London Homelessness Outreach Network Meeting Agenda Sept 14, 2011
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London Homelessness Outreach Network – Meeting Agenda – Sept 14, 2011
1) Introductions
a. Camille, Nadine, Colleen, Shannon, Alexis, Abe, Daniel, Michelle, James
2) Review Purpose:
a. We are a diverse group of individuals with diverse talents, but with a common desire to take action on issues around homelessness in London, Ontario. Recognizing the complexity of the issues, we seek to work at multiple levels, including policy, public perceptions, and personal relationships. Rather than creating infrastructure for the group, our desire is to partner with others, lending our time and talents to build upon the positive work already being done within our community.
3) Community Activities – Abe
a. Davy Scarrow memorial – Thurs Sept 15, 11am, John Gordon Home
b. October provincial election
i. Platform for candidates
c. Grit Uplifted – Call for submissions, 2nd edition
i. Please put up posters for GRIT at agencies, talk it up with clients
d. London Homeless Coalition – Monday Oct 3, City Hall, 10am-noon
4) Review of Current Projects:
a. Grit Uplifted Magazine – Kelly
i. Kelly is currently the driving force behind the magazine. We are trying to make the magazine
self-sufficient so that it can carry on effortlessly. We are building strong relationships with
agencies currently doing artwork so that submissions come in easily. A template of the magazine
has been made by Danielle Robb and we have access to this, so the layout, program, and
template can be carried on. The greatest need right now is money: it costs about $1000/edition
for printing. Is corporate advertising an option? Or can we have agencies buy the magazine for
$1 and have the agencies sell the magazine for $2? Camille suggested that perhaps agencies
could donate money, or purchase a spot to place their logo on the magazine. LIHC has an
account set up for the magazine. Kelly is doing a Tuesday and a Saturday writing group and is
looking for volunteers to help with those groups, particularly for the long run and who might be able to take over when she goes. The group meets Tuesdays 2-4 at LIHC, and Saturday 2-4 at
Central Library. b. Street-level Health Care – Abe
i. A System mapping exercise taking place: involves everyone involved with street level and
homeless health care to see what is being done and what is not. There is funding to do this, a
consultant, and 53 individuals already participating. There will be an ask for people to put their
name forward who would like to be involved in the next steps, particularly in reviewing overlaps
and gaps. Sept 28th, at the Kinsmen arena, 8:30-11:30am. c. Running Group – Alexis
i. First actual run last week. Runs every Friday at 3pm, dinner at 5 pm. 2 youth ran, they enjoyed
it, participation will grow as the runs continue. Met with LIHC to talk about promoting, they
have offered to put up posters and talk it up. Greatest need: running clothes, socks. d. World Homeless Action Day, Oct 10 – Abe & Jeremy
i. Goal: spread the message about challenges of finding affordable housing in London. 9 year wait
for social housing, average market rent is $612 for 1 person, OW housing allowance is $356.
1. 30 volunteers coming for the day, including someone with scaffolding. Pay it forward
productions, Metro, London Community News, Rogers, will be attending. The structure
will be 30 feet tall. Hudson Boatworks is providing boxes, 3M has donated duct tape.
There is now a website:
2. Looking for a faith group to serve a meal, cook a meal off-site, serve it on site… does
anyone have connections?
3. Public Figure invites: Louise Stevens, Joe Fontana, Ross Fair, Abe to approach the
Mosque. e. National Housing Day, Nov 22 – Abe
i. There will be an event put on by CMHC, the City, and the London Community Foundation.
Details to follow. f. Mental health sub-committee ???? i. Tatiana has stepped down from this due to other commitments, and we are now looking for
people to take this sub committee over. Tatiana was looking at doing a “train the trainer” model
with people at places like the Coffee House. Shannon mentioned a music group as well, she is
interested but not able to commit at this time. Abe asked if it was worth having a separate
mental health meeting or leaving it for now until someone took the lead. Daniel inquired as to
the direction of the initiative. Abe responded that the direction is open. Michelle suggested we
wait until the mapping is done and then see where our strengths line up.
5) Future Directions
a. Other projects:
i. Smartphone Research Project: importance of digital divide on health and well being. The project
will distribute smart phones for people experiencing homelessness and teach them how to
connect. Glen Cairn would be the internet provider. Research would be: tracking usage, if
phones are being sold, used, etc. Funding proposal for Western due in Oct, for Community
Foundation due in Nov.
ii. Provincial Election: Do we want to give a message out around the election, and if so, how?
Perhaps a platform statement? Nadine suggested putting questions out for the candidates, like
Pillar has done in the past. Camille suggested that if we do that, it should be face to face with
the candidates rather than over email or publicly. We can put out a platform and share the
platform with the candidates OR gather information about the candidates’ platform. Camille
offered to help with speaking with the candidates. Abe will draft something and google-doc it to
the rest of the network. We will put together a platform and request meetings dates with
individual candidates. We will also ask them to respond publicly to a few questions.
iii. One year celebration of LHON: ideas? November? February?
6) Next Meeting Date - November Wednesday the 23rd, 2011 at the Fox and the Fiddle 6:30 pm
Shannon to ask a coworker about volunteering with GRIT UPLIFTED Public Figure invites: Louise Stevens, Joe Fontana, Ross Fair, Abe to approach the Mosque.
Abe will draft something and google-doc it to the rest of the network.