Wngo UK Cdt Forces Exchange to Canada-U
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Headquarters Land Command IDL 436, Ramillies Building Marlborough Lines, Monxton Road, ANDOVER Hampshire SP11 8HJ
Reference: Sp Comd/Cadets/2002 See Distribution Date: 16 Sep 13
1. Background. As part of the Royal Canadian Army Cadet (RCAC)/UK Army Cadets Forces bilateral exchange programme, 4 parties of UK Army Cadets (ACF and CCF (Army) only) are invited to attend as students on one of four, 6 week RCAC courses in Canada. The UK Cadets are fully integrated within the RCAC Sections. The purpose and content of these 4 courses vary; details are at Annexes A, B, C and D, but in outline:
UK Cadets Ser RCAC Course 2014 UK Allocation Joining DOB Range (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 2. Leadership and Challenge Course Rocky Two Adult Escorts, Jan 97 to Jul 98 APC(A) CCF Mountain National Army Cadet Summer one Staff Cadet Must be 16 years 4* ACF Training Centre (NACSTC), Calgary, and 12 Cadets or older on D of E Gold Alberta (Ex areas Rockies, glaciers, 1 Jul 14 with one contenders rivers and mountains). Transit through year to serve as preferred Calgary; sightseeing in Banff and a cadet Calgary included during the course. 3. Expedition, Leader & Instructor Course Two Adult Escorts, Jul 98 to Jul 99 2* ACF/APC Whitehorse Cadet Army Training Centre one Staff Cadet Must be 15 years CCF (CATC), Whitehorse, Yukon Territory (Ex and 12 Cadets or older on D of E Silver areas Yukon and rivers). Transit through 1 Jul 14 contenders Vancouver; local sightseeing included preferred during the course). 4. Expedition Instructor Course Argonaut Two Adult Escorts, Jul 98 to Jan 00 1*& ACF/APC Cadet Summer Training Centre one Staff Cadet Must be 14½ CCF (CASTC), Gagetown Camp, Fredericton, and 12 Cadets years or older on D of E Bronze New Brunswick. Including sightseeing in 1 Jul 14 contenders Bay of Fundy and Prince Edward Island preferred during the course. 5. Marksmanship Course Connaught Cadet Two Adult Escorts Feb 98 to Jul 00 2* ACF Summer Training Centre, Ottawa, and 14 Cadets Must be under Minimum age Ontario. Local sightseeing included 16 years and to be 14 years during the course. Cadets will 6 months of age on 4 Jul 14 participate in the Canadian National Rifle on 1 Jul 14 Shooting Competition on completion of the course. 6. The course dates in Canada are as follows:
E-MAIL/SEP 13 a. Rocky Mountain, Whitehorse and Argonaut Courses. Assemble at CTC Frimley Park pm on Thu 3 Jul 14 for briefing and concentration to fly to Canada on Sat 5 Jul 14. Course dates are 7 Jul to 15 Aug 14; dispersal will be from London Heathrow on Sat 16 Aug 14.
b. Connaught Course. Assemble at Bisley on Fri 4 Jul 14 to fly to Canada on Mon 7 Jul 14. The course is completed on Fri 15 Aug 14. Cadets will compete in the Dominion of Canada Rifle Association Competition at Connaught and dispersal will be from London Heathrow on Mon 25 Aug 14. The adult escorts for 2014 have been selected by the ACF Shooting Committee.
c. Objective. The objective of this letter is to seek nominations for adult escorts and ACF or CCF (Army) cadets to attend the three remaining RCAC courses in Canada in Jul/Aug 14 from HQ LONDIST and the UK Regional Bdes by Fri 17 Jan 14.
7. Outline Plan.
a. By 1 Oct 14 – selection of UK staff cadets to return to Canada in 2014. Three cadets (there are no vacancies for Staff Cadets on the Connaught Marksmanship Course) will be selected to return as Staff Cadets at the relevant Camps in 2014. HQ Sp Comd will formally invite each potential staff cadet based on reports from their 2013 course. Staff Cadets will be required to travel to Canada one week ahead of the remaining cadets to carry out staff cadet training prior to the courses starting. They will return with the other cadets. Invitations to staff cadets will be the subject of a separate letter.
b. By Fri 17 Jan 14. HQ LONDIST and UK Regional Bdes are to nominate:
(1) Rocky Mountain NACSTC. No more than 3 cadets in priority order.
