List of declassified files of the

Ministry of External Affairs from 1903‐1972


Compiled by IDSA Library

1, Development Enclave, Rao Tula Ram Marg, ‐110010 Visit us: FOREIGN SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year FOREIGN 1 Only slip is Available. Progs., Nos. 14-FSI, 1951 SERVICE 1951 INSTRUCTIONS

FOREIGN Foreign Service Instructions.- 3 Progs., Nos. 17-FSI, 1951 SERVICE 1951 Official Mourning-Chapter XL. INSTRUCTIONS FOREIGN 4 Preface to the Compendium. Progs., Nos. 20-FSI, 1951 SERVICE 1951 INSTRUCTIONS Chapter XXXVI-Navy, Army and Air FOREIGN 5 Force. Compilation of Instructions Progs., Nos. 12-FSI, 1951 SERVICE 1951 for Idnai`s Foreign Service. INSTRUCTIONS Chapter XXXII-Duties of FOREIGN Information officers. Compilation 6 Progs., Nos. 3-FSI, 1951 SERVICE 1951 of Instructions for Idnai`s Foreign INSTRUCTIONS Service. Chapter XXX- FOREIGN Inspection.Compilation of 7 Progs., Nos. 9-FSI, 1951 SERVICE 1951 Instructions for Idnai`s Foreign INSTRUCTIONS Service. Chapter II-Precedence. FOREIGN 8 Compilation of Instructions for Progs., Nos. 2-FSI, 1951 SERVICE 1951 `s foreign service. INSTRUCTIONS Chapter IV. Official FOREIGN Insignia.Compilation of 9 Progs., Nos. 8-FSI, 1951 SERVICE 1951 Instructions for Idnai`s Foreign INSTRUCTIONS Service. Chapter I-Appointments FOREIGN Compilation of General 10 Progs., Nos. 1-FSI, 1951 SERVICE 1951 Instructions for India`s Foreign INSTRUCTIONS Service.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Chapter XXX- FOREIGN Inspection.Compilation of 11 Progs., Nos. 9-FSI, 1951 SERVICE 1951 Instructions for Idnai`s Foreign INSTRUCTIONS Service. 12 Chapter XXXVI-Navy, Army and Progs., Nos. 12-FSI, 1951 FOREIGN 1951

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public division. For more details visit


Air Force. Compilation of SERVICE Instructions for Idnai`s Foreign INSTRUCTIONS Service. FOREIGN Binder for the Compendium- 13 Progs., Nos. 19-FSI, 1951 SERVICE 1951 Preparation of- INSTRUCTIONS Chapter XXXVIII. Protection of FOREIGN Foreign Interests.Compilation of 14 Progs., Nos. 5-FSI, 1951 SERVICE 1951 Instructions for Idnai`s Foreign INSTRUCTIONS Service. Chapter I-Appointments FOREIGN Compilation of General 15 Progs., Nos. 1-FSI, 1951 SERVICE 1951 Instructions for India`s Foreign INSTRUCTIONS Service. Chapter XXIX- Transport. FOREIGN 16 Compilation of Instructions for Progs., Nos. 6-FSI, 1951 SERVICE 1951 Idnai`s Foreign Service. INSTRUCTIONS FOREIGN 17 Preface to the Compendium. Progs., Nos. 20-FSI, 1951 SERVICE 1951 INSTRUCTIONS Chapter XXIX- Transport. FOREIGN 18 Compilation of Instructions for Progs., Nos. 6-FSI, 1951 SERVICE 1951 Idnai`s Foreign Service. INSTRUCTIONS Chapter XXVI-Notes & FOREIGN Correspondence.Compilation of 19 Progs., Nos. 14-FSI, 1951 SERVICE 1951 Instructions for Idnai`s Foreign INSTRUCTIONS Service. Arrangements for the printing of chapters approved by Foreign FOREIGN 20 Secretary for the proposed Progs., Nos. 16-FSI, 1951 SERVICE 1951 compendium in Foreign Service INSTRUCTIONS Instructions.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Foreign Service Instructions- FOREIGN 21 Chapter XXXIX. General Progs., Nos. 16-FSI, 1951 SERVICE 1951 Instructions. INSTRUCTIONS Chapter XXXVIII. Protection of FOREIGN Foreign Interests.Compilation of 22 Progs., Nos. 5-FSI, 1951 SERVICE 1951 Instructions for Idnai`s Foreign INSTRUCTIONS Service. 23 Foreign Service Instructions- Progs., Nos. 16-FSI, 1951 FOREIGN 1951

