under exceptional circumstances. ARTICLE 700 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SECTION 701 SCOPE . Employee benefits apply only to full-time employees, unless specified. SECTION 702 HOLIDAYS Holidays Observed New Year's Day Veteran's Day/Armistice Day Martin Luther King Day Thanksgiving Day Memorial Day Day following Thanksgiving Independence Day Christmas Eve Labor Day Christmas day . Any public holiday that falls on Sunday will be observed the following Monday. . Any public holiday that falls on Saturday will be observed the previous Friday. . Exempt employees required to work on holidays may have a different day off in lieu of holiday. . Employees must be in paid status the day before and day after a holiday to get paid for it. SECTION 703 VACATION LEAVE . Temporary, part-time, and/or seasonal employees do NOT get vacation leave, full-time DO. . Prior service on re-employment shall not count for vacation accrual (unless by court order). Vacation Time Accrual Years of Service Accrual per Pay Period Maximum Accrual 6 months-5 years 3 hours 42 minutes 250 hours 5-10 years 4 hours 18 minutes 250 hours 10-15 years 5 hours 18 minutes 400 hours 15 or more years 6 hours 12 minutes 400 hours Employee receive 48 hours, 6 minutes of vacation leave after 6 months of credible service. . Leave anniversary date (full-time employment date) is used for vacation leave accruals. . Vacation leave is not accrued during leave exceeding 2 bi-weekly payroll periods. SECTION 704 BONUS DAYS Copyright FireNotes, Inc.® ( Duplication Of Hard Copy Prohibited Without Consent BOOK: Administration SECTION: Personnel Policies (CHIEF NOTES) Page 6 of 11 . Employees not using more than 24 hours sick leave in a leave anniversary year will receive 16 hours vacation leave. . On each 10th anniversary date, employees will receive 4 days (32 hours) of vacation leave.

SECTION 705 PERSONAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE . Department Director may authorize a maximum of 30 days personal leave of absence. . Leave of absence in excess of 30 days (up to 6 months) must be submitted by Department Director to Personnel Director for approval by City Manager. . Personal leaves of absence of more than 30 days results in adjustment of retirement eligibility/salary review dates (adjusted 1 day for each day of absence). SECTION 706 EMERGENCY LEAVE . Department Director may authorize maximum of 3 work days with pay for death in immediate family. . City Manager may extend emergency leave beyond 3 days. SECTION 707 MILITARY LEAVE . Approved military leave is counted toward continuous service. . Employees are entitled to 20 working days of military leave per fiscal year (Oct. 1-Sept. 30 of next year). SECTION 708 JURY SERVICE/COURT LEAVE . Employees on jury duty during normal business hours will receive regular pay as long as fees paid (except expenses) to employee from the court are submitted to City Treasurer. SECTION 709 VOTING LEAVE . Employees get up to 2 hours to vote (must be scheduled with supervisor prior to voting day). . If voting polls open or close 3 hours before/after an employees shift, voting leave cannot be used. . Voting leave does NOT apply to school board or bond elections. SECTION 710 FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE ACT . Up to 12 weeks leave in a 12 month period may be taken for FMLA (program administered by Personnel Director). SECTION 711 SICK LEAVE . Only full-time employees receive sick leave (5 hours per pay period, 2,000 hour max). . Sick leave does NOT accrue if leave exceeds 2 bi-weekly pay periods. SECTION 712 USE OF SICK LEAVE . Sick leave can be used for medical appointments and treatment/recovery from non-job-related illness/injury. . Sick leave is not charged for leave from on-the-job injury. . If sickness in employee's immediate family warrants their presence (certified by physician), sick leave may be used under FMLA (up to 5 working days of leave may be used). . Employees using more than 3 or more consecutive days of sick leave may be required to provide a physician's statement upon return to work. . Department Director or designee investigates sick leave use. SECTION 713 SICK LEAVE DONATION . Employees absent due to approved FMLA qualifying condition may receive donated sick leave up to 12 weeks. . Employees must have a minimum balance of 130 hours sick leave to donate leave (max donation per employee is 24 hours in 12 month period). SECTION 714 SICK LEAVE PAYOUT . Employees not covered by bargaining agreements will receive a