(2) Whitehorse CATC. No more than 4 cadets in priority order.
(3) Argonaut SCTC. No more than 4 cadets in priority order.
Note. All bids are to reflect a fair mix of genders and experience with a balance between ACF and CCF.
(4) Escort Officers. The requirement is for 4 female and 4 male escorts. The Connaught adults have been selected for 2014; this letter is the calling notice for 2014. It is the intention of this HQ to follow the Canadian system of a junior and senior escort with the junior becoming the senior in the second year. It is appreciated that very few adults can afford to spend 7 weeks away from their families and work, so this may not be possible but it remains an aspiration. The RCAC prefer adults with experience in course instruction and exercise supervision to assist with the training programmes. Although the RCAC do not have any SNCO Adult Instructors as their adult staff are commissioned officers, they will accept, by exception, non-commissioned Cadet Force Adult Volunteers.
c. By Fri 17 Jan 14. Secretary ACF Shooting Committee is to forward details of the nominees and Escort Officers for the Connaught Marksmanship Course to HQ Sp Comd.
d. By Fri 24 Jan 14. HQ Sp Comd is to promulgate the nominal rolls for each party, including reserves. Twelve cadets and 5 reserves will be selected for each course; 14 cadets will be selected for Connaught with a number of reserves.
e. By 21 Feb 14. HQ Sp Comd is to publish administrative instructions for all 4 courses to enable all necessary preparations to commence.
2 E-MAIL/SEP 13 8. RCAC courses. On current planning the RCAC Courses will run as stated in Paras 2a and b. RCAC courses include a core of common subjects; some courses include specialist modules such as challenge at Rocky Mountain.
a. Rocky Mountain. Rocky Mountain is a national Cadet Training Centre in a modern, purpose built camp; its Challenge & Leadership Courses are aimed at the potentially highest-ranking Canadian cadets and every vacancy is highly prized throughout the RCAC. It is situated about one hour’s drive from Calgary in Alberta.
b. Whitehorse. Whitehorse is a hutted camp situated 12 miles south of Whitehorse Town in the Yukon Territory and is modern and well constructed with new dining room facilities.
c. Argonaut. Argonaut is a well-organised hutted camp that has been thoroughly modernised over the past 4 years in a project that is still ongoing. It is situated in the Canadian Forces base at Gagetown, about a 20 minute drive from Fredericton, the capital of New Brunswick.
d. Connaught. Connaught is also a well-organised hutted camp and is the Canadian equivalent of Bisley and, as such, is ideally suited to run a marksmanship course. It is located about 20 miles from Ottawa.
9. Nominations – cadets.
a. All cadet nominations are to be submitted to Cadets Branch, HQ Sp Comd via Dist/Bde HQs using the pro forma at Annex E by Fri 17 Jan 14 for the Rocky Mountain, Whitehorse and Argonaut courses. Connaught course nominations are to be forwarded to the Secretary ACFA Shooting Committee (Capt SL Ellis) using the pro forma at Annex G so that he can forward the ACF Shooting Committee selections to HQ Sp Comd by Fri 17 Jan 14.
b. The cadets may be of either gender and they must be prepared to provide a £150 deposit cheque made payable to ‘MOD PUBLIC SUB ACCOUNT 2217’ (refundable after the return to the UK to cover the cost of adjustments to air tickets should any cadet withdraw after selection or sent home). Cheques will either be shredded or returned provided that a stamp addressed envelop is submitted with the cheque.
c. Cadets will also need at least £350 pocket money. All living and travel costs in Canada are paid by the RCAC, with the exception of the trip to the USA from Whitehorse.
d. Nominees are to be interviewed either at Brigade or County level to ensure that the cadets are self motivated with the mental and physical robustness to cope with the rigours of the courses. This HQ will not accept any cadet’s application that does not confirm that a formal interview with the Commandant or Contingent Commander has taken place. In addition, they are to ensure that individuals are briefed on the content of the course, properly prepared, have reached the required level of fitness and remain well motivated in order that the cadet gets the very best out of this unique opportunity.
e. Each cadet nominated is to produce a statement on one side of A4 paper describing why he or she wants to attend the course in Canada and how the visit to Canada may benefit them in the future. No application will be accepted without this personal statement.
f. All nominations must be scrutinised, approved and prioritised at Dist/Bde level; nominations direct from Cadet ACF units or CCF contingents to HQ Sp Comd will not be accepted and will be returned. Cadets Branch HQ Sp Comd will normally respect the individual formation HQ order of priority.