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, division. For more details visit


Chapter XXXIX. General SERVICE Instructions. INSTRUCTIONS Chapter XXVI-Notes & FOREIGN Correspondence.Compilation of 24 Progs., Nos. 14-FSI, 1951 SERVICE 1951 Instructions for Idnai`s Foreign INSTRUCTIONS Service. FOREIGN Binder for the Compendium- 25 Progs., Nos. 19-FSI, 1951 SERVICE 1951 Preparation of- INSTRUCTIONS Chapter XXVII-Office Procedure FOREIGN and care of Archives. Compilation 26 Progs., Nos. 15-FSI, 1951 SERVICE 1951 of Instructions for Idnai`s Foreign INSTRUCTIONS Service. Chapter XXXII-Duties of FOREIGN Information officers. Compilation 27 Progs., Nos. 3-FSI, 1951 SERVICE 1951 of Instructions for Idnai`s Foreign INSTRUCTIONS Service. Chapter II-Precedence. FOREIGN 28 Compilation of Instructions for Progs., Nos. 2-FSI, 1951 SERVICE 1951 India`s foreign service. INSTRUCTIONS Chapter IV. Official FOREIGN Insignia.Compilation of 29 Progs., Nos. 8-FSI, 1951 SERVICE 1951 Instructions for Idnai`s Foreign INSTRUCTIONS Service. FOREIGN Foreign Service Instructions.- 30 Progs., Nos. 17-FSI, 1951 SERVICE 1951 Official Mourning-Chapter XL. INSTRUCTIONS

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year FOREIGN 31 Only slip is Available. Progs., Nos. 14-FSI, 1951 SERVICE 1951 INSTRUCTIONS Chapter XXVII-Office Procedure FOREIGN and care of Archives. Compilation 32 Progs., Nos. 15-FSI, 1951 SERVICE 1951 of Instructions for Idnai`s Foreign INSTRUCTIONS Service. Arrangements for the printing of chapters approved by Foreign FOREIGN 33 Secretary for the proposed Progs., Nos. 16-FSI, 1951 SERVICE 1951 compendium in Foreign Service INSTRUCTIONS Instructions. 34 Chapter XXXV-Indian Cemerteries Progs., Nos. 13-FSI, 1951 FOREIGN 1951

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


abroad. Compilation of SERVICE Instructions for Idnai`s Foreign INSTRUCTIONS Service. Chapter XXXV-Indian Cemerteries FOREIGN abroad. Compilation of 35 Progs., Nos. 13-FSI, 1951 SERVICE 195 Instructions for Idnai`s Foreign INSTRUCTIONS Service. Indian Foreign Service FOREIGN Instructions-Consular Instructions- Progs., Nos. 8315-WI, 2 SERVICE 1952 Compilation of the Chapter on 1952 INSTRUCTIONS `Exchange Control`.

Letters of Request Commission FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 84365-WI, 36 and other Judicial Documents- SERVICE 1952 1952 Channel of Corresondence. INSTRUCTIONS Indian Foreign Service FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1016-FSI, 37 Instructions-Chapter on official SERVICE 1952 1952 Insignia -Interpretations etc. INSTRUCTIONS Letters of Request Commission FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 84365-WI, 38 and other Judicial Documents- SERVICE 1952 1952 Channel of Corresondence. INSTRUCTIONS Indian Foreign Service FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1019-FSI, 39 Instructions-Supply of the SERVICE 1952 1952 Compendium to foreign Govt. INSTRUCTIONS FOREIGN Quarterly Returns regarding Progs., Nos. 1015-FSI, 40 SERVICE 1952 circulars from Branches. 1952 INSTRUCTIONS