maximum of 50% of sick leave balance on termination provided that 50% of payable hours is reduced by 2.5% for each year less than 20 years served. . Members of Executive pay plan and Council will be paid sick leave balance (up to 1,000 hours) on resignation. . NO sick leave will be paid out to employees involuntarily terminated. SECTION 715 INJURY LEAVE . Full-time employees will receive regular salary for up to 1,040 hours in lieu of total temporary disability (TTD). . Work-related injuries must be reported to supervisor within 24 hours of injury OR by next working day. . Risk Manager makes worker's compensation approvals/denials. SECTION 716 INSURANCE BENEFITS . The City maintains health care plan, group life insurance, and dental plans for full-time employees. SECTION 717 PENSIONS AND RETIREMENTS . Full-time employees must contribute to retirement plans authorized by City ordinance, state, and federal law. SECTION 718 CITY-PROVIDED AUTOMOBILES . The City may provide automobile or reimbursement for POV/public transportation when employee is on approved official business. SECTION 719 EMPLOYEE ORGANIZATION . Employees may join labor/employee organizations of their choosing. ARTICLE 800 SELECTION PROCEDURES SECTION 801 CHARACTER AND SCOPE Copyright FireNotes, Inc.® ( Duplication Of Hard Copy Prohibited Without Consent BOOK: Administration SECTION: Personnel Policies (CHIEF NOTES) Page 7 of 11 . Personnel Director authorizes selection procedures (tests, interviews) for evaluating skills, knowledge, and ability of employees, authorizes development/implementation of selection procedures, and supervises administration/scoring of selection procedures. SECTION 802 CUSTODY OF TESTS . Personnel Department shall have custody of testing materials. SECTION 803 ADMISSION TO SELECTION PROCEDURES . Employees may be excluded from selection procedures if employee's file contains disciplinary action. SECTION 804 CLOSING DATES . Personnel Department specifies filing/closing dates for selection procedures. . Personnel Director has power to cancel selection procedures or postpone filing/closing dates. SECTION 805 EMPLOYEE FROM SELECTION PROCEDURES FOR LOWER CLASSIFICATIONS . Personnel Department may certify an employee for competing in lower classification selection process. SECTION 806 RESTRICTIONS . For typing/stenographic tests or tests for same/similar classification, applicant must wait 7 days between 1st and 2nd test and 30 days between subsequent tests (exceptions approved by Personnel Director). . Applicants failing selection process twice in 6 month period will NOT be eligible for same classification testing for 12 months without verification of training/education. SECTION 807 ERRORS IN SELECTION PROCEDURES SCORING . Eligibility lists are revised accordingly for errors on selection procedure scoring. ARTICLE 900 ELIGIBILITY LISTS SECTION 901 CHARACTER AND SCOPE . Eligibility lists are ranked in order or band scored. . Personnel Director establishes grading/rating criteria by which applicants achieve eligibility. SECTION 902 RANKING . Candidates are ranked according to qualifications (determined by interviews, abilities, exams, reference checks, etc.). SECTION 903 REMOVAL FROM ELIGIBILITY LISTS . Personnel Director may remove candidates from eligibility lists for expiration of terms of eligibility, changes in minimum qualifications for position, termination, false statements, failure to be appointed after being considered 3 times from 1 list, failure to accept appointment, failure to appear for interview/exam, and disciplinary action. SECTION 904 USE OF COMPARABLE LISTS . 1 or more existing eligibility lists for similar positions may be used for vacancies in which there is no eligibility list (prepared by Personnel Director). SECTION 905 AVAILABILITY OF CANDIDATES . Candidates must notify Personnel Department of changes affecting availability of employment (address, contact info, etc.). ARTICLE 1000 THE PROBATIONARY PERIOD SECTION 1001 DEFINITION . Standard probationary period is a minimum of 6 months (1,044 hours). . Interruptions in service are not counted as part of probationary period. . Personnel Director and supervisor may approve extended probationary periods. SECTION 1002 ORIGINAL APPOINTMENT OR RE-EMPLOYMENT . Employees on probation to not have access to Grievance Procedures. SECTION 1003 TERMINATION DURING PROBATIONARY PERIOD . Employees may be terminated without cause while in probationary period (must be in writing). SECTION 1004 PROMOTION - PROBATIONARY PERIOD . Employees entering