Joint Programme Progress Report 2010/2011
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Application form for the EERA-JP Photovoltaics Please fill in the sections with the blue shading and submit it to the Joint Programme Coordinators (Ivan Gordon - [email protected] and Simon Philipps - [email protected]) and to the EERA Representative (Sophie Avril - [email protected]) The eligibility of your institute to participate to the Joint Programme will be reviewed by the Joint Programme Management Board, consisting of the Joint Programme Coordinators and the coordinators of all sub-programmes and application lines. If you are eligible to enter the Joint Programme, the application will then be forwarded to the Joint Programme Steering Committee, in which all Participants to the Joint Programme are represented. The Joint Programme Steering Committee decides on the application by vote. A) Applicant
Name of organisation
Type (RTOs, University, etc.)
Postal address
Web page
Please mark the appropriate columns in the table below with an X.
Type of organisation Yes No Is your organisation non-profit? Is your organisation a public body? Is your organisation recognised as a research organisation by the European Commission?
B) Contact details
Institute name Contact person Postal address
Country E-mail Telephone
1 C) Description of organisation
Note: the activities of the EERA PV-JP are described in the Description of Work and in the powerpoint file that was supplied together with this application form. You may also find some elements on the EERA website ( In case of need you can ask the EERA secretariat representative or the Joint Programme Coordinator to provide you with the public part of the DoW.
Positioning and added value - Please describe your positioning in the European and international research arena, with regard to the technology and research activity of the EERA PV-JP. Please also describe the benefit that the EERA PV-JP will gain from the participation of your organisation.
Competences - Please describe your competencies with regard to the technologies and activities of the EERA PV-JP. Please describe both your organisation’s competences with regard to the research lines already covered by the JP as well as those not covered and of potential interest for the JP.
D) Contribution
Note: it is not required to participate in all sub-programmes
There are two types of membership to the Joint Programme: EERA Participants contribute to a Joint Programme with at least 5 person-years per year to the entire JP. Participants have a seat in the Joint Programme Steering Committee of the Programme they have committed this contribution to. Participants have a collective responsibility for the good functioning of the Joint Programme. EERA Associate Participants do not meet the threshold of 5 person-years per year. They are associated with a Participant, who represents the Associate’s interest in the Joint Programme.
Would you like to apply as a Participant or Associate Participant?
2 The activities foreseen in the Joint Programme are summarised in the powerpoint presentation provided together with this application form. You may use this document as background information for answering the questions below. Note that it is not (at all) required that you contribute to all sub-programmes.
First the total workforce is indicated (in person years) as a summary in the table below:
Number of SP Person Years foreseen SP1 - Si wafer- based PV SP2 - Thin-film PV SP3 – Organic
and Hybrid PV SP4 - CPV
SP5 - Systems SP6 – Infrastruc-
tures and training Total
Sub-programme 1 on “Si wafer-based PV”: What activities are you planning to contribute to the sub-programme on “Si wafer-based PV”?
How does your contribution add value to the sub-programme?
How many resources do you plan to commit to this sub-programme (person years / year)?
3 Sub-programme 2 on “Thin-film PV”: What activities are you planning to contribute to the sub-programme on “Thin-film PV” ?
How does your contribution add value to the sub-programme?
How many resources do you plan to commit to this sub-programme (person years / year)?
Sub-programme 3 on “Organic and Hybrid PV”:
What activities are you planning to contribute to the sub-programme “Organic and Hybrid PV” ?
How does your contribution add value to the sub-programme?
How many resources do you plan to commit to this sub-programme (person years / year)?
Sub-programme 4 on “CPV”:
What activities are you planning to contribute to the sub-programme “CPV” ?
How does your contribution add value to the sub-programme?
4 How many resources do you plan to commit to this sub-programme (person years / year)?
Sub-programme 5 on “Systems”:
What activities are you planning to contribute to the sub-programme “Systems” ?
How does your contribution add value to the sub-programme?
How many resources do you plan to commit to this sub-programme (person years / year)?
Sub-programme 6 on “Research Infrastructures and Training”:
What activities are you planning to contribute to the sub-programme “Research Infrastructures and Training” ?
How does your contribution add value to the sub-programme?
How many resources do you plan to commit to this sub-programme (person years / year)?
5 E) Additional Information (optional)
Please provide any other information you deem relevant for your application, if any. In particular please describe here activities of your organization related to PV not covered in the current sub-programmes of EERA-PV and that you are willing to include in EERA-PV.
If relevant, how many resources do you plan to commit to these activities (person years / year)?