3 E-MAIL/SEP 13 g. The ideal candidate for Rocky Mountain is a young person aged 16/17; who holds a D of E Silver Award and is working towards Gold; either intends to join the Armed Forces or is a strong contender to be a cadet sergeant major. Candidates are to have at least one year to serve in the ACF or CCF (A) on return from the course and any cadet who is unable to meet the Gold fitness standard as laid down in Para 10 is not to be considered.
h. The Argonaut and Whitehorse course nominees need not achieve such a high level of fitness; however, both courses require the silver standard. In 2003 a cadet failed a course due to a morbid fear of both water and heights in spite of the unit declaration that the cadet had passed all of the pre course criteria.
i. Requirements for the Connaught course are clearly laid out in Annex D and in the application form at Annex G.
j. All cadets should have a valid passport that is valid until at least 1 Jan 15. Non UK passports are acceptable BUT holders of non UK passports will be required to gain a Canadian visa well in advance of 1 Jul 14 for the course.
10. Nominations – adults.
a. Adult Escorts may be of either gender (one male and one female or 2 females per location owing to the legal requirement to provide female adult cover) and must be current serving CFAVs of the ACF or CCF(A).
b. Essential requirements include:
(1) At least 23 years of age.
(2) Passed and completed either the CCF Basic (Qualifying) or ACF Instructors’ Courses at CTC Frimley Park.
(3) Hold a substantive Adult Cadet rank between SSI and Maj inclusive. Although the RCAC do not have any SNCO Adult Instructors as their adult staff are commissioned officers, they will accept, by exception, non-commissioned Cadet Force Adult Volunteers.
(4) Physically fit, including ability to run and hike reasonably well.
(5) Interested in outdoor adventurous pursuits; the Rocky Mountain Course includes at least intermediate level rock-climbing, hiking, mountain biking and watermanship; while Argonaut and Whitehorse carry them out at a more basic level.
(6) First Aid trained.
c. Nominations are to be submitted to Cadets Branch, HQ Sp Comd using the form at Annex F by Fri 17 Jan 14. All nominations must be approved at Dist/Bde level. Nominations direct from Cadet ACF Units or CCF Contingents to HQ Sp Comd will not be accepted and will be returned.
d. A full CV showing all cadet experience and qualifications is to be submitted so that it can be forwarded to the RCAC to ensure that the adults are properly employed in Canada.
e. Adult Escorts are to forward a cheque for £150 (Payable to ‘MOD PUBLIC SUB ACCOUNT 2217’) returnable on arrival at CTC Frimley Park to cover the cost of changes to air tickets should they withdraw from the course. All Adult Escorts are entitled to claim PTDs for the duration of the exercises from the HQ Sp Comd pool of PTDs using this letter as the authority.
4 E-MAIL/SEP 13 f. Escort Officers for the Connaught course for 2014 have already been agreed. Bids for the 2015 course are to be forwarded to the Secretary ACF Shooting Committee (Capt SL Ellis) at Bisley by Fri 17 Jan 14.
11. Medical. Full and honest disclosure of any medical or dental conditions is required in the application forms for all cadets; all medical conditions are to be declared. It is essential to observe the medical constraints especially those concerning allergies and asthma, which are exaggerated by altitude at Rocky Mountain. Cadets who require the regular use of an inhaler or who are allergic to horses will not be accepted for attendance on the Rocky Mountain Course.
12. Physical and mental robustness. Cadets who are nominated for the Canadian Exchange Programme are to have the physical and mental robustness to take part in a very demanding 6 week course which includes an 18 day expedition. Commandants and Contingent Commanders are to bear this carefully in mind when recommending cadets to take part.
13. Physical fitness. The joining standards MUST be achieved. It is desirable that Rocky Mountain nominees exceed the physical standards significantly because of the temporary adverse effects of altitude acclimatisation. No applications for any of the courses will be accepted without confirmation that the applicant has completed the personal fitness test in Para 9 below as follows: Rocky Mountain – Gold; Whitehorse and Argonaut – Silver; Connaught – Bronze. The Rocky Mountain NASCTC is above an altitude of 4,000 feet and some days are spent in the Columbia Icefields at over 10,000 feet. Failure to pass the initial fitness test at Rocky Mountain will result in the individual being returned home at their own expense. It is a County/ Sector/Contingent responsibility to ensure that cadets are at the correct level of fitness to attend the course. Any cadet that fails to reach the Gold Standard on arrival at Rocky Mountain will either be RTU’d or sent to another camp and costs will fall to their County/Sector/Contingent.