a new classification will be placed in a probationary period for evaluation. SECTION 1005 DEMOTION - PROBATIONARY PERIOD . Employee may be placed on 6 months probation when demoted. . If employee Voluntarily demotion occurs during a probationary period, time in higher classification is applied to the new position's probationary period (if applicable). . Involuntary demotion during a probationary period requires 6 month probation in the lower classification. . Demotions of any type will result in reduction of pay unless exception is made by Personnel Director (approved by City Manager). ARTICLE 1100 HOURS OF WORK SECTION 1101 HOURS OF WORK . Regular work day for municipal employees is normally 8am-5pm, Mon.-Fri. with time off for lunch/public holidays (40 hours in 7 day period). Copyright FireNotes, Inc.® ( Duplication Of Hard Copy Prohibited Without Consent BOOK: Administration SECTION: Personnel Policies (CHIEF NOTES) Page 8 of 11 . Supervisor must approve all overtime for non-exempt employees. SECTION 1102 REST PERIODS . Employees may take up to two 15 minute rest periods each work day (authorized by Department Director). ARTICLE 1200 SEPARATIONS AND DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS SECTION 1201 RESIGNATIONS . Employees must notify supervisor of resignation 2 weeks prior to effective date (forwarded to Personnel Director). . Employees may withdraw resignations within 3 days of submission (after 3 days requires Department Director and Personnel Director approval). SECTION 1202 DISCIPLINARY GUIDELINES . Personnel Director establishes disciplinary actions with approval from City Manager. SECTION 1203 CAUSE FOR DISCIPLINARY ACTION OR TERMINATION . Any action which discredits the City is grounds for discipline or termination. . Department recommending termination must give employee cause and opportunity to rebut prior to action. Actions Resulting in Discipline or Termination Violation of Charter, Ordinances, rules and regulations Unsatisfactory work performance Offensive conduct Insubordination Unexcused absence 3 consecutive unexcused absences (termination) Tardiness Excessive misuse of leave Interference with other's work Hostile/abusive language towards others Fighting, verbal/physical intimidation Under the influence while working Lying to supervisors Dishonesty (false info/statements on documents/verbal) Removal of City money, merchandise, property withoutInducing/attempting to induce another employee to commit permission illegal acts Soliciting or accepting fees, gifts, valuable items for duties Accepting bribes performed Conviction of felony/misdemeanor other than minor traffic Negligent/willful damage to City property, time, materials violation Failure to follow safety policies Action resulting in unfair advantage on exam/promotion Discrimination because of age, sex, religion, race, color, origin,Participation, advocation, or coercing (strikes, walkouts, or disability resignations) Filing for City elective office, serving as officer of State, or Failure to pay City Municipal citations by due date political subdivision Fraudulent acts Retaliation against other employees Behaviors City Manager determines are not in best interest of Activity not compatible with good public service City SECTION 1204 REPRIMAND . Department Director may reprimand an employee for cause (in writing addressed to employee). . Reprimands may be removed from employee's personnel file 2 years from date of issue, unless otherwise specified by bargaining agreement/policy. SECTION 1205 SUSPENSION . Employees may be suspended (generally less than 2 bi-weekly pay periods) for cause and must be in writing with copy given to employee. . When suspended immediately for the good of the service, a hearing will be scheduled within 3 days to determine if suspension is with/without pay. . Employees found guilty of a felony will be terminated from municipal service. . Employees found guilty of a misdemeanor or pleads no contest to a felony or misdemeanor MAY be terminated (if suspended, suspension period is without pay). . Employees found not guilty are paid for suspension period. . Prior to final disposition of charges, the City Manager may authorize reinstatement, transfer, demotion, or termination of employee. SECTION 1206 DEMOTION . Department Director may demote employee for cause (involuntary). . Involuntary demotions require a deduction in pay and new pay review date. . Voluntary demotion may be granted if employees work is satisfactory, employee is qualified, and position exists.

