Comparison of Meteorological Features in the Debris-Free And

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Comparison of Meteorological Features in the Debris-Free And Btま11et如ofGlaciologicalRes輯rCb18(2001)だトーJβ lii ⑥Japane父Soc呈etyofSnowand王ce Comparisonofmeteoro10gicarfeaturesinthedebris・freeanddebris-COVeredareasatKhumbuGlacierI NepalHimalayas,inthepremonsoonseason・1999 YukariTAKEUCHll,RijanBhaktaKAYASTHA:,Nozomu NAITO、,Tsutomu KADOTA andKaoruJZUMJ- 1TheRe$earChInstituteforHazardsinSnowyAreas,N軸ataUniversity,Niigata950仙2181Japan 2‡nst如もeぬrHy8rosp壬Ieric一札AtmospbericSciences,NagoyaUniversity,Nagoya464仙8601Japan 3Fron扇erObservatioIlalResearcbSystem払rGlめalC王Iange,ト18m16Hamamatsucbo,TokyolO5仙00ヱ3Japan (ReceivedJanllary24,2000;Revi駅dman11SCriptreceivedOctoberユ3,2800) Abstract Meteorologicaiobservationswerecarriedoutin也edebris一触eanddebris鵬COVeredareasofKbⅥmbuG主ac重er, NepalHimalayasfromMay22toJunel,1999.Comparまsonsofmeteorologicalfeaturesinthebothareaswere made.Therewaslittledifferenceofthenetradiationbetweenthebothareas.Thedistinctvalleywindcouldbe recognized.Tbeairtemperatureintbedebris}COVeredarearⅣaSbigber仇anぬtint毎dめris一かeearea▼Tbe differencebecame$mallinthedaytimebecausethevalleywindincreasedinthedaytimearldcoulddi独setheheat・ 1.lntroduction TllemOStpartOftheablこItionareaoflargeglaciersiI- Himalayasiseoveredwithsupraglacialdt}bris(Moribayashi and主iiguchi,1977;F房iiandH主guchi,19ア7).王tisimportant, tberefore,tOunde柑tandtbetあeimaie鮪cもOfdebrislayeron meteorologyandablationrateindebris,COVeredarea,Many meteorologicalobservationswerecarriedoutandablation t:haracteristicsunderdebrislayerweTeShldied.foTeXこ1111ple lnouビandY(1Shida(198肌Naka\\▼OmldTakahashi(19ボ2)and Sakaig才α£(199乳However,nOSimuitaneousobservations ofmeteoroIogyinboththedebris-COVered andthedd)ris -fTeビareaSOnthビSameglaeierhavebeennladeLPriortothc presentstudy・Thispaperpresentsthemeteoroiogicalfea・ turビSObservedin the two areas ofKhumbu GlこICier.Ncpal Himalayas・Ablation,heatbi11;lnCeCharacteristicsandposi- tおe degree-day facもOrS are repO珪ed by Kayastba g≠αg. (2000)andTakeucbig才α乙(2080). Fig.1.Map of汰e Kbumもu Glacier,Nepa王Himalayas and observationsite$.B:theobservationsiteonthedebris】イree bareice,D:theobservationsiteinthe(まel)ris-COVeredare乱 2.Observation methods M:払eobservations揉eく〉ntbelateraimoraine. Observationswereearriビd out arotlndtlleEverestI弓ase Camp(27p59′N,86051′E,5350ma.s.1.)ofKbumbuGlacier, re可児Ctively.Tbedif毎rencesinaitittldearesmali. which flowsfrom thebasin surroundedby Mt.Sa即1111atha Meteぐ■l■OIogiea】eLlements atldinstt.unlentSこIre Slml111ar- (Everest,885針m)and王。hotse(8511m).itisoneoft‡lelargest izedillTablel.Thesensorsof≠let and dr):-bulb t円11pera・ glaciersinKムumbl汀egion,WiぬaleIlg仇ofabout17kmand tuT-eS\\・er亡・insertedindoublevinylchloridepipesforinsulat- an area of abuut17.5krnコ(Watanabe(イ(ZI.,19錮).The il-gSOlarradiatiollandvtLntilatELdb),microJans、Vithasolar obseⅣationperまodwa$from May22toJunel,1999毎st batteryduringdaytime ateachobservation s主te.Most of before tbe monsoonseason. dヱ1t;l\\TereCOntinu(ruSl)▼reCOrded\\▼ithportabledataloggers・ ThreeobservationsitesB,DandMwereestablishedas MaintenanceofallinstrumentsatsitesB andDwasmade showninFig.1.Heatbalanceobservationsweremadeattheeveryday.lnthedebris叫freearea,ablationwasmeastlred debris-free(B)anddebr主s-COVered(D)areas,reSpeCtively. onceaぬyvi也sevenstak輩.Albedo()ftbeicesuぬceat SiteM,Wberea主rtemperattlreWaSI℃eaSured,WaSぬesub$id・ eacb stake was measured tw呈ce血ring払e observation iaryobseⅣationsiteplacedontbei離eralmorainecloseto periodataboⅥtll:00-12:000n鮎edays、王ntbedebris-COV{ tbeglacierlⅥargirl.Tbedista‡1Cebetweens托esBandDis eredarea,ablationunderdebrislayerwasmeast汀edfour abo11t200m aparもand Misl.7km apartなom B.Tbe 【illleSaday(針OO,11:OO,1i:川〕and17:(10)こItartificiallrpI-叩ar- altitudeofsitesB,DandMis5352m,5330mand5312m,edsiteswiththicknessofthedebrisiayerof2,5,10,20,30 *Presentaddress:NiigataExperimentalLaboratory,PublieWorksResearch王nstitute,Årai944一-0051Japan J6 BulletinofGlaciologicalResearch Tablel.Meteoro】ogicaleiemerltSandinstrumentsatsitesBandD. Site B:debris-freearea.SiteD:debrisCOVered area. Site Elements Instruments Recordinginterval B D Åirtemperature(dry-b111b) ○ ○ Tbemistorthermometer 30min. (1mhigil) くweトもulb) ⊂) ○ Tbermistort主IermOrneter 38min. 1Ⅳindspeed(1m,0.5mhigb) ○ ○ Three-CupanemOmeter 30min. Surfacetemperature ○ Infraredthermometer 30min. Globalradiation ○ 30min. A11wavenetradiation ○ Netradiometer 30min. Ablationamourlt ○ ○ OnceadayくB) F(〉urtim襟aday(D) Albedo ○ ○ AibedoIneter Twiceduringtheperiod(B) Fourtimesaday(D) and40cm,reSpeCtively.Tbesurねcetemperatureandalbedo ShowninFig.2b, of tbe debrislayerⅥFere aiso measured at those とi‡neS Tbe radiative balarlCe eqⅥation on theice or debds manually.Thesurfacetemperaturewerecontinuouslymea- surfacescanbewrittenasfollows: suredatapointwith10cmdebrislayer,thethicknessof 5月十即+A斤十m=腫, (1) whichisnearlyequalto the mean thickness ofthe debri$ 1ayeraroundsiteD.Moredetai1methodsofmeasurementat wherepositiveindicatestowardthesurface.SRisthesolar artificia11yprepareddebrislayerarereportedinKayas洩ag才 rad主atio‡l,忍だtbe re幻ected sbort-WaVe radiation,月度tbe α乙(2000). atmosphericlongrwave radiation,7署the terrestriallong WaVeradiationandNHthenetradiation.SZ?onthedebris 3.ComparisonofmeteorologlCalparametersbetweenthe -COVeredice andNR onthe debris-freeiceweremeasured debrは-free and debris-COVerモd areas. directly.SRisconsideredto be the same atthebothsur- faces.RRwasobtainedfromSHandalbedo,namely, 3.j.屋ね盛抜娩細 斤斤=一一α5凡 (2) Albedos measured at seven stakes in the debris-free areawereshowninFig.2乱ThevaluesdecreasedonMay30 whereαisthealbedoofthebareiceorthedebrislayer.77? ascomparedwiththoseonMay22atallstakesites.From was obtained by Stefan-Boltzmann’slaw,aSSuming the thisdata,thedailyalbedoofsiteB,Wherethemeteorologi- Surfacesasblackbody.ARonthebareicecanbecalculated calmeasureIⅥentSWeremade,WaSObtainedbyinterpolating byequation(1)anditcanbethesamevalueonthedebris themeastlredva王tieSlinearly.Onthedebrislayer,a王bedowas layer.腫onthedebrislayerwasobtai‡1edl)yeqlほtion(1). measuredeveryday.Themeanalbedoduringtheperiodwas Thevariationofsolarradiationduringtheobservation O.21.TheresultmeasuredonlOcmdebrislayeratll:00are periodis shownin Fig.3.It exceeded about1200Wm▼2 aroundnoononfinedays.Themeandailyvariationofthe four components of radiation and the net radiation were comparedbetweenbareiceandlOcmdebrislayerinFig.4, Thesearemeanvalueoffivefinedays(May22,25,26,30and 八 31).The absolute value of RH waslarger on thebareice U ∧ U O n becauseofalittlehigheralbedo.Ontheotherhand,thatof V P 4 ¢ 3 777waslarger on the debrislayer,because ofthe higher 2 q ( 竜 U surfacetemperatllre.Astheresult,thenetradiationsinthe O ( U bo也areaswerealmostsa‡neaSSbowninFig,4(c). 撃 (a)bareice F ▲ s托eEし」 5/22 5/30 1 2 ■ 0 - t 0 ( 0 ? ∈ 邑 8 0 u 0 ▲ O 4 室 .0 6 O P 3 0 P 庄 ¢ ▲0 一 ソ 4 0 q ー 眉 一 ∧ 〇 く U 0 一 2 0 O 8 O 0 0 0 5/22 5/2ヰ 5/26 5/28 5/30 6/l ∞5/225/235/245/255/265/275/285/295/さ05β16/1 Fig.3.Variation of solar radiation during the observation Fig,2.Albedoofthebareice(a)andthelOcmdebrislayerO)). period. Y.Takeucbiぞ才αg. プア 9 O ( 聞 ( U ( O 苧 O ( 0 N 6 ? 0 ∈ . ∈ 吉 ∈ 0 ∪ ミ 喜 0 。 リ じ 9 。 蔓 毒 膏 300 名 P 召 題 6 遥 還 ぷ 0 Z 3 -300 1-600 1 4 710131619 22 1 4 710131619 22 1 4 710131619 22 Loく;alTime Loca一丁ime Loca一丁ime Fig.4.Themeandailyvatiationofthefourcomponentsofradiationonthebare呈ce(a)and on払e18cmdebrisiayerくb〉,and汰enetradiatiorlOfthebotもareas(c). ユユIl7ノブdや(1りJ(川‘7Jれ1ご(イ轟JJ direction froI11WeSt tO11Orth east did not oぐCurduringthe Thevariationsofwindspeedinthedebris-freeandthe observation period.Namely,a giacierwind which blows debris仙COVeredareasareshowninFig.5.Thewindspeed from the upglacier to the downglacier was not observed. wassmallgenerallyandeventhemaximumvalueduringthe Tbi$SbouldbecausedtbattbeK‡1umblユGlacierisstlrrOund檜 periodwasabout2ms」∴狂wasra偽er重訂geinthedebris edbybigberri(短蔑eXCepモモhesotl払-WeStdirectionasseen -COVeredareathaninthedebris-freearea、Thereasoncarl inFig.1.Theprevailまngwind主sconsideredtobeavalley beconsideredtbatmanylCepinnac王esinthedebr主s一たeearea windTePOrtedfromearlier(Inotle.1976).1tbloⅥ’Sfrし一mlo\\-er decreased thewind speed.Systematic daily fluctuation of toupperalongthevalleyduetotherisingofwarmedairin windspeedcanberecognizedinthebothareas,namelyit the daytime,Which causes the daily fluctuationinwind becamelargerinthedaytimeandverysmailintbenigbトSpeed. time.Especiallyintbedebrisイreearea,itⅥraSnearlyzeroin 払enigbttime.TbeⅥ㌢inddirectionconce訊けatedたomsout主I 3.ユAgrお汁ゆg和お柁 to sotlt壬IWeSt,Wbicbis from tbe doⅥⅥStream area Of the TlleVariatioTISOfairtemperこItl】reinthedebris-freLビarea Valley,bythe frequency of about60%(Fig.6).Thewind (B),thedebris岬COVeredarea(D)andonthemoraine(M)are showninFig.7.Thedailymaximumairtemperaturesofthe 也ree sites were3.9,4.8and7,6℃in average during汰e period,ItwasthehighestatsiteMandtheiowestatsiteB. - 」 J O TbissbouldbecalユSedby払edif鎚rencesins㍑rfacetempera- O ん ( tureofthesites,Thesurねcetemperatureofthedebris-free 2 ㌔ ∈ ) icewasO℃becauseofmeltingduringdaytime.Inthedebris P 。 -<OVeredarea,thesurfacetemperaturedependsonthedebris 邑 s p thiekntlSS.Most of the ener紺absorbed on the thin debris u 妻 surface duringdaytime conduct toice arld me比it.Then, SurfaぐetビI11peraturビOfdel)lislayernl町belo\\▼ビrthanthat onthemoraine,wi1erethereisnoglaciericebelow.Onthe Otherhandinthenighttime,thedailyminimumairtempera・ 5/22 5/23 5/24 き/25 5/28 5/27 5/28 5/29 5/30 5/31 8パ tures oftbesite B,D and M were-1.9,-0.2arld1.5℃in F童g-5▲ Variationsofwindspeedin洩edebris◆fr綬anddd〉ris averageanditwasbigberatsiteD也antbatatM.Tbeair -COVered areas. temperattlredecreasedmoreslowlyatDcomparedwithatB alld M.This tendenc〉▼Can be seen every da)▼during the period. 0 ( U O ) 空 っ 葛 5 L 監 ∈ 芦 」 叩 く 5/22 5/23 5/24 5/25 5/26 5/27 5/28 5/29 5/aO 5/31 8ハ Fig.7,Variationsofairtempera餌rein血edebri$イree,debris
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