14. Fitness Assessment. There are 6 tests: 20m shuttle run, sit ups, press ups, trunk lift, back saver sit & reach and shoulder stretch. As a guide to personal fitness, the following are an indication of performance requirements and are to be used by cadet units to gauge the fitness of their cadets for the various courses:
Male Female d d d d d d d d r r r r r r r r a a a a a a a a d d d d d d d d n n n n n n n n a a a a a a a a t t t t t t t t S S S S S S S S
t t r r e e d d l l e e n n z z v o v o e e n n l l l l i i l l o G o G e e r r S S c c B B x x E E Press Ups (best effort, 22 28 32 35+ 10 12 14 15+ no time limit) Sit Ups(1) (best effort, 33 39 44+ 47+ 21 28 31 35+ no time limit) Shuttle Run (Bleep Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Test)(2) 5 7 8 12 3 5 6 9 Shoulder Stretch Cadets must be able to touch their fingertips together behind their back on both the right and left sides
Note. The standards in the table are those to be used when assessing individual cadet’s fitness which is to be signed off by the Commandant or Contingent Commander.
15. Drug and alcohol abuse. All nominees must be aware that the RCAC (and UK cadet practice) have a strict non-drug and alcohol abuse policy. This includes a prohibition on any cadet drinking alcohol even if he/she is over 18 years old. Any infringement by either adult or cadet will result in an immediate RTU to UK at the adult or cadet’s own expense. 5 E-MAIL/SEP 13 16. Non smoking policy. Under Canadian law it is illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to smoke or have any materials to use for smoking. Smoking is also prohibited at the Rocky Mountain camp as it is in the middle of large forests and there is a very high fire risk during the period of the course. In order to ensure that no cadets are RTU for breaking the smoking rules only non smokers will be accepted on the courses. All ACF Counties and CCF Contingents are to ensure that their cadets bidding for attendance on these courses are all NON SMOKERS. Bids from cadets that smoke will not be accepted.
17. Fraternisation policy. The RCAC have a very strict non-fraternisation policy. In 2004, 3 cadets were RTU’d from Canada and in 2007 3 cadets were very close to being RTU. All of these incidents were caused by failure to observe the very strict RCAC rules of this policy. All cadets are briefed on this policy prior to departure and again on arrival in Canada and no flexibility is allowed by the RCAC. Parents are required to pay for the cost of the return airfare for all RTU cadets and they must be made aware of this when completing the application forms.
18. Conclusion. These courses are a very successful and valuable experience for both escorts and cadets and have been running for some time. It is vital that the nominating units and contingents confirm that the details contained within the application forms are accurate and honest. Dist/Bde HQ staffs are to ensure that all information contained in the bidding forms is correct prior to forwarding them to HQ Sp Comd for the selection process. Both Adult Escort Officers and cadets gain a great deal from attendance on these courses. They are therefore not to be treated lightly and all bids are to be thoroughly vetted at Dist/Bde level prior to submission. Cadets will be RTU by the Canadian authorities if they have not properly reported any medical conditions that can affect their attendance on the courses, especially at Rocky Mountain.
Signed on Dii
A. Brief – RCAC Leadership and Challenge Course, Rocky Mountain NACSTC. B. Brief – RCAC Expedition, Leader and Instructor Course – Whitehorse CSTC. C. Brief – RCAC Expedition Instructor Course – Argonaut CSTC. D. Brief – RCAC Marksmanship Course, Course. E. RCAC 14 – UK Cadet Application Form. F. RCAC 14 – UK Adult Application Form. G. Application form for cadets for Connaught Marksmanship Course. H. Application form for adults for Connaught Marksmanship Course.
HQ LONDIST for G7 Cdts * All UK Regional Bdes for G7 Cdts * The Chairman ACF Shooting Committee* The Secretary ACF Shooting Committee* All ACF Counties All CCF Contingents
RF & C Div* 6 E-MAIL/SEP 13 D (CDN) Cdts* ACFA/CCFA* ACFA Shooting Committee for Capt SL Ellis* CTC Frimley Park for Chief Instructor and Office Manager*
Medical Branch*
* Sent by e-mail