Copyright FireNotes, Inc.® ( Duplication Of Hard Copy Prohibited Without Consent BOOK: Administration SECTION: Personnel Policies (CHIEF NOTES) Page 9 of 11 . Voluntary demotion within 1st year of a promotion, requires employee to return at previous rate of pay with possible addition of merit increases while out of lower position. SECTION 1207 REDUCTION IN FORCE/LAYOFF . Personnel Director establishes guidelines for reduction in force/layoffs, including order.

ARTICLE 1300 GRIEVANCES AND APPEALS SECTION 1301 GRIEVANCE . Grievance is defined as dissatisfaction with some phase of the job which is outside the employee's control. . Grievances are restricted to matters the City Manager, Municipal Counselor, or City Auditor has authority to change. . Grievances can NOT include matters specifically regulated by City Charter, ordinances, Personnel Policies, or Classification Compensation plans. . City time may be used to discuss grievances with supervisors or employee representatives (NOT with other employees). SECTION 1302 POLICY . Grievances must be raised with the department within 30 days of occurrence. . Employees who file grievance under bargaining agreement may not file with City. . Personnel Director may extend time limits for grievances. . Grievances are considered settled when both parties are satisfied or it is taken to next level of review. SECTION 1303 PROCEDURES Grievance Steps For Employees of Municipal Counselor/City For General Employees Auditor Offices 1. Discuss complaint with immediate supervisor (may be verbal). 1. Discuss complaint with immediate Supervisors decision made orally within 2 working days. supervisor (may be verbal). Supervisors 2. Grievance submitted to Department Director (in writing) within 10 decision made orally within 2 working days. days of supervisor's decision. Department Director submits answer in 2. Employee may request hearing with writing to employee and Personnel Dept. within 5 working days. Grievance Review Board by submitting 3. Employee Grievance form forwarded to Personnel Director within 5 Employee Grievance form to Labor Relations working days of Dept. Director's answer. Personnel Director submits manager within 5 working days of Personnel answer to employee and Dept. Director within 10 working days of final Director's answer. Labor Relations manager grievance investigation review. schedules hearing within 15 working days of 4. Employee may request hearing with Grievance Review Board by receipt for form. submitting Employee Grievance form to Labor Relations manager within 5 (Same as general employee Grievance, working days of Personnel Director's answer. Labor Relations manager except step 2&3 omitted) schedules hearing within 15 working days of receipt for form.  For City Auditor employees, the City  Personnel Director or designee acts as advisor to the Grievance Auditor's decision is final Review Board.  For Municipal Counselor employees, the  Labor Relations manager may give advice about procedure/policy to Municipal Counselor's decision is final grievants who have no representation.  The Chairperson of the Grievance Review Board provides non- binding written advisory report of Board's findings to City manager within 10 working days of conclusion of hearing.  City Manager's decision is final. SECTION 1304 GRIEVANCE REVIEW BOARD . Grievance Review Board consists of 3 voting members selected from pool of 4 elected (2 year term) and 4 appointed employee members (selected by City Manager). . Non-management employee hearings consist of 2 elected and 1 appointed employee member, management hearings are 3 appointed employee members. . Personnel Department designates one appointed employee member to serve as Chairperson. . Chairperson or City Manager appoints a replacement for hearings in which the grievant is related to hearing member. SECTION 1305 FINAL ADMINISTRATION DETERMINATION . City Manager has final authority in all general employee personnel matters with NO administrative appeal to City Manager's final decision. . Municipal Counselor has final authority in all Municipal Counselor's Office employee personnel matters with NO administrative appeal to Municipal Counselor's final decision.

