<p> 2010 FSECC Brochure Listing </p><p>Lee County Fiscal Agent Area</p><p>United Way of Lee County</p><p>A volunteer organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for all people in our community. Accomplished through fundraising, fund distribution, and information and referral. www.unitedwaylee.org(239) 433-2000, 10.61%</p><p>United Way of Charlotte County, Inc.</p><p>Coordinates annual campaign to support a wide range of community services, assists in community problem solving, and provides information and referral services. www.unitedwayccfl.org(941) 627- 3539, 14.16%</p><p>United Way of Collier County, Inc.</p><p>Coordinates annual campaign to support local non-profit human service agencies providing a wide range of services in Collier County. unitedwayofcolliercounty.org(239) 261-7112, 23.91%</p><p>Abuse Counseling and Treatment, Inc</p><p>Abuse Counseling and Treatment, Inc. serves victims of domestic violence and sexual assault by providing 24-hour hotline, shelter, counseling, children's program, education, advocacy, forensic examinations. www.actbuse.com (239) 939-2553 22.39%</p><p>Alvin A. Dubin Alzheimer's Resource Center</p><p>Provides education, information, and support for persons with memory impairment and their caregivers in Lee County. www.alzheimersswfl.org (239) 437-3007 18.28%</p><p>American Red Cross, Lee County, FL</p><p>To Strengthen Lee County residents, families and neighborhoods through Innovative volunteer-driven programs that help prepare for and respond to emergencies. www.arclcc.org (239) 278-3401 11.32%</p><p>Amigos en Cristo, Inc. d/b/a Amigos Center</p><p>Provide Hispanic and Creole immigrants with tools necessary to become successful in the U.S.A. www.amigoscenter.org (239) 437-6727 16.18%</p><p>Big Brothers Big Sisters of Charlotte County,Inc.</p><p>BBBS of Charlotte County provides professionally supported, one-to-one mentoring for at-risk children to help them succeed in school, build self-confidence and reach their full potential. www.hereforthekids.org (941) 625-6164 08.28%</p><p>Bonita Springs Assistance Office Inc.</p><p>August 3, 2010 Page 1 2010 FSECC Brochure Listing </p><p>Provide emergency relief for Bonita Springs' residents to lessen the impact of financial and peraonl crises. To help others recognize their capacity to help themselves. www.bonitaassistance.org (239) 992- 3034 08.07%</p><p>Boys & Girls Clubs of Lee County</p><p>Activities include: Character and Leadership Development, Education and Career Development, Health and Life Skills, the Arts, Sports, Fitness & Recreation. www.bgclc.net (239) 334-1886 23.24%</p><p>Brightest Horizons Child Development Center, Inc.</p><p>To provide educational child care for children of low income working families and to provide for the social, emotional and developmental needs of those families. www.brightesthorizons.org (239) 481- 2100 17.12%</p><p>Catholic Charities Diocese of Venice, Inc.</p><p>Provides comprehensive and culturally diverse services to children, families and the elderly. www.catholiccharitiesdov.org (941) 488-5581 06.36%</p><p>Center for Abuse and Rape Emergencies of Charlotte County , Inc. (The)</p><p>C.A.R.E. Provides services to victims of violent crime. Services includes but are not limited to crisis hotline, shelter, counseling, hospital response, and court advocacy. www.carefl.org (941) 639-5499 00.17%</p><p>Charlotte Behavioral Health Care, Inc.</p><p>Enhance the quality of life of community residents by making available a wide variety of high quality behavioral health, addiction and crisis services. cbhcfl.org (941) 639-8300 15.29%</p><p>Child Care of Southwest Florida, Inc.</p><p>Provides quality child care to prepare children for school success, provides training for child care professionals and manages the USDA child care nutrition program. www.ccswfl.org (239) 278-1002 21.71%</p><p>Children's Advocacy Center of SWFL. Inc.</p><p>To assess and treat kids believed to have been abused or at risk and provide a safe place for them to come and be heard. www.cac-swfl.org (239) 939-2808 13.98%</p><p>Children's Home Society of Florida (Lee, Collier)</p><p>Children's Home Society provides services like infant adoption, independent living, life skills and prevention education for families in crisis for five counties in Southwest Florida. www.chsfl.org (239) 275-3049 16.28%</p><p>August 3, 2010 Page 2 2010 FSECC Brochure Listing </p><p>Community Cooperative Ministries, Inc. (CCMI)</p><p>CCMI provide nutritious meals, groceries, transportation, affordable pre-school education and referral services to the homeless, homebound, working poor and frail elderly in our community. www.ccmileecounty.com (239) 332-7687 08.79%</p><p>Community Coordinated Care for Children, Inc.