82 Stat. ] Public Law 90-500-Sept. 20, 1968 849
82 STAT. ] PUBLIC LAW 90-500-SEPT. 20, 1968 849 Public Law 90-500 AN ACT September20, 1968 To authorize appropriations during the fiscal year 1969 for procurement of [S-3293] aircraft, missiles, naval vessels, and tracked combat vehicles, researdti, de- veloipment, test, and evaluation for the Armed Forces, and to prescribe the authorized personnel strength of the Selected Reserve of each Reserve com ponent of the Armed Forces, and for other purposes. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled^ TITLE I—PKOCUEEMENT ^""^^ F°:!^"^ Appropriation authorization, SEC. 101. Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated during i969. the fiscal year 1969 for the use of the Armed Forces of the United States for procurement of aircraft, missiles, naval vessels, and tracked combat vehicles, as authorized by law, in amounts as follows: AIRCRAFT For aircraft: for the Army, $735,447,000; for the Navy and Marine Corps, $2,406,988,000, of which $241,800,000 is authorized to be ap propriated only for F-4J aircraft and $162,800,000 is authorized to be appropriated only for EA-6B aircraft; for the Air Force, $5,212,000,000. MISSILES For missiles: for the Army, $956,140,000; for the Navy, $848,- 212,000, of which $55,500,000 is authorized to be appropriated only for the Phoenix missile; for the Marine Corps, $13,500,000; for the Air Force, $1,768,000,000. NAVAL VESSELS For naval vessels: for the Navy, $1,581,500,000, of which $52,000,000 is authorized to be appropriated only for the procurement of long leadtime components that could be used in vessels of either the DXGN or DLGN types and $22,500,000 is authorized to be appropriated only for long leadtime components for an improved nuclear-powered at tack submarine of new design.
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