In 1993 in Russia in City Jaroslav Introduced in All Schools, Sex Education and Open A
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Dmytro Tabachnyk Minister of Education, Youth and Sports of Ukraine
An open letter
Dear Sir, the Ukrainian society has entrusted You with important responsibility for the formation of its future generation. However, the problem is that the whole school system has already for several years been a key part of a destructive plan of devastation of children and youth. International structures have been used for global introduction of curricula based on so-called sexuality education. In Ukraine this “school subject” is called “Essentials of health”. It is taught from the first to the eleventh year of study. It is absurd that this so-called “sex education” is propagated in the textbooks under the titles of “healthy living”, “responsible parenthood”, “useful habits”. In fact, the purpose of so-called sexuality education is to arouse perverted sexual desire in man literally from the cradle. Both the textbooks and the lessons in “Essentials of health” impose the use of condoms on children and falsely assure them that they will not be infected by AIDS. In America, however, the very packaging has a warning: “Caution! Condoms will not protect you against AIDS!” In order that sexuality education may be successful, the authors of the textbooks emphasize that minors need to break their natural shyness. This results not only in physical diseases but in ruined mental health and corrupted morals. This is testified by T. A. Florentskaya, doctor of psychological sciences: “They perform an experiment on our children, which leaves behind irreversible changes in the human mind and in the conception of moral values.” Who is behind it? “International Planned Parenthood Federation” and other Western organizations (UNESCO, UNICEF, WHO, UNFPA), which grant their so-called subsidies to Ukraine. Owing to this, Western companies in Ukraine have found good market outlets for contraceptives. Promotion of so-called “sexuality education” of children is associated with the introduction of highly subsidized programmes of a so-called fight against AIDS. In reality, this is a big fraud. It is no fight against AIDS but creation of the conditions for its spread, as evidenced from the U.S. experience. The above- mentioned organizations compile school textbooks and manage the Ministry of Education according to their programmes. Through the Cabinet of Ministers they are building a whole structure of organizations and facilities with the aim of forcible promotion of so-called safe sex, starting with kindergartens. The textbooks include courses in “preparation of minors for family life”. In fact, those who will go through these courses will no longer be able to build up a good family. Quotations from the textbook “Essentials of health” entitled “How to prevent AIDS”: - “reading of erotic literature, - looking at pictures or movies with erotic themes (pornography) together with the partner, - cuddling with the partner without touching the genitals, - mutual masturbation.” It is a crime to publish such textbooks. Sexuality entails responsibility and must also be connected with respect. If this is violated, it causes the whole society to suffer. Man has a natural defensive reflex called shame. If this reflex is purposefully eliminated, man opens up to unclean dependence, which not only ruins his mental and physical health but also causes spiritual possession by unclean spirits. Life entails great sacrifices, and a demoralized person is not able to be a responsible parent, self-sacrificing and ready to renounce even that which is permissible for the sake of his/her family. Unclean dependence is worse than drug addiction. The crime is that no child can escape it, since “sexuality education” is a compulsory subject applying so-called trainings and films about sexual perversion. Each student is thus forced into direct and “creative” participation in the programme and cannot remain passive. To fabricate something like this is madness and a crime against humanity. All ideologists and propagators of sexual “education” should be punished as mass murderers. The textbooks suggestively incite to abortion and vehemently ridicule women who have children. They use teenage pride to change the youth’s thinking and thus destroy the last remnants of shame and morality, which are natural to man. THIS ANTIEDUCATION AND DEMORALIZATION INTEGRATED IN THE SCHOOL SYSTEM LEADS TO DEMONIZATION, CYNICISM, PERVERSION AND GENOCIDE OF THE NATION! The so-called sexual programmes, which are so highly subsidized by the U.S. organizations and the United Nations, were banned by the very U.S. Congress already in 1996. It turned out that the effect of these programs was the opposite. The more contraception was promoted in schools, the more increased the number of abortions and AIDS victims among the minors. The fruit of sex education and of the promotion of so-called safe sex was that 3 million pupils in the U.S. were infected with STDs. Now America has adopted policy of radical change which has set up the education of children on the basis of continence. They expressed a thesis: “A unique, generally accepted criterion for sexual relations is premarital continence, fidelity in marriage and one matrimony for whole life.” This pure way of life of young generation was called by one of the former U.S. Presidents the most effective protection against the deadly AIDS, other venereal diseases and mental disorders. In 1993, in all schools in Yaroslavl city (Russia) was introduced sex education and were opened medical-educational schools dealing with the so-called sexual education. What was the fruit? Double increase in youth criminality on sexual basis and a tenfold increase in venereal diseases. In the first half of the last