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Indian Foreign Service Instructions-Consular Instructions FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 83111-WI, 41 Compilation of Chapter on Relief SERVICE 1952 1952 and repatriation of distresses INSTRUCTIONS Indian Subejcts. Code of Civil Procedure 1908- Section 44A-Reciprocal FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 604(83311)- 42 arrangements with other countries SERVICE 1952 WI, 1952 for execution of civil court INSTRUCTIONS decrees---with the colony of Aden. Indian Foreign Service FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1018-FSI, 43 Instructions-Chapter XXXI on SERVICE 1952 1952 Trade and Economics-Compilation INSTRUCTIONS

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


of ----- Delegation of authority to the Indian High Commissioners and other representatives in FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 83210-WI, 44 Commonwealth Countries to SERVICE 1952 1952 perform Consular Functions under INSTRUCTIONS the Diplomatic and Consular Officers (Oatha & Fees) Act, 1948. Indian Foreign Service FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1023-WI, 45 Instructions-Consular Instructions- SERVICE 1952 1952 Compilation of Chpater on fees. INSTRUCTIONS Recovery of relief payments made FOREIGN on behalf of Govt, of India to Mr. Progs., Nos. 44(644123)- 46 SERVICE 1952 Jiban Krishana Gan in France WI, 1952 INSTRUCTIONS During the II World War. Increase in the British Consular Fees-Proposal to Increse Consular FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(8328)- 47 Fees Likewise by 40%-Enquiry SERVICE 1952 WI, 1952 from the Legation of India, INSTRUCTIONS Bangkok. FOREIGN Printing of the Indian Foreign Progs., Nos. 1012-FSI, 48 SERVICE 1952 Service Instructions. 1952 INSTRUCTIONS FOREIGN Distribution of Foreign Service Progs., Nos. 1014-FSI, 49 SERVICE 1952 Instructions. 1952 INSTRUCTIONS FOREIGN Distribution of Foreign Service Progs., Nos. 1014-FSI, 50 SERVICE 1952 Instructions. 1952 INSTRUCTIONS

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Supply of Circulars issued by FOREIGN Branches of the Ministry of Progs., Nos. 1013-FSI, 51 SERVICE 1952 External Affairs to the Assistant 1952 INSTRUCTIONS (FSI) Indian Foreign Service FOREIGN Instructions-Chapter XXXI on Progs., Nos. 1018-FSI, 52 SERVICE 1952 Trade and Economics-Compilation 1952 INSTRUCTIONS of ----- Imroving the get up of the FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1020-FSI, 53 Compendium of the Indian Foreign SERVICE 1952 1952 Service Instructions. INSTRUCTIONS

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Indian Foreign Service FOREIGN Instructions-Consular Instructions- Progs., Nos. 8315-WI, 54 SERVICE 1952 Compilation of the Chapter on 1952 INSTRUCTIONS `Exchange Control`. FOREIGN Quarterly Returns regarding Progs., Nos. 1015-FSI, 55 SERVICE 1952 circulars from Branches. 1952 INSTRUCTIONS Indian Foreign Service FOREIGN Instructions-Chapter XXIX Progs., Nos. 1022-FSI, 56 SERVICE 1952 Transport-Interpretations and 1952 INSTRUCTIONS Amendments Etc. Increase in the British Consular Fees-Proposal to Increse Consular FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 10(8328)- 57 Fees Likewise by 40%-Enquiry SERVICE 1952 WI, 1952 from the Legation of India, INSTRUCTIONS Bangkok. Indian Foreign Service FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 83121-WI, 58 Instructions-Consular Instructions- SERVICE 1952 1952 Compilation of Chapter on Fees. INSTRUCTIONS Code of Civil Procedure 1908- Section 44A-Reciprocal FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 604(83311)- 59 arrangements with other countries SERVICE 1952 WI, 1952 for execution of civil court INSTRUCTIONS decrees---with the colony of Aden. Delegation of powers to Non- Consular Officers to Perform FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 8317-WI, 60 Consualr functions udner the SERVICE 1952 1952 Diplomatic and Consular Officers INSTRUCTIONS Act 1948.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Indian foreign Service Instructions-Chapter XXXVI on FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1021-FSI, 61 Army, Navy and Air Froce.- SERVICE 1952 1952 Interpretations and amendments INSTRUCTIONS etc. FOREIGN Printing of the Indian Foreign Progs., Nos. 1012-FSI, 62 SERVICE 1952 Service Instructions. 1952 INSTRUCTIONS Imroving the get up of the FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1020-FSI, 63 Compendium of the Indian Foreign SERVICE 1952 1952 Service Instructions. INSTRUCTIONS

