Ceridian Tridata Payroll Export
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Ceridian Tridata Payroll Export
Procura® Health Management Systems
Contact Procura Corporate Office: 1112 Fort St., Suite 600 Victoria BC, Canada, V8V3K8 Phone: 1.877.776.2872 FAX: 250.380.1866 [email protected]
Software version Procura 8.0
Documentation version 8.0
Last Update Date 2014-08-01
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Develus Systems Inc.
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Payroll Interfaces | confidentiality_and_distribution_limitations.htm
Table of Contents Ceridian Tridata Payroll Export...... 1 The Ceridian Tri-Data Payroll Export Form...... 1 To Run the Ceridian Tri-Data Payroll Export...... 3 Appendices...... 5 Processing Late Timesheets...... 5
iv Ceridian Tridata Payroll Export
The Ceridian Tri-Data Payroll Export Form
The Ceridian Tri-Data Payroll Export form enables you to export your payroll records so you can then import them into the Ceridian Tri-Data program. Keep in mind that, once you export your records, you should complete your payroll processing activities and close the Timekeeping period.
The Ceridian Tri-Data Payroll form will only allow for one final run of the export for a given series of late timesheets. Therefore, you should run a validation by not marking the data as exported, and then correct any incorrect employee information, prior to running the final export for the current Timekeeping period. The validation will review the employee and Timekeeping data to ensure that the required setup has been completed. Keep in mind that, prior to running the validation, you must complete your timesheet verification activities in Timekeeping. You should then print a report of the Timekeeping records that have been verified, (i.e., the records that will be included on the export), as well as those that have not been verified.
Note that you can run the Timekeeping Detail/Summary and Expense Mileage reports in combination to produce totals for visits and expense/mileage records. You can also run the Timekeeping Detail by Employee report, which is more comprehensive and which gives you the option of determining your output format, as well as the option of printing visit data and expense/mileage data. This export requires the access right Ceridian Tri-Data Payroll Export.
Period (the pay period you want to work with) (displays the applicable departments so you can click the checkboxes that correspond to those you want to work with) Show All Periods (includes closed pay periods in the table)
1 Ceridian Tridata Payroll Export
Employer Number (the number that identifies the employer you want to work with) Employee Number (the number that identifies the employee you want to work with) Display Day Number (indicates that the day of the week will be displayed in the export file) Apply same Logic for Expense/Mileage (indicates that the same logic that is used to calculate the day of the week will be used to calculate expense/mileage)
Export Timekeeping Data (indicates that all visit information will be exoprted) Display results when Done (displays the results of the Timekeeping data export) File Name (the name by which you want your export to be saved) (it is strongly suggested that you adopt file naming conventions, such as PPE 03-24-02.SDF and LT01 03-24- 02.SDF) Path (the location in which you want your export to be stored) Ignore previously exported data (indicates that information that has already been exported will be ignored during this export) Mark data as exported (marks the Timekeeping records that were successfully exported as have been exported to Payroll) (enables you to run a validation so you can make corrections to the employee and Timekeeping data prior to running the final export) Use Insync Format (exports information in the Comma Separated Values format (.csv)
Payroll Interfaces | The_Ceridian_Tri-Data_Export_Form.htm
2 Ceridian Tridata Payroll Export To Run the Ceridian Tri-Data Payroll Export
1. Go to Imports/Exports | Payroll | Ceridian Tri-Data Payroll Export. The Ceridian Tri-Data Payroll Export form displays.
2. From the Period drop-down box, select the Timekeeping period you want to work with. 3. If you want to work with closed Timekeeping periods, click the Show all Periods checkbox. See also Appendix: Processing Late Timesheets. 4. In the Departments table, click the checkboxes that correspond to the departments you want to work with. 5. In the Employer Number textbox, type your Ceridian employer number. 6. From the Employee Number drop-down box, select the number that will be used to store the Ceridian employee ID. 7. Click the Display Day Number checkbox.
3 Ceridian Tridata Payroll Export 8. Click the Apply same Logic for Expense/Mileage checkbox. 9. Click the Export Timekeeping Data checkbox. 10. Click the Display results when done checkbox. 11. In the File Name textbox, type the name you want to assign to the exported file.
12. Click the button at the end of the Path textbox, and then browse for the path in which you want to save your exported file. 13. Uncheck the Ignore previously exported data checkbox. 14. Uncheck the Mark data as exported checkbox. 15. Click Export to validate the export results. 16. When you are ready to run the final export, click the Mark data as exported checkbox. 17. Click Export.
Payroll Interfaces | To_Run_the_Export_Procedures_for_Open_TK_Periods.htm
4 Appendices
Processing Late Timesheets
The Ceridian Tridata export utility does not support the advanced Closed Period Adjustment (CPA) processing that is available in newer pay exports. Therefore, if you display your closed Timekeeping periods in the Timekeeping module, you can then make changes to visits that are part of your closed periods. These changes may support specific business objectives, which may include the following:
Adjusting verified records that had errors in order to assure that Procura’s management reports are accurate; Verifying previously unverified records to support the transmission of late timesheet data for payroll purposes (where applicable); Verifying previously unverified records to support billing; Entering new Timekeeping records for the period.
Before processing late timesheets, print a report of unverified Timekeeping records and retain it on file. Finish your CPA for your late timesheets and make note of the Timekeeping periods for which you performed CPA actions. Keep in mind that you cannot export Timekeeping records that belong to closed periods where the record has already been transmitted to Ceridian in a previous export and has subsequently been modified, or where new Expense/Mileage records have been attached to visits that were previously exported.
Payroll Interfaces | Appendix__Processing_Late_Timesheets.htm