Lee County Fiscal Agent Area
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2010 FSECC Brochure Listing
Lee County Fiscal Agent Area
United Way of Lee County
A volunteer organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for all people in our community. Accomplished through fundraising, fund distribution, and information and referral. www.unitedwaylee.org(239) 433-2000, 10.61%
United Way of Charlotte County, Inc.
Coordinates annual campaign to support a wide range of community services, assists in community problem solving, and provides information and referral services. www.unitedwayccfl.org(941) 627- 3539, 14.16%
United Way of Collier County, Inc.
Coordinates annual campaign to support local non-profit human service agencies providing a wide range of services in Collier County. unitedwayofcolliercounty.org(239) 261-7112, 23.91%
Abuse Counseling and Treatment, Inc
Abuse Counseling and Treatment, Inc. serves victims of domestic violence and sexual assault by providing 24-hour hotline, shelter, counseling, children's program, education, advocacy, forensic examinations. www.actbuse.com (239) 939-2553 22.39%
Alvin A. Dubin Alzheimer's Resource Center
Provides education, information, and support for persons with memory impairment and their caregivers in Lee County. www.alzheimersswfl.org (239) 437-3007 18.28%
American Red Cross, Lee County, FL
To Strengthen Lee County residents, families and neighborhoods through Innovative volunteer-driven programs that help prepare for and respond to emergencies. www.arclcc.org (239) 278-3401 11.32%
Amigos en Cristo, Inc. d/b/a Amigos Center
Provide Hispanic and Creole immigrants with tools necessary to become successful in the U.S.A. www.amigoscenter.org (239) 437-6727 16.18%
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Charlotte County,Inc.
BBBS of Charlotte County provides professionally supported, one-to-one mentoring for at-risk children to help them succeed in school, build self-confidence and reach their full potential. www.hereforthekids.org (941) 625-6164 08.28%
Bonita Springs Assistance Office Inc.
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Provide emergency relief for Bonita Springs' residents to lessen the impact of financial and peraonl crises. To help others recognize their capacity to help themselves. www.bonitaassistance.org (239) 992- 3034 08.07%
Boys & Girls Clubs of Lee County
Activities include: Character and Leadership Development, Education and Career Development, Health and Life Skills, the Arts, Sports, Fitness & Recreation. www.bgclc.net (239) 334-1886 23.24%
Brightest Horizons Child Development Center, Inc.
To provide educational child care for children of low income working families and to provide for the social, emotional and developmental needs of those families. www.brightesthorizons.org (239) 481- 2100 17.12%
Catholic Charities Diocese of Venice, Inc.
Provides comprehensive and culturally diverse services to children, families and the elderly. www.catholiccharitiesdov.org (941) 488-5581 06.36%
Center for Abuse and Rape Emergencies of Charlotte County , Inc. (The)
C.A.R.E. Provides services to victims of violent crime. Services includes but are not limited to crisis hotline, shelter, counseling, hospital response, and court advocacy. www.carefl.org (941) 639-5499 00.17%
Charlotte Behavioral Health Care, Inc.
Enhance the quality of life of community residents by making available a wide variety of high quality behavioral health, addiction and crisis services. cbhcfl.org (941) 639-8300 15.29%
Child Care of Southwest Florida, Inc.
Provides quality child care to prepare children for school success, provides training for child care professionals and manages the USDA child care nutrition program. www.ccswfl.org (239) 278-1002 21.71%
Children's Advocacy Center of SWFL. Inc.
To assess and treat kids believed to have been abused or at risk and provide a safe place for them to come and be heard. www.cac-swfl.org (239) 939-2808 13.98%
Children's Home Society of Florida (Lee, Collier)
Children's Home Society provides services like infant adoption, independent living, life skills and prevention education for families in crisis for five counties in Southwest Florida. www.chsfl.org (239) 275-3049 16.28%
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Community Cooperative Ministries, Inc. (CCMI)
CCMI provide nutritious meals, groceries, transportation, affordable pre-school education and referral services to the homeless, homebound, working poor and frail elderly in our community. www.ccmileecounty.com (239) 332-7687 08.79%
Community Coordinated Care for Children, Inc.