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Indian Foreign Service Instructions-Consular Instructions FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 83111-WI, 64 Compilation of Chapter on Relief SERVICE 1952 1952 and repatriation of distresses INSTRUCTIONS Indian Subejcts. Recovery of relief payments made FOREIGN on behalf of Govt, of India to Mr. Progs., Nos. 44(644123)- 65 SERVICE 1952 Jiban Krishana Gan in France WI, 1952 INSTRUCTIONS During the II World War. Indian foreign Service Instructions-Chapter XXXVI on FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1021-FSI, 66 Army, Navy and Air Froce.- SERVICE 1952 1952 Interpretations and amendments INSTRUCTIONS etc. Indian Foreign Service FOREIGN Instructions-Chapter XXIX Progs., Nos. 1022-FSI, 67 SERVICE 1952 Transport-Interpretations and 1952 INSTRUCTIONS Amendments Etc. Indian Foreign Service FOREIGN Instructions-Chapter I on Progs., Nos. 1023-FSI, 68 SERVICE 1952 Appointments-Interpretations and 1952 INSTRUCTIONS amendments. Delegation of powers to Non- Consular Officers to Perform FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 8317-WI, 69 Consualr functions udner the SERVICE 1952 1952 Diplomatic and Consular Officers INSTRUCTIONS Act 1948. Delegation of authority to the Indian High Commissioners and other representatives in FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 83210-WI, 70 Commonwealth Countries to SERVICE 1952 1952 perform Consular Functions under INSTRUCTIONS the Diplomatic and Consular Officers (Oatha & Fees) Act, 1948.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Supply of Circulars issued by FOREIGN Branches of the Ministry of Progs., Nos. 1013-FSI, 71 SERVICE 1952 External Affairs to the Assistant 1952 INSTRUCTIONS (FSI) Indian Foreign Service Progs., Nos. 1023-WI, FOREIGN 72 1952 Instructions-Consular Instructions- 1952 SERVICE

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Compilation of Chpater on fees. INSTRUCTIONS Indian Foreign Service FOREIGN Instructions-Chapter I on Progs., Nos. 1023-FSI, 73 SERVICE 1952 Appointments-Interpretations and 1952 INSTRUCTIONS amendments. Indian Foreign Service FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1016-FSI, 74 Instructions-Chapter on official SERVICE 1952 1952 Insignia -Interpretations etc. INSTRUCTIONS Indian Foreign Service FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 1019-FSI, 75 Instructions-Supply of the SERVICE 1952 1952 Compendium to foreign Govt. INSTRUCTIONS Indian Foreign Service FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 83121-WI, 76 Instructions-Consular Instructions- SERVICE 1952 1952 Compilation of Chapter on Fees. INSTRUCTIONS FOREIGN Reports on District training by IFS Progs., Nos. 580(7)-FSI, 77 SERVICE 1969 Probationers of 1968 batch. 1969 INSTRUCTIONS Grant of diplomatic static to the FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 451(1)-FSI, 78 J.M. Jopy scientific officer High SERVICE 1969 1969 Commissioner of India, London. INSTRUCTIONS Bharat Darshan Tour and Military FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 580(4)-FSI, 79 Training of the I.F.S. probationers SERVICE 1969 1969 of 1968 batch. INSTRUCTIONS Census of Central Govt. Employees FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 551(7)-FSI, 80 relating to 31st March 1969 SERVICE 1969 1969 Distribution to Pay ranges. INSTRUCTIONS

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year FOREIGN Q.No. 14842 Cultural Progs., Nos. 125(3)-FSI, 81 SERVICE 1969 Attaches of Indian Embassies. 1969 INSTRUCTIONS Question of Grant of diplomatic status to Interpretors on their FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 451(5)-FSI, 82 appointment in the Indian Missions SERVICE 1969 1969 abroad- Representation from Shri INSTRUCTIONS B. L. Thaani. Retirement of Shri P. Dasgupta FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 585(4)-FSI, 83 formerly General in Berlin SERVICE 1969 1969 Issue of Demand Classification. INSTRUCTIONS Nomination of Officers to the in Progs., Nos. 575(10)-FSI, FOREIGN 84 1969 service training programme in the 1969 SERVICE