century in America publicly appeared Ms M. Zanger, founder of Planned Parenthood which became the ideological part of sex education. Zanger communicated with Hitler who implemented her ideology in extermination of non-Aryan race. A method was worked out of “silent genocide”, which consisted in forcing abortions, contraception, sterilization and pornography upon the inhabitants. Hitler said: “I’d shot everyone who would try to prevent abortions in Ukraine.” He also advocated homosexuality, because he saw it as a means of extermination of non-Germanic nations. What Hitler failed to do, German Chancellor A. Merkel achieved through the Lisbon Treaty. In the whole EU, she managed to legalize homosexuality. These days, the ideology of “silent genocide” is promoted even in Ukraine by means of legislative amendments in Constitution and Ukrainian laws. This ideology is covertly and deliberately enforced on Ukraine by grants from foreign donors. In 1996, the meeting of the UN, UNESCO and WHO was held in Cairo. There was a joint document published entitled “Alliance for Development”. The WHO Director-General said during the meeting: “One of the new approaches is contraceptive-abortive psychology introduced in all educational disciplines. The aim is to change the traditional moral and ethical standards, including the religious norms.” On 25th October 2010, the UN General Assembly discussed the radical claim of Vernor Muñoz to introduce compulsory sex education of children from 5 years of age in all member states of the UN. It is a planned demoralization and demonization of young children and schoolchildren. Allen Dulles, former director of the CIA, stated in his plan: “We are willing to give everything we have – all gold, all material power to fool the people... The human brain – the consciousness of people – can be changed. If we sow chaos in Russia, we will inconspicuously change people’s values into false ones and make them believe in them. How? We will find supporters directly in Russia (bribed traitors). This will cause a grand tragedy of the greatest degree – total and irreversible destruction of the most unyielding nation on earth. We will financially support and secure the career for such people who will hammer into the human consciousness the cult of sex, violence, sadism and betrayal, both in words and by practical introduction of immorality. We will plunge the governmental structure (of Russia and Ukraine) into chaos and disorientation. We will quietly but actively instigate (monitor) despotism of the key government officials on the basis of corruption and unprincipledness. Bureaucracy and delaying tactics in dealing with actual problems will be highly appreciated among these officials. Honesty and discipline will be ridiculed as relics of the past and nobody will pay any regard to them any more. On the other hand, arrogance, deceit, drunkenness, drug addiction, betrayal and destruction of the nation will be divinized to such an extent that one will no longer be able to distinguish between good and evil. Only very few people will unmask what is really going on. But we will see to it that such people are held up to ridicule and denigrated as the scum of society. We will pull up spiritual roots and corrupt basic national and moral values. The focus will always be on children and youth. We will lead them to sexual perversion and violence and turn them into cynics and monsters.” Dear Mr Tabachnyk, we made a brief diagnosis of an ideology that is behind the so-called healthy education. Individuals and society are being destroyed at the very root. God has put You in charge of the responsible position to make a heroic step and stop the machinery of genocide which exploits the educational system. You have been in office for almost a year. It was hard for You to find Your bearings and cease certain mechanisms whose driving force are subventions from abroad running into millions. As a true hero You have to stand against the whole system to save the soul of the Ukrainian nation! DO NOT BE AFRAID TO START SOUND EDUCATION REFORM. Abolish the subject “Essentials of health” at all levels of education and under whatever title. On the night of 6/7th January 2011 we celebrate the birth of Christ. Almighty God, who created the whole universe, every atom, every cell, everything that exists, whether visible or invisible, out of love for us became a defenceless child. He came into the world to deliver us from the cruel slavery to the devil, sin and lie and to open the gate to eternal life for us. However, immediately after Jesus’ birth, Herod the king sought to kill him. Herod’s spirit is embodied in the program of sex “education” which aims to destroy the next generation of Ukraine. God has a way to save the sons and daughters of Ukraine but He needs an obedient protector, as once St. Joseph. Be His follower. The Christian greeting “Christ is born!” means that Christ still comes to be born in the souls of those who accept Him. He says: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone opens the door, I will come in to him.” (Rev. 3:20) “To all who did receive Him, He gave the right to become children of God.” (Jn 1:12). Accept Him too and He will give You the light and strength so as not to become an instrument of Herod’s deadly plan, but rather an instrument of God’s plan for the salvation of the children of the Ukrainian nation. Praying for You bishops of the UOGCC + Michael (Head of the UOGCC) + Elias OSBMr + Markian OSBMr + Methodius OSBMr + Samuel OSBMr + Timothy OSBMr + Basil OSBMr Lvov, 6th January 2011 Cc: - President of Ukraine - Prime-Minister of Ukraine M. Azarov - Cabinet Council of Ukraine - MPs of Ukraine - MPs of the Russian Duma - Orthodox bishops of Russia and Ukraine
Address: Synod of the UOGCC, 3 Sosnova St., Lvov - Bryukhovychi, 79491, Ukraine,; [email protected]