A child care resource and referral agency which provides financial subsidies to quality early learning child care programs for low to moderate income working families. www.4cflorida.org (239) 935-6100 01.70%
Community Haven for Adults and Children with Disabilities, Inc.
CHAC empowers the lives of children, teens, and adults with disabilities through early childhood intervention, occupational training, work force development, employment opportunities, and community living. www.chachaven.com (941) 355-8808 12.39%
Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Greater Atlanta, Inc.
Consumer Credit Counseling Service provides budget and debt counseling, bankruptcy counseling and education, housing counseling, debt repayment plans, and education seminars. www.cccsatl.org (800) 251-2227 15.02%
Dr. Piper Center for Social Services, Inc.
To provide employment and volunteer opportunities to low-income seniors and make a positive impact in the lives of children, frail elderly , and our communities. www.drpipercenter.org (239) 332-5346 19.44%
Epilepsy Services of SW Florida
Epilepsy Services of Southwest Florida provides medical, case management and educational services to individuals with seizure disorders who do not have insurance. (239) 275-4838 18.33%
Family Health Centers of Southwest Florida, Inc.
Family Health Centers provides primary and preventive health care including medical and dental services to Southwest Florida residents regardless of their ability to pay. www.fhcswf.org (239) 278-3600 15.66%
Good Wheels, Inc.
To coordinate and provide cost effective, compassionate, and reliable transportation to the disadvantaged, disabled, those working to gain economic self-sufficiency and the general public. www.goodwheels.org (239) 768-2900 03.53%
Goodwill Industries of Southwest Florida, Inc.
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To assist people with barriers to employment obtain and maintain their independence through employment and family strengthening services. www.goodwillswfl.org (239) 995-2106 14.16%
Harry Chapin Food Bank of Southwest Florida, Inc. (Lee, Collier)
The Harry Chaplin Food Bank distributed emergency food through 170 partner agencies in the five counties of Southwest Florida, Lee, Collier, Hendry, Charlotte and Glades. www.harrychaplinfoodbank.org (239) 334-7007 04.59%
Healthy Start Coalition of Southwest Florida, Inc.
We provide prenatal and infant risk screening, prenatal care, home visiting, referrals to community services, and education on health, nutrition, childbirth, parenting, and counseling, etc. www.healthystartswfl.com (239) 425-6920 07.34%
Hendry - Glades Mental Health Clinic, Inc. (dba Hendry-Glades Behavioral Health Center)
We provide behavioral health outpatient psychiatric, therapy, and case management services to the residents of Hendry and Glades Counties. (863) 983-1423 22.00%
Hope HealthCare Services, Inc., d/b/a Joanne's House at Hope Hospice in Bonita Springs Bereavement Services
Joanne's house at Hope Hospice in Bonita Springs Bereavement Services provides transitional support for those who are experiencing feelings of grief, loss or trauma. www.hopehcs.org (239) 482-4673 07.04%
IMPACT for Developmental Education, Inc.
Early Intervention services including education and therapy to reduce or eliminate developmental delays and disabling conditions affecting children ages 0 - 5. http://www.impactforkids.org (239) 334- 6160 17.61%
Interfaith Caregivers of South Lee, Inc.
Emergency source for food, financial assistance, transportation, food stamp and Medicaid registration, tax preparation, financial and literacy education, anti-drug and abuse counseling programs. icslee.org (239) 267-3510 12.87%
Island Coast Aids Network, Inc.
To prevent the spread of HIV infection and support the dignity and quality of life of persons infected and affected by HIV and AIDS. www.icanswfl.org (239) 337-2391 24.29%
Larc, Inc.
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LARC promotes and provides opportunities for people with developmental disabilities to live and work in their community. LarcLeeCounty.org (239) 334-6285 09.02%
Lee County YMCA
The YMCA teaches skills, improves health, builds character and strengthens families in over 60 programs, including child care aquatics, sports and fitness. www.leecountyymca.org (239) 275-9622 19.43%
Lee Mental Health Center, Inc.