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


economic commission for Europe INSTRUCTIONS Geneva-1969-70. Head quarters training programme FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 580(13)-FSI, 85 of I.F.S. Probationers of 1969 SERVICE 1969 1969 Batvh. INSTRUCTIONS Grant of diplomatic status to Dr. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 451(11)-FSI, 86 Chanderkant C. Khot Technical SERVICE 1969 1969 Attache E/I Tohys. INSTRUCTIONS FOREIGN Reports on District training by IFS Progs., Nos. 580(7)-FSI, 87 SERVICE 1969 Probationers of 1968 batch. 1969 INSTRUCTIONS Grant of the diplomatic status to FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 451(2)-FSI, 88 officers of the Railway Admn. SERVICE 1969 1969 office London. INSTRUCTIONS Question of Grant of diplomatic status to Interpretors on their FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 451(5)-FSI, 89 appointment in the Indian Missions SERVICE 1969 1969 abroad- Representation from Shri INSTRUCTIONS B. L. Thaani. Promotion of officers (Senior Scale FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 584(1)-FSI, 90 grade I IFS(B) /ISI) to the rank of SERVICE 1969 1969 First Secretary. INSTRUCTIONS

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Nomination of Officers to the in FOREIGN service training programme in the Progs., Nos. 575(10)-FSI, 91 SERVICE 1969 economic commission for Europe 1969 INSTRUCTIONS Geneva-1969-70. Training of IFS probationers of FOREIGN 1969 b;ack in the National Progs., Nos. 580(9)-FSI, 92 SERVICE 1969 Academy of Administration 1969 INSTRUCTIONS Mussorie. Training of officers with the All- FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 580(1)-FSI, 93 India Management Association SERVICE 1969 1969 New Delhi. INSTRUCTIONS Provincial Starred Question No. 2707 in Rajaya Sabha due for FOREIGN answer in Rajya Sabha due oe Progs., Nos. 125(8)-FSI, 94 SERVICE 1969 answer on 6-3-69 regaring 1969 INSTRUCTIONS Deployment of Commercial Representatives in the Mission. 95 Promotion of Senior Scale officers Progs., Nos. 584(2)-FSI, FOREIGN 1969

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


to the rank of Deputy Secretaries. 1969 SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS FOREIGN Advanced Course in Foreign Progs., Nos. 624(4)-FSI, 96 SERVICE 1969 language. 1969 INSTRUCTIONS Workshop seminar on Inventory Management being organise by FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 575(10)-FSI, 97 the All India Management SERVICE 1969 1969(2) Association New Delhi 29-31 May INSTRUCTIONS 1969. FOREIGN IDS. Code statement of posts as Progs., Nos. 576(11)-FSI, 98 SERVICE 1969 on 1.4.01 & 1-10-69. 1969 INSTRUCTIONS Retirement of Shri P. Dasgupta FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 585(4)-FSI, 99 formerly consul General in Berlin SERVICE 1969 1969 Issue of Demand Classification. INSTRUCTIONS Rajya Sabha Stand Questions B.No. 315 for 20-2-69 By Shri J.P. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 125(1)-FSI, 100 Jadav regarding Knowledge of SERVICE 1969 1969 local Consul of Indian Press INSTRUCTIONS Attache in foreign countries.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Decision that section officer who as posted abroad against FOREIGN representational posts should be Progs., Nos. 551(10)-FSI, 101 SERVICE 1969 given the allowances etc. as 1969 INSTRUCTIONS asmissable to Third Security ADA etc. Grant of diplomatic status to Shri FOREIGN R.P. Kakkar Account officer Progs., Nos. 451(12)-FSI, 102 SERVICE 1969 Account and Audit organisation 1969 INSTRUCTIONS ICSC Saigon. Training of officers with the All- FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 580(1)-FSI, 103 India Management Association SERVICE 1969 1969 New Delhi. INSTRUCTIONS Nominations of Canidates for FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 515(10)-FSI, 104 trainming in different Depth SERVICE 1969 1969 /organisation in India Mise File. INSTRUCTIONS Various return regarding FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 558(8)-FSI, 105 Scheduled casts /Tribes in the IFS SERVICE 1969 1969 & IFS(B). INSTRUCTIONS