</p><p>A child care resource and referral agency which provides financial subsidies to quality early learning child care programs for low to moderate income working families. www.4cflorida.org (239) 935-6100 01.70%</p><p>Community Haven for Adults and Children with Disabilities, Inc.</p><p>CHAC empowers the lives of children, teens, and adults with disabilities through early childhood intervention, occupational training, work force development, employment opportunities, and community living. www.chachaven.com (941) 355-8808 12.39%</p><p>Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Greater Atlanta, Inc.</p><p>Consumer Credit Counseling Service provides budget and debt counseling, bankruptcy counseling and education, housing counseling, debt repayment plans, and education seminars. www.cccsatl.org (800) 251-2227 15.02%</p><p>Dr. Piper Center for Social Services, Inc.</p><p>To provide employment and volunteer opportunities to low-income seniors and make a positive impact in the lives of children, frail elderly , and our communities. www.drpipercenter.org (239) 332-5346 19.44%</p><p>Epilepsy Services of SW Florida</p><p>Epilepsy Services of Southwest Florida provides medical, case management and educational services to individuals with seizure disorders who do not have insurance. (239) 275-4838 18.33%</p><p>Family Health Centers of Southwest Florida, Inc.</p><p>Family Health Centers provides primary and preventive health care including medical and dental services to Southwest Florida residents regardless of their ability to pay. www.fhcswf.org (239) 278-3600 15.66%</p><p>Good Wheels, Inc.</p><p>To coordinate and provide cost effective, compassionate, and reliable transportation to the disadvantaged, disabled, those working to gain economic self-sufficiency and the general public. www.goodwheels.org (239) 768-2900 03.53%</p><p>Goodwill Industries of Southwest Florida, Inc.</p><p>August 3, 2010 Page 3 2010 FSECC Brochure Listing </p><p>To assist people with barriers to employment obtain and maintain their independence through employment and family strengthening services. www.goodwillswfl.org (239) 995-2106 14.16%</p><p>Harry Chapin Food Bank of Southwest Florida, Inc. (Lee, Collier)</p><p>The Harry Chaplin Food Bank distributed emergency food through 170 partner agencies in the five counties of Southwest Florida, Lee, Collier, Hendry, Charlotte and Glades. www.harrychaplinfoodbank.org (239) 334-7007 04.59%</p><p>Healthy Start Coalition of Southwest Florida, Inc.</p><p>We provide prenatal and infant risk screening, prenatal care, home visiting, referrals to community services, and education on health, nutrition, childbirth, parenting, and counseling, etc. www.healthystartswfl.com (239) 425-6920 07.34%</p><p>Hendry - Glades Mental Health Clinic, Inc. (dba Hendry-Glades Behavioral Health Center)</p><p>We provide behavioral health outpatient psychiatric, therapy, and case management services to the residents of Hendry and Glades Counties. (863) 983-1423 22.00%</p><p>Hope HealthCare Services, Inc., d/b/a Joanne's House at Hope Hospice in Bonita Springs Bereavement Services</p><p>Joanne's house at Hope Hospice in Bonita Springs Bereavement Services provides transitional support for those who are experiencing feelings of grief, loss or trauma. www.hopehcs.org (239) 482-4673 07.04%</p><p>IMPACT for Developmental Education, Inc.</p><p>Early Intervention services including education and therapy to reduce or eliminate developmental delays and disabling conditions affecting children ages 0 - 5. http://www.impactforkids.org (239) 334- 6160 17.61%</p><p>Interfaith Caregivers of South Lee, Inc.</p><p>Emergency source for food, financial assistance, transportation, food stamp and Medicaid registration, tax preparation, financial and literacy education, anti-drug and abuse counseling programs. icslee.org (239) 267-3510 12.87%</p><p>Island Coast Aids Network, Inc.</p><p>To prevent the spread of HIV infection and support the dignity and quality of life of persons infected and affected by HIV and AIDS. www.icanswfl.org (239) 337-2391 24.29%</p><p>Larc, Inc.</p><p>August 3, 2010 Page 4 2010 FSECC Brochure Listing </p><p>LARC promotes and provides opportunities for people with developmental disabilities to live and work in their community. LarcLeeCounty.org (239) 334-6285 09.02%</p><p>Lee County YMCA</p><p>The YMCA teaches skills, improves health, builds character and strengthens families in over 60 programs, including child care aquatics, sports and fitness. www.leecountyymca.org (239) 275-9622 19.43%</p><p>Lee Mental Health Center, Inc.