Lee Mental Health provides mental health advocacy and quality services for our community. www.leementalhealth.org (239) 275-3222 14.76%
Lehigh Community Services, Inc.
Helps low income families with emergency assistance with their basic needs of food, rent, and utilities. www.lehighcommunityservices.com (239) 369-5818 13.69%
Literacy Council of Bonita Springs
Through trained volunteers the Council helps local residents including moms and tots to improve their English skills so they can participate in our community. www.bonitaliteracy.org (239) 676-5202 06.83%
Lutheran Services Florida, Inc.
Community outreach for the prevention of child abuse, neglect and exploitation. Emergency shelter serving runaway homeless youth ages 10-17 years. Residential and non-residential counseling services. www.lsfnet.org (239) 275-1126 07.59%
PACE Center for Girls of Lee County
PACE provides girls and young women the opportunity for a better future through education, counseling, training and advocacy. www.pacecenter.org (239) 425-2366 11.75%
Partner for Breast Cancer Care, Inc.
Psrtners for Breast Cancer Care, Inc. provides breast cancer health care to the underserved uninsured at no cost to them. www.pfbcc.org (239) 454-8583 05.04%
Quality Life Center of Southwest Florida, Inc
To strengthen and instill pride in family and community through the development of programs that cultivate self-development, teach self-discipline and build confidence. www.qualitylifecenter.org (239) 334-2797 22.22%
Redlands Christian Migrant Association, Inc.
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Provide high quality child development services to farmworker and rural low-income families in centers, childcare homes, after school dropout prevention programs and charter schools. www.rcma.org (239) 658-3560 10.40%
Senior Friendship Centers of Lee County and Charlotte County (Lee, Charlotte)
Senior Friendship Centers provides services to seniors including In-home Care, Adult Day Services, Case Management, Nutrition Programs, Health Services and Volunteer programs. friendshipcenters.org (239) 275-1881 09.22%
Southwest Florida Addiction Services, Inc. (SWFAS)
Southwest Florida Addiction Services(SWFAS) provides substance abuse treatment and prevention services to children and adults in Lee, Hendry and Glades Counties. Residential and outpatient. www.swfas.org (239) 332-6937 11.48%
Southwest Florida Council, Inc., Boy Scouts of America (Lee, Charlotte, Collier)
To prepare young people to make ethical choices over their lifetime by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law. www.swflcouncilbsa.org (239) 936-8072 22.87%
Special Equestrians, Inc.
Our mission is to provide therapeutic horseback riding and equine assisted activities to children and adults with disabilities in Lee, Hendry, Glades and Charlotte Counties. www.specialequestrians.net (239) 226-1221 03.24%
The Salvation Army
The Salvation Army provides food, shelter, health services, counseling, and other physical, social, emotional, pyschological and spiritual aid to persons in need. www.salvationarmyleecounty.org (239) 278-1551 10.13%
Time Out Respite Care, Inc.
Providing respite care, companion care, adult day training, and transportation to children and young adults with developmental disabilities. (941) 743-3883 17.93%
Visually Impaired Persons of Charlotte County, Inc.
Teach independent living skills such as personal and home management, cooking, kitchen safety, computer, mobility skills. Provides peer support, socialization and activities. www.vipofcc.com (941) 625-8501 15.92%
Visually Impaired Persons of Southwest Florida, Inc.
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Providing training and Support services, reading, writing, hygiene, orientation and mobility, painting, computers, vocational rehabilitation, recreation, students transition services and counseling to the visually impaired. www.vipcenter.org (239) 997-7797 20.49%
Voices for Kids of Southwest Florida, Inc. (Lee, Charlotte, Collier)
Our mission is to raise funds to ensure that abused and neglected children have court appointed GAL volunteers, financial assistance and other resources they need. www.voicesforkids.org (239) 997-5437 24.34%
YMCA of the Palms
The YMCA provides activities for children, families and seniors. These include child care, aquatics, summer camp, youth sports, teen leadership and health and fitness programs. www.ymcapalms.org (239) 597-3148 16.59%
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