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Decision that section officer who as posted abroad against FOREIGN representational posts should be Progs., Nos. 551(10)-FSI, 106 SERVICE 1969 given the allowances etc. as 1969 INSTRUCTIONS asmissable to Third Security ADA etc. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 576(8)-FSI, 107 Opening of E/a at Sofia. SERVICE 1969 1969 INSTRUCTIONS Promotion of officers (Senior Scale FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 584(1)-FSI, 108 grade I IFS(B) /ISI) to the rank of SERVICE 1969 1969 First Secretary. INSTRUCTIONS Head quarters training programme FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 580(13)-FSI, 109 of I.F.S. Probationers of 1969 SERVICE 1969 1969 Batvh. INSTRUCTIONS Rajya Sabha Starred Question No. FOREIGN 591 regarding Indian Hasing Progs., Nos. 125(11)-FSI, 110 SERVICE 1969 Foreign relation in IFS and E.A. 1969 INSTRUCTIONS Min copy of the answer given.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Training of IDS Probationeres of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 580(12)-FSI, 111 1969 Batvh in the Indian Institute SERVICE 1969 1969 of Foreign Trade, New Delhi. INSTRUCTIONS Census of Central Govt. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 551(7)-FSI, 112 Employees relating to 31st March SERVICE 1969 1969 1969 Distribution to Pay ranges. INSTRUCTIONS FOREIGN Reports of the Foreign Service Progs., Nos. 558(7)-FSI, 113 SERVICE 1969 Inspectorate -Extracts from. 1969 INSTRUCTIONS Nominations of Canidates for FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 515(10)-FSI, 114 trainming in different Depth SERVICE 1969 1969 /organisation in India Mise File. INSTRUCTIONS Rajya Sabha Stand Questions B.No. 315 for 20-2-69 By Shri J.P. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 125(1)-FSI, 115 Jadav regarding Knowledge of SERVICE 1969 1969 local Consul of Indian Press INSTRUCTIONS Attache in foreign countries. FOREIGN Continuance of 1.5.1 posts 1969- Progs., Nos. 576(5)-FSI, 116 SERVICE 1969 70 contries Samction. 1969 INSTRUCTIONS 117 Grant of local rank of First Progs., Nos. 451(9)-FSI, FOREIGN 1969

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Secrewtary to Sarvashri D. 1969 SERVICE Mujharji and Dayal Second INSTRUCTIONS secretaries in the High Commission of India Islamabad. FOREIGN IDS. Code statement of posts as Progs., Nos. 576(11)-FSI, 118 SERVICE 1969 on 1.4.01 & 1-10-69. 1969 INSTRUCTIONS Workshop seminar on Inventory Management being organise by FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 575(10)-FSI, 119 the All India Management SERVICE 1969 1969(2) Association New Delhi 29-31 May INSTRUCTIONS 1969. Grant of diplomatic static to the FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 451(1)-FSI, 120 J.M. Jopy scientific officer High SERVICE 1969 1969 Commissioner of India, London. INSTRUCTIONS

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Fresh Part-time preliminary Course in Foreign Language - FOREIGN Arabic Burmese China French Progs., Nos. 624(1)-FSI, 121 SERVICE 1969 German Japnese Persian Russian 1969 INSTRUCTIONS Spanish Tibeetan and Malyo Bhasa Indonessia Forwarding of Apple. Fresh Part-time preliminary Course in Foreign Language - FOREIGN Arabic Burmese China French Progs., Nos. 624(1)-FSI, 122 SERVICE 1969 German Japnese Persian Russian 1969 INSTRUCTIONS Spanish Tibeetan and Malyo Bhasa Indonessia Forwarding of Apple. Bharat Darshan Tour and Military FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 580(4)-FSI, 123 Training of the I.F.S. probationers SERVICE 1969 1969 of 1968 batch. INSTRUCTIONS Report of the Committees on the FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 558(1)-FSI, 124 Indian Foreign Service - SERVICE 1969 1969 Implementation of -(Inl). INSTRUCTIONS Grant of diplomatic status to Shri FOREIGN R.P. Kakkar Account officer Progs., Nos. 451(12)-FSI, 125 SERVICE 1969 Account and Audit organisation 1969 INSTRUCTIONS ICSC Saigon. Training of IDS Probationeres of FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 580(12)-FSI, 126 1969 Batvh in the Indian Institute SERVICE 1969 1969 of Foreign Trade, New Delhi. INSTRUCTIONS

