NEWSLETTER 66 August 2011 We were as ghosts roving among our own tombstones with no utterance of our own; the birds cried for us. 2 Contents Borwick Hall 3 Birthday Tribute 2011 5 Obituaries 7 Seven Founder-Member Friends 9 Edward Thomas: from Adlestrop to Arras 14 The Edward Thomas Memorial Stone 24 The Isle of Wight 33 Reviews 36 Other News 37 Newsletters on the Website The University of Gloucestershire is to digitise back numbers of the Edward Thomas Fellowship Newsletter so that the entire archive will be available on the Fellowship’s website. The work, to be undertaken by the Archivist, Lorna Scott, is expected to take four to five months and will start in September. The University has an extensive Edward Thomas collection at its campus at Cheltenham, which is the home of the Dymock Poets Archive. It will use the fee for the digitisation to develop its poets, writers and artists collection. Inevitably one or two misprints have appeared in Newsletter articles over the years but the great majority have been minor. If you have written a piece whose sense has been altered because of a misprint, please let us know immediately so that it can be corrected before digitisation. Authors should also contact us if they object to their articles being displayed on the website. The point of contact is John Monks <
[email protected]> or the Hon. Secretary, Colin Thornton <
[email protected]> Uploading the newsletters on to the ETF website will happen as quickly as resources allow. Recent issues will appear first. Access to the newsletters’ rich resource of original material will be for everyone, but, as already announced, Fellowship members will continue to have exclusive access to the print version of the latest issues, which will not appear on line until six months after publication.