MASTER POINT Jeff Bayone A TASTE OF BRIDGE PRESS Master Point Press • Toronto I’d like to dedicate this book to you and every student of the game who came before you. May your questions, struggles, and insights continue to make us better at what we do. Jeff and Barbara Bayone and the entire Honors Bridge Club staff © 2017 Jeff Bayone. All rights reserved. It is illegal to reproduce any portion of this material, except by special arrangement with the publisher. Reproduction of this material without authorization, by any duplication process whatsoever, is a violation of copyright. Master Point Press 214 Merton St., Suite 205 Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4S 1A6 (647) 956-4933 Email:
[email protected] Websites: Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication Bayone, Jeff, author A taste of bridge / Jeff Bayone. Issued in print and electronic formats. ISBN 978-1-77140-034-3 (softcover).--ISBN 978-1-55494-635-8 (PDF).--ISBN 978-1-55494-680-8 (HTML).--ISBN 978-1-77140-879-0 (Kindle) 1. Contract bridge. I. Title. GV1282.3.B39 2017 795.41’5 C2017-903363-8 C2017-903364-6 Editor Ray Lee Cover and interior design Olena S. Sullivan/New Mediatrix Interior format/copy editing Sally Sparrow Foreword A taste of Häagen Dazs (or Ben & Jerry’s) ice cream. A taste of the good life. A taste of Heaven. A taste of your own medicine. A session of bridge is usually all of these. An individual hand takes between five and ten minutes to play.