Copyright FireNotes, Inc.® ( Duplication Of Hard Copy Prohibited Without Consent BOOK: Administration SECTION: Personnel Policies (CHIEF NOTES) Page 10 of 11 . City Auditor has final authority in all City Auditor's Office employee personnel matters with NO administrative appeal to City Auditor's final decision. ARTICLE 1400 RECORDS AND REPORTS SECTION 1401 PERSONNEL RECORDS . Personnel Director is responsible for official employee records. SECTION 1402 EMPLOYEE FILES AND RECORDS . All individual records, except public records items, are available only with approval of Personnel Director. . Personnel records may be revealed to municipal employees for use in reports/records for official functions, for official audits/investigations, and for purposes authorized by Personnel Director. . Removal of files/documents from Personnel Department officer is prohibited unless authorized by Personnel Policies, provisions for public records, or approval by City Manager or Personnel Director. SECTION 1406 RESTRICTIONS ON PUBLIC INSPECTION AND INQUIRY . All individual records, except public records items, are available for official investigations, verbal employment/credit reference inquiries (only information known by inquiring party), and for purposes authorized by Personnel Director. SECTION 1407 REPORTING ADDRESS CHANGE . Immediately forward address changes to Personnel Department. ARTICLE 1500 PROHIBITED JOB ACTIONS SECTION 1501 EMPLOYEES ENGAGED IN PROHIBITED JOB ACTIONS . Employees absent when a work stoppage (i.e.-strike) occurs will be presumed to be part of the prohibited job action. . Employees absent during a prohibited job action may grieve involvement in the action. . The City discontinues contributions for insurance benefits for any employee engaged in prohibited job action. . Employees engaging in prohibited job action will be removed from eligibility lists. . Non-exempt employees having to work overtime due to a prohibited job action will be paid time and a half (1 1/2). . All approved leave is cancelled during a prohibited job action unless re-authorized by Department Director. SECTION 1502 REQUIREMENT FOR EXCUSED SICK LEAVE . Sick leave is NOT paid during a prohibited job action unless licensed physician makes a personal examination of patient, states objectively observable/measurable symptoms, and specifically states the dates employee is unable to work. GLOSSARY . Cardinal Infractions (Cardinal Violations) - Acts that are immediately and substantially destructive of the employment relationship. Cardinal infractions are defined to include but not be limited to stealing; misappropriation of City property; reckless disregard for City equipment and property; gross insubordination; falsification of records; conduct unbecoming an employee, on or off duty, where the nature and notoriety are so serious that current employees and/or citizens are exposed to great potential risk or refuse to work with the employee. Examples of such conduct include, but are not limited to, crimes of moral turpitude such as sexual abuse, arson, drug trafficking, armed robbery, murder or mayhem, etc. Commission of these acts will be grounds for immediate discharge. . Classification Plan - a grouping of similar positions to establish pay levels, selection processes, and performance measures. . Classified Service - any position under the direction of the City Manager. Commissioned Position - sworn positions usually in the police or fire departments. . Conflict of Interest - a conflict of interest arises when a government employee's personal or financial interest conflicts or appears to conflict with his official responsibility. . Designee - the individual delegated to exercise the authority of another . Disciplinary Demotion - the placement of an employee in a lower classification for disciplinary reasons. . Exempt Position - a position not eligible For overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). . Fraud - an irregular or illegal act characterized by an intent to deceive, conceal or misrepresent. Fraud can take the form of outright theft and/or falsification of records. . Full-time Position (budgeted) - a position which is budgeted for a full work week including salary and benefits. . Intoxicant - alcohol, drugs, paint, glue, or any substance that impairs an employee's mental or physical capacity to perform their duties. . Involuntary Demotion - the placement of an employee in a lower classification. . Lateral Transfer - the placement of an employee in a different classification or position having the same pay range. . Non-Exempt Position - a position eligible for overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). . Part-time Employee - an employee scheduled to work no more than 1,664 hours per fiscal year and not eligible to receive benefits. . Promotion - the placement of an employee in a higher classification as a result of passing a valid selection process. . Secondary Employment - employment outside an employee's full-time City position. . Temporary Position - a position which is scheduled for seasonal or irregular work. Copyright FireNotes, Inc.® ( Duplication Of Hard Copy Prohibited Without Consent BOOK: Administration SECTION: Personnel Policies (CHIEF NOTES) Page 11 of 11 . Unclassified Service - any position under the direction of the City Auditor, Municipal Counselor, or Municipal Judges. . Unexcused Absence - failure to report to work without notification and approval of the supervisor. . Voluntary Demotion - the placement of an employee in a lower classification at the request and consent of the employee. . Workplace - the physical location of an employee during an assigned work period. . Z Step or Z' d - when an employee is paid at a rate other than an established pay step.

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