Study Sheet for Daily Gram 31-40 Capitalization: 1. Do not capitalize seasons of the year. 2. Capitalize the name of a special event. 3. Capitalize the name of a language. 4. Capitalize the first word of each line of poetry. 5. Capitalize someone or something from another country. Usually part of the name of the country is used. Example: Germany- German

Punctuation: 1. Use a comma to make a sentence clear. Example: In the meadow, larks chirped happily. 2. Place a comma between a city and a country. 3. Punctuate the greeting and closing in a letter. Example: Dear Students, Make sure you study for your quiz. Your friend, Ms. Bamberger

4. Use a hyphen to combine some closely related words. Example: tri-level 5. Use a hyphen when dividing a word of two or more syllables at the end of a line. You must have at least two letters on the first line and three letters on the next line.

Synonyms/ Antonyms/Homonyms Synonyms are words with similar meanings Antonyms are words with opposite meanings. Homonyms are word that sound the same but are spelled differently with different meanings.

Parts of Speech Verbs- Show action The present tense expresses time now. The past tense expresses time that has already happened.

Conjunction – a connecting word like and, but or or. Nouns- Plurals means more than one. Words ending in sh, ch, x, z and s usually add es to form the plural.

Pronouns- take the place of nouns in sentences.

Prepositions- a prepositional phrase begins with a preposition and ends with a noun or pronoun. That word is called an object of the preposition.

Sentence Types . Declarative (statement) – A telling sentence ? Interrogative (question) – Asks a question . Imperative (command) – Tells someone to do something ! Exclamatory (exclamation) – A sentence showing emotion