The Carr Center
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The Carr Center Board of Director’s Meeting May 18, 2015
Board Members Present: Board Members Absent: Tom Weeks Paul Hill Gina Stotts Kristen Rinehart Theresa Kanavel Marsha Wiley Fred Grant Kelly Ashby Fred O’Dell Brittany Stubbs Cody Meadows Jane Johnson Grant Stubbins Erin Welch Keela Barker Starla Peterson Kevin Pinson Pam James Erin France
Staff Members Present: Staff Members Absent: Staci Allen Kim Hosler Sondra Mathews Amanda Nunley
Call to Order: Fred called the meeting to order at 12:10p.m.
Staff Reports: Adult Day Care – Soni reported that we currently 23 enrolled in ADC with an ADA of 7-14. We had 214 paid client days in April and 182 in March. We are having several people in for tours / complementary lunch so they can look over our program before going through the process of enrolling.
Youth Services – Amanda reported that she with Amy to the library for a speech screening. They provided 5 children with screenings and students are in process to enroll. We currently have 16 clients in Private Therapy and 17 in Toddler Enrichment.
Approval of Minutes: Grant Stubbins made a motion to approve the March minutes. Gina Stotts seconded the motion. Motion approved
Treasurer’s Report: Fred O’Dell went over the March Financials. We were hoping to have the April financials however, the statement were not completed at the time. In March our income was $16,832.17 and expenses were $32,555.07 with a deficit of $15,722.90. Theresa Kanavel made a motion to approve the March financial report. Pam James seconded the motion. Motion approved.
Executive Director’s Report: Administrative – Please refer to the attached sheet.
She also added that she applied for the United Way grant again this year to sponsor scholarship for the TEP.
We had our VA inspection in April and waiting for their report. Committee Reports: Annual Carr Center Golf Outing is Friday, September 18 at Vista View Golf Course. Hole Sponsorship is $100
New Business: Erin France shared that the Power of the Purse did a “cash purse” that everyone at the event seemed to enjoy. They went around to tables and ladies made donations and then they auctioned the purse off with the cash in it. It had $993 in the purse and sold for $1,300. She thought we might be able to incorporate that idea with something at the Cake Auction. Cody added that we could look into doing a Chinese Auction as well.
Next Meeting is June 15 at noon.
Adjournment: Erin France made a motion to adjourn. Keela Barker seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 12:40pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Staci Allen Brittany Stubbs Office Manager/Billing Board Secretary