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


FOREIGN Lok Sabha Q.No. 14842 Cultural Progs., Nos. 125(3)-FSI, 127 SERVICE 1969 Attaches of Indian Embassies. 1969 INSTRUCTIONS FOREIGN Promotion of Senior Scale officers Progs., Nos. 584(2)-FSI, 128 SERVICE 1969 to the rank of Deputy Secretaries. 1969 INSTRUCTIONS Grant of Ministers route to Shri FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 451(3)-FSI, 129 Rajeshwar Prasad Director ICM SERVICE 1969 1969 Kathmandu. INSTRUCTIONS FOREIGN Reports of the Foreign Service Progs., Nos. 558(7)-FSI, 130 SERVICE 1969 Inspectorate -Extracts from. 1969 INSTRUCTIONS

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Grant of Ministers route to Shri FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 451(3)-FSI, 131 Rajeshwar Prasad Director ICM SERVICE 1969 1969 Kathmandu. INSTRUCTIONS Grant of the diplomatic status to FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 451(2)-FSI, 132 officers of the Railway Admn. SERVICE 1969 1969 office London. INSTRUCTIONS Provincial Starred Question No. 15271 in Lok Sabha Due for FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 125(7)-FSI, 133 Answer on 25.2.69- Regarding SERVICE 1969 1969 Mysore Govt. Trade Agent in INSTRUCTIONS Londoin. Grant of diplomatic status to Dr. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 451(11)-FSI, 134 Chanderkant C. Khot Technical SERVICE 1969 1969 Attache E/I Tohys. INSTRUCTIONS Training of 115 Probationers in the FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 580(5)-FSI, 135 Indian Institute of Mass SERVICE 1969 1969 Communication. INSTRUCTIONS Provincial Starred Question No. 2707 in Rajaya Sabha due for FOREIGN answer in Rajya Sabha due oe Progs., Nos. 125(8)-FSI, 136 SERVICE 1969 answer on 6-3-69 regaring 1969 INSTRUCTIONS Deployment of Commercial Representatives in the Mission. Grant of local rank of First Secrewtary to Sarvashri D. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 451(9)-FSI, 137 Mujharji and Dayal Second SERVICE 1969 1969 secretaries in the High INSTRUCTIONS Commission of India Islamabad.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Training of 115 Probationers in the FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 580(5)-FSI, 138 Indian Institute of Mass SERVICE 1969 1969 Communication. INSTRUCTIONS Training of IFS probationers of FOREIGN 1969 b;ack in the National Progs., Nos. 580(9)-FSI, 139 SERVICE 1969 Academy of Administration 1969 INSTRUCTIONS Mussorie. Rajya Sabha Starred Question No. FOREIGN 591 regarding Indian Hasing Progs., Nos. 125(11)-FSI, 140 SERVICE 1969 Foreign relation in IFS and E.A. 1969 INSTRUCTIONS Min copy of the answer given.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year FOREIGN Advanced Course in Foreign Progs., Nos. 624(4)-FSI, 141 SERVICE 1969 language. 1969 INSTRUCTIONS Report of the Committees on the FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 558(1)-FSI, 142 Indian Foreign Service - SERVICE 1969 1969 Implementation of -(Inl). INSTRUCTIONS Various return regarding FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 558(8)-FSI, 143 Scheduled casts /Tribes in the IFS SERVICE 1969 1969 & IFS(B). INSTRUCTIONS Provincial Starred Question No. 15271 in Lok Sabha Due for FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 125(7)-FSI, 144 Answer on 25.2.69- Regarding SERVICE 1969 1969 Mysore Govt. Trade Agent in INSTRUCTIONS Londoin. FOREIGN Progs., Nos. 576(8)-FSI, 145 Opening of E/a at Sofia. SERVICE 1969 1969 INSTRUCTIONS FOREIGN Continuance of 1.5.1 posts 1969- Progs., Nos. 576(5)-FSI, 146 SERVICE 1969 70 contries Samction. 1969 INSTRUCTIONS

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit