Caribbean Workshop on the WHO/UNICEF Global Strategy For
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Caribbean Workshop on the WHO/UNICEF Global Strategy for Infant Young Child Feeding and the New WHO Child Growth Standards Martinique, October 13-14, 2005
Summary of Working Group Reports: English Speaking Countries and Surinam
Working Group 2
• To identify priority objectives to be implemented in the next 3 years for the promotion/adoption of the Global Strategy and the introduction of the new WHO child growth standards;
• To identify indicators to monitor progress
Countries: Anguilla, Antigua & Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, St. Lucia, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago, Turks & Caicos Islands
Promotion/Adoption of the Global Strategy for Infant & Young Child Feeding:
Promotion/ Objectives Activities Lead Agency Indicators Adoption of Global Strategy 1.Develop & Develop national Appoint IYCF CMO or MCH National IYCF implement IYCF policy based Committee Coordinator policy submitted national IYCF on the Global for approval by policy & program Strategy Consultations for IYCF July 2006 development of committee Develop national national IYCF IYCF program policy & program (in countries where National program there is no national Policy integrated IYCF with measurable program) into relevant committee objectives planned programs (e.g. & implementation ECD; HIV/AIDS, initiated by April neonatal health, 2006 child health) 2. Full Active & Preparation/review IYCF Main maternity implementation sustainable of plans for full committee hospital to have & active implementation of BFHI received baby- monitoring of the the BFHI implementation friendly designation BFHI by Monitoring and/or IYCF 2007 reassessment of committee designated facilities
2. Full Develop/implement IYCF implementation communication committee & & active strategy to increase Nutrition Unit monitoring of the public awareness of BFHI (cont.) BFHI 3.Develop/ Promote birth Advocate for WHO IYCF Recommended implement procedures recommendations committee standards & standards and supportive of early w/ Obs/Gyn & guidelines guidelines for initiation of Dept. Sister, incorporated into Mother-Friendly breastfeeding Maternity relevant national child birth policies by end of procedures Review intrapartum Head Obs/Gyn 2006 care procedures & Dept. Sister, Maternity Conduct training for health workers Head Obs/Gyn & Dept. Sister, Maternity
Monitor compliance 4. Review IYCF Provide medical, Discuss w/ relevant IYCF Pre-service medical curricula in pre- nursing, midwifery training institutions committee & nursing training service education and allied public curricula revised by for health care health students w/ Revised IYCF – IYCF end of 2007; other providers required related committee & relevant curricula competencies to competencies in tutors by end of 2008 protect, promote medical & nursing and support optimal curricula IYCF practices IYCF Preparation of committee & learning materials tutors 5. Review in- Upgrade health Collect baseline Nutrition & In-service training service training workers’ IYCF data (needs MCH units plans prepared & programs for knowledge, skills assessment) implementation health care and attitudes initiated by June providers Compile/update MCH Unit 2006 database of trained persons 100% of trained persons listed in Develop IYCF IYCF database by January annual training plan committee 2006 & schedule; obtain funding
Conduct training Nutrition Unit Programs 6. Strengthen Strengthen Include IYCF Training for community-based community representatives of committee building IYCF outreach capacity for relevant NGOs in community and support promotion and IYCF committee capacity conducted activities support of optimal by end of 2006 IYCF practices Standardize Nutrition Unit # of community messages & persons trained to distribute provide support to educational mothers and their materials families Nutrition & Conduct MCH Units sensitization/ training programs
7. To increase public Conduct research IYCF Data collection Implementation awareness of IYCF on IYCF options, committee completed in at of comprehensive recommendations practices & least 5 countries IEC strategy for and IYCF national determinants by Sept 2006 improving IYCF policy & programs Develop IEC strategy in IYCF IEC strategy coordination with committee prepared in at any related strategy least 5 countries by e.g. PMTCT, end of 2006; in MCH, health others, by end of promotion 2007 Nutrition Unit Prepare supporting communication materials 8. Increase provision Review MCH Unit Standards & Development/Im of contraceptive reproductive health guidelines plementation of support to policies to include approved and standards and breastfeeding guidelines for implemented by guidelines for women counseling end of 2006 provision of breastfeeding MCH Unit contraceptive women on 100% of family support to contraceptive planning counselors breastfeeding methods, including trained in use of women LAM guidelines by end of 2006 Train family planning counselors on these guidelines 9. Review of To provide Review existing IYCF Policies revised or Policies for IYCF adequate infant HIV and infant committee in developed by end Counseling & feeding counseling feeding guidelines collaboration of 2006 Support to HIV- support to HIV- in PMTCT policies with PMTCT positive mothers positive mothers based on current program 100% of counselors recommendations coordinator trained by June Conduct 2007 sensitization and training of VCT Nutrition Unit counselors PMTCT Establish system program for monitoring the coordinator infant feeding counseling & support services 10. Development/ To protect, promote Advocate for IYCF Relevant policies Implementation and provide support inclusion of committee and plans included of Policies and for appropriate relevant policies & in national Plans related to IYCF practices plans in national emergency plans by IYCF in during emergencies emergency plans July 2007 Emergencies IYCF Prepare relevant committee Training conducted policies and plans by end of 2007
Conduct training Integration in for shelter Nutrition Unit curricula by end of managers & health 2007 workers
Integrate subject in IYCF pre-service training committee curricula Introduction of New WHO Child Growth Standards
Introduction of Objectives Activities Lead Agency Indicators Growth Standards Strengthening of To upgrade GMP -Evaluate MCH Unit Revised child Growth programs based on procedures in health records Monitoring/Promotion WHO child health Steering with new recommendations services committee growth (GMP) including -Revise child (appointed by standards updating of growth health records; MOH) introduced charts incorporate new MCH Unit country-wide by growth end of 2007 standards MCH Unit -Determine equipment Nutrition Unit needs, prepare maintenance plan -Carry out pilot MCH Unit test of use of revised records -Prepare training materials & conduct training on use of chart & counseling -Monitor the introduction of revised records country-wide Development of To monitor Define key Nutrition Unit Data collection nutrition surveillance anthropometric indicators to be & IYCF & reporting system including indicators and key monitored & committee procedures monitoring of IYCF IYCF practices data collection, established as practices - To measure analysis & part of outcomes of reporting nutritional policies & procedures surveillance programs; and/ or health - To use in Consult with Nutrition Unit information program HIS about system (HIS) in management integration of at least 5 child nutrition countries by end indicators Nutrition Unit of 2006; in other countries Conduct by end training in data Of 2008 collection, analysis and interpretation & use