</p><p>Lee Mental Health provides mental health advocacy and quality services for our community. www.leementalhealth.org (239) 275-3222 14.76%</p><p>Lehigh Community Services, Inc.</p><p>Helps low income families with emergency assistance with their basic needs of food, rent, and utilities. www.lehighcommunityservices.com (239) 369-5818 13.69%</p><p>Literacy Council of Bonita Springs</p><p>Through trained volunteers the Council helps local residents including moms and tots to improve their English skills so they can participate in our community. www.bonitaliteracy.org (239) 676-5202 06.83%</p><p>Lutheran Services Florida, Inc.</p><p>Community outreach for the prevention of child abuse, neglect and exploitation. Emergency shelter serving runaway homeless youth ages 10-17 years. Residential and non-residential counseling services. www.lsfnet.org (239) 275-1126 07.59%</p><p>PACE Center for Girls of Lee County</p><p>PACE provides girls and young women the opportunity for a better future through education, counseling, training and advocacy. www.pacecenter.org (239) 425-2366 11.75%</p><p>Partner for Breast Cancer Care, Inc.</p><p>Psrtners for Breast Cancer Care, Inc. provides breast cancer health care to the underserved uninsured at no cost to them. www.pfbcc.org (239) 454-8583 05.04%</p><p>Quality Life Center of Southwest Florida, Inc</p><p>To strengthen and instill pride in family and community through the development of programs that cultivate self-development, teach self-discipline and build confidence. www.qualitylifecenter.org (239) 334-2797 22.22%</p><p>Redlands Christian Migrant Association, Inc.</p><p>August 3, 2010 Page 5 2010 FSECC Brochure Listing </p><p>Provide high quality child development services to farmworker and rural low-income families in centers, childcare homes, after school dropout prevention programs and charter schools. www.rcma.org (239) 658-3560 10.40%</p><p>Senior Friendship Centers of Lee County and Charlotte County (Lee, Charlotte)</p><p>Senior Friendship Centers provides services to seniors including In-home Care, Adult Day Services, Case Management, Nutrition Programs, Health Services and Volunteer programs. friendshipcenters.org (239) 275-1881 09.22%</p><p>Southwest Florida Addiction Services, Inc. (SWFAS)</p><p>Southwest Florida Addiction Services(SWFAS) provides substance abuse treatment and prevention services to children and adults in Lee, Hendry and Glades Counties. Residential and outpatient. www.swfas.org (239) 332-6937 11.48%</p><p>Southwest Florida Council, Inc., Boy Scouts of America (Lee, Charlotte, Collier)</p><p>To prepare young people to make ethical choices over their lifetime by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law. www.swflcouncilbsa.org (239) 936-8072 22.87%</p><p>Special Equestrians, Inc.</p><p>Our mission is to provide therapeutic horseback riding and equine assisted activities to children and adults with disabilities in Lee, Hendry, Glades and Charlotte Counties. www.specialequestrians.net (239) 226-1221 03.24%</p><p>The Salvation Army</p><p>The Salvation Army provides food, shelter, health services, counseling, and other physical, social, emotional, pyschological and spiritual aid to persons in need. www.salvationarmyleecounty.org (239) 278-1551 10.13%</p><p>Time Out Respite Care, Inc.</p><p>Providing respite care, companion care, adult day training, and transportation to children and young adults with developmental disabilities. (941) 743-3883 17.93%</p><p>Visually Impaired Persons of Charlotte County, Inc.</p><p>Teach independent living skills such as personal and home management, cooking, kitchen safety, computer, mobility skills. Provides peer support, socialization and activities. www.vipofcc.com (941) 625-8501 15.92%</p><p>Visually Impaired Persons of Southwest Florida, Inc.</p><p>August 3, 2010 Page 6 2010 FSECC Brochure Listing </p><p>Providing training and Support services, reading, writing, hygiene, orientation and mobility, painting, computers, vocational rehabilitation, recreation, students transition services and counseling to the visually impaired. www.vipcenter.org (239) 997-7797 20.49%</p><p>Voices for Kids of Southwest Florida, Inc. (Lee, Charlotte, Collier)</p><p>Our mission is to raise funds to ensure that abused and neglected children have court appointed GAL volunteers, financial assistance and other resources they need. www.voicesforkids.org (239) 997-5437 24.34%</p><p>YMCA of the Palms</p><p>The YMCA provides activities for children, families and seniors. These include child care, aquatics, summer camp, youth sports, teen leadership and health and fitness programs. www.ymcapalms.org (239) 597-3148 16.59%</p><p>August 3, 2010 Page 7</p>
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